fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
@akiyamascn​  | ▸PLOTTED STARTER
Harold was EXHAUSTED,  in more ways than one.  It felt as though his emotions had been rubbed completely raw,  the wound now carefully bandaged but the TWINGE of pain  with it’s memory still prevalent.   Kuro had come to him about a month ago,  maybe  two,  to seek Harold’s help.  He’d been apart of a DOD project called Project Olympus,  in which he had NANITES practically ingrained  into his nervous system.  He was,  essentially,  part Machine  &  the project had been created as a WEAPON;  a weapon that Samaritan could take control of.
They’d created a CRYPTO LOCK of sorts,  where Kuro would be overloaded by so much data  that he wouldn’t be able to function,  let alone be CONTROLLED.  Samaritan had predicted  this,  however,  &  it had stopped the process before  it could prevent the A.I. from taking control.  Thankfully,  Samaritan was UNABLE to discover their base or any other particularly useful  information that would help in hunting them all down,  but ... the fear had been suffocating. 
The IMMENSE,  overwhelming  distress that had filled Harold to the brim,  how his insides felt as though they were barbed wire,  carving into anything within reach  &  making it difficult  to BREATHE .... 
It’s strange,  how APPARENT  &  clear  ones emotions about another person becomes when they’re in danger.
Harold had managed  to REACH him,  somehow,  long enough for them to force him unconscious—–&  if by force unconscious,  you mean John abruptly punching  Kuro hard enough to knock him out,  then you would be CORRECT (  ❛ ... He said  ‘do something’. ❜  ).  Only within a Faraday cage  &  with Miss Groves’  help,  they were able to create a JAMMER that prevented anything  from reaching him (  they’d had to craft an exception for their mesh network ).  
SAFE now from Samaritan’s influence,  they’d moved him to the safe house where he’d lain unconscious,  but able to WAKE whenever his body initiated it.  Kuro STIRRED,  finally,  &  Harold had moved to his side,   slowly sinking  into the seat that had been placed next to the make-shift hospital bed,  lips parted.
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Their eyes met  &  a sweeping  sense of RELIEF engulfed him almost completely  &  he couldn’t stifle the barely wavering sigh that accompanied it.  Harold’s features softened  considerably  &  thin lips bloomed into a teetering smile before it shrunk into something smaller,  more  ... subtle.  His chest felt tight  with expanding WARMTH,  affection,  so much of it that Harold didn’t know what to do with it all. 
PAUSING to control  the sound of his voice before it lifted between them,  his words were almost TENDER  in their softness as ... he couldn’t  stifle it all,   but he could force it into something a GREAT DEAL less ... obvious.
 ❝ ... Hello  there.  Welcome back. ❞
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
The creation of adam
Picture Perfect || Accepting
The Creation of Adam: What is your favorite story from Mythology? Do you have any favorite Fables or Fairytales?
Beth closes her eyes and recites the stories by heart.
Kamapua’a and Pele: 
Fire and water must rule together.
Life comes from the cascading waterfalls in lush Hamakua and Kohala. Life comes from the fertile green land in the north. Without water, Pele is barren.
In the fertile mountains reigns Kamapua'a, once Pele’s lover. Now pictured as a feral hog, he wasn’t born repulsive. Angry as he appears, he wasn’t born bitter. Pele didn’t always rule. Kamapua'a was born with a heart.
Here is what happened.
Many years before Pele and her family set foot on the island of Hawaii, Kamapua'a was born to Hina, in the cool mountains of Koolau on Oahu.
Hina’s husband Olopana, an influential chief, was already an old man while fair Hina was in the spring of her youth. Dutifully she shared his bed, but her heart longed for her husband’s younger brother Kahiki-ula. She often invited her handsome brother-in-law to go berry-picking. He accompanied her gladly to cool springs and creeks. They talked intimately about the lore of herbs. Olopana, aware of his advancing age, resented their friendship, but didn’t interfere. Only Hina herself knew if Kahiki-ula was also her lover.
