#also yeah! This takes place in the past
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Help, I'm obsessed with this one... 1!
(I'm running out of Shadow and Eclipse stuff, so you get some Terios!)
(Sorry, Total, once again, it is not your boy. :( )
“Well, it’s certainly different from life on Mobius,” Jules laughs. “Everything’s also a lot bigger here.”
“You get used to it,” Terios smirks. By now, being shorter than pretty much everyone is just normal for him.
“Did any of your friends come with you to Earth?” Maria asks.
“Well . . . one did,” Jules says with a nervous smile.
“Who?” Terios asks.
“It’s . . . this girl . . .” Jules is blushing madly.
“Oooo?” Maria says, leaning forward. “What’s her name?”
“Bernadette,” Jules sighs happily. “She likes me to call her Bernie though.”
#i wrote this before the two worlds theory was debunked don't judge me#also yeah! This takes place in the past#Before Jules and Bernie were even married!#thanks for the ask!#asks#ask game#Sky Queen#Sonic the Hedgehog#Sonic AU#Terios the Hedgehog#Jules Hedgehogn#Bernadette Hedgehog#Maria Robotnik#writing
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#daniel ricciardo#dr3#yeah i'm still here in this video#so many people talked about the old daniel over the past year or so and I think he started to take that to heart and believe it#but removed from all of that nonsense I think he's recognizing that he wasn't what fundamentally changed actually#I'm about to get deep in the tags of this post so look away#there's a quote by emily mcdowell that i've been thinking about in terms of daniel these days:#“Finding yourself" is not really how it works. You aren't a ten-dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket. You are also not lost.#Your true self is right there buried under cultural conditioning#other people's opinions and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are.#“Finding yourself” is actually returning to yourself.#An unlearning an excavation a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you.#and here daniel is returning to himself#unlearning the bullshit that they placed on him#stretching out his limbs from the boxes they tried to cram him into#Anyway thinking too deeply about this multimillionaire that I do not actually know but who I know...ya know?
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These two excellent posts (1 by @lurkingshan and 2 by @twig-tea) got me thinking a little about what went down this episode and what looks like it's going to happen next week with the mentors.
There is, as both posts point out, a noticeable difference in how Judy and Jane are treating their trainees (and their crushes). For the past 2 episodes Judy has been crossing lines with Ba-Mhee (and at this point she can't plead ignorance either because she initiated the second kiss) whereas Jane may have had a suspicion about Ryan's crush and been tentatively interested in return but maintained a friendly professional relationship. As a result, they've acted as a good contrast to each other in terms of what's appropriate and what's not.
But now feelings are out in the open and I think Jane is going to mess up a little too.
Because the thing with Jane is that, while he has been an excellent mentor thus far, he does sometimes teeter on the brink of being too harsh (although he hasn't crossed the line yet). We've seen it before and we definitely saw it this episode when he reprimanded Ryan (justified) and ended by asking him why he bothered to come in and make other people "feel bad" (not justified).
The reprimand was a professional reaction, the final line was an emotional one. Because Jane knows at this point that Ryan comes in because he enjoys it, because he wants to learn, and because he wants to work hard. There is no question as to why Ryan is coming in or why he should be coming in and that line was said out of pure frustration and a need to vent and last out. (It should be noted that Jane has thrown this line out a few times and while the first time was definitely a genuine question the more he asked/told Ryan not to bother coming in, the less justified it was as a reaction to the situation at hand).
So while I agree that Jane is going to react to Ryan's confession by pumping the breaks (as he should), I also think he's going to pump them so hard he's going to miss the all important step of actually talking to Ryan about what's going on and why it has to be that way.
Because ep. 8 Ryan seems to think Jane is punishing him or taking advantage of his feelings, because ep. 8 Ryan seems angry at Jane, because ep. 8 Ryan doesn't look like he understands why Jane is treating him the way he is.
And I can't blame Jane, no matter how professional you are that's one hell of an awkward conversation to have, but it is necessary and it looks to me like Jane is either putting it off (not a good idea if you're working in an emotionally demanding job) or hoping he doesn't have to have it.
And that's okay.
