#also why must really guy have to ask me to find files for him at 20 minutes past 5???? honestly
fazcinatingblog · 2 months
They're playing The Office US in the doctor waiting room. I'm cured.
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"Hello." A dull thwack sound reverberated across the rooftop, leaving the boy who snuck up on Red Robin clutching his head. The boy, a meta if the large animal ears and tail were anything to go by, shook off the pain and pouted up at him, "What was that for?!"
The vigilante was unrepentant, holding his bo staff in a ready position, "You snuck up behind a vigilante at night. In Gotham."
"Okay," the meta conceded, still pouting. "You have a point there. Robin threw ninja stars at me when I tried to approach Batman."
That got Tims attention, "You tried to approach Batman? Was there something you needed?"
The kid suddenly got serious, "My mom went missing. I haven't been able to contact her for almost two weeks now."
Red pulled his arm closer to his face before he began typing on his wrist computer, "Can you tell me her name and date of birth?"
"Um." The other teen fidgetted with his tail a bit, "Okay, so...she's kinda Cheetah."
"...come again?"
"She's Cheetah. The...the supervillian."
Red Robin stared at him, and honestly who could blame him? The bats hadn't even known Cheetah had a son. "So why are you in Gotham? Why not ask Wonder Woman for help? Cheetahs one of her rogues not ours."
The teen shook his head, "She went to meet someone in Gotham before she disappeared. She seemed really agitated before she left, almost scared. I've never seen her like that before." He paused, giving the vigilante time to type before continuing, "I didn't go Wonder Woman since I figured I would wind up needing to talk to a bat anyway since its your turf and all." He said, waving a hand as if gesturing to the city around them.
"I wasn't aware Cheetah had a kid."
The meta grimaced, "she didn't until a year ago."
Red gave him a look, as if urging him to go on.
The meta chuffed, sounding a lot like whatever big cat he was supposed to be, "I'll only tell you my tragic backstory if you promise to help me find my mom."
"I'll find your mom." The bird said without an ounce of hesitation. Tim was a little offended. Did this guy think he was going to leave his mom in danger just because she was a criminal? Appearently so, seeing as the teen looked so relieved at his words.
"Okay, so my bio parents were evil mad scientists. Always a bad start, anyway they were obsessed with the occult and one day they suddenly took me and my sister to Brazil to hunt for some artifact of another. That alone was strange but weirder still was the fact my creepy godfather was paying for it all. He usually only does something like that when he's plotting "
"Plotting?" The detective interjected, "you make it sound like he does that often."
"Yeah. Hes a supervillian." The meta said casually, as if he didn't just leave Tim reeling, but the kid wasn't done yet, "He's had a massive crush on my bio mom since collage and never let it go no matter how many times she rejected him. She even married my dad, his best friend, and this dude just kept simping for 20 years." The teen rolled his eyes, "Hes convinced himself that if he murders my bio dad then my bio mom will fall in love with him and me and jazz will be "his"." He said that last part with fingerqoutes and a disgusted expression.
Tim filed that away for later, "Can I have his name, if nothing else?"
The teen seemed reluctant for a moment, "You're the worlds greatest detectives. You'll find out even if i try to hide it. Besides, I'd probably be better off if you and the Justice League know everything anyway."
Tim was...surprised by that. Most people usually weren't this open with them.
"His name is Vlad Masters, he also goes by Plasmius when he's dressed like a wannabe vampire. He's a ghost who's repossessed his corpse. My parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are obsessed with ghosts and have convinced themselves that all ghosts are evil and must be destroyed, regardless of how much evidence points to them being wrong."
"And your name?"
The meta grinned at him, showing off four very sharp fangs, reminiscent of the large cat he takes after, "You can call me Jaguar. We were exploring a bit when I broke off from my family and got jumped by one of them. Suddenly I was struck by a claw and turned into furry bait. Fluffy stopped trying to make me his lunch and just stared at me before walking away, which was wierd. Then my parents found me, accused me of being a ghost, because thats naturally what someone would assume when thier son sprouts cat ears," he said while rolling his eyes.
"Naturally." Red joked, which had the benefit of making Jaguar smile.
"So my parents chased me through the jungle, shooting all the while, then suddenly a portal opened up in front of me. I'm not stupid, I know there was no way this wasn't a trap. I mean, a portal opening up right after that bizarre series of events and its the same shade of glowing green as the wierd death go my parents are obsessed with? There's no way they weren't related somhow, but I was desperate and jumped through anyway."
"I landed in another jungle, or the same one in a different location, I'm not sure. I tried hunting and foraging but wasn't very successful at either." Danny still remembered the throbbed in his head when he had headbutt that tree after missing his pounce on that pig he had been stalking. "Thats when Cheetah found me. She took me in and taught me to hunt and fight."
Possible plot twists:
1. Danny isnt Phantom in this au
2. Danny is Phantom in this au but is trying to leave that life behind
3. My favorite. Danny has the ability to manipulate and control animals into doing his bidding with the effect of jaguars and other big cats being the most prevalent and he just doesn't realize it.
One of Cheetahs friends/allies realizes cheetah has changed and suspected something and convinced her to leave for a while to see if her care for this kid faded after a while away from his presence. It works and Danny loses another parental figure/possibly attacked by them too.
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
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mark sloan x shy, fem!reader
summary: you and mark get to know each other when you get stuck in an elevator
A/N- i feel like he would love star wars (not as much as bailey tho)? but this gives me such katniss and peeta vibes
You read the files that Doctor Shepherd had given you to take a look through because he thought his new patient may have some sort of problem with their heart and cardiology was your specialty. You were currently in the elevator, heading up to find an empty room to study your new case when the elevator suddenly came to a halt. Confusedly you glanced around and noticed Mark Sloan, the world’s number one man-whore was the only other person there.
He glanced up from his papers and made eye contact with you. “What happened?”, he questioned with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. This was the first time you’d heard him so nervous. “I think the elevator just broke.”, you sighed as the realisation just set in once you said it out loud. He huffed to himself. “Hopefully they’ll be able to fix it soon, I have a surgery in an hour.”, he stated, checking the time on his watch.
“Might as well get comfortable.”, he added as he fixed himself on the floor and placed his files beside him. You copied his actions and sat opposite him. “So, what case have you got there?”, he asked you, striking conversation. “Oh, just a new case Derek wanted me to check up on. What about you?”, you awkwardly asked as your cheeks blazed. “Just some boring charts of burn victims, I have to reconstruct their faces, arms and legs.”, he said. “Oh, lovely.”, you replied sarcastically.
You stared at the wall of the lift and zoned out into your own thoughts. It must have been around five minutes of silence before Mark started speaking again: “If we’re gonna be here for a while then we may as well get to know each other.”, he said, looking into your eyes. It wasn’t a bad idea, there was nothing else you could really do.
“Tell me three random facts about yourself. I’ll go first: I used to live in New York (I’m sure you’ve heard about that), my middle name is Everett and I love the Star Wars movies.”
“Uhm… this is actually hard to think about, hold on.”, you said, embarrassed. He chuckled slightly. “Okay, I hate posh restaurants, I also love the Star Wars movies and I have a pet cat named Jack.”
“Cool, why do you hate posh restaurants though?”, he questioned as he turned to you with amusement in his eyes. “They’re just so intimidating and I just generally don’t like the vibe of the, do you know what I mean? Also, they’re so overpriced like you could find some cosy place that sells nicer food for way cheaper.”, you said passionately. You did not like posh restaurants at all. “I get what you’re coming from to be honest. I always preferred a cute and little cafe opposed to a fancy restaurant.”, he reasoned.
“If I ever ask you out on a date, I guess I’ll know where to take you.”, he flirted which left your cheeks on fire, well that’s what it felt like anyway. “I’m not surprised everyone calls you a man-whore.”, you said as you ignored what he previously said. “That’s not my proudest nickname.”, he responded. “I want to change my nickname, I don’t want to be known as that anymore. I don’t want loads of hook-ups and flings, I want a real relationship.”
He gazed at you. “I swear we’re having a whole confession session here. Oh my God, it rhymed.”, he laughed to himself. You laughed along with him, he was pretty funny and cute. If you looked past his reputation, he was a nice guy.
After another fifteen minutes of talking and joking, firefighters had arrived and gotten the two of you out of the elevator. “Hey, Y/N, do you wanna hang out one day? Not in an elevator, of course.”, he asked you, almost anxiously as he awaited a response. “Yeah, I’d love to.”
“I promise I won’t take you to a posh restaurant.”, he added as he walked away and charmingly smirked at you. You laughed to yourself and waved him off. “We can work out a date.”
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oohnotvery · 5 months
Edges of the Night (Chapter 14)
I have the flu, plz be gentle with me. I wrote this chapter before I left for my trip, but it needed some important edits that I just couldn't manage over the past few days with being so sick. Chapter 15 is already written, but also needs more editing. And weirdly, I've also written the very last chapter, because I just can't wait to show it to you all. All this to say--hopefully updates will come a lot faster from here on out. Thank you for waiting for this chapter so long.
Back in the living room, Mulder recounts how Alan saved his life.
“So, as Scully figured out,” Mulder says, “I was the one with a tracker in my neck. We removed it in Montana, but even though we fled the cabin, they were still able to hunt us down.”
“Do we know how they found us?” Scully asks. “Because we were in a very remote area.”
Mulder shakes his head. “Shit luck? They had a whole host of helicopters, dogs, police, military, you name it, out there looking for us.”
She purses her lips, thinking hard. “Who, exactly, are ‘they’?”
“Good question,” Skinner interrupts, clasping his hands together. “We don’t exactly know, except that it seems to go all the way to the top.”
“The Bureau,” he answers. “It wasn’t just Mulder they were targeting with threats. I received a great deal of . . . compulsion . . . from the top down, but never a direct disclosure of who was ordering the operations.”
“So, after all this, all we really know is that someone very important was very threatened by the X-Files,” she murmurs.
Skinner shifts uncomfortably. “And then we all became pawns,” he says, and Alan nods in agreement. “With you in so much danger, Scully, there really wasn’t much we could do but comply without question.”
She nods. “Were you notified when they apprehended us in Montana?” she asks Skinner.
He nods. “I was informed Mulder was being transported back to D.C., and I immediately alerted Alan, since I was wanted with you.”  
Across the distance, Mulder and Alan make eye contact and Scully wonders what they’re thinking. Certainly, there’s some level of trust between the two of them, maybe even respect. Hell, Alan saved Mulder’s life. Mulder must feel some level of affection towards the man.
“What happened next?” she prompts.
“You tell her,” Mulder says with an encouraging nod towards Alan.
Alan rakes a hand through his hair. “I worked with these three,” he says with a nod towards the Gunmen, “to shut down all the security footage at the Hoover.”
“That was a close one,” Langly interjects excitedly. “We had to do it on the fly because we were racing to get to you, Scully.”
Alan continues. “Once I was inside the building, I had to estimate where Mulder would be positioned. I think it’s safe to say I got there just in time.”
“And then you did what? Took down the cameraman?” she asks skeptically.
He shrugs like it was easy. “Except from my flight in from California, I didn’t have much time to prepare what I was going to do. I didn’t know what I’d find inside the Hoover, except that Mulder was being held there.” He glances at Mulder. “So when I saw him holding a gun to his head, the first thing I could think to do was make a distraction. So I tackled the cameraman.”
“But I heard a gunshot,” she says softly.
Mulder nods. “There was a security guard on duty. The guy was scared shitless, had no idea what was happening or what he was doing. He aimed at all of us. Missed, thankfully.”
She blinks in disbelief. “And did you know about this plan?” she asks Mulder, a little too aggressively. “Did you know this was going to happen? When you—when you were on camera with me, did you know there was a chance you weren’t going to die?” Her voice cracks and she bites the inside of her cheek, trying to stifle the emotions bubbling up.
