#am i calling cartman out or at i calling Trey out?? who knows….
victimized-martyr · 2 years
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Why. Why is Cartman like this. Someone shut him up. It’s embarrassing, the way he talks. I’m cringing out of this plane of existence
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nootsarticles · 2 years
My South Park Opinions
Tw: Terminal illness mention,alcholism mention,death mention,
Okay. So if you don't know already, I am obsessed with South Park. And I have thought about this a lot.
1.Chef being the boys' father figure.
Well I mean, Cartman doesn't have a dad, Kenny's dad is an alchoholic,Stan's dad doesn't even care about him, and Kyle's dad is a bit useless. Mr Garrison is not well-liked by the boys. So therefore, Chef is the only father figure that the boys really have. That's why they ask him weird questions like "Is it okay to kill your grandpa if he wants you too" and questions like that. Also, Chef visits Kenny whilst he is dying from a terminal fucking illness. I did not even see Kenny's family ONCE. When Chef returns,the boys are so happy. Arguably happier than when they see their parents. When Chef dies at the Super Adventure Club,the boys are absolutely gutted. With all the evidence I see here,I can see that they see Chef as a father figure.
2. Butters' family
Stephen and Linda Stotch are actually abusive towards Butters, grounding him for most things (there was one episode where they ground him for being ugly). It got so bad to the point where Linda tries to drown Butters in the river. But what made them so bad? Well, Stephen's mother is Grandma Stotch. Yes. The woman who gave Butters a black eye. Maybe, Grandma also did horrible things to Stephen as well which made Stephen thinks that it's an okay thing to do. It doesn't excuse the action, but it could perfectly explain why they abuse Butters. Whereas,for Linda,I could not any peice of information to explain why she tried to drown Butters.
3.What the fuck is wrong with Kyle's mum?
Kyle's mum is borderline controlling towards Kyle and Ike. We can see that because during the film, she attempts to start and successfully starts a whole war against Canada because of the Terrance and Phillip's song "Uncle Fucker". This can't really have any other explanation than she had strict parents that wouldn't let her do anything growing up, so she now pushes her childhood onto her children.
4. Why did the other boys keep their friendship with Cartman?
Cartman is truly a toxic friend towards all of the boys, especially Kyle. He keeps on calling him "Stupid j*w" (I wasn't too sure whether I could say the word or not so I shall block it out) and is overall racist towards him for his religion. Also, he only tried to overturn the ban of stem cells (which would have saved Kenny's life in "Kenny Dies") for the sake of something extremely miniscule. He also tries to give Butters laxatives for his own personal pleasure of going to Casa Bonita. Worst of all, Cartman put his winky into Butters' mouth to prove that Butters is gay. So, this holds the question, why are the other boys still friends with Cartman after all that he has done to them. That's when we need to think about Cartman's personality. He has sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. This could mean that Cartman could have threaten the boys with their own lives if they ever even tried to separate from his wrath.
5. Why do everyone keep on getting away with committing such horrendous crimes when Terrance and Philip get executed for saying "fuck" a lot?
We can see that crime is a regular occurrence in South Park. The most noticeable criminal is Cartman, who is well known for committing almost every single crime (including genocide, which is one of the worst crimes ever). So, why do they all seemingly get away with it? Terrance and Phillip almost got executed via electric chair for their song in the 1999 Movie (Bigger, Longer and Uncut). This is simple. They see Canadians as this weird sub creature compared to this almighty American group that they are. Also, Matt and Trey probably did it due to the whole stereotype of "Americans hate Canadians" (I have never heard of the stereotype, but it probably is)
6.Would Stan and Wendy have stayed together when they're older?
Stan and Wendy are an on and off relationship, especially in the earlier seasons. But, every time Stan sees Wendy, he throws up. Also, in S1EP11, we can see a very jealous Wendy try to kill Miss Ellen as many of the boys (Stan included) have a huge crush on her. This gets so bad that she attempts to kill her and sends her to the sun. This makes me wonder whether or not they would have been a good couple 10 years down the line. I don't personally think that they would have been a good couple because Stan can be quite rude towards Wendy and Wendy gets way too jealous extremely easily.
So, basically here's some of my views on South Park. If you don't like the long ass essay, I don't care. It's my choice and I want to talk about this. If you like that, cool. I actually do appreciate it.
Also on my main account: @jamesmarriottistrilingual
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mysticalibra1994 · 7 months
South Park: SU
Since there are people who grew up with South Park and people who grew up with Steven Universe, I've figured "Why not combine the two?"
Now, in this universe, the Creators of South Park are in the positions of the Diamonds. Brian Graden is practically the "most important piece" of South Park. How? Simple. It all started in 1995, Graden hired Matt Stone and Trey Parker to create a video Christmas card thanks to their animated short "The Spirit of Christmas". Now, I'm not calling the creators "evil" because they're supposed to represent the Diamonds.
With that set in mind (pun intended), I hope you all enjoy...
[Setting: interior; Culver, Los Angeles, CA. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, and Dovahkiin are at the entrance of the front gate. Kyle notices how nervous Dovahkiin appears to be.]
Kyle: Are you sure you wanna go through this? Dovahkiin: I'm sure, Kyle. Besides, there has to be a reason why my Powers only work on Facebook and Instagram. I just... want to know. Kyle: Okay, dude. Remember, it's never too late to back out if you're not feeling well. Cartman: Kahl, what about you? Kyle: What about me, fatass? Cartman: Well, you seem a bit flushed. Maybe it's a side effect of having sand in your va- Kyle: CARTMAN, SHUT THE [bleep] UP!!
