#and ‘ everyone sought her favor then but who would fight for her now’
halfyearsqueen · 1 month
the way ‘ the realms delight ‘ was a wholly innocent nickname once
#she was her mother and father’s only surviving child after so much loss#and viserys and aemma were regarded as kind and generous rulers#when he took the throne 😭 like it was just ? she was a sweet bright child#so the singers gave her that nickname 😭#like it was sweet and the meaning of it twisted as she got older into 😭 like the next two times we see it used it’s ?#Otto saying ‘ better the realms delight then lord fleabottom’ she’s not threatening - she’s a safe placeholder until aemma gives viserys a#son#she’s the safe choice because she’s the little princess who everyone likes and daemon is daemon#the next instance is when her own counselors remind her that she’d once been cheered as the realms delight#and ‘ everyone sought her favor then but who would fight for her now’#the connotations surrounding it go from something pure and wholesome to ? another insult#a reminder of her desirability that’s long since faded from having kids#like even that isn’t safe from the perversion in the way she’s perceived at court#like it becomes something sexualized in the worst way#and the third time was the riverlanders rallying to daemon’s call and she doesn’t even KNOW about that instance 😭#like it meant ? to her it was a wholly innocent positive memory of her childhood#it was ? a reminder of how much her parents loved her even if she wasn’t the boy they needed#so having it used in that connotation and having it followed by the mention of the tour she took in 112 like#things she did actions she took to earn the positive report she still had there#would’ve meant the world to her
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The Princess & the Spy
Warnings: angst, death
A/N: Hello everyone, I’m back! It’s been a couple of years. I wrote this at 3 a.m, so bare with me.
Summary: Y/n is the princess of Vallahan. Her father joins the king of Hybern during the war and Azriel is sent there to spy. He meets y/n and uses her for information. When she finds out, she’s angry, heartbroken and decides to join the war with her father.
Word count: 1.58K
In recent days, escalating tension caused by the inevitable war the king of Hybern planned against the mortal realm spread. The king of Vallahan was rumored to have aligned with Hybern. Despite the growing support for this alliance within Vallahan, princess Y/n remained against it. She actively tried to swat her father but to no avail. Reluctantly, she attended the war strategy meetings at her father’s behest, though she always sought a means to evade them. One night, as she slipped away from yet another meeting, she encountered a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. As she moved closer, she was met with a handsome male, who was taken aback the minute she laid eyes on him.
“Are you new here? I have never seen you before” she inquired, her lips curving into a tentative smile.
“I- I am… kind of” the male stammered.
“I rarely have the opportunity to meet new people. I’m Y/n” she introduced herself, extending her hand.
“Your highness” he bowed respectfully “I’m Azriel”.
“I see you’ve heard of me. I had hoped otherwise” Y/n remarked, a tinge of disappointment in her tone.
“Of course, you are the princess of Vallahan. Why is it that you don’t want to be recognized?” Azriel inquired with genuine curiosity.
Y/n sighed softly “Because the moment people find out who I am, they start treating me with formality and- and distance”.
“I see” a gentle smile appeared on his face “May I ask a favor of you?”
“If you keep our encounter a secret, I promise to return and engage with you on a more casual level” he offered.
“Alright. Your secret is safe with me” her eyes sparked with excitement, but little did she know that her trust just made Azriel’s mission a lot easier.
As days and weeks passed, Azriel would come and start a conversation with her , gradually coaxing Y/n to confide in him about the war discussions she detested attending. Unbeknownst to her, she began to harbor feelings for him, while Azriel, in turn, found himself unexpectedly drawn to her. However, their affection took a tragic turn one night when Y/n failed to appear at their customary location. Concerned for her well-being, Azriel , being a shadowsinger, inquired about her whereabouts and teleported to her chambers, only to find her in tears.
“Y/n?” He spoke softly.
“A-Az?” she was startled by his sudden presence.
“What’s wrong?” seeing tears in her eyes, made him feel something he didn’t wish to.
“How did you get in here?” She quickly wiped away her tears.
“That’s not important right now. Who hurt you?” He asked, stepping closer with concern.
“No one. It’s just… I am a fool. I thought that somehow my father would not join this war. Despite knowing his nature, I had little hope. I just- I don’t understand. I’m just tired and I don’t wish to talk about this today” she rubbed her face wearily.
“It’s alright. You are not a fool. You simply see the best in everyone” he hesitated before sitting at the corner of her bed.
“And look where that got me”.
Unsure if he should proceed, knowing that he’s also not as good as she thinks he, he decided to speak up “Y/n, there’s something I need to tell you”.
She turned to face him, curiosity all over her face “what is it?”.
“If I asked you to run away with me, would you?”.
She chuckled softly “You know I can’t. I have a responsibility towards my people”.
“But with the war looming, doesn’t that change things?” He hoped she’d agre, that she’d be out of harm’s way when the war started. When they had to fight her father, her people. He had hoped that he’d be able to protect her, to spare her, but deep down he knew. He knew that was not going to happen, especially since he’s been lying to her, manipulating and deceiving her all this time, she’d never accept once she found out the truth.
“There was a time when I wanted to run away, to go very far away and never look back. To be free, but I cannot, Az” she responded.
“Please” he pleaded.
“Why do I sense there’s something you’re not telling me? Why the sudden talk about leaving?” she moved closer, placing her hands atop his.
He took a deep breath before speaking again “because I’m leaving tonight. I’m returning home-“.
“Well, you can always come back” she interrupted.
“No, you don’t understand. My home is not here, it’s far away and I won’t be returning, at least not in the same manner” he clarified.
“Not in the same manner? Az, you’re not making any sense. If your home is far away, why were you here?” She withdrew her hands, but he held onto hers.
“I am sorry for what I am about to tell you and know that I truly am sorry for everything. It was not supposed to end like this. I initially came here to spy on your father and report back to my high lord. When you caught me and I realized who you are, I saw an opportunity and I took it. I know it was wrong, and I apologize. If I could take it all back, I would, but I can’t. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but you deserve the truth. When the war starts, we’ll find ourselves on opposite sides and I- I wanted to get you out of here. You’re not like th-“.
“Do not finish that sentence” she shook her head, trying to hold the tears from falling “I was a fool. I should’ve known. You- you… All this time I’ve been working for the enemy without knowing it, how am I supposed to face my people now? Get out! I never want to see you again” she declared, feeling something inside her fracture.
“Y/n, please. I-“.
“Leave. NOW! I don’t want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth. Leave before I call the guards” she shut her eyes, not knowing what she was hoping for: for him to stay or for him to do as she says and leave forever.
He was about to say something, but seeing how much pain he had caused her, he chose to comply. When she reopened her eyes, he had vanished, as though he had never been there. All the memories, the joy he had brought her, it was all a lie. Her heart broke into a million tiny little pieces that night. He left her the night she needed him the most. That night made her choice to join the war easier.
On the battlefield she had hoped to encounter him. She didn’t know the extent of his power, she had only heard rumors about what he could do in the past two days. Yet, today, she decided she’s going to fight him. From a distance, she could spot two warriors that were distinct from the rest, and she knew one of them was Azriel. She fought her way to him and the minute she reached him, her heart sank. She still loved him, but she couldn’t back down now. She owed her people for what she had done. All that blood was on her hand. She gave him all the information he needed to attack and slaughter them. Even if she can’t defeat him, she’ll at least die with her people. As she reached him, he froze as his eyes met her. Azriel always knew what to do, but at the moment he was lost and he was afraid. She saw his hesitation and took that to her advantage and attacked him. He easily blocked her attack, but she kept swinging her sword at him. He kept in a defensive position, not wanting to hurt her by mistake, he has already done enough damage. Y/n was getting frustrated, trying harder and harder to land a blow on Azriel, determined to defeat him. He moved with precision, effortlessly blocking each blow she aimed at him, his movements a silent plea for her to stand down, but she would not yield, her determination fueled by rage and hurt. That rage was controlling her, blinding her, making her vulnerable. With a swift motion, Azriel disarmed her, his blade halting just short of her chest as he held her at bay “this doesn’t have to end this way” he urged, barely able to speak, his heart aching at the sight of what she had become. In that instant, she realized she could never defeat him or erase him from her heart. He had won twice, and she refused to let him win again. With that, she knew the only way out…she moved forward, letting the blade pierce her heart.
“NO!” Azriel screamed, retracting the blade immediately. Blood filled her lungs and covered her chest. As she began to fall, he caught her, his hands soaked with her blood “why would you do that?” He whispered, cradling her in his arms.
“It was the only way. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop loving you. I couldn’t let you win” she caressed his cheek.
“Stay with me” he pleaded, holding her tighter.
“It’s alright. I-I for-give-you” she uttered with her dying breath, her hand slipping from his face.
“I’m sorry” he repeated, bringing her lifeless body closer to his chest, his forehead resting against hers
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purgemarchlockdown · 8 months
Deep Cover prep involves me organizing the Kotoko Thoughts and something I think about a lot is her Adherence to the Status Quo rather than Revolting against it.
It's something that seems strange at first since Kotoko is so overtly violent and aggressive and hateful towards society, but what we know about Kotoko's Worldview are things that seem In Favor in not only keeping the hierarchical status quo, but to make it Stricter.
It's notable to Me that Kotoko wants to partner up with Milgram instead of fighting against it, she believes in Milgrams' ability to affirm "justice."
Kotoko: To be honest, I don't know your (*Milgram's?) true intentions. And I don't know whether you are a similar person with similar thoughts. Who knows, maybe it's just my delusion of wishful thinking. Even so, it uses multiple ways to reveal good and evil. To me, MILGRAM, this kind of nature itself, has a kind of charm to it. So? Do you understand me as a person now?
Now, personally. I think Milgram as a Prison is flawed in...multiple ways, and is extremely unjust and unhelpful in actually doing any sort of justice due to being so extreme and unnuanced that it ultimately just harms everyone at the end of of it all. Kotoko even acknowledges that the prison is using unjust methods in Yonah.
Kotoko: So you tolerate all of the psychological abuse going on in this prison, but draw the line at the physical one? What double standards you have!
She doesn't Stop wanting to become Es fang here, actually she wants them to become even more cruel and harsh and have no mercy for any of the prisoners.
(Kotoko: I can excuse the abuse but I draw the line at hypocrisy
Me: You can excuse the abuse?)
1moremilgram-enjoyer talked about that Kotoko believes that the world's normal state of being is "good" and that evil is a poison infecting it.
The normalcy sought for, Fading away, Everytime death comes
Which informs a lot of her ableism and violence against people who she deems as "sinners."
And I've personally talked a lot about how Kotoko idealizes the Past, and is stuck as how she was as a child. Telling Amane that she was Exactly how she was at her age...that being twelve. She outright admits she hasn't grown from being a child, as if that's something to be proud of. Her worldview is strict and immature frankly, it doesn't allow for any nuance.
(We have a Word for an ideology that idolizes the past and enforces hierarchical power systems for the "good" of humanity and I would link archivalofsins post to it IF I COULD FIND IT-)
Kotoko Believes in the current hierarchies of the prison (the world) and just believes that the people running it are flawed and that if they just instate the Good People everything will be Fine Actually.
Es: Your hand.. What does it mean? Kotoko: Let's shake hands. We will be companions. Es: You and me.. Companions?
She believes in the power of violence and believes that using it is the only way to Truly bring about justice is by using physical force.
T1Q4: When did you start learning martial arts? In elementary school, perhaps. Without enough power, you can't enforce justice and do the right thing, can you?
She does not believe in mercy or compassion, nor is she wiling to put in the effort into understanding that it is Much Harder to make the world a better place than she would like it to be.
T1Q7: What did you study at university? For a while, I studied at the faculty of law. There's something I want to do, so I'm currently taking a break from studies, though.
She wants a good, simple, clean, answer. A group of people she can blame the evils of this world on.
Whose fault is it, This is getting ridiculous What should the punishment be
(Kotoko Birthday Timeline. 12/15/2023)
Kotoko: “Fufufu, fufufufufu. You’re thinking some outrageous things. To be frank, it’s abnormal. But I don’t dislike it. If only all sinners were like you.”
She just needs to find someone who "agrees" with her, a Good Person who can enforce the system the way She wants it enforced.
I've chosen the awaited hero
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Bo-Katan's Journey and The Road Ahead
The latest episode of The Mandalorian has begun to shed a bit of light on the beginning of Bo’s journey (as well as raising yet more questions about the timeline).
Adonai Kryze, Bo-Katan and Satine’s father - and the warlord of House Kryze - fought and died in the The Great Clan Wars (approx. 41BBY-39BBY). He witnessed Bo recite the creed in front of the Living Waters. Bo says that he was proud of her because she “didn’t embarrass him in front of everyone”. When Din said he sounded like an interesting man and commented he would have liked to meet him, Bo says that he was a “great man”, before sharing that he died defending Mandalore.  
This is our first big clue in canon as to who influenced her most in her younger years. We know that Adonai sent Satine away to Coruscant to keep her safe, and it is presumably while she is there that she begins to change her affiliation to that of the New Mandalorians, since her father was obviously not a pacifist. Bo’s narrative suggests that she sought to make her father proud, so she probably did all she could to align her allegiances with his. Since Satine is the older of the two, it makes sense that the second-born would be even more desperate to please the father to gain more favor and attention. Depending on when Adonai died, he may not have known that his eldest daughter and heir decided to switch her affiliation to the New Mandalorians. But if he was alive when Satine made her choice, Bo would have gotten a front row seat to her father’s feelings, which were most likely those of disappointment and betrayal, just before his death at the hands of the faction that Satine now served. One can easily see how Bo might have come to hate her sister and want revenge.
Dave Filoni has stated that he had a back story in mind where Bo-katan and Satine were twins. Initially, I had dismissed this as a mothballed idea when Katee Sackhoff was chosen to play Bo in the live-action series, since she is now 42 years old and nowhere near the right age to play Satine’s twin. If Satine is the same age as Obi-Wan, they would be 66 in 9 ABY, plus however many years have passed since season 1 began (which is “many years” according Favreau). But, if it is true that Bo recited the creed in front of her father before his death during the Great Clan Wars, he might not have given up on that idea after all. Even if she recited the creed at 12 years old in the last year of the war (39 BBY), she would still be 60 years old in 9 ABY. Maybe she was in carbon freeze for a couple decades, maybe she has an excellent skin care regimen. In any case, Bo is definitely FAR older than she looks. But her advanced age fuels the idea that there could have been a much deeper animosity between the sisters than if there was a significant age gap. 
I assume Bo was not exiled with the Old Mandalorians to Concordia, since she was still too young to fight in the war, but at some point, she joined Pre Vizsla and gave her allegiance to Death Watch and began actively seeking her sister’s demise. Later, when Pre’s bid for power led him to join forces with the former Sith Lord, Maul, Bo-katan vehemently objects to the alliance. She knows Maul will double cross Pre, and she feared he would not win the confrontation. Her instincts proved to be right on the credits. Maul murders her sister and takes over Mandalore. We don’t yet know if Bo’s motivations for turning on Maul were simply because he was an outsider, or if his murder of Satine made her regret the path of vengeance she had chosen - but in either case, Bo organizes her Nite Owls into a resistance to oust Maul from power. Palpatine does her work for her, killing Savage and imprisoning Maul, and Bo seems to lie low for a short time. But when Saxon and the other super commandos loyal to Maul spring him from prison and he regains a foothold on Mandalore, she asks the Republic for aide. We know the rest. The Siege of Mandalore is a success, Maul is captured, and Bo is made regent. But when she refuses to bend the knee to Palpatine, she is replaced by Saxon.
Seventeen years later, Bo is still actively resisting the Empire’s hold on Mandalore, seeking freedom for her people. When Sabine Wren offers her the reclaimed Darksaber, she refuses it, claiming she failed as regent to protect her people. In the conflict that follows, Fenn Rau and Bo-katan agree that Sabine shows much leadership potential, despite her young age. After the insurgents come together and finally oust Gar Saxon and his brother, gaining a major victory, Sabine once more offers the Darksaber to Bo, saying that she has proven herself to be a worthy leader. Bo reluctantly accepts the heirloom, gaining the support of the remaining Kryze clan, House Vizsla, Clan Wren, Clan Rook, Clan Eldar, and Fenn Rau, the last Protector (but not The Children of the Watch, who were residing on Concordia). Ultimately, their rebellion prompts the Empire to strike back by utterly destroying the entire surface of the planet in the Great Purge. 
Over a decade later, we find her still fighting the good fight against the remnants of the Empire and trying to regain the Darksaber to once more unite her people and restore Mandalore. But because of one blunder by the unsuspecting Din, she could not lay claim to the sword, and refused to accept it as a gift once more (nor fight him for it). In the The Mines of Mandalore, we see Bo refuse to lay claim to it again, even though Din had lost it in his struggle against the cyborg crab. Though she obviously has no trouble wielding the blade - the same of which can not be said of either Din or Paz Vizsla - she still returned the precious weapon to him. Though she had the *perfect* opportunity to take the saber from Din (and technically creed compliant), she did the honorable thing and saved his life, returning the weapon without a word of argument. Time will tell if she continues to act as honorably, but I see no reason to doubt her, especially now that she has clearly begun to take a liking to Din.
There is a wide range of feelings concerning Bo-Katan in the Star Wars fan base, and understandably so. Personally, she was redeemed in my eyes when she changed course at the end of The Clone Wars. She appeared genuinely remorseful of her sister's death when she spoke to Obi-Wan (though ultimately, she had not been the one responsible). She has spent upwards of 35 years atoning for the choices of her youth. Let's be honest, it's not as though she's the first Star Wars character who set themselves on a path of evil in the name of vengeance and then turn away from it later. She isn't perfect, but she has acted honorably and with humility in regards to the Darksaber since it was first offered to her.
Bo has been raised to believe that the myths and legends of her people are just that - stories. She believed, like many others, that the mythosaurs had gone extinct generations ago. They were once real, but the stories about her people's encounters with them have been reduced to legend, like many of the fables that we have in the real world (ex: Excalibur and its ability to choose a worthy king; St. George and the dragon, magic-wielding wizards, etc.). It's as strange for her to believe in Din's myths as it would be for someone living in the 21st century to believe Excalibur really did choose King Arthur. Jedi and lightsabers are real to be certain, but no other lightsaber chooses who is worthy to wield it (of which Bo-Katan is fully aware).
Now that a mythosaur has apparently been residing in the depths, perhaps she'll begin to believe. Or maybe she'll just accept that they obviously didn't go extinct and the timing is just very convenient to herald in the restoration of Mandalore. Perhaps it was a Force sensitive individual who first had the vision to begin with, seeing the destruction of Mandalore and catching a glimpse of a new leader rising alongside the great beast. Their future is uncertain, but I believe that this season will show that the ideal future for Mandalore is somewhere in the middle of their extremes. Bo will be able to experience some spirituality (or the will of Force) permeating her strictly realist belief system. Hopefully, Din will discover that he can still be a Mandalorian without following all the fundamentalist restrictions of the cult in which he was raised. They both need to accept that fighting isn't the only application for Mandalorians.
