#amo oces
pelucies · 1 year
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🪪 — Bonjour??
Hey! its me meimei! I'm here to celebrate the...
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Wow thank you all for everything! without you i would never reach this goal of 2.5k which was a goal achieved with complete success!!! yaaaay i soo FR HAPPY SOOOMUCH
muito obrigado por tudo! e por todos eu tenho tanto amor por vocês e por esse blog! ver ele crescer a cada dia e receber mais e mais amor de vocês me deixa o maior feliz POSSIVEL!! no começo eu era muito insegura, e so queria fazer posts para me distrair mas nunca acreditei que o blog ficaria tão grande assim! fora que todos ao meu redor sempre foram minhas maiores inspirações! e é por isso que...
especial thanks for my favs! : @fuckici @iluvrei @baesol @florietas @phuoris @petitae @niinfas @hyunmito @gellatinas @yutapet @coelhota @ecojinri @solestas @dielfs @moimugi @hcneyrq @i3cat @bimbobi @sunguinhas @wonlita @k-iwi !!
se você não esta aqui, não fique triste!! pq eu te considero 'pacas moro? um beijo a todos se cuidem bebam água e até! obrigada de novo<3
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jieunitas · 2 years
i hit 300 followers out of the blue😭🤍 TYSM! im very happy to know that there are people who like my mbs🤍
eu bati 300 seguidores do nada😭🤍 MT OBG SERAO! to mt feliz em saber q tem pessoas q gostam dos meus mbs🤍
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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taojave · 21 days
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Recent drawings of my pressure oc Amos!
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cuppanova · 7 months
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mmm chibi amos
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faux-ecrivain · 9 months
Yandere Darling
Yandere Darling x gn reader
(Eighteenth Official Post)
(This isn’t my best)
(Yan’s name is Amos)
Yan Darling that used to be kidnapped, that thought he would never escape.
Yan Darling who fought everyday to keep his Kidnapper from hiring him (regardless of how much they claimed they loved him).
Yan Darling that almost gives in after months and months of torture and mind breaking, who almost believes the Kidnapper when they say no one’s coming for him. (“Give up Amos, sweetheart, no one’s looking for you, no one wants you.”)
Yan Darling who cries tears of joy (and anguish) when you rescue him (completely by accident, you just wanted to rob the place).
Yan Darling who panics when you leave his side to talk to the police officer, he’s afraid that’ll he’ll get hurt again if you aren’t with him. 
He tugs on the back of your shirt, your turn your head to look at him and are met, briefly, with teary eyes, and pouty lips. “Please don’t go, I’m scared..” He mumbled, his eyes cast to the ground  and his hand clutching your shirt like a life line. You can’t help but feel the urge to protect him, to watch over him and it’s only because he reminds you of your little brother. “Alright, I’ll stay, but I’ll have to talk to the policemen eventually.”
Yan Darling who’s eyes light up when you tell him you’ll go with him, his heart pounds when you ride in the ambulance with him and then when you sit beside his bed he can’t help but cry again.
Yan Darling who cries even more when you try to sooth his cries, he apologizes over and over again. He feels so terrible crying in front of you like that, he shouldn’t do that, but he can’t help himself.
Yan Darling who starts giggling when you begin to panic over him, he giggles even more when your face contorts into confusion and you don’t know how to help him.
You were fussing over a crying Amos when he started to giggle, you didn’t know what was so funny and asking him didn’t help. He just kept giggling, then when your face shifted into confusion he began to full on laugh. (It was kind of creepy) He only stops when he starts coughing and his throat feels sore, it’s been a while since he laughed like that. Amos smiles when you hand him a glass of water, you’re so kind to him.
Yan Darling who pouts when you have to leave, no he doesn’t care if visiting hours are up, he just wants to spend time with you.
Yan Darling who makes you swear to come back tomorrow, or he’ll never talk to you again, and feels delighted when you agree.
Yan Darling who can’t wait for you to come back and when you do return, he greets you with open arms. 
Yan Darling who chats with for hours and hours, occasionally bursting into tears if you show him an inkling of kindness. Each moment spent with you is a moment he cherishes.
Yan Darling who looks forward to you visits and even dreams about visiting you.
Yan Darling who was upset when you didn’t come in on your usual days, then he got even more upset when his family visited instead of you. He doesn’t like his family, but they don’t seem to care.