When she gave birth, however, Olopana refused to acknowledge the baby-boy as his son.
‘Let Kahiki-ula claim him,’ he said bitterly to his estranged wife. 'I name this child Kamapua'a, or Hog-Child.’ His throat was choked with anger and revenge.
The boy grew up to be extremely handsome, smart and strong. He grew tall, gifted with a powerful and fiery temperament, and blessed with sparkling black eyes. He was god-like, and, born to Hina the Moon, he had god-like skills, able to change appearances and then to duplicate his own appearance around him.
The hatred of his father, which only increased as Olopana witnessed the boy’s talents, hurt the young man deeply. Kamapua'a didn’t understand. He wanted to be loved and accepted. Instead Olopana scorned and mocked.
Hardened by this first cruel blow of fate, Kamapua'a allows anger to take over his soul. He left his home bitter with thoughts of vengeance burdening his young heart.
Kamapua'a found shelter in the hills, and, still carried by his own charisma enlisted a few dozen young men to play hard on his side. Together they plundered and pillaged Olopana’s lands. One day, drunk with new power, Kamapua'a had his upper body and head tattooed in black and menacing designs. He shaved his head, and grew a short black bristle on scalp and chin. He cut himself a short cloak out of the skin of a wild hog, and wore it, hairy side out. Did he look like a hog? Some would say so, but there are no mirrors in the mountains and the ever moving rivers deceive.
After months of ravaging the lands, Kamapua'a was captured. With the help of those who remembered his former beauty, he escaped, and brutally murdered Olopana.
Kamapua'a travelled to Maui. No longer adolescent nor naive, the child in him continued to hunger for a loving father. He found Kahiki-ula, now engaged to Hina.
'I do not know you,’ said Kahiki-ula, 'I have no son.’
If Kamapua'a held any lingering feelings of compassion, hope, or love, they were swallowed by the black deluge of bitterness. From now on Kamapua'a plundered, killed and ravaged without discrimination, changing himself into the true appearance of a wild hog as he pleased, and seducing women as he desired.
One day his boat harboured in one of the lush green valleys between Waipio and Pololu on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kamapua'a travelled south towards the crater of Kilauea. Here he heard about a gorgeous young woman, Pele, who had come to the volcano with her sister Hi'iaka and two brothers, Moho and Kamakaua. Stories spread about Pele’s beauty matched only by her fiery temperament. Kamapua'a, intrigued, found her, saw her, and fell deeply in love.
'Love me. Be my wife,’ he pleaded. He didn’t know how repulsive and hideous the black tattoos and the stubble are to her. All he knew was that he wanted to be loved, still, always and forever.
Pele turned away in disgust. 'You are a pig and nothing but the son of a pig,’ she shrieked. Kamapua'a, his hurt digging ever deeper, shut off his heart one more time. In anger he decided that if she would not welcome him gladly as her partner, he would submit her forcefully as his friend. He planned an attack with his companions. Kamapua'a and Pele each invoke their own gods, those of storm and rain, those of fire, those of love, forgiveness and fate.
'If you drown me with water, you will still not have me as a woman,’ she laughed.
'If you burn me with fire, your own barrenness will starve you,’ he retorted.
In the deadlock of their destiny, Pele yielded. Then Kamapua'a embraced her, and his anger vanished. While they lay as lovers, he became again beautiful, soft, intelligent and strong. For a few glorious moments Kamapua'a breathed as the man he was meant to be. In the arms of Pele he came home to the love he so needed and he gave to her the love that no one wanted.
But Pele was afraid and confused by this sudden transformation and she withdrew as soon as their bodies sought distance from each other.
'Not again,’ she whispered. 'Leave me alone. I came here to be queen. But you are more powerful than I. Stay away. Take the lush green valleys of Hilo, Hamakua, and Kohala. Keep them wet and fertile. I’ll stay here in Ka'u and Kona and balance your rain with the fire of the sun.’
