#also... i wrote this without spelling check
dearweirdme · 1 year
Hello! If they ask you why you believe in taekook, what would you say? And on the other hand, what do you think happened to Bogum and Tae's friendship?
Hi anon!
This might get long, because it seems insufficient to simply state ‘ít's their bodylanguage". Let me first state that I don't think it's possible for anyone to be absolutely sure that Taehyung and Jungkook are together. We see so little of their actual lives, it's impossible for anyone to be 100 percent sure of this. Having said that, I do believe it's possible for us to be fairly sure that they are a couple.
I wouldn't be able to explain my believe in Taekook in just one sentence or by just one situation that's shown their connection. BTS as a group are very close. Some of the members are also physically comfortable with each other. The way it's normal for men to show skinship in South Korea is a thing that has made me question whether I was misunderstanding Tae and Jk's relationship a lot in the beginning. It was confusing to me because on the one hand being queer isn't much accepted in South Korea, but on the other hand it isn't weird for men to hold hands or be touchy in general. So it took me some time. I went through a lot of footage and I payed a lot of attention to how Jk and Tae interacted, but also to the way they interact with the other members. And... it's just different. For instance, we all know this moment:
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Can you imagine this happening with any of the other members? I cannot, not even with Jimin who both Tae and Jk are very comfortable with. There's just a sense of safety they have with each other. No touch seems unwanted or too much. You can also just tell that their touches are calming (except those that are not calming at all ;) ) to both of them. It seems cliche, but they really are each other's safe place. To explain this to others is so difficult, because it always comes down to perception. And for every moment I could use as 'proof' someone else could come up with a debunk. To me it's just the amount of instances I've seen with Tae and Jk. It's consistent, it's almost something predictable at this point... I just know that whenever we see Tae and Jk together, they'll be drifting towards each other.
As I said at the start of this reply, simply stating "bodylanguage" isn't enough. An understanding of context is also very important. Understanding that South Korea is not a safe place for queer people and that therefore Tae and Jk's relationship has to actively be hidden. They cannot show the extent of their feelings to the public. So if they seem awkward or dismissive, the reason for that will probably be feeling unsafe as opposed to them not loving each other. BigHit has tried very hard to make it seem like Tae and Jk aren't close and if someone were to not pay attention to how they actually interact, that person might believe what BigHit tried to convey. To me one of the biggest 'weird' things is the way they went so hard on Tae and Jimin being soulmates, while never adressing the close (to my eyes closer than Jimin and Tae's bond) bond Tae and Jk obviously have. These days especcialy it's so obvious that Tae and Jk spend heeps of time together, while Jimin is hardly ever mentioned even. Not to take away from Jimin being important to them, he obviously is, just... Tae and Jk are more important to each other.
To kinda conclude... because I could go on and on and on about this... To me Taehyung and Jk just react to each other differently than any of the other members. Their eye contact is more intense, with a way longer duration than just 'normal' eyecontact. Their touches linger and never seem to be enough, while with other members they might also touch and cuddle, but it's always for shorter periods and with a definite ending. When they're not touching, they're looking. They are always checking out the way the other responds to things. They take care of each other's well being to an extend none of the other members do. Aside from all this... there are so many instances on camera that show clear desire, attraction, jealousy, hurt (never underestimate the 'only love can hurt like this'). It's continued patterns in their relationship that make me quite convinced that they are together romantically.
As to Park Bogum and Taehyung.. I'm not really sure what you're asking. You mean do I think they were together?
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ravenousgf · 1 year
You should write a rote/succession crossover slash jay (UNLESS)
don't do this to me don't tempt me......i have so much to read and watch and people to avoid calling i cannot start thinking about a crossover. but IF i did.
i'd have to reread the assassin trilogy ofc but what i like so much about it is the lack of a single patriarch who moves all the pieces. King Shrewd ends up a victim of his body and old age and power-hungry politics and chronic illness and it's so interesting to think about how that would translate to Logan bc obviously succession is about his disintegrating empire and body. His power is a combination of privilege, business sense, political pandering, and luck--much like Shrewd--but there is genuine love in the Roy kids wanting to be king bc like i said it's ultimate confirmation of Logan's love for them. here i think fitz would be kendall, raised on a lie and indoctrinated early and wavering between absolute support and the desire to get free. the fool would be roman, with no life of his own and loyal to the last but also cynical and self aware about it all and disdainful of the way the politics relates to the interpersonal relationships in a way no other character is bc his love is real but cannot be expressed that way. ofc in this crossover there's nothing romantic between them lmao but yeah they have an antagonistic but loving relationship bc they're both dogs in the same cage. chade, burrich, and galen are the old guard (c-suite in succession like COO, head of PR, legal counsel etc) --witnesses and even instruments of abuse and coverups in the name of the empire, playing a huge part in the violence inherent to these childhoods.
unfortunately i cannot begin to think of who shiv would be just bc she's less of a play on a known archetype than the other characters--not to say any of the others are worse written, just that shivs character is a combination of very specific circumstances that don't really have an equivalent and also there aren't many female characters in the trilogy lol. but actually come to think of it shiv can work as kettricken, tangentially --heir to her own empire, seen as both young girl and sacrifice, then reduced to a wife, isolated, but still determined to exercise any power she has for her own (significantly less altruistic) objectives but at the end of the day being defined by her husband and her marriage, being betrayed by someone close to her. she's continually lacking agency while being punished for trying to seize it due to systemic misogyny. there are differences ofc but given shiv starts the series as a politician, intends to make her husband ceo, and is then lured back in with false promises while still being overlooked as a woman--their characters have differences but it would be soo fascinating to see what would change with the circumstances and what would stay the same, if kettricken were shiv. regal is tom btw and in this universe he succeeds in getting the princess (shiv) to marry him. but i'm flexible on this not sure abt it yet
sorry that was a whole rant lmao but i might just end up playing with this like dolls you're soooo evil and big brained for putting this idea into my head. sooo many thoughts
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twotailednekomata · 6 months
'Definitely' and 'scene' are my mortal enemies when it comes to spelling.
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charliemwrites · 2 months
Part 5 of Mister(s) Steal Your Girl
Long awaited, but no Johnny smut just yet. Soon, I promise. (And Kyle will be back. It's been so long since he's gotten to smooch our dear reader.)
Also! A little reminder than you can check the queue to see what I plan to post for next. I try to update it often as the worms wiggle. Next I plan to do the final chapter of Greater Bad. (Unless I get my not-so-secret, no-longer-a-surprise oneshot out first)
Lastly! Please note that I wrote the "posts" from his perspective. So inconsistencies with the actual story and any grammar/spelling errors were purposeful or for "authenticity".
Content: Brandon.
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r/CakeEater _OnBrand_ I asked my fiancé for an open relationship before marriage. It worked. A while ago I posted on r/adultery about the affairs (yes, multiple) I was having behind my then-gf’s back. We’d already been dating for ~4 years and I was seeing one of my coworkers (my “work wife”) regularly and one of her coworkers on and off. People on my other post were critical and called me all sorts of things like selfish and pig. I know it’s not traditional, but I genuinely don’t think I could ever be satisfied by one woman. My work wife (Rachel) and fiance’s coworker (Lucy) provide things my fiancé just can’t but I still love my fiancé. She’s the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. When I posted on r/adultery I was trying to figure out how to propose without her finding out. I knew she’d expect me to help with stuff and possibly want to look at my phone more often. It would have been harder to sneak off to meet up with Lucy or Rachel with wedding planning and I was sick of being stressed she would find out. Some nicer people on the post suggested I ask for an open relationship. I took their advice and sat her down to sell the idea. It’s a good thing I’m so good at sales (top 3% in my company for 5 years in a row) because she agreed. Yes, actually agreed. At first she got kind of pale and her eyes got really big and blank. I thought for sure she was about to start crying and run off. Maybe even kick me out. She doesn’t really get angry but she gets upset and it freaks me out. After I explained everything about how good it would be for us though, she agreed. This is my official unlimited hallpass. I’ve been seeing Rachel on weekends and Lucy once or twice during the week for drinks. Tonight I’m going to sign up for every dating site I can. Tinder, Bumble, Hinge. If anyone has other suggestions, I’ll check those out too. Fiance has been kind of off but I think it’s just an adjustment period. Sometimes I can tell she’s been crying but she hasn’t come to me about it so she’s probably just being emotional about all the changes. At least she’s got our house to focus on while she gets used to things. I feel a little bad about running out every night but she’s just so mopey and sad all the time and it’s not enjoyable to be around. I know she probably feels like I’m abandoning her a little but once she starts getting back to normal I’ll spend time with her again. You really can have your cake (all the cakes heh) and eat them too. Edit: no, I never told her that I already had Lucy and Rachel and I’m not going to. What good would it do? She’s already agreed to an open relationship and telling her that I didn’t have permission first would just hurt her for no reason.
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Kyle’s been gone for two (long, lonely) weeks when he finally gets a chance to call. So far, he’s only been able to send scattered texts at odd hours. Always something sweet – telling you he’s alright, or that he’s thinking of you. Sometimes you even catch him for a brief exchange before he apologizes and “goes dark” again.
Not that you begrudge it. This is part and parcel of dating him and you knew that going in. You’re not complaining when he’s putting his life on the line so that the public can live in blissful peace.
That doesn’t stop you from missing him though. His hugs, his smile. Getting his voice - even roughened by distance - is a nice compromise though.
“How have you been holding up, chickadee?” he asks after the initial reassurance that he’s whole and hale. 
“Easier this time!” you answer proudly. “I know what to expect with you gone and Johnny’s good company.”
“Yeah?” he asks, sounding pleased.
You can just imagine him now, leaning his hip against the nearest surface, arms crossed over his broad chest. He tends to duck his head when he smiles, and you unintentionally grin to yourself, thinking of him hiding into his phone. God, you miss him. 
“Mhmm! We found a board game bar that you’re going to love. Oh, and we’re going to the Hay Festival this weekend.”
He hums. “I’m sorry I can’t be there to take you, luv, but I knew Johnny would be good to you.”
More than good to you, really. There’s not been a day he doesn’t call to check up on you - if he doesn’t see you in person, that is. Dinner, movies, coffee. He’s somehow both a gentleman and an incorrigible flirt, but only with you. He’s nothing more than polite to anyone else, keeping his focus on you and whatever the two of you are doing.
You don’t know what to do with the undivided attention. If you didn’t know better…
“You two are getting close,” Kyle observes.
“I think so,” you admit, then hesitate. “Is… that okay?”
“‘Course, luv. I’m glad.”
You blink. “You are?”
“He’s my best mate and you’re my best girl.”
An odd pang of anxiety pierces your chest. Johnny calls you that too. His “best girl.” You love hearing it - but maybe you shouldn’t?
“It… doesn’t bother you? That we’re spending so much time together.”
He snorts softly, but it’s not derisive. It’s a noise he makes whenever he thinks you’re being silly, but his voice comes out soft and warm. Not an ounce of condescension.
“No, baby, I’m not fussed. You spend your time with whoever you want, however you want. Yeah?”
Your chest floods with warmth. “Okay.”
“There’s a love. I’ve got a brief, so I have to go. I’ll call soon as I can.”
“Be safe, Ky.”
“Do my best. Give Soap a smooch for us, aye?”
You blink as he hangs up. That’s a new one.
You ponder over it while packing on Thursday night. Was it just a joke? A tease at the little crush you’ve developed for Johnny?
Because it is a crush, you know it is. It’s impossible not to be attracted to him. Not with that smile, that laugh, the goofy humor and sweet mannerisms. He still sends you flowers every few weeks - just as the previous ones are about to die. It’s so thoughtful; you’ve started feeling a bit warm every time you look at them.
But you feel greedy, being even remotely interested in anyone else. You have Kyle and Brandon (even if you two are going through a… patch) and that should be enough for you. Shouldn’t it? You’ve never been with more than one person at a time before; it took you weeks to shake the compulsory guilt when you first met Kyle. It feels almost unforgivably audacious to want Johnny too, especially since he’s Kyle’s best mate.
