#an elderly home.
wiisagi-maiingan · 2 months
I love tornado survival guides. "Shelter in a basement or interior room without any windows. But if you're in a mobile home, just fucking die I guess lol"
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jack-the-lesbian · 8 months
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i wanted to dieeee
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germanpostwarmodern · 4 months
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Home for the Elderly (1970-74) in Rodenbach, Germany, by Novotny + Mähner. Photo by Klaus Meier-Ude.
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a-timely-problem · 2 months
overheard at the BAU
Rossi: /parking the car/
Emily: /stumbling out/
Rossi: "Oh common, you're being dramatic."
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advancedlupineurology · 6 months
imdb is insane for putting this as the image for curriculum unavailable. wdym imdb care to elaborate or explain
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Heyyyyyyyy so I'm posting like 3/4 of this fic here for y'all. It's incredibly self indulgent and I'm not sorry at all 🩷🩷🩷
Stan and his new neighbor have a little too much chemistry
It had been around a month or so since you met Stanley and it had been nothing short of fantastic. He was an allegedly somewhat reformed con-man turned sailor. Although it definitely shone through, he was extremely persuasive, not to mention charming. Gosh you had it bad, you tried really hard to remind yourself that he was more than twice your age and you shouldn't be lusting after some poor old man who was just being nice to you but it just fell on deaf ears. It seemed that all rational thought flew right out of your empty head the second his handsome squared jaw came into view or he wore one of his undershirts out and you could see his chest hair peeking out from the neckline. If he did anything really, he was just overall distracting without needing to actually do anything to lead you astray.
Little did you know Stan was having similar woes. He felt awful, he felt like he was taking advantage of you and your friendship. Every time you bent over he was looking at your ass or your cleavage, every time you wore shorts as a reprieve from the summer heat his eyes were glued to your legs. No matter how much he tried he just couldn't stop thinking these hideously inappropriate thoughts about you.
The worst part about it was that he actually liked you, he felt like an idiot. Some foolish old man looking to reclaim his youth or something lusting after some hot young thing. In truth you did make him feel young, almost as much as you made him feel old. Keeping lively conversation with you was a breeze, your personality and snark always kept him on his toes and made him feel like the smooth young man he once was some 30 odd years ago. Then there would be those moments where you'd have to explain a reference or some type of modern lingo or technology that would bring him into the present where he was pushing 70 and you weren't even pushing 30. It sucked.
Despite your more morally deplorable thoughts about Stanley you did spend a good deal of time with him, which is what you were doing at present. You had volunteered to help with the kids earlier on in the day since both Stan and Ford had things to attend to concerning the Stan O War 2 that required them to go out of town for a portion of the day. It was Sunday and your little shop was closed for the day so you had no issue with spending some quality time with Mabel and Dipper, who were absolutely wonderful children.
Now it was later into evening and both Stan and Ford had returned a few hours ago and you had stuck around to help with dinner. You were currently sitting on the porch with Stan while nursing a beer. It was nice, homey even. Which was odd to think about since at heart you weren't a small town kind of girl, yet here you were in this absolutely miniscule town in the middle of nowhere Oregon feeling like you belonged. Truthfully it was the people that made you feel that way, here you were wanted, needed even. Sitting here next to Stan made it all so clear, you just wish he'd be the type to need you too.
Surprisingly Stan felt relaxed, he was originally nervous sitting out here with you alone. Being alone with you had been a really big point of anxiety for him over the past month since he wouldn't have anything else to switch his attention to once his mind started to wander to places it had no right to. He had been dwelling over your relationship with him, it was all fun and laughs but there were some moments where your like for him really shone through. Now, here on the porch of his own home he sat in the comfort of your company and everything was good.
Turns out everything was NOT good. He was having a heart attack he swears, an aneurysm maybe because this couldn't be happening. You had both decided to have a few more drinks while sitting together on the old sofa sitting out on the porch which was all fine and dandy. But what he hadn't quite anticipated was for both of you to get a little overzealous while tipsy and deciding to have a little more fun and break out the hard liquor. An even more unanticipated turn was when at some point you decided that you weren't close enough to him and quite literally plastered yourself to his side which is what brought on the definitely NOT ok and extremely unwarranted hard-on.
He feels like a teenager right now, his body reacting to you in a way that's somewhat unprecedented given your current position but all he can think about is the way your curves are pressing against his side and how you are borderline groping his bicep. The flirty banter you had started trading off wasn't helping the situation in the slightest either, adding more fuel to the fire and keeping his shame at an all time high since it was a relatively normal interaction for the two of you.
