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amillionlanguages · 3 years ago
By the end of this year...
I am determined to get to level 3 in ASL (currently level 1 I think) and to B2 in Spanish (currently around A2). I dedicate myself to these languages and to doing the best I can to reach these goals by working towards them every day
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dahlya-honey · 3 years ago
One Year of Languages
Going to try @amillionlanguages' One Year of Languages challenge, here are my rough goals for 2022!
January: Spanish
February: Arabic
March: Swedish
April: ASL
May: Russian
June: Czech
July: Northern Sami
August: Japanese
September: Hungarian
October: Mandarin
November: Serbo-Croatian
December: Yiddish
My alternatives are: French, German, Swahili, Catalan, or going back to Portuguese.
My daily goals are:
Do at least one lesson each day at the minimum
Watch or read educational content (on pronunciation, grammar, culture, etc.)
Try to write and/or speak a few sentences
Listen to music or watch non educational videos in target language (probably not every day but still frequent)
And an optional goal is to play a game with at least the ui in a target language! Can't do it with all of them of course but Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Mandarin I feel will have plenty of games translated to them :)
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crowwstudies · 5 years ago
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hello!! i’m selena and i’m back after years of not being active on this site. i still go here for inspiration but i reblog lately. rn and i’m in a slump because we have been in quarantine in almost a month and i haven’t left the house in a solid two weeks (so i’m making this post to try to cope). yes, we’re all in quarantine rn and i know y’all are looking for ways to cope/distract yourselves/be productive during this time. also, i’ll do my best to be realistic because i’m also trying to find ways to cope based on experience.
i will emphasize, NO ONE is going to pressure anyone into being productive during the quarantine because we all just want to get by.
“but what if i’m doing well during this quarantine and i just what to let time pass by?”
then this post is for you !!
1. schedule what you can do for the day
maybe we all keep saying we’re bored, we have nothing to do, we feel so unproductive this and that; so i could suggest making a list of what you do during the day to fill up the time slots of your day. this all depends on what time you wake up and what time you go to sleep (my sleep schedule is wack lately lmao i just wanted to share)
once you feel that you still have nothing to do or you still have gaps in your schedule, then you could look for more ideas on what to do or just simply take a nap (because i swear to god naps are the best). maaaaaybe you could try a new hobby and finally commit to it (no pressure, though, after all we’re going through a pandemic)
if you want some printables on a daily schedule, i have some links
universi-tea  moodyprintables
2. declutter your room, organize your desk, make everything prettier !!
okay so quarantine. we’re all stuck in our rooms, our houses, and whatever else you see. so why not make everything more pleasing to the eyes? maybe, through decluttering, you’ll find something that will remind you of something (i hope it isn’t something bad tho) and maybe you have some decors that you haven’t hung up like string lights. but please, before the string lights, consider the electricity bill, especially for families that don’t have a source of income rn.
you could also handcraft your own decorations, and speaking of that, i could transition to my next suggestion, which is...
3. try out crafting
of course, with the materials you have in your reach. you could make origami, perhaps a curtain of paper cranes, a wall of paper flowers, a string of paper decorations? these links below could suggest more
diy paper room decorations diy yarn room decorations easy wall art diy home accents fabric projects
there are more ideas on the internet, and maybe you have other materials you have stored in your house !! you can search up more diy projects based on that and you could put a twist to the ideas you see on the internet
4. have a try at journaling
based from my experience, self-isolation leads us into being stuck with our thoughts. so, journaling is one way to let out those thoughts. there are a lot of ways to journal, whether traditionally or digitally, and there are a lot of ideas on the internet. if you don’t know where to get started, here are a few useful posts out of the shitton of posts you can find on the internet
bullet journaling: a guide by bujowsofie 31 day journal challenge by coffeeandpoem journaling ideas/inspiration by gh0stylt 15 things to collect in your journal by improving-slowly 150 self-discovery and bullet journal prompts by undersoilanddirt masterpost of journal prompts by undersoilanddirt
5. learn a new language
have you ever attempted to learn a new language but was never able to commit to it? now is like... a perfect time since we have possibly months of quarantine so we’re gonna be stuck here doing nothing lol anyways you don’t have to commit either if you don’t absolutely feel like it. it’s really up to you if you want to do this for a long time since this is a way to pass time for the quarantine period. here are useful links and masterposts for people trying to learn a new language
how to learn a language when you don’t know where to start by escapetoluna 2+ months of language learning prompts by amillionlanguages language learning masterpost by languagessi tips for starting a langblr by join-the-dutch-clan
6. pick up a new hobby
there are lots of hobbies you can learn with the help of youtube (or online courses, if you can afford it; and as they say,, hope all..) here is a list of hobbies i could suggest 
drawing/painting photography playing a musical instrument writing handcrafting cooking/baking sewing
7. start working out at home
there are a lot of ways to get fit (since diets and meal plans are a difficult option ngl especially where i live in), and working out does not require equipment. you could perhaps use applications (i personally use Home Workout), or you could do yoga by watching and imitating what instructors do on youtube. you could even try getting flexible during the quarantine period or even study your favorite dances (or even just a little bit of zumba!!)
