#amigops imagine
loca1ghoul · 2 years
can u imagine corpse playing dnd with like the amigops + tina, emma, ironmouse, and karl. just think abt it w me. toast trying and failing to get everyone to strategize. corpse rolling a game breaking nat 20. tina shit talking the bbeg.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
I'm really really sorry if I'm bothering you rn but I just needed this atm
Could you please make a Amigops x Reader who just lost their closest family due to cancer? And that they were doing good but at the last moment they just died?
I'll take anything rn
- With love Kiabelle
PD: Please take care of yourself
Hello darling! Please never, and I mean ever think you're bothering me or anything along those lines. I'm always happy to hear from you and fulfill a request of yours. I'm really sorry if you or anyone who sees this post has had to lose someone to this horrible disease. 💔
Pairing: Amigops & Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Mentions of death in the family and battle with cancer
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
- Your friends knew something was seriously wrong when you stopped replying to their messages and answering their calls
- You had skipped out on a few streams at that point but with your day job and everything it wasn't anything new
- Thing is, you didn't tell them exactly why because it hurt too bad
- The more people knew about it the more real it seemed so you just wanted to keep it to yourself and grieve it out in your own time and comfort zone before confronting the outside world which you were certain would come with a ton of questions as well as reassurance and comforting words that, while appreciated, you knew would do little to soothe the ache in your heart
- You simply hadn't yet dealt with the fact that you had lost them
- Someone who's been a part of your life since day one and who knows you better than anyone else
- Someone you could rely on to listen to you, trust you, give you advice
- Someone who you saw and still see as a hero, a fighter who you were sure would win the battle against this horrible disease that took over their life out of the blue
- You were certain they'd come out of that duel victorious and cancer free
- Until you received the phone call informing you that they've lost
- That they took an unexpected hit that they couldn't recover from
- And the world moved on, which aggravated you in a way you knew wasn't healthy but you couldn't help it
- You couldn't help envying the people who walked on by and had no idea that someone so important had been wiped from this world, a heart of gold is no longer beating
- You couldn't handle it
- A week into your grieving, you receive a phone call
- Having been woken up by it from a nap and with your eyes blurred and stinging from all the exhausting crying, you misread the caller ID
- And so, you answered
- It was a group call with Corpse, Rae, Sykkuno and Toast
- But you didn't know that
- "Hey Mae, don't worry about me, really. I'm fine....really. I'm still processing it all...I just need time, ok? Don't worry, I'll be alright."
- There was a beat of silence that confused you but you remained patient
- And that's when Rae's voice came in through from the other end
- "Y/N? Is everything ok?"
- The realization of the mistake you've made hits you instantly
- But still doesn't hit you as hard as the question and the thought that resurfaces in your head
- They have no idea...
- "No!" You could no longer hold back, not when you've been crying by yourself all this time, always without a shoulder to lean on or arms to wrap around you
- And so you let it all out, content with the comforting silence that's replaced the aforementioned expected but vain words
- Over-valued words
- "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry to burst like that, guys. I'm sorry I'm such a downer." You said after gathering enough control of your voice
- It felt good to get the weight off your chest, but the way that made you feel guilty was also unbearable and you knew it was wrong too
- And your friends are quick to confirm that
- "Y/N, don't apologize, we're your friends." Rae says with a sniffle too.
- Yes, you managed to make her tear up but she's holding herself well for your sake and the others' too
- "That's what we're here for. For whatever you need and whenever you need it." Corpse adds
- "Wish you would've told us sooner so it wouldn't have all built up like this." Toast also speaks up
- "Yeah, I mean, we're not professionals, but we would've done our best to help." Sykkuno backs him up
- "We love you, Y/N and we never want you to feel like you can't turn to us or rely on us." Rae tells you soothingly
- "And whatever emotion is weighing on you, you can always express to us." Corpse reassures
- "There's not much we can do with the distance and it can make a person feel helpless being miles and miles away from a friend in need of help or support but..." Toast trails off
- "We'll always try to do something, even if it isn't much." Sykkuno catches his line and finishes it for him
- The pit in your chest has now been filled with warmth, making you question why you hadn't turned to them sooner indeed
- Of course, the pain is still there, but it's numbed, even if only a bit
- To know that there's people who, metaphorically or not, would wrap their arms around you and let you cry on their shoulder is one of the best painkillers
- And the best heartbreak medication
- "You've already done more than enough, guys. I can't express how grateful I am." You sniffle, wiping your damp eyes and cheeks with the sleeve of your hoodie
- Only four words are on your mind, so you say them: "I love you guys."
- "We love you too, Y/N."
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hand delivered ~ corpse husband
word count: 1498
request?: no
description: in which he surprises her with a visit, and she surprises him with something else
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
i was inspired by corpse hand delivering sykkuno’s hoodie so i had to write a hella fluffy imagine on it
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“I swear to God Rae!” you exclaimed as Rae giggled at her actions.
The two of you were streaming GTA V together at Rae had taken an amusement to stealing cars and driving them towards you, narrowly avoiding killing you every time. For obvious reasons, this wasn’t exactly keeping you under the radar of the cops. Quite the opposite, actually. You were spending most of your time running from both Rae and the cops.
“We’re never gonna make any money at this rate,” you told her. “We’re gonna spend it all on bail fees.”
“Don’t be so dramatic!” Rae argued. “Just jump in, we’ll go to the next job.”
“I can’t jump in when you’re trying to run me over!”
