#alt Assistant au
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Alt Assistant AU - Game Night
Kara lets herself into Lena’s office, her greeting pulling her girlfriend’s attention to her.
“Hey,” Lena returns. At this hour, she should be tired, but there’s not a trace of exhaustion in the focused gaze that meets hers with a smile. “How’d it go?”
Kara grins. “I signed my contract with CatCo forty-three minutes ago.”
Lena’s smile widens to beaming. “I knew you’d wow them.” She rises from her seat and leans in to press a kiss to Kara’s lips. “Congratulations, love.”
Lifting the bag of Big Belly in her hand, Kara shrugs her eyebrows invitingly. “Dinner to celebrate?”
Without a further word, Lena moves with her to the couch. Though she brings a stack of contracts with her, she holds off on reviewing them until after their burgers are devoured and the leftover fries long cold. Kara doesn’t mind Lena’s preoccupation– it gives her an opportunity to study Lena in profile, from the line of her jaw to the curve of her nose.
“Hey,” Kara murmurs.
“Hmmm?” Lena hums back, not quite looking away from the pages in her lap. Kara smiles.
“I’m hosting game night tomorrow.” Her declaration is met with a nod and another hum. “Wanna join?”
“Not really.”
That’s another difference of this reality– this Lena declines invitations just as often as the old Lena used to, but not out of self-preservation. She simply feels no need to commit herself to something she’s not interested in. Most times, Kara admires her forthright, but tonight she can’t help the disappointment that courses through her.
Lena senses the change in her mood, and sets the contract down to look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“I want you to come,” Kara returns plainly.
Lena’s brow furrows. “Why?”
It’s not an unreasonable question– Kara’s been hosting game not regularly since the reality reset, eager to reclaim one of the few things that helped her feel like nothing had changed. Lena has never expressed interest in attending, and Kara hasn’t extended the invite until now. But something has changed.
“My friends will be there,” Kara says. She lets her fingers trace the seam of the back couch cushion. She keeps her eyes on Lena’s. “I want you to meet them.”
Lena’s chin tilts to one side. “I see.”
“All of you are important to me,” Kara continues. “I want you all to know each other.”
She’s lived separate lives before– she has no interest in suffering similarly in this reality.
Lena’s pink lips twist into a smile. Her gaze teasingly turns askance, even as she gracefully scoots herself closer to Kara. “Well,” she purrs. “In that case…”
She leans in, and Kara closes the distance, capturing her lips– still tasting faintly of grease– in another kiss.
“I suppose I can make the time.”
Game night is better than Kara could have imagined. In the previous reality, Lena’s first three game nights had seen her stiff and reticent, coiled tightly as though expecting a physical blow. But current Lena… Lena is on full display. All of her magnetism that draws investors in like moths to flame now brings Kara’s friends into easy conversation, her features bright and open.
She absolutely dominates at Monopoly, of course. And Trivial Pursuit. Kara cherishes every cheer of excitement when Lena succeeds, be it collecting rent or a correct, obscure answer. Lena’s clearly enjoying herself, which was Kara’s secondary goal for the night. Joining the two halves of her life will only work if both sides have fun.
The night ends when Lena heads out first. “Early meeting,” she explains, but Kara suspects she’s bowing out– at least in part– to give them time to report in and render judgement.
When the door closes behind Lena, Kara takes a moment to deliver a load of dishes to the kitchen. She can’t help the grin that spreads her features– she can’t wait to hear her friends’ approval. But when she turns back to the line of solemn features lined up before her, her stomach drops.
“What? That– things went great! I thought—” She scans their faces. Alex, she can kind of understand. As her sister, she’s predisposed to being protective. Brainy, less so, but to Kara he seemed to be demurring to his own girlfriend, on whom Kara locks her gaze.
Nia at least, she expected to be receptive to Lena. They’d been friends in the previous reality, to Kara’s recollection, and her easy-going nature surely would have left her primed to adore Lena.
Except Nia’s grimace is widest of them all.
“I dunno…” She draws out the word, stretching it into an audible apology. “She’s nice, I guess, but… she’s also a little… intense?”
Kara blinks in surprise. “Intense? How do you mean?”
Lena can be intense. Kara knows this. She wouldn’t be a good executive if she wasn’t. Nor would she be able to go head-to-head in a male-dominated industry. But Kara hadn’t seen that intensity tonight. She’s genuinely confused, and waits for Nia to elaborate.
“Well…” Nia seems at a loss for words, and she shoots a glance at the others for support. “She’s, uhh…”
“Obsessed with winning, for one,” Alex delivers bluntly.
Kara stares at her sister. “You’re mad because she… won?”
“It’s more than that,” Nia follows up quickly. “I don’t know how to really explain it, but she just doesn’t seem to… fit.”
“She has nothing in common,” Alex continues. “And I don’t like how she treats you.”
“Like what?”
“You waited on her hand and foot the entire night! Like you were her assistant!”
“It just felt like there wasn’t space for anyone else when you’re talking to her,” Nia says softly. “It might just be me, but…”
“It’s not.” Alex all but scowls. “All of us felt it, and the fact neither of you picked up on how uncomfortable we were says more than it doesn’t.”
Anger starts to build in Kara’s belly, but the hurt in her chest tamps it down. A lump lifts to her throat when she looks to the one person who hasn’t weighed in yet.
His expression is pensive. “I too noticed the magnitude of Miss Luthor’s presence, which perhaps may not be well suited to such intimate evenings between friends.”
Kara presses her lips together. She takes a deep breath, then a second. Once she’s sure she can speak without her voice breaking, she swallows thickly.
“I see.”
“Kara…” Nia trails off when Kara lifts her hand.
“I know you all must be tired. I’ll clean up,” she says. Nia opens her mouth to protest, but Alex places a hand on her shoulder. The younger woman slumps minutely as she quietly sighs.
“Okay.” Nia rises from her seat, tugging Brainy towards the door. “I’m sorry, Kara. I just worry–”
“Thank you for your honesty,” Kara clips out. It effectively silences Nia, who glances sadly at her before she and Brainy slip out of the apartment. It leaves Kara alone with her sister, whose gaze she studiously avoids.
“I’m not going to apologize,” Alex states. “She wasn’t the only one in the room tonight, and she was too full of herself to see that the rest of us weren’t gelling. And you deserve better than someone who treats you like the help.”
Kara doesn’t respond or look up from the knot of wood in her butcher block table.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear–”
“I need to get up early tomorrow,” Kara grinds out. She’s heard enough. “Please leave.”
Alex doesn’t push any further. She nods, reaching for her jacket.
“Call if you need anything.”
Kara doesn’t breathe again until the door clicks shut. Only then does she release the pressure in her chest with a gasp, as the tears splash onto her cheeks.
Kara had lied about the early morning, but she finds herself sleepless regardless. She waits until the sun rises before she finally texts Lena.
What’re you up to? She sends, doing her best to sound casual and unaffected. She thinks she might have succeeded when Lena’s pending response immediately appears in the form of three pulsing dots.
Work, comes the quick reply. Seoul needs some cajoling.
Kara sends a sympathetic emoji back.
Should have everything handled in a few hours. Meet me at the office at 10? We can go to brunch.
Despite the gloom hanging heavy in her thoughts, Kara finds herself smiling.
She’s in front of LuthorCorp twenty minutes to ten, and sends a querying question mark to see if Lena’s already on her way down. Unsurprisingly, she gets a ‘ten more minutes’ in response. Kara decides to spend the wait inside, and makes her way up to Lena’s office. As the elevator lifts higher, Kara’s stomach sinks lower.
She won’t be able to hide this from Lena. Lena knows her too well, and besides that it wouldn’t be fair to let Lena believe something that wasn’t true. Still, Kara plasters on a smile before pushing the final door open.
Lena looks up, and her eyes spark with joy at the sight of her. She rises from her seat, meeting Kara halfway to the desk to greet her with a brief, sweet kiss.
“Hey,” Lena says. “I just wrapped up the call. I just need to document what was discussed and then we can leave. They were ornery, but I’m persistent, so they eventually came around.”
“I would expect nothing less,” Kara returns. She watches Lena return to her seat and soon the soft clicking of rapid typing filled the air.
“Last night was fun,” Lena says, glancing briefly up to catch Kara’s gaze. Her eyes are bright, betraying the honesty of her words. “And your friends are nice. I like them.”
“Yeah,” Kara breathes. Her fingers reflexively reach up to adjust her glasses. Lena’s typing pauses. She looks up at Kara for a poignant moment, and Kara can see the moment her walls shutter into place behind her eyes.
Lena’s gaze returns to the computer screen, and her long fingers resume their typing. Her tone is even, but the neutrality in it is clue enough that she’s more affected than she wants Kara to know.
“It… It’s not that they didn’t like you–”
“Don’t worry about it,” Lena says coolly. “I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
“What I mean is–”
“It’s fine, Kara,” Lena cuts her off, irritation leaking through her facade. “It doesn’t matter–”
“It does to me!” Kara blurts. Her vision wobbles through angry tears. Her throat aches, but with the truth hanging between them the dam has broken. “It matters to me.”
Lena’s fingers fall still. Her gaze softens as her eyes find Kara’s. After a moment, she pushes her chair back and rises. Crossing around her desk, she leans back against it, arms folding over her chest. Lena studies the ground at her feet for a long moment before lifting her chin.
“Is it something I can fix?”
The question is plain yet loaded with thinly veiled hurt, and it breaks Kara’s heart to hear it. Then in the next heartbeat, anger flares in Kara’s chest. The one thing she admired most about Lena in this reality, the one thing she was never forced to do here, was to remake herself into something she wasn’t. To change herself to be more palatable to others.
And here she is, offering to do just that.
For Kara.
“No,” Kara croaks. Then, stronger, “no.”
Lena takes a deep breath. “Kara, I can see how much it means to you, to live your life as a singular whole. And I get it– I do. But I’ve seen this before. I know if it comes down to a choice between them and me… I know I won’t be the one to keep you.”
Her voice cracks, and Kara’s heart stutters to see the sudden tears in Lena’s eyes. Her own cheeks are already damp, and her breath hitches in her chest. Lena pushes towards her at the sound of it. Her palms frame Kara’s cheeks so gently Kara only sobs again.
“I don’t want to lose you,” she whispers, lips quivering. “Kara...”
“You’re not.” Kara swallows, her hands coming to rest on Lena’s waist. The contact grounds her, lending her the strength that drained out of her the night before. It bolsters her, drying her tears even as Lena’s thumbs brush them from her cheeks. “You won’t.”
Kara leans in and kisses Lena firmly on the mouth. Then she wraps her arms around her, hugging her close enough to whisper low in Lena’s ear.
“I love you, Lena.”
Lena’s arms tighten around her waist, burrowing her face against Kara’s neck.
