#amps creature creation
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amphiptere-art · 2 years ago
Moss and Car-car enjoying a meal.
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Dear goodness it's not even finished and I'm still very happy with it. I haven't been able to draw much else from the DCA in a while. I love the daycare idiots but I surely miss the creatures that I'm familiar with. Giant towering beasts of power and mystery. Technically the plan was to just doodles and stuff. And then that doodle just turned into a full piece.
Moss and Car-car two characters I made up a while ago. A old, end of his lifeline spinosaurus named Moss encounters a small baby Carcharodontosaurus who has lost his family. Seeing the little baby as nothing to worry about in his immense age He does not stop them when they start to hang out. Eventually growing to care for this little guy that has invaded his territory.
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dhr-ao3 · 10 months ago
Savicorns & Fireflies
Savicorns & Fireflies https://ift.tt/m1g4SFI by AHerdegen A new creature appears at Malfoy Manor and Draco wants it gone. To do this, he must seek help from the Head of the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures: Hermione Granger. In order to save the creature and find its place in the Wizarding World, they must overcome the past and help one another. Dramione Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Harry Potter series. Those rights belong to JK Rowling. I am only borrowing her beautiful creations. Disclaimer: The savicorn is not my creature, just on I fell in love with. The art for this creature was created by Savannah Horrocks and can be found here: . /pin/499266308673556596/ Words: 24409, Chapters: 18/18, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Romance, Adventure, POV Hermione Granger, POV Draco Malfoy, Post-Hogwarts, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Enemies to Lovers, Magical Tent via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/O40esv1 May 04, 2024 at 11:56PM
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 1 year ago
I have this WIP setting about mechas which I am not being hyperfixated about but I do kinda like. It is unnamed for now but here's the introduction:
Alright so some work on the Mecha Project
The entire story is happening on an Earth-like planet. Turns out, biology is pretty rigid and Earth ain't such a unique snowflake as we thought.
Into the faaar g'damn future we send a stasis ship there, and arrive to a peaceful, unpopulated by sentient life planet. Name's pending but I think of something like New [insert name].
The planet is ruled by the United Sol Alliance (USA, on purpose) and is now beginning to build an eco-friendly high-tech civilization. Generations have passed but, due to a part of the huge information tanks being damaged, a part of Earth history and a lot of physics/inventions catalogues are lost, thus rendering humans on the new planet a bit uneducated on some matters.
The three continents of the planet are populated and everything is pretty much utopian. Clean air, alien life is quite similar to Earth's (four legs, fur, skin, general biology), trees also use chlorophyll but are toxic due to other not so pleasant chemicals, though it ain't much of a problem.
Then the Invasion began.
From outer space, unpredicted, came hard to spot ships with little to no electronics or energetic signature. Crashing on the surface, they started letting out the Kaiju.
These creatures are called just that - Kaiju - in tribute to the old Earth fiction. The thing though is that they aren't natural creatures; Engineered by some other species, they are living war machines meant to consume genetics of other species and use them for creation of new and newer lifeforms. This Kaiju Horde instantly becomes a threat to the human colony.
The first months of the invasion things were only heating up. Some human cities were destroyed, population slain. In return, alien motherships were targeted by hardcore artillery. But while humans were great in the distanced combat, easily sniping down huge beasts with absolutely wild railgun tech, they were helpless up close.
The kaiju could easily scale the distance between them and the human forces, beginning bloodshed in close quarters combat. Huge, muscular beasts perfected to destroy any creature or tech, they succeeded in putting down entire platoons of the USA (actually I might rethink that name).
Then there came a solution, seemingly out of nowhere. During one of the fights, a construction worker beat the beast to pulp using a non-battle mech meant for moving weights. Instantly labeled hero, the dude inspired the human forces to start the creation of war mechs.
So the arming race began. The mechs were slow as shit when on manual control, so they had to invest into neural linking. The PHIL link (Personal Helmet Infolink) was created and was truly still a complete mess. It was sensitive to any thought of the user, may you think of lemons or steamed hams, the helmet would try to interpret commands even when it doesn't have to and had bad lag which proved lethal.
Next went the RING, AMP-1 and AMP-2 links. Those were proven superior to both PHIL and manual.
The mech tech itself improved over the years. Beginning with bulky hardbodies, it evolved into sleek and agile softbodies which were highly capable of close quarter combat. Sooner or later, the profession of a mech pilot became very useful and high-paying.
For now, the human colonies on the three continents are split, but the times are a bit more easy on the front. The kaiju motherships (which act as factories) are far in the land, in the sectors beyond reach, and fortifications are built to hold them back.
That's attabout it. Here's a repost of the link and mech types:
MECH TYPES Softbody S Armored Softbody AS Clam C Hardbody H Semisoftbody SS
LINK TYPES RING (Redirecting Implanted Neural Gate) AMP-1 (Amputee Mech Personel Type 1) AMP-2 (Amputee Mech Personel Type 2) PHIL (Personal Helmet Infolink) Manual
An interesting parameter in mechs is the (neural) feedback.
It is the proprioception of the driver with the mech, the feeling of the mech's body and where it's bodyparts are. Manual mechs have no proprioception, so do the PHIL ones on the older models (new models at least provide a projection of the mech's pose for the driver to reference from).
RING has the best feedback sensitivity meaning the driver with a RING link make best DES and SPD (speed) builds. AMP-1 and AMP-2 are both roughly equal in feedback sensitivity, with AMP-2 being bit better due  to larger portions of the driver's limbs being "phantom", thus linked with the mech. PHIL is completely dogshit in providing feedback as mentioned before, and manual is equal to sitting in a tank and wondering what was that noise that just hit the left side of the hull. Yet feedback isn't tied to the link type but the mech type.
A hardbody mech has little to no feedback. It does count the angles under which the joints are bent and all that but those sensors can be easily broken, giving wrong info or none at all.
A softbody mech is best in providing feedback. Literally having a neural mesh that has sensitivity and allows the drivers to feel "touch", it also provides best proprioception and agility.
Other mech types are varying in feedback providing.
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A New Creation in Christ
Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]. — 2 Corinthians 5:17 | Amplified Bible (AMP) Amplified Bible Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved Cross References: Isaiah 43;18-19; Isaiah 65:17; Ezekiel 36:26; John 3:3; Romans 6:4; Romans 16:3
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years ago
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“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” —Romans 12:13 (NLT)
“Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor; never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord; constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength], contributing to the needs of God’s people, pursuing [the practice of] hospitality.” —Romans 12:10‭-‬13 (AMP)
“Sunday Reflection: The Beauty of Hospitality” By InTouch Ministries:
“Helping others feel included demonstrates the love of Christ.”