Rae giggled again as your chat joked about what she was doing to you. You rolled your eyes at everyone, but you couldn’t stop the smile that was on your face.
Before you could jump into the car that Rae had recently stolen, you heard a knock at your door. You paused a moment, confused. You weren’t expecting anyone, and you hadn’t ordered any take out or anything. You decided to ignore it, figuring maybe it was a wrong place or something and if no one answered they’d leave. But the knock came again, this time a bit louder and faster.
“Hey, don’t get us killed, I gotta go AFK for a second,” you told Rae. You heard just a piece of her response as you set your headphone aside and made your way to your front door.
You were looking down when you opened the door, prepared to tell whoever was there that they were at the wrong house, but instead your gaze landed on a pair of familiar hands holding a black and red hoodie, folded in a way that all you could see was the familiar fanart of Corpse Husband.
Against your better judgement, you let your eyes trail up to the face of your visitor, the real life version of the face on the hoodie, smiling down at you. Your eyes widened. It was the first time you had ever seen Corpse’s face, and it felt illegal to be standing here looking at him. You quickly covered your eyes, willing yourself to forget what you had saw.
“(Y/N),” Corpse laughed. “You don’t have to cover your eyes.”
“I saw your face!” you said. “I-I saw your actual face! I have to gouge my eyes out or something!”
You felt his cold hands taking hold of your own, lowering them from your eyes so you could look up at him again. Although you tried to stop yourself, you let your eyes wander over his face, taking in every detail. It occurred to you in that moment that this was the first time you were seeing the face of a man you had been crushing on for the past six months.
“Come in,” you said, realizing that he was still just standing outside. “Come, get comfortable. I’m-I’m streaming, I’ll be right back.”
“You don’t have to end your stream early because of me.”
That voice! It comes from an actual person! A real, living person!
“You really think I’ll be able to return to my stream for another few hours while you’re here?” you questioned. “It’s fine, it’s just GTA with Rae. She’ll probably play with Sykkuno instead when I get off.”
You felt like you were in a daze as you returned to your room. You quickly told Rae you were hopping off stream and you’d explain to her - and to your viewers - why later on. Your chat started asking what was wrong, but you ended the stream before responding.
When you returned to your living room, you saw the back of Corpse’s curly, brown haired head sitting on your couch. Your heart was racing with so many different emotions. You couldn’t believe he was actually here, that the voice you had befriended nearly half a year ago was actually sat in your house.
“Wait a second,” you said, realizing something. “Don’t you live like...five hours away? Corpse, did you drive five hours to come visit me?”
He looked up at you and shrugged. “Yeah, so?”
“So?! Corpse, you have nerve issues! You can’t even sit straight for ten minutes!” You were suddenly starting to feel guilty, although obviously you hadn’t asked Corpse to come visit you.
“I’m fine!” he assured you. “Do I look like I’m in pain? I wanted to come give you your merch, and I figured this would be a nice surprise too!”
You went to sit next to him, your heart beating faster the closer you got to him. You were sure this was just a dream and you’d wake up in bed at any moment. To test your theory, you slowly inched your finger forward to softly poke Corpse’s cheek. He chuckled as you jumped back, shocked by the success of your touch.
“You’re real!” you blurted, causing more laughter.
“I am real. Are you surprised?”
“Just a little,” you admitted.
You both sat in silence, just looking at one another. You weren’t really sure what to say. It was like every possible topic you could bring up, or every joke you could make, was suddenly gone. It was obvious Corpse was feeling the same as he was usually the one who could keep a conversation going.
“Try on your hoodie,” he finally said, passing you the hoodie he was still holding to you. You took it excitedly and slipped it on over your head. The warm material engulfed you immediately. It was definitely a few sizes too big, but that was your favorite part - the bagginess of it.
“It’s perfect,” you told him. “Thank you so much for bringing it to me.”
“I told you I would. I really wanted you to have at least one article of my merch. You were so excited for it when I released it.”
You held the hoodie close to your nose, taking in the scent of Corpse that still lingered on it. There was so much happiness bubbling up inside of you that you felt like you were going to burst at any moment. You really did not think things could get any better.
“Can I hug you?” you asked.
Corpse smiled and opened his arms as a response. You immediately lunged into them, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. It was the last confirmation you needed that this was all real, that Corpse was really there.
The hug was prolonged and eventually Corpse was pulling you into his lap, squeezing you back as if afraid that you would disappear too. You rested your head against his shoulder, feeling his curly locks brush against your face. You never wanted to let go, and you could tell that Corpse felt the same way.
When you finally pulled away from the hug, you looked down into Corpse’s eyes. His hands were still resting on your hips, and yours were on his shoulders. Before you could stop yourself, you were leaning forward to kiss him. The minute your lips collided, it was like someone had set off fireworks inside your small apartment.
You pulled away almost immediately, realizing what you had done. “I-I’m sorry. That-that wasn’t right of me. I’m sorry.”
There was a small smile on Corpse’s face as his hands came up to cup your face and pulled you to him, attaching his lips to yours again.
Just when I thought today couldn’t get any better.
Forgetting the world around you, you became lost in one another. Your arms were back around Corpse’s neck, holding on to him as if you were afraid he’d disappear if you let go. One of his hands was still on your cheek as the other slipped behind your head, your hair tangling around his fingers. There was so much passion in the kiss that it made your head spin, and when the two of you finally pulled away it felt like your head was spinning.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Corpse told you. “I may have been hoping something like this would happen when I got here.”