I also suspect that Din will discover that The Armorer is not the most trustworthy of historians, but she'll have her reasons. One thing is certain: Mandalore can have no future as long as their individual beliefs are exclusive to others. Like Bo said, it is painful to see her people fighting each other for generations for reasons too complicated to explain. It has to stop, and I believe balance will only be achieved with Bo-Katan and Din working together.
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missazura · 2 years
The wife, the wife was killed by the knife. There's an old saying that goes like that. I could tell you the origin if you'd like to hear it...
Long ago... Once upon a time...
Sorry I don't have my book but good thing I know it by memory.
There was a corrupt King. And this corrupt King, he had a lovely wife that he most certainly took for granted. Each day, the King would wake up... (darkmedolie, thank you for the sub) and he was rude and cruel to his wife. However, there was a redeeming factor;
(a pause as the minions try to change the music to fit the mood and messes up a bit)
(the music turns sinister- Entering Vanessa's Manor plays)
...And that redeeming factor was her twin boys.
Now one was a bit scruffy, unkempt. Didn't get along with others. Got into plenty of fights growing up. The second one was the all star child, the good boy, the HANDSOME twin. The son who was bound to reclaim the (crown?) and the throne if his father were to pass and everyone knew it. One could say it was the duality of man. But there was... a divide.
And with such a divide, the handsome one was treated with great favor. And the ugly one, the unfortunate one was treated with unfavorable circumstances.
The mother, and the husband... the King and the Queen, both loved their good child. The handsome child. All the attention, the greatest horses, anything he wanted. But the one who was a bit shorter, was deemed uglier- began to grow a bitter heart for his mother.
Strangely it wasn't his father or it wasn't the throne he sought...
But he hated the way his mother smiled at his twin.
One day after dinner, the King's cook left and was serving dessert. He wandered in and saw where the knives were kept.
He saw the handle glisten from afar- reflecting, almost beckoned to him, calling out to his palm. He couldn't think-
In the next second, he couldn't remember but he was standing over his dead mother, as she was looking down... there was a knife in his hand and there was blood, her blood covered all over the floor.
Now, you would think most people's word that this would be the climax of the story... but the father came in at this very moment and saw his own son standing over his beautiful wife.
Do you know what happened next? Most people do. But I'll let your imaginations wander for a little while. Of course it was more murder... the boy didn't live to see his very next birthday if that's what you're wondering.
And everyone knew, although it was never explicitly said, that it was the King who had done it. What everyone thought it was just. Because he was the unliked one. And they were happy that they had the King and the favourite twin for the next reign.
But that's when the townsfolk started up the very curious saying; the knife, the knife, soon ended the wife- or what was it, the wife was stricken by the knife? Something like that. It had a bit of a negative context moving forward... it wasn't until about fifty or a hundred years later that it became like a haunted jester, a joke. Because of course enough time had passed.
I sure hope you enjoyed that tale. It's one I haven't thought about in quite some time...
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fieldsofashrp · 2 years
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Lord Quellon Greyjoy
Age: 53 || Face Claim: James Purfoy || Played by: OPEN
Quellon holds the current reins of power in the Iron Islands. He has faced much bloodshed, loss and joy in his lifetime as he has crafted every experience into something of knowledge. He instills the belief of using ones knowledge first before instigating any means of war as even he has grown tired of pointless battles. Many look to him for wisdom and insight and his knowledge expansive when it comes to sea warfare and has been deemed a master among the Ironborn. Though now in his old age, he has begun to wonder if the Iron Island’s will be kept safe in Balon’s hands or will he be forced to fight his own kind to ensure stability remains long after he is gone.
Lord Balon Greyjoy
Age: 39 || Face Claim: Zach McGowan|| Played by: OPEN
Balon is the oldest of Quellon’s children and the next in line to inherit. When he was but a child, he took to learning how to sail upon the sea and how to respect the ocean. Such understanding aided him in the years as he grew into an experienced and seasoned captain. His father holds great faith in the future of the Iron Islands being mantled upon the capable shoulders of Balon. Many embrace him as a fearless and fierce leader who commands as true as the sea that carries them. He genuinely did grow to love his wife as she sought to never return that affection in the way he desired. As Balon took on more wives, Alannys cared little for him and focused upon their children solely to the point he no longer felt welcomed in her bed. He has grown suspicious of her over the years and feels she hides something from him. But, such worries have become shadowed by his desire to grow the Iron Islands and secure a better place for them in the future, knowing entirely well that such has no support among his people or his brothers.
Lady Alannys Harlaw
Age: 36 || Face Claim: Leslie Ann Brandt || Played by: Kikito
Alannys never asked for the life of a Salt Wife, none ever does and she was no exception. Unlike others, she refused to break and become some feeble woman who becomes a shell merely meant to mother children. She took to being Balon’s wife with a fierceness as she devoted herself to becoming both warrior and mother. She instilled in her children a need to not waiver and break under the cruel traditions of their people. Even though her sons have not taken to her teachings entirely, she is still fiercely hard and protective over them. Though it isn’t hard to tell that she harbors favor to her eldest son, Rodrick. But, this is due to nature of Euron being his true father and how she foolishly gave herself to him in anger of becoming Balon’s wife. Alannys has buried that secret deep within and though Euron stillt taunts unaware of what she hide. If the truth surfaced, bloodshed would follow. Some secrets are best kept at the bottom of the ocean as she fears that it will rise from the depths, at some point to haunt her or worse. Destroy her.
Lord Roderick Greyjoy
Age:19 || Face Claim: Kit Young || Played by: OPEN
Rodrick is a young man with a taste for alcohol and chaos. Even in his childhood, he always desired to fight any who he came into contact with to feel the thrill it brought him. Often when in a drunken state, he will be the individual who stirs a fight among everyone and will often be found leaving with blood painted to his clothes. He’s a fierce and merciless warrior who only feels the most alive in the midst of battle. His ruthless nature is the opposite to that of his father and many wonder if the boy inherited anything from him. Many look to him and see a variation of his Uncle Euron boiling beneath the surface. His own mother fears for his nature and how he openly invites any challenge without care. He laughs in the face of death and takes as he wants. None dare to defy him and as his gaze wanders to Westeros, he finds himself desiring to force them to accept his kin or to meet the blade. His chaotic nature has begun to unravel as it leaves many uncertain of how long he’ll keep himself alive.
Lord Maron Grey Joy
Age: 18 || Face Claim: Reece King || Played by: OPEN
Maron is a swindler and a gambler through and through. He cares not for keeping any honor in the games or bets he places as he will cross any to secure his victory. He is not above killing men just to kill as he finds enjoyment in the deed itself. He is simplistic in that and many don’t understand his motives for life as he simply enjoys the thrills as they come and go. Though deep within, there is a buried softness that few can bring out in him and mostly is seen in his exchanges with his mother who loves him as he is. In recent times, he has begun to feel himself tested by his mother as she encourages him to better position himself in the family and to embrace the duties that come with being a Greyjoy. But, is he truly cut-out to be precisely what his father desires or could it be possible to invest in a less-than-reputable business endeavor of his own?
Lord Victarion Greyjoy
Age: 28 || Face Claim: Alex Høgh Andersen || Played by: OPEN
Victarion, since the first time he saw the vast sea, knew he was destined to venture upon it. He was quick to prove himself a capable commander and a fierce warrior upon the sea. Though in contrast to his siblings, he was the opposite of most in the manner of his demeanor. He has great respect for any enemy that displays true bravery. And he has been told he fights with honor (for a Greyjoy). However do not mistake his honor for weakness: it does not diminish his desire to wield a blade and strike down any who cross his path. He has always been seen as the least intelligent Greyjoy. Often this does not bother him unless it is spoken outright to his face. He savors the ocean and the taste of victory; these are a man’s simplest and greatest joys in life and he has every intention of living a life on the high seas.
Lady Ylva Greyjoy
Age: 19 || Face Claim: Jessica Green || Played by: OPEN
Ylva has known since her birth that the world chosen for her was far from simple. She had no desire to fall into line with the duties thrusted upon women. She refused to fall into line and be claimed as a common whore by whatever Ironborn desired her. In her youth, she quickly decided that the way of the sword was what she desired and the only master she’d choose to answer to was the sea itself. Ylva quickly arose in her family to become a feared fighter and someone seasoned aboard Euron’s ships. For he was the only one who didn’t care about what she did so long as she could manage. But, even she wonders if there is more to this bloodthirsty existence and what it would be like to taste the realm. Such thoughts only recently have come to exist since her last visit to the ports found in the Reach and the raven-haired beauty she met there.
Lord Aeron Greyjoy
Age: 18 || Face Claim: Marco Islø || Played by: OPEN
VAeron is the most unlikely individual to be found in the Greyjoy family and the one who had no care for learning how to wield a blade and or face battle. Instead, he favors a more simplistic and carefree life in which he can do whatever he desires. He has quite a passion for singing and dancing and merely traveling wherever he can find the finest taverns or brothels. He is a man of simple means and one who simply marches to his desires. Though content with his life, the sea still calls to him with a purpose still unknown to that of him. Dreams of the sea and bloodshed haunt his dreams and for one who has never seen war; he is unsure of what this means.
Lord Euron Greyjoy
Age: 30 || Face Claim: Travis Fimmel || Played by: OPEN
Euron is a vicious and wildly unpredictable man. He delights in playing ruthless mind games and waging psychological warfare on any who cross his path; including members of his own family. Everyone to him is fair game. He cares not for the scorn nor vitriol of his brothers as it only affirms his superiority over them. None can deny that he is a skilled and savage warrior on the field of battle. He is not above manipulating the strong or weak for none can evade him if they become his prey. Against all odds, he is easily able to sway his Ironborn brothers to serve in his company as Euron is not a captain to fail in his endeavors. He invites any so long as they don’t break under his leadership - for weakness is not tolerated upon his vessel. Though cunning and ruthless, he has a taste for adventure and often travels wherever the Drowned God sends him. His true intentions are unknown aside from his beliefs that he is a better fit to lead the Iron Islands.
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
[Stony] “No one asked you to look Tony.”
| Muse interaction
Tony was pretty focused on the holographic images before him, hand to his chin as he slightly felt over the bread on his chin. Brow knotted up in deep thought as his eyes shifted between the images before himself. Hand lifted using his finger to interact with the images before. Swiping through a few as he hummed to himself seeming to grab at one and drag it off to the side before turning his attention back to the rest of the images. Seeing Tony hard focused on a project wasn't anything knew for him. Despite the wealth and such Tony always was the one who build a lot of the technology for his company or in the least over sought it's many products. A little issue on a grip for control he needed to have after past back stabs from those he thought could be trusted. It was something pretty easy to see on the self proclaimed genius, billionaire, playboy.And it sort of extended past just weapons.
As he was looking over photos of him and the rest of the team, some were in actions shots. Snapped from the battle in New York as the fight that bought them together had been titled as.
"J.A.R.V.I.S. pull up the second file again I think there's a good flying shot of me in there." He hardly hears the door slide open as he soon was joined with some company. Tony not to surprised when he hears Steve's voice asking what he was up to. "Double checking photos for an article that wants to put of some story about the anniversary of the teams founding and such. Going from our start, a real fluff piece." the brief summary given a clue into the fact he had read over the piece himself already as well. "Not much substance seems like something Brooklyn will like though." He idly remarks about as he starts looking over the next set of photos. Okay but why was Tony doing this?
"I'm just double checking the photos they were thinking of using, eliminating anything unfaltering." Okay but why? "Look I dated my past publicist, and ya know didn't end well. On her end" he adds in, not like Tony's dating history wasn't that much a secret between him and Steve. The transparency wasn't to brag but more in an effort on Tony's part to say 'Yeah I know how I was but your different' course he hoped that's how it came across to them. "You ditch a girl on the roof next thing you know every photo on the next magazine is you half blinking in the middle of talking even and just a whole mess." Tony goes on to tell "So I now get all final say on this stuff and ya know Avengers are in a sense a Stark brand so I gotta do it for the team as well." Yes there was logic of Tony's there, the team did stay in a tower he paid for so he wasn't that far off was he?
Turning back to the photos as he smirks to himself a little "Good thing to because that suite of yours is not doing your ass any favors, jeez was was Furry thinking on that design? What do you expect for a guy who walks around in a trench coat though." Tony shake his head as he happily shares the photo with a clearly unamused Steve.
“No one asked you to look Tony.”
Tony just smiled over his shoulder at them before he swiped the image away. Not to delete though moving it into his own personal files. "Hmm in way I was, and good thing I did. Do you really want America's Ass to look so unfaltering in the paper?" Steve likely would rather his ass not be in the paper at all, but where was the fun in that for Tony's side, that is.
"It's clearly part of my PR Steve, I mean everyone's already spreading rumors of what's going on between us after all. Can't let them think I'd date anyone with a ass that wasn't properly having" He chews over his choice of wording for a moment and smirks once he landed on what he wants "thier assest properly addressed." He then eats up the look on Steve's fave before turning back to what he was doing picking out another hand ful of images that he considered good for use.
"Besides I don't need to be asked to look. I just do, but jeez am I glad we got you a better designer on that suit give a much better sight for the eyes." Pulling up a different photo of Steve "see last ass? That's the ass of man no one will follow. But this one" pointing towards Steve ass with out a thread of shame. "I'll follow that ass anywhere personally speaking and we both know I'm not a follower." He only smirks more at Steve before giving a good chuckle over his own antics. "All about the PR Rogers. You ne surpised how one messy photo could ruin even that golden boy status of yours."
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day / genshin impact / part one
this was a request from my old account and i am only transferring it here. there is a part two to this but i got busy with school and organizing my new account, as well as thinking over deleting my old account.
since bennett is fifteen or sixteen, his part will be a little different from the others. with aether, he is hundred years old so his part if just like the rest. this is unedited and i wrote it at night when i was supposed to be farming so please bear with me hehe.
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: diluc, zhongli, childe/tartaglia, aether, bennett
warning: unedited, not proofread
part two
       After losing his father and his horrible fall out with Kaeya, Diluc has become a firm believer that a man can truly live as an island, to some extent. As much as possible, he kept to himself and worked alone. Having people share his burdens with him did not appeal to him. In fact, it miffed him, as it made him feel indebted to them.
          He limited his interaction with everyone, especially those who are part of the Knights of Favonius, favoring solitude above else. But of course, this did not entail bad social ethics to others.
    He treated his maids and employees with civility and respect, the same can be said with his patrons whenever he worked behind the counter (it would certainly be bad for his business if he behaved aloof to them) and those he was once close friends with. He always behaved appropriately to them, although he must admit he can be quite insulting to the Knight, he always stood behind an invisible barrier, careful not to cross it and grow attached to anyone.
        He has long given up with amorous relationships. After all, what good would he be as a lover if he could not provide his woman the love and care she deserved? Surely, he cannot let a maiden suffer with his inadequacy as a potential husband. He is aware of how hectic his schedule is (he hardly has enough time for himself so spending time with his lover would be proven difficult) and how poorly he expresses his feelings, thoughts, and emotions. In a relationship, in marriage, communication is the key for it to be successful, and already then, he has failed. He may be a cold man at first glance, but he will not put a woman in s distressing dilemma, not intentionally anyway.
                    Being the richest man in Mondstadt and being considered attractive by many, Diluc was not foreign to having women throw themselves at him, attempting to seduce him. If maintaining a relationship with a woman with his current tribulations was hard, finding a woman who truly love and understand him was even harder. He has no means of deciphering who were pure with their intentions and those who sought him for his money and influence.
     And he accepted his fate without easily, without question. This was the way it was supposed to be in the first place. Diluc Ragnvindr - a lone man, who lived in too big mansion, sleeping on a bed too big for him. It was all he knew. The bright days of his childhood long forgotten.
    But then you came to his life so suddenly.
                          "Master Diluc," Began Jean, a polite smile over her lips. "This is ( Your Name )".
              All it took was for you to give him shy smile to have his walls broken down, and for his heart to yearn for what he has resolutely denied himself of for years. And it twisted him, and not in a way he welcomed.
          Diluc tried so damn hard to push you away. He avoided your presence, and made it his point to show you he wanted nothing to do with you, and made no attempt to cover it and ignored how his heart broke every time your smile fell. He resolutely refused to yield to your sincere advances.
                                     He treated you the same way be treated everyone, to show you how you were no different from everyone. You were just another dot in his life waiting to be erased and thrown in the back of his mind.
                                                       But the harder he pushed, the harder you pulled. In his brightest days and in his darkest days, you have never strayed far and welcomed him with open arms. You always went out of your way for him.
          It was hard not to fall in love with you? Why did you have to make things so difficult?
                        It wasn't too long until he was falling asleep in his bed with you in his embrace, his heart feeling light, warm and content. He hasn't feel like this in a long time - safe, and at home. Diluc found home from someone he tried to push away.
                                      The horror of what could have happened if he had been successful weighed down on him, and it took quite an assurance from you to make him remember that he has failed, and you were his, as he was yours.
                          Back then, he thought your persistence was bothersome. But as he stood at the altar right now, watching you enter with your white wedding dress, he was grateful you never gave up on him.
Diluc cannot describe how beautiful you looked as you graced everyone in the place with your presence.
Your eyes locked with him, and his heart soared in his chest. And when you smiled at him, an excited gleam in your eyes - he cannot help but smile back.
Time cannot be any slower, and the aisle cannot be any longer. And have you always walked this slow? Or were you just teasing him?
Diluc's breath hitched - Perhaps you knew how much he wanted to get this over with so he can have you all to himself in the comfort of his room.
And when he saw you smiling mischievously at him, he knew that he was right.
His words failed to describe how beautiful you looked. His words failed the joy he was feeling. May Barbatos have mercy on him
But the tear that escaped the corner of his eye explained everything.
"Oh, what is this?" His best man whispered beside him, a teasing tone lacing his voice. "Master Diluc is crying. Why, I never thought I'd see the day."
Diluc shot him a glare. "Do not make me regret making you my best man, Kaeya."
Kaeya laughed. "Ah, ah, ah," He chimed. "Your wife won't be pleased if we fight at your wedding day."
A warm and pleasant feeling coursed through him. His wife.
"She's not my wife yet." Said Diluc.
Kaeya looked at you as you walked down the aisle. "And in just a few minutes, I'll have two Ragnvindr to annoy." He patted his brother on the back, smiling a genuine smile for the first time. "Congratulations, Diluc."