Still… Kyle’s not a jealous or passive-aggressive guy. You’ve been with him long enough now that you know he’d just tell you outright if he was unhappy about something. And he’s been with you long enough that he can surely tell you’re more than a bit fond of Johnny.
Maybe that’s why he made the joke about “smooching” him.
Regardless, you want to talk to him about it. Things always make sense when you think out loud to him. His levelheaded and practical approach to difficult topics always straightens your panic spirals out into neat lines.
Plus, it’s not as comforting to hold your own hand. (God, when is he getting back?)
“Where are you going?”
You blink up at Brandon, folded pajamas in hand.
“The Hay Festival,” you answer.
Speaking of - you slip past him into the bathroom. He doesn’t follow, rooted to the spot spinning his phone around in his hands.
You snort. “Of course not, I’m going with a friend.”
The allergy pills are at the bottom of the medicine basket beneath the sink. You really need to organize it the next time Johnny’s too busy to hang out. There’s no way you need three bottles of paracetamol. 
“I need that suitcase.”
You toss the bottle in and pivot for the dresser. “What for?”
He shifts, eyes sliding away. “An… overnight.”
Ah. That’s what he’s calling it now?
You snatch a few (too many) pairs of underwear from the dresser.
“Just bring them here,” you say over your shoulder.
There’s a long, tense beat of silence but you’re too busy rummaging for socks to break it first. Will it be too warm for thigh-highs? Eh, you’ll go with the sheer ones; the little lace roses match one of your dresses anyway.
“Bring who here?” Brandon asks slowly.
When you turn, he looks paler than usual. You shrug, trying to project casual comfort.
This is a totally normal and reasonable conversation to have. Just a couple in an open relationship, discussing a stranger coming to the house for a shag. Nothing to make a fuss over.
“Whoever you need the suitcase for? I know you’ve had people over before anyway, and I’ll be gone all weekend.”
He stutters, color returning to his face in bright pink blooms. “Why do you think I’ve had people over before?”
You arch an eyebrow. “I do the laundry, remember? And there was lipstick on one of the wine glasses.”
That had sent you into a tizzy at the time, disgusted that some stranger was in your bed, with your fiancé. You washed the sheets twice on the hottest setting and tossed in a bit of bleach for good measure. Hadn’t been able to look at him the whole week - not that he was there much to not look at.
Now, though, you seem to have adjusted to the idea, even if you’re still not thrilled. Brandon can have his… whoever over, and you’ll goof around with Johnny in Wales.
“Just toss the bedding in the wash afterwards,” you add.
“I thought you do the laundry,” he sniffs.
“I’m not traveling all day just to do chores when I get home,” you answer. He does a double take like you’ve started speaking a new language. “You’ll be here all weekend, I’m sure you’ll have time.”
He opens his mouth, and you can tell already that he’s about to argue - though you don’t really know what about. It’s not like he can’t do laundry or dishes, after all. He lived alone before you moved in together.
Thankfully, his phone distracts him before he can form the words. He spins away to tap at the screen and shuffles out of the room, shoulders till tense. You go back to packing and teasing Johnny about the amount of hair gel he’ll bring.
Friday afternoon can’t come fast enough. Even though you’ve taken a half day from work, the few hours seem to drag. You’re practically daydreaming about the food and drinks, music and activities. There’s a baker’s dozen art stalls you want to check out as well, and a gift to pick out for Kyle…
“Hope yer thinkin’ o’ me when ye make tha’ face.”
Your head snaps around so fast, you nearly give yourself whiplash. Johnny grins down at you in all his casually handsome glory – ripped jeans, green tee, and brown boots. Angels are singing somewhere, you think. Or maybe that’s just your nosy coworkers ogling from their own cubicles.
The reality of him sinks in a moment later and you leap up from your cushy chair – and right into his arms. He’s like a furnace compared to the cool, conditioned air of your office, a welcome source of warmth for your chilly fingers.
“What are you doing here?” you giggle. “Who let a rowdy guy like you in?”
He smells like bergamot and pine. It takes active thought to resist pressing your face into the crook of his neck. It looks cozy there.
As always, he squeezes you a bit tighter just before letting go.
“Hey now, Marcy’s a discerning lady. She knows a fine gentleman when she sees one.”
You snort, belied by the smile curling your lips. “She may need new glass then.”
“Och, don’t go talkin’ poor about my second-best gal now.”
“Is it that easy to get in your good graces?” you scoff, glancing at the time on your computer. It’s later than you expected; no wonder he came up to retrieve you. You spent so long daydreaming that you’ve lost track of time.
“Aw don’ be green, dove, you’re still my number one. Send ye flowers ‘n all.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Yeah, and now I’m wondering just how special that is.”
He stands close, proclaiming his case for how obviously special you are while you shut everything down for the weekend. You’re only half listening to the bit, admittedly. Mostly just basking in your excitement for the mini road trip and the weekend to come. You have no doubt that it’s going to be fun, even if it would be better with Kyle along too.
“Where are you headed off to?” Lucy asks.
“Hay Festival,” you answer shortly.
You’ve never been a big fan of Lucy, but lately she’s been insufferable. Talking over you during meetings, leaving you out of emails, throwing away papers at the printer. (Okay, you haven’t seen her do that last one, but you know.) Worst of all, she can help but make backhanded comments about every flower delivery.
“You’re not taking Brandon?” she simpers. “Something wrong?”
“He’s hanging out with a friend this weekend too,” you correct, “and he doesn’t like hay.”
“Shame that,” Johnny adds, sounding like it’s not a shame at all.
You haven’t told him much about Brandon – but you’re sure that Kyle has. From the face Johnny makes the rare times your fiancé comes up in conversation, he doesn’t think much of Brandon.
“Have fun you two!” your manager, Selene, calls.
You wave and shoot Lucy one last, unimpressed glance before stepping onto the elevator with Johnny.
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r/CakeEater _OnBrand_ My fiancé is going on a weekend getaway with another man. I’ve posted in r/adultery and r/cakeeater before. I’m not looking for judgement or insults here. I really just want advice.
A little context: my fiancé and I are in an open relationship and it’s been like this for a few months now. I originally asked her to ope the relationship and for a while she was weird about it but lately she’s been getting sbetter. I thought she was finally getting used to me going out with other women and things were getting back to normal.
A few weeks ago, I noticed she was on her phone more. Like, all the time. Even at dinner when she used to be really picky about phones at the table. One day I came home from work and she was talking on the phone to someone. Giggling and laughing. When I turned the corner she was kind of blushing too. It kind of bothered me but I figured she was talking to a friend and just hot from cooking or something.
Lucy texted me pissed off one day, asking why I was sending my fiancé flowers but not her. I told her I hadn’t sent any flowers. I think they’re way too expensive for how long they realistically last and that they take up a lot of unnecessary space. But I thought it was weird that someone was sending my fiancé flowers and got kind of uncomfortable. That’s a pretty romantic gesture and her family isn’t the type to randomly send flowers either.
I tried taking her out on a date but she was all mopey again and turned her phone to ‘do not disturb’ so I wouldn’t even see if she was texting someone. We don’t have much to talk about now. I love her but she’s not a good storyteller or into very interesting things. All her ‘funny stories’ are just mundane things that happen during the day. We’ve run out of interesting topics about because we’ve been together so long. (That’s why I like having more than one partner.)
Yesterday she randomly started packing for a trip. I don’t even think she was planning to tell me until I asked her. She was packing a bunch of cute clothes too. Like dresses and tights and things like that. Stuff she only used to wear on our dates. I asked who she was going with and she just said ‘a friend’ which is weird because she would usually say the name of someone even if I don’t remember who they are.
Well today Lucy sent me a picture of my fiancé leaving her job with some guy. I couldn’t see his face because he was turned away, but I could see the side of my fiancé’s face and she was smiling at him. I got this awful sinking feeling in my chest like it was hard to breathe. It took me a few minutes to process that she’s going away for a weekend with a complete stranger.
Doesn’t she know how dangerous that is? Where did she even meet this guy? They’ll be gone all weekend so are they sharing a room? A bed? I nearly threw up thinking all these things as I called her.
I asked her to cancel her plans and come home. She seemed confused and reminded me that her plans were with someone else and it would be rude to ditch last minute. I told her I wanted to spend the weekend with her and that I’d been missing her. She seemed surprised and said that she’d see me on Sunday night, but she was looking forward to the festival with her ‘friend’ and wanted to go. As a last ditch effort I asked if her friend was more important than me, nearly begging at that point. She must have heard the desperation in my voice, but she just told me that she was already on the road and it was too late.
My fiancé doesn’t like lying but it’s hard to believe this guy was just a friend. Even if she sees him as a friend I know how men think and I doubt he sees her the same way.
She said some other weird stuff before she left about having someone over while she was gone. I don’t get it. How could she just casually invite someone else into our house like that? Has she had other people over? Is she dating now?
I’m not sure what to do. I don’t like that she put this trip over me. Should I talk to her about how bad this makes me feel? Should I call again and tell her to come home more forcefully? Am I blowing all of this out of proportion?
Edit: she doesn’t know that I’ve been seeing Lucy. I haven’t told my fiancé about any of the women I’ve been seeing. (mostly just Lucy and Rachel. I’ve done a lot of texting through apps and gone on a bunch of first place, but most women don’t put out right away and I usually can’t be bothered to get to know them better). Even then, I wouldn’t tell her about lucy. They don’t get along and never have. It would cause a lot of unnecessary drama.
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queers-gambit · 6 months
Damage Done
prompt: The Winter Soldier is activated and Bucky's lover is unlucky enough to be in proximity.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Widow!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 5.4k+
note: oh, wow, Cherry wrote Bucky NOT in a Mafia AU?
warnings: takes place during Civil War, absolutely no plot - author just doesn't know how to shut the fuck up. cursing, violence, established relationship, small angst, injury, blood, hurt and comfort, Winter Soldier antics, choking, abrupt ending, maybe domestic violence? it's the WS.
it's really not that bad, it's not terribly descriptive but still tread carefully if triggered by these topics.
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"Keep them together," Agent Everett Ross commanded, a little man with a raging Napoleon Complex, gesturing at you and Bucky; the latter held in mobile, restrictive captivity. "He doesn't play nice if he doesn't see her, or so it's said," his eyes rolled.
"You're making a huge mistake!" You barked, struggling in the restraints they had you wrapped in.
"No, I don't think so," he sneered, approaching you as Bucky's unit kept moving. "I think the mistake was letting you out of anyone's sight. Tell me, how long have you been in cahoots with the Winter Soldier?"
"He's not the Winter Soldier anymore, you jackass, he's a person! A real, live human being! His name's James but he prefers Bucky! He likes plums," you were yanked away, still snarling, "his favorite color is blue, likes motorcycles, he has real guilt over his past transgressions, and you've got the wrong guy!"
"Oh, right, like you're the best judge of character," Ross laughed.
"Natasha! Nat! Fucking tell him!" You pleaded, struggling in the hold of the men who kept iron clad restraint on you and were starting to drag you away. "You've got the wrong guy! Bucky didn't do this! I wouldn't lie - not to you, Natasha! Tell him!"
"That's touching, really sweet," Ross mocked, rolling his eyes as you were finally overpowered and lead away.
"Hang on a second," Nat muttered, sharing a look with Tony. "Was her DNA or facial recognition anywhere at the UN? Anywhere near where the bomb was set off?"
"What's that matter - "
"Since they met, they've not parted ways," Nat spelled out. "He won't go anywhere without her - you, yourself, are keeping them together for interrogation - "
"It's just easier," Ross scoffed.
"No, you know..." She blinked in confusion, "You know, Bucky won't talk unless she's there - you know he'll be ten times as difficult if she's not in the room."
"So, in the past two years, have you heard about him without her? Have you seen her without him?"
"Nobody's seen or heard from either of them," Ross shook his head.
"Exactly," she nodded, lungs tightening with nerves. "If you can't find evidence of her being in Vienna... Bucky might not be your guy... Besides, they're both trained to avoid cameras - "
"Mistakes are made," Ross waved off.
