#idk where i’m going with this imagery jfkfkfjf
victimized-martyr · 1 year
Hi 💜 weird question, but have you ever received hate messages for watching south park? like oh my god, this show promotes fascism, blah blah blah. Or because you ship kyman? i mean, it's no secret that people often think that if you like something problematic you automatically are horrible person.
actually anon, I got my first “kys” comment in my recent married kyman ask this morning and I did a double take bc like, I’ve had this blog for nearly a year and i’ve been so passionately vocal about kyman that I’m surprised i’m barely getting hate for it now. I have lost a chunk of followers on my main blogs for liking kyman, and I had a whole Internal Thing about that, but my mutuals/connections to my industry never unfollowed me?? They either like my stuff and geek w/ me, or don’t care. So i learned the ppl’s who’s opinions I truly value agree w/ me or have simply agreed to disagree, and we stay vibing.
I can’t control how strangers perceive me for liking Kyman. If it means I get called untrue things, well, I know who I am and I’ll just let my content/reblogs/ takes speak for themselves. If they want to waste their energy getting upset over it, that’s their choice. A poor one, frankly. That time could be better spent on more productive things. Why come after me? I’ve already lost by default— I’m a south park shipper. Can’t make a comeback for that, man.
I talked about the dangerous black/white nature of the internet especially in regards to south park/cartman, but I’ll elaborate on one thing: South Park isn’t for everyone. It’s not for anyone at all. It’s the brain child of Matt and Trey, and the crew who’ve been there since day one and know these raunchy kids in and out. Some can handle Sp’s darker humor, toilet humor, approach in storytelling, political stance, and some can’t. Just, use discretion y’all.
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