“What?” you questioned. “Why did you never tell me how you were feeling?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Corpse teased. “I was always flirting with you, I had hoped you’d get the message.”
“Corpse, you flirt with everyone!”
The two of you laughed. You couldn’t help but dip your head to kiss him once more. His lips were intoxicating, and you just wanted to kiss them all the time.
“How long were you planning on staying?” you asked.
“I don’t know. I was going to see how well this visit went and go from there.”
You giggled and cuddled into Corpse’s arms. “Well, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. I think I’ll have a hard time letting you go now, though.”
“I think I’ll have a hard time leaving.”
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allensimpsforcorpse · 3 years
𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 | c.h
Pairing :: Corpse Husband x GN! Reader
Requested :: Nope
Summary :: You were in the middle of a Death note marathon when Corpse called you because he got scared and too anxious while playing RE Village
Warning/s :: Corpse being anxious
A/N :: I hope you guys like this! This isn't requested but just a dream that I had last week and I have been itching to write it! Taglist (for all my future Corpse fics and my one multi-chaptered fic) Requests are open
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You sighed contently as you finish another episode of Death note, one of your favorite animes.
Today was one of your day off of streaming and you deemed it as the day you will finally finish re-watching the anime as your plans to watch it had always been foiled by surprise streams and other plans.
Normally you'll spend the day with one of your friends or with your boyfriend, Corpse, either hanging out or having one of your midnight dates. But everyone seems to have plans for today so you were left alone to watch Death note in peace. Though, no doubt you will always choose your friends over a mere show, it was nice to be able to finish watching the anime.
Just as you were about to play the next episode, a familiar relaxing tune came from your cellphone. Reaching out to your nightstand where your phone was charging, you took it off it's plug and checked who was calling you.
🖤 Corpsiee 🖤 is calling...
Well, that's unexpected. Isn't he supposed to be streaming right now? And he's just on the other end of the hallway, what could he be calling about for?
You answered it and before you can even utter a single word, he greeted you. Shaky, and he sounds out of breath. Uh oh.
"Hey, love, are you okay?" you immediately asked, moving to clean up the mess you have made on your bed. Did something happen in his stream? Granted, he always gets nervous and anxious whenever he streams but that was always in the beginning and when they're playing among us. If your memory serves you right, it's been hours since he started and he's not playing Among Us today- Oh wait, he's playing Resident Evil with Tina!
Yeah, that's a good reason to be anxious.
"Just... Just needed to hear your voice. I got, uh, spooked while playing." he explained, making you nod despite knowing he will not see it. You put the call on speaker and gently placed it on your desk so you can easily fix your hair.
"Want me to join you while you continue your stream? I can hold your hand" your tone of voice suggested that you were just teasing but internally you were serious. You'll gladly hold his hand while he plays, similar to what you do when he plays Among Us in a clutch moment
"Yes, please" with that, you got out your room and walked over to his streaming room. Gently knocking on the door to avoid further making the man inside with the sudden noise, you opened the door as quiet as you can.
Corpse looked up from his phone when he heard you walk in. As soon as you got close enough, he pulled you on his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist to tightly hug you. You could feel him lightly shaking as he did so and you hugged him back with no hesitation. From his earphones, you can hear Tina talking to his chat in his stead.
"Sorry that I had to pull you away from yout marathon" he quietly mumbled, you were certain you wouldn't be able to hear it if you weren't so pressed up against him at theta moment, not that you were complaining about the closeness. "I'll make it up to you after the stream"
You let out a soft giggle, shaking your head as you pull away from him to look at his face. You placed your hands on each side of his face and kissed him on the forehead. "It's okay, silly. It's just anime, you're more important than watching Light. Plus, I'm only, like, 3 episodes away 'till the end so I can just watch it later" you kissed him on the nose this time, lightly laughing at the redness visible on his cheeks.
You helped him regulate his breathing and he eventually went back to his stream, apologizing for his long silence.
It's okay, corpse!
I hope you're okay, C!
Is (Y/N) with you right now?
He read the last comment out loud before answering. "Yeah, they're with me right now. Them and Tina are my emotional support animal" he jested, making both you and Tina laugh as he finally continues to play the game, more calm now that you were here with him.
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Tags: @apple-slice-of-your-laifu-blog
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lizzywrites · 3 years
stuck with you → Corpse Husband
summary → keeping corpse company while he streams while also helping him with his streaming anxiety
note: this is my first writing where tried to change the POV
TW: one language word
I sighed as I plopped down on the couch in Corpse's office. I gave him a reassuring smile when he looked at me with concerned eyes right before he started streaming. "you'll do great." I said with confidence in my tone. Truth be told, I knew he was losing his shit right now.
Once he started streaming, I could immediately see the anxiety set in him. I leaned half off the couch to put my hand on his leg. He jolted at my touch. He gave me his hand, and we intertwined our fingers. We sat like this for a bit while he talked to chat before the game started. Once he started playing the game, he requested that his hand back.
While he streamed, I laid down on his couch and scrolled through Twitter for a bit. Now and then, I would check on Corpse to see how the game was doing, eventually drifting off to sleep.
I woke up a couple of hours later to someone poking my shoulder. I looked over and saw Corpse staring at me. I looked up at him, confused, then he replied, "I was just checking."
"I'm ending stream soon." He added before turning back to his stream. I let out a slight huff before going back to sleep.