Jane is a great mentor and AD but he's also human: he's going to mess up once or twice and that's normal. It's been said time and time again that The Trainee is a show that takes the workplace seriously and I don't think it would be doing the complexity of being in a workplace justice if it didn't also show someone who normally makes the right calls make the wrong ones once in a while.
Putting Jane on a pedestal as an explar doesn't fit the message of the show, putting Jane in a position where he actually does make a mistake and then fixes it when he realises he's messed up, on the other hand? Yeah that fits.
#so yeah#i think Jane might actually mess up a little this time#but that's GOOD#and I also think he'll fix his mess within the episode#and that we'll get to see the discussion take place#there is of course a chance I could be wrong#and that Ryan is just being the grump he's shown himself more than capable of being these past 2 episodes#but it doesn't feel like it?#at least not to me#the trainee#thai bl#bl meta
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#lizzy speaks#minato arisato#this was the best 16 dollars i've ever spent he's given me immeasurable joy#it was a lot of fun to look through my photos from the past two years and choose what i wanted to post!#im mostly posting this for myself i wanna look at my 'best of minato nui year 2' but if u enjoy it! hell yeah#some of these were 'rejects' from last year's one (since it was a 10 img limit back then)#and some of these i forgot i took. i completely forgot i held minato with tongs and it TOOK ME THE FUCK OUT#i loove taking him to places he brightens my day so much :)#he's also been very helpful in getting me to go walking on a daily basis...#i have a photo album dedicated to taking one photo of minato nui a day in rainbow color order#and i can't wait to accumulate more pictures of him!! this is proof that i exist!!!#i love to take minato around the island. i hope i can take him to more places!!!! see you all next year!!
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me watching sm people shit their pants over shadow of the erdtree being nominated for GOTY

#txt#on one hand. yes it is dlc#yes there are many other games that could surely take the place instead#nonetheless. yeah SotE IS kind of a whole second game in and of itself#and also none of this matters. literally none of game awards matters lol#especially these past couple years because YIKESSS
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dark. that was all he had ever known. cold, dark, damp. the boy shivers in the small room, painfully alone, only a book and his magic to keep him company. he tries not to use his magic very often, though. it seemed that the people above knew when he used it and they always always always refused to give him food until he “woke up” next, if they bothered to keep track of that. maybe this time he’ll learn their lesson. the boy whispers his spell, cur memini, and creates a small light in his fingers. this is the only spell he can cast safely, too small to be noticeable by the people above. he holds his hand over the fading book on the floor. the boy can’t read the letters on the page, but this book has pictures. he flips through it again, careful of the pages that were falling apart, admiring the figure in armor who always comes to rescue the figure in the tower, cut off from the world, just like him. the boy frequently dreams of a figure in armor coming to save him, despite the years he has spent alone. dark and cold and damp.
the room the boy lives in, the only room he has memories of, is empty besides himself and the book. sometimes the people above would give him water and stale bread to eat, and then there was a cup and a dirty plate, but otherwise it was just the boy and the book. the boy knows why the people above have locked him away, they told him that he was a freak of nature, unnatural, dangerous. but the boy could only make lights in his palm, and that wasn’t very dangerous at all. he thinks to himself that the people above are the dangerous ones, locking away a child for something like this, but he can’t say that out loud. he doesn’t want to die again.
the boy’s stomach grumbles and he curls in on himself, the light in his palm fades out. he longs to see the sun again, to play with the other children he can hear through the ceiling, to be normal. the people above must have decided to punish him again, though, as he doesn’t remember the last time he had anything to drink, to eat. his stomach would eat through his skin and he would still wake up the next day. why can’t he just die once and for all and be rid of the pain? why is the world keeping him here? why was he even born?
the boy closes his eyes, and falls asleep. maybe this time it won’t hurt so much.
how long has he been here? the boy doesn’t keep track of time. he knows he’s died at least a dozen times, but how long does it take for a dozen lifetimes to pass?
a clattering on the floor wakes the boy up. the people above decided he can eat today. stale bread and water again, but better than nothing to the boy. he crawls closer to it, listening to the door. it closes and the voices disappear. where was the sound of the lock? did they forget?
the boy scarfs down his food and water before tiptoeing up the stairs. he doesn’t hear any voices, but he needs to be careful. he doesn’t remember what the above looks like, but he needs to leave. he needs to be free.
