#amoureux answers
amoureuxsys · 3 months
Do you not feel guilty for ruining his life? Do you see how clingy you are compared to him? He doesn’t like you, he acts like he does, it’s a part of an act. You are his entertainment, his circus, until he finds someone better in due time.
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leclerc-hs · 6 months
I have more ideas for the nanny Charles ficcccc
Hb she picks up the kid at school but they didn’t plan it properly and while she’s picking her up, Charles also shows up just in time to see the teacher flirting with her
hi! just felt like writing something quick while I had the time! sorry if its not anything special!! i've been missing single dad charles (even though he isn't single anymore) lmaooo.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
CHARLES WASN’T ALWAYS considered a possessive person. At least, before you he wasn’t. So, it was safe to say he was taken aback when he arrived at his daughter’s school for pick-up and discovered you engaged in a conversation with her teacher—a young male teacher, no less. A peculiar sensation tightened in his chest, an emotion that seemed to exclusively arise whenever you were involved.
As Charles’ gaze shifted towards the school playground, he spotted his daughter amidst a sea of vibrant activity. Her joyful screams danced through the air, painting a picture of pure happiness as she engaged in playful antics with her friends. The sounds of the children’s laughter filled the atmosphere, intertwining with the gentle breeze that rustled through the nearby trees. Despite the lively scene before him, Charles couldn’t shake off the disquieting feeling in his chest as his eyes trailed back to you and said teacher.
Your hands gestured animatedly as you conversed, your smiles mirroring each other’s enthusiasm. Charles couldn’t help but notice the effortless connection between you, accentuated by the fluidity of your gestures and the genuine joy reflected in your expressions. Each movement seemed to punctuate the camaraderie shared between you, further deepening the sense of unease gnawing at Charles’s insides.
As Charles strode up to where you and the teacher stood, he was able to catch the tail end of the teacher’s words-- “Veux-tu aller diner un jour?” Get dinner sometime?
You were unable to provide a response before Charles was cutting into the conversation abruptly. “Que fais-tu ici?” What are you doing here?
“Cha! Que fais-tu ici?” What are you doing here? As you echo his words with a smile dancing on your lips, Charles pushes his sunglasses up onto his head, his undivided attention fixated solely on you, as if the presence of the teacher had completely faded into the background.
“Mr. Leclerc, enchantè de te voir!” Nice to see you! Charles eyes narrowed as he snapped his head to the teacher, his fingers reaching out to land on the small of your back as he pulled you closer to him. Laying his claim.
You noticed the small, but very fake smile, pull onto his lips. Noah, the teacher whose name you learned just recently, trailed his eyes back to meet yours. As if he was disregarding Charles caveman-like behavior. 
“So?” Noah tilted his head, still awaiting your answer, like Charles wasn’t even there.
You felt Charles slip his hand into the back pocket of your jeans, his fingers giving your butt a firm squeeze. 
Your cheeks were tinged with red under the gaze of both males. You opened your mouth, ready to give a response, when Charles cut you off.
“Désolé, mais nous devons partir.” Sorry, but we must get going. He started, the ease in your chest growing. “Soirée en amoureux et tout ça.” Date night and all that.
He pulled you close, your back now turned towards the teacher as Charles guided you towards the playground, his hand still resting in the back pocket of your jeans. With a swift glance over his shoulder, Charles caught Noah’s eyes briefly lingering on his hand in your back pocket before meeting Charles’s gaze. Charles gave him a quick wink, before turning his head back to you with a smirk pulled on his lips.
“Tu es vraiment un homme des cavernes.” You are such a caveman. You give him a small nudge, although a smile was pulled onto your lips.
“Il veut ce qui m’appartient.” He wants what’s mine.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic antics although you felt your stomach clench at his words. Mine.
Charles brought his lips to the shell of your ear, tucking some of your hair behind it in the process. “Seems like you need a reminder, hm?”
You raised an eyebrow. A reminder?
“When we get home, je vais te lecher de partout.” I’m going to lick every inch of you.  Your breath hitched. “Jusqu’à ce que tu ne puisses dire que mon nom.” Untill it’s only my name you can say.
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klaasje · 1 month
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing & 🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP
“Shut up,” the stranger orders. “Where’s your handler?”
Don’t give him the upper hand! Tell him that’s classified.
“Nobody handles me,” Harry says. He feels oddly nettled by this. “Kim’s my friend. I don’t need to be handled.”
The stranger scoffs, saying nothing. Above their heads, streetlamps flicker to life with a weary buzz. Yellow light falls on the bookshop’s display shelves.
Snow has encrusted the top layer of paperbacks. This has happened before, and will happen again before the thaw is done. The oldest books have accepted it and bloomed like little accordions. Their covers are brittle to the touch, but if you peeled them open, carefully, you’d find the book’s inner heart—a hidden nest of congealed pages, the bud of some strange flower. Water makes paper very soft, and makes strange things happen to it. Nothing emerges from water unchanged.
“I’ll walk you back to the Whirling, if you want,” Harry offers.
The stranger barks out a laugh.
“Excuse me?”
“Come back to the Whirling with me.” Feeling bold, Harry steps forward. The stranger stumbles back. “You know, the hostel? It’s not so bad. They have food, hot drinks, karaoke—”
“I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“Why not?”
“You’re insane,” the strange man mutters, digging a pack of cigarettes out his pocket. “You are a drunk bum whose brain has leaked out his ears. Leave me alone.”
He looks down when Harry tries to meet his eyes, bowing his head over his lighter and cupping the flame in both hands. The end of his cigarette flares to life. Harry watches, spellbound.
Three initials are carved into the side of that lighter: JHV. His own, perhaps, or those of the person who gave it to him. Either way, it’s a lot nicer than yours. Girlfriend, maybe?
Harry squints at the smoker, cocking his head.
Boyfriend, maybe?
This setup… it reminds you of something. You in the centre of the road, him over there by the seawall, orbiting you. It makes you think of—
—The Dual Commissars of Revolution! Also known as *Les Amoureux Révolutionnaires*. Julia Dobreva was a brilliant, charismatic, revolutionary comet; Jean Abadanaiz was her partner and stabiliser, the planet who kept her in orbit. They were joint leaders of the Insulinde’s Communist movement and established the organisational system of decomptage within Revachol’s Communist party, a practice which persists in the RCM to this day. This is definitely what you were thinking about, and it’s definitely the answer you’re looking for. Don’t sweat it.
Harry frowns.
“Would you consider yourself more of a planet or a comet?”
“Great question,” the smoker says mildly, ashing his cigarette. “Very normal of you.”