"Not by two highly trained assassins like them," she snapped. "Check the files, go back - look! Actually look, run her scans through facial recognition - if you don't find her, it wasn't Bucky."
"You're so sure?" Tony asked skeptically.
"I know her," Natasha nodded, "better than anyone. She's as good as my sister, she's as good as blood. I know her. I know she wouldn't run this risk - "
"Then you also know she wouldn't get caught," Ross laughed.
"Neither would Bucky."
The silence stretched, but Ross was stubborn; sneering at the Avengers and taking his leave with his own plan of action in mind. He left Tony and Natasha to deal with Sam and Steve as he went to observe the interrogation. When he got before the monitors, he watched as it took four different men to restrain you enough to hoist your locks up the wall until they were clicked in place by ultra-strength magnets.
You jostled, feeling the full extent of your containment, grunting when the pipe you were connected to shocked your entire system into submission. Everett Ross smirked at your pain; watching your tongue swipe over your teeth, arms high above your head, readjusting your weight in your feet, but otherwise, not moving.
Ross heard Bucky ask quietly, his eyes watching you carefully from inside the reinforced cell, "You okay, doll?"
"Looks like they learned from last time," you grit, the cuffs around your wrists electrified; charring your skin, making you grimace slightly in a veiled attempt to hide your pain from your lover.
"Don't fight, you'll make it worse," he advised softly, frowning, eyes glassy from restrained emotion.
"They could've at least put me in a bit more comfortable position," you sneered, glaring up at one of the cameras, shaking your head as if in disappointment.
"I don't think they want to play nice, sweetheart."
"Yeah, could've guessed that from when they arrested us," you shook your head, puckering your lips to gather the blood in your mouth; spitting it to the floor. "You good, baby?" You asked as the men who restrained you moved to plug in the power cell caging Bucky.
He nodded silently at you, bowing his head and letting his long locks curtain his face. You frowned, shifting again as you blindly felt your cuffs and designed a way to get free; watching the men stoically as they exited the room to make way for the psychologist. Your jaw clenched, the air smelling foul - alerting you that something wasn't quite right.
"Hello, Mr. Barnes," the accented man greeted casually, standing at a single table in front of Bucky, you off to the side; chains rattling as your defenses flared. The psychologist smirked and greeted you, too, assuring your real identity was known - something that Natasha released to the world about two years ago when HYDRA sent Bucky after Cap in DC. You didn't fault her, in fact, you respected her move, and after getting out of the blown-to-shit base, you had run into the Winter Soldier... Beginning your epic love story, both of you on the run from authorities and higher powers.
You smuggled Bucky out of the country, using fake aliases that had yet to see the light of day and therefor, wasn't released in the files Nat published during her takedown of the compromised S.H.I.E.L.D. agency. He was appreciative, pondering how he was meant to go forward in a world he didn't know; so, you agreed to stick around for a bit to help settle him, and that bit turned into a couple of years - the two of you inseparable.
There was an incident in London that almost exposed you, but instead, it just shined a light on your new partnership. Captain American, Nat, Sam, shit - even Tony Stark himself was unable to catch up; your trail going cold, Nat knowing your Widow training was running the show and keeping you safe. Granted, she probably could've unraveled the web you had weaved - but the truth was, she didn't want to. So, she kept quiet. Leading you all here...
"I've been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you both," the man you'd come to know as Helmut Zemo continued; playing his part very well, but not well enough to convince you of his innocence. Something about the man rubbed you the wrong way. "Do you mind if I sit?" He asked politely, feigning like you two had a choice. When he did, Zemo continued, "Your first name is James?"
He noted the way Bucky and you shared a look, both remaining silent. Zemo tried to assure, "I'm not here to judge you - either of you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?" Continued silence, your head subtly shaking - an act only Bucky clocked. "I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James."
"My name is Bucky," he croaked, your sigh echoing around the room.
"Hm," Zemo nodded, "I take it, she doesn't want you to talk?"
"She wants me safe," Bucky answered stiffly.
"That is admirable," the psychologist offered kindly, "a great display of love, is it not?"
"Jesus Christ," you shook your head, offering a glare, "you went through all that schooling to ask stupid fucking questions? Might wanna get your money back."
Zemo chuckled after humming, "I am merely trying to establish the connection you two share. I hear it is rare to find one without the other, that you two have become, uh, joined at the hip?"
"I protect her," Bucky offered, sharing a long look with you, "and she protects me."
"An equal partnership, would you say?"
"Buck," you warned, wrists twisting to hold the cuffs; being zapped, making your jaw clench and the veins in your neck to bulge.
"It's all right," his voice sounded like it was being put through a grater. "We're caught, doll, it's all right."
You huffed, eyeing Zemo as his eyes flickered between you two. He nodded, making a note in his little book, "I was warned that you would be unwilling to cooperate without her present. Why is that?"
"She keeps me safe."
Zemo hummed, "So you've said, and yet... Here you both are..." You were ready to lash out, but the doctor changed course, "Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." Your restraints zapped you again when you jolted forward as if to physically silence Zemo, Bucky's head snapping over and his eyes drooping in sympathy. "Told you not to move, it'll only get worse," he told you softly.
"He's asking questions that will get him killed," you snarled, gritting your teeth as the electric currents seized most of your energy. But it was worth it, finding a little weak spot and letting your mind devise a specific plan.
"You fear," Zemo continued, "that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. I feel it is safe to assume, uh, your lady is privy to your past experiences? Perhaps, you two have shared a couple?"
"Just leave her out of this," Bucky pleaded.
"Don't worry," he assured you both, tapping something on his tablet before looking back at Bucky with a sick recognition. "We only have to talk about one. One mission... That I know you," he nodded at you, "were not present for."
"Kinda game you playin', Doc?" You sneered. "Think anything he says will change my opinion about him?"
"No, no, I know your relationship is too strong for that," Zemo smiled. "So, it's not so much what he will say... But what he will do..."
"The fuck does that - "
But then, the lights went out; darkening the room save for the lights individual to Bucky's holding cell. You perked up, the electric currents halting as the cuffs died with the power and gave you an opportunity to begin working on your escape. As red panic lights flickered, Bucky questioned, "What the hell is this?"
"Why don't we discuss your home?" Zemo offered. "Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no," he reached into his satchel, revealing a red notebook the world thought long lost... Buried in snow... Forgotten in time. "I mean, your real home," Zemo removed his glasses as you frantically started working.
"No, no, no, no, no, hey, hey, hey, don't - fuck!" You grit, trying harder to free yourself. "Bucky - Bucky, don't listen - ah, Goddamnit!"
The man you now understood to be a fake psychologist stood with a little flashlight, opening the red notebook, and began repeating words in Russian that would activate the decommissioned Winter Soldier. Bucky had told you all about these words, begging you to provide a shield against them should they ever be uttered again; but you had prior knowledge, the Winter Soldier someone you had been debriefed on during your time with other secret agencies.
"No," Bucky whispered, head tilting back in panic as he felt his stomach curl in a familiar pattern.
"Bucky - don't fucking listen, please!" You begged, still working to free yourself.
"Stop," Bucky pleaded, sounding in pain.
"Don't do this!" You pleaded to Zemo. "You're fucking hurting him, please, stop!"
"Stop!" Bucky barked, his vibranium hand clenching in anger and pain; the entire arm whirring from the flex of his muscle. He began to pant, a deep growl emitting above your panicked whimpers.
"You have no idea what you're doing!" You raged, Bucky screaming in pain as his mind was forcibly sunk back into dark recesses of his past. "Don't - Bucky, baby, listen to me - don't fucking listen to him, please, please, baby, don't do this!"
He screamed, breaking free of the iron restraints that kept him seated in the reinforced, mobile cell. "Furnace!" Zemo continued, ignoring the pain and panic you and Bucky were both thrown into.
"Fucking stop, please! You don't understand!" You begged, freeing one hand and working in vain to unlatch the other. Bucky was out of his seat, anger coursing like a palpable rain over you all - him screaming as his metal arm worked to pound into the strengthened glass surrounding him.
"Bucky, please, baby, please, don't do this!" You tried a new tactic, hoping you were enough to cut through the brainwashing - but how silly to imagine. Decades of trauma was washing over Bucky again and your little words couldn't cut through the barricades of his mind.
"You stupid fucking little man!"
Zemo rounded around the cell, Bucky still pounding away at the glass. "Homecoming! One!"
"Freight car!"
You whimpered in fear when Bucky punched the entire door off the hinges, freeing him at last; but the words were spoken, the damage done. He crouched on the floor, Zemo pausing to take in the sight, slowly approaching Bucky as he stood upright; the jangling of your chains louder and more frantic as you tried to free your last wrist.
"Jesus Christ," you whispered, trying to divide focus between the two tasks of freeing yourself and protecting Bucky - but being terribly unsuccessful as you watched Zemo stand in front of your dead-eyed boyfriend.
What a ridiculous, mundane label to assign someone like Bucky.
In Russian, Zemo questioned, "Soldier?"
And in Russian, the man you loved answered, "Ready to comply."
Zemo demanded in English, "Mission report. December 16, 1991."
You whimpered in fear, listening to Bucky give the report that would haunt you for years to come. Just as he finished, you managed to get out of the cuffs, but the clanging of your freed restraints caught Zemo's attention - who smirked with abundant cruelty. "Don't," you warned, backing out of the room just as officers began to flood it.
It was a brutal fight, trying to stave off Bucky once in his Winter Soldier mindset. You grunted as he engaged you, men dead at your feet - the lucky ones just knocked out. You grit your teeth, trying to defend yourself as Bucky operated mechanically; doing what you could to protect yourself, but it wasn't enough.
Blows landed, punching and kicking one another in an equal match of strength and stamina.
"Seize her," Zemo demanded, and in the next moment, Bucky had you by the neck; an effort that made you wheeze and claw at his bionic hand.
"Bucky," you begged. "Baby - baby - it's me, it's me, please, don't, it's me! Don't do this, baby, please, come back to me. Come back!" You struggled in his grip, trying to pry his hand open, "Baby, please, please, come back to me," spit drooled from your lips as he squeezed tighter. "This isn't you!" You managed to squeeze out, tears surfacing. "Not anymore, don't let them win!"
"Shut her up, Solider," Zemo commanded in Russian, your eyes widening and trying to beg Bucky again before he was sending you into a wall. He marched up to you, grabbing your hair, and surging his balled up metal fist directly into the bridge of your nose, breaking it, head jolting backwards, and effectively knocking you out.
When you came back into consciousness, it was to Steve's worried face; his hands caressing your cheeks and begging, "You all right?"
"Fucking hell," you winced, reaching up to prod the tender spot on your head; revealing blood.
"Got your ass kicked, huh?" He frowned.
"Watch your language, Cap," you smirked, wincing when your face throbbed. "Shit, how bad is it?"
He looked you over, offering, "Definitely a broken nose."
"Goddamnit - where is he? Where's Bucky?"
"Help me," a voice pleaded from the next room, Zemo playing his part by splaying out on the floor like bait.
"Don't trust him, something ain't right about him, Steve," you whispered, waving him on as you sluggishly hoisted yourself up the wall to lean against it. "Kept asking about Siberia, asking about shit nobody should actually know."
"Get yourself safe," Steve told you swiftly, nodding at Sam; who was checking on the status of the other bodies around you.
"Just find him, Steve, he's lost in his own mind - a threat to himself," you panted, slowly standing.
"I know - "
"You don't know," you shook your head, wiping a trickle of blood from your temple, "but you're gonna have to do more than understand him right now, Steve."
"I've got this," he promised, watching you nod and limp away. You had just missed the action, Bucky overpowering both Sam and Steve; getting to a safety landing and running into Natasha, Tony, and Agent Sharon Carter.
"We'll hash our bullshit out later," you panted, "but for now - "
You heard a commotion behind you, flinching out of sight when Bucky made himself known and began taking down rogue agents unlucky enough to stand before the Winter Soldier.
"He have an off switch?" Nat asked.