I woke up a bit later being carried upstairs to bed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Corpse said. I nuzzled my head into his neck in response. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. "I guess I got stuck with you, huh?" He said quietly. I let out a slight laugh before he put me down again.
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sykkunno · 4 years
tina, rae, toast, sykkuno and corpse PLUS karl, quackity, sapnap, dream and george AMONG US. with the mods otto made it would be hilarious please + proximity
it's the amigops and feral boys crossover we deserve y'all the possibilities
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vadergf · 3 years
Amigops + dream team + Karl Jacobs + Tommy and Tubbo among us lobby when.
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eveilleeeee · 4 years
After the Uno game, Sykkuno suggested to the amigops that they should play Drunk Uno.
Drunk Uno...
Drunk... Uno?
I'm leaving goodbye
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literaphobe · 4 years
THINKING about sykkuno’s crazy mad verse city auto fills on jackbox today how did he get “i only pretend to be friends with you” “i will physically fight you” “that’s what she said” also how did he win like 3 different jackbox games in a row everybody simping
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the FACT that all the amigops KNOW about The Comfy Cartel comic. HAVE read it. the POWER lindi and sev hold. I love that for them
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Dodging Hints
Valkyrae x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Harmless, Non-Suggestive Flirting (idk if that counts), Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: One can easily overthink, overlook or misunderstand signals sent to them by the person they’re interested in. But, then there’s Rae who, according to basically everyone who knows her and Y/N, is actively dodging any and all hints thrown at her.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for request a fic with Rae, I don’t have many of those and it’s safe to say you made me super happy with your ask! So sorry you’ve had to wait so long for the fic to be written and posted but here it is now and I hope you come across it, give it a read and enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Hey Corpse, is Y/N gonna be running late or what?“ Rae should’ve automatically known better than to ask that question while in the call with three of the biggest shippers of her and said missing player Y/N.
She should’ve known better than to literally paint a target on her back like this and be the recipient of Lord knows how many teases to come in the following four hours they have been planning to spend playing different multiplayer games. She doesn’t even have the stream shield today, the whole event happening off-camera has her defenseless against her friends who are not known for hesitating before being honest.
“Don’t you know?“ Corpse kicks off today’s ‘annoying Rae‘ session in his signature suggestive tone of voice when he answers her question with one of his own.
“How am I supposed to know, Corpse?“ Being down this road many times, Rae has grown tired of dealing with it and now tends to reply to their snarky remarks with a monotone, exhausted tone to let them in on how ridiculous she sees them as.
Her method hasn’t proven to be successful so far but she can always keep trying, right?
“Oh please, how could you not? You two are constantly in each other’s orbit there’s no way there’s something you don’t know about each other.“ He replies, semi-annoyed.
Well, there’s at least one thing Y/N doesn’t know about me, Rae thinks to herself, shaking her head to push the thought away.
Little does she know, there’s at least one thing she doesn’t know about Y/N as well.
She sighs, “This is clearly not going anywhere. Does anyone else know where she is?“
Poki cuts her friend’s losses, surprisingly withholding the urge to tease her even a little bit as she answers her question, “She won’t be joining us. Last minute event to attend or something, I don’t know, she was talking eleven miles an hour over the phone but that’s what I managed to comprehend...Sorry she can’t be here.“ Although the comment slipped her on accident, she said it genuinely and in no way with the intentions of getting on Rae’s nerves which she gladly appreciates.
“It’s ok.“ She says, faking a smile in her voice, However, if Rae’s being honest, it’s ok only partly. It’s not so much that Y/N can’t be here - that too, but not as much as it has to do with the second reason: she didn’t tell her. She told Poki instead. Normally, she’d be the first to know if her friend wouldn’t be attending a stream or join the call but today she was completely left in the dark.
She doesn’t say anything regarding those concerns, though, and allows the cheery and joyful atmosphere her friends have created take her over as well. As much as she can allow herself to get distracted, at least.
However, she doesn’t need to say anything for Corpse to catch onto that fake happiness in her voice. But he doesn’t say anything either, knowing better than to talk to her about it in front of an ‘audience’.
And so the round begins with so many things unsaid.
Rae’s rather uninterested in the tasks she’s completing or the game in general.
So much for taking my mind off of it, she scoffs inwardly, afraid someone might hear her if she says it out loud considering they’re playing with proximity chat.
And boy is she glad she didn’t say it because only seconds later, as she’s doing the wiring task in Electrical, Corpse waltzes in.
“Sup Corpse?“ She asks as she finishes said task, glad she’s taking suspicion off herself as the bar fills up a bit more as evidence that she’s in the clear.
“Ok, enough of that, either tell me what’s going on or I’m killing you.“ He threatens weakly, clearly repressing a grin as he says it.
Rae rolls her eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Corpsy...”, she trails off, thinking of a way she can get out of the situation. Truth be told, she doesn’t mind getting killed in the game. It’s just a game and she could really use a break to do something that totally has nothing to do with checking up on Y/N. Definitely nothing to do with that. No way.
“Don’t undermine my intelligence, Rae, I see right through you.“ Corpse replies, causing Rae to press her lips together in a line, finding herself backed up in a corner. “And if you don’t believe the threat...“ He jumps in the vent on his left real quick as to prove a point, not that he really needed to, anyway.
