xcarinaa · 7 years
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‘ i’m a SEASONED survivor. bear grylls taught me well. i think i’d do incredibly well if you ask me. ’
Carina looked him up and down quickly. “You look like you could be broken as easily as a twig. ---No offense.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
✗ ̖́- — a grin appeared on his face at her words. ah carina, so sweet. so PREDICTABLE. “that’s exactly what a drunk person would say. i suppose i can only take your word for that. no, no. i’m good. peeves doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun in my book.” 
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Carina was already opening her mouth to speak, explaining to him that she was in fact not drunk at all, but then she stopped herself. She was not going to start explaining herself like she was caught stealing or anything. If he did not believe her, then so be it. She could deal with it. “I suppose it really is the only things you can do...”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
“I mean, I understand flying. I’m seeker on the quidditch team. I’ve been flying since I was 11. I just couldn’t do it just to sightsee. I have to have a reason and something to focus on.” She explained. “Well, you guys have a lot of rules here, so I guess you should consider yourself lucky on that one.”
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“Really?” Carina raised her brow. ”That seems rather strange. I’ve never heard of anyone with a fear of heights playing quidditch, let alone being the seeker. Did you never get a rush of fear right in the middle of a practice or a game?” She nodded. “Yeah, absolutely. So, which school did you come here with?”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
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“ no offence but me being selective in picking who’s on MY quidditch team is nothing personal, i’ve got as much house pride as the next guy but you fucking gryffindors have got to get a bloody grip !! ”
Carina watched a few meters away from Harrison as he told off some Gryffindors and them turning on their heels and walking away, probably cursing the captain. "You know, it's really cute how you try to seem like a real tough captain, trying to put together the best team possible, and all that jazz. But let me tell you something - it's not going to matter. We're going to beat you all anyway."
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xcarinaa · 7 years
✗ ̖́- — “biggest trophies you say? tell me, dear carina, what in the world have you been drinking?”  
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"I have not been drinking, mere priy, but if you don’t believe me, then go ahead and go in there. It’s going to be Peeves throwing the trophy at you.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
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“this castle is just full of things to watch out for, isn’t it?”
"Yeah. And one of the biggest things to look out for is Peeves, who's actually in there, throwing those trophies at people.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
“Trophies?” Irene asked in confusion. “There’s a trophy room in Hogwarts?!”
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Carina looked at the girl with a shocked expression. “Isn’t this your seventh year here? What have you been doing until now that you don’t know about the trophy room?”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
“I’m sure it is something.” Brooklyn nodded. “Probably not something I’d ever see. I have a serious fear of heights, especially on a broomstick.” She admitted, even the sight of the girl on a broom making her feel queasy. “They let you guys fly around on your own?”
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"That’s a real shame, ladakee,” said Carina. “It's a beautiful view from up there, and when you get to fly through the air at high speed - nothing really comes close to it.” She slightly shook her head. "There's not a rule against it, at least not that I know of."
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xcarinaa · 7 years
Finally looking up from her book, Brooklyn furrowed her brows as she looked around for the voice. Noticing a girl on a broom, Brooklyn laughed and shut her book closed. “I like nature. And at my school, our surrounding forest doesn’t hurt us, it only goes against a no-maj.” She said with a shrug. “But thank you for the warning. Have a nice view from up there?”
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“Yeah, it’s not exactly normal, but you can’t find too many normal things here in Hogwarts anyway,” Carina shrugged. “Anytime,” she flashed the girl a smile and shiften a bit on her broom to find a more comfortable position. “Yeah, it’s quite nice, though you only get the real view when you go above the castle. When you look around up there, you can see for several kilometers. Now that is something.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
daphne didn’t mean to peg the passerby with the small rock, she was aiming at the tin can she propped on the courtyard wall. out of boredom, she liked to throw crap at other crap. when it hit the other student, she probably should have busted into laughter but she did. “whoops” was the only thing that came out of her mouth other than giggles.
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Carina stopped dead in her track when the small rock hit her head. She took a long breath and slowly turned in the direction where the rock came from, her eyes landing on a giggling - a fucking giggling -, brunette. “Are you joking? ‘Whoops?’” She was furious. “Are you blind or simply an idiot who just wants to get hexed?”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
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‘ of course i put my name in ! do you think i’m going to miss out on ETERNAL GLORY ? ’
“You’d have to survive first. And manage to win, too.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
Getting lost was something Brooklyn was exceptionally good at, but it was also something she really loved. There was nothing better than wandering to her, especially at Hogwarts. It seemed as if every day there was a new place for her to read or look up at the stars. Of course, it had gotten her in trouble a time or two, and today seemed to be one of those days. She’d had her nose buried deep in her charms book as she walked, the sudden voice of someone telling her she was going to be in the Forbidden Forest if she kept walking the only thing pulling her from the book. As she looked up, she smiled. “There’s a whole lot of forbidden here, isn’t there?”
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It was a nice, bright day outside and Carina decided it was a great time to simply just hop onto her broom and fly around the castle a little bit. She did that from time to time - it was the easiest way for her to relax and turn off her brain for even just a tiny bit. She turned her broom to head back towards the castle and maybe check into the Owlery by broom when she noticed the girl walking with her nose deep in her books. She was clearly heading towards the Forbidden Forest, though Carina doubted the girl had any idea. If she would have, Cari figured she would have been more careful with her steps. Carina stopped her broom, hanging a couple of meters above the ground and waited. “I was wondering whether or not you would even notice the forest ahead of you,” she chuckled.
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xcarinaa · 7 years
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. Unless you want to get hit by one of the biggest trophies, that is.”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
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xcarinaa · 7 years
☆ ̖́- — “oh sweetie, nothing can get pass my watchful eyes. to anyone else, i’m sure they’ll just see you as an innocent flower with nothing to hide! too bad there’s a snake underneath,” she placed a hand to heart as though she was HURT. “end moi’s little life? i’m grateful that you would spare my life but can you spare my memories too? i want to know that once you become queen, i was the first to guess that was going to happen!” she grinned, “i could never do that to my own true love, the giant squid, but she’s definitely worth looking at.”
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"I guess there's no point in hiding it now," she sighed, shaking her head. "You've unmasked my t r u e identity. But I'm sorry, as much as I would like, I cannot spare your memory. I need my true self and my plan to be hidden until the very last moment." She laughed at the mention of the squid. “Oh, come on, ladakee! Your obsession with the squid is ridiculous. When are you going to give up and realize that the poor squid is not interested?”
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xcarinaa · 7 years
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“ you know, i’ll just have whatever the hell anyone gives me. madam puddifoot’s is great & so is rosa lee teabag. see ? compromise. ”
"Yeah, and me saying that I think Rosa Lee Teabag is amazing is an opinion. And a preference. But, excuse me, I guess, for daring to speak it."
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xcarinaa · 7 years
☆ ̖́- — “i knew it. you are secretly EVIL and one day you’re going to take over the world. i can see it now. ‘carina avery; queen of everything.’” she pointed a finger at her as though she were accusing carina something. “true. my eyes have always been on madame puddifoot. she’s hot.”
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“Oh, darn it. And I thought I was hiding my evil plans so well,” she placed her hand on her hip in fake frustration. “I should end your life right here, before you can reveal anything to other people, but just because I like that title - queen of everything -, I’m going to spare your life and only erase your memory.” Carina raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Madame Puddifoot, huh? Never figured you had an eye on her, but hey. If she’s who your heart desires, you should definitely go for her.”
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