#also: ANCESTORS......................feral about ancestors forever
splickedylit · 2 years
Do the kids these days know about REX DUODECIM ANGELUS because no matter what stage of my life I've been in RE: Homestuck, good ol' RDA never fails to get me, ehhhhh, how you say,,, turnt as fuck.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do Walking Wake Yandere concept with trainer darling?
Sure! This is me assuming its behavior as the Pokedex entry does not say much.
Overprotective! Walking Wake with Trainer! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective Pokemon, Clingy behavior, Abduction, Minor violence mention, Forced companionship.
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Not much is known about Walking Wake other than it being a Paradox form of Suicune, a legendary in modern times.
It's unknown if this dinosaur-like Suicune was an ancient ancestor or not to the current legendary.
It's a bit hard to believe considering how the Legendary Beast Trio was created.
All you happen to know was this beast was brought into the present within Area Zero.
The idea of having an overprotective beast such as this I think is interesting.
Despite its feral appearance, this Pokemon has some similarities to Suicune.
The dragon type gives it a dinosaur-like appearance, but it retains the ability to walk on water due to the water type.
Walking Wake has a more feral disposition than Suicune and feels like it would be more aggressive.
Although, with just the right trainer, its power can be controlled.
The right trainer is thought to be you when Walking Wake expresses a more obedient nature towards you.
You unlock this calmer nature once you defeat it in battle and catch it for your own.
You're hesitant to take it out of Area Zero and instead allow for the Paradox Pokemon to roam with you there.
Due to the size of the Pokemon, imagine riding it?
It would be even cooler as you can travel over water on its back.
I'd like to imagine Walking Wake has two modes.
Large beast that could obliterate anyone in sight with a geyser in an instant.
Along with being a large softy who listens to its trainer when they simply pet it.
The beast is no ice type but its skin feels cool to the touch.
Despite this, its fluffy purple mane keeps you warm.
Walking Wake feels like an overprotective Pokemon that can be a problem quickly.
It's not even all that subtle, either.
It's a Paradox Pokemon, it's a Legendary, it's huge…
Walking Wake would quickly cause issues if taken out of Area Zero.
So while you enjoy the beast's company, you have a feeling you can't keep it very long.
You may have to keep it here in Area Zero… it could cause too many problems.
Plus, you don't really want to have it sit in a box forever, it feels inhumane.
As a result you release the beast after registering it in your Pokedex.
The Paradox Pokemon is confused.
Like a puppy, the giant Paradox form of Suicune tilts its head and leans closer to you.
It presses its large head into you in an attempt for attention, confused as to why you won't reciprocate.
You do enjoy the Pokemon and are impressed by how attached it's become… yet you can't keep it.
You try to explain this to the large beast.
It's too strong to be kept with you, which only sends the Paradox Pokemon roaring and whining.
I imagine this Pokemon wouldn't want you to leave it.
If Area Zero is its home… then it is also your home.
No one will bother you here as there's usually no humans present.
Plus Walking Wake is easily the biggest Pokemon there.
Any other Pokemon would quickly be dealt with, with extreme violence if the beast felt like it.
So while you try to release it into the wild, the large beast simply grabs the back of your shirt in its mouth and walks off.
The beast adores you and doesn't think a silly ball should separate you two.
It's still your Pokemon and you're still its trainer!
Even after abducting you it's still playful only to you.
It tries to make you happy with walks, it tries to find you food.
It's patient for you to love and train it again.
Even if you try to ignore it… you'll come around eventually, won't you?
Maybe you should've just kept it in the box.
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opheliashur · 1 year
its before 10am and i got maybe five hours of sleep so im porting my unhinged worm take here to keep it from being lost in the discord sauce [i dont actually think this is a sensible interpretation it just forced itself out of my brain one day]
The entities in Worm can function as a counterpoint to Posadist views on alien life. In Les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas argues interstellar travel requires a society which, if not explicitly human-defined communist, surpassed self-centered capitalist systems. Posadas implores us to view their passivity in our plight not as apathy, but an enlightened belief in self-determination; With the people's assent, these strangers among us would surely be willing to help us crawl out of the muck of poverty and despair.
In Worm, the entities take this logic and turn it on its head. Zion's ancestor remembers their homeworld as peak survival-of-the-fittest excess, a hellish loop of boom and bust cycles which leaves less left to consume every time.
"The ancestor knows this, and it isn’t satisfied.  It knows its kin aren’t satisfied either.  They are quiet, because there is nothing to say.  They are trapped by their nature, by the need to subsist.  They are rendered feral, made to be sly and petty and cruel by circumstance.  They are made base, lowly."
Through a leftist lens, this becomes a mirror for the circumstances of modern society. People are forced to scrounge and suffer and harm each other for survival's sake, ligating their emotional capacity and cauterising their descendants' livelihoods. The ancestor responds in a capitalist fashion; Rather than call on cooperation and efficiency, it proposes to its fellows that the advancement of a species depends on the necessity of constant growth and constant conflict. The conclusion they reach is to, quite literally, eat each other alive; Not simply to live, but to find new frontiers, obliterating their homeworld in the process. I find this neatly matches up with how capitalism naturally leads itself to colonialism (not to imply imperialism is solely the domain of capitalism) as the rich and powerful grow ever hungrier for new toys to hoard, new people to enslave, leaving nothing in their wake.
If the entities simply went around acting like generic alien invaders (which is 99% of the time just white people persecution fantasies and you cant prove me wrong) afterward, this interpretation wouldn't exist. Posadas wasn't concerned about the possibility of alien invasion for the same reason nobody worries about car bombs, unless they're Margaret Thatcher or a sex symbol in a Wildbow sequel. It just isn't relevant.
However, the entities aren't just machines of consumption. Their modus operandi, at least with Eden and Zion, is far more subversive. They upend the status quo with powers, or innovations, often placed in a way to cause the most possible disruption and thus the most possible conflict, or profit, with an end goal seemingly to ensure they can eat and reproduce forever no matter the cost. The destruction they wreak seems to be almost tangential to their main goals, borne not of cruelty but of apathy.
This is in direct counter to Posadas' perception of extraterrestrial life as benevolent. Despite granting great power to the oppressed, they're not a clarion call of ascendance, but instead harbingers of the end. In essence, the entities represent a form of bad-faith leftism— They take advantage of existing injustice with cloying language (their avatars) and grand yet poisoned gestures (powers), with a move-fast-and-break-things mindset utilising their generational wealth (also powers) from eons of exploitation to avoid consequence.
Unfortunately, this interpretation doesn't end with Posadas.
I found myself realising as I wrote this that the entities aren't just representative of bad-faith actors in leftism. In another sense, they are the revolution as perceived in many online circles. A nebulous rapture-like event, upending the status quo by giving power to the marginalised and downtrodden, creating people who are not only possessed of the agency to change things, but a resolve to do so as well. Agency is suddenly given to those who'd otherwise be trapped in their own cycles, subject to hunger and rent and all the little things that the complacent at the top have long since forgotten happens to other people.
And it only results in more suffering. (at this point im talking more conceptually than what happens in worm but bear with me im almost done lmfao)
Parahumans finally have the ability to speak the right things and be heard, to hurt the right people, and it doesn't help solve anything. It's all just senseless violence directed outward.
The ending, then, takes a different note from Posadas, and from the paradigm of finding the right people to kill or the right things to say. Taylor kills Zion not through sheer power, but through communication and cooperation— By forcing him to look inward, at the one void that no amount of conflict and data and profit could fill ever again. There was no magic bullet, no force from outside to save the day. Only the emotions that everyone carries within them.
A revolution from the inside. (okay that was abrupt but my brain is fried now lmao hope you enjoyed it bye)
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allmyhomieshatelawns · 8 months
Alright. ALRIGHT FINE. I’m caving okay. I’m caving to the Trolls brainrot. It’s too good okay. It’s been lifting my depression. Sue me. Please don’t, I don’t own anything and have very little money. So I’ve been devouring all I can on here about the various AU ideas, headcanons, etc. now I’m gonna actually contribute some and break my lurking status in fandoms lol. So here are some scattered thoughts, things I’d change for my AU, working stuff out. Etc. yes, it’s a Feral!Branch AU.
Wanna do me a Feral!Branch AU bc I like feral bitches So Much.
Also like… why did they leave right before the ceremony for Trollstice…? Why didn't they leave the night before, under the cover of darkness? So I'm fixing that. No more Putt-Putt trolls unfortunately, but hey, Viva doesn't get torn from her sister!
Most of the village thinks Poppy has been eaten at the beginning because Chef had wanted to snatch her early to make sure everything was perfect. However, Branch had attacked Chef, sending both he and Poppy to the ground. That's how he has her at the beginning, that's why he's the one keeping her safe as they escape.
Disco merged w Pop trolls decades ago, their ancestors being the glitter trolls.
• Trolls are magical creatures, the guardians of their style of music.
○ Most of the time they use this music to keep the Spirit of Hope flowing throughout the world.
• They have tails and claws and fangs, which varies with what type of troll they are.
• They can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Eggs are sung into existence either way though
○ Asexual reproduction happens on purpose only, there's a magical rite they go through to help themselves conceive with the Spirit of Music (Yep. You heard me. They're fucking a Spirit.)
§ This process is much easier than sexual reproduction, but still takes a lot from the laying parent
○ Sexual reproduction also only happens on purpose. The couple, or thruple in some cases, will combine their hair, locking it together, and consuming each other's DNA, then singing the egg into existence.
§ This process can take a few hours, and takes a Lot out of the parents.
• Eggs can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to hatch, depending on the strength of the parents, however a long hatch doesn't necessarily mean the trolling within will be weaker, especially if they're able to have that time to develop.
• Trollstice has been going on for 100 years.
○ It started as just the bergens going ham and slaughtering everyone, before both the king of the bergens, and the king of the pop trolls, came together.
○ The king of pop was given two choices:
§ We [the bergens] will eat all of your entire people, wiping every last one out.
§ Don't leave while we build a cage around your tree to keep other bergens out, and you'll only be eaten once a year. Every year. Forever.
○ Immediate annihilation, or generational trauma? Yeah the king chose trauma. He was eaten for his efforts, once the cage was completed. He was the first troll eaten for Trollstice.
• King Peppy is that king's grandson,
○ he watched his father come into power and how horrible it all was, the terror of knowing there was a death day coming around the corner
○ Not to mention the bergens that would try to skirt the cage and reach in for any stragglers.
○ So King Peppy decided that he wouldn't do this, he would save his people.
• The plans for the escape from the Troll Tree started before Peppy was even crowned, the hollowing out of the tree and mourning as it slowly died, despite their magic hiding the worst of the effects.
