#an enby has gotta make a living somehow
gennyrthewriter · 7 days
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waiting on the second round of edits for book 2 is AGONIZING.
so, to stay sane while i wait around for the blorbos on my pages to become perfect, i made Spotify playlists for book 1 AND book 2!
Each song corresponds to its respective chapter, mostly based on vibes, but there are some meme picks in there. THE PLAYLIST FOR BOOK 2 IS SO HYPE LISTEN TO IT TO GET HYPE FOR THE HYPE BOOK
And of course, here's a link to the Amazon page for book 1
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honkshoo-zzz · 1 year
How I see the Mercs within the LBGTQ+ Community
cause i keep seeing people posting things and EVERYONE KEEPS GETTING IT WRONG!! /j who cares i jus wanna make a funky list too
Scout: Def Bisexual, Trans ftm (can take or leave)
Probably has a preference for women
Probably doesn’t realize he likes men until he works with them 24/7 and all of his coworkers are hunky n sweaty and maybe a lil flirty
If trans, used Sex Bom tattoo to cover top surgery scars. Even though it’s definitely just worse than just having ts scars lmao
Soldier: Bisexual and Poly
I just love him dating Zhanna and Demo honestly
Fuck it, other mercs too, if they wanted
Tbh I also fuck with aro/ace vibes for him, he’s just kinda around for a good time with the homies in my mind. Both is good
I do see his preference being fairly equal though. Too busy thinking about his love for the US to think too much about tiddies/ass/etc.
Pyro: Def Ace, and either Aro or Lesbian in my mind. Also Nonbinary.
Either gender-fluid or just straight-up no gender enby. no in-between in my eyes.
I’m mostly all for Aro/Ace Pyro but I saw some Pyro x Ms. Pauling art and. love that. ugh, decisions…
Feel like they use whatever pronouns. Don’t gaf, will never gaf
Also no sex cause the suit just doesn’t come off. Also too busy setting shit on fire to care. More important shit to do.
Demoman: Pansexual and Poly
Again, dating Soldier who is also dating Zhanna
He’s also in a longterm relationship with Eyelander. Don’t ask too many questions about how that works though. But they are.
Also doesn’t have a gender-preference (obviously, he’s married to a sword). Semi-opportunistic in that sense, I guess (again he’s married to a sword. how many times do i gotta—)
Heavy: Bisexual, preference for Men
Idk man but Heavy and Medic have been married for a long time in my eyes
Also I feel like he participated in his sisters’ longing to “see another man” while living in Russia, had a similar reaction to meeting Medic upon taking the Merc job as Zhanna meeting Scout/Soldier
(For those who have yet to read the comics, that reaction basically just being: “you are man. I am horny. let’s bang.” and Medic would just be like o///o “aight” I think)
Biggest trans supporter tho, idk why but it just makes sense he would be the first to punch the teeth out a transphobe. Defends other mercs when confronted about gender shit 100%
Engineer: Bisexual, preferring Women; ftm Trans
The more top surgery art I see of him, the more I fall in love with trans Engie. It’s basically canon to me now. You can take this from my cold, dead hands.
Idk not much else to say. He’s a switch, though, if that adds much of anything HXSKFJEJX
No bottom surgery in my mind, either. Just makes his own straps n shit, cause he can (one of his 11 PhDs was in sex, actually, did you know?)
Medic: Gay, ftm Trans (again, can take or leave)
The most bottom-gay I’ve ever seen, personally (idk how else to phrase it, forgive me)
Again, I feel like he’s been married to Heavy for a long time
If trans, did his own top and bottom surgery, probably at the same time, cause he knew he could and he’s fucking insane (scars are a little wild as a result but he wears them with pride)
Sniper: Gay. das it HFSKFJEK
Gay, but the type of guy where you’d never know til his fuckin boyfriend walks out and kisses him or sum
Also he’s exclusively a top in my mind. Idk why but I feel like he’s got control issues HHEEKLEDP
Again, not super out-spoken about his sexuality, but *will* go out of his way to stab a homophobe. Not kill them from a distance, specifically stab. Shit’s more personal that way (is that too morbid? sorry)
Spy: Bisexual, Genderfluid
Another bottom, but will top if needed (like with most women, if he somehow gets with *another* bottom, etc.)
He’s also a whore. A slut, even. Good for him.
OH AND GENDERFLUID omg. Saw some stuff about that recently so it’s new to my pea brain but I like it.
Again, like Sniper, I feel like he wouldn’t really talk about his gender stuff a lot, but would discover this of himself when disguising himself as women and just feeling. Just as comfortable, if not more comfortable as them at times.
Kinda sensitive about it, though, probably. Will stab anyone who mentions it while he’s figuring it out. But gets better upon meeting the mercs and their gay-asses, lmao
“holy shit it’s not that crazy to like to have boobs sometimes” type-beat.
ok i’m done. again feel free to add stuff, fight me (like, as a bro), or whatever. Love talking about it cause I love these lil weirdos. Probably too much. oh well hdkafjejfk
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honkceasar · 11 months
-William trans guy real!!!
He went on T during the timeskip after season one and totally forgot to tell Dakota about it when he came back. Then, upon realizing kota didn’t know, he tried to gaslight him into believing he always had a deep voice before eventually telling him
Dakota also just like,,, refuses to believe pre-transition William is the same person. Will showed him a picture of him when he was little one time and Dakota just said nuh uh that’s not you repeatedly (this one I’m absolutely projecting my friends do this to me all the time)
-Fuck it enby Vyncent canon too
Maybe gender works a little different in Vyncent’s world so there isn’t really a binary established like in prime. So he like,,, wouldn’t really be considered trans in his homeworld but is considered trans in prime. It’s all very confusing and dudes a superhero so he has bigger things to worry about. Bro is not about to unpack all that
-The gang all cuddle pile for sure. William always in the middle cause he’s cold. Dakota just kind of lays out flat and expects someone to crush him. Ashe isn’t really a fan of it but he’s joined in a couple times. They did it once while Mark was around and he was,, Deeply confused
-Dakota is flexible in an athlete way. William is flexible in a hypermobile way. Vyncent can’t even touch his toes
-Ashe maladaptive daydreamer real not fake they literally stay in the house all day listening to music what else is she gonna do?? NOT daydream uncontrollably???? I’m not fucking projecting shut up shut up shut up
-I could see Vyncent liking boxing
Dakota considered getting into it with him until he realized it’s all arms
-Ashe can’t swim
-Vyncent is pretty boring style-wise but all the other boys are some genre of alt and sometimes they just randomly force him to have drip
-William chronic pain truther also he floats a lot instead of walking cause it’s not as hard on his legs, probably used some genre of mobility aids during his powerless arc but I’m not smart enough to know which ones
-William definitely did all his piercings himself (maybe except the industrial I give him I literally don’t know how he’d do that one) and all of them are fucking crooked and wrong somehow. His gauges are also probably fucked up and blown out. His septum isn’t even close to the right spot but somehow healed anyway.
He probably pierced Vyncent’s ears for him too because imagine going into a tattoo parlor with those fucking ears dude. Big ass motherfuckers. Also Vyncent probably has so many fucking ear piercings he has so much room he’s gotta dude
-I think Vyncent would use origami’s powers to just,,,,, literally make origami. He’s made so many pretty little things out of paper I’m sure of it
-I need one of the prime defenders to be into photography. Idk which one it suits but I just,,,, I need it. I want to give it to Dakota because I don’t really have any hcs with him and artsy hobbies but also William would so be the type to infodump endlessly about vintage cameras
I’d like to imagine one of the boys has a Polaroid of the whole gang and Ashe in their phone case (if they even have phone cases??? I know everything’s like high tech futuristic but let me live)
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marengogo · 21 days
The Thing Is - 4: Guilty Because Wanted Guilty.
Listening to the playlist WHO IS A HAEGUM.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
⚠️TW - Imma be unnecessarily honest. I’ll curse A LOT. I’ll mention human depraved actions while still censuring them, but yeah. I need to put my heart in peace, so I can advance in this “war” feeling less angry/frustrated/aggraved and hopefully a bit more savvy. ⚠️
My dear Gurls, Bois and Enbys,
Hope you are handling life with better wits about yourself than I am. I’ve tried to look at all sides in this "SK-Media Sich" we are in, I’ve been crying, ranting and yelling during Mercury Retrograde and I’ve been silently nodding my way through the past couple of days, but surprise-surprise, I’m done with alla dat, so I’m here to bitch and let bygones be bygones. I just gotta do it loudly if not my brain will not register, cause you know I’m getting old an all.. And by bygones I mean, the hope that SK Media will, somehow, see the light and rectify their ways.
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The quicker we get that engraved in our skulls the easier EVERYTHING will get.
They absolutely never had, they presently definitely don’t, and most likely never will. Media is a profession, and like every profession they need money, to make a living you know, like I do, and you do. However, there are certain jobs which have a moral code that should be higher than others. Such as doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officers, to name a few, as they are directly involved with the safety of citizens/civilians. Media, in the big year of 2024, should also be considered directly involved with the safety of citizens/civilians. 
Media is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the citizens, so that, among the many things, we can be properly informed, in order to make the rightful judgement and/or be warned of dangerous situations we might encounter, so that we can be properly prepared. All the while, presenting themselves with integrity, by always upholding good ethics and abiding by a wish of reporting truthful news. Well, my people, SK MEDIA HAS MANAGED TO DO NOT A SINGLE THING OF THE AFOREMENTIONED.
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To begin with: They are fucking bullies. 
