#also yes I’m already trying to write smth for this
Hey Gatsby people, I know I’ve seen ppl talk about a reincarnation AU and wanted to try my hand at it (thanks @writerinconstantcrisis for listening and helping this bullshit lmao). Please consider-
Nick, having successfully published his memoir The Great Gatsby, stands as the last of their group to die
The gang are reincarnated and run into each other just a tad earlier than before, their Junior Year of High School. They become great friends, absolutely clueless to their past lives
Spring of their Junior Year they get the good ol required reading of The Great Gatsby, in which their friend group just sorta laughs at it although Nick can’t shake this sense of Deja Vu reading it…
It comes to a head for him in the hallway one day leaving class when Jay calls him “old sport” (“because it sounds cool! I like it, I’m gonna bring it back.” “You’re gonna look like an idiot, James.”) Nick is hit with an entire lifetimes worth of memories in one go
Has to spend the rest of high school in constant crisis because none of the others know, they clearly don’t know, if they knew they wouldn’t be hanging around George and Myrtle so casually oh god he’s gonna be sick-
Jordan remembers next, at a graduation party. Nick decided to shoot the long shot and mention how he’s never liked small parties because there’s no privacy. Jordan is left reeling but at least Nick is there to help her
Daisy finds out next, although she’s alone when it happens. It’s their first year of college and she’s left reeling and on her own. At first Nick thinks nothing of her sudden texting spree in the group chat (which was jokingly named “The Gay Gatsby” back in high school and hasn’t changed) until Christmas, when he sees that look in her eyes and spends the rest of dinner staring her down until he can ask in private. She cries for an hour at least
Tom remembers second to last, his Junior Year of college when he and Daisy get together (on much better terms, mind you, and both he and Daisy are better people because screw you it’s my AU and I get to fix the characters) Like Daisy I’m not sure exactly what his trigger event is but it hits him and hard. First off, gaining a second lifetime of memories is rough. Second, he was an asshole oh my gosh. Third, he caused the death of someone he gets along with pretty well now (no, he and Gatsby are not best buds. They’re more like those friends who constant piss each other off as a show of affection). He’s not the other three there for him though so it’s not terrible.
Gatsby is last. First to die, last to remember and boy does it hit him like a brick. They’re out of college, hanging at Nick and Jay’s shared apartment (roommates, but room for ship because I do, but can be platonic) when someone says something and immediately everything shatters. His admittedly short life crashes back harder than the others’ ever did (except maybe Nick) and he is absolutely broken by it. It takes three days for Nick to be able to talk to him, and that’s not even beginning to acknowledge the others.
Once everyone is back and ticking, barely comprehending what’s going on mind you but they’re trying, they all vow to never let the events of that summer happen again. They’re on a good roll already but they need to keep it up. For everyone’s sakes
That’s the jist of it main plot wise. I’m gonna include some additional sillies under the cut. Feel free to ask/comment/whatever about this AU if you’ve got questions, because I have a lot of thoughts for it lmao
Additional disaster-
Every time someone remembers, they watch the 2013 movie together with those who know and laugh at the inconsistencies/wrong things. It helps them make light of their shitty pasts.
Furthermore, every time someone remembers Nick rereads the book. He can’t forget. He refuses to.
Once Jay remembered and the shitstorm passed, everything returning to as it had been was marked by everyone in their group chat sending some form of “Close enough, welcome back The Gay Gatsby.” Jay laughed for ages at it. Nick had to respond for him.
Everyone has dreams about their past life, although for some it’s more common. Namely for Nick and Jay, whose reoccurring dreams are more like nightmares
Nick feels responsible for everyone. He was the first to remember, he wrote the book, he has to be there for them better this time around. He fails to remember that they’re there for him too, which comes to a head when they find him passed out, locked in his room, surrounded by smudged pages on which he was once again trying to recall that summer by memory. Things get worse when he lets it slip that he was easily ten times worse when writing the original TGG. Mandatory group therapy amongst each other doubles in frequency, with the others refusing to let Nick just brush over the shit he was put through because of them.
Everyone calls bullshit on Nick’s flawless A in English 11. Why? “HE DIDNT HAVE TO READ SHIT! HE WROTE THE DAMN BOOK!” Nick claims that’s their problem, not his.
After first regaining his memories, Nick became very reclusive. He hid from his friends until they broke into his room, partially RAN from George and Myrtle every time he saw them, and became very invested in rereading TGG. Oddly enough though he wasn’t adverse to hugs, especially from Jay. In truth, it was because he just liked hearing his friend’s heartbeat. It helped remind him that he had a second chance, they all did
Jay and Tom argue a lot still, but about the stupidest things. Once things settled from Jay remembering, Jordan, Daisy, and Him were hanging out when suddenly they heard a loud argument approaching. Nick braced for the worst, only to find the two arguing about whether normal or Dino nuggets were better. Idiots.
Nick, having no other outlet for his feelings and thoughts toward his past life at the time, took to his English class’ book discussions to discuss and explain things missed or misunderstood. He was. Rather passionate about proving his point when someone tried to claim he was wrong. He wrote the book damnit!
Jordan is a Lesbian and proud, Nick is Gay, Gatsby is Bi. It’s practically stated in the book but I just need to say it here to be sure.
Jay has had an “irrational fear of pools” since he was a kid. It makes sense in hindsight
And I think that’s all I have for now! Please, if there’s any interest in this AU, do not be afraid to let me know. I will rant. I am trash. Don’t forget it
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
Hiiii I love your writing so much!!! Can I request an imagine where Lando is streaming and the reader says something and lando is like “when I marry you” and the reader is like WHEN? And lando is all like in love and the stream goes wild. Then she leaves the room and lando is like “I can’t wait to marry her “ or smth…. Thank uuuuuu
When? (LN4)
Summary: Apparently, to Lando, it is not a question of if he will marry Y/n, it is when.
Warnings: none
Sitting in a swiveling chair beside him, Y/n peaks over Lando’s shoulder, watching as his car on the video game spins out of control before crashing into the barriers.
“Shit!” Lando screams, his body flying forward from his chair to hunch over.
Y/n giggles in the background as the chat berates Lando for his poor sim skills whilst also being a Formula 1 driver, “You’d think you’d be so good at this game?”
Lando shoots her a look over his shoulder, a warning glance, before he shakes his head with a snicker, “You try it, then.”
Y/n shakes her head, “Nah, I’m good. Leave it the professionals.”
Lando nods with a tsk, finding her presence and her words funny nonetheless. There’s a ringing on her phone that shakes them from their moment, Y/n picking it up and noting the unknown number.
Murmuring sounds from the other side of the phone before realization flows through Y/n and she nods as she speaks, “Yes, sorry. I will ask my boyfriend for that right now. I’m not sure what the exact code is.”
The word code makes Lando mute his microphone, knowing if people found his apartment with the knowledge of the code to get in, all hell would break loose.
“Who is it?” He asks her.
“The delivery guy. What’s the code to get into the building?” Y/n replies, her free hand landing on his bicep as he turns around to fully face her.
Lando’s body warms at her touch, “2576.”
She nods and he unmutes the microphone, the couple going back to their old ways.
“You know, you could just make it easier for me and write the code on a piece of paper for me. Or at least let me write it in my Notes app. I always forget it.” She chuckles, noting the way the delivery man texts her he’s making his way up the stairs, gaining closer to the apartment.
Lando mindlessly laughs, “I don’t want it to get leaked or for you to lose the paper. Maybe when I marry you, I don’t know.”
The chat erupts as silence ensues behind him. Lando sneaks a glance at Y/n behind him, the girl jaw dropped, “When?”
His eyebrows furrow, “Yeah, when. What about it? You think I don’t want to marry you? You think I don’t already have it all planned out in my head?”
Y/n shakes her head, disbelief bleeding from her being, “Well, what a nice surprise!”
She giggles, still a bit taken aback, before leaning forward and planting a slobbery kiss on his cheek. One which he grimaces at and wipes away, although his heart beats faster in his chest at the gesture.
She smiles down at him as she stands up, mumbling about the food being there, as she lays another kiss yet this time meeting his lips. She stares at him a bit more before leaving the room, the two being lovesick in the way their eyes shimmered.
Lando, let alone for the moment, read through the chat and laughed at their words, “What do you mean ‘I’m crying, that’s so cute’ I thought people knew how serious I was about her?!”
Max laughs from the other end of the call, “Yeah, what? Lando has been talking about marrying Y/n since he first met her.”
More messages flood through and Lando can only smile blissfully, “Well, you heard it here first, folks. I can’t wait to marry that woman.”
At this point, the chat is triggered into a frenzy and Y/n looks bewildered when she comes back with the food, slightly overwhelmed at the volume of words infiltrating the screen.
“Jesus Christ, did Lando moan again?” She jokes, though by the way Lando doesn’t answer she actually worries for a moment.
He’s quick to reassure her though, “No, just informing the chat on how in love I am with you because apparently they didn’t know.”
Blush rises to her cheeks and Lando pulls her down onto his lap, the two digging into the two bowls balancing in her lap. There’s a chowing session between the two, their hunger taking over, as they continue to converse with the chat and Max.