[Almost as if on cue, the gate opens. The South Park preteens hesitate to enter, but they eventually do. As they walked inside the building, they were a little bit weirded out that there were multiple drawings of them on the walls.]
Stan: The hell? Dovahkiin: Are these more Yaoi fanarts? Kyle: Well, some of them are, but they look professionally drawn. Kenny: What the [bleep] is this place?
[Suddenly, a couple of voices from one room.]
Mr. Parker: Holy shit, dude. Mr. Stone: I know, right? It's as if Walt Disney heard Mickey's voice for the first time. Stan: Who the hell are you guys?! Mr. Parker: Duh, we're you're creators! Mr. Stone: And your voice actors. Kyle: So, you're both God? Cartman: Oh-ho-ho, Kahl. You're going straight to hell for being Jewish! Mr. Stone: Nah, he's safe. Mr. Parker: Besides, Cartman. The seat we saved for you would be too big for him. Cartman: AYE! Mr. Stone and Mr. Parker: *laughs* Mr. Parker: Now, which one of you guys asked about "Yaoi fanarts"? Dovahkiin: *slowly raises his hand* Uh... I did, sir. Mr. Parker: Oh my god... There he is, our pride and joy wrapped in a shy and thoughtful package! Dovahkiin Jarvis-Affini! Dovahkiin: Y-you knew my parents? Mr. Stone: Actually, that's a funny story. You see- Mr. Parker: We actually have a "Chris" and "Kelly" who works with us! They tried really hard to have kids, but they couldn't. So, we made it up for them by making a South Park version of them and you! Dovahkiin: *astonished* Wow... So, I really am that important? Mr. Parker: Of course, kiddo! So, what brings you hear? Kyle: Wait, didn't you text us this location? Mr. Stone: We used to do that for our True Fans, but we stopped when middle schoolers became our fans.
[When Kyle shows the Creators the text, their eyes widen in shock...]
Mr. Parker: That is not our text. Dovahkiin: Who's is it? Mr. Stone: There's only one person that texts that perfectly. Butters: Who? Mr. Parker: Exec. Graden. [Beat.] Stan: Who? Mr. Stone: He's our Media Executor. He's one of the two reasons why we have paychecks. Dovahkiin: What's the other reason? Mr. Parker: Our fans. No, our true fans. You see, the reason why we created you guys was because you reminded us of our childhood. Example? Kenny, you reminded us of our childhood friend who always wore an orange hoodie due to being poor and would mostly skip school. Mr. Stone: *laughs* Yeah, whenever the teachers would ask about his whereabouts, we would go "Kenny died"! *laughs some more*
[As the group laughs about it, an average-looking man makes his way to them, sporting what looks like the Joker from Batman smiles normally.]
Exec. Graden: What is going on, Parker? Stone? Mr. Stone: N-nothing, sir. Exec. Graden: Nothing "what"? Mr. Stone: Uh, sorry! Nothing, "sir". Exec. Graden: That's better. *notices Dovahkiin* Who let this background character into this building? Dovahkiin: "Background character"...? Kyle: Uh, you did? You sent us the coordinates! Exec. Graden: Oh, right. The social medias... Dovahkiin: Um, excuse me. What did you mean when you called me a "background character"? Mr. Parker: Kid, no! Exec. Graden: I mean, you weren't supposed to have a life like the rest of the main and supporting cast. You were supposed to blend into the background. Dovahkiin: *taken aback* B-but, my parents... They- Exec. Graden: Background characters, too. *looks at the Creators* I suppose this was your doing, correct? Dovahkiin: *to Mr. Parker* You knew about this? Mr. Parker: *feels guilt* We didn't know... Mr. Stone: *looks away in shame* ...how to tell you.
[This type of news broke Dovahkiin. He thought that he was almost like the chosen one (but without the "getting nailed" part). Cartman noticed Dovahkiin's broken state and did something that nobody would've guessed...]
Cartman: Okay, that's enough. Dovah has been through a lot, give him a break. Exec. Graden: Eric Theodore Cartman being respectful? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Cartman falls limp* Kyle: *stunned* Eric...? Exec. Graden: Kyle Broflovski being concerned for Archie Bunker Jr.? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Kyle falls limp* Butters: Leave them alone! Exec. Graden: Leopold Stoch being supportive of his bullies? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Butters falls limp* Stan: *looks at Dovahkiin, who's still broken* Come on, Dovah! Do something! Exec. Graden: Stanley Marsh forgetting that he's a main character? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Stan falls limp* Now, we- Wait... Where's the running gag in the orange hoodie? Mr. Stone: By the time you got here, Kenny got bored, took a bottle of my dad's glaucoma medicine, got [bleep]ed up, placed his tongue in an electric pencil sharpener, bled out, and died. Mr. Parker: Holy shit, you saw that? Mr. Stone: Didn't need to. Mr. Stough texted a photo with a description of it. *shows it to them* Dovahkiin: *snaps out of it, looks around, then at them* Why...? Why are you guys doing this to us? Exec. Graden: Why? To get back to the drawing board, of course. During the first season of South Park, it was just a TV show about kids being neglected by their parents until something bad happened. Now, every episode has gone so political, that one would think that it airs on the same channel as FOX News! *sighs as he collects himself* But now, that'll all change. Parker, Stone, bring the background character to me.
[They hesitate, but...]
Dovahkiin: *looks up at them* Mr. Parker: Sorry, kid. Mr. Stone: But, he's the reason why our kids have stuff and food.