“You will never lose me,” Kara vows. Her jaw tightens. “Never again.”
She pulls away with another fierce kiss. Lena lets her go, but her touch lingers as they disengage. Kara backs up, keeping her gaze on Lena for a long moment.
“I have to go. But I’ll be back.” She smiles. “And brunch’ll be on me.”
Lena does her best to smirk, and it almost reaches her eyes. “Promise?”
Kara knows it’s meant to be a suggestive tease, but the nod she gives in return is as solemn as a vow.
“I promise.”
Kara issues only a short text to the group.
My place. Now.
If any of them had other plans, her tone plainly supercedes them, as fifteen minutes later her friends are all sitting on her couch watching her glare at them.
“I am angry,” she states, unnecessarily. “With all of you.”
Nia is the only one to quail at her tone. “Kara��”
“You are so indescribably selfish, each and every one of you. And you have the gall to say Lena is full of herself?”
Alex’s mouth opens in defiance, but Kara doesn’t give her the chance to speak.
“But you’re right about one thing– last night was a test. Lena might have failed yours… but you failed mine.”
Nia and Brainy look at each other, but Alex’s features don’t soften a bit. It only rankles Kara further.
“So what if she wins at all the games? None of you can pretend you wouldn’t do the same in her place.”
Brainy’s head tilts in concession, but her focus is caught once more by Alex once more drawing breath to protest.
“And the fact that I wait on her, as you so aptly put it?” she barks. “That I refilled her glass and kept her snacks topped up? What you conveniently failed to notice is that she didn’t ask me to do any of that!”
“No, she just expected it–!”
“I did it because I wanted to! Because I wanted her to be comfortable around my friends! Because I love her!”
Her voice rings out sharply in the sudden quiet. Kara hadn’t meant to admit it to them, not here, not now, but she refuses to take it back. She lets her scowl deepen.
“I love her,” she repeats, this time calmer. She looks at each of them. “I introduced you to the woman I love, and all you could think of were yourselves.”
Nia’s guilt visibly deepens, her shoulders bowing in on themselves. Brainy’s chin lifts, suffering the accusation stoically without denial. Only Alex remains unrepentant.
“Lena is kind and confident, and wonderful. She’s also stubborn, strong, and ruthless when she needs to be. I will not let her compromise any part of who she is just because you can’t handle who and what she is.”
A beat of silence follows, before Alex sighs.
“She was your boss, Kara,” she points out. Her tone, at least, has softened. “A boss you hated. And now she’s got you wrapped around her little finger? I don’t buy it. I don’t buy whatever she’s told you about how she’s changed, just to get you into bed–”
“Enough!” Kara shouts. Her hand slices through the air, silencing her sister, if only for a moment. She trembles with rage. “Don’t you dare say anything about something you know nothing about–”
“I’m your sister,” Alex fires back, “I know plenty–”
“She’s not the one who changed!” Kara cries, finally shocking Alex to a standstill. “You say you know me, but I’m the one who changed. For months, I’ve been different, and none of you have noticed.” She glares at her sister. “Not even you.”
None of them seem to know what to say. Even Brainy, astute and perceptive as he is, seems perplexed. She continues to glare at them, but ultimately reaches for her purse to leave. She’s done with this conversation.
“Lock up after yourselves,” she snaps. “I’ve got brunch to get to.”
She leaves them all where they sit, gaping after her until she slams the door shut behind her.
#supercorp#alt Assistant au#game night#read em and weep#got at least one more snippet on the brain#should have it up this week
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A little something silly in my werewolf/vampire jmart au, for @milkteamoon as part of @magnusforgaza. Thank you!
This specific project has now closed, but here's a list of artists who are still individually taking requests for Gaza donations - go check them out
#the magnus archives#tma#tma au#magnus archives#magnus for gaza#milkteamoon#jonathan sims#martin blackwood#tma s3#hopefully this is funny enough while still also fitting the au and expectations :'D#gammijart#tma vampire au#tma werewolf au#i still dont have a tag for this#tma vampwolf au#i guess#id in alt#also in this au martin is actually the archivist while jon is an assistant - because the Fears arent really a thing here#and Martin was turned by Elias who keeps him down there where he can stay out of the sun and out of the way until he needs him for somethin#like keeping an eye on the newly turned werewolf employee
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Exploding with laughter
#my lovelies <3#wooly draws stuff#the sun and moon guys#doctor moondrop#assistant sun#moondrop#sundrop#daycare attendant#dca fandom#dca au#dca!mad scientist au#IDs in alt
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Hello, Gravity Falls fandom! Since the Book of Bill, I have gotten remarkably attached to that loser triangle again, and that has consequences!
So you know this fic of mine, yeah?
Well, I’ve made an AU out of an AU. Yay~!
The main premise of the AU is simple - Bill dies with the rest of Euclydia to his own fire (because I am under no impression that a kid/teen who was brimming with anger knew how to control his powers well enough to leave one lone survivor) and gets sent to the Axolotl’s domain, which is some version of heaven, though not exactly heaven.
Like in my fic, Bill asks to stay. This time, the Axolotl agrees and lets him out of pity and since it also knows what Bill will do once he’s alive again. It wants to prevent that.
And so begins the Assistant Godling AU!
Bill is essentially raised in the Axolotl’s realm, and is much more emotionally stable for obvious reasons. He’s not magically 100% better, and will still shut down if he can’t handle something devastating, but he knows how to take care of himself for the most part.
Since it would be boring stuck in a void, Bill has a job. He’s the only (one of the only) Bill Ciphers who is good, and the Axolotl needs some help with damage control, so that’s exactly what Bill does: damage control. He goes around from universe to universe to stop any world-ending events. A lot of the time, his assignments are Weirdmageddons, but he’s gotten others.
Character reference sheet below, since he looks different. Please read for further context:

And some closeups (in which you can see my tiny mistakes lol)


He is rather fond of the Pines family and very protective. Ford is still one of his favorites because of his six fingers.
He’s met a lot of kid versions of both sets of mystery twins and of most all other Gravity Falls residents.





Doodles :3 (the first and last ones are not AU related but they’re still neat)
He also eventually gets a twin but that comes later in the story. I hope this intrigues some people!
#Gravity Falls#Gravity Falls AU#Assistant Godling AU#Bill Cipher#the book of bill spoilers#axolotl gravity falls#digital art#pencil doodles#image description in alt
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Sick and TIRED of people claiming Ekko loved Alternate Universe Powder and not main universe Jinx. Throughout the series Ekko has continuously proven that he cares for Jinx dearly, through both canon actions and deleted scenes we know that Ekko cares deeply for Jinx.
Within the AU we're able to see an emotionally available Powder who was able to have a stable support system alongside a flourishing relationship. Which shows that Powder, Jinx, is fully able to be a good person. A normal human girl. Ekko is finally able to see this, that Powder is only so happy because she's lived so peacefully. He's always had a crush on her, it's lingering and it's never gone away. During the bridge scene, and Jinx's debut, we notice that Ekko freezes up both times when seeing jinx face to face. That she's able to draw out strong and violent reactions out of him that aren't exactly rational.
Usually people aren't able to do that to him, he's confrontational and stern because he's the Firelight leader, but we notice that most all of his decisions so far have been well thought out and responsible. In s1e4 we see him look at his stopwatch, see he has little time left before their crystals break, and he STILL goes to pursue Jinx. This is probably because he still harnesses strong feelings of hate towards Jinx, shock and frustration overwhelm him. Because it's Jinx who's done this, one of Silco's goons, but most importantly his childhood friend who's become so twisted. Scar is forced to grab Ekko and stop him before he goes too far, which shows off that Jinx does cause an especially strong emotional response for multiple reasons.
But the bridge scene shows that Ekko still does see the girls he's loved inside of Jinx. He hits her twice, neither time's does he get a good look at her face. But as he's winding up to hit her a third time, he pauses, he looks at her desperate face and he see's nothing more but an innocent girl. Which is why he stops, he still bears affection for her, clearly. The rest of the bridge scene is intimate enough but if I do have to mention anything, people who don't bear feelings for each other don't smirk at the other person like that.
When Ekko finds himself in the AU he's able to see Jinx/Powder in her most healthy form, finding ways of mourning and coping considered healthy. He see's pieces of Jinx inside of this Powder, her potential and what she could be. That's not something you do with someone you don't bear affection for. You don't look at the seemingly perfect version of someone and say that there's something missing; something missing that only versions that have gone through hell have. Pieces of herself that can't be replaced. Ekko doesn't just love Jinx.
He loves her entirety, he loves her innovative mind able of creating the worst war weapons. He loves that she's able to push herself to limits that he couldn't dream of, because he loves her for who she is. In both universes, what we notice is that they're both artists, they're both creators. Powder doesn't discard her love for gadgetry because she didn't experience atrocities, she's still unbelievably smart, being able to help Ekko create the anomaly. Being able to follow along while not knowing anything beforehand.
Jinx is able to crack hex tech with nothing more than Viktor's notes and some tinkering, this shows that no matter what universe, Jinx/Powder is an unbelievably talented and smart girl who could do so much.
Ekko is able to recognize that with Jinx's Genius it comes madness, and he simply would rather have her be both rather than an assistant. Not saying that he wouldn't love Alt Powder, I'm just saying that Arcane Ekko wouldn't be nearly as happy with her rather than Jinx. Because with Jinx comes crazy ideas and a leadership that matches his. That's the Jinx he never fell out of love with.
Even in both of these characters, Jinx and Powder have never been different. In each universe, they never got to blossom yet they're one bud. Two sides of a coin who'd never know the other existed if not for "what if's"
Powder is what Jinx is if she was happy, soft and delicate, she still holds the potential to create extraordinary devices, yet she doesn't because she never had the need to.
Jinx is what Powder would become if she was put under tremendous stress and trauma, devoid of a support system she turns to her gadgetry and weaponry, while slowly losing the part of herself that could be soft.
They both exist in one person, and Ekko is able to see both of them, and give them what they need in order to bloom. He's able to give Jinx unconditional yet not unhealthy amounts of support, and he's able to give Powder the push to expressing herself through her inventions more harshly.
Ekko realizes that Jinx is still Powder, no matter how many times she changes her name. Us as the audience is able to realize that Jinx is still able to love for Powder, because we've seen her interact with Isha. Isha is similar to Powder which is healing for Jinx. When Jinx loses Isha, we can see that she never truly let go of Powder, that Powder was never different from Jinx. That they're simply a part of herself she never wanted to accept until she saw it from another perspective.
But Ekko doesn't know this, yet he still has continuous faith in her that she's capable of change. We see Ekko actively pursue Jinx in order for her not to kill herself, because he loves her. He cares for her deeply and he wants to redeem himself by simply being there, even if he's late. Because what Jinx has needed all along was an unconditional companion. Which is what Ekko can be.
