#amputee outdoors
amputeeoutdoors · 15 days
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verdemoun · 4 months
I know that the time warp is mostly just VDL gang but hypothetically if it wasn’t how do you think characters like Hamish and Albert Mason would act in present time? They are my absolute favorite side mission things and I already finished them :[
Albert Mason would struggle so much god bless him but man could barely survive 1899 let alone trying to cross a street in any major city in modern era.
Arthur just has to pick him up by the scruff of his shirt to stop the poor guy getting hit by a car 90% of the time. albert mason needs a monkey backpack for his own safety moreso than sean does.
it's so fun imagining albert interacting with the rest of the VDLs. lenny would help teach him about photoshop and photo editing and after the initial moral dilemma of 'am i doctoring photos to suit my own goals? :c' albert would love photoshop. cackles maniacally as he removes his thumb from photos.
he would have multiple phones just because he liked the cameras on them differently. honestly he would just have a shelf of cameras. side point when people time warp they have everything that was on their persons at the time so he would still have his original camera but the struggle to get prints for an 1880s camera would force him to convert to modern technology. his favorite would be disposable film cameras even if the guilt over the environmental impact would keep him awake at night.
albert would also get along with kieran super well because he has such great vibes and they could infodump on one another. you know when two people with wildly different hyperfixations both just listen to one another talk? that's kieran and albert.
they adore sitting in the backyard as a little window of flourishing nature in the suburbia. arthur is still supervising nervously in case either one of them finds a way to get themselves killed but kieran is merrily tending to his vegetable patch while albert is taking photos of hummingbirds and butterflies
ALBERT WOULD GET SO INTO ENTOMOLOGY AND MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY HE WOULD BE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT SAVING THE BEES. he wanted to save the environment in 1880 imagine him learning about how much diversity there was in insects. this would have only started because there was a spider in his place and he was too scared of it and squeamish to kill it.
he would be a freelance photographer who would still hate pomp. hates taking wedding photos, any kind of formal event, even pet photography would bother him because he's used to real, wild animals not overgroomed dogs that barely look like dogs
but the second other creators asked him to take photos he would be so excited he would really struggle to ask a fair price for his services.
if he had a gun and knew how to use it he would shoot influencers on sight but he loves cosplayers and those hyper-realistic fantasy posable art dolls. he can be caught at any convention very much wondering how much to charge people because he's just so honored to be able to take photos of their creations like artists supporting artists he doesn't want to take their money but he's hella tired of instant noodles too
his true passion would be trying to photograph cryptids he would have an x-files i want to believe tshirt and arthur would go on expeditions to find mothman with him
phew one down lost my mind a little there I ALSO JUST FINISHED HAMISH'S QUESTS I LOVE HIM
he adjusts the fastest purely based on levels of 'do i look like i give a fuck'. oh, we're in the future now? wild.
getting a modern day prosthetic after walking around with a slab of wood for decades would be so mind boggling. let hamish sinclair get a running blade and after a realistic learning period he would love running and getting to enjoy the outdoors and hiking trails with far more independence than 1899 could afford an amputee
he would still share stories about the civil war making it clear he was talking about the civil war and people would just roll with it because what are you meant to do when an otherwise super chill and friendly veteran seems delusional. he has such a captivating way of telling stories it's frankly worth it
he haunts local fishing spots complaining about folks these days and their fancy high tech gear and no one knows how to make their own lure anymore but they all love him
he has the most hideous souped up all terrain all weather fwd mobility scooter he also named buell and he absolutely should not be allowed to drive it because he never received lessons and just decided to figure it out himself at the expense of every pedestrian in his way but he would love being able to go shopping by himself and not needing to rely on people
isaac calls him grandpa but always calls him hamish to his face because hamish would hate being called grandpa but hamish does 110% believe the kids are alright. he lets isaac tie a rope to the back of his scooter and hoons around with the kid on a skateboard.
pulling up to the matthews house blaring the shrill horn of his scooter 'get in loser we're gon' hunting'
he would still live on his own in a prefab cabin arthur very illegally helped him build on public land by the water in his own house building chapter. the fact it is still standing by the time john gets there is a miracle and they practically have to rebuild it from scratch
hamish is blissfully aware/pretending to be blissfully unaware of the absolute glare hosea gives him because arthur will always complain and whine when hosea wants to go fishing with him but if hamish asks arthur's skipping out the door with his fishing rod
no one is allowed to hate on hamish. as much as hosea is bitterly jealous of how well hamish and arthur get along because 'that's my son' hosea, hamish, javier and kieran would all meet up and go fishing on the pier together sharing tips, bait, handmade lures and cook fish on an open fire on the shore
when charles gets there arthur is as nervous about charles meeting hamish as a kid introducing his partner to his parents for the first time. they would get along so well but it wouldn't seem like it. they go hunting together and arthur is so anxious because charles and hamish have pretty much only said hello to each other and are otherwise silent the entire trip but asking each privately later they absolutely adored the other's company and can't wait to see each other again.
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bixels · 2 years
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Ashley Tang, the star of the show.
Ash's a 21-year-old, Taiwanese-American, bilateral-amputee woman living in Monterey Park, LA. She loves sports (specifically basketball) and the outdoors, and lives with her parents and grandmother.