○ The tunnelling takes more than a decade, but finally they make it out.
○ King Peppy pushes away memories of his first daughter, knowing that she would have to have been captured and likely eaten already.
○ It was too painful to think about those they lost that night.
How being feral works here:
• More in touch with wilder aspects, sharper senses for one, all heightened to be vigilant of danger.
○ This can easily lead to overstimulation, since sharper senses mean more sensitive. A loud bang hurts like being slapped, sudden light is like being stabbed, etc.
• Denser coat of fur
• Longer, sharper claws and fangs no matter what type of troll, this shit will get larger and more dangerous
• These trolls tend to end up on the shorter side, either from malnutrition, the walking on all fours that is common as a feral, or something else like having to hide to start with.
• Become feral by isolation, got nothing to do with colors
• More skittish for sure, more willing to go for violence
○ Will roughhouse for fun
○ Will also take long naps in the sunshine, just like a cat, ears fully alert, but able to relax in the soft warmth.
• Difficult to speak, more accustomed to growling, hissing, purring, silence, etc.
• Ferals can sing however, not with words since they can't really speak
○ It's a haunting sound, usually double-toned with a Deep Bass Rumble
• The magic ferals can do is also more 'primitive' but only in the sense that it's pretty strictly some form of deep nature magic, or some kind of knack that they have.
○ For instance, Branch is stupid good at digging homes and making them safe, why? He's got a sense of it. He's got an extra sense that tells him where to put dirt, how to mix in the water, where to support what, where not to dig, where there would be water underneath, etc. He's just good w the ground in general.
• Nesting is more important to ferals than other trolls. A feral's nest is their sacred Safe Space, if you are in their Sacred Safe Space, then you had better've been fucking invited there because you won't make it out of the nest intact.
• Grooming is more intensive of course, they're out in the wild, and the wrong scent could lead a predator to you.
○ To be groomed by a feral means they care deeply for you, and they're trying to keep you safe and clean
• Once you go feral, like, you can kinda get reintroduced to society and all that, but the physical changes won't ever go away
• Ferals hibernate in the winter, growing an extra dense coat of fur and blubber to last them the long three months of snowfall.
• Usually takes a couple of months of being completely alone to go Full Feral, if with like, one other person, it takes about a year to go Full Feral with them.
○ A community can go feral, depending on circumstances and numbers.
§ More likely that a community goes partially feral, not as wild as fully feral, but much more wild than a non-feral troll community would be, less focused on the party vibes
But yeah that’s what I’ve kinda got knocking around in my noggin, if anyone wants to gush w me, please feel free. I will gush about these stupid fucking trolls for hours without taking a breath. They’ve hooked their damn claws into me.
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thesnivy123 · 8 days
Hello! It’s me again lol
I’m really sorry for asking you so many questions, but I’m just really curious on what your version of the world of sky is like! Specifically, I would like to know what the culture of it is like! Like, how many things are new, and how much is pretty much just like the base game! For example: are skykids more tame about collecting clothes and cosmetics? Or are they just as feral over them as skykids are in the game? How do they get candles? How do events and spirits work? How prominent is music? (Side note, if it’s as prominent in this version of sky as it is in the actual game, I can only imagine red’s first reaction to it lolllll)
If it’s ok with you I’d like to know whatever world building you’re comfortable with sharing about it :D
Have a nice day! And I wish you the best of luck with the shattering traveling spirit if you’re still actively playing sky! :D
Sorry for the late response i got like super distracted when you sent this and just forgot-
I am SO glad you asked. generally I tend to ignore game mechanics that don't translate too well into the lore, or at least adapt them into something more workable- But since you asked about specific things, ill tell ya about those.
i put a lot of thought into how everything about skykids would effect the sort of culture theyve developed- one huge thing being that they're kids. They don't really have a civilization, so to speak, not in the way a more... Normal species might. Candles are usually just recycled from the wax of older candles scavenged from ruins, made from scratch by a handful of skykids who actually took interest in candlemaking, or... Well, made by spirits. Though a lot of spirits did eventually pass on back into the cycle once the stranglehold the darkness had on rebirth loosened, the ones that stayed gradually got more tangible as they "recovered", able to interact with the world more and more. Plenty of them are back to doing their own things, even if more... Ghostly, so skykids don't have to worry about keeping up with how many of those things they use, hah. (Sidenote: They aren't used as currency in my worldbuilding- Skykids use the barter system on the off chance they do want "payment" for something.)
As for clothes, they really CAN'T go ham on outfit collecting due to technical limitations- Fabric making is HARD, these are children, there's only so much they can do. They DO make new clothes, though, mostly via scavenged fabrics and scraps of older clothes. Skykid fashion is very colourful, very patchy, and very long lasting. Their capes are a different story- Because a cape that came with a skykid on creation is kind of special- Really, they don't wear down, those things are kinda magic- They can be passed down literally forever if the original owner gets a new one. Hell, there's actually a few capes floating around the hand-me-down trade of serious historical significance, and nobody would know by now.
Music is actually a big thing to them on account of it's something the ancestors did that wasn't "ABSOLUTELY BOOOORIIIING". And by "big thing", I mean "a lot of the hard work has been done for them so they don't have to figure out how to do it on their own". They use the same notation system and most of the same instruments as the Ancestors! Otherwise there's not much to say, most skykids have at least handled some sort of instrument before, it's pretty normal to them.
Events are... A weird thing. Most of them HAPPENED, I'm sure, just... To some particular group of Skykids rather than everyone. Season of Abyss? yeah some kid is out there bragging about "I MET A SUPERMEGATURBO-KRILL AND IT ATE ME AND THEN A MANTA GOT ME OUT AND I SURVIVED" or something. Little Prince? I've already well established that sometimes people end up in the world from other worlds, I'm sure it happened. Aurora? That. That one's a funny one. The concert did happen. It was a huge thing. But it was actually also an experiment on "what happens if you get a frankly absurd number of skykids all in one place", and apparently the answer is "the sheer density of light energy in the area temporarily allows Megabird to enter the physical realm and also Things Get Weird".
I already touched on spirits earlier, but to recap- when Eden exploded, the sheer amount of darkness energy severed ties to the rebirth cycle (which reincarnates lesser creatures and entirely revives sapient ones). Wildlife recovered, thankfully, after a few generations, but... The Ancestors never did. Most of the population was in the immediate blast radius (Eden, the Wasteland, and parts ofbthe Valley) and were dead from either the explosion itself or the effects of darkness soon after, the Forest and parts of the Valley and Prairie succumbed to illness and famine, and the Isle and the rest of Prairie... Just couldn't keep up. Not enough people left. There were ancestors left for almost a decade after the explosion in those parts, but all things come to an end eventually. Besides, darkness pollution had spread there, too, even if they got off easy.
As Spirits- Unable to fully die, tethered to the world- they were initially... It was a pitiful existence. Trapped in their own memories. But Skykids arrived, the world slowly recovered, and, very slowly, they did too. It got worse for them at first, when they gained awareness but couldn't interact with the world around them, and plenty chose to let go and fully pass on. Others remained, and, as time went on, they could do more. And more. It took a very long time, but... Eventually, in the modern day, the remaining Spirits are pretty much able to live relatively normal lives.
A fun fact- the Performance spirits were actually a huge driving force in why so many spirits stuck around. They absolutely REFUSED to let go, and their sheer force of will actually managed to speed the process a long a little- Proved to others that it actually does get better. Willpower... Usually isn't a part of the recovery process, so it's unclear how they managed to pull that off, but by golly, they did.
Anyways i absolutely LOVE getting these questions- I don't really play the game anymore (probably should) but the worldbuilding project is still one of my favorite things!! again i have really got to get back to writing that fic. Its on my mind. I just keep forgetting.
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secret-engima · 3 years
More Calling for Rain questions because that’s what my muse has decided to screech about - do any of the Galahdians consider teaching Hinata one of the Dances? Like, maybe they see how she struggles with the Hyuuga taijutsu and conclude that she’s like one of the Galahdians who needed to learn a different Clan Dance because they took more after an ancestor that married in? (And maybe adopt her in the process because the Hyuuga clearly don’t appreciate her) 1/?
a-world-in-grey asked:
2/? Also, imagine the sheer glee Crowe feels when she discovers how much chakra Naruto has. When Naruto eventually learns the Shadow Clone technique. Crowe is going to cram so much chakra control practice into Naruto because this boy would be SUCH a terrifying ninjutsu specialist. (And she might want an assistant to help her test her ninjutsu creations who doesn’t need to worry about pithy things such as chakra exhaustion.) Meanwhile, Kakashi is getting a feeling of DOOM. And if anyone can
a-world-in-grey asked:
3/3 help recreate the techniques his parents were famous for (like Kushina’s chakra chains) it would be Crowe. Jun’s gonna take Chouji under his wing (because sure, Chouji’s fat, but he needs to be fat and being fat doesn’t mean he doesn’t ALSO have solid muscle under that fat). Also, if things follow canon and Neji tries to kill Hinata during the Prelims, someone is going to have to hold Nyx back from killing *him.* Because wooo boy is gonna be a wee bit Feral.
Me: They will absolutely consider teaching her various Galahdian dances, and she will be adopted into a Clan later on, I'm just not sure which one yet? Probably Nyx's since he's closest to her, though admittedly she'd fit in well as a Khara or an Altius tbh.
Crowe is going to be the most gleeful gremlin ever. Nyx is actually a tiny bit of a dread, but he's been trying to help Naruto with chakra control since forever and if Crowe can help him with that- eh. The village's sanity is a necessary sacrifice. (Lib: I WOULD DISAGREE WITH THAT.)
Kakashi feels All The Doom™ and he's walking into this situation AFTER Crowe has met Naruto, since Nyx reunites with the others pre-genin days.
I love the idea of Crowe helping recreate various lost jutsu. She hears about famous lost techniques and is like- "but what if I recreated that" and then doesn't let anyone stop her.
Jun appreciates that Chouji is Actually The Braincell. Shika is the brains, obviously, but when it comes to common sense and impulse control, it's absolutely Chouji. He will teach this lovable boy how to use his size and shape to his advantage even without the fancy rolling jutsu.
Neji is going to be on so many Galahdian blacklists. So many. Especially Nyx's. No, he doesn't CARE that you have trauma from your dead father, that's the ADULTS' FAULT NOT HINATA'S. It will take a while for Neji to get off the black list. The only reason Nyx isn't contemplating Murder is that 1, Hinata would be sad if he did and 2. Lib's dad is this jerk's sensei.