Being the support that someone needs, unconditionally.
If that's not love then I don't know what is.
#arcane#ekkojinx#ekko#powder#arcane s2#arcane jinx#jinx#ekko arcane#timebomb#jinx arcane#jinx and isha#ekko x jinx#jinx x ekko#powder arcane#powder x ekko#ekko x powder#Sorry for yapping this might not even make sense#analysis#arcane s2 spoilers#arcane season 2#arcane ekko#arcane spoilers#startimeyaps
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ctrl-alt-del | jjk (teaser)
summary⇢ you graduated bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but, to your extreme disappointment, your big girl job isn't turning out to be nearly as exciting as you thought it would be. still, you're holding out hope that your talents will soon be recognized and your coworkers will stop trying to include you in their gossip sessions. enter jungkook, the quiet IT guy who's gradually making your days more bearable. (and if you find him easy on the eyes, that's nobody's business but yours.) pairing⇢ jungkook/reader teaser word count⇢ 1.4k genre⇢ smut | humor | office!au warnings⇢ nothing too bad for this teaser! just a mention of oral
a/n⇢this fic has literally been sitting in my wips for YEARS lmao. i feel like it's finally time to set it free 🕊️✨ it's looking like it's gonna lean more towards pwp, but there's definitely still enough plot in there to keep it interesting. not sure when it will be up, but wanted to share a snippet to get your thoughts and get myself excited to finish the last leg--fingers crossed for the next month or so 🤞🏾🙌🏾💜
When you graduated top of your class with a marketing degree and a job already lined up, you weren’t big-headed to assume you would be given a lot in the beginning. No, you knew that you were the new kid on the block and needed to prove yourself first, needed to work your way up from the bottom. But what you definitely didn’t anticipate was working up from thefigurative trenches, almost exclusively doing busywork—constantly making coffee runs, catering business lunches, printing out endless spreadsheets.
Eighty-thousand dollars in debt, and you are a glorified intern.
You’re positively itching to hit the ground running and get your hands dirty, your job isn’t too bad. The people there are all nice and welcoming, the complimentary coffee in the break room is decent enough for your dwindling bank account, and every couple of weeks, the company sponsors an employee barbecue were everyone can fraternize and enjoy free food.
“Apparently it fosters unity and teamwork,” your coworker Joy informs you as you both stand in the food line. “Seokjin—that’s our CEO—is really big on unity and teamwork.”
Joy is also a member of your marketing team. Though as sweet as can be, she has no filter, and thus always has a lot to say about everything—which has helped you when it comes to learning the ropes about the company, but has also had you clutching your imaginary pearls in some situations where you found it inappropriate. Despite only being a year older than you, her title of Marketing Associate (instead of your measly Assistant)means that she technically outranks you, though she doesn’t usually enforce that fact (unless there was something that needed to be copied or filed, of course). Still, she immediately took you under her wing when you first started, and she is the closest person to a friend you have at work (even though her daily coffee order is always so ridiculous, you are convinced that she has to be fucking with you—or at least engaging in some form of mild hazing.).
“I think it’s nice,” you reply. “I’ll never say no to free food, and they let us out early and everything.”
“I mean, pretty sure you can get the hotdogs twelve in a pack at the dollar store,” Joy quips, raising her eyebrows at you pointedly. “But sometimes the boys from Sales take their shirts off and play soccer, so there’s that.”
Your eyes dart to said Sales boys against your will, gaze drawn to Jung Hoseok as he chats animatedly with his teammates by the tables. You’ve only spoken to him once or twice, but his fiery red hair and even brighter smile caught your attention immediately, your heart rate accelerating at the sight of him in hallways mere days into starting your new position. Who better to have a mild work crush on than a sweet-talking salesman who winks at you sometimes in passing?
An appreciative noise has you turning back around, embarrassed at being caught ogling how shapely Hoseok’s butt looks in his dress pants today, but it’s just Wendy from accounting, Joy’s best friend and thus a harmless, familiar face. Wendy has cut in front of a few editors to join you and Joy, and the way that she smiles at you lets you know she’s up to no good. “He’s cute, huh?” she asks, leaning towards you conspiratorially. “I would definitely give him the good ol’ suck behind the dumpsters over there, if you catch my drift.”
“Err…yeah, I do,” you reply awkwardly. She had been explicitly clear—keyword explicit—so there definitely isn’t any room for misunderstandings. Is this truly appropriate work function conversation? From the way the editors behind you are politely clearing their throats, you think not.
“Behind the dumpster?” Joy asks curiously. “He’s standing right next to some sturdy tables that I, for one, would take great advantage of—”
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks,” you announce loudly, your neck heating up. “Can you grab me a hot dog, Joy?”
“Sure,” she says dismissively, already distracted by her sudden debate with Wendy about the most convenient place to suck off salesman Jung.
The whole conversation is making you uncomfortable. You are not a prude—far from it—but there is a time and place for everything, and your coworkers’ blasé attitude towards speaking about inappropriate topics at company functions on company time rattles you a bit. So instead of engaging in the risqué discussion further, you make your way to the cluster of brightly-colored coolers that presumably hold beverages, sidling up to the only other person lingering the area.
“Anything good?” you ask cordially, making your coworker, who had apparently been deep in thought while considering his beverage options, startle a bit.
He’s tall, his large frame covered in the appropriate business casual attire of nice jeans and a powder-blue buttonup. When he turns his head to look at you, you’re met with large, dark eyes blinking in surprise from behind wire-rimmed glasses. Said eyes dart around for a moment before determining that you were, in fact, speaking to him.
The man clears his throat. “Just the usual,” he says, voice soft. Timid.
“The usual?” you repeat. There are little hoops dangling from his earlobes, and you brush off your surprise at seeing them, returning your gaze to the coolers. Water, a clear soda, a cola. “The basics, you mean. Well, can’t really complain, right? Seeing as it’s all free. I think it’s really nice of them.”
Your companion seems surprised at your words. “It is,” he agrees softly, eyes meeting yours for a second before dropping back down to the cooler. “Um, are you...are you new?”
“Damn, I guess my cover’s blown.” You shoot him a wry smile. “Yeah, I just started a couple of weeks ago. What gave it away?”
“It’s just—no one else here really cares about these barbecues anymore,” he admits, looking at you, but not quite. More like, in your direction. “Everyone has forgotten to appreciate the little things.”
“Nothing is a given,” you shrug. “So you need to appreciate things when you can. And besides, those lots of little things can really add up without you realizing it.”
He finally seems to look at you properly, and the weight of his large, gentle brown eyes throws you off for a second. “They can,” he agrees, lips slowly drifting up.
“What do we have over here?” a loud voice interrupts, a hand falling to your shoulder. You look up, and are met with the brightness of salesman Jung.
“Ah,” Hoseok says with a wink, reaching into the cooler. “I love Sprite.”
“Me too,” you reply automatically, and then immediately want to smack yourself. Because you don’t—carbonated beverages make you break out. But your mouth had formed the lie without your permission.
Embarrassed, you reach into the cooler, grabbing three water bottles. “See you later,” you squeak, avoiding eye contact as you make your escape.
Joy and Wendy are already watching you when you return to where they have procured a table, and when you hand them their waters, Joy raises an eyebrow. “I was wondering how long you were going to talk to that IT guy.”
“Yeah, and why did you leave when Hoseok showed up?” Wendy pouted. “_____, the universe is only going to give you so many opportunities. If you don’t want the ball, then pass it to me! Goddamn.”
“IT guy?” you ask, hoping to slide past that last remark.
“Yeah. His name is Jungkook, I think? Mostly works with the printers, started a couple months ago.” Joy shrugs, obviously disinterested by the topic. She reaches for the ketchup bottle in the center of the table and squirts some on her hot dog. “This is the first time I’ve seen him at a barbecue, though. Honestly, I’m surprised he even came out, because the IT dudes generally keep to themselves. The rarely leave their little tower,” she adds with a dismissive wave.
Wendy scoffs. “Who cares about Jeremy! Hurry up and eat, I’m sure Sales is gonna start their soccer game soon.”
“Soccer game?” you ask.
“The sales department likes to play soccer during these things,” Joy informs you. Her expression brightens. “Hey, maybe Hoseok will take his shirt off again! Let us pray.”
To your coworkers’ disappointment, Hoseok did not take his shirt off. But they certainly had a good time watching him run back and forth across the grass.
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Hi! My name is Titi ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
I'm 25. Latina/Asian 🇩🇴🇰🇭
She/her, bisexual, and fucking gross
My art tag
For longer stories, check out my AO3!
Possible triggers and what I DO NOT WRITE
Masterlist :
Restaurant Au w/141
A Rose in Harlem
Drug dealer boyfriend Au w/141
Neighbor!Simon series (on going)
Situationship pt.1: Come and see me for once
Situationship pt.2: Come over and ride it
Situationship pt.3: Come on over baby
Biting Simon
Skin to skin
Breath play DDDNE
Sub Simon
Sexworker x Simon (AO3)
Ghoap Sperm donor
He's so mean
Pretty brown girl
The artist
Mommy Mamí kink
Shock collar
Undoing zippers
Sperm donor
Pretty assistant (emphasis on the ass)
I like a tall woman with a nice big ass
Her legs ran all the way up to heaven
Sugar daddy
Neighbor Au (AO3) DDDNE
Stealing from them
Sexworker reader (feat. König + Nikto)
Uncommon kinks (feat. König)
Catholic priests Au
Same girl
Eiffel Tower
Sperm donor!Johnny x Husband!Ghost x you
141 w/ an alt girl
Hurricane shots!