You were a bit tipsy at this point, having a little bit more liquor than you should've while having a friendly drink with your neighbor. The neighbor that you had situated yourself rather comfortably against his side, only mildly aware of just how much you had encroached on his personal space, not that you could find it in yourself to care. He was just so warm and his arms were sooo big, which is what you currently found yourself enamoured with. At this point you were basically hanging off the poor man, hip to hip, hands casually sliding across his muscular shoulder and bicep.
“So Stan have you always been this stacked or is this what being on a boat for a year does to a guy?”
You could feel heat rise to your cheeks, unsure if it was at your boldness or the effects of the alcohol in your system. You could feel Stan tense for a moment under your fingers before his head turned to you and flashing you a grin before taking another swig of his drink. You let out a breathy little giggle when you felt him purposely flex his arms under you, feeling entirely lightheaded which only increased when he let out a small grunt, jaw clicking while he regarded you with an intense yet unreadable expression.
The atmosphere seemed to change drastically, the tension was palpable and left you feeling extremely tense. You felt like you were moving in slow motion as you leaned over to put down your drink on the small side table next to you. Even more slowly you turned your body fully to face Stan, gently placing your hand back on his arm which was met by the hand of his other arm gently holding yours in its place.
Your nerves were totally shot, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest as you tentatively laid your head on his shoulder while your other hand went to play with the good chain around his neck. You felt more than heard the shaky exhale of breath Stan let out.
“Stan. I really like you. I mean it and I know things are….. complicated but it doesn't matter, not to me. I just-”
Your stuttered rambling was brought to an abrupt halt as Stan’s hand moved from its place in your own up to your jaw, pulling your gaze to meet his own. For a single, terrifying moment he didn't say anything, just stared into the depths of your eyes, seemingly searching for something before meeting your lips with his own. It was slow and tentative and you didn't let yourself hesitate for a second, immediately responding in kind, kissing back with zeal. A soft groan left Stan's throat at your enthusiasm that sent tingles down your spine, settling in the cradle of your hips and causing you to sigh dreamily into the kiss. You continued to lean further into him, forcing you both into a more reclined position. Clearly encouraged by your actions, he moved with more confidence and surety than before; large hands moving slowly down your sides to settle in your waist.
So far the kissing had been fairly innocent which did not stop the not-so-innocent desires that had invited themselves to the forefront of your mind. Cheekily you nipped his bottom lip with your canines playfully. His reaction was instantaneous, suddenly your positions were flipped and you were entirely underneath him on the couch.
Rather than giving you time to recover from the sudden vertigo and absolute shock at his very attractive display of strength he took advantage of your gasp of surprise and slid his tongue into your mouth. It was hot, you were hot and hell he was scalding as his tongue found yours and coiled around the smooth muscle.
Your body was on fire and you were embarrassingly panting desperately when he withdrew, heart hammering in your chest as his lips found your throat, biting a kiss into your jugular and sealing your voice away.
“Didn't know you felt that way Toots. Lucky me.”
His breath was hot on your neck, you could feel him grin into your skin before dashing his tongue across your collarbone. You couldn't think straight, hell you couldn't think at all, not with his body weight on top of you and his mouth on the curve of your neck. You wanted to say something, anything about how he made you feel, how he made you feel wanted, desperate. Your hands snaked their way into his hair, trying to ground yourself while you found enough of your voice to reply.
“I've felt that way since- ah - you came into the garage the other month.”
He stopped then, his teeth grazing the skin just above the neckline of your tank top, suddenly pulling away from you to grin rakishly down at you.
“Since you met me huh? So it wasn't just my imagination all those times I thought you were makin goo-goo eyes at me. Not very nice of ya to have those kinds of thoughts about an old man.”
You matched his grin while groping at his arms again and wrapping a leg around his waist, pulling him in closer to nip at his ear.
“And just what are you gonna do about it Stanley?”
A broken sound erupted from within his chest that reverberated through your own before he essentially pinned you to the couch and absolutely ravished your mouth. It was sloppy, all tongue and teeth but it was oh so delicious. There was a clumsy sort of insistence that boiled over into desperation as his glasses dug into your cheek. At this point you noticed that wasn't the only hard object that was meeting soft flesh as you suddenly became very aware of a certain part of his anatomy digging into your thigh
The pure unadulterated lust you felt for the man struck you right in the temples, making you dizzy with want. Despite all this you were aware of where you were and your proximity to several unsuspecting parties that definitely did not need to be made aware of the two people who were about two seconds from fucking on the porch.
