fwizard · 5 years
on soups: pleas tell me which are acceptable and which are horrors to the mouth... tomato cream of tomato french onion (with the melty cheese) chili (is it a soup? who can know.) lentil soup pea soup tell me about all the soups please
counting down in a numbered list which really doesn’t mean anything cause im rating these individually too
10. Any Kind of Pea Soup
God. you killed a veggie and then put it thru the wood chipper until it became goop. and then you heated it up and ate it. good lord. you feral bastards. Where does the liquid even come from?? emulsified veggie goop. -0/10
9. Ginger Carrot Soup
What the fuck. Why? Where does the liquid come from? Why must you goopify a vegetable and then make it spicy. Why. 0/10
8. Cheesy Broccolli Soup
You took a fart and hid it in a bowl of cheese. -15/10
8. a) Lentil Soup
Jesus Christ. No. 0/10
7. Butternut Squash Soup
Why is there so much cinnamon. I don’t understand. Its more sludge like than others but the cinnamon punches you in the throat. You want to trust it because it smells good besides the dubious consistency but you DO and it is your downfall. You can manage like three mouthfuls really only because you were duped into buying it and you feel bad wasting food. What did you truly expect? Something good? The soup that triggered the soup comment in the first place. 1/10
6. Mushroom Soup
Sometimes good on its own and sometimes a horrible monstrosity of liquid and mushroom. Salty for some reason. Terrible when made with water but actually alright when made with milk. A veggie soup I trust but it’s on thin fucking ice. Best for sandwich dipping so you don’t really notice how thick it is. 4/10
5. French Onion Soup
It’s hot and comes in its tiny special bowl thing and the top gets all crunchy and ok it might have me a little. but only when its cold outside and my momma makes it. She has done this literally once with one brand and I am fearful of doppelganger soups that will ultimately disappoint me. You will live on in my memory forever, mom’s not-homemade french onion soup. 5.5/10
4.  “Hearty” Soups
It’s literally just pasta in broth. Everyone tries to say its so good but you know you’re all just in it for that sweet, sweet dense curly pasta. Also good when made with tortellini. The soup part is almost always a lie. it is a vehicle for the pasta. It is so you can say you had a nice filling soup for dinner. You heap your bowl full of (pasta) soup and then discreetly dump the rest of the liquid down the sink when no one’s looking. You fucking liar. I’m into it. 6/10
3. Tim Horton’s Chicken Noodle
Listen. Sometimes you just need to take a decent chicken noodle and boil the absolute fuck out of it in a kitchen for 15 hours. We all know that’s what happens to Tim Horton’s(s?) soups. We know. And yet. Still good. Always good. Especially when it’s the end of the day and they give you a full bun instead of the half with it. How don’t the teeny veggies turn into mush? Actually don’t tell me I don’t want to know. 8/10
2. Potato Bacon Soup
My ancestors couldn’t have survived without potatoes. They mastered the potato in all its forms and it has appeared very gently on supermarket shelves, hiding between the lentil ginger and carrot onion and disney princess spaghetti-o’s. It bids you a gentle welcome, quiet, waiting for you to have your moment of discovery. You will be happily shocked to discover actual (!) chunks of full potato and bacon inside the can when you open it up, tipping a delicacy of smooth salty rich goodness into your stove pot. Amazing with bread.The soup that convinced me to love again. 10/10
1. Chicken Noodle
God looked down on all the people in the land, all those weak and weary, and he raised his arms to the heavens and cried ‘Let there be no more suffering; let there be no more tears. Campbell’s Chicken Soup is here.’ And then there was no more suffering and no more tears because that’s how that shit works. Amazing. Delicious. Easy to make. Beautiful. You probably ate it for the noodles when u were little and then came to appreciate it better later in life but it was always there for you, waiting patiently in the background, through breakups and cold winters and that one really nasty flu bug you caught in the 6th grade that kept you in bed for a week, god that was bad. Listen. There’s a reason your mom gave it to you when you were little. Its Just Good. 11/10
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plantanarchy · 5 years
do you have a fave kind of poinsettia? or do you care for them that much outside of work?
I don’t know that I have a favorite because I love them all. This year I brought home a variegated vareity and a fun crinkle-leafed one, but I really do love most of them. The brighter and splotchier the better.
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emberofjoy · 6 years
weedweirdo replied to your post: I like wearing tank tops because Girl but also I...
i’m sorry you’re dysphoric. i think you’d look great with small straps.
Thanks <3 I might post a picture but idk. I appreciate you
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blazedwolf · 8 years
@bohemian-crystalchild tagged me so here I am to smoke the weed out of the bong 😎 tagging @auntiebl4zer @weedgoddess @rotting-dollhouse @spaced-queen @smoketogethighcustheworldissolow and @weedweirdo to smoke the pot out of the whatever 😇
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rayofmoonshine · 8 years
Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY 💗
Awww, thanks Vee!  You’re so sweet.
I like my: 1) skin 2) imagination 3) bravery 4) talent for languages 5) voice
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~Goat as requested. Carry on.
this goat is high fashion 
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i see no difference
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barbie-cock · 4 years
it’s me! the blog formerly known as weedweirdo!!
