#also your English are just fine and I hope you have a great day too! ❤️❤️
aleksanderscult · 24 days
hiiiiii!hope ur doing well and drinking water(eventhough i don’t ,i want others to)so at first i just rlly wanted to thank you for this account and for giving me so many argumented thoughts because when i read these books(not the duology KoS),about a year ago,I THOUGHT THE SAME THING.and eventhough i did not argument it i still promoted my thoughts because,”that’s my opinion you can have another.”but now i can argument my thoughts and i thank u for that.
anywayyyy,my question is:does it ever give you the ick the fact that the books mentions aleksander having multiple lovers?like i know it’s normal but i just find it kind of icky,mentioning him “so good at seducting women”.honestly ew.like i didn’t need to know that women folded when they looked into his eyes.because at the end of the day,even with all the hours i spent on ao3 hoping that they were endgame,they weren’t.sooooo…maybe he is not so good after all(jk).all the jokes aside,maybe it’s just me but i find it icky when someone mentions the mmc ex lovers.like pls focus on the main ship for the love of god.
that was my question,hope you have a great day and if u are rotting in bed and feel guilty abt it,remember that anyone deserves to rot when they feel like it🎀🎀🎀
p.s.english is not my first language and i also wrote it fast so pls if i misspelled something keep that in mind<3
You're welcome!! I'm so happy to know that I have contributed to this community 😊🫡
And yeah I was rotting in my bed and binge-watching Breaking Bad while this ask came. There's no such thing as guilty pleasure.
I think that in the books it was only mentioned once by Baghra in S&B (after the Winter fete make out) that he had plenty of time to learn how to manipulate women (*eye rolling here*).
But yeah generally I don't find it icky. Personally I would get the ick if he used manipulation or lies to bed them but Leigh never implied that in her past interviews. And I believe he was pretty straightforward and honest with his intentions. And still is! (flashbacks from the Winter fete and name reveal scene coming in)
A little bonus: If he felt only sexual feelings for Alina I don't think he would even panic. He would be unfazed and would even try to use it for his advantage. But instead he got feelings which upset and angered him, something that Alina felt while kissing him in S&B after their little show.
He feels comfortable with sex but not with romantic feelings.
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Hello everything is fine? I just found your account and I'm already in love!!!
I loved your sleepy confession writing post, if it doesn't bother you and only if you want, could you do it for Kalim, Jamil and Ruggie? They are so cute!!! >w<
Oh, and sorry if the English is wrong, it's not my first language...
An even sleepier confession
Thank you for the request and the sweet words!! And don’t worry about your English, it’s great! Plus, it isn’t my first language either, so i get the struggle, haha! :)
Crush!Reader sleepily telling him, they want to marry him / part one
Characters: Kalim, Jamil, Ruggie
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-Chances are, you were at one of his party’s, stayed late, and are too tired to go back to ramshackle 
-so, Kalim being Kalim, annoys convinces Jamil to let you two have a sleepover. The absolute energy boost Kalim gets after getting permission already makes Jamil regret his decision..
-after a long night of story telling (with how many siblings Kalim has, he definitely always has tea to spill), pillow fights, and movie marathons, you finally decide to go to sleep, much to Jamils relief
-Just before you two fall asleep though, you unconsciously make one last comment “Life is always so fun with you, really makes me wanna marry you one day..”
-If you thought you’d get any sleep after a comment like that, you’re wrong! Because Kalim is now wide awake and practically yelling in excitement 
-He’d be asking you if you really meant it, before talking about how you’ll have to meet his family first, especially all his siblings! They’ll love you!! Why don’t you come with him over the next Holidays?! All while being all over you, kind of like an exited puppy are those ears and a tail??, meanwhile you’re just sitting there like ‘oh shit, I said that out loud?!’ 
-It’ll only get worse if you confirm that, yes, you do, in fact, want to be with him and maybe, hopefully, marry him one day 
-Jamil storms in, thinking you two were getting assassinated or something, only to see Kalim hugging you, practically shaking in excitement, talking about all the dates he’ll take you on (and about your wedding of course)
-you sheepishly look over at Jamil, who is staring daggers into you, the message clear ‘you couldn’t have waited until morning?’. If looks could kill, Jamil would have cut you into a three course meal just now :D 
-Jamil tells him to quiet down, so the rest of the dorm can rest
-Kalim continues to whisper-yell, till eventually you two fall asleep cuddling 
-the next day, half the school already knows about your now relationship, partially because the entirety of scarabia could hear him, and partially because Kalim can’t keep his mouth shut-
-He is so hung up on that marriage comment, that he might accidentally introduce you as his fiancée a few times!
-you, being the kind soul that you are, probably decided to help him out with his chores around Scarabia 
-But unlike him, you aren’t used to so much work, No matter how much Crowley tries to overwork you so eventually you’re just straight up exhausted.
-Jamil brings you to one of the many couches, but he makes sure it’s one away from the business of the dorm, he wouldn’t want you to be disturbed while you sleep he cares to much about you for that
-He picks up the few dirty plates some other students left behind, as you get comfortable, which is a very easy task, considering all those silk blankets and soft pillows! You mumble something a mere second before falling asleep. “You’re so caring, Jamil… makes me want to marry you even more than i already to..”
-Jamil halts in his tracks, he almost drops the plates he was carrying! Partially because he’s flustered, but also because a part of him hoped you wouldn’t like him back and the crush would pass.. not that it ever would have
-He is lost in thought as he makes his way to the kitchen, he almost even runs into another student
-Jamil likes you, he really does, there’s no doubt there, but he’s worried more than anything. He doesn’t have time for love!
-not only would you distract him from keeping Kalim from accidentally getting himself killed, but his work would mean that he’d have little to no time to spend with you.. not to mention if you get married, you and your future children would be forced to work for the Asim family too- Unless..
-If he takes you’re last name, instead of him yours, neither of you would be a part of the Viper name any longer. Instead of him enslaving you into service, you could free him from his life of servitude.
-And you always find ways to hang out, despite how busy he is
-He continues to work, now with a smile on his face. 
-Maybe this could work out after all :)
-Another one who you were probably helping with work
-Usually he’d refuse help, he doesn’t want to be indebted to anyone, but hey, it’s an excuse to spend more time with you, so he’ll make an exception 
-Afterwards, your beat.. even after book 3 and knowing him for a while, you never could have guessed how much work just one certain Lion could make.
-He lays down next to you, either making a sarcastic or teasing comment as he does.
-As always, you laugh in response, but this time you follow it up with “You’re a great guy, you know that? I hope i get to marry you one day..”
-His usual smug smirk, is gone. Just like that. It’s replaced by absolute shock
-He turns to you, to question you about it, only to see you’re already in the land of dreams 
-Ruggie doesn’t know how to feel, He is shocked, flustered, and most of all, confused. Yes, he is happy that you like him back, it just confuses him.
-You’re in a school filled with rich guys and literal Royalty. So, by the seven, why would you like a guy like him? Especially since your first meeting was literally him stealing a sandwich from your son friend! 
-But it makes him smile, in a school filled with rich people, someone as amazing as you, still chooses him, so he must be really great, right?
-Now he’s even more determined to get a good job, so that he can give you and your possible children a good life!
-He just hopes his Grandma and the kids will like you.. nah, he’s sure they will, you’re you! 
-He won’t immediately make his move to ask you out, but he’s definitely working on it! He would be a bit more hesitant about asking you out (Even after you basically asked to marry him) if you’re a girl, as in nature male hyenas are naturally more submissive towards the female they’re trying to court 
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This was so much fun to write, thank you so much for the request!!
Feedback is welcomed, just please be nice!! Hope you all have a nice day <3
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If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 month
This is my first time sending a requestttttt-
Before I ask, I hope you're happy and doing greatttttt, I wish you have a great, wonderful, and lovely day tomorrow!! I wish you the best!! I love you and your workkkk, advanced happy birthday to my favorite writer🫶🫶🫶!!
I was wondering if you can do a Yandere Scaramouche with a fem reader where she got kidnapped by him, and when she woke up, he was about to tell her that struggling is useless because she's tied up- but was surprised that she didn't even struggle at all.
He thought that she's only trying to get his trust so that she can escape later on- but when he saw how she seems to reciprocate his actions, and even initiates them sometimes.. He eventually trusted her-
The rest is up to you-!!
(I hope I didn't yap too much😖😖😖
English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if my grammar is bad-.. T-T
And also, to be specific, please make it smut-
Feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like writing it<3!!
Again, I hope you're doing great, take care of yourself, love you, bye bye-!!🖤🖤🖤)
Yandere!Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut Kidnapping. Drugging. Bondage. Degradation. Praise. Creampie. Obsessive/possessive behavior.
Porn with plot this time. This might be a bit longer than I anticipated cause I wanna work on dialogue and detail. I enjoy writing Yanderes ❤️ Smut written while sick, so bear with me🥺
You are way too good for this world, and certainly way too good for the likes of Scaramouche. He knew this. However, this was for your own good. You are strong, but that's exactly why you needed him to protect you. He had to get to you before the unfortunate dregs of life broke you down. Sank it's claws into you, and broke you into a bunch of unfamiliar little pieces.
He more than had experience in the regard.
Scaramouche spent months preparing for this. What he didn't expect was what happened when you finally woke up. The confusion was evident in your eyes when they opened, blinking a few times to focus your vision.
"You are awake," His voice sounded like velvet in your ears, your gaze snapping to him, "Before you woke up, it was real treat for me, you know?" He walked over to the bed, "Getting to see what you look like all tied up for me," His fingers brushed one of your wrists, "Though I am starting to wonder if blue would look just as pretty on those delicate little wrists of yours."
It took a few moments for everything to catch up with you. Your breath hitched in your throat, a shy embarrassed blush that he often craved to see coated your cheeks, your eyes glancing up. Your wrists were tied together and to the headboard with purple ribbons of silk. "What's happening?" You asked a little weakly.
Scaramouche was surprised at the blush. He cleared his throat. "A valid question. I kidnapped you. You dropped like a brick after I drugged you. I may have used a bit more than I needed, but you haven't been sleeping well lately," He replied, matter of fact.
You sighed softly. "Okay," You nodded, adjusting yourself on the bed a little.
Scaramouche raised an eyebrow. What was with you? What was up with that blush on your cheeks? Why were you being so calm? Why didn't you flinch away from the touch of someone who'd just drugged and kidnapped you?
Did he dare think you'd thought about being tied up for him?
"There is no use in struggling," He added, to which you only looked calm. He put his hand on your cheek, waiting for you to shriek and shy away from him.
Looking into his electric eyes always made your heart shake. "But, I'm not," His breath hitched in his throat as you turned your cheek into his hand.
"Yeah, you aren't. Now," You were no doubt trying to lure him into a false sense of security. That was usually the go to strategy for anyone who got kidnapped.
Perhaps he would keep you quiet with the few extra doses of sedatives for the first few days.
"Fine, leave me tied up for awhile. When you feel comfortable, untie me. I'll prove I won't run away," You said, giving him a soft smile that made him grit his teeth, "I promise."
Scaramouche flinched hearing the words I promise. So, he tested you. Boy did he test you. He would leave little traps to see if you would leave. He left the door unlocked. The windows open. He even left the damn door wide open. And yet when he returned, there you were, waiting for him.
Was this what love and loyalty looked like in another person? Did he finally understand what those things met?
The more he pushed his boundaries to see if you would break, the more you seemed to accept him. He got handsy and grabby with you, holding you down while he pressed lustful, harsh kisses to your lips. His teeth biting at your lower lip, his fingers brushing over all the intimate places he wanted to sink his teeth into.
Scaramouche was drowning both you and him in the obsessive passion he felt for you. And you accepted every bit of it. Even felt comforted by it. And when you said, "I want you to touch me. I want you," crawling to straddle his lap and nuzzling your cheek into his neck, every last bit of control he had shattered like glass.
"Say it," He hissed, his hand gripping the headboard tighter as he drove his cock into your sweet spot, "Tell me you want me while I make you cum on my cock, slut," He groaned, trembling as he felt your gummy walls clench on his cock.
If you could touch him, you would've. Your hands were tied above your head to the headboard, one wrist wrapped in purple silk, the other wrapped in blue (he couldn't make up his mind). "I want you, Scaramouche," You moaned, rocking your hips up to help push his cock deeper inside of you, "I want you so badly. I always have."
Fuck, your moans sounded so fucking sweet. It sent him reeling that someone like him could make someone like you, the purest thing in this world to him, moan so lewdly. Your weeping, abused pussy sucking his cock in. It was all so fucking addicting.