“Throughout Scripture, the Lord makes it clear that hospitality is a requirement, not a request. We’re called to graciously welcome people (Romans 12:10-13). But hospitality is more than entertaining guests. It’s a way of living and interacting with those around us all year long, making a way to accommodate them when they show up. It’s about letting them know they belong—not only in our homes but also in our communities.
Our overtures need not be extravagant—we just have to be willing to give freely, often in small ways. This kindness and warmth are made evident in the little things we do to make others feel comfortable, but sometimes doing so requires inconvenience, surrender, or even sacrifice. However, being the hands and feet of Jesus to others is worth any cost we might experience.
God’s love for all that He’s made is a beautiful example of hospitality. He welcomes creation into existence and sustains all living creatures. And when we extend hospitality to others, we can delight in the opportunity to reflect this love.
Think about it: Who in your life would be especially blessed by a generous welcome or act of kindness?”
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gatekeeper-watchman · 3 months ago
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Daily Devotionals for December 16, 2024 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 30:24-28 (KJV): 24 There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise: 25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer; 26 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks; 27 The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands; 28 The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces. Proverbs 30:24-28 (AMP): 24 There are four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise. 25 the ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer; 26 the conies are but a feeble folk, yet they make their houses in the rocks; 27 the locusts have no king, yet they go forth, all of them in ranks; 28 the spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.
Thought for the Day
Verses 24-28 - Agur continued teaching through observations of nature. The following creatures are described as small, and yet possessing a unique wisdom that gives them a great advantage:
The Ant: This tiny creature is applauded for its industry. During summer, it stores food for the long winter months. We all face difficult times when we need a reserve of money to fall back on. Today we call it "saving for a rainy day." Saving prudently is not the same as hoarding. Hoarding has a fear and greed element, while preparing for the future is wise. By God's direction, Joseph stored up grain in Egypt during seven years of bounty in order to feed Egypt and other nations during seven years of famine (Genesis 41).
The Coney: Although scholars are uncertain which animal is meant by the Hebrew for coney, we may assume that it was a small rabbit-like and vulnerable animal. However, it achieved safety because it made its home in rocky fortresses. Larger animals could not navigate in the rocks as well as open ground; nor could they uncover its rocky home. We can learn from this animal by making our homes secure before we purchase other things. Many people take secondary loans against their houses instead of paying off the mortgage. This is unwise, as a mortgage-free house provides security in difficult times.
The Locust: Locusts are considered to be wise also. Although they have no king or ruler, they join together in organized ranks when they attack an area. They can fly for miles, often all day, landing in the evening to form "camps." As they advance, they strip the land of every growing thing. Christians could well learn from this. If we banded together on major issues that are coming against our Christian principles and rights, we could ravage the enemy, even as the locusts ravage a field when they attack. Each one devours the foliage directly around them, and as they all go forward, soon there is nothing left in the field. If every Christian attacked the field of evil in their area, we could win the entire battle that the devil has assailed against us.
The Spider: Not even a king can keep spiders out of his palace. It is able to climb quickly to high places or find hidden low places, wisely avoiding open areas. Like the spider, we would be wise to be discreet in our affairs. Careless boasting and parading ourselves, invites a fall. King Hezekiah was rebuked by the prophet Isaiah for displaying his treasures to the envoys of Babylon. Those same treasures were carried off 250 years later by the very nation to whom he displayed them (2 Kings 20:12-17).
Wisdom compensates for the smallest creatures, giving them protection and great power. I believe this list of creatures is included in Proverbs so that we can learn to be as resourceful as they are in many practical areas of life.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful teachings we find in the Bible. Help us to apply these analogies to our personal lives. We can learn a lot just by observing Your magnificent creation. Lord, thank You for pointing out the examples of wisdom found in Your tiny creatures. Teach us Your wisdom in our daily affairs, so that we learn how to prevent problems in our lives. Lord, may we walk in love in all of our affairs, as that is one of the wisest things we can do. We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller, @ParkermillerQ, gatekeeperwatchman.org , TM, ‎Founder and Administrator of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups. #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #SPARKERMILLER Sunday, December 15, 2024, Jacksonville, Florida USA 10:00:55 AM www.facebook.com/gatekeeperwatchnan www.facebook.com/ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956
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berberinecapsules · 9 months ago
How can it function? Berberine Capsules
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Berberine capsules has been tried in many examinations.
One of the principal activities of Berberine capsules is to actuate a compound inside cells called AMP-enacted protein kinase (AMPK), as per a few creature studies (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
AMPK assumes a key part in directing digestion and energy levels and is tracked down in cells all through your body (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
It brings down glucose levels Many examinations show that Berberine capsules can essentially bring down glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes (8Trusted Source).
It appears to work by means of numerous systems and may help (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source):
decline insulin opposition, making the glucose bringing down chemical insulin more successful increment glycolysis, assisting your body with separating sugars inside cells decline sugar creation in your liver slow the breakdown of starches in your stomach increment the quantity of gainful microbes in your stomach In a 2008 investigation of 116 individuals with diabetes, requiring 1 gram of Berberine capsules every day brought down fasting glucose by 20% (11Trusted Source).
It likewise brought down hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a marker of long haul glucose guideline, by 12% and further developed degrees of blood lipids like cholesterol and fatty substances (11Trusted Source).
As per a more established audit of 14 investigations, Berberine capsules might be pretty much as compelling as specific oral diabetes drugs, including metformin, glipizide, and rosiglitazone (12Trusted Source).
It functions admirably in mix with way of life changes and has added substance impacts when utilized with other glucose bringing down drugs (13Trusted Source).
Berberine capsules may assist you with getting thinner Berberine capsules may likewise be compelling as a weight reduction supplement.
(All things considered. The members likewise lost 3.6% of their muscle to fat ratio (14).
Furthermore, a survey of 12 examinations found that enhancing with Berberine capsules prompted critical decreases in body weight, weight record, and midsection fat. It likewise diminished degrees of C-responsive protein, a marker of irritation (15Trusted Source).
Berberine capsules additionally seems to repress the development of fat cells at the sub-atomic level, which could assist with advancing weight reduction (16Trusted Source).
