#an intimate moment that should not be filmed and should not be watched
sereniv · 9 months
The fact that no one in Palestine right now is getting time to grieve or the privacy to mourn. it HAS to be filmed and it has to be seen. it feels so wrong to watch. it feels just...idk the word. but to sit comfortable, eating, being able to scroll and watch funny videos and smoke weed to destress feels so gross and idk! someone help me find a word.
but i watch so i can say what ive seen with my own eyes. i can describe in detail to people who dont believe that theres even a genocide going on. Or that theres even a comparison in death and trauma on both sides.
no civilian death is good, but i know that israelis who have been killed, their families get to mourn in privacy. They have time to grieve. They have their family and friends to comfort them.
I just really hope that these protests and boycotts and everything people are doing is working
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simpingland · 4 months
Req: Can you write something with Ewan Mitchell and his co-star (pronounced feminine) where they are on the set of season 2 and how he is surprised by every performances that fem gives (Fem's character is bad and perverse), since since the recordings of season one he was already staring at her surprised by her actings and now with Season 2 he wants to spend more time with her, plus he likes her.
The Rehearsal// Ewan Mitchell x Fem!actress
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Summary: Ewan is a method actor and it has been working fine for him. But he regrets this decision when season 2 of HOTD starts with a love scene, being partner with a lovely talented actress who propaply hates him and his mathods. But nothing is better than asking for help when one needs it, right?
Ewan watched from the monitor, patch removed but wig still on, your close-up was impressive. One look at you and you could see all the ambitions that were going through your character's mind, and he himself regretted not having told you yet. The good news was that filming for season two had just begun, and in this new season, Ewan had the opportunity to do scenes only with you.
They shouted cut, and you immediately broke into a smile, laughing after such an intense scene. You received compliments as you were photographed to keep the raccord straight.
"Congratulations, that's a good start," the director said to you. "Remember you have a special sequence tomorrow, get a good rest."
Yes, you remembered. And Tom (who played your brother Aegon) smiled mischievously at you. It was a kissing scene with Ewan, with whom you had barely exchanged a word since the moment you were confirmed as part of the cast, a year and a half ago. You only spoke a little at the audition, which was a chemistry test, and he was a sweet, unassuming guy. When he was announced as the official actor of Aemond... it was something different. You didn't interact in the scenes in the first season, his scenes were shared more with Fabien and Tom, while you had shared scenes with Olivia and Phia (Alicent and Helaena). The chemistry your characters were supposed to have was only hinted by the placement of you both in the scene or montages of shots that you only saw once the series was released. And in the meantime, Ewan had stayed away from all those with whom he didn't share any dialogue, with the excuse of staying focused on his character. Tom had already told you numerous times that Ewan thought you were a fantastic actress, but you always responded the same way.
"If he does, let him tell me so. Then I'll be flattered.”
When the script for the second season came, both of you, in your respective homes, had your hearts skipped a beat. Your character would approach Aemond in the throne room in the middle of the night. And there they not only talk, but share a kiss that promises to go further in the following seasons. Aemond confessed his love for your character, and being that it was a story taken from the world of Game of Thrones, it was sure to end in much more intimate scenes. Normal for actors and comfortable for a cast that was so friendly and close. But with Ewan being so distant and serious? It was difficult. You didn't even dare to call him. Nor did he call you. What you did do was call Tom.
"She hasn't spoken to me once since we started filming. I've seen her look at me sometimes, like she's trying to talk to me but then, before I could say a word, she's gone quiet again. Tom...I don't think I should take being a method actor so seriously," he said to the other actor.
"It amuses me immensely to be the connecting point for both of you. Don't worry, Ewan, she's a sweetheart, and very understanding. She knows that everyone has their own procedure. So if she has respected your method, you should respect hers."
"And what is her procedure?"
"According to Phia, she loves to walk back and forth repeating her lines in a thousand ways."
Right, Ewan saw the video Phia sent around the group so everyone could see how lunatic you looked. And even there, after discovering you were being filmed, you smiled tenderly at Phia asking her to stop. What else would he have missed since you weren't talking?
You had already taken off your wig, your hair was loose and your dress had been off for quite a while. You were waiting to take off your make-up when your trailer was called. You were expecting anyone, happy to have any interaction with the wonderful team around you, but when you saw Ewan, the smile must have dropped a little.
"Sorry if I'm intruding. Is it late?" Ewan asked you as he saw your friendly greeting getting lost in the air.
It wasn't dark yet, and the next day's filming was starting early, so you genuinely didn't know what to say to him.
"Well... I have to finish off some of the lines for tomorrow.’
The lines you had to say with him, and he knew that. But since that wasn't an invitation, Ewan understood instantly and nodded.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you...it's been an awesome first day of shooting for you. It's no wonder you're a fan favorite."
That made you blush.
"Well, that means a lot coming from you."
He smiled sheepishly at you, you were taller than he was, standing on the trailer and he was on the grass a few stairs down. And yet he seemed way too big.
"I promise I'll be on time tomorrow so we'll have plenty of time to rehearse," he said, trying to get out of the strange conversation he had started.
You nodded and watched as he walked away, the patch in his hand and taking off his seatbelts. Did he come with the intention of chatting? My God, you'd had a chance to talk at length with your fellow cast member and you'd wasted it? You needed to go over the scene as much as possible!
"Ewan!" You called out to him, hanging almost on your doorstep, he turned with that agility that is so engaging on screen (and in person). "Are you done for the day?"
"I've got to get out of my costume. But...yes, I'm done."
"Would you mind..." you mumbled in an exaggeratedly loud voice for him to hear. How embarrassing. "Would you mind dropping by again to rehearse?"
Ewan stood still for a second. He watched you from afar, so affectionate and shy, totally contrary to your character, and felt a deep tenderness.
"I'll be back in half an hour," he promised you.
You looked forward to it, and you'd be lying if you didn't say that you'd put your make-up back on a bit. Ewan, on the other hand, was hurrying more than usual to remove his own clothes, forgetting to remove his fake scars in the rush that followed him. He was punctual, and in thirty and a half minutes, he was knocking on your door again.
"I really appreciate you doing this, Ewan," you said as he climbed into your trailer.
"Don't worry, it's going to be fun."
You looked at each other for a second, smiling, kind of gawking, which was nothing like the scene you had to recreate.
"How do you prepare for a scene?" You ask.
"I listen to some music. But I want to try what you do. "
He looked at you expectantly, and you suddenly felt embarrassed. Like the girls at the school function.
"So... I close my eyes, and I create a map where everything looks a little bit like the set."
"And what do we choose to be the throne?" Ewan smiled, which made you blush even more.
"Well... "There was a fully finished teacup, with the inelegantly squeezed bag next to it, dripping. You'd forgotten to clean it up completely. "That cup itself."
Ewan frowned slightly, teasingly, and nodded. The next step for you was harder to explain.
"Now, Ewan, I need some space."
He sat down on your couch, script to one side, the bastard having already memorized it all. And from there he watched live what he'd been craving for months, watching you pace back and forth. You read the annotations and your lines.
"They will never forgive our family for what I did," Ewan replied, intoning in the silky voice he gave Aemond.
"If it's any consolation, I doubt they would be willing to let us live even if we had given them the throne willingly, Aemond..." though you paced, your hands and gestures maintained theatricality, and you repeated the phrase three more times, all with trapped deliberation. "This pantomime of repentance can only convince Mother...but not me."
"What pantomime do you mean?" replied Aemond.
Then your character stopped looking at Aemond to stare at the Throne. In this case you stopped to stare at the ugly teacup. You had to hold back a smile. Ewan looked at it too.
"It's impossible to fool you, it always has been." Ewan got up from the sofa and approached you, as Aemond does with your character. "It is a crude, chaotic and ugly object, but always that which I have desired."
Then the laughter you'd been holding back escaped, unable to think of the mug as anything else. And Ewan laughed with you, all the tension disappearing instantly. Now he could understand the affection with which everyone spoke of you.
"I'm sorry, really," you said, getting serious again. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, this is fun. I'm going to try your method. Shall we close our eyes?"
"That's right."
You closed them at the same time, thinking about the huge room, illuminated by a silver light that simulated the moon. And after a few seconds, Ewan opened his eyes to look at you. Although you didn't have your white hair, or the elegant dress, your eyes were the same, as beautiful and bright as they were behind the cameras. And he had the privilege of being the focus of your attention and having them in the foreground.
"Though I think I was always more subtle with another of my longings..." he whispered close to your lips.
"That you tried at least" you whispered back.
"When I get the throne I'll need someone as sharp as you to accompany me. There is no woman in the seven kingdoms who compares to you."
Then came the kiss. You looked into Ewan's eyes, up his nose and down to his lips. What was there left to throw yourself? Not much, but with him being so reclusive, with that being one of the few times you spoke to each other, it felt strange to pounce on him without consent. So you walked away, leaving the scene there.
"We can work this out with the director and the intimacy coordinator, if you like," Ewan suggested, a little flushed and extremely sweet.
You poured him a cup of tea while you discussed the romance that your characters might have developed over the years that the series skips. You imagined romantic scenes that might have led up to that kiss and concluded that they were a toxic couple, but possibly better than Rhaenyra and Daemon.
"You know, I love the way you act and I love that I discovered your process," he confessed. "I think the admiration part is not going to be too hard to act out."
"Oh...my process is really ridiculous, everyone laughs at me. I'm glad it at least works. But it gives me a hard time at auditions," you laughed nervously.
"Well, it's true that it's fun to watch. But it's certainly worth it. I don't think you have anything to envy the others, you're...magnetic." He said it with a seriousness that moved you, adding to his intense gaze. "I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough to tell you sooner, because I've been thinking about it since the day they put me in the same room you were in, back at the audition.”
You froze a little, so you just said what you felt in the simplest way and with the most honest smile.
"Thank you."
Ewan took the last sip of his tea and before he left you remembered one of the thousand questions you had for him.
"Is there a reason you haven't removed the scar? Something to do with method acting?"
You touched his cheek, where the scar began, and Ewan understood instantly.
"Ah, gee, I completely forgot to go through makeup. I'll get a telling off tomorrow."
"Not if you sleep on it until tomorrow" you joked. "Let me help you, I love fake wounds."
You stood next to him, towering over him a little, and lifted the thin layer of silicone with the delicacy you had seen in make-up artists. You were envious of the woman who was in charge of characterising a person as curiously attractive as Ewan. He also smelled exaggeratedly good.
When you took it off, you threw it into the creepy teacup from earlier.
"I've almost run out from, the costume department before," he justified himself. You took the opportunity to wipe that part of her face with a makeup remover wipe. "I usually do this part myself..."
"I know, but I like it..."
And while you were stroking his face with the excuse of cleaning it, Ewan was watching your lips, and didn't notice that you had noticed. You pushed the wipe away, stroking his chin, and at the same time, you both pressed your lips together. A strange kiss, something special, sweet and soft. You stretched it out, standing almost still, afraid of what would happen if you broke apart. When you finally did, you looked at each other with a look of confusion, though neither you nor Ewan pulled away.
It was a dangerous idea, he was your partner, and you had been unprofessional. You broke away.
"I think you should rest. I've distracted you too much." Your tone came out agitated and Ewan rose slowly.
"No, it's all right. I liked it. I liked everything. Didn't you?" He had emphasised the word 'everything' and was looking at you with lambent eyes.
"Yes...I loved being with you."
He said goodbye with a smile of his, and you bowed at your door like a little girl. Most of the team had already gone to rest and you barely noticed.
You had to put on more concealer than usual the next day because of the lack of sleep you'd had from that strange kiss. Ewan had kept his promise and had arrived a good while earlier to re-rehearse the scene. You did it without the kiss or the lights, just with the director's instructions and with your cheeks flushed as you exchanged glances.
"Did you practice with the kiss?" the intimacy coordinator asked you.
You were completely silent. Ewan answered for you.
"Not really, maybe it's better to give a first kiss at the moment of the shot. More realism."
"Well, then I guess you've worked out the sexual tension and dynamics of your characters."
Ewan nodded and smiled, which made you smile. Had he put hours of sleep into your little meeting yesterday? Yes, he had, and he told the woman who was putting on his scar who asked him who had removed it the day before. When you returned to the set, lights on, costumes on, cameras rolling, Ewan looked at you in the distance, asking you with his eyes if you were ready. You nodded with a shy smile, and began to act when they shouted action.
Aemond, still dressed and coming from the castle library, walked into the empty throne room to watch you. You walked behind him, in a smart dressing gown, your hair loose and trying uselessly not to make a sound. Aemond then spoke aloud.
"They will never forgive our family for what I did."
You approached Ewan, who still wouldn't look at you.
"If it's any consolation, I doubt they would be willing to let us live even if we had given them the throne willingly, Aemond..." You leaned into him a little, as the director had recommended. He was so tall and so tense that you felt as safe as if you were leaning against a stone pillar. "This pantomime of repentance can only convince Mother...but not me." Then Aemond would look down to see you out of the corner of his eye, which made your character - and you - nervous.
"What pantomime do you mean?"
Then you looked at the throne, now there was no laughter to disturb you, only the terrible seat of swords before you. And Aemond was looking at it too.
"It's impossible to fool you, it always has been. It is a brutish, chaotic, ugly object, but always that which I have desired."
After a pause, he turned fully around to look at you, his height becoming primordial in that short distance. In that low light, Ewan's visible eye looked into your eyes, dropping to your lips subtly.
"Though I think I was always more subtle with another of my longings..." he whispered in his velvety tone.
"That you tried at least" you replied trying to keep your composure. If they knew how hard you were struggling not to fall to your knees at that moment they would have nominated you for an Emmy by now.
"When I get the throne I'll need someone as clever as you to accompany me. There is no woman in the seven kingdoms who compares to you."
He stroked your face gently, something that coming from Ewan was tender and expected, immensely pleasing, but then you remembered that Aemond could never be so gentle in the face of his urges, and you let your own out. You pressed yourself against him, pressing your lips together with all the assurance you had longed for the night before. You could feel Ewan intensify your kiss even more, placing his hand on your neck. All the possible kisses that had been going on in your head during the night were now dwarfed by the kiss that was happening right there. As fierce as your characters, with the longing you had just discovered that you and Ewan had shared for a year and a half.
It was only when they shouted 'cut' that you broke apart, catching your breath and barely breaking away. Some applause, chatter and comments from the team, you could hear little of what they were saying. You pulled away flushed, laughing at the sudden intensity. You looked at the director as Ewan smoothed his jacket.
"Let's look at the shot, I think it was simply perfect, congratulations."
Another round of applause, and you felt Ewan brush your unruly hair out of your face, stroking it as he ruffled your hair.
"What a pity not to have to repeat this scene..." He confessed.
"That's the thing about being so talented," you joked.
"Obviously..." he removed his patch and turned back to you to ask in a quieter voice, "although I'd love to have more private acting classes with you..."
You smiled at the hint.
"I'll give them to you if in exchange you let me remove your fake scars again."
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poisonedprose · 1 year
I just got this thought but how do you think Simon would react if his gf had an only fans🤭🤭🤭
₊˚✧ cam girl — in which simon reacts to you filming for your only fans
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simon 'ghost' riley x pornstar!fem!reader
warnings: 0.5k words, smut, pwp, f!mastubation, f!nipple piercings, voyeurism, exhibitionism,
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You had mentioned vaguely to Simon about your job. You never went in too much detail, only saying that it's an online, stay at home job. He never took your inexplicable answer to heart, he was the same way when you asked about his job. He enjoyed the simplicity of not stressing over telling each other every single thing and with him barely being home he'd never caught you doing your job.
Well, that was until today. He was laying in bed, reading a book that he's been meaning to read since however long ago when you asked if it was alright if you got some work done. He, of course, was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen and happily gave you permission, promising it wouldn't distract him. 