       Zhongli, or Rex Lapis for that time, has watched over Teyvat for thousands of years and has witnessed firsthand how kings and tyrants rose and fell, how kingdoms were born, how camaraderie are conducted, how romance makes a man foolish and blinded, how society flourished in the hands of mortals as Archons guarded them from their resting place, and throughout the tales of humans, his eyes has laid upon many beauties.
                   But you? Oh, even the most esteemed bard of all realms could never bring the satisfactory glory to your name and pulchritude.
            How dearly Zhongli missed the unspeakable power, money and authority he had back before he revoked his own position as a deity, keeping a close eye over Liyue and his people. But if ever presented with the opportunity to return to his rightful place as part of the Seven, he shall graciously decline, casting his gaze away and simply returning to your side.
                               After all, what benefit would he gain from it when he already has his heart is content in the possession of a mere mortal, a mortal he loved and adored. He would dream of ever choosing his old power over you, and that can be affirmed when he asked for your hand as the two of you took an evening stroll outside Liyue.
                 He has fallen for you and he cannot rise again. A gentle and kind woman with an understanding and patience which knows no bounds. If not for his revelation that he has accomplished all his duties and has come to decide to resign from his reign, your existence may be another reason for him to take the form or a mortal and ask for your hand.
                      He can still recall that faithful day when he first met you at the harbor. He stood by a high balcony, overlooking Liyue Harbor with arms crossed. The sun beat down against Liyue grounds and his skin, but it also casted an ethereal glow on you as you exited one of the ships that stopoed at the docks. And may he boldly say the sun was outshined that day, and his heart has been taken.
                                         Zhongli can only imagine how many men has chased after you, but failed to woo you.
                   Zhongli understood the concept of love. After all, Liyue and every living being that sought shelter in its walls were close to his heart, but never in his life has he felt the way he felt for you. It was the sort of phenomena he observed between lovers for centuries - unconditional love and care, a sanctuary in the arms of their beloved, an individual to trust and come home to whether the day has been kind or unkind.
           What he thought were trivial matters and the means of mortals for survival he has tasted its sweet flavor, and it was by your hand did he receive it. And he was thankful that you have found him worthy of being with you, and soon, being one with him in the contract of marriage.
And thus came the faithful day, the very day he longed to come ever since you have accepted him as your husband to be, and the day you have dreamt of every night you laid with him.
Zhongli counted the months, weeks, days, and if he had the ability to, minutes until the day of your wedding. He has a calendar in his room and everyday, he enthusiastically crossed out every passing day, watching as his wedding with you grow closer.
And when it finally arrived, Zhongli followed a meticulous routine to prepare himself, using expensive oils and perfume to which the Fatui money has provided splendidly. After all, he wanted to look the best he can for you. You deserved only the best of things, and he shall not hold back on anything to please you.
Though Zhongli, most of the time, was a calm man even under the eye of tribulations, when he stood at the altar in front of his close friends and colleagues, he can't help but feel anxious.
Of course he has no doubt in your love for him. He holds on your every word of love and affection as true, and his love for you was as hard as stone. Rather, it was he who doubted himself and his capabilities.
He wondered if he would be able to take care of you, love you the way you should be, bring a smile to your lips, and a laugh out of your mouth. If he had been Rex Lapis still, he would have easily uphold his duties as your husband. After all, what can an Archon not do?
It would be Childe, his best man, who would console him. He would tell Zhongli he is more than capable to care for you. He has a stable job (not to mention his connection with the Fatui), he was eager to please you and give you about everything if he can, he has a kind heart, he was a man who can manage his time wisely and never choose his profession over you, and above all, he loved you. Not many men can afford the luxury of being this perfect, but Zhongli was no man, not originally at least.
He will be unconvinced of what Childe has said. This unease in him was hard to diminish. Not being enough for you will tear him apart. The thought of it just gnawed at him. Will he make you happy? Will you regret marrying him when you realized life married to him wasn't as you expected?
It was only when the doors opened, and his wide and anticipative eyes darted over to the other end of the place did every little doubt in his mind is erased.
You stood by the entrance wearing the white dress you have fought hard not to show him until this day.
That bright smile on your face, those eyes that shimmered at the sight of him, the faint red on your cheeks - Zhongli did not even notice how love stricken he looked, and nor did he notice a tear cascade from corner of eye.
It was only when Childe stifled a laugh and pointed it out did he feel the dampness at the side of his face.
He forgot how to breathe when you finally stood before him. Even a veil cannot conceal your beauty.
With twinkling eyes, you smiled at him - like he was the only person in the room.
"Are you crying?" You ask playfully.
Zhongli will let out a chuckle, and as he take your hands in his, he said, "In such a beautiful day like this with the loveliest lady in Teyvat before me, how can I not?"
Indeed it was a beautiful day, made better when your lips met his.
He can't stop a few more tears from slipping.
                 Childe understood his duties as a Harbinger even if his playful and flirtatious facade may say otherwise. He kissed hands of women and paid them golden compliments until their mind went hazy with his feigned affection, but he was still a Fatui at the end of the day - a ruthless and greedy scoundrel who had too much Mora in his hands.
              And it was because of his line of work that he decided never to commit himself. If he was to find himself infatuated with a woman and she reciprocated his feelings and desired to pursue a relationship with him, it would inevitably drag her to the dangers entailed to his position.
                                       The last thing he wanted was someone to dear to him to be harmed, not to mention his lover could become his weakness, she could be taken by his enemies and be used against him, thus, making things more complicated and harder for him to fulfill his duties to the Tsaritsa.
             To him, nothing is more important than seeing through his mission with the finest quality of work he can give.
                   So damn you for coming into his life and distracting him. Damn you for bringing another bright to his life. Damn you for taking care of his family when he was gone. Just - damn you for making him fall for you.
      He hated this - the feeling of being weak, of being vulnerable, of laying his guard down. One touch from you and he's no better than the people he despised for being so frail and powerless.
                                              How ever do you possess this prowess to make him so dependent on you, to relish in your voice when you sing to him as the two of you laid together in his bed, how he let his defenses crumble when you whisper his name, the tug of his heart when you he sees you getting along so well with his family.
                          Childe wanted you. He wanted you more than anything and anyone in Teyvat. He was going crazy thinking about you.
             He refused to acknowledge his feelings at first, thinking perhaps he can use you to comfort him and his family in these troubling times. That's all you were supposed to be, a tool for him to make his family feel better whenever he goes off to accomplish his work as a Harbinger.
                              But he couldn't stomach the thought of using you like that. He didn't want you to treat like a toy. And it did not help that one day, when he was returning from a mission, you come rushing to him and blurting out your feelings and your worry for his safety.
               You loved him. Did he hear you right? You love a Fatui, and a Harbinger, no less. Surely, you aren't that stupid to fall for him.
     And yet he smiled a sincere smile at your confession, and he too followed your steps. That night, he was at his weakest. Just relishing in your arms and ridding all the responsibilities over his shoulders. He can forget all his faults for a moment, with you. A peace of mind and heart was found in you.
     Childe watched as you played with his fingers, and then he spoke. “Aren’t you afraid?”
       You hummed. “Afraid? Of what?”
                   Childe shook his head and held your hand which toyed with his digits. You looked up at him, puzzled.
              “Of me.” Said Childe, pulling your hand and holding it close to his chest. He closed his eyes, almost terrified of what your answer can be. “Of what I can bring to your life. I’m a Harbinger, [ Your Name ]. Your life is at stake just being with me. Do you know what you’re in for for loving me?”
                        You gazed at him, and he can’t see anything in your eyes. He let out a small gasp when you leaned in and kissed his cheek.
            “I’m not afraid of you or anything this world can throw at me.” You confessed. “You’re going to protect me, Tartaglia. I know you will. I trust you. I love you.”
                            And fucking hell, did he protect you.
                                          He tried to hide you from his fellow Harbingers, and especially to his enemies. Not because they will use you to get the upper hand against him, a leverage. No, he wanted to hide you, as long as he can anyway (because it won't be long until his secret is out, walls do have ears), to protect you. No one will lay a hand or even get a single strand of your hair. May the Archons have mercy on anyone who dares put you in the middle of the dangers of his job, because he surely won't.
Because of this, you and Childe decided to get married in secret, with no one else but Zhongli, the traveler, and their floating companion to be your witnesses in becoming one. The two of you knew well of the consequences your decision shall birth, but it's the one you're making. Nothing in this can stop Childe from making you his wife, and treating you as such.
Childe could not wait for the ceremony to begin. Even with such a small crowd - very small indeed - he did not hold back to make this day special for you. The finest of everything is what you deserved, and if he could give more, he would. But for now, all he can give you is himself, and he dearly wished he was enough.
The whole time, as he waited for you to emerge from the doors of the small cathedral the two of you chose to be wed in, he kept imagining how his life would be like with you.
Waking up beside you was the thing he looked forward to the most. When the sunrays peeked from closed curtains and cascaded down your slumbering form, a gentle and even breaths leaving your lips, a soft expression of rest - the thought of it filled his heart with warmth, a kind of warmth only you can evoke from him.
Waking up at your side on his bed always reminded him thst you were indeed there, and his. Soon, he'll be waking up beside you with a soft smile on his lips, a reminder that you were there, but now as his wife.
Childe never really considered him emotional. It was part of his discipline as a Harbinger never to let his emotions get the better of him. But when you stepped into the cathedral wearing the wedding dress you personally chose and had hidden from him for so long, a veil over your face but the soft smile still just as bright as the morning sun, it all came crashing down to him.
Childe wanted a lot of things in life. But what he wanted the most was to spend the rest of his life with you - providing for you, protecting you, comforting you, falling deeper in love with your every single day. All this he will do until his dying breath, and he knew you'd do the same.
His dream was walking towards him, never taking her eye off him as she approached the altar.
He can hear Paimon clapping and the Traveler reprimanding her for being a little too loud. He can hear Zhongli saying something to him but he couldn't understand a word he said. But he was too lost in his realization that you're going to marry him.
You chose him, a man with too many faults and imperfections.
Just as you arrived at the small steps leading towards the altar, the tears Childe has been trying to hold back streamed down his face, small hiccups escaping his lips.
You stared at him, worried. "Tartaglia, are you alright?"
Childe would try to formulate an answer but through his tears and hiccups, he couldn't make a single comprehensible word. His posture was regal and proper, as though he was trying to fool everyone that he wasn't crying.
How can you ask if he was alright? How can his heart handle how beautiful you looked right now?
"Excuse me, ( Your Name )," Zhongli interjected as he stepped beside Childe. "It seems that your soon to be husband needs a moment to collect himself. Please, excuse us."
Zhongli led Childe back to his room, and the Harbinger did not fight back. He was still crying even when the doors has closed behind him. Zhongli stood by the door, watching the Fatui sit on his bed, trying to stop himself from bawling.
Childe can feel guilt crawling up to him as he realized what he had done. What was supposed to the most perfect day, your most perfect day, was ruined because of him.
He was scared to think what you thought of him now. Were you resenting him for what happened? Did you still wish to marry him?
If only he had controlled his emotions much better. He shouldn't have let his joy break through him in tears.
"She was crying too, you know," Spoke Zhongli.
Childe raised his head to look at the former Archon. "Huh?"
"Your bride, she - " He smiled at him. " - she was crying too. She's happy to be marrying you."
Childe can feel his heart hammering against his chest in delight at what he said.
"So don't keep her waiting."
Childe bawled his eyes out once more when the words - "I do," - left your lips.
                 When his sister was taken from him, Aether was a lost and wandering soul in Teyvat with the sole purpose of finding her.
              Throughout his journey, he met different people from different regions. He learned their values and cultures, he grew to love the world he used to be a stranger to, he was able to utilize different sorts of Visions, and yet, despite all of this, Aether was lonely. Paimon - bless her pure soul - tried her best to keep his spirits and bring a smile to his face (he assumed she too felt the hollowness inside of him) but it was all futile as he often find himself seeking solitude and gazing out in an open field wondering where his twin could be and how she was fairing on her own.
                He will let the cool breeze comfort him, but all it left was a searing kiss of reality that his search might have been all for naught. That very concept his mind was conjured haunted him in his every waking days. Is he still journeying through Teyvat and reaching out to all Archons with a solid purpose? Was he no wasting his time looking high and low for someone who could not be looking at the sky as he?
                     "And what if she is?"
                                     Your words is what got his attention. Aether met you in the evening when the stars and the moon was absent from the skies. He sat on a fallen log overlooking the city of Mondstadt, alone and cold. Paimon has insisted in him accompanying him, but he had snuck away before she can chase after him. He needed to be alone with his thoughts, and with the scarce time he has for himself, he has to make the most of every night that comes.
                 Lumine was in his mind, and worry was gnashing its teeth at him. He was deep in his own world, sinking to the hands of his tragic thoughts, that he did not hear footsteps trekking the hillock he was at. Nor did he realize he was speaking his own worries in the air, eyes distant and staring blankly at nothing.
       "What if she's not even looking for me?" That's what he remembered saying that time.
                                       Then you made your presence known with an answer that refuted his initial thought. He whirled his head to the side, wide eyes with surprise. You stood next to him with a faint smile, hands behind your back and the moon slowly peeking from the shroud of clouds. A light in the darkness, the moon was. And so you were you to him.
                "Sorry," You apologized, sheepishly giving him a smile as you rubbed the back of your neck. "I didn't mean to interrupt. You were speaking out loud and-and I just had a feeling I needed to say something." You took in a deep breath, and Aether found the pink dusting your cheeks adorable. "I . . . I'll just go now - "
              Aether didn't regret asking you to stay.
                                   Before you came to his life, Aether did not know how much he was dwelling in the own hell he made. His inner tribulations, his worries, his insecurities - he only took notice the torture he was putting on himself when you keep saving him from his own mind.
                   At first, all he thought of you was a precious friend - someone he leaned on and entrusted with everything, whether it be secrets or help with his quests. He told you about his past, his twin, how exactly he was different from the people of Teyvat, how he and sister fought an unknown god, how she slipped from his fingers when he reached out for her, how much he wanted her back. He was terrified of what you may think of him when he told you these things, but to his surprise, all you did was wrap him in your arms and comforted him.
                                      Along with Paimon, you were his dearest friend.
             But as time passed, the longer you accompany him and Paimon in his travels, he noticed something strange. The way his heart skipped a beat when you smile at him, how he can't keep his eyes off you when you laugh at one of his tales, how his heart hammered ceaselessly when you press a chaste kiss on his cheek, the relief that seeps in his system when he sees you unscathed from a battle, how irritated he becomes when someone makes an offense against you, the joy that seizes him when he listens to you talking about something you loved, and how much he adored it when you scold him for being a little too reckless in fighting.
                           Aether, despite being older than he seems, did not know what to make of what he was feeling. It was strange, a good kind of strange - the kind of feeling that makes him feel like he was floating in the sky. All he thought of it was an overwhelming adoration for a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
                  It wasn't until Paimon pointed it out did he realize what he was feeling for you.
                                           Upon learning his feelings for you, Aether couldn't sleep for many nights. He was plagued with the desires of his heart and his insecurities. It was like falling back to the same hellish pattern before you came along.
              He was in this world for one reason only - to find his twin. And when he does - and he fucking will - he will depart from here with her and continue their travels. Leaving you was the last thing he wanted. He couldn't bear the thought of it. It felt like leaving a piece of him behind in Teyvat, a hole in the shape of your name.
                            The solution he had for this is directly confessing to you. Of course, the blond was a nervous wreck when he approached you and asked for a moment of your time. Paimon knew of his plan and wandered away for the time being, wanting to give the two of your privacy.
              If you did not share the same feelings as he, he can already imagine the pain he will have to deal with, but it'll be much easier to leave. At least then he knows you won't be as hurt as he thought once he takes his leave. He never entertained the idea of you reciprocating his feelings. It would be foolish to - surely you can't find anything appealing with someone like him ; to which you rendered him speechless and a bumbling mess when you pressed your lips against his when he was in the middle of his confession.
                                 Aether shouldn't be this happy with you. He loved you too much to see you hurt when he tells you that he must leave. He was not welcome in this world, he was an outsider, a being not under the authority or influence of any Archons.
     But still, he spent months loving you, caring for you, doing anything to come back to you no matter what is thrown at him. He loved having you in his arms when you slept, he loved watching the stars with you at night, he loved you even with the inevitable arguments you two have - Aether was utterly and hopeless in love with you.
                     And thus, he decided to tell you what will happen after he finds his sister.
                      He knew he would be heart broken in seeing you cry, but it hurt more to see you smile at to him so genuinely and embraced him, saying, "You used to doubt you'll ever find your sister. It broke my heart everyday seeing you so hopeless, and I - " You composed yourself, shaking your head as your tried to gather your thoughts. " - now look at you," You cupped his cheek, the corners of your eyes wrinkling as your smile broadened. "I always knew the day will come when you have to leave me. When you told me you weren't from this world, I knew then I'll have to let go of you someday. But until that day comes - Aether - "
               What a shock it came to him when you got down on one knee and presented to him a glittering ring - there was unconditional love and hope in your eyes. It was like looking back at his reflection. "Marry me, Aether, let me make you happy for the rest of the days we still have remaining until you leave."
                                   Aether can never say no to you.
To his surprise, Master Diluc has already agreed to host your wedding at Dawn Winery. Aether was puzzled as to why he seemed unsurprised by the news of his engagement with you, and the Claymore wielding male answered, "( Your Name ) came to me for help when she planned to propose to you."
Aether knew Diluc, as much as possible, wanted to be alone. A lone wolf, he was. But with gratitude for what he has done, he asked him to be his best man. Diluc was startled by this requests but obliged. The red head might not show it but he was immensely flattered by Aether asking him to be his best now (and now time to subtly show it off to Kaeya).
At the day of the wedding, contrary to what he thought he would feel, Aether woke up with his an ache in his chest. He found himself looking out the window of his room, torn between his happiness and sorrow.
In a few hours, Aether will be able to adorn a ring on your finger, symbolizing your promises with one another. He shall be granted the sole blessing of calling your his wife. It was something he was looking forward to - seeing you in your wedding dress, watching as you walk down the aisle -
But Aether's mind kept drifting back to his sister - She would have wanted to be here. He thought.
Aether felt like he was committing a crime when he decided to take a walk just hours before his wedding. But he needed to clear his mind. Lumine never left his mind. He always thought that they would always be there for one another, or at least in big moments like this.
And yet she was still nowhere to be seen.
Is she still alive? Have I been wasting time? Is she still in danger? Is she lost in Teyvat as well?
"Didn't expect to run into you here."
His body tensed when he heard your voice, and he twirled around only to have his breath taken away.
You stood before him in the white dress he had longed to see ever since you proposed to him. He thought he would see a frown on your face, dismayed for his impromptu walk, but you wore a soft smile - a soft and understanding smile.