She slipped away from him, hiding herself and her family in the tunnels and caverns of Kilauea. Kamapua'a called and called. As if in answer, the earth shook. When Kamapua'a looked up the slope, he saw hot lava streaming down. The molten stone, slithering towards him, set bushes and trees ablaze on its relentless course. With intense horror and dismay Kamapua'a realised that his beloved Pele would be buried underneath the lava. 'Aye, Pele, good-bye!,’ he exclaimed as he fled and plunged into the ocean, seeking respite from the burning earth. He swam the ocean in the form of a fish now named after him, humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
He knew that Kohala, eternally moist with rain, was his to rule, even if he would never set foot on the land of Hawaii again.
Did he know that Pele didn’t perish in the flow? Three seasons later she gave birth to their child, Opelu’nuikau’haalilo. This child became the ancestor of certain chiefs and common people. 
Pele, sensing the magnitude of Kamapua'a shining through in the child, now missed her lover deeply. How she longed for his cooling presence. Her love chants, heard across the mountains, remain in vain.
Kamapua'a reigns without ever returning to land. He protects the pigs in Kohala. He protects the abundance of Hawaii by roaming the falls. But more than anything, he protects the pain of a wounded heart.
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whosxafraid · 4 years
About the Mun
Name: Crow
Gender: she/they
Star sign: cancer
Height: 5′4″ (roughly 1.6 m)
Sexuality: demi...its motherfucking complicated 
Favourite animal: bloodhound
House: what about it? i mean i live in one? Sleep: hahahahaha im a mom of 2 what makes u think i sleep? (3 hours uninterupted if im lucky)
Current time: 2:18pm
Dogs or cats: both
Dream job: published author
Why I made a tumblr: seemed like a good idea at the time
Blankets you sleep with: three and a sheet or none at all there is no inbetween
Reasons for my url: click
Followers: 152 
tagged by snitched from: @areswriites tag 10 mutuals: @brooklynislandgirl | @untamedgoodoleboys | @morgansmornings |  @the-blackest-spider | @tabbyrp | @therealgamble | @corinnebaileyrp | @riggsanity | @akiyamascn | @ivakir 
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thewhirlwind · 4 years
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so im like slowly getting back to here and im sorry for the disappearance, i just?? needed a break. and also wanted to work on @akiyamascn​, so.
i figured i’d try to organize my characters a little so here are my lists of who’s here, and im going to try to work on a bio for each of them. I would love to write with these if someone is interested, right now i’m especially focused on Lachlan. And I’m absolutely missing people these are just the primaries and i needed to start organizing their numbers.
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moralityblurred · 5 years
hiatus update;;
hey all, i haven’t really been around much lately for a variety of reasons. my living situation has been a source of stress for awhile now, and this week the stress has finally kinda let up and offered us some breathing room, but there will be some financial challenges in our future potentially, so not out of the woods yet. understandably, this stress has not allowed for a whole lot of creativity ( especially with weed as an escape mechanism -- and i’ve been smoking quite a bit. ) so i’ve been spending the time playing sims, making icons, doing paint by number projects, and binging reality shows on netflix. i’m not gonna push myself to write, just been writing when and what i feel like writing ( sorry it happens to be primarily for my gf but...i mean, i did say this would happen xD ) i’m still lurking and keep my activity & drafts tabs pinned on my browser so i can check in, and @akiyamascn & @fatherofmachine i WILL eventually reply to your IMs to plot things with you!!! but i guess i’m not what you’d call  ❝ active ❞ right now. ( when was i ever? lmao )
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
——— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
TAGGED BY: @afoxhound​ (ty!)
