#ancient greek stim
the-leech-lord · 2 months
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💪Hercules Stimboard💪
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transbutchblues · 9 months
i am the happiest devotee alive LOOK AT THIS !! ZEUS’S HEAD !!!
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stim-sies · 2 years
📰 Denton Stimboard with Ancient Greece for Anon 📰
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its june, which is named after juno, the roman equivalent of hera, which is also the name of one of my favourite animal jam characters!
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bywatergal · 10 months
Me, reading ancient texts: why are they talking about beating their chests in grief so much?
Me, watching a video that gets just a lil too funny: *beats my chest like an empty ketchup bottle*
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
i had been requested to make a list of PJO (demigod) oc questions in the discord and I figured i might as well share them here for any PJO oc creation purposes. feel free to use these as you wish.
(long list of OC questions below the cut)
Are they Greek or Roman? Or other? Do they attend a camp, or are they a rogue/Hunter/Amazon/part of a different group (Circe's island, Waystation, etc.)?
If your character goes to CHB or Camp Jupiter, when and how did they arrive to camp? How did they learn about it/learn about the Greco-Roman pantheons?
Do they know about other pantheons? If so, how did they learn about them?
Where are they from? Where is their family from? Is this particularly important to them?
What's their relationship with their mortal family like?
Do they have any mortal siblings? Aunts/uncles/cousins/etc? What's their relationship like to their demigod siblings, if applicable?
If they're a Greek camper, who was their satyr? What's their relationship with their satyr like?
What's their social life like? Are they considered high-ranking in their group (popular camper or counselor/on the senate? lead huntress? etc)? Who are their friends? Who are their enemies? Do they have a romantic interest?
How did their mortal parent(s) meet their godly parent(s)? Are their mortal parents clear-sighted or not? Or are they a legacy demigod?
Is their a particular aspect/epithet of their divine ancestor they're strongly associated towards? Or a specific theme they follow?
What are their powers, if any? What do they think of this? Do they utilize certain ones often, or rarely at all?
Have they ever been on a quest? If so - when, what for, and how did it go?
How would they describe themself? Does this differ from the truth at all? How do they identify? Do they have anything they have yet to learn about themself?
What do they think about CHB/Camp Jupiter (or either, or both!)? Do they view them positively or negatively? Why? What do they think about rogue demigods, or other demigod groups (Hunters, Amazons, etc.)?
What languages do they know besides Ancient Greek/Latin? How fluent are they? Can they speak any non-human languages/to animals?
Do they have any notable fears? Is there a particular reason for any? (Related to their divine ancestor, something they've faced, etc?)
What does their ADHD/dyslexia look like? Are they more hyperactive, more dissociative, equally both? Do they have sensory problems? Motor problems? Poor interoceptive sense? Do they have any comorbidities with either ADHD or dyslexia (autism, OCD, anxiety disorder, tics, sleep disorders, EDS, diabetes, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, etc)? Do they have any accommodations, medication, or assistive devices? What does their stimming look like?
Do they have a special interest and/or hyperfixation?
If they attend a camp, how has their life/history at that camp looked? Do they leave camp often, or almost never at all? If they attend CHB, are they summer-only or year-round? If they're a rogue/part of a different group, how did they arrive to that and how has their life looked since then?
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millenniumfae · 1 year
Hades Headcanons P.2: Life In The Underworld
As we know, death is cheap to every denizen of the realm. Including the natural fauna and the human shades. The pain of injuries isn't lessened, but the distress and panic associated with wounds are gone, 'cause there's no more consequences for the body to instinctively react towards. You can imagine mortal injuries to be nothing more than a rush. For Zagreus and his ADHD brain, it's probably one heck of a stim. No wonder he hints at liking pain.
Same with all the bosses you slay, all minor enemies eventually reconvene whole and hearty upon their death. Their respawn point is whatever they'd call their 'home' in the underworld, same with Zagreus and Megara in the House Of Hades. A Lout wakes back up in his cell. A Wavemaker finds themselves back in their (flooded) apartment. If pre-reunion Patroclus was slain, he'd pop back into his glen, but if he and Achilles eventually decide to find proper housing like we see in the distance of Elysium, his respawn point would change. Only administration like Hades himself can override this.
This respawn mechanic applies to the fish, too, 'cause they're natural to the underworld. The head chef cooks a Chlam, and that very Chlam would later respawn in the Lethe. Little known to Zagreus, but he's caught the same Scuffer 20 times in a row. Don't worry, they don't particularly mind.
And speaking of fish and food, sustenance in the underworld function like video game logic, through pure energy rather than as nutrition. Unlike us, who digest food and shit the waste, those gyros directly transfer their calories into an immortal/shade's energy, whether the energy is spent healing wounds or increasing their martial prowess. Zagreus downs a HydroLite Energy Drink and 10% of his wounds heal upon leaving a room. The Ignited Ichor Caffeine Shot make him run faster. But taste buds are still active, so bless Eurydice and her cooking skills.
