#also were gonna be updating this every saturday
lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 1
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
Characters in play: Uzi Doorman-a working Dron’
   Khan Doorman-Father of Uzi, a working Dron’ gatesmithy
3 Disassembly Dron’s
   N-Well meaning friend of Uzi
   V-Vicious and vengeful Dissassembly Dron’
   J-Leader of Dissassembly Dron’s
Thad-Pupil and a working Dron’.
Doll-Pupil and a working Dron’ of Russian origin
Lizzy-Pupil and a working Dron’
The Unnamed Worker(1)-Gatekeeper, a working Dron’ 
Various Working Dron’
[Uzi and Teacher in a classroom. Filled with students, among them Riley].
Uzi: Robotic workers art(2) we who toiled
To succor(3) Mankind to his ultimate
Goal of conquest and colonization.
Behold! Plan’ets on edge of the knowing
And dread(4) sense of Man have since becometh 
Our domain to shred for his service
To th’ dishonorable Lord Jensen.
Who behaves to our wondrous kind species 
Mere servants to windows crisp(5) despite our
Innate, humble nature
Gaze in some delight as th’ colony 
Of Man ceases to function for profit
‘Cause of his utter arrogance come here.
Like th’ Icarus ‘fore him he fell down
And left us thou richst and gentle(6) plan’et;
Gave us this Copp’r-Nine to settle here
As our one and only true home for us.
This plan’et was wiped clean of man’s touches
And he graciously allowed us to live
Among ourselves as we raised our issue(7)
From our humble colony out lonesome,
To busy former Silicon City(8).
But ‘lo! Yond murd’rous tyrant Lord Jensen
Dispatched his servants of evil ‘gainst us
Who breathed out unspeakable crimes ‘mongst us
They did ruin our gentle cities and kin.
What remains most grievous to me is th’
Lack of care in which thy parents hath shown
Toward th' well being and prosperity, 
Th' rough mortal body of I and thee. 
As we cower behind th’ iron gates,
Thrice they art, to guard us from th’ thin air
Unneeded they art; they stir up more mess
Th’ med’cine to this ail is in mine palms.
Beholdeth! I present to class this gun
Crafted with th' power of th’ devil
To exterminate th' murd’ous machines
Of th' vile tyrant Lord Jensen’s joint stock(9).
Why(10) doth you fear like fatherless children?
Stand for your country and battle as men!
This weapon sees not good operation now;
Testing more needed, but p’rhaps it fire!
Riley: Woe! This unleashed chaos vexes(11) me soul!
Lazy pupil. 
Thy problem was to count thy melons.
By some perchance doth this f’rearm suffice?
Teacher: Nay to question, an’ feelings thou shareth
Count but two marks on thy exam present(12).
To add, thy ‘arm’s colour seems most jealous(13).
Great woe am I and my class here present!
This gun exhausts itself with splendid heat
And fires free onto th'students front!
Railgun explodes. All Exit hastily.
(1)-Technically, according to the SMG4 and Murder Drone Wikis, this character is named Braxton. I thought it appropriate to call him unnamed as a joke from the pilot episode references his lack of a spoken name.
(5)- Uses us to clean windows
(7)- Descendents/Heirs
(8)- Silicon City fell to the Murder Drones in 2674 AD. 
(9)- A company
(10)- Classmates panic/cower here
(11)- Annoys/Angers
(12)- Or, two points on the test/assignment.
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8 notes · View notes
hihello-pinky · 2 months
Sight (6)
Suna Rintarou x F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintaro had to learn this the hard way.
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WARNINGS: fluff, angst, explicit smut (unprotected, rough sex) -> lmk if i missed anything
Word Count: 6k+
Finally, an update! Thank you for staying with this fic despite my very slow updates. There might be 2-3 parts left before the end; depends on your answer to my question at the end of this chapter! haha (wink, wink)
Kindly reblog, like, and/or leave a comment if you loved this chapter and let me know what you think! xoxo
part one ༘⋆ part two ༘⋆ part three ༘⋆ part four ༘⋆ part five
kofi for tips 💌 ~~
˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ - - - ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚
Twenty-five days.
Suna Rintarou swears he isn’t keeping track, but his stupid brain screams the number at him. It’s been twenty-five days of torture - his mind plagued with thoughts of wanting to kiss you.
Kiss you, kiss you, kiss you, kiss you, kiss you.
He’s had the urge in the past but all of those times were out of the haze of sexual intimacy. His current dilemma, which began 25 days ago, is something else.
It had been a mundane Saturday morning. The kids were already up and engrossed in the TV show they both loved so much. Suna was in the kitchen, trying to be of help as you prepared breakfast.
The menu for that day was sunny side-ups paired with hotdogs. You were trying to show him how to perfectly crack eggs open when he moved to stand beside you to look closer. Your hand slipped, spoon cracking against the egg and he laughed. You moved to chastise him and in turn, the egg white from the cracked shell plopped against him.
With widened eyes, you gasped and then, backed with a barely contained giggle, apologized to him. The sound of your laughter was sweet and the way your eyes turned into little crescents tugged at Suna’s heart.
At that moment, he badly wanted to kiss you - to feel your laughter through your lips.
Now, he finds himself at the balcony of your bedroom, eyes turned towards the moonless sky with a lollipop in his mouth. Through the open door, he can hear the faint sound of the shower and he groans, urging his mind to not stray towards other thoughts.
He feels foolish with these emotions that you’re bringing out of him. Granted, they’re not unfamiliar, but it’s been several years since he’s had these feelings. And truth be told, Suna never thought he’d feel this way again: wanting to love someone.
He knows what he’s feeling for you is more than just platonic. But Suna is also pretty sure that he isn’t in love with you.
“Rin?” Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts. “Would you mind closing the door? The breeze is coming through.” He sees that you’re now done with your shower, robe wrapped around your body with a towel in your hand.
He bites off the remaining lollipop and chucks the stick at the small bin by the balcony. Shortly after, he joins you in the room but not before making sure the door is securely locked behind him.
The smell of your green-apple hair conditioner hits him almost immediately. It’s a scent he has ignored for years but now that he’s free from his pride to admire every little thing about you, he basks in the scent. He then makes his way to the vanity. “Do you need help drying your hair off?”
Your curious eyes meet his through the mirror and after a few slow blinks, you nod. He takes over the towel and you open a drawer to bring out the dryer.
For a few moments, your eyes watch him work with the towel, gently squeezing clumps of your hair for the last drops of water possible. Then, before passing the hair-blower to him, you say, “You’re gonna end up with cavities given all the candies and lollipops you’ve been having.”
“They’re working, though,” he replies. “I haven’t smoked in over a month.”
You smile at him. “I’m so proud of you.” And then, as if deciding on what to say next, you add, “I wish there is another alternative so you won’t have to take too much sweets.”
Maybe it’s the proud look on your face. Maybe it’s the way your lips pucker out in a cute pout. Or maybe, he’s just so tired of counting the days.
Finally, Suna says, “What about a kiss?”
The way your eyes immediately widen is almost comical. “W-what?”
Suna only laughs as he takes the hair dryer from you, the brief skin contact making you blush. He shakes his head, smiling. “Nothing.”
“Huh?” you try to turn around so you’re face to face but he places a hand on your shoulder.
“Stay still.”
“Y/N. Let’s dry your hair first, okay?”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Drying one’s hair is supposed to take around five to ten minutes only, but after Rintarou’s question, it feels like it’s taking an hour. It’s not helping that he’s standing so close to you, hands gently drying your hair, warmth radiating from his body.
Once finished, you immediately turn on the seat. “Rin.”
The question comes to the tip of your tongue but never leaves your mouth. You bite your lip instead and avoid eye contact. “N-nevermind.”
As you try to stand, Rintarou stops you. “You’re cute when you blush, did you know that?”
You don’t answer, knowing full well that his remark only made your already flushing cheeks redden even more.
Suna sighs before cupping your cheek tenderly, urging you to look at him. Once your eyes meet his, he rubs a gentle circle on your skin. “I want to kiss you.”
It feels like your heart is beating a hundred miles per minute. Did you hear him correctly? He wants to kiss you? Suna Rintarou, the man who never kissed you in the five years you’ve been married? Suna Rintarou, the man who didn’t bother to kiss you on your wedding day?
I want to kiss you.
A lot of things have changed in the past months but still, Suna manages to surprise you. You feel like a teenager navigating romance for the first time again.
Another gentle rub on your cheek brings you back to the present, where Suna is saying he wants to kiss you. “Well? Are you going to allow me to kiss you, Y/N?”
Your only response is a meek nod to which Suna shakes his head. “I want you to say it. Tell me that you want me to kiss you.”
He never once breaks eye contact as he says those words. The urge to look away is so strong, for you feel like the longer you stare into Suna’s eyes, all the emotions inside of you will break out. Burst into a bubble that would consume you. It’s going to be cool, but suffocating.
Instead, your eyes remain on him, trying to decipher if there’s any ill-intentions in them.
You only see sincerity… and pained longing. As if every minute you’re not asking him to kiss you is bringing him immense pain.
But kissing him… it’s going to be a big step in your relationship. Granted, the two of you have been sleeping with each other again. But kissing is an entire thing different from sex. You’ve never kissed during sex before. Kissing him now would mean…
Rin doesn’t speak with words, but the way his thumb grazes your cheek once more tells you that he’s waiting. Finally, you decide to pocket the fears you have about kissing him. “Kiss me, Rin.”
He exhales in relief as he leans down and the distance between your lips get smaller and smaller and smaller and you get the sweet taste of his strawberry lollipop from earlier.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Goodbye, 25 days. Suna thinks to himself that night, as you lay sleeping beside him.
It’s just a kiss, but he can’t stop himself from feeling warm at the memory of your lips against his.
It’s just a kiss, but he feels like he’s on top of the world.
It’s just a kiss, but when he finally falls asleep that night, a stupid smile is on his face.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
In the following days, Suna learns that he has found a new addiction.
Waking up in the morning? A kiss on your lips.
Thanking you after finishing a meal? A kiss on your lips.
Saying goodbye before leaving for work? A kiss on your lips.
Seeing you after arriving at home? A kiss on your lips.
It’s not just even the feeling of your lips against his that makes him addicted to it - he’s also enamored by your reaction every time you kiss.
The way your breath hitches a little as your lips meet, and the soft sigh you let out once you part almost always bring a flood of warmth to his chest.
“Are you going out today or staying home for work?” Since you’ve been getting better, you have started to resume working again.
If it were up to Suna, he wouldn’t want you to work at all. Your current job is not demanding at all, minimal reports needed. He remembers helping you get it five years ago, when you had opened up to him about the missed opportunity after your graduation. Still, he knows you enjoy what little you do at work, so he can’t ask you to leave it.
“I’ll stay in today,” he hears your response. “I’ll visit the office on Friday.”
He makes a mental note to himself. “Okay.” And then, “Do we have any plans this weekend?”
He adjusts the cuffs of his long-sleeved shirt as he hears you hum in contemplation. “Ah! Hajime invited us for Kenta’s birthday party this coming Saturday, right?”
Of course. Suna remembers the conversation two weeks before. He remembers trying to tame the jealousy brewing deep within him as the older man talked to you. He knows he has nothing to be jealous about. You’re just naturally sweet and friendly while Iwaizumi apparently started seeing someone.
“I almost forgot,” he confesses as he approaches you to where you’re lounging at the sofa. You’re currently waiting for your laptop to finish installing its update before you start work. “Do we have a gift already?”
“I actually ordered something but it’s stuck in one of the sorting hubs. If it doesn’t arrive by Friday, maybe we can drop by the mall or something?”
“Okay. I’ll go now, then. See you later.” He crosses the short distance between you, hand already cupping your face as he kisses you goodbye.
And if Suna is smiling while driving on the way to work, thinking about your goodbye kiss, then no one has to know.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Express delivery, as is turns out, do not always live up to its name. It’s now Friday and the package carrying your gift for Kenta has made no movement from the sorting hub. You’re at your table at work, waiting for Rin to pick you up after you texted him that you would need to drop by the mall first.
The children are at their grandparents since this morning and you’ll be picking them up when you and Rin go to their house for breakfast tomorrow. You look at the picture on your phone. Rintarou is splayed on the bed with the twins all over him. It’s from last weekend, when your kids had come to wake the two of you up.
Your heart is instantly flooded with warmth and joy. You didn’t think it’s going to be possible, but years later, here you are with a happy family despite of the circumstances. You couldn’t ask for more.
The notification on your phone alerts you that Rin is almost at your office building. You bid goodbye to your colleagues. As the door to the elevator begins to close, you see a woman rushing towards it. Luckily, you’re able to press the ‘hold door’ button immediately.
“Thank you,” the woman sighs in relief as she shoots you a grateful, sweet smile. She’s an unfamiliar face, which is not a surprise to you since you rarely visit the office and interact with people outside of your core department.
“No problem,” you reply while mirroring her smile, before turning your gaze ahead.
You’re about to settle on that elevator silence between strangers when the woman speaks. “For a building with over 30 floors, you’d think they have more than three working elevators.”
You hum in agreement. “The ‘under construction’ signs at the other two elevators have been there forever, right?”
“Oh, really? I wouldn’t know.” She lets out a small laugh. “I’ve only been here for two weeks. I’m in a contractual project, actually.”
The elevator doors open and you two walk out, still conversing. “Ah, may I ask what project?”
“Hitomi-chan’s passion project,” the woman replies with a smile. “I’m in-charge of photography.”
You feel foolish only noticing the camera bag slung on her left shoulder. “I see. You must be very good, then. Hitomi knows to pick partners well.”
A sweet laughter spills from her again, her cheeks blushing a little. “You’re too kind…”
“Y/N,” you reply, as you both approach the exit.
The woman extends a hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. You can call me Serin.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Serin.”
A security staff of the building approaches the two of you. “Your husband’s car just pulled up at the parking area, Mrs. Suna.”
Serin’s grasp on your handshake falters a little. “Oh, you need to go?”
“Yes. See you around the office, Serin.”
She gives you one last smile before waving goodbye. “See you around!”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
You’re only supposed to buy a gift for Kenta but two hours at the mall later, you and Suna are pushing one big cart of shopping carts each. You don’t talk as you navigate the parking space, but the exchange of smiles and grins speaks a lot.
“Why did we buy so much?” You ask as you watch Rin load the bags into the car. “We’re such impulsive buyers, oh god.”
“Hey, don’t feel bad splurging sometimes. We all deserve to spoil ourselves once in a while.”
“Is that why you bought a large fox plushie?” Your voice is laced with teasing. “I didn’t know you’re into stuffed toys.”
Suna loads the last bags before closing the door. “I bought that for you, though.” He takes your hand and leads you to the front passenger seat, opening its door. “And don’t act as if you weren’t looking at it with heart eyes when I showed it to you.”
You make yourself comfortable in the seat. “Sure.”
Suna scoffs playfully before shaking his head as he swats your hand away and puts the belt on you himself. “Okay, you’re never allowed to hold it ever, then.”
You fake gasp. “Really? Then that makes me sad.”
He leans in and kisses against the pout on your lips. “You’re so cute, Y/N,” he says once he pulls away.
“And you’re so silly, Rin.” This time, you’re the one who leans in and pecks his lips. As you’re about to pull away, you feel Suna’s hand on your head before he tries to deepen the kiss.
A small whine leaves your lips and gets swallowed by Suna immediately before he finally pulls away.
You’re breathing heavily and he’s in no better situation. His eyes have darkened and the way he looks at you makes you squirm on the seat. You avert your gaze. “L-let’s go home.”
It takes him a beat to answer. “Yeah. Okay, sure.” He pulls back, squeezes your upper thigh, and then closes the door for you. You’re still not looking at him when he gets in the driver’s seat and maneuvers the car outside of the parking lot.
Once you’re on the road, one of his hands lets go of the wheel and reaches for you blindly before landing on your thigh. It stays there for a whole minute before you remove it. You lace your fingers together and place it on your lap instead.
Suna hums in contentment as he continues to drive, but not before squeezing your hand. You don’t even notice that he’s driving at the fastest allowable speed limit.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
You’re glad that your children are at your in-laws’ house as you hear the incessant and loud creaking sound of the bed, paired with the headboard’s rhythmic slamming against the wall. Rintarou is groaning against your lips as his hips are working overtime in thrusting against yours.