slowly, quietly, he opens the door. it’s dark on the other side of it, but still much, much brighter than his room ever was. he closes his eyes but keeps the door open. breathe in, and out. opens his eyes again, blinking the brightness away. pushes the door further open. steps on the hard ground outside the door. he’s so close. closes the door quietly. turns around and holds his breath. where was outside? pick a direction and go. his legs hurt. turn the corner, listen for voices. voices are dangerous, get away from the voices. whisper his spell, create a small light. keep moving keep moving keep moving. window ahead. break it? open it? is he strong enough? lift the window up. too weak. voices coming. hurry hurry hurry must get out now. whisper spell again, hand on window. break the glass and jump through it. cuts on feet cuts on legs deal with that later. voices getting louder voices shouting. run run RUN.
the boy runs away from the building, away from his room. freedom is so close. first get to the trees, then… he hasn’t thought that far, but he will find a way. gunshots from the house. he runs faster, must get to the trees, must hide, must be free. cur memini, he whispers again, crossing into the forest. his spell can make lights and now break windows, but he needs it to protect him at this moment. run run run until the voices are quiet again. his legs are giving out, but he needs to run. he can’t die now or they’ll find him. keep running. bare feet on sticks and stones and sharp things, everything hurts but he can’t stop. he keeps running until the sun comes up. his heart beats out of his chest.
when he wakes up he doesn’t know how much time has passed. his heart beats fast and he sits up. did they find him? he looks around. trees, rocks, a gurgling stream. he’s free. he’s free. he sighs and lays back down. how far did he run? he needs to go further. away from other people, away from anyone who might lock him up again. he sits up again and forces himself to stand and walk towards the sound of the stream. he can start there. water is important, and he might be able to get food from the little stream too.
his first drink of the stream water is icy cold, quenching his lifelong thirst in just a few swallows. he washes his face with it, removing years of sweat and grime. he wants to sit by the stream forever if only he could, but the people will find him eventually if he doesn’t keep moving. but he allows himself a few minutes to bathe in the water, savoring the feeling of water on his skin. his stomach still growls, wanting something more filling than the freezing water of the stream, but that would have to wait. he needs to get his bearings.
the light of the outside world is almost blinding, he realizes. the sun and the snow made it almost impossible to see anything. he should get up above the trees. can he even do that? cur memini, he says, trying to get his voice to be louder than a whisper. his feet float a few inches above the ground. he closes his eyes and says his spell again with more conviction. Cur Memini. he feels himself shooting into the air before he opens his eyes. he can see the forest stretch out for miles around him. trees covered in snow in every direction. if the old house is behind him, he should fly straight ahead, towards the forests on the mountains. tentatively, he leans forward and focuses his magic on keeping himself afloat.
it doesn’t take much to exhaust what little magic he has, but he’s put more distance between himself and the old house and the people above now. he should be safe to rest, truly rest. but first he should find something to eat. is there anything to eat out here? something in his head tells him to look a little closer to the ground. to his left. there’s a bush full of berries. he’s never had anything but stale bread, and doesn’t know what to expect as he crushes one with his teeth.
the sensation overtakes him for a brief moment. the berry is sweet, yet tart, and delicious. it’s the best thing he’s ever eaten and he thanks the little voice in his head for the information as he picks several more berries from the bush. the juice runs down his chin and makes him sticky, but it feels good. he feels truly alive for the first time.
once he’s finished picking the bush clean of its fruits, he needs to find a place to rest, to stay warm. he’s shivering in the intense cold of the north, but it’s nothing he isn’t used to. the room was never very warm after all. he listens to the little voices calling out to him, guiding him towards a small cave, instructing him on how to make a small fire to warm himself up. a small rabbit brushes against his leg and he swears one of the voices is coming from it. and with the fire going, he thanks the rabbit before it hops away back into the snow. he would be roasting that same rabbit over the fire a few months later.
the boy can’t stay in the cave forever though. as days turn to weeks turn to months, he worries that the people above are getting closer to him. they’ll put him back in that cold, dark, damp room again. he needs to keep moving. he has been practicing his magic, casting stronger spells, and he needs to be ready to fly. it's been long enough. cur memini he says holding his hand out. a rough stick with twigs tied to the end flies into his hand. it’s a poor excuse for what he understands is a broom, but it will work. he climbs onto it and focuses. cur memini cur memini cur memini. he lifts off the ground and watches as the branches of the trees get shorter and eventually he passes above the treetops.
