#american true crime
giunass94 · 2 years
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American Horror Story Criminals
Real Criminals
Jeffrey Dahmer
John Wayne Gacy
Aileen Wuornos
Tate Langdon ispired by Eric Harris & Dyaln Klebold
Richard Ramirez
Dr. Oliver Thredson inspired by Ed Gein
Charles Manson
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professionalyapper · 10 months
The story is about two high school students, Alex Frost and Eric Deulen, two close friends and students in a suburb of Portland, who calmly plan and perform a mass execution of their classmates and school administrators in the course of one day
Elephant (2003 film) is an American psychological drama film
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livelaughlovelams · 4 months
Random: Is there a woman waiting for you back at home?
Von Steuben: HAH! Bold of you to assume I have a home in the first place.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
ORV Characters Ranked by Least to Most Likely to Commit White Collar Crime
You guys said you wanted my ORV takes, and I try not to say things unsolicited, so I'll drop the good meta-analysis and literary criticism that I'm known for. For comedy purposes please pretend that ORV is American.
Omniscent Reader's Viewpoint characters broken down by likelihood to commit white collar crime, least to most:
Lee Hyeonseong: he's convinced that he's never committed a crime in his life. Intentionally, of course not. Unintentionally, he takes shopping for groceries extremely seriously, and is sometimes so wrapped up in the fruit inspection experience that he'll leave without paying. Due to his innocent face, bulk, and sheer confidence, he's never caught. In an economically thrifty maneuver, KDJ always sends him on snack runs for parties and texts him math problems while he's there. He insists it's like couponing. It's not couponing.
Jeong Huiwon: similarly, of course she would never choose to commit a crime. Also similarly, when KDJ says, 'Hey, wanna commit a crime?' she always participates. Since the crime is normally targeted at rich people, KDJ can usually morally justify it to her. She calls this harm reduction. It's not harm reduction.
Lee Jihye: would love to commit a crime in theory, almost never in practice. She has an idealized image in her mind of the ideal high school experience and it involves grand theft auto. However, the worst she ever gets is breaking & entering and trespassing, mostly because she didn't stop to wonder if the building was abandoned or not. She can't even shoplift from Claire's.
Shin Yuseung: the kind of kid who sets the dissection frogs in the school laboratory free. Looks up illegal exotic animal trading on the deepweb and sighs in longing. But exotic pet trading isn't very Animal Rights of her, so she just leaks information to the CIA and busts the rings. Lee Gilyeong convinces her to track down shady sellers on Craigslist and bust their kneecaps. Neither of them view this as significantly different from the dissection frog liberation. KDJ gets her a rescued exotic cat for her birthday as a reward.
Lee Gilyeong: self-explanatory.
Han Suyeong: she's been pirating media since she was eleven and has never stopped. World-class expert in pirating everything. She's the unsung hero who rips the CDs and games and puts them online. Runs the pirating websites. Has never paid for a webnovel or manwha or manga in her life. Despite this, she insists that pirating books is immoral and that people should support small authors. The FBI knows she exists and has been trying to catch her for years. She brags about this constantly.
Yoo Sangah: has committed tax fraud before, will commit tax fraud tomorrow, is currently committing tax fraud. Embezzles her company's embezzlement. Insists that she's only committing victimless crimes, mainly because she doesn't view business executives as people. Her ability to evade the IRS is mythological and it's how KDJ got a crush on her.
Yoo Junghyeok: does not understand adult life well enough to knowingly commit any sort of white collar crime. He is this high on the list because he enables and helps KDJ in literally everything he does, especially using his clout as an influencer. This is because KDJ has convinced him that these things aren't crimes, and he doesn't understand adult life well enough to figure it out.
Kim Dokja: has done every white collar crime under the sun. I can't emphasize enough how much crime he does. He's currently blackmailing SYS's college tuition out of a US Senator. HSY makes the shell companies and launders so much money with him. Alternates between running a pyramid scheme and a ponzi scheme depending on the month. Started a cult that one time but we don't like to talk about that. Runs the betting ring for YJH's esports games. Fixes the games. YJH does not know he does this, but KDJ splits the profits and Yoo Mia also needs a college tuition so he decides not to think about it too hard. Big into crypto and runs every crypto scam you can possibly think of, which is normally where the the ponzi schemes come in. Steals YJH's identity often. Somehow everything he does is technically legal. The only crime he does not commit is pirating. Exclusively targets the wealthy and ultra-wealthy and has never stolen money from a poor person. Sugar daddies all of his friends and pays all college tuitions. Anonymously yet obviously sponsors huge amounts of money to YJH's Twitch streams, mostly in apology for the ID theft. Would really rather be living a quiet life in a big house with all of his friends, but that big house ain't gonna pay for itself.
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jangillman · 7 days
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dreamertrilogys · 5 months
there’s a lot of posts on how white suburbs are deeply awful + filled w ppl unable to conceptualize a world outside their own bubble + steeped in racism etc. which obviously is true and all but as someone who’s personally seen many suburbs filled w/ diff ethnic groups (not functionally diverse suburbs just for example suburb 1 filled entirely w chinese immigrants, 2 filled w only pakistanis, etc) the overall results aren’t much better. like at the end of the day the issue lies not in the whiteness of suburban residents but rather the way their lifestyles (car dependancy -> can’t go anywhere else/see other ppl, have never sat on the bus and seen regular ppl etc) allow them to genuinely live their entire lives in an extremely minuscule bubble of homogenous ppl who look & live (esp economically!!!) exactly like them
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magic-can · 5 days
Ryan Murphy needs to be put down like a sick dog
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cool-cactus123 · 6 months
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miskatonicaquarium · 5 months
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Just a little reminder that I wrote a book. It’s got murders! It’s got spiritualism! It’s got people spelling groceries wrong and a bunch of fun old west nicknames!