Truly funny, though, the way the conversation steered into the topic of Lando and Y/n getting married as the engagement ring rest in the depths of his sock drawer, begging to be taken out and displayed on the finger of his favorite girl.
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merthosus · 24 days
Blank minds
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@selfishlittlebeing asked:
Hi! So basically I just read every single one shot on this blog. And I am obsessed with your work. And I gotta admit that, “Wounded nights” did things to me.🧍🏼‍♀️
I’m not sure if I am requesting or smth (if you’d like to write this I wouldn’t protest, but feel free to just ponder on this with me). But like… I can’t get the image of touch starved Five out of my head. Bcs…damn. Him holding the reader in his arms like that (WN)… but can you imagine HIM having a vulnerable moment because of all that stuff with the Commission and apocalypses, just the trauma package yk. And after all those years…just Five being vulnerable with someone and touch starved.🥲 I am making myself feel depressed with all this. Wanna be depressed with me?🎀
Summary: After Luthers wedding, most of the siblings already gone to bed. You didn't feel like drinking, but loved to watch the others drown their sorrows into liquor and just have fun. Just as you were about to fall into a deep sleep, a knock on your door pulls you out of your slumber.
Thank you for your lovely request! Also, here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
“Since everything will be dust soon anyway, you won't mind if I just lie down here for a while, will you?”
You're up to your nose under your eiderdown, with only the sound of collapsing buildings coming through your window. It may sound crazy to others, but for you, it's been part of everyday life for a week. Counting every second, spending the last time with your family and savoring it. There is nothing more precious than time. Money has no value anymore, but the ticking hands of the grandfather clock do have.
Your thoughts hover over your head like gray clouds. Since the first day you slept in that hotel bed, falling asleep felt like hell. You tried a lot to finally fall asleep normally again. But every time you closed your eyes, you were met with nightmares, worse than you could ever have imagined. You were sure that this couldn't be the end, it simply couldn't be.
Like every night, you try to push the thoughts aside, to repress them as if they had never been there. But a loud and uneven knocking jolts you out of your sleep like a thunderstorm. You startle awake and clutch at the sheets of your bed. “Yes!” you shout, but it sounded more like a question than an encouragement. You watch every movement, sharper than Diego's blades. As Five stumbles in, you let out a breath you didn't even released you were holding. 
“You scared me,” you mumble. "I scared you, so please, why should anyone be scared of me?" he says to himself. Any blind person would have recognized that Five had probably had a little too much to drink at Luther's wedding. Five doesn't finish the sentence and drops his head down as he continues to mumble to himself. After he fell back against the door, you gave him a worried look. “Thanks for closing the door, but I think you have a concussion now,” I smirk to myself. Five starts to giggle. “The world is coming to an end,” he says, and pushes away from the door again.
You look out of the window that separated you from the crumbling outside world. Instead of bright sunshine, dark red fire dazzles your eyes, bricks fly off buildings and trees uproot themselves. “No, really?” you ask him sarcastically as you turn back to him. You suppress your horror as he suddenly stands right in front of you. He holds on to the edge of your bed. You think about how he managed to approach you so quietly, the alcohol in his blood must be enough to put a chimpanzee down.
“Since everything will be dust soon anyway, you won't mind if I just lie down here for a while, will you?” he asks as he tries to climb onto the bed. “Five, eh?” you ask as you hold him down so he doesn't slide off. He awkwardly pushes himself over your legs, which elicits a small squeak from your mouth. “You're really rough, Five,” you complain, but you just couldn't help the smile on your face.
You had never seen Five so shameless. Five, who is usually so strong and independent, asks you if he can lie down with you for a moment. As you think about it for a moment, you briefly doubt your sanity. Was this a fever dream? But Five's careless hand movement presses your torso so hard into the mattress beneath you that you're sure it would have shaken you awake. “I've never seen you so awkward,” you squeeze your words out of the pain. “I'm sorry, but your bed is sooo soft,” he lulls to himself. You shake your head and stifle the comment that the beds here were all the same.
“Five, why are you really here?” you ask him. He lies down on his stomach and presses his head into your pillow. He mumbles his words into the fabric so that you can only guess what he's saying. “I don't understand a word, you stupid…” you grumble to yourself as you grab a tuft of his hair and push his head to the side. 
Five groans softly as you move his head, his eyes half-lidded and unfocused. You wait for him to speak, but it seems like he’s struggling to find the right words. He’s always been the one with the sharp tongue, the quick wit, and seeing him like this—vulnerable and slightly lost—pulls at something deep inside you.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” he finally mutters, his voice slurred but honest. “I’ve been alone for so long... and I guess I’m tired of it.” His words are a confession, raw and unguarded, much like the state he's in now. You’ve seen Five in many situations—fighting, strategizing, leading—but this is different. This is Five without his armor, without the walls he usually keeps so firmly in place.
You feel a pang in your chest, a mix of sadness and empathy. You’ve always known there was more to him than the ruthless time-traveling assassin he often portrayed himself to be. But hearing him admit his loneliness is something else entirely. "I understand you, Five," you say. He smiles and sightly closes his eyes. "I didn't want to be alone too, so I am happy that you are here now, I would've preferred sober Five, but this is also ok", you smile at him. 
You let your body fall back into your pillows, Five, who was still lying on his stomach, watching you. You put your head to one side and just look at him motionlessly. “Promise you won't tell anyone about the following?” he asks you. You don't understand exactly what he means. “I hardly think I have enough time left to tell anyone anything,” you say, with an unintentional sweep of sadness. “Promise” he whispers to you, while looking at you with begging eyes. Not only the pungent smell of alcohol, but also his seriousness to fly in your face. “I won't tell anyone,” you promise. Without warning, Five starts to move again. He pushed your arm up and curled up on your chest, like a cat looking for warmth.
Seeing five like this was new and made you very afraid to admit it to yourself. He cared so much about maintaining his strong, unbreakable personality that his current behavior frightened you. Despite the unfamiliar feeling of five so close to you, you almost automatically put your arms around his slender torso. His fingers slide onto the sides of your torso, clutching on it as if it was a matter of life or death.
"Five, what's wrong?", you ask him. "I am fucking scared", he lulls. His confession hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of his vulnerability. You can feel your heart rate quicken, the tension in the room shifting as you process his words. It’s a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Five’s mind, and the openness is both unsettling and intimate.
“Scared of what exactly?” you ask gently. “Everything,” he replies, his voice barely above a whisper. “The end of it all… the not knowing". The tremor in his voice sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but tighten your hold on him. You want to reassure him, to tell him that everything will be okay, but the truth is you’re scared too. The world outside is crumbling, and the future feels uncertain for both of you. 
He shifts slightly, looking up at you with his tired eyes. “I don’t want to let anyone down. Not you, not the others. I’ve messed up so many times already.” His voice is tinged with a mix of regret and fear, and you can see the conflict waging within him. “If we lose, at least we'll lose together,” you say. It didn't really sound encouraging, but you couldn't think of anything better. “Do you think you'll regret this tomorrow?” you whisper without looking at him. 
Five’s grip on your chest tightens just a little, and you can feel the slight shivering in his body as he processes your words. The silence that follows feels heavy, filled with the weight of the world outside and the vulnerability between you. “No,” he finally murmurs, his voice soft but resolute. “I won’t regret this. I might not remember every detail of tonight, but I’ll remember the way it felt to finally....", you wait for him to end his sentence. 
"feel you", he says, so quietly that you almost missed it.. There is a silence in the room, your body is no longer able to move. Your brain needs some time to process his words. “I went too far, I'm sorry I…” he tries to apologize. He pushes away from your body and leans on his arms. But before he can finish his sentence and move away from you completely, you put your hands around his face and crash your lips into his. 
The moment your lips meet Five’s, time seems to suspend itself. The world outside, with its crumbling chaos, fades into the background, leaving just the two of you in this small, intimate bubble. His initial shock quickly melts away, and he responds with a tentative but heartfelt kiss. His lips are soft and warm, and the urgency in his movements gradually transforms into something more tender and searching.
As you pull away slightly, you can see the surprise in his eyes, mingled with a hint of relief and something deeper that he might not fully understand himself. You’re both breathing heavily, the gravity of the moment settling in. “I didn’t want to...,” Five starts to say, but you place a finger gently over his lips, silencing him. “Don’t,” you whisper, your voice barely more than a breath.
“You don’t have to apologize. Not now. Not ever.” Five’s expression softens, and he looks at you with a mixture of awe and vulnerability. “I’ve been so caught up in trying to control everything, in fighting against the end, that I forgot about what really matters. I didn’t realize... I didn’t realize how much I needed this, how much I needed you.”
Feel free to tell me in the comments, what you think :)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Genshin Sagau (?) Isekai Brainrot - Language
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I've seen like ONE small kinda related Genshin Sagau/isekai idea for this but I wanted more of it so BAD
It’s not the most interesting thing in the world, it’s about our modern vernacular vs. Teyvat's flowery speech
Pls feel free to expand on or add to this pLEASE TAG ME IF U DO IM STARVING OUT HERE :)))
So I saw someone write like one sentence abt this (can’t remember who :( sorry I’ll update if I find them ) or like a brutally honest version??