As he promised, he wasn't distracted by you. He didn't notice as you set up a camera, placed a few pillows on the floor, dug into the box he stored all of the toys he loved to use on you, and took your clothes off, being left in a matching lingerie set. Your cold. metal nipple piercings shining through the mesh of the lingerie. You felt nervous as you sat on the floor, in front of the camera. You'd never filmed any videos with a live audience before, especially with an audience as enticing as Simon was.
Ghost looked up from his book, shooting you a quick glance before returning to reading. His eyes widen and his head shoots up again, his pupils dilating when he sees you in front of the camera with barely anything on. He watched with intent eyes as you turned the camera on. He closed his book and put it on the bed. He slowly sat up, breaking his promise of not getting distracted.
You felt his eyes glaring into you, nervous butterflies bubbling in your stomach as you trail your hand down your body. You rub your clothed clit, exaggerating a moan. Simon's eyes practically bulge out of his head. He would have never guessed your online, stay at home job was porn. His face flashed with jealousy, he envied the men who sat at their computers and watched you perform for them. 
But another part of him was just totally and utterly aroused. The fact that these strangers on the internet got to see you pleasure yourself did something to him that he couldn't explain. He should hate the fact that anyone other than him got to see you in your most intimate moments, but for some reason, all it did was create a huge tent in his pants. 
He looked back at you and watched the plush of your thighs as you rode one of the pillows. The bulge in his pants and the look in his eyes only grew with lust with each passing moment. Your high-pitched, pornographic moans were symphonic. He groaned lowly and ran a hand over his erection, softly palming himself to release any of the tension you were giving him.
He didn't even have time to process what you were doing before you were pushing your panties to the side and pushing the vibrator against your swollen clit. Your nerves seem to calm when you see he finds pleasure in this. His intent eyes only urged you more. Your fake moans were becoming more and more real. He only wished he knew about this sooner, maybe your videos could keep him from becoming lonely when he was deployed. 
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diorcities · 1 year
⠀   ⠀ ── 𖥻 ๋ 𓈒 ⭐ ࣪ ࣭ ◍ ᜔ being a sleepy head !
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nct dream fluff headcanon.
jaemin. at midnight, the sheets tangle on your limbs as his fingers run down your spine in a deliberate gesture. your tongue tangles in your palate and feels heavy as you talk about trivial things while he listens patiently. smiling sweetly when you can't follow the thread of your thoughts at the speed you desire, and your eyes look one last glimpse into his loving eyes before plunging you into a deep sleep. your body is covered by a blanket and you barely hear his voice saying “let's meet again in your dreams.” warming the place where your heart rests.
haechan. he is a night person. even with his schedules, he usually has more sleep resistance than you. you've both put on a series that you've been wanting to watch together, and since I this moments don't happen very often, you plan to spend the whole day curled up next to him. his body is so warm, and his grip comforting, that you soon decide to leave him to go to the ethereal world of dreams. and among the semi-unconsciousness, you think you feel his laugh poking you, “unbelievable, why you choose that boring movie if you were going to fall asleep?” just feeling your body being gently drawn to his “i'll tell you how the movie ends in the morning.”
jisung. the different time zones had your internal clock pretty damaged and crazy, to the point where you slept all afternoon and were more than awake at night. therefore, your night endurance is greater than jisung's. even on his day off, the poor boy does nothing but sleep. silence settles in the room when you know he's not listening to you anymore, hearing to the slight snoring of the boy with the cold nose on your neck, feeling him stir between dreams, “oh- fuck,” he murmurs, nuzzling his face, “did i fall asleep?” he asks. “pretty much, yeah.” you hear his muffled laugh, but deep down it makes you happy that he rests properly, especially when you know his workday. his only response is get closer to you. “keep talking, i swear i won't fall asleep this time.” quick spoiler: he did.
mark. it is a habit to put on a film and not pay attention to it while talking and using it as background noise. both of you have fairly tight schedules, and believe it is possible to do everything at the same time, such as ordering food delivery and chatting while watching a movie. but honestly, you are so exhausted, that the film takes a back seat while you both have your intimate moment full of kisses and caresses. it's impossible not to fall asleep for both of you. and even in the limbo of dreams, you're there with him, and he's talking to you while he sleeps, “i love you.”
renjun. he does not usually rest for long, and many times (only when you are aware that he is not by your side sleeping) you see him at his desk writing new entries in his diary, or painting with his watercolors. you are aware, too, that he does that when he is very overwhelmed or overloaded with things. and even when he goes back to bed the moment you notice his absence and wake up, or call his name, you worry that he's keeping him hidden from you; the way he uses art to release all the weight that keep him awake. “you scared me,” he pronounces shyly when you approach him and rest your head on his shoulder, “i woke you up? forgive me...” he stops his word when you shake your head, “should we go to bed, then?” he wonders, but again, you deny. “finish this first, love.” you smile tenderly, snuggling into him as he returns to his drawing: somewhat kind of similar to you.
chenle. having a tight schedule makes it difficult to see chenle often. you never seem to coincide because you leave first thing in the morning and when you arrive exhausted to sleep, chenle returns until late at night. he scolds you on occasion when you insist on staying up even when you both know that means you'll feel sleepy at work. in the end, he lets you do what you want, because deep down, he misses your long chats before going to bed. “so... one of my... coworkers said...” your eyelids close on their own, you swear by your life. and your tongue feels so heavy, but you must keep going, because seriously, seriously it's funny, “have you- seen my... sandwich?... and i said..., it's in...” chenle waits for the punchline while he strokes your hair, but it never comes, so with a amused smile dancing on his lips, he turns off the lamp. “your mouth?” he wonders at the ceiling, widening his eyes, “the toilets?”
jeno. the letters change places when you look at them for a long time. you blink, your eyelids heavy linger towards the empty coffee cup next to your notes; your attempt to do an all-nighter has been unsuccessful as you feel the sleep spell take control of your body. “come, darling,” seems to whisper sandman in your ear. as you are in the limbo between the two universes, your body seems to float and be welcomed by his warm embrace, followed by the gentle movement that lullies you back when jeno takes you to his room.
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kezzanza · 1 month
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Pairing: Jude x Girlfriend ! Reader Tags: First Time, Established Relationship Word Count: 4.6k Content Warning: Smut, 18+ It's a cold autumn night when you and Jude take your relationship to the next level.
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It's September, and late nights in Dortmund are cold, but the living room you're in feels like a warm sanctuary.
Jude's warmth wraps around you as you rest your head on his shoulder. Your legs lie comfortably on the couch, tucked beneath a blanket that offers a warm refuge from the chill. One of his arms cradles you gently. Being inside his embrace makes you feel perfectly at ease.
The flickering images of the opening credits dance across the TV, casting a soft light throughout the room. This moment feels deeply intimate and romantic. It's as if the world outside has faded into insignificance. Leaving only the calmness of the evening you and Jude are sharing.
With your parents out of town, the house is yours for the weekend. They trust you to be responsible, knowing you've never been a troublemaker. As you glance at the time on the clock above the TV, you start to wonder if their trust was misplaced. It's late and you really shouldn't be home alone with your boyfriend. Yet, as you steal a glance at Jude, you can't help but feel that there's nowhere else either of you should be but right here.
Everything about tonight—watching a movie and spending time with Jude—feels like a balm for your soul after an exhausting week at university.
Jude's handsome face glows softly in the light of the screen. You imagine tracing your fingers gently across his perfect features, feeling the contours of his face beneath your touch.
He's dressed in cozy gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It's a stark contrast to the football kit you're used to seeing him in. You realize how much you've missed seeing him like this—comfortable and at ease.
There's something heartwarming about seeing him in these simple clothes. It makes the evening feel even more special. Tonight, for both of you, is a needed break from the hectic pace of life.
The movie begins with a busy city street, alive with the morning buzz. The camera zooms in on a charming coffee shop. The barista makes cappuccinos and lattes with pretty patterns on top. The protagonist, a cheerful dreamer, bursts into the café with her enthusiasm lighting up the room.
You know this movie so well that you could recite the lines in your sleep. It's your favorite—a cheesy romantic comedy from the 2000s that has been your comfort during life's overwhelming moments. For you, this film isn't just a story; it's a cherished ritual.
It's even more special because Jude is here, watching your comfort film with you. Your heart swells with affection over the little things—the way you both laugh over silly dialogue, how he playfully rolls his eyes at the more ridiculous scenes, and the intensity with which he focuses on the more serious moments.
The scene on the TV grows more heated, showing the couple entwined on a bed. Their passion is evident in the way their hands move across each other's bodies. A surge of emotion stirs within you at the scene. You find yourself yearning to kiss Jude with an intensity you can hardly ignore.
You steal a quick glance at him, and as if sensing your gaze, he turns toward you. With a knowing smile, Jude sets the popcorn on the side table. His fingers trace delicate patterns on your upper arm, sending tingles through your skin. The space between you feels charged.
"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?" Jude asks, a hint of mischief in his voice.
"Maybe later," you say, your eyes twinkling with a matching playfulness.
The film is your favorite, but it's clear your attention is elsewhere.
Jude leans in closer, his gaze never leaving yours. The silence grows more intense with each passing second. The air is thick with longing. You wanted his lips on yours more than anything else.
Jude's hand that is not wrapped around you reaches out and gently brushes a stray hair from your face. His eyes search yours for permission. When he finds it, he closes the distance between you.
The first kiss is a whisper. Soft and gentle, as if savoring each delicate moment of contact. As your lips respond, the kiss deepens, becoming more consuming. The initial sweetness gives way to a burning passion. Each movement of his lips showing his unspoken desire.
The sound of the film becomes a distant murmur, replaced by the rhythm of your racing heart. His hand glides from your shoulder to the small of your back, pulling you closer.
You'd made out with him before—in the locker room after his games, on the rooftop of his apartment under the moonlight—but never like this, in an empty house where it's just the two of you.
Every touch, every caress, feels like a promise of something more. But just as the kiss reaches its peak, Jude pulls back. You wonder for a fleeting moment if this is the end of the kiss, but you notice the remote in his hand. He pauses the movie, his eyes dark with lust. The movie, once the center of the evening's plan, is completely forgotten as he pulls you onto his lap.
The blanket slips from your legs, pooling softly on the floor. Without its shielding, your body is now fully exposed to him. The soft pink shorts you're wearing, with their delicate silk fabric, hug your hips snugly. Your white tank top clings to your body, the fabric molding to your curves.
Every movement feels intensified as you feel his body against yours. The warmth of his touch contrasts with the coolness of the room. You feel the solid strength of his body beneath you as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
His muscular thighs are firm and warm. The fabric of his sweatpants is soft against the bare skin of your legs. The thought that only a few millimeters of cloth separates his skin from yours makes your pulse quicken.
Jude's touch was gentle yet confident. His hands explore your body with a firmness that makes your pulse quicken. His eyes, once reflecting the soft glow of the screen, are now burning into yours. The arousal you've been trying to ignore all evening unleashes the second you look at him.
Grabbing the hem of your tank top, he pulls it over your head, leaving you in just a bra and your tiny shorts. He slides his hands up the smooth skin of your waist. His touch sends waves of heat through you, leaving you gasping for more.
"Jude, wait," you breathe, your voice a mix of desire and uncertainty as his fingers trace lazy circles on your hips.
The most you had done with Jude—and any other boyfriend for that matter—was make out. You didn't have a lot of experience and you didn't know if you were ready. Jude pauses, his hand hovering just above your skin, waiting for you to continue.
"What is it?" he whispers, his voice thick with longing, but also concern.
You bite your lip, trying to gather your thoughts. "I want you but ... I'm scared," you confess, your heart pounding in your chest.
His expression softens as he wraps his arm securely around your waist. "Baby, look at me," he says gently, tilting your chin up so your eyes meet. "We don't have to do anything you're not ready for."
You take a deep breath as his words settle around you like a warm embrace. "But I want to and ... I trust you," you whisper, feeling the tension ease from your body.
"We won't go all the way tonight, love," Jude murmurs, his voice a soothing caress. "But I want to make you feel good."
He smiles tenderly, his lips brushing against yours in a delicate kiss. The warmth of his touch, so tender and reassuring, melts away your fears.
In his gaze, you find an unspoken promise. With it, the trust you have in him soothes the worries within you. His arms tighten around your waist as he leans in. The kiss is fierce and hungry. Your heart races as his hands explore the curves of your body, sending shivers down your spine. You become lost in the intensity of the moment. Your fingers tangle in his soft, short, curly hair.
It feels wrong to be doing this in the house your parents entrusted to you. But you've both danced around the boundaries of your physical affection for too long. Tonight would be different, marking a turning point in your relationship.
In the heat of the moment, his thigh pressed between yours, brushing against your core through the thin fabric of your shorts. A jolt of electricity shot through you, making you moan into his mouth. He pulled back slightly, his eyes questioning, dark with a mix of curiosity and desire.
Jude's eyes flick down to where his thigh is pressing between your legs, then back up to your face. A knowing smile played at the corners of his lips. He shifted his thigh upwards. The pressure and pleasure increases and your breath hitches.
"You like that?" His voice was a whisper, a tease that sent a warm shiver down your spine.
The fabric of your panties grows wetter with your arousal, a silent confession to the heat building between you. You nodded, biting your lower lip, unsure how to proceed but unable to stop the wave of arousal that was building inside you.
"Touch me," you plead, your voice barely above a whisper.
He kisses you then, a slow kiss that speaks of all the passion and tenderness he had for you. His tongue tangles with yours, igniting a fire within you that burns hotter with each passing second.
As the kiss deepens, his hand moves from your waist to your bare thigh. His fingers slip beneath the hem of your shorts. You gasp into his mouth. Your body trembles with need as his fingers dance higher, inching closer to the heat between your legs.
"Jude," you moan, hips instinctively pressing towards his hand, begging for more.
"Are you sure, baby?" he asks. His voice is strained with the effort to hold back, but ensuring you were comfortable was more important to him. "Want me to make you feel good?"
"Please, Jude," you breathe, your voice filled with determination.
Jude lifts you off the couch effortlessly. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as you let out a soft, surprised sound at suddenly being airborne. His strong arms encircle you, pulling you close to his chest. You feel his warmth seep through into your bare skin as he carries you out of the dark living room and into the well-lit hallway.
"Jude, what are you doing?" you say, looking up at him. Huffing out a laugh at his spontaneous actions.
"Taking you somewhere," he replies with a mischievous smile.
The stairs creak softly under his weight.
You feel the reassuring thud of his heartbeat, a steady tempo that calms your own racing heart. As he ascends the stairs, you find yourself relaxing into his embrace, your head resting against his shoulder. He pauses at the top, giving you a tender look before continuing down the hallway to your bedroom.
He enters and you're met with the darkness of your bedroom, the only light coming from the faint light of the hallway. Inside, Jude carefully lowers you on your plush mattress. The bed dips slightly under your weight and you sink into the soft, inviting comfort.
With a soft click, Jude switches on the bedside lamp. Its warm, golden light gently spills across the room, illuminating the space with an intimate glow.
He takes off his shirt, leaving his muscled torso on display, then kneels between your legs on the bed. Gently, he pushes your legs and brings them up to your chest. His touch is careful and affectionate. With brown eyes filled with affection, he looks at you and brushes your hair away from your face.
Jude leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. His lips lingering for a moment as if to savor the connection. The soft light wraps around you both as you share this tender moment. In his presence, everything else fades away, leaving just the two of you, entwined in each other's embrace.
Jude's eyes never leave yours as he reaches for the hem of your shorts. His touch is tender as he begins to peel them away, revealing your bare skin to the cool night air. He drops the pink fabric to the floor and runs his fingers up and down your thigh. You watch as his gaze traces the path of his fingertips, his eyes dark with a mix of passion and admiration.
