#they can’t all be bangers
animaniacs16 · 1 year
I personally am so happy that the episode was all a dream because I’m okay with there not being macdennis but if they had confirmed Dennis as a killer i would have been devastated. I do wish they’d explore more of his emotions tho- especially since Glenn has said he misses playing those colors. Like he’s got Big Feelings! This was more of his rage- but it’s a step up that he was able to curb that rage I guess?
Also people are saying it’s joever for macdennis but like… they didn’t fight or anything right? They’re still super close- and remember Frank vs Russia? That’s still a thing
Disclaimer I’ve just been seeing people’s post about it I haven’t watched this ep but I do wish it wasn’t the finale or they’d at least end it with a scene of the gang together
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highladyluck · 1 year
Do not, my legs, become addicted to after-shower moisturizer. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!
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koolpilled · 29 days
they call me normal because I am. normal.
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lordwisteria · 6 months
Sometimes people you respect have bad or boring takes and you just have to breathe in the Christmas spirit and let it fucking go
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⊹₊⋆ ☏ ⋆₊⊹
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ivywalkers · 7 months
Everyone say thank you Taliesin for making Ashton fuck up real bad so we all could have these bonding episodes
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fuumiku · 5 days
ur genderbent marchil is rly cool and ur art slays, that is all 👍
Thank you!! I wanted to do a quick doodle for this but it turned into a comic, and I was wondering if you meant a specific version of genderbent marchil bc I drew all of them last time so I was going for the one of my au plotline, but only then did I remember your username, the iconic butch Chilchuck truther marchiller, soooo long story short I drew them all again
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mellodramas · 7 months
i'm so so so excited to find out what jean’s "you know, I get it" moment will be
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killa-trav · 1 year
happy birthday r kid
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nicolibbyquotes · 3 months
“Other lives, other existences, it didn't matter. They were polarities, and wherever they went, his half would always find hers.”
- “The Atlas Complex” by Olivie Blake
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theloveinc · 2 days
two took edibles now all I can think about is you being takiishi’s little drug obsessed housewife that wanders around his home and annoys the crap out of endo for taking up so much of Chika’s weird affection even tho you’re too spacey to acknowledge it fully
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joatthecopa · 9 months
Jocie Inktober 2023
Day 3: Path
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🍂 The Blair Witch Project 🍂
The Blair Witch Project is a supernatural horror film first released in theaters on July 14, 1999. This film is often attributed to helping popularize the found footage genre in horror.
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helv-ete · 1 year
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The siblings ever
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+some doodles bc it’s pride month
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metagalacticx · 1 year
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you felt alone and sad being you. (x)
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bbq-potato-chip · 11 months
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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You can just tell these two designs were made at VERY different times
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