#also. this movie predicted the fucking internet of things?? what the fuck??
"I give her to you and take myself away" hey man how about i go the fuck insane
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therainscene · 3 months
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I've described myself in the past as "overly-queerbaited" as a way of explaining why it took me so long to come around to Byler endgame as a legitimate possibility... but that's kind of a misleading way of putting it.
Truth is, I've always been too much of a cynical fuck to fall for queerbait... or any other story that promises positive queer rep.
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[Sherlock couldn't touch me; I saw this cringe homophobia coming from a mile away. Fans mistaking straight anxiety jokes for meaningful gay subtext was clearly doomed to end in mockery. Nobody deserved to be treated like that... but god, it was easy to predict.]
I think it's a symptom of having grown up under Section 28 -- feeling like I'm being unreasonable for wanting to see queerness normalized is such an ingrained habit that even today I instinctively recoil like a vampire touching sunlight whenever an optimistic queer story falls unrequested into my lap.
But I'm hardly alone in feeling this way -- many queer Millennial and Gen-X fans of Stranger Things are against the idea of Byler because it would ruin the catharsis of watching the gay boy growing up in the same era as we did slowly succumb to the same despair that we did.
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[For those who haven't played the VR game: Vecna is speaking in this screenshot.]
There's genuine comfort to be found in painful stories -- this type of catharsis is practically the cornerstone of horror as a genre -- so I can't really fault myself or anyone else for wanting it, despite the obnoxious oversaturation of disappointing queer endings in media.
This is the nostalgia show, after all -- and like it or not, for many middle-aged queers in the target audience, nostalgia is shot through with the pain of homophobia and loneliness.
But do you know who else is a hurt queer(-coded) adult who resents happy endings? This cynical fuck:
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Henry personifies despair and loneliness and the dark urge to take our pain out on others -- and when Will is in the picture, I would argue that he also represents internalized homophobia.
Will might represent who we were -- but Henry represents who we've let ourselves turn into.
And I don't think many of us want to admit to that, because that would involve questioning why we have so much in common with the literal villain of the show; why we're still so consumed with self-pity after 20+ years that we're obsessing over the fate of some kid.
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I'm not suggesting that wanting a less-than-fairytale ending for a fictional gay boy is equivalent to being a child killer lol. It's perfectly valid to want to see your pain acknowledged, and stories which appeal to that desire deserve to exist.
But between Henry's connection to Will and the cycle of abuse themes of the show, it's clear that this particular story simply isn't about wallowing in the bleakness of growing up gay in the 80s, but about self-actualizing in spite of it all.
So I just can't bring myself to want a "relatable" ending for Will.
As much as I struggle to enjoy positive queer rep, I don't want to be so cynical. I'd thrown up so many walls to protect myself as a teenager that I forgot how desperately I wanted to see just one of those painful queer stories end on the same uplifting note that straight stories were always entitled to: with true love overcoming the odds, saving the day, and living happily ever after.
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[But I'm A Cheerleader, a surprisingly fun movie about conversion therapy, is proof that stories like this did exist when I was a teen... but finding them in the pre- and early-internet days amidst so much censorship was a tall order.]
What makes Stranger Things different from most queer stories -- and what allowed it to pierce through my defenses and stab me in the gut -- is that it perfectly mimics those bleak, acceptable-to-the-censors stories from my youth -- only this time, the secret uplifting gay plot twist is real.
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Not for the sake of shock value or of grabbing some empty woke points at the last second, but because the plan all along was to slap the audience in the face for believing homophobic lies about the existence of queer happiness.
That's some gourmet catharsis, if you ask me.
Just the possibility that my inner child might finally be vindicated has allowed me to truly let myself want the things I want for the first time in 20 years -- and that's the first step towards finally crawling back out into the sunlight.
Happy Pride Month, everyone. 🌈
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
my first fictional crush was goku at age maybe 6.
the first fanfiction i ever wrote was FF7. the second one was DBZ. the third was a crossover between them both. i was like. 8 or 9.
in 5th grade, i got in trouble in school for passing handwritten DBZ fanfiction back and forth with the boy who sat front of me in class, and my mom refused to yell at me for it because she was glad that i was doing something creative.
DBZ was one of the things that my brother and i actually did together as kids. we were never close because he's 6 years older than me, but i have distinct memories of coming home from school and he'd be waiting with the next 3 or 4 DBZ episodes he'd downloaded from the internet, japanese fansubbed in english because the english dub hadn't released past the frieza saga yet. so i knew how the series went before any of my friends did. he would also go to chinatown in NYC and come home with bootleg fansubbed VHS tapes of DBZ movies. this was like circa 1999-2001. i still have them at my mom's house.
before i knew that cosplay was a thing that people actually did, i went as pan from DBGT for halloween when i was 12.
when i did find out what cosplay was, i was too afraid to do it properly, so when i went to my first convention at 17 with a boyfriend who did not want to go with me but i made him go anyway (it was AnimeNEXT 2007), i threw together a closet cosplay of a genderbent mirai trunks. and i actually found the fucking picture i took of it in the bathroom at my mom's house.
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(that's the closest you're ever going to get to a proper face reveal btw lmao a 17 year old picture of me where you can see more of my tits than my face.)
i then went on to properly redo my pan cosplay, and i cosplayed chichi as well. took a picture at a con with a lil baby like 3 year old who was dressed up as goku. can't find it right now though.
in 2011, i went to anime boston with @feelboss and @theggning and drunkenly ran into sean schemmel (the english voice of goku) and somehow ended up on stage with him later that night, still wasted, at the hentai dubbing panel. faked an orgasm on stage for goku in front of about 200 people. my first fictional crush. probably the most iconic moment of my con-going days. i was 21.
the very first time i was able to use analysis of a character's arc to accurately predict their future portrayal in canon was mirai trunks. when his db super arc aired, i remember just being totally floored like, "i can't believe i actually called so much of this" -- especially considering the fact that DB never really had much of a reputation of being consistent.
i just have so many memories of staying up late with @godtier watching DB and shitposting and RPing bardock and raditz and trolling the fuck out of each other, and just
man DB was such a huge part of my life and just... felt like it was always there for me.
i don't normally mourn celebrity deaths, but i feel like i've spent the last 30 years of my life with akira toriyama. losing him hurts so much. it feels like the world has had a little bit of hope fade away from it. i have a headache from crying.
i know that i would always meme on you for forgetting your own characters, but... thank you, toriyama-san. for everything.