"Not that I've found," you frowned. "Split up."
Tony tried to engage Bucky first, using a mobile Iron Man device he wore on his wrist that used sonics to disorient Bucky. It only worked to a small extent, the two exchanging a few blows, Bucky firing a bullet at Tony's face at pointblank range that was saved by his technologically advanced glasses. Bucky got the upper hand, sending Tony flying back, letting Sharon and Nat attack.
He disposed of them both easily, stumbling when you caught him off guard and wrapped your legs around him. Normally, you'd do anything to have your legs around him - but this wasn't one of those times. You exchanged several punches, blocking one another, going for disarming hits but being of equal challenge; leaving small cuts and blooming bruises on each other as if to prove the engagement. Natasha rejoined the fight, two Widows showing Bucky up on a few instances, but he was heaving her across the room as you swung onto his shoulders in an impressive acrobatic move.
You heaved your fists down in a repeated fashion on the top of his head, Bucky charging at one of the cafe tables; slamming you down and choking you again with his metal hand. Both your hands held his, legs up around his neck to try to keep him at a distance for relief on your windpipe.
Through a strangled breath, you managed, "You could at least recognize me!"
"Who said I don't?" He growled, reaching out to snap a piece of wood from a chair.
You tried to regain normal breath, wheezing, "This isn't you, baby, you are not this person anymore - you're not a psychotic, robot killer! You're a man - please!"
"You don't know a damn thing about me," he seethed.
"I know everything about you," you strangled, "and I know this isn't you. Come back to me, baby, please! Y-You can't let the demons win, Buck, please - fucking listen to me!" But he only raised the wooden shaft above his head. "BUCKY, DON'T!"
"Who the hell is Bucky?"
You cried out shrilly when he jabbed the sharp wood into your shoulder, staking you to the table just as King T'Challa rushed onto the scene and stole your brainwashed boyfriend's attention. You hissed in pain, trying to yank the wood free but being unsuccessful; resulting in blood to splatter onto the tiled floor.
Hearing someone pant your name, you caught a glimpse of red and knew it was Nat, her face worried over yours a moment later. "Where's Bucky?" You coughed and winced in pain.
"Goin' up by the looks of it," she informed, "now hang on, this is gonna hurt. Want a belt to bite?"
"No, just do it, get it done, please," you panted, bracing yourself, and suddenly, without warning, your companion heaved the piercing shaft free from your flesh. Naturally, you cried out, groaning and clenching your jaw so tight, it nearly crushed your teeth into dust.
"Hey, you seen..." Sam arrived on scene, taking in your injury, "Holy shit, you good?"
"Yeah," you grunted, stumbling to your feet as blood bloomed into a bigger, brighter blemish on your tactical shirt. "We gotta go, Sam, we should get outta here."
"Hang on," Nat paused you two, your opposite hand holding your wound; her hands occupied by a smart device, "looks like Bucky tried to highjack a helicopter. Steve stopped him, but it resulted in them all crashing in the river."
"Shit," Sam breathed. "We gotta go find them."
"We need to get outta here, you know, away from the cops and agents," your head shook. "Get somewhere safe, away from this catastrophe. We'll regroup with Steve."
"Go," Nat permitted, "I won't say a word."
"You're one of a kind, Nat," you praised, pecking her cheek. "Let's go, Sam. And grab that First Aid kit," you pointed to the wall where the white box was mounted. He agreed and you lead the way out of the facility.
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Bucky groaned as he woke up, head lulling back before realizing he couldn't move his metal arm; finding it clamped in industrial weights. Sam called you both to attention, but while Steve jogged over, you remained in your place out of sheer distress.
You only vaguely listened to the conversation, hands trembling as your shoulder was bandaged to prevent further injury or infection. You did what you could to patch up any injury, and when you heard your name, you dialed in; Bucky asking, "Where is she? Is she okay?"
"You don't remember?" Sam sneered.
"You stabbed her," the Falcon growled.
"What? N-No, I-I-I couldn't've - I wouldn't!"
"You did," Steve confirmed, pity coloring his words. "Punched her out pretty well, choked her, too. Broke her nose..."
"Please - Steve, please, tell me I didn't."
"I'm sorry, Buck."
"That why she's not here? She's in a hospital?"
"Actually, no," Sam trailed, "she's just in the other room."
"She didn't want to come here?"
Steve sighed as Sam informed, "Don't think she wants to see you right now, man."
"I didn't mean to hurt her."
"We know," Steve swiftly promised, nodding his head. "She knows it, too, you just have to give her some time."
Bucky looked utterly defeated, murmuring, "I scared her. Oh, my God, I scared her..."
"Gotta agree with you there."
"Sam," Steve reprimanded. "Look, Buck, she'll come around."
You waited until the two men left Bucky alone to regroup and stratify a new course of action. Slowly and almost sheepishly, you entered where Bucky was being kept, steps silent but he heard you anyways. His blue eyes flashed in concern as he met your gaze, mouth opening and closing as if words failed him.
"Doll," he finally breathed, "a-are you all right?"
"I'm okay."
"Don't bullshit me, how hard did I hit you? Steve said I broke your nose, I-I'm so sorry, doll, please believe me. What'd I do to your shoulder? Is that where I stabbed you?"
"Buck," you sighed, slowly squatting in front of him, "I need you to take a breath and know that I understand you were not in your right state of mind. You were forcibly triggered and sent back into that way of thinking, I know it wasn't you."
"I still hurt you, I still did it."
"Did you, though?" Your head cocked, eyes narrowing slightly, "Because I know my Bucky wouldn't hurt me, would never dare lay a hand on me - but the Winter Solider is a different story. You didn't do this, Buck, you weren't you."
"I can smell the fear on you."
"Well, yeah, it fuckin' scared me. I tried to stop that fake doctor, I tried to help, tried to save you and keep your safe. I'm sorry I was too slow, that I failed."
"You didn't fail anything, sweetheart... I-I failed you, I broke my promise to never hurt you."
"No, you didn't. The Winter Solider did all that, not my Bucky."
He frowned, repeating to ask softly, "Your Bucky?"
"My Bucky - the kind, charismatic, impossibly stubborn, kind hearted man I've loved the past couple of years who always gives me the crispiest fries, who has nightmares, who loves me unconditionally despite what I, too, have done in my past. And you know what I was doing out there while Sam and Steve talked to you?"
"What's that, doll?"
"Understanding that loving someone means loving their flaws, accepting them exactly as they are. So, while, yes, the Winter Solider scares the fuck outta me, he's still part of you and I can't authentically love you if I reject the Soldier."
His head shook "Your kindness is wasted on me."
"I think you should let me decide what's a waste and what's not when it comes to my own energy and emotion."
"I'm just gonna end up hurting you again. You're better off without me, baby, you and I both know you're better off keeping your distance. You should get out now while you still can."
"Not gonna happen. 'Cause you know what else I realized?" You reached up to caress his cheek, "I trust you beyond reasonable doubt, I trust you even if I'm afraid of the Winter Solider. I should've been faster, I should've helped you more, but I was powerless against that red notebook."
"You and I, both..."
You pet the cheek you were holding. "Buck, I know it was scary, I know how it must've felt being forced back into that mindset, but I want you to know that I'm in this for the long haul - you're not gonna scare me off. Because I love you, Bucky, and every single part of you - whether choking me out or not. Whether I earn a broken nose or not."
"I'm so sorry. I-I can't believe I did that, I'm so sorry, I hate that I hurt you. I'm so sorry, baby, I can't - I can't even put it in words how much I regret putting you in that position."
You smirked, "See? The Winter Soldier has no remorse, but my Bucky does." You gingerly reached out to curl his hair behind his ear. "My Bucky apologizes and takes accountability. There's no reason to not love that man - especially when he deserves it so much. Hey? Hear me? You deserve to be loved, too, Buck."
"And you deserve a man who doesn't run the risk of being turned into a psycho killing machine over a few measly words."
"I deserve to love my best friend, so let me do that. Say whatever you want, try to push me away - but I'm like a boomerang, baby, I'll just come right back."
"What kinda man puts his best girl in that kinda position? Who hurts the most important person in his life?"
"A man who endured decades of abuse," you laid your hands on either of his thighs, "a man who wasn't allowed control of his own mind. I can't - no, no, I won't fault you for that, Buck. Today wasn't your fault and I'll remind you of that as often as it takes. Don't you dare feel guilty because you didn't do this to me, okay? You didn't put me in any position - that fake fucking doctor did this, Agent Ross did this, special ops put us here. You, my sweet boy, didn't do anything to be at fault. You were trapped, but look at you now - freed, level headed, talking to me."
His eyes gleamed with a sheen of emotion, staring at the bloodied bandage wrapping your shoulder wound before his eyes danced over the bruising and other aftermath of your injuries. "I could've killed you," he muttered, tears filling his eyes.
"But you didn't - and surprisingly, neither did the Winter Soldier. Maybe there was a part of you still alive, wanting to refuse orders and not actually hurt me."
"Perhaps," he frowned. "I'm still so sorry, doll, I hate that I did this to you. It never should've happened."
Your head nodded, "I know, baby, and listen - I forgive you. Yeah? Hear me? I forgive you, this is in the past."
"Are you sure about me? You sure you wanna do this? Knowing I could flip a switch and hurt you - maybe even worse than today?"
"I'm sure about you, Buck," you agreed. "I don't wanna be without you, so, sign me up for whatever's to come."
"You might regret that."
"The only thing I could ever regret is abandoning you. I don't want to do this without you - I love our life together. In any world, in any lifetime, I'd still choose you. There's nothing that would make me regret you - regret being with you."
"You sure? I don't want to make you do anything out of your comfort."
"I love you, Bucky, yes, I'm sure. No matter what damage you think you might've caused, whatever damage has been done, I promise, that's not the truth. There's nothing about you that I could regret."
"Well, all that's left now is to get to Siberia, stop the other Winter Soldiers."
"And figure out a way to free your mind once and for all... It's what you deserve," you told him softly, rocking to your knees to meet his forehead with yours and caressing his cheek again. When you heard approaching footsteps, you sighed and pulled away from him to stand and turn, spying Sam and Steve. "C'mon, Cap, get him outta this. He's not gonna attack anyone," you requested, gesturing where your boyfriend was trapped.
"You sure?" Sam asked stiffly. "He did a real number on you alone. Not to mention all the other agents and cops he took out back there."
"He's good," you snapped, perking your brows at Steve, "and you two would do well not to throw what happened in his face, it wasn't his fault. So c'mon, free him, he's not a wild animal."
Steve agreed and lifted the machinery from Bucky's prosthetic, him instantly snatching it back and massaging where the joint met metal. Bucky stood with a set stare at Sam and Steve, as if anticipating them to lunge at him. His throat constricted, swelled with emotion when you stepped in front of him - posing barrier between the two Avengers and himself.
"You still got that phone on you?" Steve asked you softly.
"I do."
"Is it still unregistered?"
"You know it is. Who're we calling?"
"Reinforcements. We're gonna need help now that the Avengers will be looking for us. We gotta get to Siberia."
"Here," you agreed, unlocking the device and handing it over. "Who's first on your list?"
"Any Avenger who didn't sign the Sokovia Accords."
When he walked away with Sam again, you turned to face your lover directly; staring into swirling storms of baby blues. "You still with me?" You asked softly, reaching up to caress his hair again to push it behind his ear.
"Always. Got my six?"
"You know I do, baby," you smirked, stepping into his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. "We'll figure this out, together."
"Together," he agreed, sighing deeply and returning your embrace tightly. His flesh hand rose to hold the back of your head, bringing his lips down to lay a chaste kiss on the top of your head. His voice rattled quietly, "Thank you..."
"Hmm? For what, handsome?"
"Believing in me. It's nice to think we can end this torment."
You smiled up at him, "You deserve freedom, Bucky, and to live without this haunting fear."
"I don't know about 'deserving' it, sweetheart. Done a lot of things that would argue against that."