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I didn't know you had ocs!! Can we know more about pedro or any other oc please?🥺
ahhh yes ofc!! ok so i’m planning like two books series and like four separate books and i’ll name a few of the characters from those books but then i’m gonna ramble abt pedro bc i love him and project onto him too much
ok so the book series pedro belongs to doesn’t have a name so it’s called untitled book 1 (bc theres more than one) ok but so a few characters from that
- pedro (sad gay vampire w mommy issues. also he’s a vegan vampire and drinks coconut water instead of blood and yes i will admit that i got the idea from that from that one tumblr post. he has braces and glasses and is hypersensitive abt his teeth bc if he does anything wrong they might find out he’s a vampire, so he hates going to the dentist anymore than he needs to, and the dentist thought his teeth were rlly weird but it’s just bc he’s a vampire. also his dead mom was a very powerful government figure who was mixed up in some shady business and then killed by the vampires she was working with then causing him to be bitten)
- benji (bi trans guy who wants to be a witch even tho the witches in the coven try to kill him bc his ancestors were witch hunters. also he was bullied at his old school and has one hell of a backstory. and dw he wasn’t bullied bc he’s trans it’s bc he got into fights a lot and beat the shit out of ppl bc he’s insanely good a fighting)
- quinn (useless lesbian who lost her first love to a horrible mistake she made and now the brother of her first love hates her and the fucking kid can turn into a dragon so she lives life on the edge bc he could easily kill her and will not hesitate. going into hs she had a friend group of two other girls but she had a major fight w one freshman year and just drifted away from the other girl and then she becomes friends with pedro and benji and two charcaters w/o names (i swear i’ll name them soon i swear TvT). anyways she grew up thinking her mom died in a car crash on a work trip then finds out her mom was actually a witch who died under mysterious circumstances during a mission. she’s the protagonist of the series btw)
- then there’s a girl whose a cursed familiar and so she can turn into a chipmunk when she wants and she’s a simp for quinn
- then my favorite and they don’t have a name but i have a whole note of info abt them in my notes app. they’re elf whose a disgraced royal orphan with major attachment issues and no will to live. i literally could talk abt them for forever
ok this post is long enough so i’ll just add my other universes and if ur interested ill talk abt my oc’s from there
- a underground school in nyc with descendants of gods and they kill monsters that are the bases of mythologies. also the main cast are sorta criminals and are gay and depressed and have a forced family turned found family dynamic going on
- a victorian era murder mystery all within a house of a nobel. there’s gay ppl and murder and all that over fun stuff and the police are incompetent ofc
- this story takes place in the same universe as the one above but across the world and it’s abt a queer couple whose absolutely batshit feral and work as a librarian and dock worker respectively by day and kill ppl as acts of romance during the night
- and then gay superhero and supervillain falling in love in a coffee shop as civilians and being affectionate bastards to each other as hero and villain and then running away together after the villain gives up and the hero cracks under the pressure of the city depending on them. also it’s nblnb so there’s that too
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harrowscore · 3 years
Mikasa Ackermann, Levi Ackermann, Amane Misa, Aeron Greyjoy for the charactet ask :3
okay, let's start with levi (my beloved):
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (THEE little feral anime man after my heart)
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (Dark, Tall and Snarky + piercing grey-blue eyes and chronic insomnia? clearly my type ❤)
hogwarts house: gryffindor (maybe....?) | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
ugh, the hp sorting house system is way too reductive. he has qualities of gryffindor, slytherin, and hufflepuff - brave, astute, loyal to a fault, etc. so it's a hard choice. but if i really have to choose, i'd go for gryffindor. i know that his Bad Boy facade shouts slytherin, but while he has larger goals (killing all the titans, then saving the world etc.), he's got no actual ambition for himself. hufflepuff would also be a good option.
daemon (from the his dark materials series): (because i've just decided that's just way more accurate than the hp method) some kind of big feline. maybe a panther - a black panther would be the ideal - aloof, predatory, dangerous, fiercely independent.
best quality: besides his obvious strenghts as a leader and warrior, the way he cares for his comrades-in-arms. it's very hard to gain his trust and respect, but once you have it, it's forever. he's pragmatic and ruthless, yes, but he also has a huge capacity for compassion and friendship. not that he would be effusive about his affections, of course.
worst quality: none, he's absolutely perfect ❤ jklsdfhjk jokes aside, he really struggles to open up (a serious understatement), idt he ever talked about his traumatic past with anyone. i mean, maybe he mentioned it to hange and erwin (erwin knew him when he was still an undergound thug, so...), but... he's not great with feelings. despite his apathetic, intimidating mask, he feels and cares deeply, but he has a long history with losing the people he loves, so he tries to not personally care about his squadmates, which can be both a strenght and a weakness. of course, he spectacularly fails at this.
ship them with: well, it's not a secret that i'm a huge rivamika fan, this ship is almost literally consuming my waking thoughts lmao. imo they're perfectly compatible: very similar personalities (stoic, the strongest warriors, absolutely terrifying on the battlefield but with a soft underbelly), very similar pasts/experiences, so many parallels that it's actually ridiculous, etc. i love how they're both each other's equals and likeness (yes, i took it from jane eyre. no, i don't regret anything lmao). a lot of tropes i love, too: Terrible First Impression (the Pride and Prejudice vibes are so strong with these two, you have no idea), Kindred Spirits/Mirror Images, Veteran/Young Prodigy, The Last of Their Kind, even Height Difference lmao. i could write a whole rivamika manifesto, but this is already too long. (maybe for some other time 👀) i would've loved for their dynamic to be more explored in canon but alas, isayama clearly didn't give a shit about the ackerman legacy, he just used it as a plot shortcut to give them conveniently unique powers, since they never really talked about it 🙄 (and before some troll comes into my askbox shouting "you iNcEsT fReAk!!!!1!!", they're only very distantly related. we know shit about the ackermans but we know for sure that they've got at least several generations between them. biologically their shared DNA is 0%, obviously they don't see each other as family, all the eldians have a dead ass common ancestor from 2000 years ago so they're all basically ⁓related anyway. if you really wanna scream about i.ncest, go watch got/dark/the borgias and shut the fuck up please. or alternatively go outside and touch some grass) sorry for the rant, uh. anyway, i can also see levi/erwin. idk if i'd ever care enough to read a fic about them (i'm usually a huge multishipper, but for some weird reason not when it comes to rivamika? same with braime and kastle tbh), but still, i can see it.
brotp them with: hange and erwin, obv. veteran trio >>> ema trio, sorry not sorry (at least h. and e. died before yams had the chance to ruin their character arcs)
needs to stay away from: ...uh, filth, i guess? lmao
misc. thoughts: besides the stupid teenage fangirl crush i have on him, i'm genuinely fascinated by the man himself. he's a huge mess of a contradictions, and yet somehow it works: he's violent and brash and kind of an asshole, but also has a strong moral code and integrity; he's obv very skilled at all the killing/torturing stuff and yet he has a huge respect for life; he's got a potty mouth to say the least, and yet some very aristocratic manners/tastes (the way he sits, his preference for tea and usually refined clothes); he comes from what's supposed to be an illustrous bloodline, he's methodical and very precise, and yet he was born and raised in the underground, he's been used to filth and blood and poverty since he was a child, kenny of all people was his father figure, and probably has known no other life than a perennial survival mode existence. he's "humanity's strongest soldier", but while well-built he's also small, the david to the titans' goliah, and probably not what people would assume a born warrior looks like. he's also one of the few characters who stayed true to himself and his original characterization until the end, bless you smol king ❤
(okay, this is getting long!)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them (so much. she deserved better ❤️) | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! (stunning lady ❤) | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
this is actually easy: mikasa belongs to hufflepuff and no, i won't take criticism (just joking lol). enough with this "hufflepuffs are fluffy puppies/Cinnamon Rolls <3" thing: mikasa values loyalty and duty more than anything else. she's also hardworking... and fierce, strong, lethal. yes, hufflepuff and lethal are not mutually exclusive concepts.
daemon: (finally the better option) a she-wolf, fiercely protective of her pack.
best quality: loyal, brave, incredibly strong (alongside her more fragile qualities). practical and level-headed on the battlefield, at least when eren is not included in the picture.
worst quality: struggles to let go of the past (understandable, considering her trauma). tunnel-vision when it comes to eren, obv. extreme levels of delusions ("if only i spoke openly about my romantic feelings for him - as if i didn't made them abundantly clear in ⁓6 years - he wouldn't kill 80% of humanity :(((" lmao okay. just. okay), but that's more on the writing. she's sadly more static than any other main character throughtout the whole series.
ship them with: see above :) but recently i've also started to be intrigued by mikasa/annie and mikasa/sasha. also, i'm sympathetic to jeankasa fans, though i don't actually care for the ship.
brotp them with: EMA trio, especially armin+mikasa. their friendship is so beautiful and special. also sasha.
needs to stay away from: ...... eren, at least romantically. again, that's more on the writing than anything else, but e.remika unfortunately encompasses many tropes i loathe with all the strength of my old shriveled heart: childhood friends-to lovers where the (male) childhood friend doesn't acknolewdge/is completely indifferent to the other (female) friend's romantic feelings, she hopelessly pines for him for years without anything more than a cold shoulder... until in the last chapter it's revealed that he loved her all along and doesn't "want other men to have her!!! :((" (then why did you have no reaction whatsoever to jean's years-long crush on her while she was jealous of any vaguely female-shaped human being you were friendly to, including hange? are you that dumb, man?); the female character's development and entire arc 100% revolves around the male protagonist - she has no goals, no dreams of her own except staying with him forever and ever; the romance is based on an idealized childhood dream, therefore reaffirming those childish illusions would make the character regress, not actually grow up (and nope, epilogue!jk doesn’t count; that also lacks build-up - i would’ve said the same about rm as well, so it’s not about shipping, guys, it really isn’t - and mikasa needed an inner change; getting married to another man but still praying to eren’s shrine is not substitute to actual development lol). post-time skip she's never really frustrated/angry with him, they never get a confrontation about him becoming a, y'know, mass-murderer of gigantic (pun intended) proportions; she puts him on a pedestal, and never stops idealizing him/never sees him for what he actually is (the narrative framing him as some kind of tragic martyr/saint eren from paradis with zero agency and basically... no clear motivation for the abovementioned mass murder, and not the actual complex tragic anti-hero/villain motivated by revenge and righteous fury he deserved to be, does not help). it lacks a good or even decent build-up - it's basically all tell and not show. now, if they'd actually been childhood friends to enemies to lovers/mutually co-dependent... it could have been interesting. sadly, it's not my cup of tea. of course this is just my personal preference, no hard feelings to the shippers.