he takes a moment to gather his bearings. he no longer remembers the direction the house was in, but going up is his best bet of staying away from the people above. he laughs, realizing that he is the one above them now. after a moment, he flies into the mountains. the small voices change into bigger, unfamiliar ones as he gets further into the mountain range. they tell him to hide, to stay away. he doesn’t listen. they cannot be more dangerous than the humans he is running from.
the boy lands, still exhausted from using so much magic, but he was able to travel further this time. that has to count for something, surely. he gathers some sticks and looks for another cave to make his home in. the caves remind him too much of the room he left, so he chooses to stay close to the entrance, close to the light that reminds him he is free. the fire keeps the animals away, but the voices are curious about the new presence in their woods. they make him curious too. he should stay in the cave tonight though and regain his energy. maybe he can get some small game to fill his stomach before settling in for the night. he listens for a rabbit’s voice, or maybe a squirrel, anything that would be small enough to kill with his hands.
at last, a small fox’s voice is heard nearby. he wonders if fox will taste different from the other game he’s eaten thus far. he lifts a hand-sized rock and slinks out of the cave towards the voice. it takes a few minutes to find the source, but the fox is curled under a tree, shivering, hungry, just like him. the boy hesitates before bludgeoning it and slinging the corpse over his shoulders. there are more foxes. he is much more important.
the fox is only the first animal he hunts in those mountainous woods. he spends several years in that forest and eventually humans settle up there as well. the boy, or rather, the man now, has made a name for himself amongst the human populations of the north. he is no longer afraid of humans capturing him and locking him up. they are still terrified of him, but now he is in control of that terror. the hunters that left his territory alive whispered tales of the great wizard owen who inhabited the mountains and terrorized anyone who had the bad luck of running into him.
all of this is perfectly fine with owen. eventually his reputation will grow beyond himself, encapsulating atrocities that were impossible for even someone as strong as oz to commit, but that would be a problem for future owen. for now, he is still young and living in his cave on the outskirts of a small village and scaring hunters who stray too far from their boundaries. the wolves don’t like these visitors either and gladly listen to owen’s lamentations. it keeps his hands clean of the bloodshed if he isn’t casting the spell himself. the wolves don’t care for owen either, but they respect him. and that is enough for owen.
the first of the unwanted visitors was a young man, someone who wanted to provide for his family. he pleaded with owen and the wolves to let him go and he wouldn’t cause any problems. those pleas fell on deaf ears though as owen looked the man in the eyes. won’t your family be disappointed, he asked almost innocently, you don’t have anything to show for your efforts. the man stammered a response, they’d rather i come back alive with nothing than die trying to find food. is that so, owen reached out for the man’s chin, the distance between their faces was almost nothing. y-yes, sir, please just let me go and i won’t bother you anymore. owen grinned. oh i’m sure you won’t be causing us any trouble again. the wolves stalked out of the woods, drooling at the prospect of tearing a piece of that man for themselves. owen snapped his fingers, and they came running forward, only to stop mere inches from the now trembling man. there was a suspicious yellow stain in the snow beneath him. p-p-please sir, anything you ask, it’s yours! then make sure you tell the rest of your little village that this forest belongs to the great wizard owen. the man ran off, leaving behind a hunting rifle and a ratty sack. the rifle would be of use, but the sack became tinder for his fires.
despite the warning from that first man, hunters continued to enter into owen’s territory. and one after the other, they ran off screaming with their tails between their legs. this should have annoyed owen, that people would ignore all of the warnings and stories that had started popping up about him, but it doesn’t. their fear feeds into his magic power, only making him stronger, and that is all fine with owen. he is no longer a weak child locked in the damp, dark basement, and he never will be again.
