#american cookies
coffeelikesbaking · 23 days
It's American cookies time!!!!!
yes. another cookie recipe
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Now, first 🔥The ingredients 🔥
We need: • 450 grams of flour v • 300 grams of sugar v • 2 eggs v • 200 grams of butter v • 200 grams of chocolate (black) v • 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate v • 1 vanilla extract v • a pinch of salt
Well now... how we do them?
1 The butter cream.
For this we need a bowl. In it we will put the butter that is at the room temperatu, the sugar and the vanilla extract. Easy right? Now mix with a mixer.
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I know that for now it wont look like a cream. But trust me, wait for the eggs.
2. Don't be vegan (add the eggs)
For this step you just need to add the eggs and that little pinch of salt. And mix.
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And then you can go to step 3.
3 Make it a dough!
Now take the flour. Put the bicarbonate in it and mix a little.
Now you need a spoon. Put the flour in the cream little by little. And be careful with the mixer. I am really sure you dont want flour all over your kitchen.
And now the chocolate chips.
Sorry, i forgot to take a picture! 😪😪😪😪
4. BAKE!!!
Make the dough in little balls and put them on the tray. The tray needs to have baking sheets on. I am sure you dont want a naked tray :)))).
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And now put the in the preheated ovet at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 to 18 minutes.
And 💥Boom💥
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Some really good cookies!
I hope you will do it too so Enjoy!!!
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krautabout · 5 months
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Also diese Kekse waren der absolute Hammer.
Ich finde ja die Subway Cookies so endgeil, aber mittlerweile mache ich Dinge eben einfach selber. Gestern (passend zum Sonntag) gab es mal wieder American Cookies und was soll ich sagen? Ich habe noch nie bessere Kekse gebacken. Sie waren so soft und gut. Heute muss ich sie noch Mal machen, aber eine ordentliche Portion mehr.
250 g Weizenmehl (Type 405)
50 g brauner Rohrohrzucker
50 g weißer Zucker
150 g Margarine
1 Banane
1 Pck Vanillezucker
5 g Backpulver
150 g Schokochunks (Zartbitter)
Margarine in der Mikrowelle erwärmen, Banane zermatschen und alles bis auf die Schokchunks mit einem Rührgerät vermengen. Die Chunks werden mit einem Löffel unter den Teig gehoben.
Der Teig ist recht feucht/klebrig - das soll tatsächlich so. Er wird nun in eine Plastikfolie gefüllt und mindestens 1h im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt. (Man kann den Schritt auch überspringen, aber hier wird der Teig fester)
Danach ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und 1 El vom Teig ausschöpfen. Dieser zu einer Kugel formen und die auf dem Backblech platt drücken. Wichtig ist, zwischen den Keksen Abstand zu halten.
Die Kekse werden bei 180 Grad Umluft für 15 Minuten gebacken. Lasst sie danach auf jeden Fall vollständig abkühlen, um das beste Ergebnis zu erzielen. Sie werden in diesem Prozess gut weich.
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gastronominho · 2 months
American Cookies apresentam o Crookie
Sobremesa viral das redes sociais ganha versão na rede paulista de doces
Sobremesa viral das redes sociais ganha versão na rede paulista de doces Recentemente, as redes virtuais foram tomadas por uma nova sobremesa, que logo viralizou: o Crookie. O doce é um croissant recheado com massa de cookie, criado pelo francês Stéphane Louvard na boulangerie Maison Louvard, em Paris. Mas para que mais pessoas conheçam o Crookie, a American Cookies apresenta a sua versão do…
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likapad · 2 years
Here is my sad beige character alignment chart
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Let me know of any alterations it needs!
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cuppajj · 5 months
i have a song stuck in my head
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disease · 6 months
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“COOKIE MUELLER” (NYC) ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE // 1978 [gelatin silver print | 13 7/8 × 13 3/4”]
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fullcravings · 1 month
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Monster Cookie Ice Cream
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skunkes · 8 months
timelapse ^_^
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krautabout · 5 months
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Keks-Experiment geglückt.
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canisalbus · 10 months
Vasco seems like a honeycomb (candy) type of guy tbh
Never heard of it before, but it looks nice. Apparently it's really easy to make at home as well? Is it good?? The texture seems interesting.
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gastronominho · 7 months
American Cookies tem frescas novidades para o verão
Sorvetes e açaí chegam para refrescar os paladares nos dias quentes
Sorvetes e açaí chegam para refrescar os paladares nos dias quentes A American Cookies encontrou uma forma de os clientes se refrescarem nas altas temperaturas do verão de 2024. A rede lançou uma linha de sorvetes e outra de açaí, que já podem ser encontradas nas lojas da marca. “A gente quer que o cookie ganhe a relevância de paixão nacional, então se o brasileiro gosta comer mais sorvete e…
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View On WordPress
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roman--candles · 4 months
I hate whatever the hell is going on in batman 148. all of the characters have lost their CHARACTER. they're all just bruce's yes-men now. "oh its okay that you psychologically tortured me :) we're family :) just atone and move on :)" jason todd would NOT say that. he would strap a bomb to bruce's vehicle and tell him to run. jason volunteering to let himself be killed and resurrected with lazarus fluid?? with just one throwaway quip about "I've got practice dying >:)" ain't no way that's my boy. what have they done to him. and bruce just accepting it? I hate all of the batfam characterization in comics currently
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gurlbur · 4 months
Trouble's in your eye
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Speak to me o serpent child
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porcelain-rob0t · 11 months
my favorite thing in the world as a Jewish-American and as a person with BPD is black and white cookies
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they are a staple in Jewish delis and were invented by Jewish immigrants in NYC
i joke about them being bpd cookies bc of black and white thinking
they are so good, probably my favorite dessert food
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wannabetokiorockstar · 7 months
i fucking hate living in america.
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fullcravings · 4 months
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Gobs (aka Whoopie Pies)
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