[After snapping his fingers ambidextrously, he aims both of his index fingers at Dovahkiin, and pulls him apart via "the Force". Instead of forcing his existence to disappear, something else happens... Instagram!Dovahkiin, Facebook!Dovahkiin, and husk!Dovahkiin floats for a bit. Then, husk!Dovahkiin falls limp; barely alive. Instagram!Dovahkiin and Facebook!Dovahkiin both look at each other in wondered awe and at husk!Dovahkiin with a perplexed expression then shares the same worrisome expression with the Creators.]
And that's only the first part of "South Park Meets the Creators".
I'm aware that it does contain OOC with Cartman and Kyle, but this does happen when the South Park kids are now preteens; despite them being fictional, people can change as they get older.
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My opinions on certain topics in South Park.
Tw: Terminal illness mention,alcholism mention,death mention,
Okay. So if you don't know already, I am obsessed with South Park. And I have thought about this a lot.
1.Chef being the boys' father figure.
Well I mean, Cartman doesn't have a dad, Kenny's dad is an alchoholic,Stan's dad doesn't even care about him, and Kyle's dad is a bit useless. Mr Garrison is not well-liked by the boys. So therefore, Chef is the only father figure that the boys really have. That's why they ask him weird questions like "Is it okay to kill your grandpa if he wants you too" and questions like that. Also, Chef visits Kenny whilst he is dying from a terminal fucking illness. I did not even see Kenny's family ONCE. When Chef returns,the boys are so happy. Arguably happier than when they see their parents. When Chef dies at the Super Adventure Club,the boys are absolutely gutted. With all the evidence I see here,I can see that they see Chef as a father figure.
2. Butters' family
Stephen and Linda Stotch are actually abusive towards Butters, grounding him for most things (there was one episode where they ground him for being ugly). It got so bad to the point where Linda tries to drown Butters in the river. But what made them so bad? Well, Stephen's mother is Grandma Stotch. Yes. The woman who gave Butters a black eye. Maybe, Grandma also did horrible things to Stephen as well which made Stephen thinks that it's an okay thing to do. It doesn't excuse the action, but it could perfectly explain why they abuse Butters. Whereas,for Linda,I could not any peice of information to explain why she tried to drown Butters.
3.What the fuck is wrong with Kyle's mum?
Kyle's mum is borderline controlling towards Kyle and Ike. We can see that because during the film, she attempts to start and successfully starts a whole war against Canada because of the Terrance and Phillip's song "Uncle Fucker". This can't really have any other explanation than she had strict parents that wouldn't let her do anything growing up, so she now pushes her childhood onto her children.
4. Why did the other boys keep their friendship with Cartman?
Cartman is truly a toxic friend towards all of the boys, especially Kyle. He keeps on calling him "Stupid j*w" (I wasn't too sure whether I could say the word or not so I shall block it out) and is overall racist towards him for his religion. Also, he only tried to overturn the ban of stem cells (which would have saved Kenny's life in "Kenny Dies") for the sake of something extremely miniscule. He also tries to give Butters laxatives for his own personal pleasure of going to Casa Bonita. Worst of all, Cartman put his winky into Butters' mouth to prove that Butters is gay. So, this holds the question, why are the other boys still friends with Cartman after all that he has done to them. That's when we need to think about Cartman's personality. He has sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. This could mean that Cartman could have threaten the boys with their own lives if they ever even tried to separate from his wrath.
5. Why do everyone keep on getting away with committing such horrendous crimes when Terrance and Philip get executed for saying "fuck" a lot?
We can see that crime is a regular occurrence in South Park. The most noticeable criminal is Cartman, who is well known for committing almost every single crime (including genocide, which is one of the worst crimes ever). So, why do they all seemingly get away with it? Terrance and Phillip almost got executed via electric chair for their song in the 1999 Movie (Bigger, Longer and Uncut). This is simple. They see Canadians as this weird sub creature compared to this almighty American group that they are. Also, Matt and Trey probably did it due to the whole stereotype of "Americans hate Canadians" (I have never heard of the stereotype, but it probably is)
6.Would Stan and Wendy have stayed together when they're older?
Stan and Wendy are an on and off relationship, especially in the earlier seasons. But, every time Stan sees Wendy, he throws up. Also, in S1EP11, we can see a very jealous Wendy try to kill Miss Ellen as many of the boys (Stan included) have a huge crush on her. This gets so bad that she attempts to kill her and sends her to the sun. This makes me wonder whether or not they would have been a good couple 10 years down the line. I don't personally think that they would have been a good couple because Stan can be quite rude towards Wendy and Wendy gets way too jealous extremely easily.
So, basically here's some of my views on South Park. If you don't like the long ass essay, I don't care. It's my choice and I want to talk about this. If you like that, cool. I actually do appreciate it.
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traitor-boyfriend · 2 years
Butters’ Very Own Episode for the ask meme :)
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
truly a starling episode of south park's entire catalogue. a perfect introduction to butters as a not-ready-for-primetime player and his elevated status as a main character. this episode misses no beats.
★ Favorite moment?
butters' extreme politeness in the bath house but when he walks in on his dad and says "i think i found the perfect anniversary gift for mom! eh -- what're you doing with your wiener out there, dad?"
honorable mention goes to butters in the strip club when officer barbrady asks if he's puerto rican and butters takes a few seconds looking himself over before replying with a very airy, prolonged "nooo."
★ Least favorite moment?
the scene where butters' dad comes home to find linda about to kill herself is definitely unnerving but such a great look into truly how dysfunctional their marriage is.
someone has almost certainly made this same connection before but after having rewatched it recently butters' parents remind me a *ton* of clay and bloberta from moral orel. i wonder if dino stamatopoulos drew any inspiration for orel's parents from this episode of south park or if this is purely coincidental given that moral orel premiered about four years after this episode aired.