“Ok, ok, I get it! Come back.“ It’s only now that she realizes just how much she’s needed to talk to someone about it. But she’d be damned if she admitted it. “Since you’re so adamant on jabbing your nose where it doesn’t belong, I guess I’ll fill you in on....everything?“
Jumping out of the vent, Corpse doesn’t try to hide his enthusiasm, “I’m all ears.“
"Ok, ok, you're being too much right now. It's not like there's anything to tell really." Rae says, rolling er eyes, "I like Y/N, she doesn't like me back, that's that."
She can hear the sound of Corpse face palming and sighing like a parent would when their child disappoints them.
"It's getting real hard to believe you're not doing this on purpose." He says, exasperated.
She furrows her brows in confusion, "Doing what on purpose?"
"Ignoring Y/N's hints, damn it! You're practically dodging them and making it seem as though you couldn't care less about them and her altogether!"
She retaliates, "I'm not ignoring anything, you're just reading too much into it! You know better than anyone that she's like that with everyone! She's naturally sweet, kind, caring and flirty with just about every single person she ever meets." Her voice falls to a whisper when she finishes her statement, the words stinging, "I'm not special to her."
"Okay, fuck this, I'm done with this." Without a second to spare, Corpse kills Rae in an instant, earning him a surprised and downright offended scream from her.
"HEY! What the hell, Corpse?!"
"There, now you can give Y/N a call." He replies, sounding satisfied and smug as ever before walking off, leaving her and her dead body behind.
Still infuriated, Rae leans back in her chair, staring up at the ceiling as if that’s what’s gonna pick a solution for her and present it before her eyes so she can make her next move. Truth is, she doesn’t even know if she wants to make one. It’s confusing and risky and so overwhelming to think that with a single sentence she can ruin a friendship or make it awkward forever from this point onward.
She runs a hand through her hair, feeling stranded on a tightrope with a bottomless abyss below. On one hand, she cannot hold it in and keep herself in the dark like this anymore; on the other, however, the risk is too big. Either way, it doesn’t look like she’ll be able to make it across. Either way, she’ll fall, but ‘how?’ is the question that’s troubling her.
Oh, what the hell? A friendly phone call is the least I can resort to right now, she decides with a sigh, hoping she’ll be able to improvise in the moment and figure out what she’s gonna say or do. And as a person who tends to plan everything in advance, she’s terrified.
She sits in loud silence as the dialing tone pierces her ear, half hoping Y/N won’t pick up the call and then hating herself because of her because of it. The wait is what’s driving her crazy the most - it doesn’t sit right with her that a dial tone is standing between her and the potentially biggest confession of her life.
“Hey hun!“ The cheery and upbeat as always voice of Y/N’s surprises the streamer, freeing her from her thoughts. There’s some background noise suggesting she’s still out and about in the city.
“Hi Y/N. Um, is everything alright? Are you ok?“ She cringes - as mentioned, improvisation is not her typical choice of handling situations.
Y/N is quick to reply though, “Oh, didn’t Poki tell you? My friend’s baby shower is tomorrow and I need to get a gift. You know me and my procrastination.” She laughs, “Suggestions are welcome, by the way. That is if you’ve got the time, of course. Oh, and say hi to the others.“
Just as Rae is about to respond with a semi-dismissive and slightly indecisive response, she gets an idea and swerves in a different lane, “Where are you? I can come help you out in person.”
The bafflement is clear in Y/N’s voice when she speaks again, “Wait, what about the gathering?”
“Technical difficulties, my computer’s a piece of crap.“ Finally a proper improvisation, “So...where are you?“
“Aww, someone’s eager to spend time with me.“ She gushes teasingly, reddening Rae’s cheeks.
She rolls her eyes, “As if you’re not eager to hang out with me too.“
Scoffing playfully, the girl dodges a direct answer and instead tells the other girl her whereabouts.
                                                          *  *  *
“You’re a life saver, I gotta admit, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.“ Y/N says, taking a sip of her soda.
The two are sitting in the food court of the mall, a giant, thankfully folded, baby carriage sitting by Y/N’s chair as the two have lunch, chit chatting after the long day they - especially Y/N - have had.
“I indeed am, among other things.“ Rae shrugs smugly, “And also thank you for lunch, you really didn’t have to.”
The other girl shakes her head, “It’s the least of a thanks I can express. And plus, I’m chivalrous.” She winks, earning herself an eye-roll from her friend.
“Not you’re not! Corpse would die laughing if he heard that claim.“ She says, shaking her head with a smile on her face.
“He can knock himself out - I’m only chivalrous for you.“ She leans back, making eye contact with Rae, making her heart skip a beat.
Little does she know, Rae’s does the same.
That eye contact, that is enough to get the words out of Rae, “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t joining the gathering?”
Y/N is not at all taken aback by the question and is instead quick to shrug, “I didn’t want to bother you. I can take the hint that you’re avoiding me.” She fakes a small curve at the corner of her lips to upkeep her ‘it is what it is’ appearance, “Didn’t think you’d even notice my absence, if I’m being honest.”
The streamer’s eyebrows furrow as her posture automatically shifts to slightly leaning over the table, eyes lingering on the hand Y/N’s rested on the table, barely managing to prevent her own from taking hold of it. “That was the first thing I noticed - and I don’t care how fake or cheesy it sounds to you, but it’s the truth. You’re the first person that came to mind when I accepted Sykkuno’s invitation to the event. I was so excited to talk to you and was hoping we’d get impostors together cuz....well, I don’t know, we just work well together.”