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alligatorjesie · 4 months
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
Do you have any hot tales about tsn?
tsn hot takes ??? gosh, idk if they're hot takes but i have opinions?
i'm sorry to rpf on main but 'andrew garfield was in love with jesse eisenberg' is a hilll i'm going to die on.
similarly, andrew garfield played eduado as in love with mark and watching the movie through that lens enriches the whole experience. fight me.
tsn deserved to win best picture in 2011. out of all the nominees that year, it's the one that has only gained relevance as time passes and had something to say about our culture, both back then and right now. i think it's almost more relevant now than back then. its social commentary on the way we live our lives on the internet is pretty spot on. i mean 'the internet is written in ink'. give me one line better from another movie that year. we lived on farms then we lived in cities and now we're gonna live on the internet?? damn.
this isnt an opinion, more like an observation? back in 2010, people complained about the harsh depiction of zuck but he's worked so hard to prove the movie not only right but also now it almost reads as mild compared to who that guy actually is. it's fascinating in terms of tsn's cultural legacy. where's that one quote from that article about tsn turning 10 yo? the movie couldn't predict what facebook would turn into (in terms of misinformation and manipulation of information) but it understood that the desire to tear down the establishment is not the same as the wish to build something better in its place? anyways, that.
it has one of the greatest soundtracks ever. i don't think any movie has topped it since. that opening sequence with hand covers bruise? holy shit.
i always wonder if it does enough to condemn the elitist misogynistic culture of those rich harvard guys/those rich tech guys. like... i always joke that it's one of my 'ooops the filmmakers forgot women were people' favourite films (i have a few of those) but at the same time, it feels very pointed and purposeful in its depiction. and we know that fincher has a history of exploring toxic masculinity as a theme without explicitly condemning it and trusting his audience to get the message. which, honey, men are not smart. i mean, we get the iconic erica moment telling us from the start 'it'll be because you're an asshole' and then the movie proceeds to prove that to us. but is that enough? is the movie sexist or is the character? or both? i don't know i kinda go back and forth on this. again not a take, just thoughts.
i read this one letterboxd review like a year ago that said something along the line of: best movie of all time they have him tell us ' i don't want friends' in the first eight minutes and it blew my fucking mind. they literally tell us in the first eight minutes, aaron sorkin i just want to talk.
i love him and would kill for him, but eduardo telling mark 'i was your only friend you had one friend' was not only untrue but kinda manipulative. not that mark didn't deserve it.
high key this is one of the most quotable movies of all time. did you know i sent forty-seven texts???
there are whole worlds of unsaid things in the 'you have no idea what that's going to mean to my father' 'sure i do' i am OBSESSED with their relationship.
eduardo's bitchy 'is he?' when sean says he's wired in before the laptop smash is just as, if not more, iconic than the rest of the speech.
andrew was robbed of both a nomination and an oscar for this performance. i stand by it.
2011 golden globes jesse eisenberg dragging andrew gafield out of his chair top awards moment of all time. you had to be there.
people will bitch about tsn rpf and people writing fic about mark zuckerberg but where would we (tumblr) be as a society without jesse and andrew's 'you didn't know me at 13' 'i really wish i had'. where would your pining web-weaving fandom posts be without mr garfield's embarrassingly public crush on his facebook movie co star? check and mate.
genuinely think it would have solved a lot of their problems if mark and eduardo had fucked. or it would have created other different problems. either way, a win.
we all know it should have ended with mark sending eduardo a friend request. literally the only flaw in this film.
i honestly think the tsn press tour is on like... lotr bts footage level in terms of ~as enjoyable if not more than the original film. and i don't say this lightly. it's one of the highest praise i've got.
i'm a basic bitch but every single scene of mark defending eduardo post-betrayal is like.... [SCREAM]
it IS the greatest divorce movie of our time. marriage story fucking wishes mate.
tsn is 100% a girl movie. like red flag for men green flag for women (& gnc people) kind of stuff.
it's on par with all of shakespeare's best tragedies. for me.
lmao when i read this ask i thought damn i won't have much to say and now i have to stop myself because my food is ready and i'm starting. anyways this is barely scratching the surface. i might come back for a part two?
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 7 months
What I'm Watching: February 2024
How we doing, folks? Didn't do much between Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bebop, but I made the most of it.
Perfect Blue
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JDJWIXBEYSIFNEHXOABSUD I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH! Psychological horror is my favorite kind, and questions of self, sanity, and perception can be so juicy. This movie made me so fucking uncomfortable the first time I watched it that I didn't think I'd be able to sit through it again, and now I love it even more every time. Even outside of the story, it's just an incredible piece of filmmaking. The transitions in the opening scene alone, shifting between Mima's different personas so seamlessly in motion but so jarringly in presentation, could be a short film on their own. But then the rest of the movie is like that. Reality and illusion weave together so tightly that I still can't fully pin down what's what (I think the key is somewhere in the overexposed vs the saturated shots, but I keep forgetting to pay attention to that to make sure). The soundtrack lends itself brilliantly to the uneasiness and anxiety, and even divorced from the context of the movie, I can't bring myself to listen to "Virtual Mima" all the way through. It's too effective. On the other hand, I also can't comfortably listen to "Angel Of Love," thanks to context, but it's a fun pop song if you've never seen the elevator scene. It's impossible to overstate how much heavy lifting the soundtrack is doing. The story itself is simple enough, a young woman having an identity crisis in the spotlight while a stalker targets the people around her, but the way it unfolds is such a mindfuck, it warrants rewatching (and rewatching and rewatching, etc). I've already mentioned the transitions in the opening, and that expands later on into flashbacks, dreams, scenes that seem to be real life but are later revealed as part of the crime drama Mima is filming. It makes it hard to predict what is really going on, right up until the moment before a thing happens and that one tiny clue makes everything else click into place. This is the kind of writing I aspire to. As if that's not enough, the themes of celebrity worship, obsession, exploitation in the entertainment industry, and mental illness, and this movie stays relevant. For all that it takes place during the shift from analog to digital and the early days of the internet, it feels eerily timeless. It's my go-to in conversation about movies: have you seen Perfect Blue?
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If I'd been obsessed with *this* Jim Henson movie instead of The Dark Crystal when I was younger, who knows how it might have changed me as a person. Meh, probably not that much, tbh, since I've always loved stories like this. Which leads me to one of my favorite themes in fiction that I don't really see discussed in regards to this: the stories we tell ourselves. In Sarah's case, her indecisiveness (does she want to be the hero or the villain, and consequently, who does she want Jareth to be?) and unwillingness to lead the story is, ironically, what drives the story. The story she tells herself just happens to her, and she's not responsible for any of it, and it's not fair. A childish mindset, of course, and naturally her arc concerns taking responsibility for herself and learning to balance it with a healthy relationship to fantasy. When put that way, it's even more obvious how important it is that she refuse Jareth and his offer, "Let me rule you, and you can have everything." Stay in this dream world and everything you could ever want or desire is yours forever? A tempting offer for anyone, and Sarah's decision is a.) What finally, truly assigns her the role of the hero, and b.) Pretty wise, considering she's only a teenager. That's all Jareth has to offer, is a dream, and in her own words, "it's all junk." And speaking of Jareth... It's probably for the best I didn't grow up with fear me, love me, etc in my system, because it's done enough of a number on me as it is. What else to say? He's David fricken Bowie, what more do you need to say? This also applies to the music, just so we're clear (and that goes double for "Chilly Down"). And for the rest, it's Jim fricken Henson!
Mrs Brown's Boys
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And that's basically the series so far in a nutshell. It kinda reminds me of The Carol Burnett Show, if there were episodic plot lines instead of sketch comedy and they'd been allowed to swear. I think that's mostly to do with the fourth wall and/or character breaks throughout, the former of which happens frequently enough to be a running gag but not so often it becomes a gimmick, and the latter is always fun no matter what you're watching.