The sensation of his touch sends shivers down your spine. His hand lingers for a moment, as if memorizing the contours of your thigh before it travels up to rest on your waist. You hold your breath, unsure of what's to come, but knowing that with Jude, it will be nothing short of perfect.
Jude looked at you with eyes that seemed to hold the warmth of a thousand sunsets. His hands, gentle yet firm, reached around your back as he unhooked your bra with a touch so deft it was as if he had done it a hundred times before.
As he pulls the garment off you, the cool air whispers against your skin, leaving you feeling both exposed and incredibly alive. In his expression, you saw a mix of admiration and desire that made your heart flutter like a caged bird being set free.
He takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him. His gaze lingering on the soft mounds of your breasts. Then, Jude's palms meet the tender flesh. His thumbs circle the skin before gently taking your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs. He rolls them softly, watching as they respond to his touch, becoming taut and sensitive as a soft moan escapes your lips.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his voice low and husky, filled with sincerity and adoration.
The words hang in the air, a tangible weight that presses against your chest. You meet his gaze, your heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of his breath.
Your voice is a soft whisper as you reply, "I need you, Jude." His name lingers on your lips, a silent invitation.
His brown eyes are filled with a hunger that mirrors your own. You hold his stare, letting him see the truth in your eyes. The air is thick with anticipation, and every beat of your heart feels like it's echoing through the room.
Jude's eyes darken with desire as he traces the waistband of your white panties—the only clothing left on you—with his fingertips. His fingers move over the soft fabric, stopping when they feel the dampness that has gathered between your thighs.
"You're so wet for me," he says possessively, making you moan.
He hooks his thumbs under the fabric and begins to slide them down your thighs. His gaze never leaves yours as the material glides over your skin. A soft, needy whine escapes your lips—you had never been this turned on in your life.
Your underwear is pulled off you, leaving you completely exposed to his gaze. Jude's eyes fixate on the prize that lay before him, caressing your most intimate parts with a hunger that was almost tangible. The heat of his stare is enough to make you quiver. Your legs part involuntarily, a little wider to give him a better view.
His hands glide up your thighs, petting the sensitive skin. Sliding up the smooth skin of your legs before hovering above your exposed flesh. You bite your lip with nervous excitement.
A smirk plays at the corner of his lips, the kind that makes your heart race and your breath hitch. His touch is feather-light, a whisper of a promise, as his fingers dance closer to the place where you crave him the most. The anticipation is exquisite, a sweet torture that has your body arching towards him, begging for more.
"Do you want me to touch you here?" he teases, sending shivers down your spine.
His gaze searches yours for permission. The question hangs in the air. Your eyes lock on his, you nod, a silent plea for the contact you both knew you needed.
"Say it, baby," he demands. "Tell me how much you want me to touch you."
With a quiver in your voice, you whisper, "I want it more than anything, Jude."
The admission seemed to charge the air around you, sparking a fire in Jude's eyes that sent an intense wave of heat through your body.
His hand hovers for a moment longer. The anticipation, a sweet agony that made your skin ache for his touch. Then, with a gentle yet firm pressure, his thumb grazes the sensitive spot of your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through your core.
You gasp softly as his gaze holds yours. His hand moves with purpose, sliding on the wet aching center of your core slowly. Your eyes flutter as you moan desperately. Your body arching in response to his touch.
You close your eyes, letting the sensation wash over you. It felt so good, so forbidden, yet you couldn't bring yourself to ask him to stop. Instead, you roll your hips, pressing yourself closer to his touch, silently begging for more.
"Jude," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the sound of your heavy breathing. "More."
His movements become more deliberate. Each stroke of his finger against your sensitive spot sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You moan softly. With your mind beginning to blur, you focus only on the feel of his touch, the warmth of his body against yours.
Jude lowers his head, capturing your lips once more in a possessive kiss. His free hand rests beside your head. Your hand grips his strong bicep for support. The pleasure is intense, pushing you closer to the edge with each passing moment.
His fingers, now slick with your arousal, move with renewed vigor against your clit. Each stroke is a symphony of pleasure, building upon the last, until your body tightens like a coil about to spring. Suddenly, the crescendo of sensation crashes over you. Your orgasm rolls through your body like a tidal wave.
Your back arches off the bed. Your grip on his arm tightens as the spasms of pleasure overtake you. Your eyes squeeze shut as the pulsations grow stronger. Your breaths come out in ragged gasps as your hips rock against his fingers.
A long shudder runs through you as you ride out the waves of pleasure, moaning his name into his mouth. You cling to him, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you try to catch your breath.
When you finally look up, his eyes are fixed on you, a mixture of awe and satisfaction reflected in their depths. You pant softly, still recovering from the intensity of the experience.
As the orgasm subsides, Jude's voice breaks through the haze of pleasure. "You're so beautiful when you cum." His words are a gentle caress, soothing your overstimulated senses.
And just when you think you can't possibly take any more, he starts to kiss you, his lips soft and tender as he tastes the salt of your skin. You kiss back, still too overwhelmed to speak. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you pull his body closer to yours. His hips press into you as he lays on top of you. You feel his hardness against your thigh, a stark reminder of his own needs.
With the intensity of the moment still palpable in the air, you decide to take things to the next level. You roll the two of you over until Jude's back is on the bed. You sit up and straddle his thighs. With your eyes locked onto his, you grind your ass over the hard length in his sweatpants.
Jude's eyes become half-lidded as he takes in the sight of you. He lets out a low groan, his hands instinctively gripping your waist as you begin to move in a slow rhythm. His breath grows ragged, matching the tempo of your hips.
"You're so fucking good at that," he groans, his hands tightening around you. His eyes burn with a possessive hunger as he watches the sway of your body.
Your heart races as you realize the power you hold in this moment, the power to give him pleasure, to make him groan your name. Leaning forward, you kiss him again, this time with a newfound confidence.
Your breasts press against Jude's clothed chest. His hunger for you is palpable, and it fuels your actions. Your hand reaches down, gripping him through his sweatpants, squeezing gently, as he curses into your mouth. With the heat of his arousal between your fingers, you feel his pulse in your hand through his gray sweatpants. He feels huge even without seeing his erection.
Jude's eyes bore into yours with a fiery intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. With an eager hunger, you slide down Jude's body, your kisses trailing from his mouth to his chest to his happy trail. You lower yourself until your face is eye level with his hips. For a moment, you're not quite sure if you have the confidence to continue.
"Take it out, baby," he commands, sensing your trepidation.
The heat in the room seems to spike as you feel the weight of his words. Suspense is heavy in the air. Your heart races as you obey his instruction. A lustful eagerness building inside you with every passing second.
His eyes, full of demand, pierce into yours as you slowly pull down the waistband of his sweatpants and briefs. His erection springs free, thick and tall. The sight of it makes you ache with want. Jude's eyes never leave yours as you take him in your hand.
"Suck," he says, his voice low, leaving no room for hesitation.
Jude's dominant demeanor washes over you like a wave of heat. You feel a mix of arousal and submission as you follow his command. His hand lands gently on the back of your head, guiding you closer to his length.
You lean down, your lips brushing against the hot skin of his shaft. He curses as your mouth meets his erection. His grip in your hair tightens as you begin to kiss his tip softly, sending pin-pricks of pleasure and pain across your scalp.
His manhood grazes your lips and you part them eagerly, allowing him to slide in. His groans fill the room as you savor the taste of his arousal. Jude fills you completely, stretching your lips. He moans lowly, a sound that sends a thrill down your spine and tells you that you're doing exactly what he wants.
With a gentle suck, you begin to take him deeper, feeling the softness of his skin give way to the firmness beneath. It's wet, messy and also incredibly intimate. You can feel his heartbeat through his shaft, thumping in rhythm with your own. The wetness spreads, coating your lips and fingers, making everything slick.
He groans, his hand on the back of your head guiding you to take him deeper. You obey, working against your gag reflex. Your eyes water as you try to accommodate his huge length. It slides to the back of your throat and makes you gag before he pulls your head up. Your inexperience shows, but the passion in your eyes tells him you're eager to learn, eager to make him feel good.
You moan around him, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through his body. He tastes salty and slightly bitter, a taste that only fuels your desire to serve him. He whispers your name, a rough command that sends a shiver through your body. You respond by sucking harder.
His grip on your hair becomes more forceful. His groans grow louder, his breaths quicker, and you can feel his thighs tensing around your face.
You look up at him through teary eyes, watching the pleasure marked across his chiseled face. His hand guides your movements, setting a rhythm that you struggle to match. You're determined to make him feel good, even as your jaw starts to ache and your gag reflex flutters. Each time he hits the back of your throat, you fight the urge to pull away, focusing instead on the way his fingers tense in your hair.
"That's it," Jude murmurs, his voice thick with lust. "You're doing so good." The way he says it sends a shiver down your spine, making you feel both vulnerable and powerful.
You can feel the tension coiling in his body as he nears climax. The thought of making him come sends a thrill through your own body. You want to do this for him. To show him that you're willing to explore these new, intimate territories together. You keep going, your eyes watering, your cheeks hollowed out, trying to ignore the way your throat burns.
His breathing grows ragged, his hips buck upward, and you know you're getting closer to what he wants.
You look up at him, eyes wide and questioning, seeking reassurance. He meets your gaze, a smoldering heat in his own eyes.
"Keep going," he commands, his grip in your hair tightening slightly.
You take him all the way in, your nose pressing against his pelvis. His breathing becomes ragged, his abs clenching with each deep thrust. The room is filled with the wet sounds of your mouth working his shaft as he hits the back of your throat.
And then, just when you think you can't handle anymore, he comes. You're unprepared for the hot rush of his release. But you keep going, eager to swallow every drop, to show him that you're willing to be everything he desires. It doesn't matter that the taste is foreign, a little salty, and a little bitter.
You watch him, your own heart still racing. Jude's eyes are closed, his chest heaving with deep, ragged breaths. He opens them to meet your gaze, and the love and adoration in his expression sends a warm rush through your body.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice hoarse from passion.
Your heart skips a beat, and you can't help but smile as he pulls you up to him to kiss you, tasting himself on your lips. The kiss is tender and lingering, filled with the promise of more moments like this to come.
You gently pull away from the kiss, your eyes lingering on him with a tender smile. "I love you, too," you whisper, your voice soft and filled with affection.
He pulls you into a warm embrace, your bodies tangled together on the bed. You feel his heartbeat slow to a steady rhythm against your chest, and you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
This was your first time performing oral sex, and from the sounds of it, you did pretty well. You snuggle closer to him, enjoying the feeling of his skin against yours, and let out a contented sigh as his arms tighten around you.
The room is filled with the scent of sex and love, and you realize that this is what you've been craving all along—this intimate connection that goes beyond words.
His hand rests on your back, stroking gently as you both drift into a peaceful silence. It's a moment of pure contentment, a moment that feels like it could last forever. 
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow, you can't help but think about how far you've come in your relationship. From shy glances and stolen kisses to this raw passion, you know that you've found something special with Jude. And still, there are many more experiences waiting for the two of you to explore.
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stairain · 1 year
The Art of Film.
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Spencer's wears his FBI vest and bodycam while he fucks you. 
Warnings: Soft/Hard Dom Spencer, sex tape, uniform kink, praise, pet names, degradation, degrading names, slapping, riding, missionary, mentions of masturbation, creampie, cunnlingus, cum swallowing, one mention of stomach bulging. 
WC: 3.7K
You're laying on the bed naked as you look up at Spencer. His large figure was looming over you, hair messy and clad in his FBI vest and usual clothing. And most importantly, on the side of his chest laid a small black bodycam. 
After showing and telling just how much you loved seeing him in uniform, and also prompting about how you two should record yourselves having sex one day, of course being the genius he was, found the perfect way to do both.
Spencer’s face and ears flushed red as they always did when you two were intimate, but he couldn't help but smile despite it all. He moved closer slowly and kneeled down next to you. He held his palm over the lens and leaned over as he looked down at you and spoke softly. 
"Are you alright, baby? Do you still want to do this?"
He was incredibly gentle and had this sincerity about him that made it hard for you to feel scared at all by the situation, but it didn't get rid of your nerves.
Wordlessly, you nod. As you look at him, your eyes are full of love and trust for him. You were nervous of course, but only the two of you would ever have access to the footage, and the thought helped you calm down a bit as you reminded yourself this was only for the two of you. 
He could see your emotions in your eyes despite your lack of words, and it filled him to the brim with a sense of warmth and love for you. He knew you trusted him completely, and his sense of  responsibility and protectiveness for you only grew. He leaned forward and kissed you gently on the mouth. He pulled back for a moment to look at you, then gave you another slow, long kiss.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you quickly melted into the kiss. Your arms were at their sides, and your fingers curled into the soft material of the blanket underneath your bare body.
He moved his hand behind your head and gently held it in place while his other hand rubbed your back slowly. He leaned a bit harder into the kiss, not enough to hurt you or push you down but enough to make you feel his comforting weight. He moved his head around to the side of your neck and started giving little soft nips to the side of your neck near the pulse.
Dropping your jaw slightly in a soft moan, your hands reach out to gently grab at his strong shoulders, as if to ground yourself as the kisses on your neck quickly become intoxicating.
Your nails scraped against the solid fabric, and it only turned you on further that he actually agreed on wearing his work wear to fuck you. 
Your noises made his head tilt back as his eyes closed and he let out a soft sigh of contentment. He continued to kiss your neck for a short while longer before pulling back and looking down at you once more, his tender eyes locked onto yours. 
"Are you ready?”
Swallowing, you nod before speaking. 
You said softly as you stared into his eyes.
He kept looking down at you for a moment longer before he slowly sat up straight. He adjusted the camera over to the middle of his chest to get a better angle on you as he kissed your forehead and whispered one more time, a little louder this time so the bodycam could get a better pick up. 
"Thank you, pretty girl.”
As he pulled away from you, you almost immediately missed the warmth of his body against yours. But you watched with lust filled eyes as his hands moved down to his belt. His gaze never left you, and neither did the camera’s.
Staring down at you and your body, all he could think about was how beautiful you were. This was the perfect moment as far as he was concerned, and he wanted to savor every second of it, even if he’d be able to watch this back later. 
Maybe he’d be on a too long business trip and missing the warmth of your body pressed against his and the way you felt so tight and wet around him. And maybe it would drive him crazy to not touch himself to the thought of you. And maybe, just maybe, he’d fuck his fist as his eyes struggled to stay put on the screen as he watched his cock pass in and out of that beautiful cunt of yours. 
Spencer undid his belt slowly before moving it to the side. He took it in his hand and gently set it on his desk before moving his hands to the buckle of his pants. 
When he undid them, you watched with curious eyes as he didn’t take them off. Instead, he just unzipped them enough so that the front of his underwear was exposed, and his thick bulge peeked through. You looked up at him and bit your lip when you realized he didn’t plan on undressing.
Having him fully dressed while you were completely bare only pushed you further into submission.
A slow smile spread across his face as he watched you react like that. He knew it was a little unfair of him in a way, but it just made his heart beat quicker, and his cock fill faster. He looked back down at you and noticed you were so still that he was almost afraid you might be holding your breath. 
"You okay?"
You eagerly nod and subconsciously spread your legs wider, feeling the silky material of the blanket underneath your skin. Seeing your hips and legs move like that, god, he knew at that moment his heart would never stop thumping as long as he was lucky enough to be with you. 
"Good girl. You're so beautiful.."
A warm blush covers your face, and your eyes quickly flicker down to his underwear, his hands absentmindedly pulling his heavy cock out of its confines to expose himself as his gaze never tore from you.
"Look at you.."