Didn’t like the question, doesn’t think you’re normal.
Harry watches the strange man smoke some more, muttering under his breath. Something sparks in the murky depths of his hindbrain, burning like a signal flare at sea.
Tipping your head back as he walks behind your chair—a lanky shadow in sweats and a baggy black gym shirt, once stiff, worn soft, with ‘H.D.B’ printed on the breast pocket in obnoxious block capitals. Pour over coffee and menthol smoke, a talk show on the radio, and you: tipping your head back to grin at the man in your kitchen with your throat bared, secure in the knowledge that he would take a bullet for you; knowing exactly how he’d roll his eyes, long-suffering, before ruffling your hair…
Harry blinks. The vision fades to nothingness, all except for one part, who flicks his cigarette over the seawall and picks a scab on his chin.
“Jean,” Harry murmurs. It feels good in his mouth. Satisfying, somehow, like scratching an itch. Almost perfect, but not quite…
“Jean-Heron,” he corrects himself, and the hunch pays off: Jean’s breath clicks in his throat as he tips his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “Jean, listen…”
“No,” Jean says thickly, backing away, "no, I'm done humouring you—”
“I just want to talk some more,” Harry insists, darting closer. “Just for a little bit. Please?”
“You don’t even know who I am!”
“I do,” Harry says stubbornly. “I do know you. I just needed more time to look at you, that’s all.”
“Time to look at me,” Jean repeats, slow with disbelief.
“I couldn’t see your eyes,” Harry explains. “Behind the sunglasses, I mean.”
A series of expressions slide across Jean’s face in rapid succession: incredulity, fury, then weariness, one after the other, like a zoetrope. He presses the heel of his hand to his forehead, eyes squeezed shut, and starts to laugh, then cough. It’s a hoarse, hacky smoker’s cough.
Don’t make any promises. Don’t try to make amends. Just say his name again, Harry, the way you used to. That’s all he really wants.
“Jean,” Harry murmurs. Instinct takes control of his body, turning his voice soft and low. He steps closer and reaches out, putting his hand on Jean’s forearm. “Listen, I’m just trying to make things okay again… can we talk somewhere else?”
Jean tips his head back down. His lashes gleam wetly, catching the light. His mouth has thinned to a hard line.
This is not the first time he’s heard those words from you.
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pinchofhoney · 2 years
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every single one of my works can be found in the list down below. if you enjoy any of these, please consider reblogging ♡
last updated on: 19/02/2024
most recent work: perfectly flawed, bridgerton
my request mailbox is open
request rules: the only thing i do not write is smut!! while requesting, please choose an actor that i write for or/and character they play from the list. if you would like me to write about someone not included in the list - please contact me with all the details, we'll see what we can do! don't forget to summarise the main plot so i know what you expect from my work
─ you can also join my taglist by filling in this short form so you don't get lost ♡
disclaimer: my works are intended for entertainment and do not represent any real person in any way!!
special events masterlist
alex calvert as...
on the verge of a fever - ever wondered if hell hosts monopoly nights?
like real people do - ever had one of those days when life just can't get any worse?
off my mind (part one) - you’re crazy in love with ben, but what if deep down he knows he still has feelings for his past lover? he’s trying to convince himself he is over the past, because he doesn’t want to hurt you, not knowing you’re already hurted┆︎angst
the sun is up but you’re not shining (part two) - although taking a break from a relationship is generally not recommended, what if you suggested it as a way to cope with your own intrusive thoughts? unfortunately, this approach ended up having the opposite effect┆︎angst with happy ending
valentine's day special: unexpected valentine - how would ben barnes confess his feelings to his love interest?
yellow lights - recently, ben has been burdened with an excessive workload. despite appearing tired and agitated, he attempted to conceal his feelings. due to his busy schedule, he could not even take a day off. what will occur when, after a challenging day at work, he returns home and a trivial question leads to an argument that would not typically happen?┆︎angst with happy end
invidia - initially, your former boyfriend appeared to be the perfect partner, and the time spent with him felt like a fairy tale come true. however, your intuition proved accurate as he eventually revealed his true colors. following the breakup, he struggled to cope and became envious upon discovering you were dating famous ben barnes┆︎fluff
my own worst enemy - sometimes all you need is to lie in silence as your person holds you together. especially when the world is once again flooded with gray and you see nothing on the horizon to herald a uncloud┆︎hurt/comfort
fou amoureux - in a world where you respect everyone and where you treat everyone the way you would like to be treated yourself, it's hard to get under your skin. for some, however, it comes with exceptional ease, as if they were born with this gift. one of these people is ben's former partner, whom you had the (un)pleasure to meet at a party celebrating the success of the yves saint laurent fashion show in which you played the first fiddle
white lies - the saying goes that a lie has no legs, and this rings especially true when it is caught on camera┆︎fluff
perfectly flawed - finding love as a princess comes with its challenges, but becoming a mistress was never part of the plan┆︎hurt without comfort
pretty please - in which sirius doesn’t take no as an answer
searchin’ for understanding - maybe there are wounds that prove resistant to the time
just one word - you may not be aware of their existence having only met steven, but no marc spector alter will let anything happen to you┆︎hurt/comfort
the last goodbye
the last goodbye, part one - can love really be turned off just like that?┆︎angst
the last goodbye, part two - all men do is messing with your head┆︎angst
pedro pascal as...
love don’t last in the dark (part one) - being alone for the last few years, you haven't had the opportunity to fall in love, so it's not your fault you developed feelings for a man who showed you at slightest bit of care┆︎angst
the warmest light is you (part two) - there is no such thing as right person, wrong time because with a right person you are able to surmount all the difficulties┆︎fluff
six feet in the ground - during a difficult time when your partner has let you down and broken your trust, it's reassuring to remember that you have other people in your life whom you can rely on no matter what┆︎platonic relationship
spring is a season when more than just flowers bloom - spring brings with it more than just the beauty of blooming flowers. as the sun starts to shine a little brighter, it also has its own way of awakening deeply hidden emotions. the world feels brighter, and everything seems a little bit more beautiful. especially in the right company┆︎fluff
at day's close
dean winchester...
honey pie - amidst autumn rain and a cozy cottage, a honey pie surprise kindles love and warmth in the perfect moment
frozen fear - life has a way of humbling even the bravest, and it's not always a gentle lesson
the ballad of songbirds and snakes...
broken promises - in snow's world, only one thing mattered more than his family's reputation—you. but that was before he met lucy gray
part one
part two
part three
crack in the mirror - many cling to the belief of their own goodness, until they meet someone who's just like them
be careful what you wish for - turning in a district boy to the authorities felt like the right thing to do for coriolanus. but what if, in doing so, he betrayed you as well?
carlisle cullen...
the broken self - if i could start again, i would find a way. now, you've been given the chance, so what's your next move?
rick grimes...
tell me that you'll keep me safe - you're not the one who needs to be helped, yet pretending you do? surprisingly fun
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Interview(ed) | timothee chalamet x y/n
A remake of my first ever fanfic Interview. | Timothee chalamet x Reader (y/n) I'm a bit better at writing, comparing to my past self, this is full of fluff fluff fluffy, and I'm using second person perspective instead of first person perspective,and timmy describes you in french and it's like confessing! But I'll stfu rn, enjoy! (There's an ending to this not like the first one)
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"Yes, how are you, y/n, Timothee! I am john" The interviewer said to you and timothee.