Wolf Creek 2
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So, if you start playing franchise bingo with slasher movies, you notice the villains themselves fall into two categories: they either don't talk and they're boring/only there to be indestructible killing machines, or they do talk and they're the absolute worst/will kill you for sure but will have so much fun doing it. (This excludes Terrifier, which is an outlier adn should not be counted.) And you can guess which category Mick Taylor falls into. I posted a few thoughts while watching this one, and I think overall, I dig it. The flashier action bits are to be expected, given that sequels tend to take the bigger-is-better approach, but other than that? Consistent as hell from the first one. Tense, graphic, and mean-spirited, with gorgeous cinematography, protagonists you can root for, and a villain who is both just fucking AWFUL and charismatic enough to make you question your judgement. And apparently there's a series???
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9, 12, and 15?
Hi anon! Thanks for stopping by <3
Disability Asks~
9. how do you measure your energy? (spoons, battery, something else?)
I can't remember who or where, but a while back someone on the internet introduced me to a theory that more accurately describes my energy than spoon theory or battery ever did: ✨Ticket Theory✨.
Ticket Theory is similar to spoon theory, but more accurate for executive dysfunction and the thing where autistics/ADHDers have a lot of energy but can't do certain things. Here's how it works:
each ticket is one unit of energy
the tickets are each labeled with specific tasks or activities
the amount of tickets i get and what they're labeled with are never consistent or predictable
the tickets can and will expire quickly without warning
i cannot exchange, refund, or get back any tickets that aren't used before they expire
I have zero control over how many tickets I get and what task they will be labeled with or how long they will last
and i can only use a ticket for the task it is specifically labeled with.
For instance: it may have a lot of 'dishes' tickets, but no 'laundry' tickets, this means I may have a lot of energy, but no laundry is getting done while dishes will, no matter what I do. I may have a bunch of 'art' tickets, but no tickets for anything else, so even though I have a ton of energy the only thing getting done is art, despite how much I want and need to do tasks like cleaning or hygiene. and the worst one of all: I have tickets for everything, all the tasks and chores and activities- but the one thing I don't have a ticket for is getting out of bed. <- it's like having tickets for every ride at a theme park EXCEPT FOR A TICKET TO GET INTO THE PARK ITSELF, and it is so fucking frustrating.
This theory has been so helpful for explaining to impatient people or neurotypicals who just don't understand why I may have a lot of energy, but things I want to get done or need to get done won't get done no matter how much I want to or try. And it's honestly been more helpful to help myself understand what's going on in my head. Before being introduced to ticket theory, I used spoon theory, but it didn't quite fit and just made others more confused about my dysfunction and the randomness to my energy levels.
12. what's something (a struggle, a symptom, a weird phenomenon, or even a funny experience) people don't realize about your disability?
for my autism: pathological demand avoidance. for some reason, when a person asks or requests that I do something (even if they're very nice and polite)- my brain immediately perceives it as a threat or challenge, and all of the sudden I very much don't want to do the thing at all under any circumstance (even if i wanted to or was in the middle of doing said thing) to the point where i'll say "well now I don't want to do it", throw up my hands and not do it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. no matter what the thing is. it's not so much of a struggle, it's mostly weird and a little funny.
for my adhd: waiting mode, I think. it's the thing where we adhders have a very important thing at a certain time (such as an appointment or interview), and for some reason under no circumstances can't I do anything while I am waiting, so I end up getting ready and then sitting for sometimes hours just waiting for when it's time for the thing. I can't do anything other than sit in anxious silence and wait, under any circumstance- not clean, not watch a movie, not work on something, NOTHING BUT WAIT. it's a bit of struggle and mainly a weird phenomenon.
15. what does disability pride mean to you?
For the most part- being unapologetically disabled, and very loudly telling the world "i don't have to change for you, I deserve to live a happy and full life just like everyone else, and you don't have the right to take that away from me."
Also self love. Lots and lots of self love and acceptance <33333
Thanks Anon!
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4trackcassette · 1 year
Currently, Lewis is involved with Johnathan Rice, the wide-eyed 23-year-old who recently released the Nick Drake–ish Trouble Is Real. She used to date fellow Kiley founder Blake Sennett (that ended three years ago). There were strong rumors, which she will not confirm or deny, that she had a relationship with Oberst (he declined comment). Internet chatter insists that Death Cab for Cutie���s Ben Gibbard wrote the song “Such Great Heights” about her, but this is untrue.
"Jenny and I have a Luke-and-Leia relationship,” says Gibbard, who is bandmates with Lewis in the highly successful side project the Postal Service. “I know that sounds cliché, but we really are more like siblings. All those romantic insinuations—about her and Conor, or her and anybody—those are all just guesses. How can anyone really tell if someone is sweet on somebody else? Jenny went to one movie premiere with Jake Gyllenhaal, but I think that was just because their parents know each other. I suppose if some specific rumor keeps coming up over and over and over again, maybe there’s a little truth in it. But if someone gets drunk and messes around with somebody at a bar—well, that happens to everybody. And I’m not saying that’s what happened between her and Conor; I’m just saying it happens to lots of people.”
The situation with Sennett is considerably more intense; what happened between them does not happen to lots of people. Both he and Lewis were child actors, so they share formative experiences most humans can’t relate to. Both classify each other as a best friend (and have for more than a decade). Together, they write and arrange everything for Rilo Kiley. Lewis says meeting Sennett 13 years ago saved her life; Sennett says that every new woman he dates simply has to accept that Lewis “will always be around.” They have become indie rock’s version of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. These are people who used to do everything together; now they do everything together, except for one thing.
“Not sleeping in the same bed, that’s the only difference. Very little has changed beyond that,” says Sennett. “With intimacy comes a different level of honesty, and that probably never goes away. But I suppose it’s a bad idea to have your business partner and your musical collaborator and your best friend and your lover be the same person.”
Interestingly (or perhaps predictably), Lewis and Sennett use similar language to describe their present interaction. Neither seems uncomfortable about discussing the complexity of their union, and both concede that when they’re arranging particularly emotional music, it almost feels like the romantic relationship never ended. But they also do curious things that consciously engineer tension: Sennett has his own side project, the wistful rock band the Elected. For some unfathomable reason, he will release the new Elected album, Sun, Sun, Sun, on the exact same day that Rabbit Fur Coat hits stores.
It’s possible that this is mere coincidence. But I really, truly doubt it.
“Jenny and Blake have a very volatile relationship,” says Gibbard, a man who seems incapable of lying about anything. “It has every element of a romantic relationship, except the physical part. I remember when we were rehearsing for the Postal Service tour of the U.S. in 2003, and we were considering going to Europe for a few months, Blake somehow got wind of this possibility, and I suddenly hear Jenny having this insane phone conversation. I could hear her yelling into her phone, and it was like, ‘No, I’m going. Fuck you! I’m going! No, fuck you. No, I don’t you dare come down here. Fuck you!’ If I ever had a fight like I that with somebody in Death Cab, the band would break up immediately. But an hour after that call, she was totally fine. She said it happens all the time.”
like. ok.
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thegoldenuzi · 2 years
I’ve finally finished SOA
Now these are my thoughts and feeling. If you disagree I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I don’t care.
Anyways I loved the show. It was beautifully done especially for its time. However after seeing Sons after seeing Mayans, I genuinely don’t understand the comparison. The two shows are worlds apart minus the few similarities. I wouldn’t even say one is better than the other because they’re both amazingly good in their own way. The writing of Sons was good for an 2000s era show. It was a thriller but it was predictable the ways shows tended to be back then. Not in a negative way but the direction of the plot, the constant play of miscommunication tropes, the twists etc. I enjoyed it but once again makes no sense to compare it to Mayans because it’s literally apples and orange. Mayans is framed darker, the writing is done so well that you can’t tell where it’s going which can be bad in some cases but it never felt bad with the show. It’s not supposed to mimic Sons, it’s a totally different story.