TAGGING: @sharkapologlst @guiltpossessed @deviheim @dojiryu @extremepath @yakoiza @hananoken @martyrcrowned @akiyamascn @hathfire​ @legendariia​ @corragain​ @liveslived​ @takenfate​ @ohdove​ @blmonte​ @enshijou​ @spardian​ @nomadicnovice​ @magitekelite​ 
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Zodiac: leo. Height: 5′2. Time: 19:04 Favourite band / artist: dir en grey & epik high. joji is up there though! Song stuck in my head: nothing atm, but “fly me to the moon” was up there for a while. Last movie I saw: just saw downton abbey last night xoxo Last thing I googled: ‘ soft goth ‘ Other blogs: this is the most active one i have. my personals & paz haven’t been active in a long while. Do I get asks: i do. Why did I choose this username: 'cause i wanted something subtly from vii without sounding like i was solely on that ninja train since that’s not the portrayal i was going for. this worked well. i also really like ‘ doom of the living ‘ but i couldn’t fit that into a cool sounding username imo. Following: a flat 200. Average amount of sleep: usually?? a lot. somewhere between 8-10h.  What I’m wearing: leggings and a pullover hoodie. i don’t have a lot of casual clothing. i need to borrow from others.  Dream job: travel writing about people & culture. so... cultural anthropology & sociology & intercultural relations. lmao.  Dream trip: places with rich culture & history.  Favourite food: i never know the answer to this!!! but i really like desserts with taro. also fried ice cream. rice is incredible? see, i don’t know the answer. Play any instruments: violin, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, ocarina.  Eye color: brown. Hair color: brown with copper highlights. Languages you speak: my mother tongue is english. i formally studied spanish, french, latin, biblical hebrew, khmer. i can sightread some korean but i’m pretty out of practice. i plan to start japanese at some point. Most iconic song:  moo. Random fact: i exclusively drink water out of mason jars when i’m at home. Describe yourself as aesthetic things:  i think most people think of me as ‘ glamour ‘ and ‘ baby girl ‘ energy but i’d describe myself as vintage, minimalist, and a heavy interest in soft goth. my every day look is somewhere between soft grunge & ........ ‘ hipster ’. idk i’m just comfy & myself & dress in the ways that most appeal to my spirit. 
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rebellicvs · 5 years
psa - don’t reblog | Eloy is now officially  6'3" instead of 6'1" because I’ve been considering it for a while and @akiyamascn​ convinced me to just do it *shrugs* 😁
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justthecameraguy · 5 years
Guilty or Innocent?
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RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. Repost, don’t reblog.
asked  someone  to  marry  you  ?   guilty
kissed  one  of  your  friends  ?   guilty
danced  on  a  table  in  a  bar  /  tavern  ? innocent
ever  told  a  lie ?  guilty
had  feelings  for  someone  whom  you  can’t  have  ?   guilty
ever  kissed  someone  of  the  same  sex  ?   guilty
kissed  a  picture  ?  innocent
slept  until  5pm  ?   guilty
fallen  asleep  at  work  /  school  ? guilty
held  a  snake  ?  guilty
been  suspended  from  school  ?  innocent
worked  at  a  fast  food  chain  /  restaurant  ? guilty
stolen  something  ?  guilty
been  fired  from  a  job  ?  guilty
done  something  you  regret  ? guilty
laughed  until  something  you  were  drinking  came  out  of  your  nose  ? guilty
caught  a  snowflake  on  your  tongue  ?  guilty
kissed  in  the  rain  ?   guilty
kissed  someone  you  shouldn’t  ?   guilty
sang  in  the  shower  ?   innocent
been  pushed  into  a  pool  with  all  your  clothes  on  ? guilty
shaved  your  head  ?   guilty
slept  naked  ?    guilty
made  a  boyfriend  /  girlfriend  cry ? guilty
shot  a  gun  ?   guilty
still  love  someone  you  shouldn’t  ?   guilty
have  /  had  a  tattoo ?  innocent
liked  someone  ,  but  will  never  tell  who  ?  innocent
been  too  honest  ?     guilty
ruined  a  surprise  ?   guilty
been  told  that  you’re  beautiful  by  someone  who  totally  meant  what  they  said   ? guilty
still  have  communication  w/  your  ex  ? innocent
cheated  on  someone  ?   innocent
got  so  angry  that  you  cried  ?  guilty
tried  to  stay  away  from  someone  for  their  own  good  ? guilty
thoughts  about  suicide  ?  guilty
thoughts  about  murder  ?    guilty
how  about  mass  murder  ?  guilty
stalked  someone  ?   guilty
had  a  girlfriend  /  boyfriend  ? guilty
gotten  totally  drunk  during  a  holiday  ?   guilty
sat  on  a  roof  top  ?   guilty
TAGGED BY:  @brooklynislandgirl TAGGING: @morgansmornings | @the-blackest-spider | @heprofiles​ | @akiyamascn​ | @amaarok​ | @corinnebaileyrp​ | @tabbyrp​ | @ashgiven​ | @therealgamble​ | @bluuxhalcyon​ | anyone else that wanna
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fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
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OOC;  @akiyamascn  &  I were discussing our characters’ disabilities  &  how important they are not only to their character,  but how important they are to us.  &  Also how fucking important  it is to have realistic,  but still positive representation for things like this.  It was a good convo so I wanted it on my blog.