"Good good! " Said timothee, and you nodded with him. "Amazing, now, I'm going to ask you questions for both dune part 1&2, is that alright?" John ask and both of you nodded.
"So, timothee, how did you get the role of Paul atreides? " John asks while flipping his card.
"It was like every other auditions, it's a tough one, I was really lucky that I got the role" He explained, his hands were moving as he was speaking.
"Great, what about you, y/n" John asks. "It was my cousin, who made me audition for the role of alia atreides, she was nine, she's a, a really smart person, to the degree that she understood dune" You told John.
"Why haven't you told me this?! This is literally the cutest thing ever, Y/n" Timothee groaned.
John flipped another card. "You can choose to not answer this one, just tell me, but the fans are curious about you twos dating rumours, is that true? " He asks.
"That's fine" Said timothee, you told John "we're very platonic.. Too, platonic, sometimes" With a fake chuckle.
You always had feelings since you first met timothee. It's like, love at first sight.
"Oo, that's cool! Up to the next question! " He flips his card, "Can each of you tell me, who was the most funniest, adorable, relatable, nicest co-star in the whole film, say it at the same time! ".
"Okay.. Timmy, one" You said.
"Two" Timothee said.
"Three! " You said. You pointed at him, saying "you!". But, he had done the same thing to, he said you were the most fun from the whole dune film.
"Aww" John said. You realized that, you were blushing hard.
"Up to the final, special question, many fans have asked this, timothee, can you describe y/n kn french? " John asks.
"elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier" Timothee says with a lot of emotions.
(she's beautiful, my favorite person in the film, maybe my favorite person in the whole world)
"elle est vraiment attentionnée, avec beaucoup de monde et je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher d'être jalouse" Timothee says.
(she's really caring, with a lot of people and I couldn't help but to be jealous)
"Je pense que j'ai des sentiments pour elle, mon amour"
(I think I have feeling for her, love)
"et je sais qu'il y aura un gars ou une fille française qui traduira ça, mais priez Dieu qu'elle ne le sache pas. c'est une belle, géniale, gentille personne et honnêtement je ne la mérite pas du tout mais c'est trop tard maintenant, je suis déjà tombé amoureux d'elle" He says
(and I know there's going to be a French guy or girl who is going to translate this, but, pray to God that she wouldn't know. she's a beautiful, great, nice person and I honestly don't deserve her, at all but it's too late now, I've already fallen for her)
"And I believe that's it, I guess" He says.
"That was great! I personally don't understand but, maybe there will be someone who will explain, well I'm ending soon so, thankyou so much for answering all of the questions! Goodnight and bye! " John says enthusiastically. Not you though, you and timothee looks like a dead zombie answering questions since seven in the morning to ten pm.
"Well, that's all guys, pack your stuff and you can go, goodnight! " Says the producer.
"Alright" You both said.
"Timmy! Goodnight" You said, waving at him. "Night, y/n" Timothee responses.
You walked down to your car in silence with your body guards, and got home safely.
You went upstairs, get cleaned up, and went for a good night sleep.
Everything was alright until a thousand notifications blew up on your phone.
"What the hell" You groaned, taking your phone. Though your eyes were blurry, you can still see.
Everyone one was tagging you all across the media.
"Oh my gosh, I'm French, and if you haven't watched the dune interview with buzzfeed, you're missing out! " The girl says and plays the audio.
'elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier' the blurry audio says
"Timothee is saying how y/n is the best person in the world and later he says that he couldn't help but be jealous of people around her who she's nice with,OH MY GOSH, he says he thinks he has feelings for her, and that he doesn't deserve her but he has already fallen in love. Oh my gosh y'all" Says the girl.
You sat there for a second, trying to process what's going on.
Timothee, liking you back? Sounds like a daydream.
You opened your messages app to found timothee's was filled by apologizes, confession, and him saying sorry for a hundred times.
You wrote 'timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I love you too'. No, that's corny you changed it up a bit "timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I have feelings for you too".
You sent it with your eyes closed. Turning off the phone.
"Y/n, I have.. It's like love at first sight and since you've told me this, would you like, go out with me, I know I'm a sucker for asking this in chat but pleasee" The notification rings.
Well, you replied and, guess someone's going on a date.
This was really rushed I'm sorry
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In The Breeze
Charles Leclerc x Bianchi!OC
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anais.leonie i can't help but see your face in every place i look, feel you in the breeze, see you in charlie as he moves through the race weekend. you may be gone, but you never left, grand frère.
all my love, your petit lion
"Anaïs?" His voice is different from what I remember. Deeper and more soothing with age. And it's not the only thing that has changed, because as I turn to greet the man that has spotted me, I see my older brother in him. Five years gone and still here as his godson embodies his energy and soul.
"Charlie," I can't help but smile, hugging my Ferrari jacket closer to my body as a chill takes over.
"Did I just see who I think I saw?" Will Buxton questions the camera, stopping mid-grid walk towards the Mercedes garage he was intended to visit. "Was that Anaïs Bianchi?"
"If it was, this will be the first time she's been to a race in eight years," The cameraman responds, the next part being left unsaid. This would be her first race in the eight years since the race where her brother died.
"It's- I haven't seen you since..." Charles begins, the words getting lost in his throat.
"Since Jules' funeral," I supply, smile dimming slightly at the memory. "Désolé (I'm sorry for that)," I can't help but apologize, knowing the drift was my doing. "I just- I couldn't be around all of this for a while."
"I never held it against you," He assures, his feet carrying him closer to me, arms wrapping around my shoulders with a force that forms me to his chest. "I've missed you. My mother mentions that you two get coffee but that's all I've heard," He explains, pulling back to give me a once over. "You've grown."