Honestly you need to look no further, no k-drama, no old-school urban legend, just figure out who they hate and you’ll have A-Team Bully Squad What?! You thought all those years of bullying, or being bullied, at school would have gone wasted once you graduated from the education system? Child … . Once they’ve found their target, complete annihilation is the goal. Did you drink a few? Caused no physical harm to anybody, damaged no property, but fell at the entrance of your property, mainly because of a sharp turn, took full accountability, and immediately apologised? 
Fuck all the women in my country that have been finding it excruciatingly hard to live in their own country. Fuck the young girls who are being contantly s3xuall1 h4rassed. Fuck the upcoming generation suffering from so much collective generational trauma that they may not even make it past elementary school age alive. Fuck the fact that my own country is, for the most part, raising entitled male brats, who don’t fundamentally understand the value of life. Fuck the fact that when S-M Entertainment was created, they unfortunately ended up also creating the foulest and most flawed system for success, aka the Idol Sytem. FUCK ALLA DAT. You don’t go through SK Media to guarantee your success? You don’t pay us to keep your darkest secrets? You offended us in some kinda way? You are not part of the Elite? … You are a woman? … We will end you, bro! Illegally or illegally, cause, who’s gonna stop us?
… And you wonder why K-ARMY has been acting like they have? 
And I am not talking about the ones who became anti, FUCK THEM TOO, they are the type of people, who would kick out their own children if they were caught doing the same thing, instead of figuring out causes, teaching accountability and figuring out punishments and future prevention. I’m talking about the K-ARMY who presently are so paralysed by fear that they are scared of even breathing in the fear that perhaps their government/police/media will create some inexistent crime and pin it on 🐱cause we all know how fact checking is paramount and still alive nowadays … 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. Even as we speak, K-ARMY fear that Samsung might decide to drop 🐱, which hey, it’s your country, do what you gotta do, I can almost guarantee you that Apple is probably literally outside the door waiting for their opportunity, cause here in the West we have our 99 big issues, but an inebriated kickboard, ain’t 1. 
They are living this Black Mirroresque kinda reality everyday. You know who else is? 🐱. He is also very aware of how things work in his country UGH! does after all have a reason for existing, can’t stress this enough … and though he definitely would have the right to contest unnecessary mistreatment, he knows he will definitely “die” before he even “attempts to get to the top of that hill”, which is why after he’s done all he needed to do, he’s handeed himself to the A-Team Bully Squad for their Exclusive + Deluxe Treatment reserved to the likes of 875. 
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Y’all want an extreme example? Here we go:
Picture Germany, 1943 yes I’m going there , their Media at the time was completely controlled by their government, hence allowing them to report lie after lie after blasted lie to their citizens, in addition, from the testimony of many a citizen citizens swore up and down to not know what was going on the concentration camps, just “people would go in, and never come back out …”. So it was that many German Jews because lets not forget that they were all German, just not “aryan” , decided to either find ways to fight which will almost certainly ended in them being k1lled, or just directly un4live themselves rather than being subjugated to that hell, the majority as we all know, had no other choice but to comply. 
Yet we do have the likes of Schindler, who managed to save hundreds of German Jews. How did he do that? He most certainly did not try to go against the Media or the government in power, I can guarantee you that. He found other trusted non-Jew Germans, who had contacts with Allies, who had other contacts and so on and so forth. But it was all covert. After all the Allies existed, they were fighting the war, they all knew what was going on in Germany and eventually they found their way to get in and help put an end to it all. 
In this horrendous scenario, I-Army are the Allies and K-Army is Schindler, but unfortunately, I have no idea how we can help them, because it has to come from them to us, not the other way round, as we know nothing about how to deal with things over there, BUT, if they need help they all know where to find us and how to get the help they need without attracting unwanted gazes, I’m sure of that. So we must let them be and we will be here for them if/when they need. 
While the rest of the world slowly keeps finding out about the SK Media Clown Show, we’ll keep doing our “storming”. We won’t be silent, we’ll keep reporting injustice, we’ll keep fact-checking and make sure that people also do the same, we’ll keep reporting fake/anti accounts, we’ll keep sending fan letters even if it is just 3 per month now we’ll keep buying merch, we’ll keep streaming songs, we’ll keep doing projects in their name, etc etc etc. 
I will never surrender.
Because they are worth fighting for.
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Good. I've let it all out. Now it's time to go report some k-anti accounts!
Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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heloflor · 2 years
I have to say, one thing I absolutely love about the Sam and Max Telltale games is the side characters and more specifically how they all have at least some “oddness” to them, which not only makes Sam and Max feel like they do belong in this town instead of being the outsiders other people react to, but it also makes it possible for the duo to form genuine friendships with some of those people (which is also helped by the continuity this trilogy has).
All of them are eccentric in their own way, I mean :
- Bosco is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and is afraid of enbies
- Sybil keeps changing professions, and between that and how she evolves in S2, it feels like she’s sometimes in her own world/gets in her own head a lot
(And also, between her being really nice to the titular duo and her overall personality, she and Max could easily be besties. I mean c’mon ! He always goes to stand near her + gets involved in her love life + the S3 finale. He’d 100% be her gay bff and also possibly babysitter since he likes kids so much !)
- Flint Paper is a lot like Sam and Max on the police brutality aspect (and the three of them working together is great. There’s a single braincell between the three and not a single one of them uses it. Except Sam occasionally, if he’s not too busy fanboying over his neighbor with Max)
- Superball (my beloved) feels like one of the more grounded characters but at the same time he’s never seen taken aback by the weird shit happening around him and has no issue rolling with it. He’s also pretty mysterious at times and even straight up teleports in 304
(I’m not going to mention his love of doors as him being eccentric because, between that and how he expresses emotions differently, plus the musical number and his voice impressions showing he has an artistic side, I can’t help but view him as autistic. Heck you can also add him taking the “please don’t hang up the phone” thing way too literally in S1. So the love for doors feels like a special interest)
- Jimmy and the rest of the rats are some kind of mafia or street gang
- The C.O.P.S. are a bunch of old sentient machines trying their best (also Buster Blaster reminds me of Lord Hater from Wander with the way he screams all the time and I love it !)
- Harry Moleman is a creep who somehow keeps getting involved in the story through new jobs
- The Soda Poppers are pretty self-explanatory (gotta love how everytime they show up I’m like “oh, it’s these assholes again…”)
- Hugh Bliss is a literal sentient bacteria cult leader
- Girl Stinky is a literal cake and apparently a mermaid ? Like, her design has always been mermaid-oriented but apparently it’s because she truly is one
- Grandpa Stinky is that kind of grumpy old man who can and will throw hands with a 13 years-old
- Abe is the douchy head of a broken sentient statue who can’t do anything right aside from speeches (and he gets lectured by the local married couple after messing up his relationship in S2, which I find very funny)
- Featherly is a talking actor chicken who was literally found at the beginning of the universe that one time for some reason ??? It was very funny tho
(Also off-topic and I’m not sure if this was on purpose or not but isn’t Featherly technically trans ? I mean, he’s explicitly told to be a chicken in S2, not a rooster, and is even capable of laying eggs, but he uses he/him pronouns and refers to himself as a man)
- Santa Claus isn’t taking shit from anyone and hates kids
- Jurgen is a gay emo teen stereotype (who would absolutely have many social media accounts were those game made in the 2010s)
- Sal is a cockroach himbo who’s kinda just going along with the craziness around him
- Papierwaite literally tried and sort-of managed to summon some demi-god, demi-god who turns out to be pretty chill. And the duo is symbiotic. Oh yeah and Papierwaite has powers and may or may not be immortal (I think him living this long might be due to Norrington ?)
- Mama Bosco, despite acting more like the voice of reason, still remains the wacky kind of scientist, with her creating portals to other dimensions and being pretty nonchalant about the risks of it
- Skun-ka’pe is a hyper-intelligent alien who lets his ego and slight naiveté take the better of him
- Sammun-mak is a child with enormous powers and a god complex
- and the list goes on
I just really like how the world of Sam and Max is eccentric in itself. It’s not just the two main characters who are “weird” while the rest of the city reacts to their weirdness. Every character has their own thing going on and I love how it makes this world flow.
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malewifegradyruewen · 3 years
An Untitled Original Work, Part 8
y'all are either gonna love me or hate me-
previous | next | masterpost
trigger warnings: none that i can think of, ask to tag
word count: 2755
tagging: @fire-sapphics @artemiassamos @honorablescythecurie @love-pyramus @silver-war @pencilwritesshiz47 @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @mermistahawk @dirty-racoon @tommyinnitt @enbies-and-felonies @sofia-not-sophie @imaramennoodle @littlemisscupcake @cadence-talle and lmk know if you wanna be added/removed!!
Gina was pissed, to say the least. Stupid, oblivious Leo, and stupid, oblivious her. What a pair.
Leo had always been oblivious, so she really couldn’t blame him, but it was her own mistakes that really set her off. Sure, they were her mistakes, but that didn’t make them sting less.
Put it out of your mind. That’s over now, and now we can… try again.
After they’d left, she and Sammie had decided that they should go to Gina’s, just to hang out. The only reason Gina had agreed was because she knew her dad had taken her youngest siblings to their grandma’s, and the oldest two of her younger siblings wouldn’t bother her. They might have even gone over to a friend’s house, leaving the Weathers residence vacant.
“So, what did you think? Salt & Pepper, it was good, right?” she asked, hoping to break the tension that had formed.
“Yeah, it was pretty good! Leo was right, the mocha was pretty good.”