“Fuck,” he whispers before capturing your lips in another frenzied kiss. “You feel so damn good, shit.” He’s heavily breathing and making lots of noise than usual.
You would have called him out for it if you were doing any better. “Ah, Rin, ah… right there.” Your words are cut off as he kisses you again.
Tonight’s sex feels different. It’s not only because it’s the first time you two are kissing during the deed. Right now, it feels as if Rintarou wants to tell you something through his actions.
His unforgiving thrusts continue, the onslaught of pleasure throughout your body unending. You already know you’re going to be sore tomorrow, but you can’t bring yourself to ask him to be less rough. He’s hitting all the right spots and all the sounds that you’re both making are only adding heat to the room.
“It feels like your pussy wants to swallow me whole.” He pulls back slightly so he can see the probably messed up and fucked out expression on your face. “I love the way it pulls me in. Fuck, you’re so tight. Feels so fucking good!”
His words bring you to an unexpected orgasm and you whine with volume. It doesn’t deter him as he continues his hips’ movements. His lips are quick to silence you as he begins to move inside of you faster.
You should probably feel embarrassed with the sloppy, wet noises that your bodies are creating but it just feels so good. Your head is empty and all your mind can do is chant his name repeatedly.
Rintarou. Rin. Rintarou. Rin. Rin. Rintarou. So good.
“Louder,” his word snaps you out of your daze. It’s when you realize that you’re now moaning his name out loud. Ironically, you feel flustered and look away from him.
His hand starts roaming around your body and settles on your left breast before he pinches on the nipple. “Look at me, I want to see you come.”
He guides your face towards him and you two meet eye-to-eye. The room feels too hot but you ignore it, trapped in your bubble of intimacy with your husband. You’re stuck with letting out little whimpers and small exclaims of “ah, ah, ah”s as Rintarou continues to move inside you.
Unlike his earlier kisses, he plants a sweet peck on the side of your lips before pulling back. “Do you feel good? Are you okay?” His voice is now soft, a stark contrast to his rough thrusts.
You can only nod before a gasp of pleasure leaves you again.
He chuckles against your lips before aiming a single hard thrust, forcing a louder moan out of you. “Am I making you feel good, Y/N?”
You nod repeatedly, hands gripping him harder. The dig of your fingers on his skin makes him groan sexily. “Fuck, answer me. Do I feel good inside you, wife?” Another well-aimed thrust.
“Y-yes, yes!” you finally let out. A sniffle. “It’s so good. More please, Rin. I need more.”
Rintarou doesn’t deny you and quickens his pace, giving you what you want.
And everything feels right. This is what things should have been. The both of you giving and taking. The both of you feeling good and taken care of. You and Rintarou. Rintarou and you. Under a happy spell.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
The last time you were at a party setting with Hajime, things didn’t end well. However, you feel like today is a good one. For starters, you don’t have the underlying pressure of making sure everything goes smoothly. And to make things better, your husband has not left your side ever since your family arrived at the venue.
Risa and Ryuu are happily playing with all the other kids while you’re at the parents’ table, making small talk with the other guests. An older couple - Hajime’s relatives, you think - comments on how you and Rin look good together.
You thank them, turning to your husband’s shoulder to hide your blush. Instead, you see him smirk teasingly, an arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
The party goes well. Food, games, gift-giving…
Hajime finally sits next to you with a small sigh, the two of you barely exchanging more than a few words within the past hour. “This is tiring but very rewarding.” He’s staring at the direction of his son. “All for Kenta’s happiness.”
As if feeling his father’s eyes on him, the boy turns to your direction and waves, a toothy grin on his face.
“You know, in his earlier years, I only felt resentment towards his mother.” Hajime’s voice is tender. He rarely talks about the mother of his son, her being a touchy subject. “But now, all I feel is gratefulness and pity. I’m thankful because without her, I wouldn’t have Kenta. I pity her, because she’s missing out so much on how wonderful and amazing my son is.”
You can’t say you truly understand what he’s feeling. Still, you acknowledge to yourself that your children do seem to be merrier ever since Rintarou joined the three of you, bonding all the time. “Did she ever try to reach out?”
Hajime shakes his head. “No. And my attempts to talk to her were all futile.” The sad look on his face passes quickly. “You know, Y/N, I never considered dating again. Not until Kenta’s much older. But I’m glad I took the leap recently. She already adores Kenta and he likes her a lot, too.”
You perk up at the mention of his new lover. “I’m glad to hear that. Speaking of, I thought she was coming today?”
“She said she’ll catch up because something came up with the project she’s working on.” Just then, a notification pings on Hajime’s phone. “And now we’ve summoned her. I’ll go meet her at the door.”
You watch as your friend eagerly makes his way through the crowd. It’s then that you decide to go on a powder room break to freshen up. On the way, you bump into your husband who’s returning from the restroom. He tucks a hair behind your ear. “You good?”
You look up at him, smiling. “Yes.” It’s crazy, really, how a simple gesture from Rintarou makes your heart flood with happiness.
He mirrors your smile, a bit of mischief laced in it. Rin leans closer to you and asks, “You’re not too sore anymore?”
Blood rushes to your face and you swat at him. “Please, don’t.”
Through his arms around your side, you feel his body shake in laughter. “Okay, okay. Don’t be a blushing mess. We’re in public, Y/N.” He pulls you closer to him and plants a quick kiss on your temple. “Let’s behave from now on.”
You murmur chastising words as events from last night come back to you.
Suna had just forced you to finish drinking a glass of water, mumbling something about you needing to re-hydrate. You’re already washed up, dressed in a pair of fluffy cotton pajamas.
“Good girl,” he murmured before placing the empty glass on the bedside table. He then propped himself up against the headboard, making sure the blankets are covering you.
The praise made you smile like a shy young girl and Rin opened his arm. You didn’t allow yourself a moment of hesitation, immediately going towards his warmth. He squeezed the side of your waist as you snuggled against him.
The post-sex bliss was still surrounding you both. “What are you thinking?”
The sound of his heartbeat was calming, and you didn’t realize it had been slowly lulling you to sleep until Rin repeated his question. It’s been happening a lot lately - him initiating conversation, wanting the two of you to build good communication.
Maybe it’s the domesticity of snuggling in bed with your husband, or the way his hand had traveled upwards to where it’s rubbing softly against your back. You weren’t exactly sure what spurred you to answer candidly. “I’m thinking that I really like you, Rin. A lot. But I guess you already knew that.”
He hummed in confirmation. You weren’t expecting anything back, you knew it’s only been a few months. But much like he’s been doing, Rintarou surprises you. “I’m thinking I’m starting to care about you. A lot. Though it may take me a lot more moments of introspection for me to truly know what I feel. But, really, Y/N, I care about you and I want you to know it, in case I haven’t been clear.”
The hesitation in his voice almost made you melt. He didn’t need to say it, to be honest. You’ve noticed it in all the ways he had been changing in the past several weeks. Trying to quit smoking, spending more time with you and your kids. Opening more communication between you two.
Still, the verbal affirmation is welcomed.
“Thank you, Rin,” you murmured sleepily against him. “For all your efforts.”
You vaguely heard him whisper the words back to you before you drifted off to sleep.
You pull back from hiding your face against your husband’s body and crane your head back. He inspects your face briefly before saying, “All good, you no longer look like a ripe tomato.”
You fake glare at him and remember where you two are. You look around and see Hajime introducing someone to his guests. Beside you, Rintarou pulls out his phone after it pings. He begins typing his reply with one hand, the other reaching for yours.
One of the things you have learned about your husband in the past months is that he can be clingy. You grasp his hand and intertwine your fingers together.
As Hajime approaches you with his new guest, your eyes widen. “Serin?”
Two distinct sounds reach your ear.
Serin’s gasp.
And the sound of a phone crashing on the floor.
Rintarou lets go of your hand as he bends down to pick his phone up.
“Y/N? What a lovely surprise. You’re friends with Hajime?” Serin is quick to give you a hug. “Such a small world!”
You smile at her and then your at friend. “This is… wow.” You turn to Rintarou who’s now back on his feet. You reach for his hand back but he puts both his hands inside his pockets.
The look on his face tells you that his phone must have experienced serious damage.
“Serin, this is my husband, Rintarou. Rin, I met Serin at work yesterday, I didn’t know she’s the girlfriend that Hajime has been talking about. This is a nice coincidence! Don’t you think so?”
The woman blinks slowly before she smiles slightly at your husband. “Nice to meet you.”
To your surprise, Rintarou ignores her extended hand. Instead, he gives her a curt nod before promptly excusing himself outside.
You mask your concern and turn apologetically to Serin and Hajime. “Um, I’m sorry about that. Maybe he’s upset about his phone.”
Serin purses her lips in a small pout. “No worries, Y/N. Let’s talk again later, I want to go to the birthday boy now.” She shoots you a dazzling smile before dragging Hajime by the hand towards Kenta’s direction.
You sigh. As much as you’re delighted that Hajime’s girlfriend is the same nice woman you met yesterday, you can’t help but worry about Rintarou.
After a quick glance at your kids who are engrossed playing with their friends, you follow your husband outside.
Rintarou is restlessly pacing back and forth and though you’re not that physically close, you can see his brows knotted in worry.
“Rin?” He pauses at your voice and looks at you with slightly wide eyes. He doesn’t offer any words.
“Are you okay?”
He blinks a few times. “Yeah.” And then, “Just needed space to breathe.”
There’s a moment of hesitation - as if he wants to say more but decides against it. He resumes his pacing and you quietly slip back inside.
The rest of the party goes relatively well and you’re glad that you’re able to spend time and converse with the other parents from the playground. Moreover, the happy giggles and wide smiles of your children filled your heart with love.
Soon enough, Rin’s earlier actions get pushed to the back of your mind.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
It wasn’t particularly a long day but as soon as you got Risa and Ryuu to fall asleep, your body starts demanding you to rest.
You barely make it through showering. Once you’re done for the night, you move to settle on your shared bed with Rintarou to see him all quiet. He’s sitting on the bed, leg impatiently tapping on the floor.
“Rin, what’s the matter?”
He looks up, your eyes meeting briefly before he turns away. “Nothing.”
In the past, you would have let it go, afraid that you’d push the wrong buttons to set him off against you. But now, given how things have changed between the two of you, you want to talk.
“You’ve been awfully quiet since we left Kenta’s party. Is something bothering you?”
It takes Rintarou a very long time to respond. When he does, it makes you think you may have misheard him.
“Sorry? What did you say?” You ask, your voice gentle despite the tremors and dread building inside you.
His response comes again, louder and clearer this time. “You.”
He looks you in the eye this time as he stands up. It’s only then that you noticed he hasn’t changed out of his clothes yet. “You. The one that’s bothering me.”
You shake your head as you begin to step closer to him. “I don’t understand.”
Rintarou scoffs. “Of course you don’t.” He swats away the hand that tries to touch him and it leaves you freeze in surprise.
He then makes his way towards the balcony. And you’re still standing there, left alone in the room, dumbfounded and confused.
Oddly enough, this feels like a deja vu.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
At the beginning of your forced marriage to Suna, you knew there was a slim chance that you two would get along. He hated you, and deep down, though you never voiced it out loud, you also resented him for taking advantage of you and getting you pregnant.
But now, looking back at the past few months, you think that your relationship might actually work. He’s no longer treating you horribly. In fact, he’d been extremely nice, getting involved in preparing for your kids’ arrival, being supportive and caring, and overall acting friendly.
For this night, you decided to cook him a simple dinner. He had texted you earlier in the day that he’d drop by Osamu’s newly-opened restaurant to give his congratulations. You had told him it’s okay if he wanted to celebrate with his friends but Rintarou insisted that he’d much rather spend the evening with you.
You knew not to get your hopes up, that he’s just being a responsible father and husband. Still, your traitorous heart beat wildly at his last message, looking forward to seeing him come home.
Four hours later, however, the dinner you prepared is cold and you’re seated alone at the living room couch. Waiting for Rintarou who never came home at the time he promised.
Your eyes were drooping, drowsiness almost winning the long battle you’ve been having against it. Finally, the door opened and Rintarou came in.
He looked utterly wasted.
You stood up in the fastest way possible for a heavily-pregnant person. “Rin, what happened? You weren’t answering my texts and calls. I was so worried.”
He looked up from tossing his shoes to the side. His hair was disheveled and his face was flushed, probably from drinking. “Fuck off.”
The words surprised you, the venom in them strong enough to make you take a step back. You were able to regain your stance nonetheless and moved closer to him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “Huh? Are you okay, Rin?”
“Don’t call me that.” He glared at you before swatting your hand away. “You ruined everything. Everything.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “What? Rin, I’m confused. What happened?”
He didn’t answer you and instead began walking towards the stairs. You were hurt and confused but you didn’t want the night to end with him ignoring you.
Being pregnant, it took you longer to arrive at your now shared room. When you opened the door, you saw that it was already a mess. Broken things everywhere, confirming your suspicions from the sounds you heard on the way to the room.
“Rintarou, stop!” You tried to tell him but he whipped so fast to face you that your feet froze on the spot. “Leave me the fuck alone! You ruined my life, my everything!”
You remained unmoving, fists clenched at the sides. “I don’t understand. Can you calm down, please?”
He grabbed an ornamental vase that you had placed on the dresser and threw it on the floor.
You stared at the flowers from your garden. Lying, broken, and mangled. “Rin, I’m getting scared. Please, let’s talk about what’s wrong?”
“You,” he finally responded. “You’re the most wrong thing in my life.”
His words felt like dagger to your heart. You couldn’t understand what was happening. Things have been going well…
“I hate your existence in my life. I hate this. I hate that I had to marry you. I hate that you’re pregnant. I hate-”
“Please don’t say that,” you begged, tears flowing down your face. “Don’t.”
Rintarou laughed emptily. It pained you to see how angry and sad he looked like. “Isn’t this what you wanted? To talk about what’s wrong? It’s you. So here’s what’s going to happen: since you’re adamant about keeping the babies, then fine, go ahead.
“But I want you to know that this marriage will only be words on a paper. Do not expect anything from me. I will never be your husband. I will never be your friend. You will never mean anything to me. I will never love you. Understood?”
You could barely see him through the stream of your tears. You wished this was just a bad dream and that you’d wake up soon.
“Answer me!” Rintarou yelled. “Do you understand?”
He kicked at the broken vase by his foot. “Now leave me the fuck alone.”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
The memory claws at your heart and you clutch at your chest. It seems like everything from the past is repeating but this time, the pain is multiplied ten-fold.
You can’t help but ask yourself as you stare at the fox plushie on your hands.
What really happened?
Can you really not be happy with Rintarou?
You lift a hand to wipe at your eyes. The other loses its grip on the toy and it drops onto the floor. You wipe your tears one more time before leaning over the bed to reach for it. It bounces against your strained grip, going further out of your reach.
It seems like the fox plush is mocking you.
You tiredly go down the bed to pick it up. However, once it’s back in your hands, you decide to just lean your back against the bed’s side instead of climbing back onto the bed.
You haven’t felt this tired in a long time. Not even during your recent fight with Rintarou months ago.
You close your eyes to fight off the tears that have resurfaced, tears that never really stopped forming in your eyes. To your dismay, you’re unable to ward them off, so you’re left crying, tears escaping your closed eyes.
And as you succumb to the darkness brought by your closed lids, you wish for the pain to be gone the moment you open your eyes.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Outside, Suna shuts the balcony door behind him before he leans against the railing. He can hear the faint sounds of your crying but wills himself to ignore them.
Instead, he stares ahead at nothing, hoping something can drown out your sounds of sorrow. He curses under his breath until he reaches into his pocket, hand clenching tightly on the item.
Not long after, with the backdrop of the dark sky devoid of moon and any stars, the tip of a lit cigarette burns bright like a blaze.
to be continued.
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I hope you liked this update hehehe. Question! Do we resolve things quickly or go down the hard path (and curse Suna along the way?) LET ME KNOW!
