#Jolly Rocker
ratatatastic · 3 months
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if you ever wondered yeah sasha is just terribly sweet thats just who he is
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Twitter | 6.25.24 (x)
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sweetjollylooks · 11 months
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Hiii!! I'm Osamu Dazai of the Armed Detective Agency! :3
Just checking out what this website's all about. And if anybody's looking for a double suicide partner, I meann..~
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This is a BSD roleplay acc!
Dazai uses He/They, the admin of the blog (@statics-white-noise) uses all pronouns (the admin relates to him and its a little concerning help)
Mod is a minor!!
Timeline is nondescript as of right now...
Guys. Fair warning. I'm gonna talk abt heavy topics here. It's Dazai.
Shipping asks are okay, but I mostly ship just SKK, Kunizai, or Kunichuuzai.. Souheki and maybe Nikozai are also okay ig! Also, Dazai might not answer as you want to some other ships..
Feel free to send asks, I'm just here for a jolly silly ol time!
Most posts will be in character, if they aren't, it'll be specified with an ooc tag.
Check here for the taken anon tags!
Also, feel free to tag me in stuff!!
Also also, I happen to run @upholderofjustice, @blood-soaked-amaryllis, @rocker-chuuya, @lordofcrimes, @drowninginbeauty, @no-story-what-a-shame, @shadow-of-the-heavens, @grapefarmersteinbeck, @honorablesouthernbelle, @escaped-clown, @littleginaku, @the-moby-dick, @littlelightsnow, @theazureapostle, @doatetcho, @the-guilds-southern-gentleman, @kyomidazai, @rockstar-belle, @fleeting-flawlessness and @rebel-poet!!
Bye for nowww, come back soon!!~
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icarusredwings · 2 months
Something The Cat Dragged In
A badly written COMEDY oneshot. (I have no clue how to write 11 or amy im sorry) No smut.
Posted: July 31st 2024.
Words: ~7,900
Ships: The Ponds, River/11/Simm
Prompt: The Doctor and River are trying to domesticate a feral Master with clicker training, and it's going about as well as you'd think.
This fic includes: Jealous 11, SFW worshiping kink, Horrible cat puns, Bondage, Amy being a freak, Pet play, Degrading, an Oblivious 11, and Mentions of Cheetah Virus changing a bored master's deoxyribonucleic structure. Consider that your trigger warning.
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“Are you sure this is safe?” The ginger man asked, hesitant about the scrappy man that the raggedy doctor had brought on board the TARDIS.
“Absolutely!” He chimed, the smile on his face clearly larger than how much trust he had in this situation being anywhere near ‘safe’.
He knew that smile. That was the ‘I'm lying because I don't want to tell the truth’ smile. The one you had to watch out for. So nervous that fibber was..
“Oh, Amy's going to kill you…”
“I'm sure she will! As for now-” Rory watched as the Doctor jumped around the TARDIS a bit, hitting buttons, pulling levers, twisting dials. The usual. What wasn't so usual though was the fact a half blonde man with about half an inch of dark roots was standing there, Glaring at him. Swallowing, He stepped to the left, and then more towards the Doctor, being tracked by his eyes. Something about the way he smirked with such wide teeth made a shiver run up his spine.
Look, He's met a lot of odd aliens and crazies at the hospital but this guy looked at him as if he'd eat him whole in one bite.
“Not now Rory! Busy!” Coming around, He seemed to have this be the entire plan, getting the drop on him as he spun behind him, clamping a thick metal bracelet around his wrist, holding it as he quickly clamped the other. “Hey!”
“There we go! That's better!”
Huffing, the man began to try to take off the bracelet only to emit a small red light and a beeping noise. “Take this off of me! Right now!”
“Yes! Take it off or i'll-”
“You'll what? Hm? Still in the habit of telling me your plans are we? God you've always been like that. So clever and yet.. so dull..”
“I am NOT dull! You're stupid bowtie is dull!”
“Hey! Bowties are cool. Now then, Rory this is-... er.”
“Say it.”
“Go on. Say it!”
Taking a breath, The Doctor knew that no matter what he said would be bad. If he introduced him as Koschei, He'd not rest until he at least stabbed him in one of his stomachs.
“Rory, Master. Master, Rory.”
With a great sense of pride, The Master grins ear to ear, Putting his hands out and bowing as if he had just introduced someone extremely important. Perhaps an old friend that once held such great respect but now it seems both of their minds have gone a bit off their rockers. More so the other's, but they both thought this.
“... should I be worried?”
“Oh, Yes.”
“Don't lie to them, Doctor! You and I both know what happens when I'm hungry..”
“Doctor? What's he mean by that?” Giving a look of concern, he backed away just slightly enough to trip over a loose wire. This fear seemed to please the blonde while the Doctor rolled his eyes. “Oh you are fine, I just fed you.”
“He's on a feeding schedule? Like… some kind of pet?”
“Do not speak of me like I am nothing but a pet!! I'm far beyond Your comprehensive abilities! Use your tongue to call me anything below your Master and It will surely be a mistake!”
“Yeah, About that, You're in charge of not letting me forget to feed him, okay? Jolly good, alright, Now! I do have to apologize, Your old room was destroyed but we have bunk beds! Cool right?” He rambled.
“Why do I have to make sure you remember?” Rory asks, scrunching his nose as he took another step forward.
“Do you want to find out?” The Master beamed, quite excited about teasing and gaining authority over the Doctor's fellow companions. If anything, They were pets. Not him.
“I wouldn't recommend that! Lets just say, You don't want to find out. Anywho! Back to what I was saying!” For a third time he turns to his old friend, new traveling buddy, hands clapped together politely.
“Your old room is busted. Gonzo! So you'll have to make a new one. Any requests?”
“Wait wait wait-”
“Good god, Rory what now? You're being quite rude!”
“You can't just bring someone aboard who's going to eat me and fly on by!”
“I thought we already established this. Keep up!”
“Yeah, keep up!” The Master shouted, egging the man on. “And if you can't, get off the ship! Do us all a favor and jump overboard.”
At this, he was met with a cross look and his ear being pulled. “Aye stop that! Now you're the one being rude!”
The days that followed weren't so simple. Between the Master trying to get out the front door, snapping at them, insulting everyone he met, refusing to eat certain things, and both Rory and Amy losing sleep with how much they argued, you could say that things were in fact not going well. The Doctor on the other hand said differently, claiming that it took time to get used to TARDIS living arrangements.
The thing that really got him rowdy though was his vaccines. Between scratching, cursing and kicking, it was a wonder how the Doctor was able to manage him at all, even if his methods weren't exactly filled with the most logic, some being closely related to rewards.
When the Master DID finally escape, his punishment was to wear a bell. That's it. A normal bell. Quite a large one though. Suited more for a large dog then a cat.
When he purposely shoved all the trinkets and containers off of the top of the fridge in order to sit on top of it, The Doctor made him a loft to lay on with his own window.
This seemed to have worked for a while, watching the stars as they floated by. But then when the problem arose of him not eating, The Doctor gave him a bean bag chair hoping having his own special spot would make him feel better.
But it didn't. If anything he only ripped it up, purposely destroying it. Coming back to the TARDIS to that kind of mess was enough for Amy to suggest getting rid of him or perhaps caging him up when they left but the Doctor was just in awe at how relaxed he was, snoring ever so softly while lounging on his loft as if he were purring from curing his boredom for the day.
“Aww Amy.. I couldn't. Look how happy he is.”
“He trashed the TARDIS! I thought you said you were going to take care of him?”
“I am! It's just… oh what's that word?”
“Nothing is impossible.” He says, shaking his head.
“But you said that tons of times..”
“And yet none of them were true!” He says, wagging a finger. “I just have to think.”
So he thought. What else could he do? The Master was bound to rebel. That's been proven already.
“Well you better do it soon or else he's going to rip up your fez next..” this gave him an idea.. quite a large one at that.
“Oh Rory!! Wonderful Rory!” He says, grabbing his face as he holds him tight with that excited but manic glint.
“That's just what he needs!”