"I couldn't stay fifteen and a giroflée (wallflower) forever."
"Well, you've grown into a beautiful woman, Leonie," He complements, kissing my head. "Would you like to grab something to eat from hospitality with me? Catch up?"
I can't help but smile at his invitation, my childhood crush on the now man in front of me making my heart warm.
"I would love that."
"So you're a teacher now?"
"Finished off my degree last year, I teach primary in France for the five to six year olds," I smile at the mere mention of my job, loving what I do with my entire being.
"They must love you, you were always one who was good with children," He compliments, and I can remember with each passing second why I was so enamored with him from the moment we meant as children.
"I saw the photos of you with your friends baby, you can't tell me you're not also amazing with children," I return, his eyes shining at the mention of the little girl. "But thank you, it's always been a passion of mine so I'm very excited to have made it to where I am."
"I am proud of you, I remember when you used to help myself and Arthur with our school work although you were younger than us both," He recalls, making me laugh once more.
"I am beyond proud of you," I can't help but return, his smile lighting up even more. "Seeing you here today, Dieu, I could have sworn that I was looking at Jules," His hands take mine at this, connecting us at more than the soul as his fingers draw invisible patterns. "You embody his essence so completely while still being Charles Leclerc, il Predestinato. I may not have been at the all the races but I've been keeping an eye from afar and I could not be more proud of everything you've accomplished, Char."
"Tu savais que j'étais amoureux de toi en grandissant? (Did you know I was in love with you growing up?)"
"Est-ce que tu oublies que je connais le français (Do you forget I know French?)" I can't help but ask, unsure if I've truly just heard the words I dreamed about as a child.
"I didn't want to risk it not translating," He answers, my heart rate spiking as he gives my hands a squeeze.
"So, you were in love with me when we were kids?" I want the answer to be yes, but I also can't help the disappointment that has already settled in my heart at the word was.
"Tu seras toujours mon amour (you will always be my love)."
I just about died, heart beating too fast in my chest as his hand comes up and moves a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Your brother knew since before I did, and made it clear to me that he knew and I was to mess it up he would have to disown me," Something that sounds so completely as my brother that I know it's true, a chuckle leaving my lips.
"Sounds like my brother," and he chuckles, "What did he think of these feelings?"
A softer smile graces his face, eyes moving from our intertwined hands to my eyes, "As long as I didn't hurt you, he was in complete support."
"That also sounds like my brother."
"What would you sound like if I were to ask you to dinner tonight?" He asks, same charming man that I grew up with.
"I'd sound like, oui, j'adorerais aller dîner avec toi (yes, i'd love to go to dinner with you)."
And he leans forward, kissing my cheek before pulling back and chuckling.
"Dieu merci pour la Formule 1 (Thank God for Formula 1)."
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Casimir: Madame Hortense has no business imposing her image in this way and certainly not with the coronation approaching Henri: I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, Duke. Hortense would never have accepted such a thing happening Napoléon V: What exactly do we see in this photo? Casimir: Your sister is showing off in a selfie with Prince Oliver
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Henri: It's a bit of a mouthful. It's a slightly cuddly selfie, there's no nudity Napoléon V (uncomfortable): Mon Dieu! Casimir: This is still inadmissible. She is the Emperor's sister, Madame must behave with dignity Napoléon V: What do you suggest, Duke of Mortemart?
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Casimir: On her return, your sister will have to answer for her actions before the Imperial House. She must know her place Henri: And what? Have her whipped for a selfie?
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Henri: We should ignore the matter, there is no need to add fuel to the fire Casimir: Should we let the little Scots walk all over us without saying anything?
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Napoléon V: I must confess, I don't understand what went through the mind of the Duke of Rothsey
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Henri: Prince Oliver has had to hide his relationship for almost a year because French protocol dictates it. He must be very much in love to make it official in this way. Everyone knew they were seeing each other anyway
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Napoléon V: That's no reason to betray me like that Casimir: Exactly, Your Imperial Majesty. He is playing you and all French protocol Henri: Don't exaggerate anything Casimir! Casimir: We can't stand by and do nothing!
(Louis is thoughtful)
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Compiègne, 13 Floréal An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Collaboration with @officalroyalsofpierreland, evocation of this magazine.
⚜ Traduction française
Casimir : Madame Hortense n'a pas à imposer son image de cette manière et certainement pas avec l'approche du couronnement Henri : Je suis certain qu'il s'agit d'un malentendu, Duc. Hortense n'aurait jamais accepté qu'une telle chose se produise Napoléon V : Que voit-on exactement sur cette photo ? Casimir : Votre soeur s'exhibe sur un selfie avec le prince Oliver
Henri : C'est un peu fort. Il s'agit d'un selfie un peu câlin, il n'y a pas de nudité Napoléon V (mal à l'aise) : Encore heureux! Casimir : Cela reste inadmissible. Elle est la soeur de l'Empereur, Madame doit se tenir avec dignité
Napoléon V : Que suggérez vous Duc de Mortemart ? Casimir : A son retour, votre soeur devra répondre de ses actes devant la Maison Impériale Henri : Et quoi? La faire fouetter pour une photo?
Henri : Nous devrions ignorer l'affaire, inutile de rajouter de l'huile sur le feu Casimir : Devons nous pour autant se faire marcher dessus par le petit royaume écossais sans rien dire?
Napoléon V : Je dois l'avouer, je ne comprends pas ce qui s'est passé dans l'esprit du duc de Rothsey
Henri : Cela fait presque un an qu'Oliver doit cacher sa relation. Il doit être très amoureux pour l'officialiser ainsi. Tout le monde se doutait bien qu'ils se fréquentent de toute façon
Napoléon V : Ce n'est pas une raison pour me trahir de la sorte Casimir : Exactement, Votre Majesté Impériale. Il se joue de vous et de tout le protocole français Henri : N'exagérez rien Casimir! Casimir : Nous ne pouvons pas rester sans rien faire!