Aether did know what to say to you. He just stared at you, overwhelmed.
He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't say anything. His shoulders slumped, and he sighed.
You approached him and kissed his cheek. He hummed in delight, eyes closing. "I hope you're not having second thoughts on marrying me." You told him.
Aether was quick to respond. He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. He looked into your eyes with affirming hues, "There is nothing I'm more sure of than marrying you."
You beamed at him. Seeing your face brighten up is always a beautiful sight for Aether, and it was enough for him to feel enlightened in the midst of his internal crisis.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Of course you can already tell something is bothering him. Aether shook his head. He has already ruined a small part of what is supposed to be a perfect day, he can't risk another mistake.
"I'm not going to push you to tell me anything." You stated.
Aether smiled. "Thank you." He replied. He gazed at you for a little while, taking you in. "Why are you out here anyway? And in your wedding dress too."
Your eyes widened and you looked down to assess his evaluation. "Oh Archons," You mewled. "I forgot I was wearing this." You let out a groan. "Great, now my surprise is ruined. I won't be able to see you cry when you see me walk down the aisle."
He laughed a little. "But still happy as ever to see you." He said. "So why are you outside?"
"Just . . . " You began, and Aether can detect a hint of nervousness in your voice. " . . . picking some flowers."
"I thought we already ordered flowers." Aether thought, frowning. "Did someone forget to deliver the flowers? I can call someone if - "
"No, I just wanted to pick some flowers, randomly. Like how you wanted to take a walk, randomly."
He looked at you with hesitant eyes. He didn't believe you. There was something hidden behind your motive to be out here. But like how you didn't press him with what was the problem, he did the same for you.
"Okay," He breathed out. "What flowers did you pick then?"
Aether's breath hitched when you pulled out a bundle of Windwheel Asters and several more flowers that was all too familiar with him.
He stared at the white flowers that combined with your Windwheel Asters, the very flowers that he remembered adorned his sister's hair.
"Aether? Aether are you okay?"
He stared at you with glistening eyes, his heart blossoming with adoration and gratitude. Without even meaning to, you managed to make everything alright.
"Yeah," He smiled at you. "I'm okay."
Aether thought when he stood at the altar, he would have Diluc trying to soothe his nerves as his insecurities slowly sink in his mind. But it didn't happen. Diluc merely stood by him with a relaxed expression, glancing at him every now and then.
"You don't look nervous at all." Diluc remarked.
Aether chuckled. "This is the only decision I fully know I won't regret."
Aether felt like it was his first time seeing you in your wedding dress. His heart was filled with the brim with utmost joy, but what caught his attention was the bouquet of flowers in your hands.
You told him before that you will have roses as your bouquet, but to his surprise, he can see the Windwheel Asters and the white flowers that reminded him of his sister.
His emotions was all over the place. He had no idea how he could look so calm. Somehow he managed to hold himself together until you finally stood before him.
When you stared at him behind the veil, he couldn't take it anymore. You were too perfect. How could he be so blessed with you?
Tears sprung to his eyes when you reached out to take his hands in yours. He retracted one of them to rub his arm across his eyes, wiping away the wetness that streamed to his face.
Why am I crying like a child in my wedding? Stop it!
He couldn't.
He only cried harder when you leaned forward, removed his arm from his eyes, made him look into your vibrant hues, to give a small peck on his lips - "You're okay, Aether."
                 Bennett understood his bad luck more than anyone. He had lived with and through it his entire life he graced the surface of the earth. It was almost pitiful to see the boy smiling ever so brightly as misfortune after misfortune comes hurtling his way, but to him? It was an everyday and normal occurrence, nothing he hasn't seen or experienced before. His spirits has never let their roaring flame vanish, however, and if it had not been for his bad luck, everyone would have been drawn to his warm, welcoming, affable, and cheerful soul.
                                 But just because he was used to the constant array of debacle thrown his way, doesn't mean there were never days where he won't be upset over everything it brought to his life, and others as well, and wonder how long it will take until his unluckiness will lead him back to the very situation he was rescued from when he was a mere baby.
          He forgot how long it was when he had experienced something good, miraculously so. The only time he can recall being so was when he encountered the Honorary Knight, convened with them as a temporary adventure team, and found a treasure chest containing items he has only dreamed of in his sleep deep within a domain. However, that was many moons ago, and nothing has ever compared to it ever since. The moment he departed from the Honorary Knight, his bad luck came instantly to bite him.
                 It was far too long ago. Sometimes, Bennett wondered if that would be the only good thing that can happen to him in his lifetime, and thank the Archons he was wrong because the very worst day that came upon him is a day he will never exchange for another - the day he met you. When it was raining, thunder in the distance, lightning striking trees and soil, his bruised and bleeding form hardly covered under a small and flimsy tent, you graced him with your presence, and an umbrella which you used to cover both of you.
                                    He had never stopped admiring you ever since. His eyes always followed you, wide and shining. He remembered the warmth in his chest and the redness tinting his cheeks when you brought him to your abode and treated his wounds with care gentler than the Deaconess. When he told you what happened to him, he anticipated to he shoved out of the house immediately and have your front door slammed on his face, but you did not. When he warned you about his curse, telling you how you will be affected when you spend a little too much time with him, the look of fright did not cross your visage and you even insisted that he not leave your house until you were sure he was capable of moving without pain, even if you had instantly been affected by his unluckiness (you pricked your finger quite badly when you were stitching a deep wound of his. He always felt guilty for that and has not stopped offering his apologies whenever it pricks the corner of his mind).
                   Other than the team of adventurers who had saved him from peril when he was a baby, it was difficult to find someone who will stay with him, through bad times and more of it. One cannot simply imagine and comprehend the confusion and happiness that seized him when he found out you were spending more and more time with him, not out pity but because you enjoy his company (which was weird, but he'll take it).
                              You possessed no Vision, but Bennett never saw you in an inferior light. In fact, it impressed him how you can hold yourself without the aid of any power. Enemies took a little longer to eradicate but ultimately, you were always successful. He held you in high regard, and very much like a certain blond traveler, the poor boy thought it was merely friendship and respect he felt towards you. After all, wouldn't a friend accompany him in his adventures no matter what disappointing or gratifying the outcome is? Wouldn't a friend prepare meals for him before he goes off on a solo expedition? Wouldn't a friend stay up late up waiting for him to return after? Wouldn't a friend welcome him by the entrance of Mondstadt upon his arrival? Wouldn't a friend give him butterflies in his stomach? Wouldn't a friend make his heart pound in a way
                  It had taken the Traveler and his floating companion for Bennett to learn about how exactly he was feeling for you.
           He liked you, and not in the way he liked the traveler or Razor - he liked liked you.
                               When he realized about his feelings, Bennett nearly short circuit every time you go near him. His face flush a rich color of vermillion, his confident posture stripped down to a coy and uncertain stance, his eyes darted and never meeting yours for too long, a sheepish smile painted over his brims - Bennett had never felt this way before. It was foreign to him - liking someone - and it was worse for him because you were his one of his few friends (you, Razor, the Traveler and their floating friend), and having you withdraw from him if you ever learned his feelings frightened him more than any Ruin Guard could.
    He didn't bother entertaining the idea of you returning his feelings. With his bad luck, it was bound to end in a rejection, and he didn't believe he had the heart to accept the hurt that would come.
                 Bennett tried to keep his feeling a secret, he really, genuinely, did. He locked his feelings for you in a box and stowed away somewhere behind his mind. But it didn't take you too long to catch on. Bennett's theatrics wasn't as impenetrable as he originally thought because there was no other reason for you to corner him in a street in Mondstadt after he tried to avoid crossing paths with you, and admit your feelings to him.
                                  "( Your Name )," Stuttered Bennett, eyes darting to the side to avoid your eyes as he pressed his back against the wall behind him. You gazed at him, a tint of red over your cheek.
                 Archon, how are you so adorable?
                   "Uh, hi," He greeted meekly, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I-I was just about to leave for an adventure - "
                               "Bennett," You spoke, and he froze at the tone of your voice.
                   He looked at you properly, gulping. Shy eyes, shy smile, shy, shy, shy - and yet somehow, Bennett thought the worse - that you found out about his feelings and was about to turn him down.
          He almost got down on his knees and press his hands together in a praying position, head bowed, and beg to keep your friendship. It didn't matter if you did not share his feelings. You were more important than his stupid feelings. He can deal with the hurt of rejection that will soon to come, but losing you completely? Can he even come to terms with that?
                                But before he can do such humiliating display, you leaned in and pressed a kiss on his cheek,
                  It was almost too good to be true, and with someone like him, Bennett had to take a moment to comprehend what has happened. His feelings were reciprocated, opposite of what should have been considering his dilemma. How can this be? He was sure your friendship would be put to an end when you learn about what he felt for you. How did you even know that he liked you? Has he been too obvious? Surely not (he was). Perhaps you were merely toying with him, discovering his feelings and choosing to use it as a way to alleviate your boredom -
                                           Horror struck him when he processed the message behind his doubt. How could he think so little of you? Someone as sweet and kind as you would be repulsed by the intention of the actions he thought you were presenting to him. Prideful as this may sound, Bennett believed he knew you enough to know you were sincere in everything you do.
            But even if both your feelings are revealed to be mutual, the two of you agreed to wait until a certain age before forming a romantic relationship. The two of you are young and there are a lot more the world can offer outside Mondstadt. There are countless of opportunities to grow and be mature, to be able to have a set of qualities to take of one another.
                            But that didn't mean the two of you easily managed to hold back showcasing your favor for the other. Bennett will always find himself exchanging secret glances and smile with you whenever a third party joins in on your adventure. He would stick by your side in situations he think could potentially lead you to a major injury. He will attempt (and fail, unfortunately) to whip you up with something delicious when he has free time. And you did the same to him.
                  With you, there was never a time where his heart wasn't beating against his chest. He can't stop himself from bounding recklessly through his adventures whenever you accompany him, although he will still keep a close eye on you just in case something bad happens to you (but it's always him who ends up injured).
                                              But what he liked the most are the kisses the two of you share. Short, chaste, and shy - whether it be behind closed doors, when others are looking away, or when the two of you set of on an adventure.
            Bennett would lay in his bed with a smile on his face, his thundering heart preventing him from sleeping. He'll often find himself burying his face against his pillow, grinning from ear to ear.
                         This smile was different. This wasn't smile that he usually wore, the kind of smile that persevered through hardship after another. No, it was the sort of smile that was too carefree and too full of utmost joy, no worries or doubts in his heart. Everyday he always woke up to the excitement of adventure, but now, the excitement of it and seeing you once again always had him brimming with the want for the night to be over with so he can chase after his dreams with you. Chasing his dreams with you, what a life.
      His world is full of a bad luck, but he thanked the Archons for giving him someone he can depend on in the troubling waters he always he seem to drown in.
Bennett, embarrassing it may sound, often laid on his bed imagining about marrying you.
He can see himself making a fool out of himself when he gets down on one knee and propose to you. It'll be set in the most beautiful place he discovered in one of his adventure, somewhere quiet. Like maybe on top of a mountain overseeing a vast field.
Because of his bad luck, he'll try to prepare for every outcome. To be very sure everything will be saved, he made sure he created a plan B for his plan A, a plan C for his plan B, and so on, and so forth.
He can imagine himself fumbling over his words, blushing a bright red was made prominent because of his white hair, holding a bunch of hand picked flowers a little too tightly, sweat pouring from his face, his suit and hair a little ruffled -
If you say yes (spoiler alert, you will), he will most probably go haywire with shock and happiness, causing him to drop the ring down the mountain, and the two of you will spend quite some time looking for it. But in the end, you two will find it somewhere deep underground or deep underwater (to which you will ask help to retrieve) (Bennett offered to go down to get the ring but you can’t take any chances) and then you can start planning the wedding.
If Bennett had backup plans for his proposal, then expect there'll be much more backups with your wedding. He needed this day to be perfect for you, and his bad luck won't stop him from providing it for you. Even if he had to fight through horde after horde of Hilichurls (please stop him when he does, he definitely will do that for you), making you happy is his top priority.
Bennett will be extremely anxious the day before the wedding. He'll be pacing around his room, and has half a mind of running over to your place and spending the night there to reassure himself that you still want to marry him, and that you’re absolutely sure you want to spend the rest of your life with him. It will be Razor - who the Traveler spent hours teaching the basic information of the role of Best Man to - who will calm his nerves. He’ll stop Bennett from reaching your house and carry him back to his own, and giving him a lecture (he did his best) like the best man he was.
Was he having second thoughts on marrying you? No way! He will just be nervous about how the wedding will go. With his bad luck, something horrible is bound to happen.
At the day of the wedding, Bennett can imagine himself constantly seeking reassurance from his best man.
"What if I mess up?" Questions Bennett to Razor, anxious hands fiddling with his tie.
"Messing up is . . . normal." Razor will reassure him, but Bennett will shake his head.
“But it's me. When I mess up, it's always . . . catastrophic . . . ”
Bennett hoped that at least for his wedding way, everything will go smoothly. A perfect day, for you and for him. He won't embarrass you or himself. He won't forget the rings, he won't have his clothes tucked inside out, he will not spill any food or drinks on himself or on his guests, there will be no random Hilichurl attacks - none of that.
He really hoped for the Archons to spare him from his bad luck. 
He will be able to stand by the altar with confidence and a smile, waiting for you to walk down the aisle.
As Bennett is consumed with his thoughts, his eyes drew to the small table at the side of his bed and caught sight of the picture of the two of you perched on the surface. It was a picture you took with a kamera after one of his adventures. The two of you smiling happily as he showcased the loot of vegetables and wheat he gathered in numerous luxurious chests. It was good day, that picture was. He found more resources than usual. Of course, he learned from the Traveler that most of the chest they found contained treasures but hey, vegetables are better than nothing, right?
Bennett stared at your smiling face and can feel the heat creep on his cheeks as he imagined you in a pretty, white wedding dress, smiling at him so shyly and cute - oh, Archons, help him. May them have mercy on him. Of course, you always looked pretty to him - so, so pretty - but in your wedding day? Archons, he doesn't know if he can take that. It'll be too much for his big heart.
He can only imagine how your wedding will play out, but there is one thing he was sure of and that is that he will burst into tears once he laid his eyes upon you - and not the soft cry most men do in their wedding, oh, not at all like that. His heart is too big with too much love for you, and too soft to control his emotions properly.
Bennett will cry (bawl, actually), his tears of joy coming in streams, and it was loud enough for strangers to think he was grieving over a deceased loved one. He was hiccupping and sobbing, will probably be holding on to his vest tightly as if his entire lifeline depended on the pressure of how he crumpled the fabric. He hoped that in that time, Razor or the Traveler will lend him a hand and calm him down before he can ruin his own wedding.
Bennett, as he happily imagined that fateful day to come in the future (spoilers again, it will) did not feel a tear slip from the corner of his eye as he drifted off to a pleasant slumber with a beaming smile.
The boy absolutely adores you.
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todoscript · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS: Years of memories pouring out, Katsuki and Shouto confront their feelings for you in your very hospital room.
pairing(s): bakugou katsuki x fem!reader, todoroki shouto x fem!reader
genre: angst.
word count: 4.5k+
warnings: really self-indulgent fic, characters are aged-up, implied sexual content, mentions of drinking alcohol, jealousy, reader identifies as female with she/her pronouns, 
author’s note: so i found this pretty old wip i wrote before i made my blog, and after reading it over, i decided hey why not publish it? so i finished it up, did some cleaning, and heres what we got. sorry if it seems kind of shaky, i did my best with what i initially had!
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“Bakugou… what are you doing here?”
Shouto enters the room with freshly bought peonies in his hands—one of the many dozen he had brought to this hospital already—his steps coming to a halt at the sight of the Explosion Hero near your hospital bed. Katsuki looks up and narrows his eyes, aggravated by the offender’s question.
“What? You got a fucking problem with me being here?” He keeps his voice low, not wanting to disturb the entire hospital wing, knowingly admitting to how loud he could be. But that doesn’t suppress the bite in his tone.
“Just because you’re her fucking boyfriend doesn’t mean you’re the only one that’s allowed to worry about her,” he nearly spits, and Shouto’s face mirrors Katsuki’s own irked expression.
You have been unconscious for a week now. The cause of this incident was due to your encounter with a dangerous villain who had been wanted by the police for quite some time. Months of evading capture down the drain, the villain had unfortunately ran into you as you patrolled the streets during your nightly shift.
In the end, you won the fight, but at the cost of damage done to your body and overuse of your quirk. As a result, you entered an unconscious state, recovering in this hospital bed to be monitored by medical staff throughout each day. The doctors assured them that you would eventually wake up but will need time to heal on your own through rest.
Ever since the day you’ve been admitted here, Shouto has been visiting your bedside. However, this is the first time Katsuki’s shown up.
Shouto only points a glare to the blond, ignoring him while he sets his bouquet down next to your bed. He notices the already present vase of hydrangeas, surmising that Katsuki must have brought them. He places his bundle of peonies beside them.
The dual-haired man sits on the opposite side of the bed from Katsuki, whose attention is brought back to the girl’s sleeping face, patched with wraps and bandages as a result of your tribulations with the villains.
If I had finished my jobs quicker, I would’ve been able to see you the moment you had to stay in this damn hospital. The thoughts ring in Katsuki’s head, hands clenched into fists out of frustration.
Knowing you had to deal with that whack job of a villain on your own—that your overprotective and valiant nature wouldn’t allow you to let this criminal walk away when you encountered him, and that they weren’t there to prevent you from getting like this—killed both him and Shouto on the inside. They especially hated not knowing when you would wake up or if what the doctors said about you eventually regaining consciousness would even be true.
Shouto takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together. Katsuki catches him pressing delicate kisses against your lightly bruised knuckles from the corner of his eye, the young man not caring that he was performing these intimate acts in the presence of another man. Shouto especially did this in order to make a solid point:
She’s mine.
Katsuki knew very well how possessive Shouto could be while he was in their presence. And honestly, he couldn’t blame him. If he got to call you his and keep you all to himself, he’d make sure everyone knew they couldn’t have you—that your smile and attention were all his and his alone. But in this case, they weren’t, and all he could settle for were envious emotions and fantasies of what could’ve been.
Bakugou Katsuki’s feelings for you date back to as early as your high school years at U.A.
At first, he wasn’t entirely sure what made these feelings arise. Having his goal of becoming the Number One hero plastered at the forefront of his head made romance and love trivial concepts down his path. Katsuki had no time to be chasing after girls, going on dates, and devoting a chunk of his time to a partner.