misc. thoughts: enormous potential. she's been my fav female character since s1 - and ah, i miss s1!mikasa, when she had actually other stuff to do besides mothering eren. i love that she's the strongest warrior (second only to levi, obv), that her skills are never called into questions despite her gender, i love how she stands up for herself and the people she loves, that she may seem cold and stoic and yet has a such a huge heart, that she's not perfect but also sometimes awe-inspiring. sadly, she never really gets out of eren's shadow; what she lacks is an arc focused on herself. that's why imo getting deeper into the ackerman lore would've helped (also, you cannot make the main female character and the most popular male character descend from the same Unique Bloodline or whatever, and never really make them acknowledge it out loud; as a writer, you just can't lol). my spite is so strong that i'm currently writing a ridiculously pretentious fic that's 70% development for her character, to give her a voice, and 30% ackerthirsting. (yes, that's the fic i'm always vagueblogging about lmao, rip @ my brain). if any other rivamika fan is interested… mind you, it’s in italian tho, and idt i have the skills to translate into english.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
daemon: mmh, maybe some kind of butterfly? beautiful, colorful, and short-lived.
best quality: glorious fashion sense, more inventive and ingenious than fans actually give her credit for.
worst quality: shallow, impulsive, and obv her dependence on/obsession with light (which stems from trauma btw, but still… the very opposite of a relationship between equals).
ship them with: rem, kinda (monster/human ftw!). also weirdly enough mogi, a little bit? she deserves someone who actually respects her… though she’s far from being a perfect angel. she may actually be crazier than light on some aspects. but in this house we stan evil ladies anyway, so i have no problem with that <3
brotp them with: uh, idk, maybe matsuda?
needs to stay away from: obv light. also takada.
misc. thoughts: a tragic victim of sexist writing. she may be… unhinged to say the least, but she didn’t deserve the abuse she got from light (and from the fans). the female characters’ writing in dn is so bad that idk if it’s on purpose, to kinda mirror the reality of women in a patriarchal society (dependent on men, housewives whose life entirely revolves around their husband/boyfriend etc.), or just casual misogyny lol. it’s even more baffling since we don’t know the author’s gender (they may be a man, a woman, nb, anything really). i tend for the latter option tho.
aegon greyjoy (now, i wasn’t expecting him lol):
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
i’m so sorry, i haven’t the slightest idea lmao. maybe gryffindor? mind you, it’s been a long time since i’ve re-read the books, so i don’t have many thoughts about him.
daemon: maybe it’s cliché, but some kind of fish/squid lmao
best quality: ugh, i really can’t remember much from his chapters :(( he’s not a coward, i guess? (lame answer, sorry!)
worst quality: definitely his religious fanaticism.
ship them with: no one.
brotp them with: uh… his family, ig? except euron.
needs to stay away from: obv euron. brr ://
misc. thoughts: i genuinely like the greyjoys chapters, though i vastly prefer the martells (with the exception of theon and asha, bcs i love them). yes, they’re deranged. yes, victarion is… well, victarion lol. but the drowned god religion is actually interesting, grrm knows how to write trauma - every time aeron mentions euron and that freaking door i’m like… :// - and the tragedy of it all… just great writing all around.
okay, that’s the end lmao. thank you so much, love!!! ❤❤
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travel-voyages · 3 years
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See wild cats roam among the ruins at a cat sanctuary in Rome
At the Largo di Torre Argentina cat sanctuary in Rome, you just might see a cat sunning itself on the very spot where Julius Caesar was assassinated.
This fascinating archeological site below street level  is located just a few blocks from the Pantheon.  The Roman ruins here date back as far as 4th century B.C.  The cats moved in when the site was excavated in 1929.
It’s become a major Rome tourist attraction.
But it’s hard to say whether people come here for the history or the cats.  
Read on for the story on both, plus what you need to know to visit this Rome cat sanctuary.  
An abundance of cats in Rome is  hardly a new phenomenon.  Indeed, the cat sanctuary’s web site quips that the ancestors of the cats at Torre Argentina probably met Julius Caesar.
Ancient Romans respected the ability of cats to catch pests, but also saw them as sacred animals.  Cats were associated with liberty and divinity and were the only animals allowed to walk freely around their temples.
The ancient Roman cats ruled.  Today, they still do.
Rome is a cat haven, with an estimated cat population of 300,000.   They’ve been recognized by law as a “biocultural heritage” of the city, and whenever five or more cats live together in a feral cat colony, they can’t be disturbed.
How the Torre Argentina cat sanctuary in Rome came to be
The cat ladies in Rome are a formidable group.
The ruins at Largo Argentina were discovered and excavated in 1929.  That’s also when Rome’s feral cats moved in.  Over the years, they were fed by cat ladies, known as ‘gattarre’ in Rome.
Two women, Lia and Silvia, started helping out in 1993.  As the cat population grew, they began raising funds and established a cat shelter in one corner of the site to care for them.
They’ve dealt with threats of eviction over the years, but their cat refuge continues to survive based on the support and donations of local citizens and visitors.
What they do at the feral cat shelter:
Newly abandoned cats are named and registered in the shelter’s log.  Every one of them is examined, sterilized and vaccinated.
In fact, the shelter runs a broader trap, neuter and release program.  One volunteer told me that in the past 25 years, they’ve sterilized 52,000 cats, performing an incredible public service for the city.
Currently, about 130 cats live on the site and are available for adoption.  About 20 cats live inside the small shelter because of disability or old age.
Spotting the cats among the ruins has become one of the fun things to do in Rome, especially for families.
Visitors are not allowed to walk among the ruins, but you can still get a good view from the street level.
You can also visit the cats that live inside the sanctuary.  To find it,  take the stairs down to the site at the corner of Via Florida and Via di Torre Argentina.  It’s open from noon to 6 p.m. on weekdays, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends.
Be sure to take a look at the  Torre Argentina cat shop, where the annual Cats of Rome calendar is a popular item.
You may also wish to make a donation to the sanctuary or to adopt a cat at a distance.  That program is aimed at raising funds to support the older or disabled cats who are not likely to find a forever home.  When you adopt a cat at a distance, you’ll get photos and status updates on your kitty.  Click here to see the cats that you can adopt from a distance.
It’s believed that there are as many as 2000 cat colonies in Rome.  Visitors to the Colosseum will often see cats among the ruins there.  By the way, getting tickets to the Colosseum is not that straight forward, so check out this guide on how to buy tickets to the Colosseum.
There is another Roman cat sanctuary run by volunteers at the Non-Catholic Cemetery in the Testaccio neighbourhood. Here, the cats roam among the graves of famous poets like Keats and Shelley, in the shadow of the ancient Pyramid of Cestius.
And you’ll find one more at the Piazza Vittorio Emanuelle II near the Termini train station.  Note that this area is a little rundown and it’s best to visit the park during the day.
Wherever you go in city, you’re sure to get some cats with your history!
The Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary:  Click here for the web site where you can get more information, make a donation or adopt a cat at a distance.
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Home World: Eraklyon (Born in Isis) | (Father is from the lagoon planet: Laugos)
Purview: Fairy of Pearls (Fairy of that which is hidden by 'beauty' or gilded, has a manifest preference for pearls)
Hair Colour: black with an iridescent sheen (purple and blue)
Eye colour: amber-brown
Skin: peachy-beige  
Height: 5 foot something (in heels)
Personality Key Words: polite, accommodating, five-seconds-from-feral, sharp/prickly
Hobbies: diving for treasure (sometimes treasure is a handful of pearls, sometimes it's getting to see a fun looking fish)
Favourite Foods: has a secret love for soft, stuffed fruit-buns
Pixie: N/A
Mother and Early Life:
Margarita comes from a mixed background, born to a single mother in Isis after a brief affair which her mother, Sabbia, believed to be the start of a long lasting relationship, Margarita has always felt the weight of her mother's expectations and desire for a better life for them both.
Their family line has had only weak fairies, and those have been spread out over the generations. Sabbia, was the first fairy of any real strength but her familial duty kept her home bound and helping with the old inn their family runs instead of learning more than the basics about her powers.
During a treaty summit roughly 16-18 years pre-series, the inn hosted the King of Laugos and his entourage, and Margarita was conceived, but Sabbia was left behind when the party returned to their own world.
Her mother pushed Margarita to embrace all the chances Sabbia had missed in her youth, and become the best fairy Margarita could be.
(And also with the hope Margarita's father would acknowledge her existence.)
Unfortunately for Margarita, this push for excellence hits unhealthy levels of obsession for her mother, something Margarita is aware of, but she doesn't feel like she can get out of her current circumstances without throwing everything her mother has ever sacrificed for Margarita back in her face. (And she believes she has nowhere to go.)
Margarita plans to get a well paying job that will allow her to take care of her mother and repay everything Sabbia has ever done for her, but one that will also take her away from her mother frequently. (Academically, logically, Margarita knows she shouldn't have to pay her mother back for doing the basic motherly steps of raising her own child, but beyond just feeling beholden to her mother, Margarita has some genuine affection for Sabbia which makes it difficult to keep an emotional distance.)
As a result of Sabbia's drive for Margarita's success, Margarita had very little social life as a young child which left Margarita feeling forever out of step with her peers, only her experience helping at the inn gave her the (customer service) ability to interact with others in a way that makes her seem personable.
Her academic achievements meant Margarita was always at the top of her class and often somewhat ahead, which helped her to secure scholarships to Eraklyon's premier school to study magic.
Which is where she met Diaspro.
Academia and Diaspro:
The two young women have been fighting each other for the top spot in everything since they first took the same exam.  Despite driving one another ever harder, they recognise a kindred spirit, both of them throwing away their own desires (not that they’ve ever really had the chance to figure out what those are exactly) to strive for unobtainable perfection.
They share a mutual, if grudging respect for one another, and any time another student comes close to replacing them at the top of the score boards, they close ranks and study together. (“If someone's going to beat me, it had better be you! I won't lose to some nobody!”)
The high stress of always having to maintain perfect grades and be friendly (if not friends) with everyone is extremely taxing, and Margarita often feels like she's on the edge of a complete meltdown.
Biological Quirks:
As a fairy from a long line of strong fairies associated with the elemental idea of earth and stone, Diaspro has a higher than average natural strength which Margarita will never match.
As someone who has a parent from Laugos, Margarita's body has a more efficient respiratory and cardio vascular system which allows her to run for longer and endure less hospitable air qualities better. (and dive for longer without spell assistance.)
Of course, Margarita can't shake off being thrown through a brick wall as easily as Diaspro.
