#alsooo sorry for answering so late :(((
httpiastri · 4 months
okay this is a really long ask again bc i cannot shut up so it’s spirituality first then a lot on paul and pee at the end
but NO WAY YOU LIKED NICKELODEON TOO OMG THAT USED TO ALSO BE MY ROUTINE AFTER SCJOOL like id get home and do everything i needed to do just so i could watch victorious, the thundermans, and more and it’s crazy that you have so many experiences surrounding nickelodeon omgomg AND THE FACT THAT YOU DREAMT OF IT?? ive always had dreams that foreshadowed many many events in my life, especially significant events, sometimes months or years before they would happen but sometimes it happens to me with silly little things too and i believe that it happened to you too omg
things like that have happened to me for as long as i can remember so i’m always asking if it’s intuition or me manifesting it and like… could be both tbh
although my intuition has always been crazy strong and i’ve never ignored it even once and it has paid off really well but then again, manifestation is basically just the belief that your thoughts create your reality, simple as that. if you believe it to be true, then it’s true, so sometimes i wonder if my intuition is just a reflection of what i believe to be true, and that in turn is what ends up manifesting? if that makes sense.
and you saying, “it's such a weird coincidence that's not rlly a coincidence....” ?? I AGREE?? 100% because you go about life with people and youre like omg we both did this in this year? and we were in the same place during this time? and we know so many people mutually? and we just dismiss it all as a coincidence until youre like… wait bc how many coincidences until it’s not a coincidence, yk? i feel like the way you put it is like the perfect way of describing everything
(and if paul does end up winning the feature race then… 🤭🤭) but speaking of paul… i find it so odd that the same thing happened in both F3 and F2?? with the win being snatched away at the last moment 🤧🤧 like the worst part is i can’t even be mad about paul not getting his win, like i’m def gutted for him but franco also won it fair and square (i don’t think he passed the track limits, from what i saw anyway) and so it just sucks that things like this happen but im also!! so incredibly proud of franco because i understand what it must mean for him to be the first Argentinean F2 race winner like he’s literally made history within those few seconds but i have no doubt paul’s going to be driving with incredible intensity tomorrow (this is unrelated but at the start of the season idk why i used to be a little afraid of how harsh (…?) he’d become in terms of his driving style… like sometimes i’d feel like it was almost a little dangerous, especially when there were a few conflicts with kimi and i used to be worried that paul might’ve been taking out some anger onto kimi and it used to worry me a bit but i think……. it’s better now? i really really hope so because conflict scares me so bad and especially since no one knows if kimi and paul are still friends, and even they aren’t, you can’t really blame paul because kimi really got two major things that mattered to paul but also idk i think i’m rambling atp but i hope that even if he drives madly tomorrow, it isn’t at the cost of the safety of any of the drivers on track, including him)
but i was actually heartbroken over pepe though 😕😕 i can’t imagine being in his position, probably hoping to get a fresh start after the break and doing so well in between only for this to happen… and like with the way they replayed the incident in the race it looked like he was in the wrong but i rewatched it and it seemed mutual?? so idk why he was the only one who received a penalty for it but like ive also been in positions where i just became a little out of sync with things i usually excel at, and idk how to word it properly but i have a feeling he’s probably experiencing it rn which sucks 😓😓 i hate that feeling so much because you just feel so icky and everything seems so disjointed and im just wishing the best for him tbh, especially since i think it’s pretty clear that he holds himself up to really high standards, and even when he’s in a position someone else might be more than happy with, he’s just not satisfied with it…?
i NEED for pepe to be happy again with race results for once like it’s really all ive been asking for recently
- 🪷
paul and pee, my loves 🥰 sjdkfhdj sorry i had to
but omfg you saying that about nickelodeon, that's so crazy !!!! dreams are such a cool thing, i used to dream like every night but now it's rarely ever.... wish i had more clear examples of stuff ive dreamed about happening irl because i have a very strong feeling that it has happened at least a couple of times? but i can't come up with a single example rn?? 😭
that's also really cool!! and yes i think it makes sense, it's a very interesting thought. i always feel like my intuition is strong when it's about like little silly things, like "how many stones are under this cup", but im thinking like... what if i do trust my intuition way more than i remember, maybe i just haven't acknowledged it or really recognized that that's what im doing? im definitely gonna be more open-minded when it comes to my intuition and kinda try to see what happens 🤭
YES YES exactly!! how many coincidences until it's not a coincidence????????? because when i talk to people about stuff like this, most of them are just "yeah weird coincidence lol" but when does it become something bigger? it's v v v interesting, i personally don't think there have to be a lot of them to actually maybe be something more...
also kinda off topic but also not?? i dont want this to become a religious thing because idk how you feel about that, but i used to be kinda christian when i was younger just because i refused to believe that i just "happened" to land on this planet at this time as a human being. like you're telling me that the universe has been a thing for billions and billions of years, and that it's infinitely large, and i just happen to be a living human here right now?????? there's just no way. like rn idk if i would say that im religious but i believe that there's a reason that im here right now. i believe that there's something or someone (or whatever) kinda making up the world or guiding things, or something, and that's why i don't really see a lot of things as coincidences? like a lot of the time i say "it's a sign 😁" when there are "coincidences" and people think im joking but im usually at least a bit serious on the inside lol. idk if you get what im saying? if any part of this was okay to understand?? but yeah basically people around me have always looked at me weirdly for believing in spiritual stuff etc, so ive tried to hide and repress it but you're waking up all of these emotions in me and i just 😭
i think i jinxed paul win by talking too much about it... the times when ive been right haven't rlly been intentional so i think i shouldn't have shared this with everyone 😭 welp... but yes that's very odd!! and just like franco having his maiden f3 win in the imola sprint two years ago? and now maiden f2 win in the sprint?? 😦 and for example baku is an interesting circuit, ollie taking his maiden f2 win there in the sprint and then winning the feature too, and what happened at the same track two years earlier?? juri vips took his maiden f2 win in a sprint and then won the feature aswell..... an estonian driver in a hitech, will we see the same this year in baku?????????? (or do we have to wait until next year bcs so far it's been every other year? 😭)
yeah im super happy for franco too, i also think it was just a great move 🤭 but omg i totally see what you mean about paul and his driving style.... ive been so worried that he's gonna crash into kimi and just 😭 like yk what he wrote in his insta channel thing? about "i would've won the race if antonelli didn't do his wonder kid thing and ruin my race" after melbourne 😭 he's so so cocky istg (ALSO OMG did you see the clip from the press conference yesterday abt beating most of the big names in the championship??? 😶) but i still love him loads. but yeah i too feel more safe with him on the track, maybe especially since he has turned out to be doing better than i (and probs him too) expected and now he doesn't wanna ruin this lol. but yeah he must have such a complicated relationship with kimi, they used to be cute friends but it's very understandable to feel conflicted when kimi got everything paul should've had 😭
we were heartbroken yesterday already, but today... after this race...... i didn't even focus on all of the replays tbh because i was watching an hour late and in the car, but :(( even if it was his fault, that's not fair 💔 sdjfhdkfj. but yes gosh i agree with everything you're saying, he's so calm and cool off the track but so competitive and like a sore loser (this isn't exactly what i mean but english doesn't have a word for the swedish term im thinking of) in a good way? not in the way that he blames other people incessantly when he loses, but more that he hates it and blames himself and needs to do it better the next time. so this weekend.... 🥲 but yes yes i relate to that feeling too.... it feels so common in sports to do really well one week and the next you're like "?? what's going on????" :(((( and y e s you're so right about him holding himself up to really high standards 🥲 so painful to see
but uh yeah he will do well in monaco, i trust it!! it will happen!!!!!!!
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cyberels · 10 months
(you know better, babe)
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𖦹彡⋆。˚ summary: ellie makes it her goal to talk to you again after a one night stand.
see part one here
𖦹彡⋆。˚ warnings: nsfw (implied), language
𖦹彡⋆。˚ a/n: this is the worst thing ive ever written please god do not base my skill off of this i lost inspiration 😭😭😭😭 pleasee im so sorry..,,,.,. also no smut in this part my bad sorry gay people
alsooo readers username on ig is hoezier if you don’t like it simply pretend it’s something else😁
reader is female with a reputation for one night stands
this is also very much loser!ellie idk man idk she gets more confident later in the fic tho
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ellie was fucked - no pun intended. you literally just gave her the best sex of her life and immediately after you were pulled away from her without even so much as a goodbye.
if ellie ever finds out who called the cops, she swears to herself that she’s going to punch them right in their fucking face for cutting her time with you short.
there was something about you that made her yearn to have you near her again. she was trying to forget about you, but you were becoming a craving she couldn’t shake, despite barely even speaking to one another. your small encounter with ellie left an impact on her.
she knew basically nothing about you besides your name, but she did learn that you were… very experienced. she could gather that much based on how confident you were, and how it took you just minutes to figure out how to make her feel the best she’s ever felt. you knew what you were doing, and ellie didn’t even try to resist your advances, letting her body be taken by you.
ellie was not submissive, she barely even let any of the other people she’s slept with take the dominant position… so why did she let you, of all people, take control without her even putting up a fight? you were under her skin like an itch that was impossible to scratch.
ellie arrived back at her dorm later that night, but the feeling that she left something unfinished hung over her like a shadow.
she pulled out her phone, which was a shitty attempt at a distraction; no matter how many tiktok videos she watches, ​her thoughts were consistently and stubbornly directed to you. her brain couldn't wrap around how you became entrenched within her mind so easily.
she needed to tell someone about this and get if off her chest. she opened up her contacts and her thumb hovers over dina’s number. she debates on even telling her friend about this for a minute… falling for someone she barely knows is definitely not something she ever wanted to happen. she sighs, and presses the call button, very painfully aware of how embarrassing the situation is.
“hey!” dina answers after a few rings, “what’s up?”
“dina, i’m dying. i’m screwed.”
“what’d you do this time?”
ellie groans before explaining the situation that unfolded just hours before, words gushing forth as she explains the events of the night.
dina interrupts ellie’s rant after a few moments, laughing as she speaks. “—okay, slow down. what’s her name?”
the second your name spills out of ellie’s mouth, dina inhales in a sharp breath of air.
“what? what’s wrong?” ellie asked, “do you know her?”
“if she’s who i think she is… i wouldn’t get attached.”
“i’m sorry, i just— she’s slept with a few girls i know and she usually does not ever talk to them again.”
“well it’s too late for me, i’m already attached; you don’t know the half of it. but there was something there between us, a spark or whatever. i don’t know, maybe she felt it, too.”’
“that’s not a spark. that’s a fire. because your brain has got to be fucking burning down if you’re even considering reaching out to her.”
“…do you have her instagram?”
“ellie. no.”
ellie sighs, kicking off her shoes and flopping on her bed, “i’ll just say hi and see where it goes. she probably won’t even respond, it’ll be fine.”
“i want you to know i think this is a terrible idea… but i sent you her username.”
“fuck yeah! thank you, dina.”
fuck your reputation, ellie was gonna make you hers one way or another.
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you stare at your screen for a second.
ellie… that’s a pretty name.
it suits her.
she went out of her way to find you, it’s kind of sweet. half the other people you’ve hooked up with don’t give a shit about you after you’re done; you can’t be mad at them, though, considering you do the same.
ellie was just a rare case, you’ll forget about her in a few days.
you know that getting attached is never a good idea, that’s why you barely bothered to learn her name. in all honesty, you didn’t really care to learn the names of anyone you’ve slept with, the only reason why you did was because you didn’t want to look impolite. despite feeling like an asshole, you set your phone down on your bedside table and attempt to shove the thoughts of this girl—ellie—away. you were already constantly thinking about her, messaging her would just make this whole situation harder on you.
you refuse to get more attached than you already are.
unfortunately for you, your attempts to get ellie off your mind are proving unsuccessful. you’d never admit it, but she was getting to you more than anyone else you’ve been with before.
it’s a struggle to go about your day normally when you’re constantly on the lookout for this stupid girl you cannot get your mind off of for some godforsaken reason; you did not want to run into her and make this situation more awkward than it already is.
the stars are not on your side, apparently, because when you enter the coffee shop you usually do homework at, you see her in the corner. she’s on her phone, scrolling idly through it.
your body cries out for her touch, the invisible string of attraction that tied you to her pulled you in closer and closer and you mentally curse yourself for feeling this strongly about her.
you can’t shake the feeling that you should go over there and say something, anything. but what would you even say?
“hey, sorry i ignored you, you just make me feel things i’ve never felt before and it’s making me question everything because i’ve never felt this way about any of my other hookups.”
…that doesn’t seem like the best option, so you inch closer to the door you just came in from before turning and leaving completely.
‘god’ you think, ‘what the fuck is happening to me?’
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unbeknownst to you, ellie sees you. she sees you walk in, look at her, and immediately leave.
ellie is well aware of your reputation, but it still stings that you don’t care the way that she does. she knows that you probably don’t care much about anyone that you’ve slept with, that it’s not just her you don’t seem to care about, and she tries to be okay with it.
she packed up her stuff, unwilling to sit in the coffee shop while she was sulking, but as she was doing so, her phone lit up with a notification.
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‘take that, dina,’ ellie thinks, ‘she wants me… i think?’
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goldfades · 1 year
✮ 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝟐'𝐬, jump then fall au!
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 1.9k
♡ ─ summary | a week into cece being the fantilli's official nanny, paloma is going through the terrible two tantrums and adam doesn't know how to deal with it.
♡ ─ warnings | unedited, fluff, anxiety, toddler tantrums (ofc), mentions of being tired, idk ?? nothing else!
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @itsnotgray (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | aaaaa this series is finally in full swing, i am so excited. ALSOOO PLEASE SEND IN ANY THOUGHTS U HAVE WITH THIS AU, i love when yall have your own little headcanons it literally makes my day. also, how would u guys like this to be formatted? like chapters or like.. something else??? idk but anyways, ily u all and enjoy this fic!!!!!