Hurricane Shots (pt. 2)
141 being mean to you :(
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i’ve seen plenty of alt-looper AUs where sapfrin’s wish resulted in someone else looping, assisted by starry loop. and i’ve seen plenty where isatfrin or one of their party members made some kind of wish that resulted in additional people remembering the loops.
how about an au where sapfrin’s wish resulted in someone else looping, while sapfrin remained in the role of siffrin? either now there’s two loopers in the party, or, the ability to remember new loops is what transferred, so siffrin wakes up every time with their last memory being the wish for help.
this siffrin is just so ground down and not siffrin anymore. but without becoming loop, they’d keep trying to act the part, which is easy enough when they’ve got a script, but… the more the other looper switches things up, the more siffrin will struggle. the other looper will want to help them, but what can even be done when they're still stuck in the loops??
if siffrin still remembers new loops, then they have to keep going through the fucking house even after they reached their breaking point. but at least there’s hope now? but is there really? and now, for the first time in years, they have to deal with someone else being able to remember their actions, and this person knows about the time loops. siffrin definitely isn’t going to be jumping to confide in them, despite how desperately they need the help — will they even tell them that they’d been looping for ages already?? even if they try not to, it’ll eventually become obvious something is going on.
or if siffrin doesn’t remember new loops anymore… how would the new looper handle it? how many times do they explain that they’re looping now instead before they stop bothering with it? or does not explaining means siffrin freaks out too much at the looper abandoning the script entirely for no apparent reason? but there’s no way they won’t freak out upon learning that they’ve just doomed someone else to live out this hell in their stead, that’s quite the news to have to break every single time. perhaps there’s an in-between that would work?? lying about what’s changed, or following the script until they suddenly deviate, then immediately loop back once done with the deviation? they have all the time they need to workshop it, at least.
either way, this siffrin is probably gonna be even less help than loop was. at least loop got to chill out at the favor tree and think — siffrin doesn't have that luxury. and while the new looper will be bringing in a fresh perspective, they simply don't know the things one needs to know about siffrin in order to figure out these siffrin-based loops. and, at this point, siffrin might not anymore either! it's been years since they made their wish. that doesn't make it unsolvable, especially since it's possible to get out by pure chance. but it'll be hard, especially since siffrin has even more intense reactions than isatfrin, as evidenced by them not even making it to euphrasie before looping back.
what a fun little bad time for everyone ^^
#you all know me i am definitely imagining odile looping here#but mirabelle would also be fun#or the whole family!#though that option does basically remove the possibility of hiding what's happening by following the script for siffrin's sake#i like the siffrin not remembering new loops idea bc it's fresh#i've seen fics where siffrin doesn't know at all#but only one fic where isatfrin was unknowingly living out one of their late-game loops (act 5) over and over while someone else looped#and being fresh off of the breaking down and wishing for help.. whew! what a volatile moment to be stuck in#howeverrr#siffrin continuing to remember allows for more complex interactions with the looper. an evolving relationship#and it's hard to say no to that#so shrug either is good.......#isat#yknow sometimes i feel like i ought to tag a post as start again as well but i have no idea what tag people. use. for that#sasasap? sasasaap? saap? start again: a prologue? or the full ass name??#isat spoilers#thoughts#thoughts about loop#loop
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Trucy Wright Lore for my Royalty AU!
Yes there's actual magic in this AU, i mean, we have the Feys 😂I will write about the Feys (especially Maya) soon!
Alt Text: Trucy Wright (Gramarye)
A powerful pure-blood witch. The only descendant of Troupe Gramarye, a group of traveling magicians that's showing the world the acceptance of magic through fun and Interesting magic entertainment.
Her father was accused of killing her grandfather while traveling through the kingdom (Edgeworth's), causing the troupe to fall apart. Her father disappeared all of the sudden during his court hearing, while her uncle was temporarily jailed for tampering evidence with his magic before leaving the kingdom a few months later, planning to bring back Troupe Gramarye to its former glory alone. Her mother was presumed dead a year before the incident.
Phoenix Wright, who has some relations with her father decided to adopt her despite that his Grand Knight role was ripped off. With Eddie Fender's help, she managed to secure a home and a job at wonder bar as a magic entertainer to help with her family's living cost.
She has a puppet familiar and best magic assistant named "Mr Hats".
He can change his size from big to small under her command. He has a conscious mind of his own too, moving and flying however he wants. He cannot speak by himself, but Trucy can understand him well, and sometimes he would be used for ventriloquism.
It was said that her old father created him for her, but the design of Mr Hats resembling her old father was Trucy's choice at that time.
Mr hats doesn't like being away from his master unless commanded, very protective of her. Tends to hide under her cape.
He can carry people too. (Max 2 ppl)
Every witch and wizard needs one or more tools to calibrate their proper magic output and accuracy.
Trucy's magic tools are her thin golden baton and diamond-shaped brooch.
Trucy can cast any kind of magic spells, an All-rounder.
She loves harmless magic, thus her main magic specialty is Illusion and light magic.
Also likes card magic too, because no magic output is required most of the time.
Wizards/witches and magic are still not well known around the world as they tend to hide themselves away from normal humans due to the danger of their magic as weapons of war and maintaining the purity of their magic bloodline.
It Is extremely rare to see a wizard/witch that mingles In the human society as they tend to be travelers or those that left their magic society on their own violation to live with humans.
Humans still fear the presence of magic, and some have hatred towards them. Troupe Gramarye left their magic society to counter that Issue. They are well accepted In Edgeworth's Kingdom due to their history with the old king Edgeworth.
Note: Trucy's outfit for this AU can be exactly replicated from her original design outfit except the witch hat, but I want to change more details that differentiate between the original and Royalty AU.
#ace attorney#trucy wright#aa royalty au#royalty au#actual magic!!#i want to do eddie's lore in this AU but his design is not concrete yet...
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Alt Assistant Pt 4
There are benefits to Lena not being CEO.
For one, she gets to go home at night. She gets to have a life outside work. She gets to go clubbing.
Which Kara only knows because she's standing at a table during Club Velvet's busiest night of the week, watching her boss bump and grind to the music.
She's not alone either. Kara recognizes Andrea, and for brief moment jealousy sparks low and hot in her belly at the thought they might be together. But when it becomes clear that Andrea is focused on a specific man in particular, Kara accepts that they're just here as friends, just like her and Nia.
Lena, for her part, keeps up a steady rotation of dance partners, men and women alike, all outrageously gorgeous and enviably coordinated. Even from her position off the dance floor, Kara can see the sweat clinging to Lena's neck, and feels the phantom feather touch of Lena's swinging ponytail against her skin.
"Holy SHIT," Nia shouts over the music, still barely audible to Kara, let alone others. "Is that Lena?"
Nia has her memories of the previous reality, and Kara knows she's having difficulty reconciling the cozy Lena she knows with the sultry and enigmatic woman currently leaning back against a stranger's chest as her hips move under his hands.
Kara's mouth goes dry. She wants that. She wants to be that man, wants her hands on Lena's hips, her lips brushing Lena's ear.
"Well??" Nia continues, giving Kara a nudge. "Aren't you going to say hi?"
She thinks about it. She *really* thinks about it. About sliding through the throng to grasp Lena's hand and pull her flush against her front, guiding their hips into a tandem rhythm. About burying her hand in Lena's hair and pulling her in to--
Kara shakes her head. "No."
"What? Why not?"
"She's my boss!"
And if her boss knew that Kara was there, ogling her, there'd be hell to pay. She can hear it now-- don't.
At least Nia drops the issue, seemingly accepting that things are different in this reality, as evidenced by the woman continuing to dance along with the beat of the thumping music. Kara manages to go the entire night without bumping into Lena, even if her gaze returns to the dance floor again and again.
It's only until she goes to close out their tab that Kara knows she's in trouble.
"Your tab's already been paid," the bartender informs her.
The message is clear: Lena knows.
Kara stuffs a couple bills into the tip jar and makes her escape, anxiety gnawing at her gut. The next day, Lena makes no mention of having seen her, and seems none the worse for wear after her long night. They work in easy rhythm, as Kara keeps to herself and executes her role perfectly.
Right up until Kara enters Lena's office to let her know she's heading out, and finds Lena gazing out the window. The lights in the office are low, and in the glass reflection Kara sees Lena's eyes shift to her, before languidly turning to face her.
"You liked what you saw," Lena says. Not accusation, but simple fact.
"Yes," Kara returns truthfully. She steps closer, emboldened when Lena doesn't protest.
The corner of Lena's mouth lifts. "I'm surprised you'd admit that, after the little diatribe you levied at me your first month here."
"Like I said," Kara reminds her, moving closer still, "I was an idiot."
The way Lena gazes at her sends a shiver up Kara's spine. Green eyes challenge her silently, as though waiting to see just how far she'll go. A small yet confident smile shapes Kara's lips in spite of herself, calming the butterflies in her belly.
She closes what remains of the distance between them, rewarded with a hitch of Lena's breath as Kara crosses the invisible line into her personal space. They're far too close to be professional now, their locked gazes promising exactly where they're headed.
Finally, Kara places one hand on Lena's waist, and lifts the other to brush the backs of her fingers lightly across Lena's smooth, soft cheek. She lets it come to a rest cupping the side of Lena's face, their noses nearly touching.
"Tell me to leave, and I will," Kara offers, giving Lena an out she prays won't be taken.
Lena's hands are already pulling her closer as her response drifts from her lips.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ エロチックトバー2024> MDNI / EXPLICIT CONTENT
🐙 requested by: Anonymous. Hiii, the theme for the event is a bomb😳Do you write for the Sternitters too? (Bleach). If so, I’d take a Jugram Haschwalth for the airplane sex kink. The gender can be female or gn, I don’t mind. Thanks in advance! ⚠️ tw: mdni. explicit content. modern au. business trip. airplane sex. 🐙 wc: 2.4k // kinktober 24 masterlist // join the taglist
Ah, he has always been next to the general director. He even works more than him. Jugram this, Jugram that. Go here, go there…
“Jugram-sama, I just received an e-“ you inform but get interrupted by him. “I know…” the blonde answers, checking his phone for the third time since you both seated on that plane.
Uncomfortable, both try to get your legs ready for a lot of hours over the clouds. No matter how much you were -the Silbern company- willing to pay, a last-minute flight across the world only had barely two tickets available on economy. Forget first class, not even a single one free on business class.
However, if Yhwach ordered Jugram to do it, he must do it. And you, his assistant, tried your best to find accommodation… took whatever it took.
You keep quiet as his crystalline eyes fix on the screen of one of his six phones. What an amazing beauty this man holds, with manly features but still delicate to be mistaken by an angel… still, he might be the loneliest of them all, by choice perhaps, pushing everybody away…
“Did you pay wifi on board, right? I’ll need it” he utters, as cold as always. As serious as ever.
You nod, searching for a little card with a special code they gave you when you were checking in.
“Here, Jugram-sama” you give it to him, grazing your fingers. He is not really looking at you, he just seems especially glued to the screen.
It doesn’t take much for the plane’s doors to be finally closed and for a flight attendant to reach your spot. A young beautiful woman, dressed in the airline’s sexy uniform, stops right by your side noticing Jugram still on his phone.
“Ah, Sir. Excuse me, we are about to take off, you should put your phone down until we reach cruise alt-“ she says, shutting up the moment the blonde looks at her in a very “not amused” grim.
The immediate change of that woman when seeing his handsome face isn’t something new for you, in fact, the flight attendant didn’t even notice you were also on your phone. She immediately recognize him, acting all silly and flirtatious towards him.
“Sorry. Will shut it off in a moment” Jugram says, blocking his phone and sliding it inside the chest pocket of his white suit.
You do the same, sighing. It’s ok, the flight attendant won’t notice, nor will Jugram. He doesn’t care about you; you are just a mere software that breathes and speaks to help him… or so you think.
“Fasten it. Tight” he suddenly says, bending just a little to reach for your seatbelt and adjust it closer to your lower stomach. And you gasp, when did he ever cared about your safety?