She knew Sammie didn’t mean any harm, but hearing Leo’s name brought a bitter taste to Gina’s mouth. She did her best to swallow it before asking, “Have you ever dyed your hair?”
So she was taking the easy way out of discussing what had happened at the café. There was nothing wrong with that, especially because Gina wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but they didn’t need to talk about it. Right now, she needed a distraction, something guaranteed.
“Uh, no, I haven’t,” Sammie admitted. “I never had the chance, I guess.”
“How would you feel about maybe, I dunno, doing that at my house?” Gina asked. “I’ve got a couple colours. I accidentally bought some for light hair, too, so that’s been sitting in my closet for a while now.”
Sammie hesitated. Gina could tell she wanted to, but still. It wasn’t something most people did on the fly. Changing your colour was one thing, but doing it for the first time was usually a bigger decision.
“You don’t have to,” Gina added. “Or we can do just like, a little bit. Streaks or ends or-” She gasped. “Under layer would look so good!”
With that, Sammie seemed won over. “Why not? What colours do you have?”
“For light hair, I think pink and blue. And then I have some that’s for darker hair, purple and green and red. And brown. I dunno. Probably pink or blue for you.”
“Pink, for sure.”
“Good, because we’re here,” Gina said as they pulled into her driveway. She quickly parked outside and hopped out of the car. “Do you want a soda or something? We’ve got some in the garage.”
She led Sammie into the garage and to an old, white fridge. Sammie pulled it open and Gina grabbed a Sprite. “Go on, you can take something.”
Sammie grabbed a Sprite of her own before closing the fridge. Gina then pulled open the door to the back hall, a tiny doorway that led into the kitchen. “Shoes on or off?” Sammie asked.
“Either one,” Gina said. “I keep mine in my room.” She then bolted upstairs. “My room’s up here.”
As Gina walked down the narrow hallway, she suddenly felt very… inadequate. Everything seemed too small, too dirty, too embarrassing. It never felt like this when Mally or Andre were over, because they’d been coming over since they were little. But somehow, Sammie seeing it for the first time as a high schooler, the most judgemental group of people on the planet, terrified Gina. What if this was it? Maybe Sammie would stop hanging out with her. Plus, there was the added terror of having your crush see your bedroom. That usually didn’t happen so early, did it?
Gina ran out of time to go over worst-case scenarios as she opened her bedroom door. Luckily, she’d cleaned up a bit before going to pick Sammie up, so it wasn’t too bad. Her bed was made, there were no dirty underwear on the floor, and the dresser was organised.
“Aww, your room is so cute!” Sammie said as Gina stepped out of the way to let her in. “The nail polish is so fun!” She pointed to the row that Gina had lined up in colour order. There were only maybe a dozen bottles, but they took up a decent amount of room on her dresser.
“Thanks,” Gina said as she internally sighed a sigh of relief. “Maybe we can paint our nails later, if we have time.”
“That would be fun,” Sammie agreed.
Gina could tell that there was something Sammie wasn’t saying, but she decided not to push. “Okay, here’s the hair dye,” she said as she opened her closet and grabbed a small plastic basket off the floor. “Here’s the pink.”
She tossed the box to Sammie, who caught it with ease. “Should we do this in the bathroom, and do you have some old towels?”
“Yeah, they’re right here.” She reached into her closet again and grabbed two stained towels. “I know they look gross but they’re clean, I promise. I just washed them.”
“That’s okay,” Sammie said as she took one of the towels from Gina. “Here, you put the basket away. Where’s your bathroom?”
“Right next door, first door on the right,” Gina said, sliding the basket back and closing her small closet. She followed Sammie into the bathroom.
“Okay, what’s first?” asked Sammie as she opened the box.
“You should wash your hair. I can do that in the sink, and then I have some clips in the sink so we only dye the bottom layer.”
“Alright, I’m doing this!” Sammie said as she placed one of the towels around her neck like a cape.
“We’re doing this! Here, I’m gonna go grab a chair so you can sit by the sink,” Gina said. She ran back downstairs to the garage, grabbed an old folding chair, and brought it back up. When she got back to the bathroom, she found that Sammie had found a handful of hair clips in a drawer and had pulled the gloves out of the box.
“Here.” She set the chair down facing the wall. “Sit.”
Sammie sat as Gina grabbed her shampoo and conditioner from the shower. She put them on the counter next to the sink and turned the water on. “Sit back so your hair’s actually in the sink.”
Gina could see Sammie hesitate. “Hey, it’s not too late to chicken out. I still haven’t been able to do Mally’s. You’re fine if you don’t wanna do it.”
“No, I wanna,” Sammie said. “I’m just nervous.”
“Don’t be! This stuff is only semi-permanent anyways, so it won’t last for more than six weeks, if you wash it the same amount as usual.”
Gina could see Sammie take a deep breath before sitting back. “Let’s go!”
She placed Sammie’s hair in the sink and started washing it. “So, how do you like it here?”
“I like it. It’s different from where I lived before, but I like the people here. I think I found a good group, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get that,” Gina said as she started adding shampoo. “Good crew. I’ve known Mally and Andre since elementary school. I think we’re all pretty likeable.”
“Yeah, and the other people in my classes are nice, too,” Sammie said. “Not that I’d hang out with most of them, but they’re nice.”
“Mhm,” Gina said absentmindedly as she rinsed the shampoo and started combing conditioner through Sammie’s hair.
“I can’t wait to just get to know more people, you know? Like I’ve been talking with some of my other classmates and I forgot how fun it is to talk to different people and get their perspectives on things.”
“Yeah,” Gina agreed. “Sit up, your hair is clean. I gotta dry it a bit.”
Sammie leaned forward in the chair as Gina pulled the towel that was sitting on her shoulders up to rub her hair dry. “I’m overall liking it here. I was nervous, but everyone has been really nice and no one’s really bullied me or anything.”
“Yeah, most of the people at our school are nice. It’s actually not too bad. I’ve heard South is way more toxic than our school.” Gina grabbed the clips and then pulled a comb out of one of the drawers. “Hold these,” she said, handing the clips to Sammie. She then ran the comb around Sammie’s head, grabbing the top section with one hand and a clip with the other. “Turn around, does that look good?”
“Yeah, that’s not too much,” Sammie said as she looked in the mirror.
“Okay, I’m gonna straighten out the part there then. Uh, you can continue what you were saying,” Gina said as Sammie turned back to face the wall.
“It’s just a decent environment, better than my old school. Even the worst people here are generally better than at my old school.”
“Yeah,” Gina said. “Okay, hair dye next. You ready?”
“Do it.”
“Okay,” Gina said as she slid on the gloves and opened the package of dye. She mixed it up and started scooping small handfuls onto Sammie’s hair. “Yeah, I’d say the worst person at our school is probably Logan, and she’s pretty bad, so the people at your school must have been terrible.”
“She’s not that bad,” Sammie said. “She’s in my English, and she seems pretty nice.”
“Trust me, she’s not.” Gina combed her fingers through Sammie’s hair. “She’s rude and a bully.”
“Huh, I haven’t seen that,” Sammie admitted. “She seems pretty… normal, I guess.”
“Don’t hang out with her, trust me. Mally and Andre can vouch for me. Just don’t.”
“Okay, I guess I can do that.”
They sat in silence, Gina combing her fingers through Sammie’s hair to make sure it was fully covered. “Your hair looks good, now we wait,” she said, pulling the gloves off and throwing them in the garbage next to the toilet. “Uh, do you wanna do nails while we wait?”
“Sure,” Sammie said. “I can do yours, if you go grab colours.”
Gina nodded before heading back to her room. That was… strange, right? How Sammie had talked about Logan? What was up with the two of them, anyways? Gina wasn’t sure, but hopefully it was just a misunderstanding on Sammie’s part. Logan was bad news, and the two of them hanging out was worse news.
She grabbed a couple colours; sparkly black and her favourite purple. She brought them back to the bathroom and sat down on the floor in front of Sammie. She’d been doing something on her phone while Gina was in her room, and Gina sat for a moment before she put her phone away. “Sorry, I had to respond to a couple messages.”
“That’s okay. Here, here’s my colours.” She put one hand up and Sammie opened the bottle of purple. She started applying the colour with an ease Gina had never been able to master.
“We should listen to music,” Gina said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket with her free hand. She opened her Spotify and scrolled through her playlists until she found one that wouldn’t totally embarrass her.
“Oh, this is a bop,” she said as the first song came on.
“Oh, yeah!” Sammie said, grinning. She started singing along. “You would not believe your eyes…”
Gina joined in. “If ten million fireflies…”
“Lit up the world as I fell asleep,” they sang in unison. They sang the whole song, relishing each other’s company. By the time the song was over, the first coat on Gina’s nails was finished, and Sammie was on the second coat.
“That was good,” Sammie said, almost breathless.
“Yeah,” Gina laughed. “Ooh, this next one is good. I’ve been cheated by you since I don’t know when…”
“So I made up my mind, it must come to an end,” Sammie joined in. She finished the final coat of polish on Gina’s nails before the song ended.
“Alright, your nails are done, just let them dry and we can rinse my hair.”
“The bottom drawer on your left, there’s a hair dryer. We can dry my nails faster,” Gina said. She paused the music as Sammie plugged it in. She put her hands out in front of her as Sammie turned it on and aimed it at Gina’s nails.
They sat in relative silence, the only noise being the hair dryer. Not quite silence, but one sound enveloping the small room. After about five minutes, Sammie turned it off and said, “Try that.”