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Adam rambled on nervously about Paloma's snack for about the fifth time as Cece followed him into the kitchen, nodding along to every word he was saying. She knew he was nervous to leave Paloma alone so she tried her best to seem interested even though he's repeated the same thing for what seemed like the millionth time.
As Adam rambled on, he suddenly stopped mid-sentence, an embarrassed flush creeping onto his cheeks. He realized he had been repeating himself, and Cece had been patiently listening the whole time.
"Sorry," he chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I'm just a bit on edge with leaving Paloma alone. I want everything to be perfect for her."
Cece shook her head in understanding, "No don't even apologize! I appreciate it, I do tend to forget about stuff. And I get it, the first time is always the hardest."
Adam sighed, feeling grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Cece. I know I can be a bit... overprotective sometimes."
"It's a good quality, especially when it comes to being a dad," she replied warmly. "I get it, I go crazy for my little brother. I'm pretty sure I would commit a crime for him," you joked playfully.
Adam chuckled, the tension in the room easing as he appreciated Cece's sense of humor. "Yeah, me too. Paloma is my world, and I'd do anything to make sure she's safe and happy."
Cece smiled warmly, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "I can tell you're a great dad, Adam. Paloma is lucky to have you." Her smile carried her feelings and she saw herself in Adam as he talked about Paloma. She was the same with her brother and her little nephew and niece.
His expression softened, and he returned the smile. "Thanks, Cece. That means a lot."
Comfort silence filled the kitchen before Adam got a phone call and cursed under his breath, "Shit, I'm late."
Cece watched as Adam's expression shifted from one of warmth to a sudden realization that he was running late. She could sense the urgency in his voice as he cursed softly.
"I gotta get going but call me if anything happens. And if I don't answer, call Luca or mom. Oh, you don't have my mom's number, let me give it to you in case-"
Cece let out a soft laugh as she put a hand on his shoulder in comfort, "It's fine, Adam. Don't worry I'm sure I'll get a hold of you, alright? Just relax and get to your meeting in one piece."
He took a breath and then laughed along with her, even though there was still some anxiety running through his veins. He nodded, "Alright, sorry about that, you're right." This was part of the process, it would be okay.
"Don't apologize, you're okay." Cece still had an understanding expression on her face as Adam took another deep breath before walking to the door and taking his keys.
"Alright, I'll see you in a couple hours. Paloma's sleeping right now but you remember-" He saw her expression and then let out an anxious sigh before nodding. "You got it?"
"I got it, boss." You joked playfully as he smiled. "Bye,"
"Bye." He took one more look around his apartment before leaving the apartment.
As Adam left for his meeting, Cece stood in the doorway, watching him until he disappeared from view. She then turned her attention back to the apartment, a newfound sense of responsibility settling in her heart. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to check on Paloma, who was still peacefully sleeping in her room.
The apartment was quiet, save for the gentle sounds of Paloma's breathing. Cece couldn't help but smile as she looked down at the sleeping toddler.
Adam walked into the apartment after a long and grueling practice, his body feeling the weight of exhaustion. The familiar scent of home welcomed him as he closed the door behind him. He let out a sigh of relief, glad to be back in the comfort of his own space.
He entered the living room, he noticed the soft glow of dimmed lights and the sound of gentle music playing in the background. It was a scene he had grown accustomed to since Cece had become a part of their lives.
He made his way to the kitchen, where he found Cece cleaning Paloma's dishes. She looked up and smiled warmly when she saw him. "Hey, Adam. How was practice?"
She could tell he was tired, he has been for the entirety of the week. She respected how hard he worked at practice and how he still had energy for Paloma, even after an exhausting practice.
Adam stretched his tired muscles and replied, "Long and exhausting, per usual, but it's done. How's Paloma?"
Cece's smile widened. "She's been an sweetheart. We played and watched a Barbie movie, had dinner, now she's asleep in bed."
Adam felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had been anxious about leaving Paloma in someone else's care, but seeing how well Cece was handling everything put his mind at ease. Right as he was about to respond, the familiar cry of Paloma rang through the apartment.
Cece, out of habit, immediately dropped the dishes into the sink and walked out of the kitchen before Adam spoke, "Cece, it's fine. Let me go see what's up."
"Oh, alright-"
This had been a problem for the past week, Paloma throwing tantrums right after being put to sleep. Adam had tried everything he could think of to soothe her, but nothing seemed to work.
He made his way to Paloma's bedroom and found her sitting up in her crib, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked softly as he lifted her into his arms.
Paloma clung to him, her tiny hands gripping his shirt as she continued to cry.
Adam's heart broke at his daughter's cries. He held her close and whispered soothingly, "It's okay, Paloma. Daddy's here, and you're okay." His arms were sore from practice but he couldn't get himself to leave her as she continued to cry loudly.
He gently rocked her back and forth, his heart aching as he tried to comfort her. Paloma's cries gradually subsided, and she nestled against his chest, her breathing slowly evening out. He didn't want to put her back in the crib because he didn't want to her wake up again and cry, so he stayed like that for a few seconds even if he was exhausted.
Cece walked in quietly and Adam put his finger on his finger to singal to be quiet. Paloma made a soft noise and Adam let out a sigh of exhaustion but to his surprise, she didn't start crying again as she saw Cece.
Instead, she sat up in Adam's arms and reached out to Cece, making a soft, wanting sound. Cece couldn't help but let out a laugh, her heart warmed by the sight of Paloma's tiny outstretched arms.
Adam slowly gave Paloma to Cece and she immediately held onto her, putting her head on her shoulder and her eyes immediately shut.
Adam watched with a mixture of relief and admiration as Paloma snuggled into Cece's arms, her cries now fully replaced by contentment. He had been worried about leaving her alone with the Cece, but this moment reassured him that he had made the right choice.
Cece held Paloma gently, her heart melting at the trust Paloma was placing in her. She swayed softly, creating a soothing rhythm that seemed to lull Paloma back into a peaceful slumber.
Adam couldn't help but smile at the sight. His daughter was finally finding comfort and security in the presence of another person. He made a gesture to the door to silently say he was going to leave and Cece gave him a sweet smile and a thumbs up with her free hand. As he left the room, his heart swelled at the new memory. He felt himself get used to Cece and Paloma together, it was a new welcome sight.
After he took a shower, he walked into the kitchen and he heard Paloma's bedroom door open quietly and then he turned to see Cece. She caught his gaze and smiled before walking up to him.
Adam felt comfortable as he saw Cece approaching him from the hallway. There was something comforting about her presence, something that put him at ease. He couldn't help but return her smile with a warm one of his own.
"Hey," she greeted softly, her voice carrying a sense of warmth and ease. "Paloma is back to sleep. I think she just needed a little reassurance."
"Good, I'm glad. Hopefully she sleeps the whole night." Adam sighed and he still sounded tired after his shower. You couldn't help but feel bad for him, you knew how much sports and a career could take a toll on a person. She couldn't even imagine on top of all of that, having a toddler to take care of. "And thanks, Cece. You're great with her."
She waved off his gratitude. "It's my pleasure, Adam. I enjoy spending time with her, she's such a sweet girl and she makes my job so much easier."
He nodded in agreement as he listened to her compliment. "She can be handful sometimes, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me." There was a softness in his eyes as he spoke about his daughter, a deep love that was evident in every word.
Cece smiled warmly, her heart warmed by the genuine affection Adam had for Paloma. "It's clear how much you love her, Adam. It's beautiful to see."
Adam's gaze met hers, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down as they shared a silent connection. There was something about Cece that drew him in, something he couldn't quite put into words. He immediately internally yelled at himself, he couldn't ─ not with his nanny.
He cleared his throat, breaking the momentary silence. "Well, I'm glad you're here," he admitted, his eyes still fixed on her. "It's nice to have some company too."
Cece's smile brightened, and she took a step closer to him. "I'm here whenever you need me, Adam. For both of you." Her eyes widened as Adam looked back at her and she suddenly felt self-conscious. "Like, in a friend way. Of course," she laughed nervously.
Adam couldn't help but notice the sudden shift in Cece's demeanor, and he couldn't help but chuckle softly at her nervous laughter. He appreciated the clarification, even though part of him was tempted to explore where that unspoken connection might lead to.
"Of course, Cece," he replied with a warm smile. "Well, you're my first official friend in Ohio. Well, other than the team."
She returned the smile, "I'm honored, Adam." She laughed at that and he joined in a second later. The laughter filled the kitchen before she felt her phone buzz in her pocket.
"Oh shoot, I gotta get going. I have to pick up my friend,"
"No problem, Cece," Adam replied, his smile still lingering. "Thanks for taking care of Paloma tonight. And get home safe, text me when you get home." He wanted to self-palm himself after that one but Cece just smiled warmly at that, making all the anxiety melt away.
"I will, thank you. See you Monday," Cece replied, her warm smile making Adam's heart skip a beat. She waved goodbye before leaving, leaving Adam alone in the kitchen with a new sense of warmth and connection he hadn't felt in a while.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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ph6ntomm · 2 months
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request? yes! - “can you write something super super angsty with Vince Dunn pleaseee. not married, no kids (but wouldn't mind pregnancy) and not a happy ending. thank you loveee 🙂” thank you for the request, so sorry i got to it so late🥲i didn’t include pregnancy because i don’t really wanna write that yet, so im so sorry if you like really wanted that included.
pairings: vince dunn x fem!reader
requests are open.
warnings: arguing, vince being an asshole
the argument was stupid. it had started because vince left out a bunch of dishes. this normally wouldn’t have bothered you, given the fact that everyone does it sometimes, but with him it was constant. he never picked any of it up, which left you to do all the work, and needless to say you were exhausted from it. so you asked him to help around a little every once in a while, and the simple question got blown completely out of proportion.
“are you indirectly calling me lazy?” vince accused you from his spot on the couch. “what? no! you’re hearing me wrong. i just want you to help around the house, vince. it’s tiring having to pick up after you all the time. i just want your help!” you exclaimed. he rolled his eyes dramatically and scoffed. “it isn’t that hard ya know? just pick up a few things here and there.” he said nastily. “exactly! so why can you do it?” you asked. he scoffed and rolled his eyes again. “whatever,” he started. “if you’re so stuck up that you can’t even pick up a few dishes here and there then maybe you just need to leave.” he shouted.
you flinched lightly at the change of volume, and tears welled in your eyes at his suggestion. “vince, that’s the point i’m trying to get across. i pick up my own stuff and yours too!” you exclaimed, voice a little softer than his, but still yelling some. “i can’t believe you.” he scoffed. “what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked. “you’re just being a bitch.” he answered. and that sent you over the edge. the tears started flowing down your face, and at a quick pace too. he didn’t even look up, even though you were sure he could hear your sniffling.
you walked out of the living room and grabbed your phone off charge from the kitchen counter and grabbed your purse from the hook by the door. he walked to where you were and stopped short with furrowed eyebrows and an annoyed expression. “where the hell are you going now?” he asked, voice still angry, but softer than before. “none of your business.” you shot back over your shoulder. he scoffed and shook his head. “of course, just run away from your problems, just like you always do.” he hissed. the tears started coming from your eyes faster as you ignored him and grabbed the door knob, not sparing a look over your shoulder as you slammed the door on the way out.
this request took so long for me to get to and idk why😭but hope you enjoyed!
alsooo second fic post today yippieeee! send requests!!
link to my masterlist
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stormoflina · 9 months
kinda late to the convo lol but i just wanted to add that:
i think ppl also need to remember that dom is new to the premier league annnddd that he is only 23. he is young and new to this fast paced and quite aggressive league, he is still getting the hang of all of this!
alsooo, ppl need to remember that players' performances change depending on the context lolol. i am Colombian and i do not expect Lucho to pull the same performance over there in England and then when he plays for the nt because i acknowledge that they are two whole different contexts.
Oh, and this is not to say that Dom shouldn't be criticized, he should, but constructively because it's that that helps him grow and be better. (And this applies to any other player unless they are assholes 🤭)
I'm very sorry that I didn't answer this reasonable and kind ask!
Yes, context is so important! Lucho might be one of the best examples to this 'problem', he had a very similar time and form since getting back from the last international duty, where he performed exceptionally. Then, for the club, not so much - except for the last match, against Newcastle, of course. He played very well in that one, and I'm hopeful that he will gain his form back! Some of the hate he was receiving was utterly disgusting, especially considering what he had to go through recently.
I think Domi, and his brilliant start, and now his dip in form, and the reactions to that are very strange. Especially, when some fans try to be reasonable, saying that he looks tired, then they respond with "but recently he has been getting subbed around 65-70th minute, he is getting rest". Sure, but he wasn't getting that for months, he played all throughout the international breaks, then got thrown into the December schedule, something he never had before, starting every game, except the last one.
You have to remember that Endo had a slow start, he was able to build up his play, slowly getting used to the pace of the Prem, and look how wonderfully that worked out for him! Same with Grav, he was carefully and slowly integrated into the squad, and he had no international duty either, and was out with injuries as well. All three of them came from a Bundesliga, a very different, slower league, and still it was Dominik only who was thrown into the deep waters. Macca was used to the Prem anyways, and he was out with injury as well, same with Curtis with his red card, then injury. Up until this time, beside Harvey, Dominik was the only always available, always reliable midfielder.
His workrate, the distance he covers, the responsibilities he takes on, playing a deep, completely new role, his natural talents being a bit surpassed, while all his worst traits are exposed. Not only it must be hard physically, but mentally as well, especially the moment he must have felt (and heard about) his dip in form.
I hope his injury is nothing major and that he will be back on his feet, rested, ready and hungry once again.
19 notes · View notes
hbyrde36 · 1 year
Chapter 9!
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
Clandestine meetings at the Waffle House
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Steve merged onto the highway at the first possible opportunity. It served the dual purpose of getting them as far the fuck away from that cemetery as possible, while also getting them to their meeting on time.
“I’m surprised you didn’t want to stay back and try to kill as many of those things as we could. You’re usually more worried about leaving innocent bystanders in the line of fire and all that.”