But all those onions you see? Those aren't natural to the underworld. Or, rather, they're plain ol' onions, growing in the UV-emitting light of Ixion's Wheel. In fact, many underground root or bulb crops can be found naturally growing throughout the underworld, like carrots and turnips, playing to the idea that their bounties grow 'below the earth'. They don't particularly thrive, since there's less natural pollinators, but with Persephone's influence they can be plentiful. These vegetables naturally migrated below the Temple of Styx on their own, and throughout the centuries became part of the flora.
In the lore of Hades (2018), gods like Thanatos, Aphrodite, Nyx, even Chaos- they aren't pure embodiments of their domain. They're also individual people with personalities and obligations. But there's one exception - the Styx itself. Like a blood vein, the Styx endlessly flows through the afterlife and delivers its yoke upon the current. All afterlife rivers spawn from it, and hence its the same river no matter if its the calm and foggy Lethe of blessed, hedonistic Elysium, or the hot and churning Phlegethon of limbo Asphodel. Charon is Like That 'cause he's one step away from being a pure 'embodiment' because of his relationship to the Styx.
Following the artsy symbolism, the devs made Hypnos the first npc you see upon death because he's the god of sleep. The ancient Greeks liked to symbolize Sleep as Death's cousin, or sibling. That's why he has that weird admin job in the House of Hades, rather than his canonical abode up in Elysium.
All the immortals in-game wear leggings, which was unheard of in Classical Greece, whose textiles sucked. Life in the underworld introduces luxuries to shades they've never experienced in life - indoor plumbing, flawless glass and mirrors, clothing finer than anything a mortal king would have had. Hades, is, after all, the richest of the pantheon thanks to his domain including gemstones. A newly-dead shade is relocated to their new condo in Asphodel, and freaks the fuck out about the bed having a mattress stuffed with down, rather than just a blanket covering straw.
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danikore-does-pole · 9 months
Y’all camp halfblood would be THE place to figure out how much of ADHD and dyslexia are social disabilities or medical disabilities.
For those of you who haven’t stumbled upon the social, medical and combined theory of disability before lemme give you the run down.
The social model says you aren’t actually disabled it’s society that is disabling. If everywhere was wheelchair accessible and designed to be used from a wheelchair would you still be disabled. Same with if the world was designed to minimise sensory overload would you still be disabled by your sensory issues. If everyone was blind the world would be built for blind people so you wouldn’t be disabled if you were blind. Basically the social model says it’s a systemic issue that you’re experiencing rather than your body being the problem.
The medical model of disability says that you are disabled by your body and by treating the symptoms and causes you become less disabled/ able bodied. Here you get things like chronic pain, autoimmune disease, paralysis, brain damage, epilepsy. Things that even in a world built to accommodate you would still probably impact your functioning.
The combined model of disability is the combination of both previous models. You might be disabled by your chronic pain making it hard to leave the house and get things on your to do list done but also by a lack of accessible infrastructure which might force you to push past your limits to get things done and injure yourself in the process. These can be having stairs but no lift, or having to walk further than expected due to inaccessible transportation.
Now back to CHB
Camp halfblood is designed by and for demigods, the majority of which are children with ADHD, dyslexia and probably many other mental health issues. So why would CHB be designed the way the rest of the world is?
Here you can actually work to accommodate campers instead of trying to make them fit within a system. Are new campers given stim toys? Are they encouraged to pace while listening to instructions? Is information given in 3 or 4 different formats to help people remember what they need to do?
While being dyslexic because they’re hardwired to read Ancient Greek instead of English doesn’t sound right (to my knowledge dyslexia applies to all written words and it’s probably that there’s godly magic that gives them this skill that mortals interpret as dyslexia) let’s assume Demigods are born fluent in reading Ancient Greek and find it easier than English, are all the maps, sign posts and pamphlets in Ancient Greek? Why wouldn’t they be if everyone finds it easier?
In a place designed for neurodivergent children what changes? And how different is it to the rest of the world? Are there quiet zones for people who can’t focus with noise? Are there noise zones for people who need music and TV to focus on hard tasks?
In what ways does ADHD still impact campers negatively? The social model suggests that if everyone was disabled no one would be, is that the case? How does executive dysfunction get managed? What about hyper focus? We know Annabeth often forgets to eat when she’s working on a big project, does camps scheduled meal times help with that?