But I also took inspo from how fucking wordy and long conversations that are in Genshin, even with ppl like Xiao (the rude boy that he is) or even Tighnari who gets to the point pretty quickly
It goes smth like:
So, all of Teyvet, (esp ppl like Zhongli 💀 u know the ones) talk,, flowery.
Like, the whole Pride and Prejudice style speaking, euphemisms, metaphors, for some characters (or Npcs) its full on POETRY. 
Lookin’ at you Kazuha.
And going off of any variation of you being the Creator, (or otherwise an older mythical being?), they could have this thing where the older a deity/mythical thingy is, the simpler the speech. 
Kinda makes sense to them y’know? The older beings are serious, commanding, intimidating
And nothing says "I'm ancient as fuck and powerful as fuck" like simple blunt speech.
And being closer to the literal creation of the world, language would understandably be less complex (I’m assuming it’s the same as in human cultures in our world's history)
Like literally look at our fantasy typical stories, plenty of them have a dragon or ancient god that speaks in extremes, like so flowery its a metaphor, or so bluntly its startling (ie, "Be not afraid." "I am all powerful." etc etc)
And so, ancient powerful being = direct/blunt speech
...Y'know,, almost like our modern vernacular.
Like, part of some of our modern day comedy is purely based on a sentence being delivered bluntly for impact
Hell our ads and videos and content in general we always want to get to the point, to say things simply
So with this in mind, even if you try to deny being the Creator, they might still think you are, or at least a more minor ancient deity/creature
(like the Seven Sovereigns/Phanes/Shades/etc. for example would sound eerily modern or at least easy for you to understand bc of this trait lol)
(Also I'm just assuming u know Genshin lore enough to know what I meant by that ^)
So, I love the AU where you just,, hitch a ride with the traveler like Paimon bc u start at the "beginning of the game",
And with every person you meet, you're like, "Ok, no, I promise this is just how my country/world speaks, it's not like that, I'm not some ancient deity…" 
And They're all like 🤨🤨🤨 "Well, fine traveler and companions, why does your speech sound so simplistic and sharp? Surely, you do not expect me to truly believe you.."
You: "Please I just talk like this, I'm a regular human."
Them: "Alright, if it is as you say,, you wish to not experience being "known" yes? Fear not, I will keep your secrets close to my chest."
You: "No, for the last time, that's not-" 
And it just keeps happening, lol
(srry I tried my best at emulate Genshin language + flowery speech idk how to do it)
Like maybe you would just sound weird or like a foreigner speaking y’know in simpler sentences bc they don't know the language as well as native speakers, at least that could be how you sound to NPCs and ppl who don’t know abt simpler speech meaning
...But the Adepti? Zhongli?? Barbatos maybe??? Even the Aranara??? Those who are old enough to maybe have heard how older beings speak or at least have knowledge of how they should speak/sound??
You couldn’t have predicted how shocked their faces were the second you opened you’re mouth… 
Sumeru scholars would freak tf out i stg, as soon as you meet Haypasia, she's already losing it, first the Irminsul progress, now this ancient being/Creator?? Girlie thinks its a sign lmao
(I’m an Aether lover, and also bc I think Lumine looks badass as Abyss ruler, so I’m gonna go with Aether for traveler sorry Lumine mains love yall T-T)
You, and Aether being equally confused at first pLEASE 😭 
lets say he speaks a little more fluffy than you at least, after all I’m assuming bc of the outfit that he’s from a fantasy-like place, and his replies can be a little fluffy like Teyvat’s residents, so he kinda fits in, kinda like everybody assumes he's just from another country when he gets to a new nation (at least that’s what I think happens??)
Like after (maybe Diluc?) Lisa, Kaeya, Venti, and Jean (who I think would all be knowledgeable, thru diff means, about this enough to maybe recognize the simpler speech = ancient god thing)
ALL reacted shocked as hell at hearing you talk, and would probably explain (or Paimon before then?) in that infuriatingly roundabout way, that you would usually skip a couple dialogue boxes just to avoid bc yOU ALREADY GOT THE POINT or alternatively WHATS THE POINT HERE?? JUST SAY IT, WHATS THE COMMISSION/QUEST FOR/WHAT DO I DO??
(Those blue highlights be savin my impatient life, and i actually like lore stuff 💀)
Oh that’s also another frustration. For you.
It would drive me crazy if I had to wait like,, 2-3 minutes for ppl to explain what they ate for dinner or sm shit
Like, now imagine that’s everyone, about everything.
You don’t know how anything gets done in battles or wars, like you need faster communication for that right??💀
Anyway, you, Aether and Paimon decide you just gotta not talk when you first meet people or like,, make sure you're gonna be around that person for a while so you don’t have to possibly get someone over the shock of your speech every time you guys talk to people 😭 that'd be so miserable I can already tell,,
Like at first, every convo ya’ll have had with people who recognize that direct speech trait as a thing, would take at least 10 minutes to finish talking about it/being shocked,,
It got so old so fast.
(Like I already can’t communicate that good with ppl irl bc I misunderstand them, or they do me, or they just dont get what I mean, and as my friends put it, which I think would fit here for any language shenanigans we go thru in Teyvat, "A Shakespearean level of misunderstanding, hilarious but such a downward spiral to watch, it just gets more and more ridiculous as it goes on...")
On another note, making fun of someone would be so fucking funny,
I’d like to give myself the benefit of the doubt that many characters, after getting used to your speech, would generally understand you (even if they always notice it, like an accent) and would actually rlly love hearing insults or even just generally how you would put things
(like maybe treating this almost like those vids of ppl with non-native english speaknig relatives/parents and its the most hilarious thing to watch them, usually get pissed 😭, at their kid, if u dont know what I mean look up on tiktok or smth)
And You just come off like those insults where you dont even use cuss words, you just like, drag queen read them into never showing their face again, and you did it in so few words!! 
They're amazed and oh, 
you've become the John Mulaney of Teyvat 
(Bad examples include:
Fontaine inventor: "...And I shall call my invention, crocks!"
You: "I wouldn't even be cremated in those." ) 
*Aether crying laughing in the background bc he never knows what you’re gonna say next, and Paimon's jaw dropped so hard
JFC this post is so long sorry, I probably will spam with a Part 2 but let me know if you’re interested in hearing more anyway!!
Thanks for reading this rambling!!
Or send in asks abt this 👀
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fatesmono · 7 months
valentines day with yoongi
✮⋆˙ warning : some language + i haven’t written in half a year so.
✮⋆˙ this is an “x reader” so yk insert gender <3
✮⋆˙a.n : so todays valentine’s day (its the 13th at 11:59 posting this, great job me :3). so happy valentines i guess. i’m spending it celebrating jaehyun's birthday and writing abt my husband who’s in the war. i haven’t written in like, six years (six months) so pls go easy on me 
✮⋆˙enjoy loves <3333 happy valentines day !!
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i never liked valentine’s day. it was always a stupid ass holiday if i do say so myself. am i saying that bc i never had a good valentine ? …maybe so, why are you so nosy ?? anyways, that was before i met him, min yoongi. i never met a man who says he hates a holiday so much but also goes all out for it. our first valentines last year i expected him to not really get me anything or like a bouquet of flowers since it wasn’t that much…i got a bouquet alright, like seven of them (he had said he didn’t know which one i would like so he just got me all of the ones he thought i would want), plus a shit ton of chocolate and just little things like one of his hoodies and this ring i had been eyeing for like months beforehand. so much for “valentines day isn’t really my thing” right ? all men do is lie, even min yoongi.
okay but anyways, here we are now, a year later. i wanna prove myself this year, i refuse to be out-valentines’d by him, no matter what that takes. now just one problem, he’s rich, i work at a coffee shop. shit, i know right ? but we will make it work i don’t care. 
so have i had this planned out for the last two months like a gta heist ? yes. but i NEED this day to go perfect. did it ? NO. NO IT DIDNT. first the necklace i got him with his name won’t be ready until the 17th, and then the kiss hoodie i was working on for him GETS BLEACHED SPILLED ON HIM, curtesy of our cat, johnny, and then; if it wasn’t going awful anyway, the cupcakes i made for him burned. and i’m going to his studio as we speak…this is my thirteenth reason. so right now all we have is his favorite flowers, a bleached hoodie with my kisses and a book of poems i wrote for him, sigh. SIGH. and if it didn’t help, he already gave me half of my gift before he left and it’s ten times better. A ROSE GOLD NECKLACE, he got me a rose gold encrusted with the sun because “i’m the sun to his moon”, he makes me wanna bash my head sometimes from how sweet he is. 
so getting to his studio, the definition of “shaking in my little boots”. i can hear him practicing his music from outside his studio, it’s like walking into beethoven working on smth if beethoven was your 30 year old idol boyfriend for a kpop group, if that makes sense, which is doesn’t so. anyways, i put in the code for his studio (it’s our anniversary, excuse me while i cry.) and quietly walk in to not disturb him, which isn’t that hard since he has tunnel vision as he invented it, and quietly tap his shoulder gently to get his attention. he turns around, taking off his headphones and noticing me with a small smile on his face, which might as well have been a kiss from him then and then. 