“Well for one thing, Brenner is controlling them somehow, so I don't think they’ll go too far without orders. Alsooo…” Steve trailed off as he dialed a number on his cell, allowing the call to connect to the car since he was the one driving. 
“Preternatural investigations hotline, how can I help you?” An overly perky voice answered when the call connected.
“Hi, I'd like to report a pack of rabid ghouls at Thatcher’s cemetery.”
“Oh my, that is serious. Can you give me your name and a few details, sir?”
“Sorry, I might lose you, I'm about to go through a tunnel and..”
Nancy snorted. “You think the PD will be able to handle all that?”
Steve offered her a half shrug. “Hopper knows what he’s doing. Maybe if we’d have had a flamethrower or something we could have made a dent in their numbers, but otherwise they would have overwhelmed us in no time.”
Within 15 minutes they were pulling up to park in front of the Waffle House. Steve hadn’t really thought about it at the time, but the wide panoramic windows of this place left the diners inside kind of exposed, especially at night. He supposed he’d have to trust that if the wererat king was comfortable enough to suggest this location to meet, he must have thought it was safe. 
The bell above the door dinged as they entered the restaurant, and Steve quickly scanned the occupied tables for a familiar face, realizing a little too late that he had no idea what Gareth looked like in human form. 
He gently coaxed a little bit of his power to the surface of his mind. He didn’t really know what he was doing when he tried stuff like this. He was comfortable enough with raising the dead, obviously, and he knew he had a little immunity from vampire shit even before Eddie got his hooks in, but he also knew deep down that he had other abilities too, one’s he mostly ignored, and he could probably sense the wereanimal’s energy if he tried. 
Steve just…didn’t love that part of himself. It all felt a little too woo-woo to him, unreliable, intangible. He preferred to work in the physical world. You see a vampire, you kill it. Shotgun, silver blades, stake and hammer, you can feel what you're doing with your bare hands, and see if with your own eyes. He might have to start getting used to more of the mystical stuff though, because the way things were going in his life, he would need all the leg-up he could get. 
The magic flared to life, or that’s how he imagined it in his mind's eye, like a flame. He immediately sensed the presence of two supernatural beings in the corner of the room. Unfortunately, he sensed them a little too strongly, likely due to the boost he got from his link to Eddie, and it threw him quite literally off balance. Nancy steadied him with a strong grip to his upper arm, and he smiled at her inbashful apology. 
Every eye in the place was on them then, and Steve cursed himself for not practicing more. If he lived through this he’d have to find a teacher or something. Maybe Wayne would be able to help, of course that would mean being willing to explain about the whole human servant business. A problem for another day.
The two boys in the corner were looking right at him. Both had short to medium length brown hair, and slightly mischievous eyes, and yea they were definitely adults in the technical sense, but they reminded Steve too much of the kids he used to babysit for him to call them men in his own head. 
Steve tilted a nod in their direction and moved towards the table, knowing Nancy would follow.
On their approach, the taller of the two boys stood, extending a hand to each of them in turn. “I’ll spare us all the embarrassment of you trying to guess, and just tell you that I’m Gareth. I’m aware that you’ve only met me in rat form. This is my partner, Will.” 
The other boy, Will, offered them each a small shy smile and a wave, while he kept himself tucked tightly into his king’s side.
“This is Nancy, she’s working with me on this particular..project.”
Gareth waved them to the chairs on the other side of the table as he took his own seat.  Will, in an overly formal gesture considering they were in a hygienically questionable 24-hour diner, waited for everyone else to be seated before taking his own chair. It reminded Steve that Gareth was not just the leader of the wererats, he was their king, and maybe that distinction meant something more than he knew. 
Before they could get down to business, a server came by to ask if they were ready to order. Steve wasn’t sure if this would be that kind of a meeting, but when Gareth and Will each ordered a coffee and a meal, he and Nancy followed suit, neither having eaten all day. That was the moment Steve realized he didn’t feel the ravenous hunger that had been plaguing him recently. Was Eddie not pulling energy from him anymore? Had something happened to him? No, that didn’t feel right. Steve got the sense that he would know, somehow, if Eddie was dead. Maybe the vampire finally felt guilty about the whole thing. It didn’t matter, Steve reminded himself, Eddie was still a bad guy even if he felt bad for what he’d done. 
When the waitress finally walked away, Gareth asked, “So, what is it you think I can do for you, Harrington?” 
“I was hoping to convince you to lead us into whatever secret passageway you used to enter that basement room where you found me under the corroded coffin.”
“Not to be too blunt, but why would I do that? What's in it for us?” Gareth said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. 
“You hate that Billy has power over you, right?
The rat king nodded.
“Show us the way in, and we’ll take care of that little problem for you.” Steve didn’t know Gareth that well, but he knew what it felt like for someone to have power over you, and he was willing to bet that the wererats would do anything to get rid of the master of the city.
Gareth tilted his head side to side, making a little show out of considering his offer. “You already know where he is. Just get in yourselves.”
“We can’t just waltz in the front door. Even in broad daylight, especially in the daylight, Billy will have guards there. We’d be killed on sight.”
“Hmm, true enough. How do I know I can trust you? If you fail, and he finds out we helped, me and my people will be in an even worse position than we are now.”
The waitress appeared, balancing a tray of coffee mugs and forcing them to put their conversation on hold. Steve smiled at the woman gratefully and sipped at his cup. He’d been tired enough on his own after waking from his too short nap, and his fatigue had only gotten worse with the fading adrenaline from the fight with Brenner’s ghouls. 
Nancy took the opportunity to speak up when their table was left alone again. “I know you don’t know me, and you barely know Steve, but this is what we do, and we’re damn good at it. When I say I can promise you we will end the master of the city, I mean it.”
Gareth subtly sniffed at the air as he looked her over, considering.
“I can only get you in there, we can’t help any more than that. I can keep the small rats and my people from coming to Billy’s aid for a while, but we wouldn’t be able to fight him beside you. His pull on our kind is too strong.”  
“That's no problem.” Steve was quick to comment. “Just sneak us in and we’ll do the rest.”
“Okay. I'll do it.” Gareth agreed.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, Steve. There's a part of me that truly thinks I'll be sending you to your deaths. If you survive this, I'll be shocked.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence there, Gare.”
The rat king blinked at Steve for a moment, and then burst out laughing. “When do you want to go in?” He asked.
“Tomorrow, after sunrise” He didn’t want to waste any more time. 
Gareth raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting them to want to get to it so quickly. “I like you, Harrington, I hope you don’t die.” 
Their food arrived shortly after they finished making arrangements to meet in the city at dawn. As it so often does, the act of sharing a meal let the small group relax around each other a bit more than they might have otherwise. The only exception was Nancy, who remained quiet throughout. It didn’t surprise Steve in the least, she was one of the most private people he knew, and for good reason, though he was sure she was listening intently to every word the others shared. 
Gareth told the story of how he and the younger boy met. He had just won a fight against a challenger to his crown, and Joyce, Will’s mom, was the nurse who patched him up. Luckily, Will had taken his older brother’s place in assisting her that day. The two boys took one look at each other and the rest was history. 
Steve didn’t have much he was willing to share by way of a personal life, but he happily told a few stories about his years babysitting back in his hometown, finally letting slip that Gareth and Will reminded him of his young charges, a fact that made even the shy boy laugh. 
“Not to give too many of our secrets away, but we’re older than we look.” Gareth said.
Steve couldn't help but to tease them. “Oh I'm sorry. Here I was thinking you were a young spry 20 year old. What is it then, a decrepit 24, 25?”
“I’m only 35” Will said with a little smirk. “But,my king is…” Before the boy could finish, Gareth slapped a hand over his mouth. 
“You know it’s rude to share a man’s age!” He gasped with exaggerated offense.
Steve gaped at them. “You can’t be serious.” 
Jesus, he was younger than both of them. He tried to wrap his head around that fact as Gareth chuckled. “A little tip for you, Harrington, wereanimals age slower than humans. Don’t underestimate one of us just because we look young.”
“Duly noted.”
When all was said and done, Steve and Nancy decided to go back to her hotel in the city to get some rest before the morning, agreeing that it was the safer option than Steve's house with Brenner still on the loose. 
Her room housed only a single king bed, which would have been awkward with any of Steve’s other exes. The fact that it wasn’t was a testament to how nonexistent romantic feelings were between the two of them. Steve enjoyed his first dreamless sleep in far too long, and woke rested and refreshed. If he also rose with a vague sense of disappointment, he chose to just push that feeling way, way down. 
The meeting place wound up being, more specifically, behind a dumpster in an alley next to a restaurant, which was fitting, and sort of hilarious, Steve thought, considering they were about to be led underground by giant rats. 
Gareth and Will were there, which surprised Steve. He had assumed the king would put some lackey’s on the job. He was further surprised when the middle aged woman who joined them turned out to be Joyce. Steve took an instant liking to her, she was very friendly and simply exuded kindness. 
She toted along a backpack with her that, when he saw the first aid symbol on the outside, Steve realized must hold medical supplies. The wererats were clearly planning on him and Nancy getting hurt today, at the very least. He decided to view the gesture in a glass-half-full kinda way. If they were planning on administering medical attention, that must mean they think he had a chance, right? No point in bandaging a dead man, after all.
There was one more addition to their group, an older boy named Jonathan who quickly identified himself as Will’s older brother. It seemed this was a family affair. 
All present and accounted for, and heavily armed in the case of Steve and Nancy, Gareth led the way down through the cellar doors and into the basement of the building. From there, they entered the city’s sewer system through a grate near the floor. Steve grimaced as they sloshed through the foul liquid in the dark and tried very hard not to think about how gross it all was. 
Now that they were in the tunnels, Gareth, Will, and Jonathan all transformed into their rat forms, only Joyce remaining human. Their senses were stronger this way, that much Steve knew, and it would be helpful for getting the group where they needed to go. 
It didn’t take as long as Steve expected to reach their destination, only about an hour or so. The trip could have been made quicker if they’d been willing to run, but there seemed to be an unspoken agreement amongst the group to try and splash as little as possible, for obvious reasons. 
Gareth approached an opening, not unlike the one they had used to gain access from the other building, and waved Steve and Nancy closer. 
“The Corroded Coffin’s basement is through there. We’ll wait down here in the tunnels until dark. If you’re not out by then, I'll assume you failed. If you do manage to kill Billy, I'll know, and we’ll come out to help you if we can.”
Steve nodded at him and yanked on the grate, it was loosened just like the other one. The bars were meant to be welded in place, but someone had come along and cut it free. It could be propped up to give the illusion, but pulled away easily. 
He went through first, not knowing if the room would be occupied, though Nancy tried to pull rank as the better shot. The opening was small and close to the floor, and they had to all but crawl to get through. 
On the other side, Steve stood up and started across the room, coming to an abrupt stop as he stared at a point on the wall.
“What is it?” Nancy asked, hackles up.
“This is where Chrissy died, chained to the wall like an animal.” Steve’s voice broke.
Nancy clenched her jaw. “I’m sorry, Steve, really I am, but we can’t afford for you to be distracted right now.”
It would’ve been easy to get mad at her, in fact he wanted to. Anything to stave off the tidal wave of sadness and guilt that was building up inside of him for failing to save the girl.
But Nancy was right, and there was no reason to take it out on her. He did his best to push it all deep, deep down, to be dealt with at a later date. He felt like he’d been doing a lot of that lately, and he wasn’t looking forward to the day when he finally had to unpack it all. 
“Sorry. I’m good now. Let’s go.”
Steve took the lead again, quietly tiptoeing up the stairs and out to the hall. Luckily, the door wasn’t locked. They would have had to shoot the handle off otherwise, he realized, and that would have entirely defeated the purpose of the sneaky entrance. 
He peeked around the corner, shocked to find the immediate area deserted. The vampires would be asleep for the day, but still, he had expected someone to be lurking. Heather at the very least should have been around here somewhere. She was Billy's servant after all, and as a technical human she wasn’t a slave to the sun like he was. 
The pair took their time traversing the halls and checking doors until they finally found the coffin room. Each box sat on a little stone dais to keep it up off the floor. They were all different, some larger, some smaller. A few were made of natural wood, stained and adorned with cheap brass fittings. Others were painted and polished to a high shine, more like the modern one’s Steve was accustomed to seeing. 
They went for the closest box first. Nancy covered him with her shotgun as Steve opened the lid. He didn’t know this vampire’s name, but recognized him as Chrissy’s overly enthusiastic dance partner from that first night at the club, the one who had looked so perturbed when Steve evaded his mind tricks. He was also present for the debacle in the small graveyard the night of the freak party, and was definitely on Billy’s side of things.
Steve drew a long silver knife from its sheath and readied himself to plunge it into the thing’s chest. That, and a few twists of the blade would shred his heart. A shotgun would be easier, but it would also be messy and loud. He’d have to cut the head off at some point anyway, so the knife would be getting used tonight one way or another. 
Nancy stopped him with a hand on his elbow, before he could strike. “I might have an easier way. Have you ever used silver nitrate?”
Steve hesitated, lips pursed.“Like, from the movie Blade? Does that work?”
Nancy rolled her eyes, pulling a small vial of silver liquid and a syringe out of an inner pants pocket to show him. “Yea it works. Any idea how old this one is?”
“No more than a hundred.”
“Better go for a full dose then.” She filled the syringe, leaning over the body as Steve covered her with his own handgun full of silver bullets. 
Nancy unceremoniously jammed the needle into the vampire’s neck and depressed the plunger. The body began to twitch, startling Steve, but it fell limp again after only a minute or two of spasms. He stared at it, waiting for some sign that the creature was really dead. When it didn’t seem like anything else was going to occur, he finally took his eyes off of the body to look at Nancy.
“Is that it?” He asked, sounding more than a little disappointed.
“Pretty much, yeah. Why, what did you think was going to happen?”
“I don’t know, just, something more than that I guess?”
Nancy crossed her arms over her chest. “You were expecting him to blow up, weren’t you.”