Tara… I hate that woman. I genuinely never hated a character as much as I hated Tara Knowles. I could go on and on about what’s wrong with her (but I’m not). Fuck her from the beginning til the end. Emily is annoying but she’s nowhere near Tara level annoying. Good lord that woman is hard to like. Gemma was the villain but she had her moments of decency. Her nosy tendencies provided a level of balance.
When I was watching Mayans people kept comparing Coco’s death to Opies… Yeah no. The only death that genuinely hurt me (other than Jax ofc) was Piney. I really liked him. But I feel character deaths are subjective. It only matters if you like the character. Opie was my least favorite Son so I didn’t really care when he died. It was more of a relief for me. I loved Coco so his death had me ugly crying. (Also idk if it’s cannon or a coincidence but Hope/Vanessa was a crow eater??? I noticed her in several episodes and I looked it up and she was definitely in the background) but yeah anyways the deaths can’t be compared. For me Coco and Steve had more of an emotional impact. Jax and Piney took that award in SOA.
Wendy, Lyla and Chibs get the award for favorite characters. I’ve been team Wendy ever since she got clean. Fuck Tara Ong. Lyla deserves the best. Chibs fine ass >>>> If it wasn’t Jax it would be him. It sucks that Juice bean head ass had to die. I want more of them. I hate that the show is over.
In conclusion I will be inserting SOA in the same category as Entourage. I’ve seen that show 12x + the movie. And I love Jax so much so I have to rewatch. That’s my man and I’m gon stick beside him. Jax Teller has made me feral. I don’t think I would rewatch Mayans tho. Not because it’s bad but because it’s so heavy and makes me so emotional, I don’t want to experience it again. Sons is less hard on my heart. But now I need to read the years of amazing Jax fanfics the internet has to offer.
Stop comparing those shows tho. You don’t need to put two bad bitches against each other. It’s okay to let them be their own thing.
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ch3rryblossoms24 · 2 years
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Finally watched Wreck-it Ralph 2. Gotta say, I liked it much better than the first one (which I thought was quite depressing). The main thing that stood out to me was how creative it was to show the internet world, how pop-up ads were and viruses and popular websites as their own buildings. The animation was smooth and I enjoyed seeing some Disney characters in their actual drawing style. I also enjoyed how it pokes fun at the mess all Disney princesses are (no hate) and how search engines are so eager to try and guess what you're trying to search. The end credits were entertaining as well, I was honestly wondering if they were going to include the scene they had in the trailers about Ralph and Vanellope crashing in the kid's pancake game. And the Rick Rolling! Not a fan of Ralph, but that was a nice addition.
I liked Vanellope's story arch, how she actually finds what she loves (though it was unbearable to watch the singing part). I generally didn't have any complaints on her part, but Ralph still annoys me. The movie quickly became the same old friendship storyline where one of the friends does something bad because x, y, z and it's honestly a shit move on their part, stuff happens, there's an emotional scene where they talk it out and still want to be friends, and at the end everyone's happy. That being said, it's not like the plotline made me want to pull my eyeballs out, but it was just predictable. Ralph made me want to pull my eyeballs out. The moment he wanted to fuck up the new game Vanellope likes (not gonna bother searching that up), I wanted someone to smack him in the face. Not cool man.
The 'big bad guy' was a lot less creepy than the first movie (yes, Turbo scares me), and there was a lot less intensity to the final 'battle' I think... They still went for some heart breaking moment (first movie Ralph wrecking Vanellope's car, this movie Ralph telling her what he did), and luckily it didn't feel like my heart was being wrenched out of my chest this time. I still can't get over the heart break from the first movie, I will never watch that scene again.
Anyways, I felt like I enjoyed watching it. I don't feel like it was a complete waste of my time.
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beesbraindumps · 8 months
What's up with the Barbie movie??
In light of the Golden Globes, let's talk about Barbie. It’s mind boggling to me how someone was able to take one of the most successful movies of the year and reduce it down to one thing “a classic doll with big boobies”. 
It’s ridiculous. This reductionist perspective is not only absurd but also frustratingly predictable, considering the comment was made by a man.
I’m just so tired of women’s achievements being brushed off as if it was nothing. Oppenheimer made $850 million globally. Wanna know how much Barbie made? $1.36 billion. 
Now I’m not shitting on Oppenheimer, but the two movies are in vastly different categories. A movie like Oppenheimer should rightfully stand on its own merits but due to the “barbieheimer” phenomenon, it just gave another reason to undermine women’s accomplishments.
And well the "barbieheimer" trend was cute and fun, it inadvertently creates yet another box for women's projects to fit into, reinforcing the notion that women must dilute their accomplishments to be more palatable to society. Another standard it should’ve conformed to.
Why do we always have to dilute ourselves to make society more comfortable? Women are always trying to conform to some kinda of box or standard but guess fucking what, the box is different everytime! You will never win. 
Moreover, the backlash against the Barbie movie from some people (not gonna name names) were under the impression that it was an anti-men campaign because apparently when men aren’t the center of attention it means they are the antagonists. The main threat was the majority female cast of the Barbie movie, which shouldn’t come as a surprise, given its subject matter. Giving women the chance to share their narratives without men doing it for them.
The Barbie movie being about barbies (aka women), shocking. 
For too long, men wrote women however they wanted (over-sexualized, insane, materialistic, clingy, and the list can go on) but simply put, they wrote us as they saw us with their own distorted portrayals. Yet here’s a classic taste of men not being able to taste their own medicine.
Meanwhile, critics argue that the only male characters in Barbie are shown in a negative light, demonstrating typical male behavior ( creepy, useless, dominant, ex). However, maybe they were given a new perspective, a woman's perspective. For once male toxicity is shown in major media lacking romanticization, which is why some view it as negative. When in reality, the rose coloured glasses were just removed.
However, this is more than just about the Barbie movie. It’s about the double standard between men and women, not just in Hollywood but also in our daily lives. More often than not I’ll see videos on the internet of men doing the bare minimum and the comment section is filled with “where can I find one like him??”, “brb  sleeping on the highway”, “need someone to treat me like this''. News flash this isn't revolutionary, and if you saw a post about a woman doing all that you wouldn’t even think twice.
Doing the laundry, cooking dinner, watching their own child, all basic stuff. Yet, since these are all activities society is used to seeing women do, when a man does it we all basically trip over ourselves. So as some say, the bar is literally in hell.
 Additionally, our perception of being treated right has become so warped from toxic media portrayals of relationships that someone showing basic consideration deserves awards. This is also affecting how young girls will view love and relationships, which is worrying considering the ‘teen shows’ that are out there now. 
For that reason I think the honest portrayal of men and the relationship between Barbie and Ken is a good thing, giving younger girls the chance to see that you don’t have to be in a relationship at all, especially one that doesn’t make you happy.
In conclusion, the discourse surrounding Barbie and its reception highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of gender dynamics in media and society at large. Women's achievements should be celebrated on their own terms, free from the constraints of outdated stereotypes and unfair comparisons. Only then can we begin to truly appreciate the diversity and complexity of women's experiences and contributions.