“hey love, happy valentine’s day, what are you doing here ?”, god why does he have to have such a perfect voice; it’s like he doesn’t even have to try. i go on to give him to give him his gift and try to explain that i had much more to give him and i knew it wasn’t enough to give and- and he cuts me off. good job if i do say so myself because the yapping i do, i could win a medal. 
“honey honey, this is perfect…you didn’t even have to get me anything, and you wrote me poems…that’s like writing me a song, this means the world to me. you remembered my favorite flowers, and this hoodie..i don’t think i’ve ever gotten a gift like this from anyone before, not even the guys. thank you so much…”, and my heart just turns into a puddle then and there. all my worries gone in a second, how does he do it ? he really should’ve become a therapist in another life, but i guess he does that with his music. but anyways, did i expect him to like the gift ? absolutely not. i did try to pay for dinner that night and he still didn’t let me do it, saying it was “an extra gift” as if i needed anymore gifts. remind me next to try and not outgift a rich idol who’s secret love language is definitely gift giving. 
i’m still getting next years gifts ready anyways. i’m so winning next year, i don't care.
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weemssapphic · 2 years
ohhh, first of all: HIII i adore your writing. The visions fic in particular? easily one of my faves. ("favs, say favs" [i cannot not hear Gwen say that whenever I say/write faves]) Anyway haha, I was wondering if you could maybe write a female potions teacher/ Larissa fic where you borrow the concept of Amortentia and when they brew it in class Reader realises she's utterly and hopelessly in love with Larissa (and maybe Larissa is also there as extra supervision bc it's such a "dangerous" potion?"... and she also smells smth that reminds her of the reader?)
Amortentia: Fated Attraction
aw thank you so much! favs, say favs hehe that made me giggle :D thank you for the request <3 this was so much fun to write and i hope it lives up to your expectations! ao3 link in title, as per usual.
thank you to @afeatherformills for editing and to @sapphicsbeloved for letting me pick your brain (now you have more context hehe) <3
words: ~2.2k
warnings/content: none really, just kind of fluffy / admitting feelings for each other, kissing
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“Who can tell me what we’re brewing today?” 
Dozens of arms shot into the air, the students’ curious eyes trained upon the cauldron on your desk. You grinned, knowing the hints you had dropped in last week’s lesson had worked and your students were going to be engaged in today’s little experiment. 
“Yes, Bianca?”
“Amortentia. The world’s most powerful love potion.”
“You are correct.” Your grin grew wider. “Can anyone tell me what Amortentia does? Wednesday?”
“Amortentia causes a powerful infatuation to form for the person who drinks the potion. It smells different to each person, according to what most attracts them,” the raven-haired girl deadpanned.
“Someone clearly did her homework. Thank you, Wednesday. Now-” your lecture was interrupted by a loud knock.
The door to your classroom opened a crack and Larissa popped her head inside. “I’m sorry, my meeting just ended. Am I too late?” Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the stately blonde. 
“Not at all, we were just getting started. Class, Principal Weems will be joining us today. Bianca was right - Amortentia is the world’s most powerful love potion, which can make it quite dangerous, and we thought it best to have an extra adult to supervise you. Don’t let her presence phase you.”
You shot a teasing wink at your students and waved Larissa into the room. She stalked over to your desk, hips swaying, and somehow you knew it was you who would be phased by her presence, more so than any of the kids.
“Principal Weems,” you leaned back onto the desk, scooting closer to her until you were nearly thigh to thigh, deciding you were going to make the most of the rare occasion of having her in your classroom. “Do you think you could tell the class what ingredients we’ll need for our potion?”
Larissa raised a perfectly sculpted brow, ruby-red lips pursing at the challenge, icy gaze piercing yours. For a moment your pulse quickened, you worried you had overstepped. Then her lips quirked up in a soft smirk and she turned her head to address your students. 
“We will be needing rose petals, peppermint, moonstone and, most importantly, pearl dust.”
You shot her a grateful smile, trying to ignore the way your heart fluttered when she returned that smile, and turned to the cauldron sitting on your desk where you had already neatly prepared all the ingredients. Normally you would have your students make their own batch of a potion, but you and Larissa had both agreed when coming up with your lesson plan that giving a bunch of horny teenagers the world’s strongest infatuation potion was a recipe for disaster.
Once you’d gotten a small flame burning under your cauldron, you turned back to your class, hyper-aware of the many pairs of eyes burning holes into your skull. Even Larissa was watching you with interest. 
“Come on guys, you aren’t normally this engaged in class,” you teased with a chuckle. “Now you can come up here - don’t push each other - just fill in the back there… perfect.” 
Once the kids were gathered around your desk and the cauldron was bubbling to your satisfaction, you began to add the ingredients, chatting to the class about the history of love potions. 
Every so often, you caught Larissa’s eye from across your desk and she gave you an encouraging nod, a soft smile. She seemed to be hanging onto your every word and it made your heart beat just a little faster than normal, though you couldn’t quite place why. 
You did have a bit of a crush on your boss but it was harmless, really. The two of you were good friends. You’d been working at Nevermore together for years now and had built up a friendly rapport, knowing you could trust each other with both workplace and personal matters. You frequently met up for coffee at the Weathervane and shared the occasional bottle of wine in her office to let out your frustrations about students and other staff. So what if you sometimes got lost in her cerulean eyes, or imagined what she looked like under her designer dresses? So what if you pictured yourself holding her hand in the hallways or taking her out to dinner? It was just a harmless crush.
The potion began to develop its characteristic mother-of-pearl sheen and your lips curled up in satisfaction. Spirals of steam rose from inside the cauldron and several students began to push forward, entranced, trying to get a whiff of the concoction.
“‘Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what most attracts them’,” you quoted Wednesday’s earlier words. “Anyone care to share what they smell?”
Tentative glances were shared between the students, many suddenly too timid to speak. It was Enid who raised her hand first.
“Yes, Enid?” You nodded at the young blonde, hoping you sounded soft and encouraging.
“I smell lavender... cool night air… and, um, Wednesday’s hand sanitizer.” A blush crept up her neck at the admission and Wednesday elbowed her girlfriend in the ribs, shooting daggers at her with wide eyes.
“Thank you for sharing, Enid,” you smiled reassuringly at the girl, honestly just grateful that someone had participated in your lesson.
“What do you smell, Ms. Y/L/N?” Wednesday looked up at you through dark lashes, her words an open challenge, a smug smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she tried to make you squirm. You rolled your eyes - you should have known this would happen.
“Ms. Addams, I hardly think it is appropriate-” Larissa began, but you interjected before she could finish.
“It’s alright, Principal Weems, what’s the harm in answering a simple question.” You shot her a playful wink and ignored her dangerous look.
You leaned over the potion, closing your eyes and letting out a contented sigh as you took a deep breath, allowing the scent of the potion to wash over you.
“Mmm I smell… fresh laundry…” At first you smelled freshly washed sheets, one of your favorite scents, even since childhood. But then you smelled red wine. Cinnamon. Conditioner - but not your own. Your brows knit together in concentration. 
Who was it that you were smelling? You didn’t even really like red wine yourself. The gears in your mind turned as you racked your brain, you were sure the whole class could hear you think. Oh. Your stomach dropped.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” Enid’s voice shook you out of your reverie. Your eyes fluttered open and you swallowed thickly. You realized with a sinking feeling that your students had all borne witness to your internal struggle and were now watching your face flush in real time. The pit in your stomach grew when your eyes made contact with Larissa’s. Sapphire pools stared back at you in concern, brows furrowed in confusion. 
It was her. The smell. The occasional Friday night you shared in her office, strictly as coworkers, sipping red wine by the fire. Sitting close enough to smell her conditioner, her perfume, a sweet scent with notes of cinnamon that sometimes, in your tipsy state, made you wish you could bury your head in her neck and stay there forever. You were in love with Larissa Weems.
“You have a crush on someone.” You couldn’t help but glare at Wednesday, who grinned as if she had won a bet. Knowing her, maybe she had.
For the rest of the lesson, you pointedly avoided the gaze of a certain principal, who was watching you with curious eyes, unable to place your reaction at smelling the Amortentia.
When the bell rang, you were grateful to have a free period to collect your thoughts, and you ushered your students out of the classroom as quickly as you could. You shut the door behind the last one and clicked the lock, closing your eyes and leaning with your back against the door, letting out a frustrated groan.
“The world’s most powerful love potion,” Larissa’s voice made your eyes snap open and your heart drop into your stomach - you’d thought you were alone. The silver-haired woman was leaning over the cauldron, face partially obscured by wispy spirals of shimmering, pearl-colored steam.
“Well, technically, a true love potion doesn’t exist. Love can’t be artificially created. It would only cause a strong infatuation for the drinker.” You stepped forward to meet Larissa at the cauldron. This time, you immediately recognized the scent emanating from it, leaning in involuntarily. How could you not have known?
