#Marcel being the second (not evil) person to hold hope
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jimmystrudel · 2 days ago
One of the funniest things about The Originals is Klaus clearly still seeing Marcel as his son and Davina as basically being Marcel's daughter and then Marcel is like "these are my 1000 year old menaces who taught me to read and gave me a really rich arts education also my beloved 16 year old who I will destroy a city to protect; having community is important."
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multistoty · 3 years ago
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Hope had been trained well on being a bit more measured in societal moments. Anger could be a pretty unseemly creature especially with so many eyes upon you. Elijah was the more strict of the makeshift Mikealson parents after all. Rebekah had prepared her for school dances and the like. The tribrid was, however, not fond of being a liar, and this man had spoken of scaring the love of her life. The witch did not at all like the way this boy looked at or spoke about the princess. In fact, it was still weird to hear anyone else call her princess after all these years. A certain kind of hunger was understandable though Jess wasn’t some building block to walk over in your attempts at growing higher in this world of supernatural nobles. This was just as bad as the bloody french quarter. Her family had made a real mess of that before bringing it back to order. Marcel would have more knowledge for how his little sister handled this sort of thing. It could be the kind of warning you give when someone is in danger or the kind that forced you to come to terms with their impending evil plots. Holding her tongue was a hard thing for sure. She had had to remind herself that their would be more room to tell the boy off should he need that. Any sort of magical show of force would ruin the party and no doubt send a set of homicidal kings to his side.If Jessalyn was listening, she would know that the Mikealson heir would need to hear this story from her mouth instead of prince frost over here soon. Hope was a pretty well behaved girl over all though her want to buck the system when people gave her warnings were a power all it’s own. Sage had been doing this for hundreds of years. It seemed like he could handle dispatching one enemy or another just like Klaus Mikealson had before his daughter changed him. There was a sort of armor in being dressed in Nyx’s liquid blue ball gown and almost magic tinged mask. The soft spoken woman seemed capable of even the smallest of powers so she wouldn’t put it past her to have some sort of witch on her side powerful enough to create such grandeur. The raven haired woman was slowly becoming a favorite for the littlest Mikealson. Frost still coated Hope’s vivid blue orbs as they took in the fairytale figure next to her. Enough warmth as to not cause a commotion by the same over protective forces and the people who needed to think this was a good merging of two powerful families. Opinion was needed on their account. Why not add more secrets to the bunch? Hope wasn’t naturally a touchy feely person so it wasn’t hard to listen to her thoughts insistence on him being a sex demon. She had no idea what a brush of their fingers would mean. Were those gloves more than ceremonial? Julian looked like the kind of boy who should always be wrapped up in some sort of fantasy fairytale wear. The redhead couldn’t argue about his appreciation of the greatest beauty that was her lover. You could see an absolutely new kind of beauty in someone who was made of kindness from the inside out. Hope had been making mental note of any person giving them a second glance. They were having fun though war waited for no man. Her father deserved a nice dance with the man he was falling for just like he had allowed her wrapped in Landon’s arms. Still, she had grown up being aware of the many enemies her father brought about.  The elegancy with which he carefully set the glass behind him was the kind of infuriating skill that boys like him had. He was the kind of young adult pretty that Landon lacked with his floppy hair and button nose.To be a bit of a wise ass, Hope fished the fallen glass behind taking a particularly long gulp of the liquid. Sage did say that he was harmless.  If anyone else was watching they would see that while the Mikealson’s could party, the family were not people you should easily mess with. There was gasoline fueled fires next to sprouts of flowers reaching for the sun’s beam kisses. An elegant flourish wiping the left over paint from her lips to the gentle glass flute. “Hmm, I thought you were seventeen pretty boy. this tastes a lot like lighter fluid to me. I guess no rules are in your particular style. I am not that familiar with the lives of heaven or hell. I thought it the kind of legends that aren’t true for most of my life, but succubus or Inccubus or whatever gender neutral term you prefer, I am not an enemy you will wish to have.” Her eyes shut lightly at the mention of the goat. The freaking goat that Sage had already been worried about and jess had so quickly fell in love with. The goat that Elijah had been worried about getting cold while they were at the lavish party in this dimension. The goat that had delighted Little Nik for days now. Was this the dark ages? Two years tribute. Had they been anywhere else, a snort would have definitely filled the air. What story could she tell that would explain Sage needing to hide his child? Had he not told any of the people in his realm for fear of hurting the doe eyed little girl? The night that she had been turned would always feel like the night of nightmares for both girls. A vow to Hope’s very blood that she had failed in being there when she was needed even when she only played the role of best friends. Hope’s fingers twisted slightly against the many skirts of this ball gown. A nervous tick that was definitely struck by such memories and how it had brought her here though she refused to run this night. It would allow a movement release to the paintings in her head and the nerves living in her skin. “I think looking at him and my dad at the moment might just tell you why king Cassonova might not feel the need to party too often any longer. Honestly, if all of his party guests come up to tell his family a warning, I might just pack it up early too. I have already been commissioned a few times for her office which I kept the vibe he exudes without anymore of an emo victorian aethsetic. You’d think all you people would get tired of red and black with your moon already. Maybe I can give you a tour if you stop the creepy routine. Jessalyn is like no one you will ever meet. Worthy of every sacrifice you could give. Every bit of hope. I hope the lot of you will learn what I already know. Well ,king julian, you seem to be fluent in buzz kill. I kind of liked the romantic comedy vibe we were having instead of camp horror movie. You may look like jack frost, but you don’t seem to be a person who likes creating ice in other people. Sage warned us about you already. Harmless. My father and his siblings are over a thousand years old. Unkillable beasts with arms under their feet. You step a toe out of line and just one of them could take down this entire party should they like. We are a good time and dignified though we do not play around with eachother’s safety being concerned. Do politics ever take a back seat for you? You are a little too young to start to have the newspaper rationed from you like my uncle elijah.”
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certifiedceraunophile · 4 years ago
More Salty asks 👀
18, 21, 5, 4, 3, 7, 10.
ty <3
So sorry it took me so long to answer anon but here's the salt you've asked for
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
God no, wtf kind of logic is that, you can or not do something, as in shipping, or stanning or being an anti, for literally ANY reason including no reason, I repeat, you dont need a single fucking reason, much less a "valid" one, there is literally nothing called a valid reason when it comes to fandom bc all reasons are valid at the end of the day, since it's ffs JUST fiction. If you dont ship/stan something popular good for you, hang out w your rare pairs and fall in love w your minor characters, you want to write terrible fucking incoherent anti-metas about a character that's very popular, go ahead DO IT, literally nothing should stop you, it is not problematic to HATE an objectively good character w absolutely no reason, it's not problematic to LOVE a scumbag character for the shallowest reason, it's not problematic to condone evil acts done by your fav character and praise them and love them for it, it is not problematic to want a character killed simply bc they mildly grate you, it is not problematic to do or feel anything about a character as long as your aware that this character or ship cannot be removed from their fictional world and you are simply judging a fictional object who's actions and principles are bound to the fictional world they exist in and cannot in any way affect the real world beyond the value of entertainment.
--also completely tangential side note but if anybody thinks the depravities or deplorable actions explored in a fictional work can in anyway enable real life people who have consumed such media, to do and/or consider the same, I would politely suggest you to restrain from projecting your grossly malleable mind that's clearly more impressionable the wet stinking cement on to others, bc believe it or not most of us have this innate ability to not only separate fiction from reality, but also pick and choose what media we consume is allowed to influence us in addition to entertaining us--
But back to the point, my answer to that question is no, you are not biased, you are not in denial, you simply choose not to invest your time and energy and mindspace into this one fictional being or couple and that is just about the most valid thing as any.
21.What are your thoughts on crack ships?
absolutely love them, I really wish there are more absolutely WILD ships that have no logical reasoning behind them to exist in the fandoms I am part of.
5.Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Nope. although it has made a ship I was already mildly averse to even more worse in my eyes, but I dont think that counts.
4.Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Yep and it's a LIST, let's see Steroline, Bamon, Klayley, Klamille, Marbekah, I HATE KOLVINA.
And yeah that's about it, don't get me wrong I dont like many ships and need to click off ff if they are a part of it as a side pairing, but these are the ones I loathe w a passion bc one half of the ship is a character I absolutely LOVE and the other half is just the GREATEST disservice done to said characters,
For steroline- I wish stefan was never fished out from the bottom of that lake.
Bamon- Damon can get his dick skinned.
Klayley- Klaus is a fucking cockroach I agree. but Hayley good god is not helping the situation at all. Same for Klamille.
Marbekah-it's incest yall first of all, and second Rebekah deserves a man who fucking chooses her EVERYTIME and not just once when it's convenient for him.
Kolvina: I-I-do I even need to elaborate?? THE DISSERVICE DONE TO KOL. Christ. I am sorry but this ship I truly hate w a passion too strong for me to even bother playing it cool.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Nope. But I do block that specific tag/content so that when they post about the specific topic we disagree on I am not able to see it, CURATE YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE ALWAYS THANKS, and also having shitty shipping opinions is the last thing you can do to get me fired up and stop talking to you, my bff is both a steroline shipper and a Kolvina shipper, but she's my ride or die, like fandom opinions and thoughts on a fictional character amount to literally NOTHING in real life, and I really hope people understand that, but also at the same time in tumblr specifically, if a blog you follow posts anti-posts about your fav character or something like that absolutely unfollow them if you are not comfortable seeing it? following them to engage in fandom discourse is not something I personally would ever do, but as long both the parties involved are interested in discourse i see no harm, but if youre not willing to engage or even see such content ma'am wtf is it even doing on your dash UNFOLLOW and block the tag please.
