rostuhm · 6 years
                      ❛   oi     !     shut  the  hell  up     !    .  .  .   sorry  ‘bout  that.  whatcha  say  again     ?      ❜
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nburkes · 6 years
   "  everyone has to be aware that this is a bad idea. not that I’m complaining; but I think the professors just got so tired of us whining they stopped caring too much about the consequences.  “ 
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okwormtail · 6 years
if all had gone according to plan, the owls should be dropping a ton of fliers for his radio show on the students who were still stuck up at hogwarts at any moment now.  he’d had to bribe the last few that didn’t hate him, so it better have worked.  hopefully, hundreds of leaflets would drop during lunch, detailing how to trick the radios into allowing peter’s still untitled pirate radio show to play on the wizarding wireless network.  they would be charmed to escape the clutches of the professors and filch, of course.  he wasn’t stupid.
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in the meantime, pete walked out of honeyduke’s, stuffing his pockets full of sweets.  “oi — i think i might’ve just eaten my weight in chocolate frogs.”  he admitted, a little bit of chocolate still smeared across his smug grin.  “haven’t checked the cards yet, hope i got some new ones!”  he felt almost drunk on power — and also perhaps a little tipsy as well.  
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caruhdick · 6 years
                ❛    oohhhhh  sorry  mate.  drink  up     !    a  bet’s  a  bet     !      ❜
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jaspcrflint · 6 years
“it’s like christmas came early or somethin’,”  jasper mused as he finished his drink.  “huh . . .  maybe they don’t think we’ll make it to christmas?”  his macabre thought hardly had time to dawn on him before his brain moved onto a far more pressing matter.  “ah, hell.  next round’s on me!”  he announced, sliding galleons to the bartender.
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