However, at one point, things started to change. He felt ripples affect the still waters that were his life, and he noticed that only you could calm this torrent. You were the one person he sought comfort in, the one person that understood who he was and why he acted the way he did. And the one person who mended him physically and mentally without belittling his character or crushing his pride.
Through all of that, Katsuki had begun to appreciate and admire all the little things about you. Like your beaming smile and the twinkle in the lovely hues of your eyes that you’d give him as you two interacted. It was such a welcomed contrast to the fearful looks the other students would have etched on their faces whenever he so much as called out their name.
He always took note of how you adjusted his food to his preferences during times you were assigned to cook that night at the dorms. And how you’d go and try to tend to him after training, when his muscles ached and his bruises were settling into his skin.
At first, Katsuki thought of it as a sign of weakness—to accept help from someone else when at his most vulnerable state. Yet you were persistent.
He recalls a particular memory after a battle during his internship where he was reduced to resting in bed to recover. Not many of his classmates came up to check on him during that time. Mainly because they figured he wouldn’t bother to open his door for them anyway. Though one night, he heard a knock sounding from his door. He glanced up from his bed, already thinking about ignoring the visitor in favor of staying in bed to rest, but a voice spoke beyond the threshold.
“Katsuki? I hope you’re not asleep yet. It’s not much, but I made you a little something to help you get better.” He didn’t reply upon recognizing your voice, hesitating to see what you’d do if he didn’t respond.
There was a pause of silence until you eventually continued. “Well, I’ll leave this in front of your door for you to have… If not, I’ll come back and retrieve it, okay?” That was the last you said before Katsuki picked up a light clank near the bottom of the entrance. Afterward, feet padded lightly down the hallway till they returned to the elevator to descend to the bottom floors, and the blond was by himself once again.
He weighed the option of leaving whatever you left for him untouched, but knowing you made an effort to arrive at his door to check on him caused him to waver. Before he knew it, his feet treaded to the spot to discover a hot plate of curry at his doorstep, followed by a note and painkillers. The plate perched on one of his hands, he opened the letter with the other.
Get better soon! We’ll be waiting for you!
Closing the note, he tossed it on his desk before plopping down on the edge of his bed with the plate of curry in his lap. It steamed and dispersed heat on his sore thighs, piping hot and ready to eat.
He gripped his spoon between his fingers, an irregular grin surfacing his lips. He scooped up the spicy bits of curry, gobbling the dish down to its very last grain of rice until the plate was clean. And in that time, every bite he brought to his mouth made him think of you.
“Dumbass, there’s no way I’m falling behind.” Feeling thoroughly full, he transferred the finished plate to his desk, where he had left the note. Before he had even realized it, he reached out for the paper, glancing over the words one last time. He fished a pen from his drawer and scribed a reply of his own for when you would return for the dirty plate.
Thanks, dumbass. It was good.
The Icy-Hot Hero, Todoroki Shouto, loved you too much to let you go.
You were the girl that shaped him to become the person he is today—who taught him to embrace himself for who he was and not let his past define him and what he stood for. You were the person that brought him out from the dark hole he trapped himself in and cast him into warm light. You’ve stuck together through thick and thin throughout your journey to becoming Pro Heroes, protecting one another and watching each other’s backs. It wasn’t long before he noticed his feelings for you had developed into more complicated emotions. Emotions that made butterflies flutter in his stomach and his face unusually hot whenever he even glanced in your direction. As he began to actively seek you out for comfort and support, he thought of you differently in comparison to all of his other classmates.
Initially, these foreign feelings troubled him. Yet, he could never quite piece together why you could garner such flustered reactions.
Then after consoling these newfound sensations with his close friends and family, he realized that you meant so much more to him than just a classmate, an ally, a colleague. Todoroki Shouto was—is—in love with you.
And the feeling was mutual.
Whether it was the intense looks you two sent as your gazes naturally drifted to each other or how your hands would always brush across soft and calloused knuckles in a silent plea to lace your fingers together, it wasn’t long before he discovered that his feelings for you were reciprocated.
Interestingly, you and Shouto never had to confess anything to each other. Your feelings came almost naturally for you both like you were telepathically linked and on the same wavelength. You came to one another like magnets attracted to their opposite poles, and in just a blink, your lips had met one day, and you took each other’s first kiss.
From then on was the start of many more “firsts.”
Shouto remembers the first time he let you hang out in his dorm room, talking about simple things like school, studying, and internships.
He remembers your first date to a cafe his older sister recommended—the one with flavorful milk teas he knew you’d take a liking to, with bountiful flowers decorating the interior of the tea house.
He remembers inviting you into his home to meet his older siblings, have dinner with them, and letting his family get to know you as his significant other.
He remembers taking you to see his mother at the psychiatric ward his wretched father had admitted her to, finally letting the two most significant women in his life meet and watching as his mother took a relieved liking to the girl he loves.
He remembers the tension that hovered in the air over an argument you two had one day, which was eventually mended through communication and reaffirmations of love.
He remembers embracing you in his bed, devoid of nothing but yourselves in your purest forms, eliciting sweet sounds from your lips that intoxicated him with lust and drove him to desire more and more until he monopolized every crevice of your body—every ounce of your soul—and intended to burn your beautiful, sinful image into his memory.
He remembers so much of the little things and the significant things about your love that he could never, ever hand you over to anyone else. Less of all to Bakugou Katsuki.
Katsuki was one of the first people to notice that they were in a relationship.
At first, it wasn’t obvious. The two made a point to keep their romantic bond a secret among their classmates and teachers not to complicate things and be the subject of teasing. They also considered the fact they needed to focus on their studies and hero training. Kisses and other affectionate touches were done behind closed doors or whenever they knew no eyes could discover them. These sneaky tactics proved to be effective and not many questioned them about relationships, aside from the occasional girls/boys talk they’d do. They’d ask each other things like “who would you date” and “don’t you think ‘so-and-so’ is cute” and many other curious asks. Their answers to these inquiries were inconspicuous enough that most of their friends didn’t suspect much of anything. Except for Katsuki.
Katsuki was never one to pick apart details, not as much as his childhood rival, Deku, anyway. But the more he looked at them, the more he was aware of the particular hints and their subtleties of tenderness. Such as the way the red-and-white-haired boy would perk up at the sound of your name or the chime of your voice from across the dormitory’s common area. Or the way you two would hover around each other more often than you would your classmates as if maximizing the most of your time together in public. Or how you’d go on small study dates together and hold each other’s hand underneath the table in the library, thinking no one would notice.
Perhaps, the most significant indication, however, was the expressions on each of their faces.
Maybe Katsuki had started becoming very hyper-aware, unraveling your mannerisms and making out even the smallest of singularities, but he felt your faces alone were an obvious giveaway.
The looks you gave each other were ones harboring nothing but pure love and adoration. He could discern the glow you exuded simply basking one another’s presence. Those looks weren’t ones you would give to a close friend; they were something more. He would know. That look Shouto gives is the same one Katsuki has for you, after all.
Except, his is never reciprocated.
That pretty smile, the flustered expression across your cheeks, the sparkling hues of your eyes—all those little details were reserved for Shouto, not Katsuki.
It hurt to know that the gaze you give Katsuki wouldn’t ever be the same one you give to Shouto. Katsuki knows this, and yet he still can’t seem to get past you.
The moment he was aware of his feelings—reluctantly fathoming the fact that you were with Shouto—Katsuki did everything in his power to stop these feelings.
No, not just stop. He had to get rid of them. Cut any connection with them. Dealing with an aching heart was too much work and pain for a boy with heavy aspirations to bear. So he ignored you—erased you. He didn’t so much as spare you even a glance as if you were just another extra. Whenever you appeared, he made a move to leave, spouting excuses such as “I’m going to sleep,” or “I don’t have time to be around you losers,” the usual Bakugou Katsuki response to any form of unnecessary socializing. He had to act like you didn’t exist, put his mind on something else—anything else.
But darn that girl and her need to check on and care for other people.
Noticing something was wrong with the boy, you sought Katsuki out, cornering him. You asked him what was wrong, to which Katsuki gritted his teeth, unable to look at you in the eyes, knowing that those feelings would bubble up inside him again as they conjured troublesome butterflies in the pits of his stomach. Yet it was no use.
He couldn’t deny that he missed those times together—when you would patch up his wounds and bruises after training or when you’d let him try out your spicy ailments before half-and-half because you always knew he had a preference for spicy foods. He still had it bad for you.
And he continued to harbor those feelings even after you all graduated after your third year at U.A.
The heroes-in-training were ready to take on the real world as Pro Heroes and sidekicks. By then, you and Shouto had admitted to the class about your relationship. Some were surprised, while others, specifically the girls, expressed their rounds of “I knew it!” likely noticing the chemistry between the two long before. Katsuki had decided to play dumb and acted like this announcement meant completely nothing to him. Just useless news. That was what he told himself, anyway.
After that, Katsuki didn’t see much of the couple around. All of them were busy with work and trying to get their names out in the public to compete on the Billboard Hero Chart.
Which was good news for him. With his goal of becoming the Number One Hero still lodged into his head, the blond threw himself into his heroic duties. Often, he didn’t stop, persisting on job after job until the agency he was under forced him to take breaks whenever they deemed necessary for his health. In those times, Katsuki found himself slowly forgetting about you. But occasionally, he’d see glimpses of you again.
As expected of one of the graduates under Class A of U.A., you were definitely making a name for yourself and propelling in popularity. Whether he wanted to or not, Katsuki would see articles and advertisements glowing with your resplendent features plastered on headlines, covered by your hero name.
God, did you look as beautiful as always. Katsuki would think before jolting his mind back to reality, remembering that you weren’t his to ogle.
The last part was hard to bear, especially when his former class announced a reunion party at a restaurant Momo had reserved for them when everyone had hit the legal drinking age. Katsuki was definitely not keen on going. However, his friend Kirishima had convinced him to come along through relentless persistence.
Ultimately, he attended the reunion. He and Eijirou arrived together and appeared relatively earlier. Well, earlier than at least half the class anyway. Eventually, more of their former classmates trickled into the food establishment and greeted one another with boisterous cheers all around. Which, unfortunately for him, included the people Katsuki dreaded to see the most—you and Shouto.
Your hand was already laced with half-and-half’s when you two entered, resulting in some of their classmates teasing you about your public display of affection. Both didn’t mind though. Over the years, you’ve grown quite comfortable with hand-holding and even hugging in the open.
You know who did mind? A certain explosion hero, of course.
Save that shit for when I don’t have to fucking see it. He almost hissed out loud but bit his tongue at the last second.
To his luck, you had ended up sitting next to him, with Shouto at your left. Though you were sandwiched between two guys from your former class who were infatuated with you, Katsuki felt like he was more suffocated than you were.
The reunion that night went by relatively smoothly. You would chime in some small talk with Katsuki during certain intervals of time while everyone was holding their own conversations in the background. He did his best to keep his cool and not let himself act like a high schooler in love. To some degree, he thought his facade had worked as he played off his usual “Bakugou responses,” albeit with a lot less yelling and venom in comparison to how he spoke to everyone back in high school. Dare he say, he might have even softened up a bit. What he didn’t notice was Shouto glancing at him from the corner of his eye while in the middle of a conversation with Midoriya.
The night continued with rounds of alcohol poured across the table of twenty-one heroes. They made their cheers before helping themselves to their spirits. Conveniently, Shouto and Katsuki were very adept at holding their drinks. You? You weren’t as great. By the end of the night, you passed out from how drunk you were and had ended up laying your head on the table, head floaty and light.
By then, everyone else had left aside from maybe five or so people. Momo graciously helped the couple secure a cab home safely for the night, and Shouto had gotten up to help confirm some information. Katsuki was left to his own devices with you next to him.
His eyes couldn’t help but wander toward your form. You were so vulnerable in front of him, with your soft lips, splayed hair, and long eyelashes turned in his direction for him to see. Though a bit of that smell of alcohol lingered, he could still make out the flowery aroma you always gave off. You smelled of lavenders, daisies, roses—every fucking flower under the sun—with a hint of honey. Your scent intoxicated him. He started to wonder if this is how you smelled like at home, or if your scent became even more potent whenever you appeared fresh out of the shower and—
Katsuki hadn’t realized his hand had subconsciously gone up to brush a stray hair from your face until he managed to pull himself away from his thoughts. Thankfully, he retracted his hand back before committing himself to the act. But the gesture did not go unnoticed by the heterochromatic-eyed man who had appeared again to gather you in his arms.
Shouto had taken his coat and wrapped it around you before hooking his arms beneath you to cradle your body.
“Mm, Shouto…” you hummed against him, arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as you nuzzled further into him while on the verge of sleep. Katsuki’s heart throbbed hearing those half-dazed murmurs that left your lips, which hovered so close to that bastard’s neck. He wanted the privilege of holding you close and taking care of you at your most vulnerable.
“Come on, love, we’re going home,” he said fondly at your resting state. Katsuki didn’t catch the cold glare Shouto sent his way as he looked elsewhere to avoid the couple’s intimacy right in front of him. All he could hear after that was the engine of their cab rumbling in the distance, trailing back to their humble abode.
“...I know.” Shouto finally breaks the silence within the hospital room, eyes still trained on his beloved as he rubs his thumb across your knuckles to the base of your hand.
Katsuki looks up at his words incredulously. “The fuck is that suppose to mean.” He narrows his brows into a pressed glare.
“I know that you’re in love with her.”
Katsuki deadpanned, his eyes wavering at the man’s declaration. Should he deny it? Make it seem as if the icy-hot head was delusional? No. He knows that the signs must have been obvious coming from the one man in his way of vying for your attention, the man that would go to so many lengths for you that he’d travel to the moon and back in a heartbeat if it were in your name. Katsuki can’t pry himself out of this one.
He takes a glance at you. Was this really the place to be confronting him about this? In the presence of your unconscious state resting in this hospital bed between them?
“And what about it?” Katsuki counters his claims.
“I don’t plan on letting her go no matter what.” As if to make a point on his words, Shouto’s hold on your limp hand is firm, unmoving. He slowly shifts his gaze to the ash blond, crossing his look of anger. “So stop playing this game.”
When the words travel across the hollow hospital room and to Katsuki’s ears, his fists tighten in response. “Game? Game?!” He raises his voice, body shaking. “You think my feelings are some sort of joke to you?! That I’m only looking at her like this for fun?!” His eyes find Shouto’s blue and gray, red with ire. The young man in front of him is unfazed in the wake of his indignation.
“Let me tell you something fucking straight…” Katsuki starts, stepping forward, finger pointing fiercely in Shouto’s direction. “I won’t deny anything I feel for her at this point. I’m in love with her, alright?” he admits without hesitance and notices the subtle quirk of Icy-Hot’s brow. “And I’ll tell you that if she were mine, she wouldn’t have gotten in this position in the first place.”
Those words are what finally make Shouto’s unnatural composure crumble. He releases your hand to stand from his place and face the blond at eye level. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Crossing his arms, Katsuki scoffs at the question.
“You’d think I’d even let that villain get near her if this was gonna happen?” He gestures in the direction of your patched-up form, asleep and littered with bruises. “If she were looking at me, I would’ve already been on the scene to back her up. And just what were you doing, huh? Helping old ladies cross the street?” Katsuki is unfiltered as he hurls his insults, but three years of dealing with him as a classmate has made Shouto immune to his temperament.
“Let me get this through your head then. She was never looking at you. She was looking at me.”
Ouch. The blond would be lying if those words didn’t stir a pot of hurt inside him.
“And as both her partner and a fellow Pro Hero, I more than trusted her enough to finish the job on her own. Even if this isn’t a game to you, you’re already losing a battle you can’t hope to win.”
“Not sure why you’re the one calling the shots for her,” Katsuki quips. How ironic the girl they’re both fighting over lays comatose in this very bed between them.
The atmosphere is layered in dreadful silence afterward. The monitor next to you beeps in eery succession. It is the only thing heard in the hospital room that is wrapped in tension so taut it is bound to snap at any moment.
The knot of strife is undone by the door sliding open to reveal a nurse entering the uneasy state of the room.
“Mister Bakugou and Mister Todoroki, I’m sorry, but visiting hours at the hospital are closed for the evening,” she informs them as the two had yet to realize the sky veiled darkening orange with the setting of the sun. Eyeing the clipboard hugged to her chest, they knew it was about time for the hospital to assess your condition again.
The two make their leave, taking the time to thank the nurse before doing so, but the suffocating tension follows them even outside the hospital. They don’t speak a word afterwards, only sharing bristled looks and heavy steps until they’re forced to head off in their respective paths, not sparing any more kindness.
To Shouto, Katsuki would never understand the lengths he’d go for you because Katsuki could also never experience what the two of you went through together in the same way. All those years together, forging unforgettable memories of love and tenderness, could never be replicated.
But the blond isn’t bothered by those facts. It doesn’t unnerve him that he was unable to encounter all those firsts with you because in his mind, he’ll just create new memories—ones that you’ve never experienced and ones that will make him the last and only person you’ll ever want by your side. He’ll blow fucking Icy-Hot out of the atmosphere.
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ending note: heyyy congrats if you’ve made it to the end. i think at the time i was writing this, i had an idea on how to progress the fic, but i decided to leave it on this. not particularly sure if i’m going to continue this, i may just leave it up to your interpretation. does katsuki steal the readers heart? does shouto protect his love from being severed in front of him? will the reader even wake up? find out on the next episode of dragon ball z
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rphelperblog · 3 years
Ace of Shades Series Quote Rp Meme
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“She was a pistol wrapped up in silk. She was a blade disguised as a girl.”
“Maybe your soul didn't break like a bone. Maybe it broke like a promise.” 
“Forgiveness is not sought - it’s built, stone by stone, over whatever it is you’ve broken.” 
“Love always carved the deepest wounds.” 
“Now, she was poisoning him for the girls who hadn’t known better. For all the girls fed to the wolves.” 
“Sometimes we’re not who we want to be because we’re supposed to be something else,” 
“Someone wasn’t evil by default, just for being on the opposing side.” 
“Desire fame, and the city will make you a tragedy.” 
“Look at all the places the author says not to visit. Hundreds! We’ll have to go on a tour.” 
“It’s children who fight the wars their parents cause.” 
“Stop destroying property with your toxic masculinity.” 
“You’ll be a weapon to whoever owns you.”
“I’m just a girl,and no one owns me.” 
“If you want something, you should let yourself have it.” 
“Luck was a mechanism to be devised, and luck and destiny were merely two sides of the same coin.” 
“Turns out there’s no way of dying that’s romantic. Turns out tragedy is always tragic.” 
“Sometimes we're not who we want to be because we're supposed to be something else.” 
“People do not play this game to win, my dear. They play this game not to lose.” 
“Are you a pearl, or are you a bullet?” 
“Because the hero of one story is the villain of someone else's. It's all just a matter of who wins.” 