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fortanreviews · 1 year
Asinine Archives: The Wide World
I love Internet Archive, it’s my favourite website, and fuck anyone who is trying to sue it over stupid shit. I feel that in this blog, I get to pay tribute to whatever weird things I find in this site.
In this site there are so many weird things that are preserved there, it’s hard to keep count of anything, and in fact I struggled to find a proper thing to look at until I found this. A 100 year old magazine known as “The Wide World”, how wide was the world back then? Let’s find out!
You know the times have changed when the very first thing the magazine features is an advert for Camel tobacco
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I prefer Stationary Traveller.
The very next thing you see is something that is still prevalent today, “How to become a billionaire overnight!!!” type clickbait, minus the mention of rich parents.
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Instead it’s another advertisement for something called “National Salesmen's Training Association“ which trains people to become door to door salesmen, it even offers a FREE BOOK and stories of people becoming successful.
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I am fairly certain a simple google search will tell you none of these people ever existed, and if they did, they’re not around to validate these stories.
Then we start getting into the “weird products” section of the ads
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Dave Meltzer could use one of these, and I had to do a double take because I thought the text at the bottom said “Face Socialist”.
I’m fairly certain this magazine can offer perfect advice on providing helpful information on appearances, just look at STRONGFORT, The Perfect Man!
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It’s another advertisement for a system that will help desperate and lonely men to restore their manhood, called STRONGFORTISM. It also comes with a FREE BOOK! I can’t wait to read on all these free books while getting my nose worked out by the Face Socialist.
Condescending language aside, Strongfort here at least seems more trustworthy than Andrew Tate.
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And lastly, here’s the magazine predicting 2020 pandemic in 1920. Yes, I am aware of the Spanish Flu but the ad is not referencing that.
Then we have series of “Adagrams” which are just public tiny ads with nothing but text. Just normal shit like Business opportunities, patenting trademarks and uuuuh what the hell?
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Is this the 20′s equivalent of “HOT SINGLES NEAR YOU” I hope it is, and it’s not an ad for a sex trafficking operation. Strongfort would never.
We also get more books, but they’re not worth a shit because they’re not FREE.
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I’m glad the weird science clickbait exists too. If I see a book endorsing virtual reality I will quit reading this mag.
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But why look at the future when you can look at the past? Man, I’m glad history ended in 1920.
Oh jesus, the fourth page and still no sign of actual articles, are we sure “The Wild World” is just nothing but ads?
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They do advertise my least favourite Wilbert Awdry book though.
We finally reach our first article which is called “Our Hunting Trip to Brazil”.
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Judging by this image, it went as well as expected. The story is about three men, Bartlett, Mostyn and the Narrator, who all have varying degrees of malaria. After being advised by the doctor to take a break in the countryside, the three travel to Antao where they meet a group of brazilian hunters looking to hunt for snake skins. They decide to go hunt snakes and the Narrator proceeds to roast Mostyn for being slightly eccentric.
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If this was a movie Mostyn would be the awkward quip delivering comic relief. I still think the author is being a bit too harsh to him, and the word Minstrel wouldn’t become offensive until three decades later!
The group travels with the Brazlilians, run into some bird spiders and “wild dogs”, until they try to hunt for snakes and fail. However that’s not an issue as they can just spend all night smoking cigars and playing cards, until two men start fighting because they lost at cards. I’m surprised Mostyn wasn’t one of them. The two men are Pedro and Jose, and Pedro is a loser and is now shoveling Jose’s side of the table with coins. How long until this turns into Brazilian version of Treasure of Sierra Madre?
Actually it immediately happens as Jose plays a card that the Narrator thinks has been played before. Pedro gets pissed and shoots Jose dead. Something tells me Pedro would have done that even if Jose hadn’t cheated. Everyone then proceeds to not give a single fuck besides thinking that one of Jose’s brothers will avenge him. Incredible.
The bloodshed doesn’t end as our heroes go on with their journey and watch as an anaconda brutally kills a monkey, the way how this is described is rather bonechilling which is probably the intention. I suppose “Monkey hate” has always existed in some form.
Thankfully my boy Mostyn gets the honour to kill the snake, because he is the best shot in the party. Sometimes eccentric people are more talented than you think. They discover that the snake had it’s teeth pointed backwards which is...interesting I guess?
Then they proceed to eat the snake, wait WHAT
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Interestingly enough Anacondas are still considered a delicacy in some parts of South America. And if you cook them well and the snake is healthy, it can be quite delicious. Damn it, what restaurant servers Anaconda? I asked my Brazilian friends if they’ve ever eaten anaconda and they both said “No”, so I guess it must be a rare delicacy even there.
The story then takes a left turn to talk about the most feared entity in the jungle, the Jaguar. Mostyn tells a story of empty turtle shells that the jaguar had left on the beach. Damn creature not only is a fierce killer, they also don’t clean up after themselves. Then they move on to talk about how the jaguar killed two horses.
Turns out Bartlett has a Moby Dick thing going on for Jaguars, or maybe something more.
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And what do you know, our heroes end up bumping into a jaguar. Oh, what a plot twist, good thing there wasn’t an image earlier spoiling this outcome! This ends up turning into a pretty intense staredown between Bartlett and the Jaguar, although Bartlett is described as being “slow in the up-take” because he doesn’t listen to warnings from his friends.
Thankfully just at the nick of time, Mostyn shoots the jaguar dead. They return to Antao to spend a few nights with their Brazilian friends and then leave. Montyn decides to keep the pelt for himself which gives Bartlett big PTSD. Poor thing.
This was a pretty engaging short story. But I am not sure if the story is made up or actual recalls, or just an event that took place but was embellished to hell and back.
We then get a random PSA about Sulphur Bottom Whale, who is currently being hunted to extinction. Funny how the anti-hunting PSA is right under a story about how a group of hunters saved the day. As it turns out, “Sulphur Bottom Whale” is actually an early term for the Blue Whale, which are still endangered to this day, but at least whaling is illegal except in Norway.
If you were sick of big cats, too bad because we’ve got a story about Mountain Lion next!
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In 2020′s, this title would be attached to a Dead Dove Animal Crossing fanfic.
First thing author does is warn that the story is not supporting the arguement that the almighty puma is dangerous.
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I don’t know, my house-cat feels like a mountain lion at times.
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Our author and his companion are staying in the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia, where they have set up a trap line, however the traps have been mysterious activated overnight. They suspect it might have been a wolverine but have no time to investigate any further because a landslide is about to happen.
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As our heroes manage to flee the landslide, they end up seeing the trails of a mountain lion, figuring out that beast was responsible for not arming the traps. Our heroes are only armed with an axe and a “bug” light, what is that you ask?
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Well that will be useful info if I ever get lost in the cold wilderness with just a tomato can and a candle.
Either way, they eventually run into the mountain lion but try to not provoke it. For the entire trip, they play a game of hide-n-seek with the lion, because it keeps appearing and disappearing. However the “bug” light keeps it away, which is described like a super-repellant against lions or something.
Our heroes go the whole trip in an anxious and annoying state and after finally making it to the cabin they try to start a light, but unfortunately as soon as they begin digging the entrance to the cabin, the lion shows up.
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I have to say, the art of this magazine is really impressive.