In any case, more examination is required on the potential weight reduction impacts of Berberine capsules.
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sl7mme · 1 year ago
ARE YOU TRULY A NEW CREATION IN JESUS CHRIST YET from shininglight7ministries.com on Vimeo.
2 Cor 5:17-18 17 Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! 18 But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him]. AMP
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Pepsi Caleb Grimm is a cursed and awful creature. He is a monster with a fragmented and broken soul. His is demonic in nature, barely human, mostly empty and fully monstrous. The void keeps him from eternal death and gives him form anew whenever death claims him. He remembers the pain each time, his death is never pleasant, he passively bans himself from any afterlife. When he dies he does not leave, his soul remains as a ghost and is called to his rotting and frozen corpse. When he repossesses it he feels it's immense hunger, it's invisible radiation sickness, it's familiar emptiness. There is no peace to be found for this unholy bastard. His past only he remembers for it was changed. He lives having no family to fall upon, his sister was erased from all existence and his parents never had him. Despite this he still has memories of them that even his creations remember. He was in an endless cycle of suffocation and revival for uncountable years, much longer than any estimate for the universe's lifespan. Despite this he is back in a similar universe only aged three years after he initially left. He refuses his instinct to eat or drink and stays on the edge of death while puppeteering his barely living corpse. His voice is dull and monotone, it is filled with the static of cosmic background radiation. His presence is unsettling due to much of this. He is eternal and much older than should be possible. All that comprises him should have been lost to atomic decay and the great crunch, yet he survived and existed in absolute nothing. He is outside of time and does not age past thirty, his memories are few but strong. His mind should have been broken and leave him an incomprehensible mess. Yet remains a strong semblance of sanity, an illusion only broken by his lack of self preservation. But again, he is an awful monster, who's to know how he's supposed to act? Oh by the way, a robot he's made put a robotic skeleton inside his own skeleton that forces him to move against his will, tears up his insides, and amps his regeneration to keep him alive. To some towns he is known as the crackling beast, his bones crack and joints pop as he resists the robot's orders to kill. He is nothing more than a test subject of a monster with no hope for anything better. And so he allows it, the pain and the torture. He only fights it to keep himself entertained with the pain inflicted upon him.
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cwdigimark · 2 years ago
At the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, you can escape reality
At the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, you can escape reality
CHARLENE_INFLUENCER INFLUENCE & INSPIRE | ENGAGE & ENTERTAIN HOMEABOUTCONTACT WordPress Facebook Google Instagram LinkedIn Mail Pinterest TikTok Tumblr Twitter WhatsApp YouTube CHARLENE_INFLUENCERINFLUENCE & INSPIRE | ENGAGE & ENTERTAINAt the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, you can escape realityITINERARY FOR LEGOLANDFollowing is a summary of our two days spent in Legoland Windsor:DAY…
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amphiptere-art · 2 years ago
Centipede wolf
I have done it @sigery. I made the demons that hurt Blue Moon. Each of them are about 14 ft to 16 ft long. Their bellies are furry. A wagging tail you should never trust. Their legs can clutch onto anything. They will bite and pinch at anything in their way. Holding a venomous bite. Being able to hunt in large scuttling packs. Their eyes are pupilous and only stare back with red. May they haunt your nightmares.
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Goodness I love doing creature creation. And this was just for laughs and giggles.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years ago
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 37
Shout out to @asongeverlasting for beta reading for me and making sure I actually got this out.
Check her writing out on AO3 as Ramblingwren
(Master post)
(Read the fic in a more condensed on Ao3)
(The latest chapter will be up on there once this reaches over 300 notes on tumblr)
Simularé looked out over the city from the top of the school.  Using her replicated powers, she took the form of Volpina so they'd be able to alter the illusion quickly should something pop out and accidentally reveal the true form of the school. Thankfully the sentimonster didn’t need to do much in order to maintain the illusion; Paris was a surprisingly quiet city.
As far as they could tell, no one in the city outside of the school had any idea what was going on. And that worked out perfectly for them.
“So, this is where Lila has you stationed,” a voice called out, resulting in the faux fox turning around. The figure behind them was a woman clad in dark blue, with blue skin and a feathery fan. She looked confident and the sentimonster instinctively felt that this individual was very much aware of what it was.
Mayura had quickly deduced it was the sentimonster as it was in Lila’s previous akuma form, Volpina. With Lila now Masquerade, it was unlikely she would choose to take such a form. She would likely want to stay in her new form to show it off.
“Do not be alarmed, Simularé, it is your creator. Mayura,” Mayura spoke again.
The shapeshifter leveled a sharp glare at the woman. What made her so certain of that?
“How do I know that is true?” Simularé questioned.
The villainess took a moment to examine the sentimonster. Mayura had to admit that this sentimonster was her finest work to date. The amount of emotion harnessed from Lila to create it made it far more unique, much less of a mindless creature than her previous creations. Amoks were created much like akuma were, locking on to intense emotions before sending off. But unlike akuma, amok can be shaped and tailored with enough focus. Simularé was a special case, as it was made from the conclave of emotions that Lila was experiencing during her breakdown. It had been quite difficult to focus on one specific feeling but Mayura had pushed through. Simularé was sculpted to be Lila’s ideal ally, but it was also so much more than a simple asset. This Amok embodied Lila’s core personality. Her cleverness, her cunning, her mistrust of others, her playfulness, her pride and so much more. To put it simply, this Sentimonster was Lila’s spirit given a new form.
“Trust me Simularé, you would be best not to ask that,” Mayura warned.
The sentimonster felt as if it was being talked down to and clearly did not approve of anyone talking to them in such a tone, save for its master. It charged at the peacock villainess, ready to make contact, But, before it could get close, Mayura stuck out her hand and pinched her fingers together, causing the sentimonster to feel as if some force was pulling its essence out. The pain it felt was indescribable! It felt as if its very being was being ripped out. Mayura was in range to sense the Amok and could easily remove it without difficulty, much like Hawkmoth could with an akuma. Though Mayura had a feeling that letting the Sentimonster know that keeping her out of range of the item was the key to its survival would not be wise. It was best in this moment to display power.
“Stop! Please!” Simularé begged. “I … I believe you! I will do whatever you ask, just please stop the pain!”
The villainess smiled, it seemed there was even more to this Sentimonster than Mayura had anticipated. It had a powerful sense of self preservation, something controlled sentimonsters didn’t seem to have. She took note of that.