8. do some advance studying in your academics
yes. i hate mentioning this. but if your online classes aren’t suspended (hello @ my school idk what you’re doing but it’s not effective at all for underprivileged students) then you better check your priorities LMAO. i do wish that whatever situation you are in is conducive for you to be able to learn, but if you’re done with your academics you could do some advance studying so that you can get a headstart once you go back to “normal”.
9. oooooor you could study an online course you are interested in
there are free courses offered by the ivy league rn, here is the link !!
10. and lastly, remember that this pandemic is a time for you to rest and be aware of what’s happening outside. multiple factors led us into this situation and we must make a change for these type of things to not happen again. as the youth, we must be socially aware because it’s our job to help our nation.
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mauve-moonbeam · 5 years ago
i’m new to the studyblr side and am looking for blogs to follow. recommend any?
hello! welcome to the community. they have uplifting messages here, so i hope you’ll enjoy your stay 💛
for recommendation, here are the blogs that i like, in no particular order
@soft-study-vibes @bright-goals @phoebe-does @february-study-panda @studyspiration-coffee @studipuff @amillionlanguages @la-galaxie-langblr @soracities @blackgrad @ceebycee @museforthemind @hippiehealth @studyingatsunrise @luminous-studiess @a-study-in-letters @cupsandthoughts @stillstudies @wellreadfolk @istudyiwin @fightostudy @eintsein @notesworthtea @studylustre @areistotle @teacupstudies @lovelybluepanda @missionpolyglot
here are some blogs for adulthood and self-improvement as well, just in case you want that extra boost of inspiration, or find life overwhelming at times
@yournewapartment @growup-gloup @bitchesgetriches 
also, would you like me to follow you? send me a message if you do 😊
thank you for your ask 💛
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study-sleep-tea-repeat · 5 years ago
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• 1/1/20 • 9:30 pm • Today I worked on learning Italian for the #1YearOfLangs challenge that I do on my other blog @amillionlanguages! I got a (thrifted) textbook for this year which hopefully will help me to learn and retain things a bit more :’)
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asublimehimbo · 5 years ago
Hey! it’s my first post of the new year, and we’re gonna hit the ground running! I’m doing @amillionlanguages one year+month of languages challenge, with my own list of things I’ll be doing for each language, every day of the month.
In January I’m studying French, to ease myself into it (since I already have very minimal experience with French from school). I took about a year of it, and really enjoyed it, so I figured it’d be fun to get back to it for a little bit!
For the first of the month, my personal prompt was: watch or listen to any kind of media in the chosen language (just to ease into the whole thing), so I decided to listen to some French music!
Here are the songs I listened to:
Alors on Dance by: Stromae, you can listen on Youtube here.
Dernière Danse by: Indila, you can listen on Youtube here.
Tous Les Mêmes by: Stromae, you can listen to it on Youtube here.
I obviously don’t know French yet, so I really don’t know what these songs are talking about, but it was really good music, and I tried to pay attention to how they pronounced words.
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burtuqaala · 5 years ago
For 2020 I’ll be following @amillionlanguages ‘s Year of Languages Challenge! I love learning about different languages, and this seemed like a focused & disciplined way to gain a basic understanding of a language without committing to years of study. My main resolution for the new year is to maximise my productivity by breaking the months up into short study routines, so this challenge is a perfect starting point!
The languages I will be studying for this challenge are:
January: Egyptian Arabic dialect
February: Egyptian Arabic dialect
March: Polish
April: Estonian
May: Moroccan Arabic dialect
June: ‘Levantine’ Arabic dialect
July:   Maltese
August:  Turkish
September:  Welsh
October:  Thai
November: Tamil
December:  Spanish
I will very likely be visiting Egypt in February, so I didn’t want to study another language while visiting and forget the Arabic I learnt when I needed it most!!! Other than that, I will be following the original language-a-month formula.
I’m studying Modern Standard Arabic, so I thought this challenge would be a good opportunity to familiarise myself with some of the spoken dialects! I limited myself to 3 dialects so they wouldn’t take over the challenge, but I’ve yet to choose between either the Lebanese, Palestinian or Syrian dialects. I’m going to see what resources I can compile for each and decide closer to June.
I also would love to study some Maltese because a Romance-influenced descendent of Sicilian Arabic sounds fascinating! The little bits I’ve seen of the written language look stunning and I want to learn how the phonology & grammar of a Semitic language adapted to the Latin alphabet.
