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Azumane Asahi × Reader
Am I going to post my one shots here too? Yes, yes I will. This is a collection of one shots I'm currently writing over on ao3 (if you want to you can check it out there! This is the first chapter). This collection features a female reader that is actually part of the Girls Volleyball Club at the boy in the pairing's High School (that way it makes more sense and it's easier for me to write!), and her multiple encounters with the different Haikyuu!! boys. I hope you like it and don't find it too cringey╰(*°▽°*)╯
So first off it's going to be my Asahi one shot! Hope you like it!
Pairing: Azumane Asahi & Reader Word Count: 2275 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Original Post Date on ao3: 24/02/2021
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You lost. You didn't make it past the first preliminary round. You're going home empty handed. It was all your fault. You didn't think you could reach a lower point in your volleyball career, but you just did.
He would be so disappointed in you. After everything he did, this is how you're repaying him for the hours of training you did together. He would be disappointed.
Your team was huddled up outside the gym, crestfallen expressions on your faces. One teammate was even crying thinking it was her fault this happened. She doesn't know that it was all yours. Captain reassures her that it's not, you did whatever you could to try to win, even if you didn't, she was proud of your team. After saying all that, she was called over by your sensei. You noticed some were admiring her strength, but you quickly noticed that she's just strong in front of you. She's just waiting for the moment she's alone, away from your prying eyes, to finally let down all her tears. She shouldn't cry. It wasn't her fault, she tried her best to get you to practice. You were at fault for not telling my teammates to come to practice, for not encouraging them more, for not pushing them more, because, well, it was your job to do so, being vice-captain and all.
You felt terrible. Your mind couldn't focus on anything else but the failure you just witness because of your lack of leadership skills, your lack of volleyball skills. You just had to practice something. You excused yourself, telling your teammates that you're going to look for an empty gym to practice your serves. They looked at you with pity in their eyes, knowing they couldn't stop you, even though they know you're going to exert yourself to the point of exhaustion. You always held the weight of failure on your shoulder, blaming yourself over and over. Being a third year, those tournaments are going to be the last ones you'll be able to compete in while still being on your school's team.
When you finally find an empty gym, you find a few wayward balls. You begin by collecting them in the bin, thinking that maybe this is the space for a team's practice time. After gathering them next to you, you pick up one ball, and try to jump serve it. It gets to the other side, but the power behind that serve is still weak.
You need to get better. You pick up a second one, and start imagine it as one of your failures that you want to get far away from. When you hit it, it had more force behind it. That's it, you thought. That's how you should do it. You keep doing that, thinking of all the terrible things you need to get away from, of the disappointment you issued with your playing, of all the things you could do better, you could've done better if you were a bit more authoritative.
You did not notice tears flowing down your face, until you saw them splashing on the ball between your hands. Not being able to stay up, you crash down on your knees, volleyball forgotten, and start sobbing silently into your hands. You began muttering: "he must be really disappointed in me. I'm such a failure. He'll no longer be my friend. I ruined everything for my team."
You heard some steps outside the gym door, but you don't care who saw you like that, the tears wouldn't stop anyways. The steps are now faster and louder. You hear a bag hitting the floor, and someone running to you. You thought it was one of your teammates checking up on you. "Y/N?" That's a male voice. Looking up, you see Asahi-San with a worried look on his face. Not being able to stop your tears, a sob finally escapes your lips when you see him, and that's all it took him to go down on his knees and hug you.
Before you wrap up your arms around him, you mutter under your breath "I don't deserve such kindness. I'm a failure. I shouldn't be part of this team. They're better off without me." Not wanting to hear you belittling yourself, Azumane holds you at arm's length, and looks at you dead in the eye, "what are saying about yourself? Did someone tell you all this?" You shake your head not wanting to speak. "I heard you before saying 'he'll be disappointed in me', were you referring to me?" You gently nod, looking down at your fingers, fidgeting and averting his kind brown eyes.
He gently grabs your chin, making you look at him, "I will never be disappointed in you, Y/N. Why would you think that of me?" "Because you wasted so much time on training me, and it was useless. I couldn't do anything to help my team win. I could barely keep the ball in the air. How could I be a good teammate when I'm such a burden to others, not letting them work well?" Your eyes were starting to well up with tears again. Azumane let go of your chin, and you buried yourself in his chest, clinging to his jacket.
He engulfed you in his arms, stroking your back and your hair, whispering softly in your ear, "none of the time I spent training with you was a waste. You're a formidable player, and I wouldn't ask someone else to train with me. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself, I'll always be by your side whether it's through victory or failure. I'm always going to be on your team." With those last words, you couldn't help the sobs that racked your chest and escaped your mouth.
You were shaking, but Asahi-San never let go of you. He smoothed your hair, and stroked your back, humming a song to calm you down. When you felt yourself calming down, no longer sobbing, just sniffling, you look up to Azumane, "do you have some tissues please?" "Yeah sure let me check in my bag for a second." He brings his discarded bag next to you, and shuffles through it, until he finds a packet of tissues that he hands to you. You nod your head while accepting the packet, blowing your nose softly and trying to wipe your eyes.
Your finger are pried away from your face and replaced with bigger warmer hands that wipe your tears gently. You noticed you were quite forceful when wiping your tears. You were so grateful for Azumane, that you closed your eyes and just relaxed under his touch, trying to calm your breaths. A few tears still escape your closed eyes, the movement on your face stopped, and you open your eyes. You noticed Azumane's face got closer to yours, but before anything happens you had to ask one question.
"Why are you always so nice to me? I don't deserve it. I'm just me. Plain old Y/N. But you're perfect. You're an amazing athlete, one I can only aspire to be like. You have such a gentle and kind soul. Even if you get nervous or scared of something, with a few encouraging words, you're back to your confident self. Meanwhile I'm here, crying and sobbing cause I'm the reason my entire team failed, I'm supposed to bring them together with my captain, but I couldn't even do that. You don't even deserve me liking you, you deserve someone who's better than me to like you. Someone who can complete you in the best ways possible. Someone who's not me. So why do always stay by my side even when I wouldn't want to be by my own side?"
You started crying again, letting out all of your feelings for Azumane accidentally because of your frustration. Silent tears were rolling down your face, you're looking down at your fingers clutching the tissue packet, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Y/N?" "What?" "Look at me." You gingerly lift your head up, scared of meeting his eyes. But what you face wasn't what you expected.
Azumane's face was a mix of shock and warmth and something you couldn't quite read. He wanted to say something, but was struggling to do so. He ended up engulfing you with one of the biggest hugs you ever received, the kind of hug that puts everything back in its place, the kind of hug you never want it to end. He whispered so low you were afraid you wouldn't be able to hear him, "I like you too Y/N."
You couldn't believe what you just heard. Shocked, you raise your head, tears still prominent on your face, and you're met with the most handsome, warm face you've ever seen in your life. "Why are tearing up Azumane? I'm the one who should be crying!" "I just couldn't handle seeing you this sad and distraught over something that wasn't your fault. I couldn't handle seeing the girl I love belittling herself." While saying that, you noticed that both his hands are on your cheeks, and getting closer with every word he said.
Your breath hitched, but at the same time, you wanted him closer. You stand up on your knees, facing him head on. That's the only sign he needed before closing the gap between the two of you. You never would've thought that you would be kissing Azumane Asahi, but there you are, in his arms, in the arms of the man who loves you. You couldn't have asked for a better way to make you feel better. As you disentangle yourself from him to catch your breath, you notice him being flushed and you couldn't help but rest your hand on his warm cheek. He nuzzles his head into your hand and kisses the inside of it. You melt right there and then.
"Do you really love me? Or did you mean it as friends?" you ask shyly, feeling stupid as the question left your lips. "Well I wouldn't have kissed you if I only loved you as a friend" he says gently as he tucked a loose strand of your hair. You blush and try to cover your warming cheeks, but he catches your hands before you do so. "Can I ask you something Asahi?" "Anything for you Y/N." "Oh stop it." you lightly hit him on his shoulder. "How did you know where to find me? I remember only telling my teammates."
"Oh well you see. Sometime during our second match, your team came to cheer us on. But I didn't notice them until the end. I was looking for you between your teammates, and I guess your captain knew who I was looking for, and told me where to find you, with the notice that you may or may not be blaming the loss of the game on yourself." You shyly look down at your intertwined hands. "So as soon as I could, I came looking for you, worried that you might be exerting yourself, practicing as you usually do when you blame yourself. And when I heard tiny sniffles, a volleyball hitting the floor, and a bunch of mumbled words, I came faster, and I saw you broken down on the floor, silently crying and sobbing into your arms. My heart was wrenching when I saw you. I could only just come and hug you, trying to make you feel better. And well I guess I achieved that." He says cheekily while booping your nose with his finger but never letting go of your hand.
With still warm cheeks, you look at him, wondering one thing. "Wait you said you finished playing your second match. It means you played against..." "Date Tech High, yeah.." "Oh my God. Are you okay? How did it go? Please don't tell me you're going to stop playing volleyball again? I couldn't handle it. I barely managed to hit a ball when you took your break. I felt like a complete failure when you wouldn't show up to our practice meetings. Thinking it was my fault you didn't want to continue on. Please don't tell me you're quitting again!" "Y/N.. breathe" he says, reassuringly squeezing your hands. "I'm not going to stop playing volleyball anytime soon. And just so you know... we won."
Your face literally lights up, and you couldn't contain your happiness. You jump up and down, overly excited for him and his team. You jump into his arms, and he immediately catches you and spin you both around, laughing with glee. You couldn't believe it. They defeated the Iron Wall of Data Tech. Azumane isn't leaving volleyball behind. He finally conquered his fear. When he sets you down, he leaves his hand around your waist, enjoying your expression full of pride and happiness, for him.
You still couldn't believe it. "Asahi! You did it! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it! My strong Ace!" "My strong Ace you say?" "I.. umm.. is it okay if I call you that?" you ask, biting your lip cause you're embarrassed you made that slip up. "Of course you can... my little spiker" You blush so profusely, that your entire face and ears are as red as a tomato. You lightly hit his bicep, hiding your face in his chest. He laughs so wholeheartedly while engulfing you with his arms. He kisses the top of your head and whispers: "God I love her so much" With a wide smile hidden from his eyes, you whisper back, "I love you too Asahi"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well here you have it, that was my very first attempt at a fanfic chapter! I have two more fully ready, a new one shot in the works, and an entire new fanfic idea that is linked to my blog name. I hope you'll stick around until then!
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Tanaka Ryūnosuke × Reader
I'm extremely late to posting this even though I had it all written out beforehand. But oh well( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Here is one of my personal favorites, cause I absolutely adore Tanaka, he resonated with me, ever since his first appearance.
You can find the ao3 post about this fic here: ao3 post
Pairing: Tanaka Ryūnosuke & Reader Word Count: 3137 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Original Post Date on ao3: 03/03/2021
You always knew Tanaka-San had a crush on Kiyoko. You already knew that. But you couldn't not fall for his charm, his sense of humor, and his skills on the court. You were also sure that he doesn't even know who you are.
You were just a member of the girls volleyball team. Sure you may have your special moments when you spike a ball the right way to score a point, but other than that, you're just a regular volleyball player. So when Tanaka came to you for advice, you were legitimately surprised.
At first you didn't answer him right away, thinking it was a prank, and looking for your teammates because they discovered your crush on the fellow spiker. But when you couldn't find any of them, you gladly accepted to help him. And well, you wished you asked him what kind of advice he needed. Because you weren't prepared for the devastating feeling you got when he told you he needed help asking Kiyoko out.
Not letting your unrequited feelings get in the way, you managed a weak smile and nodded, saying you'll help him however you can. "Sweet! Thanks Y/N!" "You're wel... wait you know my name?" "Well yeah of course I do! I would never forget the name of the girl whose spikes are out of this world!" He moves closer. "And well I couldn't forget the girl who always sneaks around to check out the boys volleyball practice." With that last statement, you blush profusely, mutter a quick flustered good bye and run away, listening to Tanaka's laughs behind you.
You couldn't believe it. He noticed you sneaking by the gym to see their practice. He even saw how you spike. Damn now you're going to be self-conscious whenever you're going for a spike in practice or in a match. "But how did he know I come to watch him and his team practice? I always try to stay hidden and not bother them, so how?" you mutter to yourself, not looking where you're going, and you just bump into someone. You quickly excuse yourself, but you're still thinking and don't notice who you bumped into, so you just continue on your way.
"Y/N?" You look up quickly and look around, searching for the source of the voice. There's only Nishinoya, and of course it's not him who called you, right? How would he know your name? But as you keep looking around, you heard him snicker, and you blush. "Y/N are you okay?" "Wait. You're talking to me?" "Well yes. There's no one else around, as I'm sure you noticed while looking around." "But how do you know my name?" "All of our team knows who you are, dummy! You're famous amongst us!" Horror struck your face, and you start panicking. What did he mean you're famous? Famous how? Did you make a fool out of myself in front of them and didn't notice? What are you going to do?
"Y/N calm down. It's nothing like that! Don't worry! It's my fault I should've been clearer. You're famous because we all know you watch us practice and watch us play our matches. And well whenever you're around Tanaka-San is always on top of his game! So thank you for that!" he said with a big smile on his face.
You could only look at him in shock. Were you that obvious with your sneaking around? You always try to make it to their matches to cheer them on, and you always go to watch them practice because they were just so cool to watch. Whenever you practiced with your team, you tried to incorporate what you saw with what you already know, but it would always turn into a hot mess and ruins everything. But you still tried to make them work.
But now that the entire boys team knows you're watching them, how can you face them? How can you face Ryūnosuke and help him get the girl he likes? And what did Nishinoya mean by Tanaka always playing better when they know you're watching? You had way too many questions on your mind and you had to blow off some steam. "I.. um.. I have to go now, I gotta practice or something. Bye Nishinoya-San!" He chuckles, amused by your flustered self, "Bye Y/N! See you at next practice!" You couldn't even answer, you just turned red and ran away, almost falling because of your own feet. Hitting yourself mentally, you get away even faster.