He drank in the sight of you, twitching and writhing underneath him, ribbons rubbing against your wrists from the force of his thrusts. Your eyes half lidded, and drool pooling from the corner of your mouth. Would you touch yourself if he untied you right here and now from how good he was making you feel? Your fingers skating over your clit, making your walls tighter on his cock?
There wasn't one intimate part of your body that didn't have dark, blossoming bruises of passion bitten into it. He'd had his fingers inside of you while he marked you up, feeling you soak his hand as he sucked and bite your skin.
"I fucking hope you know I am cumming inside," He growled, hovering his other hand over your throat. He didn't wrap his hand around it and squeeze. He just left it there to exert his dominance over you. Cum nearly spilled inside of you seeing how much it aroused you.
Seeing your eyes light up hearing that he planned to cum inside. The intimacy made your orgasm curl tighter. "Y-You promise?" You managed, moving your head back, and exposing your throat submissively to him for him to squeeze if he wanted.
Scaramouche couldn't hold back his moans anymore, especially not after that and so sweetly said. "Fuck, I'll pump you so fucking full. What a whore," He groaned. He would pump you so full like he imagined all those nights he jacked himself off to thoughts of you.
He knew he would never get enough of the shy, adoring blush that coated your cheeks when he degraded you.
"You are mine. All mine," His hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look at him as his cock pulsed inside of you. "Do you underneath me, slut? Or are you too fucked dumb?"
"I'm all yours, Scara. I always was," Your words were said with such tender truth to them. He couldn't detect one single hint of deception in your voice, even as your words broke apart into moans and whimpers.
You couldn't help it. You are in so love with him that it hurt. You'd just been too scared to tell him. Afraid of rejection. He could see it in your eyes. But, he understood that completely. "Shh, it's okay now, kitten," He started to babble, shuddering in pleasure as he pushed one of your knees up towards your chest, "I have you now. Everything will be okay. This horrible world won't ever hurt you," His hips snapped into yours with twice the vigor, "I'll see to that."
Only he alone could taint and corrupt you. Only he could break you down and put you back together as he saw fit. It was all the better for him that you accepted it without hesitation.
"You are close, fuck I can feel it," Your walls were squeezing so deliciously tight on his cock. He placed a rough, passionate kiss on your lips, devouring your mouth for a few long minutes. "And you are crying to," He pulled away, brushing the tears of pleasure falling from your eyes away with his thumb, "Cum on my cock like a good girl. You want me to cum inside, don't you?" He cooed.
You could barely manage a nod, crying out for him as your orgasm hit you. Your cum flooded around his cock, the feeling of your walls craving to milk his cock made cum pulse inside of you.
His fingers relentlessly rubbed your clit, further making you twitch and mewl in bliss as he fucked you through your climax.
"Good fucking girl," Scaramouche said, panting as he pulled out of you. Cum dripped out of your weeping hole. He didn't give you time to catch your breath, however. He was already working his way down between your legs to lick and suck your pussy clean.
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reidswhre · 17 days
A vague request for Spencer x reader!! (only if you want too, obviously.) Maybe some hurt/comfort?? I'm such a sucker for those.
spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: you keep your nightmares and insomnia to yourself till you reach a point where you can’t handle it anymore, it’s great your boyfriend is there for ya.
warnings: nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, low self-esteem due to the lack of sleep, however, it’s hurt and comfort! 🫶🏼
a/n: it's a bit rushed but I'm a little inspired so I did it before my inspiration disappeared, i hope you like it. also english isn’t my first language so let me know any mistakes. as always my request are open feel free to send me yours!
Sleeping is supposed to be something pleasant. It usually reduces stress and improves your mood. It’s the favorite activity of many people—in fact, it used to be yours too.
Until insomnia and nightmares began. At first, they weren't that bad; they scared you a bit, but nothing more. Then they became terrible, making you feel so awful you wanted to throw up, which led to unstoppable insomnia.
You used to sleep maybe 3 hours a day at most, and it was killing you. Not only were you unbearably tired all day, but you also had a mood so bad that even you couldn’t stand yourself. As a result, you started treating people around you poorly, which made you feel awful, but at this point, it was beyond your control.
You hadn’t told anyone either—you didn’t want to worry anyone unnecessarily. It wasn’t needed. You were probably just going through a rough patch. Maybe Mercury was in retrograde.
“Hey.” Spencer’s face greeted you when you opened your apartment door to let him in.
“Hi,” you replied with a small smile.
“I really missed you,” he said as he walked into your apartment, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You smiled. “Really? I missed you too,” you said sincerely. “You were gone for a few days.” Spencer’s job often required him to be away, and you handled it pretty well.
“Yeah, the case was tough,” he explained as he placed some bags in your kitchen. “How’ve you been?”
“Me? Well... good, I guess. Nothing new,” you shrugged.
“Are you sure?” He raised his eyebrows, questioning you.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” You looked away, feeling uncomfortable.
Again, you didn’t feel comfortable telling anyone that you hadn’t been able to sleep properly for weeks. There was no point in saying it.
“What’s in the bags?” You pointed at them, trying to change the subject.
“Oh, I read that green tea increases the body's relaxation capacity and helps with sleep. Plus, the amount of L-theanine is higher than caffeine, so it’s a great option to avoid insomnia,” he explained while taking the tea out of the bags.
“You think I need that? Why would you think that?” you said, your mood shifting a bit.
“What? No, I don’t think you need it. I just thought it’d be good to have to relax a bit. Personally, I’m sleeping fine, but I don’t see any harm in drinking it,” he said, looking at you.
“Well, I’m sleeping great too, so I don’t need it, okay?” There it was again. You had no idea why you were treating him this way—he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“I never said otherwise,” he said, frowning.
“Good.” You looked at the floor, feeling uncomfortable.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay—”
“I’m perfectly fine,” you interrupted him and walked out of the kitchen.
You entered the bathroom in your room and splashed some water on your face, hoping it would refresh you. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were a bit pale, with dark circles under your eyes that you hadn’t had in years, and your lips were dry. You felt terrible—like a completely different person.
But you decided that if you stayed there any longer, Spencer would come looking for you, and you’d have to give explanations you weren’t willing to share.
When you got back to the living room, you saw him sitting on the couch with his cup of tea and another cup next to him that was probably cold by now.
And you felt horrible.
Horrible wasn’t even enough to describe it.
He had bought and made tea just to help you relax a bit, even without knowing that this was the very thing driving you crazy.
And you had responded terribly.
“Spencer, I—” You tried to start.
“I think it’s better if we just go to bed, don’t you? It’s been a long day,” he said, getting up from the couch.
“Uhh... yeah, sure,” you whispered, staring at the floor.
Your heart was racing, sweat was running down your forehead and neck, and your head was spinning as you tried to push away the dreams that had been tormenting you.
“Hey,” you heard a voice in the distance. “Hey, listen to me, love, hey,” the voice repeated in your head.
You suddenly sat up in bed, completely disoriented.
“Hey, you’re okay, right? You’re here with me,” Spencer said, looking at you while placing his hand on your knee. But you couldn’t really hear him. Your head was ringing so loudly it felt like it was going to explode.
“Sweetheart?” Spencer stroked your cheek, concerned.
Suddenly, you regained a bit of awareness. You looked at him and his worried face, then around the room. The clock read 12:38 AM. Your hands were sweating, and you were cold.
All of a sudden, everything you’d been carrying for weeks collapsed. It just fell apart, and you started crying like you hadn’t in a long time.
“Oh my God,” Spencer whispered as he wrapped you in his arms, holding you tightly.
“I’m so tired,” you sobbed into his neck.
“What’s going on, love? I need you to tell me, okay? So I can help you,” he whispered in your ear, his voice soft.
“I haven’t been able to sleep for a few weeks now,” you mumbled against him. “I have insomnia and lots of nightmares. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” he asked, gently cupping your face in his hands.
“I—I don’t know,” you sobbed. “I didn’t want to bother you, and I didn’t want to seem weak, I—” You stumbled over your words.
“Don’t say that. You could never bother me, especially not with something this important. It’s serious, and I don’t think you’re taking it seriously enough,” he said, looking at you with his kind brown eyes, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“I thought I was just having a few bad days, I don’t know—” you tried to explain through your tears.
“It’s okay, we can work through this. Tomorrow, we can see your therapist and check on how you’re doing, alright?” he said, kissing your forehead.
You nodded without saying anything, feeling safe.
“Let’s get that tea, yeah? I’m sure it’ll calm you down a bit—unless you don’t want it now either, hmm?” he teased you a little.
You let out a small laugh. “I want it.”
“Good, because I was going to make you drink it anyway,” he laughed with you.
“Hey!” you frowned.
“Don’t give me that face,” he said, kissing your furrowed brow.
“Thank you,” you said genuinely.
“For what? For making you drink tea?” he laughed.
“No, silly. For helping me, even though I didn’t treat you very well tonight,” you said, looking at the floor.
“Are you kidding? Of course, I’ll help you. It’s the least I can do. I love you, okay?”
“I love you too,” you said, giving him a small kiss on the lips.
You were probably going to sleep well tonight.
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nebuladreamerrr · 2 months
What about those ideas? You won’t post them anymore? I want to read the dad fic so bad 😭🥰
I hope you enjoy it a lot, I had a lot of fun writing this, and I tried to do it differently, adding many more details. I think it's the story I like the most out of the ones I've written so far 💗💗💗
Fine line| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: After three long years of constant changes and persistent fears, Kylian feels ready to show his son to the world, but he will not hesitate to jump and defend his family if anyone attacks them.
Warnings: English is not my first language, and mentions of a kid suffering from blindness
You couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion as you dressed your son to attend his dad's match. The Real Madrid stadium was gearing up for an epic night, and the thrill of seeing Kylian on the field was always indescribable. However, this time it was even more special. Not only because Kylian was in his best form and ready to fight for the Champions League title, but because Jayce, your little one, would be there to witness it.
Ever since you told Jayce, just two weeks ago, that he could go to the place where his dad worked, he hadn't stopped talking about it every chance he got. He wore the Real Madrid jersey in every possible situation, even while sleeping, and practiced singing the anthem for when the match started. His enthusiasm was contagious, and every time he talked about his dad, his words reflected a mix of admiration and love.
It seemed incredible that the little Mbappé family hadn't set foot in the stadium to cheer on the footballer in almost three years. This had fueled numerous breakup rumors in the media, as you had always supported Kylian, not only by going to the club's stadium but also by traveling to different countries to be his "lucky charm." However, when little Jayce was born, everything changed.
Kylian adored his son, and it showed in every daily interaction he had with him. From teaching him to walk, to making video calls when he was away so Jayce could hear his voice while hugging the personalized stuffed toy shaped like his father. Gradually, Kylian was instilling all the values that would make Jayce a great man. But Kylian was terrified that someone might harm his little boy. He knew all too well how the journalists and the press operated, and they wouldn't hesitate to hurt his son just to get to Kylian.
Since the beginning of your relationship, Kylian had always been overprotective, fearing that the press might overwhelm you or that the crowds might drive you away from him. However, he slowly discovered your strong personality and understood that you could handle those problems on your own. But Jayce was still too young to face all those challenges, so, as his parents, you had to protect him.
From the moment Kylian found out you were pregnant, he had been dreaming about the day he would meet his son: how tall he would be, how much he would weigh, whether he would look more like you or him. Although doubts sometimes crossed his mind about what would happen if something went wrong, he always found comfort in the fact that you had a great team of professionals by your side and that you were a strong woman capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.
The delivery seemed to go smoothly, and everything appeared to have been a success until they began examining little Jayce. Initially, they noticed that he was barely opening his eyes. They thought it might be due to the strain of the birth or that the light might be bothering him, but as days passed, Jayce seemed to have problems with his eyes. It was then that they discovered the little one was blind.
You had never expected to have a child with a disability, but you knew you would love him with all your heart. However, it pained you to see how Kylian felt guilty about everything. He couldn't help but feel responsible for the criticisms his son might face for being his son, for being the center of attention even if he didn't want to be, and for always standing out. Through tears, Kylian confessed that he preferred to keep his son away from the public eye, and crying, he begged you to forgive him for complicating your lives.
During these past three years, you had learned not only how to be a mother—deciphering what your son needed when he cried, what stories Jayce preferred, and how to find the perfect balance between motherhood and your professional life—but also to be the emotional support and rock for Kylian during this time, especially in the most difficult moments.