Yan Darling who gives you the cold shoulder when you do eventually come visit, regardless of the reason you give him (or the apology).
“Amos, I’m really sorry, I just got caught up in work and by the time I got off visiting hours were over. (Actually you were in jail and just got bailed out)” You apologize again, trying to get his attention and you even go as far as to place your hand near his own hand. He takes notice of this and can feel his resolve crumbling, he really wants to hold your hand. “Hmph, liar, I bet you were just avoiding me!” 
He grumbles, his lips pulled into a cute pour and his eyes narrowed in a heated glares. “No, I wasn’t avoiding you. I could never avoid you, I care about you too much.” You smile softly and his resolve wavers, he gives into your kindness, and cautiously grabs hold of your hand. “Hm, fine, i guess I’ll forgive you, but don’t do it again!”
Yan Darling who is so excited when he’s finally released, now he can go over to your house and spend more time with you!
Yan Darling whose mood quickly drops when he’s released to his family and not you. He didn’t want to be with them, he wanted to be with you..
Yan Darling who gives his family the cold shoulder, no matter how much they try to care for him (he knows it’s all an act).
Yan Darling who begins to lash out when his family forbids him from visiting you. (“I’m not a child, mum! I can make my own decision and see my own people!”)
Yan Darling who runs away from his family and wonders around until he comes across you. Actually, you had saved him once more when he had been cornered by a group of thugs and almost beaten up. 
Yan Darling whose heart races when he sees you defending him, protecting him and his mind runs back to when you first rescued him. You care about him so much, you must love him.
Yan Darling who readily nods when you make a joke of being his bodyguards and following him 24/7. He gets so confused when you become concerned for him, did he say something wrong (yes, he said you should stalk him).
Yan Darling who begins to cry when you ask him why he’s out so late and so far from home, he reluctantly informs you of his troubles and is overjoyed when you invite him over.
Yan Darling who finds your house fascinating, it’s so lived in and it’s so.. you!
Yan Darling who eagerly listens to the tales you regale him with tales of your exploits and stories about your childhood. 
Yan Darling who gets upset when you compare him to your younger brother, he doesn’t want to be your brother! He wants to be your lover. 
He pouts and glares at you, he doesn’t want to be your brother. “I’m not your brother! I’m not related to you at all!” He gets so confused when you giggle at his response, he’s being very serious right now. Don’t laugh at him!
Yan Darling who pouts and tells you to take him seriously, he’s a person too! 
Yan Darling who becomes relieved once you reassure him that you do indeed view him as a person (and essentially a man).
Yan Darling who whines when you tell him it’s bed time, but relents once you promise to tuck him in and kiss him good night.
Yan Darling who gets all flustered when you do actually tuck him in and kiss him good night. Ah, you must really love him!
Yan Darling whose face is all red when you kiss him, he’s never felt this way before..
Yan Darling who struggles to fall asleep and can’t help but think about you, think about a future with you.
Yan Darling who gets angry when he thinks about the prospect of you leaving him or finding another to dote on. His little heart couldn’t handle having you leave him and it definitely couldn’t handle you loving another!
Yan Darling who catches himself before his mind wanders into dangerous territory, he shouldn’t feel this way, especially not after what he’s gone through. He doesn’t want to hurt you like he was hurt, he wants to love you.
Yan Darling who apologizes when he sees you in the morning, which of course confuses you. Why is he apologizing?
Tears stream down his face as he confesses his thoughts and begs for your forgiveness, meanwhile you’re still trying to process that weird dream you had last night and this situation doesn’t help. You put down you mug and try to reassure him, surely whatever he’s feeling is normal, and he shouldn’t feel so guilty over such thoughts. After all, he seems to have no intentions to make his dreams come true.
Yan Darling who feels so much better after you accept his apology, that’s so kind of you and after he’s caused you so much trouble. Oh, he just wants to hug!
You’re surprised when Amos entraps you in a hug, you didn’t expect this to happen. You awkwardly pat his back and then wait for him to quit hugging you. He’s seemingly oblivious to how uncomfortable his unexpected hug makes you, he seems to take your reluctance to respond as you being shy. He smiles and hugs you tighter.
Yan Darling who whines when you manage to escape his hold, he just wanted to share his love with you.
