#post ddl you know like he really belongs to the gang
animaniacs16 · 1 year
I personally am so happy that the episode was all a dream because I’m okay with there not being macdennis but if they had confirmed Dennis as a killer i would have been devastated. I do wish they’d explore more of his emotions tho- especially since Glenn has said he misses playing those colors. Like he’s got Big Feelings! This was more of his rage- but it’s a step up that he was able to curb that rage I guess?
Also people are saying it’s joever for macdennis but like… they didn’t fight or anything right? They’re still super close- and remember Frank vs Russia? That’s still a thing
Disclaimer I’ve just been seeing people’s post about it I haven’t watched this ep but I do wish it wasn’t the finale or they’d at least end it with a scene of the gang together
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