At first, it seemed like Kylian was sinking deeper and deeper. His joy was fading, consumed by worry and sadness. However, the start of the new season was a breath of fresh air for him. The adrenaline and passion for football allowed him to release all those pent-up emotions, and Jayce's first year of life became the year Kylian was crowned the league's top scorer. This achievement was not only a milestone in his career but also a crucial step in his emotional recovery.
Gradually, Kylian learned to manage his emotions and realized that he couldn't let fear and external pressures dictate his decisions. He learned to be the best dad possible for Jayce, accepting that raising his son wouldn't be as he had imagined, but also discovering that he wouldn't change it for the world. He loved how Jayce would touch his face to get to know his features, and how he would get excited about doing chores like setting the table on his own. These small moments showed that Jayce was a strong child and that in the future, he would be as independent as any other kid.
Undoubtedly, one of Kylian's most cherished memories with his son was when he started teaching him how to play football. He bought special balls with sand inside, which allowed Jayce to locate them by sound and feel as they moved. With these balls, Jayce learned to kick and score goals that filled his father with pride. Each time the little one scored, Kylian's joy and pride grew, strengthening their bond and giving him another reason to keep going.
These years hadn't been easy, but they had strengthened your family in ways you never imagined. The challenges had been numerous, but love and determination had prevailed, showing that together you could face any adversity. Now, as you dressed Jayce for the match, you felt a mix of pride and excitement. You knew that no matter what, your family would always find a way to move forward, and today was a celebration of that indomitable spirit.
After making sure you had everything you needed for the match, like snacks for Jayce and various toys, you decided to drive to the stadium. Kylian had informed the club in advance about the importance of this day, asking for his family to feel comfortable and well taken care of. So, when the security staff noticed that you had arrived by car, they didn't hesitate to help and guide you through the stadium, giving Jayce a team scarf and small stickers. The little one, grateful, responded with a huge smile.
Upon reaching the designated box, you showed Jayce around. Kylian had commissioned a relief recreation of the stadium's silhouette so Jayce could always know where he was, the tunnels leading to the field, and the goals where his father would dedicate a goal to him that night. Additionally, some wives of Kylian's teammates came over to greet and meet mini Mbappé, who was delighted to chat and meet new people.
Shortly before the match started, Kylian came up to the box to give you a final kiss and to encourage Jayce, promising to make him very proud. His presence and words filled the air with emotion.
"I am so proud of how you’ve evolved and how we’ve grown as a family," you whispered before giving him a warm kiss of encouragement.
"I couldn't have done it without you, mon amour," Kylian replied with a smile.
As you watched Kylian return to the field, you felt a wave of pride and love. This match was not just a sporting event but a symbol of the journey you had traveled together as a family. Kylian, Jayce and you had faced challenges that had strengthened you, and now you were ready to enjoy this special moment together.
Jayce settled into his seat, stroking the team scarf with a smile as you explained the details of the stadium that he explored with his hands. Every goal, every play, every moment of the match held special meaning, and you knew this night would be etched into your family’s memory forever.
In the 37th minute, Mbappé scored a goal that not only made all the Madrid fans leap to their feet but also brought Real Madrid closer to lifting that long-awaited Champions League trophy, especially significant since it was being held at their home stadium. Right after scoring and celebrating with his ecstatic teammates, Kylian headed toward a camera, blowing a kiss and pointing to the box where you were sitting. What surprised you the most was hearing over the loudspeaker: "Kylian dedicates this goal to his family and especially to his son Jayce." Kylian had taken care of every detail to ensure his son felt loved and understood what was happening.
“Send lots of kisses to Daddy,” you whispered to your son as he enthusiastically blew kisses into the air. Although Jayce couldn't see, Kylian was on the field, returning those kisses.
As the match progressed, Madrid focused on defense. Both teams tried to create chances, but neither managed to score another goal. However, this didn't dampen Madrid's spirits as they became Champions League winners once again.
You couldn't help but take out your phone to record, filled with emotion, as Kylian looked for you with his eyes. Your little one was jumping with joy when you told him to say hello to Daddy, who was looking for him. Tears welled up as you watched Kylian and the team lift the trophy they had fought so hard to win. While you saw Kylian joke around, dance with his teammates, and even sing chants with the fans, you decided to give him his space to enjoy his moment, taking the opportunity to explain to Jayce everything that was about to happen.
“Now we’re going down to celebrate with Daddy, okay?” you said, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
Jayce nodded enthusiastically, clutching your hand as you prepared to head down to the field. The security staff, aware of the situation, kindly guided you through the stadium, ensuring everything went smoothly.
When you reached the edge of the field, the roar of the crowd and the glow of the spotlights created a magical atmosphere. Kylian, seeing you approach with Jayce, ran towards you with a smile that reflected pure happiness. He bent down to hug Jayce, lifting him into the air as the little boy laughed and reached out to touch his dad’s face.
“We did it, mon petit champion!” Kylian exclaimed with an emotional voice, kissing Jayce’s forehead.
“Yes, Daddy, we did it,” Jayce responded, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and joy.
The night turned into an unforgettable celebration, with Kylian sharing his triumph not only with his teammates but with the people he loved the most. As you held Jayce, you watched Kylian lift the trophy once more, feeling that all the effort and sacrifice of the past years had been worth it.
No matter how many times you had imagined this moment, this day had exceeded your expectations by far. Beyond the incredible athletic performance and talent that Kylian had demonstrated once again, your little one had immensely enjoyed this day. There were memorable moments, like when you took a photo with the trophy where Jayce sat inside it, or when Kylian lifted him up so he could touch the goal where he had scored the goal dedicated to him. Jayce had also enjoyed the company of the children of his father's teammates, who had animatedly talked with him and held his hand the whole time.
After many celebrations, cheers, and chants, Florentino Pérez carefully approached Kylian to ask if he could give a few quick words to some television channels. Although Florentino promised that he could ask someone else, understanding that it was a very important day for him, Kylian knew it had to be him who spoke. Not only because he had scored the winning goal or because he was the star player, but because many people were surprised that he had decided to introduce his son today.
Kylian nodded, taking your hand for a moment before heading towards the group of eager journalists. "Take care of our little champion," he said with a smile, kissing Jayce on the forehead and giving you a peck before walking away.
You and Jayce watched from a safe distance as Kylian took the microphone. The journalists started shouting his name to get an exclusive, and the cameras focused on him. "This goal is for my family, especially for my son Jayce," Kylian began, his voice resonating with a mix of pride and emotion. "Today is a very special day, not only because of the victory but because I could share it with the people I love the most. Jayce is an incredible, strong, and brave child, and he inspires me every day to be better both on and off the field. And y/n shows me every day how lucky I am that someone as wonderful as she has decided to spend the rest of her life with me."
The crowd applauded enthusiastically, and many journalists congratulated Kylian, commenting on how Jayce seemed like an intelligent child and was the spitting image of his mother. However, suddenly, a question echoed above all: "Aren’t you ashamed to have a child like that?"
The ensuing silence was palpable, and the atmosphere tensed. Kylian stood still for a moment, processing the insensitivity of the question. However, his expression hardened with determination and calm.
"Did you really just ask that crap?" Kylian responded firmly. "I often criticize the work you do and try to put myself in your shoes, understanding that you are paid to get exclusive news and that often you do things you don't want to. But what you just asked shows your lack of tact and poor education. Jayce is my son, and I am incredibly proud of him. His bravery and spirit are a constant source of inspiration for me. There is nothing to be ashamed of, although if you are a father, I wouldn’t doubt that your children have reasons to be ashamed of you. In fact, having Jayce in my life has taught me more about love, strength, and resilience than anything else. He is an incredible child, and anyone who cannot see that is the one who should feel ashamed."
Kylian's words were met with even louder applause, and many journalists nodded in respect and admiration while booing the other journalist, who couldn’t help but leave embarrassed, trying to hide his face.
From your position, you felt full of pride and gratitude. The way Kylian had handled the situation with dignity and love was a testament to his character. Jayce, although unaware of the full significance of what had happened, seemed to pick up on the positive energy around him, and his face lit up with a smile.
When Kylian finished his brief statement and returned to you, the crowd was still applauding. "You did great, Daddy," Jayce said as he hugged him.
"Thanks, champ," Kylian responded, returning the hug with strength.
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marycorcaroli · 1 year
sanji's kinks.
nsfw, 18+.
req ♡: Would I be able to request you to write Sanji’s kinks 😉 you absolutely don’t have too but I like you content I think you’d come up with a fun one
mary ♡: thanks for the request, hope you enjoy it 🫂! english is not my first language, i apologize for the mistakes 💗
rules ; masterlist.
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pussy eating ! ! — sanji loves to lick you. just feeling your taste and the way you twitch when he gets to the right point makes him cum in his pants. he's too stupefied by you and doesn't care who says what. he also loves it when you sit on his face! it's a whole show for sanji. please him and ride his nose.
punishments — he loves it so much ! i'm 100% sure sanji would like to punish you for your disobedience. he would just sit there and jerk off while your wrists rest against the headboard of the bed. you were so brave and teased him all day, you touched his dick all the time, left him horny and then just walked away? oh god i think sanji will make you a whiny fool who only wants to be on his dick. so you don't get your hopes up sanji will fuck your underwear and spill it all over. more ! ! sanji will make you tell him exactly what you want him to do to you, or else you won't get anything :(
praise kink - sanji may call you the worst slut, that you're just a hole for his cum, but he won't forget to praise you. tell you that you're the nicest girl who's working so hard for him. stroke your head and kiss your temple if he realizes he's gone too far.
"baby, you know how much o love you, don't you? you're wonderful, and so is your pussy that squeezes me so hard."
"how did I live without you?"
"i've never had anyone better than you, you're perfect, there's no one else like you, and i'm lucky, because you're mine now."
breeding kink - he'll fill your cunnie with his warm cum and won't let a single drop slip away. sanji wants to see you with that cute little belly with his baby in it. his. the thought of it literally blows his mind and he'll destroy everything in his way to fuck the shit out of you and make you a beautiful mommy for your kids.
threesome - he wants nami to lick your pussy while he fucks you in the full nelson position ♡ that's just his dreams, but if you agree to it, it'll be great! sanji will definitely fill you in that despite who you're in a threesome with, he only thinks of you and loves only you.
size kink — you're so tiny next to him, sanji thinks you'll break as soon as he touches you. and so he applies that to sex. as you lie there, your eyes rolling with pleasure, he towers over you and he's...so...huge? sanji breathes languidly, his eyes full of lust and he can't hold on any longer, so he pounces on you like an animal.
riding — sanji wants, no, he demands, that you ride him as hard as if your life depended on it. he chuckles when you say you're tired, but he won't let you stop. sanji will move you with the help of your hips and thrust in even harder as you your moans fill the whole house.
marking — sanji wants everyone to know that you are his. he can lose control and leave your skin covered in his hickeys and bites. he loves the way you react and tell him "it's okay, i liked it, too much" oh my god, it's a treat for his ears. he won't mind if you do the same to him! scratch his back with your claws and he'll be the whiniest boy in the world.
anal — isn't even a kink, it's more of a temporary infatuation. he likes your ass, he likes to eat your ass, so what's the problem with fucking? and he'll do it, by first warming you up and then whispering a few affectionate words to get you ready. if you like it, you'll have anal sex every day, and if you don't, that's fine! your opinion is more important to sanji than some sex.
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aysegust · 3 months
THINGS LEFT BURIED. (Mike Ross x Reader)
A/N: Hello beautiful people, this was requested so I hope you’ll like this… It took time to write this because I was very busy with my studies. English isn’t my first language, so there might be mistakes… :)
Word Count: 2.739
Warnings: No use of Y/N, jealous reader, none Mike is just so puppy..
Request: Hello!! everything is fine? If you're taking requests, could you write something for Mike Ross where the lady is jealous of him and Rachel?
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He was too gentle. Well, Mike Ross was too gentle whenever he was around you. He would bring you coffee, helps you when you struggle or shows his gratitude whenever you bring him something he needs.
You two worked great together… a good pair. Even buddies. Your desks were next to each other in the bullpen. You worked late nights together if Jessica needed something, or Harvey etc.
You were so drawn to him. You could feel when he entered the bullpen, you were so aware of his presence… it drove you mad.
But what you could say? He was just so sweet. Cares his loved ones. He cared about you too. You two joked about anything. How Louis is like in love with Harvey or how you and he joked about past experiences.
It was good to have someone in the firm, that actually cared about your wellbeing. Surely, you had friends in the firm but since you were an associate, there were always rivalries. However it was different with Mike. Of course, since he was Harvey’s associate, it had its perks but you two made out as friends.