And there's a down side to Laugossian heritage.
Laugos is called the Lagoon planet, it is covered primarily by lagoons and shoals, the surface water in most areas is often only 50 - 100 metres deep, though there are some sections of ocean which are said to be dozens of kilometres deep. (The furthest down most people go is 5 kilometres, which is half the depth of the Marianas Trench on Earth.)
The people of Laugos live in the shallows of the ocean, in crystalline under water cities, their eyes are adapted for extreme glare and constant shifting of light.
Margarita's eyes aren't able to handle the light like a pure-blooded Laugosian would, but her eyes aren't Eraklyon standard either, and occasionally she wears glasses or contacts to regulate her eyes' photo-sensitivity.
During the Series:
Margarita has never been Sky's biggest fan, finding out about the events of the Day of the Royals had her ready to commit treason and beat him to death with his own arm, but she decided Diaspro need a sympathetic shoulder more.
After Diaspro was kidnapped from her own palace while attending her princess duties, Margarita told Diaspro that she'd developed a theory:
M: “Weird things have been happening to you in the past few years, and it always seems to be while you're off doing your princess things, and therefore I miss them. I propose, you stop going places with out me, because I am clearly the anchor your life revolves around, nothing bizarre has ever happened to you around me, so for your own safety...”
D: *starts laughing and doesn't stop for several minutes* “Yeah, sure, that's how I get my life back on track”
M: “Well if you're going to be sarcastic, see if I ever help you again.”
D: “No! Come back! I need you to help me make 'Queen Consorting for Dummies'.”
M: “... what for?”
D: “urgh, Bloom. Sky's dating her, probably wants to marry her, which means she needs to know everything I know, and she has far less time to learn it in.”
M: “Your making her a cheat guide for Consort studies? Really? Her?”
D: “Sure, why not right? It's my duty as the Heir of Isis to ensure Eraklyon is in the best capable hands, which means making her hands any kind of capable. It's just duty. It's not like she ruined my life, stole my purpose and destroyed my entire sense of identity!!”
M: “... I don't know exactly when I became the calm, stable one in this relationship, but I hate it.”
Shortly before Valtor broke out of the Omega Dimension, Margarita received a summons from her father requesting her help.
Prince Litore, the heir to the throne had been injured and cursed in an attack by an ancient sea witch who had suddenly crawled out of the depths of Laugos's ocean, from a place called “koiláda tou thanátou”, (lit. “Death Valley”) the deepest chasm in the ocean floor which few have ever gone into, and which none have ever returned until now.
Margarita was called because her father had known of her existence, but never planned to acknowledge her, until the witch returned. Their ancestor had been a Guardian Fairy who'd defeated the witch before locking the tool she'd used away so it couldn't be misused, and only a fairy of her bloodline could free it.
Margarita is, of course, the only known fairy of her bloodline currently alive available. And naturally the Prince can’t be un-cursed until the witch has been defeated, so she absolutely has to do that while she’s there retrieving the witch-be-gone-device anyway.
By the time she's finished and able to return to Eraklyon, Diaspro has already been banished.
(Which makes Margarita laugh in hysterics, because she's just gotten herself perma-banned from Laugos for punching the king in the face after he acted like they'd done her a favour for calling her, rather than her doing Laugos and the royal family a favour by showing up and risking her life to save them.)
Margarita agrees that she could see how people would think so, but she's 100% certain Diaspro did not roofie prince Sky of her own free will. Not that Margarita can ever prove it one way or the other because the Eraklyon Royal guards stonewall her attempts to investigate.
Margarita's Father:
You may have guessed, Margarita's father is the King of Laugos.
Unlike with her mother, Margarita has no mixed feelings about her father and thinks he's 100% a piece of garbage (and not even the classy kind you're supposed to recycle).
She's also 78% certain she has more siblings than Prince Litore, who she thinks is arrogant and naïve, but not a complete loss if he can get his head out of his ass.
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eternalflame421 · 4 years
My Take on Tom Nook
The following is my interpretation and my headcanon backstory on Tom Nook. inspired by Jwittz's video on Tom (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvfmPtkhqok) and this cover of Sable's favourite song, Soulful K.K. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqAlQ4ARTZI )
The year, was 200X. Thomas Nookington (Tom Nook for short) returned home to Animal Town tired and broken. He was betrayed in the city by two colleagues he might have called friends in the past. Lyle the Otter, and Akato ‘Crazy Redd’ the Fox. With no more dreams left in the city, he returned to his childhood home and took his family’s shop; the Nook’s Cranny, later upgrading it to the Nook ‘n Go. But the city changed him; in many ways. In some ways, he changed for the good, teaching him many economic, financial, and business lessons. In others... for the worse. 
The city made him bitter. Cold. Mean. The city broke him, making him feel like a waste. In his blind depression, he treated customers and employees alike totally wrong and he pushed away anyone that was nice to him even old friends like Sable of the Able Sisters; no longer writing to her even though he did so in the city, even in his lowest points, before his betrayal. It wasn’t unnoticed though.
When Sable eventually went to see him in person, she saw what he had become. What the city had really done to him. She was sad and afraid. To her, Tom was her only friend; and someone she even sometimes liked as more than a friend. But at that moment; On that day, that friend was gone, and she told him as such.
with the slam of the door, tom was broken again; by none other than himself. She was right; he did change for the worse, and he was blind to it before. Blinded by the pain of betrayal, to the point of betraying himself. He knew what the villagers said about him behind his back, where they felt safe; Calling him everything he saw in Akato; in Lyle. Everything he hated about Akato and Lyle. Everything he now saw in himself.
He called up a distant old friend; a carpenter sheep by the name of Cyrus. He made a deal; 75% of the Revenue if he took up Nook ‘n Go for a while. Cyrus was confused but agreed. After leaving Cyrus notes about the items and how they sell, Tom left Animal Town again, no longer seeing his place there. No longer feeling like he even belonged there. 
But where to go? The City certainly didn’t hold any promise for him anymore, but at the same time, he no longer felt like he deserved home since it hated him. He decided on the city nevertheless. little did he know it wasn’t too much of a bad idea in the long run. 
Walking down the streets at night, after a few days in the city, Tom heard a noise at the end of an alleyway; a garbage can being knocked down, and the voices of two... children? Hesitantly, he dared to look, coming across two young Tanukis. They were naked and almost feral, besides being able to properly speak.
they bear their fangs and claws, growling. “Hey! Leave our stuff alone!” They said in unison, though one lagged behind at times.
Tom tilted his head at the sight but kept his distance. “... shouldn’t children like you be at home in bed at this hour?” He asked.
They shook their heads. “We have no home! This is our home; So leave!" They yelled.
Orphaned mysteriously and young enough in their lives to have never known true family, these two unwanted Tanukis were raised in an orphanage that didn’t want them and so they ran to the city and took any unwanted thing they could from a world that wanted everything from you. If they were found, it would take them too.
‘What do I do?’ Tom wondered as the two Tanukis growled primally. He could not leave them. This world would swallow them whole. It nearly swallowed him, if it weren’t for Sable. He could not take them, it’d be a long story for the apartment complex that he dared not tell.
even as a race, The Tanukis/Racoons have always had it rough, thanks to mischievous and conniving ancestors, the same as the Fox/Kitsune. And though Akato never did much to defy it, it was the Nookington family Ideal; to show no greed and break out of the stereotypes. An ideal he lost sight of.
A thought suddenly ran through his head. ‘If I... if I saved them... would I save... myself?’ The City had made him worse overall. He knew that. It made him unwanted, by even his closest friends. But these Tanukis... They weren't much different, were they? Tom saw himself in these Tanukis, so if he made them better using what the city taught him and what his family taught him... would he make himself better? Tom wondered if it would work. Would they even agree?
He hesitated to speak. “... No. That won’t do. A world of finder-keepers can not live forever. You’ll only want to find more and more. A world where everyone shares everything won't work either; greed drives us too much.” Tom said, and the Tanukis went quiet.
“Take the banks!” Tom exclaimed, waving his hand out. “They will deny a young man a loan, though they know nothing of his character. And why? For who do they work for then, hm? Themselves!”  He pointed out. The Tanukis stared at him in quiet confusion.
the Tanukis scoffed. “What’s your point, old man?” They asked.
Tom cleared his throat. “To take, you must give. To give, you must take. Take too much, you will be unwanted and the world will hate you. Give too much, and the world will eat you for all you’re worth and leave you in its dust.” He explained. “We are... alike, hmm? Unwanted Tanukis, in a Wild World of greed and swindling, only seeing camaraderie in our own kin, rather than the common City Folk.” Tom noted.
a plan came to Tom’s head. An idea. “How about a deal, Hmm? Simple one, this. If you help me run a shop in a place much more accepting than the city, I will give you everything you need and teach you how to survive in this world?” He proposed. 
the Tanukis were confused. “Everything we need?” One questioned. “How to survive?” Asked the other.
Tom nodded. “Indeed. You have no place to rightfully call home, correct? If you help me with running a tool and furniture shop, I’ll give you a home.” He proposed. 
Hesitantly, the Tanukis agreed and were given the proper names of Timothy ‘Timmy’ Nookington and Thomas ‘Tommy’ Nookington Jr. Tom also learned to tell Timmy and Tommy apart from a mole on one of Timmy's hands.
With Timmy and Tommy in tow, Tom moved to a small village 3 towns away from Animal Town, with the intention of starting new. He rebuilt Nook Cranny there and built himself back up, treating customers and employees better with more slack, and began teaching them business and economics while also teaching them more standard things like reading and writing.
Tommy often reminded Tom of himself, hence them having the same name; Tommy proved to be more of a leader than Timmy and was a bit more hands-on than Timmy, though Timmy understood a lot of the math faster than Tommy and problem-solved a bit faster. One found the problems, and the other solved them; such a symbiotic relationship interested Tom greatly, so Tom always made sure they worked in close proximity to each other; not always, however, in occasional efforts to test their independent skills. 'Though they might work together wonderfully, they won't always be able to.' as he reasoned.
Tom became well known at this town, to the point that its local orphanage named a wing after him; Nookington Orphanage, growing to be one of the few things that had his name on it, despite not being owned by Tom. Tom also got back into writing to Sable. He knew not if she would actually read his letters anymore but that sense of nostalgic normalcy helped him feel better about their relationship at the very least.
After another moving trip to the city with Timmy and Tommy, using his now heightened street cred, he managed to not only get back into his old job at the Happy Room Academy, But he managed to own it and absolve it into his own Nook Homes company by 20X0. It did mean working with Lyle again, but Lyle was always easier to deal with and was less conniving than Akato. Akato himself went into the art-selling business soon after Tom left the city.