[already answered the next q so I'm copy pasting it here]
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
oh lmao I wouldnt have been able to understand this question yesterday, but like today I was again hunting scenes for gifs, and I found that Marcel actually holds no appeal to me, in fact, If Elijah decided to slap his head off, I wouldnt have minded at all. Also I was a forwood shipper at the time but now I look at them and have this inexplicable urge to scratch something.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Redemption arcs, jfc I HATE THEM, mostly bc my ability to perceive villains shuttles between two distinct opposites, "They are depraved, and evil and everything wrong in this world and I LOVE THEM." or "They are depraved and evil and everything wrong in the world and I HATE THEM" there is literally no in between, so in the first case I love them precisely because they are the scourge of the earth, and a redemption arc [not that I've ever seen one done even mildly ok-ish for the characters to actually redeem them] will literally work to unfuck their fuckiness that I absolutely ADORE. So no I do not want redemption arcs for them at all, and on the flip side when I hate an evil character the only redemption I will accept is them being of good use to the maggots that feast on their dead rotten corpse.
This is the ask
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kylermalloy · 5 years ago
What is(are) your fave Haylijah moment(s)?
Christina! Oh, girl. When I saw this ask, I had two reactions to it:
Indecisive me: why such a hard question? I am incapable of picking favorites! 😫
Evil me: Aha! You’ve fallen right into my trap. Now I can talk for HOURS about Haylijah and no one can stop me! 😈
Since I can’t pick favorites, here’s a long list, in some sort of order, of my fave Haylijah moments. Strap in, don’t hold your breath, and get ready for a long ramble. 😊
Inherent spoilers for TO ahead!
All their scenes in 4x03
This is as close as we get to Haylijah as a happy couple. They’ve had a five-year timeout, and they might have been a little cautious around each other, especially since Hayley’s world has changed so much since the last time they were together. But for this episode at least, they fit right back together perfectly.
Elijah listens to her worries, her musings about the past five years. And I like his line about her not having a Mikaelson heart. Even though I know this line is there to ultimately break them apart, I still like the sentiment. Hayley is an honorary Mikaelson—she’s part of the family, but she’s also not. She’s set apart from them in a way. This is a continual theme between Hayley and Elijah—he constantly elevates her, venerates her. Hayley’s not perfect, but the sentiment again is sweet. And very Elijah.
Their first meeting in 1x01
This one is just funny to me. Purely physical. When they meet for the first time, Hayley is a few months pregnant, Elijah is tasked with catching her up to speed on the millennium of Mikaelson family drama.
So he has to invade her personal space and give her a rather intimate recap. Basically, I imagine Elijah’s thoughts in this scene to be: I’m gonna be an uncle!must...touch...pretty...girl.
Okay, there’s a lot more to it than that but I am first and foremost a shoddy comedian. Hence the shoddy joke. Moving on.
The sex scene in 2x09
I generally prefer the soft fluffy moments to the sexy moments, but this one is just...
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It’s very sexy. x
On a more analytical note, this is like a goodbye for them. Hayley’s about to make a huge personal sacrifice, and whatever she feels about Jackson, she has strong feelings about Elijah, too. This is her confronting and releasing those feelings all in one fell swoop.
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They’ve clearly been wanting to do this for a while, but life and death and angst kept getting in the way. This? This might be their only chance. And boy, do they take it.
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(I’m not sorry.) x
The hug in 1x09
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I love their hugs. This one is very special to me, and I included a gif to show everybody—look at the vulnerability! Look at the way she holds her arms out for him, ducking her head shyly. Hayley’s not shy. Why is she so soft here?
Let’s review—here, Klaus is at his most despotic. He’s taken over Marcel’s vampires, dragged Hayley to the compound, and ordered the wolves in the bayou to be killed. (yes, yes, he has reasons for doing so, but Hayley doesn’t know—or care) Elijah has gone against Klaus to protect the wolves at Hayley’s request—even when he told Hayley just one episode ago he had to choose Klaus over everyone. Hayley desperately needs an ally, and here’s Elijah with his pretentious overcoat and soft little smile. I’d hug him too.
The end scene in 3x11
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I want to clarify, I don’t really see this as a romantic scene. But it still blows me away—there’s a depth to it, an understanding between the two of them.
First of all, Phoebe’s acting here is heartbreaking. She’s finally allowing herself to break down about Jackson, who died just for loving her. Because she couldn’t protect him. Because he was close to her—and ended up in the way.
Loving any of us is a death sentence. I think this is the first time Hayley’s truly understood Elijah’s hesitance in season 1. She doesn’t say it outright, but now she’s the one choosing the dead over the living. Now she understands what it’s like to have innocent blood on your hands—even if you didn’t put it there. This is the cost of being a Mikaelson.
Elijah hasn’t come to rekindle their relationship, to undermine her grief, or to make any kind of proposition. He has no expectations; he’s simply there to listen and be there for her.
The pool scene in 1x06
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There’s nothing more appealing than one half of the otp caring for the other half when they’re sick. As an added bonus, they’re both wet and he’s holding her. I am a simple woman with simple needs.
Sick!Elijah in 1x08
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I’m a sucker for this trope, okay? This time it’s Elijah who’s sick, and Hayley—instead of investigating the wolves literally right outside the door—stays with him.
This is Elijah at his most undignified, and oddly enough I think it’s a draw for Hayley. She’s not the nursemaid type (she spends the entire season telling us what she’s not) but this is a chance to care for him the way he’s cared for her. He means something to her, and this is one of the first times she gets to express that. It’s soft and sweet and I’m weak.
The end scenes in 1x22
Logically, this should’ve been the turning point for these two. While Klaus leaves with a newborn Hope, Hayley and Elijah stay behind to sell their grief. The tiny scene of them going out in public, coming to the vigil to pay their respects? Hurts.
That alone warrants a place on my favorites list. But I’ll always be bitter that the little scene between them (after that?) was cut, where she expresses concern over what she’s become. And he assures her he’ll be there to help her through whatever comes next. And then she feeds on him. O.O
The car scene in 1x08
Okay, so I am painfully slow on the uptake, and this was legitimately the first scene where I picked up on their romantic tension. Granted, this is the first scene where Hayley implies that she actually sees Elijah in that way—the mental block of “she banged his brother” kept me from seeing it before. But it’s there—she’s interested, she’s seen his tragic past, and she wants to hold his hand.
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This Pride-and-Prejudice-esque hand hold! Elijah straight up tells her that they shouldn’t pursue a relationship—because he fears for her safety. And then he proceeds to squeeze her fingers with as much graceful repression as a slut like Daniel Gillies can manage. These two will be the death of me, I swear.
Their goodbye in 3x22
This entire episode just bleeds angst. It begins with Hayley and Elijah in bed together, finally having begun their relationship anew. They’re happy, so of course per TO regulations, it cannot last. Elijah is bitten and will either die or be put to sleep in a day. Hayley’s time with him, as always, is painfully short.
He hides his pain from the poison well, brushing off Hayley’s concern, even coming to help hold Kol down when the two of them were bitten just seconds apart. But when she comes to him, hesitating at the door of the bedroom where he’s hidden himself from her, he tells her what he wants for her. And the venom has caused him to think their happiness together was just a dream. My heart.
The forehead kiss in 1x15
This isn’t a big explosive moment in their relationship—pivotal, in a way, but not hugely dramatic or developmental. I have to put a gif of this one, because—
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just look at them. This is one of their several near-kisses in s1. It’s graceful, sensual, and almost as erotic as a full-on makeout session. It melts me.
Not to mention, this is kind of an angsty moment between them—Elijah has chosen to let Hayley cure her wolf family, which will, according to Celeste, rip her away from him and his family for good. He knows this, and he doesn’t care. He gives her the cure freely, with a smile. He doesn’t just want her, not unless she wants him back. Like he says just a few episodes later, “what I want...is for that girl to be happy.” That’s his endgame. That’s what he wants out of this. That’s why he steps out of the way for Jackson—Hayley tells him it’ll make her happy. That’s why he steps away in season 4–he thinks she’ll be happier that way. Except they totally reconciled, because that’s what would make ME happy.
And that’s why none of season 5 Haylijah exists for me! Even the cute flashback of them in France. None of it happened.
And those are my favorite Haylijah moments! Thanks for asking this, Christina—I had a lot of fun revisiting the show and these moments! Now I’m curious—what are your favorite moments?
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elleclairez · 5 years ago
He’s alive - Niklaus Mikaelson x reader
@andromedahereicome here is your one shot! Hope you’ll like it! 
Request: Hi! I have a Legacies submission if you're still open? Could you write about Klaus (who's back/resurrected) being kidnapped and Hope saving him? I miss their father-daughter relationship. Thanks in advance!
The Salvatore Boarding for young and gifted, Mystic Falls, Virginia 
“Being immortal doesn’t mean that you’re unkillable. Unfortunately, Niklaus Mikaelson learned this lesson the moment he finally married the love of his life, Y/N Mikaelson and got his daughter back, Hope Mikaelson. It’s been 3 years since my father died and even now he is still considered as the great evil. Sometimes I feel like the only persons who think otherwise are me and my step-mother.” The young girl was writing in her diary as instructed by the school therapist, Emma, without noticing her mother figure coming close to her with a frown on her face. 
“Hey, darling. What are you doing?” Asked the vampire to her stepdaughter. If you didn’t know Y/N you wouldn’t hear the change in her voice but for Hope, someone who was raised by the woman, she knew straight away that something was wrong. 
“What’s wrong mom?” Even after all these years, Y/N could never be used to the fact that Hope called her the same way she once called her deceased friend, Hayley Marshall. 
“Nothing. I just wanted to see what my favourite daughter was doing.” Even though both women knew that it was useless to try to lie, Y/N tried to dissimulate the fact that she was worried. 
“And seriously? What’s going on??” She said straightening up her shoulder, her stepmother would never try to hide something from her if it wasn’t something actually serious.
Y/N sighed and finally let the secret out, “It’s your father.” She could already see the hurt in her eyes the second she heard her words, but she continued anyway. “The Necromancer brought him back. He wants Landon in exchange for Nik. We are already trying to track them through a locator spell but it will take time and...”