Y/N exhales defeatedly, but there’s also some relief in the mix, “You know I thought of the same thing but mirrored - I didn’t want to take part in the gathering in the first place, the gift was just a convenient excuse.” She rests her forehead in the palm of her hand, “I mean, it’s one thing to like somebody and give them subtle signs, and another to make them uncomfortable with said signs. Seems to me I crossed that line.”
Looking down, she fails to notice the shock and astonishment on Rae’s face as a result of her words, unable to believe what she heard.
“Wait...you like me? Like, like like me?“ She fidgets with her hands when Y/N’s eyes meet hers once again.
She shakes her head, “Thought I was obvious enough to have you start avoiding me. When your hints are that clear, it would only make sense for the other person to not ‘notice’ them if they’re purposely dodging them. Mostly cause they aren’t interested.” She sighs, fixating her gaze on the soda cup just so she doesn’t have to look at Rae, “Wish you’d just told me you weren’t interested. Would’ve made it a lot easier on me.”
“What do you mean I’m not interested in you?“ Now that manages to catch Y/N off guard finally, “I-I gave you space cause I felt like my feelings were making me suffocate you. I felt like I was pushing you away! I wish....I wish I didn’t let my mind talk me out of what my heart was telling me was the right thing.”
Raising an eyebrow, the other girl smirks, “So it did manage to talk you out of it?”
Rae returns her the smirk, “Not completely and definitely not anymore.”
Oh how Corpse would’ve been proud to see this take place. How he’d be overjoyed and/or yell ‘FUCKING FINALLY!’. How he’d make sure they know they owe him big time. Well, until he gets further disclosure, he’ll be in the dark about the kiss the two girls shared over a table in the food court of a mall.
@nyctophiliiiiaaa  @squirreljoe
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inspirational ~ corpse husband
word count: 1589
request?: yes!
“Hi! I was wondering if you could do a corpse husband imagine where the reader has a feeding tube? If you can’t that’s perfectly fine, I just haven’t been able to find one yet.”
description: in which the group plays with a popular streamer that has a feeding tube and corpse tells her how much she inspires him
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of chronic pain and cancer, also i only know a little bit about feedings tubes, i tried to do research in order to make myself more familiar but if there’s a lot of inaccuracies or anything i am very sorry i’m gonna try my best
masterlist (one, two)
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Corpse listened to his friends shouting at one another to accuse each other of being sus. As usual, there was no use in trying to get a word in. Corpse spoke so softly that no one would even hear him unless they wanted to hear what he was saying.
“(Y/N)!” Toast suddenly exclaimed. “You’re being very quiet right now.”
“Because my damn tube is mixed up in my headphone wires!” (Y/N) exclaimed, sounding like she was far away from her mic. The group chuckled and continued with their conversation about who they thought the imposter was.
(Y/N) was a known Twitch streamer and YouTuber that rose to popularity when she started a series on her YouTube channel to show her journey through cancer treatments. Long before his own sudden boom in popularity, Corpse had watched all of her videos and became invested in her Twitch streams as well. Being someone who also struggled with chronic illness and pain, Corpse felt a sense of hope watching (Y/N) go through her treatment and still seem to optimistic in life and so productive in her YouTube and Twitch channels.
When Toast messaged the Amigops group to ask if anyone wanted to join his Among Us lobby with (Y/N), Corpse jumped at the chance. He hadn’t had much time to speak with her alone, but he was hoping to be able to tell her how much watching her content lifted him up during his worst times.
The meeting ended with no one being voted and brought them back to the office of the Polus map. Since they were playing with proximity chat, the argument from the meeting immediately continued with Rae and Toast warning everyone to stay away from Sean, who they were susing at the second imposter after already voting out Charlie.
Corpse watched (Y/N)’s pink astronaut run out of the office, silent amongst the chaos. He waited a moment before deciding to follow her, hoping he could meet her somewhere alone so he could talk to her.
He ran into O2 and noticed a pink bean in the boiler room stood by the water wheels. He ran in and stood in the doorway a moment before speaking.
“Hello (Y/N).”
“Ah fuck!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “Corpse! Don’t scare me like that!”
Corpse chuckled. “Sorry, I’ll warn you next time.”
“Are you here to kill me?”
“I’m okay with that. I feel like being killed by Corpse Husband in Among Us is like a rite of passage at this point.”
Corpse slowly approached (Y/N) to which she quickly ran away from him to the other water wheel. He laughed again before assuring her, “I’m not an imposter, you can trust me.”
“I don’t think I can, but I will choose to trust,” she told him.
“I actually came looking for you because I wanted to talk to you.”
“What did you want to talk about?”
There were so many things running through Corpse’s mind. He just wanted to blurt out everything he had thought about (Y/N) and her story, to thank her for giving him hope, to tell her what an inspiration she was. But his words caught in his throat and he struggled to get anything out.
Finally, he said, “What’s it like trying to be a streamer with your...with the um...”
“The feeding tube?” (Y/N) finished for him. “You can say it, Corpse. It’s not exactly a secret.”
He sighed, glad that she had a joking tone about it. “Yeah, with the feeding tube.”
“It’s annoying,” (Y/N) admitted. “Like...I’m assuming you’ve seen my streams or my videos but for the sake of anyone watching your stream who hasn’t: I have a nasogastric feeding tube, or an NG-tube, which is a feeding tube that goes in through the nose. As cliché as it is, just picture Hazel Grace from the Fault in our Stars. Additional cliché, I have it because I had cancer and the treatments left me so malnourished that I need a feeding tube even after I’ve gone into remission. So, because it’s tubes that are connected in my nose, I keep getting my headphone wires tangled in my tube or, very rarely, my mic wires, and it’s fucking annoying. It hurts like a bitch when I go to stand up and I yank the wires  by accident or something.”