Yan Darling who almost throws a temper tantrum when you prevent him from hugging you again.
Yan Darling who’s only placated when you  offer him some warm food, although he’s sure to kick up a fuss if you don’t cuddle him later this afternoon.
Yan Darling who becomes overly clingy and affectionate throughout the passage of time, each moment around him is spent in his hold or with him hanging off your arm.
Yan Darling who’s scared you’ll leave him alone and does whatever it takes to keep you happy.
(you can probably tell, but I lost motivation halfway near the end, when I started this fanfic i was half asleep and had stayed up all night. So, it wasn’t the best and I apologize for that.)
(Also, you could expect another post later today, but don’t get your hopes up!)
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krokaxe · 1 year
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Falloutober 23: Pound of Flesh
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ktzart · 2 months
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a strange sort of intimacy
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metalicuh · 2 months
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forgive my obsession with horror movies but I imagined pearl as Frylock and I had to draw it
Also drew my oc and shit 🤫 if the anatomy looks off I WAS PRACTICING!
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fefposting · 1 year
Guapoduo guapoduo guapoduo
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doeiika · 1 year
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More Red Dead Redemption doodles. My OC is also there but don't worry about him,,,
The last 3 images are fan art of Amras' series The Devils it's really good,,,, ya'll should read it. As you can tell it gets pretty wild
Please don't repost or edit my works
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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pricesugarwife · 14 days
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No sé. Esto es pura autoindulgencia. Y quizás me estoy proyectando en el triángulo amoroso que tenemos Price, @the-californicationist y yo. Va para ti, bebé. Espero que te guste.
Otra noche calurosa de Texas. Otra ocasión donde el 141 aprovechaba el tiempo de relevo y se reunían, con un poco de resistencia por parte de un críptico Ghost, para hablar sobre cualquier tarea mundana que estuvieran haciendo en su tiempo de inactividad. Otra ronda de cervezas que Soap invitaba, mientras escuchaba las divertidas anécdotas de Cali y su Capitán, intentando adaptarse a la caótica sociedad estadounidense. 
Si alguien le hubiese dicho a John MacTavish hacía unos años atrás que viviría para ver como su Capitán se enamoraba de una dulce mujer texana, establecía su residencia permanente en U.S y los invitaba durante el verano para compartir en su rancho, probablemente se hubiera reído en la cara de esa persona. Pero aquí estaba, tomando un trago de la cerveza artesanal mientras algo parecido a Blake Shelton (si su precario oído musical no le fallaba) sonaba por los altavoces y escuchaba la estridente risa de Cali cuando Price decía otro de sus espantosos chistes de papá. 
Pero oh, todos volteaban la mirada cuando la mujer estampaba sus carnosos labios rojos contra la boca de su capitán y fingían hacer un recorrido rápido por el destartalado bar destinado a albergar vaqueros, o cualquier aficionado a la música country de mediana edad. Solo que, en uno de esos escaneos rápidos a la barra de madera donde el bartender se movía con velocidad para servir a la masa de hombres con camisas de cuadros, sus ojos azules captaron un exuberante culo forrado en unos jeans acampanados, acompañados de una cabellera negra que llegaba a las caderas. 
Embelesado por sus curvas, los jugosos labios pintados de rojo y la forma en cómo su camiseta sin mangas hacía resaltar sus tetas alegres, el sargento consideró en acercarse a coquetear un poco, quizás con la esperanza de llevarse esa dulce cosita a casa para aprovechar al máximo este viaje a norteamérica. Un pensamiento que se podía leer fácilmente en los ojos depredadores del escosés, mientras Ghost amamantaba su whisky con un semblante áspero y enojado detrás de su pasamontañas, pero tanta era el hambre de Johnny que ni siquiera se volteó a mirarlo. 
Cuando la mujer se volteó completamente, vistiendo una divertida camiseta que decía: “I LOVE DILF”, le hizo soltar una risa baja que atrajo la atención de todo el grupo que hasta el momento había ignorado el desarrollo de los acontecimientos. 
“¿Una víctima más, MacTavish?” preguntó Gaz, deteniendo sus ojos chocolates en el atractivo que su compañero había visto primero, unas buenas tetas que se movían cuando la mujer cantaba el coro de la canción. 