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
my unpopular opinion may be that episodes where stan, kyle, kenny and cartman are absent for the majority of the episode have equal capacity to be some of the strongest of the whole series as well as some of the worst and though recent seasons don't give me confidence in their ability to still do this well i will always be open to the attempt as they have an extremely wide scope of interesting side characters to explore more in depth. this is probably the best one, though.
★ Something I would change?
in hindsight it feels a bit... i don't know, questionable (?) that the ramseys are included amongst gary condit, whose involvement in the muder of chandra levy has legally been cleared but is still somewhat suspect, and o.j. simpson, who despite being found not guilty his responsibility for the murders of nicole brown and ron goldman is, at least in public opinion, an absolute.
from what i understand about the murder of jon benet ramsey, the case against the parents is rather flimsy and based on a lot of pseudoscience at a time when criminal forensics was nowhere near modern capability and the boulder police severely mishandled the crime scene from the jump of the investigation which certainly plays a major role in why the case has never been solved. to my knowledge it's generally accepted among people dedicated to the case that the ramseys were not responsible for their daughter's death.
i think i read some time ago that matt and trey actually did feel bad for how they portrayed the ramseys in this episode, and this would probably be the only detail to mar an otherwise stellar episode, but i know public opinion in the early 2000s was almost universally "the parents did it" which, given how truly odd of a case it is, i'm willing to cut them some slack for thinking as such.
but publicly accusing and maligning grieving parents of having killed their own daughter through your incredibly popular television show is also an unfortunate example of the times when south park really does come down on the wrong side of things, not unlike minor quips of climate change denialism in the first few seasons that is then cemented with one of their most well-known episodes (manbearpig) in season 10. some things to think about!
★ Rating out of 5?
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
south park has renamed a lot of their characters as the years have gone on but none have been as egregious to me as changing butters' dad's name from chris to stephen. half the time when i am referring to him i call him chris before i do stephen. i guess this can be a fun little litmus test for how long you've been watching the show.
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sunny-cyrus · 2 years
If that’s what you meant by the tags on this I’d love to hear about your headcanons and why👀
That IS what I meant yes and this will be a bit long since I have a lot of thoughts and such, so thank you :D
Okay so my head canons and making smelly teenaged Stan.
He doesn't clean his face, this is me projecting but since his character does have depression there is the lack of motivation on things and he just thinks "why bother getting rid of the zits if they're gonna come back". Stan also sucks at shaving but doesn't wanna look like Randy, not cause he hates him (though Stan isn't fond of him it just isn't hate) he just fears becoming a Randy clone. Stan still plays board games and his main player 2 is Nicole, he's also gotten better at music stuff. Stan's hat is just his old hat that has been stretched out into a beanie look cause he's like emo or something. Speaking of what he's wearing I looked through my Pinterest board for clothing since I couldn't figure out how his jacket would look, no I am not joking. Now on Stan's hair, I just gave him teenager Trey's hair considering Stan is kinda Trey also it looks crappy but in a good way.
Lastly on Stan, he still despises weed and would never take it and he still has sparky! Big Gay Al just co-owns him.
Kyle's hat isn't the original his mom didn't want him wearing his old clothes since she didn't want others thinking she doesn't buy her son new clothing, another time of me projecting. But Kyle bought the exact same hat everytime except there being the slight differences of the hat and he never thinks it's the same. I thought about his future design where he's an adult and Kyle has the same green/orange look so Kyle just really likes green and orange. He wears vests and a sweater mainly cause I realized just the vest would be cold. He has one of those purse bags I forgot what they're called but it's from his mom and he gets made fun of by Cartman a lot.
Kyle still enjoys and plays basketball I'm not gonna give details since I have no clue how basketball works. He needs glasses but refuses to go to get them, Stan has to help him read stuff that's far away. Kyle doesn't want them since that's like a Jewish stereotype (from my research it is Im just going off that). Kyle gets into other people's business but that's cause he thinks he could fix things, he doesn't mean to be a jerk. Cartman still gets on his nerves and over the years of being mad about Cartman, a lot of small things that make Kyle mad he overacts to them (projecting sorta again). Kyle just wants to help.
Cartman was fun to draw and think about actually! So we've seen the times he's dressed up and such so he ends up having a pretty obnoxious wardrobe when he's older but mostly wears his jacket with flames and he always claims how "it's kewl the flames are sick, you guys!" His shirt is actually cheesy poofs branded, I have a south park shirt that is pretty old and the print on it is very faded so the shirt is similar to that and also shows how long Cartman has been a fan of cheesy poofs. He wears sweatpants. Cartman makes sure to wear the most expensive and popular brand of shoes so he can show off to Kenny.
His hat is actually his old one just with pins, the pins are an emoji and a cat (which is from a series called bee and puppycat) Cartman's favorite animal is cats even if he doesn't know how to care for them. He has hair clips, many many hair clips he also wears eyeliner/paints his nails! He's been shown to crossdress alot so I feel like Cartman would just subtly wear stuff like that more often. I don't think he really brushed his teeth often and with all the bad foods he eats he ends up with braces. Cartman has subtle stubble and acne, all the boys have acne actually but that's cause they're gross teenagers (Stan's is the only one who has the worst acne second to that is Kenny.)
He still has his 'bff' necklace matching with Kenny after that episode where he claims they're 'bffs' with that necklace Cartman actually ends up liking that idea and brings it up to Kenny years later. Lastly Cartman likes to play loud and obnoxious music while they wait for the bus, Kyle is the only one who's actually annoyed, Stan always recommends songs when Cartman runs out and Kenny just laughs.
