#also will i ever have a consistent art style?
xknivess · 3 days
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No minors as content will be lightly spiced + include mature topics!
Blood, gore, and guts may be showcased.
Heavy topics may be included, but rarely. I will provide a TW on the post if it requires one.
Once again, spicy + mature content!! I am an adult artist/writer and my work is meant for other adults to enjoy! This is a safe space for older audiences to indulge in their favorite Sanses.
My blog is NOT strictly NSFW. I will not be drawing any popsicle sticks or anything creative such as that. Just light suggestiveness here and there for those who ask for it!
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Yo!! My names is Knives, or Bug! Here's some simple facts about me!
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I'm a 20 year old autistic artist who is genderqueer, nonbinary (agender), bicurious, and asexual!
I kin Error Sans and have a kinsona based off of him! Their images are included in just below :)
I'm a huge metal head!! I'm a fan of all music though but particularly am super into musicals! do NOT get me started on phantom of the opera omg.... my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. I loveee the 2004 movie and i'm convinced it's the greatest rendition ever.
I am a WRITER!! I love love writing!! I have written my fair share of fanfics here and there and I am happy to write more if requested! I also roleplay as well :)
I’m also into warrior cats + hollowknight!! I LOVE U MAPLESHADE!!
im a fool for elden ring and a bunch of different games!! just ask and i most likely know about it :3!
PLEASEEEEEE BE MY MOOT I would love to be friends and gush about anything and everything!! (pray emoji)
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Drawing questions!
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☆ What program do you use? ✦ I use paint sai 2! ☆ Why do some of your drawings have different qualities/look different? ✦ I love experimenting with different brushes and different coloring/shading styles! Experimentation is something I do a lot in my art, so some posts may not look consistent or some characters might look a little different! I am always redesigning characters to better fit their personality better in my style! ☆ Are your requests open? ✦ Yes! And so are my art trades, collabs, and commissions! I am happy to indulge in any little art fantasy you come up with! For requests, I am strictly only drawing sans(es) as I'd like to delve more into the utmv fandom :D!
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Thank you for reading :D!!
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bi-hop · 2 days
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Someone asked me the other day who the trans characters are in my uni fic and I was a little puzzled before realizing I hadn’t actually put Kabru using testosterone gel in the fic yet, it was just in my ‘Labru stuff’ note in my notes app. Lmao
Anyway this will be in the next chapter (albeit expanded upon). Random ass rambles under the cut as per usual
I’m not really scared of shots, but the prospect of either having to commute regularly to get them done when I can’t drive or doing it myself with my hand tremors is scary. So I haven’t really explored going on T yet. HOWEVER AndroGel and stuff like that compels me for that reason. The only issue would be remembering to apply it
I did realize though I was imagining it as like… gel packets? Have y’all ever seen packets filled with goo? But I looked it up and a lot of them look more like lotion or soap. I may or may not leave a joke about that in the chapter itself, we’ll see
‘Human’ as a term here is used in the typical way Kabru uses it, so referring to races like tall-men, elves, dwarves, etc. I don’t really know if demihumans can use it safely, not that the distinction between the terms is that consistent anyway. In the Eastern Archipelago, the product definitely says something else because of their more strict use of human. Gnome-approved is a joke about products that are like “dermatologist-approved”, “neurologist-approved”, you know, due to the whole “healers often wear robes styled after the gnomish religion, even if they’re not gnomes” thing. (Look at Holm and Falin’s outfits. It’s also clear in the art where they swap outfits.) Finally, despite the gel being magic, it just works like testosterone gel in our world. Legality stuff-
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green-tea-lemonade · 1 year
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camzverse · 4 days
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im normal about them btw <-liar
(zoom in for a closer look at everything)
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robot-carl · 25 days
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You can’t stop me from drawing riddler in dimly lit rooms and smoking. It’s how he thinks up new riddles. (Again I refuse to draw a real background).