You nod, again. Out of words, even more than always. You can’t say much, you just fix your eyes into the little screen in front of you. Hot ears, hot cheeks… a simple touch of this man, and you are sent to heaven.
And, speaking of heaven, soon and with your ears popping the plane leaves the ground to be finally airborne. In complete silence, the only sounds you are blessed with are the roaring of the engines and the little creeks of the plastic insides of the plane.
Time flies, they say, when you are comfortable… however, this wasn’t exactly the definition of comfort. You tried to squeeze yourself in that tiny seat, as much as possible. Your left elbow carved into the plane’s fuselage wall, and your right arm crossed over your chest. You don’t wanna take Jugram much space, and as much as you wish, you don’t even dare claiming the middle armrest for your own.
“You look uncomfortable, (Name)” he mutters, this time with his eyes scanning a haggard magazine. You have no idea how he does it, but he sees you without looking.
“Not to sound very cocky, but economy nowadays is a torture… we haven’t even left Germany, and my legs are already dead, I wonder if I’ll be able to walk when we get to Japan” you whisper, as the lights of the cabin have already been turned off and some snoring from other passengers filter in between the sound of the engines.
“Try to rest, we will need energy” he simply says, closing the magazine and turning his head to the side. His eyes closed, but his facial muscles still tensed.
When will you rest, Jugram Haschwalth?
Seven hours in, and that water bottle you chugged in while bored, has started to affect you. But how to leave your seat to go to the bathroom, if that would mean crawling on top of Jugram who has finally -incredible to you- fallen asleep?
Yet, your bladder has a limit and after several minutes trying to forget about your necessities, urgence takes over…
Taking a deep breath before starting to move, you stand up. You hit your head with the overhead compartment and swear in silence. Then, facing Jugram, your left leg goes first, passing over his long legs. And just like this, with your hands on each side of his face, on the headrest, your hips seem like straddled on his, even though your crotches aren’t touching.
A soft rocking motion, known as turbulence, seems to complot against you as it becomes a little more noticeable. It obviously affects your balance, but you are not willing to wake this man up, much less with you in such position.
However, Jugram seems to never really rest, and suddenly a pair of hands land on your waist.
“Careful” he whispers, opening two shining stars per eyes. His hands are strong, his hold making you feel secure.
“I’m sorry, I had to go to the toile-“
“You should have asked me to move…” he answers back, helping you to reach the aisle.
You nod, out of words, and quickly run -as best as you can- to the toilet. You can’t normalize your breathing for at least a couple of minutes after you finally relieve yourself and in the mirror in front of you, you try your best to fix your image…
Yet, seems destiny has decided to play with you, once again…
The up and down motions increase, turbulence becoming more and more noticeable, and a flight attendant asking you to hurry and go back to your seat once you’ve managed to leave the restroom.
You grunt; why in the world there isn’t something able to deal with turbulence yet? Grabbing anything, really, while you walk to your very uncomfortable seat, you pray for Jugram not to be asleep.
“Uh, Jugram-sama, I’m ba-!” you try to ask for him to move so you can squeeze back into your seat. But, of course, to make it a lot more shamefully to you, turbulence makes you jump.
The blonde once again snatches you, this time saving you big time not to hurt yourself badly. You get locked in his arms, on top of his lap. Your face close to his, noses almost touching, eyes fixed on each other’s.
“You ok? Did you hurt yourself? Is your head ok?” he asks, touching the back of your head, grabbing you real close to his body, seriously worried.
You nod, finally breathing back.
“I’m ok… thank you for saving me, Jugram-sama” you whisper, letting your forehead rest on his shoulder. You are sure you shouldn’t have done such thing, but you couldn’t help it… it is hella scary to feel like gravity has abandoned you.
“Don’t… worry” he whispers back, allowing you to rest as much as you wish on him. His hand on your head makes it clear, “stay here if you wish”
The scent of his skin, and the sweet perfume he wears, makes you dizzy… what a delicious combination. The warmth of his flesh on your lips, invites you to kiss him… how much you wish you could do it, but just the way the plane moves will have to do, an indirect kiss that can’t be call as it.
And, the more the plane moves, the more you softly jump on his lap. And Jugram seems to tense, more and more… is it that maybe the constant graze of your legs on his crotch, the warm breath of your mouth, or your nose buried on his skin it is making it really difficult for him?
You notice his muscles becoming stiff, and thankful for the darkness surrounding the fuselage, you take a little bit of advantage of the situation… I’m sorry, Jugram-sama, this is a dream came true.
However, common sense comes back to you; “Sorry, Jugram-sama! I’m gonna go back to my seat. I’m sorry...” you try to stand up, but you can’t.
“Stay…” he grunts in your ear, pressing your body, harder, against him. This time you can feel a man’s reaction to a beautiful woman jumping on him…
You look at him; this time your eyes are imbued with lust. You only just needed a plead, a single word… you are just a human, you have been pushed to the limit… You have always wanted him… and apparently, he has always wanted you.
Perhaps a couple of seconds passed, but to you it felt like an eternity. His hand landed on your cheek, with its fingers reaching the back of your head.
In silence, trying to recognize each other’s traits with the soft led lights of the bathroom sign on the back of the plane, you spend some more minutes until he devours you in one kiss.
It is more than magical and also painfully needy; you have no idea if he had been wanting to kiss you since forever, or this is just something out of the blue. And who cares? Kiss me more, Jugram-sama.
Indecently, the kiss become more and more deep, in a full plane, surrounded by strangers… and his hardness keeps growing, as if was searching for your core to go desperately deep inside.
“Toilet, go. Wait for me” he commands in between tongues playing.
You widen your eyes; he wants to fuck you in that tiny bathroom?
“Please…” he adds, again pleading, begging.
You nod, this time biting your lower lip. He helps you; the turbulence continues but has decreased in intensity. You walk to the bathroom in the back, praying for nobody, including the crew, to see you.
Your clearly agitated -and horny- imagery reflects on the mirror of the tiny toilet. You wonder how is Jugram going to manage to get inside without being noticed.
Trust Jugram Haschwalth, he is not only wise, he is rich and the second hand of one of the largest companies in the world…
“Miss, if I give you my number, would you close the bathroom for me and my assistant? She is not feeling well and I will try to help her. Please, contact me soon, we are soon purchasing a private jet, and we will need a flight attendant like you to join us”
“Oh! Of course, Jugram-sama! Thank you!! And please, don’t worry, take all the time you need!”
A sudden knock on the door announces he is here, not even a minute has passed. You open, sticking yourself against the back of the toilet. Amazed you noticed nobody but him around, where are the flight attendants?
There is no time to think, as he gets inside and closes the door right behind him. Pleased with the loud noises of that Boeing 777, he turns you around. Your belly hits the mini counter, Jugram’s hands lowering your bamboula pants.
“I don’t know why you chose to wear these today, but I’m so glad you did” he grunts in your ear, as it was hella easy to lower them down and expose your ass.
You were about to reply it was because of comfort, but it’d be pointless to add anything at all. He lifts your right leg on top of the counter, for better access, feeling your wetness with his free hand.
His chest hits your back, his chin carved on your shoulder, both looking at each other through the mirror.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time… I’m sorry it has to be on a plane’s toilet” he says, smirking.
For a long time, Jugram-sama? Amazed, amused, impressed… the very first time he is showing you a smile and it’s when he has his fingers inside your folds…
“I- I don’t- I don’t care…” you simply answer, because you can’t even think straight; by now, Jugram has started fingering you like nobody else did before.
Your inner thighs tremble, your skin becomes bumpy. Your hand tries to reach for Jugram’s hips, you want him closer -inside-. And he understands his job, immediately.
“You want me to fuck you, mh?” Jugram asks, pinching your cheeks and making you look yourself in front of the mirror.
“yes… please…” you plead, lifting your hips, grabbing yourself from the little counter in front of you. It isn’t easy not to lose balance on such a tiny place, on a plane with occasional turbulence.
Jugram, however, seems not to notice the motion of the plane and keeps both feet steadily on the ground. He lowers his zipper, freeing his sex from his white pants. Ready, so ready to impale you, he doesn’t even take a single moment to do it.
His strong hand lands on your mouth the moment he finally gets deep inside you; a Boeing might be loud, but your moan could have been heard by others.
The slaps against your ass and thighs force you to put your hands on the mirror in front, where both never stopped looking at each other. It is both magical and perverted the way you enjoy this moment through the reflection.
One, two, three. More and more. But is not enough, is not deep enough… “Come here…” he commands, turning you around.
You pant, legs trembling, wanting more and more.
Jugram sits on the toilet and spreads his arms to receive you. And you immediately understand; time to bounce on his hard sex.
You let yourself fall on his lap; the need allows his dick to slide right in with no difficulty whatsoever. Facing your blonde lover snatches your lips in a feverish kiss, his hands press the small of your back against him, and his legs begin to bounce along with you… ah, deep Jugram-sama; deep, fast… faster…
And now turbulence is making it even better, don’t you think?!
Taglist of amazing babes: @awas-posts @missfuriosa @theneighbourhoodferret @cyberdazetragedy @ariesbbytings @animesnowstorm @lenablack9919
#kinktober 2024#jugram haschwalth x reader#bleach#jugram haschwalth#bleach jugram#bleach smut#bleach x reader#bleach x you#bleach x female reader#jugram haschwalth x you#jugram bleach#jugram#kinktober#kinktober 24
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He said it he said the thing guys
#wooly draws stuff#The sun and moon guys#doctor moondrop#assistant sun#sundrop#moondrop#daycare attendant#dca fandom#dca oc#dca au#dca!mad scientist au#not a huge fan of how this turned out but eh#ID in alt
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𝓲𝓷𝓴 & 𝓻𝓱𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓶 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
『 band au | strangers to lovers | slow burn 』 ✮ pairing. artist!reader x drummer!bakugo ✮ status. in progress ✮ rating. explicit (18+ themes) #✩.ink&rhythm + crossposted to AO3
✮ summary. Distortion is the hottest band in town, making waves in the underground scene with their unique sound. Led by your college best friend and music prodigy, Kyoka Jiro, alongside her misfit group of friends, they've been playing shows every weekend for the last few months and have gathered a decent following. You're whisked into the whirlwind of their rockstar lives when Jiro commissions you to design a band logo for their merch, reconnecting with her and meeting the members of the band. Your eyes immediately gravitate to their powerful drummer, Katsuki Bakugo. Fresh out of a nasty three year on/off relationship, he's not looking for anything or anyone while shutting out the world around him. He's focused on the one thing that keeps him sane; music. You're six months free of a breakup as well, looking to repaint your world with new colors and experiences, but turns out it's more tumultuous than anticipated. Explosive fights, newfound fame, clashing egos, dive bars, stolen kisses, black out dreams, messy exes and hard lessons; but somehow, love finds a way to bloom like a flower in the desert - deep in the hottest, driest wasteland of two broken hearts.