Reluctantly and with an immense amount of self control you put your hands on Stan’s chest and pushed him a tad off of you. Immediately you saw the panic in his face, insecurity and shame taking over as he sat up on his haunches.
“God, geez kid I'm so sorry I-”
You wasted no time stopping his distress by following him up and placing your index finger over his lips to silence him, followed by a reassuring peck on the cheek that melted away all the worry on his face like one of those pineapple popsicles he liked on a summer afternoon.
“Stan. As much as I'd love to continue, I think this isn't the most appropriate setting.”
You gestured to the house and it's proximity. He let out a small, somewhat awkward chuckle and smoothed his hands up your waist again, seemingly seeking comfort in you before retreating and standing up, offering his hand to you. After helping you off of the couch he moved to steer you into the house until you stopped him short, having a much better idea. You didn't give him enough time to fall into anxiety and grabbed his hand, leading him towards your own home instead.
You both stumbled and giggled all the way to your property, stealing chaste kisses and groping each other cheekily, much like a pair of witless teenagers would and it was perfect.By the time you made it inside Stan's patience had run out. He displayed this openly by fully pinning you against the now closed front door, his mouth finding yours in the fray once more, devouring.
You couldn't get enough of him, you were grasping and pawing at his chest and shoulders while your mouths molded together feverishly. Stan was no better, his hands had smoothed down past your waist before grabbing two handfuls of ass, hoisting your lower half upwards to circle around his hips.
This was by far the closest you had both gotten so far, he had you well and truly pinned. You were chest to chest with the weight of his prominent stomach pressed deliciously against your abdomen. Returning the favor, your right hand dropped to Stan's ass and squeezed, a loud groan coming from him as you adjusted your grip to pull him further against you before grinding hard into his front. This earned you a loud, delightfully scandalous ‘fuck’ into the side of your neck. Stan took a moment to breath before reciprocating and grinding the hard line of his cock over your clothed center. This action pulled a rather graphic and undignified noise from your throat that had you moving to slap your hand over your mouth out of pure shock and embarrassment. Your endeavor was stopped short however by Stanley who had caught and shoved your hand back against the door.
“None of that Sugar. I wanna hear everything comin out of that pretty little mouth. No hidin.”
His voice was at such a low timbre you felt like it shook you as you nodded in response to his request. No more than two seconds later you had resumed your ministrations, tightening the circle of your hips and grinding against him at a staggeringly slow pace. Really it was too slow for you but this way you got to see just how terribly you affected him. And boy was it ever, his face was flushed, glasses close to falling off the bridge of his nose and he was panting so heavily his body moved with the effort.
Smiling mischievously at him you pulled him back to you into an absolutely scalding kiss, wrapping your tongue around his own and sucking. Abruptly you stopped the kiss, licking up to his ear before angling your hips to get better friction on your clit and letting out an entirely too loud pornographic moan directly into Stan's ear.
“That's it yer in for it now Toots!”
You positively giggled as he hurriedly put you down, leaning back against the door to find the stability your wobbly legs couldn't give you. Stan gave you a jesting sneer as he straightened to his full height, back cracking, before throwing you over his shoulder rather unceremoniously. Both the sudden lightheadedness and the absurdity of the turn of events and tone threw you into a fit of giggles. Although this was cut extremely short by Stan’s right hand clapping hard over your ass.
“None of that now Sweetcheeks.”
You positively grin, turning your head to attempt to meet his eyes.
“I thought you said you wanted to hear everything that came out of this pretty mouth?”
That earned you another smack on the ass along with a nonsensical mumble of feigned displeasure at your comment as he began walking towards the back of your house.
After about a minute of giving upside down directions to your bedroom and feeling up Stan’s back you were promptly deposited onto your bed with a soft bounce. You took a moment to admire Stan from your place on the bed as you let him help take off your shoes. The corner of his mouth was curled up into a small smirk while his eyes focused on his task. You noticed that he had pushed his glasses back up to their proper place even though it did absolutely nothing to hide how wrecked he actually looked. His tank top was all wrinkled from your insistent pawing, face and neck covered in small smudges of lip gloss that shimmered in the soft moonlight that illuminated your room and his hair was mussed enough to be sticking out in all directions.
You decided it was cute like that; it gave him a sort of boyish charm. You gave him a soft smile when he caught you admiring him, blushing a bit before giving your ankle a lingering kiss. Now that both your shoes had been handled Stan continued onward, pressing your legs apart so he could slot himself between them on his knees. His rough calloused palms smoothed up your legs, stopping at your knees so he could use them to pull you closer to him. His hands kept moving further up your legs as your own slithered back into his grey hair, using the hair at the base of his neck to pull him into a steamy kiss.