#shay writes#mahoyaku#promise of wizard#mhyk fanfiction#owen#owen mhyk#owen mahoyaku#character study#my wips#okay putting. disclaimers in the tags bc formatting. i am still new to reading everything#i'm almost done with the ballads. i have one left and its the proud hunter one#and then i'm hoping to start the first anni story#so uhhhhh if anything past the ballads is wrong no its not#jk jk i just havent gotten to it but i also like to take creative liberties with some things#and i definitely have already#trust me this is going to be way longer than it already is#like this is 2.5k words and i'm only posting all of it now bc its owen's birthday#i have several more scenes i want to write out as well that will add probably at least#another 2k words to this#if not more. its gonna be a time#but i did force myself to get to a decent place to end where it wasnt like. the middle of the scene#or a sentence. which some of my wips do accidentally end midsentence. i need to get better at that#but yeah. okay i should go to sleep i am actually sick and need to sleep and pray#i can go to work tomorrw. though if i'm feeling worse thats fine w me#i can sleep in for once#anyway happy birthday owen my mippy <3
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playing a premade character in a oneshot my fiance is running tomorrow and i wanted to share the heroforge i made of the character i'll be playing but. hgh. the other players follow me,,,,
okay jamie and para do NOT look under the cut >:( (i can't stop you)
anyway this is my boy threadtwister <3 he's very nice and tormented by visions. and he might get the honor of kicking abdiel in the dick.
#multi makes text posts#we're playing a oneshot taking place in the world of into darkness we march#but like. a glimpse into the past#and y'all i'm so stoked#because we're gonna see a glimpse into the past of eden's university#also yeah i'm probably gonna keep this guy
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What's Your Role in a Found Family Dynamic?
The Hermit Who Helps
At first, you were a resource for the established characters to turn to, but you quickly began to steal the show due to your personality, your usefulness, or your inherently interesting perspective on life. You were pretty much already able to provide for yourself, but the next thing you know, these people are growing on you. Instead of asking favors, it becomes an invitation to socialize. You find yourself sticking around for no apparent reason other than you like it here. The people are fun to watch, if nothing else, but ultimately they're just--oh no. Oh no, you care about them. You always thought you stayed away from this "relationship" stuff for a reason. It gets messy and isn't worth it unless it really works. For some reason, this group really works. These weirdos are now your weirdos, and if anything happens to them, there will be hell to pay. You were basically already looking after them before this, after all. Welcome to the family, hermit.
Tagged by: @distrxst (thank you!)
Tagging: @quillheel , @tazmilyxfamily (or your other blog!) , @bladesfromthedark , @pri-rp , @legalbrats (or your bug blog!) , @hopeful-hugz (or one of your other blogs!) , @musescfmusic (or one of your other blogs!) !
#.🪲#ooc#.dash game#((just. tags Everyone because i don't want anyone to feel left out agssgfhfs))#((anyway. yeah this fits!! at least for the most part))#((just in the sense of like. ghost starting out hollow when they first enter hallownest))#((but over time as they gain more void they become more conscious and truly 'alive'))#((and they come to care about the people of hallownest! they find friends. family. a home.))#((they didn't really *avoid* ''relationship stuff'' in the past. they just weren't capable of it due to basically being a walking corpse))#((but they have bonds now. and they don't give a damn about the ''purpose'' the pale beings created them for))#((but their new friends are in danger. and their newfound sister is asking them for help.))#((so they face the infection at its source and give it everything they've got to take her down once and for all))#((and when the fight is over and they should be dead? they find a way to come back. to be with their friends and family.))#((i did try it for a couple other muses as well but just. didn't feel like properly including them gfsfgd))#((this post is long enough with just ghost))#((but glados got ''the brains'' and. yeah. if she's anything she's that.))#((but also good luck getting her into a found family situation in the first place lmao))#((honestly i see bits of papyrus in a LOT of the possible results. but i don't know which one i'd say fits him best))#((comic relief was one of the results i got for him though and that certainly does fit))
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i was gonna share my xenoblade thoughts the next day because i was full of them but very tired however it is the next day and i forgot how to thought