Okay so Kenny, he ends up growing out his hair after liking the long hair while being princess Kenny he even takes off his hood to show it off! But he gets cold easily so wears a scarf to cover his face up thus keeping the muffled voice. Kenny also cross dresses whether that be a gender thing or just a thing he likes he still does it and enjoys doing whatever. He has the matching bff necklace. Kenny like I said before gets cold easily and because he took off his hood his ears get bright red cause of the coldness.
Kenny has a great relationship with his siblings and he likes that with Kevin he doesn't need to take up a parental role! Kenny doesn't fear death which would be obvious and has given up on figuring out how it works though he is very smart and not being a ten year old anymore would mean he could figure it out but Kenny just wants to be with his friends and not think about dying, pretend it's a dream or like nothing happened like how everyone else reacts after it. Kenny does get really sad over it though.
That's pretty much it! This was very long actually, but Im glad you wanted to know about my head canons and stuff for this :D I had fun writing this all down!
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South Park: Young Love From The Past To Future
Credit for South Park goes to Trey Parker & Matt Stone
I want to point out, that some parts in South Park I am not really a big fan of....
I mean there can be some shows or movies that you like but at the same time there are some stuff in it that you might not like.
I haven’t really watched the full movie special that will have Cartman and Kyle’s future kids in, so I only know them by some clips I saw....but hopefully I can watch it and not just read up on it or watch short clips.
the Song called It's Not Like I Like You!! by Amree & Static-P from Youtube,
seems to fit Cartman’s Daughter and Kyle’s Son.....because looking at those two makes me think that song fits them.....I like the song.
even if they were born in two different future timelines, I can't help but see these two as my OTP Ship. Dillian Llewellyn Broflovski aka "Dellyn" isn't his canon name so it's more like Fanon/Fan-Named. it's okay that not everyone ships these two, we know their Dads wouldn't ship them.
the drawing on the top, is of Kenny and Cartman’s Sister who I am calling Dani.
I like the idea that Cartman's Sister from the Unaired Pilot, turned out to be his younger half-sister, like being a Year younger than him. and the original man that was suppose to be his Father who was in the unaired pilot as well, turned out to be his Step-Father. but at some point Cartman's Mom & Step-Dad got a Divorce, Liane got Eric and her ex-husband got Eric's Sister.
I like the idea of Eric Cartman's Sister being named Darren Daniella Cartman Jr., her first name Darren Jr. is because her Father (Cartman's Step-Dad) is named Darren.
Cartman's Pilot Sister and Pilot Father's Names would be "Fan-Named" because they didn't seem to have been given names.
the whole Dani being Cartman's Younger Half-Sister seem like a good idea,
as well as the idea that Darren Sr. and Liane getting a divorce before Cartman turned 2 years old.
Cartman might not remember his Step-Father or Half-Sister, because both he and Dani were very young when Darren and Liane got a divorce. when Dani and her Dad move back to South Park, Darren asked Liane to look after Dani while he finds a place and look for a job.
when Cartman first meets his little sister after so long, he was very rude and when his Mom told him who she was and how the two were still babies when her and Darren divorced...
Cartman freaked out and started breaking everything in the living room before he runs up to his room.
it would later be revealed that Dani's Father (Darren Sr.) wasn't really moving to South Park and was really abandoning his daughter, leaving Dani with her mother Liane.
as soon as Dani and Cartman get home from school, they see that Liane was on the phone with Darren who she was trying to get him to change his mind about abandoning Dani, but he hangs up on her.
Liane then sees the two just came home and she says in a sad voice "Dani, Sweetie....we have to talk."
after finding out that her father abandoned her, she breaks down and cries, and for the first time since meeting his younger half-sister, Cartman comforts her by giving her a hug and their mother hugs them both.
it might not be likely Cartman’s sister would be brought back, or be made to be his younger half-sister who is a year younger than him.
it be funny that whenever Cartman says a bad word, Dani will give him the stink eye or the evil eye...like a type of glare.
Dani could be a Tomboy and ends up befriending Wendy and a few other girls.
I guess it be interesting if Dani and Kyle fought as well,
but Dani doesn’t care if Kyle is Jewish or not.
maybe I will draw Cartman’s sister again sometime.
even if last year wasn’t the best, even if there were some good stuff that happen last year.....some stuff that happen in 2021, really sucked....
at least looking forward to new episodes of Disenchantment is good.
and waiting for Chapter 3 of Deltarune.
anyway I’m going to go back to watching Transformers Prime.
it’s okay that everyone agrees about the fan-naming of Cartman’s sister
and the idea of how she could be his younger half-sister.
well, see ya later and stay safe everyone. 
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derivativealigner · 3 years
I rewatched the second season of South Park and took so many notes that I had to split them into two parts. Like seriously, I took so. many. notes. And pictures this time. I started rewatching just in case I’d find some cool little facts to sprinkle into my fanfic but I went way too far and now there’s a million facts under this cut (including gay stan, a domestic violence psa, and craig fucking dying)
Stan doesn’t like hospitals, he finds them gross and he gets sick 🤮. Also the hospital in South Park is called Hell’s Pass hospital. Early seasons have the name as Hells Pass but it gets fixed later
Cartman has to sing all of Come Sailing Away by Styx if he hears a part of it. After he says this, Kyle sings the first part and Cartman has to sing the rest. Kyle does it again later, which is kinda mean
Cartman’s mom tries to abort Cartman, who is an eight-year-old child and thus cannot be legally aborted. Later, after she slept with Bill Clinton to change the law and make 40th trimester abortions legal, it turns out she meant adoption
Kenny sacrifices himself to turn on the generator to the hospital and save Dr. Mephesto’s life along with others. He says “I’ll fucking do it” then does it and dies, absolute legend
Cartman gets way too into his deputy role. He goes undercover, pretends to be a prostitute, says “Respect my authoritah!” a lot and beats people up with his police stick
Kenny’s brother first appears when Cartman responds to a call about a disturbance at Kenny’s house. Apparently there are like 10 adult family members in the house at that time. Kenny’s dad has a black eye because Kenny’s mom punched him. She says he can’t hold a job
Token sits in the classroom in season 2
Cartman starts hating hippies in this season, like a lot
Chef tells the boys that the right time to do drugs is in college
Ike’s name is Ike Moisha Broflovski and he was born in 1996, making him 2 years old in 1998 when this season aired
This is probably obvious but yeah Kyle and Ike are circumcised
Kyle says family isn’t just blood, it’s who you care about, and he says “That’s why you guys are more than just friends, you’re my family. Except for Cartman.”