The two watched as the Doctor ran off to the console, trying to jump over the billions of beads only to slip, Falling for only a moment, popping back up over on the other side.
“A .. fez??”
“No!- well. Yes. But no. You'll see! Now go on. Don't you have erm-” he waved his hand at them, his brain doing that thing where his words were all jumbled up inside, making it difficult to speak. “Kissing to do? Or something? Don't worry about me I got a lot of cleaning up to do and- OH yes! Amy, are you finished playing that game with the rope? You know, the one you told me about?”
The ginger man's eyes widened greatly as he gave his wife a look of terror. The kind you only get when your head was screaming ‘WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT?!’
The woman now blushed, Crossing her arms as she returned the look to her husband, implying that she had everything under control. “You mean that one where we pretend to be Fenrir and see how long it takes to get untied?”
“Yes!” He snapped his fingers. “That one! Quite a loud game is it not? Anywho- Can I have the rope back? I'm glad you two wish to practice kidnapping safety but I'm afraid In this era people are going more with handcuffs then rope.”
Amy's eyes became brighter, the kind that scared her husband to death.
“Handcuffs you say?”
“It seems in most situations they're used more often than rope nowadays.”
“Is that so?”
“..Why are you asking like that?”
“I was just wondering…What if we practiced getting out of handcuffs instead then? It would make a lot more sense to practice with modern tools then-”
“Oh will you SHUT up!? Get a room will you?! God. It's bad enough I'm stuck here with you two. I don't want to hear that either!”
Glancing up, the Doctor grinned seeing the Master awake and his same cranky self.
“Oh, be nice! They do have a room!...Still don't know why you'd ever want me to take out the bunk beds though…” he muttered this last part, rubbing his chin.
“Soooo….Doctor? Cuffs?” Amy started, rocking back on her heels.
“Oh yes! Here you are.” Tapping a button on the console, a small drawer popped out as he tossed two sets at the red head, Tapping another as a door in the wall opened up, revealing cleaning supplies. “Now, if you excuse me. I have work to do. And you mister! You're going to help me!” He shouts, only to be given a lazy bird and a “No i'm not.”
Sighing, the Doctor made a face of disappointment but wasn't surprised.
“I suppose you're not… Got it..”
It's been about 2 months since the Master joined their voyages. So far he's only had about 30 true crimes, and by that I mean he caught one of the homes they visted on fire.
About 53 “naughty” days. The Last week though? It's been secretly excellent. The Doctor thought that things were going great.
He's found that by giving the Master MORE freedom, he's actually learned how to behave quite a bit. It seems that separating him from the tasks of everyday life made him feel unwanted and untrusted (for obvious reason).
Hell, even he was shocked when told he was allowed to do important things.
Not only did he now have free range of the TARDIS but he was allowed to do mostly everything. He's even tried his luck at pushing buttons by sniffing around the other companions' rooms, knocking over and purposely misplacing things. All of which were met with a short talk and sometimes a hug.
This confused him greatly. He just broke something, why was he being forcibly hugged and then scolded? The Doctor would tell him to clean it up and if he didn't would get locked in the room (so he couldn't make another mess) forced to observe as the Doctor cleaned it himself.
He still had the bio bracelets so that he couldn't fully man the TARDIS but the Doctor began asking him to pull levers and asking his opinion on things. But why would the Doctor want his advice? He was a mere prisoner… usually captains of a ship didn't ask the people in the cellar for advice.
His bell had been kept on for safety reasons, mainly because he thought it was funny to chase Rory around until Amy came to spoil the fun by spraying him with a water pistol holding a liquid he couldn't quite place. Sometimes it stunk.
Once he opened his mouth to hiss at her and it went straight down his throat, cutting off the noise as he growled, only to realize it was sweeter than regular water. What was that? Sugar water?? No if it was sugar water it wouldn't stink like that..
Looking out his window, he was content as he watched the stars pass by, not entirely sure of what planet they were at but had a close enough idea of which solar system they were in. He could feel that they were extremely far from earth, further then that pathetic planet pluto, further than alpha centauri, and even further than Estello Aqualo, a planet full of nothing but water inhabitants.
Oh how he hated water planets. He much preferred reddish orange planets like Mars, Jupiter And Saturn. They reminded him of home… and the fact that blue was SO Last millenia-
While laying up here, up on his metal loft, He was mindlessly thinking, something he couldn't often do because of the constant thumping in his head but he's found that these bracelets dimmed the sound into a small tap rather than a thump of a hammer against his skull. He still heard it, oh yes he definitely could but it was much softer. Almost like a lullaby.
Lazily tossing the Doctor's ridiculous fez up and down, he wondered if the Doctor would be able to ever take it away… Rassilon only knew just how threaded the beat been woven into his life. And as much pain as it has caused him… He couldn't help but wonder…
What would he be without it?
Would he go back to being who he was before? An innocent child hoping, praying, Waiting until the day he received his Time Robes and was given his own TARDIS 60? Until he was gifted the honor of having his own team to command?
A team of his friends?
Until he was on the same team as Theta…?
He could never stand with the Doctor. Never fully on the same team but yet- He sat up. They reminded him of those cartoons he watched when on earth.
Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner.
Iron Man and Captain America.
Batman and Joker.
The Master looked at the hat in his hands, pondering if he should put it on.. or perhaps throw it out the window! Or…
“Has anyone seen my Fez? I seem to have misplaced it.”
“Have you checked your room?”
“I've checked my bunk, yes. I've also checked the clothing closet and storage rooms.”
Listening from above, he let out a deep sigh, hoping down with a clattering of the TARDIS grate underneath. Being glanced at, He took a few steps forward, handing him the hat.
“Wha- Oh! Thank you!” Taking the fez he smiled, putting it on as if he seemed incomplete without it only to quickly hug him before bouncing off to what ever nonsense he was up to now.
Returning the hug, He didn't seem to notice until Rory stood there, Staring at him with an open mouth.
“What?” He grunted.
“Spit it out you ape.”
“..You returned his hat..”
“Congratulations. You have eyes.”
“No no no, I mean… you returned his hat.. and hugged him..”
“He hugs all of us all the time, whats your point? If you say something stupid like friendship im going to stab you.”
“But today you hugged back. You never hug back.”
“And? so Wh- Oohh ….” Now freezing, He blinked. He did do that.. didn't he? Why did he do that?!
Why did he give it to him so easily? He didn't even ask for it back and he just.. handed it to him? And not only the hat but he returned his hug too?
….Why did I do that?
Now the two stared at each other, both worried and concerned on different levels for opposite things. One worried if he was getting soft, or possibly being brainwashed, the other concerned that he was about to lose an arm.
The silence only broke when he looked at his hands and muttered “Am I sick?? Don't answer that!”
Opening his mouth to reply, Rory immediately shut it, Nodding softly in understanding. While he was quite a brave man, he was smart enough to know that the Master WOULD in fact eat him. And the Doctor couldn't save him forever…
For the next couple of days, he thought about this heavily, deciding that next time he would rip up the hat on purpose. Yeah that'll show him! As for now, He had been standing by the control console, looking at the destination only to scrunch up his nose.
Oh great. Earth. 44 BCE. Just what they needed. More interactions with uncivilized humans fighting over politics… at least this would be entertaining. Assassinations always were when they succeeded.
Coming up to the console, The Doctor clicked a few things, Petting part of the tubing with a happy hum. The hum was slow and sounded like something he'd heard many many years ago. Something of taste. Yawning, He listened to the humming until the Doctor walked off to do something else before unconsciously bee lining for his room.
Climbing into the top bunk (The Doctor had the bottom one whenever he did decide to sleep so it was barely used.) The Master pulled the blankets up around him. Tugging his pillow close, closing his eyes. It didn't take long until he started making rhymed breaths, a rumbling in his chest and throat starting to form from the amount of comfort under the thick blanket.
He got cold easily, as most Gallifreyans did due to the natural heat that they grew up with. Even during his time as Prime Minister he wore layers. Lots of them, blankets in the Limos and curling up to Lucy in an attempt to steal what little warmth humans had. Why the Doctor favored London, a cold, rainy and cloudy place? He'd never know. He prefered somewhere warm. Usually the warmer, the more interesting beasts to see scare small children.