#dang 😔#i can try though ig#uhh spoilers below#ok first music very good#i have not done so yet but i like to sit down and listen to the whole soundtrack after finishing a game for the first time and i am looking#forward to that very much#anyways i love stories about death#heck yeah death and fear of change and regret and insecurity and hope and also flutes#the ending with the final boss in stuff was kinda giving me pmd vibes specifically gates and super#i love pmd so this is a very good thing#also i love when villains have some connection to theatre#the n and m thing was wack#like omg a guy named n oh huh he kinda looks like noah take off ur mask dude lemme see omg it is noah!! wow evil version of main character#wait is that mio#oh snap he isnt a version of me im a version of him born from his regret and the hope that he completely lost#very cool!#after the execution stuff and i added valdi back into my party because didnt have a hero in that because ghondor joined as my hero for a bit#and then left and i put him back in and i was like hey bestie how was ur day yeah mine was pretty good i just got locked up for a month and#just sitting there full of dread and anger and sadness as the clock was ticking towards death for the girl i love and i couldnt even be near#her during this and there was no hope of escape and then we were forced to watch her fade away before getting executed and i stood over my#body and looked down on it and i was taken to a place where i saw all my past lives and how me and the girl i love fell in love each time#but i always lost her until finally i did some horrific stuff and forced her into immortality with me never asking if she wanted this#because i stopped thinking of her as a person and more like a precious possession i need to keep in my grasp and our regret was so powerful#that we were born again through hope despite our other selves still living and then i decided to try again and the other mio stopped the#other me from killing me and plot twist they body swapped and the other mio died and the mio i know lived on with the other mios body and#then the other me got a lil too silly so we beat him up#so yeah my day was pretty good how was yours#like okay!!!!!!!!#great!!!!!!#ok i reached max tags bye
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Random au because I can't stop thinking about this:
On the doc Mike and Pac found in the prison said that if Walter Bob completed that specific task he would be free from the jail/no longer a prisoner, right? (MY memory isn't the best so maybe this is a bit wrong but that is what we have for today folks augstwfwywfrqcw)
What if one day he finishes the task and Cucorucho with a smile brings him to another federation building and asks him to get into a room
Days later Fit is asked to clean a room, no big deal, another day of honest work where he starts lurking around looking for anything that could be useful for him and his mission
And then, in another place that he isn't suppose to be, but that he got into anyway is a... something. In the corner. It's small, it's scared, maybe even trembling a little bit and tired, very tired.
It's an egg.
When he enters, it turns around to face him and Fit freezes for a second because now he can clearly read the name on top of the kid.
"Walter Bob"
Well, he isn't coming out of that building alone.
Also! For fluff purposes! Imagine he bringing him to show Pac and Mike, like, Walter Bob doesn't have the memories of Before but he can't help but feel at ease around those "strangers" and their vibrant, lively energy, especially because they seem to like be around him as well, always full of hugs and itens and new places to show around.
Ramon being a good older brother! Showing him how to explode things and being perfect to bring his more quiet and chaotic side.
The fact that before he couldn’t remember ever having a bed just the cold metal of the cell and the guards shouting and pain and experiments and cold cold cold
But now it's different! Now he has a family, people from everywhere smiling and talking to him and helping and saying strange, kind things like that their house is his as well and that if he ever ever need he could call
And then Forever reforms the NINHO to have another room and Bad calls him to chat while making his buildings and Baghera gives him a bunch of invisible potions so they can hang around listening to gossips and Philza is always chill in letting him visit and Foolish laugh and goof around like nothing could ever go wrong everytime he gets too anxious and Mike and Pac are there and...
And Richas gives him beautiful paintings to put in his room and Dapper show him all his cool animal collection and Leo take him to a train ride and Tallulah helps him to decorate his room and...
And and and
(And the hope is there, it hurts too much to bare sometimes, like it's a knife that already cut him before.
But little by little, with time, the wounds begins to heal)
#this is literally me in despair for any kind of fluff with Walter bob pls mah man already suffered SO MUCH#and yeah I feel like this outcome is very ooc but WELL OH WELL what is this??? logic in my au#??? no thanks I will take the domestic fluff#qsmp#qsmp au#maybe I will write an oneshot for this later#i really just want them to be a big family aaaaa ♡♡♡♡#walter bob#ALSO THIS GIVES CHANCE FOR PAC AND FIT GET CLOSER I MEAN COUGH COUGH CO-PARENTING AM I RIGHT#watch Mike discovers that fit has a new egg and it's Walter Bob and suddenly getting all his things and moving to Fit's house#w Pac following behind like 'sorry sorry we're all like a package deal now yeah I don’t think Mike is gonna let him go for some time sooo...#Sleepover time :DDDD#(Mike would like to just get Walter Bob and run for it but he doesn’t want to wake any bad memory so :(#also the angst potential of them realizing that he holds no memory of his past. of what they have lived together in that prison.#of Walter Bob sometimes seeing the fed buildings he did and feeling an horrible dread overcoming him for some reason.#the way that he is tired most of the time and how visiting some places makes him have such a strong sense of dejavu#yeah yeah anyway I am. full of thoughts.#Pac#Mike#Fit
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I personally am so happy that the episode was all a dream because I’m okay with there not being macdennis but if they had confirmed Dennis as a killer i would have been devastated. I do wish they’d explore more of his emotions tho- especially since Glenn has said he misses playing those colors. Like he’s got Big Feelings! This was more of his rage- but it’s a step up that he was able to curb that rage I guess?