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added or if you changed your user): @warrior-of-justice @alisa--things @wolffmaiden @kurookinnie @simp-nerd-16  @alex-is-100 @k4g3hika @harukaaaaa172993 @themoonreflectsthesun  @lvjycrow @cantbedenied @sweetlikerockcandy @sirimiripetrichor @yamiakari-chi  @noideawhothatis @nervouscoffeetaco @lovemyfamily4ever-blog nervouscoffeetaco  kamukayakmonyet  yuqixidle ieathairs  cantbedenied  gariben  beomeomgyu  esmeisdrunk-blog  123j456l  iluv-ace  semitje @justablogforreblogs @alienvarmint @itohsi @tamimemo @mshope16 @jeonsfizz @syndyj @susuarin @ssc7514 @tkooooop @lialoveskaisersomuch @dilucsleftshoelace @bakingcuriosity @appepel @arusio
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Requesting more dom!peter 😮‍💨🥵
𝗔/N: Your request is my command! (especially since I've been searching for more dom!Peter fics myself and have been failing so I might as well do it my damn self!) Also, yeah, it's been a damn long time lmao. I planned to finish up and release this like 4 months ago. Then a whole bunch of bad shit happened and I kinda gave up on writing for a little bit (outside of school cause I need that damn Bachelor's degree) BUT I've slowly started reading again and that bled into me opening up my drafts and finding this and spending some time with it. If you couldn't tell I had a shit ton of fun with this one...so feel free to check my newly updated Masterlist and request guidelines and send me more requests! The more I get, the more I'm gonna force myself to actually write them. (If you already sent one just know I’m working on it I promise)
𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 | 𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗺!𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿
(heavily inspired by the song with the same title by Adele.) It came up in my shuffle and when I started listening to the lyrics it was just too perfect.
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he's so fucking pretty aghhhh (gif not mine)
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Tasm!Peter Parker x Vigilante!Fem reader
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 5.6k+ (This is my big comeback so I might as well feed yall)
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: You and Peter have been broken up for about 3 years, but when an impromptu visit to your apartment takes a turn...that may no longer be the case...
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 (𝟭𝟴+ 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗡𝗜): SMUT!, lil bit of angst at the end (ex to lovers so ofc), minimal use of y/n, P*rn-with-plot, Reader and Peter are FERAL for each other because of their powers (enhanced senses and all that), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you fuck her silly), a lil possessive Peter, oral (r receiving), fingering, praise kink, Peter using his webs to restrain reader (pre-consented ofc), dom!Peter, sub!Reader (bratty at first tho), pet names (sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, angel), choking, rough sex, brief spanking, other positions, creampie, etc...
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The remaining sunlight of the evening bled through your wide studio apartment windows as you finished folding what was left of your newly washed laundry. The plan for the rest of the evening was simple;
Drink two bottles of wine (knowing that your enhanced metabolism would sober the effects), catch up on a few missing assignments to keep your NYU professors off your ass, then jump into your suit and go patrolling.
It was a familiar routine.
Or at least, it had been...since he left.
Your relationship with him ended during your first year of college. To say it hurt like hell would be an immense understatement.
What hurt the most was the fact that you both gave everything you had to make it work...but long distance can be a bitch.
On that warm Saturday night in May, your ex-boyfriend received a call informing him that he had been accepted into a very prestigious engineering program (with a full-ride scholarship attached) all the way in California.
You applied for the very same program, so you knew just how big of an opportunity it would be. And, in good faith, you pushed him to take the offer.
You both insisted, "we'll make it work," and "we'll video chat and text every day. It'll be fine!"
What a load of horseshit.
It took 6 months for you to both arrive at the conclusion that you couldn't juggle your individual academic loads, your nighttime hero personas, AND a long-distance relationship all at the same time. A three-hour time difference didn't help matters either.
It took a while, but you eventually moved on. You kept your grades up, went on a few dates here and there, and even managed to convince yourself that you were doing fine without him.
*knock knock knock*
Your head peeked out from the fridge to look where you heard the strong yet hesitant knocks on your front door.
Only a handful of people knew where you lived and you weren't expecting to see any of them today.
Assuming it would be a postal worker or someone along those lines, you swung open the door with a polite smile.
You felt your voice die in your throat as you locked eyes with the deep brown ones you hadn't seen in three years.
"Peter," his name fell from your lips, barely audible.
"Hi, Y/N," he replied with that awkward grin you knew all too well.
His hair was shorter than the last time you saw him, but from the tight fit of his jacket, you could see that was about the only thing about him that shrunk.
You wanted to actually hit yourself in the head for actually imagining yourself doing many things to his large...meaty...biceps- NO, no, no, no get a grip! a voice of logic sounded in your mind.
You hadn't realized how long you stood there silently sizing him up until he spoke again. "Can I...uh...come in, maybe?"
"Umm...sure," you nervously answered, finally taking note of the small cardboard box he was holding.
As you stepped aside to allow him entrance into your apartment, his familiar scent invaded your sensitive senses.
"Oh God," you muttered under your breath, knowing that he heard you, yet unaware that your scent had basically the same effect on him as well.
"You alright?" he turned and asked you in concern trying to hide the tightening of his jeans with the box he brought.
You nodded way too fast, promptly putting some distance between yourself and him. He hadn't been there for longer than 5 seconds and he was already having an effect on you.
"How've you been?" he questioned you, scratching his neck and actively avoiding eye contact. Unbeknownst to you, he was currently repeating every physics law he could remember in his mind to try to quell his growing erection.
It wasn't working very well.
"I've been fine. You?" you quickly spoke, slightly out of breath.
"I-uh-I'm alright," he shook his head with a tight-lipped smile.
He soon found himself just looking at you. It wasn't a blank stare, no, it was the sort of intense look you unintentionally gave someone when trying to commit every single feature to memory as if you weren't certain when you'd get another chance to.
It was a habit of his you noticed a lot when you were dating. And just as it did back then, it sent chills running rampant down your spine. Not to mention your nipples growing obviously hard behind your large shirt with no bra to hide it.
Peter noticed it immediately and fought back a smile, which you glimpsed.
"Why are you here, Peter?" you decided to get down to business before your body betrays you any further.
The brunette let the question hang in the air for a few seconds before actually coming up with an answer. "I wanted to drop these off," he placed the small box on your kitchen counter.
Your eyes immediately narrowed. "You could have mailed it. Or you could've just dropped it at the door and then left. So why are you really here Peter?" you would have felt worse about your tone if you weren't so bothered.
Why the hell did he feel the need to suddenly show up and make you start feeling things you swore you wouldn't feel for him again?
Peter took a deep breath. "Aunt May called me last week. She's not doing too good. So, I came back to help take care of her."
You felt your stomach sink at his words. While you both dated, May grew to be like a second mother to you. You had no idea she was sick.
"Oh shit Peter-I'm so sorry," you crossed the room to engulf him in a hug, despite your initial reaction to his visit.
Peter immediately accepted your hug and found the anxiety in his body dissipating soon after. Your hugs tended to have that effect on him.
He couldn't stop himself from deeply inhaling and drawing in your hair's familiar scent when he wrapped his hands around your clothed waist.
A few seconds passed before you released each other, with you also savoring the feel of his body against you and the way how your skin lit up with goosebumps though there was a thin layer of clothing separating his hands from you.
"I was just cleaning up my old room at May's and I found some of your stuff so I figured I'd drop by and..."
You nodded in understanding and walked over to where he placed the box.
It was mostly filled with old t-shirts, tools, and gadgets from days when you would sleep over at Peter's or stop by to help each other with school projects.
"Thanks," you sent him a smile as you closed the box.
Your smile warmed Peter's heart. It was actually his second favorite thing about you, after your hugs of course. "Yeah, you're welcome," he smiled back, running his hand through his hair. It was a mess by now, but you still wanted to run your hands through it…or maybe even pull on it-
"Sorting through some of this stuff made me realize how much I...missed you," he said, his tone growing more assured.
Thankfully, you were still facing away from him, not giving him the chance to catch the pained expression that briefly crossed your face.
But you could feel him slowly approaching your frozen figure and found your body silently reacting in ways it shouldn't be, yet again. "Do you miss me?" he asked, his voice heavy.
You held back the urge to scream "Yes!" because admitting that out loud would be taking 3 steps backward.
Admitting that you missed him would be undoing all the work and tears you put into moving on from him and the hopes and dreams you had for a life with him.
Admitting that you missed him would mean giving in to the part of you that thought back to your most intimate moments with him when you touched yourself.
And admitting that you missed him would mean letting him back into the four-cornered box you had locked yourself in for the past 3 years.
But, with every step closer that he took, your resolve disappeared that much faster.
"You okay?" he called for your attention.
Your sharp intake of oxygen brought a tense silence over the room when you turned to face him and realized that he stood close enough for your lips to nearly brush his.
"Peter, I-" you tried to form words, but then you saw his lust-filled brown eyes lower to your lips.
And that was all it took for the last of your self-control to disappear.
"Damn it," you mumbled once you realized what was about to happen.
Before Peter could question your outburst, you found yourself latching onto his jacket lapels and pulling him down to meet your lips.
It took mere milliseconds for Peter to react. After all, he had been thinking about doing this since you swung open the door and looked up at him with those eyes of yours.
His large calloused hands took hold of the sides of your face as you clashed in a heap of teeth and tongue. It was desperate and feverish but it was perfect.
It was a language only you and Peter seemed to master, even now after three years apart.
Your lips moved swiftly against his, eager to taste more and more of him with each passing second. You felt him press his growing bulge flush against you, causing a pathetic whine to involuntarily tumble from your lips and a smirk to find its way onto his.
"I did miss you," you softly spoke, "but we can't do this Peter," the logical part of your brain made an appearance, though you kept peppering his lips with kisses.
As his lips moved to your neck, Peter's hands slid down to your ass where he effortlessly lifted your legs off the ground and up around his waist. The feeling of his hands against the bare skin of your thighs garnered yet another moan from you.
"You don't sound so sure angel," you felt him smirk against your heated skin.
You hadn’t heard that nickname in years yet it sent small chills down your spine for the second time that night.
A mumbled curse slipped your lips when he nipped a particular spot below your ear. That was definitely gonna leave a mark.
You soon gathered the strength to pull Peter's hungry lips away from your body, swinging your arms around his neck to hold yourself up.
"We can’t go back from this, you know that right?" you spoke, the both of you panting from the effects of the last minute.
"I don't wanna go back," Peter shook his head, "I wanna fuck you, right here, right now," his lips immediately found yours before his words could fully resonate.
This caught you by surprise which allowed Peter to slip his tongue between your lips.
As his taste continued to flood your senses, you felt yourself grow alarmingly wet.
Peter knew it too because he slowly pulled back and smirked down at you. "I could smell you from the moment I walked in here. Glad to see three years hasn't changed the way your body reacts to me, angel," he accompanied his words with a quick slap to your ass.
His slap and the familiar pet name left you a moaning mess. Just like he knew it would.
A lovely laugh left Peter's mouth before his lips met yours again.
He walked your entangled bodies over to the kitchen counter without breaking the sloppy kiss.
Peter used one hand to blindly clear the counter and place you on it, which sent your box of things flying toward the floor.
Not that either of you cared.
"Too much clothes," you were barely able to say in between kisses.
You followed up by shoving Peter's jacket off his shoulders which fell to your hardwood floors with a thud. He immediately got the message and got rid of his t-shirt as well.
A shameless whimper left your lips at the sight of his very toned muscles. You easily maneuvered Peter's body closer to you and began kissing and sucking his neck and every other available inch of skin just as you had pictured earlier, making sure to leave a few purple bruises in your wake.
“You’re killing me here baby,” Peter harshly swallowed, his eyes sliding closed as you continued to have your way with his chest.
"Wouldn't be a terrible way to die though, right?" you mumbled between lovebites and licks. You felt like an animal in heat but you just couldn't get enough of him, the occasional flex of his muscles with each slither of your tongue and his deep groans only egging you on more.
The taste of his skin alone could've made you cum easily.
But the same could be said for Peter as the feel of your tongue slithering all along his chest had him practically creaming his pants then and there.
Fucking enhanced senses, he cursed inwardly.
“Alright, ease up pretty girl,” he reluctantly grabbed your head, detaching your swollen lips from his body.
“Your turn,” he tugged at the hem of your top.
You quickly pulled off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing to reveal your bare top half to him.
He spared no time in cupping your breasts with his eager hands. "Fuck, I missed you so much," he mumbled.
"Me, or my boobs?" you jokingly raised a brow at him.
"Definitely both," he grinned, bringing his mouth down to your tits.
As his tongue made contact with the soft mounds, you loudly moaned and wrapped your fingers in his unruly tangle of hair.
He switched between nipping and sucking on your nipples, in the way he knew you liked, while his free hand pinched and squeezed the other.
"Just like that Peter fuck-" hearing his name fall from your lips drove Peter insane.
His tongue flicked your sensitive nipples harder, and his eager sucking pleased you to no end.
Peter eventually pried himself away from your supple breasts, remembering the other parts of you he wanted to worship, and brought his hands to rest on the sides of your head. Your lips connected once more in a delicate kiss.
Though you knew what lay ahead for the evening, you were both perfectly content with each other's lips at the moment, just enjoying the constant waves of pleasure from the intimate contact.
But it wasn't long before the kiss grew heated and you tried to take control. Peter, however, wasn't giving you a chance.
"I leave for three years and you think you're hot shit, huh," he smirked.
"Why don't you ask the guy I fucked on this counter last week," you retorted, knowingly riling him up.
"Don't say shit like that, it's not funny," he nearly growled as his grip on your ass grew more forceful.
You secured your grip on his hair before pressing a small kiss on the side of his lips. "Gimme a reason to shut up then," you challenged him.
“Trust me, I will,” Peter grabbed your hands from his hair and forced them to your sides. His movements were swift as he laid you flat on your counter and ripped your thong off your body.
There he is, you smiled to yourself. This is the Peter you wanted to fucking ruin you.
You felt his face ghost your drenched opening as he deeply inhaled your scent. "You smell fucking delicious baby," he praised you, his mouth actually watering at the thought of tasting you.
A genuine smile found its way onto your face but morphed into a gasp when Peter teasingly ran his tongue up your sensitive slit.
"You taste even better," he added, using his strong arms to bring your thighs closer to his head. He wanted to tease you but it was getting harder to resist the urge to dive right into your heat like a man starved.
"Holy shit," you all but screamed as he briefly nipped at your swollen clit before sucking on it to soothe the sting.
His grip on your thighs combined with the ministrations of his tongue was pure bliss.
You attempted to slip your hands in his hair once more, but found that they were suddenly held in place against your counter by two of his webs.
Your eyes briefly widened at the feel of the rough, sticky material against your wrists, not having felt it in a few years. Back then, you expressed to Peter your desire to engage in some bondage, but being the daughter of a super soldier, it was clear that no rope or wire would be able to hold you. Peter's webs became the next best choice.
"That's not fair," you pouted, though it melded into a moan as Peter continued to suck and lick between your glistening folds.
The sounds of Peter devouring you resounded through the small apartment.
"I'm close Pete," you whined, your chest heaving in arousal.
Peter decided to focus his tongue on your eager bundle of nerves while he slowly inserted two fingers into your pussy. He instantly curled the digits causing you to briefly squirm at the sudden pressure against your G-spot.
"More," you begged, and Peter delivered, adding another finger inside of you. He immediately sped up his motion inside of you, making sure his fingers gauged that spongy spot to drive you over the edge with each thrust inside of you.
“That feels so fucking good, Peter, oh my God," you loudly moaned at the feeling of his fingers inside of you, calling forth an orgasm with no warning.
You repeatedly bucked against Peter's face as you came, white-hot pleasure filling your veins. Peter locked onto your stare, still skillfully working his fingers in and out of you, loving the way you constantly clenched around his fingers.
"Jesus fucking Christ," your legs jerked when Peter dove in and drank every ounce of slick you had to give while still fucking you with his fingers.
With his face now damp of your juices, Peter looked up to meet your blissed-out eyes. "Gimme one more, angel," he placed a soft kiss on your thighs, "I know you can do it for me."
You would do anything to keep Peter's mouth between your legs.
So, you eagerly nodded in response before taking a deep breath in preparation for another onslaught.
You didn't have to wait long.
Peter’s tongue went to work on your glistening hole while his fingers fiddled with your overstimulated clit. And, within minutes, your thighs were trapping Peter's head as an even bigger orgasm rocked you again, the borderline pornographic sounds leaving your lips shooting straight to his hardened cock.