The author tells his friend, who is named Johnston, to look out and he prepares his rifle as they run inside. However, the lion has run off when the author opens the door again. The author and Johnston now want to kill the lion. The author proceeds to turn this into another Moby Dick story, even dubbing the lion “Leo”. The more I read these stories more I understand why Bambi was made.
After another set of lion-stalking hijinks, the author shoots Leo dead and then takes a photograph of himself with Leo’s skin, as if you needed evidence to validate his story.
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I cropped out the puma carcass for the sake of sensitivity, so have a big shit-eating grin from the author instead.
The next story is about a tribe of native Indians living in Orissa, known as Juangs. The story mainly talks about their cultural customs and methods of handling their economy. I can’t really argue if any of this is true or not, but the author does let us know that THE JUANG VILLAGES CONTAIN NO FETISH.
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After that, we get a story about the author who went to America’s most famous prison...Sing Sing. What a whimsical name for a prison.
The author is a reporter for United News who is going to induct an interview with a new warden, when he is dragged into a hunt for two escaped convicts, known as “Brooklyn Car Barn Bandits“, Friedlander and McDonough. However the idea of anyone escaping Sing Sing is so implausible the Warden thinks that they must be still inside the prison. I guess this article inspired MDickie to create “Hard Time” Rest of the story is pretty basic, and nobody gets shot.
Rest of Wide World is similar stories full of adventure, guns, foreign lands and other thrills, as well as stupid surprised horses a plenty. I say it’s decent entertainment if you’ve been barred from reading anything that’s less than hundred years old. That being said the advertisements at the beginning were more fun to riff.
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“hey marn! i want to get into alternate reality games, but i don’t like being scared!”
[walks on-screen in my sweatpants, eating a bagel] well boy do i have good news for you
hi, i’m marn and i host a podcast about alternate reality games (args) with a co-host who is so horror-adverse that we have a separate spinoff podcast where we watch horror movies together for charity sometimes. have you ever wanted to know what args are all about and get involved in reading up on/playing them without dipping your toe too far into jumpscares and fucked up guys who look at you? great! let me tell you about some args that are an absolute fucking delight.
frog fractions 2: ff2 is my favorite arg to point at as an example of a highly successful arg that was also goofy as hell. you may have heard of the ‘[x] is frog fractions 2′ meme - that’s because frog fractions 2′s kickstarter was made on the premise of ‘i am not going to tell you when the game is done, or what it’s called, and i will only reveal how to access it once someone finds it and emails me to confirm that it is in fact ff2′. this arg is everything that lead players to actually find the game, including an obama shaving simulator, secret agent party lounges, and dubiously ethical time travel. WARNING: you will have to look at exactly one fucked up guy but it’s a francis bacon painting i promise zagmar is not real and cannot hurt you.
waking titan: alice & smith my beloved. this is an arg they made to promote some dlc for the video game no man’s sky, which you may have heard of. i have never played no man’s sky and i still enjoyed reading about this arg very much. it’s about a research organization trying to create an ai that has infinite processing/precognitive power in order to tell them if they live in a simulation or not. things, as you may suspect, do not go well!
the beast: the grandfather of args! the arg that provided a foundation for how args are today! the beast was made to promote the movie a.i., and has basically jack-all to do with anything about the movie. it was written by an actual science fiction novelist, run in the early 2000s when dial-up internet was still a thing, and features a cast of like 30-50 characters with complex lives, web pages, and relationships. it’s also a murder mystery about a guy who might have gotten killed by a boat.
must love robots: a lot of these are about robots. i know. this one is a romantic comedy about a guy, his robot roommate, and a bunch of meddling arg players trying to help said robot roommate find a girlfriend. it’s short and very sweet, there’s a pastor who hates robots in it, there’s a robot dating site that eerily predicted a lot of data-stealing controversies of the present day. and lots of youtube videos, if that’s your thing.
this is my milwaukee: also one of my favorites. this one is a little spookier than the rest of these offerings, but mostly in a dark comedy/’sense of unease’ way. it’s about the milwaukee tourism board trying to convince people to come back to milwaukee after a vaguely defined apocalyptic event wiped out a large chunk of the midwest. the trailhead video for it stands on its own as a short film very well, and it’s also by the guys who everyone got really mad at for turning horse_ebooks into a different arg for a fmv game satirizing the 2008 economic crisis.
art of the heist: sorry for linking to my own podcast on this one but other sources are hard to find and this arg is batshit and i love it so much. audi (yes the car company) spent millions of dollars to market its cars by incentivizing people to break into them for arg clues. they paid for players to go to coachella. they staged a fistfight at e3. they gave out phones to players. they won an award for this arg and it was extremely well deserved because i love every single piece of information about it.
anyway these are just some completely non-scary args that i really enjoy! all of them have wrapped up unfortunately - if you’re looking for a new one to be involved in, i highly suggest jumping into alice & smith’s arg dscs that just started a couple days ago! 
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kazzyboy · 3 years
The Monsters vs Horror Movies
- He acts completely calm and collected at the beginning of the movie
- He’s got one hand in the popcorn, one hand in Neil’s, he’s nice and warm curled up on the couch, he’s chillin
- Until he’s not
- He’s not afraid of zombie’s. They’re predictable overall easy to overcome. Not even the jump scares get him (in zombie movies), so he makes fun of the characters with Neil and Renee
- The paranormal/physiological movies, however? No thank you, left right upside down and fucking sideways
- At one point they watch Fractured and Andrew’s left feeling a little sick at the end, which he is disturbed by because he doesn’t get disturbed. He refuses to watch it ever again
- He hates horror movies so goddamn much but they’re so fucking interesting and entertaining. Part of the time it’s funny to watch how bad the actors are and other times it’s interesting to see how it plays out and what the next move is. It’s like movie chess to him.
- Likes playing horror games more than watching movies, though, since he can do much better than most people in horror stories
- He usually likes guessing the plot, and a lot of the time he’s right.
- He isn’t really scared by much, but the second he sees a creepy, long-necked shadow figure in the corner of the screen? He’s got his nails dug into Neil’s sleeve and is trying to figure out how to crush himself into Neil’s side without making it obvious. There is absolutely popcorn tossed, at one point. Poor Nicky. He shouldn’t have chosen to sit on the floor.
- (I know Andrew probably doesn’t like touching people when he’s afraid, but I like the idea that Neil becomes enough of a safe thing for him that he feels more comfortable using him as a shield <3)
- Likes Hannibal
- Neil is, overall, unaffected. He’s seen horrors enough to last ten thousand life times, so when he sees gore on the screen, there’s something in his head that immediately notices everything incorrect about it and that there’s nothing to be afraid of
- Like with Andrew, though, jump scares, creepy figures, and psychological messing does freak him the fuck out. He’s not nearly as disturbed by Fractured as Andrew is, though. He was too busy caught up in trying to out-guess Andrew plot-wise to really think about how scary it was. He did notice Andrew’s proximity, however, and near the end when Andrew was just done with it he got up with him and made some hot chocolate.
- He can get behind hunting horror movies, like Big Foot or alien movies (which he is horrified to find out he shares that interest with Aaron).