Gina tentatively touched her pinky nail. “Dry,” she said, standing up. “Now for your hair.”
She turned the sink back on as Sammie leaned back once more. Gina combed her fingers through Sammie’s hair, turning the water in the sink bright pink. After a few minutes of rinsing, she said, “I think you’re good. Let’s blow it dry.”
Sammie handed her the dryer from where it had been sitting in her lap. Gina switched it on and started blow drying her friend’s hair. She pulled the clip out and ran her fingers through until she determined it was dry. Gina turned off the hair dryer and unplugged it. “Ready for the final reveal?”
Sammie nodded with a nervous smile. She stood up and turned around. “Oh my gosh I love it!” she cried. “It’s so beautiful! Thank you!”
Gina smiled. “It turned out nicely,” she said. “Not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous too.”
“You were?” Sammie asked. “You did it so well! I can’t stop looking at it!”
“Ah, it was nothing. But my nails! You made it look so easy! I always get it all over my fingers and then have to wipe it off.”
“I did my nails a lot in middle school.”
“Makes sense.” They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Gina added, “We should clean this up, and it’s getting late. I can drive you home.”
“Yeah, you’re right. A ride would be great.” Sammie grabbed the towel and the chair and asked, “Where do these go?”
“Uh, the towel can go on the hook behind the door there,” Gina pointed. “And the chair goes in the garage. Do you mind taking it down there while I finish cleaning up the garbage?”
Sammie nodded and took the chair downstairs. Gina grabbed the rest of the garbage, threw it away, and brought the nail polish and the rest of the hair dye back to her room. She set them on her dresser and ran downstairs.
“C’mon, let’s go,” she said to Sammie as she entered the garage. She hopped in the driver’s seat as Sammie climbed in next to her.
“This was fun,” Sammie said Gina started backing out.
“Yeah, it was.” Gina realised this was the perfect time to admit something that had been pulling at her stomach all week. “Uh, Sammie, uh, I dunno how to say this. It’s only been, what, a week since you came, but I really-” She stopped herself and swallowed.
“I like you.”
The words hung there, suspended between them for what felt like an eternity. Gina couldn’t take her eyes off the road, wouldn't let herself. She was scared, but she couldn't take the words back.
Sammie gulped loudly enough for Gina to hear before saying, “I think I might like you.”
They didn’t live far apart, and that short ride had already brought them into Sammie’s driveway. Gina parked and neither girl said anything. She turned to face Sammie and saw Sammie staring at her.
Gina could see Sammie unbuckle her seatbelt, but nothing could have prepared her for Sammie to lean over and kiss her. It was so sudden, she hadn’t even registered what was happening until it was over. Sammie had opened the door and was climbing out of the car.
“Bye!” she called as she slammed the door shut and ran into the house, and just like that, she was gone.
Gina sat there, absolutely shocked. Of all the things she had expected to happen that day, that was not one of them. But Sammie had disappeared inside. There was nothing for Gina to do except drive home and hold the secret tight. That experience, that moment, was going to stay in this car, and Gina couldn't do anything about it, so she didn’t try to fight it. Instead, she drove home and tried not to think about it. After all, what else could she do?
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artificialqueens · 3 years
By Your Side (Biadore) - Candy Cane
A/N: just a oneshot based off of a prompt sent in that asked for bianca finding out abt adore’s onlyfans! its not quite that tbh but the words take me where they want to go lol please enjoy!! <3 theres some other things ive been trying to work on but its slow going rn as my cat is very sick and a lot of my time and energy has been dedicated to him, but i hope to get more out soon!
It’s only been a few months into quarantine when Adore finds herself on the phone with one of her oldest friends. Like, old physically not old as in how long they’ve known each other. But to be fair, there aren’t a ton of people she’s been friends with longer than she’s been friends with Bianca. Courtney and Darienne too for that matter.
She loves Bianca. Their friendship is something precious to her, and surprisingly this is only the second phone call they’ve had since quarantine has started. They talk basically every day through texts, and that’s on top of the hours they spend going back and forth in the ABCD group chat with Courtney and Darienne. The four of them have something special, all of them realize that. There’s just something specifically between her and Bianca that Adore’s never really been able to place her finger on.
Out of the blue this morning Bianca simply… called her. Adore spends a full moment staring at the CallerID trying to figure out where the fuck this is coming from. With an uncertain frown, she answers the phone, hanging upside down off the side of her bed of course.
“So… OnlyFans? Seriously?” Bianca asks incredulously, her voice crackling over the phone speaker.
What a way to start a conversation after not hearing each other’s voices for like a month! Even though Adore can’t see her face, she can practically hear the raised eyebrow.
“Fuck you,” Adore laughs, unable to help smiling at Bianca’s playful accusations.
“Not that I’m mad, but why fucking OnlyFans? Aren’t bitches doing podcasts now?”
“I’m bored, okay? There’s not a lot to do but drink and masturbate, and drinking hasn’t really been doing it for me lately. Plus, I gotta make money somehow,” Adore grumbles through an explanation, lifting herself up and sprawling out on her bed awkwardly.
“Do I need to set up an intervention? You know I will,” Bianca says with faux seriousness, “Seriously though, if you need some help…”
Adore frowns down at her phone. She hates pity, she hates unnecessary worry, and she definitely hates burdening people with her bullshit.
“B, I’m fine, I promise,” she says earnestly, “I guess I just… I miss you. A lot. And we can’t see each other right now and it fucking sucks and I’m really lonely-”
“Come over.”
“What? I can’t, B, we’re quarantined…”
“When’s the last time you left your apartment?”
“Uhh, I dunno, maybe a month ago?’ Adore answers, unsure of where Bianca is going with this.
“Okay, that’s well over two weeks. Come hang out with me for a few days, get some human interaction, I’ve been needing it myself. I haven’t gone out or seen anyone for a few weeks now,” Bianca admits, and Adore feels suddenly giddy.
It’s been so long since she’s seen someone, since she’s even gotten a hug, and she really wants to see Bianca…
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning,” Adore agrees, not even thinking twice about it.
Bianca is everything to her. This person was one of the first to really take her seriously, to really see something in her, and Adore doesn’t know where she’d be without her. Every time something goes wrong, her first instinct is to call Bianca. Everytime something amazing happens, her first instinct is to call Bianca. They’ll spend hours talking or texting just because and Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
They are as good together as PB&J, or peanut butter and celery, or peanut butter and pretzels… And Adore realizes she is feeling very snacky, specifically for peanut butter. With a sigh she rolls off her bed to get a snack before she starts packing for the next week.
The point is Adore loves Bianca, and Danny loves Roy. Sure maybe it’s in a different way than they should, or even once did, but it can’t be helped. It can be hidden, though. And Danny is more than fine with hiding this secret, as long as they get to have Roy in their life at all. He’s more than what Danny should ever even hope for, and yet a part of them can’t help but hope.
After spending so much time apart, Danny knows it’ll be harder now than ever to hide these feelings they’ve been harboring for Roy. They’ll try though, because sometimes the thought of this man loving them back is all that keeps them going.
Danny arrives at Roy’s beautiful new house in Palm Springs at nearly noon the next day. Which, to be fair, is very much the morning for Danny. They even woke up early to make the trip! …If ten a.m. counts as early in any book except their own.
Roy is already standing out in the driveway waiting for Danny when they get there, his arms spread wide for a hug the second Danny gets out of their car. The younger practically rocket launches themself into his arms, clinging tight to him as they savor the first hug they’ve gotten in such a long fucking time. Danny can’t help the tears that fall at finally having such warm, loving human contact, especially from this person.
They hold onto each other as tight as they can, each beyond glad to have each other’s trust in such unreliable times. Being alone for so long had hit Roy hard too. Alcohol and binge watching can really only do so much, and he’s genuinely been feeling lonely being stuck in one spot for so long. The dogs help some, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t replace human interaction, no matter how hard he wishes it did.
“I missed you, baby girl,” Roy says, and Danny can almost hear his voice waver.
“I missed you too,” Danny whispers, trying and failing to hold back a sob.
They leave Danny’s bag in the car for now, much more eager to go sit down and enjoy each other’s company. The dogs bombard the two of them the second Danny crosses the threshold, the enby leaning instantly down to kiss and coo at the babies and Roy can’t help grinning widely at the sight. He loves his babies, and he loves his baby girl.
They spend the afternoon talking and laughing and playing with the dogs. Danny clearly gets some ideas about the golf cart, and Roy is suddenly excited about the upcoming few days. It’s been a while since either of them have really had something to look forward to.
“Alright, I still need you to explain this OnlyFans thing to me,” Roy says with a smirk a few hours later, after they’ve gotten properly settled in on the couch together with the dogs.
Danny’s eyes go wide with slight panic, “Okay, grandpa, it’s like uhhh, Patreon but-”
“No, no, no!” Roy laughs, “I know what it is, I mean why that? Why not literally anything else?”
“First of all, I am sexy. Second of all, I spent a lot of time not making money masturbating, which is a fucking shame because as I said before I am sexy.”
They both crack up at that, giggling like idiots on Roy’s couch, the puppies quickly joining in, yipping at them to be a part of the excitement.
“Awww, do you two think I’m funny?” Danny coos, picking Dede up and cuddling the pup close, “Your daddy doesn’t think I’m funny!”
Roy snorts, “You’ve certainly picked up a thing or two from me.”
“Like how to be a bitter old hermit!” Danny grins sweetly.
“Exactly,” Roy laughs.
“So if I ask really nicely will this bitter old hermit make me food?” Danny asks, batting their eyelashes pleadingly.