"Maybe against the Winter Soldier, but Bucky deserves the world. Deserves kindness, accommodation, love and understanding. Now," you smirked and sniffled, giving his waist another squeeze before releasing and pulling back, "get your head outta this pit and focus, we've got a long day ahead of us."
He agreed, letting you take his hand and lace fleshy fingers together in a tether. Sam's face remained stoic and passive, but when Steve saw you two, he couldn't help but smile. Two years he hunted for Bucky and just today, he's learned his best friend's been shacked up with you - a warmth blooming in his chest over the idea of you two finding one another and loving each other.
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Marvel masterlist
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httpscomexe · 20 days
You go into Wades room at night but he’s not there after a horrible nightmare so you take the jump and use Logan as a shield instead??//You also act like Wade so Logan kinda hates you
Summary: You search for Wade in the middle of the night after a nightmare, and he's not there, but his bestfriend is.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan x Wilson!Reader
Warnings: Nightmares, mentions of violence, really just angst, no major warnings. I wrote this really fast and with really long nails on my laptop, so ignore any spelling errors. (Almost put "creaming" instead of "screaming" so yea)
Word Count: 1100
“Wade?” Your voice shakes, you had just woken up from a nightmare, and it wasn’t your usual nightmare either. It wasn’t sad or just scary. No. It was terrifying.
You had woken up in your room in the dream from the sound of someone screaming and yelling, it was Logan, you’d recognise that voice from anywhere. Ever since Wade had invited in his new roommate, he’s seemed to hate you, giving you sideways looks left and right, but you hadn’t done anything wrong, or at least you didn’t think you did.
But the same morning when you were awake, you and Logan had gotten into an actual argument, you knew he was drunk. Normally when he came home drunk, he would go to his room and just sleep it off, but this time was drunk and pissed because of something Wade had said, what it was, you didn’t know. But you were sure the entire argument is what led up to the nightmare you had. Another argument, but with violence.
Logan was so mad at you in the dream, you were crying and screaming in pain, but he continued to yell at you and throw everything at you including pots and pans until there was nothing else to throw at the wall, then-
“You’re still up?” The voice breaks you out of your thoughts and you turn to see Logan looking you up and down.
“Just can’t sleep.” You whisper softly.
“Why are your eyes red bub. What’s got you crying?” He tucks a thick cigarette into the pocket on his chest in his flannel and he takes two steps closer to you, making you cross your arms uncomfortably and bite your lip.
You knew it was just a dream, but it all felt so real.
“I just had a little nightmare, where’s Wade?”
“Vanessa needed him.”
Vanessa. His girlfriend. Or fiance, or whatever they called themselves.
“Are you okay?” He takes another step closer and reaches to place his hand on your shoulder, making you wince in fear, which he automatically pulls back.
“I’m okay Logan, it’s just normally when I have a nightmare, I’ll spend the night with Wade.”
“He’s actually good with comforting people?”
“Well it depends really… I’m his sister so-”
“And yet you two are completely different.” He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, making him appear bigger. More intimidating.
“Sorry if I woke you up, I’ll just go back to my-”
“Do you wanna sleep with me?” He spits it out like fire, pausing for a second as his own words seem to surprise him. “Sorry I just… I hate to see you sad.”
“It’s okay… I’ve bothered you enough today.”
“It doesn’t count if I was drunk. You never bothered me, not as much as Wade.” He tells you, lifting his arm up and moving to wrap it around your shoulders, slowing enough to not make you wince. “Come on, I’ll keep you safe.” He brings you to his room, and the smell of cigarettes and pine wood immediately floods your lungs, you love it.
“Thank you…” You’re still unsure about it.
“Of course.” He locks the door behind the both of you, immediately going to his closet and pulling out a soft blanket. He knows you can’t sleep without one.
“Thank you.” You take the blanket and move to his bed, sitting with the blanket only over your lap.
“Hey uh… I wanted to apologise.”
“For yelling at you earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He sits next to you on the bed, and you can tell his usual hard attitude is no longer there.
“Oh um…” Your stomach drops, the nightmare coming back to you like a bullet just flew through your organs, making you feel sick, a tear falling down your cheek.
“Shit…” He scoots forward, using his thumb to wipe your tears, and you’re genuinely embarrassed. “I’m sorry… What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing… God I’m such an emotional whore…” You chuckle to yourself but then see the look on his face.
“Don’t call yourself that.” He tells you, no joking tone in his voice. “What’s got you sad, be honest.” He gently strokes your cheek, and only then do you realise how close he was to you.
“I uhm… I had a nightmare.”
“I figured that-”
“About you.” He stills, not a word coming out of his mouth as he stares into your eyes. “You were so mad at me.” Your voice cracks, more tears falling down your face which he’s quick to wipe away. “You were… You were throwing everything at me… Hurting me… Then when there was nothing left to throw…” You whine a little, your eyes moving down to find his other hand, resting on his thigh. You bite your lip as you remember how painful it felt… The three claws lodged into your abdomen, as your mouth hung open in a broken scream.
“Hey…” He whispers, moving close and cupping your face. “Honey I wouldn’t ever hurt you.” He stares into your eyes with a sincerity you didn’t know was there before. “I wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you.” He leans down a little to reach your level, trying to be honest with you, and you take a deep breath. You know he’d never hurt you, but the dream felt so real. “How about… we get some sleep. You look exhausted.” He tells you, looking down at your pillow. You nod.
You lie down as his hands leave your face, and you feel him lie down next to you as he turns off his bedside lamp, but you face away from him.
When you feel his body pressing against your back, your breath hitches in your throat.
“Hey, are you still awake?” You nod, not sure if he saw it in the dark. “I’m sorry your dream scared you.” He tells you, his arm moving to wrap around your waist and pull you closer, his arm under your tank top, and you feel his skin. He’d taken off his shirt. “But I promise you, I will never hurt you. And if someone ever did hurt you, I would fucking kill them.” You chuckle a little and turn your head to look at him, your faces barely an inch apart. “Wade is my best friend… and you’re his sister.” He continues. “I would tear apart the entire fucking planet to protect you. Don’t you ever think otherwise.” He finishes by pressing a kiss to your cheek, showing you a softness you didn’t know he had before.
“Thank you, Lo.”
“Anything for you, angel.”
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circeyoru · 7 months
I firmly believe that Lucifer thinks reader (unwanted soul) as either his kid or younger sibling by how he threatened Alastor if he hurts them. Also I find it cute if Lucifer makes reader an unlimited page book since he's worried if they got into a too heated battle they won't notice their pages are thinning. I mean if he can make fantastic rubber ducks with amazing abilities, I'm sure he can somehow make an unlimited notepad for reader to use. Or at least he gives reader a new welcome to the hotel gift, and because he hasn't seen them in a while
Also I wanted to add to the if alastor got into heaven version where he's dead and got redeemed. Reader would isolate themselves so much so that Lucifer visits once a week to check them. And when extermination day hits again (if it happens again), Lucifer would force reader to reside in the hotel for their well-being. That's where they meet Alastor in his all angel-looking feature glory. He probably checked on their old house first, when he didn't find them he definitely raged killed some demons on the way. But he still feels some sort of connection that lead him to the hotel where he finally found reader.
(Can you tell how obsessed I'm with this series)
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}.
Ohh, I wonder if you're making Reader too op.
Part 1: Reader's/your gift from Lucifer
Instead of focusing on the book or notebook, let me direct your attention elsewhere. Ever thought about the quill? If you know how a feathered quill looks, you'll get what I mean. A quill essentially needs to be dipped in a jar of ink to write. Did I ever mention Reader/you carrying one or even using one? No. Never was 'ink' even mentioned in the story or the trivia (asks). Because that quill was a gift from Lucifer. A quill created by Lucifer and gifted to you. It's enchanted to be writable without ink and on any surface, with a camouflage mode to suit your preference, last feature is that only you can use it. Why Lucifer gave you a quill is because he knows you don't have to use pages as your surface to do crazy things (summoning weapons and casting spells). You can write on a wall, blow on it and it disappears to do what you wrote. That includes writing on the skin of a demon. If you read the demon design, you'll know what I mean. The writing on pages part was just a handicap you gave yourself and it was convenient for you to carry around a book or even a small pad to write with. Plus, you don't like attention, so you use a book with limits. You know you'll go overboard when your emotions rule over you, so you limit yourself.
Part 2: Yandere Redeemed Exterminator Leader!Alastor (what a long title for him)
For context, check this ask.
You do isolate yourself to the point it is concerning. Because you don't ask for help and you did when you asked Lucifer if he could provide you with new quarters that was far from where you were or the hotel. So many reminders of Alastor around you, you can't take it.
Seeing you in such despair, Lucifer shared with you that the souls in Heaven were granted the gift of forgetting when they entered the golden gates. You got the idea of forgetting the years spent with Alastor, from the point you saved him to the point you rage-killed for him. Lucifer advised you not to, but you were persistent in your plan. You returned back to the old place, scrolling around to make sure nothing was amiss and took in the final sorrow of nostalgia. Then you wrote down your command on your skin, you watched the words sink in and then everything went black.
Here, you were back to normal, save for Lucifer being the only one (again) who knew what happened to you. Not sure if exterminations continue (since no season 2 yet), but say that it does but further apart as a compromise for Charlie to save more souls. Lucifer visits you, but only to check and see if your memories came back, when they didn't for a long while, he didn't come as often.
When Alastor came down to Hell, he went to your apartment first thing. It was extermination day, so you were definitely there. You were sleeping through the day until your charms alerted you that there was someone in your apartment. You summoned a dagger made of angelic steel, creeping to the living room.
The moment you saw the pair of white wings, you ambushed and knocked Alastor down to the ground. You kneel on top of him to keep him down, the blade at his neck. "I'll give you a chance to leave and your head won't go rolling on my floor. You can fly back to your precious paradise and I'll let you."
Alastor's head turned to face you, a complete 180 without trouble, his smile softened as he praised, "My darling, you're beautiful."
"Why would I want to leave you? I've done so much to come back to you. I'll never leave you, dear. If you want, I can give you my wings to make up for my absence."
Your face twisted to confusion and disgust. "What? Who are you?"
Alastor's eyes searched your face, his eyes scanned around, some things and items were missing. His signature red that would be mixed into your apartment. It was all gone. Just as he lost his memory, yours was somehow gone as well. "I'm.. Alastor. Don't you remember me, My Doe?"
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thesiltverses · 6 months
Hello! I found the silt verses about three weeks ago and have listened to it several times since. I have a few things to say.
I absolutely adore that episode about the national grid workers. I think it’s my favorite episode of any podcast I’ve ever listened to. My favorite part of that first episode Paige is in is how she justifies not standing up for Vaughn, that cognitive dissonance that you wrote so well. This episode gives me what I wanted from that episode, the workers all banding together to stop the wasteful sacrifice of one of them. The actor who played the foreman did an incredible job as well. I think that having him discuss which of his workers he would sacrifice was such a significant moment, despite how brief it is. It cuts right to the big question that I took away from the podcast which is, “How much is someone willing to sacrifice in order to maintain their comfort?” And the utter disrespect of Glodditch (apologies for the spelling) refusing to cancel even the radio but asking grid workers to kill themselves for 200kw/h! Top tier episode.
I grew up in the south and went to college in Appalachia. I saw the disparity in technology and “advancement” if that makes sense that poverty brings, and the way you set up the world invokes that feeling in me again. You are an amazing world builder and storyteller.
I really enjoyed the cameos - I’m a big fan of malevolent/devisor, Old gods of Appalachia, and all of Jonny sims work, so hearing familiar voices was an absolute delight. Harlan Guthrie as an acolyte of the snuff gods might have been a bit too on the nose with some of the things that man writes, though… /pos
I’m transmasculine, and something that I really appreciate is how you manage to make a trans man do some objectively awful things, but still manage to make him a complex, full character that I was rooting for very frequently. Brother Faulkner is so, so important to me as a character. Paula Vogel has a play called “Indecent,” which is about the true story of a troupe of I believe German Jewish actors between the years of 1910ish and 1940s putting on a show called “God of Vengeance” by Sholem Asch, also a Jewish man. “God of Vengeance” has queer themes and received a lot of criticism from the Jewish community for showing Jewish folks in a “bad” light at a time when there was already so much hatred for Jewish people. Brother Faulkner being as complex and, in my opinion, malicious and cutthroat as he is at a time when trans people face so much bigotry, especially legislatively in the United States, brings this conversation about “God of Vengeance” up again for me. I also love how normalized non-binary people are in this world, without question. “Sibling this or that,” the hunter, adjudicator Shrew - big thanks from me for all of this.