She’s confused by her anger and outrage. Mulder is here; Mulder’s alive. So why does she feel like she’s about to explode?
Mulder shakes his head. “No, Scully, I didn’t know. I didn’t even know it was Alan until we were halfway out of town. He was covered head-to-toe in black, driving an unmarked getaway car.”
“That was us too,” Langly exclaims.
Mulder grins carelessly. “Talk about the surprise of the year.”
Alan huffs a compatible laugh, but Scully feels dizzy. She wishes she could put a stop to this confusing, easy camaraderie between Alan and Mulder. She wishes she didn’t have to debrief this in front of everyone. She wishes she could sit down and cry happy tears at Mulder’s escape without the judgment of her fiancé beside her. She wishes Skinner had warned her about Alan’s involvement in the rescue.  
She turns on him. “But you knew?” she asks, glaring at Skinner. “This whole time we’ve been stuck in this house, you knew there was a good chance Alan saved Mulder’s life? And you didn’t bother telling me? You thought I should be the only one without a clue what was going on?” Rage and relief are causing her hands to shake and she anchors her hands to her thighs. “Am I always going to be left out of the loop? Out of some effort to protect me and my feelings—?”  
Skinner raises his hands defensively. “Scully, Scully, you’re right. I did know about the plan. The Gunmen did too. But I didn’t know whether it had been successful. None of us did. We just had to wait it out and see—and we didn’t want to get your hopes up.”
“I’m an adult,” she spits childishly. “I can handle these things. I can handle being told someone was holding my life over Mulder’s head in exchange for the X-Files. I can handle knowing that I’m the pawn in this game over my partner’s life. I can handle knowing my—my fiancé wasn’t really who he told me he was—”
“Hey,” Alan warns darkly, and she shoots him a warning look.
Chest heaving, she turns her eyes on each of the men in the room. “You should have told me Alan was sent to rescue Mulder. You should have told me.”
Hot, angry, embarrassing tears spill down her cheeks and Alan reaches for her but she shoves him off. The room turns silent with awkwardness and even though she feels Mulder watching her, she doesn’t lift her eyes to him. She doesn’t know what she’ll find in his gaze, and it scares her. Is she being unreasonable? Immature? Overly emotional? Foolish? She should just be happy Mulder’s not dead, but Alan’s presence is looming over her like a black cloud and goddammit, if she could just have some time alone to process this information—
Alan reaches for her again and begrudgingly, she lets him rub her shoulder.
“You’re right,” he murmurs quietly. “We should have involved you from the very beginning. You should’ve always had the choice.” He slips an arm around her shoulders, insulating them from the rest of the room. “But Dana, I am the man you thought I was,” he whispers. “None of our love was a lie. I tried so hard not to fall in love with you because I was doing my job out there trying to keep you safe, but even my most Herculean efforts failed. I am a wreck for you. You’re all I could ever want in this life, and I hope with time, you start to see me again for the man you loved back in California.” His eyes shine with hope. “Because you did love me,” he reminds her with a finger to her cheek. “And we were so happy.”
She shakes him off. It’s too soon for this conversation. There’s too much left to untangle. “When we were in hiding, we saw you on T.V., doing an interview,” she says shakily. “It sounded like you were spouting out some kind of canned commentary. You said you thought Mulder was my kidnapper.”
Alan glances at Skinner. “I did what I was told.”
Skinner nods tightly. “I told him to say those things in order to protect him. I didn’t want anyone going to Alan sniffing around, wondering about his involvement with Agent Mulder. I didn’t want there to be any ties back to Mulder. Once Mulder became the official suspect, I had Alan repeat all that nonsense to the media.”
“No one knows anything about my involvement,” Alan assures her. “We can go back to California, Dana. Live our normal lives. We can be safe now.”
Scully nods blankly, half-absorbing this information and half-disregarding it. Another, much more pressing question, has risen to her mind. Ignoring Alan, her eyes lift to Mulder’s. He’s staring at her like he already knows what she’s going to ask.
“If I understand correctly,” she starts slowly, “Alan, Skinner, the Gunmen, and I are free to return to our normal lives. The FBI’s official position is that Mulder is dead, but internally, they know they don’t have a body. They haven’t accomplished their mission. We may be safe, but he isn’t.” Mulder’s entire body tenses expectantly. “So . . . what happens to you, Mulder?”
Skinner and Mulder exchange a knowing look. Her eyes pinball between them both uneasily.
“What is it?” she asks knowingly.
Mulder rubs his hands roughly across his cheeks and hangs his head in his hands. Skinner watches him for a long minute and then turns to face her.
“Dana,” he says gently, like she’s a child, “it’s obvious that Mulder can’t go back to D.C. or back to the FBI. That’s not even a question.”
“So?” she prods.
Mulder still won’t look at her and it’s bothering her badly.
Skinner hesitates. “He’s going to have to stay hidden. On the run.”
“On the run,” she repeats slowly. “For how long?”
“Years, possibly. Maybe—maybe forever. Depends on—on a lot of factors.”
She feels like she’s been punched in the gut. She scrabbles for air. “You mean that Mulder is going to have to run for the rest of his life? How—how is he going to do that? He’s just going to jump around from place to place, no friends, no family, no work?”
That’s not a life, she hears Mulder saying to her, just days ago in the car. Here in the living room, his head shifts slightly and she catches his eyes, hidden behind his hands. She wonders if he’s remembering that same conversation.  
Skinner nods regrettably. “It’s—it’s certainly not ideal. But it’s the only option we have if he’s going to stay alive. And,” he adds with a glance at Mulder, “it’s what will ensure your safety going forward.”
“My safety?” she sputters. “I—I don’t care about my safety—”
“You have to.” Mulder stands abruptly, towering over them all. “Your safety is the only thing that has ever mattered. It’s why we all went to this trouble. It’s why we all did what we did. It’s why I—” He shakes his head, cutting himself off.
The room falls quiet as everyone absorbs the information, and Scully realizes Alan has placed a hand on her back. She catches Mulder staring at them and flushes.
He clears his throat. “Scully, I know you have a lot of questions for Alan,” he says. “And I know this is a lot to process. Boys, let’s give them some space.”
Scully swallows and her heart starts pounding. Suddenly, she really doesn’t want to be left alone with Alan. What she wants more than anything is time with Mulder. Time to talk through what just happened, time to assess where they go from here, time to celebrate the fact that they both lived . . .
But he exits the room so quickly she doesn’t even have a chance to speak.
Alan turns to her once the room clears. “I’m so sorry, Dana, that I wasn’t honest with you about my role in your life,” he says quietly. “I know it must feel . . . unnerving. You’re probably wondering whether any of it was real. Whether you can trust me.”
She bites her lip, remembering how important that question felt when she and Mulder were on the run. It doesn’t seem so pressing anymore.
“I—I trust you,” she says honestly. This man was sent to protect her in California. This man saved Mulder’s life. Even if he didn’t tell her the full truth about his role in her life, he is still trustworthy. She knows that to her core.
“I know it’ll take time to adjust,” Alan continues evenly. His warm hand envelops hers and he squeezes gently. His eyes turn soft. “Dana, we don’t have to make any big decisions now.” His fingertip once again traces her empty ring finger. “Let’s just—let’s get back to California and we can take things one day at a time. Yeah?”
She swallows hard, nodding tightly.
One day at a time.
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amaleu-antmat · 2 months
The case files of Jeweler Richard vol 8 spoiler!
Part 2?
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(Continuing from where I left in the previous post)
After Seigi and Catherine finished buying the groceries, Richard and Catherine enter a little discussion about the treasure hunt again, as the air grew heavy Seigi interjected to lighten the mood "Uhm, I thought I'd make seafood stew for dinner. I got some really delicious ingredients, Bouillabaisse is from this place right?" After Seigi said that the two other people look at him with almost scared? Lol faces, they moved in sync with other indescribable intense emotions, and that scare the hell out of Seigi, the poor guy think <what did I say this time? Did I make a mistake with the menu? Or are they allergic?> 😂
Richard "Bouillabaisse....wow."
Seigi "Wow, what?"
Catherine "Oh, Seigi...Bouillabaisse is a dish from Provence, but it's very difficult..."
Richard "The shrimp and fish have to be dressed just right, and the vegetables require preparation as well. It also needs to be simmer for an extremely long time. At any rate, it is an unavoidable difficult path"
Seigi "Don't worry, I can do it, it's not a problem"
Catherine "Just the thought of preparing a meal that takes so much effort makes me want to pass out. You should rethink this, even locals don't make it, it's too much hassles"
Richard "You didn't come here to hone your cooking skills. I strongly suggest you save your energy for other tasks"
Seigi "Ah..."
Mother and son duo are preoccupied because of past experiences, I guess 😆 and don't want Seigi to go through it. Seigi catches on the fact that they are both incapable of doing basic chores. He said to give him 2 hours and to not peek under any circumstances.
While Seigi cooks, he thinks that he should feed Richard so that he'll have the energy to solve the mystery of the treasure hunt like Sherlock Holmes. He finished cooking and came out, Richard had found other marbles in the meantime, he asked where Catherine was, and Richard told him that she went to check if the pizza place was open.
Seigi "I appreciate having a backup plan, but I really don't think we're going to need it"
Richard "So it seems...." 😆 (dunno why, but this part made me laugh)
Richard set the tableware, etc, and Catherine returned with news that it's closed for vacation.
Seigi set the pot containing dinner on the table and pulled off the lid, he looks at them and see.... indescribable tension, the mother-son duo peer at the pot, <was it admiration? For me? No. For the Bouillabaisse.> 🤣
(Here's a food pic, just so that you'll feel the hunger I felt when searching for it out of curiosity)
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Richard "What on...."
Catherine "C'est Magnifique! I can't believe it."
They approach the table with caution, unsure as if it was a crashed ufo...<I didn't put anything bad in it....> 😁 (I find it funny how careful he is acting right now, it's really like encountering your mother in law and trying to be liked by her, only, Seigi doesn't seem to realise this, for all this novel he is diveded between pleasing her and trying to make Richard happy at the same time? But when he is nice to her, Richard is a bit sulky)
Seigi began portioning the serving and encourage them to eat.
Catherine tells Seigi to say bon appetit, and when he does the mother son duo answer in unison "Merci" Richard pout, Catherine smiles. Seigi thinks that something of the sort must have happen in the past in this estate. Seigi ask what they thought about the Bouillabaisse, Catherine teary-eyed respond that it tastes like happiness itself.
Richard "...Well, he always has been a good cook"
Catherine "Richard, you are being rude. Thank Seigi this instant"
Richard looks mortified for a moment and then looks at Seigi <This feels like a standoff between East and West, but that would make me his opponent, and I'd be knocked out before I even got a swing in. It would never occur to me to pick such a fight, I'd just wind up on my knees begging for mercy for all eternity> Seigiiiiiiiii 😆
Richard look at him a bit bashfully "Seigi, I've known for quite a while now that you are a talented cook, but it seems I must acknowledge your skills once again. Bravo. Perhaps you could open a restaurant if you felt so inclined. But I have to ask, when did you learn to cook this?"
Catherine "what an arrogant way to say that. Does that even count as a compliment?"
Richard "Stay out of this"
Seigi "Ahh uhm, thanks Richard. Where did I learn this? Good question"
Wanting to alleviate the tension he confess to them that it's his first time cooking this and he just followed the recipe, the mother-son duo doesn't believe him and tells him to stop joking with a wave of their hand in front of them and the same expression. They gives example about how cooking is hard like if you cook an egg in high heat it'll burn or about how it will explode in the microwave if run for too long, and that the odds of Seigi succeeding in that dish in the first try was too low. 😆
Catherine think for a moment that it's a japanese men skills but immediately turn down that theory as she had a friend who married a jap man who couldn't even fold underwear. Richard blatantly asks Seigi what tricks he uses.