You make way towards the school's gym, making sure no one is around, and you just start practicing. As you shoot your serves, you're thinking "What would Kiyoko-San enjoy as a gesture or present? What would be cool enough and not cringey at the same time? Why am I even helping him, I don't know Kiyoko that much! Sure I greet her in the hallways, and help her with minute tasks but that's it. Ugh I dug this hole myself, might as well make the most of it."
You try to focus again on your serves, but there's one thought that keeps gnawing in your mind, what did Nishinoya mean by Tanaka being on top of his game when you were watching? Shrugging off the questions from your mind, you went to pick up another ball from the pit, and that's when you realise you were not alone in the gym.
Before checking who the mysterious person was by the ball pit, you let out a high scream, scared for you life. "Quit your screaming Y/N!! It's me Tanaka. What are you even doing here all alone? I was looking for you everywhere!" "Tanaka-San? How did you know where to find me? And why were you looking for me?"
"Well I saw you talking to Nishinoya while looking for you, and as I was about to come greet you, you got all flustered and left him, almost stumbling to the ground." You hit yourself mentally, damn you made a fool out of yourself in front your crush, this day cannot get any worse. "I went up to Nishinoya to ask him where you went, and he told me you came here to practice. But before coming here I had to pick up something to show it to you. So close your eyes please." Sceptical about all this, you still closed your eyes, trying to calm down your excitement, Tanaka wanted to show you something!! You felt something a bit heavy being placed in your extended hands, and hear Tanaka telling you to open you eyes.
Looking down, you're faced with a box of chocolates and tiny teddy bear to match. You look up to the boy in front of you, questioning him with your eyes, trying to hide your blush. "This is a gift I picked out for Kiyoko-San. I wanted to see if she'll like it or not. So I thought showing it to you first and getting your opinion would be better, before I do something stupid."
"Oh." "You don't like it?" asking you with a hurt look in his eyes, mixed with something you couldn't quite place your finger on. "No no nothing like that. I think it's actually really sweet that you got this for Kiyoko. I'm sure she'll really love it. I was just surprised that's all! Don't worry!" He sighs, relief washing over him. "I also think that this gift paired with what I had in mind for a confession would be perfect. Since Kiyoko stays until the end of practice, you could ask her to wait up for you when you're done. You get her the gift. You look sweetly into her eyes, and say 'I really like you, and it's been a while since I do. I guess you might have noticed before, but now I wanted to say it more seriously. So please accept my gift. I would also be really happy if you returned my feelings.' And I guess that's about it, you should be ready for a confe-"
You stop in the middle of your sentence, because Ryūnosuke was standing really close to you, seriousness radiating from him. He gently raises his hand, and wipes under your eyes. You did not notice you were crying. Embarrassed, you give him back his gift, and worked quickly at wiping those tears away. "Ah I must have felt emotional and happy for you. I'm glad I gave you my idea, even if you don't use it in the end, I was happy to help. Do tell me what happens after that confession. I'll wait up after your practice to know all the details! I have to go now. See you soon!"
You spilled all those words out, wanting to get away from him, in fear that your tears will flow down even faster. You left him without letting him speak. You just had to get away. Your cheek still tingles where he touched you to get rid of that singular tear. His hand felt so warm and you just wanted to snuggle, close your eyes and enjoy that closeness. But no you couldn't do that, he'll soon be someone else's boyfriend, and you just couldn't do that. You were running, as fast as you can. Your vision was blurry. You were crying again. You had to stop.
Seeing a nearby school building where no one actually comes here, you lean up on one of its walls, and just break down. Sliding down, you sit on the grass, and start sobbing. You hear the bell ringing calling student back to their classroom, but you couldn't care less. Your heart was aching and breaking, because you loved someone who doesn't love you back. Your body was shaking. You wanted to hit yourself for falling for someone you knew could never be yours. After a few minutes of crying your eyes out, you slowly calm yourself, still sniffling with the occasional hiccup.
You look up to the bright blue sky , and decided to tread back to your classroom, not caring if you were late. After a quick bathroom break to wash your face, you walk slowly back to your shared classroom with your crush and his teammate. Keeping your head down, you open the classroom door, and you can feel the stares on you. Apologizing for being late, the teacher lets you in with a warning and you promise to not be late again. You go to sit down at your designated window seat, and start staring at the field and nature outside, filtering out the words your teacher was saying. While staring outside, you failed to notice one particular boy who keeps on glancing at you, worried about you, with his heart aching and thumping loudly in his ears because of you.
Classes are finally over, but you stayed seated, wanting to copy down the notes you missed. You saw a shadow blocking your light, so you look up and see Nishinoya next to you. "Oh! Hi Noya. What brings you here? You need something? Don't you have practice?" "I just wanted to make sure you were okay Y/N. You never come late to your classes. And when Tanaka told me what happened, I was even more worried than him. Well no that's not true, he was scared shitless about where you were and why you were late. And when you came in late, with puffy and a downcast expression on your face, I knew you were crying. Want to tell me why?" You never knew Nishinoya was this observant. Feeling shy, you grab one strand of your hair while trying to explain yourself. "I just fell down while running back to class, and I hurt myself, so I cried like an idiot, and took some time to wash off the dirt in the bathroom. You don't have to worry about me!" Mustering a sad smile, you can see that he wasn't convinced by your fake story, but decided not to pressure you into telling him. "Well I'm glad you're better. But now come on! We have to go to practice!" You knew you couldn't argue with him, so you just quickly picked up your things and followed him out towards the gym.
Getting to the gym, you stop by the bench under the window and seat yourself, while Noya changes his shoes and enters the gym. As you're sitting down, trying to be comfortable, the libero player comes back out and starts looking from left to right, and when he sees you, he comes up to you. "What are you doing still out there? Come on in!" "But but I always stay out here so I don't distract you and I also study a bit!" "None of that! Come on. The whole team wants to finally meet you properly!"
You take your bag, change your shoes, and come in, shyly standing behind Noya. As you enter, all eyes turn to you, and you can feel yourself blushing like crazy. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Y/N. Sorry for the intrusion during your volleyball practice." "No intrusion at all. We were waiting for you to join us!" You turn and see that it was Coach Ukai that just spoke to you. Beaming to finally be able to speak to the famous coach of the boys volleyball team, you couldn't contain your excitement, and gave him a big hug, and realise way too late that everyone was looking at you.
With firetruck-red cheeks, you let go of the coach and scratch your neck, looking sheepish. When the initial shock wears off, you hear the coach's laugh and you feel him patting you on the head. "I like you already. You recognize talent when you see it." Smiling, you nod at his words. You go sit down on one chair and take out your books to study a bit. But you see yourself glancing every once and a while towards a certain player wanting to see him practice. Whenever he spikes a ball really well, your heart swells, but that quickly dies down when you see him looking at Kiyoko to view her reaction.
With an aching heart, you go back to your solving of mathematical equations. The end of practice soon comes around. You gather your supplies while saying good bye to the other players, having enjoyed watching them practice. Nishinoya comes up to you, and you both exit the gym quickly, cause you knew what's going to happen soon. You take your time putting on your shoes, telling Noya to leave before you so he won't be late.
Being alone, you wait up, sitting down on a bench. To your surprise Kiyoko exits the gym soon after you and wears her shoes, preparing to go home. You go up to her and ask: "Wait. Where are you going? Where's Tanaka-San?" "Oh. He's inside, he told me to call you in when I got out." Confused, you wave her good bye and enter the gym again. It was all empty, except for the boy you liked standing in the middle of the court.
"Tanaka? What are you doing? And why didn't say anything to Kiyoko? She was right there! Did she reject you before you got the chance to give her your gift?" You're met with silence. You come closer to him, touching his shoulder gently. He turns around, and just engulfs you in a hug. Shocked, you slowly hug him back. You felt him relax when you wrapped your arms around him. "What's wrong? Did Kiyoko let you down? Tell me." You couldn't stand him not talking to you. You stop your questions when you hear him mumbling.
"What is it? I can't hear you properly." "It was never about Kiyoko-San. Sure she's pretty and cute, but she's nowhere close to you. When you didn't come to class, I was freaking out. Asking myself if it was my fault you came in late. And when I saw your puffy eyes and sad expression, my heart broke. I never want to see you like that. I know now what I asked of you was really unfair, but I wanted to know the best way for me to confess my feelings to you, but I ended up hurting you and making you cry. I'm such an idiot to make you go through all that. Please forgive me, I couldn't forgive myself for causing you so much pain. I like you so much. I can even say that I fell in love with you. I love you."
You were at a loss for words. While Ryū was squeezing you in his arms, the same words kept repeating in your head.
It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you.
You slowly get out of the hug, looking up at Ryū's face. Hopeful look in your eyes. "Do you really love me?" "Yes. I love you so much Y/N. Ever since I noticed you coming to watch us practice, I found myself seeking you out, whether in class, or for your help in a fake matter, that I regret doing so much. I started loving everything about you." Blushing like crazy, you buried your head in his chest. Slightly laughing, he wraps his arms around you in a loose hug.
You muster up your courage, stand on your tiptoes, and whisper in his ear. "I love you too, Ryū." Not being able to contain his excitement, he picks you up and twirls you around, laughing and being so happy that you love him back. When he puts you down, you grab his cheeks gently and bring him down to face you. You kiss him sweetly, humming when he kisses you back, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"So.." Tanaka asks still encircling you with his arms. "Does that mean we're officially a couple?" Lightly hitting him in the arm, "Of course we are you dummy." "Yes! Everyone will definitely be jealous of this hot couple. They can only dream of being like us." Laughing together at his adorableness, you stay in each other's arms, content with everything in your lives, and that you finally found each other.
Nishinoya was definitely there during the whole exchange, knowing from the beginning how you both felt about each other. He's the best third-wheel you'll ever encounter. He'll definitely brag about you two and how he helped bringing you both together, even though he didn't really do that much to help. But you still love him both, he's definitely a great friend. You'll never tell him that, but you also tell people that it was him that brought you both together.
Yay! My fanfic about Tanaka is finally up! I hope you enjoy reading it!
The next one is the longest I've written until now and it's with Tsukishima Kei!
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Tsukishima Kei × Reader
Well.. not me being late again in posting these even though I have this already written╰(‵□′)╯
Anyway... I hope you enjoy this one! I excuse myself for the mistakes you might encounter in my writings, sometimes I just forget to proofread what I write ヾ(•ω•`)o
Here's the original post! ao3 post
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei & Reader
Word Count: 6541
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Original Post Date on ao3: 30/04/2021
You met Tsukishima Kei for the first time while yelling at bullies for making fun of your best friend back in middle school. Yamaguchi Tadashi and you made quite the interesting pair. Both of you were shy but it wasn't a surprise to anyone when you suddenly became best friends. You kept to yourselves for most of the time, but when one of you is being bullied or made fun of, yeah be prepared to have an enraged best friend who's suddenly no longer shy.
You were a bit late to leave your shared classroom with Tadashi, so when you left to meet up with him at your usual spot, you started fuming when you saw three classmates surrounding him and throwing their backpacks on him. You actually lost it when you heard Tadashi crying. You stomped your feet and ran to him, yelling at the top of your lungs for them to leave your best friend alone. You were still afraid of them, coming close to crying when you saw them, but you had to stay by your best friend's side. The bullies were not backing down. They were making more fun of him. "Oh little Tadashi needs a girl to defend him, because he's such a baby."
"I want to see someone coming to your defense if you were bullied." A voice came out of no where. They expected you to answer them, but you were actually looking behind them with your mouth hanging open. Tsukishima Kei, one of the tallest kids in your middle school, was actually helping you defend Tadashi. When they saw the taller boy, the bullies began stuttering and tripping because of their attempt at running away. They left, leaving the three of you behind.
"Th-thank you Tsukishima-San. Thank you for your he-help." "I wasn't helping you. I just wanted to say that cause I don't like them." Taken aback, you couldn't help but look back at Tadashi, and the two of you stared up at the tall boy in front of you, eyes shimmering from adoration. Best to say, that he left you two behind without a second thought.
After that fateful day, you followed Tadashi as he made it to the gym, looking at all the kids practicing volleyball. You knew right then that you wanted to play that sport for as long as you could. Still staring, you failed to acknowledge the real reason you came here. Tsukishima came in through the doors followed by an overly excited Tadashi, who's trying to talk to him about his shoes? You weren't really sure cause you were not focusing on them.
You just saw a group of girls on the court, and you knew you wanted to play with them. With a determined look on your face, and a couple of quizzical ones from both Tsukishima and Tadashi, you made your way towards the girls. Bowing politely, you asked them if you could learn how to play with them. They looked at you fondly, and accepted your request. You look up so quickly and started jumping and thanking them, with a wide smile.
What you didn't know is that when you started jumping around and thanking the other girls, there was a certain boy that was looking at you, taken aback by your sudden interest in volleyball. He couldn't help but notice how his heart started fluttering, seeing how excited you were to play. He dismissed that feeling to the overwhelming heat, and went to keep on ignoring Yamaguchi and practicing his blocks.
With all the time you three spent in the gym, you began noticing some things. First is that you're actually pretty decent as a middle blocker. Being above average height for your age and kept on growing, you found your perfect spot on the girls team. Second is that Tsukki was quite famous among the girls, even if you still were in middle school. Third is that well you were also harboring feelings for him. Playing the same position as him was your excuse to keep talking to him whenever you want. Even if sometimes you were just ignored, that never stopped you wanting to talk to him.
Tadashi and you were actually the only two people others saw conversing with Tsukki, and they're shocked almost every time when they see him actually answering you two, even if for shutting you up. They get confused as to why you still talk to him, but they actually don't know that you liked him, only Tadashi knew that, even if you don't actually hide your feelings from the others.