“My original plan was to let you starve to death while you were here, but since you’re asking nicely…” Roy says teasingly, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction at the way the younger throws their head back with laughter.
Late that night, after a long night of talking and watching TV and a decent dinner, they curl up into bed together. At one point they both needed to at least be tipsy to do that, but nowadays that’s just overkill. They have progressed well beyond that point of friendship, though Roy sometimes still likes to put on a show of being annoyed, if only because of the way Danny pouts and rolls their eyes.
Tonight he just holds the thick comforter up so Danny can slide in easily with him, he’s not really interested in making either of them wait longer than they already have for cuddles. In seconds the two are holding each other tight, savoring the touch. As Roy lays there, holding Danny like the younger is his lifeline, he starts to think about the time they’ve known each other. All the ups, downs, and side-to-sides… Danny has grown up a lot over the years they’ve been friends, and it’s hard to deny that it’s changed Roy’s feelings for them.
Once his feelings to the younger were almost motherly, but now it’s closer to attraction. It’s kind of weird, at the least it’s very fucked up. Roy wants to just give in to the feelings, but he can’t. Not when he has no way of gaging Danny’s feelings for him. He can live with this secret, he’s not sure he can live without Danny’s friendship.
Danny interrupts his thoughts, their voice small and curious, “Why were you so invested in my OnlyFans?”
“Bitch, I’m trying to sleep here,” Roy groans.
“No, seriously,” Danny pouts, sitting up in bed and looking down at Roy. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlights the enby perfectly, and Roy curses his luck.
“I don’t want you renting yourself out on the corner like Bunny, now get back to sleep you dumb slut,” Roy says with all of his usual teasing heat.
Danny pouts though, clearly not satisfied, “But…”
“Sleep. Now.” Roy demands, reaching up to tug them back under the covers. Danny reluctantly gives in, and snuggles close to Roy.
Just as Roy is about to fall asleep, Danny’s voice has his eyes flying open.
“I love you,” Danny whispers.
Roy’s heart melts a little at that, “I love you too, Danny.”
Danny bites their lip nervously, “I mean like… I think…”
Roy’s heart starts to beat faster in his chest. Surely they couldn’t mean…
“You think…?” Roy asks, hoping that despite it all this person is about to say what he thinks they are.
“I think I might be… in love,” Danny says, their voice quiet and timid in a way Roy hasn’t heard in a very long time, “With you.”
This time Roy is the one to sit up in bed, staring down at Danny with pure infatuation. Those words echo around his ears, his chest, his very soul, and before he even realizes what he’s doing he’s leaning down to capture Danny’s lips in a kiss.
His lips against theirs feels so undeniably right. Their lips move slowly against each other, Danny brings a hand around to cup the back of Roy’s neck and in that moment nothing is wrong in their own little world. In that moment it’s just them and the moonlight. He thinks that he could live forever in this moment and never need anything else.
They break apart much too soon for either of their tastes, and Roy stares into those pretty eyes and murmurs, “I think I love you too.”
Danny surges forward for another kiss, this one much more desperate than the last. It’s a hot, heavy kiss that ends with Roy flat against the bed and both of Danny’s hands cupping his face as they explore each other. It’s like no kiss either of them have had before, with so many years of emotion and uncertainty between them it’s intense. Bianca and Adore have drunkenly kissed before, but this absolutely cannot compare. Danny whimpers pathetically against Roy, their hips grinding down against Roy’s thigh.
Roy lets out a shaky breath and grips at the enby’s barely covered ass. From the way Danny is squirming and moaning after only a little contact, Roy knows it’s been a while since Danny has been with someone like this. Roy hasn’t been able to get laid in a while either, rendering them both more than eager for this. Neither of them have a sexual partner in their circles right now, except maybe each other. Just this morning that would’ve been an absurd thought, and now it’s simply what makes sense.
Both of them need sexual fulfillment as much as they need emotional fulfillment, and even the thought of providing it for each other is thrilling. Roy grabs Danny’s bottom lip roughly between his teeth, sucking on it as he rubs his hands underneath Danny’s oversized tank top and over their skin. Danny whines and whimpers so deliciously in response, and Roy loves it.
Roy and Danny pull the little clothing that is off one another, each soaking in the familiar sight of the other being completely exposed. It’s nowhere near the first time they’ve seen each other like this, but it’s another one of those things where it’s simply different this time around. Because now it’s been established they love each other as much more than just friends.
Danny sucks hickeys along Roy’s collarbone, moaning roughly as Roy twists their nipples harshly, their bodies so close and warm wrapped up tight together.
“Think… Think I’m gonna get my nipples pierced,” Danny giggles breathlessly before it’s cut off in a moan of sheer pleasure when Roy pinches them even harder.
“Oh really? You’ve done a lot of slutty things, baby girl, but that is definitely up there,” Roy smirks.
Danny smiles innocently, “It would only make your job easier.”
“What? This job?” Roy asks teasingly, then trails his fingers down Danny’s stomach so they ghost over the enby’s half-hard cock.
Danny gasps, and Roy takes the opportunity to press his lips against theirs all over again, sucking their tongue into his mouth as he teases their cock. They moan and whine and squirm, their fingers gripping and squeezing at the flesh of Roy’s back frantically in response. Roy knows that that’s going to leave a mark, despite the fact that their nails are usually kept short. He doesn’t mind though, in fact it makes him harder knowing that he’s the reason Danny is reacting like this.
Danny’s head falls back against the pillow, feeling heat rush to their cheeks upon seeing the smouldering look in Roy’s eyes as they stare up at him. He’s so fucking gorgeous, all his sharpness and softness in just the right places.
“Tell me what you want,” Roy whispers roughly.
Danny inhales shakily, “Want- Wanna feel you-”
“What do you want me to do to you, Danny? Use your words…”
“Fuck me, oh God please just fuck me, holy shit,” Danny begs, squeezing their eyes shut tight and squirming underneath Roy’s tight hold.
“Shh, that’s so good, thank you,” Roy murmurs, caressing Danny’s cheek, “I’m going to fuck you so hard.”
And Danny just moans. They’ve wanted this from Roy for so long, and so many years were wasted convincing themself otherwise that this really feels like a fucking dream come true. It’s their own little fairytale, just for the two of them. Danny gets to live this fantasy with Roy, and that thought alone is almost more mind blowing than the idea of getting rammed until they can’t remember their own name.
Roy leans across to riffle through the nightstand, and turns back to Danny with lube, a condom, and a devious grin on his face. Minutes later, Danny is a whimpering, begging mess just from two of Roy’s fingers stretching them open. Roy is clearly enjoying it, whispering dirty things in their ear as he slowly tortures them with his fingers. When he slides in a third finger, Danny lets out the filthiest, most inhuman sound Roy has ever heard.
“You are just so fucking needy,” Roy says lowly, pulling out his fingers and quickly rolling the condom on.
Danny nods feverently, their eager words of agreement being almost incomprehensible. Roy grabs their tiny hips in his large hands and slides himself in. That moment is almost pure magic, the connection that had been simmering for so many years finally coming to a boil. Danny sobs from the mix of emotion and sheer pleasure, throwing their head back and forth, panting and begging for more while Roy closes his eyes and takes it all in.
Danny is incredibly warm and tight around him, and after a minute he begins to thrust shallowly, making Danny’s mindless babbling slur together. His thrusts quickly become harsher, aiming specifically for Danny’s spot, his grip on them tightens and he grabs the enby’s cock and starts to lavish it with some much needed attention.
“OhGodohGodohGodoh-” Danny rambles, pressing their face into the juncture of Roy’s neck and collarbone, inhaling his comforting, familiar scent, “So good, feels so good, don’t stop please don’t stop.”
“I’m not going to stop, shh, I’ve got you, fuck you’re so good,” Roy groans in response, his thrusts speeding up and his fingers around Danny’s cock tightening, “Are you about to cum for me? Huh?”
“Yes, fuck,” Danny rasps, “Yes yes gonna cum Roy please let me cum I’m gonna- gonna-”
Roy pumps his hand a few more times and whispers right in Danny’s ear, “Cum for me like a good girl.”
And Danny is a gonner. They moan high and long, their hips twitch rapidly and their whole body shakes with the force of their orgasm, ropes of cum covering Roy’s hand and both of their abdomens.
Danny practically goes limp in Roy’s hold, and just a few thrusts later Roy is undone as well, unable to help thrusting even harder and deeper into Danny’s body as he does. He falls on top of Danny, breathing heavy and ragged, and they hold each other tight. Danny’s arms still wrapped around Roy’s back when he carefully rolls them onto their sides so that they’re facing each other, nearly nose to nose. He gingerly pulls out of Danny, ties the condom, and throws it into the bin that he knows is next to the bed.
Roy cups their chin with his clean hand and stares into their dazed, half-lidded eyes. Danny blinks slowly, the afterglow beginning to wear off.
“I can’t believe it took us seven years,” Danny murmurs, reaching up to thread their fingers through Roy’s currently long hair.
“It was worth the wait,” Roy smiles softly, “And now we have the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah,” Danny whispers, “I get the rest of my life with you.”
Because for Roy and Danny it’s nowhere near over. For them it’s all only just begun.