It didn’t slip from his attention that you were also fond of movies which he loved to quote on. You teased him lightly from time to time, which he felt flustered.
The worse part is that you were, uncontrollably, falling in love with him. As each day passed, you heard his laugh, his jokes or his caring nature, you found yourself falling in love with the very man you shouldn’t. Your friend Mike. Mike Ross… the guy that had a photographic memory.
You walked to the bullpen that day, as Louis asked your presence earlier in the morning. Said he wanted you to work on a file for him... Which you happily obliged to.
You began to research for the file, as you were deep in the work, seated in the library, alone at the eleven p.m. you didn’t realize because you were wearing headphones- listening to something soft rock, Rachel and Mike entered inside the library. With boxes in their hands. They put it in the nearest desk, as Rachel giggled at Mike. You slowly lowered the headphones as you saw the scene unfold.
Mike was looking at her too sweetly. It made your stomach turn, as he turned his head to left and glanced around, he saw you. His smirk widened as he waved a hand to you. As you found yourself returning the gesture, Rachel’s head turned to you as she smiled softly.
Well, she was beautiful. Of course, she was kind. Intelligent and very caring. She looked good next to him, when the thought crossed your mind you wanted to throw up.
Green wasn’t your best color, envy didn’t suit you. But in that night, when you turned your attention back to your work, your face fell.
It was slightly a torture, when you heard their playful banter. Since you were wearing headphones, they talked freely. The missing part was that you were eavesdropping. Which you hated yourself for it.
They talked casually, very smoothly. Light jokes went on, while they talked about what to do about the case. You wanted the cause of his chuckle, not her.
Next day when you entered the firm, you had a bad morning. You were running late, you forgot your car keys inside and your stomach growled because of skipping breakfast. It was horrible.
But you secretly hoped to see him. His ocean blue eyes, his warm smile and sassy comments…You needed it.
Just when you turned around the corner and was about to head to bullpen, you saw Rachel’s office. You couldn’t help but your gaze fell on it. Rachel was inside, she leaned her back on her desk, as Mike was in front of her, talking about something whilst they stood too close for their own good. You let out a wary sigh as you stepped up and walked to bullpen.
You were seated in your desk, as you opened the computer as you pulled the files out of your bag as you registered his presence. He walked to your desk, as he slowly sat on the edge of your desk like he owned it or something. “Hey,” He said lightly but you didn’t match his gaze.
“You alright? You look terrible.” He commented playfully as you realized he tried to lighten up you, but it backfired. “I’m busy.” Your voice sounded too dismissive, too cold which caught him off guard. You couldn’t look at his frowned face, his light brown brows furrowed slightly as he tried to understand what was wrong.
Then Louis called his name. “I’ll see you later,” He said as he got up from your desk, you let out a sigh. You felt guilty for a moment as you watched his back. His retreating figure.
It was an exhausting day. Louis let out his frustration out of you, you didn’t eat any lunch because of paperworks also, you went to court to give Louis the arrangement papers. It was tiring, exhausting.
You were too tired to even deal with Mike. As you saw his figure entering the bullpen, he watched you quietly. “What is it?” You asked quietly without lifting your gaze to meet his eyes. He hesitated then he spoke. “Well, I was afraid that if I open my mouth, you would punch my face.” As he said bluntly, you couldn’t help but smirked at his words.
Then you lifted your face and met his gaze. He looked tired too. “I didn’t want to sound mean today.” You apologized lightly as he smiled. “It is okay, heard Louis gave you a hard time today.” He said softly as he stepped closer to you.
Suddenly you felt his cologne too much. It was too intoxicating, too intense which you leaned back in your chair. You two were the only ones in the bullpen so you could talk freely. As you nodded silently, he rolled his eyes. “He is a prick,” Mike said defensively. It earned a chuckle from you… “He is emotional.” You commented firmly.
As you slowly got up, your stomach growled which you felt your cheeks heated up immediately. Mike noticed it. “Shit, when’s the last time you eat?” He asked curiously as a slight concern etched onto his face. You brushed it off immediately, trying to sound nonchalant. “Well, I couldn’t eat much today.”
Mike looked at you with worry. It was cute actually. The way concern was etched into his face, it was visible as how his eyes crinkled, his brows furrowed and his thin lips crossed into a thin line… “Come on, let’s grab a dinner.” He said quickly as he got up. You were left speechless for a second as you registered what he said.
Of course, it was a friendly gesture. Nothing more… Oh but how you wanted it so badly to be more than friendly… You found yourself agreeing on it, however the universe had other plans.
Rachel entered the bullpen as she greeted you two. She said she found a report Mike was asking for, so with an apologetic response, Mike followed after Rachel.
Great, it was off.
A week passed after that. You and Mike could barely spoke. He was with Harvey most of the time and you were with Louis and other associates. You went into courts under Louis’s supervision. Mike was working on a Coastal Motors case with Harvey…
But it was brought to your attention that how he began to closer with Rachel. You didn’t like it… The lingering touches on Rachel’s arm, whispering something funny to Rachel. You hated it.
You missed him and you haven’t talk to him. It was unfair. How he seemed like he forgot about you. You felt invisible as you felt your heart ached at the thought.
So you ignored it till you explode. You just ignored it. The feelings, fear of rejection, insecurity, jealousy and Mike. You ignored everything.
He saw it.
You didn’t realize it. However, Mike was a good observer. You didn’t know how he watched you. How his gaze lingered on you for a few more minutes. How his frown softened when you pass by. But he didn’t understand. Why were you so distant? Did he do something wrong? Did he offend you?
You were avoiding him and he knew it. God, he hated it. The way you pulled your gaze away from him too quickly or when he walks into the bullpen, you grab files and walked out of the bullpen… He was trying to understand what was wrong but you gave no clues.
So he went to Rachel. He asked her about you. He asked her about how you seemed distant and dismissive. He wanted to reach you by himself but he felt anxious. So, he just asked Rachel if she knew something he didn’t. It was no luck, he learned nothing.
Then one day, when he was in Rachel’s office, as she leaned to her desk- he was in front of her because he didn’t want anyone to hear it. They talked about you. Rachel hinted Mike that maybe you had a crush on him.
When he heard Rachel’s implication, his heart beat too fast. From the first day, he asked your admission for a case and you two worked together, he felt bubbly inside. You were mesmerizing, sweet and unique. Your taste in movies, your interests was too similar to his. He grew close to you too quick.
He loved to see your face lighten up. He loved to bring you coffee in the mornings whenever he can. He adored your smile so he always made jokes around you to see your smile. It was addictive. You were so warm, you felt so close and safe. He loved to be in your zone. He felt safe and happy.
He felt like himself. Not a fraud. He felt like Mike, sweet Mike.
It didn’t take long for him to realize that he had feelings for you. More than friendship. He craved your touch, your attention.
But when you ignored him, avoided his presence… his heart ached. Like you were putting a knife on his chest. So, he asked Rachel. He needed her advice.
Mike walked out on the firm as he intended to grab a quick lunch at somewhere close to firm. When he saw you outside, as you were walking alone while you had your phone in hand, he approached to you.
Then as you were walking to cross the street, you didn’t see the car that was moving on the road. You heard your name called loudly and as you lifted your head up in confusion, you felt pair of hands grabbed you by your waist.
As the hands pulled you back to the sidewalk, you felt shocked and worried. When you turned your head away, you saw Mike. He saved you from getting hit by a car. When you looked at his face, you saw how worried and tense he looked. “Are you alright?” As he asked you worryingly, you nodded in shock. “I’m okay, I’m okay I-“ You registered too late about what was going to happen. You felt shiver ran down your spine.
“You should’ve been careful, you could’ve been hit by a-“ When you heard Mike’s tense voice, you interrupted him. “It is okay, nothing happened.” You tried to reassure him but he felt too worried for you.
You or neither he acknowledged that he was still holding your hips. He was holding you tightly as if his hold loosens he felt afraid that you might slip away. As the shock passed over, you felt his grip on your waist.
Your cheeks flushed slightly as you looked at him. Then he realized it too, he immediately let go of his grip on your hips as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry-“ He said softly.
Your heart raced too fast for its own good. “It is alright,” You managed to say. “Uh,” Mike opened his mouth as he wanted to say something but he shut it off immediately. You looked at him confusedly as you waited for him to speak in anticipation.
He closed his eyes briefly as he paused. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose as he looked at you nervously. “Why are you avoiding me?” He asked the question you didn’t want to hear. You opened your mouth to protest but he quickly intervened. “No, you are ignoring me and I want to know why.” He was stubborn for his own good.
“Mike, I- I don’t-“ As you began to say it, he interrupted it again. “Bullshit, you know it.” His expression looked hurt, if you saw it correctly, he looked sad. You felt your stomach twist as a wave of guilt washed over you. It was overwhelming.
“I was just-“ You found yourself saying the words but you paused. You couldn’t continue your sentence. It was too risky, you couldn’t lose him. It would be painful. However, as you met his eyes, all of your worries died down for a moment. He looked at you deeply, curiously.
“I was jealous, okay?” You lashed out on him. You didn’t intend to but his deep gaze, his interaction with Rachel it was confusing you. It was messing with your head.
He frowned slightly as he tried to register what you said. Why were you jealous? Why? “I don’t…” As he began to say it, you interrupted him this time. “You don’t understand do you?” You said as you stepped back. Wanting to create some distance with him, however it failed as he took a step forward to you. “Tell me, why?” He asked curiously.
“What’s up between you and Rachel? You two seemed too close.” You said with an underlying allusion in your voice. His eyes widened as he heard your words. He felt confused. “What?” Then he realized why you acted like this. A huge grin plastered on his face as he looked at you sweetly.
You felt annoyed and confused as he looked at you sweetly. “Why are you looking happy?” You asked with a frown on your face. Then he took another step as the distance between you faded. He was so close.
He was so close to you. You could hear his scent faintly. When he lifted your chin up, you felt shocked. “Let me tell you something,” He began as you listened him. Your heart was basically beating in your throat as you felt your mouth dry. “Rachel and I… there is nothing between us.” He said quietly.
“There isn’t?” You gulped as you asked him. Your voice faltered as he leaned to you. “No, there isn’t.” He said firmly. “Mike… I-“ You paused briefly as you searched his eyes for anything containing lie. But you found none, he was telling the truth.
“I like you.” You spilled it out then. You couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. No matter what, you wanted him to hear it. As he registered your words, a huge smile formed on his lips. “You like me?” He asked softly and when you nodded it, he didn’t waste another time to connect your lips in a tender kiss.
When you felt his lips on yours, it felt so sweet. He was very gentle, his lips tasted like heaven. You were too lost in it. However you pulled away slightly as you felt breathless, you panted and you watched him. His cheeks were flushed. “I like you too, sweetheart. More than you can imagine.”
As you heard his words, this time, you kissed his lips. It was more passionate than the first kiss. It was intense and deep. He kissed you with equal fervor. It felt amazing. You felt like fireworks were flying inside your stomach as his lips moved with yours…
After you two parted away, he grabbed your waist and gently pulled you closer to himself, as he chuckled lightly. “You are gorgeous.” He said softly.
As you were in his arms, secured by his touch, you felt all bubbly inside. It felt too good to be true. But there it was, he was in front of you, kissing your lips softly. “So, you wanna grab a lunch?” He said enthusiastically. “Oh, I would love to,” You replied with the same sheepishness.