A few moments later he stopped the purring, opening his eyes with a confused “Wait a minute..” look. Why was he sleeping? He wasn't even tired and it was 1 in the afternoon. His regular nap time wasn't until 4.
What in all things unholy was going on?? Did the Doctor do this? A curse perhaps? Was it these?
Rolling over, he looked at the metal on his wrists and for the 14th time he began to gnaw on the bracelets, growling in frustration. What was going on!? Whatever it was, he didn't like it… Mmh…Oh well. He was already there.
The next day, a certain clattering of pans made him perk up. He was swinging in his rope hammock, batting at the decorations that the Doctor specifically told him not to mess with, climbing on them, tugging them, kicking them, biting them, etc.
Anything to try and ruin it but it was proving to be quite difficult to do and not be caught seeing as it was thick enough to not break easily.
Sure, he could just rip them down with the strength he had but that would be no fun. It would cut the fun by 78% actually. He'd already done the math. Whenever someone could come in, He'd instantly stop and pretend to be innocently snoozing.
The pang of pans though? That was enough to bring him down. Climbing out of his swing, the Master followed the noise, coming to the kitchen as he sat at the table, the chair specifically to the left side, separated from the others. A nice pillow on his chair as well.
Honestly he was quite proud of this one. The Master had thrown a fit for hours straight until the Doctor gave him a special chair and now he sat in it like a king peering over his subjects (when in truth, It's just because everyone else was too scared to sit next to him while he ate, afraid they'd get snapped at or bitten if the Master thought they wanted his food)
Sitting here, he waited. Patiently at first but his patience was quickly running out when seeing no one else was coming. Hadn't they heard? Were they not hungry? Well good. He'd simply have it all then. There was no waste on this ship. None at all thanks to him, except when it came to pickles or cucumbers. He hated them. They looked and smelled foul enough for him to hiss, gag, and vomit all at once.
Eventually, his patience grew tired as he looked to the redheaded woman who dropped these pans everyday. For some reason, the Doctor kept these pans up high and getting them down was a nightmare, even for him.
You had to move the pans in order to get the plates behind them. Honestly, the kitchen's arrangement system made him think of the time the Doctor used to store his robes with his socks and his shirts with his underwear.
Who did that??
“Where is everyone?” He asked her, in which turn she turned to glance at him, having heard the jingling of his bell already.
“What do you mean?”
“It's time for a meal…yes?”
“No?? it's 3 pm. Why would you think it's time for dinner already?” She asked.
The Master paused.. Why did he think it was time? Wait, why did he come in here in the first place?
Oh yes! The pans.
“You.. dropped the pans.” It was said with a questioning tone at the end more than a statement.
“Yeah? I drop them every time because this kitchen is an utter mess.”
As much as he didn't want to admit it, Amy was right. This place was a disaster. If he didn't enjoy the chaos of watching the humans try to figure out the unorganized kitchen he'd say screw it and fix it himself. But what fun would that be?
“What do you want anyway?” She grumbled.
“You heard me. What do you want? What stupid little plan do you have now? Come to remind me how dumb I am for dropping everything? Going to threaten to eat me? ...Again?”
The master blinked, tilting his head.
“Well… No I-” Wait.. How dare she speak to him like that! But.. yeah.. why did he come to the sound of the pans? It was odd. Even For him. Perhaps he got his hours mixed up?- No. It was something more than that. Something he wasn't able to figure out.
Seeing the confusion on his face, Amy frowned, now feeling a little bad. “Oh… Are you hungry? Do you want a snack or..something?”
“It's just that.. you ran in here like a cat hearing a can of tuna being opened.”
“What!? I did not!”
“Oh you SO did. Here, I'll ask the Doctor where he keeps the snacks for you, okay?”
“What do I look like a dog?”
“He mentioned something about buffalo lungs the other day.”
As if hearing a magic word, He smiled at her widely, the kind he only did when actually excited. “He did? Where?”
“But I dont know if they're yours or his… he eats some pretty weird stuff.”
“Aye! Are you insulting our culture?”
“Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it, bellboy? He's not going to give you a treat if you keep misbehaving.”
Glaring, his arms crossed. “...You're the one being rude.. the Doctor says I'M not allowed to be rude so why can you? God he was always a hypocrite..”
“Look just-” But before she could continue, he heard a different noise. A known squeak of an in-need-of-oil door. Turning away, he ignored her, taking off towards the door.
“Typical..” she sighed, figuring she might as well go see if the Doctor would share his snacks or not, just incase he came back.
Running through the TARDIS Involved jumping over a couple of things and coming to a stop as he saw that curly headed woman standing in the doorway holding a box.
Stepping deeper into the TARDIS, Her heels tapped, No- Clicked against the tile, humming as she spun around what looked to be a set of keys on a colorful keychain. She was sporting a sun hat and far less clothing than he remembered her from last time. His nose scrunched at the smell of sun lotion.
Peering out the door, he seen tons of reddish tinted sand and a sky of orange, yellow, pink. A sea of red. A large pink moon, visible in the sky from where he stood. Where were they? When did they land?
“Ah ah ah- Not so fast Kitty. Where do you think you're going?” She asks, smirking with that type of affection that the Doctor would give him at times before snapping the door closed. It was so annoying..
Beginning to glare from the nickname, a quiet growl rose in his throat. She called him this because of the bell around his neck and the fact that she had caught him “purring” in his sleep, when OBVIOUSLY it was snoring. Duh.
“Why are you here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, pumpkin.”
His nose scrunched further, Tilting his head like a confused puppy, the way the Doctor does at times. “Why are you calling me a squash?”
“It's a form of endearment! I er- I think?”
Turning, He rolled his eyes. Oh great. Someone else who was annoying- Though… He looked.. different today. His hair was pushed back and shiney, probably with gel. He had that hideous footwear on again too, but now he was wearing a half opened blue palm tree shirt with parrots and coconuts on it. For a moment he was going to question why his shirt was half undone but saw him quickly trying to finish buttoning it up.
“Hello, Sweetie.”
“H-hi” His friend stuttered, trying to stay focused on his buttons and not the fact River was in a two piece and a small cover up tied around her waist.
“What's the rush? You act like you don't want me seeing you.”
“Oh n-No! Nothing like that! Not at all I just thought-”
River leaned in close to his face, that same smirk plastered onto her lips.
“You thought you wanted to make me work for it… Didn't you? Want me to rip it off with my teeth? You naughty boy.”
“I-..” The Doctor swallowed, looking as if he malfunctioned, like a restarting cellphone.
The Master made a fake gagging noise, rolling his eyes even harder as he pointed into his mouth.
“I thought I told you not to be rude?” Was the first thing the restarted phone said once it finished rebooting. Being scolded felt nice. All eyes in the room on him.
“What? I didn't even say anything this time.” He teased.
River smiled wider, fondly shaking her head as she handed him the small Rainbow clicky key chain. It was shaped like a slug and when you shook it, it made noise and moved in a slithering motion.
“You open that box, and it's yours, sweetie.”
“Why are you calling him sweetie?” He asked, stepping forward as If wanting attention too but she ignored him for now. She watched with a pleased grin as he took the box, looking at it, shaking it next to his ear.
“What is it?”
“.. I hate when you say that..”
“I know. I've been having some trouble with it. The box I mean” She explains, her boyfriend now cocking a brow, pouting that the Master was getting more attention then him. If he knew one thing about River, it's that his dear Melody would never give a box to a man if she had trouble opening it. She'd just blow the lock off with one of her fancy guns.
“No you're no-”
She kissed him, grabbing his bow tie and staining his lips that bright red that she wore often. During their kiss, one of his once flat hairs stuck up, flopping over into his face.
Pulling away, he took a breath, baffled at what in the world was going on.
Completely ignoring this, as this was common whenever River came by, The Master was sitting on the floor, shoving One of the dozen keys into the hole, jiggling them around, cursing under his breath whenever they didn't work. Blinking, The Doctor smiled seeing how entertained he was, leaning in close to the woman. “What actually is in that box, River?”