“I know where they are and I’m really sorry for that mom.” And before Y/N could even comprehend her words, Hope waved her hand and the older woman blacked out. 
Witch Cemetery, New Orleans, Louisiana 
“Miss Mikaelson. You know it is always great to see you, but I was actually expecting Mr Kirby unless you want to see your dear father dying again. But in a more hurtful way.” And with this said, Hope could her unconscious father being dragged in the room. The man was in chains and you could see the exhaustion in his eyes. 
After hearing another self-centred monologue from the monster, Hope got tired of the situation and followed her mastermind plan and got her father out the chains and then out of the cemetery. Once they reached the Mikaelson house where Freya, her wife and their son Nik were now living, Hope healed him and started waiting for him to wake up. 
The moment Niklaus woke up, Hope couldn’t hold her tears back and hugged her deceased father. “Dad! I’ve missed you so much!” she said without breaking their embrace. 
“I’ve missed you too, Hope. But what in the bloody hell were you thinking when you went there on your own and who the hell is that boy that you’re said to be dating?! Lindon Kibry was it? Do I need to kill him?” He said with a frown on his face but with love and fondness in his eyes. “And where is my dear wife by the way, please don’t tell me that she moved on with that Alaric and decided to forget about me!” He continued with a smirk on his face 
“No. She did try to move on, but she couldn't, she feels like it would mean that she is betraying you and me. I tried to tell her otherwise but it was useless, for now, she is just the best headmistress that you could find, alongside Dr Saltzman and Caroline. She misses you so much, I can’t wait to tell her that you’re back. I should call her right now!” Said the youngest Mikaelson whirl taking her phone but was soon stopped by her father. 
“Don’t. Me being back isn’t right, I died and it should stay that way.” Niklaus stopped trying to hold back his own tears, he wanted to stay with his daughter and wife, see his siblings again, but he knew he couldn’t. He, himself knew the price of dark magic, the price of necromancy. And it wasn’t cheap. 
“But dad. You can’t. I just got you back and what about Y/N, what about Rebekah and Marcel or Kol or Freya?” Said Hope while sobbing, tears falling on her cheeks. “I just got you back! I can’t lose you again!” 
“And you never will, me, your mother and your uncle Elijah, will we be always watching you all. And for my siblings, they have their own families now. And so should Y/N and you should live a long and happy life but just know that if a boy or a girl ever hurts you, all the Mikaelsons will be there to make them pay” He said with tears falling but with a smile on his face. “Now go. Go back to school, live a great life and remember, you are and always will our family’s hope and that me and your mother couldn’t be prouder of you.”
And before Hope could say anything, she was already knocked out by magic thanks to Freya who was standing at the door with her own trail of tears on her face 
“Are you sure you want to leave them? Us?” She asked her younger brother 
“It’s the right thing to do. Always and forever, remember. I’ll always be there for them and I’ll be watching them forever.” He said while watching his daughter and thinking of the family he is leaving but knowing that they will be fine.
959 words or 5,236 characters 
Hope you all liked the one-shot! Don’t forget submissions are open. You can find my Masterlist here and the fandoms that I write for here (for the films) and here (for the TV shows)
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elejahfanfic · 5 years ago
The Vampire Files/8
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Part 8
AU story, with characters from tvd/to, featuring Joel Goran from Saving Hope
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
Main pairing_Nick Amaro & Elena Gilbert
tag_ @miguelsbrat​
thanks so much for reading ✽\(ˆ▽ˆ)-✽ ✽-(ˆ▽ˆ)/✽
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The New Orleans dawn was breaking. The remains of the night were slowly being washed away by the  first rays of the sun. Elena was gazing out of the hospital windows into the horizon blank waiting for the results of Nick's check up. The attending came up to her informing her that Nick will be left for observation as he had lost significant amount of blood, and being an FBI agent they didn't want to risk anything by releasing him, even though his blood work showed that he wasn't in any risk at all. As the nurses left, Elena walked in the room they transferred him to.They wereboth silent.There was so much explaining to follow, but at the moment they just felt it wasn't the time or the place.
"I owe you my life" Nick said, swallowing hard.
"No, you don't. This is what partners are for. You saved mine, remember?"
"It's not the same."
"We are not keeping score. You got to rest. I will head back to the hotel, get a shower and change. I think they will let you out later today. I need to go meet Stavros. And interview the voodoo woman. I will swing by the magic shop later."
"Ok" Nick said closing his eyes. He was tired.The magic of the ointment Elena applied had worn off and now he felt the aftermath of the horrific ordeal he went through.
She looked at him warmly, making a small mental sigh. She enclosed him in her heart that night they played Monopoly. He shed his Agent demeanour off, and shown her a person he really was deep down. Kind, warmhearted, sweet.
"I want justice for the victims. This is what drives me. Cold cases were the most challenging. I love challenges."
"Well, you are in the most challenging section of the FBI now." Elena said.
"And think that you are in it for the same reason. You care about the people. At least that's what I could say about your reports."
"Yeah. But I don't always manage to get it. You read that, too. There’s too many dead ends”
“I know. But you are not giving up - and I admire what you have accomplished. I do.” Nick said with a meaningful glimmer in his eyes.
Elena now took hold of his hand and squeezed it.
Nick fluttered his eyes open.They softly connected with Elena’s, making her shudder slightly. It had happened the first time they met, and they knew that there was this something deeply rooted.They both had felt it. Their souls connected before they were even aware of it.
“I got to go” Elena pulled her hand away. “See you later.”
Nick nodded, watching her get out of the room, his heart quivering dreamily. A secret smile curved his lips.
Outside, Elena pulled her phone out and dialed Jenna's number.      
"Morning you," Jenna said as she picked up the call,"how are things? Is he going to be all right?"
"Yes," Elena replied,"I need you to send me all about the Bloodborns"
"So, you haven't talked?!" "He is still processing. I would be after the night he had. Sorry to wake you" Elena said apollogetically.
"You think I have slept?!"
"Hope Alaric has" Elena said. "Yeah, he has a full day at the University. So, you think this will complicate things?" “Things are complicated, but they actually are getting clearer”
"Elaborate" Jenna said, not understanding her niece’s logic.
"I can't. You would be involved an it is not goo at this point of investigation"
"Right. Be careful. My gut feeling tells me this is way bigger than just some random ritual killing" Jenna sighed.
"Yeah -got to go." Elena said and hung up.
At times Elena felt like she was reliving the twisted version of the 'Groundhog Day' movie. But here, no matter how hard she tried to get it put things right, things would always get even more tangled up.  
Years back, when she was about to enter the FBI Training Academy
"You know why they are recruiting you?" Jenna said.
"I know. It's not because I am so good at biochemistry" Elena replied.
"Straight to the special program?," Jenna continued, "I am not sure about this"
"I am going there, because of the resources. Because- the darkness is taking over and I have to do everything I can to stop it."
Jenna enveloped her niece a warm hug.
In Washington DC, a few hours later
Caroline walked in her office. Klaus saw her come in and went to her, knocking at the door out of courtesy.
"Today you have to slay. Take Liv with you and get make the summons on this case be worth our while" Klaus in a serious manner.
Caroline nodded. It was obvious the magic of him being this great comprehensive charmer disappeared over night and he was his usual emotionless sour self.
Why did she care. They had a job to do. Prosecute  criminals and put them in jail. Stop thinking with your heart. Echoed in her head. He is just another waste of time. That's how she labeled some of her men. She called Liv over to her office and they went through the case in question.
Rebekah's day started with somewhat better. One of her patients showed great improvement. But still there was no answer from Marcel. At times she wished she could just tune out.
In New Orleans, a few hours later
Elena stuffed nearly a whole beignet reading what Jenna had sent her. But there was nothing that could establish the connection to Nick and his blood needed to be used for a ritual.
"What is not right in this picture?" she muttered going through some of the facts of the Bloodbornes again.
Her phone rang and it was Agent Stavros, notifying her that he was now at the precinct.
"I am on my way" Elena said hanging up.
Meanwhile, in the hospital, Nick woke up with a throbbing headache, born from the strange magical potion Elena gave him. It had kicked something in him, bringing out a memory that rose up like a wind from nowhere.
25 years ago
"You will forget about all of this," Dita Galindo said to Nick,"there are no monsters. That are just stories people invented. There are good and evil people. It is as simple as that. Now eat your dinner"
"But I know what I saw. That changed into a wolf." Nick said.
"No. The man befriended the animal. That is all. And your imagination is running wild. But it is all right. You're ten. You will grow out of it."
Dita Galindo did everything possible to make sure Nick didn't know anything of his origin. And he never bothered to find out. He concentrated to work hard at school and get out of Louisiana and get in the FBI. He was diligent, silent, dark and very meticulous. And the name vulture he got always digging into cases that were impossible to solve, digging into dead meat, as some of his colleagues would say.
Nick brushed his fingers over the side of the neck where he was bitten. He took a deep breath. The sudden realization that monsters that bit him were very real, shook him. These monsters wanted him. Why him? Who was he?
He got up and as he wanted to get up he felt faint for a moment. The nurse walked in suggesting he should lay down.
"I want to discharge myself," Nick said,"I will sign any paper. I am not staying here. I need to go"
The nurse checked his IV and then looked at Nick who closed his eyes for a moment. The images of the vampire biting him appeared again. He opened his eyes and now asked the nurse to call the doctor.
“You should rest.” the nurse tried to calm him down, but Nick was too agitated to listen to her.
“I want to see a doctor now! Get me the Attending. Now!” he demanded.
"You are not fit to do anything today" the Attending said.
"I am leaving, so can you just give me whatever I need to sign to get out - and you will be clear form any possible repercussions that might occur" Nick sat up. He pulled the IV needle out of his backhand.
The Attending could see that no matter what he said Nick was determined to leave. He bandaged his hand, and told him that the nurse would be with him shortly.