“Good. Now, you are going to explain to me your master’s end goal and where Ladybug and Chat Noir are in the building.”
Simularé felt the grip that Mayura had on its essence and held back its burning resentment towards the blue bird villainess. She would behave. For now.
“Okay… I will tell you everything.”
“Duck!” Ladyice called out as she had Ice Noir lower their bodies to avoid oncoming ice projectiles.
“Surprising that she's only attacking us with ice. She's Stormy weather. You'd think she would be attacking with more, maybe some rain or like a vol....” Ice Noir commented.
“Don't talk about that! Do not give her any ideas!”
The two had skated out of the room and made their way through the now icy hallway while Stormy Weather gave chase.
“I was just saying it seems weird how...mediocre her attacks are.
“It’s like we saw before, the akuma servants are like robots, they can’t react quickly so changing up her powers is likely just as much of a problem. She's probably not as dangerous as we initially thought.”
“So maybe we should face this problem head on now that we aren’t cornered?”
Ice Noir changed direction and began skating towards the umbrella-wielding akuma.
Stormy Weather noticed the approaching cat and raised her umbrella, creating a mighty gale to blow him back and ending him flying past Ladyice to the end of the hallway.
“She can use her other powers… can confirm,” Ice noir commented as he got off the wall, still dazed.
Ladyice skated up to the dazed cat and helped stabilize him. Despite seeming like a wasted effort, the cat’s brash antics actually inspired Ladyice with a way to take her out.
“I just figured out how we can stop her, think you can give her one last charge for me?”
“Why Bugaboo, asking me to rush headfirst into danger? How heartless.” He feigned hurt.
Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“Silly Kitty. Just be ready to hang in there when she blasts you with wind. Don’t get blown back this time.”
“Got it.”
Ice Noir quickly skated across the ice as he drew his weapon. He was ready for her this time.
“Hey breezy weezy! The weather today was supposed to be sunny with a 20% chance of raining Cats and Dogs!” Ice Noir called out, clearly happy with his lame joke.
Stormy Weather saw the cat approaching once again and prepared to send another wind blast at him.
But the cat was prepared this time around and extended his staff to anchor himself to the walls on either side.
“Nice try!” Ice Noir snarked. “But a small little puff of wind won't blow me back again.”
The storm akuma decided instead of creating just another wind blast, she was going to step it up with a cyclone attack! A powerful tornado tunnel would surely blast the cat down for good.
“We were wrong! She can amp up the power too!” Ice Noir exclaimed as he held onto his staff with all his might while his body was being blown back by the massive winds. “This was not well thought out!”
He focused on digging his claws into his staff and doing his best to remain in the wind tunnel. The powerful winds blew into his face and he could see Stormy Weather slowly approaching.
“I don’t think I can hold on much longer, Ladyice!”
He felt his grip slipping. Any second now, he was going to get blown back.
“Don’t worry, Kitty. I got this.”
Stormy Weather didn’t get a chance to react when she felt something tackle her full force and rush her into the wall on the opposite end of the hallway.
The wind died down and Ice Noir was able to land on his skates. He released his grip on his staff and fixed his windblown hair to resemble its original state before quickly skating down the hall to help his partner.
“Nice job, Ladyice.”
The red-clad heroine stood up from her grapple with the storm akuma.
Ice Noir looked up to see that his partner had shifted power ups. Her skates and ice skater aesthetic were replaced with a suit that had red spacesuit-like plating, a jetpack with retractable wings with red and light blue colors that matches her helmet.
She had changed into her space form, Cosmobug.
“Space power up! Because you can fly through the wind! Genius!”
Cosmobug smiled.
“Well, Stormy Weather is dazed but probably not for long.”
The two heroes noticed her about to grab her umbrella, but Chat Noir’s cat-like reflexes helped him snatch it first.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Ice Noir broke the umbrella over his knee.
“I don’t think she will be as mobile without her powers.”
Stormy Weather tried to stand but slipped on the icy floor she had created.
“Let’s just make our way to the boss,” Cosmobug said. She used the jet on her back to swoop up Ice Noir and fly slowly down the icy hall.
“Just like you to sweep me off my feet. But don’t think I will be a smitten kitten like usual.”
“Oh? Is that so?” The bug heroine raised an eyebrow. “It’s hard to imagine that you haven’t been dreaming about this scenario.”
“It helps that you aren’t riding a horse with the wind blowing in your hair,” Chat Noir joked back, catching Ladybug’s teasing.
Cosmobug quickly moved them to a part of the hall where there was no ice. Both undid their potion transformations, reverting back to their usual hero forms.
“Not keeping the jetpack?” Chat Noir asked. “It is really cool.”
“The room halls are pretty limited, and there's not much mobility, otherwise I might have,” Ladybug confessed.
The two heroes took a moment to catch their breaths and figure out their surroundings.
“We should thank Stormy Weather.”
The cat looked at his partner skeptically, remembering how a few minutes ago, the wind had nearly sent him flying through a brick wall.
“What makes you say that?”
“Lila probably had Stormy Weather out and about to flush out other people in the school and make sure the area was difficult to traverse. She likely sent out a bunch of other akuma to do the same, which means her forces are scattered and we have a better shot of dealing with her with fewer obstacles.”
Chat Noir nodded. He would not have deduced such a thing from one encounter with a weather akuma.
“Good to know, so the plan is to locate her and save the day.”
“No need to figure out where she is, I already have a good idea where she should be.”
Chat Noir noticed Ladybug had already started moving. He quickly followed behind, though he didn’t need an explanation this time. He already knew where Ladybug was heading — to his homeroom class, but he couldn’t say that without revealing what he knew.
‘This was a ridiculous decision.’
That was the thought running through Chloé’s mind as she ran for her life from a large group of Reflekta clones.
The two or three she had run into early were easy to avoid, but now it seemed like a horde of those tacky clones. And all of the ice that surrounded certain hallways made it impossible to traverse. She was limited in her running space and she was running out. But what made it all worse was that now those Reflekta copies had adjusted to running.
“HOW CAN YOU RUN IN THOSE HEELS!?” Chloé screamed as she ran down the hall.
She just had to try and be a hero. Why was she even doing this? The assistant probably got turned into one of those gross clones or got masked like those other students. She could have just sat back and just waited for Ladybug and Chat noir to find her or let them handle it.