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evercelle · 2 years
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bloom in hunger, wither in delight 
happy halloween!! these draws are a collab with a friend who wrote a very tasty monster romance saiou in the spirit of the season. you can read their work here!
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lovelyisadora · 1 year
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don’t mind me just posting my once every year or so obligatory marcia 💜
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icedpee · 8 months
Felt physically ill after not drawing my fav for too long so I cranked this out
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+ a less shaded ver so u can see the details a bit better
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whiteboardartstudios · 7 months
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tried experimenting with colors a while ago
(man tumblr keeps eating the image quality-)
[IMAGE ID: A digital illustration of a person sitting in a bus. The entire drawing is made with various warm tones of orange, brown, yellow and lime. The bus appears to be driving by a park, and a streetlamp, some trees and a couple of people are seen outside the windows. The drawing is made in a sketchy sort of style, and the colors has a vague crayon texture to them.]
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hypnowave · 1 year
making proportional, neatly lined, colored and shaded art pieces of my original characters is not enough i need to vomit brightly colored paint all over cheap art store canvasses & make 7 billion wonky clay pots that will explode in the kiln & weave ropes into intricate macrame textiles just to set them on fire & sew together unsightly clothing articles of clashing patterns and textures & make handmade recycled paper & build wooden plane miniatures while trying not to choke on wood chips
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voidrots · 1 year
i’m rly happy that i seem to be settling into my art style more and it’s getting consistent at least when it comes to sprites
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amehlee · 2 years
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just a little guy
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dumbkiwi · 2 years
4 am means it's time to clog up your dash with personal posts anyways looking at ppls embroidery and my own realizing both how far ive come and how much more i can still learn/do is very cool. no i dont want to write an email in japanese.
#sel speaks#i started in december of 2019!! which is very funny and conveniently RIGHT BEFORE THE PANDEMIC#which is like. when eveyrone got into it except i got a month of extra practice lol#and to be fair i did my first real piece once i got home#but i found those photos#and like!!! i did get better!!! my stitches are cleaner now! i have a better handle on how to make things look consistent!#and i have made so many mistakes that i didnt realize were mistakes#that made everything warped etc#but ive actually gotten better and thats like. tangible!!!!#at the same time there are so many cool styles that i have yet to try#and i have so much room to grow technically and like from a basic art perspective#(obvs from the art perspective like i'll probably never be able to do like Original Needlepainting which im fine with lol)#anyways this was prompted by me seeing a hoop with some of the cleanest split stitches ever#like at first glance i thought it was machine#but you can see the texture and it's GORGEOUS#and i always thought the fun of filling stitches like that was that it idnt matter what you did#but like. if you plan it out (maybe have direction lines? practice at having more even stitching? invest in a stand?)#it can look SO PRETTY. the design was also like not super flashy it was just so well made#and that's just like. a really good example of an extremely basic thing#like im trying something similar out with my satin stitch ofmd hoop#to copy the style of the landscape artists i see#and i think im doing okay at it?#but doing dense filling like that is definitely more my vibe#might try it out when i do more chainsaw man#although those are all gonna be black and red so it'll probably be hard to see for the all black stuff
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spookysnooty · 2 years
I made my beloved plush rat Ghost that I've had for years into a Ghoul OC as a joke between my husband and I, but joke's on me I love his lil vitiligo ass
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Honestly what was I expecting, I've never been able to "just make an OC" 🤣
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dakotacoleweekly · 26 days
welcome to the blog!
I'm a taaad obsessed with Dakota and I love drawing him, but since there's already a daily 'kota blog and I don't think I could stomach drawing EVERY day, you get Dakota weekly!
Hopefully ill stick to some sort of schedule but if anything ill be posting multiple things a week :]
edit: since art fight season is apon us, i might end up posting a tad less, depends on how into it i get lol
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odditythe3rd · 2 months
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Honestly, I haven't done a drawing of myself since I was 15 but I think I have managed to capture myself in both a physical and psychological sense pretty well.
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