And so, he was out of the hospital, finding a cab in front that took him to the nearest rent-a-car place. His phone rang and it was Elena. He looked at it and thought for a second whether he should answer or not. The hospital must have told her that he had left. She was his partner and by rights, he had to answer her, but he chose not to and blocked her. But Elena rang again and he blocked her call again. He was not in the mood to talk to her. Not yet. First he had to get some answers himself. Then his voice mail alert came on and he now played her message.
"Whatever you think you are doing. Don't! I know it is not easy to process all what's happened. Been there.Call me back."
Deep down he knew she meant well. He knew that he was now led by his emotions that were jumping all over the place, like someone put him on live wire. But he left the reason behind and now drove like mad to Carencro, where his adoptive mother Dita lived.
Outside the Magic Shop, Elena was pissed that Nick took off without calling her and she now told Agent Stavros that they had to postpone 'scouring' the place.
"I have released Davina's body to the family. But they will not have the funeral till- " Dean said referring to the woman's heart.
Elena sighed. "You believe that it can be retrieved?"
"I heard what Agnes said to you." Dean replied.
Elena was quiet for a second. She could not pull the wool over his eyes. Dean was involved with Davina, but he didn't know how deeply involved she was in the vampiric world.
"Can I help you?" he offered.
"Nahh- plus- you need to rest. This is not over by far. I will need you fresh and ready for what's to come. See you tomorrow" Elena said jumping in the SUV.
"Bloodborns  are described as the offspring of both an Angel, and a Demon. However, users of this power will have the potential to become more powerful than either side.
This is due to the fact that said spirit would be neutral and possess power from the forces of both Light and Darkness. These beings are based off of the Nephillim, the hybrid offspring of an Angel and a human, with the only difference being that both parents are immortal spirits. Their children became Witchers, monster hunters."                  
"Answer, dammit!" Elena kept pressing the speedial with Nick’s number over and over again, but there was no answer. She drove like mad hoping to catch up with him before he got to Heloise's house. And she managed to get there some twenty minutes after him. She could hear Nick asking question after question and Dita not giving him any answers.
Elena knocked on the door and walked in, apologizing to Heloise for being so forward. Nick now looked at her surprised to see her there, "How did you know”
“Where you were?" Elena finished his sentence and sighing a little replied."I know - about you and where you lived as a kid."
It felt like he was slapped on his face. She could see the rage and disappointment rise in his eyes, "What a great partner you are?. What else do you know?"
Dita looked at Elena now, who gave her a nudge with her head to leave them for a moment on their own.
"I know that you are angry right now. And everything that had happened last night isn't helping" Elena said to Nick.
"You are kidding, right? Is this some kind of a sick joke to all of you? All my life I have been lied to. I want answers. But I don't want them from you. I don't know what shit you will tell me to cover something up" He felt faint again and now spat back Elena about the strange thing she gave him that probably was the reason for making him feel weak.
"Ok. Sit down. You are not back to yourself. You have lost a lot of blood."
"The magic makes him like that" Dita said.
Both Elena and Nick now looked at the witch’s direction.
"What magic?" Elena asked straight forward, as she knew that thing could get bad if there was a clash of magic inside a person.
"Set on him, to keep his real nature subsided" Dita said.
Nick sat down now as he was not feeling good.
"Right. Now you have tell me what magic was used on him" Elena said in a steady calm voice. It was clear that Dita was nervous, but she loved Nick, and clearly didn't want him to suffer.
Nick now started sweating and Elena now looked for some cold water and a towel to ease his condition a bit.
He gulped looking at her now. "Tell me- what am I? Why did they take me?"
"I will. But now- we need to get this magic out of you," Elena brushed Nick’s forehead with a damp cloth,"I am sorry that I kept things from you. Big mistake. Fucking big mistake"
Nick now took hold of the brunette’s arm looking at her with eyes that indicated he is going to slip away, but he managed to mutter. "Fucking big mistake, Gilbert"
"Yeah. Later- you can shout and be pissed as much as you want- but now- I need you to stay with me- do you hear me- Ok?"
Nick nodded a little- feeling like his whole body yet again felt like it was going to lose life.
Elena now ordered Dita to get the witch who had done this to him.
"She is not alive, anymore" Dita said.
"Then some other!, Elena said. "This has to be done. He will not make it otherwise. I am fucking serious!"
Dita just waved off with her head. “There is nobody. I’m sorry.”
Elena now took her phone and dialed a number.
"Valerie," Elena said and proceeded explaining what had happened.
"Right. This what you will do,” Valerie said to Elena, who now found a silver knife in the kitchen,"as you cut the blood from your wrist and you pour it in a clean silver bowl, put the dagger on his chest- as you tell the words- conlidam in sanguinem"
"This is going to work?" Elena said in desperation.
"It will"  Valerie said.
"All right," Elena said hanging up,"come on"
She pulled Nick up in a seating position and took his sweater off, and as she helped him lay back, she proceeded with the ritual.
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girl-q · 7 years ago
The Originals Season 5 Episode 12: Kick me in the face with that Klaroline
Yeet. The last episode is coming out tomorrow and I feel like a fucking butt cheek on a stick.
It´s me your friendly neighbourhood theorist with all the opinions and all the wrong theories.
Hope is dying of Hollowness and so the fam hops in a car? They said it took like 10 hours to Mystic from Nola so that carries must have been amazing. They drive to the Salvatore school, where Klaus wants to use the chambers in the attic, that never held any fucking body in Tvd to lock Hope up for her wolf transformation, but surprise Klaus is a liar and actually wants Caroline’s twins to siphon the magic out of Hope into him and then sink himself onto the bottom of the ocean. Caroline protests for like two seconds and then is fine. Her kids are being brats and hoes we´ve seen them in Legacy and one is going to be all fun and slutty and the other one shy and stuff. They eventually agree, but then Alaric has to bust in and shoot Klaus. Man Alaric? Really? Can´t we go on episode with that boring ass slug ruining everything? Klaus is restrained for another two seconds and Alaric goes all judgy on Caroline basically implying that she has too many feelings for him and therefore putting their daughters at risk. He says the ocean can´t hold Klaus and a hoe is right, because surprise Klaus lied again and actually wants to kill himself after the Hollow is in him. Conveniently he still kept a white oak stick around, because convenience of the plot. Why though? If all it takes to shut down the Hollow is killing someone while it´s inside someone, why don´t they use a drunken, and homeless child molester? Why does it have to be Klaus? It´s not like he has too many morals to kill someone else.
Anyway Caroline gets pissed for another cute two seconds and then agrees to still help Klaus, because what he is doing after all is to protect his kid and being a good person/ dad. Hoes he became what she always wanted for him. Oh my gawd FEELINGS!
In a different plot Elijah and Hope are out about in my favourite small town infested with supernatural kids and curses. Let’s be honest kids. That line with the Bentley was fucking bomb. They go to get food, where we meet Landon. Hopes love interest of the moment. He looks like a total six and a half with eyes that look like he either never sleeps or tries to be emos next big thing. I give him a 9/10 on Q´s list of characters that are basically Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl. He loses one point because of the weird hair. Dan’s locks were luscious and his just look like a sad sad poodle. Yeah listen people from Legacy lets not do THAT(Landon) and instead bring back someone that is growing on me just for the reason that he is hotter and seems a little less whiny then Landon, let’s do Roman. He is annoying too, but he is hotter and probably cooler than that dude.
So Landon gets bullied by High School jocks, surprise, and then gets 300 dollars from Elijah. It´s insinuated that Hope likes this boy and he does too and he invites her too something musically in the park, because that´s what the kids of today do. But no I´m sure he has like an old soul or whatever we say about kids, who have no friends and sit around thinking about the Beatles. (I love being an ignorant queen)
Elijah and Hope go to the jocks and it seemed as if Hope was going to do something amazingly, batshit crazy, but then she just blasted the mean dude’s car windows. Hope and Elijah do talking and bonding until the evening comes and of course she goes to meet poodle at the music thing. They dance, because it´s cute and stuff, but the MAIN thing here is the BEST, ULTIMATE conversation between my babies were Klaroline was proven again to still be a romantic thing and that now they are more compatible than ever. Suck it haters. They talk about Klaus as a dad. Then she tells him about the time she drove with the twins to Nola, when she was in trouble in the seventh season of Tvd, but he was trapped in the wall. He looked shocked. Maybe because she trusted him like that. Then she tells him he was never the evil in her life and then the THING happens. They almost kiss, but the clock strikes and she pulls away. She walks away and throws one last longing look at the man she loved.
After that Hope´s transformation is coming up, but Elijah gets wind of Klaus’s true intentions and tries to stop him or take his place. He locks Elijah into a chamber in the basement, which never holds anybody and tells his daughter to transform outside. They talk endlessly about how it´s going to take hours, but the transformation is like a minute long. I feel attacked by that. Julie explain yourself. During the transformation the twins suck the hollow out of Hope and put it into Klaus. Caroline isn´t there and Klaus asks why, but Alaric says Caroline couldn´t watch another man she loves die. Now he didn´t exactly say that, but I imagine it.
Klaus is about to plunge that stick into his chest, when Elijah appears. NO Klaus. The end
Theories and Thoughts
It´s fucking bullshit if Klaus really dies. It is fucking bullshit to not see his daughter growing up. The guilt she must have. She would be kinda responsible for both her parents’ death.
Yeah nobody can deny now that Klaroline is a romantic thing. This episode did it all. They showed that he became the man she always wanted him to be, which is caring and loving. He got saved like she said he was capable off. She trusts him, protects him, helps him, can´t loose him and cares for him. She loves him. Maybe more honestly and openly than she ever did before. She is grown now and he is too and we all know Klaus Mikaelson never lost feelings for that girl. He may have “loved” Cami, but no one can deny that he ever forget his feelings for Caroline. They almost freaking kissed. They are still on and why the heck would the writers put them on the table so hard again, when he is dying so close?