Catherine "Can't you just say thank you, I love it?"
Richard " I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but you have no right to interject here"
Seigi the poor potato "Oh, it's fine, I'm uhm used to it! Yes! Let's eat!"
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heeseung-min · 2 years
"We got another case."
You looked to the older man bringing a file that contains some pictures and reports taken from the crime scene.
"Another one? Urgh, we don't even get to finish the latest two cases."
Jisung, the new kid groaning and knocked his head on the desk. Five months ago when he got transfered here, you can see his bright spirit but now it started to fade. You understood him. Three murder cases in a week. Your team has tried really hard finding solution but failed.
You took the case and analysed every pictures taken by the forensic team. It was an old man. Probably in his late 50s. His skull was broken and you can tell the damage was really bad when the brain looked like minced meat and few cuts on his body. The victim also lost their eyes. Looks like the eyes got pulled out by some force. Jisung beside you gagged after saw the pictures. You patted his back and told him to drink some water and eat.
"Whoever did this, they are literally a psycho. They also took off the victim's clothes and hang it like a flag. Crazy bastard."
Your leader complained. He looked like he wanted to give up on the case. The murder cases keep increasing and the killer is still in the town. Not only that, the residents also critized polices, accusing them for not doing the job properly.
"You should get rest too, Y/n. You and Jisung didn't get enough rest nowadays. That poor boy probably went to sleep already."
"I will, Mr. Kim. Please take a rest too. Your wife must be worried."
You bid him and Jisung goodbye. Everyone is stress from the work. You bought some pastries and coffee before come back to home.
"You are back, honey? Take a shower and have breakfast with me?"
It's your husband, Jay. He took a glance at you then focusing back on his cooking. You are very grateful having him. He really loves you. The way he takes care of you is different with other people in the world. You did as what he said. Take your time in the bathroom for 20 minutes and went to the dining table with him sitting across from you.
"Is the work difficult?" He concernedly asked when he saw how tired you look. You nodded your head slowly and started to eat the meal.
"Mrs.Min told me her husband hasn't come back home for a week. But then, the new case that came in today is about her husband. The team found the body in the woods."
You looked at him warily. Waiting for his reaction. He did nothing except chewing on his food. When he finally swallowed it, he turned to you.
"The eyes are gone right? And the brain was smashed."
"I...I didn't say about his condition."
He laughed. Your instict is right.
"Oops! You caught me."
He continued back eating his food like nothing happen. Your hands shaking a bit because of nervous.
"You did it again...."
"I had too, darling."
"What is the reason for this time?"
You had thought he finally stopped doing it. But when you see the cuts on the victim's body. You quickly remember the same pattern Jay did to someone else. Yes, your husband is the killer for the new case you got this morning.
"Oh, darling. It's too much. He is too much. The way his eyes lingering on you too long, the way he sometimes make his finger accidentally touches yours when you give something for his family, the way he sometimes tried to touch your body. I could list more but that just few of it. I really wish I can do more to his body. I made him watch his own dick got stepped by me. Sick old fuck."
It's scary. Jay is scary.
But, do you hate it?
No. Never. You love him despite all the bad things he had done.
"Thank you."
"I did everything for you, my love. I hate when people overstep their boundaries."
"I know. Thank you for protecting me."
And that's why the case will turn to a cold one. It will remain unsolve forever.
Ayo, that looks creepy and scary💀🤚Im sorry if that makes you uncomfortable...i didnt expected i wrote that. But, hopefully you guys enjoy it.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount
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yurrfttboyy · 1 year
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“You’re absolutely sure he doesn’t mind all of this? My feet are pretty rank, and this is pretty crazy” He said, with genuine concern in his voice; however he couldn’t be too concerned, as his foot remained a centimeter from my face, with my nose just under his toes.
“Oh trust me, just as long as he’s able to smell your feet he is more than happy” she replied. It didn’t take much convincing, they were making out again only seconds later…
He was absolutely right to ask about me, as I was a sight to see, and I think he’s a first-timer at our place! I am completely covered in black rubber from head to toe. My suit connects to a wicked hood that covers my entire face. My hood has only 2 small holes for my nostrils, the rest of it is solid black with no holes for my eyes or mouth. I could still hear them through small holes in the ear area, but there was no way I could see or speak, let alone even breathe through my mouth. My mouth was filled with dirty socks before I was stuffed in the suit, so not only was the rubber forcing me to breathe through my nose, but the socks filing my mouth also served as an extra barrier. Aside from my nostrils being exposed, there was a hole in the rubber suit just for my nub, locked securely in it’s chastity belt and exposed for them to look and laugh at. It was straining like hell of course, thanks to the months of chastity, my insane foot fetish, and the rancid feet of a horny stranger currently forced into my face for me to smell; and it was also out on display!
So not only am I a black rubber freak with a menacing looking boner fighting desperately behind the bars of a tiny, metal chastity belt to break free, but I’m also bound to the foot of the bed. My thick posture collar ensures I remain facing straight ahead, unable to turn my head even a millimeter or to look up or down. My wrists are shackled to the posts of the bed, mits on my hands, and there is a leash connected to my posture collar that is wrapped around the frame of the bed. I’m stuck in place, forced to take and smell whatever is placed in front of me. It’s quite pathetic, but believe it or not this is the third time this week I’ve found myself strapped to the bed smelling a strange man’s feet while he and my wife enjoy each other. It’s pretty normal around here these days…
I am a faceless freak who can’t move, sitting here sniffing the feet of the man who is cuddling with and about to spend the night with my wife. I’ll never know what he looks like, I’ll never be able to speak to him, and we will never know each other. I could run into him tomorrow and never know it, but I have heard him fuck, make out with, and spend the whole evening flirting with my wife all while I knelt there and sniffed his feet the entire time.
My wife often likes to remind me that one of those guys out there who comes over regularly has the keys to my chastity belt, and if I can ever find a way to ask him for it when he’s over, I’m free to; but until then it’s staying locked. I’m always gagged, hooded, suited up, and bound to the bed by the time they get here until after they’ve gone… I couldn’t even use my eyes to try and convince them, let alone speak up and ask them. And besides, she has so many dudes over there no telling who has my damned keys. I’m destined to remain locked in chastity forever, bound at the foot of the bed smelling guys’ feet while they pleasure my wife into the early hours of the morning. It’s pretty hot though, and she’s always happy.
Happy wife = happy life. If only she’d let me touch her feet, but she refuses to…she says I only deserve stinky man feet. These days she won’t even take her shoes off in front of me unless I’m wearing my hood, I don’t even know what they look like anymore…I’m just the little foot gimp for her lovers’ big stinky feet. I don’t know why so many of them agree to do it, I guess she must have a really nice pussy. I wouldn’t know to be honest….I’ve never even seen her naked before, let alone had sex with her. She and her men always sound like they are having a great time, often going for round 2 or 3, so I guess having a faggot smelling their feet isn’t such a big trade off to them..
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kaneaken · 1 year
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iii. time to get serious with you
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you know very few things about shikanoin heizou. however, what you did know was that he is extremely perceptive. he must have picked up on your 'character study' by now because you're no ninja.
so, if he was like any sane person you knew, he would not like the idea of being stalked and would've brought up his discomfort.
he would've kept his distance from you or maybe even reported you.
so, why? why is he being so friendly?
the past week or so, it's been:
' y/n, allow me to escort you to class! ' (despite his class being in the complete other direction)
' y/n, i heard you have rehearsals today, so here's your favorite drink to keep you hydrated! ' (how does he know that?)
or even
' y/n, let's eat lunch together! ' (his friends are literally side eyeing him as he walks over to you from his place at their table)
it confused you thoroughly. you fidget with your script as you try to rationalize heizou's actions.
maybe you should just give in and admit he maybe, just maybe, like you. you groan as you shake your head.
yeah, right, what did you do to get heizou to like you? itto might've said you were a 'catch,' but he was just being friendly.
" maybe you should just ask him "
you turn your head slightly to see nilou smiling at you. you jump slightly before calming yourself.
" geez, nilou, warn me next time you wanna intrude in on my thoughts "
" you look like you were in an internal battle with your feelings, n/n. i heard about what's been going on with heizou and this whole stalking thing "
" it's a character study, " you mumble
" alright, character study, but n/n, it's just better if you confront the problem "
" your solution is? "
" actually talk to him instead of just mumbling whenever he talks to you. you expect to finish your character study like this? c'mon time to finish it! "
you pause. she's right. you know she is, but talking to heizou seems like a challenge. you know next to nothing about him, so your conversation wouldn't last. also, you get nervous at the idea of being alone with him.
" hey, if you're nervous about talking to him alone, we could go to his next game and find him after? i'll be there, so you can just give me a signal if you wanna escape! "
" but- "
" no more buts, n/n. you've gotta settle this or else it'll weigh on your mind forever. if he's not the kinda guy you wanna be with, then just reject him and move on. if he is, then give him a chance "
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and that's how you ended up here at heizou's soccer match on a nice saturday.
nilou sits next to you, watching the game and cheering along with the crowd whenever the team scored.
the match eventually came to a close and the spectators filed out of the bleachers.
" c'mon, n/n, let's go find heizou, so you guys can talk, " nilou says, pulling you along as she heads over to the field
" are we even allowed over here? " you ask nervously.
you've heard that one of the hall monitors is part of the soccer team. if he found out you were out here breaking rules, he could report you!
" don't worry about it! a lotta kids come over to congratulate their friends "
nilou beelines over to heizou as you think about what you should say. after congratulating him, what should you say?
you don't have much time to think it over as you are face to face with heizou in less than a second.
" hi, y/n, didn't expect to see you here! it's a nice surprise though "
" yeah, we had a day off from rehearsals, so we decided to come watch, " you tell him, " you guys were really good out there "
you give him a small smile. you notice his eyes slightly widen and his cheeks warm.
" hehe, thanks. me and the team appreciate all the compliments "
nilou nudges you once a silence falls over you two. you slightly turn to her and she whispers into your ear:
" now ask him if he's free next saturday "
" huh, why? "
" our show's opening is then remember? you saw him at his best. he should too "
you hesitate for a second before nilou whispers again,
" you're the main lead in this one and i know you've been working really hard in this role. worst that can happen is you mess up a line and have to improv. or maybe he just doesn't show up "
you turn completely back to heizou
" uh, you wouldn't happen to be busy next saturday, would you? "
" huh, me? no, nope, i've got an open weekend! "
" well, if you don't mind, not that you have to, but do you want to come to our upcoming show? "
" huh? " you see heizou slightly deflate before he smiles
" i'll be there for sure! i'll bring the boys too "
" we'll see you guys there then "
you bid each other goodbye and nilou pats you on the back once you reach her car
" proud of you, n/n! now we just have to give our all at our show! "
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" you really thought they was asking you out on a date? " sacaramouche laughs, holding his stomach
" y/n's invitation is at least a step forward, yes? " kazuha says, patting heizou on the back
" at least one of you knows how to support me, " heizou mumbles
" i didn't even say anything? " xiao says, putting heizou's bag in the car
" so, are you buying y/n flowers for after the show? " kazuha asks, " if so, i believe the flowers you bought last time will work well "
" i'll buy 'em for you the day of them. my neighbor needs some more seeds for her garden, so i'm passing by the shop anyways, " scaramouche says, taking his seat in the car
" i knew you cared about me, scara! "
" uh-huh. "
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taglist... @duckyyyx
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notoverjoyed · 19 days
Final Chapter! All that's left is a brief epilogue. Here's where I warn for depictions of blood and gore and implied cannibalism. Also, check out the great art that @chaseacer-ghostedition and @auroboroch made for this story. (this is from chapter 4, go look at it!)