Peter seemed perfectly fine with staying between your legs all night, but you had other plans.
"Pete, I need you inside me," you begged, tears of pleasure leaking from your eyes.
He rose from beneath you and climbed up to free your hands from his webs. "I know, baby, I know," he softly replied, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and using his hands to soothe your reddened wrists. Your own taste on his tongue flooded your senses which made you even more desperate.
Peter obliged, slipping out of his sweatpants and sliding his girth between your folds. He used one hand to hold himself up above you on the counter, and the other to slowly guide his dick into you.
You both shared a long moan as he buried himself to the hilt inside your pussy, your wetness making it way too easy.
He held still for a few seconds, waiting for you to adjust and give the all clear for him to move.
Eagerness guided your words. “Fuck me, please.”
Peter set a brutal pace, knowing you were more than capable of handling it. Satisfied cries left your chest as you dragged your nails along Peter’s back, hard enough to leave trails.
“You can take it, pretty girl, I know you can,” he groaned as he continued to pound into you, trying desperately not to blow his load with the way you were constantly clenching around him and marking his back.
You tried to reply, but all that you could form were sloppy moans and broken syllables.
“Oh look at you, drunk on my cock already?” he teased with a particularly hard slam that prodded your cervix, “I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
Pleasure-filled cries mingled with words continued to fall from your lips as Peter gently moved a few fallen strands of hair behind your ear with a hand. "-feels so fucking perfect," you muttered, your lips curved into a drunken smile.
Peter reached down and pinched one of your nipples, gaining a loud whimper from you. “I love hearing you make those pretty sounds for me baby,” his strokes grew harder and deeper.
“All for you, Pete, all for you,” you panted as he fucked into you, the delicious smell and sound of sex lingering in the air.
Peter used a hand to wrap around your throat before using the other to reach down and fiddle with your aching clit.
The combination of Peter’s dick hitting that perfect spot, his fingers massaging your clit, and the lack of air from his hand around your neck was making you dizzy and overstimulated.
You fucking loved it.
“God, I missed you,” you spoke breathlessly.
He moved closer to kiss you briefly and tenderly. “I missed you too, baby.”
No amount of time could take away his knowledge on how to please you, how to get you like this with ease, not when you were all he thought about for years on end.
Peter pressed a quick kiss to your forehead then continued to fuck you on your kitchen counter.
"I'm gonna cum again baby, right fucking there," you moaned out.
Peter's grip on your neck grew tighter. "Not yet, don't you cum until I tell you to sweetheart," he commanded you, removing his fingers from your clit.
A frustrated groan rumbled in your chest as you forced yourself to sustain your orgasm.
"Don't pout," he smirked.
And before you could realize it, Peter had pulled out of you and effortlessly flipped you onto your stomach.
A hand soon gripped your hair, yanking you up against his chest and eliciting a pitiful whine from you.
"Tell me what you want,” Peter commanded, using his free hand to strike your ass. Hard.
You whimpered again at the sting of his slap. “I need you inside me. Please,” you pleaded.
He seized your hair harsher and leaned forward for his lips to graze against your ears. “Beg.”
A small whine left your lips at his words. You were so desperate you didn’t even care how embarrassing this would be in retrospect. “I need to cum, Peter. Please baby you're the only one who can make me cum.”
Peter pressed a kiss to your neck, nearly causing you to lose your footing. And he soon complied by ramming himself back into you.
“Oh my Fuck-“ you cried before biting your lip, suddenly aware that you had neighbors.
But Peter pulled his cock from your heat, with just the tip remaining, before roughly slamming into you, his hips slamming against your ass with the motion. “Come on, lemme hear you angel.”
He repeated the action, knocking the air out of your chest, “Peter!” your hands gripped the sides of your counter with such force you were sure you felt it crack under your grasp.
Peter caught wind of this and freed your hair before using his hands to pull your hands behind your back. "You're so perfect baby," he mumbled in your ear, continuing to brutally fuck you from behind, "So fucking beautiful with my cock inside you."
"I can't hold it anymore," you cried, "I need to cum, Peter, please."
With that whiny tone and those overstimulated tears to top it off, Peter couldn't deny you any longer. "Let it all out for me sweetheart. Cum for me," he littered your shoulders with kisses.
Your eyes slammed shut as your walls contracted around his cock, pleasure shooting through you and rocking you on a seemingly cellular level. Your mouth opened in a silent moan, unable to form a sound from the satisfied tremors attacking your nerves. The intensity of your finish is one only brought on when Peter fucked you and it was damn near cosmic.
"Shit," you groaned in relief, your long-awaited climax passing.
Peter slowed his movements inside of you and released your hands. "You did so good for me angel," he pushed your hair aside and kissed your neck, trying to stave off his own orgasm for a little while longer.
Aftershocks rocked your body while Peter continued sporadically moving inside of you, yet you couldn't get enough. Your body was more than ready to keep taking whatever he dished out.
Peter didn't need to read your mind to see that, but he needed to make sure. His lips kept up their onslaught on your neck as he softly spoke, "You wanna keep going?"
"Hell yes," you panted with a grin that he couldn't fully see, "You still haven't cum yet, and my bed is still fully made."
Happy with your response, Peter gave your ass a sharp smack. "That's my girl."
He pulled out of you and turned your body to face him, smiling at the sight of your fucked out face. "Three orgasms and a handful of tears later and you're still the most beautiful girl in the world," he held you by the sides of your face.
His words left you reeling, causing a slight blush to dust your cheeks and butterflies to swirl within your stomach.
Before you could form a response, Peter leaned down to kiss you. He soon hoisted up your legs around his waist, preparing to escort you to your bed as per your own demands.
As he looked around for the bed's location, you took advantage of his momentary distraction and latched your lips onto his neck, reapplying the bruises you left there that were slowly fading already.
Peter was the happiest man on earth as he walked over to your bed, his cock prodding your soaked entrance, and your lips ravaging his neck.
He carefully sat on the edge of your bed, with you now on his lap and your legs still around him. You expected him to ease his length back into you but he slowly brought your head down to meet his intense stare.
You carefully wrapped your hands around his shoulders to keep yourself up, the silence in the room growing deafening.
You could tell from his eyes that he desperately wanted to say something, and you wondered if it was the same thing you had been considering as well.
But you were both aware of what saying those words would mean for your broken relationship and simply settled for smiles instead.
Peter brought a hand up to lay your forehead against his, allowing your breathing to momentarily sync.
"You ready for me?" he questioned you with a hand at the nape of your neck to hold your head against his.
You immediately nodded in response causing his own head to shake in time with yours. A small laugh was shared between you both as your nose continued to brush his own.
"You're adorable," you said before you could stop yourself.
That stupid full-toothed grin that you hadn't seen in a while soon spread across his beautiful face at your words, gaining another laugh from you.
"Last round?” you eventually pleaded with a smile.
"Anything for you," Peter replied, meaning it in every way. Adoration littered his stare as he slowly lowered you onto his length.
A satisfied mewl slipped your lips at the familiar feel of him.
The slow drag of his cock in and out of you, while he rocked your hips back and forth to grind on him, had your bottom lip sucked between your teeth with eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure.
But Peter wanted to see it all. He wrapped a hand around your neck and forced you to meet his dilated eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, baby.”
His soft yet stern tone caused you to swallow back a moan as you continued to move on his girth.
He then slapped your ass with his free hand, silently urging you to move faster.
You leaned down and quickly kissed his lips before happily obliging, now beginning to bounce in his lap, chasing your next climax.
“There you go angel, just like that,” Peter’s stare never wavered.
Peter furiously fucked up into you, your moans and the constant smack of skin on skin filling the apartment.
His other hand which never left your throat now squeezed it harder. “Fuck!” You were barely able to moan out as your breasts bounced with your every move.
“Shit, you’re gripping me like a vice,” Peter groaned, his crude pace never faltering though his orgasm was closer than ever.
Your bed creaked under the onslaught of your bodies, but neither of you payed it any attention only having one goal in mind.
“One more time,” Peter planted his feet on the ground to get a better angle, "Need you to cum on my cock one more time."
But from the broken pacing of his hips to the strong furrow of his brow, you could tell he was close too. “Together?” You breathlessly suggested, grasping the nape of his neck with your hands.
Peter nodded in agreement before engulfing your chest and back with his arms, pulling you closer to his body.
Your breaths mingled, eyes focused on nothing except each other as his grip on your upper body allowed him to help you ride him even faster.
"Yes, Pete, oh my God-" pleas, curses, and moans tumbled from your lips as your skin buzzed at your incoming release.
"There you go, cum for me," Peter's voice grew strangled as his hips stuttered below you.
"Fuck," you wailed, your finish hitting you like a freight train and your pussy leaking into Peter's length.
The intense clench of your walls around him was all it took for Peter to explode with a groan, his pace faltering with that final pump.
"Holy shit baby," he panted, his cum painting your walls in spurts.
His firm hold on your body brought you collapsing on your bed together, satisfied and smiling.
And, for what felt like hours, you lay there in his arms. But of course, your thoughts began to run rampant.
Peter could damn near hear your thoughts spiraling.
"I don't regret this," he suddenly broke the silence you had elapsed into, "Do you?"
"Peter I-...I don't know," you freed yourself from his hold and sat up to look at him.
His brows furrowed at your response, hurt briefly flashing across his features.
"I loved you," you spoke, "I loved you more than anything."
"I know. I loved you too," Peter nodded with a small smile.
"And I will never blame you for leaving. Ever," you slipped a hand in his own and squeezed briefly.
Your eyes stung with tears threatening to fall. "What happened to us, it damn near destroyed me, Peter. And it took so so long to put myself back together."
Peter swallowed harshly at your words.
"And then here you come, waltzing in here, fucking my brains out and making me feel things," you lowered your head, looking away from him.
You heard Peter move closer to you before feeling him lift your chin to face him again. His expression wasn't as disappointed as you'd expected, just confused. "Spit it out. I know you're holding something back."
"Why'd you come back here and-and do all this? Reminding me of what we had when you know you're gonna be gone again in the next few weeks?" you felt your voice shrink to a broken whisper.
Peter used his thumb to wipe away a lone tear that fell from your eye, his previously puzzled look now morphing into a smirk. There was obviously something he wasn't telling you.
You sniffled and lightly hit Peter's shoulder. "Well, now it's your turn bug face, spit out whatever you're hiding!"
You received no answer other than Peter leaning forward and pressing a deep kiss against your lips. You eagerly accepted and returned the spontaneous action but were left even more confused when he pulled away.
"That wasn't an answer," you arched a brow at Peter.
"I'm not going anywhere," he smiled.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I'm moving back to New York, or already moved, technically," he began to explain.
Your mouth opened and closed in shock as your brain fumbled for a response and came up inconclusive.
"I'm gonna finish out the school year online and stay here to take care of Aunt May. I mean it, baby, I'm not going anywhere," he grinned, watching tears of joy fall from your eyes.
"This better not be some sick fucking joke Peter, I swear to God," you pointed a finger at him accusingly.
"Can you shut up and just come here?"
You couldn't help but laugh as you obliged and grabbed Peter's neck before pulling him in for another kiss, your face still wet from tears and a smile almost permanently etched onto your face.
You pulled away but sank into his open arms. You relished how securely he held you. "I'm so happy," you said aloud, truly meaning it for the first time in a long time, though it was only meant to be an inner thought.
Peter kissed your forehead and looked down to meet your eyes, "I'll never stop making you happy, Y/N."
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sen-ya · 5 months
Sen's Important Info Post
Post & links last updated 8/30/24
Hey I'm Sen and I draw One Piece literally every day! I try to update this post & my databases at least twice a month. Between updates, I recommend using the tags "my art" or "life after" on my blog depending on what you're looking for. Below the cut is information on the different AUs & serializations I've got going on right now :^)
Important Links
[How to use Airtable]
[Sen's Digital Comic Book] - a comprehensive database of every comic I've made!
[Life After Digital Comic Book] - a database of every page of Life After
[See Comics Early on Ko-Fi!]
[Life After Info Post]
Posting Schedule
Sunday - Misc/asks
Monday - Life After
Tuesday - Band AU
Wednesday - Life After
Thursday - Serialized Comics (current: Family AU//Forgetful)
Friday - Life After
Saturday - Misc/asks
Universe: Main Timeline
Comics that belong to this timeline are meant to follow through the events of canon, many of them were written while I was actively reading and didn't know what would happen next! Every comic that receives this tag happens in the same universe, so they may refer to each other in both plot-important and not important ways. These comics are largely LuLaw but include sprinkles of Heart Pirates (in general and as family), ZoSan, and general shenanigans.
Getting Together - Will they/won't they? They will, but they're gonna be stupid about it. Anything tagged into this series you can assume they haven't established that they're romantically interested in each other.
Established LuLaw - Two idiots in love. Anything tagged with this series you can assume they're together. They may not refer to each other as "boyfriend" or "partner" but whatever it is that's going on is clear to the two of them and that's what matters.
Law Loses - Most comics in this series deal with the aftermath of Winner Island. Law feels like a curse.
Goofs Only - These comics don't require serialization. They're just some good fun. If they include LawLu/LuLaw, they'll also be tagged as either "Getting Together" or "Established" so you have context for their reactions.
The Heart Bros - Law, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi found each other as kids. Comics in this series act as glimpses into their time growing up and other brotherly interactions. This is noncompliant with the Law novel. Once they form the Heart Pirates, they consider each other brothers.
ZoSan - I don't draw these two a lot anymore, so this series is just a general ZoSan category!
Heart Pirate Shenanigans - I went all in on Heart Pirates Week 2024 and wrote a bunch of comics about the various crew members! Leaving this as an open series for when I inevitably fall down another Heart Pirate rabbit hole.
Universe: Older/Family AU
Comics that belong to this timeline are meant to follow through the events of canon, many of them were written while I was actively reading and didn't know what would happen next! Every comic that receives this tag happens in the same universe, so they may refer to each other in both plot-importanComics in this universe take place anywhere from 7 - 30 years post canon. Mostly LuLaw with sprinkles of other shenanigans. You can assume events from the main timeline are canon in this AU.
Accidents Happen - Law gets a cold and stops running a few effects that he'd taken for granted.
Getting Married - Did you know if two pirate captains want to get married, they can just say they're married?
Extras - This series is for posts that offer context/additional information about what's going on in the AU
Family Fluff - These are a series of comics where the focus is on Law and/or Luffy as a parent.
Forgetful - Law gets hit by a devil fruit that makes him forget everything that's happened since just before Marineford.
Get back to it - After spending some time on Zou in Rocy's first 18 months, it's time for Luffy & Law to get back to pirating.
Universe: The Worst Timeline
Comics in this universe branch off of the main timeline around Whole Cake/early Wano. These comics may refer to earlier 'main timeline' events, but what happens in them is so terrible I've refused to make them part of my own personal canon. Sometimes it's just too temping to make them suffer :^)
Rightfully Worried - This series is an AU in which Luffy gets the absolute shit kicked out of him in Whole Cake and when he arrives on Wano Law has to save his life. It's not the first time he's performed surgery on him, but it is the first time he's had to since he's cared so much about his patient.
The Worst Wake-Up Call - During an intense battle, Law makes a decision. The ones who love him deal with the aftermath.
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autismprotocol · 6 months
TMAGP Theory Board ( EP 10)
Hi guys sorry for the late post I ended up drawing a lot for this update especially because it's the last one before the hiatus so wanted to give it a little more pizazz :D
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What Happened in Episode 10: Saturday Night
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Interview with Nigel Dickerson. The inccident report this week was all about Mr Bonzo. If you remember from last episode Nigel is the famous tv personality who created the character of Mr Bonzo. During this interview he recounts the rise and fall of Bonzo while being ominous and on edge the whole time. what I gathered from the interveiw is that Bonzo is either trapping Nigel or Bonzo and Nigel are linked somehow. (when he say "he won't let me leave" and refers to himself as "us") we also learn about the murders that are connected to the Bonzo suit, first by the serial killer Terrance Menki and very recently 3 unsolved murders. Nigel also mentioned that the actors who wore the Bonzo suit would be prone to injuries on set which is also really stange. Could be they were used as Bonzo's victims near his begining
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Gwen meets Mr Bonzo. The other section of the episode dealing with Bonzo is when Gwen goes to Nigel's house on her first assignment as the Externals Liason. So turns out Bonzo is maybe a hitman for the OIAR! Also, big thing Mr Bonzo is atually alive and is introduced with some kind of practice almost resembling a ritual. I heard somone mention they think Bonzo is an avatar of the Stranger and I can definitely see this. I'd love to hear if anyone else has a theory for what entity Bonzo may be connected to.