(Louis est pensif)
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microcosme11 · 2 years
Massena dishes to an English aristocrat
Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire, to [her son] Augustus Foster. Marseilles, December 30, 1814 
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Massena lives in the same street with us; he is full of attention to us, and, though broken in health and spirits, animates on topics which interest him. I heard that he would not talk about Bonaparte, and I was fearful, though very anxious, to name the subject. Last night we went to the prefect's, who has a fine house, and gave a very pretty ball. Massena sat between Lady Bessborough and me; he said something about Grassini. “Oh,” I said, too happy to find an occasion, “Etoit ce quand Bonaparte fut si amoureux d'elle?” “Bonaparte,” his eye assuming a stern expression, “ Bonaparte n'a jamais aimé personne, personne." I then went on from one thing to another, I found I could do so, and it was very interesting. “Quelle impression, Monsieur le Marechale, vous fit il, quand vous le connûtes premièrement?” “Un grand orgueil, Madame la Duchesse. Je l'ai connu qu'il n'étoit que Lieutenant colonel—des moyens, et pour cela de grand moyens, surtout dans la prosperité; dans l'adversité il manquoit de tête, il n'avoit rien de grand.” Of himself he said, “il m'aimoit ou en faisoit semblant, car jamais il n'a rien aimé que son ambition; il me tutoya c'étoit a Milan quand il commandoit en chef qu'il me dit, Massena ne voudroit tu être un des directeurs?' 'Non, je lui répondit, je ne me connais pas en politique, je ne sais faire que la guerre mais toi ne voudrais tu pas en être?' II me repondit 'avec quatre imbeciles, non, moi seul, oui'." He continued, "C'est lui qui m'a baptise enfant de la victoire—et bien, avec cela je fis une chute qui m'empechoit d'etre avec l'armée; il vint quatre fois la nuit me voir." "Mais cela," I said, "marquoit quelque sensibilité ." "II avoit besoin de moi. Je fis une maladie apres, non seulement il ne vint pas; il n'envoya pas même savoir de mes nouvelles." Many other things he told us, and we talked about, and it was very interesting. I'm afraid he don't live as he ought to do, but to us, &c, &c
Massena sat between Lady Bessborough and me; he said something about Grassini [Italian singer, Napoleon’s mistress]. “Oh,” I said, too happy to find an occasion, “Was it when Bonaparte was so in love with her?” “Bonaparte,” his eye assuming a stern expression, “Bonaparte never loved anyone, anyone.” I then went on from one thing to another, I found I could do so, and it was very interesting. “What impression, Monsieur le Marechal, did he make when you first met him?” "Great pride, Madame la Duchess. I knew him when he was only Lieutenant Colonel—he had means [intelligence, ability, etc], and for that, great means, especially in prosperity; in adversity he lost his head, then he had nothing great.” Of himself he said, "He loved me, or seemed to, because he never loved anything but his ambition; he tutoyer’d me in Milan when he was in command. He asked me, Massena, wouldn't you want to be one of the directors?' 'No, I answered him, I don't know politics, I only know how to make war; would you want to be one?' He replied, 'With four fools, no. I, alone, yes'. [Massena] continued, "It was he who baptized me child of victory—well, with that I took a fall that prevented me from being with the army; he came four times a night to see me." "But that," I said, "showed some sensitivity." "He needed me. I fell ill afterwards, not only did he not come; he did not even send to hear from me."
The Two Duchesses, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire.
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3cheers4alex · 1 year
“I sometimes forget you’ve got long hair,” Yuri muses. “You hardly ever let it down, do you?” Raising an eyebrow, Otabek lets the dark strands cascade over his shoulder. His shirt turns dark and sticks to his skin where droplets fall. “It’s inconvenient. It catches on my clothes and get damaged.” “But you still let it grow.” “Mh.” Weird. After so much time spent with Otabek, Yuri knows his brief statements mean he’d rather cut the conversation short. “Would you ever cut it off?“ Yuri himself wouldn’t. He’s long loathed the whole “fairy” persona, but he actually loves his androgynous look; he likes transcending enforced standards. “No,” Otabek answers after a while. “I don’t want to look like my brother.” “Don’t you get along?” “Mh,” Otabek reiterates. “Trusting someone to the extent of agreeing to be their carbon copy is not easy.” Otabek decides the conversation is over and picks up his book. Really fucking weird. But who’s Yuri to judge? Earlier, Otabek slipped him a spare set of keys to his apartment, just in case. They weigh heavily, hidden in his jeans pocket. “Read me another one of your poems,” Yuri orders. Again, Otabek raises an eyebrow. However, his expression is playful. He flips the pages of the book, then begins to read in a language Yuri doesn’t understand. “Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon cœur amoureux ; retiens les griffes de ta patte, et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux, mêlés de métal et d’agate.” Yuri rolls his eyes. “What does that even mean?” “It’s French.” “And?” “It’s about cats.”
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amoureuxsys · 2 months
how’d you get the name amoruex sys
We are french so “amoureux” means “in love” or “lover” in french, and then just sys for system!!
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friendlessghoul · 1 year
Still on the subject of missing films, how many Buster movies are missing? Entirely or pieces
The only films missing of his silents is with Arbuckle, A Country Hero. He does have a few foreign talkies that are missing like, Buster se marie (French Parlor, Bedroom and Bath) De frente, marchen (Spanish Doughboys) and Le plombier amoureux (French Passionate Plumber (which imdb makes it very confusing))
So.. I don't exactly know *everything* when it comes to what ones are missing scenes, or what scenes are missing. I read conflicting things often. One person will say a film is completed while someone else argues that it is missing frames. I don't think there's a for sure answer just because we can only really assume. I don't get too involved in this, I just know some things. But I did look up some information -
The Cook - Found in an unmarked canister at the Norwegian Film Institute in 1998, alongside A Reckless Romeo. A second print, containing more footage, was found in 2002, and the two were combined to create a restored version. However, some scenes are still missing.
The Cameraman - So apparently there is a scene missing that was said to be damaged, in an old release of the film you can see a whole 20 seconds of it (it's really...exciting..) you can find that clip here. The current release of the movie does not have these 20 seconds included. There's more information about the location and missing scene here. then I found this bit of information on the missing scene and an interview with Buster about it:
FIAF archives and private collections around the world were combed to find the 291 feet of missing footage, unfortunately without success. In a lengthy 1958 interview with Keaton, George Eastman House’s influential curator George Charles Pratt tells Buster: “There’s one unfortunate gap in our print. Apparently the negative has deteriorated. It’s the part where you go out the first day and everything goes wrong. There’s just a bit of that left…” and Keaton replies: “That’s a shame because some of the biggest gags are there”. Fortunately, only 30 shots are missing from reel 3, described as follows in the original MGM script continuity: EXT Hotel: Buster sets up his camera in front of Hotel. Doorman exits Hotel, followed by Admiral and his staff and get into car. Buster takes pictures of the doorman, Buster walks away, then realizes he should be photographing the Admiral. MS Yacht in dry dock, people in foreground. Girl standing by bow of boat with a bottle in hand to christen boat. Buster sets up his camera to capture image. The boat slides into water Buster and camera are on a plank tied to the boat and slide into water along with the boat (fade out). CU of cannon firing, Buster photographs (fade out). MS: MGM News Reel office: Buster enters carrying camera, shows a can of film to girl at desk, editor greets Buster who gives him reel of film and says (intertitle) “It’s great stuff, Sir! I hope you’ll look at it”. Office door opens and hits Buster, door closes as another cameraman comes through the door, breaking glass with his tripod. LS Projection Room: Editor is talking with girl, Buster walks to foreground and sits in front row of the screening room. Shot of Editor looking mad and girl looking disappointed. MS of men on horses in a jumping meet. Buster had cranked camera backward, so horses are jumping in reverse. MCS of Buster in screening room looking very sad. According to the archival records, the negative was shipped from MGM Culver City to Kodak on February 1951: upon inspection of the negative, Kodak notified George Eastman House and MGM of the missing footage from reel 3. There are no records confirming when the original camera negative was destroyed, and it is thought that it might have been in the 1965 MGM vault fire. (source its a little further down the page, you can read the whole thing to learn a bit more from others that posted.)