As before, Chapter 5 is below the cut.
Chapter 5: Satisfaction
Teenage voices echo through dark halls as the four walk through the eerily empty manor.
“Ancients, I almost hope the fruitloop is up to something. Whatever is wrong with the place is making me feel sick,” Danny says.
“Are we sure he’s isn’t up to something? He could be faking sick.”
“He looked… really bad when I saw him before though,” Dani says. Her brow was furrowed with worry.
Valerie wrinkles her nose. “He sure looked sick when I saw him last,” she says. “Staring at me all sweaty and gross, then screaming at me to leave.”
“Did he have gross green looking pimples all over?” Tucker asks.
“What, ew, gross, no!” Valerie gags.“Why the fuck would have that?!”
“Ecto-acne.” Sam says, “He had it in college, thought maybe he had a relapse.”
“Okay one, no gross pimples, just sweaty and weird. Two, how the hell do you know that.”
He did have a relapse like, a few months ago, then gave it to me and Sam to force Danny to help find a cure.” Tucker answers.
“Of fucking course he did,” Dani mutters.
“And he trusted Mr. lucky-to-get-a-D-minus-in-Chemistry over here to do that?” Valerie adds.
“Hey! I figured it out in the end!”
And he was super sick then! Even when he’s sick he’s still a slimy bastard. Why should we trust him now?” Sam adds.
“We don’t, but..” Valerie starts to say, but trails off. She really can’t say much to that.
“Anyway… wait.” Danny stops, having noticed a door hanging nearly off its hinges farther up the hallway. The rug in front of it was bunched up like someone had slipped on it running through the hall.
The group comes to a halt by the door. Sam and Tucker weren’t really expecting to find anything that unusual, but the suddenly sober expressions of the other three make them grow quiet. The five of them stand in front of the broken door
Valerie is the first one to break. “Did Vlad do this?”
“Dunno, probably,” Danny says.
“Clumsy as hell though, he must really be sick,” Tucker says.
“Where was he trying to go, d’you think?” Sam asks.
“I guess we’ll find out,” Danny replies, and starts toward the door. The others follow behind him.
“Sure, follow the ominous path of destruction. If we find Vlad having some sort of seizure one of you guys is gonna call the ambulance,” Tucker jokes weakly as the rest of the group files past him, but he steps after them. No one laughs as they each step through the broken door and continue into this new, darker passage.
The path of destruction is clear even in the dim light, and they follow it down and down until they reach the door to Vlad’s lab. This door, at least, is intact, but it’s not closed. Instead, it’s opened just a crack to let an eerie emerald light peek through. Nobody speaks as Danny pushes it fully open. It creaks sharply as it reveals a horrifying scene.
Vlad’s lab is bathed in the green light of the portal with its doors wide open. No. not just open, but broken. The left hand door is crooked in its frame, while the right rests wholly on the metal floor. Had something clawed the portal open?
Damage extends beyond the portal. The walls and floor, normally pristine, look… dirty. In the green glow of the portal, it’s hard to tell with sight alone just what the mess is made. Sam is the first to react, her face contorting in revulsion at the pungent iron and citrus and something else scent. Danny, however, is the first to recognize the odor that can only be ectoplasm tainted blood. The disgust on each of their faces turns to horror as they share his recognition.
Tucker recoils, stumbling back against the doorway, but the others don’t notice him.
“Is that…” Valerie starts, then chokes out, “Is that Masters?”
“It’s gotta be,” Sam replies shakily.
“No,” Dani whispers.
“Oh god,” Tucker says, now leaning weakly against the wall and looking up, away from the mess.
“No,” Danny says, looking nauseous, “It’s not.”
Dani’s head whips toward him and asks with a shriek, “How do you know?”
“I know what my own blood smells like!” Danny shouts. His face, already drawn in horror, contorts with the terrible realization.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Valerie yells, verging on hysterical.
“Oh no,” Dani says. “Oh no oh no.” She shakes her had and look closes her eyes against the sight.
“What-” Sam begins to ask, but stops to catch Dani as she slowly crumples.
The cloning tubes are wide open, and empty of all but smears of greenish blood. Danny’s right; none of it belongs to Vlad.
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Miami Vice S1E14: Golden Triangle, Part 1
A rash of violence against sex workers raises Castillo's suspicions.
And we learn that Castillo is... I don't know? A martial arts wizard?? We'll later learn he is also a fucking samurai, but this is really the first "let's give Castillo depth" episode, and they really fucking go for it
An absolutely useless bit of trivia: some of the opening credits in this episode are in the wrong font.
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This is not the Miami Vice font. It switches back to the Miami Vice font like two names later.
Love Castillo downing a cafecito from what is absolutely not a heat-safe plastic glass, and Rico and Sonny following him as he walks away like he's a beautiful girl in a bikini
Also love that Crockett's "nerd" disguise involves going over dot matrix printouts by hand by the pool. A normal vacation activity. Love less that he is just blatantly doing an entrapment.
When Sonny and Rico take Candy in, we cut to a currently-in-progress conversation in which she asks Sonny, "well, am I right or what?" Then pauses, while neither Sonny or Rico look her in the eye, but they both smile in the most hollow and awkward way possible, and then Candy nods and says, "Yeah, I'm right." I really want to know what she thinks she's right about that both Sonny and Rico basically are like 'please stop talking' about.
Candy is great-- she's very savvy about the police (and rightly does not trust them), very intense, and has no issues telling Sonny off.
Rico finds all of this hilarious.
The drug dealer who wants a safety deposit box is John Snyder, who will always be "extremely annoying Joey in the Mafia Wars arc of Wiseguy" to me, except that recently Dan and I watched an episode of Star Trek in which he was a eugenicist from the eugenicist planet. Man sure plays some roles. He's also apparently a long-time anime voice actor??
Sonny complains about the system being broken and Tubbs kind of sighs and says "the system. Want a cold one?" #1 reason Tubbs isn't as broken by the end of the show is that he comes in from day one knowing that Everything Sucks Forever, while Crockett takes it personally every single time
Alligator Nail Filing
"We're getting too good at playing bad guys" sure is the understatement of the whole series
It's not actually clear until around the 3/4 mark that this is the first Castillo Episode, but he makes a wonderful little suspicious face when Sonny starts telling him about Szarbo-- he knows something is amiss.
There's an exchange with the cop who has been working part time as a pimp where Sonny no-true-Scotsmans him-- he states that the man isn't a "real" cop for what he's done. I think Sonny still genuinely believes this at this point in the series. He will not by the end.
Castillo finds out that one of the dead people is Thai and just absolutely flips out and is like I NEED TO SEE THE CORPSE. I get what the actual intention here is-- that Castillo has put together enough things about the case based on similarities to things that happened during his own years in Thailand-- but we don't know that yet as an audience, so it just kind of seems like Castillo is totally paranoid and thinks any deceased person of Thai descent MUST be involved in crime, which is not a good look.
I adore the sequence in which it is implied Tubbs and Castillo go to like eight Thai restaurants together, partially because I appreciate when they work together, and partially because I love seeing restaurants from bygone days.
To the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Marty n' Rico having supper
It is awkward!
(but seriously why does that waiter not have a shirt)
And we learn, finally, that Castillo is a master of every martial art, as he gets in a wild action movie fist fight with the naked waiter in the parking lot. It's stupid and fantastic in equal measures, and we'll learn even more about Castillo's exciting fisticuffs adventures next time.
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shegeekery · 2 months
Splintered — Chapter 5 (final)
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Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Doctor Who, Loki TV series (crossover) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: N/A, but I plan to keep it as friendly to both Lokius and Sylkie as I can. Characters: The Doctor, Ruby Sunday, Loki, Mobius, Ouroboros, B-15, Casey, Sylvie, Summary: The Doctor and Ruby find themselves in a strange universe where the timelines are controlled by the God of Mischief. Is it any surprise that the TVA needs help from a Time Lord? Tagging: @teal-astronaut2846
Chapter Index: Chapter 1: I Have a Bad Feeling About This — Length: 2906 words Chapter 2: Ghost Squirrel — Length: 2738 words Chapter 3: Splintered — Length: 2852 words Chapter 4: Getting the Band Back Together — Length: 2496 words Chapter 5: Intervention (this post) — Length: 2361 words Note: Thanks so much for reading — I hope you enjoyed it! Please feel free to leave a comment or reblog if you're so inclined. It really helps! Also, this chapter includes a small homage to @gigglingtiggerv2's non-MCU Loki story, "Follow the Crow", which I highly recommend!
“Doctor, tell me you have a way to stop it!” Mobius yelled as the serpent neared, its jaws wide.
“Working on it!” came the response from inside.
“Work faster!”
As the serpent drew closer, Sylvie began to sing. Her soft, lilting voice was uncertain, as if she hadn’t sung in a very long time.
Men trærne de danser      Og fossene stanser      Når hun synger, hun synger      Kom hjem
Mobius tore his gaze away from the serpent. “What are you doing?” he whispered.
Men trærne de danser      Og fossene stanser…
The radio attached to the dimensional equalizer crackled, and a male voice came through.
“Yes, it’s me. Loki, it’s me,” Sylvie answered with relief. “There’s a magical serpent down here at the roots. It’s attacking us. Can you make it stop?”
Silence. Nidhogg continued to bear down on them and Mobius braced himself for the inevitable — but the serpent veered upward at the last moment and flew past harmlessly. It circled around again, and faded into nothingness as it did so.
Loki’s voice came through the speaker again. “Sylvie, you shouldn’t be here.”
“How am I hearing this? Shouldn’t this all be happening in your head?” Mobius asked Sylvie.
“I don’t know. That guy, the Doctor, must have done something.” Sylvie smiled weakly. “But we did it. We’re in contact.”
The others filed back out onto the platform. Mobius awkwardly disengaged his arms from Sylvie’s waist. The Doctor and Ruby stayed near the door, giving their new friends some space for what they sensed was akin to a family reunion — or perhaps an intervention.
Sylvie spoke again. “Everybody’s here, Loki. Me, Mobius, O.B., B-15, and Casey. We’re all worried about you. There’s been—”
“You and Mobius should be in your timelines, living your lives. That’s why I did this.”
“Can he hear me?” Mobius asked. “Loki, can you hear me?”
“Mobius. Yes, I hear you.”
“Loki, I know. I know why you did it, and I appreciate it — and you — more than you can imagine. But something’s gone wrong. That serpent is destroying the roots. We’re losing timelines.”
“Did we lose him?” Mobius asked Sylvie.
The radio crackled again. “I’m here. Mobius, I…I swear, I didn’t know.” Even through the static of the old speaker, they could hear the raw pain in Loki’s voice.
“I know,” Mobius answered softly. “It’s alright. We’ll fix it.”
“Loki, did you put yourself in a trance state?” Sylvie asked.
A pause.
“I did. I thought it would make things easier.”
“This has been really hard on you, being alone out here, hasn’t it?” Mobius asked.
Another pause.
“I can handle it. I’ll stay awake. It won’t happen again.”
“Yes, it will,” Sylvie answered, with absolute conviction. “Loki, you can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. It will happen again.”
“Then what do you suggest?”
Sylvie and Mobius looked at each other and nodded in unspoken agreement.
Mobius answered. “Sylvie and I can stay here, at the TVA. We’ll find a way to stay in contact. Keep you company.”
Another pause, and Loki’s image appeared on the platform, gazing around at his friends with a sad smile. He wore green robes and a horned crown.
He looked tired.