(  & speaking of Harold’s disabilities,  here’s a whole researched extensive post about his injuries  & symptoms !!  )
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fatherofmachine-a · 4 years
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@akiyamascn replied to your photo: OOC;  Literally any time  Phoenix makes a...
Mobster? Ship it. Doctor? Ship it. Sociopath? Mega ship it.
I’M LAUGHING BC LIKE ... literally no matter how unusual or difficult a ship would be,  if it’s us doing it,  we make it work perfectly
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fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
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11. Pulling Kuro into Harold’s lap !  And not platonically ;)  @akiyamascn​​ PLATONIC TOUCH MEME !!
The case they’d all FINISHED had been a difficult one ( but, with the rising stakes, weren’t they ALL becoming incredibly difficult—–& more dangerous ?  )  &  along with a few nearly sleepless nights,  Harold was exhausted.  His usual bouts of pain were an unyielding mix of sharp pangs  &  dull,  prickling aches that often felt as though they were ingrained into his very bones ;  all of which had long-since been filtered into background static.  
Harold had decided to recline atop the bed in the safe house after he’d arrived  ( &  after removing his jacket  &  his shoes ),  working on his laptop attempt to distract  him from EARLIER anxieties that still  lingered (  the clack  of keys providing SOME comfort ) .  The sound of landing  &  missing blows,  the GUNSHOTS,  was always  anxiety inducing,  but ... it was WORSE now.   What had developed between himself  &  Kuro was still INCREDIBLY new  &  in the back of his mind,  Harold wondered how  they’d managed it within such a freshly DANGEROUS world.  
The sound of the SECURE door unfastening  &  closing had been the only  indication that anyone else had entered.  After a short time,  Harold felt a familiar  presence lingering close by  &  blue eyes lifted from the screen to settle upon his partner’s hazel.
❛ Hey,  Harold, ❜
Kuro’s voice LIFTED  quietly from where he’d begun to make his way through the doorway to the bedroom  &  already  he seemed to be dressed rather comfortably.  Finally,   they had time to BREATHE,  to allow the pained tension to melt away within ONLY each other’s presence  &  the LONG string of seemingly unending worry finally came to an end,  for now.  Kuro was SAFE  &  not seriously injured,  for the most part,  as he’d approached  (  save for the PAIN likely radiating within his hip from the strain,  which was illustrated by how he moved )  &  Harold felt a sweeping sense of RELIEF.  
 ❝ Hello, ❞
The greeting was QUIET,  soft,  &  as Kuro sank down next to him (  somewhat painfully  )  on the edge of the bed,  Harold winced,  albeit minimally.  After closing the laptop  &  placing it atop the night stand,  he REACHED for him  &  Kuro seemed more  than happy to meet him half way.  The CLOSENESS soothed over Harold’s own now dwindling  anxiety,  noses brushing  &  there was BRIEF hesitation ;  as if Kuro were silently  asking permission.  In reply,  Harold tilted his chin upward slightly in a QUIET encouragement  &  with that,  any hesitation or concern simply melted  away.