At first, Tom made sure Lyle hated his job as a sort of payback, before retooling him for a better job, changing HRA’s name to the Happy Home Academy; once he was sure he learned his lesson. On New Years of 20X2, his resolution was then to continue to turn over new leaves and do new things.
and by February Of 20X2, Tom felt happy about his position in life. He had used the city to reach dreams he didn’t know he could and even changed an enemy for the better. Tom even began giving money to orphanages, giving as much as 90% of his revenue to orphanages across the world.  It was then that he decided, that perhaps, it was time to go back to Animal Town. 
By the time he came back, it had changed dramatically, however. Nook n’ Go turned into Retail, staffed by Cyrus and his wife Reese, for one. Tom had known Cyrus had a girlfriend when he had called him to take over, but he had not realized they married. 
The mayor; Tortimer, was retiring as well, and was reported to be calling someone in to help and take his place; an interesting shake-up, as Mayor Tortimer was in office for longer than there was a Tom Nook.
Lastly, The museum moved up to a hill past the Train station, as did the Able Sisters. It was like a miniature city with a single street of a couple of different buildings, though it felt a lot more homely. Tom saw an opportunity in this, and set up a Nook Homes office and a revitalized Nook’s Cranny, using Retail to teach Timmy and Tommy about business competition. 
Tortimer’s replacement came and turned out to be a Human by the name of Murasaki. Murasaki was an interesting human, who spoke using Telekinesis rather than with words, claiming to be mute otherwise. Rare to be sure, but accepted all the same.
With the help of Mayor Murasaki, Main Street grew and grew. Nook’ Cranny became Nookington’s, the Able Sisters expanded to have not only the long lost sister Label return, but have the shop Shampoodles in the floor above Able Sisters. Club LOL was made from an alleyway, hosting KK Slider, the world-renown Music creator and DJ. Tom did sneak down to see his shows once in a while, he might admit.
Tom had also come to a compromise with Sable, resolving to at least be friends again. It was hard for her, but before Tom had come back, she did read his letters and was delighted to hear of the changes he had made to himself. The old Tom was back, to be sure, but the memory still weighed heavy in her mind; and his too. Neither party dared bring up the idea of being more than friends again.
Sable wasn't the only one who couldn't forget though. even after 20X2, there were still those who talked of Tom as a greedy, evil man; to this day he hears it and sees it. but at this point... he had accepted it. he accepted the fact that there will always be those who cannot forgive and forget. He hasn't himself, fully. "if I must be villainized in my pursuit of teaching, then so be it!" as he said.
Even though he hears plenty talk ill about him to this day, he sees otherwise; in the faces of the other villagers; in Murasaki's; in Timmy and Tommy's; in Sable's. He sees the good; the happiness he had brought to those around him, and it drives him, to this very day.
Over time, Nook Homes expanded into Nook Inc, and acquired many islands in both the northern and Southern Hemispheres, eventually opening Project Horizon, based on Murasaki's Sister, Shikibu's camping Hobby. Shikibu herself was an Interior Designer working for the HHA since 20X5.
Project Horizon culminated as the Abandoned Island Getaway Package in 202X, through collaboration with Dodo Airlines. It was then taken up by Murasaki, Who was curious about what Project Horizon was since its announcement.
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fwizard · 5 years
on soups: pleas tell me which are acceptable and which are horrors to the mouth... tomato cream of tomato french onion (with the melty cheese) chili (is it a soup? who can know.) lentil soup pea soup tell me about all the soups please
counting down in a numbered list which really doesn’t mean anything cause im rating these individually too
10. Any Kind of Pea Soup
God. you killed a veggie and then put it thru the wood chipper until it became goop. and then you heated it up and ate it. good lord. you feral bastards. Where does the liquid even come from?? emulsified veggie goop. -0/10
9. Ginger Carrot Soup
What the fuck. Why? Where does the liquid come from? Why must you goopify a vegetable and then make it spicy. Why. 0/10
8. Cheesy Broccolli Soup
You took a fart and hid it in a bowl of cheese. -15/10
8. a) Lentil Soup
Jesus Christ. No. 0/10
7. Butternut Squash Soup
Why is there so much cinnamon. I don’t understand. Its more sludge like than others but the cinnamon punches you in the throat. You want to trust it because it smells good besides the dubious consistency but you DO and it is your downfall. You can manage like three mouthfuls really only because you were duped into buying it and you feel bad wasting food. What did you truly expect? Something good? The soup that triggered the soup comment in the first place. 1/10
6. Mushroom Soup
Sometimes good on its own and sometimes a horrible monstrosity of liquid and mushroom. Salty for some reason. Terrible when made with water but actually alright when made with milk. A veggie soup I trust but it’s on thin fucking ice. Best for sandwich dipping so you don’t really notice how thick it is. 4/10
5. French Onion Soup
It’s hot and comes in its tiny special bowl thing and the top gets all crunchy and ok it might have me a little. but only when its cold outside and my momma makes it. She has done this literally once with one brand and I am fearful of doppelganger soups that will ultimately disappoint me. You will live on in my memory forever, mom’s not-homemade french onion soup. 5.5/10
4.  “Hearty” Soups
It’s literally just pasta in broth. Everyone tries to say its so good but you know you’re all just in it for that sweet, sweet dense curly pasta. Also good when made with tortellini. The soup part is almost always a lie. it is a vehicle for the pasta. It is so you can say you had a nice filling soup for dinner. You heap your bowl full of (pasta) soup and then discreetly dump the rest of the liquid down the sink when no one’s looking. You fucking liar. I’m into it. 6/10
3. Tim Horton’s Chicken Noodle
Listen. Sometimes you just need to take a decent chicken noodle and boil the absolute fuck out of it in a kitchen for 15 hours. We all know that’s what happens to Tim Horton’s(s?) soups. We know. And yet. Still good. Always good. Especially when it’s the end of the day and they give you a full bun instead of the half with it. How don’t the teeny veggies turn into mush? Actually don’t tell me I don’t want to know. 8/10
2. Potato Bacon Soup
My ancestors couldn’t have survived without potatoes. They mastered the potato in all its forms and it has appeared very gently on supermarket shelves, hiding between the lentil ginger and carrot onion and disney princess spaghetti-o’s. It bids you a gentle welcome, quiet, waiting for you to have your moment of discovery. You will be happily shocked to discover actual (!) chunks of full potato and bacon inside the can when you open it up, tipping a delicacy of smooth salty rich goodness into your stove pot. Amazing with bread.The soup that convinced me to love again. 10/10
1. Chicken Noodle
God looked down on all the people in the land, all those weak and weary, and he raised his arms to the heavens and cried ‘Let there be no more suffering; let there be no more tears. Campbell’s Chicken Soup is here.’ And then there was no more suffering and no more tears because that’s how that shit works. Amazing. Delicious. Easy to make. Beautiful. You probably ate it for the noodles when u were little and then came to appreciate it better later in life but it was always there for you, waiting patiently in the background, through breakups and cold winters and that one really nasty flu bug you caught in the 6th grade that kept you in bed for a week, god that was bad. Listen. There’s a reason your mom gave it to you when you were little. Its Just Good. 11/10
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belzinone · 4 years
// @wolfstillhasclaws // @hunting-songs //
// y’all really cleaned me out here, huh? jasdfnkajnfkan i love you both~<3 (this is also nice bc i can describe her better than i can draw her; aaaaaand i been chipping away at this forever oh dear. ah well. i finished an assignment. i deserve to post this now <3
[EYES]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they're alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
// sharply angled almonds surrounded by corner folds of age, stress, & restless nights. lashes thickly line their corners like fine fur, emphasized by the way her lids are drawn under the weight of contemplation. small & narrow in shape, but nonetheless quickly to light, soften, & warm at the sight of the things she loves. small pupils are bathed in a bright amber bath sprinkled with green in the candlelight, not much different from the sun’s rays through a forest canopy in the daylight. stern but forgiving, sharp but soft. more of a window to her soul than her mouth would probably ever communicate.
// her brows are drawn but expressive, usually level in furrows but quick to relax & raise. full & average thickness as they taper to the edges of her face, they have soft angles but a sharp beginning. a burn chars the follicles of the left side of her left brow later in life, leaving a break in its length.
[HAIR]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
// cut & grown as necessity & identity fluctuated throughout her life. a short crop as a small girl, grazing her ears & off her nape to best pass as a boy. as she matured, her mother insisted she grow out her long tawny waves & she obliged, subject to the pressures of not insisting she knew better. though relatively thin & not well kept (a luxury lacked by many underground residents), long, beautiful hair was key to landing a rich husband.
// as a civilian, she tied up her hair in a number of ways for many occasions, having more time to spend on her appearances than as a soldier. her go-to became a loose, sideswept braid she kept for the beginning of her military career. after sacrificing length for life, she donned herself the popular soldier’s undercut, though leaving some length on the shave & a generous head of curls that fall to the side. she never felt more like herself.
// she leaves strings of twisted burnt copper everywhere she rests, easily caught by dark fabrics & generous sunlight. lovers & comrades given permission to roam her body would find soft, thin hairs nearly invisible against the rich, ashy undertones of her skin. they concentrate in a combination of wolffian & müllerian patterns: under her arms, on her lower back, down the line of her stomach, as well as sparsely covering her genitals, arms, & legs.
// as soon as she gets her hands on body-scaping luxuries as a soldier, she makes a habit out of maintaining her body hairs on a regular basis. not for presentation, but function as skin-tight uniform pants & full body straps make staying au natural rather uncomfortable. regardless of her upkeep, the hair in areas most impacted by her uniform have steadily lost its volume to friction.
// as she started to lose herself after her injury, she grew out the hair on her head but couldn’t bring herself to stop maintaining her military undercut entirely. as personal hygiene became difficult, her body-scaping became lax & revealed patterns of war through her uniform & scars.
[MOUTH]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what's their "default expression"/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc
// small, full, & pursed in stress until her sights are set upon a dear face. in situations of calm & camaraderie she wears the slightest grin as a neutral expression. a pronounced cupid’s bow with a crooked edge when she smiles. a natural smirk without the airs of arrogance.
// though her jaw is usually tense, she hides her teeth (unremarkable & average for someone of her stature) until rare instances of unrestrained joy overwhelm her consciousness.
// if she could choose a color, she’d enjoy a lively, perhaps even icy pink rather than rouge regardless if it “matches her skintone” or not
[FACE]: what is the shape of their face, do they have pronounced cheekbones or a strong jaw, what's the size and shape of their nose, what's the size and shape of their ears, do they stick out, are they pointed, etc.