Also people are saying it’s joever for macdennis but like… they didn’t fight or anything right? They’re still super close- and remember Frank vs Russia? That’s still a thing
Disclaimer I’ve just been seeing people’s post about it I haven’t watched this ep but I do wish it wasn’t the finale or they’d at least end it with a scene of the gang together
#also disclaimer I haven’t seen a full Iasip episode#thank GOD it was all in Dennis’ head like I know he’s a terrible person but having him be a serial killer is too far#and not the way his character’s been heading at all#it was just a coping technique for him#a messed up one but a coping technique nonetheless#also guys. macdennis could still happen it’s not like this episode disproved it at all#maybe s17 will be macdennis season but I hope it’s more of the gang as pals#anyway I heard the first half of this episode was funny and that Glenn shines so there’s that#but again missed opportunity for a real Dennis development episode#not even macdennis just exploring Dennis’s nuances and his place in the group#post ddl you know like he really belongs to the gang#and he’s trying to express himself better#(macden moment but no callback to do you want a tissue but whatever)#so yeah I’m more chill about it than I was but we were all so hyped for this Wo#they can’t all be bangers#but overall s16 seemed to be a marked improvement compared to the past few seasons so that’s good#according to the fandom on multiple sites#anyway This Is A Comedy#Iasip#dtamhd#dennis takes a mental health day#dennis reynolds#Iasip spoilers#yapping in the tags
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thinking about the structure of Muros group and oughh Russo and Tesoro both being in charge of what they suffered through. i hate them both so much. I know they sometimes look one of the people under them in the eye and feel like their younger self is staring back accusingly. and then they continue doing what they do and fucking people over 😒 fucking hypocrites who cling to the fact that they are slightly more pragmatic and in some ways less cruel than their predecessors to distance themselves from the harm they cause
#muro & co#oc: tesoro#oc: russo#Tesoro being in charge of the drug trade and underground fighting. give. well his past.#and Russo being in charge of sex work gambling and information#and does that by 'taking in and giving a place' to homeless people which. yeah.#i love them they are messy and complex and also fucking awful human beings
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*slams the desk*
hi monkie kid fandom i have a proposal
ace attorney au
mk is pheonix & red son is edgeworth
*runs out the door*
#monkie kid#lego monkie kid#oh crap i also gotta tag it with ace attorney#MAINTAGGING FOR FANDOMS IM NOT FAMILIAR WITH IS SCARY#ace attorney#mk monkie kid#redson#monkie kid red son#spicynoodleshipping#< implied#up to you if you wanna see it or not#OH YEAH ALSO. MEI COULD BE MAYA#im also considering having my oc who’s red son’s sister take the place of franziska#also sandy or tang could be gumshoe? sandy because he has that himbo energy and tang bc he strangely fits#idk about any other characters tho#keep in mind i havent gotten past the turnabout sisters case all my knowledge on aa comes from my friends and ao3#/hj#lmk aa au#yeah that’s a tag now#good times with mar
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Hanging out and waiting for the flea spray to dry and then I get to vacuum again and wipe down everything in my room!!! Yippee!!!!