Estonian and Polish are the first languages of two of my close friends and although they are lovely languages in their own right, I want to learn these to be able to speak a little with them. Hopefully they get a good laugh out of my pronunciation!!!
Welsh is an important language for me, it was my Taid’s native language (he didn’t speak a word of English until he was 12), so I’d love to learn it to keep my family history alive. I live very close to the northern Welsh border, so I’ve always visited and had opportunities to experience the language first-hand, which I can’t say for any other language.
My favourite thing about language learning are the beautiful scripts. Tamil & Thai have drop-dead GORGEOUS scripts, so I will be focusing more on writing in their respective months. I am excited (& intimidated) for these because they are both from language families I have never studied before!!!
I’ve studied a teen tiny bit of Turkish in the past, so I’d like to revisit it. I remember loving the vowel harmony systems and the aesthetic of the written language (I think it’s interesting how a script/writing system fits the language, maybe in this month I will also look into Ottoman Turkish to see how the Arabic abjad fit the language in comparison to the Latin alphabet!).
I have a basic (re: Tourist) knowledge of Spanish, but it has a lovely phonology, is spoken in many countries and has loads of resources for study, so it looks amazing to learn! My dream is to visit Andalusia and see the beautiful Islamic architecture. One day I WILL see the Court of Lions!!!!  I’m interested in seeing the extent of Arabic’s influence on the language, even if it’s limited to arcane vocab.
I am 99% sure I’ll stick to these languages, but I might rearrange which months they correspond to if need be.
Tbh it was hard narrowing it down to 12 languages (and then 11, RIP Nahuatl), but a concise, focused month of study will not only teach me more of a language than looking into one as fancy strikes me, but also how to structure short-term, effective study plans/projects, which is a life skill I NEED to learn this year!
Good luck to everyone else participating in this challenge, I wish you all the best in your language studies and 2020! Happy new year!
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studyblrrrino · 5 years ago
One Year Language Challenge ! 💖💜🤍💓
@amillionlanguages had the fantabulous idea of challenging oneself to work on a new language every month of 2020. I’m a little afraid to do that so i’m going to be switching it up every two months or so lol. If you’re interested,here’s my plan! I’m very indecisive, though, so it it subject to change!:
Jan/Feb - ASL
Mar/Apr - Greek
May - Russian
June/July - Norwegian
Aug - Russian
Sep/Oct - Hawaiian
Nov/Dec - Spanish
Russian is split up because I tend to get annoyed with it frequently 😂 I’ll continue to work on my French and Italian throughout the year because I love them too much to put them away for 5/6 of the year. Also I take French in school lol
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amillionlanguages · 5 years ago
Resources for the 1 Year of Languages Challenge
Link to the original challenge!
Ba Ba Dum
Coffee Strap
Radio Lingua
Are there any other language learning resources that you use? 
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hwastudies · 2 years ago
Language Learning Prompts by @amillionlanguages
DAY 1 - Polite Phrases
DAY 2 - Introductory Phrases
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Doing both days since I've already learned this. Excited to see how much I'll progress when doing this challenge :)
🫠 I'm not good at writing pretty notes or editing aesthetic pictures.
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palatalfricative · 6 years ago
2019 language challenge
Hey guys! So I have been super inactive on here for like...forever. Once I got busy with school my attention to this blog dropped off. It’s also been a while since I’ve studied any language whatsoever, although I’ve been taking plenty of linguistics classes. But since I miss studying languages, I’ve decided to take on @amillionlanguages‘s year-long language challenge! It entails learning as much as possible of one language per month for the year. Here’s my preliminary list of languages!
January: Italian
February: Farsi
March: Spanish
April: French
May: Greek
June: Swahili
July: Chinese
August: Portuguese
September: Hindi
October: Turkish
November: Pashto
December: Cree
These are definitely subject to change but that’s my plan as of now. My hope is to get in 30 minutes of practice per day, but I recognize that even that will be difficult with my school schedule, so I plan to play it by ear and cut myself slack when I need to.
Would y’all be interested in updates on my progress or language language learning resources I come across?
And if anyone else is interested in doing this challenge with me, definitely hit me up, or tag me in your post! I would love to find study buddies or at least see others’ progress!
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plainoldchemistry · 11 years ago
Oh, hello. It seems you are my roommate. My name is Kyu Bok. We should get to know each other, yes?
I think so. I’m Dustin. 
Nice to meet you!
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amillionlanguages · 5 years ago
1 Year of Languages Challenge Masterpost!
#1YearOfLangs is a challenge that I created in December of 2018 and did throughout 2019. I’ve had a lot of fun and have learned a lot throughout the year-long language learning challenge, and I’ll be doing it again in 2020 (with some modifications)! I wanted to create a central post with all the info about the challenge, so that’s what this is!
