#amanda we see you
zillaphoneswag · 7 months
So I’m definitely going to write the oneshot based on reactions to my last post so I rewatched the Games video for research and the way Amanda looks so unamused when Courtney and Angela switch jackets, plus the way she puts her head on the table for just a moment, tells me all I need to know. Baby girl is just a little bit jealous and it’s adorable
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acecroft · 1 month
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DINA MEYER as Detective Allison Kerry in Saw III (2006)
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dawnofiight · 1 month
Now Presenting: The Talbot Siblings
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This is an excuse for me to draw Madelyn.
Her and Amanda are BFFs that's why both of them have dyed pink tips.
Amanda adopted Talbot
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queerdiazs · 4 months
some of you forget that it was originally going to be eddie and tommy but that storyline fell through so for all you bitching about how we’re never going to have a canon queer eddie… baby he already is. we’re just waiting for his turn.
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billxharry · 9 months
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Let this adorable Meryl and Amanda moment be a good omen for Mamma Mia! things to come in 2024.
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shesmore-shoebill · 4 months
we've talked about the scenarios where angela would lose her composure at seeing amanda (s&b outfit and billion dollar gf dress as examples) in the rpf world we've collectively built, but now i wanna know what specific scenarios about angela amanda would completely lose her cool/have a reaction from? (raspy voice like in the tapple video? seeing angela's tattoo? could be anything!)
Oh, fucking love this question, thank you for it. Lets see.
2 things: 1 Eternal disclaimer about this all being in RPF universe/my own hc's about characterization I've decided on, not the actual people. And 2 This is not an exhaustive list of the ways I think this could go/the only ways these can work, Im just tossing out fun options that come to mind that I find internally consistent.
Okay logistically, anything to make Amanda uncharacteristically lose her shit over Angela has to be at least slightly uncommon/unexpected. So as much as I'd like to say something like "Angela in a tank top /sleeveless shirt", stuff that happens regularly needs to have an extra edge to it to explain Amanda losing it this time and not the rest of the time. Or at least losing it more.
So that said:
- Raspy voice is so fucking fun, yes please. So much potential...
One possible route is Angela loses her voice semi-regularly (unfortunately) due to starkid and moon goon and also just regular yelling, and maybe Amanda thinks she's used to it, (and normally tries to offer her honey or checks to make sure she's fine). But she's used to Angela's being voice completely gone, and one day her voice is more raspy/rough instead of being gone gone, and Amanda's normal affectionate concern is completely bowled over by her 😳😳😳 reaction to it, because oh fuck. OR, Amanda is used to the raspy voice (so she thinks), but Angela makes a sex joke or a flirty joke In That Voice and Amanda is SLAMMED by the thought of the same comments/voice in a VERY different context and Completely Ceases To Function. Bonus if its on camera/during a shoot of some kind so Angela notices the initial reaction and plays it up for the bit and Amanda is just. Not volleying it back properly. Or is volleying it back with WAY too much energy and everyone else is in the room like. 😶👀. The tapple video... the tapple video with all tge sex jokes and angela's voice being gone could be a VERY fun starting point for a fic.
- Once again falling back to the thing I've been gleefully chattering about. Amanda being flustered by Angela being the one to initiate/flirt. Angela being really forward/aggressive with flirtation, or bring Very assertive with her flirting, or just. Commanding. I think Angela flirting aggressively when she's all decked out in some ridiculous costume or putting on a goofy voice or leaning into the absurdity is something Amanda is used to/can handle. But, lets say, Angela not in a completely ridiculous character, or Angela playing a character thats only a mildly exaggerated version of herself, and being very forward/flirtatious/assertive towards Amanda. And for Amanda its suddenly like Oh fuck oh god oh shit . Because it doesn't feel like a ridiculous character like Angelo or some mustachio'ed old man being horny, it feels like Angela leaning in and oozing confidence and dropping petnames and it should NOT be working on her but it VERY MUCH IS. So much potential. Sooo fucking funny.
- Angela dressing up hot. I haven't sorted out the most fun consistent headcanon I want for this but IF we were to lean into Angela not dressing up as often I think its. So fun. To have the alternate dynamic of Angela dresses up hot for an event (Shourtney engagement party?) and Amanda sees her and nearly fucking swallows her tongue and her self control falls out of a fucking window. I know that's the go-to Angela flustered by Amanda dynamic but I think it could be fun the other way too. 👀
- This might be. me. lmfao. shining through but if we went the tattoo route we could also go an Arms™ route.... tank top Angela.... I'd have to think about it, to explain why it ESPECIALLY gets to Amanda, and maybe the tattoo is why.
- If we want to lean into the more explicitly spicy options and kind of mirror the S&B Angela flustered headcanon..... Angela shows up wearing something like a choker or something and Amanda. finds herself thinking. Many things. Many many things.
- This idea has JUST come to me so I havent thought through the logistics of it yet but. Angela showing up with a hickey or something and Amanda should be professional and normal about it but. But. But. (this could be very funny, very horny, or angsty! Or all three!)