“That’s what makes it so dangerous,” Larissa’s eyes were focused on the bubbling of the potion as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth, she seemed lost in thought. You came around to her side of the desk until the two of you stood shoulder to shoulder. As you stepped closer, you saw the loose wisps of Larissa’s silver curls coming out of her usually perfect updo, sticking to her forehead from the steam rising from the inside of the cauldron. Even so, she was perfect to you.
“What do you smell?” You whispered, nudging her playfully. You were playing with fire…
Larissa stole a glance at you, hesitating for a moment, then closed her eyes and sniffed at the swirls of steam rising from the cauldron. Her nose wrinkled lightly and it took everything in you to suppress the sigh of adoration threatening to bubble forth from your chest as you watched her, her eyelashes fluttering against the rosy apples of her cheeks, brows crinkling at the center in thought.
She hummed as the scent of the potion reached her nostrils. Freshly brewed coffee. Okay, so she was more of a hot chocolate drinker herself… The scent of burning herbs. Kind of reminded her of the potions classroom… A flowery perfume. Why did it smell so familiar? 
Larissa felt a heat rise in her cheeks as her brain connected the dots. She drew back, opening her eyes but refusing to meet your gaze, instead using her hands to steady herself on the desk in front of her. How had she not realized it before?
“Rissa?” You breathed, ducking your head in an attempt to get the taller woman to make eye contact with you. 
Your use of her nickname had the desired effect, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty and fear. 
You hoped this meant she had smelled you, just as you had smelled her. Your palms began to sweat, heat coiling in the pit of your stomach. An electricity buzzed in the air, pulling you almost magnetically towards the woman in front of you. You stepped towards her until you had to crane your neck back to look up at her face, your heart pounding erratically in your chest. 
Larissa’s pupils widened imperceptibly, her lips parted as she straightened to her full height, now towering over you. Her breath ghosted across your face as she leaned closer, stopping just short of your lips, hesitating as she hovered over you. Her tongue darted over her lower lip, eyes glassy and swirling with emotion as they flickered nervously between the both of yours. 
It was you who closed the distance. Your lips met, hesitantly at first. Larissa was still against you and, for a moment, you considered drawing back, now unsure whether the kiss was truly wanted. Just as you were about to pull away, you felt a strong hand grasp your waist, another thread in your hair as Larissa’s lips began to move against yours, soft and wanting.
A soft whimper escaped your throat, causing Larissa to hum in satisfaction and tighten her grip on you, pulling you flush against her. Your hands snaked around Larissa’s neck, raking your fingernails lightly along the skin at the nape of her neck, eliciting a low moan from her. 
When you parted, you were both panting. She dipped her neck down to press her forehead to yours and you enjoyed the feeling of her warm breath on your cheek.
You couldn’t help yourself - you let out a hearty chuckle, and Larissa shot you a quizzical glance, gently and almost instinctively running her thumb along your jaw.
“And to think you almost didn’t approve of brewing the Amortentia,” you grinned lazily, leaning into her touch.
A gorgeous blush bloomed over Larissa’s cheeks. “Yes, well, had I known this would happen, I would have approved it much sooner.”
“Sure,” you murmured, capturing Larissa’s lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.
“Any other dangerous potions you’d like to try out, Ms. Y/L/N?” Larissa teased, backing you into the desk, regaining the upper hand. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Perhaps we could discuss this more, tonight over dinner?” You were hopeful.
Larissa’s smile was genuine when she hummed in delight. “7 pm sharp. Don’t keep me waiting.”
A final, bruising kiss was placed firmly on your lips, Larissa nipping slightly at your bottom lip and soothing it immediately with her tongue before pulling away. There was an extra sway in her hips as she sauntered out of your classroom, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you realized you’d just scored a first date with the woman of your dreams.
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azulsluver · 1 year
HI i lovve ur writing and i saw that requests were open, so can u do hcs on an au where yandere azul falls in love with a siren and traps her in a cage or smth?i hope i was clear enough! Feel free to delete this if it didn't make sense or ir simply not in the mood to do it! That's all, have a great day/night!
Collecting you all like Pokémon(`皿´ ) Ty for the compliment!!!
Also I’m unsure on what AU you’re trying to specify so stop by my inbox after reading this.
tw. yandere, isolation/imprisonment, kidnapping, force feeding, stalking.
Authors note♛ requested fem!reader.
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Sirens are said to be beautiful creatures who allure their victims with songs. I can see Azul being one of them but he had a trick up his sleeve.
For Azul to fallen for a Siren is unlikely because he tends to stray away from them. Besides the old tales of their culture Sirens are naturally feared creatures in the sea. So you were most likely outcasted as much as Azul.
Another scenario could be you were one of the more popular kids that used to pick on him, you just so happen to be caught in his hands once he recognized who you were.
Azul has you locked up in a cage for a good reason, you’re very hostile and have a lot of fight in you. He’s sure to overpower you but he wouldn’t wanna risk it. Often times when he’s feeling mean he would request for you to sing him a song.
You are given proper meals everyday, to make sure you aren’t starving yourself he goes through interesting measures to make sure you’re well fed. He has no problem prying your mouth open as you’re secured around his tentacles. Shutting your mouth if you dare bite him or spit it out, his other tentacle will help you swallow by massaging your throat gently.
Sirens have powerful shrieks as much as their songs. Azul could have made a potion where he is immune to your magic, or worst case scenario—he takes away your voice.
Your cage is large enough to fit a shark in a aquarium. You have plenty of space to swim around yet restricted exploration. Azul placed you in a area where trinkets and coins he collected are decorated. His most prize possessions all safe and sound.
You don’t have anyone else to talk to. There are no fish or merpeople besides Azul. Everyday, sometimes since he does leave for important matters. But he always come back with new things for you. Expensive jewelry and even bras laced with silver.
If you ever wish to be free from the cage Azul needa see some progress in submission. That means no bitting him, he already had Floyd to deal with. And once you’ve gained Stockholm syndrome do you earn your freedom. Under close supervision, you’re a missing person after all and Azul wouldn’t dare slip up.
There is a possibility Azul had been stalking you since he was a child. At first it was out of revenge. Seeing what you did and how he can make you fail didn’t go as plan. Instead he’s stalked you even on land, school was important yes but he had people that owe him report back on what exactly you were doing. Having spend time up in land did he find the perfect cage for you<3
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acediaedeus · 2 months
Demon Slayer AU where Ichigo has to deal with TWO demon sisters at the same time, anyone??? (I am not so cruel as to make one of the twins die). role reversal with Isshin being the one who died (he was a Hashira) and Masaki raising the kids. maybe to fill up the family more we make Zangetsu their (either a twin or older) brother. alternatively the twins die and Zangetsu becomes a demon.
Kisuke is obviously Urokodaki (Ururu and Jinta as Sabito and Makomo, in that order).
Soul King as Ubuyashiki, Gotei 13 captains are the Hashira, the lieutenants are the Tsuguko. Unohana is kind of like Shinobu, if Shinobu was an insane combatant. Mayuri also gives Shinobu vibes, bc ⋆⭒˚.⋆ poison ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Kenpachi as Sanemi, because they’re both insane (Kenpachi recreating the Sanemi & Nezuko first meeting). Kyoraku as Mitsuri, nahhh, I’m dying. the breathing styles are different, but these are some of the characters I find similar.
don’t really know what to do with Squad 0… maybe retired Hashira. Ōetsu as the head of the Swordsmith Village, Senjumaru designed the Demon Slayer corps’ uniform. OR Squad 0 as some of the creators of the first breathing styles along with the previous Gotei 13 captains.
Aizen as Muzan (betrays the Demon Slayers and becomes a demon??), also quite obviously. The Espada + Gin and Tōsen (also betray the corps) are the Twelve Kizuki, Numéros and Hollows as other demons. The Visored as the Tamayo and Yushiro equivalent kinda??
Grimmjow is Akaza, cause they are very similar imo, trying to convince Ichigo to become a demon. ends up being the one convinced to switch sides (Rengoku/Akaza with a happy ending, lmao).
should I make Yoruichi Ichigo’s fucking crow?? that’d be hilarious. Orihime, Chad and Ishida as ppl he meets during the Final Selection/missions. I just know ppl be giving Ichigo the nastiest side-eyes, bc “what the fuck is the size of that box on your back, boy?” or imagine he has to carry 2 boxes, nahhh.
I think I’ll make Rukia the one to find Ichigo, but she’s not a Hashira yet.
kind of writing out the whole Quincy genocide and Quincies as a separate entity in general.
don’t ask me shit about what breathing style to assign to Ichigo, bc I’ll have a meltdown. Rukia, Tōshirō, Ishida have some kind of Ice Breathing. Rangiku with Love Breathing, bc cats. Komamura and Beast Breathing (I do find myself hilarious, yes). were Yoruichi not a crow already I’d give her Thunder Breathing. Kisuke and Unohana smth to do with Blood?? Kenpachi and Stone Breathing. Byakuya and Flower Breathing for sure. Yamamoto Flame Breathing, not even up for debate. something like that.