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squibbles-gubwee · 1 year
(Hi. I wrote something silly based off of the @tmntaucompetition and my AU/Fic called Once More, With Feeling. enjoy!)
"And here we are, Hueso's, right as I said we'd be- and it's a basketball court."
Leo stepped away from the portal as everyone exited, staring in shock and awe at everything around him. His brothers soon followed, then his older self, then Rook. Several teams of siblings much like their own were dotted about, some doing stretches, some sitting in bleachers, some were even cheerleaders, and-
"Why do all the Leos have bats??"
"I dunno Raph, but I kinda wanna know if I can have one…" Mikey grinned looking around more. He waved excitedly to a very large Donatello who was peering into the arena from the skies. He seemed confused at first before waving back.
Several individuals were running around, changing things up during the break. Lights were put up, bleachers and stands moved, fences put up and-
Oh. Oh it was just straight up a baseball diamond now. Outdoors and everything.
"Ah! Here it is!" Their Donnie piped up, looking down at his phone. "It's an event. Several universes worth of Us are competing. Weeee…..Missed entries. Our author says they're scared of competitions anyway and also we weren't fleshed out, plus the whole Leon and Rook thing going on, well-"
"Our what?"
"Don't worry about it. Totally normal distraction, but it's almost time for the next event, and it looks like the prize is- oh look. A free trip to therapy, nice."
Rook blinked, hard. "Wait. All of them are competing for therapy. That means…Oh dear. Poor kids…and…gods? And- Wow, quite a few older turtles... Is that Mikey? Huh."
"At least we get all the free therapy we want with you." Raph chuckled, nudging the human. The human smiled back lazily and patted his shoulder.
"Speak for yourself…" The older slider grumbled, looking around. It seemed even the spirit visions of his brothers were having a hoot, running around and getting closer looks at all the contestants. The ghostly shade of Mikey was inspecting another version of himself, one with long flowing hair that didn't look ancient. Donnie seemed to be talking to a…computer…and Raph was watching over the swath of tots and little ones.
"Not my fault I can't help you. I'm a children's therapist, not a crotchity old fuck therapist."
Leon glared at Rook, opening his mouth to say something rude right back, before Mikey interrupted, urging them to take seats in the bleachers.
"Man, looking through all these notes is insane." Donatello hummed, swiping through all the blurbs. "Lot of abuse. Looooot of various trauma, but!! Some aren't like that- I mean, in this one, L- oh, no, that one's sad too. Hm. This one has us being like, representations of celestial bodies (that's the big guys up there)- Oh, in this one I was raised by Big Mama-"
"Is that why you look like the biggest dork alive out there?"
"What else is in there? Anything about us?" Mikey asked, peering over the oldest twin's shoulder.
"Well there's a lot here. For starters, the number of entries for our group won't let me put in 4, 5, or 6. It keeps saying that's not the right amount for us... The other thing is that it has sections that straight up won't let me look, and says that I lack authorization. Probably Author stuff. Can't look without spoiling things. Buuuut…." he gave a sharp grin, scrolling to the "About" blurb. "It says right here that the big idiot and Rook are supposed to fall in love."
"W H A T. No. Nonono. ¡De ninguna manera!"
"Absolutely NOT. Gag me with a spoon."
Rook sneered over at Leon, the two amputees glaring at one another hatefully as the young turtles all crowded around Donnie's phone, vying for a peek of whatever info they could grab.
Nearby, curious eyes narrowed some at the group before their owner snuck away. Sticking to the shadows, the nosy blue masked ninja made their way back to their group.
"Hey, sooo…the new spectators, up there in the bleachers?"
"The one with the blue hair is a therapist or something."
"Huh. Wow. Is he like, connected to the prize?"
"Not as far as I can tell."
Nearby to that group, another overheard, whispering to one another, occasionally throwing glances up to the bleachers holding the human bickering with the 40 year old mutant.
"Do you uh….do you think I can get in with him?"
"Maybe?? Wait, can we get a group discount you think, or-"
Then another group of ninja turtles overheard.
And another.
And then 5 more.
Rook huffed, returning with arms laden with food.
"Nachos, bag of beef jerky and a gatorade?"
"That's mine!"
"Pretzel with salt and mustard, mini m&ms, and an icee?"
"Right here!"
"Monster, hot dog with honey aaaand a flavorless juice, since I saw they had some."
"Ah, thank you very much."
"Two bottles of apple juice, two pizza slices and a bag of flamin' hot cheetos."
"Gracias, Rook-a-dee!"
"And a large popcorn and the largest cup of Mountain Dew they can legally sell."
Leon blinked. "I didn't think you'd actually buy it for me."
"Path of least resistance. Now take your stuff, I have a gallon of sweet tea and some nachos to bust into."
The larger mutant rolled his eyes and took the treats before looking back at the busy field.
…What the hell were they all whispering about and looking up here for?
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
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[ID: A square with an ombre background that fades from yellow to pale pinkish purple, with a pattern of mostly transparent sports equipment. In the center is a parchment colored box with white capital letters reading "Host a protest" in a larger font and "Visit queeryouthassemble.org to learn more" in smaller letters below. Above the box is a graphic of five grinning people arm-in-arm from the waist up. Their hair length, hair color, and skin tone vary, and they are holding various sports equipment; several are wearing sports jerseys. End ID.]