Pausing here bc this is getting long. But. I fucking love thinking about the hc's for this, thanks for this ask. and HEY HAPPY PRIDE lmfao.
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maracllea · 5 months
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MET GALA 2024 - Garden of Time - some of my favorites, no particular order after miss Z
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akkivee · 1 month
kuukou has human sacrifice themes and i kinda wanted to draw something with that lol and googled if there were any instances of jp human sacrifice and interestingly enough!!!!! there are tales of drowning people in order to create structural foundations out of human bodies and crazy that kuukou has a fear of the ocean—
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
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jimmyspades · 8 months
I’ve been a casual JS fan for a few years but pinpointing the start of my Obsession is easy. I started rewatching The Blacklist one day then sent my friend this text….. lives were changed
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hoffstrap-yuri · 6 months
Saw blorbos yay!! For Lawrence and Mandy
1. Scars (not counting the scars from their games)
2. 3 comfort items
3. A memory they’ve blocked out (again maybe smth pre-games cause these guys need therapy so badly)
Alright, first for Lawrence 1. Scars:
I see Lawrence having a couple of normal scars from running around as a kid and accidentally throwing himself into bushes when he was playing too hard. His deepest scar though is the gash on his shoulder that he got when he fell out of a tree as a teenager
2. 3 Comfort Items
One of Diana's socks he kept after she outgrew it when she was a toddler. He likes to run his fingers over it at his desk in the workshop.
A retractable fountain pen that Amanda got for him after he became an apprentice. Uses it more at the hospital than anywhere else.
His wedding ring. Even though him and Alison are done it makes a useful distraction when he's looking over blueprints for traps that don't make sense to him. When he plays with the ring it clears his mind enough that he can see John's visions for the games.
3. A Memory that he's blocked out
Probably his first date with Alison. He was still a med student at the time and horribly rusty at flirting that he thought it better just to forget that night in its entirety and just say that their second date was their real first date.
Other than the self-harm scars, I think Amanda would have a leftover mark on the palm of her hand from when she was little and tried to make dinner for herself when she was about six and her dad wouldn't make her anything. It's not noticeable unless you're really up in her business but there's a slight sheen over that piece of skin compared to the rest of her hand.
2. 3 Comfort Items
A piece of her favorite stuffed animal from her childhood. She threw the animal away years ago but cut off a piece of that fabric before fully getting rid of it. She hides it under her pillow in the warehouse but has mostly forgotten about it by the time Saw 3 rolls around.
A trophy from Hoffman. It says 'soccer star' on it because he lifted it from a McDonald's after a kids soccer team left and the kid forgot his trophy. He threw it in Amanda's space thinking she wouldn't keep it, but she's held onto it because it feels like something an older brother would give his sister as a joke.
A fridge magnet that John bought for her on their way back to the States after the events of Saw X. It won't replace Gabriela but hey, it's fun to fidget with!
3. A Memory She's Blocked Out
The day her dreams were shattered. She was playing as a princess in her bedroom only for her dad to tell her to "grow up" and that doing "pansy shit like that will get you beat up at school". She was no older than ten when he said that to her.
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technicalthinker · 9 months
i acknowledge that a limited group of people will understand this but sonic prime shadow really is SO wolf's rain tsume-coded
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every time lynnmanda is portrayed as the soft wholesome ship an angel plummets to hell
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shesmore-shoebill · 7 months
unfortunately i think there is legit fic potential in a character based amangela fic diving into what happens after todays games ep. Specifically Matilda and Channing reconciling after the show over the fact that Colden really was Awful, enough to come onto the show as well! And talk about how Matilda shit her pants! Devastating. Channing really truly trying to get away and recover... Matilda helping this random poor girl out of the Goodness Of Her Heart Or Whatever since Channing has had a tough time...... except..... is it just that......
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thecollectionsof · 9 months
Can I have 11 and 19 please 😊
11. What work took you the longest to write?
this year?? i mean soulmate au has been a wip since early september so i think that one takes the cake, but as-of-yet unreleased postcards fic was conceptualized in may and is looking to be my longest fic yet so that one might beat it. for posted fics it was scam likely, which i think i started in march 2022??
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
i think i wanna do more lemyanka maybe? and i would like to actually write for s16 ships when people are into them because i missed that for s15 :p who knows if i will, because i'm not really the type to write ships i'm not into myself, but i'm hoping i'll find one that i enjoy!!!! :)
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akkivee · 11 months
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on that note lol, the egyptian myth being referenced here is ‘the weighing of the heart’— particularly the version from the papyrus of hunefer— that depicts the god anubis weighing the heart of the deceased against the feather of the goddess of truth, ma’at. if the heart (aka soul) was found heavier than the feather, then the devourer of the dead, ammit, would eat the soul
so in bat’s portrayal, hitoya and kuukou are both anubis, who is known as a guardian of scales and a god of funerary rites. jyushi’s ammit and amanda is the feather
hilariously tho, because amanda was heavier technically belial should have been sent to heaven so they got robbed here lmao
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