“Oh you two are so much alike. Too curious for your own good.”
“What? No. We're nothing alike.”
“Yes we are. I've been saying this for eons.” the man on the floor muttered, Putting his arms up in triumph as he got the right key out of the dozen.
“What is it?” The Doctor asks, trying to peer over his shoulder.
“It's mine, that's what!” He says, taking out a box all taped up in clear cellophane but he could see the label, grinning widely to himself, keeping it close so the Doctor couldn't see. He knew he'd want to take it away. River was always bringing him treats. As many times as she made him gag, he always knew that her heels meant something good.
Glancing at River with those big puppy eyes, she giggled, taking his arm as she whispered to him. “It's a knife.”
“A what?! Why would you give him that!? You know he's-”
“Ooh hush. Let him have some fun.”
“If by fun you mean killing your parents and possibly me then sure- River why would you-”
She kissed him again.
“Mh- Thank you but you can't just keep-”
And again.
“River!” He whined
And another.
By now, he's learned not to speak or else she'd kiss him a fourth time just to shut him up. Not like it was a bad thing but he really was concerned.
“There's a good boy. Now. Is operation cat-astrophe still happening?”
For a moment or two, he seemed confused until she put her head towards the Master in which he gasped, nodding. “Oh Yes!”
“I see that Door is a check.” She mumbles, remembering how quickly he came when the door was opened.
“We're working on that. Clicky treats is a go I suppose?”
“Mmmhm. You should have seen how happy he was to see me.”
“Good good.. Just wished you would've chosen a different gift..”
“Just watch And see, sweetheart. Goodness so impatient.” She whispered.
During this conversation, nothing else mattered to the Master except biting and tearing through these 10 layers of tape. Growling, he was becoming a bit frustrated, but it only seemed to make him work harder at it, sticking out his tongue for maximum brain operation.
“Oh I love when he makes that face.”
“What face??”
“With his tongue? It's like you and your glasses.”
“What? No-”
“AHA!!” He had finally ripped open the box, giggling to himself as he took his prize, quickly running off, probably to go attempt a murder.
“Hm. Well that lasted about 5 minutes…”
“How long do you think until he realizes it's bio locked?” She whispered, smirking like ever.
Staring at her, The Doctors grin grew. “Aahh I see.. you..”
“So that-”
“And now?”
“Yup.. aannnd here he comes.” She could hear the incoming jingling from his bell serving it's purpose.
Coming back to them both, he was pissed. He had just tried to stab Amy and nothing happened, The blade just went inside like one of those cheap toys from the supermarket. He felt the blade. It was real, not plastic, So why wasn't it working? It wasn't fair.
“What did you do to my knife!?”
“Whatever do you mean, Pumpkin?”
“Stop calling me a squash you witch! I can't stab anybody! What kind of present is that!?”
“Did you try stabbing… Things?” River says, raising her brows in a pleased, smugness.
“Things?” Pausing for a few seconds, He soon got the biggest shit eating grin, Running away a second time. Moments later, they heard a crash, laughing, and a loud “Hey!!”
The Doctor blinked. “...He just broke your mothers vase..”
“It was a hideous vase.”
“What? Now come on. We have some more training to do.”
Later, after the Master destroyed exactly 3 ceramic things, stabbed the table to death, ripped up all Rory's pillows, and used his new toy to cut up some cheese as a snack, He now was curious about the door again.
Sneaking towards it and looking outside like a cat that wanted to go out but was nervous he'd get scolded, he watched as the Doctor set up lounge chairs and towels on the beach.
Again the heels. Part of him became excited. He liked that clicking- But why? Since when did he like River?? He didn't. He didn't like anyone on this damned ship that he was prisoner to.
“Hi cupcake. You wanna go outside sweetpea?”
His eyebrows scrunched. “I'm not a baked goods… Or a flower. Are you insulting me?”
“Terms of endearment, dear. Remember? Anyway, Let's say you and me go outside hm?”
He looked at her with hesitance. She was being suspicious… He wasn't allowed outside. What was this? Some sort of test? Fine. He'd play their game.
“No… I'm not allowed outside.”
“Aww why not?”
“Cause..??” Was she stupid? Prisoners weren't allowed to leave. That's the whole point of his cuffs And collar. Kept on an invisible, metaphorical leash at all times.
“Well… The Doctor and I are going to sit on the beach. Do you want to come?”
The light in his eyes alone was enough to make River want to hug him to bits. Why were Time Lords so cute? Was it some sort of defense mechanism? Or was it the Feline Virus thing the Doctor told her about lingering in his genetic code?
Starting to nod, he quickly stopped, now playing with his hands. “no.. I'll get in trouble..” and just like that, that light died so soon. So short lived. Frowning, she almost felt pitiful for him. “That is true… but wait! Have you ever tried.. you know.. asking?”
“A-asking to go outside..?”
“He'll just say no. Every time I get out, I get in trouble.”
“But did you ask?”
Poking his fingers together, he made a sound that sounded uncertain. It broke her heart. Now she was going to scold her husband.
“Alright.. well.. if you want to come join us outside, All you have to do is ask. Mkay?”
And she took off her heels, setting them up on the TARDIS dash only to walk out barefoot, the red sands making footprints as she went.
Standing at the door, now he was really unsure. This felt like a trap.. why would she tease him with freedom like that? Why would she give him a knife? And for the love of god- Why did he get excited when he heard her heels clicking on the TARDIS floor?
Slowly, he peeks his head out of the TARDIS, looking around the planet, The sky, the waves, the footprints she left.
“Hey!” Becoming startled, he jumped a bit, ducking back into the blue box. He wasn't entirely sure if these cuffs would electrocute him if he left or not.. even though Amy joked about them being shock bracelets… The Doctor couldn't do that..
“Do you want a Jelly worm?!” This was shouted from about 50 feet away by a man with his shirt half unbuttoned, holding a bag of candies while River slathered sunscreen all over him.
“I think theyre called Gummy worms, dear.” She mumbled.
“I'm certain they're called jelly worms.”
“Oh yeah? Read the package.”
Looking at the pack, He pouted. “Jelly worms sound cooler.”
Blinking, The Master wondered if he was talking to him or someone else.
“Yeah! You want a ‘Gummy worm'?!”
“What’s a gummy worm?! Can... I come outside?” This was asked in speaking tone rather then a shout.
“What's a gum-! You know what.. nevermind.” he mumbled, frowning as he stepped a foot on the sand, wincing, expecting his wrists to send electromagnetic shocks through his arms. But nothing happened.
Discovering this, he ran out of the TARDIS, circling round it before coming towards the other two, grinning.
“What's a gummy worm?”
“Its a jelly worm.”
“Oh! Yeah. Gummy Worm sounds stupid.”
He mumbled, being given a few of the candies. Glancing at River, The Doctor had a smug look, wiggling his eyebrows at her as she rolled her eyes, smiling.
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” He shoved one in his mouth. “I think-” another “-they're called jelly worms.” A third one.
“That's what I said! See?”
“Everyone else calls them Gummy worms because they're made with xanthan gum.”
“Like Xanax?”
“What!? No!” She laughed. “Goodness. You had some fun as Prime Minister didn't you?”
“What's Xanax?? Is that a fancy drink?” The Doctor asked, shoving some worms in his mouth as the two looked at each other as if mentally playing rock paper scissors to see which unlucky soul got to teach the Doctor about recreational drugs.
“Seeya-” He said, taking off.
“Ah you gotta be kitten me.” She smirks and the Doctor gives her a look as if to say ‘Really?’ Only to giggle too.
“That's just claw-ful!”
River gave a chuckle before sighing.
“Well.. looks like it's just you and me, sweetheart..”
“Fur-ever?” He held out his pinky, smirking as he raised his eyebrows a few times. River giggled, rolling her eyes only to take the pinky, bringing the intertwined fingers up to her lips.
“Fur-ever. Till the end?”
“Until the end of time and more, my darling.” He would never be able to forget her.. not ever. How could he?