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your-turn-to-role · 5 years
so i finally finished cinderbrush
general thoughts:
i would die for jamie wrenly
i mean this was the most taliesin taliesin's ever played, they're 99% him without the filter but somehow the addition of being a nonbinary teenage witch makes jamie the best character i've ever seen????? tal how do you do this. i love your kid.
ashley johnson has really gotta consider the lesbians in the audience before playing jock characters. i'm not even into guys but fuck
(what even is your sexuality if you're a girl into girls and also one fictional guy played by a girl and one fictional enby played by a guy? complicated? which i feel like was the point of this one shot. but i love them.)
the whole AF throwing the book at the teacher for deadnaming them and then lying and saying they were throwing it at a bird and jamie backing them up by saying "i saw it too" but then AF later admitting to the lie and jamie going "then what the hell did i see?" was hilarious
also "i wasn't lying for your benefit but i'm glad you got something out of it" jamie pls explain what happened in this classroom from your perspective i'm dying to know
four horsepower
every impulsive decision AF made was also hilarious
i agree with everyone else saying they should bring these characters back, i'm not sure if there's enough here for a full campaign but there's definitely enough for a few more episodes
i wannnaaaa seee alll the coooooolll shiiiiitt
speaking of endings though, while i understand that was rushed due to time, a lot of them got real fuckin hurt in that last fight?
like AF probably has supernatural werewolf healing but jamie and sasha don't
sasha has a serious leg wound hastily bandaged and jamie got fuckin shot point blank in the stomach
the first thing that happens after is not them getting arrested its them heading to the fucking hospital
(and then getting arrested)
(but legit there's so much hurt/comfort fic potential someone write it pls i need it)
(or if people want more angst ideas, any of their parents' reactions to anything in that ending)
(that said all of you writing ot4 fluff are still incredibly valid)
between the brief stuff we got of jamie and cam and the sadly also brief stuff of yasha and molly i need ashley and tal to play weird queer best friends in everything now actually? its such a good dynamic
honestly they don't even have to be best friends, just. tal as a very loudly queer weird kid and ashley as a quiet jock weird kid and also they're soft around each other. give me this in 500 different variations pls
half the cast was non binary. when will your fave ever. cr is already getting so delightfully queer but i appreciated the explicit use of they/them pronouns for major characters, and also the respect for them by every other character
also while more goth than usual, i loved that jamie and AF were sat next to each other because i feel like they were really representing the two ends of the nonbinary fashion spectrum
all of the music was great
they did a surprisingly good job as all 30+ year olds at being current teens. the occasional embarrassing moment but most of it was just funny and also "yeah i've been there" moments
(though - taliesin having way too much knowledge of party drugs, way too much experience getting arrested, he's talked about that before, it's not that surprising anymore. but tal relating hard to the "i didn't plan an outfit for this party so last minute i stole a table mat to make an ascot out of, because what my casual clothes really need right now is an ascot" decision was really the moment i went "what kind of life have you lived???")
the sheer ridiculous juxtaposition of AF, teenage werewolf with anger issues who has definitely killed a person, saying "that was the worst thing i've ever done" about lying to their dad and legitimately meaning it
did i mention i love jamie wrenly?
i really love jamie wrenly
they're the best
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thetomorrowshow · 4 years
Slower Than Words Ch. 23
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Hey..... a member of my household just tested positive for Covid-19, and I am displaying symptoms sooooooo hopefully that won’t affect posting but it has made this chapter a little shorter than I had wanted. Basically if the next chapter isn’t out on time that’s why.
cw: b a d parenting, references to trauma
Remus chewed on the end of his pen. Riley, Alberts, Robertson, Robinson, Richards, Allison, Reese, Arlowe . . . something that started with an 'A' or an 'R'. But what? Why couldn't he remember his own last name?
Logan was always saying something about brainwashing and trauma, but Logan knew his own last name! Stupid Logan Sanders and his calm explanations for everything in Remus's life. He didn't want someone telling him how he felt or why, he wanted to move on. He wanted to figure himself out for himself. He wanted out.
The trip to the library a couple weeks ago had been even worse than expected. Logan hadn't even let go of Patton, despite how uncomfy the kid looked. It had to suck to be twenty-something and have your dad drag you around by the shoulders everywhere you go.
Patton had only wanted one book, for some reason. There were so many books in that building, and Logan had pulled like a hundred from the shelves just to show him. He'd signed so quickly about the book that Remus couldn't keep up, but Logan had frowned and talked to the librarian for a few minutes, before eventually presenting Patton with a book—which was probably the one he'd been asking for. His face looked weird after receiving it, happy, but also seriously depressed. It looked pretty old, Remus had no idea why he'd wanted that book.
Rivers, Albright, Abbott, Ramsey, Russell, Reed, Rowell, Austen. . . . Nothing. Not even a smidge of anything. Well, if he couldn't remember his last name, what about the name of where he used to live?
The city came to him almost instantly.
Remus snorted. That was a stupid name for a city. Actually, he could remember joking about it with his brother, about how their mom shared it.
Energy flooded to his limbs with a suddenness, and when the bell rang from the door opening beside him he literally fell out of his seat.
“W-welcome to Chevron,” he said, straightening up. The customer nodded barely at him, making a beeline for the refrigerators in the back. Remus quickly wrote on the scrap of paper he'd been doodling circles onto so far: 'sharon – town and ma'.
Now he just had to figure out which state sounded the most familiar, and if Sharon was a city there. He'd spent days just driving around town with friends, he probably still knew his way around.
The customer paid for a few jugs of Gatorade, then left, dust puffing up behind his truck as he pulled out of the parking lot. Remus sat back down, scratching his mustache with his pen. He could google the city when he got home, then. . . .
Then he'd figure out how to tell Patton and Logan he was leaving.
Patton sighed, flipping through the first half of the book again. Summer, it was called. This copy looked almost identical to the other one. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers along the slightly indented title, like Virgil would. He'd had it for almost two months now, asking Father to renew the book instead of allowing it to be returned. He really wanted to finish it, after all.
Not that he could ever get himself to read past around the middle.
Patton's notebook was almost full now, but he couldn't ask Remus for another. Not after how much Remus was already doing for him. The pages were filled with studying mouth movements, bad jokes, and journal entries that mostly were about Virgil and what they'd do when they were together again. In tiny, cramped handwriting was a detailed recollection of everything Patton could remember that Virgil told him about where he lived—which wasn't much. It was hard to hold on to any memories from there. His therapist said it had to do with trauma memories being stored incorrectly, and said he might have flashbacks about it. So far, none had happened, but sometimes he wished one would—just so he could see Virgil again.
He wasn't good at drawing, but here and there in his notebook were vague sketches of Virgil. Some days, Patton woke up not sure what he looked like. He couldn't forget him. Patton would never forgive himself if he forgot the lovely mistiness of Virgil's eyes, the way his hair fell into his mouth and made him sputter, the stark paleness of his face against his black hoodie. . . .
Patton wrapped the hoodie around himself. He needed to think about something else, or else he'd start crying again. Crying made his head and ears hurt, which his doctor said would probably always be the case. So he mostly did his best to not cry, ever.
Patton cast his mind around for something new to think about, and landed on the trip to the library several weeks ago. The trip wasn't . . . optimal?
No. The trip sucked.
Father wouldn't let go of him, which just made him feel like a toddler having to be guided around. It was bright, and had a lot of people, and was a little startling, but Patton was sure he could have handled it. Why didn't Father trust him?
It wasn't just that. Father made him go to bed at a specific time every night, wouldn't let him have any say in what he ate, wouldn't even let him pick what to watch on the TV. It was . . . it was stupid! It was awful, it was embarrassing, it was demeaning! It made Patton feel worthless, like he wasn't even a proper member of society! He wasn't a boy anymore, he had even had a job back at the Haven, he wasn't helpless!
Maybe soon, with all that he'd been learning, he could prove to Father that he was capable. And if Father wouldn't believe him, well . . . Patton would have to make him.
Again, that anger was right at the surface, ready to spill out into the air. At least he had the book.
Somehow, Logan had let Remus convince him that he didn't need to go to every therapy appointment with Patton, so Logan was at home alone. For the first time in months. He was exhausted, but he did not have time to sleep.
Patton was hiding something. Logan was undeniably certain of it. And when Patton hid something, he hid it under his bed.
Logan didn't get up immediately. This was a matter of privacy, after all. He understood that he was likely being a little too restricting with his son, but who could blame him? He'd almost lost him. So if Patton was hiding something, it was likely best to know what it was. Patton didn't seem to realize the amount of danger he was in. It wasn't his fault, he was just a child. Children weren't supposed to worry about this sort of thing, it was their parents' jobs to care for them. So, naturally, he had to make sure that whatever Patton was hiding wasn't going to bring harm in some way. If it was, he could gently confront him about it, and explain why it was not acceptable.
With that plan in mind, Logan stood from his desk and made his way to Patton's room. His door was always open, even when he was inside—it made sense, all things considered.
The room still had almost precisely the same setup as Logan had put together, down to the making of the bed. He'd told Patton that he was allowed to customize his room and ask for personal items, but so far he had done neither of those things. The only difference was that the small closet now had a few more pieces of clothing in it.
Logan bent to his hands and knees beside the bed and peered beneath. Sure enough, there were items underneath the boy's bed: a battered blue notebook, the singular book that he had wanted from the library last month, the jacket that had belonged to the other other prisoner. Logan reached for the notebook, grunting when his back popped.
He pulled himself onto Patton's bed to open it. It was confusing, at first, some jokes in his son's handwriting, rather poor sketches of an unfamiliar face. Then. . . .
That—that was bad.
Logan took a few deep breaths, then flipped another page, then another. More of the same. This wasn't good. This was not good at all.
These diagrams and instructions, clearly for lip-reading? These would get Patton taken away from him. These would hurt him. These would make Patton want to leave the safety of home.