To Mobius and Sylvie, he said, “I watched the two of you in your timelines for a while. Seeing you finally living your lives gave me the strength to go on. You can’t give that up.”
“Dammit, Loki,” Mobius said. “We’ve been over this. You don’t deserve to be alone. You shouldn’t be alone. You’ve gotta stop punishing yourself.”
“I’m not punishing myself. I just need you to—“
Casey spoke up. “Wait, if you can do this…” he gestured to indicate Loki’s image. “Can’t you just project yourself into the timelines?”
Loki smiled ruefully and shook his head. “No. Sending my consciousness into one of the timelines — or the TVA — would destabilize all of them. I can do it here because you’re outside of time and space.”
“If I may,” the Doctor interrupted, “I think I can offer another option.” He smiled. “Hi, I’m the Doctor, by the way, and this is my friend Ruby.”
“I know who you are, Doctor,” Loki answered with a nod. “After I entered the trance, I became aware of other realities, other universes, beyond ours. I saw your reality, with your fingerprints all over it. I’m afraid I must have unconsciously pulled you into mine.”
The Doctor grinned and shook his head. “Nothing wrong with asking for help, mate.” He walked around the group and disconnected the radio from the larger device. “Now, let’s see if this works.”
He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a long bootlace. “This should do it,” he said and tied the radio casing to the root. He fiddled with some switches. Blue energy emerged from the gadget and traveled along the root, mixing with Sylvie’s green magic.
“Okay. Sylvie, now you can let go.”
Sylvie hesitated for a moment, then pulled her hand away from the root, breaking the connection. The green energy vanished, leaving only a stream of blue traveling up the root.
“Loki, is it working? Can you feel that?” the Doctor asked.
“Yes. It’s different, but…”
His image stopped speaking, but his voice came through the radio speaker once again, “…but it works. How?”
“What you call ‘magic’ is really just another way of manipulating energy. One that works in this multiverse, but not in mine. I simply recorded what Sylvie was doing and used a bit of Time Lord technology to mimic what a conscious mind would do.”
Loki nodded, and his image spoke once again. “Clever.”
“Now, is there any way you could extend this root out to the edge of the curtain?” The Doctor pointed to the break in the cosmos through which the TVA could be seen.
Loki nodded again. “I believe so. What do you have in mind?”
“We can extend that old gangway out to the break, and I can help O.B. set up a permanent, trans-dimensional platform—“
O.B.’s face lit up. “Really?”
“—with shields to keep out the radiation. That, combined with something like this,” he put his hand on the radio, “will let your friends at the TVA contact you.”
“And Sylvie can go back to her timeline,” Loki said, with relief.
Sylvie stared at Loki’s image. Reluctantly, she said, “I suppose I could come back, now and then. Just to check in.”
Loki shook his head. “No. Sylvie, you need to be free of the TVA for good.” He stepped closer, hands raised as if to touch her. His expression grew gentle and he told her, “What you have, in your timeline, it’s what I always wanted but could never admit, even to myself. Seeing you, with your friends…I can’t tell you how much joy that brings me.”
He paused, his mouth forming a sly grin — and Ruby, for the first time, caught a glimpse of the God of Mischief in the otherwise somber figure. He added, “Although, perhaps you should be more wary around that Romanoff woman. She’s quite the trickster herself — I learned that the hard way.”
Sylvie laughed softly. “I know. Probably why we get along.”
Loki turned to Mobius, who shook his head and said flatly, “I’m staying here.”
“Hold up,” the Doctor said, before Loki could protest. “Sylvie, Mobius, let me see your TemPads.”
The pair looked at each other and at Loki, shrugged, and held out their devices. The Doctor took Sylvie’s TemPad and did something with the sonic screwdriver.
“What are you doing?” Mobius asked.
“Oh, just a bit of jiggery-pokery,” the Doctor replied.
“Friends and family special,” Ruby added, grinning. “He’s very good at extending the range of service.”
The Doctor handed Sylvie’s TemPad back to her, then repeated the process with Mobius’s before handing it back.
Mobius looked at the screen. “There’s a contact record for Loki in here.”
“Give it a try. Both of you.”
Mobius and Sylvie tapped on their TemPads. A holographic image of Loki’s head and shoulders appeared above each of the screens.
“Those should work down on the timelines, too, once we get the permanent communications in place. You can both go back to your lives and talk with Loki whenever you want.” He looked pointedly at Loki. “And you, my friend, can call one of them whenever you need to talk. No more toughing it out, alright?”
“I suppose,” Loki answered with a sigh, but the glimmer in his eyes told them that he was more than satisfied with the arrangement.
“And no more squirrels,” B-15 added.
Loki looked confused. “Squirrels?”
She grinned. “A lot happened while you were zoning out in there.”
“Alright,” the Doctor said. “Let’s fire it up and see how it works.”
They stood on the new trans-dimensional platform built onto the end of the gangway, which had been extended and enhanced with the Doctor’s radiation shielding. O.B. made some final adjustments to a more robust version of the radio gadget. They’d attached it to the tip of a very long root that extended from Yggdrasil.
O.B. turned on the device. “Loki, this is O.B. Do you read me?”
Loki’s voice came through the speaker. “I read you, O.B. It’s working.”
Ruby and the rest of Loki’s friends cheered and applauded.
“Guess I’m going to have to write a third edition of the TVA handbook,” O.B. said. “To cover the shielding, the enchantment simulator, and the trans-dimensional stuff.”
“Uh, about that,” the Doctor said, taking O.B. aside. Once they were out of earshot of the others, he whispered, “It might be better if you keep the trans-dimensional technology to yourself, yeah?”
“Oh. Sure.” O.B. shrugged. “Okay.”
Loki’s image appeared on the platform. A fond smile played on his lips as he gazed at his friends, all gathered together for what could be the last time.
He turned to the Doctor and Ruby. “Thank you, my friends. I may not have brought you here intentionally, but…I’d be lying if I said I was sorry.”
There was that mischievous smile again.
“And of course, you would never lie, right?” the Doctor replied, matching Loki’s grin.
Loki laughed.
Ruby added, “But we really should be getting back. Our universe needs him as much as yours needs you.” She glanced at B-15, half expecting her to object.
B-15 just smiled. “Safe travels, you two. Feel free to visit anytime.”
“I just hope I can get us back home,” the Doctor told Ruby.
“I think I can help with that,” Loki said. “Just…follow the eagle.”
B-15, Casey, O.B., and Mobius accompanied the Doctor and Ruby as they said their goodbyes. Sylvie had returned to her timeline earlier and confirmed that she could still contact Loki via her TemPad.
When they reached the Tardis, Mobius shook the Doctor’s hand and said, “I’ve been wanting to ask… Back when we took that first trip, you said something about people calling you the Lonely God. Are you?”
“Am I lonely? Nah, not when I have my best friend in the universe right here,” the Doctor answered, putting his arm around Ruby. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.
“What I meant was, are you a god?”
The Doctor shook his head. “Some people call me that, but I’m just a traveler. I’m not even sure where I came from. I was adopted by my people, the Time Lords, but I came from another universe. No idea which one.”
“Huh. You know, Loki was adopted too.” Mobius nodded to himself and continued, “Even before he came here, I was fascinated by him. He used to be filled with so much fury and pain, but I just had a feeling there was something…wonderful underneath all that.”
He looked the Doctor in the eye. “I kind of get the same feeling from you, but I think you wear the good stuff on the outside and hide the pain.”
The Doctor met his eyes. He didn’t say anything, but they understood each other.
“Hey, who knows?” Mobius went on in a lighter tone, “There are a lot of Loki variants out there in the timelines. Maybe you were one of them.”
Ruby laughed. The Doctor smiled and said, “Well, having met two Lokis now, I have to say that I would be proud if I turned out to be one of them.”
“It would explain a few things,” Ruby said, lightly punching the Doctor in the arm.
“So, what about you?” the Doctor asked Mobius. “Are you going back to your timeline now?”
“For a bit. When I’m down there, I miss the TVA. When I’m here, I miss the timeline. And the jet-skiing.” He shrugged. “Still figuring it out.”
The Doctor nodded and opened the Tardis door. “Shall we?”
Ruby stepped into the Tardis with a final wave to their new friends, and the Doctor followed suit, closing the door behind him. The pair made their way to the console.
“So what now?” Ruby asked.
“First stop, Yggdrasil.” The Doctor pulled the lever and they made the short hop. He activated the wall screen, which showed the top of the World Tree.
As they watched, a spot of green detached from the tree and moved toward them, resolving into the eagle shape as it drew closer and flew past them. The Doctor locked onto the eagle’s energy signature, and they followed it as it flew, the image of Yggdrasil diminishing on the wall screen.
“Do you think they’ll be alright?” Ruby asked.
“Yeah. For now, anyway.”
“So,” Ruby continued, grinning. “Do you think you might be a Loki?”
“Nah,” the Doctor responded. “Lots of universes out there. Of course, those universes might have their own Lokis...”
“Well, you do tend to shake things up wherever you go.”
“True, true. Okay, here we go!” The Doctor pointed to the screen. The eagle was leading them straight into a familiar-looking vortex. Just before they entered, the eagle veered off and executed an aerial loop before flying away.
The pair whooped in delight as the Tardis entered the vortex, bringing them home.
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
I'm not a fan anymore due to my own personal reasons, but I want to be objective. Timothee wants wrong to ask that worker not to stake pics. He's in character, and it was unprofessional for them to consider the eclipse over their job. Also, after seeing Tom filing TCR in new York and dealing with paps and fans asking for pics, I can understand why he was paranoid and off cause he's in character but also feels violated if that makes sense. I think Timothee may be a bit of the method and also struggles with some type of anxiety. He's very paranoid recently, so maybe being as famous as he has created that more. There was a time he was so open, and noe hes closed off. Whenever he's papped, he wears a mask, so maybe idk im speculating.
However, this isn't the first case. I've heard of this diva behaviour on set, unfortunately. There were rumours on DM a few yrs ago that alleged some crew workers in London about his antics whilst filming Wonka, and he was unpleasant to a female PA for messing up his umbrella request. There were several sources who cosinged this, but because he's big, it didn't go any further than those rumours.
He apologised the next day and gave them signed pics of the merch, lol. At the time, as a fan, I considered that he was dealing with the aftermath of his grandma passing cause it was during that time, so maybe this time he's dealing with the pressure of being Bob Dylan. I'm not defending him cause I'm not a fan, but actors in some cases do lose themselves in roles. I even remember during the press for Dune 1, Rebecca said timothee was more of a character actor than she is. When they said cut, he's still in that headspace, whereas she's making jokes.
Even Z said during a q&a for Dune 2 when she visited set, Timothee was standoffish cause he was in character. He apologised for that. I'm more shocked at the accusations of the director allegedly pushing a worker and not caring cause directors egos are never fun to work with moreso an actor imo.
Timothee is tricky to discuss because hes changed a lot, so who can defend him without their own personal bias? Before, he was very open with fans, and now it's only due to work that he works when he does with his fans unless it's for himself. He doesn't gonna podcasts anymore or has personal interviews. It's not bad, but it can be jarring as those fans became accustomed to his accessibility but now all they do is criticise his dating life with conspiracy CC, lol.
I'm really a fan anymore, so I didn't think this article was going to hurt him, but I find it interesting that his agent isn't disproving it...
We will see.
Oh wow 😳
Thanks Anon for providing this backstory on Timmy and your honest thoughts. I guess I had no idea he could be such a diva! 🥴
Even on the "Wonka" set? That's supposed to be a lighthearted KIDS movie! 😂🤣
Anyway, this is disappointing, because while I'm not a HUGE huge fan of Timmy's, I DO like him as an actor, and I did think that he was generally unproblematic and an overall nice guy. Now, I'm not so sure. 👀 Like I said, I've never seen him even looking like he's in a bad mood to anyone, not even fans lol 😆 So this is just kinda shocking to me.