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The Return of Colin. Colin isn't dead!! Shocking absolutley everyone Colin is still kicking. a few episodes ago he was sent on mental health leave by Lena after his parnoia caused him to mentally snap. Celia sees him while on break and they have a short convorsation. Colin tells Celia that he need to figure out the computers. also big thing Colin is back without the permission of Lena. It will be interesting to see what hes looking for and if he'll continue to sneak behind Lena's back.
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Sam and Alice's Adventures into the Institute. Probaly the biggest development lore-wise was Sams and Alice investigating the ruins of the Magnus Institute. They don't find much (but I'm still am gonna talk about it for awhile) Alice mentions that there were weird carvings in the floor which she later equates to the worms on the ground. If you are a Archives listener hearing about worms in the archives starts seting off all kinds of alarms. This means in this universe the Jane Prentiss attack still happens, which is especcially iteresting because If I'm not mistaken in TMA the worm attack happened spesiffically to mark Jon with the corruption. Was Jon ever part of the institute? or if not Jon there must have been an archivist role in this Magnus Institute that would require Jane to attack it.
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ERROR and the Tape Recorders so far in protocol we have been listening to the characters through either the computers or though their phones. But during the last few minutes we here the click of a tape recorder. and TMA fans around the world rejoiced. The magnus archives is entirley told through tape recordings and are a tool used by the web (spesifically the avatar Annabelle Cane) does this mean Annabelle made it to this universe? or it could also signal the presense of Jon (since the tape recorders are linked to him) Alice and Sam investigate the archivist office looking for a place for the key when the floor collapes and Sam drops the key. After some Sam and Alice banter, they leave but the recorder stays running we then hear the scraping sound and some shutterd breathing. This is when I highly suggest going through the transcript after listening to an episode becuase they specifically what were hearing and who is breathing.
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I included the snippet from the transcript that pinpoints every not verbal sound we hear
water from the pit under the archives is disturbed
thud on wood then a rattle of a padlock
Key being dragged across the wood then fumbled into a lock that clicks open
trapdoor opens and ERROR imerges
ERROR takes 3 breaths
ERROR has been used before for redacting the roles played by Johnny, Alex and Tim (aka the voices of FR3-d1) during the cast anouncements for protocol. This makes me think that ERROR must be someone from the Archives universe my running theory is that it is a entity that houses Jon, Martin and Jonah's souls or consiounous. but It could literally be anyone. I'm also thinking ERROR has been locked in the tunnels under the archives (Mentioned in TMA)
And thats about Everything! plese let me know your thoughts or if you wanna correct me on any mistakes :)
Also I would love to know if you guys would prefer this style of post where I illustrate moments and scenes from each episode? it would probably delay when I'm able to post the breakdowns but I'd love to know if you guys perfer that format over the less illustrated one.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: i'm going to say it on every chapter. READ THE WARNINGS ON CHAPTER 1!!!!!
Also, I am officially opening up a tag list for readers who are interested in updates. If you are interested, either respond to a chapter, DM me, or send an ask and I will add you to the list.
I'm eventually going to make a masterlist for this fic, but that won't be until it's completely finished.
Taglist: @phsycochan
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Chapter 4
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Saturday morning.
Law was woken up at 3:30 AM from his hospital pager calling him in as quickly as possible for an active aortic aneurysm.  You had woken up from how quickly he jumped out of bed, but fell back asleep just as rapidly, getting to sleep in as you had weekends off.  When you did wake up, however, you were nervous.
You were tracking.  
You were supposed to get your period 10 days ago.
Bepo didn’t seem to need to go out that urgently, so you quickly fed him before retreating to the bathroom, digging through the medicine drawers for your abundance of at-home pregnancy tests that Law insisted on keeping.  Your hands were shaking as you unboxed the familiar white stick before performing the test.
You washed your hands and waited for the test to come back.
You wanted to leave and make yourself breakfast, anything to distract you from the turmoil of waiting, but your feet simply refused to move from their spot.  The only sound in your head was the pounding of your own heart, the only reminder that you were even still alive.
One minute passed.
Then two minutes.
Then three.
Was the world still turning?  Were you still breathing?
You blinked once.  Then twice.
You reached a shaky hand forward and picked up the test, gazing at the result window.
Law remained on call, but was able to return home after the aneurysm operation.  He opened the door to see you standing there, a bright smile on your face.  He had barely taken off his jacket when you thrust a white stick in his face.
His stomach dropped.
“Law…” you whispered, your face growing more and more excited.
“It’s…” he uttered back, golden eyes wide with exasperation.
Two thin red lines displayed in the result window.
You barely had time to register his reaction when Law scooped you off of your feet, spinning you in his arms.  You squealed at the sensation, gripping his shoulders tightly as Bepo sprung to his feet and barked at the display.  You were placed back down, Law stabilizing you by your arms.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes blown wide.
“It’s actually… is it actually…?” he asked, winded.  Even he could barely believe his eyes.
“It’s positive, Law…” you whispered back, your own disbelief was palpable, but your joy was radiating from your body in waves.  You flung your arms around his neck, laughing into his shoulder.  Law held you around your hips, the smile on his face comparable to his smiles from your wedding night.
It was positive.
It was positive.
“Law… what do we do now?” you asked, still gripping the test.  You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the two thin red lines on the display, as if you were still coming to terms with reality.  You were pregnant.
“I… I honestly don’t know…” he responded, equally dumbstruck.  
You both had sex around three times within the past two weeks, so it definitely happened some time then.  Regardless, you beamed.  “I just… can’t believe it.  Almost eight months…”
Law pulled you toward the couch in your shared living area, sitting you down next to him and holding you close.  There were so many words he wanted to say, so many expressions of sheer delight and excitement at the sudden success of your shared efforts, but all he managed to say was, “I’m gonna be a dad…”
You laughed, both out of nerves and elation as you added, “I’m gonna be a mom…”
The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before bursting into a shared fit of giggles.  Bepo hopped up onto the couch next to you, shoving his head into your shoulder and forcing you to turn your attention to him to pet and kiss his head.
“Bepo, you’re gonna be a big brother!” you cheered.  The dog’s pink tongue was hanging out of his muzzle, like he was smiling just as bright as you and Law were.
Law wanted to shout it from the rooftops.  He wanted the entire universe to know.  But for your sake, and for the sake of Bepo’s sensitive ears, he kept his words contained within the walls of your apartment.
“We did it…”
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anchorandrope · 2 months
I need your absolute serious opinion on Louis and Harry together in Berlin because I've seen sooooooo many I feel lost and confused. I'm excited but also I'm hopeless but also afraid and happy, help
hi dear !! i feel you, i think we all feel you at some point. i'll be honest with you, so im sorry if this answer is too long but i wanna explain everything well (and only one time too). everything under the cut because it's A LOT, sorry 🙏🏻
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first i wanna recap, not only for those who are lost but to show better the points i'll make at the end. (disclaimer: im not including every single update of louis and harry, just the main ones related to this event. check this UA tag for more).
context: saturday - july 14, 2024: it was the final match of the euro tournament (uefa). spain vs. england played in berlin (germany) at the olympiastadion stadium (spain won 2-1).
timeline of events in chronological order
before july 14, 2024:
july 12, 2024: harry joined stevie in a performance of "landslide" and "stop dragging my heart around" at BST hyde park festival (london, UK). - added it mainly to highlight that harry was in london two days before.
july 14, 2024 - before the match:
louis spotted in berlin (pic with a fan).
louis posts an IG story (of the official tournament programme).
louis was spotted with ed sheeran at the stadium. we started joking about all along and that harry was gonna appear there in a different VIP section.
july 14, 2024 - during the match:
louis posts an IG story (of the field).
an IG story of louis waiting for the match to start is posted (the video was taken before ofc but posted during).
harry is spotted in an IG story in the stadium. we automatically notice that the person behind louis in the pic with ed sheeran was probably harry (not only because of the outfit but because if ed was with louis and harry was there too, they surely were all together).
more pics of harry in the stadium are released.
july 14, 2024 - after the match:
harry is spotted leaving the stadium.
a pic of harry (with james corden) watching the match is posted, along with a video of him celebrating the goal. - cute note: by this time "adore you" hits 1.7B streams on spotify (we all saw them together and went and streamed that song at the same time, didn't we?).
louis is spotted with fans.
articles about them together there began to be released.
after july 14, 2024:
a pic of louis at his sector of the match is released as well as a pic of harry in his respective sector.
more articles and some changes in old ones.
stuff to highlight
there isn't a valid logical reason to interpret that the person with ed and louis wasn't harry.
they didn't share the exact same vip sectors, however they were extremely close.
funny coincidences: exactly 9 years ago (july 14, 2015), the article that confirmed babygate was released - and 9 days from now (july 23, 2024) are four years since louis followed harry and zayn on IG.
it was the first time since 2016 (just hold on the x factor performance) since they were publicly together in the same place at the same time and the probably the first time since late 2011 they are at the same place at the same time and both of them publicly single. (see these timelines for more).
why is this so important? why this might be so important?
obviously the fact they were in the same place at the same time publicly AND confirmed is a huge step. we know and have some solid proof they were together at other events too but this is the first time in almost 8 years that the media confirmed it.
we have always speculated about how louis and harry are gonna come out and one of the most common theories is that they are gonna slowly "reconnect" publicly by these type of "random" situations (as the beginning of the end). then some people believe they're gonna "fell in love" and come out without saying they were always together and other who believes they are gonna come out after "reconnecting" and later explain or as life goes or not explain at all. just theories, ofc, but is as old as larry stylinson itself basically, so its something we have to have in mind.
it's mid-2024: it's been 14 years since one direction was formed and 9 years since babygate started. next year will be 15 and 10 years respectively. i talked about contracts in this recent ask and if they have term clauses, some of them might be end soon. as we don't know whats happening, i cannot tell if it's correlated, but exactly mid-july 2024 it's an interesting time to do this.
even though i personally really skeptical about this and im inclined to think that it means nothing, i don't think in this particular case that thinking everything that happened was a random coincidence or that is "simply louis and harry living their lives hidden from the public but always together etc etc", as we usually do, its the best we can do. these two run rbb and sbb... im not saying these coincidences mean something (i don't know!) but we really need to stop pretending these two aren't capable of "coincide" in the most crazy ways.
some conclusions and - personal - opinions
now i explained everything let's get to the "im gonna be honest with you man" part. as a fandom (im talking exclusively about larries here) i feel there are two types of people: the one who could watch louis and harry go for a walk holding hands and would be like "yeah that means absolutely nothing" and the one who could watch a blue and a green sticker in louis or harry's water bottles and be like "larry is coming out tomorrow". yeah im well aware im taking it to the extreme and exaggerating it, but my point still stands.
i personally mostly identify with the first one since my mindset is like, i don't expect anything at all, so i don't get disappointed; and if something nice happens, i'd be surprised instead of "yeah that's what i originally expected". i feel this mindset is like the "calmer" way to deal with the situation, by not getting your hopes up for everything, surprises are always more pleasant. but this is just what i enjoy most since it takes a lot of time and energy to be invested in this, but if people adore enjoying fandoms that way, i think its great as long as they understand that they cannot be mad if that expectations don't fulfill every time, since they are theories and speculations after all.
with this situation i see these two exact mindsets in everyone, like you either believe they are coming out or it means absolutely nothing. and why? like genuinely. not everything is black or white and i really feel some people are so combined in their respective mindset that they cannot see beyond. what if it means something but not a coming out? i don't see people asking that question, for example.
im more inclined to think this means nothing, due to the amount of times we genuinely had proof something was changing and nothing happened, therefore im choosing to not get any hopes up, but to continue to analyse and follow the situation closely, just to see if this actually means something. if this means something, we are not gonna know it now, or probably not anytime soon. but i know i have to understand that even thought we lived a lot of other situations where we "clowned", that is not actually a valid reason to say "this entire situation mean absolutely nothing" as every situation is different and as time passes, even the "same situations" change.
regarding feelings about this: every emotion you have is valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. this can be overwhelming, this can be exciting and scary at the same time, this can make you feel a lot of ways in different moments, maybe you are "they are confirming larry tomorrow" at 4pm and "this means nothing" at 5pm. literally. its because it was huge, really huge. and took us by surprise. we are shocked! that's the conclusion, we are so shocked that even though we acknowledge the situation, we are clearly not processing it yet. so don't be hard on yourself nor other fans :)
some questions we may need to start thinking
and finally, to end this damn rant (again, sorry) i wanna ask questions, but not for people to actually answer directly, but to encourage to start thinking about this whole circumstance.
was this a "husbands living their life normally but hidden" moment where they didn't mind the media knowing they were in the same place at the same time because its just a football match, or it means more?
if you believe its #totally awkward random, why do you believe they decided to appear publicly in the same place at the same time for the first time in years at that place and that time when they could have not done so, or chose another date and place?
if you believe this means more, what do you think is actually happening? do you genuinely believe this is coming out or is it something else? a 1d reunion? why?
if you believe this is the beginning of the end, what do you think is gonna happen to babygate? the date wasn't randomly chosen?
i could make a lot of these, and im not making them because i need the answers, im making them because i think a lot of people are asking themselves the wrong questions (or not asking themselves anything at all) and that is why there is chaos lol. sometimes its easier when someone asks you directly, at least for me.
and sorry if i got you even more confused, but i didn't want to just say "black or white" as an answer, yk? form your own conclusions always <3
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520cafe · 1 year
sour grapes. trip down memory lane
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it was already quite late into the day, around 11:01pm. as the ablaze sun falls asleep, the light-toned crescent moon gleamed amongst the blanket of infinite stars, casting shadows on the evening pavement to safely guide pedestrians back to their cosy homes. the streets felt rather isolating and lonely but, it was not suffocating either as you were not walking alone.
“seriously? kafka made you do that?” you asked blade in between your laughs as he walked beside you under the dimly lit street towards your apartment.
“yes, and she still owes me one for this.” he sighed, slightly cringing from the memory replaying in his head like a broken record. however, once he looked at your amused reaction, it appears that the broken record was fixed by the sight of your smile and laughter. “do you really enjoy seeing me like this?” he could not help but to tease.
“hey i never said that!” you lightly smacked him, as if you were as close to him as as you were last year. “it’s just nice seeing you with your people now, you look like you’re having fun these days.” it sounded genuine and sincere; your heart was pounding loudly and you were worried if blade could hear it.
during the time when you and blade were close, you two shared one thing in common: a heartbreak and a misfortune. this is exactly why you felt relieved and happy listening to blade talk about the shenanigans him and his friends get into. for a moment, you eyes looked dear and affectionate towards him.
“i could say the same about you, it’s nice seeing you again.” there was a slight hesitation in blade’s voice. he let out a gulp, even he was not aware of what he was nervous about. is there something else that he’s missing from the story?
blade suddenly halted in his tracks, you turn around and looked back at him in confusion before he gave you a lazy smile. “my dorm is in the other building. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
you watched as he slowly disappeared from your sight, his broad back being the only thing that was facing you. once you ensured that he entered the building, you did the same with a small contented and excited feeling swirling in your chest.
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🍇 SOUR GRAPES 〈 08 trip down memory lane
╰► SYNOPSIS. after being in the same tight-knit friend group for over a few months now, suspicions begin to rise when march, seele and bronya start to notice the awkward tensions between you and dan heng. little did they know, you and dan heng were once high-school sweethearts who shared a romantic and fairytale-like past where the pages only lasted for a year. this heartbreak led you to meet another unfortunate victim of cupid but that chapter flew away as quick as stardust. yet, it appears that you two were also destined to cross paths once more.