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[ID: A square with the same ombre background, but without the sports equipment pattern. In the center is a large graphic that shows three grinning people wearing sports jerseys from the waist up. Their hair length, hair color, and skin tone vary, and the person farthest to the left is an amputee. The person farthest to the right is holding a progress flag. Large white text in all capital letters above reads "Want to give trans athletes their autonomy?" and smaller text below the graphic reads "Start your own LTAP!" End ID.]
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[ID: A square with the same ombre background, again without the sports equipment pattern. At the top, large white block letters read "Let Trans Athletes Play!" in all capital letters. Underneath, in smaller black text, it says "As transgender athletes, we have been forced into silence over an issue that affects us personally: our participation in sports. There are some who believe that simply being transgender creates an unfair advantage, others who say that is not the case, and many who do not know what to think. While opinions are divided, what is a fact is that transgender athletes are being unfairly discriminated against through these bills. That's why we started LTAP two years ago: to offer a space for trans athletes to hold community with one another, and to demonstrate to the world the resilience, skill, and vibrance of transgender athletes." End ID.]
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[ID: A square with the same ombre background, again without the sports equipment pattern. At the top, large white block letters read "Creating an LTAP event" in all capital letters. Below are four paragraphs of black text. The first one reads, "Find a park or other outdoor space that is available for use by the public—make sure to check whether you will need reservation or permit for your event," with the part reading "Find a park or other outdoor space" bolded. The second reads "Spread the word! Reach out to local queer organizations and networks, advertise on social media, and tell your friends about the event!" with "Spread the word!" bolded. The third reads "Bring sports equipment, games, and pride flags to your LTAP location, and enjoy the camaraderie of other trans athletes and allies!" with "Bring sports equipment" bolded. The last one reads "Visit queeryouthassemble.org to find more information about Let Trans Athletes Play and to get your LTAP event on our national protest map," with "Visit queeryouthassemble.org" bolded. End ID.]
QYA is taking back our sports! ‘Let Trans Athletes Play’ (or LTAP) blends sports, games, activism, and education to create an event where ANYONE, not just queer & trans youth, can play sports with their friends like they should be able to everywhere. Not only that, but LTAP acts as a great place to learn about transgender athletes and protest anti-trans sports laws.
See the above post or check out our website to learn more about how to participate in or even host your own LTAP event this summer!
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agentkikirogers · 1 year
Mentions of implied rape sayings and well ableism of course.
I went to a "doctor" yesterday and we were talking about other amputee patients they had. They mentioned one who had cancer out of nowhere and lost both legs above the knee. He said the man was very healthy and would do marathons and had a beautiful fiance. He expressed sympathy for the fiance on how "tough it'll be for her". Um, for her? Yeah sure all parties will deal with what happened but the man is the biggest focal point.
He mentioned another man this one in his 70s and married to his wife for a long time until he lost his leg and she left him. The elder said he couldn't blame her.
Being on dating sites are hard too after a disability in my opinion. People constantly tell me "I don't need anyone to be happy". Okay so why do YOU have someone? That line hits different when you are disabled. Another is "I see tons of disabled folks on tv/YouTube that are married or have kids you can too!" Or suggest you should date another (same or similar) disabled person.
So you go on sites. Now I have more than just a leg loss so there's other things to disclose and talk about. Unfortunately I have alot of health issues on top of being an amputee. Nevertheless people are nice but no bite. People look at you different and treat you lesser than an abled bodied person.
"Man you must be easier to access now without legs" or "you cant run away from anyone now thats the perfect woman" is not a compliment but extremely rape vibes. There's fetishers too. My friends have them often I've encounter a few but it's uncomfortable. Asking to do things with our "stumps" (hate that word but) is really creepy. Why would you want someone to not escape? "Can you have sex still if you are disabled?" For most of us, yeah. Also why is it a burden to date us? Look at Shane and Hannah. Why do people assume someone is dating us for money or other nefarious reasons? Interabled relationships do happen and CAN last. Some of us do need a caregiver and sometimes our partner can take care of us but still be with us.
For me I don't need a caregiver so someone wouldn't really have to take care of me. The only thing I would neeed help with is outdoor chores or things requiring ladders. I wouldn't say dating somebody that is disabled is a burden there's a lot of situations that you might have to deal with when it comes to their mental health if anything or just the physical limitations but even dating another abled person comes with limitations and dealing with hardships so we're just similar in that aspect.
I would say that dating disabled in the gay community is harder than in the straight community in my opinion just from stories that I've heard from other queer folk about it and I can see why it would be and it sucks that it would happen more in that Community than a straight Community you would think that we would be more open and accepting of others that are different than the societal "Norm".
What are you thoughts? Disabled or abled comments are encouraged.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oLcdsV5
by HaniTrash
While Steve is visiting Bucky in Wakanda, Bucky takes Steve to his favorite swimming spot for a heart to heart conversation.
Words: 1800, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 26 of Bingo Fills
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Nomad Steve Rogers, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Getting Back Together, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, sex with basically no lube, Amputee Bucky Barnes, Outdoor Sex, Skinny Dipping
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oLcdsV5
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missionphysiotherapy · 3 months
What Are the Best Exercises for Amputee Rehabilitation?