“It didn't matter whether she decked herself in knives or pearls. The world would always demand that a girl apologize for herself, but she would apologize for nothing.” 
“And he would tell her that, even after losing everything he'd ever wanted, he still desperately wanted her.” 
“I think it takes more strength to be vulnerable than it does to appear invincible.” 
“You look like a sinner.”
“That was the problem with loving someone. Once you let someone into your heart, they could take a sledgehammer to it.” 
“If someone is terrible to everyone but you, that doesn’t make them secretly a good person.” 
“Greed always answered to fear.” 
“It didn’t matter what cards you were dealt. The City of Sin was a game, and the only way to win was to stack the cards in your favor.” 
“I haven’t decided if I want to.”
“Remember—don’t do anything sinful here. This is a holy place after all,”
lipstick, a gun-All the girlie necessities, apparently.” 
“Everything has a price, but you cannot pay for goodness in blood.” 
“What is buried is not always dead.” 
“Following in the footsteps of tragic figures didn’t likely lead anywhere good.” 
“His mother had always told him that evil collected evil.” 
“There were some people who could carve their names into your soul.” 
“Your guilt makes you a good person,” 
“But the world isn’t black and white, and goodness can’t be quantified.” 
“I’m never going to be healthy - I don’t even know if it’s possible for me to be better. So if I’m broke, fine. Then call me shattered. Call me beyond repair.” 
“I don’t believe in happy endings. Whoever is peddling them is a crook. Whoever trusts them is a fool.” 
“I think all people, some way or another, are marked by the place they come from.” 
“I don't need anyone to worry about me."
“Because in all her research, she’d overlooked a vital truth - people changed, for better and for worse. Sometimes the ones you loved abandoned you. Sometimes they came back.” 
"That's a nice missing tooth.”
“But not as strong as you think.”
“We'll get mugged walking around with a map. That tourist nonsense is an affront to everything I stand for."
"What do you stand for? Bravado?"
“Because the hero of one story is the villain of someone else’s. It’s all just a matter of who wins” 
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
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NAME. Edward “Ted” Tonks AGE. 30 ALUMNI HOUSE. Ravenclaw BLOOD STATUS. Muggleborn FACECLAIM. Rahul Kohli
The Tonkses had come to England for a better life - they traveled together to get out of poverty for their young son, Ted, and even their dodgy little flat in London had seemed better than what they’d had before. Ted grew up relatively fine, all things considered. While his parents weren’t exactly warm with him, they were present in his life, which was more than he could say for many of his peers. His parents owned a small local shop and Ted helped out, even as a young child. It was easier having him there than paying for childcare - and so he was privy to the way the world worked even as a kid. He noticed the way people stopped coming around when they realized who the owners were - how some older ladies gave his father a weird look, clutching their purse just a bit closer. By the time Ted discovered he was a wizard, he already knew prejudice - and was ready to get the hell out. Hogwarts, he assumed, would be full of everything he ever wanted. It was a magical school, after all - surely that meant it would be perfect. 
He was barely into his first year, however, before he realized this world had as many problems as his other world. (It didn’t do much of anything to make that one better, either. He couldn’t charm money into his family’s hands; couldn’t make people less likely to stare.) The magical world had it’s own prejudices too - and Ted was, once again, at the bottom of the food chain, just for different reasons. It was why he’d been surprised when a pureblood girl approached him, wanted him, slept with him. And maybe he hadn’t realized that they should’ve used contraceptive potions - there was no sex education at Hogwarts - because wasn’t that her job to know? In the end, it worked out: Ted got a wife, the most wonderful daughter in the world, and protection from a less-than-favorable blood status. He just wished it had been more of a choice.
Despite the adversities, life was going pretty well for Ted. After Hogwarts he’d gotten a job with the Ministry on the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee (it was one of the few jobs where his blood-status was actually valuable and no one tried pushing him out) and as long as he kept under the radar, the war could swiftly move by them. Andromeda’s blood status offered some protection and, even though they could’ve been targeted because she was considered a blood-traitor, her siblings’ presumptive allegiance (ha! like anyone with brains didn’t know exactly who the Malfoys and the Lestranges were working for!) helped keep them out of trouble. By the time Nyphadora went to Hogwarts the war was a full blown terror, but the Tonkses kept their heads down. If they didn’t get involved, then maybe they could just survive it. And, with Dora at school, then at least she was safe.
But Andromeda just had to go and screw things up. On what seemed, to Ted, on a whim, she sought out that cousin of hers. Everyone in the Wizarding World knew of that vigilante group illegally fighting against Voldemort (and sometimes, making things harder for civilians) and they knew Sirius well enough to assume he’d be part of it. And, sure enough, he confirmed it and dragged Ted’s wife in to help. Now their home is used as another safe house for the Order - to go along with the one at The Flaming Dragon, of all places! - and Ted’s life is full of Order members. He’d gotten involved himself about a year ago just to try and keep Dromeda out of trouble and it’s not like he doesn’t believe in the cause - he absolutely does, he’s a muggleborn, after all! - but he also knows what happens to people who fly too close to the sun. Look at what happened to James Potter - and that pureblood hadn’t even been married to his muggleborn girlfriend, hadn’t had a child. How can Ted survive, protect his family, and help the Order all at the same time?
ANDROMEDA TONKS. Ted’s not sure that the resentment towards his wife will ever go away. She’d pulled them farther into a war that he’d just wanted to live through and doesn’t seem to realize just how much more danger their family is in now. Andromeda herself will probably be fine. Even if they’ve started targeting purebloods, her sisters will keep her safe. Ted, on the other hand... Bellatrix has wanted him dead since they were kids.  FRANK LONGBOTTOM. They were friendly in school, being in the same year and all. It’s helpful to have Frank around because the other understands what it’s like to want to protect your family. After all, Frank and Alice are here together, just like Ted and Andromeda. The only difference - both Alice and Frank had wanted this, while Ted got dragged into it. Still, it seems like marriage issues and war go hand-in-hand and it’s nice having a friend to talk to. REGINALD CATTERMOLE. It’s not just war the Order is involved in illegally, but it’s illegal everything. That’s the thing that a lot of people don’t understand - being a muggleborn means getting caught is worse for them. It’s definitely something Reggie doesn’t seem to get because he’s been caught so many times and keeps doing it. Ted doesn’t like the reckless nature of the Nightscar Market in general - nor Reggie’s cavalier attitude towards it. 
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
The Stars Are Not Wanted Now
Was this among my list of WIPs I posted recently? No. Not at all. Because it popped into my head fully formed and hurt my feelings so I decided to make it everyone’s problem.
TW: Believed character death (not real) ,grief, discussions of hallucinations.
Title cheerfully stolen from W. H. Auden’s Funeral Blues
It took Geralt almost an hour to realize what he’d done. He’d sat and stewed and wished his tearducts would give him more catharsis than a handful of small drops. He wanted to sob, really cry, eyes red and face wet, but his body let him down. He stared for a while at the dirt. At the footprints in the dirt.
They weren’t his. They were from Jaskier’s stupid shiny boots. Impractical boots that gave him blisters, but he’d only had enough money for one pair and he needed ‘court boots’ apparently. And he was walking down the mountain in those silly boots and a doublet that wouldn’t keep him warm as the mountain air chilled with night and Geralt had just let him go. Geralt had made him go. He didn’t have any gear, they shared gear and Geralt had made him leave.
Geralt’s slow, witcher heart beat double time as he realized he might have murdered his bard. 
Roach huffed at him for being gone so long but he shushed her and loaded her up as quickly as he could. He needed her, and Jaskier needed him.
Geralt followed the footprints like a bloodhound, eyes and senses searching, but his mind wandered behind. Their relationship was such an odd one, Jaskier always traveling ahead or staying behind. Bards needed audiences and witchers needed wilderness, but they were never more than a few days from eachother, and every town Geralt went into he could be sure Jaskier was there. There had been exceptions of course, when bardic festivals or court appointments swayed Jaskier’s path, but he always came back. It was down to the separate nature of Geralt’s Path, with the capital P, and Jaskier’s path. Bards traveled between towns, straight shots, rarely sleeping rough, so his bard didn’t need gear, and it would only slow him down. Witchers wandered, fighting a monster here, collecting potion ingredients there, and coming to towns only for contracts and coin.
Geralt’s eyes scanned every inch of the track, never missing the boot prints, noting the depth of them, the scent of sadness lingering. A human would have missed the single, red thread caught on a bush, the shade of Jaskier’s stupid, too thin doublet. Geralt’s fingers plucked it from a branch. 
He remembered how, in the first years of their acquaintance, he’d watched the bard walk away each time, believing he’d never see him again. But Jaskier had always come back. He’d circle around or wait in the next tiny village, playing ditties for barmaids and he’d greet Geralt with a smile that struck something sensitive and previously well protected in Geralt’s chest. Slowly Geralt had started expecting Jaskier’s presence and those treasured smiles.
It had come with detriments, that was true, Jaskier talked so much Geralt wondered how he found the air and he was foppish and disinclined to wake before noon. It was just that, so slowly that Geralt didn’t know how it had happened, those faults found favor in Geralt’s eyes. 
And now he’d told Jaskier he was a burden. That he wanted him gone. As Geralt had grown to treasure his bard he’d stopped expecting Jaskier would leave him and started fearing he would instead. Geralt had just been the creator of his own nightmares, doing to their friendship what wind, weather, time, and age could not. 
That was the thing, Geralt thought as his eyes scanned the trail, near invisible in the dark. Age. Jaskier was forty at least. Crow’s feet, Yennefer had said. He would have to leave Geralt sooner or later, settle in some city and see him only if Geralt sought him out. The impending end to their precious routine rolled Geralt’s stomach and took over his thoughts. Now, though, well, how weak was a forty year old human? Strong enough to go down the mountain in the dark? It seemed so, which was frustrating. Geralt was going as fast as he could while tracking Jaskier’s every footstep, but even his magical eyes only saw so much in total darkness. Jaskier was hiking blind. 
A new scent drifted to Geralt’s nose. Wolf. A mixture of fur and wilderness and wet dog. 
And blood. 
Geralt let go of Roach’s reigns, sprinting as best he could, letting his nose lead him. He could smell blood. He followed it into the trees, crashing through the brush, careless of the briars that tore at him. He didn’t even smell his own blood, it didn’t matter, he didn’t care. All his senses narrowed down to the smell of Jaskier’s blood and...
and his eyes saw red. a torn doublet,
Geralt lurched forward, hoping, praying that it didn’t mean what he knew it meant. He clutched the rags to him and he stumbled. His foot hit something. 
A boot. A stupid, shiny boot and it reeked of blood. Geralt let it fall from numb fingers. A tiny beam of moonlight struggled down, gleaming dully off of leather. Geralt knelt before the instrument case, smelling blood on the strap, feeling the contours of it. When he lifted it it was heavy. Jaskier had died alone on a vicious mountainside, devoid of his beautiful doublet and his lute. 
Geralt felt a puff of breath on the back of his head. Roach had followed after him, picking her way through the forest in the wake of his mad dash. He pressed his face into her mane and finally felt tears flood his cheeks. She settled beside him when he no longer had enough water to cry and he just stayed there, knelt between tree roots and bushes, cradling the lute and a scrap of doublet that still smelled like chamomile. 
He didn’t move until dawn.
When the runny light of morning came Geralt just moved on. Whatever had happened to Jaskier’s body, he couldn’t see it. Of course the bard deserved a proper burial, and Geralt cursed his weakness all the way down the mountain, but there mightn’t be much of Jaskier left to find. Geralt felt sure that if he saw his friend like that he’d simply lay down next to him and die too. 
He already felt like he might. 
Geralt moved on, physically. He moved around, slinging Jaskier’s lute up with his saddlebags. He wandered between towns and fought monsters, going north in a roundabout way. Going home. 
Kaer Morhen was going to be cold that year, it always was, and Jaskier was never there, but without the hope of Jaskier’s smile in the spring the cold seemed to have taken residence in his soul.
Geralt wasn’t eating well. He couldn’t bring himself to do more than chew a few pieces of dried meat. He drank a lot and didn’t sleep and took too many risks when fighting monsters. It was foolish, he knew, it was how witchers died, getting sloppy like that. He did it anyway. And on the rare nights he did sleep, he clutched the tattered piece of doublet. The chamomile scent was slowly fading and Geralt feared when it left entirely. It and the doublet were all he had.
In light of all of this, Geralt wasn’t that surprised when he finally lost it. He heard music in a tavern and it sounded like Jaskier. Every bard sounded like Jaskier now. There were no instruments, just an achingly familiar voice. Of course, Geralt still had the lute. 
When he walked into the tavern and saw a bard turn, saw Jaskier smile wide at him, Geralt didn’t even flinch. His medallion was still on his chest. This was no ghost, he had simply lost his mind. 
Geralt sat at the bar without looking away from the apparition, and his heart swelled as it sauntered towards him. Jaskier looked so lifelike, so alive. There wasn’t a scratch on him. He was exactly the bard Geralt remebered, no crows feet to be seen. He was dressed in blue, not unlike when they had first met. Geralt’s heart twisted as he remebered all things he’d said, and, even worse, the things he hadn’t. His heart was thundering in his ears, blood rushing, everything else tuned out. It didn’t matter that Geralt had gone crazy, Jaskier was here and so beautiful and Geralt loved him so much that it hurt. 
“Mind if I join you?” The hallucination said. Geralt just stared. He wasn’t going to talk to it, there were enough rumors about witchers without the townsfolk knowing he was crazy.
“C’mon, now, Geralt,” the faux Jaskier said. “You wouldn’t keep a man with bread in his pants waiting.” 
Geralt just stared as the bard pulled a half-eaten roll from his pocket and winked. The hallucination stopped smiling, shoulders slumping. “I’ll go,” it said. 
“Stay,” Geralt whipsered immediately. He was alright with going crazy because this last bit of comfort was so tantalizing, so real Geralt could almost reach out and touch. “Please,” he said, even quieter. “I’m sorry.” 
Jaskier beamed and sat and ate and Geralt wondered idly who the bartender served in place of the man he knew couldn’t be there. 
Geralt had thought the hallucination would be gone in the morning, but the vision of Jaskier was standing by Roach the next day, a travel bag over one shoulder. Okay, Geralt’s brain was in it for the long haul. Fine, but there had to be rules. That momentary weakness last night couldn’t happen again. He needed to get to Kaer Morhen soon if he wanted to beat the snows and there could be no distractions. So, no talking to the bard.
It was very hard not to talk to the hallucination. It traipsed and danced and prodded and teased, but when it got not even a hum in response the exhuberance dimmed. That was horrible. Geralt didn’t need the reminder that he’d hurt Jaskier’s feelings, he’d already killed him. The proof was walking right beside him.
Something in Geralt felt healed, though. It was why he didn’t try to fix this. Having Jaskier, even if it wasn’t real, was nice. He wondered what would happen if he reached out and kissed the bard. It was his hallucination after all. The thought, though, that he would reach out to Jaskier, who looked so real and alive, and feel nothing but air....Geralt would rather go through the trials again. It would be like losing Jaskier all over. 
One night, when the hallucination reached out for the instrument strung on Roach’s saddle Geralt tensed. Some part of him believed that if this shade of Jaskier was reunited with his beloved lute he’d go, dissappear and leave Geralt all alone again. He didn’t, of course. This wasn’t a spirit, Jaskier wasn’t tied to this realm by the lute. He was a figment of Geralt’s tortured mind. 
He played Toss a Coin and Her Sweet Kiss. As far as Geralt knew, Jaskier hadn’t finished the latter, but his imagination finished it anyway. It hurt to hear Jaskier singing about love unrequited, it was obviously about Yennefer but that...that wasn’t Geralt’s love. Geralt’s love had be eaten by a mountain. Red sky at dawning, Geralt had had enough of red. It didn’t put him in mind of Yennefer’s lips or of rubies or harpies or anything else, but Jaskier’s doublet, the scrap still hidden in Geralt’s bags, and some words. “See you around, Geralt”
The apparition continued to play, but Geralt turned his face away. Maybe this was torturing him for killing his only blessing. 
At the crossroads of the northern mountains Geralt paused. He had been walking besde Roach, resting her for the trek up the Killer, with Jaskier’s lute across the saddlebags and his hallucination trailing along behind. This was where Jaskier always parted from him in the autumn, and the hallucination stepped forward, reaching toward the lute on Roach’s back. Geralt felt ice down his spine. 
His hallucination was going to leave, of course it was, Geralt had never brought Jaskier to the keep, but to be there all winter without this small, fake comfort would kill him.  
Geralt wrapped his hand around the lute strap, ready to pull it from the nonexistant fingers of his dead companion. “No,” he said. 
He slung the lute over his shoulder and walked toward the Killer, praying that his failing mind wouldn’t choose now to become sane. To his relief, the hallucination followed. 
On the way to the keep the vision changed into a warmer cloak and gloves and Geralt marveled at the detail. He wondered if he wasn’t dead himself, or asleep and simply dreaming, but he kept going up the trail, hearing the crunch of Jaskier’s shiny boots on frost. The vision talked and Geralt loved its voice and cursed the sound.
Night was falling when they reached the gate of the keep, and Geralt could see three lit lanterns, one for each brother and another for Vesemir. He paused, watching the lights come closer. He drew a breath, in through his nose, smelling pine and chamomile, out through his mouth. He couldn’t let the others know. He had to pretend that the ghost of all his regrets wasn’t doggin his steps. He flexed his fingers on the strap of the lute. 
“Don’t just stand there, idiot, get in here, it’s cold,” Lambert called. Eskel smiled at Geralt and took Roach’s reigns, cooing to her as Geralt followed Vesemir and Lambert into the hall. 
The fire was lit and warmth seeped into Geralt’s numb fingers and toes. Vesemir raised an eyebrow at him.
“Aren’t you going to introduce your guest?”
“Vesemir shook his head. “Gods almighty, Geralt, I didn’t raise you boys with much manners but I thought you had some.” Then Vesemir turned to where the vision of Jaskier stood. “You Geralt’s bard?” he asked.
“There’s no one there, Ves,” Geralt hazarded. 
Vesemir scowled at him. “Stupid prank to play on your old teacher. Never get an apprentice, lad, they’ll take your sanity and all your time.” That last part wasn’t aimed at Geralt. It was like someone had poured fire into Geralt’s veins.
“You can see him too?” he asked, quietly. 
“What game are you--” Vesemir began, but Jaskier’s eyes had gone soft with understanding.
“Oh, Geralt,” he whispered. 
Geralt stretched out one shaking hand and caressed his bard’s chilly cheek. Jaskier leaned his face into it and brushed a kiss against the palm. “I’m so sorry, dear heart,” he said, stepping closer to Geralt and wrapping his arms around his neck. “I should have known something was off.”