“I absolutely was expecting that. Yes.” Steve grinned.
She shook her head but smiled back at him. “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
“Maybe, but I'm still cutting his head off before we leave here. I’m not taking any chances.”
“Suit yourself.” She shrugged. 
The next coffin they checked was empty. It probably belonged to one of the murdered vamps, Tommy maybe, or at least that’s what Steve told himself. Surely it was too early in the day for any of them to be awake
The next was similarly unoccupied, and then they found Neil. 
Again Nancy had pointed her gun at the casket while Steve raised the top. He curled his lip in a snarl when he laid eyes on the monster’s face. Not only had this piece of shit bespelled and threatened one of Steve's friends, but he bore half of the responsibility for Chrissy’s death. He almost regretted doing it like this, when the vampire was all but helpless. A real, god's honest fight would be much more satisfying to his craving for revenge, but it would also be needlessly risky.
This time, it was Steve who loaded up the syringe. Nancy had advised that at Neil’s age they should do two full doses of the liquid silver just to be safe. Steve stuck the needle deep in his neck, quickly administering the first shot, anxious to refill it. Before he could so much as pull the needle back out, however, Neil sat up, eyes still closed as if he were half asleep. The move would have sent Steve sprawling to the ground, but as the vampire surged upwards, he gripped Steve by the throat, lifting him clear off the ground.  
His ears started to ring as he fought to think through the panic of having his airway cut off. He grabbed on to the vampire's wrist with both hands, pulling to take as much of the pressure off his neck as he could. He kicked his feet, trying desperately to dislodge himself, but Neil’s grip was like a vice, and it became clear that Steve wouldn’t be able to get free unless he chose to let go, or died. Fuck. 
Nancy appeared suddenly on Steve’s other side, the only vantage point in the room that would give her a clear shot without risking him. She aimed, and fired nearly point-blank into the side of Neil’s head. Red fluid splattered across Steve's face, and immediately the hand that had been holding him up let go. He crumpled to the ground, sucking in greedy gulps of air as he wiped the  blood from his eyes. 
So distracted by his own situation, Steve didn’t realize for a moment that Neil hadn’t entirely gone down. His head was a red mess of meat and bone, but his body hadn’t quite gotten the memo yet, and it was grappling hard with Nancy as she tried to gain enough distance from the thing to get another shot off. 
Though he was still a little lightheaded, with spots dancing across the edges of his vision, Steve waded into the fray, carefully slicing through the air with his blade to capture the thing’s attention. He got a few good cuts in and it was distraction enough to give Nancy time to line up her shot. 
“Steve, move!” She howled.
He didn't need to be told twice. Steve threw himself down and to the side. He even put his hands over his head for good measure. Nancy’s second shot rang out, deafeningly loud in the enclosed space. He hadn’t even registered the sound of it the first time. Steve shuddered, realizing how close he must have been to passing out to have not noticed. 
Her bullet hit home, going straight through Neil's chest and out the other side, leaving an impressive exit wound. Finally, mercifully, the body fell limp to the ground. He was dead, permanently this time.
Nancy pulled Steve to his feet, scanning him top to bottom.
“How are you holding up?” She asked.
“I’m fine.” He said, voice rough from the damage to his throat. 
She stared at him silently, unblinking.
He sighed. “It looks worse than it is. Come on, let's get this done.”
Steve limped to the front of the room, where the final three coffins were placed. The one in the center, a glossy black lacquer number with gilded handles, had to belong to Billy. Not only because it was the fanciest of the bunch, but because the two that flanked it were wrapped in heavy chains with small crosses dangling from their links like some sort of twisted charm bracelet. 
He could tell Nancy was considering blasting a hole through the side of the box with her shotgun, anything to avoid another jack-in-the-box style surprise, but even if she did it would never be a killing blow. 
Steve approached the coffin, holding his breath as he lifted the lid. He wished he could say he was surprised when he looked down to find nothing but white satin, but he wasn’t.
“Looking for me?” Billy drawled from the back of the room. 
He and Nancy turned towards the voice at the same time, both lifting their weapons to eye level on instinct. 
“You didn’t really think at my age that I needed to sleep off the entire day still, did you?”
Steve gulped audibly. Up until he saw Neil’s form move in the daylight hours just a few moments ago, he had thought that. 
“Aw, it seems you still have so much to learn, Harrington. Why don’t you put those silly little guns down and we can work this out.”
“There’s nothing to work out, Billy.” Steve said through gritted teeth.
“Sure there is! Look, I know I killed your girl. I would say I was sorry about that, but I don't like to make a habit out of lying. As far as I see it, now that you’ve killed my father, we’re even! Trust me, I don't even mind that you took him out. Saved me the trouble of doing it myself some day.”
“Don’t move.” A female voice said suddenly to Steve's right. 
He glanced over to find the human servant, Heather, standing behind Nancy, holding an old fashioned pistol to the back of her head. Her arms were already in the air, and Heather snatched the shotgun from her with her free hand, tossing it to the floor. 
“You better drop your weapon too, Steve-O, wouldn’t want Heather to get nervous and shoot your pretty friend there by accident.”
Steve glared at him, but dropped the gun and the knife he was holding to the ground. He had other knives on him, they could have those. 
Brenner appeared in the doorway behind Billy. He didn’t look particularly happy to be there. 
“Oh good, you’re finally here.” Billy snarked, not turning around but still clearly addressing the man. ”Be a good boy and help Heather check these two over for more weapons.”
Brenner scowled at the back of Billy’s head, but quickly crossed the room to do as he was told. 
Heather started to frisk Nancy, while Brenner approached Steve. 
“Does he know what you’ve done?” Steve whispered to the older man.
“Shut up.” Brenner hissed as he kicked Steve’s legs apart, doing a much more thorough job at searching him than Steve had been expecting. 
He couldn’t be sure if Heather had found all of Nancy’s goodies, but unfortunately, Brenner had found all of his. Even the small knife that he liked to keep tucked in his boot was now living in the other man’s pocket.
“Would you like to see what we’ve been up to while you two were busy sneaking around and killing my father?” Billy asked.
Steve didn’t respond, it wasn’t like he had an actual choice in the matter, so why entertain the vampire with an answer?
“You really know how to take all the fun out of things, you know that pretty boy?” Billy huffed. “Escort them to the basement.” He commanded the two lackeys.
Steve and Nancy found themselves being roughly pushed out into the hall, and he didn’t need three guesses to know where they were going. Back to the same fucking torture chamber of a basement room he was becoming all too familiar with. He wondered if they ever called it a dungeon, it was a fitting name for the awful space.
The small group paraded down the stairs and stood in an awkward half circle.
“Come on out, sweetheart.” Billy called towards one of the dark corners.
There was a soft shuffling sound as something moved in the darkness. Slowly, a small figure with a petite frame and strawberry-blonde hair was revealed under the single dim light that hung in the middle of the room.
Steve sucked in a sharp breath. He should have seen this coming, in hindsight, but this was cruelty beyond his imagining, even for someone like Billy. 
“Chrissy?” His voice broke as he whispered her name, before rounding on Billy and shouting nearly right in his face. “Why?! Why would you do this?!”
The motherfucker smiled like a Cheshire cat. “To torture you mostly, why, is it working?”
Steve raged inside. He wanted to lay Billy out, to spit in his smug face, but he had no wish to set the guy off. Had it only been his own life on the line, he might have risked it, but with Nancy here he had to hold it in. He forced himself to take several steps back.
Billy laughed, so obviously amused with Steve’s struggle to control himself. “Actually, to be honest, I had Martin raise her before you arrived. As an animator I'm sure you’re aware that murdered zombies have a tendency to pursue their murderers, and since Neil landed the final killing blow… let’s just say, I thought I'd give Chrissy here a fair shot to get back at him while he was asleep for the day. Your showing up to witness her impromptu resurrection was just a happy accident.”
Steve gaped, somehow still surprised at the vampire's level of depravity. “He would have destroyed her all over again. That’s…sick”
Billy shrugged. “When you’ve been alive as long as I have, you have to find new and interesting ways to entertain yourself.” 
The vampire’s mouth twisted into a predatory grin as his eyes began to glow with blue fire. Steve averted his gaze. 
“Speaking of which.” Billy continued. ”Drop to your knees and crawl to me, human.”
Steve stared at the floor and braced himself for the pull of Billy’s power, though knew they had cleaned the bite thoroughly. He felt nothing.
The vampire growled, and Steve chanced a look at his face. He looked pissed.
“What have you done?”
“Just a little routine cleaning with holy water.
”I suppose next time I'll just have to keep you with me to stop that from happening. Or, if you prefer, I could make you into one of us. You could take Tommy's place. It’s really the least you can do since your lack of finding the vampire murderer led directly to his death.”
Steve shot a sideways glance at Brenner’s nervous face before he spoke. “I’d die first”
“One way or another that’s where we’re headed, baby boy.”
Chrissy, who’d been hovering near the edge of the group, mostly looking around in confusion, seemed to finally realize where she was. Steve heard her gasp as she ran her hands lightly over a spot on the wall. He watched in agony as she clawed at her throat, clearly remembering the moment it had been ripped apart, and screamed. She collapsed to the floor sobbing.
Steve tried to lunge for her, desperate to offer what little comfort he could to this echo of his fallen friend, but Heather grasped him by the back of his shirt, shoving her little pistol roughly into his ribs.  
“Do you really think i’ll just stand here and watch you torture that poor girl even in death?” Steve snapped, whirling on Heather with a vicious snarl. “You want to shoot me for it? Fucking shoot me then!”
Billy stepped between them, suddenly the picture of cool, calm, and collected. “Let’s just everyone calm down. Why don’t we play a little game.”
“Why?” Steve spat. He didn’t understand why they didn’t just kill him already. Billy knew he was never going to join him willingly. Was he really this enamored with playing with his food?
“Maybe i just want to see how good you really are, besides, if you win i’ll let you comfort poor Chrissy there.”
What other choice did he have? 
Steve was given back one of his knives and told he was to fight Heather, who had apparently trained in many forms of combat over her years with Billy. The rules were simple. If she killed him, she won. If Steve drew her blood, he won. It almost sounded like a fair fight.
Heather looked like a small, unassuming young girl, but Steve knew now more than ever just how much looks could be deceiving, so he didn't let his guard down one bit as they circled each other.
He was pretty good with a blade, Wayne had insisted on training him heavily with them even more so than firearms, because ‘knives can’t run out of bullets, son’.
Still, Heather was better, and she managed several shallow cuts on both of his arms before he could get anywhere near her. She was fast, and she was toying with him. He needed to find a way to gain the upper hand here, and quickly.
“I know who the murderer is.” Steve said casually, never once taking his eyes off his opponent. For a moment, all movement in the basement ceased except for him, and Heather. 
“What did you say?” Billy hissed.
“I know who killed your vampires.” Steve reiterated.
Martin spoke over him. “Don’t listen to him, surely he’ll say anything now to save his own skin.” 
“Quiet, Martin. Tell me who it is, Harrington, or I'll kill your partner.”
Steve risked a glance at Nancy then, only to find that Billy had stepped up behind her, her hair fisted tightly in his hand. 
He opened his mouth to answer, but Brenner interrupted shouting, “NO!” As he pulled Steve’s own handgun out of his suit pocket and aimed.
The room fell into chaos. Billy dropped his grip on Nancy and appeared in front of Brenner like magic. The man had no time to react before the vampire reached up with both hands and snapped his neck. 
Heather had finally looked away to watch her master work, and Steve used the opportunity to step into her, and plunged his blade deep in her chest. She wasn’t a vampire, but she was tied to one, and Steve was betting she could be killed like one too. 
She stared at him wide-eyed, as she stumbled and fell to the ground. Steve plucked the weapon she’d been using out of her hand and slid it in Nancy’s direction. She caught it, and they both turned in tandem to face Billy. 
The vampire had dropped to his knees, weakened as his human servant lay dying. It was everything Steve had hoped for. He’d been told that a human servant would live as long as their vampire master. Which, if you thought about it, translated to, if their master died - so did they. Steve had thought if that was the case, then maybe the reverse could also be true. 
Billy tried to gather his power, Steve could feel it in the air, but he was too weak for tricks. Nancy made a go for him first, lunging and slashing but unable to make contact before Billy grabbed her arm, spinning her hard into the nearest wall. Steve came at him from behind as he threw her, aiming as best he could for the man’s heart. The knife penetrated his body, but he must have missed the mark. 
Billy heaved himself off of Steve's blade with a grunt, only to be met with Nancy once again in front of him, having recovered quickly from ricocheting off the wall. She jammed her blade down into his chest and he tipped sideways to the floor. Nancy remained above him, holding the knife in place while Steve scrambled for his gun where it had fallen out of Brenner’s hands. 
He leveled the weapon at Billy’s head.
It’s all he had to say. She pushed with her feet, scooting back on her butt to get some distance from the half-dead vampire. 
Steve screamed as he shot round after round into Billy’s head until the gun clicked empty, and Nancy had to force it out of his hand. He’d lost time somewhere, he hadn’t seen her get up, let alone approach him. 
He blinked at her, and watched as she knelt by Heather's unmoving body to check for a pulse. 
“She’s dead.” Nancy said simply.
The vampire’s body was similarly still. His head was utterly destroyed and Nancy’s knife was still sticking up out of his chest. Steve would want to burn the body to make sure, just as a precaution, but it seemed Billy’s reign of terror was finally over. 
Steve made his way slowly over to where Chrissy still cowered in the corner, not wanting to spook her when she was already terrified. He sat down next to her and took one of her small hands in both of his. 
She looked at him with sad eyes, though she was no longer crying. “I’m really dead, aren’t I?”
Steve whimpered. “I'm so sorry.”
She fell against him, and Steve wound his arms around her, rocking them back and forth for a long time. There was so much he wanted to say to her, and none of it was good enough, so he just held her until she was ready to let him go. 
Eventually she pulled back and looked Steve in the eyes. “Can you put me back? I know I'm not supposed to be here, I want to go back.”