ANYWAY, chat, am I cooking?!?! do you see the vision??
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i-eat-so-much-grass · 6 months
Hark! An intro!
Name: Flynn
Pronouns: they/them
Occupation: schoolchild (yes I’m a minor so DNI any NSFW blogs please)
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A small tidbit of information for your amusement: never committed a crime ever. Not even one. Not even a teensy-weensie its-bitsy tiny little murder. So feel safe :D
Favorite color: oh shit this is hard uhhh green? or maybe deep purple? or red? or gold/silver if I'm feeling fancy... ooh or brown but like a pretty brown have I already said green? idk
Favorite food: grass duh can’t you read
Favorite song: one of them probably
Favorite podcast: the Magnus Archives
Favorite book: the Mirror Visitor series or Six of Crows
Hobbies: writing, horse riding, crochet, calligraphy, and reading
MBTI: intj
My DNI list: what you’d expect ig except also plz don’t send me anything political. I mean anything. Sometimes I MAY post smth abt politics but that’s not how I wanna interact with this platform ty
Also please feel free to send an ask or DM me anytime! I love to chat :)
I have a couple of side blogs that are possible to find and connect back to me so if you wanna try that hard it’s a treasure hunt!
A warning: I am absolute shit at pronouns and names. I’m so sorry. Your boomer grandma is probably better. I pretty much just think of everyone on here as a genderless entity named with their username, but I will try really hard to correct myself when I mess up. Also, plz just lmk if I’ve missed anything and plz be patient lol
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My incredible moots:
@fairyycoffin @that-dam-heartstopper-fan @bleep-bloop-boo @dracosleftarsecheek @tarantulaluv @kennetea @calsoutghosthunting @cactus-with-boobs @touslin @honeii-puff @the-official-failure @acewithobsessions @gooseonthetable @workplacefire @thecrazyalchemist @homocidalpotat @boba-pearl @k-is-for-potassium @the-stars-ar3-with-us @supermilkshakebanana @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @eddiotaszarfej @mun-urufu @dragonerd8224 @sketchy-potato
I love yall sm even if we never interact <3
If I missed anyone, or anyone wants to get removed/added just lmk!
Now @fairyycoffin can stalk all my moots with maximum efficiency
Tag list: here
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Credits: Heart divider by @vysleix, idk where the snail one is from :( pfp and divider from google stock photos of grass lmao
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sunnysoulzz · 8 months
Hi!I was wondering if you could do more Dean Taylor smuts,Im so obsessed over him it's not even a joke anymore bro,and it's such a shame that there's not enough smuts of this scrumptious man.If you can,can you write a smut about him?I would really appreciate it,thank you!!!🙌🏻💋 (if I wrote any of this shit incorrectly, English is not my first language so excuse me 😭)
Ofc!! I’ve been wanting to write smth for a while but had no inspo + dean is so 😩 he NEEDS more smut
How abt some forest sex? :3
Contains: forest sex, smut, dean x reader, quickie, not in canon at all, also this is kinda short
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The sun was beginning to set, and there was already problems in the house. Dean, your boyfriend had begun growing agitated and aggressive. You tried your best to call him down, telling him it’ll all work out and it’ll be ok. Eventually Paul got annoyed, telling Dean to go fuck off in the woods for a while to “check for any way they could escape” or something. Dean obeyed, mainly to get out of the house. You followed.
It didn’t take him long to forget about checking around the house and just go looking around the woods, you didn’t say much, just enjoying the night air and the dread of what would happened if Paul’s whole plan didn’t work out. You looked over to Dean, he lit a cigarette. He turned to face you before eyeing you up and down.
“You know..I really feel like I gotta blow off some stream” he mumbled, he tilted his head down, looking at you through his lashes. It was obvious what he was getting at, and how could you say no. You smiled, “I can help with that.” You moved forward wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands moved to your waist as he moaned into the kiss. He pushed you up against a near by tree, moving down to kiss and suck at your neck.
His hands moved to the waistband of your pants. “Please- fuck- I’m so pissed off right now, can we fuck?” He mumbled into the crook off your neck. You moaned, “yes- please-“.
It didn’t take long for your pants and underwear to be discarded on the cold forest dirt. Dean unbuckled his pants, not bothering to take them off before he slammed into you. You threw your head back. “Ah- what if Paul or Jenna comes looking for us?” You moaned, trying not to be too loud. “They won’t. We just- gotta be quick” he groaned out.
He continued slamming into you, the tree felt rough against your back, but the feeling of Dean inside you was heavenly. His eyes were filled with lust as he looked into yours. He moved forward, kissing you. You moaned into his mouth. “Fuck I’m close” he moaned. “C-can I cum inside?” He looked at you softly, his thrusts never slowly. “Please!” You cried out.
It didn’t take long for his thrusts to become sloppy, he bottomed out inside you, you both came at the same time. You leaned against the tree after putting your clothes back on, trying to catch your breath. He leaned into you, kissing your cheek “we gotta hurry back” you giggled. “Mmm..” he responded. You couldn’t see what you looked like, so you just had to pray you don’t look like you just had your brains fucked out.
I’m ngl- I wrote this in one sitting so sorry for the spelling mistakes! Hope this is ok! I’ve been very hyperfixated on Tyler the creator atm, which is odd- so sorry abt not posting lol. My request are always open!
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Hello! Okay SOO I was curious if you would be comfortable enough writing Wally darling x Fem! (Or gn!) Lolita! Reader (OF COURSE if reqs are open! But if they aren’t feel free to ignore this req cause ngl I sometimes accidentally skip over a few words when reading rules but I read them like 4 times to make sure I wasn’t doing smth wrong 😞)
LIKE YOU KNOW THOSE LOLITA DRESSES? I’m also wondering if it’s not too much and request it’s classic lolita? BUT OFC you can do whatever Lolita you want!!
Now you have a AMAZINGG day, lovely afternoon, and awesome night and a WONDERFUL week🫶!!
Hey dearie! I never really seen Lolita but I checked it out and turns out I have no idea how to describe any detail of those dresses but! I decided to write this idea as similar to the request as I could and I hope you like it!
A penny for your thoughts?
Pairing: Wally Darling x Fashionista!Female reader
Summary: Reader normally doesn't wear dresses but Julie makes a good cases when she tells you to try one!
Illustrated Au, picture made by @gorccie and F/n stands for Female Name!
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F/n has always been the Welcome Home fashionista but she never really wore a dress of any sorts, but she made her pant involved look work and yet she could never shake out of Julie the determination to see her in a dress which leads to this exact moment.
"C'mon F/n! Just this one time, this red dress that has a sort of corset and a bunch of bows would look perfect on you and plus Wally will be the only one there!," Julie exclaimed while F/n pursed her lips while looking at her, this was possibly the millionth time she asked her to try the damn dress. F/n knew she was pretty and overall had a "good body", whatever that means, but she still didn't like showing her shape so often which led to her wearing the most beautiful dress pants and silk shirts.
"Fine, but this is a one time thing," said F/n defeated while Julie dragged her to her house where, probably, Wally was already there which made F/n gain a soft blush in her cheeks. She couldn't help to like him in a less than friendly way, in a romantic way but she knew he didn't like her like that. Yes, you beautiful self is oblivious
In Julie's house was Wally, as assumed, sitting in her bed while flipping through a random magazine but F/n didn't even get to say hello since Julie pushed her with the dress into her walk in closet as a way to tell her to change before she could change her mind. F/n sighted and put the damn dress on herself, as soon as she was done she walked outside of the closet feeling shy and yet she failed to notice how Wally's jaw opened in shock while a bright red covered his face.
"A penny for your thoughts?," Asked F/n towards Wally who was struggling to even breath at the sight.
Hope you like it Anon!
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merowkittie · 1 year
Hiii! This is only like my second time requesting anything so idek if I’m doing it right but I was hoping you could do smth where the reader is an editor? Maybe w/ miles but anyone is fine. Idk if that’s weird but yeah 😭 thanksss 🫶🏾
Miles Morales x Editor!Reader
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I originally was writing a fic but it turned out shit, so I turned it into a HC list/fic.. and It also turned out shit 😭 i hope you enjoy it a bit though!
Warnings: mentions of injury and violence / r and miles bickering / r gets caught up in miles' spider-man stuff / r being a littleee bit of a stalker.. / not proofread / probably won’t make sense towards the end because I finsihed this at 3 am / I think that's it
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Ok now.. this is a bit complicated since you have a very important job. You're an editor/photographer for the weekly newspaper in NYC. Which means... you have to give the people what they want, and that also means making your best friend sound like a maniac.
Miles knows you're an editor, it's not a secret you keep, or a thing you try to hide. He also knows that you have to take pictures of him.
"Miles, I need photos of you! Well.. not you, you, spider-man you." You said to him one evening when he swung you around New York for a date. (He didn't want to, it was your idea and he knew how excited you got whenever he did this.)
He'd stare at you like you were crazy and you'd talk for a minute about why.