Spencer cooed, not able to help himself. The hand that freed himself from his boxers wrapped around the base of his length and squeezed once, and your mouth practically watered when you saw a small runner of clear fluid spill from his trip
"So beautiful.." He said again, his voice trembling just a little from all the feelings he had for you being so overwhelming. You look up at him with pleading eyes for a moment before he’s walking over to the other side of the bed and sitting down. His strong legs part slightly as he motions you over to sit on his lap. 
“Come here, baby. You’ll look so perfect being split open for the camera..” 
You swallow before wordlessly nodding and lifting yourself from the bed and going to place yourself on his thighs. His hands go to your hips as if by instinct to hold you down. His eyes continue to drink you in, taking in every inch of you, every movement you make, and ever angelic sound you let out.
"God.." He says with a groan, closing his eyes for a split second to take a deep breath to calm himself.
As you settle into his lap, the rough material of his pants against your bare skin makes you shiver, before you look down at the camera. It had a perfect view of your entire body as you straddled his hips. 
His dick was pressed right up against your stomach, and he was so long that from where it stood next to you, it was all the way past your belly button. Swallowing at the sight, you grab lightly onto the hard material of the vest, and you lift your hips so you’re hovering over his leaking cock. The heat radiating off of him and his deep scent surrounding you has your head spinning.
Your body is trembling as you slowly lower yourself on his length, feeling the blunt head force its way through your tight lips. Both of his hands are planted tightly on your hips, helping you sheath himself fully into you. 
“There you go, baby.. Doing such a good job, aren’t you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut as his shaft breaches your hole, splitting you open just as he had said. Spencer licks over his bottom lip before taking it between his teeth and looking down at where he’s almost entirely buried in your soaked cunt. 
He lets out a soft grunt at the tightness that surrounds him, and looks up at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. His voice sounds breathless as he moans and speaks.
“Almost there, princess..” 
And he has to stop himself from thrusting his hips up just the slightest bit more to push the rest of his painfully hard cock into you. 
Your breasts are in direct view of the cam, and as you lower yourself more and more, you’re almost face to face with the lens. It captured every moan and sigh that left your lips, and just how disbelieved you really looked, even if it had only been a few minutes. 
It was a shame it wasn’t filming him, because he looked better than a dream right now. When your eyelids peeped open, you took in just how beautiful he looked.
He was breathing heavily and his constraint was slipping by the second. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed every time you involuntarily clenched around him, and god did you wish you could keep that sight to you forever. 
When you finally adjusted around him enough to move, you looked up at him with pleading eyes, and he immediately nodded back to you. 
His fingers gripped into the soft flesh of your hips, and slowly lifted you up his cock. When he looked down, a groan left his lips as he saw just how slick you were. You were so soaked that his entire shaft was coated in your arousal, and some of it was even spilling down to his pelvis. 
“Fuck, baby..” 
Spencer murmured dreamily before he started to bring you back down against him. You felt his tip press a deep kiss to your cervix, and the feeling made you hiccup as you choked on your own whimper. 
“How’s it feel, angel?”
His voice is soft as he strokes his thumb over your skin and lifts you off his cock again. You swallow and shake your head.
“F-Full… Really full, Spence. You’re so big..” 
Your own hips begin to move, wanting to help him as you ride him torturously slow. He sighed as your cunt swallowed him whole again.
“I know, love. I’m sorry..”
And you would’ve laughed if not for the searing hot length molding you around him, rendering you utterly breathless. He’s always so considerate to you that he was actually apologizing for how big he was. 
With the shake of your head, you lightly grind your hips down against his, his pelvis brushing into your clit and making you whimper. 
“Love it so much.. You always fill me so well—shit—perfect.. perfect f-for me..” 
A moment-long beat passes as he goes still, his hands no longer helping you ride him, and his chest no longer heaving. He just looks up at you in a gaze mixed with adoration and shock as his hands move up to your waist and grapple tightly at the plush skin. 
You let out a short yelp as Spencer grabs ahold of your waist and flips you down against the bed. It’s like a switch had been flipped inside of him, discarding his previous sweet and caring personality in an instant. His eyes darkened as his panting figure started to roughly thrust into you, not giving you another moment to adjust to the new position. 
The camera had a perfect view of your body laid out for him, and the way your cunt eagerly swallowed his cock with each cant of his hips. 
“Fuck.. God.. Look at this pretty little pussy, taking my cock like it's made for.” 
His body leaned forward and down slightly, so the lens captured a direct view of his thick and heavy shaft buried deep inside of you. Only a bit of his base was visible, as well as the shallow bulge of your pelvis and stomach as his member twitched inside of you. 
Your eyes are clamped shut and your mouth is agape as he plows into you with no mercy and speaks to you as if you’re just some fuck toy to him, no longer his girlfriend, not his lover, but an object. 
“That’s all you’re good for, isn’t it?” 
He leans back up and his free hand comes up to your face and slaps your cheek, leaving a bruising red mark in its wake. Your head jerks to the side and your eyes are forced open by the rough hit. You look up at the camera first, then him. Both of them are equally as taunting. 
“Eyes on me, you know the rules.” 
His cold and cruel mask slips for a second when the hand that had just slapped you reaches out to cradle your pink twinged cheek, and he strokes his thumb over it. Spencer slows down the push and pull of his hips, and you melt into the touch, but the second you become comfortable, it’s stripped away from you.
When you lean into the large hand, Spencer pulls it back from your face and trades the gentle comforting touch for another brutal slap. Your head is quickly forced to the side and you let out a squeak of pain. 
The merciless thrust of his cock resumed, brushing and bruising your already abused hole. You could feel the burn from just how hard he was fucking into you, but you grit out a moan nonetheless. 
His thighs slap against your ass and his dick drills deep into you, abusing your sweet spot just as he had your face.
And it’s as if he’s absolutely feral now. Spencer’s mouth is never closed for more than a second, his jaw takes comfort in being dropped open as guttural and borderline animalistic groans leave his body. 
He’s fucking you with pure fervor, hips snapping so roughly against you that his balls are bruising the skin of your ass, and you wouldn’t be surprised if your spot was forming around the shape of his weeping tip. 
Your body writhed against the bedsheets and you threw your head back as much as you could when you felt the pressure of your orgasm quickly creeping up on you. With each hump he granted to you, it tugged you closer and closer to release. 
You lean up on your forearms and look up at him with absolutely desperate eyes, just begging for him to make you cum. His thrusts were so hard they were shifting your body up and down on the bed a little each time.
The pleasure soon became so immense it was impossible for you to put off any longer, and you opened your mouth to unintelligibly babble.
“C-Cum.. I-I’m gonna–mmfuck–gonna cum.” 
Spencer practically growled at your words and began to ram into you deeper, gripping your hips tighter and driving that hefty cock of his in and out of your puffy wet walls. 
“You can wait baby, can’t you?”
When you shake your head and throw your head back again, you can hear him let out a deep booming chuckle. 
“Aw, come on. Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me? You can wait.” 
The speed of his thrusts slow down so they’re less frantic, but he still fucks into you deep and calculated, knowing just what to give you and what not to give you. 
Your head lolls to the side for a moment before you crane your neck to get one last look at him. His hair was damp and messy, and quite frankly so was the rest of him. That vest of his only served to make everything hotter and sweatier, and you could see small beads of sweat running down his temples. 
Then your eyes lower down to his arms and hands, the same ones holding you so tightly in place so you don't even think about trying to get away from him. You scan over every vein and inch of skin you can possibly see, and bite your lip to stifle a moan. 
Your last destination to gawk over was that goddamn body camera. It was such a small device, but held so much meaning and thought. Thoughts about all those lonely nights he suffers when work calls for traveling, the same nights he calls you at midnight, breathless and begging you to spread yourself open for him so he can hear you cum. Those same nights he sloppily fucks his fist, wanting nothing more than for it to be you instead, and spills his arousal down his shaking hands. 
He wouldn’t have to imagine what it was like being with you ever again, not with the footage, at least. Whenever he pleased, he’d be able to watch you split yourself open on his cock, your tight hole sucking him up greedily and gushing around him. And he’d be able to watch your face contorted in pleasure every time he hit that soft spot inside of you, and he’d finally be able to watch you cum around his cock, instead of pathetically imagining it. 
With a throaty moan, you clench your pussy impossibly tighter around him and swallow him deeper than he’s ever been to cream all over his cock. A non stop flow of whimpers and mewls leave your lips as you gush around him, coating his length in a thick layer of arousal as you reach your orgasm. 
All of his late night lonely scenarios of you aren’t enough to do your true beauty justice. He could never get the twist of your face and cross of your eyes right in his mind, but now he wouldn’t have to. 
Despite his previous words, his own mouth drops when he feels you contracting around him and one of his hands leaves your hip to grab the bedsheets by your chest instead, using the leverage to fuck into you stronger and harder. The wetness of your release only spurred him on and made it all the more easier for him to brutally thrust into you. 
“Go-God.. You’re so fucking dirty, baby. Getting off to the thought of being filmed.. Is that what you like? You like being watched?” 
Spencer’s voice is breathless and gravelly as he practically talks himself to his own orgasm. You’d speak if you could, but all that comes out when you drop your lips is a dragged out wanton moan, to which he cockily smirks at. 
His body dips down a bit as to capture the sight that’s making him so dizzy and so so close to breeding you. He points the camera down to where the two of your bodies meet, where a thick white ring of your release starts to pool at the base of his cock, and where his hips are practically drenched in your arousal. 
His length drags in and out of you violently for a few more moments before he’s panting and groaning out like a wild animal, stilling and spilling inside of your soaked pussy. His hips twitch as he expels his release into you, filling you up and making your insides burn with a wild heat. 
The man above you looked entirely wrecked by his orgasm, despite you being the one fucked out of your mind. His breath was jagged and staggering as he tried to swallow his moans, and his hips still didn’t halt inside of you. 
All you could do was lay there and take everything he gave you, as he fucked his cum deeper inside of you, practically forcing your body to take his release and make it your own. Your own chest heaved from the aftershocks of both of your orgasms, and when he finally withdrew himself from you, a rush of cum came flooding out of you, dripping down to your ass. 
The feeling made you cringe, but it wasn’t much longer until Spencer was laying flat on his stomach and spreading your thighs wider. You’re caught off guard for a short moment, then another as you feel his warm and wet tongue prod at your hole. 
The thick muscle drags a long stripe up your soaked cunt, his cum and your arousal pooling on his own tongue as he smiles against your core. His nose nudges at your clit as he licks and sucks up the mixture of releases. 
“It’s a shame a camera can’t capture how good you taste. Could taste you forever.. you’d let me, right baby?” 
One of your hands reaches down to grab at his sweaty hair, and you find yourself writhing and arching against the sheets as he eagerly swallows everything your cunt spills on his tongue. 
Not being able to speak, you settle for a small noise that sounds like it could be a noise of agreement, to which he understands you perfectly. Spencer practically buries his face between your legs and scoops his own arousal out of you before swallowing down the thick viscous fluid. 
When he pulls away, he wipes his mouth and licks over his lips. He leans down to press one final kiss to your clit, in which your entire body jolts, and he sighs. 
You manage to lean up on your forearms once more and look at him with a dazed expression dancing across your face, and you watch as he goes to turn off the camera. 
“How much film does that thing have?” 
Spencer chuckles and takes it off of his vest. He holds it in his hands as he speaks. 
“Well, these cameras run on storage rather than film. And the average capacity for one of these models is roughly over a dozen hours, with a maximum capacity of a few days.. Why, you looking to use it all up?” 
As he rambles, a mischievous grin spreads over your flushed face. You look down to where his cock is still proudly standing, and then back up to him. His lips are slick with his spit and your arousal, the sight making you press your thighs together. Your voice is cocky and teasing as you speak to him.  
“Maybe.. You think you’ve got a dozen hours and a few days left in you, Officer?” 
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littlefireball · 3 months
can I get an idol yeosang x reader where they are chilling in the dorms and they start to go at it and while she starts to squirt onto Yeo, the other boys walk in and etc? Please make it your own as well💙
Thx for the request! Actually I once wrote a similar article, but that was wooyoung. This article is different from that of course ;)
ʏꜱ|ᴏᴏᴘꜱ! (ᴍ)
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ɪᴅᴏʟ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ x ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.5ᴋ
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In the happiest moment, you find yourself lying on the couch with Yeosang, his arms wrapped around your waist from behind. His chest rises and falls against your back, enveloping you in his comforting scent.
Alone in the dorm, you can relax in his embrace, a rare display of affection between just the two of you. The rest of ATEEZ might find it surprising how clingy Yeosang can be when no one else is around.
"Wanna watch a movie?" he asks, planting a gentle kiss on your temple as he caresses your head.
"Any movie is fine," you reply. Yeosang scrolls through the movie options, unable to decide.
So that you suggest a game: closing your eyes and choosing a movie at random when he says stop. He agrees, and you quickly pick a movie to watch.
As the movie plays, you both become engrossed in the story. Suddenly, Yeosang notices something familiar on the screen.
"Do you recognize them?" he asks, but you brush it off, urging him to continue watching.
However, as the scene unfolds, it becomes clear that you've accidentally chosen an adult film.
The female was pushing onto the bed, her wrists and ankles were locked together with handcuffs. Both of their clothes were pulled down, lying naked on the bed making out.
"Hiss..." You finally remember these two characters and the name of this movie- fifty shades of grey.
Oh my god, you still can't believe what you have chosen.
As the female's moaning sound fills up the air, the erotic fantasy washes over both of you.
Although the sex scene is short, you both are turned on. The heat of the moment washes over you both, stirring desire and arousal. Your bodies react to the erotic scene, heartbeats quickening and pulses racing.
In the midst of the unexpected turn of events, you and Yeosang find yourselves drawn closer. You can feel he pushes further aiming for more friction and there is something hard nestling between your ass cheeks.
As you feel his hand trailing down to your tummy, a nervous excitement courses through you, causing you to bite your lip.
His touch circles gently, seeking permission, and you can't help but let out a soft moan, the sound escaping your lips accidentally.
"Babe, how should we handle this?" Yeosang's voice is a mix of concern and desire as he presses forward, showering your face with kisses.
His tongue traces over your skin, occasionally nipping playfully. You lean into him, granting him more access, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Let's figure it out together," you whisper, cupping his face with one hand and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He responds eagerly, deepening the kiss with a hint of urgency.
It surprises you, this slight roughness from him, as he's usually so gentle. Parting your lips, you welcome his tongue, the intimate dance between your mouths intensifying.
The sounds of your kissing and moaning drown out the background noise of the TV, creating a world where only the two of you exist. His hand moves to your pants, swiftly pulling them down and caressing your clit.
A soft moan escapes your lips as his thumb circles your sensitive nub, while his fingers slide smoothly into your warmth.
"You're so wet," he murmurs between kisses, his own desire evident. He's not one for dirty talk, but the movie seems to have ignited a primal side of him.
"I need to prepare you well before you take me," he breathes, his words fueling the fire within you. The sensations below send waves of pleasure through your body.
"I'm cumming, babe," you gasp as your walls tighten around his fingers, each thrust hitting your sweet spot with precision.
Juices flow, wetting his fingers and creating a slick, erotic sound.
"Let go for me," he urges, his voice husky with desire. You surrender to the climax, your head throws back in ecstasy.
"You did so well, darling," he praises, leaning in to kiss your lips.
"Babe, I want to try something," he suggests, tilting your head as he straddles you.
"You mean... handcuffs?"
"I know Wooyoung has a pair," he reveals, surprising you but also piquing your curiosity.
With a quick nod, you both share a knowing smile and he goes to wooyoung's room to get one.
Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, it is a first for both of you to explore this new experience at Yeosang's request.
The anticipation is palpable as he returns with a handcuff and condom, his gaze fills with desire mirroring your own.
Following the lead of a character in a movie, he undressed both of you, leaving your bodies bare and vulnerable.
