#an inconvenient truth
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lenbryant · 2 years ago
But Republicans told me the climate crisis was a hoax.
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jessubear · 1 year ago
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An Inconvenient Truth, 2006, USA
Can a 97 minute TED talk style slideshow presented by a former presidential candidate really be the most frightening documentary ever produced? People in 2006 seemed to think so, however a modern viewing looses a drastic amount of the film’s weight when many of Al’s catastrophic predictions have yet to manifest. It was, however, a sensation of it’s time, with a soundtrack that charted and a bestselling book.
“I used to be the next President of the United States of America.”
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takmiblog · 1 year ago
しばらく長い間イノベーションが無かったオーディオ業界にとって、デジタルで音楽を再生する(DA変換)というアイデアはビジネスとして圧倒的なDriving Forceとなった。ユーザ(顧客)にとっても22KHz以上の帯域がカットされていいのか?という疑念よりもメディア(盤)面のキズやホコリから解放されることのほうが重要だったのだ。しかしこの時点では、音楽プレーヤという<周辺機器>で起こったイノベーションにとどまった。いうまでもなく、<本丸>はパワーアンプである。
しばらく長い間イノベーションが無かったオーディオ業界にとって、パルス幅でスピーカを駆動する(PWM)というアイデアはビジネスとして圧倒的なDriving Forceとなった。なぜなら歴史的に最も物量を投入してきたパワーアンプを(特に筐体にこだわりがなければ)1kg未満に仕上げることが可能になるのだ。これはAmazonでパワーアンプを気楽に何個も発注して楽しむ時代の到来を意味するとともに、特に日本のオーディオメーカにとっては冬の時代の到来となった。���計で起こったことが、オーディオでも同じように起こったのである。
An Inconvenient Truth
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drawerofstuff00 · 29 days ago
Wish I could return to 2013 because I am feeling an emptiness that could've been avoided.
I really wish I could skip to the part where I succeeded in my plans.
I'm almost 31.
There's things you're expected to be as a man at that age. I wanted to become those things.
You know... A dad, a husband to a beautiful woman, maybe a Grandpa 25+ years afterwards?
What can I do?
So many evil people are succeeding these days and I'm trying to do the opposite. Is that why I'm stuck at the bottom?
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errata-ad-absurdum · 4 months ago
How genocide stops, how justice and peace and humanity are achieved. You have to control the gold in order to make the rules and therefore, to all my leftist compatriots I say starting another political party doesn't work, will never work, IS NOT THE SOLUTION. You need to control the corporations not the parties. You need to control Raytheon, Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, British Petroleum, the list goes on an on. Policy is not so much set by the candidate as it is by the advocates for their campaign. You need good advocates to have good policy. You need to be an indispensable key to power in order to influence power. Anything less is high-brow, academic, coffee house masturbation and (this is my specialty) impotent righteous indignation. No one rules alone and the throne acts on those who take it in order to act.
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scottguy · 5 months ago
It's common sense to listen to experts.
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prettieparker86 · 8 months ago
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isawthismeme · 10 months ago
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tethrawke · 22 days ago
What about a canon AU where Hawke needs to somehow buy her way into Kirkwall after fleeing the Blight with her family, but working for the smugglers isn't enough? What if Varric needs a wife ASAP before Bianca's family kills him and he hears about this newly washed-up refugee from a formerly well-respected noble bloodline who's been working odd jobs for questionable people to keep herself and her family afloat? What if he decides to take a look for himself and watches her for a few days and realises she's EXACTLY what he needs to deal with dwarven politics? What if he makes her an offer she can't refuse and they're married before the day is over and the Hawke family is moved into Varric's mansion? What if Dragon Age 2 becomes a green card AU?
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takmiblog · 1 year ago
 これはあくまで私の仮説であるが、D級アンプの場合、たとえ再生音量を絞ったとしても、駆動電圧振幅は常に一定かつ高位(=Vdd)に保たれるため、Loud Speakerを駆動する能力(リニアにスピーカを動かせるかどうか)が(AB級アンプに比較して)高いためではないかと思われる。鳴らしにくいスピーカで比較すると良くわかる。D級アンプは実に軽々と鳴らす(鳴らしきる)のだ。(大雑把に言うと)D級アンプの場合、パルス幅の正確性は担保されているのでGNDとVddの(動的)安定性にのみ着目すればよい。見通しがいい分、隘路にはまり込むリスクが小さい。総合的な音のキャラクターはプリアンプの設計でどうにでもなる。よってD級アンプがAB級アンプを駆逐するのは時間の問題なのである。
An Inconvenient Truth(2)
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epitome-the-burnkid-viii · 8 months ago
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scottguy · 5 months ago
For anyone saying, "There's no way a hurricane can ramp up that fast!"
In 2006, Hurricane Katrina was just a category ONE over Florida. Then it moved over warmer gulf waters. The extra energy in warm water was transferred into the air. It's that simple. It was a five when it hit Louisiana.
It's been nearly 20 years, and the water is a degree or two higher now.
We're witnessing the exact scenario predicted by climate scientists.
It's COMMON SENSE to listen to experts.
Denial just allows it to get worse.
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jimmystrudel · 5 days ago
One of the funniest things about The Originals is Klaus clearly still seeing Marcel as his son and Davina as basically being Marcel's daughter and then Marcel is like "these are my 1000 year old menaces who taught me to read and gave me a really rich arts education also my beloved 16 year old who I will destroy a city to protect; having community is important."
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19catsncounting · 1 month ago
John meets Sam’s new girlfriend, and realizes how much of himself there really is in his son.
Sam’s a good kid who might be just a little too smart for his own good, capable of anything he sets his mind to, and this blonde bombshell girlfriend of his is sharp as a tack, maybe a little headstrong, and charming in a hypnotically disarming way.
And when John talks to her, because he wants to know her in hopes that she’ll stop looking quite so much like Mary’s ghost but splintered and warped and wrong, he’s surprised to learn that she’s separated from her family, got a little bit of bad blood from a fight they had when she was younger, got disowned over an argument that went on too long and cut everyone too deep. She’s a bit claustrophobic, like he is, and she says when she was a kid she got trapped in the family cellar for a day once, but she says it with a similar tone that he would use if he talked about certain stories from Vietnam.
But overall, Sam and Jessica seem perfect for each other, they make each other happy. It’s haunting in some ways, to watch them interact with each other, moving like magnets and mirrors the way they bend to each other, almost always touching, start to smile at the same time when they’re not even looking at each other. But John is so happy for the both of them, and he knows that once they sort out ol’ Yellow Eyes, they can go back to Palo Alto and finish college, get married, have kids. He hopes they can achieve everything they ever dream of.
(John Winchester has no idea what “Jessica” really dreams of.)
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peterfeld · 1 year ago
I posted this in September 2009 😑
…as I’ve been saying since that movie came out. The planet will never recover from George Bush.
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genderfluid-druid · 11 months ago
having a minor, routine identity crisis about the difficulties of handling a social life while autistic because you always feel like you're programmed wrong for the situation? why not put on an audiobook about an AI struggling to pass as human despite having been programmed to run a ship, which is not at all the same thing as being a person--
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