You both slipped back into a tangle of kissing, getting entirely lost grinding slowly against each other until Stan’s wandering hand found it’s way to the front of your shorts where he palmed your clothed sex. Your lips immediately left his with a lewd pop to let out a pitiful whine from the back of your throat.
“Stan- please.”
You weren’t quite sure what you were begging for, everything was too hot, your brain was scrambled; too much of a sex addled mess to have any coherent thought past wanting to fuck the man above you. All you knew was that you were too hot and needed both of you to get as naked as possible as soon as possible.
Following this line of thought you put your hands on Stan’s chest, pushing him back just enough to rip your tank top over your head and throw the piece of fabric across the room with no amount of grace. Stan’s eyes drank in the sight of you topless, the fabric of your bra hardly containing the full breasts beneath. Eyes that nearly bulged out of his skull at the further sight of you reaching behind you to unclasp your bra; a task he was all too eager to assist with. After lightly slapping your hands out of the way his arms curled around you almost reverently and unclasping the undergarment. He rested his head on your shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses over your right shoulder as he slid the straps off your shoulders and dropping the bra off the side of the bed and to the wayside.
He took a moment to fully appreciate you then; completely bare from the waist up, eyes contouring the fullness of your breasts, watching your nipples harden further after being exposed to the cool night air. Not being able to help himself he leaned back over you and swirled his tongue around a pert nipple, bringing his left hand to brace against the bed and his right to fondle your left breast. His hands and mouth lavished your full chest to his heart’s content, pinching and pulling and biting his pleasure. The reactions he got out of you were nothing short of heavenly, all soft sighs and moans that went straight to his dick which was now rutting against the bed in this position. His attentions only faltered when you started tugging on the arm of his tank top, demanding that he take it off to match your nudity.
“Off. Now. I can’t be the only one with no shirt, it's not fair.”
You whined into his hair, eyes following the muscles of his shoulders as he sat up to haul the offending garment up and over his head. He gave you a bashful smile then, feeling a tad self conscious at first despite your clear desire for him. You however had no such follies and went straight to feeling him up wherever you could reach from your position beneath him. Your much smaller hands glided over his soft stomach reverently, working their way up to his pectorals and running your fingers through the swath of chest hair that covered them before grasping a bicep to bring him back into you for yet another searing kiss.
“See something you like I take it?”
You nipped at his lips in response, licking your teeth and looking up at him rakishly.
“Yeah, you Stan. All of you."
You further emphasized your statement by shuffling down and taking a nipple between your teeth, further returning the favor for his previous attention to your own breasts no more than a minute ago. This sprung him into immediate action, in one swift motion he took both your pants and your underwear off with the same kind of showmanship of a magician taking off a tablecloth from beneath cutlery.
You gasped in shock which turned into a full on moan as Stan threw both of your legs over his shoulders and descended.
“Sweet Moses you’re soaked down here Sweetheart.”
Your face burned bright red at his words, punctuated by the feeling of his hot breath on your inner thighs. He looked to your face for a moment, watching you lecherously as he slowly and purposefully spread your slick with two fingers, producing an extremely lewd squelch before sending a wink your way.
“Hold on tight Sugar.”
That was all the warning you received before he dove into your cunt like a man starved. It was delectable, the way he swirled his tongue around your clit was calculated, his spread fore and middle finger holding you open for the onslaught, stubble scraping against your inner thighs deliciously. The sounds alone were obscene and had you wanting to close your eyes to attempt to escape them but you simply couldn’t tear your eyes away from the absolute vision between your legs.
Stan’s glasses were as far up the bridge of his nose as they could go and completely fogged up. The parts of his mouth and chin you could see when he occasionally resurfaced was coated in your arousal and his hair was a wreck under your fingers. And when his eyes would meet yours in your apparent gawking? God you could just cum from that alone, but you wanted it to last.
However once his mouth had suctioned over your clit and carefully slid in his forefinger to the knuckle you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore, throwing your head back into the pillows and letting out a long salacious moan. One that immediately increased in volume as he added a second finger into the mix and crooked his fingers.
You were so close, hanging by a thread and the hand in his hair as he ate you out with gusto. You accidentally yanked his hair when he started a scissoring motion which tore a ragged groan from him as he adjusted his grip on your legs and hauled you further into him. The slight adjustment in position allowed his tongue to go deeper, ripping another moan from your lungs.