“Does...does anything else hurt? Because of the cancer or the treatment or anything?”
“Not as much as it used to. I went into remission like nearly a year ago, so I’m doing better. It’s a process, but it’s had an amazing outcome in the end so I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“I find you really inspirational,” Corpse finally blurted.
He felt his face heat up with slight embarrassment as (Y/N) giggled. “You do?”
“Yeah. I followed your series about your recovery and I’ve watched some of your livestreams every now and then. What always stood out to me was when you talked about the negative side effects of your treatment, and eventually having to put the feeding tube in and how you’ve found that effects you, too. Being someone with chronic illness and constant pain, I’ve also had those days where it feels like even getting out of bed is too much work and I don’t feel like I can stream or make a video, but then my anxiety tells me that everyone is going to forget about me if I don’t make some type of content, so it’s just an internal struggle when really I should be resting.”
“Being a content creator and having an illness is tough,” (Y/N) agreed. “It feels like you can’t take a day off. I sometimes regret making that series because on days that I felt absolutely awful, I didn’t want to film or edit anything, but I felt like I had to because so many people were watching. Ironically enough, that became the topic of one of those videos; I just sat in front of my camera looking the worst I think I’ve ever looked on camera and talked about how exhausted I felt just from being alive, but felt like I couldn’t rest because of my channel. That’s when I started taking longer breaks between videos and streaming. Your fans won’t leave you, not the true fans anyways. They’ll always be by your side even if you decide to disappear from the Internet forever.”
Corpse half smiled to himself. “I’ve thought about doing that sometimes.”
“It’ll be easy for you to do that where you’re faceless. No one would bother you even after you left the Internet cause they’d have no idea it was you unless you spoke.”
A brief pause in their conversation caused them to hear Sean yelling as he ran past the room. (Y/N) giggled and walked out of the room. Corpse followed, hoping to continue the conversation somewhere else.
“It means a lot to me that you think that about me, though,” (Y/N) continued as she ran into the storage room. “I find you pretty inspirational too.”
This took Corpse by surprise. He didn’t know how to respond. Sure, he heard that all the time from his fans, and it always meant the world to him to know that people found him to be an inspiration, but it felt different to hear that from someone he had looked up to for so long.
“I wish I could’ve been a faceless creator like you,” she said when Corpse didn’t respond. “One of my biggest regrets is probably showing my face online. Although, it wouldn’t make sense for me not to show my face when I’m making a series about cancer treatment, but people can be mean. Even when someone is struggling with illness or a disease, the Internet doesn’t care. Whatever makes them feel better over someone else feeling like shit.”
“I still get a lot of hateful messages even though I’m faceless, though.”
“You do, but you’re so unbothered by it. Publicly anyways. When I get messages about how sickly I look I get so overwhelmed with sadness and I just wanna delete my channel forever. I can’t even fake not caring because it really does effect me.”
“Stick with me, I’ll teach you my ways. My favorite is trolling the troll.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “I’d like that a lot.”
Corpse watched (Y/N)’s pink bean approach his black one. “I’m glad we had this chat, Corpse. It made me really happy, but now it also makes doing this a lot harder.”
Corpse gasped as a kill animation popped up on the screen and (Y/N)’s astronaut quickly disappeared into the nearby vent. He was stunned into silence for a long time, just watching his ghost floating above his dead body. To make matters worse, (Y/N) had closed the door to storage so no one would find his body unless they had to go in there.
Charlie’s ghost floated through the walls and came to float next to Corpse’s. “Figured out Jack wasn’t the other imposter, huh?”
“Yeah,” Corpse said, laughing. “She really had me fooled. Buttered me up with compliments then killed me.”
“I taught her well,” Charlie comments before floating away again.
Corpse couldn’t help but laugh about the situation. He wasn’t mad, more impressed than anything. And he was a little happy; he got to talk to someone that had always been an inspiration to him and he made a new friend.
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allensimpsforcorpse · 3 years
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✦ ── 『 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 』── ✦
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A knock came from her front door as she was scrolling through the bird app, laughing lightly at the fans commenting on her little conversation with Corpse and Dave. The three of them has been friends for a very long time now, not as long as her and Corpse, but it was long enough for her to consider Dave as someone important in her life. Her and Corpse trusts him; he has kept their identity a secret and respected their choice to stay as faceless youtubers for so long now.
Back to the present, the sudden call for her attention took her off guard. Did she order something and forgot? No, that can't be. Her anxiety wouldn't just let her forget if she has a package or order set to be delivered soon, so what was this?
Getting up, she made her way to the front door and peeped throught peep hole. It was a delivery man, but she really couldn't remember ever ordering anything. Deciding not to make the man wait any longer, she opened the door and grreted him with her usual polite smile. The man returned it and held out a donut box alongside a tall cup of her favorite starbucks drink. What in the world?
The bewildered woman quickly accepted the food and only stepped inside when he saw the delivery man disappear into the elevator, can't ever be too careful.
After locking her door once again, she took the box of donuts and drink to the kitchen and placed it on the counter. Upon opening the box, her nose was assaulted with the delicious smell of her favorite donuts, that growl was definitely not from her stomach, nope.