I just have questions about this
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raayllum · 2 years
Hi raay, just some parallels for you if you’re interested- sort of reminded me of your greek mythology meta
I was looking at the little statuette of callum holding up the cube (the key) to aaravos, and it just struck me as super familiar
and I realized- it looks similar to the style of a lot of ancient egyptian art. SO I did some peremptory art searches and I don’t think I’ve seen this mentioned before (?) but the amount of similarities between callum and the god thoth just jumped out
thoth is the god of scribes, writing, knowledge, art, and magic. He’s associated with the moon (though not the primary moon god). His primary animal is the ibis, and he’s often depicted either carrying his staff or writing implements; he also plays the role of advisor to the king/gods (and his wife ma’at is associated with justice, truth, and the moon/stars but I don’t know enough about her to say much about possible rayla parallels)
there’s one piece of art in particular, thoth giving the key of life to osiris, where thoth’s posture is kind of similar
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osiris also has a couple aaravos parallels- he’s a sort of double god, being the king of the the underworld, associated with death but also the god of fertility and life. he was imprisoned in a coffin for a while, and when he was freed he was still confined to a half life and effectively banished to the underworld.
Idk if I’m grasping at straws here, but anyway, just thought it was interesting
Picture of Callum here for reference:
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I had to wait to answer this bc 1) this ask made me so happy I had to do a happy stim and 2) I wanted to be able to answer it properly with all my thoughts because AAHHH I love this so much and thank you so much for sharing it!! Please always feel free to send me parallels (and especially mythic ones). I was also struck that Callum’s pose with Aaravos felt familiar but couldn’t place it (thought maybe I was thinking about it in regards to one of Viren’s previous stances to Harrow or another character entirely) but you have such a good eye!
I kept trying to think of mythological keys but none in Grecian / Roman / Nordic mythos was really coming to mind, but I have thought that Aaravos’ symbol and chest vaguely reminded me of the Ankh although not a perfect fit I didn’t know it was seen as a Key of Life!!
I do know that Ibis was named for a sacred Egyptian bird (crew has confirmed) and the Thoth-Callum parallels are so strong, especially if Callum steps into Ibis’ role in S4 and is wielding his staff! I tried to look for info / myth retelling of Thoth giving the key to Osiris (who I think I got distracted by the possible Kronos parallels bc I know there are tellings where he got cut to pieces?) but you’re right
Also did some digging on the Ankh and
The association of the ankh with the mirror was no chance occurrence. The Egyptians believed that the afterlife was a mirror image of life on earth and mirrors were thought to contain magical properties. During the Festival of the Lanterns for the goddess Neith (another deity seen with the ankh) all of ancient Egypt would burn oil lamps through the night to reflect the stars of the sky and create a mirror image of the heavens on earth. This was done to help part the veil between the living and the dead so one could speak to those friends and loved ones who had passed on to paradise in the Field of Reeds. Mirrors were often used for divination purposes from the Middle Kingdom onwards. (citation)
as well as the Ankh featuring in stories of reviving (Osiris I suppose but perhaps sometimes others?) and bringing them back to life, which is what freeing Aaravos from his prison will supposedly achieve (jury’s still out if Aaravos is 100% being honest or will keep up his end of the deal, but I think he will)
Also Thoth being married to Ma’at whose associated with Truth, judgements / justice, hearts, and feathers? 👀
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And it made me realize in addition to the Aaravos-Rayla parallels running throughout the first arc, Rayla is also the first character we see to make almost a formal test of love in the illusion trick with Soren and Claudia, in terms of trusting their love/loyalty to the princes, and they fail, miserably. Much to think about
Either way your thoughts make me feel like it is 1) at the very least a very cool parallel if not 2) [Kronk voice] “It’s all coming together” and thank you so much for sharing it, this seriously made my day!
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disabledbutchblues · 1 year
I’m Loïs. I go by he/him and ze/hir, I am a trans butch lesbian. I’m disabled. I’m white. main blog is @transbutchbluess
• I am autistic : probably lower-middle support needs ? I need help with all iADLs but no bADLs (aside from prompts to take care of my hygiene). I struggle with executive dysfunction and potentially mild to moderate autistic catatonia. my symptoms of restricted & repetitive behaviors (criterion B in DSM) are the most obvious and disabling. I know things logically and theoretically and apparently have good intellectual abilities but can’t apply them / function. I get stuck a lot. tasks and life are very hard. I am not independent at all.
• My body is weak and I might be physically disabled. I have orthostatic hypotension. I am still in the process of trying to have appointments to figure out if I might have hEDS and other disorders like POTS or fibromyalgia. I use a cane outside my house, and I need to rest and sit down quite often, as I am often in pain and always exhausted.
• I have ADHD (severe attention deficit, moderate hyperactivity). I am diagnosed with severe depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety. I struggle with derealization and depersonalization. I am in ED recovery (I do not post any triggering content about food/ED. I am far in my recovery). I am more than a year clean from self harm (I do not count harmful stims in this). I had OCD as a child and still have some remaining symptoms.
�� my caregiver is my mother. she does her best I think but doesn’t understand a lot of my struggles and gets angry a lot. I’m still figuring out what accommodations and support I need.