The fever broke and the wire snapped as now three of Stan’s fingers curved upwards, sliding over the gummy nodes of your sex. You felt your whole body convulse; thighs tight around his head and heels digging into his back as you howled out your pleasure, screaming his name wantonly into the dark of your bedroom. He diligently worked you through your orgasm, finally slowing to a stop when your thighs fell limply around his head.
Gently he slid your legs off his shoulders and moved back up the bed to join you, giving you a moment to recover before meeting you in a passionate kiss that you could taste yourself on. It seemed you had missed something in the haze of your orgasm because when he ground against you there were no layers separating you from the thick line of his cock. The movement brought forth a moan from both of your lips, breathed into one another as Stan took a hold of your hip. He moaned out your name softly as he felt your hand slide down to take his cock in hand. You snuck a look down between your bodies to get a better look at what you were up against.
Damn. You were in for it good, about 7 inches you’d wager and thick enough that you struggled a little to make a full fist around it. It was pulsing in your hand, tip pretty and pink with a copious amount of precum leaking from it. Taking pity on him and feeding into your renewed arousal you dashed your thumb over the slit, gathering what was there and using it to slowly slide your hand down to the base. Stan moaned openly, loudly and unabashedly when you gave him another tight pump. Before you could continue he stopped your hand and kissed you hard, stopping any complaints and pinning your hand back into the sheets above your head. You watched with rapt attention as braced himself with one strong arm and guided himself to your entrance.
Much to your dismay Stan did not push forward and into where you wanted him most but instead teasingly slid the entirety of his length through your folds, sawing his hips back and forth at a torturously slow pace. It was truly torture to be so close yet so far away from what you desperately wanted. You whined pathetically and attempted to mount him and he just let out a low mean chuckle into your neck, biting at the skin bared to him.
“Whaddya want?”
He asked rather dismissively, continuing his traitorous teasing. You let out a pouty huff and pinched his shoulder which resulted in him halting his ministrations, completely taking away the small amount of friction you were actually receiving and any reprieve from you now throbbing clit.
“Ya need something there Sweetcheeks? Ya gunna tell me what that is?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, frustrated at the teasing but also incredibly turned on.
“Please Stanley.”
You pouted at him even further when he made no move to continue.
“If ya really want something yer gonna have to ask me fer it.”
He was still trailing teasing kisses across your throat, humming his pleasure when you grabbed him by the back of his neck to kiss him hotly. You ran kisses up the line of his squared jaw, biting and sucking at his ear before dragging him backwards to look you in the eyes. Batting your eyelashes dramatically, you put on your most sultry simper and dragged your bottom lip between your teeth, watching his eyes follow the movement.
“Please fuck me Mr.Pines.”
And that was all it took. In that moment he drew his lip between his teeth, arched his hips, finally sliding into you. You both simultaneously let out a loud relieved moan as he slowly sank into you. Again the slow saw of his hips returned as he worked himself inside, inch by inch until he was finally fully seated within you, panting hard.
You both took a moment to regain your composure and to let your body adjust to the intrusion, just holding one another in equally shaky arms. It was you who moved first to adjust your leg around his waist to get a little more comfortable in your position, causing him to involuntarily roll his hips and going that much deeper.
Stan rested his forehead on your shoulder for a moment, gathering himself and then drawing back almost to the tip and then slowly sliding home again. You let out a shuddering gasp as he moaned against the skin of your neck before doing it again and again and again, gold chain swaying tantalizingly above you after each powerful thrust.
“Yer so gorgeous Honey. Feel so good like this.”
The slow build in pace was as maddening as the feeling of his cock sliding against the overly sensitive walls of your cunt as he swore his praise lowly into your collar.
Stan kept at it hard and slow for the first few minutes. Punching ragged, sensual thrusts into you and taking his sweet time savoring the feeling of your body wrapped around him so intimately. This however did not last. Once you started gyrating your hips towards him, meeting his slow and steady pace with zeal and hooking your right leg around his hip, forcing him to match a faster pace.
Both encouraged by your enthusiasm and his body's budding impatience he sat back on his haunches, dragging you with him by your hips to get into a better position to ramp up the pace. And boy did it ever! At this point you were nothing but a babbling mess. Your vocabulary was in shambles; only left with expletives and Stan's name as he quite literally fucked your brains out.
He wasn't fairing much better either. His chest was heaving with effort, sweat had plastered errant strands of hair to his forehead as well as his neck and his glasses were now back to almost falling off of his hooked nose. You could only imagine you looked similarly wrecked, which in that moment you could only hope it was a sight at least half as attractive as the one you had.