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alkaloid · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @nervousdreamparadise
1. Name/nickname: lawren
2. Zodiac sign: taurus
3. Height: 5’5′’/165cm
4. Hogwarts house: not into HP, but I did a quiz once that said I’d be in Ravenclaw
5. Last thing I googled: I don’t remember
6. Favourite musician: David Gilmour, Dave Grohl, etc
7. Last song I listened to: I can’t remember atm
8. Song stuck in my head: I have several that fade in and out lol
9. Followers: Just hit 1600 recently
10. Following: around 1500 accounts or so :’)
11. Amount of sleep: I got almost 12 hours last night
12. Lucky number: 13
13. What I’m wearing: pj pants, my yellow Bee Kind t-shirt, and my long sweater/hoodie
14. Dream job: something where I can work from home and it doesn’t feel like work
15. Dream trip: Japan or all the Scandinavian countries
16. Favourite food: Japanese and Thai
17. Instruments: some guitar and piano. I just use my voice
18. Languages: English, some French and Japanese. I can understand some Italian, esp if it’s my family’s dialect.
19. Favourite songs: I have several
20. Random fact: I used to play girl’s ice hockey for 8 years when I was younger
21. Aesthetic: lazy gawth
Tagging: @l1terat1 @weedweirdo @vibexbitch @00-16 @vinny-likes-to-play21 @aquarius-empathy @lost-in-books94
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weedstoner · 8 years
@weedweirdo right lmao like my gf and I were like....was she supposed to fly up to the balcony where Beyonce was....and give her the award with Adele's name engraved on it.....
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fwizard · 4 years
weedweirdo replied to your post: i have to say for someone who doesn’t have a...
if you’re worried, a salt water soak will draw out anything that needs to come out of the wound and is very effective imo.
got that in my back pocket! my hair is super long and my left lobe got yanked pretty hard the other day and it felt like a hard pinch, both are oozing lil bits of lymph fluid. just wanted to google it to see if everything was chill. reddits like 'yeah you're ok just be careful' googles like 'maybe u should think about cutting your ear off, perhaps?'
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plantanarchy · 5 years
help! do you know anything about orchid care? i find myself suddenly in possession of one and have no idea what to do. most of my windows are very low light situations so idk where she’ll live! i’m just 🤡
I am not an orchid person, no. I do have uhhhhh three (?) and yes, they are alive, but are they happy? probably not. I keep them in my east windows, they’re planted in big box store orchid mix and they live on my sink so i water them sometimes idk. I forget a lot???? never fertilize them and probably should. they’re fine i guess. my oldest one bloomed this winter so that was ok
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philippaeilhardt · 8 years
rules: you have to tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Once again, I was tagged by the wonderful @jewvian. <3
gender: Female
star sign: Scorpio
height: Something like 5′6′’, but I like to pretend that I’m taller
sexual orientation: Lesbian
hogwarts house: Slytherin! 
favorite color: Royal blue, or whatever the exact name for the blue of my fountain pen ink is 
favorite animal: Cats. Absolutely cats. 
average hours of sleep: I usually get around 6, 7 if I’m lucky
cat or dog person: I mean, I really like both to be honest, but I love cats a little bit more. I would not mind having either, though. 
favorite fictional characters: Too many to name them all, so I’m limiting myself to the top ten: Root (POI), Shaw (POI), Patty Spivot (The Flash/DC), Raven Reyes (T100), Kalinda Sharma (TGW), Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (DC), Peyton Sawyer (OTH), Waverly Earp (WE), Cosima Niehaus (OB) & Zoe Morgan (POI)  In conclusion, I’m a big ol’ gay and women are great.
number of blankets i sleep with: There are two in my bed, but I only sleep with one
favorite singer/band: War Waves. Honestly the best thing that ever happened to me. Also Marina & The Diamonds. Other than that I’ve just recently fallen back into the punkpop hell and I’m not quite sure how to get out of it again. 
dream trip: Probably somewhere in Wales, I love it so much. 
dream job: A literary critic - but that’s a thing you become over the year, so I guess for now it’d be to be an editor at a kick-ass publishing house. 
when was this blog made: According to the first thing I ever reblogged, it was “a year ago”, but I’m pretty sure that’ll soon change to “two years ago”
number of followers: *insert very low number here because this user never fucking posts anything*
what made you decide to create this blog: I don’t really know. Everybody had a tumblr so I made one too. I also needed a break from Twitter I think so I ended up here and I haven’t been able to escape since.  I know it says tag 20 people but we all know that’s not gonna happen, so I’m gonna tag as many as I want and then stop. Of course you guys don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna and I admit to not checking if you’ve already done it, but hey, it’s the thought that counts ;)  @alexvnderlightwood @endlesslyhellarad @goreting @groundercarmilla @unimercess @modelcitizenthespian @haughtdanvers @mongo161 @weedweirdo @melemalikimaka @acker-amy
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whoduhthunkit · 7 years
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Tagged by @please-getout to post a selfie ❤️ This is the last one on my phone from a couple days ago 😜🤳 I wanna see selfies from @peacefulpothead @eyesthesizeofmoons and @weedweirdo 💕
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For that artist/band ask thing: do you listen to Ariel Pink or Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti?
Do i know them: No
First song youtube took me to: Another Weekend
First Impression: what year is this, also sounds remind me of animal collective but kinda more together and 70s esque? 
Do I like it?: at first i was like this is real weird but its growing on me alot
Would I listen to more from them?: def gonna listen to more to get an idea for what they sound like
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barbie-cock · 4 years
imma rename weedweirdo btw. just so y’all are aware.
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nightbleeder · 7 years
Because it was time.  
@nytzewatch, @weedweirdo, @griffinnblake, @waverlyshavght @mustachioedmoose, @teal0gic, @lindsayloveslife, @winterhalcyon, @annieoflocksley
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