"Well.. as long as you get my good side. Don't make me sound crazy either!"
You two spent the rest of the day after that taking photos and catching up about stuff that happened at school that miles missed.
Some of the photos turned out shit because he kept posing towards the camera when they're supposed to be off guard and while he's swinging or in action.
Though, one thing he told you was not to get involved when he was defending the city, minor or major.
"Alright.. but listen, don't try to put yourself in danger for a couple of photos. If you're anywhere near me when I'm actually in action on patrol, go home. You know I always meet you there, cariño."
He'd be very serious, which is rare between you two. It's always giggles and jokes.
Miles does not want you caught up in his hero life.
The photos you took prove to be good because you're printing them editing them and the papers sell like crazy.
Though, your boss tells you that he wants more. The photos are now boring and don't prove that he is crazy.
your boss is the crazy one.
"Sir.. I don't mean to go against you, but I wouldn't incriminate him. He's a hero to many of us here! Don't you think you're thinking a bit, dare I say, wrongly of him?"
There was a silence before he nodded his head slightly.
"Should I fire you right now?"
Let's just say that you're now on your way to film Miles in action.
Yes! This was incredibly stupid but... it would be awesome to see him yk..
You found him stopping a robbery at a bodega and took some shots of him without him knowing.
You pretty much followed him around as he was on patrol.
Life 360 ;p
A boom sounded across Brooklyn and from where you and Miles were, it was pretty far.
He took off swinging and you stood there for a second thinking how you were supposed to get there in time.
You stole someone's skateboard.
Though, by the time you got there he was already fighting.. a man? A rhino..? What the fuck.
Miles was on it's back getting swung around yelling insults.
"Dude! How'd you get like this? I'm tryna get like you! I'm talking about muscle by the way.. not your face."
You snapped a couple of photos of the scene then, the Rhino guy threw him into a car. Ouch.
You were looking back at your film and realized that some of the photos were blurry and weren't focusing properly on them both.
You got closer
Which was your first mistake.
Your second was not realizing you accidentally turned your flash on when you thought you were adjusting your brightness of the photos.
That Rhino noticed you and so did Miles, whose masked eyes went wide.
And guess who noticed that? That fucking rhino.
He started to walk towards you and when you started backing up he went on all fours after you.
"I promise I'm not as entertaining as the spider! Leave me the fuck alone!" You squealed as you pushed past people and held your camera tight.
"I like when they run."
To not make this too long let’s just say miles successfully left the police a gift (rhino)
You got an ear full after
“What I did i say about that?? It hasn’t even been like.. a full week since we had that conversation!”
“I know, I know! But my boss said I haadddd to! And by the way you looked awesome, look at those photos.”
You two argued for a bit but he has still a bit upset at what you did.
You apologized by cleaning up his injuries and giving him kisses.
You stayed with him that night and he held you extra tight.
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This didn’t turn out good at all but I wanted to finish this request because it’s long overdue 🙏
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
So I have an idea… Mafia Wilbur… so him and reader are just hanging out and someone comes up to him and says like ‘hey boss’ or smth… but trader doesn’t know what he works as, so he has to explain. Also could u add smut (if not it’s completely fine) with consent (bc consent is so hot)
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You and Wil were out on a date at this new fancy restaurant talking about things you’d both like to do in the future, “soooo Wilby do you like kids?” He chuckles and smiles “already trying to get in my pants after only 4 months, love?” You blush “no no no I was just asking!” He leans in close to your face and says in a baby voice “oh I knew what you meant” you hear yelling in the distance “hey boss!” Wilbur quickly turns his head to one of his workers you look at the guy and then look at your boyfriend “boss?” Wilbur looks at you nervously “oh um it’s a nickname friends call me” he laughs nervously “boss I really need to talk to you about the assignment you gave me about the offer with the Irish mo-“ Wilbur laughs nervously “I have no idea what you talking about heh” the guy looks at Wil confused “but you-“ Wilbur grabs the guy by his arm and drags him to somewhere hidden, after a while he comes back alone “sorry about that love just a uh little drama with the guys” he laughs nervously “drama about the Irish mob?” He looks at you with sweat dripping down his forehead “he..he was joking!” You furrow your eyebrows “Wilbur you know I don’t like when you lie to me” he gulps you never call him by his name just Wil or other pet names “I’m not lying I swear!” You grab your stuff “I can tell when your lying to me so you can come tell me if you want to see me again” you walk out of the restaurant like a girl boss, he rushes after you but your already gone, he quickly gets in his car “goddamnit!” He slams on the steering wheel and starts the car and speeds to your house. You had just gotten home and changed into your pjs and started getting ready for bed when you hear the door shut, you roll your eyes “come to tell me the truth you dirty liar” he blushes from you degrading him “y-yes love” you both sit on the couch and he explains that he is a mob boss, “do you forgive me now love?” You look at him kinda scared “you promise you won’t let anything happen to me?” He smiles softly “I promise” he kisses you and eventually it escalates to a make out session and both of you with your clothes off.
Thank you so much for the request I didn’t write smut cuz I have discovered I’m horrible at writing smut lol
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adorkablenerd · 1 year
A Poet’s Demise
Just some jonmartin fluff cus they’re nerds and I love them 🥰  As always, sfw, and I made sure not to include any spoilers.  Doesn’t really have any place in the series, but they’re already in a relationship 👍 ( Also omg I can’t believe how fast I finished this one, but I’m glad I did cus I wanted to write smth for tma so bad!  Hope y’all like it!!)
Ship: Jon Sims x Martin Blackwood
Words: 1,514
"Martin." Jon spoke from his spot in the doorway, admiring the slight blush that has spread across his lover's face. 
"No."  Martin covered his face with his hands, not able to look at the other without his face burning. 
"Maaartiiin~"  Jon made his way over to the bed, slowly inching closer. 
"I'm not talking to you anymore."  He kept his face covered, words slightly muffled by his palms.
"Oh, why not?"  He cocked his head to the side while Martin peaked to look at him through his fingers, though he immediately looked away, a new rush of embarrassment flowing through him as he saw his boyfriend’s smug smile.
"You know why."  It was a dumb reason, one Martin wasn't even actually mad over, just quite flustered about.  
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."  Jon couldn’t help but tease the other a bit, he was just so cute like this.  Martin had been practicing his poetry again, and had been for about half an hour before realizing that Jon was standing in the doorway to their shared bedroom, and had been listening to him for a majority of the time, if not all of it.  
"You're a menace, truely an evil man."  Jon let out a small chuckle at that comment, and sat down in front of Martin, who had almost curled into a ball by now.
"Oh really?  I'm that cruel, am I?" Jon leaned down, giving him a peck on the forehead, which only served to make Martin's face turn even redder.
"Yes, you are."  He rolled over so that he was facing away from Jon, trying, and failing, to regain some composure. 
"Well, if that's how you feel I suppose there's no changing it. I'll just have to give in to my wicked nature."  Saying this, Jon began to trace around the back of the still heavily flustered man's neck, keeping his touch light and teasing.
"Ehehe t-thahat's nohot fahahahair!"  He fought the urge to push the hands away, wanting to keep his face covered, and not completely minding the sensation.
"And why would I play fair?  I'm evil, remember?"  Jon’s hands quickly moved to the other’s underarms, making Martin’s hands finally move away from his face.  Instead, shooting down, though they did nothing but trap Jon’s fingers where they were already wiggling.
“EEhehehe f-fuhuhuck ohohoff!” Jon’s hands froze for a moment, but Martin couldn’t stop the giggles that were spilling out, both from the tickly feeling that hadn’t quite gone away, and from the silliness of the situation.
“Well, I never!  I can’t believe you would ever tell me to do such a thing Martin, it’s truly quite rude.”  Even when not looking at him, Martin could hear the smile in Jon’s voice, though he was trying his best to sound somewhat serious.
“Oho, my ahapologies.  Did I offend the great and powerful archivist?  What a grave mihisTAHAEKEHE!”  Martin could barely finish what he was saying before Jon decided he’d heard enough, hands shooting to his ribs and sides, squeezing up and down them.  This time, Jon moved so that he was on top of the other, sitting on his thighs and not giving him the option of turning his body away from him. 
“Yes, yes it was.  Honestly, you should know by now not to push me, especially not when you’re in such a vulnerable position.�� Though, I do suppose I can forgive you this time, but only because you’re quite adorable like this.”  A small whine could be heard through the loud giggling in response to Jon’s teasing.  
“Nohohot adorahAHAHA!”  This time, Martin couldn't even finish his sentence before Jon targeted his hips and the tops of his thighs, still squeezing rapidly.
“Hm, sorry, what was that?  Really you have to speak more clearly, how else am I supposed to understand you?”  Though he slowed his squeezing, he didn’t completely relent, mesmerized by Martin’s hiccupy laughter.
“Ihihi cahahahan’t!”  His hands had moved back over his face, unable to figure out what else to do with them.  
“Of course you can.  It’s quite easy, as you can see, I'm doing it right now.  Unless, there's something stopping you, though I'm not sure what that could be.”  Jon’s hands moved under Martin’s shirt, nails scribbling across his soft tummy.  