// the only part of her that never seemed to mature. short & small in shape with round cheeks yet capable of feral expressions. perhaps a heart shape with a small yet pronounced chin. her nose is small as well with a pronounced button shape compared to the rest of her peers, much like armin. her age shows in the rest of her features, from the folds of her eyes to the wrinkles between her brows. identifying features include her pronounced widow’s peak & nearly invisible freckles, as well as a couple facial moles: a left monroe & another below her right brow.
// her ears stand out, but not in size or angle. they’re comparatively small, round, & easily hide in her hair, but her detached earlobes are undoubtedly foreign as the rest of the eldian population seems to sport attached earlobes. her mother taught her to hide this, but they’re regardlessly easily unnoticed.
// the way she wears her visage is kind, welcoming, & maternal, unhardened by the throes of battle but nonetheless changed throughout her life & adapt to circumstances. as a cadet she carried a lot of secrets & communicated a demand for distance through a resting bitch face, unraveled by the love & understandings of her late garrison squad. though not incapable of being stern & able to sway most others through a Look:tm:, she much prefers not to convey authority & would rather communicate airs of openness, a manifestation of democratic leadership expressed by levi & other philosophies of the scouting legion she admires.
[SKIN]: obviously colour, but also if they're inclined to run hot or cold, do they have any blemishes or unusual markings, are they inclined to blush, are they freckled, do they tan, what does their skin feel like, etc.
// her ancestors weren’t from the walls. she looks a bit out of place much like the others who hailed from across the continent, most notably comparable to ymir who hailed from a poor, remote land. fair to medium tone, olive & ashy in undertone.
// faint, full-body freckles despite being easy to tan, a trait rare to those who spend the beginnings of their life underground. her skin reflects the sun she catches after moving above ground, a soft & subtle sun-kissed glow that gently darkens throughout her career, especially as she catches direct sunlight ontop of & beyond the walls. (lowkey inspired by my very elementary coloring skills. i’m getting better & applying my growth to her development bc we’re in this together) as a result, she doesn’t need much sun protection & does very much enjoy sunbathing
// warm to the touch, but reluctant to blush. she has thick skin & an elastic heart. most parts of her are hardened, calloused, dried, & bruised save for the intimate parts of her including her inner joints & limbs. the softest parts of her are her inner thighs surrounding 3dmg wear, surprisingly luxurious for such a hardened soldier often subject to harsh medicinal chemicals.
// also on par is a freshly shaved pussy but i believe that’s pretty universal with the right skincare. also pretty average of her: she has rough, dry, & slightly darkened elbows.
// the texture of her neck is unsettling at the very least, a result of scar tissue buildup in an area with such thin skin. it’s very odd & generally off-putting, causing her to regard the area with a lot of defensiveness & self-consciousness. (marked bc probably one of her most characteristic physical traits)
[BUILD]: are they skinny and petite or do they resemble a body builder, are they tall or short or average height, are they lean and wiry, are they overweight, are all of their features proportionate, etc
// her body betrays who she feels she is, even as she works to manipulate (& privately enhance) its shape & volume. she doesn’t feel like it belongs to her, but it is.
// petite & heavyset, small but mighty with generous work-muscle, most notably in her back, thighs, & upper arms. she has a strong core, but her abdominals will never be as pronounced as a result of the significantly müllerian way her body retains fat. four pack for life. it pains her.
// pronounced hourglass figure, deceptively top-heavy. small, but strong & widened shoulders support large breasts that are bound in sarashi-like fashion under her scout uniform, a way meant to be safest for support as well as long-term wear, but nonetheless restricting & potentially dangerous if not done correctly.
// properly bound & suited, she could pass as male just as well as she could when she was a child. androgyny feels most natural to her, but genuine femininity is a high-hanging fruit she may never taste regardless of the sensuality of her body when enhanced with her favorite lingerie. in private, she indulges & finds comfort in playing up her femininity and exploring aesthetic sensuality (marked for key characterization of her sexuality/gender identity)
[HANDS]: are they large or small, do they have pianist's fingers or short stubby ones, do they tend to get sweaty or are they always dry, is the skin rough or delicate, are the nails painted or chewed or sharp, etc.
// hands small enough to meticulously craft detail, deceptively rough with work. short, but nonetheless artisan fingers. short & kept nails, though mechanical oils, debris, & blood sometimes persist without her noticing. more often when she’s distracted, but she’ll take care of it asap nonetheless.
// they’re always warm, ready to hold, ready to work, ready to comfort. but they are dry, especially the tops of her hands. they’re always in need of repair, moisture, & upkeep.
[LEGS]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what's their gait, etc.[feet]: do they have a habit of going up on their tiptoes, what's their usualy stance, do they tend to shift their weight to a preferred side, etc.
// they do nothing for her height, wide with secondary müllerian fat deposit & definitively shaped with the muscle of a workhorse. yet they can move her with skillful grace, artfully bending and swaying as led by her hips in the midst of her dancing.
// in this vein, she has an extraordinary sense of balance. whether or not she consciously keeps this in constant check is up for debate, but her legs ground and carry her well. she’s also very flexible & can do a myriad of splits.
// she often leans towards her left when standing, later shifting to her right and alternating to keep the blood flow alive. bel also has a tendency for wide, masculine stances to keep her on her toes in action as well as situations that call for her bluff.
// her most natural, comfortable position is on her knees. level with her patients in their environment of need, ready to tend. she very much prefers the ground and can kneel for very long periods of time without losing her sensations. she’s learned to strategically carry and shift her weight in order to accomplish long sessions.
[OTHER: CLOTHES STYLE]: any other obscure feature or tiny detail that the asker is interested in, materials, style, details, freshly new bought or old an worn down, full of dirt or always washed, preferred colour
// as a child they were little more than rags, but nonetheless carefully tailored & decorated with the love of a homemaker mother. it was more as a means of protection rather than inevitability, as flaunting wealth in the dangerous subterranean city was a death sentence.
// as soon as she reached adolescence, her mother instructed her to dress as a lady & slowly began to bestow upon her the racy garments she used to wear as a Wallflower. subdued skirts & bodices became more & more audacious as they grew closer to the surface. risa’s wears were optimized for wiles as much as work, with hidden inner drawstrings easily controlling length, bell sleeves skillfully tied back, corsets carefully constructed to allow stretch as much as shape.
// this stage of life for bel, however, was even more fraught with denied freedoms, fostering a growing complicated relationship between herself & her gender expression. even as she grew into a young adult, she still lacked the bodily function to menstruate, still found herself under the pressures of her mothers dreams to marry into the capitol & retire as a socialite.
// it wasn’t what she wanted, so bel soon began shedding her compromises. with her uniform she donned a laced undershirt over bustiers, not ideal for service but not so stifling either for the lax garrison regiment. her comrades gifted her her switchblade as well as a red ribbon, which she wove & tied into her usual braid.
// following the battle of trost, a bone from her bodice close to puncturing her lung prompted her to make a change. for the first time in years, she reached for the bandage & bound her chest, feeling more powerful than ever. when an Underground scuffle gave her a neck scar, she traded her lace for a sleeveless number with a cowl to cover it. it’s soft material closely resembling a sweater & is perhaps the first garment she bought for herself without tailoring.
// i put her in dark mauve for no reason other than it’s a color i like. maybe it hides bloodstains. maybe she indulged in a higher class color as homage to her mother’s lost dreams. the latter is the most likely option, even though i just thought of it at the moment of writing this. so it goes. she chooses rich colors because of her mother. not just because i like it. (it also compliments the olive in her skin, i think)
// while out on the town or in casual wear, bel lets herself indulge in her femininity, treating it as a special occasion. her style choices are still more audacious than the average woman on the street, more so when she wears her dance costumes under a cloak on the way to a sidejob. out of uniform, she’s likely to turn heads & instigate judgements. she nonetheless enjoys it, as being perceived as a feminine (as well as sexual) being eases her feelings of dysphoria as well as her trifles with asexuality. though she won’t demand it verbally, she’s very much a statement Attention Whore.
*BONUS, bc may as well top it off lol* [FEET]: do they have a habit of going up on their tiptoes, what's their usual stance, do they tend to shift their weight to a preferred side, etc.
// her weight is always on the balls of her feet, remnant of her training as a dancer before soldier. she can balance on her tiptoes like rose from titanic & is very good at it. there’s not much else about her feet worth noting at the time. headcanons may come later.
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backtornado · 5 years
Ok, manga rec post cause I ain’t done one for AGES. Some of these got some pretty dark murder, drugs, sexual violence etc, BE AWARE.
I feel I ought to preface this one with “boy this one’s got some unpleasant crimes” and “boy this one exhaustively details the Japanese police structure”, but it’s also about the police being totally fucked up at the same time. ANYHOW.
The titualar “Ouroboros” of this story are two orphans who saw the murder of the orphanage owner in front of their eyes when they were kids, and were then told to forget they saw anything by a police officer at the scene. The whole thing was never investigated, badda boom.
So, they did the rational thing and decided to dedicate their lives to hunting down the police officer who silenced them, and the culprits of the crime. It’s mostly a crime procedural, but the plot itself... really is kinda interesting once it kicks in, and the protagonist, Ryuunosuke, is a very sweet kid who needs therapy.
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How Many Light Years to Babylon?
Uhhh... this one’s a short read, it’s mostly alien sex jokes, but it got a laugh out of me. Bit weird, interesting art, check it out.
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Toujuushi Beastalious
Are you into big beefy dudes fighting fantasy Rome? Do you want something that feels kiiiiiiiinda like Berserk, but isn’t? Give the like 18 chapters of this a read.
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Fire Punch
Man... this one’s a weird beast. The basic premise is that a man who regenerates forever is set on fire by someone whose flames are inextinguishable, and what follows is then a somewhat lengthy deconstruction of a revenge story that has made me like, genuinely think differently about revenge stories in general.
Don’t get me wrong, Fire Punch is a very interesting manga, it just also relies on sexual violence a BIT too much like, all the time for me to not mention it. The author’s current work, Chainsaw Man, is doing the rounds a lot I hear.
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I’m always bemoaning not finding enough women getting to be protagonists, and Reiri bucks that.
However, Reiri is also a story about a girl, Reiri, who wants to die REAL bad. Specifically, she wants to die in a glorious way to act as a “shield”, but she’s also REAL good at fighting. A super dark little story with a LOT of gore and a very VERY grim start about 1500s Japan and someone who wants to go out with a bang.
