strangelyxmagical · 1 year
Chapter 2 : First Day pt.2
After class ended , Addison decided to show me around campus. That being our only class of the day, we were free to explore the grounds. She showed me the different dorm buildings for models, actors, directors, stunt doubles, screenwriters, aspiring pop stars, and fashion designers like herself. There is a workshop on campus so if you want to become well-known and build clientele , you would go there. The campus was massive, being centered in the middle of Hollywood, there was so much to do and see. Addison told me about all the popular date spots and clubs that I absolutely had to try, and with each minute, my excitement to find my place at Hollywood U grew tenfold. “So Alexis, how has your first day of classes been? All that you hoped for?” Addison sports a huge grin on her face as she walks beside me back to my dorm.
“It was… definitely eventful. I still can’t believe this is real to be completely honest,” I reply back with a small laugh. “ I’m still waiting for my alarm to go off and I wake up in my bed back in New Mexico.”
“Well, what if I told you, this night didn’t have to end yet?” Mischief twinkled in her eyes and I knew that she was definitely planning something up her sleeve.
I stopped walking and tilted my head curiously at her. “ Oh, yeah? What did you have in mind?” I mean, it’s not like I had anything planned. Plus, maybe I could get to know the place better and meet some more people.
“Remember that club I mentioned earlier? Well… I may have already told my friend Ethan that you’d come with me and meet us there! Plus, he’s a manager and you’d be the perfect client for him to take on. I promise you’ll love him, and you’ll get to affiliate yourself with more celebs in Hollywood. It’s the best place to meet people.” She definitely didn’t run this by me earlier when she mentioned the club, but I had to agree with her. It did sound like it be fun, and a great opportunity.
Smiling I reply, “ you know what? I’m down , that sounds like it should be fun! What time were you thinking?”
“ … 9 pm ..” she has a sheepish look across her face. Not only did she not tell me about the event but that means we have an hour and a half to get ready for it. I send her a false angry glare before we both break into a laugh.
“Wow, you look hot!”
“Addison, this is so cute! You made this?!” I stared at the black black mini dress in awe. It was satin and had a beautiful corset that showed off my figure very well. The hem stopped just at the middle of my thighs, showing off my caramel skin. It looked like it could be featured on a runway model and go for thousands.
“Made by yours truly,” pride flooding her voice. You can tell she put a lot of time and attention to detail, and it definitely paid off. “ you can keep it, it looks stunning on you!”
“Are you sure? This is beautiful!” My make up accented the dress perfectly, black Smokey eyes with a monochromatic highlight. My grey eyes called for attention, the eyeliner and mascara only adding to the effect. I gave her a huge hug , amazed at her generosity she’s shown on my first day.
“Of course! Now we need to go before we are late to meet Ethan. He’s our gateway in,” she laughs before dragging me out the door, but not before I could grab my purse and keys.
As our taxi pulled in front of the club, we could clearly see it was packed beyond belief. The line at the door wrapped completely around the building as people waited to get access inside. The music was loud, the bass causing the ground to vibrate. A girl in a gold dress and her two friends walks right up to the bouncer without a care in the world , as if they owned the place. The bouncer simply opens the velvet rope and lets them inside without a hassle. Once inside, he goes back to guarding the door as people beg to get inside. As we stepped out of the cab , I took a moment to look around at the city life around me. So this is Hollywood, I thought. Smiling to myself, I was almost taken aback by the tug in my arm as Addison started to pull me to follow her. “Ethan! Over here!” I turn just in time to see a man in an expensive Armani suit walk towards us with a grin plastered on his lips. He had a dimple in his cheek and dark skin the color of chocolate.
“Hey I got this as usual, follow me.” The man walks right up to the bouncer and stands in front of the velvet rope blocking the entrance. He flashes a charming smile, “ Big D, my favorite security professional! How’s your screenplay going?”
The bouncer greets Ethan energetically, a drastic change from his previous demeanor. “ Ethan! Sharkaggedon is coming along well, just gotta tighten up the second act.”
“You finish that up ,and call me Diego. I’m having lunch with Joss Whedon next week,” Ethan Replies back with a grin.
“Sure thing E, enjoy your night!” Diego unclamps the velvet rope and let’s us through the door. Groans pass behind us as we enter and the rope is clasped back into place.
“You know Joss Whedon?” I speak up , walking beside the pair.
“Well, technically I’m meeting his dog walker but an ins and in, right?” We make it to the bar and Ethan’s attention is on us. “Addison, beautiful as always.” He sends her a warm smile and I peep the blush that paints her cheeks. He turns towards me. “Alexis , it’s nice to meet you!”
“You know who I am?” I ask stunned.
“ it’s my job to know everyone in this town,” he replies back.