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marycatgirl · 3 months
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summary : headcanons with soft!toji ;
warning : ooc toji, pure fluff, gender neutral reader ;
words count : 726 ;
mary ♡ : english is not my first language, i apologize for the mistakes 🫂, hope everyone will like it ! dividers from @enchanthings and @cafekitsune ♡
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soft!toji, who will always be there for you if you ask and won't leave until he is sure you are perfectly fine and your life is not in danger. he just doesn't want to lose you and so he does everything he can to make sure you feel great and don't need anything, his life really does change because you are there for him.
soft!toji, whose embrace is the warmest in the world, his hands stroking your back and tucking your hair behind your ear as he kisses your forehead, toji is truly in love, for when you hug each other, you can feel how calm he is and how calm his heart is that has been searching for you for so many years.
soft!toji, who looks at you with eyes full of love. seriously, i've never seen him like that before. his eyes are full of warmth and care when you come into sight. it's like toji smiles with his eyes when he sees you and can't stop hiding his smile, because it's so funny that one person can make him a teddy bear.
soft!toji, who always loves to talk to you about everything in the world and will never stop listening to you. your voice soothes him and makes his whole day better, that's why he wants to hear it in the morning, afternoon, evening and every minute of his life, you can talk about anything and toji will fall in love with you even more.
soft!toji, he loves to be a little spoon, yes he is so big and mean, but... he still wants to feel loved in your arms, and the way your hands stroke him while he falls asleep makes toji the happiest person on this earth.
soft!toji, he will never yell at you, you are too precious to him for him to hurt you with his words, you have no idea how his heart will break when he sees your tears and how he will blame himself for it. so toji listens to you carefully, speaks his point of view and resolves everything peacefully so that you can then make up and be happy again.
soft!toji, and his love language is physical contact, i think it was already clear, he likes the sensations you give him, that's why toji's touch is so gentle and careful, like you're a fragile vase that could break at any moment.
soft!toji, who is always joking around with you, to see you smile next to him, to hear your wonderful laugh. he literally lives for that, he will make the most crazy jokes to cheer you up a little bit, don't take offense to him, he's really trying hard for you.
soft!toji, his ritual for a happy and successful day is to kiss your nose and inhale your scent. he finds peace in these actions and how beautiful you feel in his arms. toji realizes that no one can ruin his day after that.
soft!toji, who likes to give you flowers. he loves the way you take care of them and look at them as if they were your little children. that's why, toji loves to give you the most beautiful flowers because they are perfect for you. he doesn't need an occasion, he will give you flowers on any day he wants.
soft!toji, who will try to cook for you. yes, it may turn out disgusting, but he will definitely try to make your favorite meal taste good! because he is very pleased when you praise him for such things, he is like a little kitten at such moments. but he also loves to cook with you! he helps you or just stands behind you and cuddles up to you, gently hugging you.
soft!toji, who is actually very romantic, he likes to think out your dates and take you to different places that he thinks you might really like. it could be a simple coffee shop that is decorated in a style that you love. toji picks up on the smallest details that interest you and he is sure to memorize them all, you are very lucky to have him around.
soft!toji, calling you his prince/princess, because that nickname fits you perfectly and that's exactly how toji will treat you like you're royalty. seriously, he's ready to make you the king/queen of the world.
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ratatoast · 8 months
Son coeur est le tien
Alastor x Reader qpr (general headcanons)
a/n: halfway through writing this, i realised that maybe my idea of a qpr might be different than someone else's haha,,, also, this is the very first time I've written for hazbin hotel lol (and should i mention that english isn't my first language? haha)
that being said, i hope y'all enjoy this mess :P
also also if y'all would like me to continue writing Alastor qpr (cuz there's def a shortage on that), feel free to send me prompts :)) i obvi wont write nsfw, but other than that, i think anything is fine (?)
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Being in a qpr with the radio demon would include…
Long talks over tea/coffee
There’s never any awkward silence between the two of you. You two could be chatting about the most mundane things, and the conversation would still flow perfectly.
He’d definitely learn exactly how you like your hot beverage.
I personally can’t imagine him being an avid coffee drinker tbh, but I don’t think he’d mind if you are one.
Takes your tea parties very seriously, knows all your favourite pastries, puts on some smooth jazz, brings out the fine china, etc
Loves listening to you talking about your day, your current interests, hobbies, etc. Even if the topic itself isn’t all that interesting to him, he’ll still listen to you.
The both of you love gossiping with each other. Neither of you will admit it to others though.
You very rarely hear your given name come out of this man’s mouth.
He never calls you anything that he deems too sickly sweet, usually sticks to dear, sweetheart, or darling.
If he’s having a particularly great day, he might call you love, but that doesn’t happen very often.
Constant praises & words of affirmation
I think words of affirmation is one of his main love languages.
He constantly showers you with praises, telling you how gorgeous you look, how witty your jokes are, etc.
We all know that this man is a charmer, however his compliments to you are more than just empty words… most of the time :p
Do keep in mind that this man is a master manipulator tho, so he isn't above using sweet talk to get what he wants.
Playful banter that keeps you on your toes
He loves a good back and forth, especially if his darling is a particularly witty individual.
The two of you can turn any conversation into a battle of words.
However, if you take it too far, he’s not afraid to put you in your place with a couple of sharp words, aimed to hurt.
But most of the time it’s just good fun :)
Never having to so much as lift a finger
He’s very big on acts of service.
Forget about opening doors or pulling out chairs for yourself.
He takes being a gentleman very seriously, especially when it comes to you.
But not only is he a gentleman, he’s also a powerful overlord.
So if you ever need anything, be that a new pair of shoes, or getting rid of a particularly nasty demon, consider it done.
Being his closest confidant
We all know that Alastor has many acquaintances, however he falls short on meaningful connections.
He doesn’t let people get too close to him, and it is sort of understandable why.
You are one of the only exceptions to that.
You know more about this man than all of hell combined.
It took a while for him to open up to you, and even longer until he started telling you about his past.
He’s the kind to drop hints about himself and let you figure out the rest.
Trust goes a long way with him, I think he’d be more open to sharing his plans and such with someone that he knows won’t question his every move.
Even so, there’s still a lot that you don’t know about him, but you’ll just have to take what you can.
You can dress however you want… as long as it fits his taste
He’s not all too picky about what you wear.
Contrary to popular belief, he wouldn’t expect you to be in full glam 24/7.
If you like more revealing clothes, well, he’ll just have to make sure that anyone that dares to as much as look at you the wrong way is taken care of.
That being said, looking well put together is a must.
You represent him in a way, and he expects you to look the part.
He can’t have you wandering the streets of hell in rags that not even the lowest sinners would wear.
Absolutely no modern technology allowed
Do I even need to explain this?
He’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the possibility of Vox messing with you.
You are never truly alone
Alastor would make sure to accompany you on your outings as much as his schedule allows it.
But let’s be real, he’s a very busy man.
He makes sure that a few of his shadows keep an eye on you though, even in his absence.
I don’t think your personal strength matters in this case, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s very little that this man wouldn’t do for you, especially when it comes to your personal safety.
Lets you get closer to him than anyone else
This time, I’m talking about physical closeness.
We all know that he isn’t big on physical touch.
However, I feel like you could get away with a lot more than others.
When the two of you are walking somewhere, it’s not unusual for him to offer you his arm.
When you’re standing next to him, he sometimes rests his hand on your back, although that is often a subconscious thing.
If you’re having a particularly rough day, he isn’t too opposed to letting you hug him.
You can also get away with laying on his lap sometimes, and if he’s feeling exceptionally gracious, he might even pet your hair.
PDA is definitely a big no-no, on one hand he has an image to protect, but I also just don’t think he’d be too comfortable with showing his more vulnerable side in public.
As for kisses… if you haven’t seen each other in a while, he might greet you with a kiss on your hand, but that’s as far as it ever goes.
He’s not a very touchy-feely person, so if that bothers you… good luck finding someone better than the radio demon ;)
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me af tbh lmao
anway, thanks for reading pookies mwah (slash platonic lol)
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rin-fukuroi · 9 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 [𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Jing Yuan x fem!reader
Warnings: just cute fluff
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Taemin - Pretty boy
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Maybe the new year is already over, but it's never too late to just feel the warm and loving and caring atmosphere of the holiday
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— Well, well, don't be naughty, I'm almost done! — you playfully scratch behind your big soft ear.
Mimi has been spinning around underfoot for several minutes, poking his big nose at your dangling heel in the air. No wonder, because his owner hasn't been home for several days, he misses him as much as you do. It's a pity that you can't explain to him that everything is fine, it's just that someone decided to postpone all work until the end of the year, so Mrs. Fu Xuan now doesn't let the General out of the office until there is not a single scroll left on his desk. Harsh, but Jing Yuan deserved it.
In any case, this is a good opportunity to finish the gift that you have been hiding with extreme care from your curious husband for several months. Let the General not appear at home as often as you would like, this man is as clingy as a person can imagine. Are you cooking something? He'll happily steal a couple of slices of vegetables from the chopping board and put his arm around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder until you shoo him to the table. Are you reading? It's time to take a nap on your lap — the softest and most comfortable pillow according to General Lofu Xianzhou. Going to bed? Great, he's just tired and will gladly squeeze you in his warm, almost suffocating embrace. And it's incredibly sweet, but not when there were only a few days left before the New Year so that you could finish his gift.
Leo raises his head with some puzzlement, watching you vigorously weave thick threads with knitting needles, periodically leaning back in an armchair opposite the fireplace to evaluate the preliminary result of your painstaking work. You're really bad at needlework. If someone had told you a few years ago that you would be sitting and knitting with a serious look, you would have laughed a lot at the person who voiced such a funny joke. The desire to step over yourself, learn something new, become better for another person is also part of the relationship that you got involved in as unexpectedly as you decided to make a gift with your own hands.
The firewood crackles softly in the fireplace, and the dancing flames cast a soft shadow on the carpet under your feet and a half-asleep Mimi threatening to crush your ankle when the lion settles his huge fluffy head on it. The same atmosphere, the same warmth and the same thrill as the day when Jing Yuan proposed to you so simply and casually in this very place. You've always been like this. Carefree, just enjoying each other's company. Perhaps, from the outside, your banter with each other, lightness and carelessness are seen by others as the relationship of two good friends, but isn't that the whole point? You always think that Jing Yuan is really your closest and irreplaceable friend, with a smile on your lips, inexpressibly happy that you are so lucky to have him.
Therefore, even what you are doing clumsily now, snorting irritably under your breath when the drawing slides to the side and the threads get tangled in your hands, in some way brings you pleasure. It is unlikely that Jing Yuan will wear this, as there is an extremely low probability that you will take up knitting needles again, but you pass all those warm feelings that have been lurking in your heart all these years through your fingers holding metal sticks in your hands in the hope that the General will be able to feel them on his own body.
— Oh, well, your owner will owe me when I give him this gift, — you chuckle softly, glancing at the lion, whose ear twitches as soon as it catches the sound of your voice.
A soft sigh leaves your chest as you lean back in your chair, reaching for a mug of cocoa with tiny marshmallows on the coffee table. The hot sweetness spreads in your mouth, and you calm down a little, once again looking at the sweater on your lap.
— Do you think it doesn't look too lame? — you "try on" a sweater by applying it to your chest, and you meet Mimi's sleepy gaze, snorting softly before turning away in the opposite direction from you. — Is it that bad?!
— What's wrong, dear? — the heavy weight of Jing Yuan's body abruptly falls on your shoulders, making you shudder when he suddenly sneaks up from behind, wrapping his big hands around your shoulders.
Mimi instantly takes her head off your leg and happily wags her tail, like a dog waiting for its owner. Perhaps Jing Yuan was right in calling him his pet cat.
— Aeons, you're going to give me a heart attack! — you put your hand to your chest in fright before realizing that the sweater you tied is still pressed against it, and you hurriedly crumple it up, stuffing it under your side. — Have you finished your work yet?
— Mmm, not really,— the General almost purrs, burying his nose in the curve of your neck.
— Not really?
— Aren't you glad to see me at all? It would be a shame to celebrate the New Year separately.
You roll your eyes, but gently wrap your arms around your husband's forearm, sighing in resignation.
— Okay, I'll set the table now.
You are about to get out of the warm embrace of Jing Yuan, when Mimi stops you, insistently poking his nose into your thigh, under which lies what you have been hiding from your husband for so long.
— What is it, Mimi? Did you find something? — The General's hands are leaving your shoulders, and you can almost feel cold sweat rolling down your forehead.
Jing Yuan strokes the lion's head, but he completely ignores the owner's touch, continuing to snort and try to seep between your hip and the chair.
— Y/N, are you hiding something from me? — The General squints, smiling playfully and leaning towards your face.
— N-no! I guess I just spilled some cocoa… HEY! — you scream when your husband silently crouches, grabbing your legs and throwing you over his shoulder. You squirm, frantically slapping him on the back when you feel Jing Yuan leaning into the chair. — STOP! Let me go, there's nothing interesting there!
— Really? Then why did you hide it? — The General chuckles softly, and you drop your hands in despair, noticing the sneaky lion sitting behind his master and wagging his tail contentedly. — This is…
— It's not finished yet, — you mutter unhappily, propping your chin with your fist behind your husband's back.
Jing Yuan gently holds you with one hand, with the other unfolding a soft sweater over the seat of the chair. The red threads are intertwined in neat chains, and in the center of the gift there is an embroidered lion, slightly uneven, but seemingly insanely charming to the General.
— Is that Mimi?
— Y-yes… Or what should have been him.