I will mostly use this blog to talk about disability and queerness. also things about me and my life that don’t fit on my other blog. I am trying to learn more about the disabled community and especially people with higher support needs than me and/or physical disabilities.
even if I am good with (written/verbal) communication, I still struggle with it. sometimes it’s easier for me not to use full sentences, to skip words, things like that. it makes more sense for my brain. if it’s not understandable you can ask me to reformulate. I will likely be able to (privilege. don’t expect everyone to be able to do that. I can and am lucky). but it’s harder for my brain so when I need to talk "less correctly" I allow myself to, especially online, to keep the little energy I have for when I really need it.
I lack empathy, especially emotional empathy, but that doesn’t stop me from caring about human rights and being angry when I see horrible people discriminating others. I am not less human, less worthy, an abuser or anything like that just because I do not understand people’s feelings and do not always care about other individuals.
dni : ableist, homophobic, transphobic, terf, racist, antisemitist, all forms of discrimination, uses the label asp*rger, believes in narc abuse / any cluster b abuse, thinks not having empathy means being an abuser, thinks being mentally disabled allows them to talk over physically disabled people and/or to call themselves c-punk, doesn’t respect people with intellectual disabilities, tries to separate themselves from people with higher support needs or to talk over them.
things i like : queer history, queer culture, antiquity, hellenic polytheism / ancient greek religion, art, music (hozier, mitski, ethel cain, florence + the machine,…), reading, the locked tomb series, ocean vuong’s books, poetry, good omens, learning about disability and health,…
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singrate · 2 years
Charlie Spring is Also Autistic
A little while ago I made this post about Nick Nelson being autistic and got a handful of requests for one about Charlie because, well, obviously. So here it is.
First of all:
I'm sure you agree.
This post won’t be as long as the Nick one because quite frankly I am trying not to ramble. Once again referencing the webcomic and the series. 
TW: very brief mention of OCD & eating disorders
The Converse collection. And the knitwear collection. Even the skinny jeans. He always wears the same jumper/jeans or button up/t-shirt/jeans combination. I just know he rotates through wearing all of his jumpers because he doesn’t want any of them to be left out.
The jumpers are definitely a sensory thing, too — in the part about their wardrobes at the end of Volume 2 Alice mentions that he loves anything ‘snuggly and oversized.’
Both in the webcomic and the series, Charlie’s ‘misfit’ status is fairly important to his character, regardless of whether or not he’s popular. Even though he fits in well with his friends, there’s something that makes him quite distinctly different from everyone around him.
His special interests are indie/alternative music, classic literature and ancient history, especially Roman and Greek. 
Drumming is a stim for him. At the start of S01E02, right after that delightful encounter with Ben, and in the scene with Tori in S01E08, it’s fairly clear he’s using it as a way to process and release his emotions.
When he wears headphones on the bus… yeah. Stressed, anxious; much more likely to be overstimulated. 
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Pattern recognition: he picks up pretty early on that Nick probably isn’t straight and nobody else around him believes him.
Mental illnesses like OCD and anorexia are commonly comorbid with autism.
His resting face. That’s all.
Actually, that’s not all. These too:
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There's so many more of these but I don't have the energy to find screencaps for all of them right now. Also, getting home from school and immediately collapsing on his bed.
The wave in S01E01 and S01E06 when saying bye to Nick. Can’t find screencaps but you know the one.
And the little giggle after Nick tackles him and says, “Well done!”
His sense of humour is exactly the sort of offbeat sarcasm a lot of autistic people use. “Oh, she left, long ago!” (S01E01) (same vibe as Tori asking, “Was he a knob?” because obviously Tori is also autistic and I find the similarities between these two so wonderful), “I’m not hiding.” “Then what are you doing?” “Eating lunch.” (S01E01)
Saying sorry a lot. First of all, he’s not sure when it’s appropriate/necessary to apologise and when it isn’t. Secondly, it seems like a form of masking — he is likely aware of his tendency to miss social cues but doesn’t know which ones he’s missing and apologises as a way to compensate.
There is just something very autistic to me about the way he delivers his monologues — to Nick in S01E04, staring at the floor the whole time, hello??, to Ben in S01E01 and S01E08, just very impassioned and earnest, but still kind of monotone. Yeah.
A lot of his lines from the series that people (mostly on Tiktok) find cringe are just like… things that an autistic teenager would say? S01E01 after Nick’s pen explodes when he says, “You should make it the new school fashion!”, S01E01 when he’s confronting Ben: “Thanks for telling me. Oh wait… you didn’t”, “Why are we like this??”, the ‘gay panic’ lock screen, I’ll probably think of more of these later because Heartstopper Tiktok does not deserve Charlie.
Isolating himself when he’s struggling socially because dealing with anybody, even his close friends, is just too much. I think that one is fairly universal for autistic people.
Just want to add that Joe Locke did such a good job of bringing Charlie to life. His delivery is literally perfect and I will not ever shut up about this.