You can get it in the UK, America and Australia wherever you like to buy your books 💀📚
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cutemothman · 8 months
true detective is very funny because marty is always getting so worked up by rust when marty is the one instigating 100% of the time
marty will be like "dammit rust why are you such a freak?!"
and rust is just standing there like: 🧍‍♂️
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cxndiedvi0lets · 1 month
Even if they're not here. I still fucking think you're gross, brooke for romanticising richard ramirez and requesting others to engage romantic or suggestive roleplay fantasies with richard ramirez.
The guy is not a fictional character, and I don't care if it's "AHS" related. That's fucking weird and stomach sickening. I want people who like dahmer and ramirez to unfollow me or block me. I'm not tolerating that in my space and neither do I want to be engaged with you
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I’m not surprised on how Ryan made the brothers look, since he just loves to twist real life people in one way or another. Remember when he included Richard Ramirez into American Horror Story and had him be this romanticized bad boy lover to Montana? The cases are different (Richard a disgusting fuck, and the brothers are victims), but you get the standing point.
The Richard portrayal led to a bunch of sick people romanticizing him (he’s also dead by this point), but Erik and Lyle are both living and breathing. THEY DESERVE JUSTICE AND A LIFE.
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spectralan0maly · 8 months
what the fuck is with the white liberal phenomenon of like 'I'm Not Racist, which means that when I see a minority person and make an assumption rooted in stereotype, its because the stereotype is true and my brain is very smart making these connections. :)"
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Hiding in the event of a School Shooting
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In this post I’m going to list what are the safest places to hide within a school if there isn’t a safe way outside or you are not safely in a classroom going through lockdown procedure. This is entirely hypothetical; you won't necessarily be involved but in the event of a school shooting it’s best to know how to stay safe just in case.
- A janitor's closet that can lock from the inside (preferably one that is not within the main parts of the school.)
- An elevator (make sure it’s closed and not moving.)
- Sub-rooms within room (storage rooms in music and art rooms most likely would be some of the safest.)
- Offices within the guidance/main office (navigating through the guidance/main office is times consuming, rarely have windows, and lock from the inside, making them fairly safe.)
- If you can, within a locker (an active shooter will most likely not look through all of the lockers in the school.)
- If there is a basement or area that only has pipes (it most likely won’t come into an active shooters mind to check, just avoid any electrical rooms/sections.)
- Small storage cabinets within an empty classroom (the shooter most likely would not enter an empty classroom to begin with and the cabinet would safely conceal you.)
- 1 person bathrooms (they typically have better locks on the doors of 1 person bathrooms and a shooter most likely wouldn’t think about them.)
** In the event that you can get outside GO OUTSIDE, and if there are no police outside already here are some helpful tips: **
- Hide behind cars (make sure you’re concealed from any windows.)
- Get away from the school grounds (nearby neighborhoods/businesses.)
- When running out/away from the school, run zigzags (this makes you a harder target.)
- Even if you don’t have a set destination, keep running until you feel as though there is absolutely no way you could be seen from the school.
!!!NOTIFY AUTHORITIES!!! Even if you think somebody already has, do it anyways. Also, if you saw/know the shooter give a description to the police (it could help them.)
Again, this is entirely hypothetical, but safety is key, and these are just some things that came to mind, feel free to add more.
I understand Mental Health is extremely important too, but should it ever get to there being an active shooter please read these, so you know what to do in that unfortunate situation.
Please be safe in schools.
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outta-my-tree · 8 months
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On July 4, 1914 - An explosion demolished the upper stories of an apartment building in East Harlem, killing anarchist Arthur Caron and several colleagues. Caron had been among those who protested the involvement of the Rockefeller family in April's "Ludlow Massacre." It appeared that Caron and his associates were building the bomb meant to kill John D. Rockefeller Jr., when it exploded.
(The Ludlow Massacre occurred April 20, 1914, when Colorado state troops and a private force hired by a Rockefeller-owned coal mining company attacked and destroyed a tent camp of striking miners and their families.)
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An official report stated that at least twenty-five people - including fourteen children and two women - perished in the massacre. Earlier reporting put the death toll at a minimum of forty-five people, with women and children accounting for thirty of those deaths.
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Left: Photograph shows French Canadian anarchist Arthur Caron, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who was killed in the Lexington Avenue bombing of July 4, 1914 in New York City.
Right: Photograph shows members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who were involved in the Lexington Avenue bombing of July 4, 1914, New York City. Group includes Arthur Caron and Charles Plunkett.
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Photograph shows the destruction caused by a bomb at 1626 Lexington Avenue, New York City, which killed four people and injured many others. Anarchist conspirators were making the bomb which they intended to put at John D. Rockefeller's home in Tarrytown, New York.
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Above: Baptism record of Joseph Arthur Caron, Beauport, Quebec, Canada, 1883. His father is recorded as a day laborer.
Below: Fall River, Massachusetts marriage record for Arthur Caron and Elmina Reeves, 3July, 1905.
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Indexed New York death record information.
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Funeral procession for French Canadian anarchist Arthur Caron, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who was killed in the Lexington Avenue bombing of July 4, 1914 in New York City.
More information:
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jangillman · 7 days
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