The man gently puts you down on the floor, and you awkwardly look away, feeling embarrassment tingle your cheeks.
— It looks ready, can I try it on?
— I told you… — you started to speak, but stopped, noticing with what trepidation Jing Yuan lifts the sweater from the chair, leaning it against his muscular chest. — Oh… All that remains is to cut the thread.
You take scissors from the table, carefully cutting the red thread, and take the sweater from Jing Yuan's hands while he hurriedly throws off his uniform, presenting himself half naked in front of you and forcing you to frantically squeeze your gift in your hand, checking whether it is too prickly to put it on a bare body.
— Y/N, — Jing Yuan smiles, holding out his hands.
— Okay, okay… — you sigh, finally giving the sweater back.
Your husband carefully pulls on his sweater, smoothing out the bound image of Mimi on his chest. He looks so happy when he looks at the thing that is bound with your own hands, and he can almost feel how your love, care and efforts are woven into these soft threads to see a smile on his face.
— Why only Mimi?" Where is my beloved wife? — The General grins, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to his warm body.
— A sweater with me wouldn't be so cute, — you giggle, burrowing into Jing Yuan's chest. So softly.
— Who told you that? — your husband's fingertips are placed under your chin, forcing you to look at him. — You are the sweetest woman in the world.
The man's amber eyes sparkle in the soft light of the fireplace, and you can't help but smile, rising on tiptoe to leave a short kiss on the General's cheek.
— Flatterer, do you think this will save you from being punished for ruining the whole surprise?
— I hope so, — The General rubs the tip of his nose against yours, loosely closing his eyes and pressing you closer to his body. — Thank you, my love.
P.S. Mimi's credibility was undermined after this incident!
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randoimago · 4 months
Hi hello!! Hope you're having a good day 💕 May I kindly request All Persona protags (Minato/Makoto, FeMC/Kotone, Yu and Akiren) with a Velvet Room attendant S/O?
S/o would be another one of the velvet room siblings and their social skills suck so their sibling (corresponding to the protag so to FeMC it would be Theo etc etc) decided to ask protag for help or something along those lines (and eventually the sibling would probably try to set S/O and protag up if you're fine with that)
Hope I explained it well, English isn't my first language so sorry if it's not written well:(
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Kotone, Makoto, Yu, Joker
Note(s): So I kind of did one for Joker a while ago but I'm happy to write some new stuff! Also I had this done like a month ago but idk what happened to it so I did my best to redo it
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She's eager to meet you when she hears that Theo has a sibling. She's very open and bubbly and it's probably a bit much for you. But she's nice, at least.
And of course, she knows that Theo is trying to push you two together more. She smiles when he asks her to take you somewhere instead of him. Kotone is happy to accept, eager to see what kind of reactions you have
Won't be one to push you for a relationship either. Even though she knows what Theo is doing, she's happy to get to know you better and have you gradually become more comfortable.
Elizabeth tells him that she wants him to take you out. And she usually gives him some item that is useful so he goes along with it. He's not the most open when it comes to new people, they just automatically adopt him as a friend.
It's rather awkward with the two of you. You're not great at being social and he doesn't care for being social. So, since neither of you is that great with talking, he's offering to let you listen to his music with him. Music makes him feel more comfortable and maybe it'll help you too.
And sure, maybe feelings will develop naturally with it. Makoto likes spending time with you. Elizabeth is a bit pouty that you and he are just listening to music instead of talking, but he is still hanging out with you so she's not too upset.
Yu is rather surprised that Margaret asked him to spend time with her sibling. He's only really hung out with Marie so it'll be interesting to see what other attendants there are to talk to.
With all the loud-mouthed friends he has (said in love), finding out that you're not the best at being sociable is a nice change. He still does his best to make sure you're comfortable.
Since Inaba is such a small town, there are plenty of places that he's glad to take you, but probably has to do most of the talking since everyone knows everyone and you're not the best at being social. Yu still enjoys the opportunity to spend time with you.
With the random shenanigans that the twins put him through and the verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse, he can't help but dread the idea of spending time with their sibling. But then he meets you.
And you're just awkward? You're not the best at being social. Which is fine with him since he only really pipes up when he has a witty comeback. Honestly, he's mostly amused when he hangs out with you, letting you dig a bit of a hole as you talk before giving a thumbs up because you tried your best.
Doesn't realize that he is being set up in hopes that something romantic happens with you. But Joker is enjoying interacting with you. Wouldn't be opposed to taking you on a date either.
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quennofsblog · 8 months
Everything you let go
Sae Itoshi x fem!reader
Itoshi Sae is confused when his wife suddenly becomes ill.
Warning: normal things ; Sae here is already a professional player and is married with the reader and adult; They have children; sorry :( ; English is not my first language and there will probably be mistakes.
Notes: This is my first story on Tumblr (and any other place) so sorry for the bad plot... I hope you like it so enjoy😉. (This is the first story written that was never published, the first was Rosy cheeks by Suguru Geto.🫡
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Sae couldn't believe what he was seeing, what was supposed to be a moment of great happiness, soon turned into a big concern for him.
Their second child was finally born, it took a long period of nine months to having a second blessing in your life, but if this is a blessing, why is the person who made it possible bleeding so badly?
Your second pregnancy wasn't one of the best, you were much more tired than the first, there were many more complications, but Sae thought it was normal, after all, no pregnancy is easy.
But he couldn't react when he saw blood coming out of his mouth straight to the fluffy blanket that wrapped his little baby, he saw in his eyes the despair in his eyes and soon he felt it too when you saw your body relax too much and his arms fall to his sides, his excellent reflexes reacting in time to catch the small human in his arms.
He looked at you in shock when he see your body passed out for a few seconds before quickly leaving with the baby to seek medical help.
"Sae-chan I don't have much time here..."
You exactly said that a few days before your wedding, Sae knew what those words could mean but didn't know why, he feels this tightness in his heart now for not asking anything at the time, maybe something could have changed-
"Sir Itoshi-san?" A middle-aged man appears around the corner to find Itoshi Sae with a sleeping baby in her lap sitting in uncomfortable hospital chairs. He didn't even know how much time had passed since he witnessed his sudden fainting spell, Sae could only think about what triggered his current state.
Then he looked up to meet the doctor's eyes that were already looking at him with some pity. "Yes? How is she?" The player asked with the coldest possible look that even the poor doctor shuddered before giving him the expected answer. "She's fine sir. But due to the stress of the pregnancy her illness has worsened and there may be complications in the future, you can go see her if you like." Soon the doctor left, leaving Sae almost on the verge of madness.
He got up quickly, gently squeezing the baby who didn't move the whole time, Sae could feel the small breaths on his neck, and he even caressed the small human, but his growing anger wouldn't allow it, when he just wanted explanations.
Finally opening the door of his room he found you looking through the open window and letting the wind ruffle your hair, for a moment he forgot his purpose there and just wanted to stop everything and stay in that place looking for its beauty, even after so many years, you could still manage to be the one to give him those damn heart palpitations that he always tried not to feel.
But it seems that the baby in Sae's arms also feels the mother nearby and soon the intense cries of a newborn baby are heard. Her head instantly turns to find her husband and baby, Throwing a gentle smile at the two, you beckoned them with your fingers to get them closer, knowing what was going to happen, you soon advanced.
"Don't even put on that pretty face, Sae-chan, you know my condition well." you extend your arms to indicate for Sae to give her the baby that wouldn't stop crying, Sae hands it to her without saying anything and watches her lift her blouse and feed the baby who soon calms down.
Sae keeps looking at you waiting for explanations from you. "I told you I didn't have much time, did I? I have this plague even before I met you, and well it's gotten worse since the birth of Akira, I just didn't want to worry you or Akira and even this cutie, it is not Muroko-chan?" You said caressing the little hands, while the baby held one of your fingers and had her eyes closed, already ready to fall asleep in her mommy's arms.
"If that was the goal, it failed... a lot, you selfish idiot." Fortunately, her anger was already gone, and Sae approached the bed, sitting on it, coming close to her head and planting a kiss in her hair. Turning your attention to you "And now what will become of you huh? The doctor said this disease got worse..." He got it his eyes fall a bit into sadness. "What's now?"
Your always impatient husband, how would you face him and say that soon he would leave, this disease directly affects the heart and you have had it forever and always prevented you from doing a lot of physical activity, and what cost you a body without much use, but on the other hand your intelligence helped a lot, since during a good part of your life, was Sae's assistant, since he was a minor in a new country (Not that you weren't too).
"Anything." You said softly smiling at Sae. "The doctor said I'll be under observation for a few days, then go home and get Akira with his brother and bring him here, I miss my favorite boy, can you do this for your dear wife?" you said with a teasing face.
Sae had never felt her frown grow so much.
"Mami!!" An excited Akira Itoshi runs towards the bed you are on and tries to climb up. You get close to the edge of the bed and lift him to sit on your lap, luckily he doesn't have his shoes on, even at 4 years old he's still light, the boy soon snuggles into your chest smiling brightly. "I miss you!!"
"Guess who missed your favorite little boy too" you hug him tightly and kiss his red hair, even after all this time you still couldn't believe that you were married to your management client and now had two children, even though the public didn't know anything, this life is a strange thing to think about in the past.
"And guess who had to hear all the way here 'Let's see mommy!'" Sae made fun of the joke that Akira made during the entire trip, walks over to greet you with a kiss on the head and squeezing Akira's head which was still on her chest, then sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
"Mami? Your big belly is gone!" Obviously the child has ignored her parent and pulled her head out of your cute grip and soon bothered to get answers from you.
"Really? Look over there." You point to the front of your bed where there is a crib with a little baby in it. "It's your little sister." You said softly, stroking her plump cheeks.
As if she'd been told a malicious secret, Akira's cheeks darkened a fluffy red, soon getting off his lap to crawl towards the crib.
"Uohh, she's so tiny, we haven't met yet but my name is Akira, A-K-I-R-A Itoshi, but you can also call me nii-chan." With the voice so cute and full of love to give her sister, the tears that welled up in her eyes said it all, seeing her oldest son love the idea of ​​being a big brother was just heartwarming.
"You're not going to cry now, are you? You snot." Even if he didn't show it, you knew very well that he was also emotional, of course, in the Itoshi way.
"What do you expect Sae? They're going to be such good friends." With hearts in your eyes, you take Sae's hand just to hold it. "He was so looking forward to meeting you, Sae-chan, can you bring her here for Akira hold Maruko-chan?"
"Of course your majesty~" He stepped off the ledge, and picked up Maruko-chan, motioning Akira to sit next to her mother.
The couple's eldest boy, who never obeys his father, is a mama's boy through and through, decided to obey just to hold on to his little sister.
"Are you happy Akira?"
"Yes mami! She's so cute." You placed Akira's arms just right to receive the youngest Itoshi, Sae placed her carefully, holding her at the bottom so the fragile baby wouldn't fall.
Akira was so happy looking at the baby in detail, but suddenly her expression of pure happiness turned into fear and distress.
"M-Mami, Papi? Whose is th-this weird fringe?"
The couple took a closer look, only to come across The fringe, Sae looked at her with the biggest face of disgust as you couldn't contain yourself and soon started laughing out loud.
Sae couldn't believe her daughter inherited those bangs from when he was younger and always tried to hide it.
"Akira, don't worry, it's your father's bangs from when he was a kid." You laughed even louder at the thought of your oldest daughter at school with her husband's weird bangs.
"I can't believe my own daughter has this thing, it's decided let's cut it."
"Não papi! É uma franja estranha m-mas fica bem nela não é mami?"
"Of course, it goes really well together, she even has the same hair color, you better accept it, Sae-chan~"
"But mami, she even has that weird dad face!"
"That's right! That 'I don't care about anyone, just to become the best midfielder in the world' face she is totally Itoshi Sae's daughter."
"Can you two stop talking about my similarities to Maruko-chan?"
Itoshi Sae woke up abruptly with his eyes almost bulging out, his chest rising rapidly as he looked across the bed and there was no one there, and no noise was heard from the rooms of his little house in the Spanish countryside.
Where the hell was your family?
A snap quickly went through his head when he discovered that in fact his family had fallen apart, and it was entirely his fault.
All the good and happy memories are just a beautiful wave of nostalgia that Sae wanted to live forever but-
So it is.
It was all a dream.
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Remembering that this is all fiction 🫵.
There will be a few mini chapters before part 2 to see this family's interaction (they are cute<3)
Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura.
I reinforce that English is not my first language and (I translated the story on Google translator because I don't trust my skills 💀) it has a high chance of having grammatical errors.