Just as she was about to take a bite one of it, she noticed that something was written on the cup of her drink. Other than her name, "Peace Offering" was also written on it with a neat handwriting and she already knew these were all from. Knowing him, he probably requested the bartender who made her drink to write it on the cup for him. A wide smile returned to her face as she re-closed the box and decided to eat it in her room where she left her phone in.
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Status :: OPEN (if your name is in bold, it means I couldn't tag you)
@apple-slice-of-your-laifu-blog @stylistiquements @katyasrussianaccent @thatmultifandomlovingmf @foxxtrot-116 @nerdinthecorner
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420pogpills · 3 years
Yeah tbh Dream and Sapnap both were quiet a lot of the time, and Tommy said at one point in the stream 'am I too quirky for this group?' so I think he felt out of place, also he actually started talking to tubbo at one point and was telling him he didn't really like among us.
George I think was just happy vibing with his stream- also I'm starting to realise that he's immune to awkwardness, he's just happy to hang out with whoever. I'm getting more and more certain that Dream and Sapnap are true introverts but George is an ambivert lol.
awww tommy :’) tommy is deffo very quirky haha more than some people can handle :’) but i feel like that group is very used to him, they just don’t get as wild. like corpse and sykkuno kind of stay on the same tone level, they’re more reserved they don’t shout or anything. rae and leslie get quite hyped so they popped off a few times, bretman usually doesn’t get too crazy either he’s just a sassy king he doesn’t need to raise his voice. toast seemed very quiet too. 
i feel like tommy enjoys among us when it’s more with the crazier group that he’s more comfortable with. among us is on the same level as monopoly, you wanna play it with people you’re very comfortable with because accusations are gonna get thrown around and y’all are gonna get pissed off at each other :’) so it’s not really a game you wanna play with acquaintances i guess? sometimes it really works like i find the previous lobbies with the minecraft people and the amigops have been epic! the vibes were just much more toned down this time around i feel
and yeah george genuinely is so immune to awkwardness, he fits in with absolutely anyone and he’s just good to go :’) he deffo toned down a lot when everyone left but still did great! i can’t imagine sapnap playing with the amigops without dream or george there haha! and when dream plays, 70% of the time he’s pretty quiet unless one of his close friends joins :’)
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j10kkuno · 4 years
The third round of yesterday's Among Us was so much fun! I was able to listen to it live and made a note to rewatch it and make a post about it and I finally did this morning and there was a lot of fun and Sykkuno had an ICONIC line. And holy shit, this got long but I love it
So, for context, Sykkuno got jester and Jack and Corpse got imposter. Ash got Sykkuno to come watch her scan, which he checked, but wouldn't let her check him because he obviously didn't want to be clear because he needed to be sus. They stuck together the first couple rounds, doing tasks, holding hands, doing crew matey stuff.
Meetings were so much fun this game. First round, Toast accused Rae of acting weird and she just said she was protecting him and he was just like "Rae protecting Toast? Does that sound like Rae to you guys?" And Sykkuno said she was probably stalking him down like a hyena and like an adoring little sister, Tina was like, "Ooh, a hyena." And Rae said she was simping for Toast which I love.
Next meeting, Dream accused Ash for clearing rooms but not going that far in(But she was??? I checked her VOD) and Sykkuno JUMPED to clear her but then got flaky about if he scanned and Ash told the meeting she saw him scan and then immediately muted and told her chat "Nope." Since Sykkuno was being weird, Dream was like "Disregarding Sykkuno, this is why..." And I just... Dream's cool but I also think he doesn't get the humor but also, of course he doesn't. The rest of the lobby are good friends and play together regularly. Of course he doesn't get their jokes. Toast ended to meeting with a random "If I die, it's Corpse."
Game continues, next meeting Corpse thought that the whole Toast accusation was to bait the imposters but Toast was like, no, Corpse sus. No matter how much Rae prodded, Toast wouldn't explain, just accused Jack, and when Jack said he was broken, tunneled on Jack-Corpse Corpse-Jack(Toast was funny this game).
Sykkuno, as the meeting ends: "Well if it's Corpse and Jack I'm going to survive until the end, right? That's how we'll know." Rae: "Please kill me." Funny thing is, Jack killed him next round.
Toast still refused to explain himself, but asked if they were down to vote Jack, which Ash and Corpse jumped on, and Jack called them all bullies and voted for Ash, who said she wanted to vote for him AGAIN and I love them. As Jack got ejected, Toast was like "Corpse-Jack?" And Corpse was like "Why would I vote him like that?" And Toast was like "That is true. Why would you do that?" And it's a fucking hilarious image to imagine all of this happening IRL in a ship and Jack being ejected as they all watch and Corpse and Toast just talking to each other.
Corpse kills Jack and it's a basically a 50/50 between Rae and Corpse because of how hard Sykkuno tried to clear Ash but crew won. Afterwards, Toast confirmed he knew it was Jack and Corpse just from how the speak/words they use(For Corpse, it was speedrun). Sykkuno said he was jester and why he was hesitant scanning and Ash apologized.
It was just a really fun round for Amigops, Ash, and Jack dynamics, especially Sykkuno and Ash or the friendly rivalry dynamics of Rae, Corpse, and Toast. Sykkuno's line about living until the end made me laugh so much the first time I heard it. He acts so innocent but he knows. He knows so much.
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septichowelll · 4 years
Imagine the Amigops are the Scooby- Doo cast
Corpse: Fred
Rae: Daphne
Toast: Velma
Sykkuno: Shaggy
Bonus character- Jack as Scooby
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