One day, Tsukki invited you both to his brother's match, proud of him being the ace of his high school team. You were giddy because you got invited, but the feeling quickly changed to horror and pity when during the match you noticed Tsukki freeze cause he saw his brother on the opposite stands, cheering on his team instead of being on the court playing. You tried to put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Tadashi was shutting up a classmate, that was here to prove his point that both his and Tsukki's brothers were not playing. Flinching away from your act of kindness, he left you both behind, making his way home. Looking at each other, you held Tadashi's hand and ran after him.
Ever since that day, Tsukki showed his feelings less and less, but that was in no way an obstacle to your bubbly personality around him. You promised him that he'll never get rid of you. You kept good on that promise, because on the day you knew all three of you got accepted at Karasuno, Tadashi and you jumped up and down around Tsukki wanting some excitement to rub off on the boy, but he just looked up and looked back down to his books. But secretly, he was happy that both his best friends are going to the same high school as him, he would never admit that though, so he continued to roll his eyes at yours and Tadashi's excitement.
On the very first day of your high school journey at Karasuno High, the first thing you did was check if you are all in the same classroom. To your immense sadness, you were placed in Class 1-1, aware of your relationship with academics, you hung your head low when you heard Tsukki's teasing.
"Tsukki!! Don't be so mean to Y/N! You know how she gets when you tease her. She's gonna be down for the entire day now. It's the first year where she's not in our class, and now with your tease, she won't do well when she wants to show her skills to the volleyball team." "Wow wow. No one said I'll flunk my show of skills to the volleyball team. Those two are completely different things. But yeah I'll be down cause Tsukki doesn't like me enough to comfort my poor fragile heart." You said that while batting your eyelashes towards Tsukki. "Both of you stop calling me Tsukki! And Tadashi, Y/N never lets her feelings get in the way of her playing volleyball and you know that. So I can tease and make fun as much as I want." "Sorry Tsukki!!" Tadashi and you replied, snickering to yourselves, while ignoring his comment about his name.
You weren't going to admit it, but you did feel kind of sad when you sat down in your seat in your Tadashi and Tsukki-less classroom. You were seated behind a fiery orange haired boy. When he saw you sit down behind him, he turned excitedly and introduced himself. "Hi! My name is Hinata Shoyo, but you can call me Shoyo! Wow you're really pretty! How tall are you? Do you play any sports? I noticed the left over bruises on your knees and arms, so I assumed! I want to be part of the volleyball team because the Little Giant played on this team and you know I can jump really high!! I really wanna beat a boy I meant when I was in middle school. He was really-" "Wow wow slow down please. I can barely keep up!" You exclaimed, needing to interrupt him so you could answer his questions. Looking at you sheepishly, he quieted down and waited "patiently" for your answers.
"My name is L/N Y/N, and you can call me Y/N. Thank you for calling me pretty, you're quite adorable! I'm 168 cm tall, don't know why you need to know but that's my height. I do play a sport! I was actually a middle blocker on my middle school team! I also want to apply to the volleyball team! We can walk to our respective gyms together if you want!" "Wait, you also play volleyball?! That's so cool!! A pretty girl that also plays volleyball. I'm in heaven. And yeah of course we'll go there together! You want to have lunch with me?" "I'm sorry! But I usually have lunch with my two best friends. We've known each other since middle school. And they also play volleyball! I think you'll see them in your team too!" "No way that's awesome! I love this school already!"
Silently laughing, you quickly ended your conversation because class was about to start. You were quite shocked, but you thought to yourself, being in this classroom and this whole school was something you never thought you would enjoy.
When the end-of-classes bell rang, you excitedly jumped with Shoyo, wanting to run to the gyms to see their courts. Not bothering to check up with Tadashi and Tsukki, you sprinted towards the gym, turning the whole ordeal into a race against Shoyo. Panting when you arrived to the boy's gym, you failed to notice the gasp that left Shoyo's lips when he saw who was already in the gym. Before they got into a fight that you did not want to be a part of, you bid Shoyo goodbye after introducing yourself to the boy whose name was Kageyama Tobio, and raced to the next gym, nearly bumping into a second year, by the looks of it.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going! I was just escaping a fight that was about to happen in the gym. My name is L/N Y/N! It was nice to meet you, but I need to run to the next gym for girls volleyball!" You rushed to the second gym without looking back. Full of energy and adrenaline, you burst into the gym. Panting a bit, you catch your breath, and exclaim loudly: "MY NAME IS L/N Y/N, AND I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE GIRLS VOLLEYBALL TEAM IF YOU WOULD HAVE ME!" Bowing, you looked up gingerly, hoping you didn't make a fool out of yourself, but you only see who you can only assume to be the captain of the team, beaming when seeing you.
"I never met someone so excited about volleyball! You would be a perfect addition to this team, but we still need to check and test your skills. But I have no doubt that you're a terrific player. My name is Michimiya Yui, and I'm the captain of the girls volleyball team! What position do you play?" "I was a middle blocker back on my middle school team! And I also used to practice with my two best friends who are also middle blockers and they are really good! So they shaped me into the player I am today!" Beaming proudly at the mention of your best friends, you cannot wait to show off the skills that you have been nurturing for years.
"Okay girls, time to test the only first year that decided to join our club, in a practice game! To start off we're playing a 3-on-3 match. Y/N, you're going to be with us, the captain and vice-captain. We're going up against 3 more players, but don't underestimate them, they are great players!" "Of course! I never underestimate my opponents, because I never know what they might be hiding under their sleeves!" Smirking while saying that, you also have some tricks up your sleeve and cannot wait to showcase them.
Creeping towards the end of the set, you were quite literally on the losing side. But that never dented your enthusiasm, and you still had your tricks that you learned while watching Tsukki block. Looking back at your senpais, you had an overly happy smile on your face, making them even more excited, and they doubled up their efforts. It was Yui's serve, it was received effortlessly, and sent to the setter perfectly, who sends it to the wing spiker. You watched it all super carefully, taking every single detail into consideration, and when you saw where the ball went, not missing a beat you jumped to it and successfully blocked it, and awarded a point to your team. The whole process is called read blocking. You tried your very best to perfect it with Tsukki and Tadashi. So you're very proud of how it turned out.
Not seeing your teammates, too focused on your hands that were able to block your opponent's spike, you failed to notice the gleam in everyone's eyes. You're going to be a formidable addition to the team, and they cannot wait to play an official game by your side. By the end of the set, you end up losing, but you were still overjoyed because of how much you missed playing. Wiping the sweat of your forehead with a towel offered by the wing spiker you managed to block, you had the biggest smile on your face when you thanked her. Yui came up behind you, clapped her hand on your shoulder, and announced loudly so that everyone could listen, "Let's all welcome Y/N to our team!! She's going to be a perfect addition to the team and I cannot wait to play a game by her side!" Eyes wide, your turn to your now-captain, not believing your ears, and gave her the biggest hug ever. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I will not let you down!" "I know you won't! The only thing you still need to do, is sign the club admission paper and present it to our sensei. It's late now, let's clean up and go home!" "Yes captain!"
After clean up, you were practically still bouncing because you were officially a member of the volleyball club at Karasuno High. But before going home, you had to tell Tsukki and Tadashi. You knew they were still here because they also went to sign up for the volleyball club. So looking around campus, when you were so close to giving up and tell them tomorrow, you heard a "I'm sorry Tsukki!" and you knew that was Tadashi's voice. Speeding up a bit, you saw a blond tuft of hair, and began sprinting while shouting "TSUKKIIIII!!! TADASHIII!!! SHOYOoo? Kageyama? What is going on here?"
You stood frozen in front of the 4 boys, Tsukki holding a volleyball high in the air, Tadashi next to him mid-laugh, Shoyo fuming but also happy you're here, and Kageyama was seething, not caring that you showed up. Using the distraction you provided, Shoyo jumped so high that he snatched the ball from Tsukki's hand before any of them could react. "Wow, you really can jump Shoyo." you whisper, loud enough for all 4 boys to hear. Shoyo's eyes were sparkling when he heard you, "Didn't I tell you I could jump?", puffing his chest proudly. "Okay okay, Y/N how do you know these two?", asked both Tsukki and Kageyama at the same time, resulting in similar glares towards each other.
"Tsukki and Tadashi are my best friends since middle school. And Shoyo is in the same classroom as me, as for Kageyama I met him briefly while sprinting to the gym with Shoyo." "That explains why the tangerine is that stupid, he's in class 1-1." "Tsukki! I'm also in class 1-1! Are you insinuating I'm stupid too?" "Well... yes. I already made myself clear when we first found out." "Tsukki you're just mean, but I'll forgive you cause I like your salty ass. Anyway, what I came here to tell you, I only wanted to tell Tsukki and Tadashi today, but might as well tell you all. I got accepted into the girls volleyball team!!" You were jumping up and down, excited about it. And soon enough Tadashi and Shoyo joined you, excited for you. Kageyama, with a scowl still on his face, congratulated you, Tsukki just offered you a nod.
"Tsukki, I think my read blocking is what made them accept me this quickly! Thank you so much for teaching me!" You went in for a hug, but received a hand on your forehead stopping you. "Aw Tsukki! Why don't you like me as well?" "Stupid, how can I like someone as dumb as you? Anyway congrats on making the team. At least all the time you wasted payed off in the end." "By the way, what are you all doing here this late at night?" "Well Y/N, we just discovered Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are going to be our opponents tomorrow, in a match that will determine if Kageyama here can play as a setter or not. He's the only one that has something to lose if we lose tomorrow. HAHAHA-OW Kageyama! Why did you hit me with your elbow?" "Stupid Hinata! If you can't keep up with me, I won't set the ball for you!"
Leaving both Shoyo and Kageyama to their weird antics, you follow your best friends after bidding the other two boys good night. Linking your arms to Tsukki and Tadashi, you lean in and rest your head on Tsukki's arm, sighing contentedly. You were part of the volleyball club. You're steps closer to achieving your goal of playing volleyball on a professional level. "Are you guys happy for me? I would even more happy if you are!" "Of course we're happy for you! Right Tsukki?" you failed to see Tadashi's wink towards you cause you were solely focusing on Tsukki's answer. "Sure whatever. It's not like you're not good and got it out of luck. You worked hard for it and got it. So I don't see why you doubted getting in. They need you more than you need them."
Saying that you're shocked cannot convey your true emotions after Tsukki's statement. You froze in the middle of the road, making the two boys stop with you, looking back at you quizzically. You cannot help the flow of tears that escape your eyes, and you hug Tsukki, not letting him stop you like before. He stood there unmoving, but you don't care, it was the first time he told you something decent about your skills. Finally you let go of him, dabbing at your eyes, you look up to him with the biggest smile you could muster. "THANK YOU TSUKKI! I KNEW YOU TOLERATED ME!" Trying to hide his growing blush, Tsukki put on his headphones, and continued walking not caring that he left you both behind him.
Squealing, you linked arms with Tadashi, and the both of you began running after the blond, screaming, "WAIT FOR US TSUKKI!!" Tsukki internally groaned but did slow down his pacing, letting you catch up. When you sided next to him, you linked up arms again, and walked back home.
Because of your volleyball practice, you barely saw your two best friends during school time, occasionally seeing them in the hallway or when you ate your lunches together, but other than that, you were too busy with classes and practice. In fact, because you wanted to be a good player all around, you stayed way later than the rest of the team to practice on your serves, and if someone stayed with you, you practiced on both your receives and spikes.
Tadashi noticed something different with Tsukki. Ever since you became a volleyball club member, they barely saw you. Tadashi understood why you couldn't be with them all the time, but Tsukki had a hard time with it. He once heard him mutter, "The stupid tangerine sees her more than us." Tadashi thinks that was the first time Tsukki wished he wasn't that good at academics that way he could've been in your class and seen you more. The moments they did see you, Tsukki's whole demeanor changed, from scowling all the time, to having a teasing smirk on his face. And you? You never stopped your flirting with Tsukki, not even trying to hide the fact that you actually liked the blond boy. Tadashi knew about your crush on Tsukki ever since middle school. He knew Tsukki knew about it as well, but what surprised him is how Tsukki never tries to put you down or outright reject your advances. That makes Tadashi think that maybe Tsukki actually likes you back.
Maybe that's why he's so different when you're not around. Deciding that he needed to ask Tsukki about it, he did that while going to volleyball practice. "Tsukki? Do you like Y/N?" "Well duh she's our best friend. I wouldn't be best friends with someone I don't like." "No I mean, do you actually like like her? Like do you want to be together with her?" "What?! What makes you think that? Why would I want to be with her?" "Well you always are scowling and gloomy when she's not with us. But when she is, you're completely different. And I didn't miss the look you sent her when she excitedly told us about being accepted in the volleyball club, you thought no one saw you, but I did. I saw the proud look in your eyes, the soft smile on your lips, and the light blush on your cheeks." Gaping like a fish out of water, Tsukki just huffs, put on his headphones and continued walking towards the club room to change into his sports uniform. Smiling cheekily, Tadashi followed him, content to finally have an answer to his question.
Inter-High was looming around the corner, you barely saw anyone outside your classmates and your teammates. Every lunch break you went to practice, and stayed way too late after school to practice as well. Shoyo was the only one to know where you are and what you were doing, so he relayed everything to a worried Tadashi, missing his best friend dearly. But they also had practice so he understood why you were absent.
Tsukki on the other hand, had trouble keeping you out of his head. After Tadashi's revelation, you kept on popping up in his head, replaying all the moments you had together, from the moment he saw you stand up for Tadashi, crying more than him, there was also the moment where you pestered him to teach you read blocking, and how you leaned slightly into him when you laughed with them. Your crush on him did not go unnoticed, since you don't actually try to hide it. He knew that his feelings aren't totally on the friendship side, but he won't let them come between him and his practice for the inter-high tournament, being a starting player after all.
Today was the day of your first match with your volleyball team. You tried your hardest to practice well, even if some of the players were not as enthusiastic about it, you tried to make up for them, which brought a smile to your captain's face. Wearing your uniform, the beautiful black jersey with the number 11 on the back, you couldn't help but be happy to be where you are right now. Knowing that the boys team was also here, you excused yourself to your captain and teammates, wanting to go and find your best friends before the match starts.