Anyway, feel free to add stuff!
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adhddarling · 2 years
auctober huge post
hello, i have decided to speed run doing the auctober thingy because i am bored and need to do something. so, let's get down to it.
STIMS omg where do i start. i fucking love stimming. my main stims i do with my hands. flapping, moving my hands in fists, doing crab claws, tippy tappy fingers, touching nice textures, doing a surfer dude hand thing and shaking my hand, etc. most of my stimming is done using my body, but i also love visual stims! i'm very picky about what visual stims i like, though.
INFO DUMPING im a pain in the arse for this. thank god for my partner who puts up with my constant info dumping. my current interests are the gnostic gospels, and ancient christian religion as a whole. my long term SpIns have been greek mythology, the victorian era and anatomy.
COLLECTIONS i collect books, stationery, and crystals! i love all of them so much. i kinda have an issue with stationery, particularly pens, because my dyspraxia makes my handwriting terrible so i much prefer to type- however, i keep buying pens i don't need!
ANIMAL FRIENDS i love dogs, when i'm not overstimulated. i prefer stuffed animals to real ones, though. cats make me happy, because of their general chill-ness, and they're much more palatable when i'm having a hard time as they require less attention and are less stimulating.
MUSIC my biggest obsession is music. i love most genres, i love all different types of music. i usually hyperfixate on a song that i then listen to for days, and then move onto a new one when the previous one stops being stimulating. the only time i don't want to listen to music is literally only when i'm having a meltdown.
STIM TOYS stim toys are awesome! i love fidget cubes and tangles, but like chewellery the most.
HYPERFOCUS god, the stuff i've got done when i'm hyperfocused. i did all of my studying for my a level exams (british exams for the last year of school before university aged 18 ish) in about a week, and i hyperfocused SO FUCKING HARD. i forgot to eat, forgot to drink, didn't sleep much, just worked. i do not endorse this behaviour, i was horribly burnt out after. however, hyperfocus can be a superpower! i've had some of my best creative ideas when i'm hyperfocusing.
DIVERSE i think it's really important that the autistic community, and more widely the neurodiverse community, is more inclusive of poc who are autistic. there's a serious problem with the whitewashing of autism, partially down to media representation and also due to misdiagnosis of autistic people of colour with other disorders.
COMFORT FOOD bread <33 chicken nuggets <33 chips <33 pasta <33 rice <33 anything plain and not overwhelming.
SELF-CARE god, self-care is difficult. i procrastinate doing self care all the time, even with basic hygiene. something that helps me is having a sticker chart for when i complete basic self-care tasks like brushing my teeth, showering, etc.
NEURODIVERGENT COMMUNITY there's a lot of problems with the nd community, but also a lot of positive aspects. i find misinformation is a big problem, especially on tiktok- like, sitting with your hand under your chin does not make you autistic (genuinely seen someone say this). however, the spreading of awareness that autism doesn't just present as a white cis straight boy with a genius level IQ and who acts 'robotic', and instead that autism presents itself in lots of different ways, especially in women and AFAB people.
SENSORY EUPHORIA woodpecker. sounds. i can't express to you, how happy this sound makes me.
ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION i use sign language when i lose speech, and also write things down. i'm privileged to not lose speech regularly, only when i'm very overwhelmed, and so i only really use these methods of alternative communication when i need to.
VERBAL STIMS i like to copy tiktok sounds, tbh, and famous vines. it's fun. i also say 'beep', buzz like a bee, and make other sounds that would not be considered neurotypical when i'm happy.
AU-DHD i have both autism and adhd, and having both makes it so that for some of my behaviours it is difficult to identify where they come from. what's helped me is learning to accept that it doesn't matter exactly what disorder causes which symptom, but instead learning how to cope with the symptom itself, if that makes sense? having autism and adhd can feel very polarising at times, with two disorders that can feel like they conflict so often, but with proper management life can get easier.
UNMASKING i'm working on this one. as a moderate support needs autistic, to some extent, i can't mask. i can't appear neurotypical all the time. even when i'm masking as hard as i can, people can still notice that there's something different. this has caused me a lot of self hatred and internalised ableism, which is something i'm working with a therapist to undo.
SENSORY PROFILE i flip-flop between being sensory seeking and sensory avoidant. depends on whether i'm under or overstimulated, tbh.
LGBTQ+ i identify as queer, and pansexual as a collective. due to being a system, my gender is all over the place, but i like xenogenders and neopronouns a lot.
ECHOLALIA i used to get in so much trouble for doing this. learning that suppressing my stims like echolalia could lead to an increased risk of burnout has led to a wakeup call for me, and has really helped me to learn to accept who i am and the way i stim.
SPECIAL INTERESTS greek mythology, ancient religion, the victorian era.