“Yea, I can do that.”
When Steve returned from laying Chrissy to rest, the wererats had come. Joyce wanted to treat him, but there were still a few things to be dealt with before his work here was done.
Brenner lay in the spot where he dropped, neck bent at a very wrong angle, but still alive. Steve didn’t know much about the magic that had been keeping this man alive, but he did recall an old rule of thumb he learned from a colleague. A spell can usually be reversed by the opposite of whatever is used to feed it. He’d always liked the idea, it had a certain amount of poetic symmetry. The power in Brenner's necklace was fueled by vampire blood, and what’s the opposite of vampire blood? Steve hoped he knew the right answer.
He knelt by Brenners head and held a shaking hand out towards the man’s throat. The necklace had fallen out of his shirt in the fall, and Steve dragged one of his bleeding cuts along the chain, making sure to leave a fat droplet of the red liquid on the cluster of stones that made up the pendant. 
Steve watched the light fade from Brenner’s glassy eyes and felt no satisfaction. He just felt empty. 
Joyce again tried to coax Steve to sit down and let her look him over, but he still refused and told her to check on Nancy instead. 
He felt eyes on his back as he climbed the stairs, but ignored them, he had one more thing to take care of before he could rest.
Back in the coffin room, Steve searched until he found a key hanging from a hook on the wall. He unlocked the chains from each of the boxes and dragged them off. He knew who was in the two coffins, he could have left right then knowing that when the sun came down Dustin and Eddie would finally be free to leave their confinement, but he couldn’t walk away. Not yet.
He opened the lid of the first coffin and sucked in a breath when Eddie’s face was revealed to the lamp light. His eyes were closed, and if he wasn’t so still Steve could have believed he was sleeping peacefully, but that sort of stillness wasn’t natural. This wasn’t sleep, this was death, temporary as it might be.
He stared down at the vampire's beautiful face and wondered what the right thing to do was. He thought he could save himself a lot of trouble in the long run if he took care of Eddie now. It would be easy to kill him while he was sleeping, while Steve wouldn’t have to look into those big brown eyes. While he wouldn’t have to listen as those pink lips that he’d become so familiar with in his dreams begged for his life. 
In the end it came down to Chrissy, and respecting her wishes. She wouldn't want this. She had trusted Eddie. He may have let her down as much as Steve had, but maybe he could be there for others, for Dustin. So, he replaced the lid and turned to the other coffin, hoping his decision wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass. 
Dustin, Steve finds, when he opens the other coffin, looks a little more worse for wear than Eddie had. Of course, the younger vampire hadn’t had someone to feed off of while he was locked up. 
He knew he should go, but he couldn't stop staring at the boy’s face. Steve had been to a lot of funerals over the years, where the body of his loved one was put on display, but this was one of his kids. He knew Dustin wasn’t really dead, and that in just a few hours he would rise, and he would feed, and he’d be fine, but it still made Steve's chest tight to see him like this.
He heard the soft footfalls behind him as someone entered the room, but didn’t bother to turn around. He already knew it would be Nancy. 
When she reached his side and peered over the edge of the box, Steve tensed. 
“I hate that he’s done this to himself.” She said softly.
He watched her carefully through his peripheral vision. “Me too.”
Nancy frowned at him. “You can relax Steve, I'm not about to suggest we kill him or anything. I knew him too.”
He believed her, to an extent, but he also knew how much she hated vampires, and it worried him. She might let Dustin live for now, only to come back for him later.
“I’ve spent a little time with him over the past few days, Nance. He’s still Dustin. Almost infuriatingly exactly as you’d remember him, just, with fangs.” Steve explained, trying to keep the pleading tone out of his voice. 
“I know it might seem that way sometimes, Steve, but…”
“No, I'm serious. It’s him, and…you know I didn't talk to him, haven't talked to him since he transitioned. I thought I was doing the right thing, but all I did was rob us both of our friendship. Promise me you won’t go after him.”
“I won’t. I swear. I don’t think Mike would ever forgive me if I did.”
Steve wanted to say, I wouldn’t either, but he didn’t think he needed to.
“What about that one?” Nancy asked, pointing at Eddie's coffin. 
“That is, something I think I'll call - ‘better the devil you know’ - and all that jazz.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing there.” She said.
“Me too.”
Steve finally let Joyce treat him after that. The wererats promised to clean up the mess and take care of any remaining Billy supporters. Steve thanked them profusely, and soon he and Nancy were walking out the front door of the theater. He was forced to call Robin to pick them up, no uber or taxi would have stopped for them in their current state.
She picked them up, no questions asked, and she even let him get away with silence until they had dropped Nancy off at her hotel. They parted ways with a hug and Steve thanking her endlessly for her help. She assured him it was her pleasure, and that since the master of the city was in fact killed, she would still be getting paid by her client. If anything she should be thanking him, she assured him.
Once they were alone in the car, Steve filled Robin in on everything she’d missed. They didn’t even pick up his car, he was too tired to drive anyway. They could always get it the next day. 
He was still going over the play by play of their fight with Billy when they arrived at his house. Robin helped him inside and coaxed him right into the bath, sitting on the edge to keep him company and he finished his story. 
“What are you going to do about Eddie?” Robin asked, as she trailed her fingers through the bath water.
“I don’t know. Ignore him until I can find a way out of this mess?”
“Babe, is that, like, healthy?”
“I don’t know, I'm too tired to figure it out right now.”
All Steve could think about was getting out of the tub and falling into bed. He wouldn’t have minded some platonic best friend cuddles either, but he didn’t want to put Robin out even more than he had already. It turned out, he didn’t even need to ask.
“Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”
God he loved her.
Chapter 10
Author's Note: This fic has two pretty definitive halves, since the au inspiration comes from two separate books. This chapter marks the end of part 1, and puts us at the halfway point of the original plans I had for this story. Now, I'm considering making this into a series to be continued past the end of the main fic. There will be a conclusion of sorts by the end of this, but there will still be so much that could be explored past that. Please, as we continue, let me know if you would like to see more when this main story is over.  As always, thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I can’t wait to dive into the back half of this fic!
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halucynator · 8 months
hiii lucyy!! my turn now if you don’t mind asjkldgf. okay soo. to catch up : what’s the song you’re currently obsessed with right now? and the last movie you watched? or the series you’re currently watching, if you have any? AND CAN YOU PLEASE tell me what are some of your favorite songs from laufey or beebadobee? <3 i saw them in your intro post (and also you used to have a beebadobee theme i believe?) so thought i could come to your for help because i’ve been wanting to delve more into their music for ages. thank you lucy! i love youu by the way and i hope you’re having a great day <33
sooo im currently obsessed with the way you say hello by tiffi and full machine by gracie abrams!! the last movie i watched im pretty certain was the miraculous awakening movie (dont judge askaasjhdgajshdg) and the series im currently watching is miraculous kjashajsh alsooo hazbin hotel bc i was so very excited about its release i'd been waiting AGESSSSS!! its totally worth i btw but it's definitely NOT for minors lmao with their humour and shit asdhaskjdh
my favourite bea songs!!! now thats harddd okay so i really love all of loveworm bedroom session, youre here thats the thing, ripples, she plays bass, yoshimi forest magdalene, i wish i was stephen malkmus, a night to remember (ft. laufey), if you want to and dance with me (yes i did have a bea theme!!)
and favourite laufey songs are a night to remember (ofc), promise, falling behind, valentine, from the start, lovesick and bewitched
if you want i could make you a bea and laufey playlist if i ever get time askjdhasjd (i have some time like after next week and i love making playlists so!!)
thank you for this ask!! i love your asks theyre so amazing and also i'd love to know your answer to these questions <33
once again, i am SOOO sorry about how late my answer is i thought i replied to it and then kinda forgot about it akjsdhjas i love you too <33 and have a great day as well!! thank youu <3
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starscelly · 3 months
a pleasure to ask more about the flying stars, i love hearing about it! 💚 i love the imagery of them with a long list of names they are debating for their band with only slightly mild hysteria of being up too late whether on some bighuge whiteboard or on a notes app like a baby names list before throwing their hands up, throwing a (hopefully metaphorical!) dart and introducing themselves as a different name every other night and taking audience feedback (getting a crowd of twenty something people to shout out if they prefer shooting stars or seeing stars) i think its so funny that they only realize that roope and robo go absolutely wild after they start performing 😭 five injured, microphone dead, still waiting for the crowd to pass robo back to them, divine inspiration struck for their band name at a show under an overpass and they still gotta pack their gear back up! i know you mention players as staff or assistance or a friend but are there other players involved in the scene? could be performing, could be a fan!
DEEPLY SORRY I LEFT THIS IN MY INBOX FOR SOO LONG.... forgive me. i love discussing the boys i just take forever to ruminate on my thoughts for them <3 i hope the long ass answer makes up for it omg
and oh yes at one point when theyre still figuring out the name they for Sure just start running a bit before shows "WE'RE THE [mumble unintelligible grumbling] STARS!" "hope you're excited to see the [WET COUGH] stars!" "... and with our dearest otter on the drums, WE are YOUR [loud clanging and banging from drumset] STARS!"
also hello "still waiting for the crowd to pass robo back to them" is so funny and so true. he's lost a shoe and ty is trying to drag him back to the stage but somebody has like a death grip on him and onstage otter and roope are frantically looking for something to write the name down with before they forget (miro wrote it in his notes app like the second one of them said it but he's staying quiet about it)
AND YES SO. delly harls are strictly Helping Out. delly by virtue of being otter's best friend/roommate BUT harls was like Into the punk scene!!! and really liked their sound (definitely NOTHING to do with any looks........) and befriended del who introduced him to the band etc etc so he was a fan turned roadie!
and wyatt DOES help run their merch table but he is ALSO a guitarist and singer . his stuff leans a little more like. indie rock than Heavier Punk like the flying stars play but he's a Friend of the Band (dating delly and always at his and otter's apartment because he's renting a room in Normal Dude joe pavelski's family home and is NOT bringing his boyfriend back there) and to seem more Professional they just have him perform as an opener ! because he is very good! though he honestly just ends up playing acoustic covers of popular punk/emo songs half the time the crowds are very endeared by his boyish swag.
i have ALSOOO played with the idea of him eventually Gaining Bandmates. which would probably end up being stank mav and nils! but i just havent fully decided their like. Instruments. i think one of them on keyboard would be kinda fun but grain of salt lol. i also want lian in here somewhere but i need him to get nhl time/more ahl time before i can flesh out those vibes.
AND I DONT THINK I EVER TALKED ABOUT THIS IM JUST REALIZING???? BUT MENTOR BAND!!!! disbanded mentor band but well. they all were fans of [insert tbd band name here actually maybe this is why i never talked about it] who were like. kinda on the cusp of fame? like were probably one album away from Making It before everything kinda crashed down. and it consisted of segs (vocals), klinger (guitar), esa (bass), bish (drums). their breakup was kinda messy and somewhat rooted in like. the very anti sellout culture of punk. to summarize it with like Minimal Detail (bc i would love to make a whole Thing abt it lowkey):
klinger out of nowhere is like. i have to go. there's better opportunities for me in california i know it (which was a Fucking Lie there was Drama with their manager but he didnt know how to or really want to articulate it and just wanted to get far away and his best offer was coming from california) which obviously everyone in the band IMMEDIATELY jumped on him like. what the fuck youre such a sellout we started this band as friends and youre leaving us for better opportunities?? in fucking california?? they were also all already like. on edge and stressed from the level of fame they were starting to get. so it was messy. and then him and esa had a messy breakup ofc. they're all cordial now but it lead to the immediate disbanding of the. band. because esa and tyler wanted to bring in other guitarists but bish refused to play with randos he wanted to play with his FRIENDS and it just. never worked out. so now esa tyler bish (and sometimes klinger when hes in town but . he tries to avoid being in town) spend their days working relatively normal ass jobs and going to flying stars shows and being like Don’t Be Us Don’t Go Sell Out Don’t Run From Feelings. and you know their asses are Listening to that Advice.
^ somehow that was the abbreviated version just trust me
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Tin Tin.
Sorry for answering this late, was doing homework xs
Rye, pal, thanks again for asking this one shssb
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*rubs my grimy hands*
Okey so, the story with Tintin is not that different.
I knew before hand through social osmosis what the character was about.
I think that, after constantly seeing content of Tintin on Twitter I decided to watch the movie. And that's where everything went downhill/j 😂.
I just, love how much of an UNAPOLOGETICALLY Mary sue Tintin can be sometimes, and I'm so here for it. Like, my man literally pilots an airplane based on a interview that he did to a pilot :v, he's basically indestructible (like, how isn't he dead ?).
He does have his moments of flaws and honestly, he also can be pretty unhinged, and has cero self preservation 😂. Like, favorite combat move? Headbutting people nsnsns.
All the characters are really good, but, he just gets me, I find him so endearing, but i don't enjoy drawing him as much cus of his hair 😂, it's kind of a struggle to me.
ALSOOO, he's an ENTP and as an INFJ were literally the perfect match so....XD/ j
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Okay, okay, okkkkkay!!!!
! So I had to choose my college right?! Well my first choice turned out to be an online (the in-person was in another state) but then the one that I didn't really want to go to (because it's farther away and has snow sometimes but still in state) accepted me. So I did a virtual tour and it turns out that I love it. And after doing some more research into their programs and classes and general schooling life I decided it axtually was the one for me!!! So I accepted their offer! Then I had to fill out the housing application and find a roommate. Well I did it and the first person I say immediately matched up 87% with me... everyone else had like a 20% match with me. So we started talking and I thought we fit together really well. We are similar enough thst would could be really great friends, but different enough that we aren't going to get tired or burnt out on each other! And she is coming in from out of state, but I know where she lives and I know it's a super cool place (not this matters much but still) So we are roommates! But need to still get a dorm room, we'll get that down soon though. I got all my Dr's appointments done for now, the only ones left this month are just like check ins. I finally got my graduation announcements ordered!! They are super cute and awesome!! Last month we had my brothers memorial, the same day as prom and a country concert. It was pretty chill, family only. But I didn't go to prom because I have no friends here lol. I did go to the convert though! It was in the evening, Josh Turner! Which was freaking awesome, then the next day it was Lainey Wilson!!! Best thing ever!! And then a couple days later, I went on a hike to a place where my Poppa put up a plaque in honor of my brother (it's on a rock where my brother would have sat for hours). And then finally my biggest freakin news!! My mom handed me her phone saying I had someone who wanted to talk to me. It was my aunt, she asked me if I was doing anything on April 29... and then. AND THEN...