Frantically searching for them, they were nowhere to be found. You were so close to just going back to your team, until you heard an excited "Y/N!!" Turning around you notice an overly happy Shoyo running to you. You meet him halfway, jumping together and hugging, happy to have your first official matches in your high school volleyball careers. "Ahh Y/N! You look so cool in your uniform! You even have the same number as Tsukishima! And look I'm one number behind you!" True enough, Shoyo's number was indeed number 10. Gushing together, you failed to notice Shoyo's team gather up around you.
"Well well I didn't know Hinata knew a pretty girl like you." Looking up, you came up face to face with the second year you almost ran into on your first day of school. "Oh! It's you!! I almost ran into you while running to the second gym! I didn't even catch your name." "Ohh you're the Y/N I've been hearing all about during practice! I'm Tanaka Ryūnosuke. Don't worry about almost running into me, I saw how excited you were to go apply for the team!" Bowing gently, you also noticed the other members from the team. The captain even congratulated you when he heard you were a starting player on the girls team. "Yui must be proud to have such an excited player on her team. I'm glad you decided to join!" "Thank you Sawamura-San! I'm really happy to be part of such a great team!"
Turning around, you looked for Tadashi and Tsukki, and when you saw the blond tuft of hair, you excused yourself and ran to them. "TSUKKI!! I have the same number on my jersey as you!!" Jumping next to him, Tadashi soon joined you, and that irritated Tsukki, which made him scold you, but you still stuck by his side, being happy to finally see your best friend and crush again. The boys in the volleyball team were so shocked that this lively ball of energy that you were was actually friends with the walking salt shaker. But soon enough they noticed your not-so-subtle flirting and the redness of Tsukki's ears, and they immediately knew you both had a crush on each other but did nothing about it.
Looking at the time, you quickly excused yourself, wished them good luck on their match, and ran to join your teammates before your own match starts. Feeling extremely happy, you couldn't wait to play on a court with an audience, and your teammates by your side. After your official practice time was over, and a quick pep talk from your captain and vice-captain, you lined up and bowed, before starting your first game.
Despite all the blocks you managed, you still fell short, and barely scored. Which resulted in you and your team losing the game and being eliminated. Trying your hardest to stay positive, you cheered your team on with your captain. "It's alright! We had our ups and downs. Unfortunately, the downs outweighed the ups, but you all played beautifully today! Don't let today's result, get in the way of you wanting to play more. It's true that us third years won't be able to play more with you, but remember that you have a wonderful collection of second years, and an amazing first year! Don't you dare make her feel like this team is not worth nurturing, she could definitely be the player this team needs to succeed! Promise me you'll continue playing volleyball, and reach nationals next year!" "We promise captain!" "Captain! Sensei is calling you!" "Wow our captain is so strong!" "She's only strong in front of us," you whisper more to yourself than to the others. "She said all this to make us feel better, but when she's alone, she'll let out her cries."
You were trying to keep your tears in, after the heartfelt words your captain said about you. And you made a promise that you'll do anything to go to nationals. You're not gonna lie to yourself, you were devastated, all the hard work you put into your spikes and blocks was not enough to make you win the match, and you immediately lost. You somehow knew the boys won their first game, and were now playing their second one. Wanting to cheer for your best friends, you followed your team to the stands around the court where the boys where playing. You made it in time to see Tsukki blocking an opponent's spike, and you couldn't help yourself, you shouted, "TSUKKI! NICE BLOCK!"
Upon hearing your voice, the boy turned around and faced you, gave you a nod and then turned around. Not being able to contain it, you beamed, and saw Tadashi look up at you from the sidelines. Waving like a madwoman, you were equally as excited to see him. Seeing the match unravel in front of you, you couldn't help but feel a bit down, after losing your own match, but that did not come in the way of your cheering, shouting at the top of your lungs for your friends.
When the final whistle blew, announcing Karasuno's win, you turned around and grabbed your teammates hands and start jumping up and down, happy for the boys that just won. Not waiting anymore, you rush outside and stood in front of the door from which the team came out, hugging Shoyo, trying to hug Kageyama, congratulating the third and second years on their win, you stood in front of your best friends.
Extremely happy for their win, you approached them to hug and congratulate them on their win, but you stopped in your tracks when Tsukki asked you, "Why are you sad Y/N?" "What do you mean I'm sad Kei? How could I be sad when my best friends won their game?" "Well I know you're feeling down. What happened?" "Ah not that big of a deal. We just lost our match and were eliminated in the first round. It's alright, I'll have more. I'm just sad for my senpais because it was their last match with us, and I wasn't able to take them to at least a second one."
You don't know what happened, but you just felt warmth around you, and you realized that Tsukishima was actually hugging you, not you hugging him, not him hugging you after you scold him to do so. He was hugging you because he chose to do it. Not being able to respond fast enough, the hug was already over, and he stood by your side. Tadashi came to hug you, and this time you were prepared. You hugged him back, and start silently crying unto his shoulder. You felt a hand on your head, softly patting it, but you were too lost in your tears to look at who it belonged to.
After crying for a good five minutes, you finally looked up, apologizing for ruining Tadashi's uniform, but he softly hits your shoulder, claiming nonsense. You turn around and see all the boys team look at you with worried looks on their faces. Blushing, you apologize for causing a scene. But the third years know the feeling after losing a match you desperately wanted to win, going through that themselves, and told you it was perfectly alright with what you're feeling.
"Okay okay, enough tears and sadness. I'm really happy for you guys! You made it onto day two! Make Karasuno proud!" "You bet Y/N!" "I'll win just for you Y/N-chan!" "Nishinoya! You don't even know the girl that well!" "Well she's a pretty girl, and I'm a fantastic libero, don't be jealous Tanaka!" Smiling, you thank them all, saying goodbye because your team is waiting for you.
Being in school the next day was really upsetting, especially since Shoyo's desk was empty, with him being on court playing and scoring some points for his team... unlike you. You brush off the negative thoughts, and wait for the end of the day, to go practice on your own. Picking up some volleyballs, you start practicing some jump serves, wanting to incorporate them in your next games. You heard the squeaking of shoes on the court but you were in the middle of a serve, so you didn't see who it was.
"We lost." Upon hearing that, you missed your serve, the ball ended up hitting your head. You turn around and you find Tsukishima standing by the sidelines, looking down. "Hey, Kei, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't think we would lose this early. But at least our senpais will stay with us until the Spring Tournament. So it wasn't their last match with us."
You silently made your way to him, when he was talking. You lifted your hand up and wiped a stray tear that escaped his crestfallen eyes, shocking both you and the boy in front of you. You looked at him with a sad smile, knowing exactly how he felt. That was the trigger for him to scoop you up into a hug. Not knowing what to do, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. You felt the small movement from his chest as he was silently crying. You slowly brushed his hair aside, softly kissing his forehead, and whispering some nonsense to try and make him feel better.
But what you didn't know was that the fact that he was hugging you, and you were playing with his hair, made him better instantly. Suddenly, he pushes his head away from your arms, looks up at you and says without a single doubt, "I like you Y/N." Not being able to help it, your eyes widen and you jaw drops. "Close up your mouth, flies will fly into it, and I have no desire to hear you whine. I know you like me too, so do you want to go out with me?" "Wait wait. You. Like. Me? Me liking you isn't something new, I wasn't exactly hiding my feelings from you. But I didn't know you liked me enough to ask me out? What happened to the Tsukki I know that always makes fun of me?"
"Don't call me Tsukki. Call me Kei. Only you can call me Kei. And I always had my eye on you ever since you stood up to Tadashi back in middle school, even though you were more afraid of them than him. But when I knew I liked you was when you excitedly told us you made it onto the volleyball team. You being this excited, made me want to stay by your side through everything. When I saw you had the same number on your jersey as me, it made me feel empowered and proud of you. Seeing you crying because you lost your first official match, made me forget about everyone, and I just wanted to hug you to tell you I'm by your side. When Hinata was patting your head while you hugged Tadashi, it made me want to brush his hand aside and just be the one to comfort you. I noticed that I loved you after all these. I noticed that I wanted to be with you because you are honestly the only person I tolerate enough and love to stay by my side forever."
Not knowing what to say to this beautiful confession, you just gently grabbed his face, making him look at you, and lowered your face so that your lips gently pressed against his. Looking back up to his eyes, you see an unreadable expression, and one of the hands that supported your thighs came to the back of your neck, and forcefully brought back you down to his lips, not satisfied with the half kiss you gave him. Softly moaning because of Kei's eagerness, you grab a fist full of his hair, and tugged, making him gasp, and you slip your tongue against his.
A yelp makes you break the kiss, much to your dismay, you look behind you and find a shocked Tadashi, who was, you think, looking for Tsukki. Not caring that their best friend finally saw them kiss, Tsukki brings you back down to continue your kissing session. Not being able to break it off, you melt into his arms and continue kissing him, not wanting to pause it again after waiting for so long. "Well as much as I want you to continue kissing after you finally figured out your feelings, captain wants to see us Tsukki. And you know how he gets if we piss him off."
Feeling Kei tense under you, you know that the threat was a real one. Giving him one last sweet kiss, you whisper this to his ear only, "Well we can always continue this later. I'll be waiting." You bite just below his earlobe, and feel him tighten his hold on your thighs, he drops you and runs after Tadashi, but not before looking back at you and wink at your disheveled look. Flipping him off, you smile at him, and went back to your practice, occasionally touching your lips, happy that Tsukki is finally your boyfriend.
What you didn't know is that at the meeting after you confessed, Tsukki's teammates crowded him once they saw his swollen lips and disheveled hair. They knew he went to look for you after their loss, so they immediately assumed you finally confessed to each other, and kissed the heck out of each other.
They kept on teasing him until he once brought you to practice, and played a game of 3-on-3. Being on Tsukki's team with Tanaka-San, you made the opposing team run for their money, with all the blocking you managed and your half-good setting to Tanaka-San that he somehow still managed to spike and score. In the end you won, and all the boys looked at you, knowing why Tsukki liked you that much. You were something different. But you were also Tsukki's, and you made an excellent team together.
"Tsukki and Y/N make such an incredible team! I feel like I'm third wheeling when I play with them." "Tanaka senpai!! Don't say that!" "Oh my God! She called me senpai. I can die in peace now." "Why are so dramatic Tanaka-San?" "You should learn a thing or two from your girlfriend. At least she's respectful towards her senpais."
You were smiling under your hand, looking at Tsukki, winking at him. He went up to you, ruffled your hair, and whispered in your ear, "Aren't you a good girl? Let's see how respectful you are when I have my way with you later." His hold on your waist was almost bruise-like, and you inhaled so quickly, you began coughing with a full red face. And Tsukki being the little bitch he is, acted all innocent, and rubbed your back soothingly, with a shit-eating grin on his face. Glaring at him, you tried to look mad, but you knew you never could be mad at him. You loved him even when he's being salty and bitchy, and you knew he loved you just as much, because of the caring eyes that were looking at you right now.
How did you become this lucky? You are extremely grateful every day for having him by your side.
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stopppp everyone absolutely needs to see this
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a love like rodger and jessica ⏤denki k.
s u m m a r y : You and Denki have a love like Rodger and Jessica Rabbit
l e n g t h : 2k
g e n r e : fluff ; praises ; body worship ; supportive kaminari ; best boi kaminari ; precious baby
w a r n i n g s : mentions of lovemaking
p a i r i n g s : denki k x f.reader
a / n : this is a quick little headcanon I came up with at three am and needed to get out as soon as possible before I lose the will to write it. I hope you all enjoy the read! Feel free to comment and like - tell me what you think, constructive criticism is always welcome.
❥ You’re a self-made millionaire, CEO of a successful skincare and beauty company, investor and supermodel. The level of success you’ve been able to accumulate over the years is nothing to sneeze at, especially with your young age of 21.
❥ However, you draw more eyes for your beauty and body rather than your accomplishments. It’s rather annoying but you’ve grown used to it.
❥ It isn’t a lie that you’re as stunning as they come. And with a body that elicits lust and unspeakable fantasies in the men and women around you, it can be said that your beauty has more power than what any of your achievements could ever provide you with.
Keep reading
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Tsukishima Kei × Reader
Well.. not me being late again in posting these even though I have this already written╰(‵□′)╯
Anyway... I hope you enjoy this one! I excuse myself for the mistakes you might encounter in my writings, sometimes I just forget to proofread what I write ヾ(•ω•`)o
Here's the original post! ao3 post
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei & Reader
Word Count: 6541
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Original Post Date on ao3: 30/04/2021
You met Tsukishima Kei for the first time while yelling at bullies for making fun of your best friend back in middle school. Yamaguchi Tadashi and you made quite the interesting pair. Both of you were shy but it wasn't a surprise to anyone when you suddenly became best friends. You kept to yourselves for most of the time, but when one of you is being bullied or made fun of, yeah be prepared to have an enraged best friend who's suddenly no longer shy.
You were a bit late to leave your shared classroom with Tadashi, so when you left to meet up with him at your usual spot, you started fuming when you saw three classmates surrounding him and throwing their backpacks on him. You actually lost it when you heard Tadashi crying. You stomped your feet and ran to him, yelling at the top of your lungs for them to leave your best friend alone. You were still afraid of them, coming close to crying when you saw them, but you had to stay by your best friend's side. The bullies were not backing down. They were making more fun of him. "Oh little Tadashi needs a girl to defend him, because he's such a baby."
"I want to see someone coming to your defense if you were bullied." A voice came out of no where. They expected you to answer them, but you were actually looking behind them with your mouth hanging open. Tsukishima Kei, one of the tallest kids in your middle school, was actually helping you defend Tadashi. When they saw the taller boy, the bullies began stuttering and tripping because of their attempt at running away. They left, leaving the three of you behind.
"Th-thank you Tsukishima-San. Thank you for your he-help." "I wasn't helping you. I just wanted to say that cause I don't like them." Taken aback, you couldn't help but look back at Tadashi, and the two of you stared up at the tall boy in front of you, eyes shimmering from adoration. Best to say, that he left you two behind without a second thought.