“ Alexis, this is Ethan. He’s one of the hottest up and coming junior agents, and technically a student still at Hollywood U. I was lucky enough to grab him as my agent as well, he’s been a huge help!”Addison radiates happiness as she speaks so highly of Ethan, and I smile back at the two.
“It’s nice to officially meet you Ethan,” I say as stand with the clearly infatuated pair.
Addison looks around and says,” look at this place! They went all out for the Fireman inferno premiere.”
“ Flaming shots, fire jugglers… they even have a two story firemen pole in the middle of the club!” Ethan Exclaimed.
Addison roller her eyes. “ And little Miss Entiled Bianca Stone is sliding down it.” There was definitely some hidden tension between Addison and the girl. I didn’t ask, she’ll tell me if she wants to. As she slides down, pyrotechnics go off . She lands on the ground and flaunts about how amazing she is while the club applauds and shouts in praise. “okay, someone needs to one up her, take her off her high horse.”
“ I’ll do it,” I say with a smirk. I never minded bringing someone’s ego back down to earth. Plus, I’ve totally been dying to try the pole since walking through the door of the club. I make my way to the top and grasp the pole. I I flip upside down an ride it to the bottom as the pyrotechnics go off. “ who’s catching fire now?!” I laugh as I land on the bottom , playfully bowing at the round of applause’s and cheers from other patrons.
“Alexis, that was awesome!” Ethan and Addison surround me in shock and excitement. “Definitely time for drinks, let’s get this party started,” Addison does a little dance while heading back towards the bar. I get in line, and once I get to the front, the bartender completely ignores me.
“ Um.. hello? Bartender, over here?” I shout over the music but to no avail. They are completely and openly ignoring my calls. I stand at the bar hopelessly waiting to get their attention.
“Long wait?” A voice speaks from behind me. I turn and come face to face with a handsome man with brown hair and eyes to match.
“ Good luck trying to get their attention. They won’t even look this way and it’s been 10 minutes.” I sigh in defeat, resting my arms on the counter. With a wink, he turns towards the bartender with a raised hand and to my surprise, they immediately rushed towards us.
“Single malt. Neat. And something for my friend here…what’ll you have?”
My mind still in shock, I named the first thing I could think of. “ Sex on the beach.” Realizing what I said I blushed. The mystery man smiled and added that to the order. “ I can’t believe you were able to get their attention so easily! I’ve been waiting forever.”
“ I’d like to say it’s my charm, but in all honesty they probably just recognized me.” He smiles, flashing his pearly whites.
“Wait..” I pause as it suddenly hit me who I was speaking to. “ you’re Chris Winters? As in ‘Terrorist Sqaud’ , ‘The Last Lumberjack’ and now ‘Fireman Inferno’ ?!” Addison was not kidding when she said this is a celeb hotspot. I can’t believe I just ran into THE Chris Winters.
“That’s me.” He flashes a smile again. The bartender comes back with our drinks and we clink glasses. “ Cheers, welcome to Hollywood! So, first day?”
“Wow, am I that obvious?” Cue the blush again. I take a sip of my drink to hide it.
“Well, you let a complete stranger cut in front of you in line, that was a dead giveaway. What’s your name?”
“Alexis, nice to meet you,” I reply back. Chris goes to pay for our drinks but I stop him. “No let me. You helped me get it in the first place, it’s the least I could do.”
“Well Alexis, it was nice chatting, a good dose of reality.Maybe I’ll see you around.” He goes to walk away with another warm smile. I turn back to the crowd planning to find Addison and Ethan when cameras flash back to back, blinding me. Questions about Chris Winters spiral at me and the crowd closes in. I get pushed right into someone, none other than: Bianca Stone.
She screams as her champagne flute tips all over her dress ruining it. “ My crystal! MY DRESS! You did that on purpose!” She huffs as her entourage flanks either side of her.
“I’m so sorry, that was an accident!” I apologize for knocking into her. Where did the cameras come from? Bianca looks furious, and no amount of apologies will wipe the look from her face.
“ You’re going to regret this. Wrong move new girl.” Her anger was simmering behind her eyes like molted lava. Behind her , her entourage mimicked her threat.
“SECURITY!” The man next to her yells out. “ there’s a women her causing distress. She needs to be removed immediately!” The group smirks as two burly men make their way through the crowd to escort me out. They wave gooOnce I’m out on the side walk , the close the door in my face. Diego looks at my with a hint of pity before masking his features.
“Alexis, are you okay?? We saw you getting taken out by security! What the hell happened?” Addison and Ethan burst through the closed door after me. Panic was across their faces as if it was them that got tossed out.
“Yeah I’m fine, that girl is crazy though. I now understand the “ Miss Entitled” comment.” Rolling my eyes, I release a laugh. “ Wow, tossed out of the club on my first day!” A silence fell between us as the two shared a look, then the group broke out laughing. Addison grinned as we walked towards Ethan’s Porsche to end the night and head home.
“Welcome to Hollywood Alexis.”