With a whispered reassurance to communicate any discomfort, you nodded as he secured your wrists and ankles with the cool touch of metal, igniting a fiery passion within you.
"Tell me if it's too much." As he rolls the condom onto his length, your nerves heightens with the anticipation of his entry.
"Love you babe." With a declaration of love, he positions himself at your entrance, his thrusts eliciting a primal response from deep within you.
"Hah~" The sensation of being restrained added a thrilling edge to the intimacy, intensifying every touch and movement between you.
Despite the unfamiliarity of being bound, you try to find a comfortable position, only to be thwarted by Yeosang's unyielding control. His rhythmic thrusts and the sound of your bodies meeting filled the room, heightening the intensity of the moment.
What you can do is throw your head on the armrest, just like what the female did in the movie, moan from Yeosang's movement.
Yearning to touch him, your attempts are thwarted by the restraints, forcing you to surrender to the pleasure he is giving you.
Your moans and cries of pleasure mingle with the sounds of your bodies coming together, creating a symphony of desire that enveloped you both in its embrace.
"Ah~ah~Sangie~"As he hits your most sensitive spot, the pleasure surges through you, driving him to push harder and faster.
The symphony of your lovemaking crescendoed, each movement bringing you closer to the edge of ecstasy, lost in the intoxicating dance of passion and desire.
"Please sangie, I want to touch you."
"Use your other hand then."
"You brat." He smirks at you as he picks up the pace, eliciting gasps and moans from you. The sound of your voice sends a jolt of electricity through his body, igniting a fire within him.
"Cum for me, babe," he urges, his own voice husky with desire. You moan uncontrollably, unable to contain the pleasure that courses through you, leaving you breathless and speechless.
You two don't expect there are so many sex scenes, as the rough skin slapping sound comes out from the TV, both kf your minds are consumed by a whirlwind of ecstasy, overwhelming your senses.
The sounds of passion from the TV blend with your own, creating a symphony of desire that heightens the intensity of the moment.
"I need deeper."
Yeosang places his hands on your head for support as he thrusts, each movement deliberate and deep, pushing you to the brink of pleasure. Your breath catches in your throat, your body arching in response to the overwhelming sensations.
Your leg wraps around his waist, drawing him closer, allowing him to delve deeper into your depths. The rhythm of his movements builds, driving you both towards the edge of ecstasy.
"Sangie," you cry out, on the cusp of release, the intensity of the moment almost reaching its peak. All you need is a few more thrusts, just ,more.
"Why does Yeosang have the TV so loud? We can hear it outside," Wooyoung complains as he unlocks the door.
"Maybe he's playing video games?" Yunho suggests.
"But he doesn't need to blast it. Our neighbors might complain," Wooyoung argues.
"It's not that serious," Jongho counters.
The rest of ATEEZ knows you would stay company with yeosang, so they leave early for dinner. Now they come back and neither of you know what the other is doing.
"Hey, kang yeosang, turn the volume down!" Wooyoung shouts, only to be met with a shocking sight of you both in an intimate moment.
"WHAT THE FUCKK!!!" "HOLY SHIT!" They all swear in disbelief. You feel embarrassed and try to cover your face, forgetting that you are handcuffed.
"Hey, Yeosang, what the hell!" Wooyoung points to the handcuffs but quickly averts his gaze when he sees you naked.
"Hey, sangie..." You urge him to unlock the handcuff and escape as soon as possible.
However, he doesn't stop thrusting and smirks at you.
"What? Wanna join us?" Yeosang's face twisted into an evil smirk as he exposes you to the group without a care.
Oh, because he knows, he knows you have this kink or even want to try something new but you never told him. It's just that he noticed it himself. You can't help but let out a moan as he thrusts deeply.
Trying to stifle your sounds, you lock eyes with the stunned onlookers. They are unable to tear their gaze away from the sight of Yeosang moving in and out, and your body responding in kind.
"See, babe, they all want you."
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thejujvtsupost · 5 months
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Filming A Sex Scene
Actor!Gojo has to film his first ever sex scene and he’s nervous, good thing his girlfriend is there to encourage him.
Notes: F!reader, established relationship, fluff, healthy communication, anxiety, and humor. So unedited.
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Up until now all Satoru’s done is action films and a couple of comedies, romance films weren’t his style.
So other than a few awkward on screen kisses, he’s never had to do anything intimate.
But this movie was a huge deal with hundreds of people running around in the studio, and even though he had modesty garments on, he still felt naked.
“You pinky promise you won’t be jealous or upset about it? Maybe they can get my body double…” Satoru was slumped against you, arms hugging your middle while you stood between his legs.
“Baby this is your job. There’s nothing sexy about doing these scenes, they’re going to be directing you the entire time. But if you feel uncomfortable, then you shouldn’t do it. You have my full support.”
“Will you stay and watch?”
“Do you want me to?”
He nodded against your abdomen, “I’m the only one in the main cast that hasn’t done a sex scene so I wanna do it but I don’t want to do it alone.”
You hum and kiss his head, “Technically you’re not alone, but I understand. I’ll be right off to the side holding your robe, okay?”
“Hey I’m serious, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to do this. Your contract says you don’t have to do the intimate scene if you don’t want to. Plenty of actors never need to and it won’t change your skill. If anything, saying no increases your integrity because you’re putting down a boundary.”
“Can you see if Shoko’s out there? I think I should talk about it with her.” He knew Shoko, the assistant director, would have his back. They’ve worked on several projects together, one of them including the current director: Kento Nanami.
“Of course, I’ll flag her down.” You kiss his forehead and leave but you’re met face to face with shoko when you open the door to his dressing room, “Hey Toru, speak of the devil. I was just about to see if you were around, Shoko.”
Her brows furrowed slightly, Gojo rarely needed anything, a big perk of working with him. “Is everything alright, Gojo?”
“I don’t think I want to have fake sex with Yuki on camera anymore.”
You facepalm and sigh, “There’s so many other ways to word it and you went with that?”
“Okay no big deal, we’ll get your double ready but we’ll need your voice for the scene. Sound okay?”
“It’s that easy?”
“Well yeah, your double’s already on set from the jump scene earlier this morning. You can get dressed, we don’t reuse the garments so just toss them. Heads up though, Kento will probably want you to come in a little early on Friday to record the sound bites for the sex scene.”
A heavy breath left Gojo’s body in relief, “No one’s mad or anything?”
Shoko laughed at him a little, “No, no one’s mad. For this sort of thing it honestly doesn’t matter if it’s you or the double physically. Kento doesn’t mind either way, plus your contract has that stipulation for this exact reason.”
“Oh, then I can go home?”
Shoko confirmed and left with a wave of her hand to make arrangements. “You handled that well, baby. I’m proud of you for communicating your needs.”
Gojo’s cheeks went pink, “I don’t understand how people do it, I feel like it’s too much exposure.”
“Everyone just has a different comfort level, nothing wrong with that.”
“I guess so. Just freaks me out.” He stood up and pecked your lips before dropping his robe, “You’re the only one I want to see me naked anyway.”
“Oh my god just go get dressed so we can get dinner!” You shook your head and hung up his robe in a rare moment of silence.
The quiet didn’t last long, though, because Satoru yelled from the connected bathroom: “You know you love me!”
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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vivwritesfics · 11 months
Keep on Rolling - MV1
Chapter Five
Summary: Lando's best friend having feelings for anyone on the grid? Impossible, right? She worked with them, sharing her friendship with the grid with the world via the FormulaY/N youtube channel.
After film a video including... spicy water (alcohol), everything changes between her and a certain world champion. Good thing she hasn't had a crush on him since his F1 debut, right?
1.3K words
Promised QandA in next part
Series Masterlist
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"Hey man," Lando said to Max one evening at dinner. It was drivers only, simply because Y/N was too busy working. Everybody wanted her there, but she couldn't spare the time.
Max looked at Lando with a polite smile, too busy eating to say anything.
"You let Y/N interview you?"
He nodded his head, still eating.
"Oh. Well, the rest of us ran away. We didn't trust it not to be a prank," Lando continued. "Why didn't you?"
Max stopped eating to look at him. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"What? No. I just want to know what you're doing with my best friend," answered Lando. This was starting to piss him off. "I don't care what you do, as long as you don't do anything to hurt her."
Max simply scoffed. He didn't have any intentions with Y/N. Whatever happened, happened. If that took them down the romantic route, so be it.
"Don't worry," he said, returning his attention to his food. "I don't plan on hurting her." He ate ignoring Lando and every other driver sat around the table. There was a good few minutes where Lando stared at him, something like disgust written on his face. He didn't mean to be pulling such a face, but he couldn't help it when it came to Y/N
Y/N's eyes hurt as she stared at the emails on her screen. "What the fuck," she whispered, pinching the bridge of her nose. It was seeming more and more impossible to find a moment of peace for her.
You need to look at this and give a statement, ASAP, the email said. This is the second time this has happened in the space of a month. How does this keep happening? You need to watch yourself to make sure it doesn't happen again
She read the email a couple of times over before clicking the link.
It was an Instagram post that had gone viral within the F1 community. Pictures of her with the drivers, hidden away in hotel rooms. Moments that nobody but Y/N and the drivers involved should have pictures of.
Her having dinner in Lando's apartment, Y/N and Charles walking through the hallway of a hotel together. There was one occasion where she, Lando and Carlos had snuck up to the roof of the hotel. Somehow that picture was in the post.
The worst one, though? There was a picture of Y/N and Max laying together. It must have been after the drunken quiz video, after they had fallen asleep against each other. It was such an intimate moment, a moment meant for the two of them and nobody else.
They were pictures nobody should have had. Who had taken them? Where had they come from? How did this account have them?
But then Y/N scrolled down to the comments
Username: omg she's such a whore
Username: You'd think this years championship would be interesting since she's sleeping with the whole grid
Username: I've never liked her
Username: She ruined Lando
Username: yeah I liked Carlando better before it involved her
They just went on and on like that. Thousands of them. For every supportive comment, there seemed to be two negative ones. It was horrible. How was she supposed to put out a statement about it.
So, she pulled out her phone and did the only thing she knew to do.
Ten minute later, there was a knock at her door. Y/N wiped her tears and ran to pull it open. "Oh thank god," she said through a sob and wrapped her arms around him.
Lando walked her further into the room and pushed the door shut behind him. “Tell me what happened,” he said and sat her down on her bed. He sat beside her and Y/N instantly placed her head on his shoulder.
"People are horrible," she sniffed as she pulled up the Instagram account.
Taking her phone from her hand, Lando scrolled through the pictures before getting to the comments. As he read them, his grip on Y/N was tight, growing tighter with every horrible comment.
"I've never seen these before," said Lando as he scrolled back up to the pictures. From the way they were taken, they couldn't have been fan pictures - they must have come from someone right there with them.
Lando pressed his finger against the power button and dropped Y/N's phone into his lap. He pulled her close, running his fingers through her hair. "Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this."
There was nothing they could do that night. So Y/N locked the door, double checked the lock and then pushed her bedside table up against it.
Y/N and Lando fell asleep together, spread out across the bed. They'd fallen asleep together several times before. They'd been doing it since they were kids, sharing a bed on sleepovers. It was a habit that hadn't died and had only taken breaks when either of them were dating.
"Promise everything is going to be okay?" Y/N muttered in her sleep as she rolled towards the door.
Lando's answer was a snore.
Max was used to his phone blowing up over night. He was a world famous Formula One driver, it was bound to happen. But, when he scrolled through his notifications this time, everything was different.
Pictures, none of which he had seen before. He was in some, but the one thing every picture had in common was Y/N. Max ignored all the pictures that didn't have him in the, all the pictures but the last one. The one of him in bed with her/
Nobody had been in the room with them, Max had made sure of it.
His phone vibrated in his hand. But it wasn't who Max hoped it would be. It wasn't the girl he had been pictured with. It was his father. Jos Verstappen. Just the man Max didn't want to be speaking to.
He swiped his finger across the screen and pressed his phone to his ear.
Have you ever been berated by an angry Dutchman almost to the point of tears. Max had. He'd been berated by his father so many times before. Even now, as a twenty five year old, it still stung just as much as it had when he was a child.
Jos ran through the list of all of the news article headlines he had read that morning. All of them about his son and the youtuber that had been following the grid around like a lost dog.
As much as Max wanted to defend her, Jos didn't give him the chance. He sat there in silence as his dad shouted at him down the phone. When Jos finally hung up, Max let out a sigh.
Suddenly there was a knock at his hotel room door. Now in a foul mood, Max stood and opened up the door.
"Hey," he said, letting his visitor in.
The visitor said nothing and walked into his room. "You need to stay away from Y/N."
Max stared at Lando. He said nothing, just stared, so Lando continued. "Stay away from her. Stop falling asleep with her, stop going near her. She doesn't need you to fuck up her life."
Max sat himself back on his bed and patted his thighs in a repetitive pattern. He'd just gotten enough of this from his father, he didn't need this from Lando, too. "What gives you the right?" he asked. "Why can't she make her own decisions?"
"She doesn't know what she wants," Lando spat.
Max shook his head. "I think you're wrong," he said. "I think she knows what she wants and you're unwilling to listen to her."
Suddenly Lando was very close to him, getting in his face. "Stay the fuck away from her," he growled and marched out of the room.
Taglist (Open): @sticksdoesart @eviethetheatrefreak @eugene-emt-roe @glai1023-blog @mqcherie @itsjustkhaos @chonkybonky @arian-directioner @lazybot @lpab @princessria127 @fangirl125reader @honethatty12 @larastark3107 @urfavouritef1girly @cassiopeiia24 @callsign-scully @lexiecamposv @dl-yum @savagecelery @laneyspaulding19 @formulas-bitch @teenwolf01
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pippin-katz · 1 year
The 5 specific details of Red, White & Royal Blue spicy scenes that make me, a demisexual, feel: 🦋🫣🦋
(not ranked in any order)
I need to write an essay about this because I want to see if I'm not the only ace-spectrum person out there that has this weird- I don't want to say "exception", but that's the only word that comes to mind- when it comes to characters. But that's a topic for another post lmfao
No. 1 - Henry shoving Alex onto the couch:
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Could you tell by how I keep bringing it up and using gifs of it in my essays?
Henry being confident suits him, even if we don't get too see it much. I love how Alex's smile drops because of how surprised and shocked he is by the action.
My stomach does a flip whenever I watch this clip lmfao
No. 2 - Alex tilting his head back with these expressions when Henry starts kissing his neck:
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Look, I am not immune to an attractive human, being attractive; it's men like Taylor (and Nick) that keep me from being a lesbian lmfao
No. 3 - this:
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I don't think I need to say anything; this feels like it should be illegal. The fact that you know when Henry actually starts *clears throat* doing what he's doing, because you can see Alex's eyes roll underneath his eyelids. Like... what the fuck Taylor? Was that really necessary??
No. 4 - Alex pushing against Henry so hard that he ends up lifting him onto the table:
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Then he continues to hold his leg and pull him back towards him. It's Alex's only real moment of leading an interaction. He's controlling where they go here; Henry is going/staying where he wants him.
No. 5 - Alex's movements & Henry's facial expressions:
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This whole scene was shot/filmed/edited so well. It shows everything without even showing anything. It's also very clearly "making love" rather than "having sex". It's soft and slow, and it's so clear that they truly cherish each other in every way.
All you see is Alex's body rolling, and that's all you need to see. Then you add in Henry's expressions that show how good he feels, but in a genuine-feeling manner.
They didn't need to show anymore than this for the viewer to understand what they're doing. There's no cut to Alex's hips to "show the action" or whatever. Henry's faces aren't unrealistic or pornographic. Neither of them are portraying over-the-top pleasure that feels like it was filmed just for the audience to get their kicks.