Very suddenly Stan pulled from you, putting the breaks on your mounting orgasm. You whined out your immediate displeasure before Stan flipped your positions so that you were now straddling him and he was reclined back on the bed. He gave you a leering grin while grabbing your hips to readjust your position above him.
"Sorry Sweetheart, my back was hurting up there."
A lame excuse if you heard any given the sleazy smile he was sporting but all you gave in response was a playful glare and a chaste peck on the corner of his mouth before he was slamming you back down onto his cock, effectively knocking the air out of your lungs.
He gave you no reprieve, hands gripping your waist hard enough to bruise and dragging you up and down his length at a pace that stung. Your breathing somewhat recovered, you braced your hands flat on his soft barreled chest and widened your stance to get to work.
You rode him fast and hard; the obscene wet slapping of skin against skin only increased and left the room feeling sweltering even in the night air.
“That’s it sweetheart. Got a real nice view here.”
His calloused hands digging into your hips, thumbs pressed bruisingly into where your pelvic bone met your hips while he aided your movements. You just barely avoided slumping into a pile of pleasured goo when he shifted upwards on the bed to suction himself onto a breast. Instead opting to carelessly claw into his back and shoulders for some semblance of stability. You almost found it in you to feel bad about it until Stan's mouth left your tits with a loud pop to let out a rumbling groan from so deep in his chest that physically shook you.The sound only drove you fuck him harder. The sounds the joining of your bodies made were entirely pornographic; the obscene wet slapping of skin against skin and your mirrored moans resounding in the dark of your room.
The line of being embarrassed at the noises both you and your body were making had been crossed a long time ago, your mind completely erasing any probable thoughts past the push and pull of your body against Stan and his cock dragging against the walls of your sex. After particularly harsh swivel of your hips Stan scrabbled to pull himself up into a sitting position and planting his feet firmly on the mattress below so he could fuck up into you.
“Fuck. Fuck yer gonna kill me kid.”
You nearly collapsed on his chest, the deep gravel of his sexed out voice taking all the power out of your shaking knees.
“God Stan keep talking.”
His eyes flew to your unfocused ones, eyebrows raised in surprise before grinning lecherously at you. He pulled you flush to his chest before leaning in to tongue at the forming hickey where your jaw met your neck.
“So that's how it's gunna be huh? You like me talking? You wanna hear what I gotta say?”
He rasped into your ear, voice dripping with a smug satisfaction that had you clenching hard around him and your nails digging further into his back.
“Yeah you do. You wanna listen to me talk while I fuck up into your cute little pussy huh?”
Your face burned bright at his words, embarrassment fluttering into the corners of your mind alongside your burning lust. You don't get much time to think about the sleaziness of his prior statement for too long as he took hold of your jaw, pulling you back to look at him.
“I asked you a question Sweetheart. It ain't too nice to ask a guy to talk to you and then not respond.”
He held your chin between his fingers, thumb sliding over the bottom lip of your panting mouth, his pace slowing a bit. He waited for you to answer him, watching your eyes uncross and refocus under drooped eyelids, body still bouncing at the force of his own thrusts.
If he had the patience in him he probably would have stopped entirely to tease you and further drive you up the wall but he didn't. Not when you fit so snugly around his cock, the wet slide of your vaginal walls caressing his length each time he punched up into your cervix. He really couldn't find it in himself to fully stop, merely slowing his ministrations to bully an answer from you.
You swore you could feel him in your throat now, the pace had died down substantially; it was almost casual the way he rocked you up and down his shaft with a chummy smile on his face.
You whined pathetically and tried to pull yourself up faster but was met with his strong hands moving you as he pleased.
“Haven't answered my question there Sugar. You wanna go faster you're gonna have to play along.”
He nipped along your collarbone as you let out a thin sound of frustration at his antics. Finding it extremely attractive but not wanting to say it out loud. It was when he bit hard at your shoulder and slammed home in one go that had you throwing your dignity out your bedroom window and moaning his name abashedly.
“Yes! God yes! I love hearing you talk!”
His hold on your hip tightened and you were immediately rewarded by Stan pulling you into his mouth for a peel and pleasure while pistoning up into you with a pace that a machine would envy.
You were so overwhelmed, plundering was the only word that could really describe what he was doing to you. His tongue invaded your mouth, exploring every available surface and sucking and biting your own lips raw while adjacently his cock plowed it's way through your hot insides over and over and over. Crooning and cooing every scandalous thought he'd had of you over the past month and a half into your ear.