The LAST Episode
It´s go time. Klaus just tried to kill himself but in the trailer we see that he passes out before that or some witch took him out. In my best educated guess they´ll ship him back to Nola were every fucking body is going to go all teary eyed. They´re going to have one last dinner and a “funeral”. It could be just killing himself with his fam around, but also they could do like a TFIOS thing where each characters says something nice about Klaus.
The trailer is quite sad. It shows a lot of family and a scene of him with Hope putting their heads to each other. I have to say I have a little doubt about the Elijah theory, because they did the same thing in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan sacrificed himself to save his brother and then in the afterlife reunited with someone that was really special to him. I doubt it a little. There is also a scene where the siblings burn paper without Nick.
It will definitely be quite emotional. I sincerely hope he makes it out alive. What is so true though is that someone really important is going to die. This is also supported by the title “When the saints go marching in” is a song very popular with something called the “Jazz Funeral”. It´s a song first and foremost associated with the city of New Orleans.
Remember the photos from Candice and Joseph in New Orleans? Yeah they still will need to come into play and given that it´s very bright outside when that happens that could be a scene from after Klaus is saved.
Here is the last thing I will say before the finale. This show is about more than three people. It was about a whole family, so what is going to happen to the rest? Keelin and Freya could live a normal married life with children and it would be fine. They´ll die. But then there is Rebekah, who wants to be human so much. Will she just be miserable for the rest of eternity now? Pining for what she can´t have? Maybe eventually deciding it´s too much and do something fatal? Rebekah wasn´t much in this season but her story needs to be tied up. I changed my mind and I don´t think she can just go back to Marcel. It would lead to nothing again and break ups again, because what is hurting Marbekah most is something neither of them can change. Rebekah needs some justice. Then there is also my daisy Davina. She is mortal and with Kol, and eventually she will die and leave Kol behind. The sibling’s weren´t a focus much on this season, but what about them? What about Vincent? I know I trash him a lot, but he just lost another love. Is he going to find peace?
In this way this final needs to be a close copy to the TVD finale. I overall liked the ending for each character. It was truly about peace and closure. This finale need to be about that too. Elijah will find peace in death, because he will find Hayley again. Klaus won´t get any peace from death. Everything he holds close to his heart is alive. Some kids will argue that he´ll reunite with Cami and that will give him peace, but Camille has been almost irrelevant in this season and those are just facts.
Here is what I want if I could have everything I want: Freelin is shown in the future with children, Vincent finds happiness not in love, but in a task, Rebekah is human and married with kids, because Rebekah deserves better or at least she is seen raising something like a child. Marcel is right there with her. Elijah is dead and reunited in heaven with Hayley. Hope goes to school and learns to be better than her family and lastly Nicklaus Mikaelson will survive and love his daughter and to excuse him and Caroline for not being in Legacy they will charter a plane together and visit some places. Paris, Rome or even Tokyo. He can do that now, because his daughter is safe and loved and he learned that she is a strong capable girl that can deal with the world on her own. Caroline also realizes that her daughters are with their father in good hands at the school and finally she can go and see some places.
That is my happily ever after for the Originals, which I would love and welcome dearly.
Before I finish this chapter let’s talk about some dead people. Mikael and Camille are listed as guest stars. This seemingly supports Klaus´s death, but I don´t think so. They could appear in a ghost form like Vicky and Tyler for Matt in the Tvd finale or Klaus temporarily dies and sees them ,but if that happens hoe that make him human that would ruin everything. Side note I once saw a pic of a blonde kissing a bearded man in a wedding dress and it was said it was about TO. I was so confused and the girlies shortly thought it was Klaroline, but I don´t think so. It just came to my mind btw where we could see Camille again. In the pictures from Nola with Candice and Joseph they stood in front of a panting much like he did with Camille in the first episode. Maybe they are talking about his life and will insert Camis ghost for a few seconds looking upon them.
I´m finishing this chapter now. It was a hot mess and unstructured, but I´m too lazy to restructure it. The finale will be there tonight. The last chapter of this out tomorrow.
Good final day girlies
I´m out
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delerithmoriwen · 8 years ago
The bachelor(ette) Party
WARNING SMUT BELOW (My very first :p:p) -------------------------------------------------------------------- “Remind me again why he’s going to be there?” Caroline asked annoyed from the backseat as she pulled her little black dress over her hips. She had come straight from work and had had no time to change. It annoyed her.
“Because, he’s Elijah’s brother and best man. So he’s obligated to be there” Katherine explained from the driver’s seat looking back in the rear mirror.
“Right, remind me again why I have to be there?” Caroline continued her questioning putting her arms through the cap sleeves.
“Because Forbes, you’re my maid of honor and your fine looking ass is required at such occasions! It comes with the job” Katherine continued her explaining, starting to get annoyed at her best friend.
Caroline tried to turn around in the car letting her back face to Bonnie who was in the passenger's seat. “Can you zip me up bon?” She asked in between her following questions. “And why are you having combined bachelor slash Bachelorette parties again?”
“Because, I do not trust Kol to not hire a stripper and i’ll be damned if some human slutbag is going to be prancing around my man in a thong” Katherine said already working herself up over the idea.
“Yeah she’d much rather be doing that herself” Bonnie joked as she zipped Caroline’s dress up
“You know out of all the Bennett witches i’ve been friends with, and trust me I’ve been friends with loads of them...you really are my least favorite Bon,” Katherine half joked giving her friend the evil look.
Caroline grunted under her breath as she redid her hair again looking into the little pocket mirror that came with her blush. She was very much dreading seeing Klaus again. She had hoped she would be able to avoid him till the wedding and then she would be to busy to actually talk with him. The two had not seen each other since their little adventure in the woods now over a decade ago. He had kept his promise to walk away and never come back. And she couldn’t blame him for being around now. It was his older brother's wedding after all.
Over the years Katherine Bonnie and Caroline had become very close friends, finding out that when Katherine wasn’t hopelessly running for her life or trying to protect herself from an imminent death she was actually pretty fun to be around. And remarkable she was is anything a hard core friend. Once you had gotten passed that barrier of snarkiness and attitude she was loyal and she helped the two other girls let loose every now and then. It had also helped that Stefan and Damon hadn’t been around the last decade to mope over her and cause drama.
She had started seeing Elijah again shortly after he had left for New Orleans. Now that Klaus had officially pardoned her the two actually had a chance for their love and Elijah was a good influence on her. By the time they had been dating A year Elijah had proposed 3 times but it wasn’t until two years ago that Katherine had actually said yes to the original brother. She had taken two full years and an extreme amount of money to plan this wedding. Though it would be low in attendance because both of them really weren’t the friend making type it was going to be grand. And Katherina had asked both Bonnie and Caroline as her only real female friend to be her bridesmaids. Caroline had taken on the role of maid of honor and wedding planner. It was fun to basically not have a budget when planning. And all of it was going to go down tomorrow. Two days from now was the big day. Which meant tonight was the big night. Bachelorette party. And because apparently the youngest original brother could not be trusted with the organisation of it Caroline had found herself slipping into her tightest little black dress in the back of Katherine’s car driving up to New Orleans about to be face to face with Klaus Mikaelson for the first time since that day in the woods.
“Oh by the way Care, Stefan texted he and Rebekah are also coming” Bonnie said looking up from her phone.
“Noooooooo!” Caroline butted her head against the headrest of Katherine’s seat.
“Looks like you’re getting an ex fest tonight” Katherine chuckled as she made the turn onto the intersection.
“I’ll give you a million dollars if I don’t have to go!” Caroline sighed as she fixed her hair. She was glad she had curled it very tightly this morning so it fell in loose curls now.
“First of all, you don’t have that kind of money, second of all i’m marrying into the Original family in two days what the hell do I need money for?” Katherine
“You know what you need Care?” Bonnie smiled with a sparkle in her eye pulling her Ipod  from her handbag and plugging it into the car's bluetooth system “Roadtrip music, tailored especially to our bride-to-be ”
As soon as the roaring guitars blasted through the speakers all three girls started laughing and jumping around in the car to Joan Jett’s bad reputation. Bonnie had put together the perfect playlist for the girls to rock out on, including songs like black velvet, Highway to hell , girls just wanna have fun and Sex on fire. By the time they arrived in New Orleans at the Mikaelson compound Caroline’s nerves had calmed down and the girls were singing along very loudly with Bon Jovi’s living on a prayer.
They were greeted at the door by Elijah who welcomed the girls kissing Katherine sweetly on the cheek. “Miss Bennett, Miss Forbes welcome” He smiled politely. “I trust your journey was pleasant?”
“ A little too pleasant …” Caroline said back very seriously before all three girls burst out in a fit of laughter.
“Do I want to know?” Elijah asked confused turning to Katherine who simply just nodded for no.
Inside the compound had been decorated for a sophisticated party the courtyard was lit with a million lights all hanging from different heights. A long table was standing at the edge that led to the garden holding hundreds of different bottles of liquor and a tray with martini glasses filled with a bright red cocktail that to Caroline smelled a lot like blood and vodka mixed together. There was music playing from the speakers that hung at every corner of the room. Caroline could make out Stefan and Rebekah standing in the back where Rebekah was fussing over some decorations. On the other end of the room Kol was standing at the table that held the presents picking at the wrapping paper obviously looking for something good. At the bar there was a dark man Caroline had never seen before, he had short black hair and was very muscled and charismatic, he was talking to a blonde woman in her thirties who she overhead that man call Cami. She had never seen the girl before either but from the stories Katherine had told her Caroline assumed them to be Marcel and Camille. A slight wave of dislike flooded through her body for the girl. That surprised her, she had known the woman had had a fling with Klaus but it had never worked out, though at the time she thought it to be fine she now felt a little jealousy towards the blonde woman. Even if she was obviously flirting with the man that was most likely Marcel. The only person she couldn’t see in the room was Klaus and with a relieved sigh she made her way to the present table putting her neatly wrapped square package on it.
“Well well well, if it isn’t my favorite blonde from Mystic Falls” Kol said overly happy when he noticed Caroline.
“Hello Kol” Caroline smiled back politely turning to him.