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Amputee rehabilitation is a crucial step towards regaining independence and improving quality of life. Exercise plays a vital role in this process, helping individuals regain strength, balance, and mobility. In this blog, we will explore some of the best exercises for amputee rehabilitation, with insights from Mission Life, a leading Amputee Physiotherapy Center in Jaipur.
Importance of Exercise in Amputee Rehabilitation
Regular exercise is essential for amputees as it aids in:
Improving Muscle Strength: Strengthening the muscles that support the residual limb and the rest of the body.
Enhancing Balance and Coordination: Essential for preventing falls and improving mobility.
Promoting Cardiovascular Health: Vital for overall well-being and endurance.
Preventing Contractures: Keeping the joints flexible and functional.
Boosting Mental Health: Exercise can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, which are common in amputees.
Best Exercises for Amputee Rehabilitation
1. Strengthening Exercises
a. Upper Body Exercises
Push-Ups: Can be done against a wall or on the floor, depending on the individual's strength.
Seated Rows: Using resistance bands or a rowing machine to strengthen the back and arm muscles.
Bicep Curls: Using light weights or resistance bands to strengthen the arms.
b. Lower Body Exercises
Leg Lifts: Lying down or seated, lift the leg to strengthen the hip flexors and quadriceps.
Bridges: Lying on your back, lift your hips off the ground to strengthen the glutes and lower back.
Mini Squats: Holding onto a support, bend the knees slightly and return to standing to strengthen the quadriceps and glutes.
2. Balance and Coordination Exercises
a. Single-Leg Stance
Stand on the prosthetic leg while holding onto a support for balance. Gradually reduce support as balance improves.
b. Tandem Walking
Walk heel-to-toe in a straight line to improve balance and coordination.
c. Side Stepping
Step sideways, maintaining balance and coordination, and then return to the starting position.
3. Flexibility Exercises
a. Hamstring Stretches
Sit with one leg extended and the other bent, reaching towards the toes to stretch the hamstrings.
b. Calf Stretches
Stand facing a wall, place one foot behind the other, and press the heel down to stretch the calf muscles.
c. Hip Flexor Stretches
Kneel on one knee with the other foot in front, pushing the hips forward to stretch the hip flexors.
4. Cardiovascular Exercises
a. Walking
Using a prosthesis or assistive device, walking is excellent for cardiovascular health and overall endurance.
b. Swimming
A low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health and muscle strength without putting stress on the joints.
c. Cycling
Using a stationary bike or a modified outdoor bike can improve cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.
5. Core Strengthening Exercises
a. Planks
Hold a plank position to strengthen the core muscles, which are crucial for balance and stability.
b. Seated Torso Twists
Sit with feet flat on the ground, twist the torso from side to side to strengthen the obliques.
c. Leg Raises
Lying on your back, lift the legs slightly off the ground to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles.
Role of Mission Life in Amputee Rehabilitation
Mission Life, a renowned Amputee Physiotherapy Center in Jaipur, offers specialized programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. The center provides:
Personalized Exercise Plans: Customized to address the specific needs and goals of each amputee.
Expert Guidance: From experienced physiotherapists who specialize in amputee rehabilitation.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology and equipment to support effective rehabilitation.
Supportive Environment: Encouraging and motivating individuals to achieve their best possible outcomes.
Amputee rehabilitation requires a comprehensive approach that includes regular exercise to regain strength, balance, and mobility. The exercises outlined above are some of the best for achieving these goals. For those in Jaipur, Mission Life offers exceptional support and expertise, making it the ideal choice for amputee rehabilitation. If you or a loved one is on the journey to recovery, consider reaching out to Mission Life, the leading Amputee Physiotherapy Center in Jaipur and the best physiotherapy centre in Jaipur, for personalized care and expert guidance. Prioritize your health and take the first step towards a more independent and fulfilling life.
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toughgirlchallenges · 7 months
Jacky Hunt-Broersma - UltraRunner. Amputee. Cancer Survivor. Guinness World Record - Running 104 Marathons in a 104 Days! #icandohardthings
Meet Jacky Hunt-Broersma, a remarkable individual who's shattered expectations as an amputee ultramarathoner, endurance coach, dedicated mom, and cancer survivor. Recognised as the RRCA Road Runner of the Year, WRAL Athlete of the Year, and featured in Strong Fitness Magazine's Women to Watch in 2021, her journey is nothing short of inspirational.
In 2016, Jacky embarked on her extraordinary running odyssey. Her path to greatness was marked by a profound personal challenge—losing her leg to Ewing Sarcoma. However, she didn't let this setback define her. Instead, she set out to build an impressive portfolio of "firsts" for female amputees in trail and ultra running, even securing several world records. She's on a mission to prove the naysayers wrong and carve a path for other adaptive athletes, especially women, in the world of trail running and ultramarathons.
Among her numerous achievements, Jacky's incredible feat of running 104 marathons in 104 days stands out, raising an astounding $194,000 for Amputee Blade Runners. She's also set a new world record as the first amputee to complete a 100-mile run on a treadmill, doing so in under 24 hours (23 hours and 38 minutes).