These were dangerous.
Taglist: @enragedbees @gotta-love-alejandra @bunny222 @basiic-emo @patt0n-sanders @rosiepupper @fangirlgeekandfreak @dn-fan21 @that2000skid @remy-the-lemon-berry @itsadastraperaspera @xionbean @sanderssides-angst @hell-yea-we-gay-tonight @maybedefinitely404 @broken-pencils @thewhimsicallibrarytech @doomllily @hereissananxiousmess @judyismydog  @arodynamic-enby @at-that-one-nerd @therapysides @awkwardandanxiousfander @thekitchenpan @im-an-anxious-wreck @larkiaquail
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Two Imps in a Trench Coat
So, I got bored and scrolled through @infinimay ‘s prompt list thingys. I got an idea from Illusions AU, so here we are! I have decided to make them two guys in a trench coat, and everyone else think they hate each other because they are never seen together. 
And this time tumblr can’t be a little bitch and delete my progress cause I’m on desktop! Take that you dumb website
Also, I ended up using @enby-phoenix ‘s idea of the author interacting with the characters (Sorry, not sorry? :p I liked the idea)
Words: 1,665 
Warnings: Cursing (once again, I can not function without curses), Remus being himself, a panic attack (written by someone with limited experience), threats with no intention of following through, complete self-insert.
“Are you sure about this Re?” Virgil sat on the desk as Remus strained to see from the chair. They were about to send in a response to an ad for roommates. 
“Nope! It’s like an ace succubus!” The other imp said cheerfully. 
“How does that even translate to this?” Virgil offered a hand to lift Remus up. He ignored it, choosing to climb the back of the chair and leaping onto the desk. 
“We do whatcha gotta do! Like-”
“Nope, just send the e-mail you idiot. Both of them, and make sure it’s scheduled at different times, so they don’t link them” Virgil turned to instruct his twin. They had to be careful with their secret. 
“I’m here bitches!” Remus threw open the door on his moving day. The other four roommates were all gathered in the living room. He briefly wondered if his glamour was enough (Virgil had fussed over it for an hour). 
“Ah, I assume you’re Remus Jones” One responded, pushing up his glasses. 
“Language!” Another scolded after recovering for his shock. The person next to them laid an arm around them. 
“Let’s get started” Remus rubbed his hands, moving towards the group “You know I’m Remus, who are you?” 
“I’m Logan, I posted the ad. He/him if you could” The first one began. 
“I’m Janus, they/them. You can call me Dee though” The next responded, the one who had calmed Mx. Language-dude. “This is Patton, my boyfriend” 
“That’s me Kiddo! Oh, I use he/him” Patton bounced after being introduced.
“That leaves this fucker to be Roman” Remus turned to the last of the group. To his surprise, they resembled his illusion pretty closely. 
“Yes” He responded curtly. Remus shrugged, dragging his bags in. He had very little, as Virgil had not trusted him to move most of their stuff. He already missed the other imp. He couldn’t do anything to disrupt the glamour, and it was booooriiiing. 
Virgil moved in a few days later. Most of the others were at work. Remus was there, hiding in the closet to keep up the appearance of being employed. 
“I assume you are Virgil?” A crisp voice asked. Remus had updated his twin on everything, so Vee knew it was Logan. However, he didn’t want to give away his knowledge.
“Yea, what of it?” 
“I’m Logan. I’m assuming you received my last e-mail?” The human swirled the liquid in his cup as he spoke. 
“I did. So, where do I sleep?” Virgil shrugged, shoulders aching from all the bags he was carrying. 
“Over here. Unfortunately, there is a door between the two rooms over here, so you are in a sense sharing with our....loud roommate addition. I must return to my work” Logan walked away quickly, disappearing down the opposite hallway. 
“Re, where are you son of a-” Virgil muttered the moment he entered the room. 
“Here!” Remus bounced out of the closet, tackling his brother. 
“Shhh, gotta be careful”
“Nah, he can’t hear anything. Perfect for sneaking into his room and getting some emotional action” Re bounced, beaming wider than natural even for an imp. 
“Lead the way then. I’m tired from keeping this up. I’ll set up my ‘room’ later. Not like I’ll be using it much anyways if everything goes well” 
“Where is this new roommate?” A quiet voice asked a few hours later. Both imps jolted out of their doze, scrambling to figure out a way to sneak out. 
“Who’s turn is it to appear?” Vee hissed, glancing around.
“On, quickly! I bottom” Remus pulled on his brother’s arm. Virgil nodded, climbing onto his brother’s shoulders before adjusting the illusion. After a second of tweaking it and getting his balance, Remus walked them out. 
“You called?” Virgil drawled, signalling Remus to lean against the wall. The excitement that hit both of them was addictive in its strength.
“Hiya! I’m Pat!” The tallest of the trio standing there said. He bounced on his toes, practically vibrating in joy.
“Darling, easy” The other human closest to him soothed. After taking their boyfriend’s hand, said boyfriend calmed a bit. “I’m Dee. they/them”
“And I’m Roman” The last one added. Virgil immediately saw the bags under his eyes and the exhaustion rolling off him. It was almost as strong as Pat’s joy. However, it had less of an energy rush. It was so deep, it almost sapped energy. 
“Well, I’m sure you know by now I’m Virgil. Any more questions? I want to unpack” Virgil almost snapped. All three stepped back and Remus slid them through the gap quickly. The moment he shut the door to the spare Virgil’s room, he swung his brother off his shoulders. 
“Hey, hey. It’s okay spider. It’s not you. Do you need your blanket? Or Charlotte?” Remus rumbled, trying to stop the oncoming panic attack. Virgil shook his head, patting Re’s shoulder. Remus nodded and sat next to his brother. The moment he had settled, Virgil hugged him. The pair curled up, Remus humming to soothe the other imp. Before long, both were sleeping peacefully. 
“Do you hate Remus?” Roman sat down heavily on the couch next to the pair. Virgil was currently the one in the illusion, so it was him who responded.
“Never met the guy. If anything, he hates me” Virgil tried to sound as bored as possible. It had been a few months and the twins had gained more energy, fully emerging from their halfling state. They couldn’t risk going anywhere with each other though, and the rest of the apartment had noticed they never were seen with each other. 
“Well, what about me? You’ve avoided me ever since you moved in” Roman leaned closer, and Virgil was tempted to lean away, but that would weaken the illusion. It was true he had been carefully keeping away, and had grown closer to the rest of the group...but he didn’t hate Roman. It was the opposite, he couldn’t stand being near him with all of his exhaustion, sorrow, and depression.
“Mmm, nah. You’re just a lot” Vee responded after a nudge from his brother. 
“Of emotion?” Roman responded after a moment, a flicker appearing across his face. His plain features seemed to briefly warp. After a moment, he reached out a hand, laying it over Virgil’s paler skin. It passed through Virgil’s illusion entirely after a moment, shattering it. 
“Shit” Virgil met Roman’s eyes. Eyes that were glowing softly, and were slowly dissolving a similar illusion. Remus freed himself from Vee and bounced over, tapping the round face that appeared. 
“VeeVee, it’s real! It’s purely fat and would make great-”
“Re, stop that thought right now. We both know what it is and it’s gross af” Roman started giggling. 
“What’s so funny Princey?” Virgil asked, angling himself towards his brother, and the exit he could use. 
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just glad I’m not alone, and that I was right. Plus you’re so small!” He waved a hand at the pair. After a nod, they tackled him. After some scrambling, they were perched on Roman’s chest. He was pinned to the couch on his back. 
“What are you. It’s obvious this is no illusion. So what” “are you. And how did you figure out what we are” Virgil and Remus began, their own eyes glowing from using their magic. 
“I’m a selkie. Someone took most of my skin. And I saw you two the first night. I was bringing food for you both at Pat’s request and saw you curled up with tatters of glamour. I didn’t want to do anything with anyone around though” Roman explained, a nervous smile across his features. The twins exchanged looks and a nod. They scrambled off, freeing Roman by brushing dark red hands over the bonds. 
“We are Imps” “and your emotions were impossible to feed” “Off. So we avoided you” The pair informed him. 
“Plus Vee has a crush on you!” Remus added unhelpfully.
“Remus, I will shove my feet in your face the next time I’m on top” Virgil punched his brother. 
“Oooo kinky”
“You little fuc-”
“Uh...guys? You know Patton and Dee will be coming back from their date soon, right?” Roman broke in, glancing between them. “I also can��t tell you apart now, except by your voices” 
“Oh, shoot. he’s right” Virgil glanced at the clock as Roman somehow made the physical version of the 😢 emoji. 
“VeeVee has the curly horns, I’m taller at 3′4.5!” Remus piped up at the worst time as the lock jingled. 
“SHit on a fucking stick, Remus get your ass over here. We need to get our glamour back on” Virgil yanked his brother over, focused entirely on adjusting the glamour to look natural while still hiding both imps. 
“Um, you may not need be concerned?” Roman said awkwardly as Patton cursed outside the door from Remus’s panicked interference on the lock. 
“Uh, explain quickly before I burn you with...just quickly!” Virgil almost yelled, struggling with repairing the damage. 
“Pat, Dee, May I tell them?” Roman raised his voice. The door swung open as Remus yanked a blanket over him and his brother. Dee raised an eyebrow, walking in and closing the door behind them. 
“Tell them what exsssactly?” They almost hissed, eyes quickly taking in the selkie. 
“Of course kiddo!” Pat spoke up, smiling brightly. 