“You can’t run forever” The crowd of clones sang in Rather impressive and creepy harmony.
Chloé took a turn down the hall and went into the door of the nearest room.
She closed the door and locked it before smelling the musty wet air.
“What the… EWW!” She spat in disgust as she realized she had locked herself in a janitor’s closet.
“Why did it have to be in such a gross smelly room?” she moaned.
Unfortunately, her comments caught the attention of the crowd chasing her.
She heard banging on the door.
“You can’t hide, we will find.”
Chloe put her back to the door to keep them out and felt herself slide down it in despair.
Was this how it was going to end? Getting turned into one of those fashion nightmares after hiding out in such a rank smelling closet? She didn’t even save… wait. She did save someone. She saved that old man. It hadn't been glamorous, but she did manage to save at least one person.
“I guess I did do something good after all. May not have been exceptional… but it was something.” Chloé smiled for a brief moment.
She took a moment to look at the positives, Ladybug and Chat Noir would likely come in and save the day, plus there were those other two heroes. Perhaps that would be enough. But she had to admit, finding solace in that was getting harder to do when the smell of the closet was destroying her nostrils. Just then, she remembered she had some nice perfume in her bag that she could spray to alleviate the smell.
“Well, at least I won’t smell awful when they capture me.”
She put her hand in her bag and felt around for her perfume. As she searched, she felt an unfamiliar object in her designer handbag. She pulled it out.
“What is this?”
She noticed a note on top of it. It was a bit dark to read so she pulled out her phone and turned on her flashlight.
“Return to Ladybug after mission?”
Chloé’s eyes went wide. Could this be what she thought it was? How was it possible? She didn’t have time to question it.
She opened the box and out came a floating bee creature, who Chloé recognized right away. It was real.
“Pollen!” Chloé exclaimed with cheer.
“It has been a while, my queen.” the bee kwami said.
Chloé would have loved to revel in this moment more but she knew that door was going to burst open any minute. She needed to be the bee heroine.
“As much as I would love to talk more, we need to hurry. We have some akuma clones that need bashing.”
“Right away, my queen!”
Chloe put the bee miraculous in her hair.
“Pollen, Buzz on!”
“It is a good thing there are so many copies,” Ryuuko stated as she leaped over a few Reflekta copies.
Viperion swerved and dodged the replicas of his sister’s akumatized form while avoiding getting caught in the bubbles that froze them and floated them up in the air.
Deadzone had been doing a lot of friendly fire thanks to its single minded obsession.
“After this, I really hope I never have to see my sister take this form again,” Viperion commented.
“Right, Adrien mentioned that you were Juleka’s brother. Older brother, right?”
“Older twin brother. But yes.”
“Really? You seem older.”
“I am a grade ahead of her, but we are the same age,” he explained.
“Could have sworn you were at least a year or two older.”
“A lot of people think the same thing. Even my mom forgets, sometimes. Rose, my sister’s girlfriend, says I radiate ‘big brother energy’ or something.”
“You learn something new.”
“What about you? Any siblings?”
“Sadly no. I was an only child.”
“Too bad, I think you would have made a great older sister,” Viperion encouraged
“A snake charmer, are we?”
“Well I am the snake, and I am not charming myself, so I think the more correct term would be dragon charmer.”
“Change that to fun killer because you killed my fun right there.”
Before Viperion could retort, they had made their way down to the end of the hall and noticed that it was frozen off.
“Dead end,” they say at the same time.
“No, Deadzone.”
The two turn to see the deadly akuma amalgamation pointing its blaster at them.
The two heroes looked at the deadly akuma.
“Any ideas?” Ryuuko questioned.
“Just one.”
Viperion moved his hand to his bracelet.
“Second chance!” Viperion activated his power.
“Now we have some options.” Viperion explained.
The akuma fired a bubble blast at Ryuuko, and she was frozen.
“Second chance!”
Things reset to how they were a few seconds before. Viperion grabbed Ryuuko and pulled her out of the way of the oncoming bubble blast.
“Thanks. For a minute there, I thought that thing had me.”
“It did, but I used my power to stop that. we still have to get out of here.”
“Look out!”
Ryuuko got hit with another bubble as they got up, protecting him from an attack.
“This might take a few attempts…”
Hawkmoth paced inside his lair.
Mayura was out there, his son was out there… and things were not going the way he planned. Masquerade seems to be building a base for herself and was more concerned with that than getting the miraculous. Adrien is MIA, and Mayura isn’t responding.
“I might need to step in. But there is a lot of risk in this. Far too many variables that I can't account for”
Hawkmoth never liked leaving his lair. It had too many risks to it. After Heroes' Day, he had nearly been exposed. And after that fiasco in Shanghai he didn’t want to risk getting taken out by his own akuma. He had already taken plenty of risks that had blown up in his face. Would this be another one of those times he would need to risk his miraculous?
“But it could also be just what is needed to beat Ladybug and Chat Noir once and for all.”
With an akuma this powerful, the two would likely have to use their special powers multiple times. If he can just locate them and wait for them to do so, he could potentially gain the advantage. Maybe Mayura was on to something with her actions.
Hawkmoth walked to the window.
“There will be a right time. I just need to wait for it.”
He felt an itch in the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure what it was but he could tell one thing, something big was going to go down, and he needed to figure out the right call soon or it could cost him dearly.
“…And that’s her plan.” Simularé finished. “As for Ladybug and Chat Noir… I am unsure. I lost track of them before I was given a new assignment. But they are in the building and they have not tried to leave.”
Mayura smiled at the information. While it was quite unfortunate that she didn’t have the exact location of the two heroes, it was good to know that they were still in the building, and Lila’s plan was certainly something interesting.
“Indeed, that is quite a clever plan. Ensuring everyone in the school couldn’t escape was pretty smart. You likely had a few escapes anyway, with how clumsy some of the akuma were. You are fortunate that neither one was Ladybug or Chat Noir. Still, though, it isn’t your master’s fault for that. They are basically mindless puppets. But then again, it seems that there might be zero escapes since there seems to be no new reports on the subject of a school takeover.”
Simularé let the peacock villainess muse, analyzing her movements as if trying to figure out any advantage it could handle.
“So, the next step now that all communications are cut is to send out a message that Ladybug and Chat Noir have already been defeated, so as to cause massive despair in order to create even more minions. Sounds a bit derivative, don’t you think?” Mayura mused.