Jacky Hunt-Broersma's remarkable journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and achieve the extraordinary. She's not only a trailblazer but a beacon of hope and inspiration for adaptive athletes worldwide.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Jacky
Living in sunny Arizona, USA for the past two years
Growing up in South Africa
Moving to the Netherlands in her early 20s
Being very sports orientated and spending a lot of time outdoors
How things have changed in South Africa
Leaving South Africa with two suitcases and living in a new country
Struggling to learn dutch when in the Netherlands 
Being diagnosed with cancer when living in Holland
From diagnosis to the amputation of her leg 
Hearing the news
Figuring out the next steps and finding out what was going to happen
Saying goodbye to her leg
Getting to a place of acceptance
Wishing she had taken up running sooner
How running helped her to accept her body how it was 
Going through denial
Having a pity party and feeling that life was unfair 
Wanting to be normal and not wanting any pity
Dealing with anger
Why it’s a process
Becoming more open about her journey and her struggles 
Taking up running and why it changed her life
Wanting to encourage more amputees to run
The expensive cost of a running blade ($10,000)
Fighting the system to get funding for running blades 
Wanting to make a difference and encourage more amputees to get out and active 
Being surprised at how far she could push her body 
Wanting to push boundaries and distances in running 
Running 104 marathons in 104 days in April 2022
Being inspired by Alyssa Clark running 95 marathons in 95 days (2021) 
Wanting to see if she could do it and not knowing how her prosthetic would hold up
The metal side of the challenges
Dealing with chin splits at the start of the journey 
Getting through the tough days and taking the time to celebrate the milestones and live in the moment
Having 3 different routes to choose from 
The paperwork needed for the Guinness World Record  
Being strict about recovery and following a routine
Running 104 marathons and raising funds for Amputee Blade Runners 
Running Boston Marathon - Para elite division 
How to follow along with Jacky on social media
Future running plans for 2024
Running a half marathon a day for Cancer Research (for 250 days) 
Planning to run Comrades in South Africa 
Final words of advice to inspire to you in your next challenge
  Social Media
Website: www.ncrunnerjacky.com 
Instagram: @ncrunnerjacky
Twitter: @ncrunnerjacky
    Check out this episode!
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bufffnaked · 1 year
Volume way up
Tuesday I was workin' late /
Dancer! From Corey
it's a lonely weekend hum accompaniment
B y e David
yeah over mmmmm
No FOMO dance penis all over From Corey!
Sure doesn't mind!
it's alright to be alone sometimes /
Bye Matthew McConahay - Engineer Bitch From Corey the Stud
When out of the blue /
See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hurrises
Never gonna git out Seth and Walker klan boyz to prison time
Bye David Flesha Pinkston and Son in law grandson bam jail time
New Jersey go Bye Bye
🙂Gave me butterflies smilegasm smile orgasmic combo platter!
Bye Dave THE BITCH Love see ya' fuck face
Zach didn't last long or brain the duesh past due cram bra
Jason Jenn Brain Colarada so fuckin' stupid like the Douggar and Sylvo Daryl and crew served in front of
Elona and Janine ~ Corey takes care of his women 'cuz he said so! Welcome to party life and beach livin'!!!!!!!!!:)
Bye Camden's Brock shit face and daddio Fordski No sun outdoor time
Frank the shit slicker amputee and Eric
Eric can't stop throwin' up to save her bye carrie and crew
Cam and Coal too stupid to move
Dee said yes to never a feel of fun Bye King PASSEEEEE so fuckin' fat
Kyle and Andrew so fugly the mirror can't take it
Asta la vesta Doug and Danyelle never men
Doug time is not ever smiled at ya not smellin' ya' bitch
Joisey Doug
Jeff ain't no thing in prison WWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIINK
Lange midgets and midgets enjoy the soap in prison ain't no thang in der
Arthur mcsmalls and dalton eagles band minnies love that prison bar
Caleb never knew ya'
Brad nothin' has changed I'm Days Of Thunder don't forget NA'
Robert Red face got whhhhhhhhhhhiped I tell ya'
See ya' Marlin bitch brand don't know
Abby Dulis made it clean'
Sean Baldy maybe you should look more attractive and show some respect somewherez prison ain't easy loves tit
Todd you can finally paint THE SCENE
Joel didn't ever love
Tate ain't it
Nate from CON Fuck ya'
Ben the mini from BALDMORE bitch ain't easy in the big time
Ezra better men all over
Ezra senyours smell it
Ian MILNAY Anna and kate cali made it smells ya' like tob
Chris the duesh kiss joisey did ya' the deepest i heard LOVES TIT love is a wild thing / I wrote it!:)
Simeon felony matta Smell Nick finally?