Craig’s finally sitting in the classroom in S02E04
None of the boys like dodgeball
Clyde gets a dodgeball to the face and he cries :( and he’s the only one who cries by the way
Pip throws a dodgeball in Kyle’s face and breaks Kyle’s nose
When Kyle’s mom tells the boys about conjoined twin myslexia (which isn’t a real term) and says anyone might’ve absorbed their dead twin in the womb, Stan and Cartman run away screaming but Kenny and Kyle stay to listen. Kenny even leans in to look at the book “Freaks A-Z!” that Mrs. Broflovski is reading from, and when she leaves, Kyle grimaces and Kenny laughs
Stan’s mom (Sharon) calls Kyle’s mom (Sheila) when Stan is all freaked out and trying to put an icepick through his brain, and Sharon tells Sheila to get run over by a truck. Sharon is pretty mean in these early episodes
Mr. Broflovski doesn’t really listen to what Mrs. Broflovski is saying, bad husband >:(
South Park’s team is always called South Park Cows no matter the sport
The school nurse, Nurse Gollum, went to Colorado State University
I just realized Butters exists. I think he appeared before S02E05 but I didn’t notice but yeah he’s there with the dodgeball team, injured
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Here’s a picture to make up for my disgusting anti-Butters bias
Kenny’s dodgeball uniform number is 69 obviously. Kyle is 7, Stan is 4, Cartman is 325
Sheila smacks Gerald in the face so hard he falls off his chair, lots of violence perpetrated by women in this show. Remember, don’t do domestic violence no matter your gender, it’s not cool
I realized after this whole Butters thing that I should’ve made more notes about Pip, so I’ll make a note about his anger issues now. When people call him French, he gets angry and throws dodgeballs at them
The boys launch a jelly roll at Ms. Crabtree and make her crash the bus. They do it just for fun
The kids somehow go to China in the school bus
Cartman references Moby Dick, but he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Kevin Stoley gets named in S02E05 and has his first speaking role when he says he has Chinese parents and after Cartman hears it he immediately says something racist. smh cartman, what a problematic fave
Cartman says “I love you guys 😊” but Stan and Kyle just stare at him and he goes 😐 “Eh, screw you guys 😠”
If Jimbo and Ned really fought in Vietnam, they youngest they could’ve been in 1998 is early forties, which means in the latest seasons they would be early sixties. Btw they met in Vietman
Jesus and Pals is a recurring TV show in seasons 1 and 2. Jesus just kind of lives in South Park
I just remembered that Terrance and Phillip are really old in canon, it’s so weird, like how can South Park canon still be changing, it’s been 20 years
Also the early seasons are casually racist who knew
Kenny flashes his ass on a tape the boys send to Jimbo and Ned’s TV show, which airs and at least 12 people see Kenny’s bare naked ass
Cartman really doesn’t like hippies in these early seasons. He throws a chair at Ned and yells, “Take that, hippie!” (Ned is in a catatonic state and did nothing to provoke this)
Jimbo and Ned live together I guess. Jimbo’s gonna take Ned home and show him some hardcore porn to snap him out of his catatonic state, good husband unlike Gerald Broflovski
Saddam Hussein is in hell and has a Canadian accent and is Satan’s lover in S02E06, I guess he died in Canada in the first episode this season but I wasn’t paying much attention since that’s the Terrance and Phillip episode that pissed a bunch of people off in 1998 because the audience wanted to know who Cartman’s dad is instead. It was kind of a boring episode so I understand why everyone was pissed, but it is funny that Matt and Trey did that so I’m not mad about it
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Aww look at them!!! We’ve got background Style, the vaguest inkling of Crenny, and Cartman/Cake
I’d take more screenshots but it’s a pain since I’m watching legally and stupid legal websites block screenshots so I have to find youtube videos instead ughhhh piracy is the answer kids
Apparently there’s a huge waterfall and canyon somewhere close to South Park, maybe? At least in Stan’s dream
Mary Kay Bergman was an incredible voice actor. How the hell did she voice all the moms, Wendy, Shelly, principle Victoria, the mayor, Nurse Gollum, and fucking Ms. Crabtree??? Holy shit what a queen
Kenny has some feelings about death. He reimagines the episode where death boops him to death and in his version, he beats death the fuck up, then has ice cream and is happy 😊 But again, this is in Stan’s dream
S02E07 kind of establishes that nobody remembers Kenny dying because when Cartman tells a story where Kenny dies, Kyle questions how Kenny could’ve died then when he also died just a few hours ago when a giant monster took him
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rip craig, he falls out the bus and into a canyon
But it’s okay because it was all Stan’s dream so everything in the episode is questionable. Everything after this is no longer a dream
Pip’s parents are dead and he has to go to summer school while everyone else is having a nice summer break
Officer Barbrady and the mayor are having sexual relations, I’m sure this is the most interesting note I’ve made so far. Idk I’m just writing everything down, this is how I enjoy things, I have no off switch
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Ew summer bus stop, cursed
Kyle casually sings little tunes every once in a while, how cute
This is pretty obvious but Kenny likes dirty jokes, he laughs when Cartman innocently says he loves Chef’s salty chocolate balls (which are chocolate candy). Nobody else laughs
