krarayzleesh · 3 years
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krarayzleesh · 3 years
Winnie the Pooh is a fat icon tbh
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krarayzleesh · 4 years
Just a nobody trying to find my spot in the world
I know I’m not anything special
I know I’m not a favourite
Just an outsider looking in or what feels like it
Just a girl trying to make her mark in the world
Just a girl trying to hold it together
Just a girl that’s been suicidal
Just a girl trying to find her place
Trying to reclaim what’s mine that was taken away
I have no clue what I’m worth
Loss my why, the purpose to keep pushing through
Loss what’s the point
All I hear constantly is trigger names
I know I’m not my sister and constantly hear she did this and that
Her kids are doing this and that
Just a girl that’s broken
just a girl that has given up on trying
Just a girl and that’s all I am
Nothing special
Just a girl that’s a nobody
Just a girl trying to keep the peace
Just a girl her voice doesn’t matter
Nothing matters anymore
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krarayzleesh · 4 years
In a world where no one pays attention
We say what’s wrong but nothing is done nothing more
Words just like the air we breathe in we can’t see it
I’m not important and I have come to terms
I’m nothing more then the ground I step on
Just a constant reminder for a 51/50 nothing more then that
I know expressing how I feel will do nothing
Just doing what I’m constantly told
Is getting exhausting, I know my voice won’t matter anyways
No one seems to care what I do, what I say
No one hears when my voice is cracking or when I have tears in my eyes
I can say I’m close to wanting to give up and my system is ok with it but that’s it
Do I really matter cause it sure doesn’t feel like it
No one pays attention that I have acted on things
My words are just words on a blank screen
I’ve learned just to be quiet cause what I say gets ignored
Why can’t I be invisible cause I sure feel like I am
Wish my walls can start doing tricks
It’s the same routine day in and day out
I just do what everyone says cause I know my I don’t want to doesn’t mean that
What if I decide to run away would anyone go looking for me
Or would they just give up after a minute
I know I probably won’t find A happily ever after cause that doesn’t exist
I probably just be in a book of grimes cause that sounds more realistic
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krarayzleesh · 4 years
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krarayzleesh · 4 years
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So not sure if this picture looks like I’m sick. 2020 is crazy times. Whale it is for me and not just of covid. I’m 27 years old, I have POTS a autoimmune disease. My heart runs a marathon without me, and my body lacks sodium. I’ve been to the Er a few times for stomach pain, they thought it was my kidneys. Went four days to get iv therapy and Tuesday they checked my blood to see it was working. I was told if I don’t be admitted I might not make it through the night. I was stage 5 kidney failure. Saturday they decided to do a x-ray of my stomach, I went in for emergency surgery. I had a stomach ulcer that exploded. It was a size of a grapefruit. My stomach was filled with blood and stomach acid. I have looked death in the eyes and said not today. Yesterday was my first day back home. Without having visitors, I was able to video chat with my best friend https://www.instagram.com/p/CCB4f24DICpnax_5FJGFXOR08PRlXh85ov96kM0/?igshid=7mqghzjme7q4
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krarayzleesh · 4 years
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Yesterday was my birthday I just turned 3 and I bit a bee. Yes I just rhymed https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fpI7gjZaY4njVnGRuN1xlGK-XtFWC2z9JoEs0/?igshid=1wu4hva50rls7
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
Wet, cold, damp winter’s night
The sun doesn’t come up
In the world I’m surrounded in
I blended in with the weathers air
Feeling trapped inside from the unknown
No one will want a broken girl
That feels trapped by everything from her past
Her past can’t be undone
She doesn’t seem to get a break
Trapped by memories inside her mind
Trapped by what they have done to her
To feels like a object a piece of meat
She thinks to herself why didn’t they end me while they had the chance
Wet, cold, damp winter’s night
Her kids are in the distance but can’t touch my hand
Their hands try to meet her’s but they fade when they try to
They didn’t make it past the womb
Her abusers ended their lives and one of them was sick
She talks to them but she can’t hear them respond
Wet, cold, winter’s night
Suicidal but not enough to seek help
Wanting to feel numb by everything
Feel nothing at all
Wanting to escape
Her voice in her head tells her things
The dark side of the world
Maybe it’s her saying all the things she wants to forget
Wet cold, damp winter’s night
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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So breakups and having pots flare do not mix. My stomach feels like it’s on fire. It feels like heartburn but worse. You need to eat so my stomach won’t shutdown but I can’t keep nothing down. This illness is part of my story but it doesn’t define me. Somedays you feel like your “dying” I’m making the best I can i might not be normal but nobody is. Flare ups sucks ass just as much being dump https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Gna3DDOZ0fa6DnELlzoqqYnZ2U9h7RmN8Evo0/?igshid=1um6h42y0sw9e
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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November is usually a sucky month for me. In nov 2016 one of my dogs passed away from cancer. Nov 2017 one of my dogs died, and my puppy was stolen from me. Now this year I got dump. I was in a relationship with a wonderful guy name Paul. Known each other for a year, and started dating five months ago. We had a rocky start but I thought we would make it through it. Work accident, helicopter accident. Didn’t want to change my relationship status knowing things were going downhill. All odds were ever in our favor. He was the guy with nine lives. He was my everything. I was his queen. I thought he was the one. We thought about the future planned a Disney cruise for 2022, thought about how many kids we wanted, marriage. All the plans the future holds we were going to make the best out of it. Story is Im Now single. https://www.instagram.com/p/B45cWWLjgC8P9iRt3qiIBsjdIBm_m8q7of4E-80/?igshid=19pnnf3vse12k
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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krarayzleesh · 5 years
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