Bryson mcsquare so acme face DRock and Tsmalls also fugly
Brad and the beer man Phil bitch is your name
Bobby the pest
Mark the fuck up
Bob the miller
Josh Miller got jizzed on all his life loves tit
Josh OCanar Smells like teen prison time Loves tit
Caleb the square didn't make it a second
Daryl the darebee dare to live
Drew Lawerence fuck up
Ben the canaden So fuckin' fucked like fasha
Scott Wint Canada wasn't better
Bob eagles live is full
Schlag crew prison stripes you thing
Paul the dweeb enjoy the LIFT
Dan and THE yunger bro enjoy music shop
David Wright didn't git to the yungins'
Scott mcsquare space
Listen' to Kasey Musgraves entire Golden Hour cd
Blake see ya'
Blake min flake mo'
Josh Bin Clip Ma Colt Zatch enjoy the prison
Kevin costnar and chilin' enjoy prison life
Kevin mcduesher shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh from Corey and Laurie!:) We fuckin' made it errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrday!:)
Greg MonSTAR never Dyroned huh?
Hamlin tree smell ya' later
Dalton minnisquirts Enjoy MCDAVE sometime possibly David Led
Kevin Led don't be scccccccured okay?
Kevin led dad whatever your fuckin' name is... nobody cared about you
Kristine made it cali in style!:)
Katie Barrass loves naked life with me!:)
Clint Dempsey rotted in prison before Loves tit!
Johnson Johnson
Ralph you duesh
MCDANNY BOY enjoy gettin' to know the REAL Luke
I like where this is goin' /
Sam worthington From Corey!:)
Dr Daddy John the ssssssssqqqqqqqqqqqqqq rest of the fuck ups in Kentuky
David Mutt
Ryan the duesh Queen I see ya' love prison life
Dale Lee you'll get death event
Shawnny Boy enjoy the backside of life
Bill the queer
Bob the vanner
Ty the smeer
Seth the gun
Robbie Mann never a man
Robbie from the RIVA' smells
Brad dugotti enjoy the LYFE
Richard time ya'
Joe the shmo' mo' shmo' like doris in there Loves tit
Joseph Taylor Epperson I'm listen' to the Applebee's music commercial smells in prison
Hunter the hunted
Nick senior year got ya'
Nick the smalls
Can't dance huh?
Laura fuckin' made Cali famous with me young we'll do the thong thang aggan!:)kisses
Jimathey Crammed
Adam bombed
Steve McQueen huh
Jabob into the bob
Colty Bear
Enjoy the prison term of engagement
David the VA
Jake the snake and Luke the bitch
Randal the cunt
Rest of the hewers enjoy the prison lyfe
Rick the ranged aroused?
Caleb the GAMA' enjoy the lyfe
TUNA from the seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Enjoy Jordan
BUM BUM BUM HUM Corey the deepest in history
keep me in your glow / 'cuz im havin' such a fun time with you /
I wrote life! From Corey!:)
Roger the DADGA' not rly a grandparent got ridden RID OF
ARTHUR ERIC FACE sons didn't make it
Space in there
Corey makes the world look beautiful /
looks like paradise /
You set my world on fire /
I know I know I know everything is gonna' be alright /
You're my golden hour /
You set my world on fire /
Golden Hour /
mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmm mmmm mmm m /
Chris the fuck
Pam made my life famous!:) Thank you sweetie!:) From Love
Chris Sales, enjoy my property?
Frank used to be fun
Josiah sucks to suck
Ty Smalls Lyfe only life lived dogs ll be dogs
Dustin just in queer
Dan the G
Steve McQueen dbl
You're stuck out in the same ole' storm again /
Always a bin rainbow hangin' over your head x3
Pipes so rude you couldn't choke a thang
Beth's DUDE Fuck off
Davey Jones Locker
Benhoe the burr enjoy prison in Australia Australia Australia
Danny Boy teh Aussie enjoy
James Dill food lyfe rite?
Dave the TOOOOOUSH Shut tttttthheeee fuck up
Only live once /
Make lots of noise /
Kiss lots of boys kiss lots of girls if that is somethin' you're into /
Follow your arrow wherever it points /
James the just
Drew daddy
Commerical break food
Josiey Joe never inn
Dave the fucker From Corey and England!:)
Tim Anderson willie
Tim badge tim lange tim from 'troit enjoy prison
Tim the small city prison
Jacob Jared Jason daddio enjoy prison from Corey and your mom!:)kisses to the moon and back!:)
David the account keep those numbers Daryl looks good on ya' witch one? Phil the filth CharLAY ian got there Ivanhoe see yas now
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amputeeoutdoors · 26 days
Discover Eastline Trail along Lake Washington with Amputee Outdoors
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jabarimosley · 1 year
The Rise of Adaptive Skiing
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In recent years, the skiing industry has seen a surge in interest in adaptive skiing. Adaptive skiing (also known as handiskiing or paraskiing) refers to skiing for individuals with disabilities, and aims to provide them with the opportunity to experience the thrill and freedom of skiing and snowboarding. It has become an increasingly popular way for people with disabilities to stay active and engaged in outdoor sports.
It was invented during World War II as a rehabilitation procedure for injured German and Austrian soldiers. Franz Wendel (an amputee) pioneered adaptive skiing by attaching small skis to the end of his crutches to enable him enter a competition with other able-bodied skiers. This was also the earliest version of outriggers, although their design has changed over the years.
Adaptive skiing programs vary widely, but most offer a range of equipment and instruction designed to meet each individual's needs. Adaptive skiing uses specialized ski equipment that is tailored to the requirements of each individual skier. One example is sit-skis, which is a type of adaptive ski that allows skiers to sit while skiing. These skis are designed to provide stability and control to skiers who may not be able to stand or maintain balance on their own.