All of this to say, I love this podcast. Can you talk more about the rhetorical gods? Is Babble one? What makes them one if they are, or why aren’t they? I’m fascinated by them. Can you talk more about the propaganda gods too?
Thank you so much for the thoughtful and kind words!
I'll check out Indecent, it sounds really interesting and I'm very glad to hear Faulkner works for you as a character. I think the topic of how to include and write queer characters who are capable of terrible things and thoughts (because, after all, these characters are human beings and not tutelary exemplars), within the context of both a rising movement of transphobia right now and centuries-old scapegoating / pathologising portrayals more generally, is a really knotty but a really important one, and I always want to make sure I'm approaching it with care and due responsibility as well as a sense of humility around the limitations of what, as a cis writer, I can actually achieve.
To that end, I don't want to ever take the audience response for granted, but I'm always really grateful to hear that the portrayal is working for a listener!
Propaganda gods: gods whose prayer-marks or ritual verses are fed directly to the enemy, enforcing destructive or sabotaging changes to reality (so rather than sending a destructive saint or angel to rampage over the foe, you might drop pamphlets or send radio messages to the enemy to 'convert' them).
Rhetorical gods: gods whose followers possess reality-warping powers of language itself (which is why 'rhetorical god' is a polite way of saying 'liar's god'). In other words, the paranoia around them comes partly down to the fact that a disciple like Val may appear to be a limitless shaper of new forms, rather than shaped into a limited form of their own, as a result of their worship.
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propenseverbosity · 5 months
Gale's Simulacrum Headcanons
Disclaimer: Yes, I am aware of the magic behind Gale's mirror image and know that it's not, in fact, a simulacrum. But I wrote this before I knew that, and I still think it's cute.
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Gale and his Mirror Image (feat. a romanced Tav)
Gale’s projection has some form of sentience, since he can maintain the summon on his own without Gale there to maintain concentration (ie: for the death protocol) Which makes me wonder exactly how much of Gale’s personality is in there.
The portion of Gale’s mind that is open to him means he has a working memory of other times he’s been summoned. Over time, he becomes like a second Gale. A Purple!Gale if you will.
Gale summons Purple!Gale for many different reasons: Checking for ceremorphosis symptoms, instructing Tav on the steps for his resurrection, and of course, playing usher to his Act 2 date with Tav, but he also uses the image for more mundane purposes, like helping him trim his beard, or leaving messages at camp when he’s away.
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Gale created a spell that was meant to provide a protocol for his projection interacting with his partner, but in doing so he accidentally gave the projection a crush on Tav.
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Imagine Gale examining what is supposed to be his mirror image, when his mirror suddenly loses focus and starts staring past him at something in the distance with an adoring smile on his face. Gale has to turn around and see Tav talking to someone else in camp, and promptly remind Purple!Gale to pay attention.
Gale: "And where do you think you're looking, eh? Focus."
Purple!Gale: "Hm? Oh. Of course."
Gale: "Don't make me discorporate you."
Gale leaves his image outside his tent one night to leave a message for Tav, but Purple!Gale tries to strike up a conversation with his partner, slowly slipping in a few compliments or flirty lines (maybe even a few that Gale planned to use himself)
Tav is completely aware of Purple!Gale’s crush, and thinks it’s adorable. They’ll even go as far as to humor him sometimes and flirt back, because Gale being jealous of himself is way funnier than it needs to be.
Purple!Gale can see into Gale’s mind, but doesn’t possess the ability to lie, so he’ll occasionally reveal secrets about Gale to his partner without Gale knowing.
“Yes, when he returns from fetching breakfast, I do believe Gale will be joining you and the others on your quest today. He’s been rather excited by the prospect of seeing you in battle again.”
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After the brain is defeated, and Tav moves into the tower with Gale, he uses Purple!Gale to help him get housework done after particularly busy days at the academy.
Gale promised his partner he’d clean up the tower by the time they got back, but he’s been grading papers all evening, so Purple!Gale helps out instead.
Tav comes home to find Gale asleep, and Purple!Gale in the kitchen doing the dishes.
“Welcome home. Fear not! I’ve completed the household tasks. Gale missed you very much today. In fact, he’s thinking of you as we speak.”
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cqaeluvs · 6 days
can you do the housewardens with a m!mc who collects a bunch of stuff? like cool rocks or gadgets (and he gives them to people he cares about a lot or has a big crush on)
A familiar books seems to shine, begging for your attention .. would you like to join in ..?
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omggg hii... i totally havent vanished from tumblr.. its been like, a year and nearly a week !! so im back !! this was an interesting request and a bit w self insert(? since i do then to collect rock of gadgets and give them to friends/ family !! anon didnt specified much so im going to do little headcanons & scenarios !
some of them might be longer that others !! because i am under huge stress and writers block !!3kfjger gejrg send help (i wrote this at 3am)
(reader is gender neutral, and implied to be yuu !!) (no proof reading so maybe spelling mistakes !!)
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-- Even if you two started with the wrong foot, as you did with almost half of the school...
-- Time went on and after the event's of chapter 2, both of you went into a more friendly territory, and not long after was when he started to notice the way you seem to collect diferent types of rocks, somehow you found a ruby and gave it to him like nothing ?!
-- Now even if he looks at you with a blank expression, the moment he gets to his dorm, carefully looking around his hands go to a drawer and he takes out a box, that kept every single rock and gadget you given to him safe and sound, perfectly clean too!.
" Oh, another one? .. and of amazing quality too, as long as you are not stealing them from anyone nor are you breaking any rules to get these, i am more than willing to take all of them. "
-- He smiled at you, your hands came into contact with his own as you handed him another of the pretty rocks you find, he can't help but think that only someone as gorgeous as you could find this type of good quality gadgets.
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-- Oh?, and from where did you found such a good quality brooch, you aren't stealing from other people are you Herbivore? he chuckles as you looked at him annoyed that he would think of you as a thief. both of you know he doesn't mean it, and even if you were actually stealing them he would turn a blind eye
-- He does the same thing Riddle does, he saves them in a box away from any public eye, including Ruggie's. Every morning he checks them and makes sure every one is there, as he goes back to sleep.
-- He enjoys the feeling of your presence, nose twitching at the faint smell of that perfume he left on Ramshackles' door on your birthday, so he knew that a new rock or gadget was gonna be soon layed on his chest.
Leona's ears twitched as your footsteps became louder, one of his eyes opening slowly as he watched you carefully placed a shiny small rock on his chest, when you left his hand went to his chest grabbing carefully the rock with a caring yet tight grip in a case someone wanted to act funny and steal it from him.
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-- Azul and you also didn't start with the right foot !!, but since you seem to have a fascination for the beach you guys started to bond quite a lot.
-- It was one of this days that the sea decided to give you quite the beautiful stone to gift to your beloved crush, a beautiful lilac that reminded you of the octopus that stole your heart without knowing.
-- You cleaned it really well, looked at the sea one last time as you decided to run as fast as your legs can let you, nearly bumping into Azul himself, who seemed startled as you placed the beautiful stone on his gloved hands.
Azul ajusted his glasses that slided a bit from his nose because of the jump you cause him since you appeared out of nowhere screaming at him when you saw him from the corner of your eyes. He cleaned some inexistent dust as he looked at you nerveous, his hand your hand. He felt the small rock placed on his palm, as you told him how much i reminded you of him because of the lilac color feeling the need of giving it to him.
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-- You must be really naive if you think you can give him anything and not expect anything in return, Jamil is starting to get gray hairs because of you two. Kalim needs to stop throwing so much money, especially with how greedy NRC students can be.
-- The first time you gifted him an cheese shaped erased he felt to happy and also unable of using it because it's a gift from you !!.
-- And at the next day, there was a silver necklace for you, or if you are one of the gold people!, a beautiful gold ring was in quite the expensive box, behind it .. more boxes, with clothes and food.
" Ah, Hello !, did you liked the gift i left at your porch this morning?, i felt like its the least i could do for you. How do you feel about some ride on the carpet in the night?, or you can go and have dinner with us in Scarabia!, im sure Jamil won't mind. "
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-- A rainbow diamond ? .. Dear potato from where you got this ?.
-- The Dwarfs' Mines .. !? Potato that so dangerous ! How and when did you go there ?!
-- A rainbow diamond is what you found the first day as a janitor, in that cave after the chandelier accident, you couldn't help yourself from grabbing it besides the magestone that Deuce grabbed. And until now, you have kept that diamond safe.
-- When you met Vil, your first thought was the rainbow diamond no one but him seemed fit for the gem in your eyes, every thing about him reminded you of the diamond, and so when the VDC camp started, late at night when it was just you two, you carefully gave the blond the perfect and beautiful rainbow diamond.
" How.. Potato, do you know how rare and expensive this is..? " Vil looked at you in a disbelief he masked immideatly, his gloved hands carefully traced over the beautiful gem, he hid how flustered he felt when you explained him that out of everyone in NRC, you only saw him fit to have such a rare and expensive gem but you didnt know it was that rare, he cleared his throat as he sent you off to sleep, considering how late it was. As he walked towards his dorm in Ramshackle he made sure to hide it very well as a small pink adorned his cheeks.
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-- Since Idia barely comes out of his room, you mostly go find Ortho, giving him rocks and flowers. Some for him and Of course, Idia.
-- As you cleaned around Ramshackle, something fell on your head .. some weird blue heart shaped rock? weirdly specific, as you caressed the rock your thought drifted to the blue-fire haired man, such an awkward man that you couldn't help but find him endearing, and his little brother has always been there for you.
-- You placed the cleaning kit back into that small room, fixing yourself a little bit as you decided to give the rock to your crush face to face, you walked towards the mirrow hall then you stood infront of the mirror that lead to Ignihyde.
-- As you looked around, Ortho who looked beyond happy to see you there, taking your hand he lead you into his and Idia's room.
Idia jumped from his chair as Ortho open the door with a loud bang, as he was about to sigh and scold him, the familiar picture of his crush appeared, he jumped even higher as he tried to escape. He closed his eyes as he felt his hands touch something cold, his slim finger wrapped around your warm hands. His hair started to turn pink the moment you left the dorm, he could feel the smoke leaving his head, feeling like an overheated console. when he open his hands, he nearly fainted at the small heart shaped rock with a flower, putting the rock into his pocket, playing with inbetween his fingers, Idia looked the monitor screen with a blank stare with tainted cheeks.
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-- Oh?, trying to court him now or are you not, dear child of man?.
-- When you first gave him a random rock you found outside of Ramshackle, he looked perplexed. Not only you were not afraid of him, but you were also actively trying to court him?. Oh dear, you two just met a few minutes ago, but he wont mind.
-- Infact he love it, and as dragons have their fascination for special types of treasure, of course as Riddle. Malleus has a special box where he saves all of the rocks and gadgets you had given to him.
" Child of man, are you aware of what this means .. ? " Malleus looked at you, many stones in his hands. Different sizes and colors as he looked at you crouched a few miles infront of him, colleting more rocks and gadgets to give him. If Malleus had his dragon tail out, it would be wagging like crazy, dilated pupils as he stared at the back of your head, with pure adoration as he extended his hands for the new pile of rocks that you are placing.
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AND ITS NOW OFFICIALLY 6 AM AS I FINISH WRITING THIS !! I CANT TO THIS ANYMORE, im going to vanish for a year again because oh lord !!, i hope you guys enjoyed it (i cant put more tags?!?!?!)
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kitzatara · 1 month
Exactly 60 years ago today, Zatanna came onto the comic book pages of Hawkman #4, and has continued to thrill and delight!