COMFORT MEDIA good omens, doctor who, marauders era harry potter (fuck jk tho)
SELF-ADVOCACY unfortunately, being autistic and afab has meant that i've had to really learn to advocate for myself while with medical professionals. it's a difficult journey, and i wish so much love and support to anyone going through the medical system.
DISABLED i identify as disabled, and also Mad. disabled isn't a bad word. there is nothing wrong with disabled people. we exist, we take up space, and we have inherent worth.
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aeondusk · 15 days
What is a history of your username ^_^?
"Aeon" is a term with many meanings. In Ancient Greek it is used to refer to a long period of time, usually 100 years. It is rarely used in that sense by cosmologists today, although now referring to a period of one billion years instead. Our system took the concept from gnostic mythology, in which refers to an entity which can be reductively analogized as an angel. Rather than a physical entity that carries out a specific being's will, Aeons are a broader concept encompasing "eminations" of the Monad, the Unity from which the universe began (in gnostic cosmology don't @ me). This includes Sophia, divine Wisdom, as well as other such virtues which are less physical entities and more forces within humanity itself, inside our minds and souls pushing us towards being our ideal selves. To cut the explanation short, the idea connected with us strongly and we liked it as a username. Also "Aeon" just sounds cool to say, as a vocal stim or otherwise.
Dusk is the system name for our plural system. It is effectively a last name (e.g. Epsilon Dusk) to us in our actual usage. Dusk is the time at which the sun sets, a representation of what appears to be a cosmic ending but in truth is only so from our limited perspectives. Given our negative relationship with the sun (upon which I refuse to elaborate in public) we see this as a positive; we exist at the end of an era and will see the ending of things. That said, we also see the beginning of something else, an uncharted era of darkness. As someone who only got to truly be herself for much of her life after the fall of darkness, this is something we welcome. The previous statement is about trans things, in case that wasn't clear, and yes this is connected with Dark Souls and its Age of Dark. I once again refuse to elaborate, if you know you know.
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moshebehar · 3 months
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↪ not-so-brief introduction. BASICS.
full name: moshe thomas esraa behar. nickname(s): mosh, bear ( used almost exclusively by his mother but moshe happily accepts it from close friends / the rest of his family ). age: thirty-four. date of birth: 7 april 1990. zodiac sign: aries. place of birth: cairo, egypt. ethnicity: white, egyptian jewish. nationality: british. gender: genderfluid ( nonbinary, they/he pronouns ). sexual orientation: pansexual. romantic orientation: panromantic. religion: moshe has never been particularly interested in religion and his parents have never forced him into practicing. he knows quite a lot about judaism, as his father practices it, and attends temple at least moderately regularly ( or when he's missing his parents ). education: bachelor's in anthropology ( american university of cairo ); master's in egyptian archaeology ( university of cambridge ); phd in archaeology ( university of cambridge ). occupation: professor of classical archaeology at blue harbor university. freelance archaeologist. language(s) spoken: english, french, arabic ( learned simultaneously as a child ). he's learned greek and italian through his work in both countries. he can also read and interpret a handful of ancient languages wherein that's possible. accent: he has an upper class british accent though it's a bit muddled by his life in egypt, it's still very clearly the base of his accent.
face claim: oliver jackson-cohen. hair color: brown. eye color: green. height: 6'3". weight: 192 lbs. build: in spite of all the time he spends at or around his desk - he does find ways to work out often as a means of helping to manage his ADHD so he's in decent shape. he's fond of hiking and being outside so he does that as much as he possibly can in his free time. tattoos: he has an iridescent raven tattoo on his left forearm ( here ). he got it during his phd program and he's quite fond of it, though he has no desire to get more. piercings: moshe doesn't have any piercings to speak of. distinguishing characteristics: the fact that he always seems to have a book open in front of him, his smile, his general level of shyness, the amount he fidgets with his glasses at any given moment, the sheer golden retriever level energy he brings to conversations when he's comfortable.