After that fateful day, you followed Tadashi as he made it to the gym, looking at all the kids practicing volleyball. You knew right then that you wanted to play that sport for as long as you could. Still staring, you failed to acknowledge the real reason you came here. Tsukishima came in through the doors followed by an overly excited Tadashi, who's trying to talk to him about his shoes? You weren't really sure cause you were not focusing on them.
You just saw a group of girls on the court, and you knew you wanted to play with them. With a determined look on your face, and a couple of quizzical ones from both Tsukishima and Tadashi, you made your way towards the girls. Bowing politely, you asked them if you could learn how to play with them. They looked at you fondly, and accepted your request. You look up so quickly and started jumping and thanking them, with a wide smile.
What you didn't know is that when you started jumping around and thanking the other girls, there was a certain boy that was looking at you, taken aback by your sudden interest in volleyball. He couldn't help but notice how his heart started fluttering, seeing how excited you were to play. He dismissed that feeling to the overwhelming heat, and went to keep on ignoring Yamaguchi and practicing his blocks.
With all the time you three spent in the gym, you began noticing some things. First is that you're actually pretty decent as a middle blocker. Being above average height for your age and kept on growing, you found your perfect spot on the girls team. Second is that Tsukki was quite famous among the girls, even if you still were in middle school. Third is that well you were also harboring feelings for him. Playing the same position as him was your excuse to keep talking to him whenever you want. Even if sometimes you were just ignored, that never stopped you wanting to talk to him.
Tadashi and you were actually the only two people others saw conversing with Tsukki, and they're shocked almost every time when they see him actually answering you two, even if for shutting you up. They get confused as to why you still talk to him, but they actually don't know that you liked him, only Tadashi knew that, even if you don't actually hide your feelings from the others.
One day, Tsukki invited you both to his brother's match, proud of him being the ace of his high school team. You were giddy because you got invited, but the feeling quickly changed to horror and pity when during the match you noticed Tsukki freeze cause he saw his brother on the opposite stands, cheering on his team instead of being on the court playing. You tried to put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Tadashi was shutting up a classmate, that was here to prove his point that both his and Tsukki's brothers were not playing. Flinching away from your act of kindness, he left you both behind, making his way home. Looking at each other, you held Tadashi's hand and ran after him.
Ever since that day, Tsukki showed his feelings less and less, but that was in no way an obstacle to your bubbly personality around him. You promised him that he'll never get rid of you. You kept good on that promise, because on the day you knew all three of you got accepted at Karasuno, Tadashi and you jumped up and down around Tsukki wanting some excitement to rub off on the boy, but he just looked up and looked back down to his books. But secretly, he was happy that both his best friends are going to the same high school as him, he would never admit that though, so he continued to roll his eyes at yours and Tadashi's excitement.
On the very first day of your high school journey at Karasuno High, the first thing you did was check if you are all in the same classroom. To your immense sadness, you were placed in Class 1-1, aware of your relationship with academics, you hung your head low when you heard Tsukki's teasing.
"Tsukki!! Don't be so mean to Y/N! You know how she gets when you tease her. She's gonna be down for the entire day now. It's the first year where she's not in our class, and now with your tease, she won't do well when she wants to show her skills to the volleyball team." "Wow wow. No one said I'll flunk my show of skills to the volleyball team. Those two are completely different things. But yeah I'll be down cause Tsukki doesn't like me enough to comfort my poor fragile heart." You said that while batting your eyelashes towards Tsukki. "Both of you stop calling me Tsukki! And Tadashi, Y/N never lets her feelings get in the way of her playing volleyball and you know that. So I can tease and make fun as much as I want." "Sorry Tsukki!!" Tadashi and you replied, snickering to yourselves, while ignoring his comment about his name.
You weren't going to admit it, but you did feel kind of sad when you sat down in your seat in your Tadashi and Tsukki-less classroom. You were seated behind a fiery orange haired boy. When he saw you sit down behind him, he turned excitedly and introduced himself. "Hi! My name is Hinata Shoyo, but you can call me Shoyo! Wow you're really pretty! How tall are you? Do you play any sports? I noticed the left over bruises on your knees and arms, so I assumed! I want to be part of the volleyball team because the Little Giant played on this team and you know I can jump really high!! I really wanna beat a boy I meant when I was in middle school. He was really-" "Wow wow slow down please. I can barely keep up!" You exclaimed, needing to interrupt him so you could answer his questions. Looking at you sheepishly, he quieted down and waited "patiently" for your answers.
"My name is L/N Y/N, and you can call me Y/N. Thank you for calling me pretty, you're quite adorable! I'm 168 cm tall, don't know why you need to know but that's my height. I do play a sport! I was actually a middle blocker on my middle school team! I also want to apply to the volleyball team! We can walk to our respective gyms together if you want!" "Wait, you also play volleyball?! That's so cool!! A pretty girl that also plays volleyball. I'm in heaven. And yeah of course we'll go there together! You want to have lunch with me?" "I'm sorry! But I usually have lunch with my two best friends. We've known each other since middle school. And they also play volleyball! I think you'll see them in your team too!" "No way that's awesome! I love this school already!"
Silently laughing, you quickly ended your conversation because class was about to start. You were quite shocked, but you thought to yourself, being in this classroom and this whole school was something you never thought you would enjoy.
When the end-of-classes bell rang, you excitedly jumped with Shoyo, wanting to run to the gyms to see their courts. Not bothering to check up with Tadashi and Tsukki, you sprinted towards the gym, turning the whole ordeal into a race against Shoyo. Panting when you arrived to the boy's gym, you failed to notice the gasp that left Shoyo's lips when he saw who was already in the gym. Before they got into a fight that you did not want to be a part of, you bid Shoyo goodbye after introducing yourself to the boy whose name was Kageyama Tobio, and raced to the next gym, nearly bumping into a second year, by the looks of it.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going! I was just escaping a fight that was about to happen in the gym. My name is L/N Y/N! It was nice to meet you, but I need to run to the next gym for girls volleyball!" You rushed to the second gym without looking back. Full of energy and adrenaline, you burst into the gym. Panting a bit, you catch your breath, and exclaim loudly: "MY NAME IS L/N Y/N, AND I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE GIRLS VOLLEYBALL TEAM IF YOU WOULD HAVE ME!" Bowing, you looked up gingerly, hoping you didn't make a fool out of yourself, but you only see who you can only assume to be the captain of the team, beaming when seeing you.
"I never met someone so excited about volleyball! You would be a perfect addition to this team, but we still need to check and test your skills. But I have no doubt that you're a terrific player. My name is Michimiya Yui, and I'm the captain of the girls volleyball team! What position do you play?" "I was a middle blocker back on my middle school team! And I also used to practice with my two best friends who are also middle blockers and they are really good! So they shaped me into the player I am today!" Beaming proudly at the mention of your best friends, you cannot wait to show off the skills that you have been nurturing for years.
"Okay girls, time to test the only first year that decided to join our club, in a practice game! To start off we're playing a 3-on-3 match. Y/N, you're going to be with us, the captain and vice-captain. We're going up against 3 more players, but don't underestimate them, they are great players!" "Of course! I never underestimate my opponents, because I never know what they might be hiding under their sleeves!" Smirking while saying that, you also have some tricks up your sleeve and cannot wait to showcase them.
Creeping towards the end of the set, you were quite literally on the losing side. But that never dented your enthusiasm, and you still had your tricks that you learned while watching Tsukki block. Looking back at your senpais, you had an overly happy smile on your face, making them even more excited, and they doubled up their efforts. It was Yui's serve, it was received effortlessly, and sent to the setter perfectly, who sends it to the wing spiker. You watched it all super carefully, taking every single detail into consideration, and when you saw where the ball went, not missing a beat you jumped to it and successfully blocked it, and awarded a point to your team. The whole process is called read blocking. You tried your very best to perfect it with Tsukki and Tadashi. So you're very proud of how it turned out.
Not seeing your teammates, too focused on your hands that were able to block your opponent's spike, you failed to notice the gleam in everyone's eyes. You're going to be a formidable addition to the team, and they cannot wait to play an official game by your side. By the end of the set, you end up losing, but you were still overjoyed because of how much you missed playing. Wiping the sweat of your forehead with a towel offered by the wing spiker you managed to block, you had the biggest smile on your face when you thanked her. Yui came up behind you, clapped her hand on your shoulder, and announced loudly so that everyone could listen, "Let's all welcome Y/N to our team!! She's going to be a perfect addition to the team and I cannot wait to play a game by her side!" Eyes wide, your turn to your now-captain, not believing your ears, and gave her the biggest hug ever. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I will not let you down!" "I know you won't! The only thing you still need to do, is sign the club admission paper and present it to our sensei. It's late now, let's clean up and go home!" "Yes captain!"
After clean up, you were practically still bouncing because you were officially a member of the volleyball club at Karasuno High. But before going home, you had to tell Tsukki and Tadashi. You knew they were still here because they also went to sign up for the volleyball club. So looking around campus, when you were so close to giving up and tell them tomorrow, you heard a "I'm sorry Tsukki!" and you knew that was Tadashi's voice. Speeding up a bit, you saw a blond tuft of hair, and began sprinting while shouting "TSUKKIIIII!!! TADASHIII!!! SHOYOoo? Kageyama? What is going on here?"
You stood frozen in front of the 4 boys, Tsukki holding a volleyball high in the air, Tadashi next to him mid-laugh, Shoyo fuming but also happy you're here, and Kageyama was seething, not caring that you showed up. Using the distraction you provided, Shoyo jumped so high that he snatched the ball from Tsukki's hand before any of them could react. "Wow, you really can jump Shoyo." you whisper, loud enough for all 4 boys to hear. Shoyo's eyes were sparkling when he heard you, "Didn't I tell you I could jump?", puffing his chest proudly. "Okay okay, Y/N how do you know these two?", asked both Tsukki and Kageyama at the same time, resulting in similar glares towards each other.
"Tsukki and Tadashi are my best friends since middle school. And Shoyo is in the same classroom as me, as for Kageyama I met him briefly while sprinting to the gym with Shoyo." "That explains why the tangerine is that stupid, he's in class 1-1." "Tsukki! I'm also in class 1-1! Are you insinuating I'm stupid too?" "Well... yes. I already made myself clear when we first found out." "Tsukki you're just mean, but I'll forgive you cause I like your salty ass. Anyway, what I came here to tell you, I only wanted to tell Tsukki and Tadashi today, but might as well tell you all. I got accepted into the girls volleyball team!!" You were jumping up and down, excited about it. And soon enough Tadashi and Shoyo joined you, excited for you. Kageyama, with a scowl still on his face, congratulated you, Tsukki just offered you a nod.
"Tsukki, I think my read blocking is what made them accept me this quickly! Thank you so much for teaching me!" You went in for a hug, but received a hand on your forehead stopping you. "Aw Tsukki! Why don't you like me as well?" "Stupid, how can I like someone as dumb as you? Anyway congrats on making the team. At least all the time you wasted payed off in the end." "By the way, what are you all doing here this late at night?" "Well Y/N, we just discovered Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are going to be our opponents tomorrow, in a match that will determine if Kageyama here can play as a setter or not. He's the only one that has something to lose if we lose tomorrow. HAHAHA-OW Kageyama! Why did you hit me with your elbow?" "Stupid Hinata! If you can't keep up with me, I won't set the ball for you!"
Leaving both Shoyo and Kageyama to their weird antics, you follow your best friends after bidding the other two boys good night. Linking your arms to Tsukki and Tadashi, you lean in and rest your head on Tsukki's arm, sighing contentedly. You were part of the volleyball club. You're steps closer to achieving your goal of playing volleyball on a professional level. "Are you guys happy for me? I would even more happy if you are!" "Of course we're happy for you! Right Tsukki?" you failed to see Tadashi's wink towards you cause you were solely focusing on Tsukki's answer. "Sure whatever. It's not like you're not good and got it out of luck. You worked hard for it and got it. So I don't see why you doubted getting in. They need you more than you need them."
Saying that you're shocked cannot convey your true emotions after Tsukki's statement. You froze in the middle of the road, making the two boys stop with you, looking back at you quizzically. You cannot help the flow of tears that escape your eyes, and you hug Tsukki, not letting him stop you like before. He stood there unmoving, but you don't care, it was the first time he told you something decent about your skills. Finally you let go of him, dabbing at your eyes, you look up to him with the biggest smile you could muster. "THANK YOU TSUKKI! I KNEW YOU TOLERATED ME!" Trying to hide his growing blush, Tsukki put on his headphones, and continued walking not caring that he left you both behind him.
Squealing, you linked arms with Tadashi, and the both of you began running after the blond, screaming, "WAIT FOR US TSUKKI!!" Tsukki internally groaned but did slow down his pacing, letting you catch up. When you sided next to him, you linked up arms again, and walked back home.
Because of your volleyball practice, you barely saw your two best friends during school time, occasionally seeing them in the hallway or when you ate your lunches together, but other than that, you were too busy with classes and practice. In fact, because you wanted to be a good player all around, you stayed way later than the rest of the team to practice on your serves, and if someone stayed with you, you practiced on both your receives and spikes.
Tadashi noticed something different with Tsukki. Ever since you became a volleyball club member, they barely saw you. Tadashi understood why you couldn't be with them all the time, but Tsukki had a hard time with it. He once heard him mutter, "The stupid tangerine sees her more than us." Tadashi thinks that was the first time Tsukki wished he wasn't that good at academics that way he could've been in your class and seen you more. The moments they did see you, Tsukki's whole demeanor changed, from scowling all the time, to having a teasing smirk on his face. And you? You never stopped your flirting with Tsukki, not even trying to hide the fact that you actually liked the blond boy. Tadashi knew about your crush on Tsukki ever since middle school. He knew Tsukki knew about it as well, but what surprised him is how Tsukki never tries to put you down or outright reject your advances. That makes Tadashi think that maybe Tsukki actually likes you back.