Here are more sources(because honestly there's way too much to put in here)
Cohen Restoration Project - This is from 2018-2023 talking about the films that had restoration done, what had been restored and missing frames ect. (and kind of how they take multiple versions of a film and put them together) And kind of found this on my search - more information as to *why* some films ended up with missing frames or are now lost - here & here
Hope this helped. idk its a bit convoluted...
Anyone that has better knowledge or if I have made any errors, please chime in. Thanks!
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To Marie: You are amazing! (Said by MC, relationship stage in a public event!)
It was breathtaking seeing Marie in her natural element. The way she can pull people in with a simple gaze and ensnared them completely with her honeyed words. There is a reason why she was the Mayor's assistant and garner such power for her family. Despite what other may think. You take in the jealousness and envy from some of the surrounding guests, wishing they were just as powerful for her or maybe wishing they could have her attention solely on them. She does have that effect on people. Especially you. The brief smile she sent towards you was all that you ever need, bringing a smile to your face at the affection in her eyes. You can wait till she comes back to you. She always returns regardless of how far away she may seem.
The party has wind down and the business associates have stop surrounding Marie. The hidden sigh of relief she gave at being left alone will without fail to boggle your mind for a bit. Despite knowing her for so long. The woman who thrives in this enviroment of two faced words and subtle lies also hates it with a firely passion. The slight relaxation of her shoulders and lowered tenseness in her face, finally being freed from the facade of being the cold and ambitious heir of the Lanshires. Sometimes you wished you could hold her and keep her away from all of this nonsense, but she won't go for it. For she is Marianna Lanshire, heir of the powerful family in town and residental ice queen. However, you can still be there for her, inspite of hating what this does to her.
The light grazing of your hand against her own knocks her from whatever though she was processing. Her narrow eyes and tense smile softening when she sees you beside her. You placed a kiss on her face, reveling in the pleased expression on her face and her hand now tightly interlocked with yours.
"What was that for, MC?" her voice lilted with affection but her confused expression betraying her true motives behind the question.
"Just reminding you're amazing, ma reine," you answered, resting her head on her shoulder and hugging against her. Your arm wrapped her middle and bringing your joined hands towards you for a kiss. The soft laughter from her was music to your ears. The happiness on her face was just what you seeking after with your romantic antics. Her smile was always so beautiful.
"You are such a charmer, darling," her voice didn't match the intent behind her words as she position you to face her proper. The intense look in her eyes was too much for you, especially that glint of hunger you know she didn't want you to see. The quick kiss to your jaw, around your plus, would have driven to insane if her finger on your lips didn't stop you.
"Now, mon amoureux, that can wait till later," a subtle nip was placed on your throat, completely unnoticed by the guests around you. A pleased smirk on her face at the sight of the blush on your cheeks. "However, thank you for your words," she raised your interlocked to her lips, a repeat of the same gesture you did. A reverence in her eyes at the sight of hands together and the lingering kiss, you know her true feelings of her words. A dopey smile was the only outcome in this situation and the fond look she directed at you at the sight, you never been happier. Keeping your hands interlocked till the party's end but never being truly apart.
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huniebunny · 1 year
First Kiss - Opposite AU! Babette/Howdy
[Warnings: General Foul Language, Bribery]
[Word Count: 762]
[This fulfills my first prompt for Writer’s Month Pride Bingo! Comments and Reblogs are appreciated!]
“C’mon, not even an espresso?” Howdy asked, chewing the end of his cigar in frustration.
“Non,” Babette answered, throwing a puck in her own frustration toward the caterpillar. “Depuis que ton petit cul m'a trompé sur la dernière boisson du diable que tu as commandée, je refuse de te servir jusqu'à ce que tu payes!”
“Next person,” she called, but Howdy refused to move. She glared up at him. “Sortez du chemin, bâtard paresseux.”
Howdy huffed, pulling the cigar from his lips. Babette shoved a plate under the embers before he could burn her countertops. “God, I hate it when you do this–” He muttered. “I’m not moving until you say something to me in a language I can understand.”
“Putain de merde…” The doe rolled her eyes. “Je vais le dire lentement pour que vous compreniez. Pay up, or get–”
“The fuck–” Howdy’s frown deepened on his face, cigar crushed in his grip.
“Out.” Babette smirked when she saw his expression and stuck out her tongue at him. “And be mindful of what you do next. You might get banned.” 
His tongue clicked then stepped aside, digging through his pockets for his wallet. Satisfied, Babette returned to serving other customers, tail wagging slow behind her. However, she’d just put in the last order of the line when her eyes caught something outside her windows. Her gaze narrowed then widened as she gasped then ducked under the counter. Quickly she dug around for her ‘On Break’ sign, shoving it up beside the register.
Caught off guard by her sudden disappearance, Howdy peered over with furrowed brows. He noticed her ears were straight up, one flopped back toward the door. The caterpillar glanced outside, and hummed at the sight of the stranger lurking outside the café. “What’s the issue? It’s just some guy.”
“It is not ‘some guy’, c'est mon ex-amoureux,” she informed in a huff, glaring up at him.
Howdy blankly stared at Babette. The doe groaned, rubbing her face. “Vous êtes inutile– Ex-boyfriend! An annoying one at that. ‘e comes around twice a month, begging.”
He raised his lip in disgust. “Begging for you back? Who in hell wants to date you?”
“I’ll have you know, people would be lucky to keep me.” Babette crossed her arms. Howdy snorted at the idea, earning himself an offended gasp from her.