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The first press of lips was SLOW,  almost careful,  but as one kiss came to an end,  only to be followed by ANOTHER,   the underlying intensity that came as naturally to Kuro as BREATHING became apparent.  His hands lifted so that one rested somewhat delicately against Harold’s cheek whilst the other moved to the back of his neck  &  fingers almost immediately slid through short tresses there.  Harold responded with a quiet,  but no less SHUTTERING,  breath of a sigh against partially scarred lips.  
Fingers curling into the fabric of his partners’ shirt,  Harold TUGGED ;  the pull was gentle,  but no less FIRM  &  he seemed to understand exactly  was it was Harold was asking without needing ANY further explanation.  It took time for them adjust in a way that was COMFORTABLE for the both of them,  but soon enough Kuro’s knees were planted on either side of Harold’s hips  &  feeling  the weight of him was almost BLISSFUL. Sliding his arms around Kuro’s middle,  Harold relaxed  (  as much as he was able,  anyway )  into kisses that he was more than happy to return.
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fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
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OOC;  I can’t wait to scare the living shit out of Harold Finch  is a sentence that I live for. @akiyamascn
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fatherofmachine-a · 4 years
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OOC;  Literally any time  Phoenix makes a character / picks up a character  &  we start discussing how that char  &  Harold will interact,  like. @thewhiirlwind / @akiyamascn
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fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
Associations: What do you most associate with your muse?
                                  —please repost rather than reblog—
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MUSE: Harold Finch.
ANIMAL : Double-barred finch / Owl finch.  Other than just looks,  reasons why their behavior strikes me as an association for Harold:  they do not  like to be crowded,  they thrive best in large open spaces,  they will set up a nest just about anywhere,  they bond for life,  they’re very active  &  VERY curious  &  their  “singing”  is very soft  &  repetitive,  but they usually don’t do so very often. COLOR : While the colors I’ve attributed to Harold’s blog are various shades of blue,  he really likes yellows,  reds  &  browns the best. SONG : Oh there are lots  &  lots,  but ... WELCOME TO THE MACHINE BY PINK FLOYD.  &  here’s the POI scene where this song plays.  NUMBER : 15. DAY OR NIGHT : Nighttime,  simply because the world is still  &  quiet. PLANT : Orchid flowers or the tree,  either one.  White orchids for their symbolism of elegance  &  reverence. SMELL :  Champaka incense—–it’s a heavy  &  kind of smoky,  tea-spice smelling incense that also has a heavy hint of musk.  It's earthy with a VERY FAINT  undercurrent of sweetness.  &  of course,  the “fresh from the dry cleaners” scent as well. SEASON : Used to be winter,  but because of how badly the cold impacts Harold’s injuries,  he’s more inclined toward autumn. FOOD : Probably high-end steak or Italian pasta. DRINK : Sencha green tea. ELEMENT : Earth.
TAGGED BY: @yourlovingspy ❤︎ TAGGING: @angerissue, @thewhiirlwind ( for your new boy perhaps ? ) / @akiyamascn,  @chaosveined,  @privatehungers,  @stxrmurdottir​  &  anyone else who wants to do the thing !!  Pls feel free to tag me !!
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whosxafraid · 5 years
tag  twenty - one  people  you’d  like  to  know  better.
some questions may be ‘ ??? ‘ instead of answered.
01.    NICKNAME  :  Crow
02.    REAL  NAME  :  -Classified-
03.    ZODIAC  :  Cancer
04.    HEIGHT  : 5'4"
05.    WHAT  TIME  IS  IT  ?  : 14:29
06.    FAVOURITE  MUSICIANS  /  GROUPS  : Linkin Park, Mike Shinoda, Cryo Chamber, Warduna, The HU, 2cellos, Noah Gunderson, Daniel Waples, FAUN, Amber Run, Blacktop Mogo, Tommee Porfitt, Lindsey Stirling, Two Steps From Hell...