label: the explorer. positive traits: adaptable, clever, compassionate, dedicated, empathetic, independent, methodical, passionate, persuasive, resourceful, routine driven, studious. negative traits: anxious, needy, obsessive, perfectionist, self-deprecating, self-sabotaging, shy, stubborn. goals/desires: to be a pillar of support for the people he loves, to make a groundbreaking discovery of his own, to connect with people. fears: autophobia ( fear of being alone ). hobbies: playing video games, writing in his spare time, cooking, baking, learning new things, reading, spending time with his friends & family, listening to music, playing piano, watching the mummy for the seven millionth time, chatting about archaeology of all sorts, trying international food he's never had before, watching documentaries, pestering nilay, looking after his nieces, gardening, hiking, taking naps with his cat. moshe isn't opposed to trying new things but he can get very anxious, very easily - so it can be difficult to get him to do them but a little persistence and gentleness will get him to do a whole hell of a lot. quirks: he's incredibly soft spoken and often has to be nudged or bodily brought into a conversation to do anything but listen, he's quite fidgety - he stims often and the ones that seem to calm him the most are leg bouncing or playing with his glasses - it has a noticeably calming effect on him, he always has a pen tucked behind his ear and ink stains on his fingers, he also keeps a small journal in his coat pocket / jeans pocket / on his person so he can write ideas down the moment he has them, he always seems to have butterscotch hard candy in his pocket ( he jokingly calls it his 'one old man habit ) but he adores them. likes: animated disney movies, getting to know new people, spending time with his friends and family, taking naps with cat, strong coffee, earl grey tea ( and most other varieties of tea, truthfully ), food of any kind, trying new things if his friends will try them with him, watching documentaries, watching foreign TV shows, fantasy novels, historical fiction novels, queer romance novels, jigsaw puzzles, crafts of any sort ( knitting, especially ), video games of all sorts, baking, learning languages, the smell of coffee brewing, hiking, traveling. dislikes: being bad at things on the first try, people who don’t listen, anyone who refuses to respect his boundaries, being around too many people, not being able to remove himself from a situation when he's overstimulated, mashed peas, most foods with mushy textures, losing his notebook, loud noises, the taste of most beer.
father: thomas behar. mother: corrine behar nee moreau. sibling(s): he has two younger brothers and a younger sister ( all are adopted and wanted connections, hence the lack of names ). pet(s): he has a two and a half year old silver maine coon named themis. financial status: upper class.
Thomas Behar grew up in an environment that could only be described as lavish— his parents weren’t titled nobility or anything of the sort— simply passionate and intelligent people who had managed to shift themselves into a position that allowed them to support their children and themselves to the highest possible degree. His father had moved to England from Egypt as a child and Thomas was fascinated by every single one of his father’s stories of his childhood overseas— it inspired a voracious curiosity and interest in Thomas that lead him to chase down every scrap of information he could— reading countless books, throwing himself into studying Egyptology and archaeology with his parents’ encouragement. It seemed a natural conclusion that he would go on to study it— his interest had never waned and what had potentially been a childhood obsession became a lifelong passion that Thomas pursued doggedly. His intensity in the area of academics paid off when he turned eighteen and found himself with an acceptance letter from Cambridge in hand and a desire to become, if not a famous archaeologist, one who could be counted on to make a name for himself in the field.
It was at Cambridge that he met Corrine— the woman he would declare to all and sundry in only two years time was the love of his life; she was a wickedly intelligent woman— witty and charming and kind in a way that Thomas couldn’t help but feel drawn to. His affection for her certainly didn’t stop him from gently teasing her about the pitfalls of being French in England (though he was joking and the comments only ever earned a fond roll of her eyes and later no shortage of kisses and reminders that he was ‘dreadfully cheeky’). As they continued their studies together it seemed almost a foregone conclusion that they would get to know various other equally passionate people in their field and when they were in their twenties they struck up what would become a lifelong friendship with Richard and Jasmine Bailey. 
Shortly after meeting the Baileys and embarking upon a long awaited trip to Egypt, where the newly married Behars planned to spend a significant amount of time— packing up and moving to the country properly to commit to an expedition and whatever might have come after— Corrine found out she was pregnant. Moshe Thomas Esraa Behar was born on a fairly balmy morning in April— in Cairo where the Behars had settled into a comfortable home that always seemed to be filled with scattered papers and books of all sorts and, above all, an immense amount of love. Moshe was an endlessly sweet and calm boy— though he seemed to have a protective streak that made itself well known when Thomas and Corrine adopted their second son when Moshe was three. As he grew older and the Behars adopted two more children, Moshe took to the role of older brother like a duck to water; he doted on his younger siblings and could always be counted on to wrangle them into behaving when needed and helping them with projects in relation to their interests or joining them in all of their childhood mischief. 
His protective streak only seemed to intensify when he met Nilay— he was eleven and with Nilay being nearly his brother’s age it seemed almost instinct to step into her life both as her friend and as someone who would defend her to the ends of the earth. Their parents’ relationship certainly helped in that regard— ensuring that the children spent a great deal of time together as they grew older. Moshe found what he could only describe as a platonic soulmate in Nilay— their shared interests in history and archaeology, for a start, found them chatting for hours about anything and everything they were interested in and especially all of the marvels of Egypt they were privy to seeing alongside their parents when they were allowed. If Moshe wasn’t begging his parents to tag along on their digs, he was building (quite obviously not to scale) models of all the sites he wished to see one day— from the Parthenon carefully crafted from clay to the Pyramids of Giza crafted from brown sugar cubes that would melt away or be eaten when he wasn’t looking by his younger brothers. 