“I don’t mind, I sssssupposssse” Dee added as all eyes turned to them. 
“Well, You know I’m a selkie. Dee over there is a naga! And Pat is a werecat. Which is why he says he’s allergic, but there’s cat hair all over!” Roman said proudly. The imps felt the pride leak out of him. The gloomy emotional cover was breaking apart, showing the emotions he had hidden underneath after the initial meeting. 
“We’re imps! Here to suck your soul out through your emotions!” Remus popped his horned head out from the blanket. 
“Remus, shut up. You’re gonna get us kicked out” Virgil shoved his brother. 
“Are we sharing now? Is it touchy-feely time?” A voice echoed from the ceiling. 
“Logan!” All five exclaimed, the imps jumping into the air. 
“Yes, it is I. Your favorite vampire roommate” A voice drawled from the ceiling. The various bruises suddenly made so much more sense as the thin man dropped from the ceiling. His whole body looked like he was, well, dead. 
“....Re, I’m going to take a nap” Virgil vanished under the blanket again as the various glamours were dropped. The only one without a glamour was Patton, and his unruly curls were a disguise themselves. 
“A wise choice. We should all go to bed, including our other roommate” Pat smiled, earning a smile from Logan.
“Don’t fucking tell me there’s another one of you” Virgil’s voice was muffled. 
“Oh, I keep forgetting she’s here” Roman whined, glaring at the idiot. 
“She? I haven’t heard anything about a she” Re cocked his head. Logan sighed before turning his gaze towards their other roommate. 
“Yes, well. She doesn’t typically appear. You can’t see her, unless she chooses to appear” Logan adjusted his glasses. 
“Rude. I do appear” A distinctly feminine voice echoed from a spot on the arm of the couch. A blink, and there was a young woman sitting there. There were bags under her own eyes, and she seemed to be upset about something.
“Who are you?” VeeVee poked his head out from the blanket long enough to confirm she appeared human.
“I’m Delphine Ignia. I technically own this place. I can’t take credit for this whole thing though. Fin gets credit for the idea” she turned towards the imps, crossing her legs as she studied them with...normal blue eyes. 
“Are you a ghost? Cause I didn’t see your name on the lease” Remus cocked his head, readying a spear to throw as the woman’s leg suddenly swayed as she appeared to think.
“...no you wouldn’t. You see, I’m the one bringing this whole thing to life. I’m the author! Though, I usually think of myself as the writer. I’m not published so I feel like ‘author’ doesn’t fit” She had once again shifted as she spoke, her leg somehow bouncing on the ground as she spoke. 
“And you of all people need sleep. You can make a second chapter in the morning. You have the zoom meeting tomorrow” Logan scolded the young woman. She groaned, nodding. 
“Yea, yea. I’ll lose the idea though! And I haven’t found the stopping point” 
“This is it. If the readers want, you’ll figure out a way. You did with How Far Can You Trust A Serpent” Dee pointed out.
“Fiiineeee. I am having a harder time typing cause I’m tired. Night guys. Sleep well! You have no choice but to sleep!” The woman started fading as her leg’s bouncing slowed. Before the roommates knew it, they were in their beds and collectively drifting off as the...writer, as she called herself, did. They all had a lot to ponder, and Delphine needed to fucking sleep. So they did.
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quilloftheclouds · 4 years
rant under the cut as I try and figure some stuff out
It’s a group of four (middle-school aged maybe?) friends who just go into the woods in their neighbourhood to play imagination games! Like I used to do as a kid! Where you roleplay as though you’re a dragon or you have magic powers or you’re a fairy or a knight? And then these kids stumble across this old ruin of a greenhouse, and when they go inside, ~wonky magical/time-shifty things~ happen and there’s some kind of mystery they have to solve? Idk but I like the vibes I’m getting from it.
One of the kids is definitely going to have a lot of nature knowledge, like herbal science background ‘cause maybe his dads are biologists or witches or something? I have yet to decide whether this world has magic or not. Anyways. He’s definitely the shy flower prince. Always putting flowers on everything. Flower crowns and basket weaving and other fancy crafts.
Then there’s gotta be the “new kid” who just moved into the neighbourhood and was invited to join their games and is a newbie to everything.
And... maybe an enby who just wants to fight literally everything? They have a sword (stick) and shield (cardboard) and they just... wail on leaves and tree stumps for no particular reason. They also like climbing trees and rocks and stuff. And they like making weapons. Bows and arrows and fake traps and stuff. They’re a survivalist. (But they can’t actually harm any living thing.)
And then there’s the techie girl who always likes to play some sci-fi character! The strategic nerd who has the best plans and creative ideas. Very booksmart and your classic trope of a nerd kid, but everything she owns is yellow and/or orange. She always wears dresses or skirts and makes everything very effective and efficient and feminine-presenting.
Maybe there are monsters lurking the forest too? Maybe the greenhouse is a portal and when they find it they activate something that lets the monsters out? And maybe the kids have to solve a mystery to get the monsters back there?
There are totally going to be magical artifacts that they have to collect. There’s definitely going to be some sort of twist about the monsters. Hmmm ahhhhhh IDK BUT I’M GETTING THE STARTS TO AN IDEA WOO
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scribbles5thm · 5 years
It's weird how the closer you are to an issue the more it makes you want to fix it.
Like, being black and a woman, don't get me started about cops, guns, drugs, the government, prison, forced sterilization, etc. The list goes on.
I'm bi. My hubs is bi. My sister is bi. My brother is gay. My cousin is bi. We're a very queer family and my momma raised me on "The Birdcage" and Nathan Lane so coming out wasn't no thang to her (I don't think my brother ever actually came out. It was one of those situations where it was like "how could you think I'm not gay?"). I digress.
Trans rights has always been on my radar, especially in the black community. I don't know what it's like to be trans. I can't imagine what that feels like. I'm pretty solidly cis. But trans people are 100% entitled to feel the way they feel, and for motherfuckers who are like "but science" fuck you and science is on their side anyway, you're the dumbass. Until this year, I did not know any trans people.
And then a kid joined the dance studio where I work.
I met him as (pseudonym) Jennifer. Awesome dancer, 10-years-old, taking prepointe, in level 4 jazz/lyrical, just a fucking star. Four or five months after joining his mom comes to us and says "Jennifer just came out to me as saying they're a boy."
Because I work at God's gift to dancers, my boss was like "Dope. What does he need from us because he's too good of a dancer to quit and if anyone gives him a hard time while he's transitioning then they can fuck right off out my studio." (She didn't say it like that, but my boss is really that bitch and that was her policy about being a transphobe in her studio).
We got him new costumes one month before recital. We didn't make a big announcement. He just came into the studio one day with his hair chopped off, dressed more masculine and his name was Jason and children are smart enough to figure it out (and they did and most of them could give two shits about Jason being trans. They just wanna dance and are actually pleased that they finally have a boy in upper level jazz/lyrical/ballet classes because that shit is rare).
My boss had to train herself on using nongendered language (instead "listen up girls" going to just "hey listen up" and the like) and then making a point to (privately, in the beginning) apologize for misgendering him if she did make a mistake.
And now that I've met Jason (he's a fucking weeb who loves MHA and BTS so of course he has my heart) and hear about his struggles but watch him dance happily and live his best life out on that dance floor, I am more prepared than ever to, like, fight every single human being on the planet who is a transphobe. Because sometimes you gotta make it personal.
There was this movie from the 2000s called "The Core" where Earth's core was out of wack and the planet would die if they didn't drop a bunch of nuclear bombs into it or some bullshit. BUT there was this guy in the mission to Earth's core. One guy asked him "How do you handle trying to save the whole world?" And homeboy replied "I'm not trying to save the whole world. I'm just trying to save them." Them being his wife and 2 daughters.
And there are so many trans people out there and how do you protect every single one of them? That seems so huge and impossible. BUT if you go out and you're like "I'm here for an 11-year-old dancer named Jason and you will respect his rights" it somehow makes it less overwhelming. Like, idk. I know a handful of enby people who've come out and transitioned as adults, but this little boy at 10-years-old came out and like, maybe it's just because I'm a mom, but I would fight to the death for him and every kid like him.
I don't think it's wrong that we feel closer to issues that are deeply personal to us. Of course we do. Imma trash talk your racist grandma all day long because I'm black and I don't roll that way. Imma throw glitter at every homophobe out there for me and gay af family. I'm gonna say "fuck the police" at Christmas even though my auntie is a cop. Those things are like a reflex.
But I think sometimes we have to be shown why it's important. It's not just my friends in their late 20s who know how to navigate the world safely coming out and transitioning. There are fucking babies out here who just want to be themselves and don't know yet how vile this world is. And I want to make it less vile for my trans babies.
I am a (tipsy and sleepy) Cis woman, so taking what I say and brushing it off as the rambling of a crazy person (I'm also medically a lil bit crazy) would not be offensive to me.
But like, I watched Jason go from being this shy, quiet kid called Jennifer to the laughing, happy, outgoing Jason and I want every trans child out there to have a safe space like we have for him. I want every trans kid out there to fucking flourish because so many don't get that chance. And sometimes you don't even think about a marginalized within a marginalized group until they're right in your face.
So I'mma go to bed. I'm gonna see Jason tomorrow and he's gonna tell me how his day was before he goes to class like he always does and I'm gonna remember why TF I make a point to, at the very least, put my fucking pronouns on my page, so I can try to normalize things like that for him. Maybe I’m a fucking snowflake who wants everyone to have safe space, yes the fuck I am i don’t give two shits.
Thanks for coming to my drunk TED Talk.
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