“If he bothers you so much, why not just tell him that you’re seeing someone?” Howdy asked, rustling through his money before shoving what he owed in her tip jar.
“As if that stopped ‘im before. ‘E ‘as to see me with someone else for him to believe that–” An idea popped into her head and she shoved herself up to her hooves. “Quick, kiss me!”
“What?!” Howdy backed away from the counter. “Now, why the hell would I do that? In fact, why me?”
The doe groaned, tapping her hoof impatiently. “Because you’re only more handsome than my other options by a small margin, and you’re closer,” she informed, then huffed as she realized she’d have to bribe him for this favor. “And you get whatever you want next time, on the house.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Howdy grinned, two hands braced on the edge of the counter as his other two cupped her face and pulled her into a deep kiss.
Both her ears and tail perked up as her body stiffened, but soon she relaxed and leaned into the kiss. Howdy hummed as he leaned his hip against the counter. He released the granite to wrap his hands around her waist and pick her up. She pulled away from the kiss to let out a noise of surprise before she was set back down, sitting on her countertop.
Then the two were at it again. Her arms wrapped around his neck, eyes closed. However a gasp left her as the hands holding her face moved to rub along her ears and brush through her tail. “Ah, ‘owdy–”
The bell over her door chimed, and she was shoved from her momentary bliss. Babette ripped herself from the kiss, looked toward the door, and saw her ex staring wide-eyed back at her. She pushed Howdy away, and pat down her fur as best she could, clearing her throat. 
Howdy fixed his shirt, glancing toward Babette to admire one last memory of seeing her so ruffled. “I’ll let you get back to work, babe. See you tonight.” He smirked at her before turning for the door. However as he passed by her ex, he sent him a glare and snarl.
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falseimmortalities · 6 months
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
√ Hello! I am Novae! In addition to being a Service Rotom, I also provide transcripts and translations! Hope I helped! √
√ Translated from Kalosian! √
The video starts off with Valentin, leaning back in his chair, looking up at a computer screen sitting before him. Off to the side, shows the familiar sight of Rotumblr. It looks to be on the inbox page, with the current question displayed above in addition to an inquiry below. Val hums softly as his eyes flick from his current project over to the question.
"Would it be hard? By Sinnoh, no. But how do I go about answering this one. I don't want it to be flat out No..."
Val mumbles to himself, leaning forwards to carefully pick up a mug sitting on the desk. He cups his hands around the mug and brings it to his lips, gently blowing on the contents before taking a slow sip.
The footage jump cuts, now focused on the Professor, leaning over a lab table, eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looks to be in deep thought. Soft footsteps can be heard approaching as Valentin comes into frame. He sets a large coffee cup onto the table next to the Professor and then rests a hand in the middle of his back.
"Amoureux, don't lean over too much."
Val lightly scolds, smiling softly as he gently rubs the Professor's back. In response, he stands up straight and stretches, exhaling softly.
"Sooo, what are you currently working on, mon Soleil?"
Val asks softly, pressing himself against the Professor, chin resting on his shoulder.
"You should know this answer by now."
The Professor smiles softly as he speaks, pulling himself away from Val and placing his hands on the others hips. Val rolls his eyes as his left hand rests itself atop the Professor's. Val says something in Sinnohan to respond, but the camera doesn't translate. He's grinning though as he speaks, before pulling the Professor by his labcoat collar down to whisper something, again in Sinnohan, and pressing his lips against the Professor's.
The Professor softly warns before the camera cuts.
√ If you notice an error in my transcript or translations, feel free to reach out to Roto.Tech! I am actively trying to improve! √
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azaleassgc · 7 months
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2016 _
C’était un samedi après-midi du mois de Septembre. Nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir nous entretenir avec Egoless, de son vrai nom Ognjen Zečević (Oggy pour les intimes). Le croate fut invité par les Toulousains du collectif Folklore à l’occasion d’une après-midi session Dub, le GlobalSoundclash qui réunissait également la tribu I-Station et leur fameux sound system.
Cela fait un petit moment que nous suivons le travail d’Egoless, qui ne cesse d’évoluer depuis notre découverte sur la deuxième compilation des « Echodub », label écossais qui cherche à promouvoir des artistes avec une identité musicale forte (cf: l’immense Cosmic du bristolois Lurka sur la même compilation). S’en suivit rapidement son très connu « Selected Works 09-12 », album en donation libre compilant tous ses morceaux de l’époque. Véritable surprise où la Dubstep aérienne et ambiante d’Egoless affirme (entre autres) ses vraies influences roots culture (Answer Riddim, Awake Dub, Overnight Dub). Après deux excellentes sorties sur Lo Dubs, le monsieur se fit discret en terme de sorties, malgré ses passages répétés au Outlook aux côté des Mungo’s Hi-Fi. 2015 fut une année riche en sorties pour le croate : ZamZam, Lion Charges, System et récemment Scrub A Dub. Ce fut l’occasion pour nous de pouvoir en apprendre un peu plus sur son actualité, son rapport aux machines et surtout à la musique.
La musique, le monsieur n’en vit pas, même de nos jours malgré son récent succès dans le milieu indépendant. Il vit plutôt de son métier d’ingénieur du son à Zagreb. C’est en grandissant dans le punk qu’il fit ses premières armes en tant que bassiste de Faul à la fin des années 90. C’est grâce à ce groupe qu’il commença à voyager pour jouer, une époque marquante pour lui. Plus que la musique en elle-même, c’est le message implicitement véhiculé par ce style qui l’intéressa : le grand doigt d’honneur (« Fuck You Attitude ») envers notre système. De la musique forte, sauvage, énergique et surtout bruyante. Un bruit qui remplit tout l’espace le temps d’un concert, créant une ambiance bien particulière, propice au relâchement. Il y’a une continuité à cette fougue qu’il retrouva dans le mouvement Jungle/Breakbeat un petit peu plus tard. L’urgence et la sauvagerie sont des notions qui peuvent rejoindre ces deux genres avec un certain regard. La vitesse du Amen Break déstructuré combiné à ses imposantes basses fréquences rendent l’espace propice à un certain relâchement pour le spectateur aussi, tout en restant dans un contexte politique précis (punk: alcool, drogue, sex etc, jungle : rave, drogues angleterre, jeunesse). Ces croisements entre styles ne sont pas un hasard pour le monsieur pour qui cette « énergie » reste présente d’un mouvement à l’autre. Il en est de même pour le Dub et le Dubstep, les deux jouent sur des fréquences très graves occupant tout un espace et de manière très lourde rendant l’atmosphère de chacun des deux unique.