Maybe that's why he's so different when you're not around. Deciding that he needed to ask Tsukki about it, he did that while going to volleyball practice. "Tsukki? Do you like Y/N?" "Well duh she's our best friend. I wouldn't be best friends with someone I don't like." "No I mean, do you actually like like her? Like do you want to be together with her?" "What?! What makes you think that? Why would I want to be with her?" "Well you always are scowling and gloomy when she's not with us. But when she is, you're completely different. And I didn't miss the look you sent her when she excitedly told us about being accepted in the volleyball club, you thought no one saw you, but I did. I saw the proud look in your eyes, the soft smile on your lips, and the light blush on your cheeks." Gaping like a fish out of water, Tsukki just huffs, put on his headphones and continued walking towards the club room to change into his sports uniform. Smiling cheekily, Tadashi followed him, content to finally have an answer to his question.
Inter-High was looming around the corner, you barely saw anyone outside your classmates and your teammates. Every lunch break you went to practice, and stayed way too late after school to practice as well. Shoyo was the only one to know where you are and what you were doing, so he relayed everything to a worried Tadashi, missing his best friend dearly. But they also had practice so he understood why you were absent.
Tsukki on the other hand, had trouble keeping you out of his head. After Tadashi's revelation, you kept on popping up in his head, replaying all the moments you had together, from the moment he saw you stand up for Tadashi, crying more than him, there was also the moment where you pestered him to teach you read blocking, and how you leaned slightly into him when you laughed with them. Your crush on him did not go unnoticed, since you don't actually try to hide it. He knew that his feelings aren't totally on the friendship side, but he won't let them come between him and his practice for the inter-high tournament, being a starting player after all.
Today was the day of your first match with your volleyball team. You tried your hardest to practice well, even if some of the players were not as enthusiastic about it, you tried to make up for them, which brought a smile to your captain's face. Wearing your uniform, the beautiful black jersey with the number 11 on the back, you couldn't help but be happy to be where you are right now. Knowing that the boys team was also here, you excused yourself to your captain and teammates, wanting to go and find your best friends before the match starts.
Frantically searching for them, they were nowhere to be found. You were so close to just going back to your team, until you heard an excited "Y/N!!" Turning around you notice an overly happy Shoyo running to you. You meet him halfway, jumping together and hugging, happy to have your first official matches in your high school volleyball careers. "Ahh Y/N! You look so cool in your uniform! You even have the same number as Tsukishima! And look I'm one number behind you!" True enough, Shoyo's number was indeed number 10. Gushing together, you failed to notice Shoyo's team gather up around you.
"Well well I didn't know Hinata knew a pretty girl like you." Looking up, you came up face to face with the second year you almost ran into on your first day of school. "Oh! It's you!! I almost ran into you while running to the second gym! I didn't even catch your name." "Ohh you're the Y/N I've been hearing all about during practice! I'm Tanaka Ryūnosuke. Don't worry about almost running into me, I saw how excited you were to go apply for the team!" Bowing gently, you also noticed the other members from the team. The captain even congratulated you when he heard you were a starting player on the girls team. "Yui must be proud to have such an excited player on her team. I'm glad you decided to join!" "Thank you Sawamura-San! I'm really happy to be part of such a great team!"
Turning around, you looked for Tadashi and Tsukki, and when you saw the blond tuft of hair, you excused yourself and ran to them. "TSUKKI!! I have the same number on my jersey as you!!" Jumping next to him, Tadashi soon joined you, and that irritated Tsukki, which made him scold you, but you still stuck by his side, being happy to finally see your best friend and crush again. The boys in the volleyball team were so shocked that this lively ball of energy that you were was actually friends with the walking salt shaker. But soon enough they noticed your not-so-subtle flirting and the redness of Tsukki's ears, and they immediately knew you both had a crush on each other but did nothing about it.
Looking at the time, you quickly excused yourself, wished them good luck on their match, and ran to join your teammates before your own match starts. Feeling extremely happy, you couldn't wait to play on a court with an audience, and your teammates by your side. After your official practice time was over, and a quick pep talk from your captain and vice-captain, you lined up and bowed, before starting your first game.
Despite all the blocks you managed, you still fell short, and barely scored. Which resulted in you and your team losing the game and being eliminated. Trying your hardest to stay positive, you cheered your team on with your captain. "It's alright! We had our ups and downs. Unfortunately, the downs outweighed the ups, but you all played beautifully today! Don't let today's result, get in the way of you wanting to play more. It's true that us third years won't be able to play more with you, but remember that you have a wonderful collection of second years, and an amazing first year! Don't you dare make her feel like this team is not worth nurturing, she could definitely be the player this team needs to succeed! Promise me you'll continue playing volleyball, and reach nationals next year!" "We promise captain!" "Captain! Sensei is calling you!" "Wow our captain is so strong!" "She's only strong in front of us," you whisper more to yourself than to the others. "She said all this to make us feel better, but when she's alone, she'll let out her cries."
You were trying to keep your tears in, after the heartfelt words your captain said about you. And you made a promise that you'll do anything to go to nationals. You're not gonna lie to yourself, you were devastated, all the hard work you put into your spikes and blocks was not enough to make you win the match, and you immediately lost. You somehow knew the boys won their first game, and were now playing their second one. Wanting to cheer for your best friends, you followed your team to the stands around the court where the boys where playing. You made it in time to see Tsukki blocking an opponent's spike, and you couldn't help yourself, you shouted, "TSUKKI! NICE BLOCK!"
Upon hearing your voice, the boy turned around and faced you, gave you a nod and then turned around. Not being able to contain it, you beamed, and saw Tadashi look up at you from the sidelines. Waving like a madwoman, you were equally as excited to see him. Seeing the match unravel in front of you, you couldn't help but feel a bit down, after losing your own match, but that did not come in the way of your cheering, shouting at the top of your lungs for your friends.
When the final whistle blew, announcing Karasuno's win, you turned around and grabbed your teammates hands and start jumping up and down, happy for the boys that just won. Not waiting anymore, you rush outside and stood in front of the door from which the team came out, hugging Shoyo, trying to hug Kageyama, congratulating the third and second years on their win, you stood in front of your best friends.
Extremely happy for their win, you approached them to hug and congratulate them on their win, but you stopped in your tracks when Tsukki asked you, "Why are you sad Y/N?" "What do you mean I'm sad Kei? How could I be sad when my best friends won their game?" "Well I know you're feeling down. What happened?" "Ah not that big of a deal. We just lost our match and were eliminated in the first round. It's alright, I'll have more. I'm just sad for my senpais because it was their last match with us, and I wasn't able to take them to at least a second one."
You don't know what happened, but you just felt warmth around you, and you realized that Tsukishima was actually hugging you, not you hugging him, not him hugging you after you scold him to do so. He was hugging you because he chose to do it. Not being able to respond fast enough, the hug was already over, and he stood by your side. Tadashi came to hug you, and this time you were prepared. You hugged him back, and start silently crying unto his shoulder. You felt a hand on your head, softly patting it, but you were too lost in your tears to look at who it belonged to.
After crying for a good five minutes, you finally looked up, apologizing for ruining Tadashi's uniform, but he softly hits your shoulder, claiming nonsense. You turn around and see all the boys team look at you with worried looks on their faces. Blushing, you apologize for causing a scene. But the third years know the feeling after losing a match you desperately wanted to win, going through that themselves, and told you it was perfectly alright with what you're feeling.
"Okay okay, enough tears and sadness. I'm really happy for you guys! You made it onto day two! Make Karasuno proud!" "You bet Y/N!" "I'll win just for you Y/N-chan!" "Nishinoya! You don't even know the girl that well!" "Well she's a pretty girl, and I'm a fantastic libero, don't be jealous Tanaka!" Smiling, you thank them all, saying goodbye because your team is waiting for you.
Being in school the next day was really upsetting, especially since Shoyo's desk was empty, with him being on court playing and scoring some points for his team... unlike you. You brush off the negative thoughts, and wait for the end of the day, to go practice on your own. Picking up some volleyballs, you start practicing some jump serves, wanting to incorporate them in your next games. You heard the squeaking of shoes on the court but you were in the middle of a serve, so you didn't see who it was.
"We lost." Upon hearing that, you missed your serve, the ball ended up hitting your head. You turn around and you find Tsukishima standing by the sidelines, looking down. "Hey, Kei, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't think we would lose this early. But at least our senpais will stay with us until the Spring Tournament. So it wasn't their last match with us."
You silently made your way to him, when he was talking. You lifted your hand up and wiped a stray tear that escaped his crestfallen eyes, shocking both you and the boy in front of you. You looked at him with a sad smile, knowing exactly how he felt. That was the trigger for him to scoop you up into a hug. Not knowing what to do, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. You felt the small movement from his chest as he was silently crying. You slowly brushed his hair aside, softly kissing his forehead, and whispering some nonsense to try and make him feel better.
But what you didn't know was that the fact that he was hugging you, and you were playing with his hair, made him better instantly. Suddenly, he pushes his head away from your arms, looks up at you and says without a single doubt, "I like you Y/N." Not being able to help it, your eyes widen and you jaw drops. "Close up your mouth, flies will fly into it, and I have no desire to hear you whine. I know you like me too, so do you want to go out with me?" "Wait wait. You. Like. Me? Me liking you isn't something new, I wasn't exactly hiding my feelings from you. But I didn't know you liked me enough to ask me out? What happened to the Tsukki I know that always makes fun of me?"
"Don't call me Tsukki. Call me Kei. Only you can call me Kei. And I always had my eye on you ever since you stood up to Tadashi back in middle school, even though you were more afraid of them than him. But when I knew I liked you was when you excitedly told us you made it onto the volleyball team. You being this excited, made me want to stay by your side through everything. When I saw you had the same number on your jersey as me, it made me feel empowered and proud of you. Seeing you crying because you lost your first official match, made me forget about everyone, and I just wanted to hug you to tell you I'm by your side. When Hinata was patting your head while you hugged Tadashi, it made me want to brush his hand aside and just be the one to comfort you. I noticed that I loved you after all these. I noticed that I wanted to be with you because you are honestly the only person I tolerate enough and love to stay by my side forever."
Not knowing what to say to this beautiful confession, you just gently grabbed his face, making him look at you, and lowered your face so that your lips gently pressed against his. Looking back up to his eyes, you see an unreadable expression, and one of the hands that supported your thighs came to the back of your neck, and forcefully brought back you down to his lips, not satisfied with the half kiss you gave him. Softly moaning because of Kei's eagerness, you grab a fist full of his hair, and tugged, making him gasp, and you slip your tongue against his.
A yelp makes you break the kiss, much to your dismay, you look behind you and find a shocked Tadashi, who was, you think, looking for Tsukki. Not caring that their best friend finally saw them kiss, Tsukki brings you back down to continue your kissing session. Not being able to break it off, you melt into his arms and continue kissing him, not wanting to pause it again after waiting for so long. "Well as much as I want you to continue kissing after you finally figured out your feelings, captain wants to see us Tsukki. And you know how he gets if we piss him off."
Feeling Kei tense under you, you know that the threat was a real one. Giving him one last sweet kiss, you whisper this to his ear only, "Well we can always continue this later. I'll be waiting." You bite just below his earlobe, and feel him tighten his hold on your thighs, he drops you and runs after Tadashi, but not before looking back at you and wink at your disheveled look. Flipping him off, you smile at him, and went back to your practice, occasionally touching your lips, happy that Tsukki is finally your boyfriend.
What you didn't know is that at the meeting after you confessed, Tsukki's teammates crowded him once they saw his swollen lips and disheveled hair. They knew he went to look for you after their loss, so they immediately assumed you finally confessed to each other, and kissed the heck out of each other.
They kept on teasing him until he once brought you to practice, and played a game of 3-on-3. Being on Tsukki's team with Tanaka-San, you made the opposing team run for their money, with all the blocking you managed and your half-good setting to Tanaka-San that he somehow still managed to spike and score. In the end you won, and all the boys looked at you, knowing why Tsukki liked you that much. You were something different. But you were also Tsukki's, and you made an excellent team together.
"Tsukki and Y/N make such an incredible team! I feel like I'm third wheeling when I play with them." "Tanaka senpai!! Don't say that!" "Oh my God! She called me senpai. I can die in peace now." "Why are so dramatic Tanaka-San?" "You should learn a thing or two from your girlfriend. At least she's respectful towards her senpais."
You were smiling under your hand, looking at Tsukki, winking at him. He went up to you, ruffled your hair, and whispered in your ear, "Aren't you a good girl? Let's see how respectful you are when I have my way with you later." His hold on your waist was almost bruise-like, and you inhaled so quickly, you began coughing with a full red face. And Tsukki being the little bitch he is, acted all innocent, and rubbed your back soothingly, with a shit-eating grin on his face. Glaring at him, you tried to look mad, but you knew you never could be mad at him. You loved him even when he's being salty and bitchy, and you knew he loved you just as much, because of the caring eyes that were looking at you right now.
How did you become this lucky? You are extremely grateful every day for having him by your side.
#haikyuu!!#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyū!!#hq x you#hq fluff#hq#hq tsukki#hq tsukishima#x reader#reader insert#tsukishima x y/n#tsukishima kei#one shot#ao3#fanfiction#fanfic#tsukishima x reader#haikyuu tsukki#karasuno#fluff#fluffy
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“k i r i p i m a ! ” | 01 ⏤eijiro k.
s u m m a r y : you’re a single mum with a son who loves the hero, red riot, to pieces and doesn’t hesitate on running up to him when he recognises his red hair at the park one day
p a i r i n g : pro hero eijiro kirishima x single mum reader
l e n g t h : 1.8k
g e n r e : fluff ; adorable precious baby ; pony-tail kirishima out on a jog ; adorable single mum reader trying her best with an energetic son
w a r n i n g s : tooth-rotting fluff
a / n : so…i was wasting my life away on tiktok, procrastinating on the stress of moving out to my univesity accommodation when i found the most adorable audio of a little mini human calling our best boi kirishima, ‘kiripima!’ and i just had to write a mini fic to honor it bc it turned my poor little heart into a puddle of goo
please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors, it is currently 1 am and i am not functioning properly as of late. but i’m tempted to write a part 2 so tell me if you want one as well and i’ll try to get this mushy brain of mine thinking again. happy reading!