It feels genuine, and emotionally intimate as well as physically. It makes my little demisexual heart ache, and butterflies fly around in my stomach lol
Okay that's all! There won't be a part 2 cause there's nothing to put on it, and that's kinda the point of this post lol
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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outro-jo · 1 year
when skz says “no”
pairing: skz member x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
request: yes
notes: requests are open but pls read info before requesting! also this is a formal apology to the seungmin stans. it’s so short but it was the last one i wrote and my brain was fried 😭
masterlist | info
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bang chan- this vacation was much needed and highly anticipated. chris definitely needed a break but you were anxious for entirely different reasons. the ring hidden in your pocket was the whole reason why. well, that and your plans were almost foiled at every turn. at tsa they had you show them the ring and chris almost saw. you thought you lost it in your luggage when you finally arrived. the fancy dinner you plan was almost rained out as well. all of that and chris himself almost ruined the proposal as well… with his own. he turned to look at the sunset and when he turned back, you were on one knee. before you could even ask, chris gasped and went, “No!” as your face was dropping, chris reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a ring of his own. “i’m was going to ask you.” he said with a giggle. you got up to your seat, scooting it close to him. reaching up behind his neck, you scratched at the hair line and brought his forehead to yours. “i guess we’re just perfect for each other.”
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lee know- when thinking about minho and your lives together, you knew it was a forever thing from early on in your relationship. the two of you talked fondly about marriage and possibly raising a family if your life allowed for it. with you two being together for years now, you were staring to think it was time for you two to move to the next step. the beauty of your relationship is that you and minho were equals. there was never any question about it or hard work it make it so. it was just something that happened naturally and just who minho was. when it came to the proposal you knew it had to be something low key and intimate. a big fancy proposal with flowers and at a special location just wasn’t either of your style. you decided that a movie night with the cats was the perfect time and place to do it. all night you felt the jitters, minho even commented on it a few times when you thought you were alone to catch your breath. the perfect moment had finally arrived and in the middle of the film you got down on one knee and asked the question. minho gave no sort of expression on his face. he just looked down at you in his usual deadpanned manner and pat the couch cushion next to him. “no, come sit back down. this is the best part.” you hesitantly obeyed, closing the ring box and returning it to your pocket. there was no way you were enjoying the rest of the movie the way your mind swirled. “he really doesn’t wanna marry me?” “should i have done something else to make it more special?” “does he want to break up.” though you were sitting still and quiet, minho could feel the way your mind raced and rolled his eyes. not at you of course, but you were always the impulsive and impatient one in he relationship. he reeled you in the way you needed. if you had waited just a little longer… but seeing how that wasn’t going to happen once the credits rolled, minho got up with an exasperated sigh. he knew he had to do this now or it was gonna eat you up. you sat in silence while he went to the back bedroom and returned with a black object in his hand. minho looked adorably annoyed as he got on one knee, his eyelids lazily drooped over his eyes. “fine, marry me.” he opened the box in his had to reveal the most stunning engagement ring. you gasped, watching it sparkle in the dim lighting. “minho, are you sure?!” “yes, i’m sure but you ruined the surprise i had for next week, pabo.” you laughed and tried to hide the embarrassment on your cheeks behind your hands. “you’re my pabo and i wouldn’t have our life be any other way than you moving too fast because you’re excited then i have to come behind you and do it right.” he told you, his face relaxing into what one could only describe as fondness for you. you nodded as the tears started to flow and he pulled you into his arms, sitting you on his knee for hugs and kisses. after a few seconds minho pulled away and said, “ok, gimme my ring.”
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changbin- your boyfriend was old fashioned, traditional. he liked things a certain way whereas you were totally unconventional. admittedly, he loved that about you. it pushed him out of his comfort zone and challenged his way of thinking. you brought out the best in him. though some things were just sacred to him. changbin always expected to be the one to propose to you when the time came, but it never did and you were getting tired of waiting. you took matters in your own hands. the plan was in motion, taking him out to dinner, then a quiet boat ride on the han river. just as binnie was distracted by the fireworks going off over head you, got down on one knee. “binnie, will you—“ ��no!” he got down on one knee in front of you. “marry me!” “you don’t even have a ring!” you protested. “yes, i do! i’ve had it since i met you! it’s in my closet!” he shot back. “then why haven’t you asked me to marry you?” “because…” he paused for a moment. “i was too afraid you’d say no.” he spoke in a soft voice, almost embarrassed for thinking the way he did. “but you’re the one that said ‘no’ to me.” you teased him gently. “well… that doesn’t count. you ambushed me.” “it’s called a surprise!”
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hyunjin- paris was one of hyunjin’s favorite cities. you never really understand the “city of love” thing until you went there with your love. all the lights and beautiful blossoms on the trees, the incredible food and shopping, it all was so much better experiencing it with the love of your life. you were so swept up in the feeling, you couldn’t help but want to make the most of your time here. before you knew it, you were walking out of a jewelry shop with a ring for your boyfriend but no plan whatsoever. you had resigned to let paris work her magic and the moment will come when it was supposed to. it was a beautiful afternoon with you and hyunjin walking hand in hand, his camera around his neck to take shots as you went. walking along the river, the sun was just setting and hyunjin had to stop you because you looked so beautiful. “wait, baby, the light is perfect right now!” he held the film camera up to his eye, squinting to look through the view finder. he took two shots of different poses and before he could realize what was going on, you got down on your knee. the flash went off but hyunjin froze, his hands slowly lowering to reveal his jaw agape as he stared at you. “will you marry me, hyunjinnie?” you opened the box to reveal the ring. “no…” it was so faint, you weren’t sure you heard it right. “what?” you asked. hyunjin suddenly snapped back into reality, the weight of what he said hitting him. “no! no, i mean, no!” as if the word wasn’t already echoing in your head, hyunjin kept repeating it as he fumbled. “i can take a hint, babe.” you scoffed bitterly and went to stand. “wait, no! i— uggghh” he was growing more frustrated with himself. letting the camera fall, held by the strap around his neck, he dug into his pocket. “i mean, ‘no’ as in, ‘there’s no way i found someone so incredibly perfect for me’.” hyunjin held the ring out to you, beaming. your face lit up before you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing all over his face repeating “yes” over and over.
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han- competitive. that’s one word everyone would use to describe your relationship with jisung. not in a bad way. it was very playful and usually lighthearted. the two of you joked about who would end up proposing first and mock fighting it was gonna be you while he insisted it would be him. this also resulted in a proposal from him that you just rolled your eyes at because you knew he was just doing it for the bit. when you finally decided enough was enough and you had to marry him, you put a lot of thought into how you would propose to him. the perfect day was planned and it was jisung to a t. by the time you were about to drop to a knee, jisung was completely oblivious but panicked the minute he turned and saw you. “NO! NO!” he fussed, dropping to his knee. “i was gonna ask you first.” “too bad.” you gave him a shit eating grin. “i won. now you have to marry me.” jisung couldn’t help but laugh at you. “fine, ok, but i also won and you’re my prize.”
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felix- dating felix was nothing short of magical. even the harder times when you two were apart or struggling to communicate, you always felt this overwhelming love for him. it gave you hope in those times that it would always work out. your and felix’s relationship was unique in that neither of you fell into specific gender roles. felix always prefers to keep gender stereotype out of quite literally everything. it felt completely right with him. which is why it felt totally natural buying an engagement ring, especially so early on in your relationship. the saying, “you just know” couldn’t have been more true and you finally understood when you met felix. the ring lived in your sock drawer, lying in wait for the right time, which you knew was probably some time in the future. the universe had other plans. the ring stayed perfectly hidden for a year or so until felix had decided to take the relationship to the next step: moving in together. he very sweetly offered to help you pack and quite honestly, the ring had been in there so long that you often forgot about it. it wasn’t until felix was in the drawer and you walked in and heard, “oh, no…” that you froze. you panicked, “felix, baby, i can explain!” you didn’t have to, felix was already on his knee in front of you, holding your own ring towards you. he was teary eyed and grinning ear to ear. “i dunno why i didn’t think about this sooner. i guess you’re always one step ahead of me. you’ve always been smarter than me.” he chuckled. “but i want this. i want you. i promise i’ll get you a ring, too. just please… marry me.” silence hung in the air as he finished his proposal. you hesitated, “lix… is it too soon?” felix quickly stood, shaking his head as he took you in his arms. “of course not! i want forever to start as soon as possible with you. i love you so much!” he emphasized the last sentence. “then i guess it’s a yes.”
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seungmin- seungmin was very particular about literally everything and it was your job as his partner to mess that up a bit, bring him out of his comfort zone. he had a love/hate relationship with your ‘job’. seungmin needed the house cold, you turned up the heat. seungmin folded his clothes a certain way, you found a better way to fold them. seungmin wanted an apartment out of the city, you found a block away from the dorms. every single idea or thought was challenged by you. so when you proposed to him and he said no, it didn’t faze you one bit. you still loved him just as much as you did before. it was only two weeks later when seungmin proposed to you over dinner, in his own way. sometimes you gotta let him win some.
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i.n- in his defense, you shouldn’t have asked while he was in a game with felix. he just looked so beautiful. freshly showered, no makeup, his skin glowing after his skincare routine. jeongin was so stunning that in that moment, you couldn’t help but ask. “will you marry me?” the words just fell from your lips effortlessly. your boyfriend tucked a headphone behind his ear, half glancing down at you as he said, “what? oh, no thanks, baby,” before returning to his game.  you weren’t really serious but to hear ‘no’ still stung. having taken all your bruised ego can handle, you went back to your shared bedroom to nurse your wounds. it’s not like you and jeongin have been together for a few weeks or even months. it’s been years by now, but you both are still young and he has stay and stray kids to worry about. i guess it wasn’t good timing anyways. but you couldn’t help but wonder if he ever wanted to get married. the worry plagued your mind for weeks after and you felt yourself growing more distant. it wasn’t intentional but the small incident couldn’t help but have you insecure in yourself and your relationship. jeongin on the other hand didn’t really notice as his mind was a little preoccupied. he had a comeback and tour in the works and there was something he decided that he needed to do before he left. on the night before he left, he took you out to dinner at you favorite fancy restaurant. this was the restaurant where you spent birthdays and anniversaries. the restaurant where your parents met for the first time. this was a special place but you hardly paid attention. for the first time, jeongin could see the space between the two of you in the glossy look in your eyes. they stared at the utensil you fidgeted with in your hands. the fear of not asking you far outweighed you possibility of you saying no so he finally had to ask. rather than getting down on one knee (which you both had prior agreed was a weird tradition), he slid the little black box to you across the table. you rolled your eyes playfully and took it. “you didn’t have to get me anything.” you teased him. all the air in your lungs dissipated when you saw the ring glittering back at you. “jeong— wha—?” your words failed you. your boyfriend couldn’t hold back the biggest smile, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “i couldn’t go on tour without knowing i’d come back and you’d still be mine. i know i’ve done it before but i just need you so badly. i wanna spend forever with you. will you spend it with me?” needless to say, the two of you now had a funny proposal story to tell your family now.
taglist: @ujejdjd
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comfortzonequeen · 13 days
Under Starlit Skies
Summary: A story where reader and Austin Butler are working together on a romantic movie, and while filming, their on-screen chemistry starts to blur the lines with their real-life feelings for each other?
Warning: N\A
Y/N L/N and Austin Butler were cast as leads in a romantic drama, a project everyone in Hollywood was buzzing about. The movie, "Under Starlit Skies", was about two people who meet by chance during a magical evening and slowly fall in love. Their characters, deeply intertwined in emotion, had undeniable chemistry from the very first table read. But what no one anticipated was that this chemistry would spill into their real lives.
Day 1 on Set
The first day of shooting took place in a beautiful, secluded vineyard just outside of Napa Valley. The scene required Y/N and Austin to share a quiet, intimate moment under the stars. As they rehearsed the lines, the glow of the moonlight and the warmth of the nearby campfire set a calming tone.
"You're really good at this," Austin complimented, his blue eyes sparkling in the dim light.
Y/N smiled, feeling a slight flutter in her chest. "Thanks. I could say the same about you."
They fell into a comfortable rhythm, effortlessly bouncing off each other's energy. The crew was watching closely, captivated by how easily they seemed to connect. Even the director, a veteran of countless love stories, was impressed. "Cut! Perfect take, guys. Let’s move on to the next."
But neither Y/N nor Austin was ready to walk away. They lingered, sharing a smile, before heading off to their trailers.
Late-Night Rehearsals
As the days turned into weeks, Y/N and Austin found themselves spending more time together. The demanding shooting schedule gave them little time for much else, and soon they were having late-night rehearsals in Y/N’s trailer.
"You know," Austin said one evening, leaning back on the couch, "this script is great and all, but I think we could add something more to this scene. Make it feel... real."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Like what?"
"I don't know, maybe we play with the pauses between our lines. Sometimes, when people are falling in love, it's the silence that says the most."
She thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "I like that. Let's try it."
They ran through the lines again, adding subtle moments of quiet, glances that lingered a little too long, and smiles that felt all too genuine. By the end of the scene, they were sitting closer, their knees touching.
On-Set Chemistry
The director had noticed something shifting between Y/N and Austin. Their on-screen chemistry was electric, so much so that the rest of the cast began making little jokes about it.
"You two should get a room," one of the crew members teased after a particularly steamy scene.
Y/N laughed it off, but her heart raced every time she was near Austin. It was undeniable—they were growing closer. What started as friendly banter had evolved into something much deeper. Austin would make her coffee in the mornings, and she'd wait for him after they wrapped each day. Their conversations grew longer, and the silences between them, even off-camera, were comfortable, full of unspoken understanding.
The Turning Point
One evening, after filming a particularly emotional scene, Austin invited Y/N to grab dinner at a quiet little restaurant off the beaten path. The small town they were filming in didn't have much, but the ambiance of the place was perfect.
Over dinner, they talked about everything—life, work, dreams, and fears. Y/N shared stories of her childhood, and Austin opened up about his career and the pressures of being in the spotlight.
"I'm glad you're here," he said softly, his hand resting on the table near hers. "I don't think this film would've worked without you."
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat. "I feel the same way. This has been... unexpected."
"Unexpected, but good?"
"Yeah. Really good."
There was a pause, the kind Austin had suggested in their rehearsal weeks ago. They held each other’s gaze, the energy between them shifting.
Austin reached across the table, gently taking Y/N’s hand. "We should stop pretending this is just for the movie."
Y/N blinked, caught off guard by his boldness, but the truth of his words resonated deeply. "What do we do then?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
Austin’s smile was tender, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. "We let it happen. No pressure. No expectations."
Balancing Work and Love
After that night, Y/N and Austin’s relationship evolved quietly. They tried to keep things professional on set, but their stolen glances and subtle touches didn’t go unnoticed by the cast and crew.
Off-set, they spent their free time exploring new cities together as the movie took them to different locations. Whether it was wandering through the streets of Paris or sipping coffee in a cozy café in Prague, they found moments to just be themselves, away from the public eye.
The intensity of their work on-screen bled into their real-life connection, but they both knew the importance of keeping things balanced. They supported each other, Austin showing up to set early to cheer her on during difficult scenes, and Y/N being a grounding presence when the weight of fame bore down on him.
The Premiere
When "Under Starlit Skies" premiered, the media couldn’t get enough of KC and Austin. Their chemistry on the red carpet was undeniable, with photographers constantly snapping pictures of them laughing together, stealing little touches, and whispering in each other’s ears.
As the movie played on the big screen, audiences were captivated by the love story, but what most didn’t realize was that the real love story had unfolded behind the scenes.
By the time the credits rolled, it wasn’t just the characters in the movie who had fallen in love. Y/N and Austin had found something real, something they hadn’t anticipated but couldn’t deny. And as they stepped out of the theater hand in hand, the world watched in awe, knowing this wasn’t just a Hollywood romance—it was the start of something beautiful.