✮ tags & warnings. rock/punk/alt band au, slow burn, meet cute, strangers to lovers, various smut, smoking/drugs/alcohol consumption, talks of emotional & physical abuse from past partners, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, mild violence, mentions of cheating from past partners, miscommunications, jealousy, long distance, stalking, attempted sexual assault (not from bakugo or the bakusquad!), bakugo & reader suffer from relationship traumas (Camie & dabi are nasty exes), bakusquad are in a band, friend breakups & makeups
꒰ track list ꒱ ✩ Prelude: Holding onto Hope is a Different Kind of Pain ✩ Track One: Shine a Light into the Wreckage ✩ Track Two: Flowers Filled with Vitriol ✩ Track Three: Boulevard of (Broken?) Dreams ✩ Track Four: You Can Throw Me in the Deep End ✩ Track Five: Every Canvas that I Paint is a Masterpiece (of My Mistakes) ✩ Track Six: Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes ✩ Track Seven: Good Girls Stay Alive ✩ Track Eight: The End of Me, The End of Me ✩ Track Nine: If It Means A Lot To You ✩ Track Ten: Hand on the Throttle ✩ Bonus Track: We Are Distortion, 1-2-3-go!!
꒰ info ꒱ ✩ all characters are 24/25 years old ✩ reader co-owns an art gallery and has a BFA ✩ reader's artist alias is "glxtch" (glitch) ✩ bakugo drives a custom built orange & black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R ✩ relationships: momojiro, kirimina, ex-bakucamie, ex-dabi/reader
✩ band name: Distortion ✧ Kyoka Jiro | lead singer, electric guitar (Barista - Degree in Music Production) ✧ Denki Kaminari | electric guitar, backup vocals (Waiter) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima | bass, backup vocals (Bartender) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo | drummer, backup vocals (Bike Mechanic) ✧ Mina Ashido | keyboard, backup vocals (Makeup artist) ✧ Momo Yaoyorozu | band manager (Marketing assistant)
✩ vocal inspirations ✧ Kyoka Jiro ⇢ addie amick (halocene) ✧ Denki Kaminari ⇢ rory rodriguez (dayseeker) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima ⇢ tim mcilrath (rise against) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo ⇢ eric vanlerberghe & acoustic (i prevail - harsh vocals) ✧ Mina Ashido ⇢ maggie lindemann
꒰ mood board ꒱
✩ pinterest board ✩
꒰ playlist ꒱
✩ wanna join the ink & rhythm taglist? sign up here! ✩ ♡ last updated // 08.09.24 dividers, banners & moodboard by taurus-magicka/peachsukii
#✩.ink&rhythm#band au#bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou angst#bakugou smut#bakucamie#dabi x reader#touya x reader#touya todoroki x reader#my hero academia x reader#Spotify
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Diamond Castle au- Maria, attendant of the Muse of History, Astronomy and Astrology + alt hairstyle

When Apollo made Shadow a god and saved Maria’s life, Maria asked if it was at all possible for her to stay by her brother’s side, the way he had done for her his entire life thus far. So she was made immortal as well and made the first of Shadow’s personal attendants
She still needed a cane to walk some days due to a tremble in her legs, but the ailment that was killing her was completely gone!
Her job was to assist Shadow in his duties, help him with any needs, and tend to the castle. It sounded simple enough but, Shadow being Shadow, he insisted that he needed no help with his new job which, in turn, made those first two parts of her job… difficult.
It was a constant (lighthearted) battle between the two where Maria would sometimes be able to wear Shadow down and the times where Shadow’s stubbornness would win out in the end
But on the bright side it did allow her a lot of spare time to explore and tend to the diamond castle, like in placing the newly formed diamond in the castle’s structure, taking care of the gardens, organising books in the library, etc.
She was even able to explore the mortal realm like she’d always wanted to!
#diamond castle au#sonic au#sonic fanart#sonic fandom#sonic the hedgehog#sonic the hedghog fanart#sth au#sonic the hedgehog au#sonic#sonic art#maria robotnik#maria sth#maria sonic#sth#sth fanart#sth fandom#sonic au art#ark siblings#maria robotnik sth
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california dreamin' ☆ jay park
☆ non-idol! jay x fem! reader ☆ summary: in the final months of your relationship, jay reminisces the taste of beach waves, southern california, and you. ☆ genre: fluff, angst (ish), 80's au + timeskip, this is set in southern california, classic rich boy x alt girl ☆ warning(s)? brief mentions of poor parenting ☆ word count: 1.6k words ☆ this is my entry for @flwrstqr and @cupidhoons polaroid love event! based off of "california dreamin" by the mamas and papas, love the retro cali aesthetic
"Do you want to run away with me?"
Jay pulled the salted caramel apple lollipop away from his lips, the sour taste lingering on his tongue as its crystalline texture rolled against his tastebuds. His brows crashed together.
"What?" he eyed you quizzically, but you kept your eyes trained on the deep blue water that swayed against the coast.
"It's obvious that we're not wanted here," you said plainly.
Jay sucked in a sharp breath, his hand jerking out to clutch your shoulder. "That's not—"
"There's no point in denying it," you shot him a look. Your next words came out wry and bored, almost like you're annoyed, but Jay could tell that you were feeling the exact opposite. "You know damn well that your parents couldn't care less about you, and my old man's always too busy to remember whether or not I left the house."
The corner of your lips quirk up, a dry grin spreading across your face as you reached across to smack Jay's arm playfully. "No one will notice if we're gone."
Words bled onto his tongue, threatening to spill out, but Jay held them in.
After all, you were correct.
Jay met you in the summer of 1987. You were both sixteen, and Jay recognized you from his sophomore chemistry class— how could he miss your smudged eyeliner and black nail polish? The difference this time was that you were the cashier at the surf shop next to his dad's private beach.
Maybe it was the way you chewed pink bubblegum boredom, giving him a deadpan expression as he spluttered out your name, or maybe it was the fact that even in ninety degree Southern California weather, you still managed to wear a black bikini top with skulls and rhinestones on it, but Jay found himself frequenting that surf shop a little too much that summer.
Yes, it was his fourth time coming into this surf shop in one afternoon.
Yes, he didn't need to take his time looking at each and every shell necklace on the display next to the cash register.
Yes, he knew all about surfboards and most definitely did not need to ask for your assistance.
Yes, he knew that you were staring at the water droplets rolling down his chest as he ran his hand through his wet hair, his sun-kissed skin glistening under the golden sunlight.
Yes, he knew was staring at your bikini top, but any man in his position would do the same.
And yes, he knew that you knew that he knew this.
That didn't stop Jay, though.
If there was something that his absent father was able to do for him, it was to teach him to never have shame. That's why Jay shamelessly walked into that surf shop every day, just to see you.
It took a few (multiple) tries before you agreed to go on a date with him. He brought you flowers, necklaces, rings, handbags, all kinds of luxury items, but you ignored him each time.
It wasn't until Jay noticed the bracelet on your wrist— it had a frayed tassel and seashells of different sizes, some of them chipped and others burned by the sun— that he realized what he should bring you instead of expensive gifts.
Alas, a clumsily-made bracelet composed of mismatched seashells that was just a little too big for your wrist. When Jay presented it to you, a proud grin on his face, it must have been the first time that he'd ever seen you smile.
Since the summer of 1987, you and Jay agreed to keep your relationship secret, because people always had stuff to say. You were going strong, and what made summer the best was that you could freely love your boyfriend without the pondering eyes of your peers.
Two years later, it was the summer of 1989, and you and Jay were now sitting on the ledge before the beach. In a few weeks, summer would end, and you and Jay would be apart. But this time, apart for longer than you'd ever been. You were staying in California for university, but Jay's parents were sending him out of state.
Soon, it would be autumn, and you would have to say goodbye to not just Jay crawling through your bedroom window, sneaking out to the local beachside diner, slipping love notes into each other's lockers, and making out behind the bleachers, but also running your fingers through his chlorine-bleached hair and feeling the warmth of Jay's body as the two of you napped in the sun.
Jay looked at your face. Under the orangey sunset, he could see the light reflecting off your eyes. With the scent of peach in the air, and the glow of your skin, Jay's chest felt heavy.
How could he possibly leave you? How could he leave you when you tasted like California?
Yeah, it would be hard to say goodbye to you.
It would be hard to say goodbye to you, and nobody else.
Jay's eyes fell to the bandaid on your palm.
He knew you'd think the same about him.
There was a reason that you and Jay got on so well.
For one, it seemed like Jay was the last thing on his parent's to-do list. His only purpose was to carry on the family name and live out their legacy. But if neglecting their son and being absent in his life was their legacy, he didn't want any part in it. There was a reason that Jay spent every day of summer at the beach, not at home.
As for you, Jay hated your dad. He'd never forget all the times you ran to him, tears and smudged eyeliner running down your cheeks. You insisted that you were okay, but Jay had to bite his tongue so hard that he bled to keep his mouth shut.
In a few weeks, Jay will be the Park family's heir studying out-of-state, and you'll be you from California.
But for now, it was just Jay and you, sharing a lollipop at the beach, basking in the humid night air and listening to the waves.
You gave him another sly grin. You repeated your question. "Do you want to run away with me?"
You always liked to smile like that when you were upset about something; it was your way of concealing your feelings, but Jay knew you better than anyone.
Jay's thought about running away before. Many times, actually. And he's thought about running away hand-in-hand with you more times than he could remember.
Jay slid his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. He pressed his lips to your forehead.
"You know we can't," he said against your forehead, though the way that he held you close said otherwise.
"Says who?" you hummed, resting your head on his strong shoulders, taking in the scent of seaweed, sea salt, and Jay's faint cologne.
Jay stayed silent. He knew that answer to that question.
Says no one.
"Seeeee?" you dragged your syllable, a cute lilt in your voice. You slithered your arm around Jay's torso, poking his side. "Nothing— no one— is stopping us."
Jay chuckled, squeezing your waist twice. "Where would we go if we ran away?"
With you gently clutching his jaw, pressing wet kisses along his skin, you breathed, "Anywhere we want."
You cupped his cheek. In the winter, his skin was paler, but in the summer he was a golden honey tan. His cheeks, as a result of being in the sun nearly every day for the past three months, were littered with blotches of brown, red, and pink. With a gentle finger, you slowly dragged it against his skin, connecting each blemish to each other with invisible lines.
"What about Houston?" Jay rasped, leaning into your touch. "I know you've always wanted to go there."
"Well, where do you want to go?"
Jay thought for a moment. "Either up north to Seattle— or maybe London— What about NYC?."
You stared at him quizzically, your eyes narrowing and your lips turned downward; you always did that when you were hiding something.