She tells me we are flying to Georgia to go see TAYLOR SWIFTS ERA TOUR!!!!!!! I couldn't breath for a minute, I thought I was gonna pass out! So now I have to figure that out (but something cool about that is in the 1800s I had a family member who was a murderer right, and his family died... because of him. And we are going to be driving right threw the town where it happened!!! Freaky but awesome!)
Alsooo have you seen Daisy Jones and The Six? Because I just finished it and when I tell you I am obsessed... I mean obsessed!! I don't even know what to do with myself. It was just so good. And I fell in love with one of the characters (the only nonproblematic one)
I love you!! Thank you for letting me do my little happy rant and happy dance 🤠 I feel very giggly and like... well happy!!
bestie that sounds so exciting I'm so glad your time at uni is starting out amazing before you're even officially starting!!
I have not seen it yet, I haven't seen anything new for a while lately except for the mandalorian but I really really want to, it's also just not available here yet so I just need to wait for it but honestly good job falling for the good guy, them problematic guys be looking too fine not to fall in love with sometimes
I love you too and I'm so so sorry for only answering now, had such a rough week so I've not been on here much kjsf
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lipstickbisous · 4 years
Such a good little girl for daddy, you love sucking my cock don’t you? -Andy
yes daddy 🥺 i love ur cock in my mouth 
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
what about a cc!wilbur soot x reader where the reader is a singer and just released a song called “hoodie” (which is by hey violent) where the song is inspired by wilbur and the reader’s recent breakup??
alsooo if u don’t mind, can I be 🐝 anon or 👒 anon ??
thank youuuuuuu
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
I used to be obsessed with the song Hoodie! Because it helped me a lot during a certain break up, so I can actually relate to this :'D
And also yes, sorry for answering this so late, but welcome to the family 🐝 anon <3
Anyway, hope you enjoy <3
Wilbur Soot reacting to you writing a song about him
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Requests are CLOSED
Reader: GN - They/Them
Getting over a break up was always hard
Everything around you seemed to always remind you of him
The empty spot on your sofa where he used to make himself comfortable whenever he'd visit
The random guitar picks scattered around the house from said visits
The clothes, that are too big for you, left behind in your closet
Togheter with...the hoodie
His hoodie.
The one you still worn 'till this day, as a way to feel closer to your now ex boyfriend, Wilbur Soot
The strings were all chewed up, the zipper was torn off and now kept in one of the pockets, the smell of his cologne lingered on the overworn material
Oh how you wish he would just come take it back so you could move on. Even if he'd probably think of you as psychotic for keeping it still
And then, on a sleepless night it hit you. All those nights of overthinking and crying were merging into words that you were now pouring into a piece of paper
You let your band take a look at the lyrics and togheter you worked on the music
Before you knew it the day of publishing came
Were you nervous? Absolutely.
What if he knew? What if he gets mad? What if he had moved on and didn't care...?
But the deal was done, the song was made, there was no turning back now.
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Wilbur couldn't help but stare at the youtube video of your bands account
Questions roamed around his head, wondering what the song was or who it was about.
Did you move on or did you write about him?
There was only one way of finding out, so he clicked on the video
The song hit him like a truck of feelings going 100 miles an hour straight into his heart
He knew how you felt, because he was in the same situation
Listening to the song and taking in the lyrics was like taking a time traveling machine and reliving all those moments with you all over again
Your habit of chewing on the hoodie strings whenever you'd get anxious
Your hand slipping into his hoodie pockets whenever you'd get cold
Your little happy smile whenever you knew he wore your favourite cologne
He missed all of it...he missed you.
But was it too late for you two?
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anniarki · 3 years
Hey anniarki 👋 so I’m making a male kiri OC and I’m struggling with which clan he be in… and I was wondering if I can get your opinion on it to help me decide? I was thinking either Ringo or Terumī - @roki3anime
(Sorry If I’m extremely late with my answer)
And for the clan I would start with the abilities of your new OC you want him to have lava release and vapor release kekkei genkai or simply to be extremely skilled with lighting release ( considering the Terumi and Ringo clans main canon abilities)
After deciding his power, skills, his chakra nature I’ll go with his story, what’s his motive, does he agree with the kekkei genkai purges? Does he liked the bloody mist era? As well in which part of the time of Kirigakure would he exist, if it is when the purges were a big deal and he is part of the Terumi clan how is he going to hide his power? How did he survived? Or maybe he got a recessive gene of the Ringo clan and he got some sort of thunderstorm kekkei genkai idk, if he exist in the Boruto era does he agree with Chojuro’s political view or not? (You know you can ask yourself questions like that you make your character more real)
Now you may ask, “why would I need that info?” I honestly believe (and that’s how I had been creating my oc) that their actions and points of view of their environment are extremely connected with the clan and social status they have (thinking of naruto) and in the case of Kirigakure OC I truly believe that the caste they belong influenced a lot in their actions and mannerisms; we know that Kirigakure was ruled (or is still ruled) by a caste system having 3 different castes in the village; so after you had decided his purpose his reason of existing there of if he is just going to exist for fun, the answers of all those questions will help you in building his personality and how he will interact with other characters. So after all that work I would focus on his design and his color pallet.
And alsooo you can just create your OC according to the clan you like the most☺️ remember that as long as you are happy with it and you love it you are doing it perfectly fine 💕
I hoped I had helped you somehow!! If you got anymore questions or doubts you can send me a message and I will gladly answer 💕 and I hope to see that OC of yours soon!!! 💖
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avnkin · 4 years
The Pogues - Chapter 1 // Midsummers
Pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: underage drinking and swearing I think that’s about it
Word count: 2k
Summary: You were a kook, born and raised but when a messy breakup with your boyfriend takes place you find comfort in the people who you’d been taught to despise and keep away from your entire life, the Pogues.
(A/N): the first chapter, yay! i’m so excited for this series i’ve already sort of planned how I want it to go alsooo this is a s l o w b u r n fic or an attempt at one lmao so i’m again just sort of introducing the idea of JJ and the reader getting together,, this isn’t my best work but eh also please don’t be afraid to give me feedback I love hearing from y’all so my inbox is always open, thank you for reading!!<3 (not my gif creds to owner)
series masterlist
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The day you’d been dreading had finally come, Midsummers, the event had already begun when you’d just finished getting ready, you subtly admired yourself in the mirror that stood before you. You and Sarah had decided on wearing the same dresses just different colors hers was white and yours was black, your curly hair rested on your shoulders, running all the way down your back, your mom had paid a makeup artist to come to your house and do yours and hers make up a couple of hours ago since she wanted you to look your absolute best tonight.
You sighed running your hands down the dress before moving towards the door your fingers hesitantly hovering above the doorknob, knowing exactly what was awaiting you downstairs, you took a deep breath, straightening your back and fixing your posture since you knew your mother was going to comment on it if you didn’t before opening the door and making your way downstairs.
Standing at the bottom of the steps was your mom who gasped when she saw you and quickly ran over to the dining room table grabbing her camera and capturing every single step as you made your way downstairs. “Mom stop” you laughed the flash momentarily blinding you, she engulfed you into a hug as soon as you got to the last step “I’m sorry sweetie but you look absolutely incredible” she gushed taking one more picture as you turned towards your dad who smiled down at you his eyes glossing over “my little girl” he breathed pulling you into a hug your mom capturing the moment with her camera, “thank you for doing this sweetie, now come on let’s get going, we’re already running a bit late” he smiled putting his arms around you and your mom as you made your way out of the house.
As soon as you arrived you immediately went to look for Sarah ditching your parents who simply waved you off getting used to your antics. When you spotted Sarah in the crowd and she did you, you guys practically ran to each other, “evening madam” you spoke in a fake English accent “may I say you look absolutely dashing tonight” you commented “yes, yes you may” she replied trying her best to sound posh before engulfing you into a hug “that accent was bad” you laughed as you let each other go “It was, I was gonna let it go” she chuckled along with you.
“Come on Mary’s gonna sneak us some ‘adult beverages’” Sarah winked at you, wiggling her eyebrows “exactly what I need right now” you replied following her into the crowd where you both took turns hiding behind Mary as you took countless sips of the alcohol she passed you guys.
A little later in the evening, you felt just a little drunk, but not so much where you couldn’t hide it and keep yourself together. You had managed to steer clear from Rafe most of the night aside from the fact he had to escort you along with the rest of the girls and boys, but you knew your luck was bound to run out at some point.
You and Sarah were currently in the middle of the dance floor jumping and dancing to the music having the time of your lives when Sarah decided to grab your hand in an attempt to spin you in a circle but when you spun halfway you stopped abruptly when you were stood face to face with someone you were not expecting to see tonight.
“JJ?” you questioned furrowing your eyebrows as the blonde boy stared down at you quickly reaching his hand over your shoulder passing Sarah a note “It’s a, uh, it’s from Vlad” he winked at her, you looked over at Sarah who was practically beaming as she grabbed the note out of JJ’s hand “Vlad?” you questioned turning around to face her “I’ll tell you about it later, cover for me!” she yelled as she made her way out of the crowd.
“What the hell” you frowned finding yourself without a dance partner, you turned back around only to see that JJ was still standing there, you had to admit he looked hot in the waiter's outfit he was wearing, his hair brushed back, the white shirt wrapping itself around his muscular arms just right.
“You wanna dance?” the words just kinda fell out of your mouth before you could register what you were saying and who you were talking too. JJ was taken aback by your question but sure enough one of his hands found your waist as the other interlocked with your fingers, gently swaying you around.
“Who’s Vlad” was the first thing you could think of saying as you both stared down at each other “John B” he replied, spinning you around before pulling you back into his chest, you giggled letting your hand rest on his bicep. “You’re a good dancer” you beamed “likewise, princess” he hummed smirking down at you “princess huh? that’s new” you smiled feeling like you were walking on air as JJ’s hands tightened around your waist and yours found their way around his neck.
Your moment was interrupted when Mr. Dunleavy tapped JJ’s shoulder asking for another Dewar’s and Tonic drink, “right away sir” JJ replied waving the old man of turning back to face you, when he did you found yourself taking a better look at his face and you noticed the bruises and the cuts that covered his sun kissed skin “what happened?” you frowned running your fingers lightly over his bruised cheek “that would be the works of your lovely boyfriend” he remarked “ex-boyfriend” you corrected him, he seemed pleased at your response but before he could reply a hand was placed on his shoulder and he was quickly turned around, big surprise it was Rafe.
“I was wondering if you could get me a mai tai my friend” Rafe quipped, this isn’t good you thought eyes connecting with Rafe’s “yeah how about you make that two Pogue” Kelce backed Rafe up. 
“Rafe stop” you interrupted moving so you stood in between him and JJ. “So what Y/N you’re dating Pogues now?” Rafe scoffed eyes burning holes through yours “No, but even if I was its none of your business anymore” you argued crossing your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow at him.
“You know what gentlemen I’m actually on the clock right now” JJ spoke before Rafe could answer you, placing both his hands on your shoulders lightly pushing you out of the way so he was now facing Rafe “you guys look spiffy” you chuckled at JJ’s words “I actually got a couple of orders ahead of you so why don’t you guys go help yourselves to some hors d’oeuvres” JJ suggested slowly starting to back away from Rafe and Kelce, “hey guys JJ’s gonna serve us some hors d’oeuvres” Rafe called out to the rest of his friends motioning for them to come over “Rafe don’t-” you began but JJ cut you off “I’ll be right back”
“Yeah we're actually gonna follow you just to make sure-” but before Rafe could finish JJ ran into the building Rafe and the rest of his friends following shortly after “shit” you mumbled making your way inside, one against five wasn’t a fair fight and you weren’t about to let your ex-boyfriend beat up JJ just because you asked him to dance with you.
It took some time for you to find them since they’d quickly disappeared out of sight but eventually, you heard familiar voices coming from near the locker rooms “hold him still. What-what do you think? a four iron right?” you heard Rafe’s voice, you panicked knowing you couldn’t stop this on your own “keep his head still I’m gonna line this” shit shit shit you thought ��very Rafe of you huh? five on one” JJ could be heard “if you could please stop talking it’s very disrespectful. I’m trying to hit a ball” Rafe’s words quickly snapped you back into action as you did the first thing you could think of and ran to find one of the security guards, as soon as you spotted one you ran up to him “excuse me, sir, there’s something going on in one of the locker rooms” you panted leading him to it.
You pointed him towards the direction of the guys and he quickly walked over “gentlemen” he spoke causing Kelce to let go of the neck hold he’d had JJ in “is there a problem here?” he asked, you walked in shortly after glaring at Rafe who scoffed, quickly putting two and two together, eyes darting between you and the security guard, JJ’s eyes looked up into yours and he smiled “pardon me officer no there’s not an issue I just- actually yes there is an issue uh, we got a criminal trespass in progress here, beep! call it in right, I’m in violation of all kinds of shit sir, but these young gentlemen” JJ breathed out going to fix Kelce’s tie who slapped his hands away “don’t touch my shit” Kelce barked down at him “but these young gentlemen caught me sir and they’re about to take me away. And that’s what you should do escort me out of here” the security guard rolled his eyes grabbing JJ’s arm and dragging him out after him.
“Fix that tie son” JJ teased pointing at Kelce “you’re looking spiffy too. You Powerpuff girls have fun” he waved them off, it was hard to hold in your laughter at his words, your eyes quickly found his and he smiled at you winking just like he’d done in the restaurant the other day. This boy was going to cause some problems in your life you just felt it as you watched him get dragged out by the security guard.