Author's Note: This is my first ever imagine guys so please don't come for me. I know it's short but ...... No buts. But please feel free to tell me what you think. Been hella obsessed with AB lately.
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cailins-posts · 3 months
You should do one based off the family skate video of Jack and his supposedly girlfriend and the reader is his girlfriend and she is metting Ellen Jim and Luke and sees all the camars on her and Jack resures her that she should not worry about it and she sis perfect
If that makes any since also love you fics love reading them every time you post
Thank you so much for the request and the nice words 🤭🤭🤍
"Skating into Family: A Hughes Brothers' Tale"
Jack hughes x reader
In the bustling city of Montreal, where hockey was more than just a sport but a way of life, lived the Hughes family—renowned not only for their prowess on the ice but also for their unbreakable bond. At the center of this hockey-loving clan were the Hughes brothers: Jack, the eldest at 19, known for his lightning-fast speed and precise stickhandling; Jim, 17, with a powerful shot and a knack for setting up plays; and Luke, the youngest at 15, whose agility and determination on the ice matched his older brothers'.
Their journey in hockey was a tale of dedication and passion. From the early morning practices to late-night games under the glare of stadium lights, the Hughes brothers were inseparable both on and off the ice. They had grown up dreaming of playing in the NHL, inspired by their father, a former professional hockey player, who had passed down his love for the game.
Amidst the whirlwind of practices, games, and media attention, there was Y/N—Jack's girlfriend and a quiet pillar of support. She had been by Jack's side through thick and thin, cheering him on from the stands and celebrating each milestone in his hockey career. Recently, she had started capturing their hockey adventures on camera, documenting the exhilarating highs and the intimate moments off the ice.
One crisp winter day, the Hughes brothers and Y/N decided to film a special video showcasing their skills on the ice. They rented out a local rink, the ice gleaming under the bright arena lights, as Y/N set up her camera to capture every moment of their skating prowess.
As they glided across the ice, Jack effortlessly maneuvered through defenders, Jim showcased his powerful shots on goal, and Luke dazzled with his quick footwork. Y/N focused her lens, capturing the intensity and grace of their movements, her admiration for their talent evident in each frame.
During a break in filming, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. The spotlight was on her today, not just behind the camera but as an integral part of their video. What if she stumbled on the ice? What if she didn't measure up to their hockey skills?
Sensing her apprehension, Jack skated over and gently took her gloved hand. "Hey, you've got this," he reassured her, his voice steady and comforting. "Just skate like you always do—smooth and confident. You're perfect."
Encouraged by Jack's words, Y/N smiled gratefully. She watched as Jim and Luke playfully raced each other across the ice, their brotherly competition adding to the camaraderie of the moment. Their parents, Ellen and their dad, joined in from the stands, their faces beaming with pride and excitement.
Throughout the filming session, Y/N found herself relaxing into the rhythm of the rink. She exchanged laughs with Ellen about the joys and challenges of being part of a hockey family, finding a warm connection that eased any lingering nerves. Jim, always the jokester, teased her about her newfound skills with the camera, while Luke eagerly shared his latest hockey strategy.
As the session drew to a close, they reviewed the footage on Y/N's camera—a blend of breathtaking shots and candid moments of laughter and camaraderie. Jack stood beside her, watching with admiration.
"You captured it all so beautifully," Jack said softly, pulling her close for a hug. "I'm so glad you're here with us, sharing this journey."
Y/N leaned into his embrace, feeling a surge of gratitude and belonging. The Hughes brothers weren't just hockey players—they were a family that embraced her as one of their own, appreciating her unique perspective and unwavering support. In their eyes, she wasn't just Jack's girlfriend; she was Y/N, an integral part of their hockey journey.
As they packed up their gear and headed home, Y/N glanced back at the empty rink, filled with a renewed sense of confidence. She knew that with Jack by her side and the Hughes brothers' camaraderie, there would always be more victories to celebrate—both on and off the ice. And in that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, she felt truly perfect.
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
hey!! could you please write more neil perry smuts? they’re so rare and your writing is amazing
your wish is my command 🤍
It’s Just Practice
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Pairing: older!Neil Perry x actress!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, smut, dirty talk, language, oral f & m receiving, p in v, fluff, MDNI!!!
Summary: It’s Neil’s first sex scene on a new acting job and not only is he terrified but he’s afraid he’ll be so uncomfortable it will affect his acting. You provide a solution.
word count: 4.2k
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You don’t miss the way Neil wipes sweaty palms on the front of his jeans, eyes darting to the filming schedule for the week, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. Ever since you both had started filming this movie he hadn’t been nervous, in fact he was a natural, which you appreciated considering you had been doing this your whole life. That’s why his behavior has caught you off guard, the script pages fanning against your fingers as you flip through them in search of the lines you’d have to brush up on this week.
“What’s up with you?” your voice comes out sharp, startling him as he jumps to turn and spot you in your director chair, legs crossed, and script open on your lap.
“Nothing, I’m fine” he says unconvincingly and it almost makes you snort considering an actor should be much better at lying than he is.
“No you’re not, take a seat Bambi” you tease, watching the doe eyed boy nervously approach his own director chair beside you and take a seat. You know he hates when you call him that but someone so innocent looking like him exploring the world of acting on unsteady legs reminded you of the sweet deer.
“I swear I’m fine” he says, stretching his fingers over his thighs, looking anywhere but you as he clearly battles with whatever inner thoughts currently had him this on edge.
“Neil, I’ve been doing this a long time. So let’s skip whatever this is and get to the part where you confide in your experienced friend” his cheeks burn red, taking your words in a context you don’t quite understand yet, because he was currently freaking out about the scene scheduled for tomorrow.
“It’s about tomorrow” he nearly whispers, causing you to lean closer to make sure you don’t miss what he says.
“What about it?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed together as you close the script and plop it on the ground beside your chair. A nervous hand meets the back of his neck, massaging the flesh there as he attempts to find his words.
“I-I’ve never filmed a sex scene before” he whispers again and you can’t help the giggle that bubbles past your lips, shocked that of all things you two had already filmed together this was the one that shook him the most. “Please, it’s not funny”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just-, usually the men I act with look forward to those scenes the most” you offer, trying to calm your laughter down. Neil shakes his head so you reach to place a hand on his arm, offering as much comfort as you can.
“I’ve never done one before and if I’m being honest the guy who went to an all boys high school wasn’t actively getting laid in college” he tells you and this is something new about him that you hadn’t known, it could explain why he was still so nervous and sweet around women unlike some people in this industry.
“You have… right?” you find yourself asking and Neil wears a panicked expression.
“Yes, yes, I’ve been with a woman. Just not on camera, not like this” he gestures to the script, knowing the scene the two of you were to perform tomorrow was a high stakes passionate moment between lovers.
“Take a breath Perry, it’s easier than you’d think” you assure him, squeezing his arm once more before letting go.
“How could it be easier?” he asks, exasperated and little shaken up about this whole thing. He’s nearly positive that if he had known there was a sex scene he may have never taken the job.
“It’s easier because not only are we professionals but we’re friends. You can’t look at it like an intimate moment being watched by an audience, you have to be comfortable and trust me” you tell him, reaching for your water bottle. Neil lets the words sink in as you take a sip, eyeing how some of the water dribbles along your lip and your tongue darts out to catch it.
“Friends don’t kiss each other” he says with the shake of his head and you snort, twisting the cap back on your water bottle.
“In this business they do, it’s nothing, it’s friendly!” you assure and Neil can’t help but chuckle, finding a semblance of amusement in this minor crisis of his.
“Well if you don’t remember, this is only like my third acting job that isn’t theater” Neil says, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and rub his hands together. You watch as his biceps flex under that thin material of his shirt and gulp lightly.
“Alright, here’s the deal. After filming today, come to my place, I’ll cook you dinner and we can…. practice the scene. Make sure you’re comfortable” you suggest, wringing your hands together and hoping the boy doesn’t take it in some weird way. You had been doing suggestive scenes a long time, long before it was probably even appropriate, so this should be nothing. How hard could it be to make Neil comfortable with you?
“Okay, that sounds good. Thank you” he says and you crack a smile even though you were suddenly the one who was nervous. There was nothing normal about cooking dinner for a man and practicing fake sex but then again nothing about this job had been normal so far. So you nod your head and prepare for the worst.
“Yeah, anytime”
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It’s taking everything in you to tear your eyes away from them nearly empty casserole dish, the very one you and Neil had just picked at in order to delay the next part of this hangout. You felt silly even making it considering it was the only thing you ever learned how to cook and you had to double the recipe to feed more than one person. It was even more embarrassing digging through your kitchen for more than a single serve dish to cook it in.
“The food was great” Neil offers and it springs you into action, shoving the chair away from the table as you collect the dishes and start towards the sink.
“Thanks, I’m not much of a cook” you say, smiling as he meets you at the sink with his own used plate. He smiles back as you take it from his hands, setting it in along with the other stack.
“I brought my script, you know, just incase. Even though there isn’t a lot of dialogue” he says and you giggle, realizing your were more comfortable with him than you had previously thought.
“Great, why don’t we go to my room” you sound silly saying it, like a teenage girl unsure of how to get a boy in her bedroom but Neil doesn’t even flinch as he nods at you and waits to follow in your direction.
You use the opportunity to snag your empty wine glasses and the rest of the bottle from dinner to bring with you, flashing him a quick smile over your shoulder as he follows you up the stairs and to your room. He’s ever the gentleman as you set the glasses on your dresser, pouring fresh glasses as he eyes the minimal belongings around the room.
“Cozy” is all he says and you smile, handing him a glass while sipping from your own.
“Temporary, I travel too much for work to ever get comfortable in one place” the notion surprises Neil, considering he stayed in the same place for nearly his entire life. Even through all of college and into his adult years he still hadn’t even spent as much time out of Welton as he did in it.
“Sounds lonely” he suggests as he moved to sit on the end of your bed and you tip back the rest of the wine before joining him.
“Maybe, but I’m used to it” you tell him, taking the script from his hands and opening to the pages. If you were to survive this, you’d have to be as professional as you could.
“Alright coach, how do we do this?” he asks, lacing his fingers and stretching his arms out in front of him. You chuckle, shaking your head lightly at the boy who was so nervous about this earlier.
“Well the beauty of a sex scene is we have creative freedom. You only have a few marks you have to hit, other than that there isn’t much direction to follow” you explain, holding out the script to show how the script indicates where they kiss, where their hands should be, certain sounds, in only various places.
“Okay so make it your own but also hit the marks” he nods, glancing at the script as he lets the new information sink in.
“I find it best to count and also pace it as if it was real. So from the moment we first kiss, count to five and then put your hand on my cheek” you explain, pointing to the written direction on the page and Neil nods.
“Okay, so it starts with us at the end of the bed and I lean in for a kiss” Neil says, holding the adorable glasses he wore up to his eyes. You smile as he drops them back down into his front shirt pocket again.
“If it makes you more comfortable we can practice, I promise I don’t bite and I haven’t been told I’m a bad kisser” you shrug and he bellows a laugh, moving the script from out of between you both. He was nervous earlier but he also liked you, thought you were funny, and if you were this willing to work with him there was really nothing he should be afraid of.
“Tell me if I do something wrong” he whispers, ducking in close and tracing the tip of his nose along the bridge of yours. You suck in a sharp breath, unprepared for his causality about the whole thing.
Slowly you tip your head up, eager to chase his lips with your own and finally, just as in the script he meets you, unpracticed lips fumbling together as he kisses you like it’s real. You kiss back slowly, sighing softly as his hand meets your cheek and slowly slides into your hair, fingers lacing through the locks and grabbing a fistful to steady your mouth against his own. If Neil was truly unexperienced it would not be this good.
Following the next part of the script he slowly eases you onto the mattress, chest pushing against your own until your head meets the soft cushion of your bed. For once you’re thankful your character doesn’t have to do much of the work, you just let out soft sounds of delight as his lips trail down your neck and meet the front of your chest. You’re not even sure if you’re acting anymore when you roll your hips into his own.
“We can stop here” he mutters against your skin but you feverishly shake your head, hands meeting his face and keeping him where he was.
“No, it’s okay. We’re gonna see a lot of each other tomorrow, better to just get it out of the way” you urge and he nods, continuing to kiss your neck as he starts shoving your dress up the sides of your hips just like it is in the script.
“Tell me if you get uncomfortable” he mutters, lips kissing along the fabric on your chest and stomach, inching his way down.
This would be the scene where he removed your panties, the camera would be just on your face as you moaned out words of pleasure, as if he was actually giving you head. Ever the actor though, Neil has found himself with his arms hooked under your legs and head awfully close to your underwear where he can undoubtedly see the wet patch beginning to form there. You both freeze, realizing fairly quickly this wasn’t a scene surrounded by a hundred workers, that you were alone and he had made you wet.
“I-I’ve never” Neil suddenly says and your cheeks tint pink, hands already reaching to shove your dress back down and over your hips. “Could I?”
“What?” you can’t help the shocked voice that leaves you as the brunette boy gives you a sheepish look.
“I know we don’t actually have to but I really am comfortable with you and if you’d let me?” he suddenly feels like an idiot, coming over here for help and then nearly begging to eat you out. You can practically see the thoughts racing in his head and you slowly pull your skirt back up.
“Go ahead” you urge and despite the initial shock Neil doesn’t let it falter him as he slips his fingers into the hem of your underwear and slowly begins to slide them down your legs. If you had known the night would turn out like this you probably would’ve never invited him over but it was already too late, you wanted him hopefully as much as he wanted you.
“Just, make sure I do it right” he says and before you can respond with some sort of agreement his tongue darts out and glides through your folds, a squeak escaping the back of your throat as your head drops back against the mattress.
Neil realizes the reaction you made is a good one so he dives right in, relishing in the taste of you as he licks and sucks, exploring all the new parts of a female body he’d never understood before. When his nose nudges against your clit a loud moan break free from your lips, making Neil’s eyes widen as he dares to do it again in order to confirm that was the spot to get such a reaction out of you. When he realizes it was no mistake he moves to suck hard on that one spot and your eyes nearly roll back in your head.
“Shit Neil, you really sure you haven’t done this?” you pant, whimpering as he slides a finger into you. Neil hums in response, the vibration of it tingling up through your whole body. He doesn’t pull away to give a verbal answer and instead speeds up his movements that you begin to feel the coil in your stomach tighten.
It’s when he slips a second finger into you and he moans against your clit do you feel your orgasm near the edge. On instinct your hand flies down to tangle into his hair, thighs slowly tightening around him as his movements never cease. Your other hand is wound so tightly into your sheets you miss the sly look he gives when he realizes you’re about to finish. With one last pump of his fingers and harsh suck to your clit you’re cumming swiftly, tightening around his hand as he continues to coax the orgasm out of you. The whines that leave your mouth are delectable and when your body finally relaxes against the mattress he pulls away, a happy smile on his face as his heart thrums in his chest.
“How was that for practice?” he says, breaking the silence, and you laugh quickly. At least he was able to be confident in this situation.
“I’d say we were a little too professional” you respond, breath coming out in heavy pants and Neil stands from the ground at the end of the bed, smiling down at you. Yet it’s impossible to miss how hard he is in his jeans, the length of him pressed uncomfortably against his zipper, and you gulp. Neil notices your eye line immediately, suddenly nervous all over again.
“You know the next part of the script is me helping you out?” you say in the form of the question even though you both know it’s not. Neil chuckles even though nothing is entirely funny about how your suggestion has suddenly made him harder and the look in your eyes proves you’re not going to let him off that easy.
“You don’t have to, I’ve kinda already stepped over the line” he shyly says, that nervous hand once again returning to the back of his neck. It doesn’t matter though because you’ve already sat up and started tugging at the zipper of his pants, fingers fumbling the button open.