Simularé said nothing. It held its tongue. Deep down, it knew that starting any dispute with this peacock was not wise. Especially given that crazy power she had over their being.
“Still, it is quite a plan. And with all those extra akuma recruited and Ladybug and Chat noir cut off from their guardian, they wouldn’t be able to get any sort of back up. They wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight before all of Paris is under Masquerade’s thumb. I approve of the plan.”
“I am glad you do,” Simularé stated with a forced smile.
Their conversation was cut short when an akuma appeared. Seeing one it did not recognize, the artist akuma prepared to fight. But thankfully the shapeshifting sentimonster stepped in.
“Stand down Evillustrator, this one is not our enemy,” Simularé ordered.
Evillustrator eased and walked over.
“Masquerade has ordered that we start reinforcing the building. She wants this place to be like a fortress,” he parroted.
Mayura looked at the artist.
A fortress? Yes, Simularé mentioned that Masquerade wanted to reinforce the school so that she could ensure Ladybug and ChatNoir would have less chance of escape.
Simularé nodded at the akuma servant.
“Alright, so she wants us to drop the illusion, then?”
“She wants the place to be like a fortress.”
“Go ahead and start,” Simularé motioned. She figured that her master likely didn’t care about the illusion much as she was prepared for stage two. But she would maintain it for a bit.
The akuma moved to the end of the roof and begins working to reinforce the walls
Mayura began moving to the door of the roof to get back down into the school.
“Tell your boss I will be heading to her, and she best be welcoming,” Mayura ordered.
“As you command,” Simularé replied, hiding a large amount of anger and resentment towards the blue bird.
As soon as the blue peacock is out of sight.
Simularé contacts its master.
“Simularé, what is going on? Did Evilustrator reach you?”
“Yes. He is working to make this place a fortress. You want me to maintain the illusion, right?”
“I am about to go public shortly. After I make the announcement. Drop the illusion and make sure this place is a full-on fortress. After that is done, report back to me.
“Yes master. By the way, I had an idea.”
Simularé smiled sinisterly. She was going to show Peacock why she was sorely mistaken.
“I will report the details to you shortly.”
“Everything is set up,” Robostus noted.
“Excellent. Let’s do it now.”
The Reflekta camera crew was all set, and Gamer had set it up so the moment they went live, every screen in Paris would show Masquerade.
Masquerade got off her call with Simularé. Something seemed a bit off with her sentimonster but she was intrigued that she had a plan.
“We are live in 5….4…3….2…” the gamer stated before pressing the go live button.
Masquerade smiled.
“Good afternoon, citizens of Paris. You may not know who I am, but don’t worry! You will be very familiar with me very soon. I am Masquerade, and I have decided to make Paris my personal kingdom.”
She paused to let that sink in.
“Now you are likely very alarmed by this declaration and that is normal. It will only be a matter of time before I spread my influence to everyone in Paris.”
She paused to let her words hang in the air before continuing.
“Do not be afraid, I am no monster. I plan on being a fair leader. All I ask is for your undying admiration and absolute loyalty. After that, you are free to live your lives as you normally would. Do not resist and you will have no problems. However, if you do… well, I can’t guarantee your safety.”
Masquerade took a calm breath before finishing.
“This last message goes out to the heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir. I know you are here, I know you believe you will stop me, and I know you have allies here. But you will fall to me. Your days of superheroing have come to an end, your miraculous will be taken from you, and I will expose you as the failures you are,” Masquerade finished with venom.
She ended the transmission.
“Now make sure that it is being looped,” she ordered.
“Already is,” Gamer confirmed. “And panic is starting to rise.”
Masquerade smiled. Her plan was already working.
It may have seemed like a simple ego boost, but that speech of hers was a crucial part of her plan. Her charm bracelet could hyper focus on anyone that was akumatized in the past and have their biggest insecurities exposed. But that one by one process took far too long, if the hope of the entire populace of Paris was already demoralized. Then all she needed to do was send out her masks and let them take hold. And all she needed to do was go out there and send the masks.
She could already feel massive amounts of negative emotion from outside of the school. As soon as she headed out of the school, she could easily go and get more akuma soldiers. She could feel her bracelet trembling with all the potential additions.
She was prepared to leave, activating one of the charms to give her black angel wings, but something she remembered caused her to stop.
“Simularé I am moving to phase two of my plan. Get down here.”
It only took a few seconds for the sentimonster to jump from the roof and knock on the window.
One for the Reflekta copies opened the large window to let in what appeared to be Dark Cupid, before it shifted into the phantasm form that was its base.
“Right on cue. So, what is this plan you wanted to suggest?” Masquerade inquired. “And be sure it is not a waste of my time.”
“What if I told you I could get you a Miraculous?”
The sentimonster could feel that Masquerade was very pleased with that idea.
37 attempts.
It took thirty-seven resets before Viperion figured out what they needed to do.
“Ryuuko, follow my directions exactly,” Viperion instructed. “I know how to win.”
He quickly pulled her towards him to make sure she dodged the first bubble.
The akuma was surprised by the avoidance.
Viperion smiled.
“Your next line is, ‘How did you know I was going to blast at her?'” Viperion stated confidently.
“How did you know I was going to blast at her?” Deadzone parroted in shock before realizing they had said exactly what Viperion had said they would say.
The dragon heroine looked at the determined expression of the snake. She could see experience and certainty in his posture. All her years of fencing taught Kagami the art of reading body language, and the hero in front of her was someone that exuded an aura of confidence. She knew she could trust him.
“Alright, Sassy Snake, I will let you take the reins.” Ryuuko responded.
“Jump to the left in 2 seconds and start running.”
Ryuuko followed the instructions and sure enough avoided yet another bubble attack from Deadzone.
“Head to their left and bounce off the locker at the end.”
Ryuuko dashed past the akuma and jumped as Viperion instructed, perfectly avoiding the barrage of blasts sent her way. Viperion had perfectly mirrored her motion as he explained the next steps.
“Now somersault twice and draw your sword.”
Ryuuko somersaulted as Viperion leaped over her and the dragon turned to draw her sword, now on the other side of the hall.
“Now as soon as it fires a bubble at you, activate your wind! No matter what! I believe in you Ryuuko.”
The last words seemed a bit strange to the fencer. What did he mean by that?
“Will you shut up!?” Deadzone shouted before sending a bubble at Viperion.
“For my final glimpse into the future, you will say, ‘Not so tough now are ya?'”