“No me digas que esa bonnie no se ve lo suficientemente bueno como para comer” respondió el mencionado, haciendo que Cali rodara los ojos y bufó, acostumbrada a que el escosés hiciera comentarios como esos, pensando que las mujeres son un trozo de carne
“Manténlo en tus pantalones, sargento. O al menos no nos des un espectáculo delante de todos” señaló el Capitán, que hasta ese instante se había mantenido en silencio, sin prestarle mucha atención a lo que estaba sucediendo porque la maldita falda que vestía su mujer lo estaba poniendo duro en sus jeans. 
Sin contestar el comentario hosco de su Capitán, Johnny hizo su movimiento para seducir a la dulce cosita que no dejaba de observarlos mientras remojaba sus labios con lo que parecía ser una sangría. 
“¿Cuánto apuestas a que ella lo manda al diablo?” bromeó Gaz, bebiendo el último trago de su cerveza y miró a Ghost, quien simplemente se encogió de hombros para acto seguido bufar cuando se dio cuenta que Johnny estaba abordando, de una manera tal vez demasiado encantadora. 
Por el lenguaje corporal de la mujer, parecía estar interesada en los avances del escosés, que sonreía como un lobo deseando encajar los dientes en la carne de un delicado corderito. Aunque había una leve espinita que no convencía a John, había algo misterioso en esa mujer que lo mantenía atento a la escena, al igual que Ghost, quien intentaba enfocarse en el juego que transmitían el destartalado televisor en la esquina del bar. 
“Ella no parece estar muy convencida, pero tampoco lo rechaza del todo” respondió Price, hablándole a Kyle que estaba dispuesto a arrancarle unos billetes a cualquiera de sus compañeros para demostrar que sabía en cuánto tiempo podían sacudir a Johnny. 
No transcurrió mucho tiempo para que Soap regresara a la mesa con semblante derrotado,  mientras la mujer sonreía alegremente y le enviaba un saludo al resto del grupo que yacían confundidos al otro lado del establecimiento, porque minutos antes habían visto cómo ella le escribía algo en una servilleta con un lápiz labial, impregnando la marca de sus labios en el mismo papel. Pero antes de que Cali pudiese interrogar a Johnny, todos captaron como la fémina le lanzaba una beso y hacía un gesto con las manos de “llámame”. 
“Parece que no habrá un polvo para mí. Pero ustedes tienen a alguien por si quieren hacer un trío, o tener una relación poliamorosa” les informó el hombre, poniendo la servilleta en la mano delante de su Capitán, quien rápidamente se sonrojó hasta las orejas y el cuello. 
“¿Qué?” cuestionó Cali sin aliento, mirando la servilleta que tenía el número de la mujer. 
“Como lo escuchaste, dijo que está interesada en la rubia caliente de grandes tetas y el hombre barbudo que no ha dejado de manosearla desde que llegaron” Soap insistió, alzando las cejas cuando soltó esa línea de barbaridades que en otro momento de su vida tendrían a Cali agarrando el rosario de su abuela contra su pecho.
“Wow, sí que fue directo al grano” se rió Garrick, conteniéndose para no soltar la carcajada que le había provocado la hilarante situación. 
“No sé si sentirme halagado u ofendido” soltó Price, rascándose la nuca y mirando de reojo a su mujer que no había dejado de sonrojarse desde la primera respuesta de Johnny. 
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cuppanova · 8 months
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You VS me VS the cycle that repeats itself
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kiruvry · 2 months
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hey so we put together like an entire oc cast for fun. Oh My God Im Insane. my friends r yet to make a lot of refs n stuff n show them off but :]]] we've been nonstop thinking abt them so i made one of these :333
top row;;
Hilda/Butcher - @sw00nii
Amos/Priest - me :3
Matyas/Painter - me :3
Lola/Maid - @sw00nii
Claire/Photographer - @sw00nii
Addison/Actor - @sw00nii
John/Huntsman - @laugtherhyena
bottom row;;;
Catherine/War Nurse - @laugtherhyena
Anatol & Ebba/The Lovers - @byebyassociation
Leslie/Lawyer - @sw00nii
Damian/Veterinarian - @sw00nii
Mary/Waif - @laugtherhyena
Kit/Hermit - me :3
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krokaxe · 1 year
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Until the Sun
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