You don’t know what sparked such an interest in your darling son over a particular red-clad hero but you weren’t complaining. At least he wouldn’t be moping around over his biological father being absent in his life. That good-for-nothing coward doesn’t deserve an ounce of your son’s attention in the first place. Even though you weren’t that good at judging someone’s character back when choosing who to be intimate with, at least your son was better at it than you.
Your sweet, three-year-old was so entranced by the red-haired hero, he kept asking to watch multiple videos of him online. It’s come to a point where he had even watched Red Riot’s UA sports festival appearances, where he learned of his favorite hero’s real name: Kirishima Eijiro.
“Kiripima!” Ren, your little lotus, calls out affectionately as he raises both arms. In one of his hands, he holds his favorite Red Riot action figure, waving it in the air in front of the smart TV before bringing the figure into his chest for a loving embrace, pressing his plump, mochi-soft cheeks against the spiked hair of the action figure, happy coos escaping his puckered lips.
That’s a sight you’ll never get tired of.
Keep reading
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Ch. 325
This is the purest, most beautiful, bittersweet chapter in Haikyuu.
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Tanaka Ryūnosuke × Reader
I'm extremely late to posting this even though I had it all written out beforehand. But oh well( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Here is one of my personal favorites, cause I absolutely adore Tanaka, he resonated with me, ever since his first appearance.
You can find the ao3 post about this fic here: ao3 post
Pairing: Tanaka Ryūnosuke & Reader Word Count: 3137 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Original Post Date on ao3: 03/03/2021
You always knew Tanaka-San had a crush on Kiyoko. You already knew that. But you couldn't not fall for his charm, his sense of humor, and his skills on the court. You were also sure that he doesn't even know who you are.
You were just a member of the girls volleyball team. Sure you may have your special moments when you spike a ball the right way to score a point, but other than that, you're just a regular volleyball player. So when Tanaka came to you for advice, you were legitimately surprised.
At first you didn't answer him right away, thinking it was a prank, and looking for your teammates because they discovered your crush on the fellow spiker. But when you couldn't find any of them, you gladly accepted to help him. And well, you wished you asked him what kind of advice he needed. Because you weren't prepared for the devastating feeling you got when he told you he needed help asking Kiyoko out.
Not letting your unrequited feelings get in the way, you managed a weak smile and nodded, saying you'll help him however you can. "Sweet! Thanks Y/N!" "You're wel... wait you know my name?" "Well yeah of course I do! I would never forget the name of the girl whose spikes are out of this world!" He moves closer. "And well I couldn't forget the girl who always sneaks around to check out the boys volleyball practice." With that last statement, you blush profusely, mutter a quick flustered good bye and run away, listening to Tanaka's laughs behind you.
You couldn't believe it. He noticed you sneaking by the gym to see their practice. He even saw how you spike. Damn now you're going to be self-conscious whenever you're going for a spike in practice or in a match. "But how did he know I come to watch him and his team practice? I always try to stay hidden and not bother them, so how?" you mutter to yourself, not looking where you're going, and you just bump into someone. You quickly excuse yourself, but you're still thinking and don't notice who you bumped into, so you just continue on your way.
"Y/N?" You look up quickly and look around, searching for the source of the voice. There's only Nishinoya, and of course it's not him who called you, right? How would he know your name? But as you keep looking around, you heard him snicker, and you blush. "Y/N are you okay?" "Wait. You're talking to me?" "Well yes. There's no one else around, as I'm sure you noticed while looking around." "But how do you know my name?" "All of our team knows who you are, dummy! You're famous amongst us!" Horror struck your face, and you start panicking. What did he mean you're famous? Famous how? Did you make a fool out of myself in front of them and didn't notice? What are you going to do?
"Y/N calm down. It's nothing like that! Don't worry! It's my fault I should've been clearer. You're famous because we all know you watch us practice and watch us play our matches. And well whenever you're around Tanaka-San is always on top of his game! So thank you for that!" he said with a big smile on his face.
You could only look at him in shock. Were you that obvious with your sneaking around? You always try to make it to their matches to cheer them on, and you always go to watch them practice because they were just so cool to watch. Whenever you practiced with your team, you tried to incorporate what you saw with what you already know, but it would always turn into a hot mess and ruins everything. But you still tried to make them work.
But now that the entire boys team knows you're watching them, how can you face them? How can you face Ryūnosuke and help him get the girl he likes? And what did Nishinoya mean by Tanaka always playing better when they know you're watching? You had way too many questions on your mind and you had to blow off some steam. "I.. um.. I have to go now, I gotta practice or something. Bye Nishinoya-San!" He chuckles, amused by your flustered self, "Bye Y/N! See you at next practice!" You couldn't even answer, you just turned red and ran away, almost falling because of your own feet. Hitting yourself mentally, you get away even faster.
You make way towards the school's gym, making sure no one is around, and you just start practicing. As you shoot your serves, you're thinking "What would Kiyoko-San enjoy as a gesture or present? What would be cool enough and not cringey at the same time? Why am I even helping him, I don't know Kiyoko that much! Sure I greet her in the hallways, and help her with minute tasks but that's it. Ugh I dug this hole myself, might as well make the most of it."
You try to focus again on your serves, but there's one thought that keeps gnawing in your mind, what did Nishinoya mean by Tanaka being on top of his game when you were watching? Shrugging off the questions from your mind, you went to pick up another ball from the pit, and that's when you realise you were not alone in the gym.
Before checking who the mysterious person was by the ball pit, you let out a high scream, scared for you life. "Quit your screaming Y/N!! It's me Tanaka. What are you even doing here all alone? I was looking for you everywhere!" "Tanaka-San? How did you know where to find me? And why were you looking for me?"
"Well I saw you talking to Nishinoya while looking for you, and as I was about to come greet you, you got all flustered and left him, almost stumbling to the ground." You hit yourself mentally, damn you made a fool out of yourself in front your crush, this day cannot get any worse. "I went up to Nishinoya to ask him where you went, and he told me you came here to practice. But before coming here I had to pick up something to show it to you. So close your eyes please." Sceptical about all this, you still closed your eyes, trying to calm down your excitement, Tanaka wanted to show you something!! You felt something a bit heavy being placed in your extended hands, and hear Tanaka telling you to open you eyes.
Looking down, you're faced with a box of chocolates and tiny teddy bear to match. You look up to the boy in front of you, questioning him with your eyes, trying to hide your blush. "This is a gift I picked out for Kiyoko-San. I wanted to see if she'll like it or not. So I thought showing it to you first and getting your opinion would be better, before I do something stupid."
"Oh." "You don't like it?" asking you with a hurt look in his eyes, mixed with something you couldn't quite place your finger on. "No no nothing like that. I think it's actually really sweet that you got this for Kiyoko. I'm sure she'll really love it. I was just surprised that's all! Don't worry!" He sighs, relief washing over him. "I also think that this gift paired with what I had in mind for a confession would be perfect. Since Kiyoko stays until the end of practice, you could ask her to wait up for you when you're done. You get her the gift. You look sweetly into her eyes, and say 'I really like you, and it's been a while since I do. I guess you might have noticed before, but now I wanted to say it more seriously. So please accept my gift. I would also be really happy if you returned my feelings.' And I guess that's about it, you should be ready for a confe-"
You stop in the middle of your sentence, because Ryūnosuke was standing really close to you, seriousness radiating from him. He gently raises his hand, and wipes under your eyes. You did not notice you were crying. Embarrassed, you give him back his gift, and worked quickly at wiping those tears away. "Ah I must have felt emotional and happy for you. I'm glad I gave you my idea, even if you don't use it in the end, I was happy to help. Do tell me what happens after that confession. I'll wait up after your practice to know all the details! I have to go now. See you soon!"
You spilled all those words out, wanting to get away from him, in fear that your tears will flow down even faster. You left him without letting him speak. You just had to get away. Your cheek still tingles where he touched you to get rid of that singular tear. His hand felt so warm and you just wanted to snuggle, close your eyes and enjoy that closeness. But no you couldn't do that, he'll soon be someone else's boyfriend, and you just couldn't do that. You were running, as fast as you can. Your vision was blurry. You were crying again. You had to stop.
Seeing a nearby school building where no one actually comes here, you lean up on one of its walls, and just break down. Sliding down, you sit on the grass, and start sobbing. You hear the bell ringing calling student back to their classroom, but you couldn't care less. Your heart was aching and breaking, because you loved someone who doesn't love you back. Your body was shaking. You wanted to hit yourself for falling for someone you knew could never be yours. After a few minutes of crying your eyes out, you slowly calm yourself, still sniffling with the occasional hiccup.
You look up to the bright blue sky , and decided to tread back to your classroom, not caring if you were late. After a quick bathroom break to wash your face, you walk slowly back to your shared classroom with your crush and his teammate. Keeping your head down, you open the classroom door, and you can feel the stares on you. Apologizing for being late, the teacher lets you in with a warning and you promise to not be late again. You go to sit down at your designated window seat, and start staring at the field and nature outside, filtering out the words your teacher was saying. While staring outside, you failed to notice one particular boy who keeps on glancing at you, worried about you, with his heart aching and thumping loudly in his ears because of you.
Classes are finally over, but you stayed seated, wanting to copy down the notes you missed. You saw a shadow blocking your light, so you look up and see Nishinoya next to you. "Oh! Hi Noya. What brings you here? You need something? Don't you have practice?" "I just wanted to make sure you were okay Y/N. You never come late to your classes. And when Tanaka told me what happened, I was even more worried than him. Well no that's not true, he was scared shitless about where you were and why you were late. And when you came in late, with puffy and a downcast expression on your face, I knew you were crying. Want to tell me why?" You never knew Nishinoya was this observant. Feeling shy, you grab one strand of your hair while trying to explain yourself. "I just fell down while running back to class, and I hurt myself, so I cried like an idiot, and took some time to wash off the dirt in the bathroom. You don't have to worry about me!" Mustering a sad smile, you can see that he wasn't convinced by your fake story, but decided not to pressure you into telling him. "Well I'm glad you're better. But now come on! We have to go to practice!" You knew you couldn't argue with him, so you just quickly picked up your things and followed him out towards the gym.
Getting to the gym, you stop by the bench under the window and seat yourself, while Noya changes his shoes and enters the gym. As you're sitting down, trying to be comfortable, the libero player comes back out and starts looking from left to right, and when he sees you, he comes up to you. "What are you doing still out there? Come on in!" "But but I always stay out here so I don't distract you and I also study a bit!" "None of that! Come on. The whole team wants to finally meet you properly!"
You take your bag, change your shoes, and come in, shyly standing behind Noya. As you enter, all eyes turn to you, and you can feel yourself blushing like crazy. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Y/N. Sorry for the intrusion during your volleyball practice." "No intrusion at all. We were waiting for you to join us!" You turn and see that it was Coach Ukai that just spoke to you. Beaming to finally be able to speak to the famous coach of the boys volleyball team, you couldn't contain your excitement, and gave him a big hug, and realise way too late that everyone was looking at you.
With firetruck-red cheeks, you let go of the coach and scratch your neck, looking sheepish. When the initial shock wears off, you hear the coach's laugh and you feel him patting you on the head. "I like you already. You recognize talent when you see it." Smiling, you nod at his words. You go sit down on one chair and take out your books to study a bit. But you see yourself glancing every once and a while towards a certain player wanting to see him practice. Whenever he spikes a ball really well, your heart swells, but that quickly dies down when you see him looking at Kiyoko to view her reaction.
With an aching heart, you go back to your solving of mathematical equations. The end of practice soon comes around. You gather your supplies while saying good bye to the other players, having enjoyed watching them practice. Nishinoya comes up to you, and you both exit the gym quickly, cause you knew what's going to happen soon. You take your time putting on your shoes, telling Noya to leave before you so he won't be late.
Being alone, you wait up, sitting down on a bench. To your surprise Kiyoko exits the gym soon after you and wears her shoes, preparing to go home. You go up to her and ask: "Wait. Where are you going? Where's Tanaka-San?" "Oh. He's inside, he told me to call you in when I got out." Confused, you wave her good bye and enter the gym again. It was all empty, except for the boy you liked standing in the middle of the court.
"Tanaka? What are you doing? And why didn't say anything to Kiyoko? She was right there! Did she reject you before you got the chance to give her your gift?" You're met with silence. You come closer to him, touching his shoulder gently. He turns around, and just engulfs you in a hug. Shocked, you slowly hug him back. You felt him relax when you wrapped your arms around him. "What's wrong? Did Kiyoko let you down? Tell me." You couldn't stand him not talking to you. You stop your questions when you hear him mumbling.
"What is it? I can't hear you properly." "It was never about Kiyoko-San. Sure she's pretty and cute, but she's nowhere close to you. When you didn't come to class, I was freaking out. Asking myself if it was my fault you came in late. And when I saw your puffy eyes and sad expression, my heart broke. I never want to see you like that. I know now what I asked of you was really unfair, but I wanted to know the best way for me to confess my feelings to you, but I ended up hurting you and making you cry. I'm such an idiot to make you go through all that. Please forgive me, I couldn't forgive myself for causing you so much pain. I like you so much. I can even say that I fell in love with you. I love you."
You were at a loss for words. While Ryū was squeezing you in his arms, the same words kept repeating in your head.
It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you. It was never about Kiyoko-San. I love you.
You slowly get out of the hug, looking up at Ryū's face. Hopeful look in your eyes. "Do you really love me?" "Yes. I love you so much Y/N. Ever since I noticed you coming to watch us practice, I found myself seeking you out, whether in class, or for your help in a fake matter, that I regret doing so much. I started loving everything about you." Blushing like crazy, you buried your head in his chest. Slightly laughing, he wraps his arms around you in a loose hug.