“Shut up for once Perry and let’s finish what we started. Practice or not” and with one fowl sweep your tugging his pants and boxers down in one go. You had never considered the size of him before today but you’re not disappointed, in fact you’re shocked to see he had been hiding all that all this time.
Neil’s the one whining now, member standing tall and proud, grazing his lower abdomen and leaking with precum. You smile at him, hands pushing the T-shirt up and over his head before standing and pushing him down in the place you just were. He shifts, clearly in need of some relief, but you don’t touch him just yet. Instead you reach for the bottom of your dress, slowly tugging it up and over your own head just to reveal you had forgone a bra.
“Oh God” Neil says at the sight and you just grin, hands falling to his thighs as you lower yourself to the ground, kneeling where he just was. Neil can barely watch as you place a soft kiss on his thigh, hand rubbing up to his pelvis and dangerously close to where he was desperate for your touch.
“You know Perry, of all things I never expected you to be so desperate” you tease and he goes to give a witty comeback, he really wants to, but you have your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and any words in his mouth are swallowed in an instant. You wait a beat before pumping your hand softly, when you earn a soft moan you finally dart your tongue out and slowly lick the tip.
Neil’s squeezes his eyes shut so tightly there is almost tears coming out of them. You smile at the sight before taking him into your mouth fully. The gasp he lets out is music to your ears and you take as much of him as you can. What you can’t reach you use your hand and just like that Neil Perry is a mess of a man in your bed, when not so long ago this was supposed to be an innocent and professional practice. When you speed up your movements he’s quick to snap his eyes open, sitting up in an attempt to push you off.
“Baby, I’m not gonna last if you keep going like this and personally I’d like to be inside you when I do finish” the pet name and the sentiment has your ears burning red but you release him with a pop anyway, arm wiping at your chin as you smile up at him.
“How does it go in the script? Me on top?” Neil blushes and you lift from your knees, crawling above him on the bed. His eyes dart from your own, to your breasts, to where the two of you will meet, and you can nearly see the gears turning in his head.
“God I’m in trouble” is all he says when you grind down onto his length, covering him in your slick.
“Why’s that?” you ask, an innocent look on your face as you settle above him and grind against his length again, not quite lining him up to slip inside yet.
“There’s no way I’m not going to get a hard on, on set tomorrow. Especially after I already know what it’s like to be inside you” he pants, hands gripping your hips as you move slowly against him, nearly killing him.
“You haven’t been inside me yet, in fact we could just stop right now and save you the embarrassment” you start to say lifting up, but his hands grip tighter, and bring you back down. You’re sure he might leave finger marks but at this point you don’t really care.
“Baby, I am painfully hard and this either ends with me inside you or me awkwardly going to the bathroom to resolve this little issue, and I’d much prefer the first one” the sentence makes you giggle loudly and Neil finally breaks a smile, grinding his hips up into your own and you’re quickly reminded of the sheer length of him nestled deliciously between you.
“I prefer it too” is all you say before you grab his member without warning and line it up with your entrance. Neil squeezes your hips tightly and watches with wide eyes as you slide down his length. Slowly, slowly, until you’re flush against him and your head is tipping back at the sensation.
It’s better than he could’ve ever imagined and without you looking he gains the courage to reach and grope your tits, shamelessly feeling them up. The action makes you grind against him and he stiffens, trying to make sure he lasts as long as he could. He didn’t want this to end. Yet you seemed to have enjoyed the feeling as well and without warning you’re grinding quickly against him, using his hold on your chest for balance. When the feeling doesn’t become enough you place your hands on his own chest and lift off him. His hands instantly leave your breasts and return to your hips where he guides you back down on him.
You stay like this for a while, filthy moans leaving both of your lips as you bounce on his length, your eyes rolling back every time he hits that spot inside you. When Neil is sure he can’t take it anymore he’s flipping you onto the bed, hovering above you and giving no warning as he starts drilling into you. The moan you let out is pornographic and as he continues to drive into you he leans down and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. When he feels you tightening against him he smiles and meets his lips with your own.
“Come on baby, finish one more time for me” he encourages before pulling back and thrusting into you faster. When his fingers meet your clit and begin to rub, you feel the coil tighten in your stomach, ready for release.
“Shit Neil” you gasp, hands gripping his arms and holding on tightly. Neil smiles and never slows his pace.
“Come on baby, so fucking pretty like this” he says breathily, moaning softly in your face and it’s enough for the coil to snap. You tighten down around his length, legs trembling as they try to close together and he never ceases his movements as you cum hot and fast.
“I’m not gonna last much longer” he warns and you wrap your legs around him, indicating to finish in you, and it causes his hips to stutter. When your lips meet his own he’s finishing, warm ropes filling your inside, and he pushes in deeply once more as he settles against you.
You both lay there for a moment, letting the weight of what just happened settle in. You had never let a coworker step over that line before but it wasn’t regret you were feeling. In fact your stomach was warm with desire that hadn’t quite burned out yet. You had found Neil charming and kind from the start but you had not realized the feelings that bubbled there all along. Brewing into something much bigger and deeper than you ever realized. Something that made you go through with what you just did.
“So that just happened” Neil breaks the silence and you giggle loudly, hand falling against the back of his head and keeping him against you. The warmth spreading from your stomach and all the way up your chest.
“I told you there was no reason to be nervous” you say, fingers grazing through his hair and he chuckles, arms wrapping tighter around your bare waist.
“That may be true but now I’m more nervous everyone on set will see how into you I really am” Neil admits, lips brushing against your chest softly and ending with a soft kiss.
“Good acting is all, Oscar worthy” you say and he laughs again, head lifting to look in your eyes. They’re so full of adoration your heart stutters in your chest and you realize just how gone for him you really are.
“Hopefully that wasn’t all it was, acting” Neil says softly and you shake your head, hands coming to rest on his shoulders.
“No, that was real” you admit and he smiles before leaning and pressing a firm kiss against your lips. One that conveyed he had no interest to stop kissing you after this moment. Maybe you were done for, in over your head, but at least you had this moment. A feeling, the idea of hope, that you could hold onto forever.
“It was real for me too”
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rainsfiction · 7 months
I think one of the most interesting things about Oliver is that he absolutely could’ve been a permanent fixture at Saltburn with Felix if only he had been a little less greedy. His biggest downfall is that his upper middle class privilege made him overly presumptuous with his greed in a way that left cracks in his carefully thought out plans.
First and foremost, it’s important to note that Oliver is an unreliable narrator in ways that made his third act monologue an unexpectedly interesting part of the film. His monologue is meant to not only justify his actions but is also a way for Oliver to make himself out to be smarter and better than he truly is. He’s working overtime to convince himself that he’s won and that he’s achieved this through his own actions. Whether you chose to believe him or not is up to you; what really matters is that you understand that no matter how big (or little) of a role he played in securing Saltburn for himself, he still royally fucked up his original plan on multiple occasions. He is not a mastermind who got what he originally wanted all along. He was not all knowing and he was not watching everyone play checkers while he played chess. Oliver. Fucked. Up.
The bicycle scene (whether you believe he tampered with the tire or not) and the pub rescue scene were more than enough to win over Felix. Felix was shallow and would've given no extra thought to Oliver's usefulness or perceived poverty. Oliver could’ve hinted at a difficult home situation and used the family strain he already experienced as a hook for Felix if necessary. It would’ve been enough... but then Oliver got greedy. He started building up the poverty case more and more, in the hopes of getting more and more of Felix, and that was his first major mistake.
It’s important to remember that we see Felix not from Oliver’s POV directly, but from Oliver’s POV in his twisted retelling that we have no reason to believe. Though Oliver probably knew Felix intimately, he doesn't share that Felix with us. He shares the godly image he built in his mind that is tainted by his own self deprecation. In Oliver’s world Felix was seconds from dropping him at any given moment, because why would Felix keep Oliver? In reality, Felix had already deemed Oliver the perfect new toy. Sure, Felix was irritated in the cleaning argument scene… but if we work under the assumption that Felix had already chosen Oliver, then Oliver pointing out his privilege in an way that made him acknowledge it would’ve ultimately intensified Felix’s saviour complex once he got past the initial discomfort. It might’ve taken a moment, but Felix would’ve ran straight back to Oliver soon enough. Though Oliver couldn't see it, we see through the jealousy Felix's circle of friends display that Oliver was a more permanent fixture in Felix is life than most were comfortable with. The problem was that Oliver couldn't handle the wait, and his greed overrode his patience and lead to yet another mistake when he escalates the situation by bringing in a dead father that he didn’t actually need.
Farleigh and Oliver’s dynamic is so interesting because Farleigh immediately recognises Oliver for what he truly is. Farleigh has an interesting class dynamic where by right he should be a permanent fixture at Saltburn as a member of the Catton family, but he’s been carelessly demoted to upper middle class purgatory. He recognises Oliver as his competition almost immediately despite having played this game for far longer. Farleigh is happy to play this game in school, because he knows it well enough to win, but then Farleigh is shaken when he realises Oliver has become his competition in fighting their way into the Catton family. Farleigh recoginses what Oliver doesn't, that Oliver is permanent. He hates that Oliver’s race mixed with his Oscar winning poverty act has given Oliver that extra boost that makes him a real threat to Farleigh's place in Saltburn.
This is what makes the karaoke scene so interesting. Up until that point Farleigh see's Oliver as lesser and underserving of a place at Saltburn. The karaoke scene shows a significant shift where Farleigh finally accepts Oliver as a worthy opponent and potential teammate. With the obvious attraction between them Oliver should’ve taken him up on his truce without question. Alas, Oliver’s greed takes control once more and he immediately tries to place himself above Farleigh despite the offer of solidarity presented to him. This is what leads to the Rent scene where Farleigh successfully declares war once more, and where Oliver calls him over to finish the song in a way that ensures that he wins that round. The problem is that unlike Farleigh, who is focused on playing an upper middle class game of infiltrating the 1%, Oliver gets so lost in cosplaying poor that he loses focus of what the real game is. He’s so focused on the humiliation his poor character must feel from singing Rent that he loses sight of the acceptance of the role the song portrays that Farleigh displays which allows for Farleigh to win the next round. He fails to recognise that he needs Farleigh as an ally to get what he truly wants, and that was one of his biggest mistakes of all.
Oliver's want for Felix ultimately becomes his biggest downfall as he lays the foundations for relationships with the Cattons only to taint those relationships for Felix's comfort. Felix didn't need to be happy with Oliver at all times, but Oliver was greedy for the affection that came with Felix is good graces. Oliver singlehandedly undid the work he had done on Venetia – and by extension the work he had done on Elspeth – to keep Felix's easy affections. Felix was sulking, but he would've gotten over it pretty quickly if Oliver practiced some subtlety and put in just that little bit more work for the affection he craved. Oliver didn't have the patience for the long game. He wanted Felix is affection immediately and that meant that he made the mistake of closing off all alternative entryways into the Catton family prematurely.
Despite all his mistakes Oliver still could've had Felix even after the birthday surprise disaster. Though Felix was angry, he had ultimately declared his love by positioning himself as the Juliet to Oliver's Romeo, as indicated by his costume to Oliver's birthday party. Though Felix's love and care was exploitative and tainted by his privilege, it was also real and present in all the ways that mattered. In the maze, despite Felix is harsh words, what really stands out is how we see Felix contemplate kissing Oliver and doing everything in his power not to give in. It's the first time it's made clear to the audience that Felix is just as dangerously in love as Oliver is. Felix would've taken any excuse imaginable to forgive Oliver in that moment. All Felix was asking for was clarity. Oliver could've given Felix the smallest bit of who he truly was and Felix would've done what he always did and filled in the blanks in a way that allowed him to play saviour. Felix would've given Oliver everything he'd ever wanted in that maze if only Oliver was willing to win the game on Felix is terms. Oliver could've had his cake and eaten it too, but his greed made him want more than that. When he realised he couldn't have it all he made an impulsive decision driven by his unquenchable thirst that lead to his biggest mistake of all. Oliver's need to be better, his need to be smarter, and his need to win the game on his own terms is what ultimately lead to Felix's death.
If Oliver had been more careful he could've had it all through Venetia or Farleigh or Elspeth... but he had already destroyed all alternative pathways through his own greed. When Oliver loses Felix, he loses any chance he might've had at elevating himself into the Catton's league. In the end, Oliver's third act monologue becomes a desperate attempt to make Saltburn worth it. Saltburn is not worth it. Oliver fishes the Cattons stones out of the water because without them Saltburn becomes nothing. In the end Oliver is alone, performing for the Cattons in a house long abandoned. Saltburn is the consolation prize Oliver had to convince himself he always wanted.
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yxine · 11 months
hiii this is my first ever request so i'm nervous but 😅 I had this idea (i'm delulu) of the reader going to one of badas classes and she joins the reader in the choreo when it's time to perform and their relationship kinda forms from there 🩵
It's okay babes I'm delulu too, your idea is so good! It was so fun writing it! Do send more requests if you want to;)
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— FLOW. ❞
Bada Lee x Student!Reader:
— in which Bada joins her student that she secretly adores on the choreography she had made.
Really short!
notes: any characters in this fiction is not mine, this is made purely for entertainment.
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You were nervous, this was your first time being a part of your teacher's film. Usually you would just be on the sidelines watching other people in your class dance to their hearts content to appeal the viewers behind the film, well also their teacher.
Bada Lee, a famous choreographer in south Korea who had choreographed for multiple artist such as Kai from Exo, NCT, Aespa and etc. Known for being a very good dancer, a vibe that attracts men and women alike and for her duality that seemed to always surprise people outside from her circle.
She intimidated you, but you also can't help but feel attracted to her. It was the 'Bada Effect' or so they say and you certainly agree with that.
So now here you are standing in the middle of the studio waiting for Bada to finish testing the speakers. Your hands were sweating so much you kept wiping your palms on your black trouser. You have to perfect this, for the spectators...for Bada.
And so, the music started and your body immediately moved to the beat. Every step was on beat, it was like you were water, fluid on every movements. The places where you need more impact, you gave it so popping to make the quality even higher. It looked like you were the one who made the choreography, not your teacher.
Bada can't help but just stare at you as you danced like it was the last thing you do. This was one of the reasons why she chose you to dance for one of her videos, your quality was out of this world, she even wondered why you were still taking her classes. But it was also exactly why she adored you and exactly why it took her this long to show you off to other people without you knowing.
With your aura, it will just be a matter of time before you become famous like her. Which is why she doesn't put you in her videos til now because if you had all the attention, how will she get yours?
One of the reasons why Bada also chose you was because she originally made the choreo for a duo, so guess what she's going for there. Yes...
Everyone in the studio cheered loudly as Bada suddenly went behind you, arms were wrapped around you before swiftly moving to your left. The image looked like a lover wanting to wrap their arms around their significant other but was pulled away. It made everyone yell in surprise as suddenly the dance made sense now.
You on the other hand was focused on the dance that even when Bada joined you, you were in the zone and didn't even flinch. It was like both of you planned it but it wasn't.
Both your bodies in sync and was so closely each other it looked so intimate, the tension was so high as both of you grinded to the rhythm. This should not be done in the studio was what the other's were thinking.
It wasn't until the song ended that you finally snapped out of it and covered your mouth in shock the moment your eyes locked with your teacher.
When did she get here?!
Bada only smiled and chuckled in amusement of your expression, slightly taken aback as you didn't even notice her. You were dancing with so much effort and focus it looked cute in her eyes. The fact that it was her choreography that made you like this...
"That was good, love. Maybe we should do it again next time." Bada said to you making you blush profusely as she winked and clapped her hands to get her other students' attention while you just stood there processing.
I got to watch that video when it uploads!
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