So to celebrate here on tumblr, this will be a post about fun facts and information about the one and only, Princess of Prestidigitation, Sorceress Supreme, and Mistress of Magic!
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Zatanna is a human and Homo Magi hybrid born to Giovanni “John” Zatara and Sindella. Through Zatara she is of Italian descent, and related to Leonardo Da Vinci, Nostradamus, Cagliostro, and Nicholas Flammel. On her mother’s side she is of Atlantean descent and distantly related to Arion the sorcerer king and demi-god of Atlantis.
Zatanna primarily casts spells by speaking backwards, originally due to her connection to Da Vinci who wrote his journals in reverse. Later it was revealed to be a way to keep the Otherkind from the dark multiverse from finding and feeding on her. And while it is her go to spellcasting method she can cast spells without speaking, through rhymes, runes, song, and even psychically!
Since she can pretty much make anything happen by speaking it backwards she has a laundry list of magical capabilities and is considered one of the most powerful Justice Leaguers, and magic users in the DC universe. Having used her powers to stop many threats over the years and save countless lives.
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Despite having near limitless powers Zatanna often suffers from being sidelined in stories, or nerfed to make her more palatable to the narrative. Usually due to a combination of sexism, being not as popular as other characters, or so that the other characters can have the spotlight. But when Zatanna gets to shine, it’s brighter than the sun.
Like many of her peers Zatanna has a no kill rule, and has actually never killed anyone in the main continuity/universe. She has also never died in main canon, a somewhat rare quality among comic characters.
Despite having a no kill rule Zatanna does have a bit of temper, as well as an over reliance on her magic powers. She is a self proclaimed “spellaholic” often using magic for mundane tasks and to get even with people who vex her. And when her father, loved ones, and children are threatened she has been known to lash out. But she always sets things right, and does the right thing in the end.
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Despite her temper Zatanna is a very kind and loving character, she considers many of the League members to be like family, and is much beloved among the superheroes and magic users of the world. Her fierce determination to do good and put a smile on people’s faces even when she’s feeling low is a stand out character trait. She has even gone out of her way to protect her enemies, the people who caused her mother’s death, and civilians of people who have harmed her. Because at the end of the day she is a hero, and damn good one.
Zatanna is a complex and fascinating character with so much wonderful history to explore. And it’s so fortunate that she has her first ever Black Label solo called Zatanna: Bring Down The House. What better way to celebrate her 60 years than by checking it out? Issue #3 releases next week! And tomorrow (August 21st) Superman #17 releases featuring a rare team up between the Magic Maid and the Man of Steel. And below are some of my personal comic reading recs!
May you come to love her as I do
Yojne! 🎩🪄
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that-enby-witch · 2 years
Witchy Resources
Cafe Astrology - does your birth chart and it’s presented in a really cute way imo. It also gives you info about each placement and you can check compatibility and stuff too
Co—Star - I downloaded is the other day, it gives you quick daily horoscopes, do’s and dont’s for the day, and a longer breakdown of the horoscope
Dream work
Little Book of Dreams - I got this at a local store but you can get it for £4. It’s really cute and small, with just little summaries for what common dreams mean. It’s very simple but good for beginners in dream work
Deity worship (These are specific to Hellenism. You don’t have to worship Greek deities to be a witch but it’s what I have resources on because it’s what I follow)
Wikipedia - no seriously. It has info on so many different deities and their mythology so it’s actually quite useful.
r/Hellenism - a good place to ask questions if you’re new to deity worship and get some SPG on less common deities. Be sure to fact check
Amino - there’s a couple of Greek mythology and Hellenist communities on here. Like with Reddit, fact check!
Theoi.com - so much basic info on various deities, and it’s got epithets and things too that Wikipedia doesn’t have.
Nata Soul Taro - probably the best pick a pile tarot readers I’ve found on YouTube. she also has a website and does personal readings. The videos are very calming and often really accurate
Zodianz - gives you three tarot cards and their meanings. Includes whether they’re yes or no, zodiac signs, planets and elements that correspond with each card, keywords for the card and then a short paragraph about the meaning. It also gives the meaning of the numbers in the card (like in 8 cups it tells you about 8)
If anyone knows any websites where you can learn tarot meanings let me know and I’ll add them to this list
Spell work
The Works - if you’re British, The Works has a lot of trinket boxes that you can keep spell ingredients in, and some potion bottles which are meant for crafts but they’re perfect for spell jars
Witchipedia - has some basic info about spells and some simple ones that you can do without needing many tools. Perfect for broom closeted witches, beginners or witches who can’t afford fancy stuff.
@strangesigils has some posts on common sigil methods, or, you can use some of their existing sigils!
Shadow work
Pinterest - I’m not kidding Pinterest has some great shadow work prompts if you just type in shadow work. Some are meh and some are really good
Co—Star - as well as astrology this also has a section where you can write a message to yourself and it’ll pop up the next time the stars are in the same position as they were when you wrote it
Crystal work
Holly’s Hope Beads - handmade crystal jewellery! My mum knows the girl who owns it and I’ve gotten a few pieces here. Really pretty and good quality
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obsessedwithyouxx · 5 months
Pt. 1 of Random Sodapop headcannons bcz why tf not
I don’t have these thought out in advance I’m js writing as I go so i take full blame for mistakes and shit
- He totally has a high pitched girly scream
- Yk how Pony commented on his spelling in the letter? Well news flash: Soda cannot spell for his life.
- His handwriting is a messsss
- Him n Dal have a shared fear of spiders and they totally got trapped in a room together with a spider one time and were screaming at each other to kill it
- He’s like SO oblivious you can full on shove a pickup line right in his face and he won’t realise your flirting until you outright say “I’m flirting with you.”
- He did go to Vietnam after the books events but he DIDN’T die bcz i said so😊
- Food colouring in everything he cooks. If it’s not food colouring, it’s mixing the most weird ass food combinations. It was already mentioned me made green pancakes, well, some of his other favourites were his pink muffins, blue potato mash and purple roast.
- All of the above (and most things he cooks) taste like absolute dog shit, but his brothers eat it to make him happy (Soda actually enjoys it)
- He gets bored way too easily and can’t sit still for his life
- He genuinely loves the snow and will spend hours in it without even realising he’s cold, but the moment Darry drags him back inside he basically collapses in the couch
- He’s totally sick all Christmas season, like, the reddest nose you’ve seen and sniffling all day which he loves complaining about, but the moment someone actually takes him seriously he’s all like “no I’m fine don’t worry about me”
- He totally uses his fingers for math but them moment he doesn’t have enough fingers he’s screwed
- Whenever he has to write out checks (what’s a check? don’t ask me i don’t think i used the right word) or whatever you call it where you like write the (receipt? the bill?) the amount something costs for the customers at the DX he just gives it to Steve bcz he A) can’t do math and B) can’t spell and C) his handwriting looks like a dog spewed its guts everywhere
- He he totally the type of guy to be watching a horror movie with his friends and then be laughing at everyone who’s scared but the moment he actually looks at the screen there’s a massive jumpscare and he screams soo loud
- you could send him to get the groceries, and instead he’ll come back with every weird trinket he finds OTHER than what’s on teh shopping list
- he was totally part of the Ponyboy naming team, like, he was so obsessed with horses that he kept asking for a horse and so his parents told him “you’re getting a little brother, not a horse” and then he started saying Ponyboy
- when they used to attend church, pony would be half asleep, Darry would be sitting, listening, but soda would be basically bursting at the seams and end up making the randoms most off topic comments
- and when his brothers didn’t react to that he’d start elbowing them and trying to get their attention but just end up getting told off
- the same thing basically happened in school too
- He’s lactose intolerant which is technically kind of canon bcz it was in a fanfic the S.E. Hilton herself wrote
- He’s also totally one of those people who will have the randomest allergic reaction and brush it off like it’s fine even though he’s practically anaphylactic or sum shit
I’ve written too much but yall are totally getting a part two heheheh
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
JOHNNY DAVIS | Cheers to a (real) wild one
The Bikeriders (2023)
At the request of my beloved df (dear friend) @narcolini, who wrote this fucking FIIIIREEEEEEEE disgusting, amazing, beautiful, ridiculous, obscenely and downright upsettingly well-written Johnny Davis x Reader fic -> called white room, and also brought my attention to the s e v e r e lack of Johnny gifs out on the interwebs, I am hereby dumping some of my fav Johnny moments from The Bikeriders aka just S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders for grownups nvm that they’re contemporary stories shshhhhh shhh it still works. So that we may all join hands together in a kumbayah-my-lordt prayer circle to levitate to the ceiling chanting spells appreciate and enjoy and gaze creepily lovingly at his beautiful, grizzled bisexually lovestruck sweet bb angel face that launched a thousand choppers eat your heart out Helen you got nothin on our golden boy and so that my df (dear friend) might regale us with additional installments of possibly the most in-character fanfic I’ve read in my life bc this man is in their bones, yall, dejame do TELLLL you like seriously go check it out, pls and thnku.
And so, without further ado I present to you the tumblr equivalent of my 7th grade diorama honoring golden boy, Johnny Davis:
Yeah, so this👇here is just him being fucking perfect and adorable, laughing at his malewife Benny’s red-light/stop-sign-running shenanigans, pretending like he’s not half as in love with him as he clearly is, him being so perfect it stuck in my memory, like gum to a subway seat and I knew, before I even got the request, before I even started screenrecording, that I was forsure, 1000000% gonna gif these
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This👇here is him being fucking perfect, gazing sexily from across the bar, pretending he ain’t the big man in charge, going over to assure a reasonably sketched out Kathy of her unequivocal safety in his bar, all rolling up his sleeves, casually slow-walking over, like he doesn’t own the damn place even tho he abs does, like idc if it’s not canon (tbh bc I only saw the movie twice) but no one will convince that man’s name is not on the deed to that bar bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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Oh this👇one right here is just him being a perfect fucking commiserate professional club leader, offering to fight some dude who was challenging Her Majesty’s crown bc Her Majesty won’t let said dude start a Milwaukee chapter get real Milwaukee, you don’t even go here even tho after the fight, Her Majesty Johnny’s just gonna fuckin let the dude start it anyway, he wants to test a homie’s dedication, bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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These ones👇here are just him being fucking dreamy and perfect, all enjoying a Sunday afternoon ride into the sunset with his malewife Benny the fam, hair blowing in the breeze, ain’t got a care in the world bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect, doing his best Brando-mugging at the camera, cigarette expertly hanging out his mouth by a thread, eyebrows up nearly to his hairline, all squinting like he about to fail a vision test at the DMV n giving them no choice but to take his driver’s license away, except jokes on them bc nothing and I mean n o t h i n g can keep him away from these mean streets or from his girlfriend that’s he knows is way too cool for him, Benny bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect and positively heartbroken getting the news that his malewife has been attacked by some clowns in a bar from my malewife, a one Ponyboy-coded, Mr. Cal from California aka Boyd Holbrook in greaser drag and I normally am so not for blondies but by god am I here for that and plotting his inevitable revenge on those no-good mfs who did his girl so dirty, nearly taking away her ability to ride bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is
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This here👇is him being fucking perfect exacting said vengeance on behalf of his malewife, Benny aka The Girl Everyone Wants To Take To The Prom by finding the dudes who beat him up and then setting the bar on fire for good measure bc gottdammmititfkdjd nobody messes with MAH WOMAN bc that’s the kinda guy Johnny is. It’s also him hilarious with the comedic timing like look at how funny his face is just telling Brucie to burn it down SKSKSK
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And this here👇is him being fucking perfect, watching the world burn enjoying the fruits of his labor, a Labor Of Love in fact, bc that’s the kinda fuckin guy Johnny is
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And what’s more gold than that, right guys?? Never change. Stay gold, Johnny. Stay gold.
taglist: @drabbles-mc, @when-did-this-become-difficult, @complete-nonsequitur, @ashlingiswriting since yall read the fic
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katscloudy · 10 days
this is gonna be short but this is also my first ever fic.. if you want to i need tips in the comments 😞😞 ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes, i wrote this right after school and didn’t check to see if it was good 🤫
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When Vance first met her, he was playing pinball at the grab ‘n go, focused until someone bumped into him from behind, causing him to lose. He turned around looking for a fight, only to see a girl wearing white and pink, soft makeup, and an apologetic look on her face.