But if there have been other reports in the past of his behavior, then that must mean there is a pattern.
I don't think there's ever an excuse to be mean and rude to people, so if this is the type of person that he is onset, then that's disappointing. 😔
I do agree that sometimes, people don't realize that a set is STILL a working environment, and sometimes it can be pretty serious! Some people just don't take it seriously and can be a nuisance, which can cause some actors to get annoyed. I know some actors can also get into character and have a hard time getting out of it.
Some also are trying to do a serious scene, and an interruption or disruption can break focus, and cause an actor to have to re-do a take, which is more time, energy, and money spent involved for everyone.
Weren't there some reports one year from an extra on the set of "Cherry" that said that Tom got a bit angry/frustrated with someone on set during the Emily overdose scene at the hospital because someone kept breaking his concentration or smthg? 🤔 I feel like I vaguely remember that from somewhere. Correct me if I'm wrong!
Either way, I guess my point is, I suppose it can happen to anyone? 🤷🏾‍♀️ We all can lose our cool sometimes.
I'll give an actor grace if it's a once or two time thing, but if it's a PATTERN with someone, then that is no Bueno for me. 😤
One of my biggest pet peeves are people who are just rude to others for no good reason at all. 👎🏾
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
P3R while I was gone, part 3: The False Prince and the Rainbow Disco Party
Life is good in the aftermath of the final shadow. Yesterday was a terrible battle, but I must still go to school today, etc. And after school, it’s time to celebrate!
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We’re all so glad to be done with this nonsense. Even Mitsuru’s dad is here, to officially disband SEES at midnight.
I forgot Ken has never met him. XD
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The only people missing are Aigis and Ikutsuki; he took her back to the lab to check up on a few things. Junpei really wants a group picture, and since they still aren’t back, we’re just going to have to take another one later.
He asks one of Kirijo-san’s guys to take the picture for us. It goes great. XDDDD
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It’s getting later and later, and I like to think that Mitsuru’s dad enjoyed spending time with us. We had a good time. We ate so much sushi! And now it’s time to count down to midnight.
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...well, fuck. X’D
Yeah, there was no way that was the final boss. Ikutsuki and Aigis still aren’t back, and Mitsuru’s dad is furious, because this was supposed to be the end of things. We get Fuuka to search for Ikutsuki, and she locates both him and Aigis at the entrance to Tartarus.
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Ikutsuki has removed her free will to make her obedient to him. But aside from that, SEES wants to know what the fuck is going on, because ridding the world of shadows and the Dark Hour was our entire purpose, and it’s still here.
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Apparently the end will come and free the world from despair! The only salvation lies in ruin!
Right. Sure. Why is everyone always trying to free the world from despair in the wrong way?
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Well, that’s a bit arrogant, huh? Somehow I don’t think that getting us to kill the shadows makes you the prince. I think you’ve misinterpreted something, since the note we found in Monad said that the Prince of Salvation would be “born” after gathering all the shadows.
You, sir, already exist. Regrettably.
Ikutsuki gets Aigis to capture all of us and drag us up to what would be the school’s observatory in normal time. God only knows how you find a specific room in Tartarus when it’s constantly changing, plus, like… did the shadows not bother you and Aigis while you hauled seven people and a dog up the tower?
Not to mention, how long were we out, because how long did it take to do this?
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Oh, yeah, Mitsuru’s dad came after us and wants to know what the hell is going on. Ikutsuki is very chill about mass human sacrifice of teenagers and children.
Mitsuru’s dad is NOT down with this, because he does not want the world to end, and he ends up getting away from Aigis to take a shot at Ikutsuki.
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Ikutsuki gets gut shot and screams at Aigis to kill the rest of us.
Mitsuru’s dad collapses.
And Aigis looks at all of her friends, and shoots out the chains to free us.
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Ikutsuki wants to know why we’re even bothering to search for a reason to live in this “broken world”. No one really has an answer for him, especially not Mitsuru, who is busy trying to save her dad. And failing.
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You really weren’t.
Ikutsuki stumbles back and falls from the edge of the observatory platform, so we’ve lost all the adults who knew what was going on in one fell swoop.
It’s just us now.
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But I must still go to school today?
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Ah. Yeah.
Mitsuru doesn’t have any other family to deal with arrangements or the company, so… Yeah.
None of us are really okay. But there’s not much we can do at the moment. But Fuuka did dig into Ikutsuki’s computer files. He doctored that video of Yukari’s dad to make it sound like we needed to destroy the shadows, but Fuuka found the original.
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This leads to Yukari’s second awakening, changing Io into Isis to symbolize her newfound resolve. That’s five teammates so far! Mitsuru, Aigis, Koromaru, and I are left. And I don’t think Koromaru gets a second awakening.
My schedule returns to normal, and I’m wandering around as usual.
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I will find my Fortune! Even if it won’t be official. ^_^
Igor also wants to talk to me, but other than opening up some more special fusions, he just wants me to remember that I have to take responsibility for my actions.
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Honestly, my guy, I still don’t know what fate I chose?
Or maybe it’s the fate I’m going to choose, in which case, there’s only one choice.
On the social link front, Kenji has come to a decision!
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Well, I don’t know what the fuck is going to happen with you from here, but uh, good luck I guess?
Hey, who’s that over there?
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Oh. Oh… Okay, yeah, you’ve just been an idiot this whole time. She was talking to her fiance.
But… I dunno, I feel like at some point she should have noticed how Kenji was acting around her and shut that down a lot harder.
Chin up, Kenji. I guess. I’m gonna go ask my weird blue cousin what she wants to do tonight.
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Huh. Ken has one of those! We can talk about how the ending of season 2 was such a disappointment for the shippers.
(Also, is that a Sailor Moon reference?)
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Okaaaaaaaay, what is everyone else up to?
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...too real, sir. I’m going home.
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…...not sure how to tell you, Mamoru, but I do not take the sport seriously.
ANYWAY. I guess after Featherman tonight we should head back into Tartarus. It’s the only lead we have, and there has to be a top up there somewhere. Besides, I’m gonna be busy tomorrow, so let’s go now and see what’s up with the next area. We were at a border floor before.
Do you hear that?
It sounds like… eurodance Caramelldansen remix.
Getting closer.
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I love Harabah. Oh my gosh. This is fantastic. It’s hard to see the shadows roaming the floors, but I don’t even care, this is incredible. It’s SO different from all the other blocks and it’s amazing. I’m gonna have so much fun here.
I also finally fused Decarabia, so I got a new fusion spell!
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I love Star Forneus, too. <3
Tomorrow is Monday and we will go back to school and all will be right with the world because it’s November 9th and I have reasons to Scream. :D
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himemiya-kun · 1 year
Secret Swan (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 5: The Truest Self
• Tori Himemiya
• Tsukasa Suou
• Eichi Tenshouin
Tori: (I got help from Producer without asking for help… At this rate, I’ll never be able to find a way to improve...)
I remember during the filming of “Fist of the Shangri-la Idol”, Eichi-sama seemed to use special methods to stimulate our acting skills.
If only I could think of a method like Eichi-sama… but that's Eichi-sama.
Ah!? Ow, ow, ow… Who is it! Is it hard to see where you’re going?!
Tsukasa: Oh, you were the one who bumped into me while walking without looking, didn’t you, Tori-kun? So why is the villain filing a complaint first?
Tori: Ugh, it’s Tsukasa…
I really don't want to talk to you right now, so you should leave quickly. This is the secretary you're talking to. Now leave me alone.
Tsukasa: Oh? You’re usually so arrogant, but now you’re willing to lose without a fight in an argument with me?
I’m really curious to know what made you look so troubled, maybe you were preached by Fushimi-senpai again?
Tori: What do you mean ‘again’! Yuzuru praises me more often than scolds me recently, you are the one who is often lectured by Sena-senpai, right?
Hmph, next time when Sena-senpai comes, I will tell him that you secretly eat snacks every day after class!
Tsukasa: Hold on…! Did I start spreading rumours if I couldn’t say it, you liar! I’m just curious about what kind of trouble people like you have, but it seems that I shouldn’t have given you any extra care in the first place!
Tori: Huh~? An idiot full of evil thoughts like Tsukasa will not understand the troubles of a cute and simple person like me.
Tsukasa: You are Tori who obviously doesn’t know what respect is?! I don’t want to have the same knowledge as an insolent boy like you!
Tori: I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with an uneducated guy like Tsukasa!
Tsukasa: Ahhh…! For a person like Tori, there are so many fans who believe that you are really a pure angel, they praise you for being cute, I really want them to see you like this!
Tori: Hmm? What are you talking about, am I not cute now?
(The plot of the short film roughly expresses that even if the world doesn’t understand you, you must dare to show your true self, show the side you want people to see, and pursue what you want…)
(In the eyes of Yuuki-senpai and the others last year, as well as in the eyes of Tsukasa, even I have been the villain quite a few times.)
Tsukasa: Cute? You are the embodiment of evil sometimes! A demon!
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Tori: Heh heh heh, so what if I’m the incarnation of evil? The original me is the cutest me ♪
That's great, it's another step ahead of you. It won’t be long before I can leave you far behind. When the time comes, you will kneel down and cry and beg me to forgive you. Maybe I will agree ♪
Tsukasa: What the… What’s the matter? Why do you suddenly look completely different from just now? You also said a lot of inexplicable things, which is really unpleasant!
Tori: Alas, you won't understand even if I explain it to you, idiot.
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Tori: …Still, I want to thank you.
Tsukasa: You, what are you saying? Thank you? Are you saying thank you to me? Did I hear you right?
Tori: That's right ♪ Although I’m just a mere secretary, you made Tori-sama feel super excited~ Well, of course the cutest Tori-sama in the world will choose to forgive you for the time being ♪
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Tori: Producer~ Here I come ♪
Eichi: Haha, we have been waiting for you for quite some time.
Tori: Eh, Eichi-sama is here too?!
Eichi: Producer told me before that she was a little worried about your situation, but judging by your appearance today, she was worrying a bit too much.
Tori: Producer is always worrying~ but this time, I really want to thank her ♪
Eichi: Mm. Producer really did a lot for us. There's one more thing she hasn't had time to finish, and while I'm waiting for her to complete it, let me tell you something first.
I feel that, now, there should be no bad influence for you.
In fact, I got news from Yuuki earlier. I don’t know why, but people from COS PRO are more inclined to participate in the audition of the “W series”.
So the “B series” has basically already been negotiated with our STAR PRO.
Tori: Eh, in other words, the audition pressure will be very light, is it just a formality?
Eichi: That’s right. In the end, even if you still can't solve the difficulties you encounter, I will ask Yuzuru and Tsumugi to help you, so that you can play this role perfectly.
But we have all seen Tori working hard. If I told you this in advance, it might make you feel that we didn't expect you from the beginning.
Because you said that you don't want me to treat you as a child again, and this time, after all, it is a job commission you personally received, I want to give you as much respect as possible.
So, in the end, you made a really amazing result that exceeded our expectations, Tori.
Tori: Hehe, I feel like I've been praised so many times by Eichi-sama recently that it feels like a dream.
Eichi: Oh, it seems that the work on Producer’s side has been completed, so go over there and have a look.
Tori: Huh? The outfit Producer handed me looks very similar to the upcoming B-Series...
Hey, this is specially tailored by Producer for me?! Because you think that if I really wear this suit, maybe I can break through the original...
Woohoo~ How can you treat me so well! Although you always avoid close physical contact with us after arriving in ES, can you let me hug you now?