A few times, The Master would run away, doing circles, Zoomies as river called it but never seemed to get too far from the TARDIS, returning when offered more Jelly worms, each time recieving a praise and a snack for coming back to them.
Now he was becoming bored of the laps, even going as far as putting his toes curiously into the ocean, realizing that it was warm. Like a water bottle left out in the sun. This displeased him. He was already hot from his laps around the beach, he didn't want hot water all over his body. Hot was an understatement. If it were hot like the baths he'd not mind but it was the gross kind of warm. The kind that felt yucky on your skin. God he hated water..
It was then he realized that outside of the TARDIS he had free will, coming over to lift the Doctor's chair, dumping him over only to run away, manically laughing, giggling almost.
“What the-!?”
“Catch me if you dare!” He yelled, Dashing off, further and further away. A rush of adrenaline and freedom taking over him. This seemed like the start of a fun game… that was until he had run so far that he was panting and the TARDIS looked like a tiny dot from here.
Where was everyone on this planet anyway? He'd come all this way and not seen a single person. Not a hint of a town, and definitely not a city. Part of him cursed the Doctor for taking him to a deserted solar system with no one to play with- and on top of that, For not chasing after him. He knew how this game worked, didn't he? One ran, the other chased. It's been like this for thousands of years.
So why not now? Was it because of that woman? The daughter of Amelia Pond? This still confused him greatly. He understood the concept of time travel, duh, but what confused him is why her parents would let her marry A dingus like the Doctor. I mean really? Why did she lower her standards?*
Eventually, curiosity killed the cat. He ran as far as he could, trying to find any forms of life, only finding himself alone. Completely and utterly abandoned it seemed. This puzzled him. Why would the Doctor want to come here? There was nothing but a waste land of sand.
Later, When he came back into the TARDIS painting, sweating, and whining from all that walking and running. He shut the door, collapsing on the floor as he laid there, feeling her cool air coming up from the grates and her cold metal against his skin.
Just because Gallifreyans were resistant to heat didn't mean that going out in the blazing sun with a black hoodie was a good idea. Especially not when there wasn't anywhere to go. Not even a tree in sight.
“Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in.” The curly haired woman says, Smiling as she sat next to the Doctor on the torn up sofa that they apparently had moved into the TARDIS control room. (For whatever reason)
They probably had just finished kissing (or got interrupted) seeing as there was lipstick smeared over the Doctors lips and he doubted heavily that the doctor applied it himself… He wasn't THAT much of an idiot… He knew how to appropriately apply lipstick.. even he knew that.
“Why didn't you tell me there wasn't anything out there!?”
“We figured you'd find out for yourself sooner or later” The Doctor says, Scooting over, Trying to wipe the lipstick off of him only to smear it onto his hand and cuff.
“Who's we? Come're baabbyyy” River coed, putting her arms out to him.
Without a second to think about it, he began to scramble over to her only, crawling the few feet only to stop dead in his tracks. What the fuck was he doing? And why?
Sure he's laid between them multiple times to purposely frustrate them, but now it seemed as if they were welcoming him with literal open arms. Why? Cocking a brow, He himself was now frustrated, why were they being so… Kind.. to him? For what? His thinking soon sufficed when called for again.
“Come on. Come to mommy. What did that mean man do to you, hm?” She coed.
“I am not! He's just… bad!”
“Oh he's not bad! He's bored.”
"Yeah! There's a difference!" He awnsered And just like that, in her lap he went, being sure to push the Doctor away from her with his feet, trying to be a menace as much as possible, laying his head in her lap as he stared up at her. Petting his head, she giggled, talking to him further to make him feel pampered and praised. If there was one thing she knew, The Master adored being worshipped and given attention. Ignoring him made things 10 times worse, so she's learned that if she petted him long enough he would go to sleep and she could talk to her dear husband some more before the little gremlin woke up.
“What did he do, hm?? So cruel. Leaving you out there all alone?” River smirked as he already was droopy lidded, nodding softly along with the words.
“I did not. It's his fault for running off.”
“Oooh he's done nothing wrong.”
“... It's really hard to teach him when you keep enabling him, love..”
“That's why it's called Paw-sitive reinforcement, Doctor.” She said this in a sing-songy voice, Letting him get comfy as he turned over, Subconsciously nuzzling up to her hands and stomach.
Truth be told, he could care less what they were talking about right now. He was far too tired to listen to them bicker, using it as white noise, hoping it would drown out the drums that pounded in his head every waking moment of existence.
While they were faint, they were still there. At the back of his mind, like trying to smash through a 2 foot thick wall of ice, bound to break eventually, but right now, they gave him comfort. A constant reminder of who he was and that if anything was real? It was the pounding.
The warmth of her hands also gave him comfort, running her pointed red nails through his bleached blonde and trailing up and down his back through his hoodie.
A few minutes pass and the Doctor is now staring at them with a fond look, a shallow pang of jealousy but he wasn't sure about who. He was jealous of River for being able to get HIS best friend so cuddly and he was jealous of the master for cuddling up to HIS wife. It made him want to take him from her, put him on his lap and let him sleep there instead, but also shove him off the couch and take his place. God this was so difficult. How did humans do this relationship thing? It was so… annoying yet.. wonderful! He wouldn't change it for the world. He was so sleepy and… beautiful.
“You're staring sweetie..”
The voice echoed through his brain once, then twice before he looked up. “Huh?”
“You're staring again… Don't worry. You'll get your turn.”
“Oooh so impatient.”
“No I mean- I.. When can I hold him?”
Her eyes widened, not aware that she had been hogging, let alone that he would want a turn at all. “Well… You can have him now if you'd like.”
“I..” Man this was embarrassing. “I think I'd like that.”
Carefully, They moved him from one lap to another, Which at first led to a protest of whining and gentle clawing**, Assuming he was falling off the couch.
“Shh shh shh. No honey. You're okay. You're just fine.” She whispered, pulling his hands away, trying to keep him from sitting up by putting her hand up under the thick sweater, scratching his back ever so gently the way he enjoyed before.
Letting out a sigh of relief, His shoulders dropped, curling up the way he liked in the Doctor's lap instead, a deep rumbling beginning from him. “.. He's so tired..”
“From all that running around, probably.” She whispered, enjoying his purring.
“No.. He's exhausted. His last regeneration went a bit..wonky. I don't even know if….If..” He trailed off, the way he did when he wanted to stop talking about something instead of when he forgot what he was saying.
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
Snickering, He shook his head. “No... I just.. even Time Lords can only take so much and..”
River knew. He watched him die. He burnt his body. He gave him a proper death ***ceremony- well.. about as proper as you could without others knowing.
“So it's a good thing you're taking care of him. Isn't it?”
“That's the thing. It's not that he can't do it himself, it's just that.. He's reckless..”
“Oh and I suppose we aren't?”
“River.. I don't.. I thought I was the last one for so long. I..” He took a breath, swallowing. She could see the pain and fear in his eyes.
“I can't go back to that.. Hell. For the last few months, I've been spraying him with-”
“Doctor..” She muttered a warning, noticing that the purring had stopped, but he continued.
“Catmint tea just so he'd calm down enough to-”
“You've been spraying me WITH TEA!? THIS ENTIRE TIME?!”
The woman smiled innocently, seeing the murderous glares.
“Whoops! Cats out of the bag.”
“River-! Not now!”
*just wait until he finds out she married Jack Harkness while he had the doctor caged up LOL
** clutching/ trying to hold on, he does not have retractable nails.
*** Like Torvic's. Thats why it hurt so bad.
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Series info:
Book 1 of My Weird School
Book 2: Mr. Klutz is Nuts!
Book 3: Mrs. Roopy is Loopy!
Book 4: Ms. Hannah is Bananas!
Book 5: Miss Small is Off the Wall!
Book 6: Mr. Hynde is Out of His Mind!
Book 7: Mrs. Cooney is Loony!
Book 8: Ms. LaGrange is Strange!
Book 9: Miss Lazar is Bizarre!
Book 10: Mr. Docker is Off His Rocker!
Book 11: Mrs. Kormel is Not Normal!
Book 12: Ms. Todd is Odd!