Bye 😘
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777charm · 1 year
hi! i hope you doing great! <3 this is my first time requesting on tumblr so I’m sorry if something is wrong!
can I have headcanons (if you don’t write hcs than drabble would be just as fine!) of lucifer, mammon and satan (or just lucifer) being overprotective over shy and easily-scared fem!reader?
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
Lucifer and Mammon with a easily scared F!MC
Note: Hello, and aw, thank you!!! Sadly, no Satan this time, but you have wonderful english, and I can only hope the same for you, as you have a good day too!!!!!! ❤️
Proofread?: for once, sí
Warning(s): Female Reader + Swearing
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He's used to being the older mature brother towards his younger brothers, so he honestly isn't nothing that's not of his normal self towards you.
He knows you're overly shy and don't do good with most, if not all, social interactions, so he tries to help. If he sees another lower rank demon, keep trying to talk to you or get into your personal space while you're already uncomfortable, he's going to identify as a fucking problem. He finds no issue with stepping in and protecting you at any moment.
He has open arms ready if you get so scared that he has to carry you. It wasn't something he was used to before you came to devildom, but he's gotten used to it if something that scares you is near your feet and you can't go anywhere until it's resolved. No matter the size, he's quick to pick you up.
He, for sure, has a bigger ego and pride, knowing that you come to him first if something scares you. But he still puts it aside to relish about it later when the problem is solved. He almost instantly stops anyone who tries to flirt with you or get too close to you without your consent. He's willing to harm scare any demons or even humans, who think scaring you or making you jump is funny.
Overprotective would be a literal understatement when it came to this man 😵‍💫
Always by your side???? Literally you two had like. No classes together WHY IS HE HERE–
Uses your shyness as an excuse to get closer and always be by your side. "You know Lucifer 'forced' me to look after ya, so I'm just doing my job MC!" (He's literally holding your hand as we speak)
He tries his best to keep you away from things that have the risk of scaring you. Horror movies? Nope, you guys are probably watching something comedic or romantic (not just for you, but also so he doesn't get paranoid bc of the jumpscares).
Literally argued with Levi about letting you play a horror game with him, knowing just how easily scared you can get. He really hates that sad look in your eyes and tries to comfort you the best to his abilities when you run to him because something scared you.
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323 notes · View notes
You need some down time (Pierre Gasly)
You thought you had been able to adjust your routine to Pierre's calendar, but your body showed otherwise
Note: english is not my first language. This can also work as an alert for you (and for me too tbh) to take care of yourself and listen to your body. You should work on your dreams but also rest whenever you need ✨️ also, I feel like I can finally write about remote work without having flashbacks from my dissertation
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader's excessive tiredness (mentions some symptoms and taking pills for headaches)
"Then we are meeting Esteban there, we'll have to present a talk to the group of sponsors and then we have dinner", Pierre explained.
"And you're sure I can get there on time and not bother? I don't want to make a big entrance where everyone looks at me", you chuckled, "no, it's fine. They're waiting for you already, so you won't be a stranger", he smiled, "I'll just send you the ticket so you have it on your phone", your boyfriend added, hearing you fumble with a plastic medicine wrapper, "is everything alright?", he asked looking up from his phone to see you taking what looked like a paracetamol, "just a little headache, probably have been staring too long at the computer", you reasoned back, drinking some water from your bottle, "is that the bottle you filled this morning? If it is, you're not drinking much water either, and that's not good for you, mon ange", Pierre said pulling you gently so you could lay your head on his chest, "you know I've always been terrible at drinking water".
Like Pierre told you, the guy at the front of the event scanned your ticket, immediately seeing on the computer where he should be escorting you, already seeing a few familiar faces as you made your way to the high tables, seeing your boyfriend and his new teammate along with some of the members of the Alpine PR Team, "Hi everyone! So sorry I was late. The meeting went long and then the traffic here from the hotel was not easy either", you noted, standing next to Pierre, "you look lovely, Y/N, I'm glad you could join us at last", Esteban complimented.
"Thanks, Yuki!", you said, and to anyone else, they thought it was automatic, "sorry, Esteban", you apologised, laughing when the French driver laughed too.
The dinner turned out to be a nice and calm setting, contrasting with the excitement and buzz of the previous event, "do you want some dessert to share? I'm fancying something sweet but I don't think I can eat all of it", you mentioned to Pierre, looking around the menu and deciding on what you wanted to order.
Leaving the restaurant, you latched yourself to Pierre's arm, supporting yourself on him as you walked to the car he had driven there, "are you busy tomorrow?", he asked, "yes, the usual. But I think I'm going to clock in later, I think, a meeting has been pushed", you mumbled, yelping when you felt yourself stumble in your heels even though you know how to walk in them just fine, "nearly fell there, are you good?", your boyfriend asked, "it seems, yes. But I'm good".
The ring of your phone brought your attention from your laptop to the smaller device, seeing Pierre's mother contact appear for a video call.
"Hi, Pascale, how are you?", you asked, saving the changes you made to the document on your laptop before paying her you full attention, "I'm great, chérie. How have you been doing? I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time!", she nudged, "no, it's fine. Perks of working remotely, I don't need to worry about my boss breathing down my neck since I just need to meet the day's goals", you joked, looking at your planner, "and I'm nearly done for the day", you smiled.
Without your control, your hands trembled a little and you were unable to grasp your phone properly, leaving it to fall on the carpeted floor, "Y/N, is everything okay?", you heard Pascale say, "sorry, Pascale, my phone just slipped from my hands", you explained as you grabbed it, checking for any scratches and seeing none, "butter fingers, hm?", she giggled, bringing a small smile to your face, "more like sweaty fingers, I guess".
When Pierre arrived back from his event, he found you just the moment you shut the lid of your laptop, "Only finishing now, amour?", he asked, kissing the top of your head, "yes. Your mother also called me so I had a good break between my tasks", you noted, getting up and grabbing the remote control for the AC to turn it off since the room had cooled off enough, "now, what do we have for tonight?", you asked, "for a change, I don't have anything. Do you want to go explore the city or just sit here?", he wondered, "can we stay in, please? My head hurts a little, probably from being at the laptop all day", you mumbled, "room service and dim lighting it is then".
Finally, you were going home. It had been an intense couple of weeks and you were oozing forwards to spend some time with Pierre and his family without a tight schedule filled with events.
Arriving at the airport, Pierre was quick to get everything ready and you were waiting in line with the time perspective you had expected, greeting the crew and making your way inside the aircraft.
"Here, my love, you can hold my hand", you nudged, knowing that Pierre wasn't the biggest fan of flying, feeing him squeeze your palm.
"Hi, I'm so sorry to inform, but the flight will leave with a delay. The estimate is around forty five minutes", one of the flight attendants apologised, carrying on to inform the rest of the passengers.
"For Goodness sake", you mumbled, groaning slightly ad you felt Pierre squeeze your hand again, "I'll just text my dad that we'll arrive later", he mentioned, grabbing his phone and doing so. "Sorry, I know it's not the end of the world", you mumbled, letting your head rest on his shoulder and closing your eyes for a bit, "it's okay, hopefully soon they'll have some informations", Pierre offered, holding your hand in his and kissing the side of your head.
When you finally landed, you grabbed your bags and walked to the hall where you'd be meeting Jean, "I've never been so happy so see your father, I swear", you mumbled, walking up to the older Gasly man and allowing him to greet you and carry your bags to the car.
Walking up to the bedroom you'd be staying in, you managed to take your pyjamas out along with your toiletries bag, changing out of your clothes, washing your face and brushing your teeth before you met Pierre in bed, "I've been dreaming of this bed for the entire day", you groaned as you finally felt the fresh sheets on your legs, looking forward to cuddle Pierre for the night, "sleep tight, handsome, I love you", you offered, "Good night, mon ange, I love you too", he whispered before kissing your forehead one last time for the night.
Despite his usual routine and his sleep routine working like a clock, Pierre managed to sleep for a little bit longer than usual, opening his eyes to find you curled up on yourself and still facing him, making him brush some hairs away from your eyes and caress your cheek, admiring your features. Your skin was a little more faded than usual, and the circles under your eyes were darker, but hopefully this holiday would help you restore your energies. When you didn't wake up from his touches, he thought it was best to leave you to rest, getting up and tucking you further in, putting on a t-shirt and heading dowstairs to meet his family.
"Bonjour, dear, did you sleep well?", his mother greeted him, kissing his cheek as he poured himself a glass of water, "bonjour, yes, I did, and it seems Y/N is sleeping quite well, too. She's still in deep sleep", he noted, seeing his father arrive in the room.
"Bonjour everyone, I have fresh pastries and bread!", Jean announced, setting the paper bags on the table, "I have Y/N's favourites too, they were nearly running out but I managed to grab a few", he said, looking around for you, "she's still asleep. Although I'm not sure dreamland wins over these croissants", Pierre said, taking one straight from the bag and biting into it.
By now, Pierre started to get worried. Everytime he went upstairs to check on you, you were still sound asleep and not a sign that you'd wake up soon. "Is she coming down? I can warm up some of the croissants", Jean commented when his son came back, "thank you, but no need. She's still sleeping", Pierre murmured, sitting in the sofa next to his mother, "she must've been exhausted", she reasoned, "every time I called either of you, you were either about to fly somewhere or needing to be at some event, I even interrupted her a few times while she was working and you were off somewhere", she reasoned, "it wasn't easy on her, that's for sure".
The words resonated on Pierre's mind. It had been a couple of busy weeks, even he felt it. Travelling around so he could engage with the new team he was part of was as incredible as it was tiring, and having you there was the safe haven he needed whenever he felt a little lost. But had you been taking care of yourself for all of that time too? Was he the person you turned to when you needed to feel safe too?
About an hour and a half later, you woke up, cursing yourself as soon as you looked at the clock and scrambled out of bed so make yourself look presentable. Deciding that, for now, leggings and an oversized shirt would have to do, you made your way downstairs to greet everyone, "Good morning! I'm so sorry I overslept, I swear I didn't do it on purpose!", you apologised, seeing Pierre make his way to you so he could hug you a kiss your cheek, "hey, is everything alright?", he asked, holding your hand in his and pulling you to sit by the table, seeing his parents get started on what you figured was already lunch, "yes, I'm good. Let me help with that, please, Pascale. It's the least-", you attempted before being shushed by her.
"No need for that, chérie. But we do want to talk about how you are", she said softly, "you had us worried for a bit, I kept telling Pierre to check if you had a fever or something like that", she tried, knowing that you had already noticed where she was going.
Sighing, you placed your hands on top of the table fiddling wirh your fingers, "honestly? I feel a little rested, but not fully rested", you admitted, "it's been a lot these past couple of weeks. Work has been non stop, I have been covering some of my colleagues' vacation days, I feel like I'll need a few days to unwind even. The first thing I thought about when I woke up was that I was late for a meeting such is the habit to be in a squeeze of time", you gulped, "it has been a struggle, and I'm just grateful to finally have some down and off time", you finished, squeezing Pascale's hand that found yours on the cold surface.
"I know you don't need me to tell you this, but you need to take care of yourself, Y/N! You can't go around the day and sleep so little, we saw how busy you were!", she scolded still softly, meaning no harm and rather wanting to help you and make sure you took care of yourself and your well-being. "These days you're here, you're catching up on your sleep, eating good food, having some down time and taking care of yourself, I won't allow anything else under my roof!", Jean jokingly threatened, pointing his finger at you before smiling.
Pierre was looking like you expected him to. "Hey, no guilty frown, please!", you tapped your boyfriend's forehead, hoping to soften his expression, "you had your own things to worry about, and besides, it's also my doing because I didn't want to say anything", you admitted. "But still! I saw you were getting up earlier so you could meet me later, saw that you'd have quick lunches and how you felt more tired. I thought it was all jet lag and being busy, but it was more than that", he reasoned, tracing shapes on your hands, "it's all behind us now, okay?", you reassured, nuzzling your face in his neck when he pulled you into his embrace.
"Now, how about you two go enjoy some croissants outside? Despite the cold, it is a lovely sunny day outside. Just make sure you're warm enough, okay? I don't want anyone sick in this house!", Pascale announced, placing the food tray in the oven.
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roguesimagination · 2 years
Meddle About
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Pairing: Neteyam Sully x F!human Reader
Synopsis: The Metkayina celebrate an important feast, to which the Sullys attend to. However, Neteyam discovers some feelings that he had for the reader and that had been hidden all this time...
Genre: mature and fluff
Content warnings: Neteyam and reader are 20, size kink (kinda), vaginal fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), m/f ejaculation...