“So I heard your our fair Katherina’s maid of honor” Kol asked leaning against the table as he offered her a glass of the red cocktail. “Blood-Tini? Made them myself!”
Caroline held up her hand to refuse the drink glad she had fed earlier in the car. “Yes, I am”
“And no date to the wedding….” Kol sighed in mock shock placing his hands on his cheeks.
“Didn’t I hear you died?” Caroline asked slightly annoyed when kol pointed out she was here alone.
“Pish posh darling, all of us have died at least 3 times we always come back!” Kol waved the subject away with a swing of his hand. “Now the way I see it is a dateless maid of honor is entitled to have scandalous wedding sex.”
“Is that so?” Caroline faked her interest scanning the room for a certain someone else still.
“Yes and you have 3 options, first choice, the dateless best man and i’m sure Niklaus would LOVE too-” Kol started.
“Moving on Kol!” Caroline snapped at him.
“Ok second choice...the ex with a date, now if you chose this i’ll distract rebekah and you can just tie Stefan up in one of the guestrooms” Kol explained with far too much hand gestures.
Caroline started to suspect he had been drinking too much already.
“You’d help me steal your sister’s boyfriend?” Caroline asked surprised pointing to the Original sister.
“It’s been awhile since I messed with her” Kol shrugged his shoulders dismissing Caroline's obvious surprise.
“Yeah I don’t think so” Caroline frowned.
“Well that leaves us with the third in final choice when all else fails…” Kol held his glass up too caroline.
“Then what?” Caroline asked starting to find the situation slightly humouring now.
“Your place or mine Forbes?” Kol winked looking far too serious.
“You have about 5 seconds before I tear out your liver brother” a low dark voice said from behind them.
Caroline took a deep breath before turning around. She could feel her stomach turn and her body shiver in response when she saw him. She hard forgotten how ridiculously hot he was. His hair was shorter that the last time she saw him. Cropped short on the sides and the top being slightly longer falling in those messy curls that were so much fun to run her hands through she remembered. His blue eyes sparkling with that naughty boyish charm he carried around with him. And those full lips that Caroline had almost forgotten the taste of.   
He was wearing a dark shirt that was unbuttoned only the top two buttons and dark pants, with a perfectly tailored grey costume jacket over it that made the look slightly more formal for the occasion. The way his clothes hung on him and his smell that filled the room almost intoxicated Caroline. It had been a while since she had been with a man and his presence shook her core around the entire room with excitement. Still she had to control herself.
“Right if you two are going to eye fuck each other all night I’m going to go, I see a Bennett witch that is in need of my flirting anyways” Kol said awkwardly before leaving the two of them.
“Hello Caroline” Klaus whispered seductively closing in on her entering her personal bubble.
“Klaus” Caroline said having to swallow as he came closer her voice slightly cracking as her mouth became dry.
“You look ravishing” Klaus continued checking her from bottom to toe in that very tight black dress.  
Caroline shook her head trying to snap out of it. “Yeah well don’t get any idea’s” She sassed at him turning her back to walk away.
In a second he was in front of her again using his vampire speed to stop her. “ Come on now love, don’t be like that it’s a wedding after all...lots of stuff happens at weddings” he smirked his eyebrows going up and down.
His hand slowly caressing a stray curl behind her ear. His hand lingered on her cheek just for a second. Caroline felt her knees go weak as he touched her. The memory of when he had last touched her coursing through body straight to between her legs.
“Listen you, I’m here solely for my best friend, so you do your job as best man, i’ll do mine and we don’t even need to be around each other so back off” Caroline scolded him poking him in his chest with her finger her face red from being so flustered by him.
She turned around and made her way  to the liquor table hearing Klaus chuckle behind her.
As the party progressed the music became louder. Caroline had spend half the night  drinking A LOT and dancing with Bonnie who was obviously avoiding Kol. Though Klaus hadn’t bothered of even talked to her again the rest of the night she could feel his eyes burning on her the entire time and as much as she tried to ignore it or lose herself in her dancing she couldn’t shake the effect he had on her.
She had only had one more awkward moment when Stefan had come to talk to her. Though they had ended their short lived relationship during the period they both had their humanities off on good terms she hadn’t really spoken to him since Katherine had informed her had rekindled his romance with Rebekah. And Stefan wouldn’t be Stefan if he didn’t come talk and apologize excessively to Caroline for it, explained exactly what and why it happened. Honestly by the time he had the courage to actually talk to her she was to drunk to pretend she was interested and very happy when a jealous Rebekah came to pluck away her boyfriend from Caroline.
She had spend the next hour or so trying to engage in a conversation with Marcel and Camille. She had liked Marcel just fine finding him likeable and funny. However she couldn’t bring herself to like Camille to no fault of the girl. She just kept thinking about her draping herself over Klaus and resisting the urge to maybe accidentally trip her. She was glad when around 3AM the girl claimed to be tired and wanted to go home.
The party seemed to die down a little when people started to leave one by one. Some of Elijah’s friends, Marcel and Camille and even Rebekah and Stefan had called it a night. In the end it was Her, Katherine, Bonnie, Elijah, Kol and Klaus that were left cleaning up the empty bottles.
It was then that Kol suggested the worst possible idea ever.
“WHO WANTS TO PLAY STRIPPOKER!!!” He screamed standing from a table.
“Oh god no!” Bonnie sighed annoyed burying her head in her hands.
“Kol would you get down from there” Elijah said trying to pull Kol down from the table.
“Oh for heaven’s sake ‘Lijah, you didn’t let me hire a stripper, you didn’t let me have topless dancers in cages, It’s your Bachelor party, I wanna see some boobies!!” Kol whined!
“Nobody is interested in playing Strip poker with you Kol” Elijah sighed annoyed.
“I’ll play” Katherine smirked taking a chair and setting herself at the table.
“Marvelous!” Kol smiled jumping off the table and grabbing a bottle. “Oi Bonnie-lass we’re playing strip poker get your fanny at the table”  The man was obviously drunk beyond repair.
Bonnie just shrugged and placed herself at the table.
“I will definitely not be engaging in this” Elijah stated sternly.
“Hey you are playing, if i’m not seeing some original dick tonight you’re not getting any either!” Katherine said swaying her glass back and forth.
“I’ll go get the cards” Elijah muttered leaving the room.
“How about you Forbes?” Katherine asked Caroline who was getting more and more frustrated by the way Klaus was looking at her.
He was daring her.
“Sure” Caroline said giving Klaus a cocky look feeling very good about herself when she was the surprised look on his face.
“Nik?” Kol asked looking at his older brother with puppy eyes.
“Absolutely not!” Klaus grinned emptying his glass. “I will not degrade myself to something as futile as strip poker thank you”
“Why?” Caroline asked giving him an arrogant smirk. “You chicken?”
“Ooooooh” The rest of the party whispered in anticipation to Klaus’ response.
Klaus looked Caroline back in her eyes glaring into them for dominance, before he took a place on the table. “Deal the damn cards Kol” He said never letting go of her gaze.
Looking back Caroline could pinpoint the moment it had all gone wrong. She had been drinking far too much and her inhibitions had been severely lowered. Nevertheless she was playing a pretty good game if you compared her to the others. Only Elijah had managed to only take off his shoes and socks which was funny enough as it was. Bonnie was next who had kept her shirt on but lost her pants leaving her in her underpants. Klaus had been reduced to sitting topless and shoeless but keeping his pants on. Katherine was sitting in her underwear which Caroline suspected she may have lost a few rounds on purpose just to mess with Elijah and finally Kol had been reduced to wearing a sock around his private parts which everybody wondered why he had had a sock on in the first place.
Caroline had a good hand on her but she had to play smart, subtly raising the pot as high as she could. She could feel Klaus eying her and she bit her lip seductively hoping to get a reaction out of him. She would consider it a personal victory if she got him out of his pants during this game.
At the turn her cards were becoming better and better. Elijah and Bonnie had already folded, if she wanted to win this one now she had to go big.
“Raise” Caroline said trying to keep a straight face as she put chips in the pot.
“I fold” Katherine said throwing her hand out on the table.
Both Klaus and Kol had called her thinking she was bluffing. Perfect, she had them right where she wanted them.
As the fourth and fifth card fell Caroline could hardly contain her grin. She had a full house in her hand her best hand of the night so far.
“All in” She said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
Kol threw his hand at the table. “Nope not worth losing the sock over” he sighed.
“How about you?” Caroline dared klaus.
“Alright sweetheart i’ll play” Klaus grinned back putting all his chips on the table.”What you got”
“Are we in the woods? because you my friend are about to lose your pants! Full house! Read em and weep, unbuckle that belt mister...or would you like me to do it for you?” Caroline said the alcohol loosening her tongue.
The table had gone silent, even though most of them were also drunk off their asses they were shocked at the way Caroline was heckling klaus and still he took it with a smile. Caroline was gloating over her victory when Klaus chuckled.
“Not so fast love” He smiled laying down his cards revealing 4 sixes. “Four of a kind tops full house”
Caroline’s mouth fell open in shock she was so sure she had him.
“I do believe it’s time for you to take that dress off now….Or would you like me to do it for you?” Klaus said smugly repeating her words.
The rest of the party oooohed again as Klaus heckled Caroline right back. The blonde however refused to give in to his teasing.
“Fine” She said smugly standing up from her chair “Kol could you unzip me please?”
“With pleasure!” Kol jumped up from his chairs pulling the zipper of Caroline’s dress down a little too harshly.
Caroline pulled the shoulders of her dress down shimmied slightly until it full on the floor revealing her black lace bra and matching panties. Klaus could feel an upcoming erection stir in his pants as he gawked at his blonde godess. And looking back that had been the moment things had taken a turn for the worse.
The gang had ended up drinking so much that by the time Kol had finally lost his sock and was forced to walk away completely naked they had given up on the game all together. Klaus had just put his shirt back on letting it hang over his body unbuttoned. He watched as Caroline pulled her dress back up struggling with the zipper. In a flash he was standing behind her placing on of his hands on her hip and zipping up her dress with the other. His face was so close in her neck it was causing goosebumps to appear all over her body this had been the moment she wanted to avoid.