Cartman says “Screw you guys, I’m going home” or variations of it a lot in this season
So Stan throws up when he likes someone, right? Well, he’s watching an indie movie about two gay cowboys who start making out and he throws up, which is either a terrible homophobic joke or confirmation that Stan’s a little gay. I know which one I prefer
Kyle says Mr. Hankey is his best friend after Stan. Like I know it’s definitely canon that Stan and Kyle are best friends but it’s still nice to see confirmation, it’s very precious. Also Kyle is best friends with literal shit, so cute 😊
Kenny deaths:
S02E02 Kenny sacrifices himself by connecting a generator wire, which electrocutes him but brings power back to a hospital
S02E03 A tree falls on Kenny and crushes him
S02E04 Kenny falls in a grave and the gravestone falls on him
S02E05 The Chinese dodgeball team throws a ball at Kenny and he gets splattered against a wall
S02E06 Two guys pull on Kenny and tear him in half, as in one has the head and one has the legs
S02E07 A big scary monster plucks Kenny out of the school bus and carries him away. Also in Cartman’s fake memory of Fonzi jumping over cars, the motorcycle hits Kenny and crushes him against a brick wall. Kenny gets smashed against walls a lot, doesn’t he?
S02E08 Flashback: Baby Kenny has a firecracker and it explodes, sprinkling little baby Kenny parts everywhere. Later in the episode, current day Kenny dies when a giant firework snake bumps him off a stage and under a fence, which then crushes him.
S02E09 Kenny is playing with a yoyo outside a movie theatre when a bunch of people come outside and trample him to death. They say “Oh my God, I found a penny!” and “You bastard!”
I’ll post part 2 of season 2 in a couple days. I’m having way more fun writing these stupid notes than I thought I would (also gnomes is coming up soon and i am fucking ready for tweek)
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
Hi 💜 weird question, but have you ever received hate messages for watching south park? like oh my god, this show promotes fascism, blah blah blah. Or because you ship kyman? i mean, it's no secret that people often think that if you like something problematic you automatically are horrible person.
actually anon, I got my first “kys” comment in my recent married kyman ask this morning and I did a double take bc like, I’ve had this blog for nearly a year and i’ve been so passionately vocal about kyman that I’m surprised i’m barely getting hate for it now. I have lost a chunk of followers on my main blogs for liking kyman, and I had a whole Internal Thing about that, but my mutuals/connections to my industry never unfollowed me?? They either like my stuff and geek w/ me, or don’t care. So i learned the ppl’s who’s opinions I truly value agree w/ me or have simply agreed to disagree, and we stay vibing.
I can’t control how strangers perceive me for liking Kyman. If it means I get called untrue things, well, I know who I am and I’ll just let my content/reblogs/ takes speak for themselves. If they want to waste their energy getting upset over it, that’s their choice. A poor one, frankly. That time could be better spent on more productive things. Why come after me? I’ve already lost by default— I’m a south park shipper. Can’t make a comeback for that, man.
I talked about the dangerous black/white nature of the internet especially in regards to south park/cartman, but I’ll elaborate on one thing: South Park isn’t for everyone. It’s not for anyone at all. It’s the brain child of Matt and Trey, and the crew who’ve been there since day one and know these raunchy kids in and out. Some can handle Sp’s darker humor, toilet humor, approach in storytelling, political stance, and some can’t. Just, use discretion y’all.
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moonheart1313 · 7 years
“Put It Down” Review (Spoilers and this is a little long!)
So, I saw S21 E02.
For the past week, my stomach has been churning over what the outcome of this episode would be.
…and I was NOT disappointed.
Holy fucking shit. Let’s just…break this down.
-The introduction
Tweek going up and just BANGING his hands on the piano and screeching may be the biggest laugh I’ve gotten since Wendy described what Yaoi was back in season 19. Not only is it incredibly relatable to anyone suffering from major anxiety problems or stress, but it’s so Tweek.
Stan got a couple lines. I don’t know about y’all, but I am proud of him. In all seriousness, have we just…forgotten about Stan while making room for Randy. He’s one of those jokes that…I don’t know, he’s kinda depressing anymore. In “White People Renovating Houses”, Sharon’s blank expressions and his attitude towards Daryl…I didn’t really get why the joke was funny. I mean, I got the melodrama, but it didn’t get much of a laugh out of me. Why wasn’t Stan or Shelly included? It would have been way funnier to see their reactions to their father. We need to focus on the kids reacting to the madness around them. Not focusing on just the adults doing the madness.
In short—bring back Stan’s reactions and opinions! Oh, and Kyle and Kenny. Especially Kenny. I can’t remember the last time he got attention, either.
Craig calling Tweek “honey” and “babe” while no one was around. This is no longer fake dating. We don’t know if it started off as such, but this relationship has gone way past “for the town” shit. In fact, the only person who really talks about homosexuality is Tweek’s father, which is pretty much just a running joke (because Mr. Tweak is a terrible dad).
-Cartman’s suicide campaign.