“You were dead,” Geralt said into the crook of his neck. “There was blood and your doublet was shredded, and you left your lute behind.” 
“You truly thought...all this time? Geralt, I thought you knew,” Jaskier said, warm breath brushing Geralt’s ear. To his surprise, Geralt was crying, tiny, bare tears and shoulders shaking. 
“Knew you were alive?”
“That too, but dearest, I’m a changeling, on the mountain I...I was so sad I just wanted to run away, and I was so tired, so I became a wolf.”
“Changeling...you’re fae?”
“Only half,” Jaskier said. “Or less, I’m not sure, but I can change into all the animal of the forest.”
“You never have.”
“It’s a painful feeling and you can’t play a lute with wings or paws but I was overwhelmed so I just...oh darling I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for you to think--”
“I smelled blood.”
“My boots, you told me to buy the practical ones, but I didn’t listen.”
Geralt pressed his forehead against Jaskier’s and felt the warmth of him. “You’re alive,” he said. “You’re real and you’re alive.”
“You thought all this time I was a ghost?”
“A hallucination,” Geralt said. “A good dream, or torture for killing my...”
“Killing your what, darling?” 
“Killing my love. Letting my greatest blessing be taken from my hands. I thought it was penance, my love.”
Jaskier leaned in and kissed Geralt softly. His lips were soft and perfect and too chapped to be a dream. His breath tasted like the jerky they’d eaten on the trail and it was real. When he pulled away Geralt leaned back in and kissed him again. 
“Nothing I said on the mountain was true,” he mumbled against dry lips. “Not a word. I love you more than life itself.”
“I love you too,” Jaskier said. “And I won’t leave again, not even if you tell me to.”
“I won’t,” Geralt said. “Never again.”
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
teach me about love
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member: kevin genre: fluff (preschool teacher!kevin au) word count: 2,120 synopsis: when your brother asks you to pick up your nieces from school, you find a teacher that you find to be cuter than the toddlers there.
a/n: happy birthday to our moonlight boy, kevin 🌙
You didn’t really like kids. They were adorable, of course, but they were snotty walking embodiments of germs and you had no idea how to entertain them. They were absolutely precious when sleeping but their tantrums terrified you.
Whenever they came up to you with those bright expectant eyes, you didn’t know what to do except pet their head. Everyone around you would scold you saying that they were children, not dogs. But in your defense, they didn’t seem to mind.
To be honest, you preferred dogs over kids. They were cute all the time.
Nonetheless, you still adored your nieces. The older one, Ahyoung, reminded you of your own past self. She was shy and reserved but sought out love and attention. She constantly needed assurance to fight early signs of anxiety. The younger one, Soyoung, was the complete opposite; she was loud and outgoing. She easily made friends with everyone and adjusted well to new environments.
So when your brother asked you for a last minute favor, you were more than happy to pick them up at their preschool. Unfortunately, however, you were terrible with directions and ended up 20 minutes late.
Apologizing profusely to the staff and teachers, you made your way throughout the building to find their classroom. That was another struggle of its own.
“Auntie Y/n!” you heard two familiar voices screech. You laughed as they ran up to you and hugged your legs.
“Sorry I’m late girls,” you pouted as you squished their cheeks.
“It’s okay, Auntie! Teacher Kevin was playing house with us,” Ahyoung beamed.
“Teacher Kevin was our dog!” Soyoung giggled.
You looked up to see a male teacher sheepishly escape from the tiny playhouse. You held back a laugh, pitying him for what the girls put him through.
“I’m sorry about that,” you chuckled.
“No worries,” he smiled. “It’s my job and I love kids. I had fun playing with them too.”
“I’m Y/n,” you introduced as you held out a hand. “I’m Ahyoung and Soyoung’s aunt. I came to pick them up since my brother got caught up in a work emergency.”
“It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kevin,” he said as he shook your hand. You knew it was unprofessional to think this but he was cute. Like, really cute.
Trying to leave before your smiling cheeks could reveal your thoughts, you quickly collected the girls’ bags and helped them put their jackets on. You bid their cute teacher goodbye and happily suggested an aunt-niece ice cream date. They cheered at the idea of sweets and raced to your car.
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The next week, your brother asked if you could pick the girls up from school again. Apparently they had been bugging him to have their favorite aunt come every day.
You weren’t sure if it was his flattery or if it was their sneaky plan for ice cream but you didn’t mind. As a freelancer, you had a flexible schedule. You were glad to spend time with your nieces and catch another glimpse of their teacher.
This time, you made sure to leave your house early. You ended up arriving before dismissal and watched as the kids ran around in the playground. Something about seeing Kevin’s eyes sparkle in front of them made you soft. He seemed so genuinely happy and looked at each student with honey dripping from his eyes.
Soyoung squealed as she chased after a boy who tapped her free in a game of freeze tag. She was a little confused about the rules but the effort was there.
While still keeping an eye on the children, Kevin approached you and asked if you wanted a juice box. You kindly declined, thanking him for the offer.
“You’re really good with the little ones,” you complimented.
“Ah, no, they’re the ones who are good with me,” he shyly shook his head. “I’m thankful that they see me as a fun and respectable teacher.”
“I find young kids to be difficult,” you confessed. “I don’t know how to match their level.”
“I get you. It’s definitely not easy to figure out what they want and try to communicate with them with their still-developing language skills. I’m still not great at it. I just try to improve a little more every day,” he said humbly.
He was a lot better than you who was quick to give up and run away. His words made you reflect and feel slightly guilty.
The bell chimed, making the students rush to line up in front of the door. Kevin left your side to gather everyone together and take them back inside to gather their belongings.
By now, a handful of parents had arrived and were waiting for their children. One by one, the students walked out with their matching yellow chick backpacks, excitedly running up to their guardian.
Your nieces greeted you in that high pitched shriek you loved, body slamming into your open arms. With them in your embrace, you gave them a tight squeeze before getting up and holding their hands to take them to the car.
“Wait!” you heard Kevin call out. Turning around, you were surprised to see him running towards you. When he caught up to you, he held out a book. Taking it, you read the title.
“The Body Language of Toddlers”
“I thought you might find this book useful,” his hands fumbled awkwardly, not knowing where to go. His gesture brought you a warm feeling.
“Thank you, Kevin. I’ll be sure to give it a read,” you smiled.
“Ooooh,” Ahyoung wiggled her eyebrows, making both you and Kevin blush. You ruffled her hair and ushered her towards your vehicle.
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Picking the girls up from school became a biweekly thing for you. Every Monday and Friday, you would arrive ten minutes early to chat with Kevin as he told you funny stories that happened throughout the day. And when you worked with a bunch of preschoolers, there were a lot of those types of stories.
You listened as he went on about how a little boy woke up from a nap thinking he had an argument with his friend because of a nightmare he had. Kevin had to convince him that it was all a dream and that his friend did not actually steal his gummy worms and lie about it.
The way he spoke about his students was endearing. He made them sound like lovely angels even when they were cranky and misbehaving.
“We’re looking for chaperones for the upcoming field trip if you’re interested,” he cautiously brought up. “We only had a few parents sign up so we’d really appreciate any extra helping hands.”
Panicking, you stuttered about how you didn’t have the confidence to keep rowdy kids in check at a public space. He assured you that your only responsibility would be to make sure no one ran off and to accompany kids to the bathroom if they had to separate from the group.
He was a smooth talker. He somehow persuaded you into agreeing and you couldn’t believe you left the school that day after signing the form.
“Auntie, do you like Teacher Kevin?” Ahyoung asked you in the car ride back home.
“Sure, Teacher Kevin is nice,” you hummed.
“No, she means do you like like him?” Soyoung pressed.
You feigned innocence and pretended not to understand what they were talking about. They grilled you about how often you talked with him and even pointed out that he didn’t talk to other parents like that. They sure were smart-witted for their age.
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On the day of the field trip, you spent a long time deciding on what to wear. You had no idea how casual you were supposed to dress as a chaperone.
You ended up choosing a simple outfit and rushed out the door to avoid being late. You had to say you were excited. It had been ages since you last visited an aquarium. And maybe the extra butterflies in your stomach were because of a certain someone you were looking forward to seeing.
Meeting Kevin outside of the school felt different. He stood out in the crowd of tiny humans. Even more so once you entered the place and you noticed that most of the visitors were families, students, or couples.
You softly smiled as you watched the kids fawn over colorful fish and gawk at sharks. It felt like you were returning to your own childhood innocence. You followed Ahyoung, who was pulling at your sleeve, to the jellyfish section where she asked you to take a picture of her with the transparent creature.
The photos came out so incredibly that you had to immediately send them to your brother. He texted back almost instantly and you scoffed when you read his message.
“Heck yeah I made that. Those are my genes right there.”
Rolling your eyes, the corners of your lips twitched up as you put the device away. You guided Ahyoung back to the rest of the group and ran into Kevin who was coming back from the bathroom with another student.
“How are you enjoying the trip so far?” he asked.
“It’s nice. Honestly not as chaotic as I thought it’d be,” you admitted.
“Oh don’t jinx it. Lunch time will be hectic,” he warned.
He was right. Between picky kids and the kimbap packed by their parents, the unwanted vegetables were flown around the picnic table. You barely managed to avoid the carrot that was flung in your direction. Unluckily, you were unable to dodge the spinach that was now tangled in your hair.
Kevin laughed as he tried to help you take it out, cracking a joke about it looking like seaweed and you looking like a mermaid dragged out of the ocean.
“He means you’re pretty, Auntie!!” Soyoung eagerly translated on his behalf. “Mermaids are super super pretty. Like Ariel, the princess!”
This raised a teasing crowd of “ooh”s from the group of preschoolers.
“Teacher Kevin and Auntie Y/n sitting in a tree,” a boy began chanting, “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
His friend made a face and screamed “ew,” making him laugh uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Kevin was trying his best to cover his burning ears. He pulled the beanie over his ears, not wanting to expose his embarrassment.
“My daddy said no boy is good enough for Auntie but I’ll tell him nice things about you, Teacher Kevin. Just specially for you,” Ahyoung proudly announced.
Awkwardly coughing, you stuffed her cheeks with another roll of kimbap. Her muffled cries of resistance were appeased with a juice box shoved into her mouth. The sweet drink diverted her attention away from you and back to her lunch.
You two were now officially shipped by all of Kevin’s students. Even the other teachers giggled as they passed by you.
By the end of the field trip, you were one of the last ones to leave. After all the other students and teachers departed from the aquarium, Kevin escorted you to the car with a sleeping Ahyoung in his arms and a sleeping Soyoung in yours.
You both carefully placed them in their car seats and closed the door after buckling their seat belts. Now that you were alone with him, you didn’t know what to say. Despite the silence, it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable.
“So have you warmed up to the idea of kids yet?” he finally asked after clearing his throat.
“The book you gave me definitely taught me a lot of things,” you nodded. “Now I’m not completely terrified of them. And seeing you handle kids comforts me.”
“Really? How so?”
“I don’t know. It’s just… you so effortlessly take care of them and I can see how much you cherish each and every one of your students. I envy that.”
“Trust me, it’s not as easy as you think it is,” he chuckled.
Silence fell between you again but you simply enjoyed his presence. You turned your head to see him already staring at you. With your eyes, you wordlessly asked if there was something he wanted to say.
“So uh tomorrow’s Saturday,” he suddenly mentioned. He was fiddling with a loose thread on his sweater and hesitated to speak up again.
“Do you have any plans for the weekend?” he blurted. You couldn’t stop the smile that crept up on your face.
“Would you like to um grab dinner with me tomorrow then?”
He anxiously held his breath as he waited for your response. Biting his lips, he wondered if he had ruined things by going too fast.
“Sure. How’s 6?” you finally answered.
“6 is great. 6 is lovely. Wonderful. Perfect,” he replied with a huge grin.
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a/n: calling all kevin enthusiasts aka @reverienostalgia
i also may or may not have kinda wrote my little cousins into this fic.. 👉🏻👈🏻
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angel-bazethiel · 3 years
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HELLO! I have a theory about the Tsaritsa that’s been in my mind since I’ve finished that not-a-quest quest that unlocks the mural room in Dragonspine.
Here is a list of what we know:
Some thousands of years ago, a group of people sought refuge from a land of snow and strife to a lush mountain and established a civilization there and called it Sal Vindagnyr.
Sal Vindagnyr fell sometime before Khaenri’ah was built. Or at least when the latter kingdom was still new. But as far as I can remember, someone from Vindagnyr referenced Khaenri’ah only as (non-verbatim) “a rising godless kingdom.”
Sal Vindagnyr fell due to the Skyfrost Nail, not because of Durin. I think people often mistake that.
The Tsaritsa ascended as the Cryo Archon sometime before Khaenri’ah’s fall.
I’m just gonna say it. The Tsaritsa was one of the people of Sal Vindagnyr. And the former Cryo Archon was their patron god. Do I have any proof of this? None at all. But take a look of this picture.
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This is a mural, presumably, of Sal Vindagnyr and what I think is their god. The six-fractal design of their magic makes me think of snowflakes and that’s the entire reason why I think that’s the former Cryo Archon LMAO
So this is what I think that happened:
The former Cryo Archon wanted the best for their people so they searched for a place where they can thrive. The land of snow, while being their domain, was not enough for their people. So they found Sal Vindagnyr.
And thrive, they did.
But the kingdom caught Celestia’s attention and the gods, such proud beings, don’t like it when their greatness is challenged.
So they struck Sal Vindagnyr with the Skyfrost Nail. I mean really, the Nail looks a lot like one of the pillars from Celestia (see: menu screen). So it’s not really so far-fetched to think that the Nail came from Celestia. And look at the mural again. Tell me that isn't a depiction of Celestia destroying the kingdom.
Sal Vindagnyr was then enveloped by the ever-winter we know. And as for the former Cryo Archon, they became like Prometheus of Greek Myth. Punished for giving mortals knowledge. Maybe they were killed. Maybe they were banished to the Abyss. Either way the seat for the Cryo Archon was left for the taking.
Fast forward to sometime later. Everyone, even Imunlaukr, thinks everyone from Sal Vindagnyr was dead. But there was one lady who persevered. One lady that vowed to avenged her god and her people. One lady who wishes to wage war against Celestia.
And so, this lady honed her cryo powers to the point of ascension and she was given the seat of the former Cryo Archon. However, the transition from mortality to divinity left her memories fragmented. She doesn’t fully remember. But hate as fiery as hers can never truly die. All it needs is the right fuel.
Then came the Fall of Khaenri’ah. A kingdom that shared the same fate as hers. She remembers the reason why she wanted power. She remembers Celestia’s injustice. And now she starts to take action.
And there you have it. LMAO. I guess rereading it, it seems more like a headcanon than anything but it is what it is. Yeah. Also, who do I think the Tsaritsa is?
I really wanted the Tsaritsa to be the Princess, “loved and favored by the divine” (but more like, only by the former Cryo Archon). Like she only fell asleep by the tree instead of dying. Or something like that. I feel like there’s more angst if she were to fight for a dead lover.
But I do think she’s more like the Scribe, who wanted (wants) the world to burn until there’s nothing left. That’s Her Majesty’s agenda, isn’t it? To burn the Old World away.
tl;dr: the Tsaritsa was under the wing of the former Cryo Archon, who only wanted the best for their people and was punished for it. Celestia struck her kingdom and her god and so she promised that there would be vengeance.
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x0401x · 4 years
Pash! August 2014: Mekakucity Actors Ending Explained
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(Commissioned by the lovely @sodasexual​.​ Translated from this post.)
Summer goes by. The “afterwards” of these boys and girls.
On a hot summer day, despite each of them carrying their own share of problems, the Mekakushi-dan fought on, earning themselves an “afterwards”. Let’s take a look back on their actions in order to find out what the future they reached was like!
Blindfold Complete: Shintarou & Ayano
“Remembering” the past and walking on.
With a picture of Ayano as the trigger, Shintarou reminisced to memories of the Mekakushi-dan from a “different world”. In order to avoid the tragedy awaiting the Mekakushi-dan, Shintarou ripped his own throat with a pair of scissors, thus acquiring his Ability. After remembering everything through the Ability and summoning Ayano back from the “world beyond”, Shintarou became invincible! Everyone from the Mekakushi-dan used their Abilities together and defeated the snake!!
“My memories of everything... They were all for this.”
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↑ Shintarou conveys the recalled “memories of every world” to Mary through Ayano’s “warm power, the Favoring Eyes”. As long as the two of them are together, as long as the Mekakushi-dan exists, they fear nothing!
“I sure took my sweet time, huh.”
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↑ “Your days of fighting by yourself are over.” Tears overflow from Ayano’s eyes at Shintarou’s words. This is the moment she had always been waiting for.
“Let’s go together.”
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→ Having obtained his Ability, Shintarou reunites with Ayano in the “world beyond”. He finally showed his cool side!
“Wah, wah, wah—sorry!”
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↑ A peaceful summer day finally arrived. Ayano and Shintarou were alone together, but by the moment that they’re on their own, they get flustered!? It seems there’s still some time to go for their lighthearted romance to develop.
Blindfold Complete: Mary
“I’m not alone. I have friends, after all.”
Due to the Abilities gathering up to her, the Queen, everyone around her would die – Mary used to be overcome with fear, but now, she has friends in the Mekakushi-dan! Encouraged by her companions, and by learning about the past through Shintarou and Ayano’s powers, Mary succeeded in taking control of all the Abilities! Having turned into a Medusa, Mary pulled everyone into the “world beyond”, granted Kenjirou’s wish and destroyed the snake’s plans!
“I want to have fun with everybody one more time.”
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↑ This girl who narrates things as if it were a fairy tale and lost all her friends is Mary. Tempted by the snake with an “I shall make your wish come true”, she had been resetting the world on repeat.
“You’re the one who called for me, right?”
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→ The truth was that she hated being alone. Seto, who read these thoughts of Mary’s and brought her outside, is a big existence to her.
“He’s my friend!”
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↓ Mary cheerfully introduces Konoha to the Dan members. She was able to become stronger after making many friends!
“Yep... I’m super happy.”
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→ Mary absorbed everyone into the “world beyond”. Having taken back all of the Abilities and turned into a Medusa, her power was enormous. What she wished for in this form was a “very happy world”!
Blindfold Complete: Kido, Kano & Seto
Restored family bonds.
Kano was actually being threatened by the snake, who used his family’s lives as a shield, and was forced to obey him. Unable to reveal this secret to anyone, Kano had been suffering behind his carefree façade, and so, unable to endure the fact that Ayano was being forgotten, his emotions finally exploded. Seto and Kido accepted these feelings of Kano, who had been unable to take a single step forward out of fear of losing his family.