“Real classy Y/N” Rafe scoffed making his towards you “whatever Rafe it wasn’t a fair fight and you know it” you argued turning to walk away but he quickly grabbed you preventing you from moving any further “you just watch yourself alright I don’t want to have to do something I don’t wanna do because you can’t control yourself” Rafe retorted obviously implying that you were sleeping with JJ “you know what fuck you Rafe” you spat stomping away from him and back out into the crowd of people.
You felt relieved once you saw Sarah had returned and you quickly ran towards her, but as you were about to tell her what had happened you were interrupted by by JJ’s voice yelling over the crowd of people “it’s okay everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let’s hear it for them” he started clapping as the security guard desperately tried to drag him away “Rose! you look like lady liberty” JJ pointed towards Sarah’s stepmom causing you and her to giggle as you looked over at each other.
“Let go of him!” Kiara suddenly yelled, drawing all attention to her “you can’t just boot him, I invited him here, I’m a member of this club” she stated her parents quickly trying to get her to back down but she ignored them. That’s when JJ took his chance and pushed the security guard away from him making a run towards the exit.
“Hope I’ll be seeing you around Y/N, you look dashing as always” he smiled coming to a halt next to you grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips placing a small kiss on top of it, you blushed thanking him as he raised your hand up, spinning you around one more time before he gestured for Pope and Kiara to follow him which they did despite the protest of their parents. You felt a weird feeling of calm wash over you as you watched the three of them run away, John B quickly joining them and JJ saluting you as you both made eye contact one last time.
“We’re screwed” Sarah sighed putting an arm around your shoulder as you both watched the two boys who managed to capture your attention disappear into the night “yes we are”.
tag list: @k-n-e @avashroom @sspidermanss @free-pool-trash @we-are-only-halfway-home93 @k-k0129 @charoum @daygiowvibe @maybebanks @treestarrrrrrrr @whothehellistova @chasefreakinstokes @http-cherries @dolanfivsosxox
strikethrough means Tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you :( If you want to be added to the taglist let me know!! also please notify me if I forgot to tag you. <33
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nonstoplover · 4 years
unbelievable ~ Daniel Seavey (song drabble)
my masterlist │my song drabbles
song i used as inspiration: why don't we ~ unbelievable
words: 3.4K
approximate reading time: about 10-15 mins
kinda warnings: okay so i don't actually know how Daniel's high school years and the start of his career were, and i changed a few things, please don't take it into consideration and just enjoy this xxx alsooo i'm not from the US, i have no clue how the school system actually works there. it's more like a huge flashback, moving over a couple years, but i felt like it was needed with his one
a/n: i felt like it’d only be truly appropriate if i did this song with one of the wdw boys. and i love Daniel more than anything. oops. oh and they announced a new album???? hell yes!!
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(y/n)'s eyes lazily open and she blinks a few times while pressing her palm against her lips to muffle a yawn. As she takes in the room around her, it doesn't take more than a mere second for her (y/e/c) eyes to widen. It's not her room. And when she suddenly realises whose room it is, she lets out a gasp.
She's in Daniel's room. In his bed.
As her head moves around her surrondings, her body moves as well, and all of a sudden she becomes very much aware of how she's naked under the covers.
As she's about to finish the sentence and remember how she got in this situation, the bathroom door opens and Daniel walks out in nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips, water droplets falling from his just washed hair. (y/n) lets out a gasp, and all of a sudden she can remember everything crystal clear.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - flashback - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The (y/l/n) family moves to Vancouver, Oregon when (y/n)'s in the middle of freshman year. She has to transfer to a new school, something that scares the hell out of her. She's shy, she's nervous, and she's clumsy - a terrible combination.
And it's almost predictable how her first day eventually goes. On her way to her very first class, she bumps into someone as she reaches the top of the stairs on her way to find the right classroom in a hurry - as not at all surprisingly she's late - and all the papers in her hands fly all around as she falls down to the floor. An immediate blush paints her cheeks bright pink as she turns around to kneel on the cold ground, trying to collect everything whilst mumbling a quiet sorry towards the shoes of the other person.
"It's alright," she hears the voice of a boy coming from above her head before he squats down, helping her get the papers that flew out of her reach.
"Thanks," (y/n) mumbles yet again, still not daring to look up at him. Very good, (y/n), a perfect way to start your first day here.
But then suddenly a hand appears in front of her eyes, palm up and open for her to take it, and she caves in, raising her glance. She's immediately taken aback by the pair of impossibly blue orbs watching her, she's never seen such a colour. The boy's smiling at her, the kindness in his eyes radiant and making her much calmer within a moment. It feels like as long as she has this boy in this school, everything will be alright.
She dreamily accepts the held out hand, still lost in those icy yet still warm ocean coloured eyes. He pulls her up with seemingly no effort, and they stand in silence for a couple seconds, their hands still linked.
"You're new here, right?" The boy finally speaks up, his voice just as gentle as his expression, and it wakes the girl from her thoughts. The shyness comes back within a moment and she simply nods, not knowing what to actually say, but the boy doesn't seem to mind as he continues speaking. "I'm Daniel."
"(y/n)," she answers, and his smile widens, moving their hands in a shaking motion.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
The next moment a door slams shut in the distance and it reminds both of them that they should be somewhere else. (y/n) swiftly looks down at her paper to remind herself which classroom she should find, then moves her head back up, glancing up and down the corridor, trying to decipher which way to go.
"Can I help you?" Daniel asks her, seeing her obvious uncertainty. "Which classroom?"
He steps closer to look at the paper and she points at the proper part, trying to steady her slightly shaking fingers. Daniel nods and points towards their left, telling her the exact direction. A relieved sigh escapes her lungs as she adjusts the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, thanking the boy once again. He was a lifesaver.
"Okay, then. See you!" Daniel waves and after she smiles, nodding at him, he turns around and jogs down the stairs, soon disappearing from her sight.
(y/n) blinks a couple times, trying to concentrate on the things ahead of her instead of thinking about the boy. She follows his instructions and finds the classroom in no time. After a quick excuse to the teacher, telling him that she got lost (which was actually true - just not the whole truth), and a similarly quick introduction she sinks down in an empty seat.
It doesn't take long till the image of the boy - Daniel - comes back to her mind, pushing all other thoughts out.
She has never seen such an attractive boy before.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next time Daniel asks her how she's feeling, how's the new school for her and they talk for a couple minutes before the bell rings and they have to part.
After their first accidental (and literal) bumping into each other the same thing kept on happening every other day. The first few times it happened they just smiled at each other, saying hello and moving on, but when they collide for the sixth time, it's just too funny to let it pass like that and Daniel comments on how interesting it is that it happens so often, and they share a proper laugh.
The next time (y/n) compliments his T-shirt that has one of her favourite band's logo printed on the middle part and it sparks a new kind of conversation they decide to continue at lunch break. (y/n) tells him where her last class before the break will be and he waits for her right outside the door as soon as class ends and they walk to the cafeteria together, already immersed in the conversation.
They find other shared favourites and hobbies which leads to more and more, longer and longer conversations, and after a while talking in school just doesn't seem enough. They start meeting every other week outside of school, sitting in fast food restaurants and walking around the city, talking endlessly until their vocal cords start hurting.
By the time summertime comes, they're close friends, purposely hanging out every other day, and it becomes harder and harder for (y/n). The previously childish feelings - crushing on the boy - seem to turn more and more serious with every single second she spends in his company.
His personality keeps her amazed, how many things they have in common, how honest, kind, selfless he so effortlessly and always is. And after the first time she hears him play music, she's absolutely mesmerised by his talent.
And don't even get started about how his eyes sparkle when he talks about something he loves, how his smile lights up his whole face and makes everyone around him want to smile right back. How perfect of a body he has...
And literally everything about him (y/n) finds perfect. She's falling hard, deeper and deeper as the more time passes, and there's nothing that could stop it.
What (y/n) doesn't know is that Daniel is starting to feel the same way. He finds himself think more and more often about how she's everything he ever needed. He's just not sure if she feels the same way, and there's no way he'd sacrifice the amazing friendship they had for such a foolish thing.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
When Daniel auditions for American Idol and eventually finishes in the top 9, (y/n) feels happier than ever, proud of her friend's success and glad that finally other people start to realise his extreme talent as well. While he's away, she misses him terribly, but pushes it to the back of her heart and mind, not letting it affect her mood and eventually let Daniel know about it. It's better if it stays hidden.
And when it's hard for him back in Vancouver, back in the school, she always has his back. He can always count on her standing up for him against all the petty students who make fun of him.
And when his success starts coming back, she's still there, right by his side - making it hard for Daniel to leave town to move to LA and start a band, but she practically orders him to go. His talent needs to be seen (and heard) by the whole wide world.
They keep in touch all the time, occasionally meeting (every time Daniel flies back to Vancouver - which isn't that often), and their friendship doesn't fade a single bit. They stay just as close as before, which is why Daniel invites (y/n) to LA to accompany him to the celebrating party of the release of Why Don't We's first album.
Though it doesn't take them long before they feel like it's enough and sneak off together to just aimlessly wander the streets, half-drunk from the bottles of booze in their hands, stumbling around, just laughing and having non-stop fun.
And then somehow their steps lead to Daniel's place, back to his room they spent the afternoon in and set off to the party from, leading to things escalating pretty swiftly.
- - - - - - - - - - end of flashback - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Good morning," Daniel chuckles, seeing her wide eyes.
"Good mo-" she subconsciously starts answering before swiftly shaking her head and changing her words. "What? How?"
"Which part?"
Daniel moves closer to the bed, a grin still sitting on his lips as he sits down on the mattress. His hands moves on instinct to grab the girl's but mid-movement stops himself, suddenly uncertain of how (y/n)'s feeling.
"I don't know, the whole thing," she whispers, looking away.
If Daniel says it was only a one night stand, her heart will be permanently shattered, she knows that. It's one thing to hide your true feelings from your best friend and another very different thing to hide those very feelings after sleeping with him.
"Actually, forget I said anything. I'll go pack," she clutches the sheet to her body, wrapping herself completely in it as she moves to stand up and gather her clothes that lay all across the floor. The embarrassment she feels is the worst she has ever felt and she just wishes Daniel would disappear from the room, or at least take his piercing eyes off of her.
"Do you regret it?" Daniel asks, the slight hurt he tries to hide still obvious in his voice.
"I don't know," (y/n) repeats her previous words.
That's how she feels about the whole situation. She doesn't know anything. What's going on, why it happened in the first place, what's gonna happen now.
She dares to cast a short glance back at the boy, and the sadness on his face makes her regret saying it, even though it confuses her even more. Why would he be sad? But seeing him like that has always been something that broke her heart, so she opens her mouth and says the first thing that comes to her lips.
"I mean, I don't want it to ruin our friendship. But it was great."
As soon as her mind comprehends what she actually said, (y/n) frowns, raising a hand to hide her face behind it. This is the worst thing she could've said. A moment later she feels the material around her body loosen with only one hand holding onto it so she swiftly removes the hand in front of her face to grip it again.
Her eyes land on Daniel and his unreadable expression. What is he thinking?, she wonders. I wish I knew.
"Isn't it a bit too late to worry about that?" His bitter voice enters her mind a couple seconds later, and he ends the sentence with an equally bitter, dark chuckle.
"Is it?" (y/n) asks back, eyes widening again as the realisation hits in that it might be the end of their friendship. She might lose her best friend in this very moment.
"I'm not sure I'd be able to go back to displaying no feelings after this," Daniel admits with a shrug, standing up from the bed to move to his desk instead, grabbing his phone as if he's trying to signal that on his end, the conversation is over.
What?! What did he say?
(y/n) feels too shocked to be able to say something sensible as the boy's words float around her brain. She tries to make sense of them. Did he say what she thinks he did? Did he mean it like that?
"What-" she speaks up, but her voice is so hoarse she has to pause and clear her throat before she could continue. "What do you mean?"
Daniel looks up from his phone, the screen lighting up his face from under. A water drop falls from the strand of hair that escaped from the rest of his hair and fell in front of his eyes and (y/n) follows its movement before returning her glance to his face.
"I mean, there's no point in hiding it anymore, I guess," he shrugs once more, his face still like a mask, unreadable and emotionless. "I like you. I do ever since sophomore year. Hell, I don't like you. I love you. I felt this way for long enough to know it's already love."
(y/n) sucks in a breath, and her heart feels like stopping - at least it skips a beat. All these years she has been wanting to hear these words so bad coming from Daniel's lips, yet they never did. And now he has just said them as it was nothing special, nothing extraordinary. As if he was talking about the weather when actually he was making her heartbeat fasten rapidly and her head start spinning endlessly.
As she tries to gather her thoughts to be able to express how happy he made her, she sees Daniel move from the corner of her eyes. He locks his phone, tossing it on the bed and taking a step towards the door. Then another one. And another.
(y/n) watches it happen in slow motion, only her mind spinning fast to find the best solution to stop him. And as if a magnet pulls her in, her body moves towards him on instinct, getting in his way before he reaches the door, stopping his walk. She raises both hands to grab his face and the sheet immediately falls down to the floor, but she couldn't care less.
It's not like he hasn't seen me naked.
And what she's about to do is much more important than the fact that she's entirely naked.
Just as Daniel's eyes widen, she pushes herself up to stand on her tiptoes and she leans in right away, pressing her lips to his without hesitation. For a moment he seems frozen under her touch, but she just keeps kissing him until he eventually melts and gives into her, his arms moving around her torso and pulling her flush against him as he kisses back with such a force it makes (y/n)'s heart beat even faster - so fast she fears it would be too much for the organ and it'd give up beating.
But she doesn't stop the kiss, just enjoys the moment to the fullest, now without any distraction from the slight amount of alcohol running in her veins last night that made everything a little blurry. Now she's in the moment a hundred percent, giving her all into it, feeling every single thing crystal clear.