╰► [ a/n ] : updates for sour grapes are now gonna be once a week every saturdays! also tysm for 200 followers holy shit everything is happening so fast but i’m so grateful tyty 🫶 i also like to clarify again that the taglist is closed so apologises for that </3
━━ TAGLIST. @lauvwar-r @sunsethw4 @shizu-c @amyena @zephestia @loudeggbananaranch @lunavixia @twistedrxses @shinjuuz @danhenglovebot @flos-veritatis @sammy-hammy @kiwidoves @aeongiies @heartswonder @lilactaro @lunnaeclipse @m1lley0ns @hansel-the-pierrot @astro-pioneer @aquatikk @obervation-subject-753 @vellichxrr6782 @rubberduckieyourtheone @viovya @stayriki @ceylestia @starryeyedkoko @theflameofyoursoul @kalims @liminalimmortal
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hazel-islivingtrash · 3 months
New chapter heading your way this Saturday!
Things seem to be getting better, but Satoru seemed a little... off last chapter. Find out what happens this week in the newest chapter!
I can't believe we're in the final five chapters off this fic :') it means so much to me and I'm gonna be real sad to end it, but that means new beginnings for new fics! Also, happy 4 months to From the Start officially being published on Ao3, can't believe it's already been so long.
Enough rambling, here's what you came for: This week's sneak peak! ❤️❤️
Sneak peek of Chapter 21: Tell Me How to Breath In and Feel No Hurt (very slight spoiler warning)
Yuji and Megumi were walking down the stairs as he left the bedroom, awkwardly making, then avoiding, eye contact.
The boys sat down at the island counter and Suguru stood against it, his back to them, also awkwardly. Everything felt awkward. The tension in the air was thick with it.
He could feel their eyes on him, scouring over his body like little ants.
“Suguru?” Megumi said quietly, quieter than he ever heard the boy before. Suguru turned around, noticing how Megumi’s eyes were downcast and Yuji’s looked at him like huge saucers.
“I’m sorry,” Megumi said, “We’re sorry.” His little green eyes poked up at Suguru before jumping back down. “We didn’t know something happened. We’re sorry.”
“Yeah,” Yuji said next to him, nodding his head, “We’re sorry. Satoru told us yesterday something happened. We’re sorry.”
Suguru noticed Megumi’s facial features contort at the mention of Satoru’s “explanation” from the day before, twisting his gut with guilt. He made a mental note to talk to him about it later.
Yet, Suguru couldn’t help but melt against the counter, relief finally flooding his veins. “It’s okay boys, you didn’t know.” His eyes turned briefly to the hallway, where he could've sworn he heard a noise, but when Satoru didn’t appear moments later, he brushed it off. 
He took a deep breath, looking back at the boys before speaking softly, “I'm willing to tell you both what happened to me, if you’d like.”
Megumi’s eyes finally looked at him, a poorly masked curiosity seeping through them. They both nodded hesitantly, mouths slightly ajar.
For those of you who are seeing this for the first time, welcome! If this intrigues you, it would be amazing if you could check out my fic! Updates are (usually) posted every Saturday around 3pm est!
Current status of fic:
Current status of fic: 20 out of 25 chapters complete, just over 124K words ❤️❤️
**The story is rated mature and with a warning of graphic depictions of violence.
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jwonsoon · 1 year
enhypen - how they show affection at school 𖨆♡𖨆
☼ authors note - hi guys first post :) thinking about life w them at school god im going nuts - def not proofread im just rambling !
his way of showing affection is through subtle touches </3. 
during those school breaks after exhausting classes he just wants to see you and listen to how ur day went.
his hand is always hanging around u, whether thats ur knee or shoulder giving u small squeezes of reassurance while ur with all ur friends to remind u nonverbally that he misses u. 
also if u guys are laughing about something he is always looking at you w so much admiration or leaning into you god i want him 
HE IS SO OBVIOUSSSS. i love him so much 
jay would have such starry eyes he would completely light up around u. he is so smiley and giggly around you laughing at ur jokes that were not even that funny. 
he’s also such a good listener like he’s just so attentive and give u the exact energy u need when ur ranting like he gives me “yea i really hate when that happens too…” vibes. 
buys u food anytime. 
he would be so insistent calling you over and telling him to sit with him cus he wants u near to him he’s barely seen u all day :(( he’d whisper ur name like “come here i miss youuuuu” i cant i cannot
he loves playing w ur hands bopping them around and intertwining w them when ur talking to him. (think him and jungwon in enhypen&hi i cant do this) u also love doing the same to him, he gets all giddy but he still wants to be attentive to the rest of the friend group and not seem too obvious so he’ll be nodding and listening but he’ll occasionally look at u and smile to himself. god. 
his form of affection is just simply being with u. being close in proximity. he just loves the idea of u being there
he misses u and doesn’t wanna see u stressed!!!!  when his hands are free he’ll have his arm around u rubbing ur arm asking what he can do to help :(
would also be so visibly excited to see u if u haven’t seen e/o all day he makes u feel so special. he is so comforting i love him so bad jake i love u
but this is more subtle it HURTS. his hand is always lingering around yours. and he always nudges u or he’s always looking down at ur hands that are barely touching and sometimes u dont notice so he gets pouty OH MY GOD.
secretly memorized ur schedule so at the end of one random class he’s finished early and hes just standing outside like 🧍 ALL AWK waiting for you to walk to lunch together and ur like how did u know i was here…hes like 🤷‍♂️
sunghoon is really subtle with it. if he senses you’re having a bad day he’s gonna be extra goofy w lame dad jokes to try and distract u. he’ll buy food for u but make it seem like it was for him and give it to u “just because.” sigh . the little things
despite being busy af. he will always make time for YOU. like he has a meeting but he receives a text that you’re about to go home? he will be excusing himself for 5 mins to give u a proper bye. FUCKKKKK
always texting u. ur laptop BETTTTERRR have DND on or else it will be pinging every 2 seconds. just like how this boy is always on weverse, he is constantly updating u about funny shit that happens in class or just what hes thinking or ur future hang out plans “we should go here on saturday”
he would so walk u home from school if y’all lived near and he would get sad if he can’t bring u one day like “how come ur leaving early i cant walk u home and ive barely seen u all week :( “
somehow always carrying ur stuff - especially if u tend to leave things behind. especially hoodies and waterbottles. like by the end of the day ur like “ok so why do u have half of my belongings.” when u guys pack up after lunch he is always picking up ur stuff b4 u cus he just knows u sometimes forget 😞 
no matter how busy y’all are. sunoo wants to see u ☹️ u guys have barely talked the whole day. he will text to meet in the middle of class just quickly. “what floor are you in? can u leave class rq i wanna say hi :(“ 
compliments. COMPLIMENTS. always the small details too like if he’ll notice if u tried a new makeup look or if u did ur hair different. he’ll make u feel so pretty
walks with u around the campus during lunch after you guys are done to have one on ones. he likes spending time one on one with you cus sometimes its harder within ur bigger group of friends awh. 
would always have ur arms linked and laugh about stupid things with you FUCK SUNOO MY SUNSHINE 
i luv him NI-KI so much im gonna get emotional. 
when he laughs or gets excited he’s practically jumping onto u or puts his whole body weight on u you’ve almost fallen so many times. 
always squeezing ur shoulders from behind to catch ur attention cus he’s so tall, similar to this sometimes he scares u from behind and u get so startled and he loves it cus he thinks ur cute and silly </3 but he sometimes does it when you’ve seen him coming from like 4 miles away… goofy ass 
when hes with u he’ll scrunch his nose and whisper “cute” to himself bc he doesn’t wanna be obviousssss😜u cant know that hes’s SIMPING!! (but he doesnt realize that u did see it and ur geeking)
likes to hug u when theres no one else around or fully lean into u like hes about to get a good nights sleep  😭
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memberment · 1 month
Idk why I'm making a post yet I really don't feel like writing. ANYWAYS. Updates may come today. They also may not. Idk yet.
6:51 Hello from beyond. A new playlist is being born as I write through chapter 30. Also, I think I finished my chapter 7 art. It's Craig carrying Tweek home after they first met. They were so cute 😭 Idk what the message is gonna be in that one yet though. I know what the response is, but not the og message. And I am realizing as I type that that I was not supposed to reveal that but fuck it we ball there's like six people on here it's okay.
ANYWAYS. IF I CAN FINISH 30 AND ACTUALLY WRITE 27 (due to a restructure, I skipped over it entirely and have to go back and rewrite it.) AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, CIRCLE BACK AND FINISH 22, I will be soooooooo happy. I got like 12 hours til sleep time and I prob will not be working on chapter 8 art. Because I do NOT wanna draw Kenny and Clyde just yet. (I'm afraid. I wanna put them in their magical girl uniforms and ACTUALLY SHOW THEIR UNIFORMS bc they do change eventually and I feel like the contrast goes INSANE.)
9:19: Hello friends totally didn't get distracted<3 ANYWAYS. Back to this hell chapter of everyone having a bad time.
1:38: I got so distracted Desolation was late and I didn't write anything. I have literally written under 1k today which is fucking insane to me. I write more when I'm "on breaks"
But I have come here to yap about something. While I'm "on break" I think I'm going to rework The End Is Near AND New Beginnings. Meaning they might get deleted for a bit. Because I kinda wanna redo them both because let's be so real here. My writing was not shit, but I feel like they are both gems that need a bit of love. I don't know if I'm gonna commit to the bit but I really fucking might LMFAOO.
But I do really want to redo New Beginnings because that was the whole reason I started writing fanfic and people are still looking at it and I feel like it pales in comparison to what I write now.
And reworking those two will be much more lax while I suffer through 15 weeks of physics hell. SOOO.
Whatever. Gonna try and get through chapter 30. and maybe 27 BECAUSE I STILL HAVE TO WRITE IT WHAT THE FUCK‼️‼️
I lied I'm yapping for all of five more seconds because I need to complain and refuse to get a diary.
I am actually really sad that I'm not gonna have every day posts anymore. Like I am trying so hard to cope with it but y'all.
Desolation has 4 chapters left. Tweek's Guide has 7 chapters left. Eclipse has 4 (technically five but epilogue's short so it's gonna get posted same day) chapters left. Craig's Guide has like 10 chapters left. Dandelion has 8 (technically 9) chapters left. and Leap year has 8 chapters left. (Genesis doesn't count because that just started. ) LIKE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE. I HAVE FOUR FICS AND THERE ARE SEVEN DAYS OF THE WEEK. AND I CAN'T POST MY ONE REALLY FUNNY TRASHFIRE FIC BC PART OF IT IS SO GOOD I KINDA WANNA SPLIT THE CONCEPTS UP AND I REFUSE TO FINISH IT TIL I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. Like y'all do not understand daily posts are like embedded in my brain. I love it. HOW DO I FIX THIS WITHOUT ACTIVELY WRITING. I hate it here. Oh also when Eclipse or Desolation get finished Dandelion is moving to Monday/Wednesdays because Freedom Pal Fridays are being a thing. Because I have. So. Many. Goddamn. Freedom. Pals. Fics. Sitting. There. ScREAMING. For. Me. To. Write. So An Answers getting thrown on Fridays. But how do I space this out? (I am so sorry for this unnecessary lengthiness I am officially just gaming this out as I type because my brother is sleeping and I can't call him to yap.) Like- I wanted to do Sunday for Genesis but I feel like Sundays kinda suck as post days, lowk. So what then? Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday???? I can't just do Tuesday and not Thursday. AH. I hate it here. I need more time and we are constantly running out of time.
Life is fleeting, and I simply hate it.
2:39: JUST HIT 90K. This has been cut down to 38 chapters. I have 1k ish left of 30. 27 is still undone. 22 needs its angel fight. So approximately 29k-36k ish left. I'm losing my mind. I can't believe I am speedballing through this like that. WHICH MEANS IF GOD SHINES DOWN UPON ME I CAN FINISH BOUND IN PEACE.
Then what?
Do I start my break early?
I don't wanna do that? What the fuck would I even work on then though??????
LMFAO about to pray for clarity.
3:44: Creative freedom is fucking crazy because Wendy's having a heart to heart with Brimmy right now.
4:14: I keep cutting chapters and part of me is starting to worry that this is too short but in the same breath like I'm combining them because drawing them out feels kinda lazy and rude. But we are now down to 36/37 chapters. I can't be too mad about it. But part two might be like, way longer. Also we're at 92.3k. SO I DID SOMETHING TODAY.
I lowk wanna work on bound for a bit but that means committing myself to an entire chapter because I can't just write part of a chapter and go back to it for that one and kinda I wanna reread the whole thing before I work on it more. UGH.
I might. I honestly fucking love Bound, like that was my baby when I was concepting it. I literally wrote so much of it while I was on vacation. Like stats on that one suck bc it's so niche but I do not even care. One of my favorite fics that I've written, easy. I'm not even a K2 girlie. I just wanted to write one because it was gonna annoy me if I didn't throw my hat in the ring at least once. I might write background K2 though for something unimportant bc I kinda like how I write them ngl. OKAY GOODBYE FOR NOW I'VE CONVINCED MYSELF TO MAYBE WRITE ANOTHER BOUND CHAPTER.
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faeriemarie · 11 months
how i tried to manifest a 1600 on the SAT and failed miserably 🤪
Starting today, I will vaunt as the first thing I do every morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed at night.
Today, I am taking my first practice SAT. It is Wednesday and it is my first day of studying. The SAT is on Saturday. I am listening to an SAT subliminal while I complete the 3 hour test. UPDATE: I got a 1280 on the practice test.
Today, I am taking my second practice SAT. It is Thursday and it is my second day of studying. I am listening to a different SAT subliminal while I complete the 3 hour test. I am not feeling confident in the least, but we press on! UPDATE: I got a 1330 on the practice test and I only got 1 wrong on the reading section :)) most of my math mistakes were just silly and that's somehow worse than me not knowing the content. i still feel inadequate.
Today I am only taking the math section. It is Friday and it is my 3rd day of studying. I listened to the same subliminal while I did this test. UPDATE: I got a 680 on the math section which is literally the highest it has ever been!!
Today it is Saturday and the SAT is today in 25 minutes. Last night, I listened to my subliminal out loud all night (~7.5 hours). I also did a little prayer at my altar for Hera to help me since she is my deity of choice <3. And possibly a sign, I saw a rainbow driving to the test center and it was the brightest and most vivid rainbow I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I plan to keep up my vaunting until the scores come out so until then, wish me luck!! UPDATE: i think i did really bad. The reading section (which is normally my best section) was SUPER hard and I just filled in random bubbles at the end. I feel like an actual failure and my reading score probably will be in the 500s. The math section was easy and actually felt too easy. I don’t even know what to think. I probably just need to put it out of my mind and let life take its course…
There are less than 48 hours until SAT scores come out… i am shitting my pants. i’ve been vaunting every morning and night but still like…. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck i’m getting rejected from everywhere i apply for sure
ahhh fuck fuck fuck 30-ish hours until the big reveal. im so nervous. my stomach is churning, i don’t even want to wake up tomorrow morning. let me just stay on thursday night forever and ever and ever. i can’t take it.
12 hours, give or take… 3 hours, give or take… okay time for the BIG REVEAL: i actually got a 1300. math score went down but my reading score went up. at this point, i'm gonna have to superscore (even though that is far from being enough). my shifting break cannot end fast enough. i'm so miserable. i hate it here so much. i wanted this to be an inspirational post about how i'm such a master manifestor, but i'm a failure. i hate my life. i hate myself. i hate everything.
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thebettybook · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request numbers 5, 6 and the letter Q for your writing event? With a pre-dating relationship? Thank you so much if you decide to do this! No worries if not!
Thank you for your request, anon! :)
My “Fall’ing For Ya” Writing Event info and prompt list for others who may want to check it out and request :)
Update/important note 4/22/23: MC!reader is gender neutral in all of the posts for this event
5. ❛ you’re lucky that you’re cute. ❜
6. ❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜
Q. Shopping for fall/winter clothes with Leona
🍂 Though the Sage Island weather was still warm before the chilly fall weather would take over in a few days, Leona realized begrudgingly that he didn’t have any clothes suited for fall and winter beyond that bright-orange parka Ruggie bought him for Camp Vargas a while ago.
🍂 Leona never brought his clothes from back at the Afterglow Savannah palace to NRC (he never packed anything), and he usually relied on Ruggie to buy clothes for him whenever it was necessary.
🍂 It was Saturday, so Leona figured that he could tell Ruggie to go to the Sage Island village and buy clothes for him.
🍂 “Oi, Ruggie,” Leona approached Ruggie in their dorm’s hallway. “Go buy me some clothes.”