“I loved you in the dress sweetheart but seeing you just now I loved you even more out of it” He whispered seductively into her ear.
Caroline could feel her knees buckle at the sound of his voice. She prayed for somebody to come and save her from the situation but Bonnie was long gone and Katherine seemed preoccupied with licking Elijah’s face. She had to face him on her own now.
“Let’s get one thing straight here buddy …..nothing is going to happen ok” She turned around facing him as she poked his chest with her finger.”I’m over it so back off”
“Are you Caroline?” Klaus said closing the gap between them again making her step into the wall behind her. He put his hand on the wall leaning into her enjoying the flustered blush that was forming on her face. “Because I can feel your knees buckle sweetheart, I can hear your heart racing, I’ve been watching you all night and I know you enjoyed it. You’ve been teasing me daring me to make my move on you. You want me to chase you!” Klaus whispered into her ear letting his lips rest just below her ears.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” Caroline stuttered trying to stay focused but her alcohol intake and her blood boiling in her loins for him didn’t help.
“You’re a horrible liar Caroline, I can smell your arousal on you” Klaus whispered letting a hand dwell over her thighs.
His touch made Caroline nearly orgasm right there on the spot. It really had been too long for her. With her last bit of strength she got out from under his hold on her and walked away muttering that she had to go now.
Klaus chuckled, it was so easy to make her uncomfortable, he decided not to go after her. He had fun chasing her, the hunt was half the fun of their relationship and he had a whole wedding reception later this week to drive her insane with lust for him. The compound had emptied during their little conversation and Klaus found his way to his bedroom, he was drunk and the best thing to do was sleep it off and start with a fresh head tomorrow.
Once in his bedroom Klaus took off his clothes and made way for the shower hoping the water would sober him up a bit. He turned on the water letting soak him completely. His erection had not yet fully disappeared yet. The memory of Caroline in that tiny black lace bra and underwear was enough to arouse any man who laid eyes upon her. But he would make sure that he was the only one to take her out of those as well. Her remembered their day in the woods. The way he had made her moan and scream under his touch. He had always taken pride in his skills as a lover but never before had he wanted to make a woman squirm so much as her. He wanted her to scream his name, he wanted her to be his and in return he wanted to be hers as well. He pictured sucking on her nipples and kissing his way down. Remembered her taste and how she would suck in the air around her as he touched every sensitive spot.
A loud and obnoxious knocking on the door woke him from his memory. Klaus grabbed a towel drying his hair only slightly and then wrapping it around his waist. Who dared disturb him at this time of the night. With a little too much strength he pulled open the  door ready to scold this very rude person when he noticed Caroline standing in the frame leaning against it and a bottle in her hand.
“You’re such an asshole!” She said a little too loud.
“Excuse me love?” Klaus chuckled tilting his head a little bit as he looked at her. She was obviously very drunk right now.
“I was perfectly happy! I was fine having a mediocre sexlife and then you come along and you say all those things about me and you start touching me and making me so horny and you can’t do that ok! You are not allowed to do that!!” She put the bottle on the little table next to the door.
“Well I’m sorry for turning you on so much.” Klaus laughed giving her a signature boyish grin showing off his dimples.
“Well you should be, cause all I can think about now is how much I wanna fuck your brains out...so let’s go.” Caroline barked at him as she grabbed his hand and walked into his room.
“I'm sorry?” Klaus suddenly asked a little confused as she walked into his room.
“We are going to have sex Klaus Mikaelson, we both know it’s going to happen this weekend so we might as well get it over with.” She explained.
“As you wish love.” Klaus said in a seductive voice, pinning her against his wall before crashing his lips onto her.
Caroline felt the wind being knocked out of her as soon as he pushed her against the wall. His lips being pressed against hers. His tongue was fighting for entrance into her mouth as his hands were holding hers up by the wrist. She moaned into his mouth, her body shivering under his touch she had so sorely craved the entire evening.
He was taking full control over her and she loved it.
Klaus lowered one of his hands keeping the other one gripping tightly on her wrist and let it roam her body starting at her hips before slowly, nearly teasingly running it up her stomach to cup one of her breasts. The desperate sighs puffing hotly from her lips only egged him on more. He moved his kisses from her lips to her neck sucking lightly on the piece of skin just under her ear where he remembered she was the most sensitive. He could feel her shivering as he ran a thumb over her nipple through the fabric of her dress. That dress needed to come off… NOW!
He released her from his grip only to pull her closer into his body his hands dwelling over her back in search of the zipper of her dress as he focused his attention on her lips again kissing her and sucking on her lower lip. In one swift movement the zipper was down and he pulled her dress off, revealing that ridiculously sexy bra that held her breasts. Placing his hands firmly on her hips, he lifted her up from the ground as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.
Caroline let her hands dwell from his neck over his hairline into the back of his head tugging at his curl, forcing his head back to run the tip of her tongue slowly up his neck and placing hot wet kisses back down. She could feel him lifting her up against the wall of his bedroom again. The towel that had been draped around his lean waist had fallen to the ground from his hips bucking against her, letting her feel his erection against her abdomen pressing hard.
Klaus used his free hands to caress up her sides, pulling the cups of her bra down revealing her voluptuous breasts. He placed his lips around her pebbled nipple letting his tongue twirl around it as her grasp on his head tightened as she moaned in pleasure. The fact that she was already whimpering his name and he hadn’t even started yet caused a smirk to grow on his lips. As his tongue focussed its attention on her other nipple he let his hands roam over her back again unhooking her bra before tossing it to the side of the room. He stumbled the both of them across the room still carrying her around his hips before the both of them fell on the bed he fell on top of her their lips meeting again kissing eagerly sharing hot feverish kisses as his hand roamed downwards, the tips of his fingers exploring the edge of her lace panties.
Caroline arched her back purposely forcing his hand further down her underwear aching for the pleasure he was going to bring her. She could feel him grin at her eagerness into the kiss, her hands in the back of his neck fighting for dominance over the kiss. As Klaus let his fingers run slowly over the slit of her core she gasped pressing her nails into his back hard, leaving red scratch marks.
“Klaus don’t tease!” She moaned into his ear nearly begging him to touch her more.
He chuckled again, loving the idea of her being completely at his mercy, before his thumb stopped around her sensitive nub, pressing it ever so slightly.
Caroline let out a held back “Aaah!” her hips bucking wildly against his hand as he rubbed her slowly kissing her neck, working his way to her shoulders and collarbone. He kissed her chest slowly, one kiss every inch or so down excruciatingly slow just above and under her belly button. Caroline had her hands in his hair again forcing him down on her faster.
He could smell her arousal and felt very anxious to taste her again. When he had finally reached his destination it took only a second before his lips only barely parted from her, letting his hot breath caress her center before letting his tongue explore her.
Caroline nearly screamed when she felt his tongue on her, her body was tensing already close to orgasm from his teasing. She needed him now even more then she had ever before. She could feel his tongue enter her as his fingers still worked her nub now more eagerly, her body spasming underneath him. She was close.
“Klaus I’m gonna-AAAH” She didn’t even get the time to finish her sentence as her orgasm took over. Her body shaking from its release she shot up from the bed before crashing back down letting out a deep sigh of contentment.
Klaus didn’t give her a moment to recover as soon as her body arched he placed himself in front of her thrusting himself into her core in one smooth and rather harsh movement. She let out a surprised gasp only for a second before crashing her lips back onto his as he thrusted inside of her slowly, agonisingly. She bit his lip hard drawing his blood only slightly and sucking it. Releasing him, the veins under her eyes darkened and she let out a growling hiss of lust and passion turning the both of them around and pressing him into the bed so she was on top of him.
Caroline moved her body so she was riding him now her hands placed firmly on his chest. His hands lingering on her ass squeezing it hard and meeting her movements with his hips. Klaus moaned loudly, he hadn’t forgotten what it was like with her but the memory didn’t do the actual experience justice. As she picked up her pace riding him faster he sat up moving his hands from her ass to her back slowly keeping her into place. She threw her lips in his neck again kissing and nibbling on it as he rocked them back and forth.
She moaned loudly as he started hitting the little sweet spot inside of her over and over again not giving her a second to recover herself. She was lost in pure passion and pleasure, she started to bite into his neck harder. She craved more of him. She kissed him again before looking into his eyes asking for permission. WIthout a word he understood what she wanted and gave her a slight nod. The dark veins emerged under her eyes again, her fangs popping out. With another low groan she threw her head into his neck piercing his skin to revel in the sweet taste of his blood. As soon as she bit him Klaus felt his body tense into hers. He cried out her name and when she released him he looked at her gorgeous face his blood now dripping from mouth in a single drop. He kissed her again and he could feel her walls clenching. She was close to her second orgasm. He let his tongue swirl over her neck as she moaned and begged for more. Until finally the familiar spasming of her body announced her second orgasm. As soon as she tightened around him he was taken over by his own orgasm, releasing himself inside of her. He trusted inside of her a few more times before the both of them fell back on the bed panting heavily not saying a word.
After a few minutes the both of them seemed to have catched their breaths and Klaus broke the silence.
“Did that quench your lust sweetheart?” He grinned looking at her with a wicked smile.
“That was brilliant” She smiled placing a soft kiss on his lips.
Finally the exhaustion of her drunk fueled mind took over and she felt herself fall into a deep comfortable sleep.
When Caroline woke up the next morning she could feel her head throbbing with an obvious hangover. She took a second to take in her surroundings not recognising the room she was in before she realised a strong muscled arm around her waist. Her head snugly resting upon the chest of Klaus Mikaelson. The memories of last night flooding back to her. She mouthed a soundless fuck as she remembered her actions of the last night she had so promised herself this wasn’t going to happen. But man had it been good. However she did not want to deal with the obvious consequences when he woke up. She had finally gotten to a state where she had pushed the memory of him to the background and didn’t want to open that can of worms again. So as silently as she could she wiggled out from under his embrace and got dressed.