Dans les années 2000, c’est avec ST!llness qu’on le retrouve, dans un groupe crossover avec des amis à lui de Zagreb, fruits de nombreux jams et autre freestyles. D’années en années, la guitare du croate laisse place aux lignes de basses du Reggae et du Dub. Toujours dans cet esprit d’unité avec ses anciens amours, la lourdeur. C’est lors du succès de la période Digital Mystikz et son exportation à l’international qu’Egoless découvrit la science du 140 bpm. Pour ce qui est du dubstep en Croatie, le mouvement EDM et Brostep a tout dévasté pendant leurs courtes années, ne laissant place qu’au artistes vraiment indépendants et amoureux du son depuis le début. La scène est pas forcément énorme, mais reste familiale année après années (Digitron Soundsystem / Bass Matters Soundsystem / Botza / Bamwise / Waitapu). Tous les ans se déroule le Seasplash Festival qui est un festival qui se déroule au même endroit que le Outlook. Festival très important pour la scène, organisé depuis plus de 13 ans ! Egoless faisait également parti du crew Subjekt, qui se pose comme une association Croatienne de producteurs avec Dubdiggerz, Sapleo et Agregat organisant souvent des soirées dubstep. Parmis leurs invités nous pouvons citer Vivek, Joe Nice ou même Gantz.
Au moment de notre entretien, il n’avait pas sorti de musique sur des labels depuis un petit moment. Non pas que le monsieur cessa d’en produire, bien au contraire. Il eu beaucoup de propositions mais quasi toutes venant de web-labels. Non-intéressé, il s’enferme et continue à produire dans l’ombre durant ce break de trois ans. Un break plutôt logique de sa part puisque il ne supporte pas l’idée de vendre des morceaux en format digital. C’est le format physique qui l’intéresse. Format sur lequel il développe toute une réflexion sur la musique numérique. Ou va t’on avec nos fichiers 320k après 20 années passées sur un smartphone ou un ordinateur ? Les fichiers seront-ils toujours en état après 10 passages sur 10 disques dur différents et changés 8 fois d’ordinateur ? Et surtout dans quel état ? Une réflexion plus qu’intéressante et soulevant beaucoup de théories … Problème auquel il a la solution : vendre sa musique en vinyle, le seul format qui l’intéresse pour le public dans le sens de la pérennité dans le temps. Très actif, beaucoup de ses compositions sont disponibles en téléchargement libre sur son bandcamp afin de remercier son public. En résulte les « Selected Works« , dont il vient de sortir le troisième volet en 2016. Attitude qu’on ne peut que saluer tant la qualité de ses free downloads est au rendez-vous (à l’heure actuelle le « post-apocalyptic refix » de Horror Show Style tourne en boucle chez nous ) !
Durant ce break de sorties la scène a bien évoluée, le dubstep a muté pour revenir sur une de ses influences les plus cruciales : le dubwise. J:Kenzo fut l’un des premiers a vraiment sceller cette mutation avec le lancement de Lion Charges, le sous-label de son très noir Artikal Records. La connexion entre J:Kenzo et Egoless se fit à travers le premier vinyle de Egoless, « Rainbow Dub » qu’il joue régulièrement dans ses podcasts pour Mistajam sur BBC1 Extra-Show à l’époque. C’est Kenzo lui même qui le contacta pour le remercier du vinyle. Les échanges entre les deux monsieurs ont commencé à ce moment là. Kenzo parla très vite de son projet Lion Charges et de la tournure qu’il voulait prendre avec ce label en lui demandant de lui envoyer des morceaux exclusifs. Il lui accordera ainsi deux excellentes sorties apportant un hommage neuf et sincère à toute l’ère King Tubby, Lee Perry des années 80. Toujours dans cette optique d’hommage au vieux dub et a à la culture des soundsystems, c’est avec le prestigieux label ZamZam qu’Egoless continuera son ascension. Aucune surprise dans la sortie de ce deux titres, tant la philosophie du label fait écho avec sa musique. Basé à Portland, c’est via Craig Morton (aka Monkeytek, le boss de Lo Dubs Records) que la connexion se fera. Sort alors l’excellent riddim « Yërmënde » porté par la magnifique voix de Daba Makourejah sur la face A. À propos de cette collaboration, Egoless nous avoue avoir adoré collaboré avec elle, mettant un point d’honneur à ce qu’elle chante en Wolof, sa langue natale, pour plus d’authenticité. En résulte ainsi un véritable message sur l’importance de l’éducation sur la jeunesse, un thème récurrent dans la culture Reggae depuis des années. L’instru’ est un gros édit du « Revolution Riddim » de Sly & Robbie qui une fois passé dans les machines du monsieur résonne comme un pur morceau de l’époque mais produit de manière très moderne.
Egoless est également à la tête d’Afro Dub System son side project plus dubby.Le projet commença avec l’idée de combiner les sonorités africaines et jamaïcaines qui pour lui sont similaires sur plusieurs points. Le sample d’Adowa par exemple vient d’un rite funéraire utilisé par le peuple Ga des Ghana en Afrique. En effet pour cette tribu, la mort ne signifie pas la fin de la vie, mais le commencement d’une autre vie. Le rite funéraire se transforme ainsi en une cérémonie spirituelle, laissant place aux chants et à la danse. Quand a la suite du projet, ce n’est pas pour de suite si ce n’est qu’il aimerait beaucoup collaborer avec de vrais musiciens, choristes, chanteurs pour développer ce projet à une plus grande échelle.
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shit-talk-turner · 1 year
this unsee photo of Alex taken by a woman who randomly saw him in Tokyo holds the key to some answers. // Wow I’d never seen this before! Where did you get it from?
And about your theory, I think this might’ve been a different time and Louise might be with them here but only not seen in the picture. She’s most probably next to Mandy, as always, instead of her amoureux homme. But I believe that he wasn’t at Mandy’s birthday lunch, because of that fake signature of his that guy posted. He didn’t go out in Japan with the guys to the other places they went (a fan said he apparently had a cold or something and had to rest? Idk) and I don’t think they’re over (neither did they have an argument on her “arrival” because she posted “first night in Tokyo”) This is just a normal day for them. He’s always distant around her and his face expression/body language has been saying everything as early as 2018. She only posts pictures of him when his face is not even visible. Louise might’ve went to LA because of Nadya or Amanda, or even with Alex. They’re most probably still together and she will show up during the European tour. But let’s see!
The person who took the picture said Louise and Amanda weren't there at all (according to the original anon who sent it)
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