Mono-skis are another type of adaptive ski that consists of a single ski mounted on a frame. Skiers sit on the frame and use their upper body to control their direction and speed. Outriggers are poles with small skis on the bottom that are used for balance and control.
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In addition to specialized equipment, adaptive skiing programs provide customized instruction to help skiers learn the techniques and skills they need to enjoy the sport safely and confidently. Instructors work with each skier to assess their abilities and develop a specific training plan that will help them achieve their goals.
Adaptive skiing is not only a great way for individuals with disabilities to enjoy the sport, it also offers various physical and emotional benefits. Skiing can improve cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, and boost confidence and self-esteem. For people with disabilities, adaptive skiing offers an opportunity to challenge themselves physically and emotionally, and to connect with others who share their love of the sport.
The growth of adaptive skiing has also led to increased accessibility at ski resorts. Adaptive ski programs are available at many ski resorts in the US and around the world. Some ski resorts offer adaptive ski lessons and rentals at discount rates, and the Adaptive Sports Association and other nonprofits offer scholarships and financial assistance for individuals who cannot afford the cost of adaptive equipment and lessons.
In addition, the National Ability Center in Park City, Utah, provides adaptive ski and snowboard lessons for individuals of all abilities, including those with physical, cognitive, and sensory disabilities. They also offer scholarships and financial assistance to help cover the cost of adaptive equipment and lessons for those who need it.
As the popularity of adaptive skiing continues to grow, ski resorts and organizations continue to work toward making the sport more inclusive and accessible to everyone. By providing adaptive equipment and instruction, and improving accessibility to the slopes, the skiing industry can continue to promote the physical and emotional benefits of skiing to individuals with disabilities.
Adaptive skiing programs not only provide an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to enjoy the sport, but they also help to break down barriers and create more inclusive communities. By offering adaptive ski programs, ski resorts and organizations are promoting a more diverse and inclusive sport and helping to make skiing accessible to everyone, regardless of their apparent limits.
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peacedtogether · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tory Burch Black Thong Flip Flop Thin Sandal LEFT ONE ONLY AMPUTEE Listing SZ 8.
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etzenvs3000w23 · 2 years
Privilege and Nature Interpretation
Learning and reflecting on the role privilege plays in people’s access to nature has helped me put words to some of the situations I’ve witnessed and been part of throughout my life. But before getting into all that, it’s important to understand what privilege actually is. My current working definition of privilege is: the lack of barriers and/or the presence of advantages because of characteristics that an individual has related to race, socio-economic status, ability/disability, religion, native language, gender, sexuality, education, etc.
Access to nature itself is a privilege. I have a lot to say on this topic, but I will try to keep it short! I am a Middle-Eastern person who is a child of immigrants. Growing up, I was privileged enough to go camping with my family every summer. I almost used the word “lucky” instead of “privileged” in that last sentence. I changed the word to privilege because I was able to go camping as a result of my family being middle-class and able bodied; thus we were able to afford good camping equipment, a car, gas, cost of the campsite itself, cost of renting a canoe, and my parents could afford to take time off work to give me these amazing experiences. As someone who has grown up with these experiences, I now know that someone like me – Middle Eastern, brown, queer – can in fact go camping, even though those spaces are not always as welcoming to me as they are to white people. When I’d go camping with my family, I would rarely see racialized people, let alone openly queer people. As well, the media adds to this. We often see outdoorsy ads targeting white, middle class, able bodied people. The lack of representation of all other groups of people implies that camping and being outdoors is simply not for them, and in turn they may face more mental and physical barriers to interacting with nature. They may be more reluctant to participating in nature interpretation programs and the risk of feeling out of place or not knowing what to do may deter them further.
There is one specific example that comes to mind in relation to this topic. I worked at a camp for kids with disabilities and I saw first-hand how there are barriers that make it harder for disabled individuals to interact with nature. For example, my co-worker who is an amputee and a canoe tripper uses a custom-made paddle and prosthetic to go on trip. She explained to me that typical paddles disable her, but her custom paddle enables her. This shows how privilege plays a role in access to nature as that it is a privilege to simply be able to use a typical canoe paddle. I witnessed how kids with similar challenges saw for the first time that going camping is actually possible as a disabled person. However, sometimes it might be more costly and so your socio-economic status plays a part in whether or not you have access to nature at all. In relation to nature interpretation programs, I have been on maybe one guided hike that was wheelchair accessible.
I could go on and on but I am at my max word count. Overall, there are endless examples of the barriers that exist that may prevent/make it harder for people to access the outdoors, and that in itself shows that privilege plays a large part in nature interpretation.
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jb-medical · 2 years
Best Exercises to Improve Fall Prevention | JB Medical
As we age, our bodies become less capable of easily recovering from falls or slips. A single fall can have devastating consequences, including serious injury and even death in some cases. To ensure that your elderly loved ones remain safe and independent for as long as possible, consider helping them to stay strong through exercise and strength training for fall prevention. In this article, we'll discuss the best exercises to prevent falls and improve balance with JB Medical's Fall Prevention System.