The general premise of the challenge is to learn a new language every month for a year! Yes, that’s a lot, but it helps a lot to learn what languages you’re interested in pursuing in the future. You can also see connections between different languages which is really interesting
Here’s the post with the original guidelines
Here’s my 2019 challenge recap post
Here are some alternative variations of the challenge (with different lengths of time spent on each language)
Here’s a list of resources for the challenge
Here’s a 1-month language learning prompt list for #1MonthOfLangs
Here’s 2+ months worth of language learning prompts
Here’s what a realistic day of the challenge looks like
Here’s what I’m planning to do for the challenge in 2020
I’ll try to keep this updated as I make more posts but here’s what I have so far! Hopefully y’all find this helpful lol let me know if there’s any specific resource that you’d like me to find or make!!!! I want to help you all as much as possible so PLEASE let me know if there’s any way that I can help support you and get you more resources!
All love <3
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amillionlanguages · 5 years ago
Hey everyone! So, after this past year of doing the 1 Year of Languages challenge, I thought I would be ok to do it again this year. I had my plan all ready and some new supplies to go more in depth with languages than the previous year. I was honestly excited, especially for Italian since I had loved it so much last year.
But then I hit a wall. I just couldn't get myself to do language practice. It was like I had art block, but with language learning. And I kept hitting this block until this past week. I haven't done hardly any language practice over the past two months, which has been super frustrating since I absolutely love learning languages and want to keep this blog active, but I truly just needed a break.
So, hopefully I'm back. I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing now, but I'm going to try and focus on just rebuilding the daily habit of practicing language learning. What got me back into it was that somebody had tried to speak Spanish with me and I couldn't really hold the conversation very well, so I started working on the Spanish Duolingo course. I do eventually want to work on Italian, but I think I'm going to stick with Spanish for now since that's felt more motivating right now, plus that was in my original plan for March and April.
Anyway, thank you all for being patient with me while I took my much needed break. I hope to post more often going forward, but I also need to focus on not burning myself out.
It's been really cool to see some people posting about doing the #1YearOfLangs challenge, so please keep the posts coming! They're super inspirational and exciting to see!
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amillionlanguages · 6 years ago
hi! i love your blog so much! i speak fluent french so i want to start learning italian, do you know any good langblrs/tips/advice? thanks so much! x
Yeah for sure! I absolutely loved learning Italian for a month in January, and I’ll probably learn some more in the future! A lot of these resources are ones I found useful when I was working on Italian:
Coffee Break Italian podcast
Free Italian workbook pdf
If you work well with Duolingo, I definitely recommend it for Italian!
Practice speaking out loud as you read sentences, you’ll improve your speaking and listening skills a lot quicker!
Learn some basic verb tenses and simple grammar concepts first, it’ll make everything else fall into place much easier!
Good luck!
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amillionlanguages · 5 years ago
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This past year I completed the #1YearOfLangs challenge where I studied a new language every month in 2019! Here’s the original post I made in December 2018 where I explained the rules I followed this year.
I think it would be good to have some updated guidelines since people have said they’d like a bit more flexibility in the challenge, or ways to do the challenge with fewer languages since 12 is a lot!
The main focus is still to work on several languages over the course of an extended period of time, but these variations on the challenge can make it way easier to fit your life! So, here are the variations I came up with:
The Original – 12 languages in a year, spending 1 month on each
Use the tag #OriginalYearOfLangs if you follow this version!
The Extended – 6 languages in a year, spending 2 months on each
Use the tag #ExtendedYearOfLangs if you follow this version!
The Triad – 3 languages in 3 months, spending 1 month on each
Use the tag #TriadMonthsOfLangs if you follow this version!
The Twins – 2 languages in 12 months, spending 6 months on each
Use the tag #TwinsYearOfLangs if you follow this version!
The Soloist – spending the whole year focusing on learning 1 language
Use the tag #SoloistYearOfLangs if you follow this version!
Or any other combination of months and number of languages! These ideas are just to get you started!
I’m also going to be putting out a post for a #1MonthOfLangs challenge that’s a month long challenge for language learners since a whole year is pretty intimidating for a lot of people! Look out for that post soon!
Some other guidelines I’d like to mention are:
Try to post whenever you can but the main goal should be to do at least a little practice every day and to get in the habit of doing so
Tag any posts with #1yearoflangs #1yearoflangschallenge and any of the previously mentioned tags if they’re applicable to the version of the challenge you’re doing
Feel free to message me or send me an ask if you have any questions or comments about the challenge, my experience with it, or anything else you can think of!
Comment if you’re interested in doing the #1YearOfLangs challenge in 2020! I’m so excited to hear about all of your language plans!!
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