No, I'll hug you even if you don't agree! Thank you, Producer ♪
Yesterday, I finally found some understanding of this role, and just now, after seeing this costume, I immediately imagined what it would look like to wear it... It proved that my idea wasn’t wrong!
I have always acted as cute as an angel in front of my fans, but in the eyes of different people, I still have some bad intentions and self-willingness, right?
So I thought, I’ll show my truest and most natural self, and show my lovely self to the fans!
This costume needs not only my cuteness, but also my confidence—
When I wear it, I'll tell the world how awesome this costume is!
And I, Himemiya Tori——is the perfect spokesperson for it.
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sjsmith56 · 1 year
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Checking In - Part 7, From There to Here - Bucky Barnes One Shots
Summary: Set after FATWS Bucky has been sharing his past with his new girlfriend, June. After telling him about her staff Christmas party June asks him to meet her friends at a movie night at her place. Sam is also invited and brings food for a shrimp boil.
Length: 4.4K
Characters: Bucky, June (his girlfriend), Sam, Ingrid (June’s friend and colleague), several friends of June’s. June and Ingrid are plus sized.
Warnings: Self image issues, feelings of inadequacy, defensive Bucky
Author notes: June is a recurring character in this collection of one shots. This one shot is told from her POV. She still has issues with her size but is working on loving herself. Bucky’s obvious feelings about her have helped. He is still in therapy, having anxiety and intimacy issues.
<<Part 6
Present Day
I put the Army report from 1945 down and looked with compassion at Bucky.   He was looking at his hands, clasping and unclasping them, displaying some anxiety.
"This is Steve's actual report?" I asked.  "When he thought you were dead?"
"Yeah," he replied quietly.  "My lawyer got copies of everything made from the Army archives when I had to face charges for being the Winter Soldier."
"He was devastated when he thought you died," I noted.  "Do you think that's partly why he took so many chances, trying to make up for not saving you?"
Bucky shrugged.  "Who knows?  I do know that when he recognized me in 2014, he felt tremendous guilt for not going back and looking for me in 1945.  Steve told me a lot that wasn't written down in the official reports before he went back."
"He didn't even stay to make sure you were going to be pardoned?" 
That must have come across as opinionated because Bucky frowned.
"He had his reasons to leave." 
Bucky's tone was defensive, and I could see his jaw was set in a way that indicated he was displeased.  Even though we'd only known each other for a few weeks I was already attuned to his moods.  His face softened and he took my hand in his.
"June don't mind me," he said softly.  "I know I get defensive about Steve leaving.  He never felt comfortable in this future.  He did ask me to go back but I had changed so much I just didn't think I could handle the 1940s anymore."
"But you could have been with your parents and your sister," I answered.  "Instead he left you here alone.  When he did go back, why didn't he try to find you and rescue you then?"
I touched his face with my palm then withdrew it when he smiled shyly at me.  In the few weeks since we met we had kissed after dates but really hadn't gone any further.  Not that we didn't want to but Bucky wanted to take our time until we became intimate.
"I actually did see them, my mother and sister anyway," he said, then took the report from my hands, cleared the pictures from the table, and filed them all back in the box.  "But those stories are for another day.  As for the other, maybe he did but just wasn't successful."
He picked the box up and put it in his storage room then returned to the couch and sat next to me, turning to his side so he could touch the ends of my hair.  Despite his reticence to get physical with me he had no qualms about the little touches, like playing with my hair, putting his arms around me, or holding hands.  It was sweet and quite a change from the presumptuous octopus moves of some previous dates.
"Tell me about this party," he said, all of his attention on me.
"Well, it's our staff Christmas party," I said.  "It's at a burlesque cabaret with a 1930s-1940s theme.  We get to see the show, then they have a private party room we can use.  Music will be jazzy 1930s-1950s and they want us in period costume."
A grin crossed his face.  "Burlesque in my day wasn't exactly where a guy took a girl on a date, at least not a decent girl."
"Oh, and you know that how?" I asked, tickling his side a little.
"I went a few times, mostly when I was going through a dry spell."  His face blushed as he spoke.  "How does current burlesque match up with old burlesque?  It could be pretty racy back in the day."
"I don't know," I replied.  "I've never been but one of our reference librarians works part time as a dancer at the cabaret.  She said it's a little risqué and a lot of fun."
"Wait, librarians can work in burlesque?" He shook his head in amazement.  "In my day they were usually old spinsters, although I guess they were young once."
"Hey, I'm a librarian, and technically a spinster," I declared.  "I even have a tattoo."
"Really?" He started looking at my exposed skin with a cheeky grin.  "Where?"
Now it was my turn to blush.  "Inside my left hip, if you must know.  I got it on my 21st birthday, a rose, the flower for June."
His smile was something else and I knew he was likely picturing it in his mind.  It had been an impulse at the time, something my best friend talked me into.  It also hurt so much I never got another. 
"Sounds like it might be a fun time," he said.  "Do your friends know who you're dating?"
"One or two," I answered.  "We're thinking of having a movie night soon if you want to meet more of my friends.  I'd like you to meet them."
"Can I think about it?  The party that is.  Movie night sounds alright.  How about tomorrow night for that?"
I kissed him on the cheek, making him smile softly again.  He was pretty accommodating.  Thinking back to our first date he called an Uber to pick us up, then held the door open and offered me his hand as I entered the vehicle.  He was just as solicitous when we arrived at the restaurant, a seafood place.  Sam must have recommended it as the manager asked Bucky how Sam was doing since they hadn't seen him for some time.  The manager looked with interest at me.
"Who do we have the pleasure of serving tonight?" he asked.
"This is my date June," replied Bucky.  "June, this is André, the manager here.  Sam and I have been here for lunch but this is the first time I've been here for dinner with a date."
André offered me his hand and shook it.  "We'll take good care of you both."
He gave us a few recommendations for food and the wine to go with our choices then made sure we were served promptly.  After that he kept a buffer of empty tables around us until it became busy enough for him to start seating people nearby.  Bucky didn't say much that first date, letting me babble on about books, movies, music, my family and friends.  I realized I was dominating the conversation and stopped.  He just looked at me with this sweet expression on his face.
"I'm sorry, I was talking too much," I said.  "I do that when I'm nervous."
"I don't think you were talking too much, June," he replied.  "I like listening to you.  You're a unique woman, with a lot of interests."
"Well, it should be more back and forth," I countered.  "What about you?  What do you like?"
He took a breath.  "Well, I like eating, and dancing," he began.  "Not the dancing they do now but close dancing, like they did in the 1940s.  Alcohol doesn't affect me any more because of my metabolism but I do like the taste.  There are some TV shows I don't mind but a lot of it doesn't make sense to me.  Like why would people want to watch other people living in a house and plotting against each other?  I don't get that.  Some things should be private, you know?  Movies, well, some of them I like and some of them I don't."
I couldn't disagree with him on his assessment of some TV shows as I knew what he meant.  As for movies, I liked pretty much everything except bloody horror but there were some movies that were an acquired taste.  After dinner we went to a lounge that played jazz and old standards.  Bucky took me onto the dance floor where I could see first hand why he liked dancing.  He was very good and I wondered if he had a lot of girlfriends back in the day.  At one point he lowered his face so that his mouth was next to my ear.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked.
I looked up at him.  Even though I was 5'9'' he was over 6 feet tall by my estimation and it was kind of nice to look up at a man whose arms were around me, especially a handsome one.  His blue eyes gazed into mine and for a moment I wasn't sure I could speak.  But his eyes were calm and he seemed genuinely interested in my thoughts.
"Just wondering if your good dancing skills indicated you were popular with the ladies back in the 1940s," I replied.
He blushed a little as he smiled, slightly embarrassed, I think.
"I had quite a few girlfriends," he admitted.  "Nothing serious.  I was more into having a good time."
"How good a time?" Now I was deliberately being cheeky.
Bucky laughed outright then looked at me.  "You really want me to say it?  I think the term now is player but in the 1940s I would have been referred to as doll dizzy.  Not that I was a bad guy.  I never forced a girl into going to bed with me.  I had a lot of dates that never went that far, sometimes with the same woman if I enjoyed her company."
I wanted to ask where I fit in, but I held my tongue, and we danced without talking for some time.  After one last drink we decided to call it a night and we took an Uber back to the apartment building.  We stood outside my apartment door for a moment before Bucky gently put his hands around my waist and bent down to kiss me.  It was lovely, and sweet, and I almost asked him in, but he spoke first.
"When I was young I would probably talk myself into your apartment at this point but I'm not that guy anymore," he said quietly.  "I'm looking for something special so I would like to take our time getting to know each other better before we take it to another level."
It was unexpected and not entirely unwelcome.  That he was being a gentleman was obvious and he continued to be a gentleman since that night.  Now, as we sat on the couch watching TV, I must have been too quiet while I reflected on our first date as he stroked my hand to get my attention.
"You were somewhere else," said Bucky.  "We don't have to watch TV if it bores you."
"It's not that," I replied.  "I was just thinking that we've been dating for a few weeks and haven't ... you know.  My friends aren't going to believe that we're not yet physical."
"Do you tell them such things?" he asked.
"Well, not details," I replied.  "But it's been a while for me, a couple of years.  How long has it been for you?"
He blushed (God, I loved that) then sighed.  "I had a date that wanted to go straight to sex before we even finished dinner at her place last year.  She wanted me to do things to her that frankly kind of shocked me.  I'm no prude but it was a bit much even for me and I left without even kissing her goodnight.  Before then was in 2017 when I was in Wakanda.  Before then I don't really want to talk about because it happened while I was the Winter Soldier."
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring up bad memories," I said, feeling terrible for him. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between us and Bucky gently turned my face towards him.
"I was often abused and forced to abuse others," he said softly.  "Even the few that weren't abused by the Winter Soldier affected me.  It's something that I still see a therapist about and it's also partly why I want to wait to be with you.  I don't want to hurt you because I care about you and hope we do have something special."
"Oh, Bucky." I was mortified.  "Please forgive me."
"It's alright, really.  You should know about them anyways.  It doesn't mean I don't want you because I do, very much.  You're so beautiful and it takes a lot not to get carried away when we're close."
"Really?" I hadn't expected to hear that, having been told before that I wasn't all that desirable and should feel lucky that someone wanted to even go out with me, never mind taking it further.
"June, sweetheart, you're it for me," he said in a low, very sexy voice. 
He threaded his flesh hand into my hair and kissed me in a way that I had never experienced before.  It was electric as his soft lips and tongue teased me to where I felt the heat of desire beginning deep inside me.  We both broke away at the same time and he looked at me with those blue eyes then kissed my forehead. 
"I better go home," I whispered.  "That was some kiss."
"My thoughts exactly," he said back.  "Let me know about movie night."
He didn't get up from the couch; instead he watched me as I went to his door.  I realized he was likely aroused and smiled to myself that I had that effect on him.  When I went into my apartment I went to the bathroom and could hear his shower turn on as our bathrooms shared a common wall.  Closing the door behind me I went to turn the TV on then I texted my friends about having movie night at my place the following night.  Four of my friends agreed to come over, two of them wanted to bring their boyfriends.  We would decide what to watch once everyone was over.
I worked the following day and headed to the grocery story after to pick up snacks for everyone.  I knew that my friend Ingrid liked Chicago mix popcorn, Sherry liked buttery movie style microwave popcorn, Danielle liked Cheetos, and Irene liked regular potato chips and onion dip.  For myself I grabbed a medium cheese and meat platter, figuring Bucky would like that, then some crackers, beer, soda, and coolers.  If we wanted to eat between movies we would order in pizza, Chinese food, or Thai food.  While I was there I received a text from Bucky.
Bucky: Sam wants to come.  Is that alright?
June: What snack food does he like?