It was a foregone conclusion that he would follow in his parents’ footsteps where his field of study was concerned and though he stayed in Egypt to finish his first undergraduate degree he moved back to England to pursue his further education— attending Cambridge through to earning his PhD. Throughout his studies he kept in close contact with Nilay— rarely going a day without chatting with his best friend in one way or another and visiting her during their respective time at University even when his parents returned to England. He stayed with her as long as he could with every visit and worried himself half to death during her pregnancy— doting on her as he always had and somehow even more so when Hattie was born. He took to being an honorary uncle with an immense amount of delight— staying with Nilay as he cut his teeth on teaching at nearby universities and pursuing expeditions of his own. When she made the decision to move to Blue Harbor, Moshe only thought about it long enough to sort out what neighborhood he might like to live in before he bought a home in the same neighborhood and only a few houses down from his best friend. 
Blue Harbor was charming in its own right and Moshe felt perfectly at home there— due in no small part to Nilay’s presence— he was delighted to share in yet another adventure, of a sort, with his best friend. He traveled, on occasion, overseas to work on expeditions when he was invited but settled largely into teaching at the university and working on expansive Classical histories— eager to put pen to paper and his studies to the proof through publishing them. He’s always been a remarkably happy and well adjusted person and that only seems to have become more true since his move to Blue Harbor— something he’s been immensely grateful for from the second he set foot there. In truth, he’s perfectly happy to continue with his writing and his teaching and put down roots in a way he hasn’t done in years.
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toonatic92 · 1 year
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[Image description: A watercolour picture of my Homestuck fan-troll Deo in her room. She is kneeling on her bed and using a screwdriver to fix a scanning device on her lap. She has long black hair in a loose ponytail and is wearing a T-shirt with an alien on it and flower-patterned leggings. Her bedsheet is pattered with stars and constellations and her pillow has rockets, UFOs, planets and galaxies on it. There are books about conspiracies and cyptids on the floor, as well as several snake and lizard plush toys, a toy alien, a Bill Cipher doll, a sickle and a multi-lens magnifying glass. There are glass tanks containing pet snakes on a table, an old computer with computer chair, a wheelchair and a potted plant lined up against the wall. The walls are covered in posters of troll versions of British sitcoms, an 'I Want to Believe' poster with a UFO on it, a 'Mothman Sighting Zone' poster, a Gravity Falls poster and a poster with a crescent moon and eye symbol that says 'Don't Trust Anyone'. There are small pyramid-shaped terrariums containing plants hanging from the ceiling and police caution tape with alien symbols on it strewn around the room.]
I did a watercolour picture of my Homestuck fan character Deo and her respiteblock. She lives on a livestock farm in the idyllic countryside and cultivates many interests in between running the farm.
Her main interest is investigating conspiracy theories, cryptids, aliens and urban legends with various homemade devices, like the one she's spent all night working on here. She has books about the Lunacracy and other pseudoscientific subjects, as well as posters and her old computer, which she only uses to monitor conspiracy forums because she's not good with computers. She's into aliens the most because she often feels alien compared to her friends, and also because she's been a keen astronomer since she was a kid.
Her bed is space themed and is more for sitting or laying on when she's working because she sleeps in a recuperacoon like most trolls. Working here is better for her than working at a desk, since she has multiple sclerosis and can't sit up or balance when she has flare-ups. The wheelchair in the corner is also for when she can't walk because of a flare-up. It was decorated by one of her friends with spray paint and plastic wheat and poppies.
Her other big interest is herpetology, studying and caring for reptiles and amphibians. She has a lot of pet snakes, lizards and frogs in glass tanks and has many stim toys based on them, which were made by Vistie, who is a seamstress. Deo also has succulents and other houseplants, some in glass terrariums hanging from the ceiling and some dotted around the house.
Because she's a farmer, she likes a lot of rural sitcoms and has posters of them on her wall. I basically picked every rural British sitcom I could think of and made troll versions. From left to right: The Vicar of Dibley - The Subjugglator of Dibley, Last of the Summer Wine - Last of the Solar Sweeps Wine, and All Creatures Great and Small - All Lusii Great and Terrifying. She also likes the troll version of Gravity Falls, because it's a very cryptid and conspiracy themed show. Also on her wall and scattered around her bedroom is the troll version of police caution tape (drone tape?), which she collects from crime scenes as a 'fuck you' to authority and cover-ups. It was meant to say 'CAUTION, DRONE. DO NOT CROSS' but I might have fucked up on drawing some of the letters.
As a side note, my troll OCs are based on Greek gods. Deo is based on Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, which is why Deo is a farmer. Her interest in conspiracy theories is sort of a loose interpretation of Demeter being associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries, an ancient cult with secret rites, based around the myth of Persephone's abduction by Hades and Demeter's search for her daughter. Her interest in snakes and reptiles is based on Demeter's chariot being drawn by winged serpents and her turning a rude boy into a gecko once. These themes will end up being present throughout her session.
Medium: Watercolour pens on paper.
Links to other versions: DeviantART Instagram
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greekmythologysimp · 3 years
reading the odyssey is bringing me so mUCH JOY
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