Notes: This is my first oneshot (and smut fic) ever so I accept criticism and I hope you enjoy it. Also, english is not my first language so if there's any mistake please tell me &lt;3
Also, let's imagine that humans do not need oxygen masks just because I said so (and because I forgot)
Word Count: 2.7k
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One thing you always admired about the Na’Vis is how comfortable they felt by only wearing very loincloths, feathers or leaves. They perfectly covered them, but they would probably barely cover you. If you wore anything similar, you’d feel almost naked. However, one night the Metkayinas decided to have a feast.
Neytiri insisted on dressing you in a proper way for the festivity. She was tired of seeing you in your “human clothes”, as she said. So you decided to trust her. With Kiri’s help, she designed a beautiful shell top that, somehow, perfectly covered your nipples. They also made a loincloth that combined perfectly. Then, Kiri adorned your hair with even more shells and braided some strands. If it wasn’t enough, they covered your face with red stripes along your face; there were two on your forehead and two under every eyelid.
“Are you sure I look good?” you asked Kiri. “I mean, this is really beautiful, but I don’t know if it’s too much.”
What you actually thought was: Will Neteyam like this?
“Y/N, you look perfect.” she reassured you. “Trust me.”
“You look like a goddess!” Tuk exclaimed. “Like Eywa herself.”
“Thank you, Tuk.” you chuckled. “But I believe Eywa is far more beautiful.”
Neytiri, Kiri and Tuk were also dressed similarly to you, but you obviously felt weird. For you, it was like wearing a bikini, except for the fact that you never wear them, and that this covered even less than a bikini. However, they did a great job. All of your “intimate” parts were surely hidden.
When you arrived at the feast everyone was dancing around bonfires, singing and talking. Some of the Metkayinas stared at you. You weren’t sure if they were looking at you with disgust, anger, or confusion, but you wouldn’t let them let you down. You understood that it was still hard for them to accept you there since you were a “sky person”.
What you didn’t notice though was the way Neteyam was looking at you. He had known since the day he was born, so did you. You were pretty good friends, and nothing else. But seeing you like that made him wonder many things.
Has she always been this beautiful? How haven’t I noticed? God, do all humans look this good? Why does she never dress like this?
He had always had an innocent crush on you, but seeing you like this made him realise how much he really desired you. He was a gentleman and a respectful man, but he couldn’t stop eyeing you up and down. Your thighs, your shoulders, your collarbones, your breasts (especially your breasts)... If you only knew all the things he’d do to you if he could.
A slight smack on his arm woke him up from his daydreaming.
“Are you done staring at Y/N or are you actually going to talk to her?” Lo’ak smirked.
“Shut up.” Neteyam muttered with blushed cheeks.
“Oh, please.” he laughed. “You’re so obvious. At least go and talk to her.”
Lo’ak gave him another smack, this time in the back. Neteyam gave him a death stare on his way towards you. To be honest, he had no idea what he was going to tell you. You were standing next to a bonfire while talking to Kiri.
“Hey, ho-how a-are you?” he asked shyly. He bit his tongue embarrassed for his stuttering.
This was definitely not the Neteyam you knew.
“I’m fine.” you smiled. “Just enjoying the feast. You look really handsome, by the way.”
You said that with an innocent intention behind it; he did actually look handsome. He was wearing some sort of handmade crown and yellow paint in his face that suited him. What you didn’t know was the effect those words had on him.
“Thank you.” he smiled. “You look really hot, I mean, nice! You look nice!”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He was fucking it up. You barely even noticed it. Kiri furrowed his brows in confusion. The always serious Neteyam was losing his composure. Before she was able to speak Neteyam decided to intervene:
“Would you like to go on a walk along the beach?” he asked quickly.
“Sure, I’d love to.” you replied.
On your way there you talked about the things you always talked about: human topics, something stupid Lo’ak had done or new things you had learnt with the Metkayinas. While you were walking your arms barely brushed against each other, which made Neteyam incredibly nervous, even if you didn’t notice it. But he wanted more.
At some moment Neteyam teased you about something stupid, so you hit him in the arm. He smacked you back, making you fall to the ground. Sometimes he forgot he was bigger and stronger than you.
“I’m so sorry.” he got on his knees, next to you. “Are you okay?”
You acted as if you were seriously hurt and took advantage of the situation and flipped him. Now you were on top of him.
“Ha! I won!” You laughed.
You were even more beautiful in that position. You truly looked like a goddess under the moonlight. He loved your smile, the way your eyes shone in the night, how your tiny hands were on his chest…
He wished to be irresponsible for once, to stop worrying about the consequences of everything and just enjoy the moment. He was tired of being the one who had to fix everyone else’s problems while they had fun. He wanted this night to only be about you and him, only if you felt the same way.
He couldn’t exactly remember the moment he had his hand on your waist, or when you had come so close to his face, but at that moment he wanted, no, he needed to kiss you.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” he licked his lips and put a strand of hair behind your ear.
You blushed intensely. Neteyam liked you. Your Neteyam… But you also knew you shouldn’t do it, even if you had secretly daydreamed about this a million times.
“Neteyam,” you looked at him. “I don’t think we should.”
“Why not?” he asked, fearing that you didn’t feel the same. “I mean, uhm, It’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that.” you answered quickly.
“So you do want to kiss me.” he grinned cockily at you.
“Oh, shut up.” you covered your face with your hands.
He took the opportunity to buck his hips upwards, flipping you around. Now he was on top of you. You couldn’t help but moan when he bucked his hips and you felt some kind of pressure against your core. You hoped he didn’t notice.
He held both of your hands on the ground, each one one either side of your head and looked at you deeply in the eyes.
.”You have no idea how much I want you right now.” he said, admiring your body.
“Neteyam, we can’t do this.” you argued. “I’m just a human and you are a Na’Vi. And you’re the son of Toruk Makto. No one will accept this union.”
“My father was a human too and look at him now. He’s got the love of his life and a family.” he caressed your cheek with his right hand. “I don’t care if you’re human, or na’vi or even a worm.” you laughed at his words. “I don’t care what they think. Oel ngati kameie.” (I see you)
You didn’t even realize it but you became a crying mess. No one had ever touched your heart with their words, but Neteyam was right in front of you, opening up to you, being honest and giving you his heart.
“Shit, you made me cry.” you looked away.
“I can make you scream, if you want to.” Neteyam joked.
“Neteyam!” you smacked him in the arm.
“By tickling you!” he explained. “God, what is it with you all hitting me to-”
You interrupted him with a kiss. You put your hands around his neck and pressed your lips against his softly, waiting for a  reaction. When he processed what just happened he held you and put you on his lap while kissing you back. His lips were soft and warm; it felt like home.
Neteyam held your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, caressing your lower lip with his tongue waiting for you to let him explore your mouth, which you did. He kissed you again, and again. and again… You were like a drug to him.
“You are so beautiful.” he muttered between kisses. “So, so beautiful.”
Then his hands traveled to your back, stroking it gently and making patterns. You kissed his jawline and then his neck, making sure to leave a couple of hickeys. He groaned at the sensation of your tongue on his neck. Every movement you made took a reaction from him.
You decided to take off your top to be more comfortable. Also because you loved it when Neteyam touched any part of your body. When you tossed it aside he looked flustered. He was unsure. He didn’t know if he could touch you or if you were comfortable, but before he could ask you kissed him again, passionately, and put his hand over your breast.
He massaged your breast softly and played with your nipple. You moaned slightly leaving your mouth open and he bit your lower lip slightly. God, he made you see stars just like that.
Then he caressed your other breast and licked your nipple, waiting for a reaction. He saw that you liked it so he kept licking and biting over that area, leaving hickeys all over your chest.
Now he was caressing your thighs. Sometimes his fingers would get dangerously close to your core and the loincloth you were wearing didn’t do much to hide your arousal. He noticed it, of course, and he couldn’t help but wonder…
“Can I taste you?” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Uhm, I uh, yes.” You blushed intensely at his request. You wanted to, but you were nervous.
He laid you on the sand and gently took off your loincloth, never taking his eyes away from yours. For him this wasn’t just physical; he wanted to please you, to make you feel good, to show you how much he loved you.
He started by kissing and licking your thighs. Very slowly and gently.
“If you’re uncomfortable or want me to stop, just say it and I will.” he told you, looking at your eyes for reassurance. “I don't want you to do something you don’t want to.”
“I’m okay, Nete. I want to.” you answered him.
With your consent he kissed your cunt experimentally until he felt confident enough to do it properly. After all, this was the first time that he had ever done something like this. He licked a long stripe of your pussy, earning a high moan from you. He loved that, so he kept licking. He began slowly, but increased his pace as you moaned more and more.
“You taste so good.” Neteyam muttered, sending a vibration to your core.
You had certainly never felt something like this, but it was amazing. He licked your cunt like a starved man; up and down, making circles and even diving his tongue deeper and deeper… Then he found your clit, which he sucked carefully, increasing the pressure slowly.
“Oh fuck.” you moaned. “Neteyam…”
Hearing you moan his name had him over the edge, so he increased his pace even more. When he licked along your slit he would stimulate your clit with his thumb. Then, when he sucked your clit again he tried inserting one finger slowly into your cunt. It slid easily because of how wet you were. He curled his finger inside of you, increasing his rhythm slowly until you were a moaning mess.
You felt how your orgasm was approaching. You felt heat all over your belly and your face. You were going to cum anytime soon.
“Nete, I…” you couldn’t even talk at this point. “Oh, my god.”
Your moans were even louder now and then it happened; you came undone. Neteyam took out his finger slowly and decreased the rhythm of his licks until he stopped to take a look at your face. You were breathing heavily, your cunt was completely soaked and your legs were shaking, something that worried him.
“Hey, your legs are trembling.” he said. “Are you okay?”
“More than okay.” you said between shaky breaths. “That’s what happens when…”
His face lit up before you could finish your sentence. It didn’t take long for him to understand what you meant.
“Did I do it so well?” he smirked.
“Yes, you did.” you blushed. “Now come here and let me touch you.”
Neteyam laid on the sand and looked at you with confusion in his eyes, waiting for your next moves. You propped yourself on your knees even though you were a shaking mess and started kissing his abdomen all the way to his loincloth.
To him, it felt like heaven.
“May I?” you said, pointing at his loincloth.
“Y-yes.” he stuttered.
You took off his loincloth slowly while caressing his thigh to soothe him. Something you forgot in that moment is how big the Na’Vi’s are, in all ways. You had seen a few dicks, in movies, in anatomy books… But this was a whole new thing. It was so big that you didn’t even know if any of it would fit in your mouth. Neteyam realized the look of horror in your face.
“Hey, listen.” he took you by the arm gently. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“No, I-I want to.” you smiled at him. “It’s just that it’s really big.”
Neteyam had to take a big breath after hearing you say those words. You could get him all worked up just like that.
“Just lay down and let me try.” you pecked him on the lips as he laid down.
You started by leaving soft kisses along his thighs. Then you got close to his member and licked the tip slowly. Neteyam closed his eyes and let out a breathy moan. You kept licking the tip while you stroke his length. It was even more difficult with your tiny hands so you had to used both of them. Even though you felt you weren’t giving him enough pleasure, Neteyam felt as if he was already in Heaven: every lick, every kiss, every caress… Everything felt amazing.
You took a bit of his length inside your mouth and started moving your head up and down, with your hands stroking the part that was left. Your mouth hurt because of how wide his dick was, but you didn’t care. Hearing the sounds Neteyam made was enough to make you keep going.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” he exhaled while stroking your hair.
You went even deeper, almost to the point of gagging, but you remained calm. You were doing well so far. Neteyam gripped your hair tightly, but it didn’t hurt. You liked it, in fact. At this point he felt how he was about to cum.
“Y/N,” he moaned. “I’m… I’m going to c-cum.”
He expected you to take off your mouth but you kept going, even faster, until he came inside your mouth. The taste of his cum was a bit salty, but you liked it. You swallowed and took some breaths when you removed your mouth.
You laid next to Neteyam as he held your hand and both of you regained your breath. You looked at each other for a while without saying anything, unsure of what to say or do. One thing was clear, you had to return to the feast before anyone realized that both of you were gone.
You dressed each other and arranged your hair, trying to hide any evidence of the things you had done. He dressed you with care and gentleness, always smiling at you or peppering your face with kisses.
When both of you were done he held your face and put his forehead on yours.
“I see you.” he said, with loving eyes.
“I see you.” you replied before kissing him one last time.
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