He didn't answer for a bit so I gathered he was asking Sam. 
Bucky: Said he'll bring his own.  Looking forward to meeting your friends.
June: Me too ❤️
I texted him when I parked in my spot and he came out of the security door to help me carry the snacks and drinks back in.  He looked at the different snack foods as he unpacked the bags, happy with the meat and cheese platter.  Sam texted to say he was at the door and Bucky buzzed him in, telling him to come to my apartment.  When he arrived at the door he was bearing a sizeable pot containing fresh shrimp that had been caught that day, and all the ingredients for a shrimp boil.
"You didn't have to do this, Sam," I said to him as he pulled everything out.
"It's my pleasure," he said.  "I've been cooking since I was a kid.  Wanted your friends to be impressed with your new friends, especially me.  This won't take long to prepare and we can sit around the table and eat with our hands between movies.  Best way to get to know each other."
"Sam does know what he's doing," affirmed Bucky.  "We'll have to open a window as it will get fragrant in here."
My first two friends arrived, Irene and Sherry, with their dates following them in.  The two men became very excited when I introduced them to Bucky and Sam, displaying some serious fanboy vibes.
"Ted, Irene, Ben and Sherry, this is Bucky Barnes, and Sam Wilson.  Bucky and I are dating."
"Holy shit, June, how did you meet these guys?" asked Ted, stepping forward first to shake hands with Bucky then Sam.
"We're neighbours," said Bucky, in his low key way.
Sam enlisted their help to prepare the shrimp, showing how to devein and peel them, except for the tails.  By the time my other two friends arrived he had all the prep work done and grabbed himself a beer.
"Ingrid, Danielle, this is Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson," I said.  "Bucky is my boyfriend."
He beamed when I said that.  Danielle was almost dumbstruck.  "You know Captain America and Bucky Barnes?  Why am I just finding this out now?"
"Maybe because you've been out of town for work for a couple of weeks," said Ingrid.  "Bucky, pleased to meet you.  Sam, you look much better in person than you do on TV."
"Well, thank you," he replied.  "Which one of you is the burlesque dancer?"
All five women broke out in laughter and Ingrid put her hand up.  "That would be me and you've probably heard about the staff party.  You want to come as my date?"
"You have to come, both of you," said Ben to Sam and Bucky.  "It's risqué but fun.  Much more entertaining than a pole dancer at a stripper bar, not that I go to those since I started dating Sherry.  They even get the drag queens involved sometimes and they are so entertaining."
Bucky leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.  "Do you really want me to come?"
I nodded, then put my arm around his waist, feeling nothing but muscle.  "I kind of want to show you off."
"We'll go then," he said, kissing me on the side of the head.
The others decided to start movie night with Casablanca, thinking it would be something Bucky would like to see.  He shrugged, saying he did see it during the war, and it was okay.  That set off a discussion of all the different phrases that came from the movie, then how iconic it was as a cinema masterpiece.  We started watching it because it was obvious some people were passionate about it.  I sat on the floor below Bucky as he sat in the armchair as there wasn't enough room for everyone on the couch.  He offered to switch places, but I didn't want to impose.  So, being a man of action, he leaned down and whispered an alternative.  I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows as if it were the best solution.  Offering me a hand I got up and sat on his lap shifting until he nodded and put his arm around me.
"I'm not too heavy?" I asked, still mindful that I was a bigger woman.
"Perfect," he whispered into my ear.
To be honest, it was great being so close with his arm around me.  In a way he was showing my friends how he felt about me.  During the more romantic parts of the movie, I leaned my head against him, and he shifted again so that I was more comfortable.  Sam got up with about 30 minutes left in the movie and filled up the big pot with water, putting it on the stove to start boiling.  He also put the potatoes on to boil.  Then he came back to watch the end of the movie.  By then the water in the big pot was boiling and he put the corn in.  He followed that by the sausages then the shrimp.  As Sam watched the colour of the shrimp Bucky organized everyone to lay newspaper down on the tabletop then plates.  Sam kept a little bit of the broth that the shrimp was cooking in then poured off the rest and assembled the food on two baking sheets, drizzling the food with the broth, melted butter, lemon, and seasoning.  Finally, he brought out a full roll of paper towels, tearing off several sheets for each person.
"This is all meant to be eaten with your hands," he said, with a big smile.  "It's going to be messy but great.  Dig in."
For the next ten minutes there was only the sound of chewing, groans and moans of satisfaction.  It was amazing.  Ingrid finished eating a shrimp, wiped her hands and mouth on a paper towel, took a drink of her beer and looked at Sam.
"Do you have a girlfriend or a wife?" she asked point blank.  Sam shook his head.  "Want one?  That was so fucking good, Sam.  My God, I've lived in New Orleans for 4 years and I've never, ever had this before."
"You haven't been hanging out with the right people," he said.  "If you lived near Delacroix we'd have this every other week, at least.  You want to go out sometime?"
"Hell yes," said Ingrid.  "Where have you been all my life?"
Bucky smiled at Sam, who smiled back, looking smug.  We ate every single morsel of food on those two large cookie sheets.  Cleanup was easy, as the plates went into the dishwasher, the cookie sheets and two pots were washed in the sink and the newspaper was bundled up, put into a garbage bag and taken out to the trash chute.  After wiping down the table and counters everyone was ready for movie number two.  The others were going over the list on the TV, coming up with a shortlist of choices.
"Okay, we have When Harry Met Sally," said Ingrid, "or Crazy, Stupid, Love, or Crazy, Rich Asians, or Princess Bride, or Ocean's Eleven."
"I don't want to watch anything with crazy in the title," said Ted, who was seconded by Ben.
"When Harry Met Sally is so 1980s," said Danielle, shrugging.
We took a vote and with Bucky as the last voter it was tied 4-4 for the remaining two choices.  I looked at him.
"I have no idea what each movie is even about," he said.
"Well, Princess Bride is a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale," I explained, "Ocean's Eleven is a heist movie set in Las Vegas.  They're both good but you might enjoy the heist movie more."
"Because I'm a guy?" he asked with a slight grin on his face.  "Just for that I choose the fairy tale."
He sat down on the arm chair, patted his lap and I settled down on it again.  We watched the movie and he seemed to enjoy it but I think he was more amused at all of us who said the lines in tandem with the characters throughout it.  When it was over nearly everyone got up to stretch their legs while a few went out to the balcony to have a cigarette.  I started to get up off of Bucky's lap and he stopped me, looking at me with those big blue eyes.
"Bucky," I said, as he wrapped his arms around me.  "Don't you want to stretch your legs?"
"I can do it later," he said.  "Ingrid seems to be having a good time."
I looked at her standing close to Sam, flirting in that easy way she had and Sam flirting right back.  It wasn't surprising as she was quite extroverted.  Bucky's hand went down my back and I turned back to see a look on his face that I saw briefly the day before when he gave me that amazing kiss.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Just thinking of my therapist saying that I would know when I was ready to be more intimate," he said.  "Yesterday, I wasn't.  Tonight ....  Would you be bothered if I asked if I could stay over?"
"No, I would like it if you did," I replied, suddenly feeling a little warm.
His beautiful smile came out and my heart jumped a little.  He was so handsome, with an incredible body and was everything in a man that I never thought would be interested in me.  Gently, his right hand went into my hair, and he kissed me like he did the day before.  At that moment his phone went off, vibrating against my leg and I jumped a little.  Sam's went off as well and both men looked at each other, just knowing it wasn't going to be good.  Bucky pulled his phone out, looked at the message then replied to the text.  He smiled grimly and looked disappointed.
"We have a mission," he said.  "We have to leave within the hour.  Guess I'm asking for a rain check."
He kissed me again, tenderly, and stroked my face.  As I stood up I looked over at Sam, exchanging his phone with Ingrid for their contact information then he kissed her on the cheek and looked over at Bucky.
"I have my case and go bag in the truck," he said.  "I just need to text Sarah."  He looked at Ingrid.  "My sister.  I live with her."
Bucky pulled me by the hand to his place and unlocked the door.  While I waited, he quickly checked his go bag then turned out the lights before stopping at the door to the hallway.  The kiss he gave me then was like nothing I had ever experienced before.  His soft lips felt incredible as his tongue explored mine.  When he pulled away all I could think of was how good it felt to be in his arms and to be kissed like it was the last kiss we would ever share. 
"I'll call or text you if I can," he said as he bent his forehead to mine.  "If you don't hear from me it's because the mission is classified and we're on a communications blackout.  We'll pick up where we left off, I promise you."
I got one more kiss to remember as he pressed his body against me, pushing me into the wall.  It was erotic and sexy as hell, and left no uncertainty of what I could expect when he returned.  Back in my apartment he and Sam made their goodbyes to my friends, promised to come to the staff party, and then they were gone.  My friends all told me how lucky I was to be dating such a hot guy then Ingrid put her hand on my arm and gave me a look.  She knew that it was now more than dating.  Until Bucky returned I wouldn't know how much more it would be.
Part 8>>
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glendover · 2 years
watch ghost files with me eps. 2
or watch the second episode with me <33
(you would think I know any of these places but my European ass could never I only know them through buzzfeed unsolved 💀)
actually the intro gives me ghostbusters vibes
who you gonna call? GHOST FILES!
(well that sounded way better in my head)
I mean Ryan you could always try and swim away
by daylight the island doesn’t even look that bad, I wouldn’t get spooked there
taking that back now that it’s dark 💀
bro I’m still not over the high quality of this show the budget must be so high
like good for them, I’m soooo happy
the ‘the rock’ comment lmao
honestly the prison looks kinda fancy like okay
“… bc I hate myself.” It’s okay Ryan we all hate ourselves here
no shit Sherlock in the shower room you shower what a strange concept that is/j
can you imagine showering and then just getting stabbed to death, that must be one of the worst deaths frfr
showering with the ghosts <3
spirit box my beloved!!
why is the spirit box kinda working this time and not saying some random bullshit between plausible answers??
i don’t like the photo lmao, it’s really unsettling even if it were photoshopped
fondle the pod 😠
cell block tango or whatever
not Shane expecting sexy evidence 💀
“I don’t want to die.”
“And watch everyone you’ve ever loved die?” “How do you know I haven’t already done that?”
you know what maybe Ryan is the demon after all 😃
Bernard is trying, my man, give him some time
not the footsteps 😃
“World’s finest” - not the ghosts always trying to flirt with Ryan (I mean same but 💀)
not the ghost fucking with Ryan lmao
the disembodied voices tho
“yEaH 👺👺👺”
well if anyones scared then it’s you Ryan so I guess they are talking about you 🥴
now that’s a tragic love story
okay the blood licking kinda ruined it I’m taking back what I said
a jealous rage murder 👀👀
or maybe blinded by passion
“We’ve got a barber?” - why is that so funny to me 💀
purple faced fella!!
not Ryan being self aware that he will lose his mind as soon as he has to do solo investigations 💀
why is Ryan always oversharing before solo investigations
he be sitting there and suddenly he goes “I’m scared of seeing ghosts, I’m scared I die, I’m scared Shane will find me dead, I’m scared of the future.”
like baby girl calm down you’ll be fine
and Shane is in the building all sad boy hours bc he’s asking for ghosts to hang out with him but yet again no one showed up
you know what the sink face looks like? It’s this emoji 🤖
Tumblr media
but also this guy
Tumblr media
non of the ghosts are taking responsibility for what happened to that toilet - the silence is so loud lmao
Shane “ghost hunter” Madej: I do all of this to see historical sites without all the tourists
not someone screaming on Ryan’s solo investigation 💀
tho I have to say it sounded like a bird or something
not Shane predicting that Ryan is muttering his little mantra and then it cuts to Ryan muttering his mantra
that’s now locked away in the ghost files
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