Even with you on top it got to a point where he was essentially railing you from below. His face and chest flushed and covered in sweat from the effort of fucking you, eyelids drooping so low they were almost closed beneath his pinched brow and glasses.
“You close Honey? Cause I sure am. Whaddya need?”
He looked strained, clearly barely hanging on. Trying to bring you to orgasm before chasing his own, very well deserved release.
“Stan, touch me please.”
It was a pathetic little whimper but he heard it loud and clear. You were so close, his pace hurdling you towards the edge faster and faster but you just needed that little extra something to get you there. He wasted absolutely no time, licking the fore and middle fingers of his right hand and finding your neglected clit between your bodies. You moaned triumphantly when he put pressure on it, rubbing fast circles into the taught muscle while his cock pulled in and out of you from below. His pace with both his hips and his fingers was absolutely bruising, essentially trying to bully an orgasm out of your tired abused body as you rocked down onto him.
You literally screamed when he pinched your clit in his fingers. The wire snapping for the second time that night and you came harder than you ever had in your whole life. Your back arching as you howled out your pleasure, a mantra of yeses and Stan's name tumbling from your lips as he fucked you through it. Your body was useless as you shook atop him, being robbed blind by the earth shattering pleasure you felt.
The combination of hearing, seeing and physically feeling you climax around him had Stan racing to find his own end. Eyes flicking between your blissed out expression and the slight of his own cock spearing into you. You sat uselessly astride him as he used your body to chase his own pleasure, the wet sounds of your bodies together even more obscene than before thanks to your orgasm.
You had to see him, you wanted to see what he looked like when he came. Through the bleary haze of your mind you brought your left hand up to his jaw and jerked his face enough to look you in the eyes.
That was all it took as you watched his eyes roll back into his head as he moaned wantonly into your face, hips bucking and cock pushing as deep as it could as he came. A littany of curses and your name leaving his lips as he pumped his release into your waiting sex.
Finally your legs gave out and you collapsed on top of his chest with an exhausted sigh. Both of you were shaking and panting equally as you both respectively regained your grip on the world. Stan's large hands came to smooth up and down your back comfortingly as you tried to even out your breathing. Humming in approval as he rubbed soothing circles into your shoulder blades as you ran your fingers through his chest hair.
“Damn Toots.”
You didn't really know what happened now, clearly there was no awkwardness, not with the way he was touching you, but you didn't exactly know what to say. Saying anything about how you felt just felt way too soon and also you didn't want your sexed addled mess of a brain spilling all of the beans in just how infatuated you were with the man still inside of you.
Instead you pulled your head from his shoulder and kissed him softly, slowly working your jaw against his own lazily in the afterglow. He sighed against you, drawing you into his chest as he shuffled downwards into a more reclined position, his softening cock still inside you. You laid your chin on his chest, looking up at him as you toyed with the good chain around his neck. He met your gaze, a soft look of adoration on his face that made your heart swell and your eyes water.
You just smiled dumbly at him, his expression matching yours as you pushed his glasses back to their rightful place and slicked his hair back and out of his face.
“You really know how to tire a guy out.”
You laughed at that, smacking his chest playfully.
“You kept up real good there cowboy don't sell yourself short.”
He hummed at that, carding his fingers through your hair, fingers occasionally catching at the knots caused by your rigorous lovemaking.
“Didn't realize ya liked my voice like that either, good to know.”
“Sure do.”
He couldn't hide the smugness in his voice, let alone the extremely self satisfied look on his handsome face at your acknowledgement. You decided you'd let him have this one, especially since he was right and had a lot of evidence to back it up. Evidence which you could currently feel slowly collecting around the base of his cock where it rested inside of you.
You must've made a face because Stan patted your hip, forcing you to sit up and made to help you off of where you still sat astride him.
“Alright Sugar, time for the dismount.”
You were faster though, grabbing his wrist and stopping him short as he went to remove himself from you. He regarded you with an arched brow; questioning. You turned beet red, not thinking before your minor outburst and the implications of such.
“I- I wanna stay like this. If that's okay I mean.”
You stuttered out your admission like it physically burned you to do so. For a split second his brows nearly met his hairline before that self satisfied smirk settled back onto his face.
“Ya do huh? Didn't think ya were that kind of girl.”
At that he pulled you back into his embrace. He stopped your trip to hide your burning face into his neck to push your hair gently behind your ear and kiss you again. You could feel his smile against your lips, one you couldn't help but mirror as you felt him pull the covers of the bed over your waist.