The bubble contacted Viperion.
“Viperion!” Ryuuko cried out.
The bubble enveloped the snake and floated to the ceiling, taking his frozen form along with it.
“No…” Ryuuko muttered. She looked down in sorrow.
I failed to protect him. He ended up protecting me. He had been backing me up to make sure I wouldn’t do anything reckless.
Ryuuko felt her mind flashback to a few days ago which now seemed almost like it happened a year ago. They had made such a good team back then and now… they get a chance to be heroes again and she couldn’t cover him like he did her.
“Ha, not so tough now are ya?” Deadzone stated with confidence.
Ryuuko’s ears perked up at the statement. That was the line Viperion predicted they would say. That means… Viperion knew this would happen! Which meant his previous statement was to show he planned this. She knew what to do.
Deadzone turned its attention to Ryuuko.
“Don’t worry, you will join him shortly.”
Deadzone fired another bubble right at her, but this time Ryuuko wasn’t moving. She was at the perfect distance to do what she needed to do.
Ryuuko smiled.
“Wind dragon!”
The dragon-themed heroine turned into a cloud and blew the bubble right back at the akuma.
The bubble encapsulated the akuma, causing it to freeze in place and then float to the ceiling.
Ryuuko returned to her original form and smiled, seeing how they had finally incapacitated the akuma.
“We did it, Viperion. We took them down. I'm sorry it cost you so much… I won't let you down!”
She raised her blade, upon realizing that her partner was indeed trapped in a bubble.
“Wait a minute…”
Ryuuko walked underneath Viperion’s bubble. She wasn’t entirely sure if this would work, since akuma magic was weird and often unpredictable, but it would make a lot of sense if it did.
“It is a bubble, so this should work right?” Ryuuko questioned as she used the tip of her sword to touch the bubble. She pushed it forward a bit causing the bubble to pop.
Her partner dropped to the floor.
“Ugh… my head.”
“You’re okay!”
Ryuuko hugged her friend, but then realized her sudden action and quickly jumped back up. A bit flustered, she could swear Marinette was rubbing off on her.
“I am glad you are alright, friend. You had me concerned — slightly,” Ryuuko corrected herself.
Viperion was surprised by the quick motions but managed to steady himself.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course. But make it quick, we will need to get a move on.”
“Okay… Who am I?”
Ryuuko froze at the question. She could see the confusion on his face. He was completely serious.
“Oh… that is not good at all.”
Masquerade is on phase two of her plan and Simularé is starting to make waves.
Who will get to the akuma first, Mayura or our heroes.
What will happen to Viperion now that his memory is gone?
Will Queen bee be the right choice?
Reblog and Comment . Your support is invaluable in keeping this fic alive. And I love hearing your thoughts on it
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 3 years ago
Wanted to take my own crack at @jennifer-10nyson’s Omnitrix Challenge:
At the age of 10, you encountered the infamous device known as the Omnitrix and it has attached itself onto your wrist.  Over the course of a few years and with the powers of 60ish alien creatures, you become an intergalactic superhero!  Of course you need to name all your transformations to make things more fun and easier on yourself, so what are they?
For each alien in the Ben 10 franchise (OS-OV), rename the alien to give it your own unique twist!  Simply copy the list below of all of Ben’s transformations and replace my name with the name you’d use yourself!  You’re allowed five cheats (bold them so it’s obvious which ones) where you simply steal the name Ben used for his transformations.  You’re also bound to have different adventures then Ben and unlock your own aliens, so you can replace any two of Ben’s aliens with unique creations of your own!  Just give them a name, brief description of their appearance, and their powers!
Heatblast = Lavaburst
Wildmutt = Gillhound
Diamondhead = Crystallyze
XLR8 = Veloci-T
Grey Matter = Polliwit (polliwog + wit)
Four Arms = Quads
Stinkfly = Dragon Slyme (dragonfly + slime)
Ripjaws = Mermaim
Upgrade = Download
Ghostfreak = Phantasm
Cannonbolt = Tumblewhomp
Wildvine = Bramblethorn
Spitter = Spewcid (spew + acid)
Blitzwolfer = Beasthowl
Snare-Oh = Cleo-Wraptra
Frankenstrike = Stitchstatic
Upchuck = Spit-Shot
Ditto = Splitz
Eye Guy = Multiris (multiple + iris)
Way Big = Gigantitan
Swampfire = Blazebog
Echo Echo = Echo Echo
Humungousaur = Colossaur
Jetray = Soar’n Strike
Big Chill = Moth Frost
Chromastone = Replacement #1
Brainstorm = Crustaceaneuron
Spidermonkey = Spidermonkey
Goop = Oxidoozy (oxidize + ooze + doozy)
Alien X = Catatonova (catatonic + supernova)
Lodestar = Lodestar
Rath = Livid
Nanomech = Microbyte
Water Hazard = Hydrapump
AmpFibian = Jelly Shock
Armodrillo = Pangomine (pangolin + mine)
Terraspin = Tortwister
NRG = Thermotanklear (thermonuclear + tank)
Fasttrack = Fleetah (fleet + cheetah)
Clockwork = Timewinder
Chamalien = Invisinewt
Eatle = Bugbite
Jury Rigg = Tinker-Hell
Feedback = ChargeRush
Bloxx = Brix
Shocksquatch = Abominabolt
Gravattack = Asterorbit (asteroid + orbit)
Crashhopper = Kicket
Articguana = Reptili-Ice
Ball Weevil = Spitball
Walkatrout = Landshark
Pesky Dust = Sleep Sprite
Mole-Stache = Hair-Raiser
The Worst = Replacement #2
Kickin Hawk = Talon
Toepick = Peek-a-BOO
Astrodactyl = Astrodactyl
Bullfrag = Hylaunch (Hyla (a type of tree frog) + launch)
Atomix = Bombastik
Buzzshock = Ampulse (amp + impulse)
Gutrot = Vaporeek
Whampire = Nosferaterror
Replacement 1:
Name: Morphe
Species: Lenopan
Powers: Shapeshifting
Replacement 2:
Name: Amberaze
Species: Revonnahgander
Powers: Enhanced agility and jumping
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shyampyari · 3 years ago
Humans and birds are a different matter. Yet they, too, share a lot of DNA -- 65 percent
Humans and dogs share 84 percent of their DNA.
Humans and mice share nearly 90 percent of human DNA.