How Daniel tastes - some kind of mint toothpaste -, how his damp hair feels in-between her fingers as she subconsciously tugs on his locks, how all of the places their skin touch feel like burning, how his strong arms keep her secure in his embrace, how he smells - the shampoo and the body lotion they bought when once he asked her to help him choose one.
And throughout it all, his previous words keep repeating inside her mind, making her the happiest every time, again and again.
It's perfect. Everything is perfect.
When they run out of breath, their lips part, but their foreheads connect instead, touching the other's delicately.
"What was this?" Daniel mumbles, the small breath he lets out whilst speaking tickling the skin of her lips.
"I thought it was obvious," (y/n) giggles in response.
"Not for me, please use your words, too," he asks, and even though she can see that mesmerising, electrifying sparkle in his eyes that lets her know that he knows exactly what she means, she's more than happy to give him what he wants and say the words she has wanted to say for years out loud.
"I love you, Daniel."
His whole face seems to light up even more as he hears the words. "Thank you," he whispers before moving in yet again, pressing feather-like kisses against her lips, then moving around her whole face, across her collarbone and shoulders.
Then slowly, very slowly he draws back, smiling at her so wide it slits his face in two. His arms loosen around her torso and he moves a tiny bit further. Looking deep into her eyes he waits for a moment, just enjoying the moment as it is, peaceful, happy and filled with endless love. Then he opens his mouth again.
"Get ready, we're going out for breakfast."
(y/n) chuckles, then a thought pops in her mind and she smirks up at the boy. "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"If you're asking me, I think we're way past asking out, but yeah, it's a date," he grins back.
"Okay, true. But this is the first official one!" (y/n) winks before lowering her arms from their position wrapped around Daniel's neck. Her fingers travel down his chest and abdomen and she takes a step back, swiftly leaning down to grab her clothes and making her way to the bathroom.
Midway there she hears a whistle from behind her back and she glances back above her shoulder to see Daniel standing with the sheet she has previously dropped to the ground in his hands, a naughty smirk on his face, his eyes glued to her body. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at his action before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
Leaning against it, she lets out a deep breath. It feels like as if a huge rock has just rolled down from her chest. She doesn't have to hide her feelings anymore. Daniel knows. And he feels the same way.
She steps further inside the room, placing the clothes in her hands down on the closed lid of the toilet when a new idea pops in her head. She ponders about it for a moment even though from the smile that spreads on her face in an instant she already knows she likes the idea way too much to stop herself now.
"Daniel!" She calls out throughout the door and within a moment she hears him answer back with a simple 'yeah?' . "Could you please borrow me one of your shirts for today?"
For a second everything stays silent. (y/n) temporarily holds back her breathing so she could hear everything coming from outside the bathroom better and it's not long until she hears Daniel's steps growing louder and louder before a gentle knock sounds against the door. Though before she could answer, he's already opening it, stepping inside with a shirt in his hand. It's (y/n)'s favourite.
"You can have it forever, not just for today," he announces playfully, then his eyes swiftly move down her body and back up. "Can I join you?" His head signals towards the shower.
(y/n) raises an eyebrow and tilts her head as if she needs to give it a thought. Daniel takes a half step towards her, his fingers already playing with the towel around his waist. It's clear that he'd love it if she said yes to his question and he's more than happy to get rid of that towel, but it's also clear that he'd do nothing but understand if she said no. And it's something that makes her heart flutter with extreme happiness and adoration.
She thinks about teasing him even more, but watching his waiting posture and intensely sparkling eyes she knows she couldn't take it and her head moves in a simple but clearly visible a nod and in a single moment Daniel kicks the door behind him shut, the material around his body falling to the tiles as he marches the rest of the way towards her with an insanely attractive and mischievous grin playing on his lips.
.::the end::.
my masterlist
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 6
Alright, we’re swapping out the drama for some fluff this part. Alsooo idk if y’all are gonna hate or love me after the end of this one, BUT LET’S FIND OUT. 
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 6/26
Pairing: Adam Page x OFC and Kenny Omega x OFC
Warnings: Alcohol use, language
Word Count: 2.1k
Catch up on previous parts here.
Callie marched to the bar, her empty glass in hand. She needed another drink, stat.
She’d had it with Kenny’s bullshit. They’d never been the best of friends; even before everything with Alex had blown up, she’d always felt like he only tolerated her because she was with Adam. But now? Now it seemed like he wasn’t even trying to hide his disdain, and that didn’t sit well with her. Not with her match against Alex in less than a week.
A loud, obnoxious burst of laughter sounded from across the room, drawing Callie from her thoughts. She looked toward the lounge area; Alex and Kris were playing a game of pool against Cash and Dax, and Kris was laughing as Alex tried to distract Cash from making his shot by leaning suggestively over the table. Callie rolled her eyes. Next Wednesday couldn’t come fast enough.
“Hey, baby.”
Adam came up behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back. She smiled up at him, his touch instantly soothing her. At least they weren’t fighting tonight. “Hey, cowboy.”
“I saw you talking with Kenny,” he said. “Is everything alright?”
Her smile faded. Maybe she’d thought too soon. “Yeah, we were just talking about the match,” she said, trying to brush it off. She wrapped her arms around his waist. “What’s up with you?”
He pulled her closer and nodded toward the terrace. “Come outside with me. I think we could use some alone time.”
She smirked up at him. “Okay. Let me just get another drink.”
The bartender fixed Callie another cocktail and Adam took her hand and led her outside onto the terrace. They moved to a spot that gave them some privacy away from the party. Callie gave him a curious look as they sat down. “What brought this on?”
“I just thought we could talk,” he said. “We haven’t been doing much of that lately.”
Callie frowned when he said that. “Yeah; you’re right,” she regretfully admitted. “Is there something on your mind?”
Adam’s eyebrows arched. “A lot, actually,” he answered with a rueful grin. “But I just think we need to clear the air. Things have been tense between us lately, and I don’t like fighting with you, Cal. I want us to be good again.”
He paused and looked down into his nearly empty glass of whiskey. Callie reached over and took his hand again, interlacing their fingers together. Telling him without words that he could tell her anything. So he did.
“I know this whole situation with Alex has been getting to you, and I know you’re worried that Kenny and I won’t be entirely in your corner next week. And honestly, I can’t speak for Kenny. But I want you to know that I have your back one hundred percent. Okay?”
He looked back at her with those blue eyes of his, and there was no possible way that Callie couldn’t believe him. She felt terrible for ever doubting him in the first place. “I know you will,” she assured. “But if we’re being honest… I honestly don’t think I want Kenny at ringside next week.”
Adam cocked his head at her. “Why not?”
She let out a sigh. “Britt told me that he and Alex used to be… involved. And after everything that’s gone on, I just don’t think I trust him not to interfere.”
Suddenly, Adam tensed. He shifted in his seat. Callie sent him a questioning look. “What?”
He sighed. “Well. There’s something I need to tell you. It’s kind of the reason I wanted to talk.”
Her face fell. But he went on before she could ask.
“In the interest of being honest, a long time ago… Alex and I got drunk and made out.”
Callie’s grip on his hand loosened. “What?”
He couldn’t defend himself fast enough. “That’s all that happened, and it meant absolutely nothing, Callie, I promise. But I felt like I needed to get it out in the open in order for us to move forward.”
For a long, tense moment, Callie didn’t say anything. She was equal parts shocked, angry, and jealous. All this time he’d sworn up and down that he and Alex were absolutely nothing but friends, and the entire time he’d been harboring this secret? She looked back at him, ready to give him a piece of her mind; but when she saw the look on his face, she stopped short. She could tell from the remorse in his eyes that he’d meant every word. “Well, I wish you hadn’t waited to tell me until now… while drunk Alex is inside trying her hardest to sleep with Cash…” she muttered. “But I’m glad you told me. Really.”
“Of course,” he said. “But trust me—that’s not Alex trying her hardest.”
He was smirking. But Callie wasn’t amused. “Is that supposed to make me feel better about what she did with you? Because it doesn’t.”
He let out a laugh. “I’m sorry. That probably wasn’t the best thing to say.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, no shit,” she muttered; but Adam squeezed her hand tighter.
“I don’t want there to be secrets between us, Callie,” he said. “I love you—only you.”
She looked back into his eyes, and once again, Callie felt all her anger and jealousy disappear. Without saying a word, she moved closer and tucked herself underneath his arm. And as hugged her against him, she felt more secure in their relationship than she had in a long time.
* * * * * * * * * *
As the night wore on the party dwindled down and people started to filter out. Trent, James, and Kris had already taken an Uber back to the hotel, but Alex and Chuck had stayed behind; Alex because Mariposa didn’t want the party to end, and Chuck because he was worried what Mariposa might make Alex do. Needless to say, he was relieved when she said goodbye to Cash with little more than a lingering hug.
“Alright, I think it’s time to get you to bed,” Chuck said. Alex grinned up at him.
“How forward of you, Chuckie.”
He rolled his eyes; but she didn’t miss the nervous way the corner of his mouth quirked up. “You know what I mean.”
“I know,” she relented. “And you’re right. Let’s go back to the hotel.”
“Alright,” he said. “Wait here; I gotta step outside to get the Uber. I don’t get any signal in here.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and jogged out to the terrace. Alex watched him go around the corner of the building before she turned and started toward the bar, intending to get some water; but she stopped short. Kenny was sitting alone in the corner, scrolling through his phone. She thought he’d left hours ago.
She fidgeted, wondering if she should say something. But before she could decide, he looked up and spotted her. “Alex. Hey.”
“Hey,” she echoed. “I didn’t know you were still here.”
He shrugged as he put down his phone. “I wanted to stay and make sure no one did anything stupid.”
An awkward laugh escaped her. “Probably a good idea,” she said.
There was a pregnant pause, neither of them sure what to say next. But then Kenny beckoned her over. “Come sit.”
Alex nervously bit her lip; but she quieted her uncertainty and walked over. She caught the scent of his cologne as she sat down next to him. It smelled just as good as she remembered.
“So,” he started. “I’m glad you and Callie didn’t try to kill each other tonight.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m done worrying about her bullshit,” she returned. “We have the match next week. That’s all I care about.”
Kenny’s knee brushed against hers as he sat back. Neither of them moved. “Speaking of the match, Callie seems to think I’m going to interfere on your behalf.”
Her brow furrowed as she shot him a look. “What? When did she tell you that?”
“Tonight. But I honestly don’t care. She can believe what she wants.”
Alex looked down at their touching knees. Had she been sober, she probably wouldn’t have asked her next question. But she wasn’t sober—and she wanted to know. “Would you do that?”
Kenny looked over at her. “If things get out of hand… yeah. I would.”
She bit her lip again. Part of her was flattered; but a bigger part of her was annoyed. “I appreciate the concern, Kenny. But I don’t need you to protect me.”
“I know you don’t.”
“Then why do you constantly insist on doing it?”
“Because I care about you, Alex.”
His eyes met hers, and Alex’s breath caught in her throat. She’d forgotten how blue they were—but she hadn’t forgotten the way it made her feel when he looked at her like that. She’d been burying that feeling for a year. But right now, it was impossible to ignore.
He leaned closer. “I care about what happens to you. I care about if you’re happy, or if you’re hurt, or if you’re frustrated. And yeah, I’d care if you were sleeping with someone else. I wanted to kill Cash tonight.”
Alex tilted her face toward his. Maybe her body was only reacting the way it was because of the alcohol, but she didn’t care. She wanted to feel him. “What else do you want to do?”
He glanced at her lips. “I really want to kiss you.”
She inched closer. “Then do it.”
The air was so charged that it felt like they’d get shocked if they touched. But just when Alex thought Kenny would close the space between them, he turned away. “Not like this.”
She pulled back. “Why not?”
“Because.” He reached up and pushed her hair out of her face; she leaned into his touch. “You’re drunk, baby. If you still feel this way tomorrow—and I sincerely hope you do—then we’ll talk.”
She pouted. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, it was probably for the best. “Fine.”
He smiled softly at her. “How about I give you a ride back to the hotel?”
Alex sobered up a bit then. Chuck—she’d forgotten all about him and the Uber. She looked around, but she didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he was still outside.
“What’s wrong?” Kenny asked.
“Nothing,” she returned. “Let me just go tell Chuck and we can go.”
“Alright,” he nodded. “I’ll wait here.”
Alex stood and moved toward the terrace, nerves tightening her stomach. It was terrible; she already felt guilty for ditching Chuck for Kenny. But she wanted to go with him. She knew she’d regret it if she didn’t.
She pulled the door open and stepped outside just as Chuck rounded the corner of the building. He let out an apologetic huff when he saw her. “Sorry. Fucking James called just as I was trying to get the Uber to ask if we could get him McDonald’s on the way back, and then Trent got on the line wanting to know if you’d left with Cash and he gave me a bunch of shit and yeah. It’s not important. The car’s almost here so we should get our stuff.”
He started to head back inside, but Alex cut him off. She took a deep breath—and then she blurted it out. “Actually, I’m getting a ride with Kenny. Please don’t judge or hate me.”
 Chuck paused, surprised. But if he was upset, she couldn’t tell. His expression didn’t give anything away. “I would never judge or hate you, Alex,” he said. “But are you sure? Did you make this decision or did Mariposa?”
She rolled her eyes. “I did,” she returned. “And yes. I’m sure.”
He ran a hand through his hair as he looked back inside. “Okay,” he breathed. “Just use protection, alright?”
Alex’s cheeks unexpectedly flushed. “Oh my God, I’m not gonna sleep with him; he’s just giving me a ride,” she said. But Chuck didn’t say anything in return; he looked like he was somewhere else. Her brow furrowed. “Is something wrong?”
He snapped back to attention and shook his head. “No. Go ahead—I’ll see you back at the hotel.”
A frown pulled at Alex’s lips. But she nodded. “Okay,” she said. She offered a parting smile and turned to head back inside. And as Chuck watched her disappear through the door, he wished he would have asked her not to go.
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