You sighed dreamily as you sunk back into his chest, his arm slung heavily across your lower back. You could hear the soft click of him folding his glasses and putting them on the nightstand before his other hand came to join it's twin. You could feel yourself succumbing to the soft allure of slumber as you listened to the steady heartbeat beneath your ear.
“Hey Stan?"
He grunted softly, sounding closer to sleep than you were. You pressed a soft kiss on the underside of his jaw, cuddling closer.
He pressed a kiss to your hair before you blissfully drifted off to sleep in his arms and into the start of a promising relationship.
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odinsblog · 3 months
i havent been inside a grocery store in what feels like forever but last night i couldnt avoid it. when i went inside, there was this kid (maybe 18? 20? idk, im terrible at judging peoples age) swearing up a storm at her phone looking really exasperated, so i asked her if everything was okay?
(in my experience, when you ask people “is everything ok?” they usually say yes even if theyre in distress - people suffer in silence literally all the time bc unfortunately thats our culture - but when someone details out e x a c t l y what is wrong, they are asking you for your help even if they do not explicitly say the words, “please help me”)
she said her phone screen had just died (phone working, but screen display not working) and her parents had just sent her to the grocery store to get some stuff, but they insisted that she write everything down old school on a piece of paper, and the kid adamantly refused bc she said she could easily remember everything. now, unbeknownst to her parents, what she did was write it all down in a text message to herself. but now her screen had just died and she was DESPERATE to not have to go back to her parents for the list
after hearing this i suggest that she just use voice control to read her text messages back to her and she was like 🤯
i said yeah, just say something like “hey siri read back my last text message” and it should read back whatever messages you received recently. lol, and at first she looked like she didnt believe me and i told her to just try it. so she invoked siri and ofc it worked and read her back her text message with the grocery list. it was funny af because at first she didnt write anything down and she was like, OMG I DIDNT WRITE IT DOWN!! but since i was just getting off of work, i had a pen and paper on me so she wrote it down the second time. and she was sooo happy she was literally jumping up and down afterwards. sadly, she said her parents treat her like a dummy (her words) and she couldnt have beared having to go back and ask them for the list
so she gave me a big hug and (masked) kiss on the cheek and thanked me repeatedly and profusely
now here is the really funny part that tickled me and got me laughing out loud: without even the slightest bit of intentional derisiveness, she says, “thanks so much! i really think its great when people your age know how to use technology and computers”
and that was straight up the funniest shit thats happened to me in a hot minute. like, whats next, people holding the door open for me and saying, “here you go sir”? i actually got carded the other day. will that suddenly come to a halt now?
lmao. idc about getting older. i care about *not* getting older. imma live to be 800yrs old istg
so anyway i have about 3 more days left of officially being in my 30s
any suggestions on how i should finish out the last few days of my 30s?
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actuallytalldumbass · 2 months
I was checking out where Blunt threatened to send Alex if he wouldn't agree to help them and
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I always imagined by 'institution' he ment like an orphanage or smth, BUT I GUESS HE'D JUST POP ALEX IN WITH THE OLD GUYS SO HE CAN PLAY BINGO THERE
End of story
Unless the place was remodeled into a nursing home later but I believe Blunt just sending Alex to hang out with someone's pops and memaws is much funnier
Just a 14 year old boy who knows all the occupants by first name and is bros with most of the staff
He's just chill like that
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habken · 6 months
Ship question:
What are your thoughts on that replica 18th Century sailing ship that answered a distress signal and towed a small sailboat to shore a few days ago? Seems like a good ship to me!
Are you talking about the Götheborg of Sweden ? What a good ship and crew, lol imagine being a tiny little ship stranded out at sea and like a pirate ship comes to your rescue I love that
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feltcreature · 1 year
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they’re my favourite
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Home for the Elderly (1978) of the Säkularinstitut der Schönstätter Marienschwestern in Borken, Germany, by Max Christens. Photo from September 2024.
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
that explains why bub was screaming when reader first meets her and simon bc it’s a rock and a hard place where she’s quiet if he wears his balaclava but he’s even more likely to waste time because people call the police like he kidnapped his baby
truly a lose/lose sitch. at least he managed to get you outta it :)
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azuremallone · 3 months
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humiliation4brenda · 6 days
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kurapioca · 1 year
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dear roy…
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dotwav · 4 days
Depression can be so insidious sometimes. I'll look forward to getting off work only to realize that there isn't anything that I want or have the energy to do so then I just sleep and start the cycle all over again lol
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