Normally, he would’ve ignored that it was a girl and he would punch her, but.. this was different. She apologized immediately, smiled, and walked away. And for weeks after, that smile was stuck in Vance’s mind, no matter how hard he tried to get rid of it. It annoyed him, but his thoughts only led to him finding the same girl again three weeks later at school.
The school year just started, so naturally kids were bound to get lost trying to find their classes. Vance walked past maybe twelve kids walking around confused, until he saw her again, dressed in a knee-length white skirt, and a baby pink cardigan over a white blouse. She was looking around, wandering up and down hallways trying to find her classes. Without thinking, Vance walked up to her, taking a peek at the paper in her hands containing all her classes.
“Art is over there, dipshit.” He muttered over her shoulder, pointing down the hall.
What Vance didn’t expect, was for the girl to turn her head back, and stare at him with big e/c eyes. They were beautiful, but as she said thank you, Vance only scoffed and walked away. That was the start of their weird relationship.
During the two classes Vance had with the girl, he would catch himself staring at her, or accidentally make eye contact with the girl, then he would immediately look away and pretend that he wasn’t just staring at her. In their french class, their teacher assigned partners for a project. And surprisingly for Vance, he got partnered with the girl.
Luckily for Vance, the girl was smart. They went to her house after school, and in her room is where they worked on the project. It was nothing too hard, just a poster on a french-speaking country. The girl and Vance talked for a little while, as they she did most of the work.
Then, for months, Vance would continue to talk to the same girl. It took him a while to really realize and accept that he had a thing for the girl. But the day he was finally going to ask her out, a black van started to follow him.
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Showering with Lyle (Gym buddy edition) 18+
Someone asked for the shower scenes following my first headcanon for gym buddy Lyle I think it was @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed ? As I said in my first my headcanon, my piece was inspired by @xandy-toady and their works (please go check them out they are awesome). Gif was taken by @deactivated173845 Also I wrote this high so if there’s bad punctuation/ spelling just let me know and I will fix it when I’m sober
Contains mature themes so anyone under 18 DNI
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* For as eager as Lyle is to see you naked, when you get to the bathroom he sets you down and lets you undress at your own pace. That doesn’t mean he won’t stare while you do it though
* You were still a bit flustered from being picked up like you weighed nothing (man’s stacked what can I say?). “Can you turn the water on already?” You ask trying to distract him a bit to catch your bearings.
* “Alright, but you gotta tell me if the water temp is okay.” He seems to catch the hint so instead of oogling you he starts to undress himself. He takes a giant hand and turns the knob of the shower to turn it on. Just by the position you know the waters going to be freezing.
* You take off your pants first and spend some time staring at him instead. “You’re going to need to make it warmer than that. I don’t like cold showers.” His tail sways to the side and he adjusts the temperature a bit more, sticking his hand under the water to feel the temp.
* “More” you instruct as you take off your final garments. Lyle shakes his head but turns the water up more. “Greedy are we? No wonder why everyone complains about not having hot water.” He turns his head to see you and his breath catches.
* There you were in front of him with nothing to cover your body from his eyes. It had been a hot minute since he’s seen anyone naked, let alone someone as attractive as you. He knew you were smoking but you hid under baggy clothes most of the time and he was not expecting you to be so fine.
* He turns to face you fully, gesturing his arm towards the shower spray. “Ladies first” he gives you a smirk. It was your turn to gawk at him and you were taken by surprise. To say that he was huge was an understatement, he was *very well-defined*. Without all his clothes in the way, you could see why he flexes in front of the mirror. He was hot as hell.
* From his big biceps all the way to his calves there was so much muscle and all you wanted to do was run your hands over them. Even his dick was huge and you wondered for a minute if you got yourself into trouble by asking him to join you.
* Lyle startled you out of your thoughts, “I don’t know how much longer we’ll have hot water if you keep staring like that.” Your face heats up and you pad your way over to the water, sticking your hand out to check if it was warm enough. Lyle watched you as he leaned casually against the wall.
* He was trying so hard to suppress his lust so he wouldn’t pop a boner and scare you off. He wanted you so bad but could also tell that if he lined you up with his dick it would go past your belly button and then some. He wanted to make sure you had an out if you needed one.
* You step under the water fully and let out a big sigh of relief when the hot water touched your sore back. Lyle sent you a smile as he maneuvered himself under the water too. “Let me know if I’m crowding you alright?” You were at a loss for words with his dick being damn near face level so you just nodded.
* You tilt your head back and let the water run over your scalp as Lyle clears his throat. “I don’t want to rush you, but I want you so bad.” You look up at him and he looks torn and you get your courage back from earlier.
* “Why don’t you come down closer?” You ask, motioning him to kneel down. He does as you ask with no hesitation and he settles in on his knees. He was still taller than you at half his height but it wasn’t a problem for you. In fact, you found it quite hot.
* You grab one of his big hands and guide it toward your body placing it against your waist. You reach for the other one and bring it to your chest, splaying his fingers out to cover as much skin as possible. His hands are calloused but he’s gentle as he runs his hands along your skin. You bring your own hands up to his face and cradle him. His eyes flutter shut and his tail darts around you to wrap around the back of your thighs.
* You reach up to touch his face and remember just how tiny you are compared to him. One hand traces the tiny white dots covering his face and your other hand lands on his pec. His eyes open and he runs his fingers over your nipples, leaning down as he places a kiss on the top of your shoulder. The hand holding your waist goes around you and cups your ass pushing you into him further. Lyle was doing his best to be gentle and went slowly to avoid scaring you off.
* You move closer to him and while he’s distracted you take the chance to give his right nipple a tug with your fingers. Lyle jerks under your hands and you feel a breathy laugh against your neck. “Was that really necessary Short Stack?” You give him a quick peck on the side of his face, “I just wanted to see how you would react is all.” You feign innocence and feel his hand tighten on your ass.
* Lyle nuzzles your shoulder again but this time he opens his mouth and bites down playfully. When you moan and bring your hand up to his cheek he pulls away and whispers smugly “I just wanted to see how you would react.” Before you can sass back he lifts you up and lowers his head slightly to reach your chest. At first, it’s gentle kisses, but then it grows heavy and his hands are everywhere at once. It was honestly a bit over stimulating but you could hardly complain about how good it felt.
* A soft bite around your nipple pulls your attention into focus again as a loud moan leaves your throat. “Damn you make some cute noises.” As an act of retaliation, your hand lifts up and tugs on the tip of his ear which almost causes him to drop you. You think for a second that maybe you hurt him but then you see his mouth lift in the corners with a sly smile. “Is this how you’re going to be for our first? Feisty, I like it.”
* You each trade kisses with each other along with a few pinches and tugs here and there which cause both of you to moan into the other's mouth. At one point after a nice hard tug to his other ear he grinds you down onto his hard cock and you gasp in surprise. “Already? I haven’t even put it in yet” He teases and slides your body against himself again. You send a flustered smack to his forehead and he just laughs and squeezes you tighter in his hands.
* He arranges the both of you so his back is against the wall and straightens his legs out causing you to wind up in the cowgirl position resting above his dick. You don’t know where it comes from but you tell Lyle to give you his Queue and he complies, throwing the braid over the front of his shoulder. You grasp the braid lightly, inching your fingers lower as Lyle pulls your hips down harder into himself.
* You wind up a few inches above the tendrils covered by his braid. You look up and Lyle watches you with hazy eyes, not seeming to care that you were almost touching a major part of his biology. With Lyle still grinding into you, you hold the Queue in one hand and tilt it upward to look at the wiggling mass. You knew the purpose of the tendrils and what would usually happen if connected to another Pandoran species. Out of curiousness, you bring your other hand closer and let the pink limbs wrap around your fingers.
* Lyle’s eyes squeeze shut and his fingers are gripping your sides hard enough to bruise them. His mouth falls open and he lets out something that sounds oddly like a purr. One of his big hands goes up to your face, his thumb resting on your cheek while his other fingers wrap around the back of your head. His eyes open and the way he looks at you sends a shiver down your spine. “Short Stack, whatever you’re doing- keep doing it. Fuck you feel so good.” You gently start rubbing your fingers against the tendrils and Lyle immediately starts purring again with sharp breaths and deep grunts mixed in with it.
* You removed your fingers and position the queue to meet up with your nipple, or at least that’s what you planned to do before someone opens the door. Before you can turn your head to see who it is you just hear a chorus of: “Lyle what is taking- Y/n?!” You knew there were at least three of the other recoms by the mixture of voices you heard. Your hands fly up to cover your chest (even though your back is facing them) and Lyle snaps out of his hazy grinding fast enough to give you whiplash.
* He pulls you tight against his chest, using his large hands to cover most of your naked body, and lets out the loudest hiss you have ever heard. Lyle reaches out to his side and grabs the first bottle he can, chucking it against someone’s face judging by the sound of the impact. “Damn- Okay! Jeez! Sorry!” You hear the door slam shut and feel an immediate sense of relief. Lyle lets you slide away from his chest and makes eye contact with you. “I won’t let any of them bug you about this, they say anything and they’re dead.” You put your hand on his pec, feeling his strong heartbeat under your palm. “Well with the hell of a reaction you had, they might not say anything.” You send a hand up to gently slap his cheek and it breaks him out of his seriousness.
* “You just like hitting me don’t you Short Stack?” He grabs your wrist, tugging it to his mouth where he not so gently bites your forearm. He didn’t bite hard enough to draw blood but there’s definitely a Lyle-sized bite mark staying the night. He grabs his Queue with one hand and holds it up, a smirk on his face. “Now what exactly were you planning to do with this I wonder?“ You act confused “Hmm I can’t seem to remember. What a shame.”
* His confidence falters for a minute and he gets a knot in his stomach. Lyle starts thinking to himself ‘Shit, what if she got weirded out by the hair thing? Damn, I don’t want to-‘ and he’s suddenly shaken out of his thoughts by a warm tingling sensation taking over his whole body. He looks down and sees you holding the Queue to your breast and letting the tentacles wrap themselves around your nipple.
* Yeah, Lyle was *definitely* a tits man. He feels his chest begin to vibrate and realizes that he’s purring again. It was a weird sensation and it made him feel a bit self-conscious, but when he heard your little giggles he didn’t give a damn. He reaches one of his hands down to your pussy and feels around gently for your clit. When you gave a little shiver Lyle realized he found what he was looking for and started rubbing slow circles into it.
* He watches as your mouth falls open and brings his free hand up, resting a large thumb against your lips. You made eye contact as you wrapped your lips around his thumb. Lyle’s tail was swinging wildly back and forth on the ground and he was honestly surprised he could even feel it at all with how much pleasure was shooting through his body. Before this, he never gave a damn about the stupid braid on the back of his head but now? He is sending mental thank yous to every god he can think of. He could feel each individual tendril move around your nipple and it was driving him crazy. The only thing he could remotely compare the sensation to was an orgasm but it was happening all over his spine and he could feel the tingling all the way down to his fingertips.
* Just as he’s about to speak he hears a loud pounding against the door. “Lyle,” He can hear the Colonel on the other side of the door. “I understand you may be busy at the moment but duty calls and I need you out in 5” He lets out a frustrated groan, his ears slanting back. He looks down at you with a frown.
* You were flustered once again, but this time you were also pretty damn horny and you mentally cursed out Quaritch in your head. You gently detach Lyle’s Queue from your skin and let out an exasperated sigh. Lyle follows your actions and gently places you back on your feet. He pushes himself against the wall to stand up while turning off the water. He grabbed each of you a towel and holds yours out to him. “Just so we’re clear, this is so not over.” You put a hand on your hip and say “Yeah no shit, I’m not done with you yet. Let's meet again tonight during lights out.” Lyle nods, “Sounds good to me”
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