- He doesn’t really go out of his way to watch horror movies. He doesn’t really love movies in the first place, so being paranoid is an added downfall
- He particularly hates murder movies, though, like Halloween. It doesn’t quite hit close too home, but it gets him itching to move, which he dislikes when Andrew is willingly curled against him and has his hands dug into his hoodie (he’s pouting after he gets jump scared and Neil thinks it’s the best think he’s ever seen)
- The Blair Witch is also very confusing to him. It scares him but it’s also interesting. He only believes in ghosts enough to be scared of them when it’s dark at three in the morning and he swears he can hear his father calling his name, but The Blair Witch isn’t exactly that, either. He rewatches it to see if he can figure out what it’s making him feeling
- Prefers watching Andrew play horror games
- Kevin is uninterested in most horror movies
- At one point he asks if there’s an exy horror movie, which Andrew tells him there is because he thinks it will be funny, until he drags an unwilling Andrew and Neil into it (though it’s overall amateur internet actors with bad editing, so to say the least he’s disappointed. And a little unsettled. But mostly disappointed.)
- He loves history-based horror movies, though, such as The Conjuring. He does want to point out everything incorrect about it, but Neil gives him the bowl of popcorn and tells him to shut up already, to which Nicky offers to listen and gets groaned at by the rest of the group
- He only willingly pays attention to it if it’s historical or sometimes about cryptids, though, since he shares Neil’s dislike of being unnecessary paranoid
- Shares a liking of A Quiet Place with Neil
- Loves horror movies, because it’s an excuse to be dramatic. It’s fun to be scared and exhilarated without being in any actual danger. It’s one of his favorite things to do
- He likes to feel the anticipation in the room. It’s fun to scream and watch everyone else freak out, too, but he only likes the fast or funny ones
- the second things get serious, he gets a little sad. It’s why he dislikes most zombie movies— he thinks there’s no coming back from something like that. It makes that little flicker of hope in his chest die down.
- He prefers cheesy old flicks meant for grabbing onto his boyfriend, thank you
- Making a fuss is fun, but you know he’s actually scared when he gets quiet. He’s got a death grip on the pillow in his lap and the popcorn has been left untouched.
- 100% believes in ghosts
- After a really scary one, he sleeps on the couch with the lights on (so he doesn’t disturb the others sleeping. Aaron falls asleep on one of the bean bags by “accident,” but Nicky knows he didn’t want (Nicky) to be alone)
- Has a special liking for anything having to do with The Purge movies and also classics like Jaws
- Lord help anyone within the vicinity of a scared Nicky. You will leave with nail prints in your thighs/arms/shoulders (unless you’re Renee, who politely gets squeezed to death.) He should get an award for being able to dig his nails through sweatpants and denim
- Probably definitely scared of the dark
- He’s mostly focused on Katelyn in his lap (as far away from Andrew as he could comfortably get her), but the second any of the lights start flickering on the tv that’s where he’s focused
- he likes alien and murder mysteries/zombie movies most.. there’s not a lot of horror movies he won’t watch
- Zombieland is probably one of his favorites, along with the Scream movies
- He has a nitpick where he gets really irritated when anatomy is wrong tho.. lmao what a nerd
- He is the one grabbing Katelyn
- He also likes horror games, which he sometimes reluctantly (ish) plays with Andrew and Nicky (...and one time with Neil where he rage-quits after Neil ends up better than him and keeps killing him because it’s funny)
- He, however, despises hunting horror movies/movies that are in the woods like Big Foot and The Blair Witch.. they’re just so creepy..
- Likes Truth or Dare, though he refuses to admit it
Bonus - Renee
- She likes anything having to do with the sea
- Particularly likes the movie Crawl
- Has a habit of grabbing onto people’s shoes and squeezing when she’s scared (Usually Kevin, since his are usually the closest. Speaking of which, Kevin wears his shoes inside until like 10pm)
- Dislikes movies like The Purge. Can’t really get behind unrealistic ones. Sucker for realism
- Like Andrew, she likes thinking about how she would go about surviving horror movies.
- Not nearly as scared of psychological or ghostly horrors as he is
- One of the few things that scare her are things that are practically impossible to beat, like Freddy Krueger. She hates him.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
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#and of course louis is looking louis is looking at the illuminated sky ribbons of colours shifting swirling over the stars like beams of lig
My Top Posts in 2022:
idk if this is a weird question but do they always communicate with each other through post cards? or do they send texts to each other too?
it's not a weird question! but ofc they text once they start a proper relationship! they text and they call and they facetime and zoom etc. but harry always sends postcards back home anyways because it's their thing.
34 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Do you have any hot tales about tsn?
tsn hot takes ??? gosh, idk if they're hot takes but i have opinions?
i'm sorry to rpf on main but 'andrew garfield was in love with jesse eisenberg' is a hilll i'm going to die on.
similarly, andrew garfield played eduado as in love with mark and watching the movie through that lens enriches the whole experience. fight me.
tsn deserved to win best picture in 2011. out of all the nominees that year, it's the one that has only gained relevance as time passes and had something to say about our culture, both back then and right now. i think it's almost more relevant now than back then. its social commentary on the way we live our lives on the internet is pretty spot on. i mean 'the internet is written in ink'. give me one line better from another movie that year. we lived on farms then we lived in cities and now we're gonna live on the internet?? damn.
this isnt an opinion, more like an observation? back in 2010, people complained about the harsh depiction of zuck but he's worked so hard to prove the movie not only right but also now it almost reads as mild compared to who that guy actually is. it's fascinating in terms of tsn's cultural legacy. where's that one quote from that article about tsn turning 10 yo? the movie couldn't predict what facebook would turn into (in terms of misinformation and manipulation of information) but it understood that the desire to tear down the establishment is not the same as the wish to build something better in its place? anyways, that.
it has one of the greatest soundtracks ever. i don't think any movie has topped it since. that opening sequence with hand covers bruise? holy shit.
i always wonder if it does enough to condemn the elitist misogynistic culture of those rich harvard guys/those rich tech guys. like... i always joke that it's one of my 'ooops the filmmakers forgot women were people' favourite films (i have a few of those) but at the same time, it feels very pointed and purposeful in its depiction. and we know that fincher has a history of exploring toxic masculinity as a theme without explicitly condemning it and trusting his audience to get the message. which, honey, men are not smart. i mean, we get the iconic erica moment telling us from the start 'it'll be because you're an asshole' and then the movie proceeds to prove that to us. but is that enough? is the movie sexist or is the character? or both? i don't know i kinda go back and forth on this. again not a take, just thoughts.
i read this one letterboxd review like a year ago that said something along the line of: best movie of all time they have him tell us ' i don't want friends' in the first eight minutes and it blew my fucking mind. they literally tell us in the first eight minutes, aaron sorkin i just want to talk.
i love him and would kill for him, but eduardo telling mark 'i was your only friend you had one friend' was not only untrue but kinda manipulative. not that mark didn't deserve it.
high key this is one of the most quotable movies of all time. did you know i sent forty-seven texts???
there are whole worlds of unsaid things in the 'you have no idea what that's going to mean to my father' 'sure i do' i am OBSESSED with their relationship.
eduardo's bitchy 'is he?' when sean says he's wired in before the laptop smash is just as, if not more, iconic than the rest of the speech.
andrew was robbed of both a nomination and an oscar for this performance. i stand by it.