"What?" Jay nudged you.
"I dunno," you shrugged. "I feel like those places are just so uncharacteristic for you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
You shrugged again, your bottom lip jutting out. "I thought you were a sunshine typa guy." Your eyes flickered up to him. "All those places are so gloomy."
"I mean," your boyfriend sucked in a sharp breath. "I guess. Maybe I just want some change. California is beautiful, but...."
He trailed off.
"I want to explore more, yanno? Get to know places outside of California."
You didn't press any further.
The rest of the night was quiet, only the taste of disappointment, longing, and the salted caramel apple lollipop lingering on your tongues.
This was all but a memory to Jay.
He gazed outside the window, tuning out the voice of yet another woman in his living room.
Jay ended up studying in Seattle, just as his parents had wanted. It's been years since he left California. Him and you ended up breaking up on good terms for the sake of distance, and he eventually lost contact with you. He met a few other women, tried out dating them, but it never ended up working out.
There was no place else like California.
It seemed like everywhere else, all the leaves were brown, and the sky was gray. Dreary, gloomy, and full of clouds, so unlike the sunny and golden California.
It took Jay a long time to realize that the reason he longed for California again was not because of the constant smell of sunscreen or sound of synth music pervading the streets. It wasn't the laughter that seemed to bounce off the walls or the vibrant color-grade over every memory in his mind.
He longed for California because he longed for you.
You were California.
And for a while, he'd be dreaming of California.
#enhypen#enhypen fluff#enhypen x reader#enhypen imagines#park jay x reader#park jay#park jongseong#jay fluff#jay fic#jay angst#park jay fic#park jongseong x reader#park jongseong fluff#star-sim#vanya-writes
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IFHY (Jordan Li x Alt!Reader) PT 1
Tags~ roommate au, enemies to lovers, alt reader, tattooed reader, slow burn, supe!reader, afab!fem!reader
Warnings~ angry sex, jordan might be a lil mean, porn w plot bc im freaky like that, drugs, alcohol, gay shit
Monday, August 7th
“It’s only one semester. This will be over before you know it,” Mia said.
You want to hear her out and try to be optimistic about the situation, but it’s complicated. Having your own dorm was rare in Godolkin. Students who did usually paid an ungodly amount for the extra privacy or were gifted one because of their current sponsors. For you, in your previous two years, it had been a mixture of both.
“This is bullshit.” You complain and have to force yourself not to roll your eyes at your phone.
Mia hadn’t done anything wrong. She was doing everything she could to get you what you wanted. However, it wasn’t playing out in your favor this time. You were still in your dorm, trying to cling on to that last bit of single dorm life you could, even though you were moments away from the move.
“Look. I love you, but there isn't anything else I can do. Some of these kids will probably be out in a few months.” Mia tried to help you look on the bright side of the situation.
You have yet to respond to what your assistant was telling you. Instead, you just kept looking around the now-empty dorm with a mournful gaze.
“Shetty says it’s a large roo-” Mia added.
“My room was plenty big enough,” You complained again. This time, the words came out in a sort of whine that would remind anyone else of a toddler.
You got up from the floor and wiped your hands on your pants. After taking a deep breath, you closed the last bin in your room.
“One semester.” You sighed.
“One semester,” Mia said, her voice a lot more positive than yours.
“When are you recording that video for-”
“Alright, look at the time the moving team is here. Can’t be late.” You cut her off and blew her a kiss before hanging up on her.
The moving team wasn’t anywhere near your room, and you knew that. If you focused, you could hear everyone in the building. There wasn’t a trace of dickheads with whistles anywhere near you.
The Godolkin University moving team usually consisted of sophomore students with too much strength to know where to put it. Many were from various clubs or programs that forced them to help incoming students.
You started to stack your bins and luggage outside of your room on your own. Typically, the moving team would assist the students. Still, it was effortless for you to carry the items, and you thought if you looked around your dorm for any longer, you might burst into tears. That wasn’t very productive or good for your image if anyone were to see it. So you popped in your earbuds and started to lift the bins. When finished you put the label on your crate 465.
With the headphones in your ears, you didn’t notice just how much more lively it was. Most of your floormates were in other single dorms with other upper-level students. So you would only really run into a few people if any, daily. With the influx of incoming students moving in, you would easily have trouble avoiding anyone. According to your assistant Mia, every dorm room was filled(yayyyy godolkin for not allowing students to live off campus).
After skipping an array of songs, Spotify somehow thought would suit your style, someone poked you on the shoulder.
“You’re 17#, right? Big fan, honest.”The boy said. Something you noticed everyone said after they wanted to snap a quick picture with someone. You couldn’t complain, though you had no proof this person was lying to you.
“Nice to meet you.” You said and copied the same amount of excitement. The perfect amount to seem genuine but still cool enough to feel above them in that weird way you can only get from social media. You extended your hand, and he shook it eagerly.
You didn't feel that way, of course. That’s just the game and how you needed to perform. All to get where you needed to be. Being a hero was a machine full of moving parts, and Mia has been training you since you were fourteen.
“Can I get a picture?” He asked, and you nodded before he could get the sentence out.
“Always always…” you answered happily. You quickly adjusted your hair and gave the boy a side hug.
The selfie came out nice. Cute and wholesome. You made sure he tagged you on the picture and used a few of your hashtags. You gazed around, wondering who was assisting him with the move. He just looked around at your bins before looking back up at you.
“Is there anything fragile in there?” He asked awkwardly. It seems he hadn't shaken off the nerves from meeting you. It was so silly to you. You weren’t Homelander or Queen Maeve.
“Yeah, the fragile stuff is in that box right there. Marked fragile in bold red tape…”
The boy then looked back at you with a look you couldn’t place. Before you could even realize what was about to happen, his arms stretched out to unnatural lengths as if he were made of rubber. He lifted all of your bins simultaneously. He wrapped and stacked them into the carts and secured them as if his arms were bungee cords. It was astonishing. You had never seen that power before, and although it was slightly disgusting, it was cool.
Just as you went to pat him on the back, a box on top crashed to the floor. You heard the glass shatter and knew instantly it was the fragile box he so kindly placed on top of everything to avoid it getting crushed. Just my luck. That was definitely the bong in there that you’ve had for a few years.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I've been stretched out all day. Things are starting to fall out.” he apologized genuinely.
“Lemme guess you are usually super tight?”
Your roommate was finished moving all of her things to the other side of the room. It definitely started as a struggle, but after a bit of time, Jordan started to get the hang of it. Early in the process, he was just bitching to himself about having to do this in the first place. He didn't really have anyone to complain about it to. His friends were rooming with each other, and he was the only one stuck rooming with a new person.
His parents didn't understand his frustrations, and instead, they were just happy he would be rooming with a girl. Jordan tried explaining his irritation to Brink, but that was also a no-go. All Brink did was reframe the situation by saying it could somehow make Jordan a better hero.
“Are there seriously no fucking quads in this place?” Jordan complained to no one.
He sat on his loveseat on his couch and scrolled on his phone. He debated not being in the room when his new roommate arrived. Jordan heard that people had done that, but he was too nervous to do it himself. What if you stole something? What if you wanted to put your stuff on his side? Maybe you were a weird freshman? Or worse, a fan of him?
He sat back on the couch. His feet were planted firmly in front of him, and he scrolled on his phone. It was a position he often found himself in. In this form, his feet were actually able to reach the floor when he sat all the way back on the couch comfortably. In the other one, her feet dangled and gave off a less intimidating look than the one he was currently in.
There was a soft knock on the door. Jordan rolled his eyes and stayed in his position. Why would he open the door? If they were supposed to be moving in, they surely would have a key, right? He looked at his door open. Jordan wasn’t really sure what to expect to be standing in the doorway.
When the ugly beast finally reared its head, Jordan finally exhaled. He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until you waved at him.
“Hi” You said
It’s all you can offer him at the moment. The little helper you had assisting you barged in soon after you greeted Jordan. Jordan didn't even say anything to you. He just looked at you from his spot on the loveseat then his eyes trailed over to the freshman who couldn’t maintain eye contact with you.
“Looks like! Holy shit Jordan”
“Yeah.” He just nodded, confirming that he was indeed Jordan Li
The freshman stood awkwardly with your things and stared at Jordan. The interaction was just already a lot weirder than it needed to be. So you stood at the door and tried to think of a way to intervene in the impromptu staring contest.
“Thanks. You can just leave it right here. I can do the rest.” You thanked him with a big smile
With another resounding crash, he let go of the bins, and you winced. Jordan even was taken aback by the sound and rolled his eyes
“Are you sure, ma’am?” he asked
He sounded genuine even though he treated your belongings like they were indestructible. You buffered for a moment and realized what he said
“Ma’am? How old do you think- never mind, just leave thanks.” You shooed him away and exhaled softly
He watched you. You unpacked your things, and he stayed put and just watched you. He was cycling through so many things in his head. Being so last minute, this situation didn't give him any time to prepare. The only thing he did was clean and move his shit to one side of the room. He was grateful that he could at least recognize you from the ranking. The unknown was scary like that. Jordan knows you have been slowly climbing your way to the top. Your reputation was squeaky clean. Your brand was sweet, innocent, and confident.
Your brand didn't mean he trusted you, though. Anyone with more than two fucking brain cells at this school knew that your ‘brand’ or ‘online presence’ meant absolutely nothing. Just because you waltz in here with your big smile and wave doesn't mean he will let his guard down. Roommate or not, you still had the potential to be a big fucking dick.
“Yeah, just don’t touch any of my shit, and we should be fine.” Jordan said without looking up from his phone.
He sat comfortably slumped on the sofa. The uninterested appearance he’s in pissed you off. Oh, so he’s just like this? You could do this, though. You wouldn’t let him see that you were frustrated. People like him lived off of that shit, and you wouldn’t give him what he wanted. You just nodded and gave him another smile, one real enough to be convincing.
“I understand. You do have some nice things. Probably wouldn’t want anyone getting into it either.” You said in that cheerful voice that you had been trained to perfect.
That time, Jordan did look at you. He was now thoroughly annoyed and over the roommate situation. In his eyes, he tried. In the twenty minutes you had been in the room, Jordan considered everything he had done ‘trying’. This situation wouldn’t work, though. He just wasn’t built to share rooms with a random person.
Wednesday, September 27th
“Jesus Christ, do you ever fucking fucking knock?!” Jordan shouted
You did knock. You dented the door to your room because you were banging on the door for about ten minutes. You even shot Jordan a few texts saying when you would return to the dorm. Of course, she hadn’t responded to any of them; she never did.
So you said fuck it and broke the lock on your door and walked into the room. Jordan was riding some junior in her bed. The sight wasn’t new to you, so you were unfazed. Seemingly to you, Jordan never really cared about you seeing her naked. It was more of the fact you were interrupting her that was the problem. In the two months you have been rooming with Jordan, you have walked in on her having sex four times.