The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%
Cats are more like us than you'd think. A 2007 study found that about 90 per cent of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans.
Domesticated cattle [ Cows and more ] share about 80 per cent of their genes with humans, according to a
2009 report in the journal Science.
An article from national geographic says, how a quarter of cow genome comes from snakes.
Even bananas share 60 percent of human DNA.
I think in Sanskrit, leaf means ‘prana’ which is the breath or the life and cows are generally regarded as the source of creation also ‘soul’ and pigs can be seen as Varaha in a way and snakes are ancestors in a lot of cultures.
Cats are so feminine and dogs are amazing.
They share so much of our emotions as well as DNA.
Logically, ethically, you really don’t think it would mess up the root of everything?
I mean, messing around with animals?
it was so beautiful to go through how every creature is connected to each other in a way and then you had to end it with that
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scottpetersen · 3 years ago
My 5 Lantern Ring/Miraculous Combos
Ok. Here I’ll be going over my 5 picks for which Lantern Ring is best used in conjunction with which Miraculous. I’ll be choosing based on how compatible the Lantern Ring’s emotion and powers are with the Miraculous’s abstract concept and powers.
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My first choice here is a combo between the Red Lantern Ring of Rage and the Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction. One of the reasons why I made this choice is because the Black Cat Miraculous is all about destruction and what emotion is more destructive than rage, the very emotion that powers the Red Lantern Ring. Plus, it’s been revealed in the episodes ‘Mr. Pigeon 72’ and ‘Dearest Family’ that the only limits the Miraculouses have are that which the wielder sets for them. I think that means that in order to upgrade a Miraculous’s power, you have to feel a large amount of a certain type of emotions. In the case of the Ladybug Miraculous of Creation, Marinette felt a large amount of calmness in the episode ‘Mr. Pigeon 72’ in order to upgrade its power. So, I think that in order to upgrade the Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction, the wielder has to feel an immense amount of pain and sorrow. And since the most powerful kind of rage comes from a broken heart, it would really help amp up the Red Lantern Ring’s power.
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My second choice here is a combo between the Green Lantern Ring of Willpower and the Tiger Miraculous of Exaltation. The Green Lantern Ring’s emotion of willpower and the Tiger Miraculous’s power to create a shockwave that can blow away anything in its path both involve asserting yourself. In fact, in the episode ‘Crocoduel’, Juleka had to overcome her nervousness in order to help Ladybug and Cat Noir defeat Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock which was also when she first wielded the Tiger Miraculous.
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My third choice here is a combo between the Blue Lantern Ring of Hope and the Pig Miraculous of Jubilation. As revealed in the episode ‘Guiltrip’, the Pig Miraculous has the power to reveal to a person their heart’s greatest desire. It aligns perfectly with the Blue Lantern Ring’s power to create a construct of a person’s greatest hope and then using it to heal that person’s physical wounds. Plus, the hope brought about by seeing their heart’s greatest desire from the Pig Miraculous’s power can help power up the Blue Lantern Ring’s own power. It has been shown in Green Lantern Vol 4 #36 that a Blue Lantern Ring can draw power from other people’s hope after all.
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My fourth choice here is a combo between the Indigo Lantern Ring of Compassion and the Butterfly Miraculous of Transmission. In the episode ‘Backwarder’, the Butterfly Miraculous has been shown to be able to send out magical butterflies called Akumas that inserts into an object that belongs to a person and uses that person’s emotions to turn them into superpowered versions of themselves and create a telepathic link to them. I think that when using this power in conjunction with the Indigo Lantern Ring’s power to replicate the powers of other Lantern Rings when they’re in close proximity, it will allow the wielder to replicate the powers of their Akuma champion and use it for themselves. And I also think that in the case of Akuma champions that have emotion based powers like Psycomedian, it just might allow the wielder to also replicate the powers of other types of Lantern Rings even when they’re not in close proximity.
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My fifth and final choice here is a combo between the White Lantern Ring of Life and the Peacock Miraculous of Emotion. It has been shown in the episode ‘Mayura (Heroes’ Day - Part 2)’ that the Peacock Miraculous has the power to send out magical feathers called Amoks that inserts themselves into an object that belongs to a person and takes that person’s emotions and forms them into magical creatures called sentimonsters. It pretty much creates life. I think this corresponds very well with the White Lantern Ring’s power to harness all the different emotions and powers of the various Lantern Rings and its power over life itself. I also think that the White Lantern Ring’s power will be able to allow the Peacock Miraculous to create sentimonsters that don’t have to rely on their Amok objects to survive and allow them to have complete free will.
Overall, these are my 5 Miraculous/Lantern Ring combos.
Thanks for reading.
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lazyspeedster93 · 4 years ago
I just remembered there was a time when the stories of video games like Mega Man and Sonic were seen as being there for the sake of entertainment. Nowadays, people seemed to have forgotten what that actually meant, and in the case of Sonic, they forgot it was the point completely!
Yeah, let’s face it, they are just a bit contrived...but only in a sense of how simplistic the narratives are. Mega Man is incredibly flowery with its narratives, waxing poetically about how so super awesome Dr. Light is, how crazy and eee-vil Dr. Wily is, how the very future of the world depends on Mega Man, stuff like that(the later runs of the games certainly amped up the drama in their writing, to say the least),
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Sonic was a fun adventure that later became straight action movies(pretty much the same kind of progression as Dragonball),
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Pokémon always goes on about it’s magical and wondrous world and it’s fantastical creatures that are also your bestest friends in the universe,
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and Mario is basically a fantasy Popeye(which is funny, considering the story behind the creation of the original Donkey Kong. Seriously, it was originally going to be a Popeye game. Look it up.)
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They tell you only what you need to know, and let the gameplay speak for itself; that’s just a very uncomplicated way to present the events of a video game. While that can be considered very minimal, it’s not a wrong approach to writing a game either.
Of course, as time passed, the way video games have been presented have progressed and have become a good medium to tell a story like any other, and video games are going to progress one way or another.
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The problem is hack journalists/influencers now will use that as an excuse to say games like Mario and Sonic and Pokémon have simply bad stories mainly because they can’t tell the difference between something bad and something simple!
PS: I only had those 4 franchises in the tags, but just because they are the examples I used. There are still other ongoing video games with minimalist writing I can name:
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon
Ratchet and Clank
Even Mortal Kombat and DOOM’s narrative is pretty minimalist!
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