2011 golden globes jesse eisenberg dragging andrew gafield out of his chair top awards moment of all time. you had to be there.
people will bitch about tsn rpf and people writing fic about mark zuckerberg but where would we (tumblr) be as a society without jesse and andrew's 'you didn't know me at 13' 'i really wish i had'. where would your pining web-weaving fandom posts be without mr garfield's embarrassingly public crush on his facebook movie co star? check and mate.
genuinely think it would have solved a lot of their problems if mark and eduardo had fucked. or it would have created other different problems. either way, a win.
we all know it should have ended with mark sending eduardo a friend request. literally the only flaw in this film.
i honestly think the tsn press tour is on like... lotr bts footage level in terms of ~as enjoyable if not more than the original film. and i don't say this lightly. it's one of the highest praise i've got.
i'm a basic bitch but every single scene of mark defending eduardo post-betrayal is like.... [SCREAM]
it IS the greatest divorce movie of our time. marriage story fucking wishes mate.
tsn is 100% a girl movie. like red flag for men green flag for women (& gnc people) kind of stuff.
it's on par with all of shakespeare's best tragedies. for me.
lmao when i read this ask i thought damn i won't have much to say and now i have to stop myself because my food is ready and i'm starting. anyways this is barely scratching the surface. i might come back for a part two?
35 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
do you think tts h&l are the kind of couple to lay in bed before falling asleep and talk about small things but also end up discussing big existential questions? if yes what do they talk about?
ohh 100%!!! i mean, i feel like so much of their friendship/early relationship was based around big existential questions of who am i/whats my purpose/what do i want/where do i belong/etc etc and i really don't see them stopping talking about that stuff after they get together 'officially'??
tbh i think they're a pretty chatty couple in general anyways so i can easily see that being part of their bedtime routine. i think often one of them prob. has something on their mind and babbles while the others hums sleepily ?? like i can totally see harry rambling about the theme of his next album while louis is all 'sounds great baby' while yawning, not because he's not interested but because harry has been at it for an hour and louis has to be up at 5am lol. i also really like the idea of them reading before bed and gossiping about what's happening in their respective books? that's when louis isn't the one doing the reading obvs. but yeah i just have a mental image of them reading side by side with clifford sleeping at their feet and one of them GASPS because of something and the other closes their book and goes 'tell me everything' because even when they're reading individually, they're actually reading together. i also think once harry starts living in the lighthouse basically fully time, he likes to be Involved with the b&b so he likes to go over the next day's schedule before bed and what they gotta do and what the menu is and who is checking in, etc etc. just to feel organized and while louis loves to be organized himself he'll always tease him like 'can we deal with tomorrow tomorrow please ???' and 'no shop talk in bed!!!' which always make harry laugh because he 100% lets harry talk about his song writing process in bed. he just doesn't want to think about HIS work in bed lol.
so yeah, i think they talk about anything and everything.
36 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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i had a bit of a meltdown about this last night and honestly i’m not sure i know how to articulate how grateful i am in the light of day either but … i’ll try.
tts is such an incredibly personal story for me. writing it and sharing it with people was kind of like cracking myself open and saying: here, come have a look. it was incredibly vulnerable and scary. i don’t think there are words for me to express what it’s meant to me, to have it be received with so much warmth and enthusiasm. every single one of those hits, every single comment, every message i’ve gotten on here about it… they all feel like a tight tight hug. you know the kind where you hide your face in someone’s neck and they rub your back a little and neither one of you want to let go? it’s a little bit like that and it’s incredible. while it does feel a bit weird to make posts sharing those kind of milestones (like who does she think she is bragging about her ao3 stats like this UGH), it would feel even weirder not to acknowledge it because i’m so so moved and overwhelmed and grateful. so if you��re one of those little hits (or more than one lmao), all i can say is thank you. you’ve really taught me that what i write can have profound meaning and that i’m capable of more than i thought i could with my words. and that’s fucking priceless ❤️
76 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hii can u link me to where u listen to the songs? my link won't work anymore:(
136 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 285: I’m Not Ready to Say Goodbye
Yesterday: “I’ll go on Tumblr for just a minute. Surely no spoilers have leaked yet”. Instantly learns: “HEADLINE: INTERNET HAS GONE CRAZY DUE TO BAKUGOU PRETTY MUCH DYING”. 
never go on tumblr on thursdays
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Honey I was wondering about this. So unless Deku manifests a healing/regeneration quirk right the Ff now we’re gonna have to start looking into some robot arms.
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Don’t you dare get my hopes up Shiggy. I saw those leaks I know how this ends.
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You’re making your boyfriend worry so much Deku.
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Quick, time for some TD/BK to distract me from my emminent feels!!
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YAS I KNEW YOU WOULDN’T LEAVE TDDK OUT OF THIS! THE OT3 IS COMPLETE. (and apparently about to become an OT2 sobbbbbbssssss)
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HE SAID THAT CAUSE HE WAS WORRIED ABOUT DEKU OH. MY. GOD. Litereally everything Bakugou has ever done is now legitimately interpretable through a “cares about Deku” lens.
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Guess who just rewatched season 1 guess who’s drowning in BKDK feels you got it me
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I’m sure this’ll work. Hey Endeav remember the last time you used this attack on a regenerating League of Villains baddie? Remember what he did to you IMMEDIATELY AFTER that looks remarkably similar to those leak images?!
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is Tomura actually getting possessed by the Ghost of AFO or something?
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Shoto’s gon lose his dad and his boyfriends in one day dammit our 1/2 and 1/2 boy doesn’t deserve this mus protecc shoto he deserves the world
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IKR? That’s what we’re all thinking!
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shit shit crap here it comes
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I think this image has burrowed its way into my psyche and will never leave until I either reach the series’ final chapter and see Katsuki getting a happy ending or know for sure if this is the last time we’ll ever see him next week. please oh please oh please oh please don’t be dead
I know a lot of people are being like “chill, he’s not dead, he’s a shonen character”. But I also know that this series is known for subverting shonen tropes. Hori doesn’t do things by the books and doesn’t like to be predictable. If he wants to kill Kacchan then Kacchan’s dead, that’s all there is to it. I don’t want this to be the end. But until next week...well, even beyond that, there’s no way to know for sure. If this is where Bakugou (And BK/DK)’s story ends...well, I can’t say it isn’t poetic and moving. To have Bakugou decide to sacrifice his life for Izuku, it’s pretty much the ultimate expression of both love and character development.  It would hurt like hell but if it is, I’ll just have to deal with it. If it is, Deku is about to lose his shit so badly there won’t be enough of Shigaraki left to scoop up with a teaspoon. 
 If it’s not, then this moment marks an unbelievable growth for our hero. I haven’t failed to notice that the title is “Rising”, which is likely an allusion to both Movie #2 and Yaoyorozu Rising, volume 8. The latter is really interesting to me, since that was Momo’s biggest moment of character journey in the early part of the series, and Baku is channelling her a bit here, taking over as the commander (makes those TDMM/BKDK parallells even stronger too). If Baku does live, with his quirk gone maybe, this will change things for the Wonder duo. Baku has decided to do saving, and saving Deku. I worry that him losing his quirk would drive Deku pretty far over the edge as well. And maybe have him offer to share OFA with him like in HR. And I’m not sure how this new dynamic would play going forward, though it would also be pretty poetic.
Either way I’m drowning in feels and I can’t write anymore and I need to go pretend my heart’s not broken into pieces and wait in agony for next friday. Never go on tumblr on thursdays, people. Just don’t do it.
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