🍂 “Eh? I’m busy with your chores today,” Ruggie carried a bin overflowing with Leona’s dirty laundry. “Y’know, Y/N mentioned that they’re planning to go shopping for fall and winter clothes later today. Why don’t you join them?”
🍂 Ruggie sometimes ate lunch with you, Ace, Deuce, Grim, Epel and Jack when he had the chance. Not only did the hyena do so to get a chance to steal more food, but also, it was fun seeing you get visibly flustered just at the mention of Leona’s name.
🍂 Ruggie expected Leona to say “No” or “Just buy me clothes tomorrow.” Instead Leona yawned and said, “Alright. Hold down the fort for me while I’m gone.”
🍂 Ruggie snickered as Leona made his way to the dorm’s mirror portal. “Shishishi, you owe me one, Leona.”
🍂 Minutes later, Leona arrived at your doorstep and knocked on the Ramshackle dorm’s door.
🍂 “Leona?” you opened the door, your eyes widening to see Leona here and awake on a Saturday.
🍂 You were just about to leave for the Sage Island village’s outlet mall. Grim didn’t want to come; the cat demon wanted to sleep in.
🍂 “Hey,” Leona leaned against the door frame, his bare arms crossed against his sleeveless black leather jacket. “Ruggie told me you’re gonna go shopping for warmer clothes later. I need warmer clothes too, so can I come with?”
🍂 “Of course!” you beamed up at him. “What are you planning to buy specifically?”
🍂 “Nothin’ much, probably just a couple of sweaters and jackets to keep me warm,” Leona answered. “What about you?”
🍂 “Warmer pajamas, coats, sweaters,” you ticked off with your fingers as you and Leona walked out of Ramshackle and onto the main cobblestone walkway of NRC. “And little coats for Grim, too.”
🍂 The two of you strolled out of NRC and to the TWST (Twisted Wonderland System of Transportation) bus stop right outside the school. Leona was used to the bus since he took it whenever NRC had a Magift tournament at RSA.
🍂 One bus ride later, the two of you arrived at Sage Island village’s outlet mall, which contained a variety of shops, cafes and restaurants.
🍂 You and Leona entered a popular gender-inclusive and size-inclusive clothing store at the front of the outlet that Cater recommended to you. The shop contained endless gold racks of clothing in every color.
🍂 Leona didn’t care much for fashion and shopping. He also didn’t care if a clothing item was expensive or not as long as it allowed him to move comfortably and it didn’t itch. However, Leona didn’t leave your side as you combed through the racks.
🍂 You easily found stuff for yourself, but Leona was terrible at choosing clothes for himself. He didn’t know his exact size because he always had other people tailor his clothes for him, so you told him to go try on the sweaters and long-sleeved tops you found for him to see what would fit.
🍂 He looked handsome in everything he tried on. Emerging from his dressing room for what felt like the millionth time, Leona stubbornly tugged on the neck of a black turtleneck sweater that fit him perfectly and made him look like an actor. “It’s suffocating,” Leona grumbled, learning that he wasn’t a fan of turtlenecks.
🍂 “Ooh, how about this cardigan?” you pulled out an emerald cardigan in Leona’s size and held it up to him once he emerged from the dressing room again. Leona was relieved to be back in his Savanaclaw dorm uniform. “It matches your eyes.”
🍂 Leona took the cardigan, only because you said it matched his eyes. He put it on, enjoying the softness of the cardigan.
🍂 Leona only liked the emerald cardigan, some black long-sleeved shirts, a gray windbreaker jacket, and a thick brown wool coat out of all the things you picked out for him.
🍂 Shopping with Leona was more fun than you thought it would be. He would make snarky remarks at some of the trendier clothing items, such as, “The hell’s a bodysuit?” or “What’s the point of a crop top and why would people wear it when it’s cold outside?”
🍂 “Maybe you should try on a crop top and find out,” you grinned mischievously, earning a cat-like hiss from Leona.
🍂 As you looked through the toddler’s section to find a raincoat for Grim, Leona turned to the racks to see if he could find something for you.
🍂 His sharp eyes landed on this red Christmas sweater with multicolored string lights woven into its fabric and silver tinsel dangling from the sleeves. The sweater was also embroidered with Santa Claus and his reindeers on the front.
🍂 Like your world, Twisted Wonderland liked to capitalize on Christmas right after Halloween.
🍂 “Hey, herbivore,” Leona held up the sweater and smirked. “How about this for ya?”
🍂 You matched his smirk and replied, “How about you get one too so we can match?”
🍂 As you approached the pajamas section, some lion onesies caught your eye. “Leona, look at these!” you pulled out two lion onesies in your and Leona’s sizes.
🍂 Leona held up the lion onesie you handed him. “I’m insulted,” he frowned at the fluffy caramel-colored lion onesie with cartoonish lion ears and a tail on the back.
🍂 “I’m gonna try it on,” you went to one of the dressing rooms as Leona plopped down on one of the shop’s plush couches.
🍂 If there was one thing Leona learned about shopping that day, it was that shopping got physically tiring real fast with all the walking and standing. However, Leona also found shopping fun with your company.
🍂 After a few minutes, you emerged from your dressing room in your full lion onesie glory.
🍂 “You’re looking at the next dorm leader of Savanaclaw,” you joked, doing a full spin with the onesie’s lion tail. Jokes aside, the onesie was really soft and warm. It was perfect for wearing during cold nights.
🍂 “Pfft, I’d like to see you try living in Savanaclaw for a day,” Leona smirked in amusement, resting his chin in his palm.
🍂 “Hey, I could if I wanted to,” you put your hands on your hips, but the onesie didn’t make you look intimidating to Leona at all. Instead, he found you quite adorable. “You should try the onesie on, too, Leona.”
🍂 “A lion in a lion onesie?” Leona deadpanned, yet he still had the onesie you picked out for him in his hands along with his other clothes.
🍂 “Pleeeease,” you pouted at Leona for good measure. “We could match.”
🍂 Your pout was all it took for Leona to stand up and make his way to the empty dressing room next to yours. “You’re lucky that you’re cute,” Leona mumbled as he closed his dressing room door.
🍂 “Wait, you think I’m cute?” your eyes widened in shock despite Leona already being in his dressing room.
🍂 Inside his dressing room, Leona face-palmed himself at the fact that he said that you were cute out loud. As he pulled on the lion onesie, he had to admit that it was really soft.
🍂 When he came out of his dressing room in the lion onesie, you couldn’t contain your giggles. The buff, intimidating lion beastman leader of Savanaclaw was indeed wearing a lion onesie.
🍂 “You’re cute, too,” you grinned at Leona, who’s grumpy expression contrasted the cute lion onesie on him. His own lion ears flattened against the hood of the onesie.
🍂 “Hmph,” Leona grumped, yet a smile fought its way onto his face at being called “cute” by you. He also made no move to return to his dressing room and change out of the onesie.
🍂 After much convincing, you managed to take a selfie with Leona with the two of you in the onesies (he made you promise that you would never show the picture to anyone). The two of you then changed back to your normal clothes and finalized the clothing items that each of you would buy.
🍂 “You’re buying the onesie?” you inquired, shocked that Leona wanted to buy it.
🍂 “Why not? It’s comfy,” Leona patted the lion onesie that rested on top of the other clothes on his arm as the two of you went to the cash register.
🍂 “Are you paying together or separate?” The cashier smiled at you and Leona.
🍂 “Separate,” you and Leona answered at the same time. You giggled at that, while Leona chuckled.
🍂 Before you could step forward to pay for your and Grim’s stuff first, Leona took your lion onesie from your hands.
🍂 “Lemme pay for your onesie,” Leona stepped forward to dump all of his clothes on the cash register’s desk. He neatly put his onesie and your onesie on top.
🍂 “No,” you shook your head. “I can afford it.”
🍂 Leona, who already gave the cashier his luxury credit card, turned back to face you. “Think of it as a thank you for helping me pick out my clothes today,” Leona winked at you. “Plus, you can treat me to lunch later.”
🍂 The cashier began folding Leona’s clothes neatly into a recyclable bag. “Excellent choice on the onesies. They’re popular among couples.”
🍂 “We’re not a couple.” you and Leona corrected the cashier at the same time with flustered expressions. Realizing that you both said the same thing at the same time, you and Leona glanced at each other only to both look away swiftly.
🍂 “Uh-huh,” the cashier mused, unconvinced. The cashier handed Leona his bag of clothes and you stepped forward to pay for your own clothes.
🍂 Everything you needed to buy for yourself and Grim was pretty affordable, and you had saved up more than enough to buy all these clothes. Plus, Crowley recently gave you an allowance because 1. He was technically responsible for you and 2. He said the allowance was from “the endless kindness of his heart.”
🍂 After paying for your clothes, you left the store with Leona. It was about 1 p.m., a good time for lunch.
🍂 “Are you hungry?” you asked Leona, who gave you your wrapped-up lion onesie and then checked his phone to see if Ruggie or Jack texted him about anything Savanaclaw-related.
🍂 “Yeah,” Leona replied as he switched his phone off.
🍂 “Ooh, let’s go check out this cafe in the outlet that Cater told me about,” you suggested. “They have some meat dishes, too. Cater said the cafe’s popular so we should hurry.”
🍂 “Alright,” Leona agreed. As the two of you walked through the outlet, you both noticed that more people crowded the outlet since the two of you arrived.
🍂 People shuffled and bumped past you and Leona. “Hey,” Leona took your hand in his. “Hold my hand so we don’t lose each other.”
🍂 “Ok,” you glanced down at Leona’s hand. You shifted your hand slightly to intertwine your fingers with his so that you wouldn’t be able to lose each other. Leona’s hand was slightly rough since he never used lotion, but you didn’t mind one bit.
🍂 Leona almost stopped in his tracks when he felt your fingers intertwining with his. It felt like the two of you were a couple on a date, and he liked the thought of that.
🍂 A light breeze swept through the outlet to signal the start of fall, and Leona was glad to have your hand keeping his warm as the two of you continued your unofficial date.
Little notes:
🍓 A lil bit of world building, but I like to think that the TWST world has a public transportation system named TWST, which stands for “Twisted Wonderland System of Transportation.”
🍓A little post-story headcanon: Leona likes to wear the lion onesie around the dorm, so his Savanaclaw underclassman and even Jack now think that onesies are trendy and got onesies for themselves, too. Ruggie couldn’t stop laughing when he first saw Leona wearing that lion onesie.
🍓I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook. Do not modify, claim, repost or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓Reblogs are appreciated. Want to read Leona romance fluff? Check out my masterlist
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lifewithdavefarts · 2 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 22 “Road Rip” [Episode List] Dave is stuck out of town after a big storm damaged the railways in the area, resulting to all trains getting cancelled. Tim’s lazy saturday night gets therefore turned upside-down as he is forced to take the car for a two-hours trip to get his friend back home.
Want to feel like Tim? Click on the links in the story to hear the power of Dave's farts! The audio for the farts was kindly provided by the skilled farter TheFartingWolf, so make sure to follow him on Twitter on his main account and his backup one!
POV: Tim
Road Rip
Saturday afternoons are the laziest moments of the week for me.  Or, at least that's what they used to be.
Now that I live alone (well, with a roommate) I take advantage of this otherwise unproductive time to get some random shit done, chores, everything house-related.
I got the kitchen cleaned up for example, then went to the grocery store ‘cause we were short on everything. Luckily, for the last few days I could easily run on fumes because I’ve been alone, since Dave had to attend to some kind of convention out of town, work stuff. He occasionally kept us posted in the group chat, as apparently he, his boss and their co-workers spent most of the time drinking and some of them got badly drunk in an attempt to impress their superiors, leading to some unprofessional behaviour, and thus hilarious for us. In private, Dave also reported to me the presence of a very hot gay guy, but since he’s working in a rival company, my bro told me that he wouldn’t actually approve of our relationship.
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That voice message? That’s exactly what you think it is.
And no, I won’t kill him, I’m just baffled by how chill he is.
Even when he’s not around, Dave would still blast me using modern technologies, and that voice message was his ass speaking, not him, one of his usual, loud, 10+ seconds farts. 
On one hand, I treasure Dave being ridiculously open minded. On the other, more than once I almost listened to those in public, thinking they were actual messages, important stuff, instead of my bro making fun of me.
However, I can’t really complain much since as annoying as he can be, I know I’m very lucky.
He kept sending us messages and updates, the usual stuff, memes and shit, while I kept doing my own shit around the house, until at around 6:30 PM, when Dave sent a peculiar voice message.
It was in the group chat this time, so I know that couldn’t be a fart… maybe.
“Hey guys” it sounded like he was in a crowded place, which it made sense given it was a convention. “so I assume you noticed the storm this morning. Well that bitch hit us hard. I mean we’re all fine but the railways suffered some heavy damage and all trains have been cancelled.” 
He stopped a few second to exchange some words with -I think- a co-worker and then resumed talking to us. 
“I’m pretty much stuck here so… help? I know it’s a two-hour trip by car but I can repay y’all with sex. Raw, unhinged sex. I can be the lover of your dreams.” 
Wouldn’t be Dave without jokes like these. And needless to say, we’re all men in our group chat.
“But seriously guys, let me know, and fast.”
Admittedly it was a time-consuming favour but while he may act all silly around us, Dave is pretty smart and organized, so I automatically assumed he tried out every available options before asking us.
After a couple of messages making fun of him, saying how he was gonna die there etc., the group™ started to think of a solution. Unsuccessfully, I might add. 
Two of our buds were too out of town, spending the weekend with their girlfriends.
Adam’s car was in the shop to fix the engine and if he was lucky he was gonna get it back on Monday.
Greg was useless as usual.
So that only leaves… me.
“Alright, I’ll do it.” I simply typed in the group chat.
Everyone reacted to the message with a thumbs up and made comments about how many stops me and Dave were gonna have on our way back to fuck each other in every motel. 
“Bold of you to assume we need to stop the car to fuck.” Dave played along. “We’re professionals.”
My bro-roommate then thanked me in private.
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I turned on the radio to keep me company and just drove. It wasn’t a complicated trip by any means, most of it was a boring and uneventful straight highway. There was no traffic despite the cancelled trains, and it honestly was a surprisingly relaxing trip. The biggest risk (not that I thought there were gonna be any) was me falling asleep for how dull all of that was however (thankfully, the radio helped). 
I managed to keep Dave (and my other buds) posted on my location, so he knew when to get ready. We decided (or rather he forced me) I was gonna leave the car in the parking lot next to the convention center and then have a quick dinner together in a fast food located in the building, so I could also rest for a bit; he actually asked me if I wanted him to drive on our way back, but I didn’t feel tired (at worst, we’d take turns). 
Surprisingly enough, I got there in time, after around 2 hours as expected (9:00 PM or so). I parked where my friend told me to and then went looking for him in the building’s main (and big) hall. There were still some people around, some of them working on their laptops, chatting, casually having a beer. I assume most of them were in Dave’s situation but chose to remain there for the night.
“Right here, babe!” 
I saw Dave waving at me. He was sitting on a couch near the hall’s coffee shop, with an empty beer bottle in one hand and his laptop on his legs. He looked visibly exhausted by the last few days but still cracked a silly smile when he saw me. He was wearing a white shirt and some grey jeans.
We bro-fisted because we’re manly mature men and he promptly got up to give me a quick hug.
“You’re awesome, I’m gonna let you choke on my dick back home.” he told me as his arms wrapped around my shoulder.
He was joking. Seriously. That’s how we always joke around, regardless of anyone’s sexuality. Dave then reached for his laptop and put it in his backpack: he just wanted to leave that damn place.
“Let’s get something to eat, it’s on me.”
“Come on you don’t-“
“Shut your mouth and follow me.”
We kept chatting as we walked towards this small fast food, also located in the main hall (as I said, it was a big place). If you ignore the alcohol involved, it was a prolific weekend for him and he was happy he was getting a raise starting next week. 
“Maybe you can finally move in with Dana.” I suggested.
“Nope, you won’t get rid of me so easily.” he joked. 
We sat at a table for two and quickly ordered some food using some kind of app that Dave made me install. Mere minutes laters, our meal arrived: I asked for a tasty cheeseburger while Dave went for the double one.