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strangelyxmagical · 3 years
Hunt x Alexis , HollywoodU fanfic
Chapter 1: First Day pt.1
This is actually happening. don’t know why I’m so nervous! This is what I’ve always wanted. I’ve finally made it! I’m officially a student at Hollywood U, the most prestigious university for the arts. All thanks to a mysterious benefactor. They are paying for me to attend and all I have to do is stay on top of my grades and complete assignments. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity…but why do I feel like I’m going to be sick? I feel like everything is too good to be true right now. Oh great, now my nerves are kicking in and I’m overthinking every—-
I bumped into what felt like a wall. Looking up I realize, being lost in my head, I collided with a blonde haired female. She was wearing a denim jacket with a purple dress. Both the books we were carrying collapsed to the ground after our collision. Mortified from the incident, I scramble to me feet and help collect the fallen items. “ I am so sorry! I wasn’t paying any attention to where I was going, and was lost in my head. Here let me help you!” I extend me hand to her.
Laughing the girl accepts the help up. “ Honestly it’s okay! Let me guess new…student? You’ve got that anxious look in your eyes that usually is seen in fresh meat.”
“Wow, it’s that obvious, huh?” I’m positive there’s a slight blush on my face at this point. “ Well, nice to meet you! I’m Alexis, and yes I happen to be a new Movie Star student .”
“Nice to meet you Alexis! My names Addison, I’m a fashionista.” She smiles and tilts her head almost like she was analyzing me. “You seem lost, what’s your first class? I can guide you in the right direction you if you’d like.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, I reach in my shorts pocket and grab the class list. After a quick scan of the sheet I say, “ I Have a professor named Hunt auditorium 116.” I hand her the paper.
After a quick look herself, she looks back to me with a wide grin. “ what a coincidence, me too!” Almost as if she had an after thought, she soon grimaces.“Although we might want to hurry, Hunt is not known for being being the nicest professor. We’ve got seven minutes to get to class and it’s on the other side of campus.”
“Oh great , first day here and I’m already going to be on a professors shit list.” I tuck a brown curl of hair behind my ear and shift my laptop back on my shoulder.
With a snicker, Addison links her arm with mine tugging me towards the left. “ Hey, at least he’s stunning. What he lacks in humor, he compensates for with his looks.”
By the time we reach the classroom, we have one minute left to be inside. Yes! Thank God… Opening the door I start to quickly scan for a free seat. Suddenly there is a clearing of a males throat. My head swings towards the front of the classroom and a gorgeous man in a grey suit stands facing the dry erase board. He was about six feet tall, had fair skin and the silkiest looking black hair- my fingers were itching to comb through it. Realizing I got distracted by his appearance, I finally tuned into what he said. Wait what did he just say?
“Leave, now.”
My mouth finally remembers how to work. “What? why? We are still on time!”
Without turning to face me completely he asks, “What is your name?”
My hand instinctively clenches, and I take in a deep breath. “ Alexis Dumont.”
Finally deciding to completely face the door, he rolls his eyes before saying, “ In Hollywood, being early is on time and on time is late. Late is unacceptable . Learn to be on time or don’t bother showing up. Now out of my class, and try again next time.”
Addison, who I briefly forgot was standing next to me grabbed my arm to pull me out of the room. She was probably trying to escape the embarrassing situation without making it worse. Refusing to turn I stand my ground and lock eyes with Hunt. For some reason, instead of being shy or embarrassed how I usually would be in this situation - I was annoyed and challenged. With a determined face I say ,“ I can’t do that. I came here because I want to be a successful movie star. You are suppose to be one of the best instructors that can teach me how to make that possible. I can’t just give up that quickly.”
Instead of the look of anger I expected, Hunt seemed intrigued and almost… proud? As if realizing something, he quickly changed his expression to annoyance. “ good, you’re determined and can hold your ground. Those are good qualities to possess in Hollywood if you want to survive.” Turning back towards the dry erase board he says, “ but you’re gonna need a lot more than that if you want to make it. Take a seat, but next time be on time or don’t even bother attending.” The entire time , the class was stunned into silence. I don’t think they’ve ever had a student challenge Hunt back, let alone not have him erupt in anger in retaliation. Realizing what I did, I rushed to find a spot before he decided to change his mind.
Soon he continued with the lecture. I’m so wrapped up in the discussion , the time soon begins to pass by in no time at all. Without noticing it, the class is ending and people are rushing out the door. Gathering our things, Addison and I start to make our way out of the room along with the wave of students. Getting goosebumps on my arms, I get the sense someone is staring at me. With a glance around the room , I suddenly catch Professor Hunts gaze as he sits behind his desk before the door finally clicks shut behind me.
So this was the first Chapter!! Let me know how I did please! This was my first attempt at FanFiction and I would like to keep this going! Feedback is greatly appreciated <3
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