You muster up your courage, stand on your tiptoes, and whisper in his ear. "I love you too, Ryū." Not being able to contain his excitement, he picks you up and twirls you around, laughing and being so happy that you love him back. When he puts you down, you grab his cheeks gently and bring him down to face you. You kiss him sweetly, humming when he kisses you back, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"So.." Tanaka asks still encircling you with his arms. "Does that mean we're officially a couple?" Lightly hitting him in the arm, "Of course we are you dummy." "Yes! Everyone will definitely be jealous of this hot couple. They can only dream of being like us." Laughing together at his adorableness, you stay in each other's arms, content with everything in your lives, and that you finally found each other.
Nishinoya was definitely there during the whole exchange, knowing from the beginning how you both felt about each other. He's the best third-wheel you'll ever encounter. He'll definitely brag about you two and how he helped bringing you both together, even though he didn't really do that much to help. But you still love him both, he's definitely a great friend. You'll never tell him that, but you also tell people that it was him that brought you both together.
Yay! My fanfic about Tanaka is finally up! I hope you enjoy reading it!
The next one is the longest I've written until now and it's with Tsukishima Kei!
#haikyu x reader#haikyuu!!#haikyū!!#haikyuu x reader#reader insert#tanaka ryuunosuke#tanaka ryunosuke x you#karasuno#hq#hq x you#hq tanaka#one shot#fluffy#fluff#mild angst#haikyuu fluff#fanfic#x reader#ao3#fanfiction
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Notes on this Work!
Hi everyone and welcome to my newest fanfic: The Connector! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Before delving into the what this work is about, I have a few notes I wanted to share with you:
1- I actually decided to write this fic because of another one I've been binging these last few days. The fic in question is Here We Are by universebunny_cc. She made me want to write this fic but with my favorite Haikyuu!! team: Nekoma High! So be sure to read hers too! It's really great! While reading her work, I thought to myself, I have to find one but with Nekoma. Then my moment of epiphany occurred, I should write it myself! Thus, The Connector was born! ~(=^‥^)ノ
2- The reader will have a few traits that are well mine as well, such as a love for Chemistry (I became a Chemical Engineering student for crying out loud), yeah be prepared for loads of Chemistry-related jokes and insults with Kuroo, she's an avid bookworm (maybe even a book youtuber, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) , and she wears glasses.
3- The romance will eventually makes its way through the story, but I would like to focus on her relationship with the members of the Nekoma Volleyball club.
4- The plot will follow Nekoma's journey in the manga, with some extra stuff I'll add if I cannot find anything concerning a particular event. Disclaimer: I have zero knowledge of volleyball outside of me reading the manga and watching the anime, but I will try my hardest to be as accurate as possible if I'm describing a game. So if you find any mistakes in a chapter don't hesitate to tell me about them! o(*°▽°*)o
5- The updates may be slower than what you're used to, but it's because I just decided to start this fic in the middle of my studying for finals. So please bear with me and my slow updates >︿<
I guess those were the things I wanted to mention before the start of the fic!
You can also find it on ao3 here! The first chapter will be out during those two to three weeks, cause I still need to focus on my studying, and I still need to prepare the major points to be featured! I hope you'll stay patient with me throughout this story!
Until then enjoy one of my favorite gif of the Nekoma Boys! (*^▽^*)
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Azumane Asahi × Reader
Am I going to post my one shots here too? Yes, yes I will. This is a collection of one shots I'm currently writing over on ao3 (if you want to you can check it out there! This is the first chapter). This collection features a female reader that is actually part of the Girls Volleyball Club at the boy in the pairing's High School (that way it makes more sense and it's easier for me to write!), and her multiple encounters with the different Haikyuu!! boys. I hope you like it and don't find it too cringey╰(*°▽°*)╯
So first off it's going to be my Asahi one shot! Hope you like it!
Pairing: Azumane Asahi & Reader Word Count: 2275 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Original Post Date on ao3: 24/02/2021
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You lost. You didn't make it past the first preliminary round. You're going home empty handed. It was all your fault. You didn't think you could reach a lower point in your volleyball career, but you just did.
He would be so disappointed in you. After everything he did, this is how you're repaying him for the hours of training you did together. He would be disappointed.
Your team was huddled up outside the gym, crestfallen expressions on your faces. One teammate was even crying thinking it was her fault this happened. She doesn't know that it was all yours. Captain reassures her that it's not, you did whatever you could to try to win, even if you didn't, she was proud of your team. After saying all that, she was called over by your sensei. You noticed some were admiring her strength, but you quickly noticed that she's just strong in front of you. She's just waiting for the moment she's alone, away from your prying eyes, to finally let down all her tears. She shouldn't cry. It wasn't her fault, she tried her best to get you to practice. You were at fault for not telling my teammates to come to practice, for not encouraging them more, for not pushing them more, because, well, it was your job to do so, being vice-captain and all.
You felt terrible. Your mind couldn't focus on anything else but the failure you just witness because of your lack of leadership skills, your lack of volleyball skills. You just had to practice something. You excused yourself, telling your teammates that you're going to look for an empty gym to practice your serves. They looked at you with pity in their eyes, knowing they couldn't stop you, even though they know you're going to exert yourself to the point of exhaustion. You always held the weight of failure on your shoulder, blaming yourself over and over. Being a third year, those tournaments are going to be the last ones you'll be able to compete in while still being on your school's team.
When you finally find an empty gym, you find a few wayward balls. You begin by collecting them in the bin, thinking that maybe this is the space for a team's practice time. After gathering them next to you, you pick up one ball, and try to jump serve it. It gets to the other side, but the power behind that serve is still weak.
You need to get better. You pick up a second one, and start imagine it as one of your failures that you want to get far away from. When you hit it, it had more force behind it. That's it, you thought. That's how you should do it. You keep doing that, thinking of all the terrible things you need to get away from, of the disappointment you issued with your playing, of all the things you could do better, you could've done better if you were a bit more authoritative.
You did not notice tears flowing down your face, until you saw them splashing on the ball between your hands. Not being able to stay up, you crash down on your knees, volleyball forgotten, and start sobbing silently into your hands. You began muttering: "he must be really disappointed in me. I'm such a failure. He'll no longer be my friend. I ruined everything for my team."
You heard some steps outside the gym door, but you don't care who saw you like that, the tears wouldn't stop anyways. The steps are now faster and louder. You hear a bag hitting the floor, and someone running to you. You thought it was one of your teammates checking up on you. "Y/N?" That's a male voice. Looking up, you see Asahi-San with a worried look on his face. Not being able to stop your tears, a sob finally escapes your lips when you see him, and that's all it took him to go down on his knees and hug you.
Before you wrap up your arms around him, you mutter under your breath "I don't deserve such kindness. I'm a failure. I shouldn't be part of this team. They're better off without me." Not wanting to hear you belittling yourself, Azumane holds you at arm's length, and looks at you dead in the eye, "what are saying about yourself? Did someone tell you all this?" You shake your head not wanting to speak. "I heard you before saying 'he'll be disappointed in me', were you referring to me?" You gently nod, looking down at your fingers, fidgeting and averting his kind brown eyes.
He gently grabs your chin, making you look at him, "I will never be disappointed in you, Y/N. Why would you think that of me?" "Because you wasted so much time on training me, and it was useless. I couldn't do anything to help my team win. I could barely keep the ball in the air. How could I be a good teammate when I'm such a burden to others, not letting them work well?" Your eyes were starting to well up with tears again. Azumane let go of your chin, and you buried yourself in his chest, clinging to his jacket.
He engulfed you in his arms, stroking your back and your hair, whispering softly in your ear, "none of the time I spent training with you was a waste. You're a formidable player, and I wouldn't ask someone else to train with me. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself, I'll always be by your side whether it's through victory or failure. I'm always going to be on your team." With those last words, you couldn't help the sobs that racked your chest and escaped your mouth.
You were shaking, but Asahi-San never let go of you. He smoothed your hair, and stroked your back, humming a song to calm you down. When you felt yourself calming down, no longer sobbing, just sniffling, you look up to Azumane, "do you have some tissues please?" "Yeah sure let me check in my bag for a second." He brings his discarded bag next to you, and shuffles through it, until he finds a packet of tissues that he hands to you. You nod your head while accepting the packet, blowing your nose softly and trying to wipe your eyes.
Your finger are pried away from your face and replaced with bigger warmer hands that wipe your tears gently. You noticed you were quite forceful when wiping your tears. You were so grateful for Azumane, that you closed your eyes and just relaxed under his touch, trying to calm your breaths. A few tears still escape your closed eyes, the movement on your face stopped, and you open your eyes. You noticed Azumane's face got closer to yours, but before anything happens you had to ask one question.
"Why are you always so nice to me? I don't deserve it. I'm just me. Plain old Y/N. But you're perfect. You're an amazing athlete, one I can only aspire to be like. You have such a gentle and kind soul. Even if you get nervous or scared of something, with a few encouraging words, you're back to your confident self. Meanwhile I'm here, crying and sobbing cause I'm the reason my entire team failed, I'm supposed to bring them together with my captain, but I couldn't even do that. You don't even deserve me liking you, you deserve someone who's better than me to like you. Someone who can complete you in the best ways possible. Someone who's not me. So why do always stay by my side even when I wouldn't want to be by my own side?"
You started crying again, letting out all of your feelings for Azumane accidentally because of your frustration. Silent tears were rolling down your face, you're looking down at your fingers clutching the tissue packet, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Y/N?" "What?" "Look at me." You gingerly lift your head up, scared of meeting his eyes. But what you face wasn't what you expected.
Azumane's face was a mix of shock and warmth and something you couldn't quite read. He wanted to say something, but was struggling to do so. He ended up engulfing you with one of the biggest hugs you ever received, the kind of hug that puts everything back in its place, the kind of hug you never want it to end. He whispered so low you were afraid you wouldn't be able to hear him, "I like you too Y/N."
You couldn't believe what you just heard. Shocked, you raise your head, tears still prominent on your face, and you're met with the most handsome, warm face you've ever seen in your life. "Why are tearing up Azumane? I'm the one who should be crying!" "I just couldn't handle seeing you this sad and distraught over something that wasn't your fault. I couldn't handle seeing the girl I love belittling herself." While saying that, you noticed that both his hands are on your cheeks, and getting closer with every word he said.
Your breath hitched, but at the same time, you wanted him closer. You stand up on your knees, facing him head on. That's the only sign he needed before closing the gap between the two of you. You never would've thought that you would be kissing Azumane Asahi, but there you are, in his arms, in the arms of the man who loves you. You couldn't have asked for a better way to make you feel better. As you disentangle yourself from him to catch your breath, you notice him being flushed and you couldn't help but rest your hand on his warm cheek. He nuzzles his head into your hand and kisses the inside of it. You melt right there and then.
"Do you really love me? Or did you mean it as friends?" you ask shyly, feeling stupid as the question left your lips. "Well I wouldn't have kissed you if I only loved you as a friend" he says gently as he tucked a loose strand of your hair. You blush and try to cover your warming cheeks, but he catches your hands before you do so. "Can I ask you something Asahi?" "Anything for you Y/N." "Oh stop it." you lightly hit him on his shoulder. "How did you know where to find me? I remember only telling my teammates."
"Oh well you see. Sometime during our second match, your team came to cheer us on. But I didn't notice them until the end. I was looking for you between your teammates, and I guess your captain knew who I was looking for, and told me where to find you, with the notice that you may or may not be blaming the loss of the game on yourself." You shyly look down at your intertwined hands. "So as soon as I could, I came looking for you, worried that you might be exerting yourself, practicing as you usually do when you blame yourself. And when I heard tiny sniffles, a volleyball hitting the floor, and a bunch of mumbled words, I came faster, and I saw you broken down on the floor, silently crying and sobbing into your arms. My heart was wrenching when I saw you. I could only just come and hug you, trying to make you feel better. And well I guess I achieved that." He says cheekily while booping your nose with his finger but never letting go of your hand.
With still warm cheeks, you look at him, wondering one thing. "Wait you said you finished playing your second match. It means you played against..." "Date Tech High, yeah.." "Oh my God. Are you okay? How did it go? Please don't tell me you're going to stop playing volleyball again? I couldn't handle it. I barely managed to hit a ball when you took your break. I felt like a complete failure when you wouldn't show up to our practice meetings. Thinking it was my fault you didn't want to continue on. Please don't tell me you're quitting again!" "Y/N.. breathe" he says, reassuringly squeezing your hands. "I'm not going to stop playing volleyball anytime soon. And just so you know... we won."
Your face literally lights up, and you couldn't contain your happiness. You jump up and down, overly excited for him and his team. You jump into his arms, and he immediately catches you and spin you both around, laughing with glee. You couldn't believe it. They defeated the Iron Wall of Data Tech. Azumane isn't leaving volleyball behind. He finally conquered his fear. When he sets you down, he leaves his hand around your waist, enjoying your expression full of pride and happiness, for him.
You still couldn't believe it. "Asahi! You did it! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it! My strong Ace!" "My strong Ace you say?" "I.. umm.. is it okay if I call you that?" you ask, biting your lip cause you're embarrassed you made that slip up. "Of course you can... my little spiker" You blush so profusely, that your entire face and ears are as red as a tomato. You lightly hit his bicep, hiding your face in his chest. He laughs so wholeheartedly while engulfing you with his arms. He kisses the top of your head and whispers: "God I love her so much" With a wide smile hidden from his eyes, you whisper back, "I love you too Asahi"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well here you have it, that was my very first attempt at a fanfic chapter! I have two more fully ready, a new one shot in the works, and an entire new fanfic idea that is linked to my blog name. I hope you'll stick around until then!
#haikyuu!!#haikyū!!#haikyu x reader#asahi x you#asahi azumane#karasuno#hq#hq asahi#one shot#hq fluff#haikyuu fluff#fanfic#fluff#x reader#reader insert#ao3#fanfiction
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All the Seven ( + Will Solace) from “Heroes of Olympus” saga!
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