“Ihihihit tihicklehehes!”  He whined at Jon, who just laughed along with him, both enjoying this game they had started.
“Oh my, really?  Well that explains it then, I suppose it would be a bit hard to talk clearly with someone tickling you.  Especially if they were as ticklish as you are.  I’m sure you’ll learn to manage though, how about some more practice?”  Without waiting for an answer, Jon dug into his hips again, causing a new shriek of laughter from the man under him.
“AHAHAHA SHIHIT, JOHOHON YOHOU DIHIHICK!”  He couldn’t help himself, he knew the name calling would only make it worse, but god this was just so fun.  There were no worries left in his head, barely any thoughts at all other than fuck this tickles, and it was wonderful.
“Oh Martin, I really have tried to remain patient with you, but you still seem to have an attitude problem.  One that really needs fixing.”  His hands stopped, giving Martin a chance to breathe. The smirk that Jon had on his face would probably have been described as evil by those who didn’t know him well, but when Martin managed to open his eyes which had been squeezed shut from laughter, he recognized it immediately.  
“Johohon wahahait, Johon plehehease!”  Martin preemptively brought his shoulders up, trying to protect his worst spot without actually stopping Jon from being able to target the area.
“Wait for what, have you decided to have some manners and take back your oh so horrid words to me?”  Jon’s hands were at both sides of his head, not yet touching, giving him a chance to back out if he really didn’t want this.
“Ehehe, Ihi just wahanted to tehell yohou somehihing.”  He couldn’t stop the giggles from slipping out, both in anticipation and thinking about all the things he could say next.
“Yes?  I do hope it’s an apology, frankly I think I deserve one after all those rude remarks.  So, what is it?”  Jon was almost laughing as well, they both knew that whatever Martin was about to say, it wasn’t an apology.
“Fuhuhuhuck youhuhu!”  Before Jon could even do anything, Martin broke into giggles, brain fuzzy from the previous tickling and the anticipation of more.  Jon couldn’t help but laugh along with him, unable to keep up any sort of serious charade he had before,
“You really are asking for it today, aren’t you?  Well, who am I to deny you of something you so clearly want~”  The smirk he had prior had turned to a soft smile, unable to help himself when seeing Martin like this.  Leaning over him, Jon brought both hands up to Martin’s ears, one lightly tracing the shell of his right ear, while the other scribbled softly behind his left.  The result was immediate.  His breathy, light giggles turned into what at first sounded like a scream, but then turned into loud, high pitched cackles.
“EHEHE JOHOHON T-TIHIHICKLEHES!” He could barely form words anymore, the sensations taking over too much of his brain.
“Yes, that is rather the point, isn’t it?  It is very cute that you feel the need to point it out though.”  Jon leaned in close, making sure to whisper the last part into Martin’s ear, making him squeal through his laughter.  That sound only spurred Jon on more, blowing into his ear to hear it again.  Deciding to finish things before Martin got too overwhelmed or tired, Jon focused on the back of both of his ears, moving his head back down to blow a raspberry into his neck.  One last shriek made its way out before the cackling resumed, Martin shaking his head back and forth, unable to stay still.
“NAHAHA IHIHIHI YOHOHOU FUHUHUCK!”  He quickly ran out of energy to move, only able to laugh, mind no longer forming any words.  As soon as Martin’s laughter started sounding more tired, Jon stopped, moving off of him, instead laying next to the still slightly giggling man, running his fingers through his hair to help calm him down.
“It’s really nothing to be embarrassed about, you know?”  Jon spoke once Martin’s laughter had completely dissipated.
“Oh shush, you’re lucky I’m too tired to get you back right now, but I will be getting you for this.”  Martin smiled into Jon’s neck, feeling the shudder of anticipation that went through his body. 
“I suppose it is only fair you get your revenge, though not right now.  I think it’s best to stay like this for a bit.”  The promise of revenge would echo in the back of Jon’s head for a while, but now wasn’t the time.  For now they would relax, both tired out and at peace in each other's arms, falling asleep on their bed.  
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
hey, fifi? seraphina? my love, my one and only… we really need to talk.
i was reading through your old posts and i found some REALLY weird stuff there.
like, okay, i know we’ve talked about ur other… flings before. i’ll tolerate them for you, you still know that. but.. what’s this about working at the brothel??? PLEASE tell me someone was joking writing that… in all of those asks… this has to be some weird joke, right???
at least with ur modeling and streaming, i can keep you safe. no one can hurt u there. but the brothel? sure, the whole town is crawling with rapists, but why would u intentionally go where they’re all gathered??? u even SAID that u KNOW it’s unsafe. why do u keep working there? it has to be a joke. if it’s not, u need to quit.
please. I can get us a flat or something since u can’t stay at my house. or get my parents to like u more. It’ll just take a bit more time. u don’t have to keep working to earn money. or at least not there. i could keep us safe, and happy… i just don’t know why u don’t trust me to do that!!
…i need to go look through the rest of ur posts now too. don’t block me, i have other accounts too, you already know that. u can’t keep hiding these things from me.
is there anything else u want to admit now too?? u know i'll find out eventually.
i’m TRYING to be good for u here. but it’s getting really fucking hard. i'm just trying to protect u.
…please reply.
- kylar
hhh hello kylar! my love, my pretty boy!!! umm!! tha thing abt my old posts is that they r old! ^.^ no need to look through the rest of them. not that i'm hiding anything from u— i just think we should talk b4 u... mmm, rile urself up more maybe ??
ofc i have no reason 2 lie to u sooo ahaha... ^_^ yes, i used to work at the brothel. i mean...,, i technically still do but mostly just to restock the facilities! i dont dance anymore. except for fridays,,, but all of that is very meticulously planned out and none of it is real! just a show!! briar makes sure it's safe 4 me bc umm the audience rlly likes me and i make her a lot of money so i can't just... quit really–
i don't have 2 fuck anyone there anymore, so its okay, right?? i could go over tha terms n conditions of shows w/ u if it'd make u more comfortable ??? ^^' i swear ik what i'm doing & i am being safe now, i didn't tell u bcos i knew u wld get worried and i never want to make u upset im sorry :((
baby, that sounds wonderful but... how would you even afford a flat— ? i mean, i could pitch in of course, but i still have to pay off bailey :/ and i have 2 be responsible 4 robin as well,,, u know im working hard 2 get on ur parents good sides but it will take time ಥ_ಥ
i do trust u!! i know u have my best interest in mind <3 it's just that um... sometimes wat u want isn't... realistic- like,,, even if i did quit, the problems wouldn't go away. i made my bed n now i gotta lie in it & until i have tha resources to cover it up,,, its smth we have 2 live w/ 〒▽〒 ghhh im sorry that i've dragged u into all of this :( i will make it up 2 u i promise !!!
u are being so good and i'm so proud of u, i love u so much <3 plz be patient w/ me, i'm also trying,,,
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chaoticace2005 · 8 months
Tagged from @xxqueenofdragonsxx I clicked new post instead of reblog on accident I guess and it would let me copy it over so I’m just gonna do it here:
1. Were you named after anyone? Yeah, my parents idea for my first name came from someone famous. Middle name is passed down through family (although I hate it)
2. When was the last time you cried? Hmm I don’t really know… a couple weeks ago?
3. Do you have kids? No, I might adopt in the future or smth because I figure there are a lot of people who need homes. And if I want to be a parent I can help out someone who needs it, rather than bringing a child into the world. (Also I’m aroace so reproduction is iffy.) But I’m gonna wait until I settle down with my career.
4. What sports do/have you played? I did a few seasons of soccer when I was younger (although I wasn’t super good) and I did a summer of water polo. But I’m not really doing anything right now. Although if there was a sport for napping I’d probably do well. Honestly I’ve gotten more bruised/Injured in theater though than sports.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Yes, sometimes, I try to make it obvious when I do though because a lot of the time what I say doesn’t come out right or lacks the correct tone. It can be hard for me to catch when others use it though.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? Hmm I don’t really know? I kind of get a basic outline of their face and hair, and go from there. Although eye color can be someone that catches my attention, although that requires me to make eye contact which can be difficult sometimes.
7. What’s your eye color? Like golden brownish? Amber?
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I can’t watch horror. I already get anxious regularly, I don’t wanna make myself MORE for fun. Plus once I’m scared/set off it’s hard for me to recover, so I try to avoid stressors.
9. Any talents? I do theater sometimes, and I really like sciences.
10. Where were you born? The US
11. What are your hobbies? Reading fanfic, watching shows, puzzles, writing, walks in nature, baking.
12. Do you have any pets? 2 chihuahua mixes back with my parents, and a leopard gecko at my dorm
13. How tall are you? 5 feet. I’m short but it’s also an easy height to remember.
14. Favorite subject in school? Science! Anatomy, chemistry, biology, they’re all great!
15. Dream job? Audiologist. Working specifically to help people who may usually not have access to services and also helping to give people options when it comes to their lives. Rather than forcing a certain medical model and expectation onto them.
Tags (no pressure): @ozzersauce
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