08.   OTHER BLOGS : @croinagreine , @nolegacies
09.    DO  I  GET  ASKS  ?  : yes, some i wish i didnt but most that i love :)
10.    HOW  MANY  BLOGS  DO  I  FOLLOW  ?  : uh...i’d rather not...post that.
11.   ANY  TUMBLR  CRUSHES  : yes several but if i have to pick one...its actually not a RP blog..... @octomoosey​ because honestly my FAVORITE theme creator ever.
12.    LUCKY  NUMBER  :  13/21
13.    WHAT  AM  I  WEARING  RIGHT  NOW  :  my new Ireland Flag tshirt and shorts
14.    DREAM  VACATION  :  Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Norway, Sweden, I’d like to see London specifically in Britain.
15.    DREAM  CAR  :  I had a mustang when i was younger...i’d love to have it back.
16.    FAVOURITE  FOOD  :  House Salad from a specific Road House
17.    DRINK  OF  CHOICE  :  Fizzy, Sweet Tea
18.    LANGUAGES  :  English, bad English, trying to learn (Irish) Gaelic. 
19.    INSTRUMENTS  : I’ve played a lot of different ones (Piano, flute, piccallo, violin, cello, drums, viola, recorder] but none currently.
20.    CELEBRITY  CRUSHES  :  ...i can hear some of you laughing with this one....
21.    RANDOM  FACT  : I’m afraid of the sound Styrofoam makes.
TAGGED BY: @amarexestxanimas​
TAGGING: @brooklynislandgirl​  |  @ashgiven | @untamedgoodoleboys​ | @morgansmornings​ | @riggsanity​ |  @therealgamble​ | @corinnebaileyrp​ | @tabbyrp​ | @mynameisanakin​ | @musescomefrompain​ | @witcherblooded​ | @alongingwithin​ | @victorious-sigyn​ | @noprodigalson​ | @thedarcydichotomy​ | @bluuxhalcyon​ | @dcddyrecper​ | @akiyamascn​ | @thepropertyofalady​ | @thewhiirlwind​ | @officer-chen​
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fatherofmachine-a · 5 years
CHARACTER AESTHETICS. Bold what applies to your muse. Feel free to repost or reblog.
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Chipped nail polish. Glitter highlights. Tall trees with smooth bark. Tangled hair. Cinnamon sugar. Talking too loud and too fast. Overgrown flowers in your hair. Crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. Flirting. Walking home at three AM with no coat. Platonic hand holding. Blowing smoke out of your nose. Dragonfly wings. Chaotic good. Freckles. Fairy rings. Secret meetings. Gender nonconformity. Leather. Smudged eyeliner. Forbidden fruit.
Computer errors. A shiver down your spine. Haunting beauty. Hard liquor. Crowns of thorns. Shadowed alleyways. Decaying plant matter. Shattered mirrors and broken glass. Corrupted memories. Stopped clocks. The scent of stale cigarettes. Tattered black hoodies. Walking your friends home. The crescent moon. The sea. A graveyard on a foggy day. Cold rings on cold fingers. Absolution. Looking out the window of an airplane. Soft kisses.
Graffiti. Pretending to know what you’re doing. Worn paperback books. Growing up too fast. Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Lace and combat boots. Moth wings. Candles on every surface. A weathered deck of cards. Turning the music up. Fireflies in jars. Calloused fingers. Drawing on your skin. Sunlight filtering through clouds. Petrichor. A dying rose in a jar. Wearing a crystal pendant. Illusions of spells. Black cats. Mint gum. Chapped lips. Dirt under your fingernails. The cycle of life and death.
Murders of crows. Frostbitten leaves. Wolves howling at midnight. Knocking on your door. Leaving food out for stray animals. The twang of an acoustic guitar. Honey. Tiny red buds on trees. Claw marks on the walls. Golden eyes. Slightly too-long stubble. Knitted fingerless gloves. Sleeping on the forest floor. Always finding your way back home.
TAGGED BY: @angerissue​​ TAGGING: @thewhiirlwind​​ / @akiyamascn​​,  @chaosveined​​,  @stxrmurdottir​​ / @charlatanjane​​,  @privatehungers​​,  @thrustpunch​​.
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