Okay, so this is basically the B plot of the episode and…it shows. Normally, the Cartman’s storylines are the ones I prefer in South Park episodes, but not only did it feel kind of forced, but it wasn’t very funny. Honestly, watching a smart girl like Heidi being manipulated by this psycho is hard to sit through. As someone who has known people in these relationships and had a friend who threatened suicide if I was going to abandon them, this hits hard.
I’m not saying it is a bad idea to delve into this issue as it is becoming more public, especially online, but Matt and Trey could really piss off a lot of the fans if they take this too far. South Park has always been about pushing the limit, but they also know how much their show has helped countless individuals who struggle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. The honesty of the show gives many people hope that the world isn’t just filled with passive morons or people who believe you need to be a certain type of person. If they attempt to harshly mock this spectrum, the show’s rating could potentially plummet to the point of them only being able to make the next two seasons that they signed on for after this one.
I do think if they show both sides, the people that are seriously suicidal and people like Cartman who desire attention as well as manipulating people, it could be successful. If they can phrase the moral correctly, I think this season could come out as one of the absolute best. If they only wanted it for this episode, I can see why they would choose to go onto a different storyline for the season since there is plenty of other issues to delve into. Still, if it’s a storyline they are going to tackle, I hope they know what they are getting into.
-Tweek’s cupcakes.
I finally lived to see Tweek covered in frosting and baking ingredients. Life—is good.
Now, as Matt and Trey explained, while they are still going to joke about Trump, they didn’t want it to be the focus of the season of even every episode. Here, the joke worked perfectly. It was less about Trump and more about Tweek being in a situation that he has no control over, no matter how hard he tries to fix it. (The joke about no one caring about Hillary made me snort so loud my nose hurt. Equal playing field. Thank God.)
-Fidget spinners.
Considering all the previews and screenshots were showing fidget spinners, most fans thought the small devices would be the focus of the episode. And, call me crazy, I’m kinda glad it was just a funny joke about how they don’t necessarily help people.
The devices are used for kids with ADHD (or if they have some sort of issues paying attention), who need to keep their hands moving if they’re in class or trying to focus on something. Using it as a calming device is a myth and the show accurately showed just how people rely on them a little too much.
-Children getting hit by cars.
I have to admit, the shot of that first kid getting hit was oddly chilling. Mostly because of how accurate it parodies commercials. What’s even better is that his death wasn’t a joke. It was something the whole school (not counting Cartman) banded together to pay their respects too. Later, the other deaths became more of a joke, but what’s incredible is how they manage to tie this B plot with the A plot. But more on that later.
-Tweek in Craig’s room.
OKAY. This was FUCKING hilarious. Watching Tweek without any problem or pretense heading into Craig’s room only to scream out his fear was another huge laugh I got from this episode. The fact that besides being a little disgruntled (the poor kid just woke up), Craig is hardly surprised by the appearance and action, meaning this happens A LOT.
And Craig’s space stuff EVERYWHERE. Matt and Trey knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
-The creek date
The argument between Craig and Tweek was some of the best writing I’ve ever scene. Not only are they fighting like an actual couple would in this situation, but while watching it the first time, I understood Craig’s frustration and couldn’t see what Tweek wanted. However, once the true solution of what Tweek’s needs is explained, I finally understood.
When it comes to emotion vs. logic, the friction is unstoppable. Personally, I am usually a logical person. I take into account as many options and facts as I can find and then make my conclusions. However, when I have no information or things are out of my control, my emotional side takes over and I begin to panic. Once I understood this opposition was the problem, I realized what the episode was saying.
Tweek’s not being unreasonable and Craig isn’t being uncaring. They are both frustrated because Tweek doesn’t know how to make himself feel better and Craig doesn’t know how to help him. Which leads to my next point.
-The message.
When Heidi makes her statement about emotions, the writing is very good and allowing her to speak about the issue, but also having it relate to creek’s storyline without even addressing said storyline before the following scene. It works on both accounts. It’s once again sad to see Heidi following after Eric because, as most of us would agree, she deserves better (or at least revenge).
Moving on, Craig’s understanding of the situation doesn’t paint him as the bad guy who needs to apologize. Instead, he realizes what the best course of action is to take to help his boyfriend. And without hesitation, he does. It shows that Craig learned a lesson about compromise. That sometimes other people need to work through things in a different way than Craig might be used to working through them. That can be a hard concept for even some adults.
And may I just say, the fact that Tweek was using the (FOUR?!) fidget spinner idea to attempt to calm himself was so very sweet. Even though he probably knew it wouldn’t work, he still tried for Craig. Even after that huge fight. It expresses the stability of their relationship, even when things are painfully tense.
Craig helping to guide Tweek to his own epiphany was brilliant. He wasn’t treating Tweek like an idiot. That’s what Tweek needed. Someone can go up and tell you what you need. But that’s not the same as figuring it out for yourself. Once Tweek had a moment to let out his fear and talk it out (rather than people distracting him or just telling him to be quiet), his mind cleared up and the solution for what would make him feel better was his own idea. Craig didn’t need to be a fixer, he needed to be a supporter. And although he didn’t realize it before then, his heart was still in the right place.
Many people have said that Tweek and Craig may be the most accurate, stable homosexual couple ever (or at least for 2017) and I highly agree. Since they’re kids, it takes the physical aspect out. I never felt the need to see them kiss (maybe a hug would’ve been nice) because it was about their feelings, not their attraction to one another. They have a mutual respect of love for each other that was tested in this episode. Their fight wasn’t “petty” or “forced”. It was natural, like a disagreement any couple could face.
If this is the kind of amazing messages, character moments, and wonderful humor we are really in for, I am definitely looking forward to going down to South Park this season. Well done, Matt and Trey.
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