Book 13: Mrs. Patty is Batty!
Book 14: Miss Holly is Too Jolly!
Book 15: Mr. Macky is Wacky!
Book 16: Ms. Coco is Loco!
Book 17: Miss Suki is Kooky!
Book 18: Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers!
Book 19: Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles!
Book 20: Mr. Louie is Screwy!
Book 21: Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up!
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Meet the 2P characters of HH/HB
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Property of Helluva Scribe/Kathy Prior 42
Reverse Locations:
 Haven Hotel (Opposite Hazbin Hotel)
Holy Halo City (Opposite Pentagram City)
E.L.F. Headquarters (Opposite I.M.P. Headquarters)
Humility Halo (opposite Pride Ring)
Charity Halo (opposite Greed Ring)
Chasity Halo (opposite Lust Ring)
Kindness Halo (opposite Envy Ring)
Temperance Halo (opposite Gluttony Ring)
Patience Halo (opposite Wrath Ring)
Diligence Halo (Opposite Sloth Ring)
Woo-Hoo Land (opposite Loo-Loo Land)
 Currency: souls (Hell) spirits (Heaven)
    Haven Hotel:
 2P Charlie Magne/Charlie Morningstar – Coercea Eveningstar (has a crush on Adam the Exorcist, teal suit, black hair, sharp fangs, violent, evil, prideful)
 2P Angel Dust – Devil Grit (dark fur, hates sex, straight)
 2P Alastor – Stalaro (blue and white, cowardly, sad, loves dubstep and sex, Techno Angel, loves sweets and tea)
 2P Vaggie – Phalla (loves men and hates to fight)
 2P Niffty – Klutzy (lazy, rude, gluttonous, lesbian, water/ice powers)
 2P Husk – Core (white cat, friendly)
 2P Valentino – Valentine
 2P Vox – Nil
 2P Velvet - Ashen
 Lucius and Lilian – Coercea’s angel parents, counterparts of Lucifer and Lilith
 2P Travis – Sivart
 2P Egg Bois – Hatchlings
 2P Baxter – Baker (the artist/animal lover, uses science for good)
 2p Crymini – Joymaxi the Heavencat popstar
 2P Mimzy (miserable and flimsy) – Jueva (joyful/strong)
 2P Sir Pentious – Bold Egull (bald eagle angel) (originally Anguis/snake)
 2P Cherri Bomb – Berri Blossom
 2P Razzle and Dazzle – Pub and Chub (Coercea’s rocker cherub lackeys, creepy babies)
 2P Katie Killjoy – Catie Carejoy
 2P Tom Trench – Ron Wrench
 2P Helsa von Eldritch – Seraphia (fiery angel princess bird)
 2P Seviathan von Eldritch – Enochsera (fiery prince)
 2P Rosie – Violeta
 2P Roo – Moo (cow, instead of and kangaroo trash-loving, hungry, Australian demon) likes vegetables and being proper
 2P Molly – Holly
 2P Fat Nuggets – Thin Tenders (Devil Grit’s boar)
 2P Adam and Lute – (Eva and Harp white anti-exorcists)
   Heavenly Boss: (in order of appearance)
 2P Blitzo – Docile
 2P Moxxie – Tirred
 2P Millie – Timmid
 2P Loona – Sunna
   2P Eddie – Ellie
  0 0 0
 “Savior Family”
 Mrs. Mayberry (good alternate universe)
 2P Jarold – James
 2P Ralphie – Ralph
 2P Martha – Mary
  0 0 0
  “Woo-Hoo Land”
 2P Octavia – Quartet
 2P Robo Fizz – Bio Rizz
 2P Wally Wackford – Sully Serious
 2P Fizzaroli – Rizzafoli
 2P Queef - Feeuq
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika) and Lord Menadel
  0 0 0
 “Autumn Intact”
 2P Verosika - Veronica
 Kiva Perdera
 Kiva Perdera’s cherubs
 2P Vortex – Portal
 0 0 0
 2P Lyle Lipton – Kyle Kipton
 2P Loopty Goopty – Straight Nate
 2P Cletus (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Erebos (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Collin (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Devvin (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Keenie (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Dammna (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Deerie – Doe-Doe
 0 0 0
  “Sowing Sun Festival”
 2P Striker – Soother
 2P Joe – Max
 2P Lin – Min
 2P Sallie May – Polly Pax (deaf, expert in sign language)
 Lord Menadel
 2P Billie May, Willie May, Tillie May, and Killie May (Millie’s siblings) – Polly Pax, Molly Pax, Holly Pax, Jolly Pax, Dolly Pax ( “Tolly” Timmid’s siblings)
 0 0 0
 “Lying Inductees”
 2P Agent One (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative One (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S.)
 2P Agent Two (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative Two (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S)
 0 0 0
 2P Asmodeus/Ozzie – Archangel Uriel-Uri
    0 0 0
 Future/other characters:
 2P Barbie Wire – Holly Dove
 2P Cash Buckzo/Blitzo’s Father – Deferent
 2P Tilla/Blitzo’s Mother – Allie
 2P Joe and Lin – Max and Min
 2P Andrealphus – Damabiah (65th duck-like angel of the 72 angels, opposite of Andrealphus, representing sun and summer)
 2P Crimson Knolastname - Turquoise
 2P “Rosa” Knolastname/Moxxie’s Mother – Teal
 2P Chaz Turman – Zach (letters mixed)
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika), Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Chamuel, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Lord Menadel etc.
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
Ordell theme teams:
Nightclub theme teams for my boy Ordell.
Normally I avoid putting oc stuff in the main tag if canon characters/story beats aren't referenced in it but there are some references to some of the characters in there lol.
Aloha to the Alola:
Ashen Beach, singles
Primarina Nickname: Star (Torrent, Bold, Choice Specs, Surf, Moonblast, Psychic, Hidden Power)
Incineroar Nickname: Belt (Intimidate, Brave, Leftovers, Fake Out, Flare Blitz, Darkest Lariat, U-Turn)
Decidueye Nickname: Step (Shiny, Long Reach, Brave, Leftovers, Nature Power, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Leaf Blade)
Lycanroc (Dusk) Nickname: Rocker (Tough Claws, Adamant, Life Orb, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Crunch, Stomping Tantrum)
Alolan-Raichu Nickname: Pancake (Surge Surfer, Timid, Life Orb, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam)
Dusk Mane Necrozma Nickname: Lightshow (Prism Armor, Jolly, Ultranecrozium Z, Sword Dance, Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike, Outrage)
Blast from the past:
Holy Field, doubles
Eevee Nickname: Pearl (Shiny, Anticipation, Timid, Eevium-Z, Last Resort, Baton Pass, Substitue, Stored Power)
Ribombee Nickname: Polaris (Shield Dust, Modest, Magical Seed, Pollen Puff, Dazzling Gleam, Nature Power)
Minior Nickname: Fallenstar (Shiny, Shields Down, Jolly, White herb, Shell Smash, Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Self Destruct)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Jolly, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron head)
Aegislash Nickname: Hero (Stance Change, Adamant, Leftovers, Iron Head, Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, Sword Dance)
Salamance Nickname: Skyspectre (Intimidate, Modest, Salamencite, Dragon Pulse. Hyper Voice, Heat Wave, Hidden Power Steel)
One Step At A Time 1:
New World Field, Singles
Delphox Nickname: Fluff (Shiny, Magician, Modest, Magical Seed, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Wish)
Chatot Nickname: Forgiveness (Keen Eye, Timid, Magical Seed, Boomburst, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Encore)
Walrein Nickname: Big Boy (Thick Fat, Modest, Leftovers, Rest, Sleep Talk, Toxic, Aurora Beam)
Umbreon Nickname: Brotherhood (Shiny, Synchronize, Impish, Leftovers, Wish Toxic, Throat Chop, Protect)
Absol Nickname: Dreamer (Pressure, Jolly, Absolite, Sucker Punch, Sword Dance, Mega Horn, Play Rough
Silvally Nickname: Redemption (RKS System, Quirky, Magical Seed, Multi Attack, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Rest)
One Step At A Time 2:
Holy Field, singles:
Audino Nickname: Healer (Regenerator, Bold, Audinite, Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Voice, Wish, Flamethrower)
Sylveon Nickname: Gemstone (Pixilate, Bold, Magical Seed, Wish, Swift, Heal Bell, Psyshock)
Ditto Nickname: Funky (Importer, Quirky, Choice Scarf, Transform, Transform, Transform, Transform)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Jolly, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron head)
Toxicroak Nickname: Spike (Dry Skin, Jolly, Life Orb, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance)
Arceus Nickname: Puppy (Multitype, Modest, Magical Seed, Judgement, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Recover)
New Game+:
Rainbow Field, Singles
Magmotar Nickname: FlameDra (Flame Body, Timid, Magical Seed, Flamethower, Solar Beam, Hidden Power (Ice), Thunderbolt)
Hawlucha Nickname: Halse (Mold Breaker, Adamant, Flying Gem, Acrobatics, High Jump Kick, Sword Dance, Poison Jab)
Yanmega Nickname: Raidra (Speed Boost, Modest, Magical Seed, Air Slash, Silver Wind, Hidden Power (Water), Protect)
Clefable Nickname: Pegasus (Shiny, Magic Guard, Quiet, Leftovers, Moon Blast, Hidden Power (Ground), Wish, Cosmic Power)
Jirachi Nickname: Nerferti (Shiny, Serene Grace, Jolly , Leftovers, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Rest, Sleep Talk)
Mimikyu Nickname: Magna (Disguise, Jolly, Mimikium-Z, Sword Dance, Shadow Sneak, Play Rough, Drain Punch)
Hi Hungry, I'm Dad:
Glitch Field, Singles
Tentacruel Nickname: Familiar (Clear Body, Bold, Black Sludge, Surf, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin)
Ditto Nickname: Funky (Importer, , Quirky, Choice Scarf, Transform, Transform, Transform, Transform)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Rash, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Flamethrower)
Audino Nickname: Healer (Regenerator, Impish, Audinite, Last Resort, Wish)
Toxicroak Nickname: Spike (Dry Skin, Jolly, Life Orb, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance)
Gardevoir Nickname: Stargaze (Shiny, Synthetic Seed, Stored Power, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Wish)
Aloha to the Alola:
Theme Name
Blast from the past:
Holy field in reference to his past in the Sanctum.