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→ He screams at Ayano as she jumps off. Having already lost his mother, after losing Ayano right before his eyes, Kano is in a state of panic.
“Sooner or later, we’re all gonna get killed...”
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↑ Still suffering even now, Kano can’t handle the fact that Ayano’s death will become something of the past. Unable to suppress his emotions, he lets the tears flow...
“Let’s shoulder this together. We’re siblings, after all.”
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↑ Seto firmly embraced Kano, who was unable to move amidst his despair. He even went as far as using the Ability he hates in order to read Kano’s thoughts.
“Burdening yourself on your own is against the rules.”
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↑ Kano is punished with cleaning the bathtub for keeping secrets from his family. They forgave him like this even though he had been quiet about the enemy’s intentions, because they’re family! Kano is also well-aware of that.
Blindfold Complete: Takane & Haruka
The reunion after sunset.
In order to increase the number of Ability users, Takane and Haruka, whose bodies were transformed into Ene and Konoha, also regained their bodies and finally went back to their original forms! Takane had also attained the special Ability to live in a virtual world as Ene. Now that they have reunited, it’s unknown whether or not Takane was properly able to convey what she wanted to tell Haruka on the day that they were separated. But she should surely be able to say it one day!
“Is that me...?”
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← In the school, she discovered her and Haruka’s bodies! Ever since she had awoken her powers by Kenjirou’s hands, her body had remained intact?
“Why’re you making a convalescent like me run so much!?”
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→ Returning to her original body, Takane became able to move around in her real self! And so, her bullish and impatient personality also went completely back to normal!?
“I want to keep our promise.”
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↑ As Kenjirou’s wish was fulfilled through him being taken to the “world beyond”, the snake, about to disappear, sought for a new “wish”. As he did so, the other Haruka-Konoha made a wish to the snake about the promise of “saving everyone” that they had made with Hibiya!
Blindfold Complete: Momo
Having fun like a normal girl.
The Momo of the past couldn’t even freely go shopping like an ordinary girl because of her Ability. But now that she has met the Mekakushi-dan and became able to control her Ability, she’s all right. From now on, life as normal girl, where she will take a long time to get ready when going out, is waiting for her!
“I was thinking about singing a little bit.”
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← Her Ability opens up fully, enough to engulf the whole city! The power of the Snatching Eyes once made her suffer, but now it has turned into everyone’s strength.
Blindfold Complete: Hibiya & Hiyori
Taking you back.
When they opened their eyes, they were in a mysterious world – thinking back on it now, the place that Hibiya and Hiyori were swallowed into was the “world beyond”. Hibiya is still a small child, but thanks to his clairvoyant-like Ability to see through everything, he was able to locate the snake’s whereabouts. It was not made clear whether they managed to rescue Hiyori from there or not, but since she can be seen in the last scene... his wish came true, right?
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“I’ll do this!”
↑ Knowing no way to rescue Hiyori, Hibiya was once disheartened about it. However, cheered up by Momo’s song, he regained his spirit!
“We’ll definitely save you.”
↓ Despite her coldly scolding him and leading him around by the nose, Hibiya adores Hiyori. Her appearance in the last scene definitely means a happy ending!
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flautistsandpeonies · 3 years
Prominence Part 1
Read My Prompt [Here]
Word Length: 2,710
Tags: Not for JC Fans, JC’s Canon Characteristics, Not for Madam Yu Fans, Madam Yu Canon Characteristics, Not Jiang Friendly, No Sunshot Campaign, Original Character, Vampires
Almost everyone had heard of Wei WuXian. Picked up from the streets of Yiling at the age of nine and brought to YunmengJiang to be trained amongst its disciples, the orphan was a reoccurring topic through the many sects, taverns, brothels, and businesses of china. For thirteen years, the young cultivator sparked many a sordid story and salacious talks of infidelity, bastard children, bloodlines, and even sword naming of all things.
Some thought positively of the young cultivator, wondering of his promise and imaging what he might accomplish with his cultivation. Others saw the prodigy as a blight on the normal way of life, an arrogant servant who didn’t understand his station. Both acknowledged his strength with a sword, his intelligence, and wit.
All in all, it was common to talk about the young master, whether it was scorn or adoration, it was almost impossible to not pass by one person and not hear the name “Wei WuXian” on their lips.
Especially now...
The YunmengJiang Sect was hosting a discussion conference next month.
‘Not surprising, ‘Lan Qiren thought as he set the missive down, ‘Considering the situation’
The letter was short and concise, the way he preferred them. Jiang Fengmian meant to clear up some “misconceptions and rumors” about sudden events and offer a chance to the young disciples of the sects.
A two week discussion conference was to be held, the first dedicated to multiple lectures and the second a week long night-hunting competition.
Sitting to his right, Lan XiChen picked up the letter with inquisitive eyes and stared to peruse. After few minutes, he smiled and set the paper back down on the table with a hum.
“Young Master Wei has certainly come a long way, “XiChen smiled, “Will we attend?”
“There is no reason not to, “Lan Qiren stroked his beard, “It is an opportunity to learn something new, so we shouldn’t squander this opportunity...no matter how unseemly the events surrounding it are.”
While gossip was forbidden in the Cloud Recesses, it certainly was not in Caiyi Town. The many shop and tavern goers always had something new to talk about almost everyday, spreading rumors from the farthest brothels in Runan to the classiest restaurant in Laoling. Due to the town’s proximity to the Lan Sect, it’s disciples often picked up on the gossip whether they wanted to or not.
Lan XiChen gave a slight wince, knowing what his uncle was referring to due to his recent trip to the Unclean Realm, “I...have heard about Young Master Jiang’s injury.”
For the past couple of weeks, the YunmengJiang Sect was the talk of the Cultivation and Civilian worlds. It started with a simple event that exploded into a frenzy of rumors and tales.
Wei WuXian, Head Disciple to YunmengJiang, had recently published several cultivation manuals and even a few night-hunting tools. Now, this, while completely normal, did raise a few brows as no one expected someone so young to suddenly put multiple books out on cultivation. However, no one who truly cared about learning batted an eye and went at the books with a critical eye.
To name a few, there was:
Talismans for the Everyday Life The Hunter: Archery and Tracking Talismans Musical Cultivation: The Difference between the Xiao and Dizi The Stygian Lure Flag and Demon Wind Compass: Uses and Dangers
Due to the books being sold by a well-known and influential merchant, the books were being sold in small shops throughout the cultivation world in the matter of days. The books contained many research notes from various night-hunts, creation processes, and even notes on the failures and set backs found during the research phase; it would be an understatement to say they were a huge success and cultivators sought out these items as soon as they got wind of them.
The problems started soon after.
Everyone who wasn’t living under a rock knew how troublesome the marriage between the Jiang Sect Leader and his madam was. An arranged marriage that left neither participant with any benefits, the two were not a good fit. Even worse, the amount of gossip surrounding the home life of the Jiangs left many secretly wondering how they were still married, no matter how unpractical a divorce would be.
The Violet Spider’s reaction to the books and tools was not pleasant. Having been out on a night-hunt with her son at the time of their publication, she apparently found out by word of mouth. Customers at a restaurant in Ouyang having described the woman shouting in rage, destroying the table of a couple of rogue cultivators, and then rushing out with her heir and retinue.
As the Madam stormed her home, the doors to the sect were left wide open and the close distance to the civilians gave everyone a view of Yu ZiYuan shouting down her husband. Jiang Fengmian’s supposed infidelity and favoring of a bastard child were aired out once again for all in Lotus Pier to hear.
Even worse was the reaction of the heir, Jiang WanYin. Having been given Zidian by the Violent Spider for their night-hunt, the young heir took the whip to his da-shixiong, and the young author ended up brandishing his sword to defend himself. The end result of the fight left Jiang WanYin with a broken arm, and rumors spread that the Madam was now seeking to throw Wei WuXian from the sect.
Truly unpleasant.
Lan Qiren sighed, “Regardless, the Jiang Sect is offering for us to learn directly from Wei WuXian, and the competition their holding would be great experience for the junior disciples.”
Lan XiChen nodded in agreement, “Then I’ll look at our list of disciples and choose whom to take with us.”
Standing, Lan XiChen fixed his robes and then bowed to his uncle, “I have other duties to attend to, but I’ll get to the list as soon as possible. I’ll ask WangJi if he will attend as well. Do you need anything before I go, uncle?”
Shaking his head, Lan Qiren replied, “All is well. I will see you and WangJi later tonight.”
Watching his nephew leave, the elder Lan flicked his beard before standing and fixing his robes. Walking over to his bookshelf, he retrieved one of the newest additions to his personal library.
“Dao: Golden Cores and the many Paths of Cultivation by Wei WuXian”
Having acquired the book from his youngest nephew, Lan Qiren would never admit to having lost sleep trying to finish the book. Giving a thoughtful look at the materials, Lan Qiren couldn’t help but give a huff of amusement.
‘It seems that boy has learned some discipline after all.’
The air around Lotus Pier was tense.
Purple clad disciples shuffled into each other, eyes downcast as they bowed at the retinue to Nie disciples, their sect leader, and second heir.
“Chifeng-zun, Second Young Master Nie, “a lower disciple said almost in a whisper, “Welcome to Lotus Pier.”
Nie Mingjue couldn’t help but frown as the Yunmeng disciples tittered about the gates, whispering amongst themselves. Servants quickly tended to their luggage, hastily informing them of where they would be staying for the discussion conference before scurrying off. Some of their faces were ashen and jittery, as if staying in one place for too long would bring some omen upon them.
‘Perhaps coming was a mistake, ‘he thought
“Da-ge, “the Nie Sect Leader looked to his little brother, “I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.”
“What? You want to go back to the Unclean Realm, “MingJue rasied an eyebrow
“No!, “Huaisang almost screamed in reply, “I...I’m worried about Wei-Xiong.”
Standing in the training ground with their disciples, the Nie brothers watched as disciples and servants alike scurried through the halls of Lotus Pier. All had their heads held downward as if they didn’t want to be noticed.
Nie Huaisang gave his brother a worried frown, “I’ve tried sending letters to Wei-Xiong before we came. The courier told me that Wei-Xiong was to be in seclusion until the discussion conference tomorrow.”
Returning his brother’s look, “Nie MingJue turned to observe the people of Lotus Pier once more
There were a couple disciples on the training grounds practicing their swordsmanship while others were a ways away practicing their archery. The sword training was going poorly, he observed, watching each disciple flinch as the loud *THUMP* of arrows hitting posts reached their ears.
The sight gave him a foreboding feeling.
“Nie Zongzhu, “Nie MingJue turned at the sound
“Jiang Zongzhu, “he nodded at the smiling man, “Thank you for this opportunity.”
“No need, “Jiang Fengmian shook his head, “This type of knowledge should be shared”
Jiang Fengmian turned to look at his training disciples. At the sight of their flinching, the man frowned at sighed.
Nie Huaisang walked to stand beside his brother, eyeing the Jiang Sect Leader.
“Is...is Wei-Xiong alright?, “Nie Huaisang asked while tightly gripping his fan
Jiang Fengmian paused, thinking for a bit, “Ah.....a-Xian is preparing for tomorrow.”
“Is that why he went into seclusion?, “he questioned
“It’s..., “the Jiang Sect Leader sighed, “I’m afraid that’s a personal matter, Second Young Master Nie.”
“But he’s okay, right?, “Nie Huaisang pressed
“He’s fine, “Jiang Fengmian’s smile returned, “You’ve known a-Xian for years. He’s always smiling no matter the adversity.”
Huaisang frowned at the reply, “Yeah...he’s...he’s really great.”
Placing a hand on his littler brother’s back, Nie MingJue nodded at Jiang Fengmian and started to lead his brother away, “Till tomorrow, Sect Leader Jiang.”
The first week of the discussion conference seemed to go by in a flash. Each day was dedicated to a specific topic, invention, and/or book, Wei WuXian going into detail and answering any and all questions.
“Young Master Wei, do you intend to publish more?, “a sect leader asked one day
Smiling, Wei WuXian replied, “With more time and research, I plan to improve upon what I’ve already written, but more ideas will follow, I’m sure.”
After each lecture, minor sect leaders clamored to talk with the young man. Others sequestered Jiang Fengmian to a corner, talking up the young man and inquiring about tutoring for their heirs.
“My son is young and brash, perhaps a couple of week under Young Master Wei’s tutelage would straighten him out.”
“Jiang Zongzhu, my daughter has recently come of age and I was looking into decent matches for her. If you’d be inclined, I could get in touch with a matchmaker?”
The first seven days were almost repetitive in this way. Soon, however, the lectures came to an end and the final banquet before the competition was underway.
Like with the lectures, minor sect leaders cornered the Jiang Sect Leader and hounded him with questions and offers. The Jiang Sect Leader could only sigh and smile while he tried to talk down and placate the people around him.
Unlike with the lectures, disciples now felt more comfortable talking to the young Jiang cultivator now that wine was being circulated. Laughing and chatting up the young man, Wei WuXian found himself talking with disciples from multiple sects at once.
The banquet continued like this for a couple more hours. Both sect leader and head disciple moving about the room to talk to as many people as possible before the night’s end.
Said head disciple was currently talking with the leaders of the Lan contingent.
Wei WuXian, “Lan Zhan! It’s been far too long; how are you?”
Lan WangJi, “Wei Ying, “he nodded, “I am well”
Wei WuXian laughed, “That’s great!”
Facing the other two, he asked, “Lan-Laoshi, Zewu-jun, how are you?”
“We’re well, Young Master Wei, “Lan XiChen replied, “It’s been a long time since we’ve last spoken.”
‘It has, “Wei WuXian, “the last was back during the Qishan Archery Competition, wasn’t it?”
“Five years, “Lan Qiren replied, “You seem to have grown.”
“Ah, Lan-laoshi, “Wei WuXian gave a smirk, “Is that a compliment?”
Giving the younger man a blank look, Lan Wiren sighed before walking a little ways away.
“He still hates me, “Wei WuXian laughed at the Twin Jades
Lan WangJi shook his head at the man, “Xiaozhang and I enjoyed your books, “he stated
“Oh?, “Wei WuXian pondered
“Indeed, “Lan XiChen smiled, “I read your book on the Xiao and Dizi and was fascinated. I was wondering if you’d be willing to play a duet with me. Or maybe, try something on a night-hunt?
“A duet?, “Wei WuXian’s eyes widened before he grinned, “Of course, First Master Lan! No one else here plays the flute you see., “he chuckled
“Great, I’ll imagine we’ll have a lot of fun, “Lan XiChen grinned, “I’ll send an invitation for you to come to Cloud Recesses after we’ve settled back at home”
The air around the three men was light and cheerful. Lan XiChen and Wei WuXian chatted away, reminiscing about the past few years, and Lan WangJi added in his commentary when prompted.
Across the room, Yu ZiYuan was like a pot ready to boil over. A dark cloud surrounded the woman, making those not used to her temper and personality stay as far away from her side of the room as possible. Standing next to her was her best friend, Madam Jin.
“I guess it’s true then, “Madam Jin eyed Wei WuXian while he talked with the Twin Jades of Lan, “Has Jiang Fengmian finally admitted that he’s his bastard?, ”she turned to look at her friend
“Hah, no, “Yu ZiYuan laughed harshly, “he still denies it. Says this whole affair was to boost YunmengJiang’s relations. To attract promising disciples to the sects and bolster the coffers”
“That‘s not what most are going to believe though, is it, “Madam Jin scoffed, “He might as well admit it; he’s trying to depose his legitimate child for some half-breed”
At those words, the Violet Spider grew eerily quiet. The voices around them echoed through their ears, laughter and all matter of chatter going on around them. Madam Jin eyes her friend with a curious glace, wondering about the thoughts going through her friend’s head.
As if on auto-pilot, Madam Yu strode forward.
“ZiYuan?, “Madam Jin questioned
Yu ZiYuan stode the the bodies of cultivators, eyes focused on a singular target. Some eyed her warily as she pushed passed them; the rumors from before popping up in some of their heads as they looked to see where she was headed.
“Zewu-jun knows how to jest! Unexpected, “Wei WuXian chuckled, “Ah, Lan Zhan, you never told me your brother was this funny.”
“I wasn’t jesting, Young Master Wei, “the Lan sect’s heir smiled, “I’ve heard about your ChenQing and the melodies she plays.”
“Indeed, “Wei WuXian grinned back, “Oh, Lan Zhan, we could play a duet as well! What do you say? I’ll even let you pick the song. Or, the three of us could play something together.”
Wei WuXian paused and turned around, “Oh, Yu Furen-
The sound of the slap silenced the entire room. Eyes turned to see Wei WuXian holding his cheek and Yu Ziyuan’s manicured hand raised high.
“You son of a servant!”
Reaching out, Yu ZiYuan yanked at Wei WuXian long tresses and threw him to the ground. Fisting his hair in her hand, she growled.
“You think you can do as you please in my home? Need I remind you who is the master here? Huh!”
Raising her other hand high, Yu ZiYuan brought it down with force.
“You think you’re above my A-Cheng. You think you’re the master of YunmengJiang?!”
“Well, let me tell you something. I am the Madam of YunmengJiang, and you will always be the son of whore!”
With a snarl, Yu ZiYuan threw Wei WuXian’s head back and at the same time kicked him harshly in the face.
“Mother!, “Jiang Yanli‘s voice broke through the crowd, “A-Xian!”
Everyone was frozen where they stood. The vehemence that radiated from Madam Yu shocked them so much she might as well have turned them to stone.
Wei WuXian coughed and sat up, One hand was covering his nose as blood rushed and stained his robes.
The dark cloud around the Violet Spider seemed to grow ever larger as towered over the young man. Her eyes were full of malice and an ugly snarl was stretched across her face.
Zidian unfurled.
“Conniving Dog!, “the Violet Spider seethed with hatred
With a scream, the whip lashed toward Wei WuXian. In front of everyone, the sight of Zidian tearing across his back was burned into their minds.
Flesh and blood flew as the whip dug deep and tore the skin. Rearing back, Yu ZiYuan let out a roar and striked again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
“Sanniang enough!”
For what seemed like forever, the Violet Spider vented her rage at the young man, her grunts, shouts, and insults filled everyone’s ears and bounced around in their heads. After what seemed like an eternity, Yu ZiYuan finally lowered the whip.
Voices cried out.
“Young Master Wei!”
“Wei Ying!”
Author’s Notes:
-If there’s any confusion, this is a No SSC fic. So far, the only thing Wen Ruohan did was the Waterborne Abyss, but has not made a move in seven years.
-If you didn’t read the tags, I’ll remind you that this isn’t a fic for JC or Madam Yu fans. I will write them with their canon characteristics, I will not woobify them to fit your fanon nor will I excuse their abusive actions.
Read my other Prompts and WIPs [Here]
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