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Shut Hell
Sort-of-isekai-sort-of-not story about a guy piggybacking on the mind of his Chinese ancestor from maaaaaany years ago, except his ancestor is the legendary bandit Shut Hell. It’s a long story about language and how Not Seeking Revenge might also have to be an option sometimes.
Shut Hell is also cool as fuck and her whole feral thing? Very impressive.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
The creation of adam
Picture Perfect || Accepting
The Creation of Adam: What is your favorite story from Mythology? Do you have any favorite Fables or Fairytales?
Beth closes her eyes and recites the stories by heart.
Kamapua’a and Pele: 
Fire and water must rule together.
Life comes from the cascading waterfalls in lush Hamakua and Kohala. Life comes from the fertile green land in the north. Without water, Pele is barren.
In the fertile mountains reigns Kamapua'a, once Pele’s lover. Now pictured as a feral hog, he wasn’t born repulsive. Angry as he appears, he wasn’t born bitter. Pele didn’t always rule. Kamapua'a was born with a heart.
Here is what happened.
Many years before Pele and her family set foot on the island of Hawaii, Kamapua'a was born to Hina, in the cool mountains of Koolau on Oahu.
Hina’s husband Olopana, an influential chief, was already an old man while fair Hina was in the spring of her youth. Dutifully she shared his bed, but her heart longed for her husband’s younger brother Kahiki-ula. She often invited her handsome brother-in-law to go berry-picking. He accompanied her gladly to cool springs and creeks. They talked intimately about the lore of herbs. Olopana, aware of his advancing age, resented their friendship, but didn’t interfere. Only Hina herself knew if Kahiki-ula was also her lover.
When she gave birth, however, Olopana refused to acknowledge the baby-boy as his son.
‘Let Kahiki-ula claim him,’ he said bitterly to his estranged wife. 'I name this child Kamapua'a, or Hog-Child.’ His throat was choked with anger and revenge.
The boy grew up to be extremely handsome, smart and strong. He grew tall, gifted with a powerful and fiery temperament, and blessed with sparkling black eyes. He was god-like, and, born to Hina the Moon, he had god-like skills, able to change appearances and then to duplicate his own appearance around him.
The hatred of his father, which only increased as Olopana witnessed the boy’s talents, hurt the young man deeply. Kamapua'a didn’t understand. He wanted to be loved and accepted. Instead Olopana scorned and mocked.
Hardened by this first cruel blow of fate, Kamapua'a allows anger to take over his soul. He left his home bitter with thoughts of vengeance burdening his young heart.
Kamapua'a found shelter in the hills, and, still carried by his own charisma enlisted a few dozen young men to play hard on his side. Together they plundered and pillaged Olopana’s lands. One day, drunk with new power, Kamapua'a had his upper body and head tattooed in black and menacing designs. He shaved his head, and grew a short black bristle on scalp and chin. He cut himself a short cloak out of the skin of a wild hog, and wore it, hairy side out. Did he look like a hog? Some would say so, but there are no mirrors in the mountains and the ever moving rivers deceive.
After months of ravaging the lands, Kamapua'a was captured. With the help of those who remembered his former beauty, he escaped, and brutally murdered Olopana.
Kamapua'a travelled to Maui. No longer adolescent nor naive, the child in him continued to hunger for a loving father. He found Kahiki-ula, now engaged to Hina.
'I do not know you,’ said Kahiki-ula, 'I have no son.’
If Kamapua'a held any lingering feelings of compassion, hope, or love, they were swallowed by the black deluge of bitterness. From now on Kamapua'a plundered, killed and ravaged without discrimination, changing himself into the true appearance of a wild hog as he pleased, and seducing women as he desired.
One day his boat harboured in one of the lush green valleys between Waipio and Pololu on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kamapua'a travelled south towards the crater of Kilauea. Here he heard about a gorgeous young woman, Pele, who had come to the volcano with her sister Hi'iaka and two brothers, Moho and Kamakaua. Stories spread about Pele’s beauty matched only by her fiery temperament. Kamapua'a, intrigued, found her, saw her, and fell deeply in love.
'Love me. Be my wife,’ he pleaded. He didn’t know how repulsive and hideous the black tattoos and the stubble are to her. All he knew was that he wanted to be loved, still, always and forever.
Pele turned away in disgust. 'You are a pig and nothing but the son of a pig,’ she shrieked. Kamapua'a, his hurt digging ever deeper, shut off his heart one more time. In anger he decided that if she would not welcome him gladly as her partner, he would submit her forcefully as his friend. He planned an attack with his companions. Kamapua'a and Pele each invoke their own gods, those of storm and rain, those of fire, those of love, forgiveness and fate.
'If you drown me with water, you will still not have me as a woman,’ she laughed.
'If you burn me with fire, your own barrenness will starve you,’ he retorted.
In the deadlock of their destiny, Pele yielded. Then Kamapua'a embraced her, and his anger vanished. While they lay as lovers, he became again beautiful, soft, intelligent and strong. For a few glorious moments Kamapua'a breathed as the man he was meant to be. In the arms of Pele he came home to the love he so needed and he gave to her the love that no one wanted.
But Pele was afraid and confused by this sudden transformation and she withdrew as soon as their bodies sought distance from each other.
'Not again,’ she whispered. 'Leave me alone. I came here to be queen. But you are more powerful than I. Stay away. Take the lush green valleys of Hilo, Hamakua, and Kohala. Keep them wet and fertile. I’ll stay here in Ka'u and Kona and balance your rain with the fire of the sun.’
She slipped away from him, hiding herself and her family in the tunnels and caverns of Kilauea. Kamapua'a called and called. As if in answer, the earth shook. When Kamapua'a looked up the slope, he saw hot lava streaming down. The molten stone, slithering towards him, set bushes and trees ablaze on its relentless course. With intense horror and dismay Kamapua'a realised that his beloved Pele would be buried underneath the lava. 'Aye, Pele, good-bye!,’ he exclaimed as he fled and plunged into the ocean, seeking respite from the burning earth. He swam the ocean in the form of a fish now named after him, humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
He knew that Kohala, eternally moist with rain, was his to rule, even if he would never set foot on the land of Hawaii again.
Did he know that Pele didn’t perish in the flow? Three seasons later she gave birth to their child, Opelu’nuikau’haalilo. This child became the ancestor of certain chiefs and common people. 
Pele, sensing the magnitude of Kamapua'a shining through in the child, now missed her lover deeply. How she longed for his cooling presence. Her love chants, heard across the mountains, remain in vain.
Kamapua'a reigns without ever returning to land. He protects the pigs in Kohala. He protects the abundance of Hawaii by roaming the falls. But more than anything, he protects the pain of a wounded heart.
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darkwingdragon · 7 years
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Victor’s Werewolf origins
Victor was born from a family of werewolf hunters who’s duty were to purge the pure blood werewolf race from existence his ancestors wiped out the beasts one thousand years ago and to this day the hunters were still around but the world was at peace when the werewolf menace was eradicated. 
That is until  Victor and his parent discovered a sinister secret of the pure bloods.
Victor’s family lived in a big ancestral house surrounded by marshland were their ancestors fought the last pure blooded werewolf that terrorised the village in the past,though the land had changed over the years the bones of the beast where still in the spot where the beast had died hidden somewhere in the marsh.One day when Victor was seven years old he went playing through marsh in his bare feet unbeknown est to him the skull of the dead werewolf was partially sticking out of the mud of the water and it wasn’t long until Victor stepped on one of it’s teeth.
When Victor got home he went to bed feeling ill his parent wondered what was wrong but decided that maybe he was tired.Later that night when the full moon shun through Victor’s bedroom window Victor woke up in severe pain he screamed as his body started to transform into a werewolf.At first he had know idea what had happened and he was scared he was even more scared when his parents came into his room and his father carrying a shotgun.When his parents saw him they naturally readied their weapons to kill however Victor out of a pure miracle used his psychic powers and telepathically told them that it was him.Shocked his parents dropped their weapons and rushed over to their son with relief and worry as they did not understand why their son had turned into a werewolf because the hunter wiped them out to extinction.As Victor’s waited for sunrise to come they started to wonder why their son didn’t go feral when transformed they soon came to the conclusion that because Victor was a psychic that maybe it helped control the animal instincts of the werewolf in a way they didn’t understand while they were talking Victor was playing around like a puppy they gave him a nickname werepup.
When the sun finally dawned Victor started to shift back to his human form Victor wondered what happened so his parents explained everything about their heritage and the knowledge of the werewolves.When they told him all there was to know they asked him what happened yesterday to find out if he was bitten by a pure blood werewolf Victor says no but he tells them that he stepped on something sharp in the marsh.His parents realise that he must’ve stepped on a tooth or claw of a dead werewolf they explained to him that even though the werewolf is dead their bones can still carry the lycanthrope disease and a scratch or jab from either to teeth or claws can infect the victim and that in turn turns them into a werewolf.Victor asked if there was a cure his parents weren’t sure but the know that their ancestors had journals around the house so they figured maybe one of them had a cule so they started to search.
Days had gone by like a flash and they turn up nothing so far while they were searching a storm hovered the marshland and soon a flash flood swamped the entire marsh because of this the bones of the werewolf sunk deeper into the mud until it was completely hidden away forever.Soon after the storm had past Victor’s finally found a cure in an old journal Victor’s father read it aloud “Through my experiments i have found a cure for the lycanthrope curse or disease however you put it the way to a cursed lycanthroper is to destroy not only the pure blood werewolf but also to destroy the bones for the curse to be lifted!”,this paled Victor and his parents for because of the storm the werewolf bones were lost forever and Victor was to be a werewolf for the rest of his life.
As Victor was about to lose it his father calm him and showed him a crystal his father explained that it was a lunar stone he found it while searching for a cure it explained on a note that it had special properties that help young lycanthropers control the werewolf powers and animal instincts completely thus giving Victor to transform into a werewolf in freely as long as Victor wears it Victor had worn that stone ever since.Over the years Victor had learned everything about his werewolf abilities and with the help of his adoptive sister Celeste his psychic abilities too.Victor’s werewolf form has as he learns has ups and downs for the ups when he transforms his vision had became acute that he doesn’t need to wear his glasses in his werewolf form, his hearing and sense of smell is also acute even in his human form however it does make prone to hearing dog whistles which hurts his ears,and another down part is in his werewolf form he can sometimes catch fleas which makes him scratch like crazy and the last thing is that Celeste sometimes teases him by calling doggy and other dog jokes(He hates being called a dog).
Well its done Victor werewolf origins is done Wow that took me forever.
The backstory and picture belongs to me while the werewolf curse and lunar stone belongs to demongirl99            
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