1. Strength Training – Strength training helps build muscle mass and improves overall mobility. Muscles affect balance by allowing people to react quickly when transitioning from one position to another (e.g., stepping on an uneven surface). Exercises such as wall presses, arm raises and calf raises are good ways for those with limited mobility to improve muscle strength.
2. Balance Training - Balance training is very important in improving fall prevention in the elderly population because it retrains the brain to respond more quickly when faced with a potential fall situation. JB Medical's Balance Trainer was designed specifically for this purpose, enabling users to gain better control of their bodies' position in space while responding quickly enough to compensate for any unexpected changes or movements. Examples of balance exercises include alternating heel touches and standing on one foot with your eyes closed (or using a blindfold).
3. Core Strengthening - Core strengthening involves a variety of specific exercises that target the abdominal muscles, hips and lower back muscles which are crucial in stabilizing our body’s center of gravity while providing support during both everyday activities and physical activities like walking or jogging. This not only prevents falls but also reduces pain associated with chronic lower back pain due to poor posture or weak muscles around the spine area; core strength enables us to maintain good posture during activities of daily living (ADLs) which can play an instrumental role in preventing injuries due the “knock-on effect” it has on other body parts further down the chain such as knees/hips etcetera. JB Medical's Seated Exercise Bike provides core strengthening exercise options from seated positions which is great for those who have difficulty getting up off the floor after doing traditional core exercises such as Russian-twists and crunches lying down!
4. Ambulation Training - Ambulation training or gait training refers to gradually increasing an individual’s ability to walk independently safely over distances both indoors not outdoors (elevators are usually excluded!). This entails making small incremental increases over short periods until more regular walking distances can be achieved consistently without fear of falling due primarily lack of balance instability/muscle weakness etcetera. Again, JB Medical's Balance Trainer can help users regain their gait integrity by gradually programming subtle environmental tasks that must be completed successfully before progress can be made onto greater levels difficulty relating specifically how far they need walk unaided without requiring assistance somebody else sustenance aids equipment like walking sticks/frames chairs zimmer frames etcetera; increasing confidence regarding their own personal limits once again enabling them return home independent lifestyle previously enjoyed pre-injury illness event whilst keeping healthy activity options available should they want venture outside egress property these types scenarios suit clients post residential spinal cord accident stroke cerebral palsy Multiple Sclerosis Amputees Geriatric patients aged 65 plus many other musco skeletal degenerative conditions eliminate risk falls!
By incorporating these four key elements into an effective fall prevention system alongside appropriate medical supervision equipment supplied JB Medical you will have ensured that your loved ones remain safe secure wherever move regardless whether season day night familiar strange environments all year round letting live life fullest possible extent under circumstances permit us wish everything best times ahead everybody involved project say keep calm carry...on SAFELY!!!
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starfriday · 2 years
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Ace Fashion Designer Rohit Verma presents his collection ‘Black to the Future’ in an
event all about inclusivity in fashion
Mumbai: Rohit Verma, ace fashion designer, known for his undaunted sense of style and
creativity, launched his new collection in a fashion show in Mumbai recently. The collection was
an ode to people of colour from all across the world and was called ‘Black to the Future’.
Featuring renowned actress Daisy Shah as the showstopper, Tinkesh Kaushik, a triple amputee
fitness trainer and model on the ramp, the show was hosted at the Uber chic True Tramm Trunk
in Juhu. Actor and Model Dheeraj Dhoopar and Miss and Big Boss 16 fame Manya Singh
opened the show.
The event witnessed the footfall of the crème de la crème of the entertainment and fashion
industry; actors, models, stylists, fashion influencers and enthusiasts sashaying down a unique
‘rainbow carpet’ instead of the regular red carpet. This was symbolic of the support towards the
LGBTQ+ community with an aim of paving way for an inclusive and gender positive space.
The theme of the collection ‘Black to the Future’ plays around the idea that the colour black
which is generally looked at as an empty colour is rather one with abundance. Without black, no
colour has any depth. Black is what adds shadows and dynamism to any piece of art. Black is
what brings things to life by making it real.
Speaking about the essence of his brand new collection, Designer Rohit Verma sparked a
conversation saying, “why are we still obsessed with white culture and lifestyle while turning a
blind eye to the rich histories and uniqueness of people of color? To me, fashion has always
been about expression of ideas and emotions. And through this collection I want to empower
each and everyone, no matter their colour, creed or gender”
Showstopper and Actress Daisy Shah shared her thoughts on the show and Rohit’s collection.
“We are a country of brown people. We must celebrate what we have; our culture, our art, our
history, our diversity. The collection was all about the strength our people carry and I was
honored to be a part of this wonderful show.”
Telly Actor Dheeraj Dhoopar, best known for his portrayal of Prem Bharadwaj in Sasural Simar
Ka and Karan Luthra in Kundali Bhagya said, “People of colour are making a mark all across the
world, yet us Indians are still chasing white culture. We should embrace our individualities.
Rohit’s collection was truly spectacular and contemporary and I had a blast at the event today.”
The event was made possible through a fruitful collaboration between brands that partnered
together for this special show. While True Tramm Trunk was the premium hospitality
partner,Cocoaberry was the talent partner, Bharat & Dorris were make-up partners, Bubble was
the communications partner and Bright media were outdoor partners.
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