With her heels in her hands she made her way to the door preparing herself for her walk of shame, hoping and praying he wouldn’t wake up before she had left. Slowly she turned the doorknob and opened the door walking out on the tip of her toes. She let out a relieved sigh when she closed the door behind her thinking she had averted morning after awkwardness.
“Caroline?” A voice behind her asked in shock.
Panic overcame her as she turned around to face the voice that called out to her.
“Bonnie?” She asked as she noticed her best friend walking out of the room little down the hall also holding her shoes in her hand.
“What are you doing walking out of Klaus’ room?” She asked the blond.
“I erhm… I was…. Wait….what are you doing walking out of Kol’s room?” Caroline suddenly realised both girls were basically doing the same thing.
“I erhm...I was…..” The girl stuttered realising that if she caught her friend she had also been caught herself. “I won’t tell if you won’t” She finally opted.
“Deal!” Caroline mouthed as both girls walked out of the compound in silence. FF: Link https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12395780/3/The-realisation-Caroline-Forbes
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ghostmartyr · 8 years ago
SnK 92 Thoughts
Dear Marley:
What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you people?
This is likely to be an incredibly short post. I know I keep saying that, but there’s really not much to go through here that I didn’t touch last month. Action scenes be actioning, and everyone continues to be a level of awful that...
Yeah, this is a little.
Okay, well, I guess I’ll start with the part of the chapter that already has me looking at my inbox in grim expectation. Usually I do the thing I care about most last, so I give everything I don’t care about a chance, but this is being distracting, and it’s not like anything was going to give me a chance at being happy this chapter anyway.
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Galliard, your friendship status with me has been thrown into question.
Last chapter the assumption that Galliard had nommed Ymir drove me nuts. We’d seen something like two pages of the guy, shark motif seemed going strong, and we were still missing a Titan, so it felt like a bit of a reach to declare Jaws and Dancing the same Titan. Besides, he’s got the whole face armor thing going down. Totally reasonable to assume he’s doing his own thing.
This chapter, we get to see him in action beyond diving in front of some kids, and the similarities between his movement style and the Dancing Titan’s are significantly more pronounced. Also, they have the same teeth.
Thanks to the new season of the anime, the teeth thing is especially jarring. We haven’t seen Utgard animated yet, so Marcel’s end can only currently be found in the new opening, but as several people have pointed out, in Ymir’s flash to that event, the titan’s teeth are flat.
The manga version is pretty clear about them being sharp before the Shifter nomming, but the anime has a history of knowing more about the manga than the audience does, as well as correcting some of the manga’s mistakes.
Along with that, we do have an established history of Titans being named differently than their introductions implied. Eren’s officially the Attack Titan, not Rogue. Female Titan is Female Titan, Armored is Armored, but when there’s not a tower to swing around, what sense does Dancing really make next to Jaws.
Point is, while I am going to hold out hope that Ymir’s alive until I get a visual of her corpse, the idea that Galliard is her successor is no longer the reactionary accusation that has happened every time a new Shifter gets a panel. There’s some genuine credit to the theory. At best, I’d say that Jaws is definitely meant to remind us of Ymir.
What that means if you’re a nutty optimist is that it will enhance the shock when she turns up breathing. What that means if you have the dial at 9 instead of 11 for happy sunshine is that the seeds for Galliard eating Ymir have been successfully planted for a traumatic reveal.
I’m still willing to go with the first, which bodes great for the kind of fandom interactions I’m going to have.
Even if it turns out we’re dealing with the second (which will annoy me for a multitude of petty reasons before being really, really sad), I maintain that Ymir’s role in whatever story’s being told isn’t done. I know a lot of people object to how Bertolt’s death came about. Despite the lack of fanfare for his actual death, I was never one of them. I felt like Bertolt’s character development had pushed him into being a person who refused to develop, and that was the final nail in his coffin long before Armin’s gambit.
In the case of Ymir, though, you have a character who has repeatedly said she wants to live for herself sacrificing herself for others. Maybe all that means is that her story is a tragedy. She doesn’t get to live for herself, and she doesn’t get to marry Historia. She wants to, but too many parts of her take her down the wrong road for that. Sad, sad story, boo hoo, at least the people she’s leaving behind have a chance.
But as straightforward as Ymir is (what Historia calls “simple”), nothing in her character suggests that walking into an enemy stronghold, offering up her life to the enemies of people she loves, and giving them a weapon by letting them kill her, is something that she would consider a satisfying endgame.
She doesn’t want Reiner and Bertolt to die. She owes them, so she saves them, and she sees a way to protect them further down the line by being their prized prisoner.
Ymir is one of the most intelligent characters in the series. Her simple nature means that she’s willing to do nonsense like the above, but she isn’t oblivious to the implications. She thinks up the thought of getting Reiner and Bertolt out of trouble by being their tagalong pretty darn easily.
If she is dead, well, yay, something new to be sad about.
If she’s dead because she does absolutely nothing to fight back against Marley wanting her dead, I have my first real problem with a character decision for this series.
If she’s dead and Historia is going to be the one to off Galliard, I... will admittedly be bothered much less.
Since I’m stupid, I’m going to continue to be optimistic and hope that Galliard is a red herring. Most of the Titans we’ve seen are pretty unique, but the Female Titan, besides having breasts, mostly mirrors the Attack Titan, so maybe Jaws mirrors the Dancing Titan.
However, to the delight of people who aren’t me, Ymir’s possible link to Galliard is actually a very serious plot point.
If Ymir is dead, and Jaws and Dancing Titan are one and the same, we have a Titan missing from our roster. Without Jaws doing his own thing, we’ve got eight, not nine.
So place your bets, I guess. Are we looking at an eleventh hour savior, a greater evil for all of the lesser evils to fight, or is Ymir still alive?
Considering the level of impact the first two options have, my happiness prospects keep going down.
On the other hand, one of the first signs that Ymir is peculiar involves herring. Introducing a red one is truly the natural progression of her story significance.
At the end of the day, I’m serious about holding out hope until I see a corpse. I’m similarly serious about Ymir’s story impact not being over even if she is dead (and no, not just because Galliard probably wants to nom Our Heroes).
But wow have her odds gone down, and wow do I find that ludicrously depressing.
On that subject, how ‘bout those flying titans?
Every time Marley does something atrocious, they manage to top themselves. It would be impressive, except it’s so horrifying that every new horrible thing makes my soul feel like it’s shrunk three sizes.
Does anyone else find it funny that Marley and the rest of the world curse Eldians for being able to transform into titans, then form their entire military strategy around them being able to transform into titans?
It isn’t ha-ha funny for very long. It’s sick.
Rudolph and his red nose get a lot of depressing posts about how the real lesson is that your differences are only appreciated if someone else can make use of them.
In the case of the Eldians, they don’t even get that level of appreciation. They’re used for their talents in the same moment that they’re cursed for having them to begin with.
On a similar level of amusement, people on Paradis, seeing the damage that titans do, and the terror they inspire, vow to remove the titans.
Marleyans, they of the reported persecution by their hands, do everything they can to make more of them.
Just. Wow, okay.
There is something abominably sick about a command that does this. And I have sympathy for the Warriors growing up and wanting to change things for their people, and being brainwashed into hating the “bad” Eldians who caused all of this, but...
This is how Marley fights.
“Isn’t war a terrible thing?”
Yes. War is terrible.
What Marley does, and what Zeke is actively complicit in, is worse.
Someone who doesn’t keep being distracted by that can probably put words to how when Eren screams, it inspires hope, but when his brother does it, it brings nothing but despair and destruction, and yay for that I guess, but fuck.
This is how Marley fights, and it turns the loyalty the Warriors we know best have to their cause... That was always a pitiable quality. You could see the honor in them, and the love for their comrades. They’re desperate, and they want their home, and they want all of this to be over.
When it’s just one wall, and they’re so young, it’s easy to hope for them, and want them to escape this nightmare, no matter how much of it comes from their own decisions.
Then you have this, and it’s a lot harder to give a damn about anyone who can go into battle with a blimp full of their own people and rob them of their autonomy, especially when that, for their side, is considered a victory.
What even the fuck.
I don’t even want to talk about it. As part of the story, oki doki then, but as something ripe for examination, Marley’s way of doing things is so unspeakably depraved that the adverb’s pretty much not hyperbole.
And I don’t know if the title, “Marley’s Soldiers,” is a mistranslation of Warriors, or if Marley’s version of a “soldier” is cannon fodder.
If you’re looking for amusement, Scouts are called soldiers back in Paradis, and they’re sent out to the chopping block just as often. Except Paradis soldiers are allowed the choice. Even the thousands of people who are sent out to “reclaim Wall Maria” are allowed to keep their minds when they’re ordered to die for the greater good.
Heck, “greater good” in that environment just meant getting rid of enough mouths so that the people left inside the walls wouldn’t starve to death. What’s the Marley version of that?
...So I am very, very clear about this: PARADIS BEFORE EREN’S ABILITIES CHANGE THE TIDE IS A TERRIBLE PLACE FULL OF TERRIBLE PEOPLE IN POWER BOWING TO THEIR WORST IMPULSES--and I would take it over Marley ever day of the week.
Paradis does not start out as a good place. It’s built on genocide and brainwashing. Our Heroes force it to be better, and they aren’t sparkly clean moral paragons, either.
But I have to actively remind myself of this, because Marley is so unilaterally awful that it’s hard not to look at the setting we left for it and start singing its praises.
Before this post turns into nothing but strings of profanity, I’m going to stop.
They would be highly deserved strings of profanity.
Oh, and thanks to Marley’s continued awfulness, Reiner and Bertolt giving Ymir up is... somehow a lot worse than it was to begin with, and it started out with “this person who saved your lives is going to be eaten alive to save your lives again.”
This was not a happy month.
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