Eevee in reference to him owning an Eevee before fleeing to Alola.
Ribombee in reference to and honor of Taube.
Minior in reference of team Meteor.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris.
Aegislash in reference to Mirage Tower.
Salamance in reference to and honor Elena.
One Step At A Time 1:
One step at a time 1 involves all the characters of his past who he is rebuilding bridges with as well as Lin.
New World Field in reference to new beginnings.
Delphox in reference to Ace.
Chatot in reference to Taka.
Umbreon in reference to Zero.
Absol in reference to Luna
Walrein in reference to Blake
Silvally in reference to Lin.
One Step At A Time 2:
One step at a time 2 involves all the characters of his past who he is rebuilding bridges, but specifically the ones that have to do with hiss religious background and dealing with loss/the death of someone.
Holy field in reference to his past regarding religion.
Audino in reference to his father, Hiram.
Sylveon in reference to his twin, Divers.
Ditto in reference to his uncle, Elias.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris.
Toxicroak in reference to Corey.
Arceus in reference to his past with religion.
New Game+:
The name is a play on him restarting his adventure in Reborn who he had left behind and beginning anew. The team references the most important people he met in his journey. (Specifically those who helped shape his journey and those who he is very closest with)
Rainbow field because haha gay joke.
Magmotar in reference to his boyfriend, Cal.
Hawlucha in reference to his girlfriend, Alistasia.
Yanmega in reference to Shelly.
Clefable in reference to Noel.
Jirachi in reference to Anna.
Mimikyu in reference to Shade.
The names of the pokemon are a reference to this from my favorite media.
Hi Hungry, I'm Dad:
This team is a dad joke.
The Glitch Field is used because it's using the older gens stuff.
Tentacruel in reference to his adoptive father, Hal
Ditto in reference to his uncle, El.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris
Audino in reference to his father, Hiram
Toxicroak in reference to Corey.
Gardevoir in reference to Radomus.
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Wait. Does that mean the only reason that Jay approached Cole, as apposed to the usual startled running away, is because he was high off his rocker? Because that's hilarious
Jay waltzed up to Cole, said "yeurahuman-" and fell over while Cole was losing his mind.
Like what. What. What? What. What.
This (puny) centaur just approached you like he's been your neighbor for the past 10 years and you're jolly good friends and have the subtly of a wobbly carrot.
Cole considered running away, but he decided against when he saw Jay fall over and thought he was poisoned or dying.
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nightafternightpod · 2 years
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It's finally time to talk about one of the more infamous (and sponsor-losing!) episodes of the show! NEW POD, FOLKS! :D
Laverne & Shirley are delighted by the arrival of rockers Derek DeWoods (Eric Idle) and London (Peter Noone) from chart toppers London's Bridges at Cowboy Bills one afternoon. Starstruck fans that they are, they introduce themselves to the fellas, reciting snippets from the back of their record jackets all the way. Charmed, the boys invite them to a house party (on Blue Jay Way!) they're throwing.
At the party, Derek and London, encouraged by bandmate Malcom (Stephen Bishop), soon realize there's an easy solution to the tax troubles they've been having -- dueling green card marriages. That'll free up their finances so they can buy some castles! Sniffing about for easy marks, they set their sights on the girls -- after Laverne and Shirley have accidentally imbibed one pot brownie too many. Stoned to the gills, the girls are whisked away to Vegas for a fast wedding. Will they say those two little words or will their inebriation keep them from marital bliss once more?!
Meanwhile, Lenny and Squiggy meet mary jane at the party's 'jolly room,' and only Lenny enjoys the encounter.
On pod, we talk the '60s scene of the time, some backstory trivia thanks to one of the episode's writers (thanks Cindy Begel!), and pontificate what '70s director these rock n rolla's would be involved with.
Find at the usual haunts, y'all, even if Anchor has been ingested by Spotify properly now.
YT: https://youtu.be/U0jMyK1x7Bg Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-do-i-do-s6e13/id1511414778?i=1000603566545 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1ztHQ0pU2P0zIYE0I6UGZ3?si=vqPwRI3jQAeGLw2tyIQs3A Anchor: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nightaftnightpc
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Ugly Christmas Sweater Sleigher - Fun and Quirky Holiday Fashion
Get ready to rock the holidays with the ultimate Ugly Christmas Sweater Sleigher! This festive garment combines the beloved tradition of ugly Christmas sweaters with a heavy metal twist, perfect for music lovers and holiday enthusiasts alike.
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The sweater features a bold design that plays on the word "sleigher," a pun combining "sleigh" (as in Santa's ride) with "slayer" (referencing heavy metal). The eye-catching graphic typically showcases a fierce Santa Claus wielding an electric guitar instead of his usual bag of toys, perhaps surrounded by reindeer sporting rock 'n' roll attire.
Available in various colors, though often in black to stay true to its metal roots, this sweater is crafted from comfortable materials to keep you warm during winter festivities. The intentionally over-the-top design may include elements like snowflakes shaped like skulls, Christmas trees formed from guitars, or ornaments designed as amplifiers.
Perfect for holiday parties, concerts, or casual wear, the Ugly Christmas Sweater Sleigher allows you to express your love for both the holiday season and heavy metal music. It's an excellent conversation starter and a surefire way to stand out at any ugly sweater contest.
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This unique sweater makes an ideal gift for the music enthusiast in your life or a treat for yourself to add some edge to your holiday wardrobe.
Heavy Metal Santa reimagines the jolly old St. Nick as a hardcore rocker, blending holiday cheer with headbanging attitude. This edgy take on Father Christmas typically features Santa clad in black leather, studded accessories, and possibly sporting long hair or a mohawk.
Instead of his traditional sleigh, Heavy Metal Santa might ride a chopper motorcycle or a flame-decorated hot rod. His reindeer could be replaced by skeletal or demonic versions, adding to the metal aesthetic.