The first time, it came as a shocker. You squealed and covered your eyes, immediately leaving the room and shooting her a few apology texts. When you left, Jordan just continued on like it was nothing. Like you were just a temporary pause. This time wasn’t like that. You walked in and closed the door behind you.
So you waved at the man who was underneath Jordan on the bed. He looked at you with a confused look, then turned to look back at Jordan, who was bewildered.
“You're not usually my type, but I think I could be down for both of you,” The man said, then looked back up at Jordan curiously.
You just walked toward your desk, sat down, and started up your laptop.
She climbed off him and huffed, “Get out”.
Then the man shuffled awkwardly around the room and tried to pick up his clothes. He slipped the condom off and didn't know what to do with it, so he tried to hand it to Jordan. She pointed towards the door, so he just nodded and held it as he left the room. His clothes were still crumpled in his other hand, covering his dick. You shook your head slightly, knowing that type of thing was far too normalized in this school.
“Do you purposely do that?” Jordan asked you sharply. It was more of an accusation. He barely spoke to you, and when he did, it was always intending to fight.
“Do what?” You asked and logged into the Godolkin portal.
“Wait until I’m using the room to appear out of thin air” She complained and stepped closer to you.
Whenever Jordan spoke to you, it was like they were a nagging little voice that you had to physically restrain yourself from losing your cool with. You didn’t want to risk an argument with Jordan, no matter how much of a bitch she was. It just wasn’t worth it. It would be optimistic to think that Jordan wouldn’t somehow get you lousy press from the situation. It was also optimistic of you to think that one day, Jordan would just stop trying to fight the fact that they would have to live with someone.
Every day you felt like you were seconds from Jordan finally saying fuck it and starting beef with you publicly just to fuck up your rank. Being ranked seventeen wasn’t the best you could be, but to most people, being in the top one hundred was quite an accomplishment. Job security was a hard thing for supes to find, and you weren’t going to fuck up your brand just because Jordan was having a bad day.
“Oh, please. I texted you, Jordan. Multiple times,” It came out with a little more emotion than you intended. Patience wasn’t your strength today.
“You didn’t,” She said flatly.
You huffed and pulled your phone out of your bag. When you pulled up the text chain to show her. You looked away awkwardly when she turned around to grab her phone. For some reason seeing her ass suddenly felt invasive, although she was so chill about it. Once again, she was more pissed about the fact she didn't cum.
“That’s not even my number.” She showed you her Apple ID and rolled your eyes.
“Who’s fault is that?” You asked her this time; your tone couldn’t have been mistaken for anything but annoyed.
Jordan realized what she did and grabbed your phone out of your hand. You scoffed at the action and tried to snatch it back, but she was faster than you. Probably in both forms, unfortunately. Jordan just updated the contact info and handed you back your phone(which you snatched out of her hands immediately).
“You could’ve knocked,” Jordan said, and you did a sharp inhale.
You looked up at her, then back down at your phone at the updated info. It was hard not for you to be pissed about the fact he lied to you. So many arguments could’ve been avoided, but of course, she couldn’t even give you her number.
“I did. For about ten minutes. Maybeyouweretoobusycreamingondicktohearaboutit”
The words came out as a rushed whisper. The struggle of trying to hold your anger was starting to become not only a mental challenge but a physical one.
“What did you say?”Jordan asked. This time, he almost seemed kind of excited, which didn't help you calm your nerves in the slightest.
“The locks broken, by the way. You locked me out, so I had to break it open. I’ll schedule a maintenance worker to check it out around five,” You told him. The facade was back up. You were no longer spewing attitude at him.
The maintenance request was sent, and Jordan was left confused at the sudden change in demeanor. He was excited for a second that it seemed you finally had a moment of real fucking emotion with him. Jordan would much rather be alone in his dorm, but your unwavering positivity threw him off more than he intended.
Jordan could recall a few times he would complain and rant about you to his friends during smoke seshes. It had only been two months, but he felt like he wasn’t even rooming with a natural person. Something about you was too perfect, too clean, just all around, too bland. He was excited to talk to a person for that quick moment there. It's not the brand you posted for everyone to see.
He went back to the other side of the room in defeat. He sat on top of his bed. Jordan never stopped looking at you. You slipped up, and maybe that gave him hope(he would never admit it).
“I need the room at five,” Jordan said.
You furrowed your brows and looked over at the calendar on the wall. Each day that passed, scribbled out with a blue Sharpie. You shook your head and looked over at him.
“You have class. It’s Wednesday,” You said matter of factly.
Jordan rolled his eyes and mumbled
.“No, I don’t.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. He could be so petty sometimes for no reason, and this was one of those moments.
“Did you just disagree with me just because?” You asked him.
Jordan couldn’t think of a comeback or words to say. You talked to him in that weirdly positive tone despite clearly being irritated with him again. Maybe his dick twitched a little, but he ignored that.
“Jordan, put some clothes on, okay?”
“Fuck you”
“Your dick is out”
“Have a great day”
Maintenance fixed the door problem by 5:13 pm. It was a simple fix. A new doorknob was installed, but a couple of dents from your early frustration remained a reminder. Afterward, you were alone in your dorm, struggling to wait forty minutes to join a lecture.
It was a struggle not to nod off in front of your computer. Online classes always felt like a good idea when you signed up for them, but you soon realized they were a trap. It is a carefully crafted trap for you to waste your time on the course because you couldn't keep your eyes open long enough to listen to your professor drone on about the importance of… You fell asleep.
You needed the relief anyway. It was a struggle to keep holding up the illusions you were. The influx of incoming students fucked you over. Having a roommate who hated you meant you were always using your powers. You couldn’t trust him not to try and ruin your brand. The only times you would have a break from having to cast an illusion was when Jordan was out doing whatever the fuck he did besides training and sulking.
Illusions fell around you—your side of the room that was once pale blue and pink warped into black and purple. Your hair, which once seemed to be tied tightly in a bun, fell around your shoulders. The pink sweater you wore was replaced with a black hoodie you had for years. The illusions you had concealing your tattoos shattered. The ink from your arm sleeve peaked out from the wrist of your hoodie.
“Who are you texting?”Andre asked
It was late. Jordan sat on the couch in his friends' dorm and tried not to be bitter that there were only three bedrooms. He typed in his phone, angry you weren’t responding. Why does he have to deal with this? He’s pretty sure when he leaves that, all three of them just crash in the living room in a pile like cavepeople anyways. Andre’s room was always too fucking clean for anyone to actually stay in there.
He leaned over on the couch to try and take a peak at Jrdan’s phone. Jordan leaned away, mildly irritated with his friend. Andre just shrugged and made a face at Cate. Cate rolled her eyes, already knowing where this conversation was going to go. It was the only thing Jordan talked about the past couple of weeks.
“My hell of a roommate,” Jordan complained and rolled his eyes.
You hadn’t responded to the last ten texts he sent. He was trying to be better to you. He might've felt a bit guilty about giving you the wrong number for that long. So now he was trying to do what you would have done for him. He planned on bringing the same guy from earlier back over, but you wouldn’t respond to him.
“Oh, she cant be that bad?” Cate said, trying to be positive about the situation.
“Cute, you guys are texting,” Andre whispered.
Jordan heard him, however, and switched. Before Andre had a chance to react, Jordan slapped him in the back of the head. The touch was light but quick. Andre chuckled softly and then raised both of his hands.
“Well, I’m trying to tell her I'm on my way back to the dorm. Might need it in a few,” Jordan explained and put his phone away.
“Why do you look so stressed?” Luke asked.
To be honest, he was the only one not caught up on the whole Jordan hating her roommate thing. He thought she would get over it in a week, but clearly, that wasn’t the case. Jordan still hated you basically for existing at this point. Luke tried to lock in on the situation, but he was still pretty high from the session that just ended.
“She isn’t fucking responding,” Jordan whined.
“It’s fine. It’s only been like ten minutes,” Luke stated.
Luke’s eyes looked around the room for whatever the fuck he was missing. Cate just laughed beside him.
“Since the last text I sent. I texted her five hours ago,” Jordan added, her arms crossed in front of her.
“It’s probably nothing,” Luke assured her, although he didn't understand why the situation was that.
Serious. Cate understood it, though. Even if, at the time, Jordan didn’t understand, she could have seen it already. Cate had a weird way of just knowing.
“Yeah, what are you so worried about?”Andre asked, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive way.
Jordan looked away and flipped him off. Cate and Andre shared another look, and Jordan wanted to flip the couch over. She didn’t though
“Fuck off, Dre.”
“Who is she again? Freshman?” Cate asked
“No, junior.” Jordan answered.
“Who is it?”Luke asked, hoping that maybe that would explain Jordan’s frustration.
When Jordan answered, none of them had much of a reaction, which wasn’t very satisfying for Jordan. Andre didn’t even know who you were talking about(he didn't pay attention to the rankings much). Cate just nodded, taking in the info. It was always funny to her how the most liked people could be some of the worst. Luke didn't run with Jordan’s opinion of her roommate. He knew how dramatic Jordan could sometimes be, and he was pretty sure she would've hated any roommate she was assigned to just because they were an inconvenience to Jordan.
Jordan didn't like the feeling of being interrogated, so the hangout was cut shorter than normal. Once she answered one question, it was like he opened Pandora’s box of bullshit, and everyone wouldn’t get the spotlight off of her. So, she gave up on reaching out to the guy from earlier and instead was banging on the door of her dorm room like a mad woman.
“Dude, open the fucking door!”Jordan shouted.
He didn't want to break the door again, but the longer he stood outside, the more appealing of an idea it became. Inside the dorm, you were still fast asleep at your desk. The exhaustion from overusing your powers took a severe toll on your body. You had been out cold the entire time. All illusions previously placed on you and your things were deactivated.
“C’mon, this is really petty. Just open up.” Jordan said again, but you couldn’t hear him.
A hard alarm sounded in your ear. You shook your head awkwardly, then scrambled to check your laptop.
Take your pill
You nodded and stood up to take your birth control. You made it three steps before you fell because of the loud bang at your door. Shit. Jordan’s voice yelled something behind the door that you couldn’t quite make out at the moment. All you knew was that you needed to hurry and get all the illusions back up. You waved your hands a bit, trying to tap into Jordan’s psyche once you were confident enough that the illusions were back up, and you dry-swallowed your birth control and made your way to the door.
Act normal
“Hey, sorry I got caught up in studying?” You answered the door with a smile.
“Fine, whatever. I texted you, though.” Jordan looked at you, partially confused
It didn't make sense to him. You went hours without answering him, and your excuse was that you got caught up studying. What the fuck? You didn’t even look tired? Jordan hated you. You closed the door behind him and sat on your bed.
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