#yeah I'm. bruh these days off are starting to feel a lot less like days off#I'm washing as much as i can get my hands on too to try to get all this in one go#i haven't seen a whole bunch of fleas so i don't think the infestation is too bad but I've nuked my room with raid#i already had the window open so hopefully that doesn't minimize the effect but there was no other way to open it#if not beforehand; opened both doors too; it's gonna be 500 degrees in here but hopefully flea free#besides apparently cat fleas can't fully sustain themselves on human hosts so the population may have already been#destabilizing on its own especially with how often i vacuum; crossing my fingers guys i really hope this is it!!#i havent been bitten in the past few days + only saw one when i was shuffling everything around for spraying#the stuffed animals.. might be able to park in the sun and leave them in my car to heat treat them? idk if that's enough#gonna have to play it by ear and take it from there#only didn't get the carpet on the stairs bc it's not a place where people stay and i imagine fleas wouldn't hang out#where there isn't a food source; yes I'm aware of the eggs and the pupae withstanding bad elements but also.#please let this be it 👁👁#shai speaks#going to the doc on wednesday and treating the lice and i will finally be rid of parasites. god.
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#as usual I have a terrible case of back from the beach blues#I miss the ocean and the sand and the seagulls and I wanna go back T_T#home and work are both shitshows and all I wanna do is lounge in the sun and swim in the sea#I miss the salty air#i keep trying to tell myself not to be bummed cause I have a few shorter trips planned#going back to Cape May next month either for a day trip or overnight the one weekend with my sister in law#and I might be going back to Ocean City for a long weekend in September for local’s summer#and me and my husband are planning on taking a day trip and exploring a few of Delaware’s beaches along the bay#that one’s a little more up in the air but likely September or October#and then we’re doing Kitt’s Hummock and Woodland Beach for sure#might do Deemer’s Beach cause it’s literally 3 mins away from the one shop we’re stopping at#but I’ve heard that’s not a great beach so we’ll see#might possible also do Bennett’s Pier Beach and Slaughter Beach and stop at the DuPont Nature Center#so three trips- one being a day trip the other being either a day trip or overnight and a possible third trip that’s a few days long#I’m excited for the Delaware one cause I’ve only ever been to Fenwick Island and Slaughter Beach#and like yeah they’re beaches on the Delaware Bay so it’s brackish and muddy but I don’t care#I’m just excited to explore some beaches I’ve never been to#but man the main big vacation is over and I have to wait a whole year and that’s what’s got me down I guess#little vexing about the distance#love that my fav place is only 3.5 hours away#but it’s just far enough to be a bit much for a day trip which is a bummer#we’ve done day trips in the past and they’re very fun but also very tiring#so I tend to only get to Ocean City MD once or twice a year#which bummer cause it’s my favorite beach#the beaches that are only like an hour and 20 mins aren’t that great Jersey-wise#so hopefully the Delaware adventure turns up a few that I end up liking a lot#I need to live closer to the ocean#I’m trying but man is shit expensive anymore ._.#one day soon I hope…
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for everytime swaggy uses we are the champions in any post i think we need to shoot him with a paintball gun in the back
#txt#going through his ig stories and getting jumpscared#GIRL PUT A CONTENT WARNING#WARN A GUY#also they ate at carbone at south pointe and im like wait but they went golfing-#*immediately gets reminded of the huge stupid ass fucking golf course that takes up half that dumb manmade pennisula of a city*#i feel so much hatred towards that thing i erase from my mind for my own health#also i did go wow the amount of traffic they had to wade through just to 1. get there and 2. get out#ive been corrupted by soflo the first thing i think about is not the enjoyment but the traffic#if you want to know the relation of carbone to catch (the seafood place the team ate at before they went clubbing) its a block away#they like dining in south point lol#from what i remember ages ago south pointe was more of a quaint residential area that tourists avoided because anything past 5th street#wasnt worth looking at so a lot of residents spent more time on that side of the city than the north if they wanted to chill at the park#that also connects to the beach with a cool pier like it was always regarded more of a hidden gem than anything else#that families spent time in on weekends playing soccer or picnicing or drinking mate like i know yearly easter egg hunts were held there#i say that but there WERE more expensive restaurants in the area before (joes stone crab which has been there for ages)#i just suppose now a lot MORE have opened up since then and kinda transformed the area into a bougier place#as if there isnt a cheap sandwich shop like a block away too lmao#yeah the development of “expensive food restaurants” in quiet residential areas is weird! and that city is filled with it!#i could go on about how hispanic refudgees viewed mb since the 60s to the 00s versus how tourists view it now but oop! thats an essay!
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