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This concept appears on various products, including t-shirts, posters, ornaments, and figurines. It's perfect for those who want to inject some rebellious spirit into their holiday celebrations.
Heavy Metal Santa appeals to rock music fans, offering a humorous and unconventional twist on classic Christmas imagery while maintaining the gift-giving spirit of the season.
Christmas themed gifts embrace the spirit of the holiday season, offering a festive touch to gift-giving. These items typically feature iconic Christmas symbols like Santa Claus, reindeer, snowmen, or nativity scenes. Popular options include holiday-decorated kitchenware, festive home decor, Christmas-themed clothing and
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accessories, and seasonal fragrances. Ornaments, snow globes, and holiday-themed books make charming presents. For children, Christmas-themed toys and games are always a hit. Edible gifts like gourmet chocolates or cookies in holiday shapes are delightful treats. These presents are perfect for spreading holiday cheer and creating a warm, festive atmosphere in any home.
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metalshockfinland · 5 months
Irish Folk / Celtic Rockers JOLLY JACKERS Release New Album "Welcome to the Grind"
Irish Folk/Celtic Rock band JOLLY JACKERS unveiled their latest masterpiece, Welcome to the Grind,” now available on all major platforms since April 26, 2024. With spirited melodies and electrifying rhythms, they invite listeners on an unforgettable journey through the heart of their musical realm. Get ready to be swept away by their signature blend of tradition and innovation as they infuse…
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mysticbeaver · 9 months
2,5,8,14 for Ed! (For the asking about a character game)
Thanks for the ask! I'll try my best!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Right now I'm thinking his innocently jolly demeanor whenever he stumbles on anyone in the cul-de-sac, he's oblivious of the fact someone might not want him around. Like in "An Ed is Born" when Kevin rides past and he just shout "Hi, Keviiin!" with a smile on his face haha
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
At one point I thought of "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis as an Ed song. I felt the lyrics were vaguely fitting, basically a guy enjoying their own silly selves, not caring what their family/neighbors think.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
The only thing I can think of is something everybody else despises, which is his character being boiled down to 'dumb' and not being treated with respect, not to mention he's probably one of the thoughest ones to write IMO, especially his non-sequiturs.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
The dreaded fashion question! I am clueless 😁 Nonsense incoming... I can either see him as a punk rocker vibe, or somehow a northwest-hipster-lumberjack thing? It just vaguely popped up in my mind, so I'll leave you with that silly idea... Or maybe he's a big overall kinda guy? But if he ever bulks he'd look intimidating 🤣
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sweetjollylooks · 2 years
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10 Signs You Should Invest In Nardi Alpha
They also offer a wide selection of padded slings, plus swivel rockers, gliders, ottomans and lounges. These merchandise are good for entertaining guests and enjoying your favorite hobbies outside.
Similarly, it will affect the aesthetic of your home. Resin is durable, and it can be dyed to a selection of hues.
Nardi products are environmentally friendly and will be recycled in an exceedingly landfill. They use less energy than other materials, and they do not produce any emissions throughout the manufacturing method.
There are a number of resin outside furniture manufacturers within the market today that offer a wide range of furniture pieces. These embrace chairs, tables, rockers, and swings. It's important to search out an organization that offers top quality and excellent craftsmanship for its product therefore that you'll get pleasure from your furniture for several years to come back.
Resin Nardiden furniture is made of a strong plastic material that's immune to the weather. It will not rust or fade in the sun, and it is extraordinarily simple to wash. You'll just use soap and water to clean it and it will look like new again.
For additional than 25 years, Nardi has designed and made a massive array of outside furniture that’s suitable for each residential and contract settings. The company focuses on creating furniture that’s designed to last for years, even in tough climatic conditions and saline air.
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A top quality beach umbrella is a necessary piece which will build your vacation additional enjoyable and snug. But, finding the right one may prove a very little challenging. When choosing your umbrella, factors like material sort, design, opening/closing mechanism should all be considered.
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These are a nice choice for patios, decks, and balconies where you don’t have the area for a fixed umbrella. Many have a 360-degree rotational capability that permits you to rotate the umbrella to shade adjacent areas, like lounge seating and a dining table.
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These stools are a nice choice for nardi alpha restaurants, cafes, and different types of companies that need to furnish their fronts with comfortable and engaging furniture. Their chairs, stools, and benches are created in the United States with quality materials.
The PORTSMOUTH COLLECTION gets the vacation season off to a jolly sensible start with a plethora of family-friendly events else. There's conjointly one thing for everybody within the mood to buy, dine and play. From the oh thus classy Pickwick's Mercantile to the raucous if not unruly, the gents in the apprehend, the collection is a hoot to explore. Besides, you do not need to be a resident of the town to fancy it. If you are trying for a bucket list worthy expertise, Portsmouth is your price tag. Whether or not you're in the market for a romantic weekend away or an all-inclusive splurge, the city's many nooks and crannies can take your choose of the best hotels in the state.
Miami Resin Furniture could be a nice way to add trendy and attention-grabbing vogue to your home or business. This furniture is out there in a wide selection of designs and colours to fit your decorating desires.
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culturedub · 2 years
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TONIGHT 🔥🔥🔥 CULTURE DUB RADIO SHOW PLAYLIST #790 #playlist 📻 Tune in Tuesday, January 17th 2023 inna Culture Dub Radio Show on Radio Pulsar from 9pm to 11pm (GMT+1) to listen lot of fresh tunes Roots, Reggae, Digital, Dub, Steppa, Electro Dub, Exclusives tracks, The Final Remix Contest Selection by Dubmatix, New Release of Uzly Hi-Fi feat McGump and Win Vinyls of Culture Dub Records, hosted by AlexDub : 📻 📻 Dub Specialist, Aggrovators, The Revolutionaries, Abyssinians, Irie Ites, Keith Rowe, Russ Disciple, Calibration Alert, Stoneface Priest, Stalawa, I Bogle, Dubmatix, Joe Publik, Maxiroots, ROOTS RAID, 4rran, Dub Shepherds, Kandee, Jolly Joseph, Lix, Kaptan, King Scruffy, The Uplifter, ALKEMIST, Wise Rockers, Mystic Fyah, Kalonga, Uzly Hi-Fi, McGump, Rub A Dub Mrkt, MC Brother Culture, High Budub Sound (Cusci), Speng Bond, Alpha Steppa, AWA Fall, Mezcal, Vibronics, Dagga General, Mexican Stepper, High Pressure Sound System, Reality SoulJah, Le Faune stepper, Pazoodog, Hummingbird ! 🔊 Playlist : https://culturedub.com/blog/culture-dub-show-790-17-janvier-2023-radio-pulsar/ 📻 Win Your Vinyl 7" and 12" Culture Dub Records Large Up, Alex Dub 📻 www.radio-pulsar.org // 95.9 FM (Poitiers) #radio #radioshow #radiopulsar #fm #radiofm #webradio #culturedub #culturedubshow #culturedubradioshow #roots #reggae #dub #rubadub #digital #steppa #stepper #bass #electro #playlist #selection #fresh #tunes #culturedubrecords #culturedubsound #nouveaute @radio.pulsar.95.9 @culturedub @uzlyhifi_soundsystem @mcgump_oficial @irie_ites_official @calibrationalert @stonefacepriest @stalawa @dubmatix @mexican_stepper @alkemist_dub @maxiroots_ @roots_raid @odgprod @livicationcornermusic @mystic_fyah @alphasteppa @awafall.official @mizuki.akutsu.aka.hummingbird @le_faune_stepper @dagga_general @vibronicsdub @kandee_dub @dubshepherds @rubadubmrkt @mc_brother_culture @spengbond @highbudub @assoepicourien @4rrann @kingscruffyog @theuplifteruk @kaptan_music @basscomesaveme @dubculturerecords @ruffplatesrecords (à Radio Pulsar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngtlY_sfpO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackbatchelor3 · 4 years
Josie Gibson Tricked Onto Ride at Legoland This Morning
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