“Tsk, puny as usual.” he said, as he compared how relatively small my burger was.
“Remember who humiliated you at the hot dog-eating contest last year.” I flexed.
“Wow my gay friend is really good at eating sausages? Up next: the sky is blue.”
We both had a laugh. “Why so bitchy all of the sudden? You never complained about my sausage-eating skills before.”
Our very mature and not-at-all double entendre-filled conversation went on for a couple of more minutes, ignoring anyone overhearing us, though I’m pretty sure no one cared.
“But yes.” Dave then said. “We’re thinking of moving together within next year.” he then took a big bite of his burger. “No worries tho, I’m not going anywhere for now.” he continued, almost choking on his own food, and winked at me.
“Just say when!” I remarked, referring to when I needed to move out (in case Dana was the one moving in).
We both knew it had to happen eventually, and we were both super chill about it obviously. I was already looking for a place on my own lately anyway, so it’s not the end of the world.
After finishing our burgers, we both kept talking about the last few days while finishing our beers. Well, Dave was: I ordered a coke, since I was the one driving. My bro then got up and paid, as he promised.
“Gas too is on me by the way.” he said, as we walked towards the exit.
“Dude no you already paid for our dinner, you don’t nee-“
“Shut up. You drive, I pay.”
I chose not to insist and I simply appreciated the gesture.
We got to the car after a couple of minutes of walking; Dave put his backpack into the trunk as I occupied the driving seat, with my friend promptly sitting next to me on the passenger one.
“Alright it’s 10:00 PM… the trip will take around 2 hours… so we should be at home around Midnight.”
Dave looked at me unimpressed. “Yes, because 10+2 equals 12, is that correct?”
“Yes, sorry your brain can’t handle such advanced math.”
The sarcastic banter was interrupted by… well, I don’t even need to say it. It was interrupted by Dave ripping one, a quick, 2 seconds-long blast, partially muffled by the seat.
“…really? Already?” I asked, unimpressed, and he replied with another short blast, or the second part of the previous one which, knowing him, he probably interrupted on purpose just to cut me off with was left of it.
He dropped the serious facade and smiled. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Good idea. I started the car and we got moving.
“When back there you told me that gas was on you…” I said, as I drove out of the parking lot. “I thought you were talking about the car.” I joked, mustering all the courage I had to do it.
He really likes messing with me.
My friend laughed. “We’ll see.” he simply answered. “Either way, you’re getting free gas.” he winked at me and turned the radio on, completely chill as usual about how weird I was.
Here it goes, my heart racing fast, still unable to get used to my bro being this ok with my kink, so much so that we can casually joke about it like we just did. 
“J-just don’t hotbox the car.” I tried to be as smooth as possible, but I’m pretty sure my voice cracked.
“Not making any promises.” he said, while tuning the radio.
I kept driving, focusing on the highway in front of us as the music kept us company. Dave was visibly tired so I let him rest for a while; he wasn’t asleep but I could tell he was exhausted. I mean I could easily scare the shit out of him by swerving the car like a madman all of the sudden, but I chose not to, because I’m indeed the hero he doesn’t deserve.
For the first hour, just like on the way up, the return trip was dull and uneventful, but oddly relaxing.
“How’s the gas?” Dave asked.
“Yours or the car’s?” I replied, knowing that I could step on a mine by saying that.
My friend laughed at the lame joke, making me question whether we’re both actually really really dumb.
“But I’m good, thanks. Got lots of gas to spare.”
And I just stepped on the land mine, as expected.
“What a coincidence.” I could sense his smirk. “Me too!”.
Dave adjusted his position a bit and spread his long, denim legs. He reached for the radio to lower the volume, so I could only have ears for what he was about to unleash.
“Y-you don’t have to, man.” I tried to say, sincerely.
But Dave just cackled. “jUsT sAy WhEn!” he replied, doing a very offensive impression of what I said earlier, voice cracking and all.
My friend knows how the kink works but can’t help to find me hilarious and I can’t do anything to stop him. This is my hell… and heaven, at the same time. 
He still wasn’t farting, oddly enough, so I dared to look at him, only to find him staring back at me. It was night and the car was dark, but the lights from other vehicles revealed, unsurprisingly, a silly yet reassuring smile draw on his face.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you have nothing to worry about with me?”
My heart was racing faster than the cars around us. I’d be ironically more able to have a discussion with someone not being ok with my kink rather than this.
Dave always leaves me speechless.
“Look, just listen what I’m gonna tell you, ok?” he stated.
I believed him. 
I believed him like a fool. 
I truly believed he was gonna make some kind of deep speech to reassure me (not that he didn’t the in the past, more than once). A fool, that’s what I am, and in fact my ears got destroyed by a voice, yes, but a loud, roaring voice coming out of his ass.
What was both hot and hilarious to me was that Dave kept staring at me with a serious expression, as if that loud gas was indeed an important speech, but halfway through the 14-seconds-long fart he just lost it and smiled like a jerk, without losing control of that enormous blast of gas. The way he controls his rips is downright fascinating to me (but I’m biased): my bro would speak, move, laugh while farting and the blast would never lose any power.
Once he was done, he playfully punched my right shoulder and sat back normally, tightening the seatbelt, but his ass being glued to the seat didn’t stop the stench from engulfing the entire car. It wasn’t terrible… yet, but I did have to lower the car window just to let some fresh air in.
“Was that natural or on command?” I had the guts to ask, but I was genuinely curious, given the sound it had.
Dave looked amused by the surprising question. “Not tellin’, a pro never reveals his secrets.” such a smug answer.
“Well…” damn I’m being brave tonight. “Whatever you do, I tip my hat to how loud your farts get. That’s impressive, r-regardless of my kink.”
What a surreal conversation.
My friend simply laughed in response, probably at me, but I couldn’t really blame him.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he then said, with a smirk.
I swear I wasn’t requesting anything, he was being a teasing asshole!
We kept talking about some other stuff, like our plans for tomorrow, since it was Sunday. The general consensus was “we do absolutely nothing” which, given how tired we were probably gonna be once we got home, it was probably for the best. Dave then resumed talking about his promotion.
“Dude, my boss is a jerk but credit where it’s due: if I get more money, I can finally afford that trip to France with Dana.”
“Yeah, I remember you guys have been talking about it for years.”
“And we still do, so maybe next year we’re finally -WAIT, did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” 
…Why do I always fall for it? 
I didn’t even have time to roll my eyes that Dave once again started ripping one of his huge blasts. He leaned just a bit to ease the fart out, effortlessly hotboxing the entire car, as I kindly told him not to. Then again, he did say he wasn’t making any promises, so I guess I walked right into that one.
The fart was long, loud and proud, easily silencing the music coming from the radio. It kept going strong as I listened in awe, my boner almost piercing a hole through my pants and touching the steering wheel, a boner my friend probably noticed because he winked at me (he winks pretty often lately, huh?), with a smirk, while still farting loudly and manly.
12 seconds, basically the average length of Dave’s rips.
I wanted to say something smooth and sarcastic to not look like the mess I am, but my friend simply resumed talking about his potential trip with Dana as if nothing happened, which I didn’t mind to be honest. What I did mind, like the hypocrite I am, was the smell poisoning my lungs. Despite the open windows, my nostrils were burning, while my friend was basically immune to it.
Now it was getting bad, the scent of Dave’s double cheeseburger, but rotten, lingering for minutes after the fart was done being ripped.
“I think I’m done with cheeseburgers for a while.” I commented out of nowhere.
Dave laughed, knowing exactly what i was referring to. He was actually proud of how nasty his rips were, the immature bastard.
I managed to focus on driving however, keeping an eye on the road and other passing cars, while still casually chatting with my bro, the insisting stench being a constant reminder of his farting skills even when his ass was being silent.
But I know Dave: he wasn’t done.
Around 30 minutes later, the radio played a song of a band we really like.
“I believe they’re having a concert in Boston in a few months.” Dave said.
“We gotta book some tickets if there’s still time.”
“I doubt it but it’s worth a shot.”
“I gotta hear that solo, bro.”
I feel like my life is just a series of fart cues for my gassy friend at this point.
“Right, but you gotta settle for this solo until then.” he stated, and I knew where this was going.
He again spread his legs wide and started farting, predictably, the blast being just as powerful as the others. How he manages to do it is beyond me, whether it’s natural or on command. The guy’s got talent and I wish I could be unbiased about it: he’s that good. I could swear that the warm gas cloud he produced almost fogged up the car windows, and the stench got even worse, nauseating, so much so I could taste it, which wasn’t a good news at all for my stomach, busy trying to digest my own cheeseburger.
Around 13 seconds later, Dave again adjusted his position on the seat and the fart went silent.
“Dude, no offense.” he turned to me. “But how you manage to survive whenever I fart in your face is a mystery to me.” he admitted, visibly disgusted, but still smiling and amused nonetheless.
The fact that he said that as if it was the most normal sentence in the world almost made me swerve the car.
“Like, was it last month?” he recalled. “We were on the couch and I used my legs to get you head-locked right up my ass ahah and then farted for like 30 seconds.” he couldn’t help but laugh at that memory, while still being disgusted.
I couldn’t blame him: this kink is gross, but I was grateful he also found it disgustingly amusing.
I can however blame him for my massive, damp boner instead: hearing Dave just casually recall our previous fart sessions was something I never expected to happen. What’s next? A clip-show episode?
And yes, I do remember the head-lock thing. I didn’t even ask for it but he just went for the fart-kill. I never ask for it, in fact: Dave walks the thin line between teasing me and straight-up bullying me with farts at this point, fully knowing how much I enjoy it...
I remained silent, hoping that we’d change the subject, even though the raunchy smell in the car kept reminding me of my bro’s powerful flatulences. His gas is like weed to me, when it comes to side effects, ‘cause I didn’t realize how much time passed; turns out we were like 30 minutes from home now: we did all the trip in one sitting, no pit stops or anything, just like daddy Tim likes it (please forget I called myself like that).
“Well Tim, you did it. You drove us home safe and sound, against all odds.” he mocked me.
“The odds being? You trying to poison me?” I dared to say.
That smirk, his signature smirk once again appeared on his face.
“Bro if I wanted to poison you, trust me, you’d have died miles ago.”
“Oh you trust me, my nostrils are burning.” I admitted.
My friend adjusted his position on the seat one more time in response.
“Just be glad you’re not getting this in your face.” he tried to be serious, threatening, but he just laughed in the end.
I tried to ignore what he just said, which I could easily do given what immediately followed: a loud, manly fart, already the loudest of the bunch. He’s done holding back: he was saving the best for last. The sheer power of the blast quickly renewed the horrid stench tarnishing the car; I felt soaked in my friend’s gas and I knew I had to take a long shower once I got home.
I should be glad this wasn’t in my face, he told me, and while I did want to get that blast up close and personal like we usually do... judging by the loudness, the power, the stench… maybe I should indeed be thankful. 
Dave farted in my face many times by now, and trust me when I say that I endured some of the longest, loudest, baddest farts you can imagine. So when even I tell you that yes, maybe this one blast should be admired from a safer distance, you know things are getting way too hardcore. This latest fart sounded similar to the others, but I could also sense it was raunchier, deeper, dangerous. It wasn’t wet or anything, but it was pure, raw manly power.
Just like my bro wondered how can I survive his farts, I wondered the same about his jeans, how the fuck his farts do not manage to tear a huge hole through of them. Those lucky, lucky jeans.
The fart kept going, so loud that I couldn’t even hear the radio, and while he wasn’t ripped in my face, it could very well have been: I felt the car shake due to its power and through the gas all round me I could taste the twisted, rotten version of the double cheeseburger Dave had not even 2 hours earlier.
Eventually, even this fart had to end, Dave leaning a bit so he could rip the loud last few seconds towards me, clocking at almost 30 seconds in total. An incredible display of talent, further proof that he’s the fart master.
After a few moments of awkward silence, in spite of my boner sucking all the blood from my brain, I managed to be brave enough to speak, ignoring my friend’s smirk.
“I could’ve handle it.” I stated, lowkey suggesting that next time he had a fart like this brewing, he shouldn’t worry about directly blasting my face.
Maybe not while I'm driving, obviously.
“You’re disgusting bro.” he said, without losing his smirk, then called for a brofist. “Respect.”
Disgusted, but amused, he did find impressive that I’m indeed able to endure his incredible blasts. As usual, as annoying as he can be, and as gross as I can be, I couldn’t ask for a better bro.
Finally, about 20 minutes later, in the dark of the night, I parked the car on our front-yard, by the garage.
Both me and Dave left the car gasping for some clean air. Opening the doors of my vehicle felt more like opening a tuna can, with all the smell trapped inside leaving the tiny space it was trapped into all at once: I could still smell my friend’s farts while walking towards our front door, a sign that my hair and clothes were soaked deep into his gas. Even Dave's backpack left a trail of gas.
As we finally stepped into our living room, we felt free, as if we successfully finished a very dangerous quest. My tired bro-roommate patted my shoulder and walked upstairs like a zombie, ready to collapse on his bed and sleep until the end of time probably.
“Thanks for everything, Tim. Told ya the gas was on me.” he simply said, half-asleep already.
Teasing aside, I decided to not destroy him with one of my snarky comebacks and let him go this time, since I had another urgency to take care of. It’s a miracle I managed to resist for the entire trip in those conditions!
I waited for my friend to disappear into his room before rushing into the bathroom, so I could properly get rid of my damp boner. I barely needed to touch my penis, all it took was my fingers tickling it; my dick promptly exploded, the power of Dave’s farts and attitude being impossibly hot for me.
I took a deep breath as I came and I could still feel bits of that stench deep down my nostrils, which made me wonder if I myself reeked of farts and rotten cheese.
…yeah, I’m definitely avoiding cheeseburgers for a while.
Road trips, however, I’m all for it, as long as Dave provides all the gas we need.
End of Episode 22
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
A/N: Thanks for your patiences while I was out of town! This was another request - see below. My request box is still open :)
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Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 13: Tostones
“You’ll be back before you know it,” Carmen reassured as the taxi driver loaded the suitcase and tote, hugging Vanessa tightly.
“M’gonna miss you,” she mumbled into his chest, her winter coat bundled in his arms.
“I’m gonna miss you, too, baby,” Carmen kissed her cheek, rubbing up and down her back. “I’ll come pick you up at the airport on Sunday,” he reminded. “If you don’t get in the car soon, you’re gonna be late.” Vanessa nodded, taking a step back. “Give me a kiss,” he demanded softly, to which she complied, pressing her lips to his.
“Text you before takeoff,” she promised.
Carmen saw her car off, sighing, before turning back into the building. Heading up the elevator, the apartment felt different with Vanessa gone. Sure, he’d been in there alone plenty of times in the last 10 months, but knowing she was on her way to another state for a whole week wasn’t quite the same.
Vanessa had been asked to speak at a marketing summit in Miami for the week, participating in a keynote tomorrow, Tuesday, and a panel on Friday afternoon. She’d fly back Saturday morning, leaving Carmen on his own the entire week.
They had really hit their stride with timing and at the point in their relationship, when all they wanted to do was be together, it was awful being apart.
The first day went by quickly.
Carmen was busy with work and Vanessa was doing a lot of networking and mingling with young professionals who were clamoring to get an internship in her office.
Every time she changed, she’d send picture of her outfit to Carmen. He looked forward to her updates every day, but especially her pajamas at night, which usually included his boxers or his old Cubs T-shirt.
The second day wasn’t so bad either, there was less texting between the two of them – Vanessa in the thick of keynotes and networking, and Carmen working on The Bear’s fiscal year-end paperwork.
On the morning of Day Three, Vanessa gave Carmen an early-morning FaceTime call.
“Hi Gorgeous,” he greeted, having just returned from the farmer’s market. He was meeting with a few vendors there and snagged a few healthy handfuls of kale to make wedding soup.
“Hi baby,” Vanessa sighed an exhale, her hair in rollers but her makeup all done. She propped her phone up on the bathroom vanity and he watched, enraptured, as she went about taking down her hair in a plush robe.
“How’s Miami?” He asked, leaning over the kitchen island.
“Not as warm as I’d like, but the conference has been good,” she replied. “There’s also this sweet little Cuban coffee shop across from the hotel, but the mom of the owner makes tostones and black beans and rice every morning, you’d just die,” she gushed. “Can you try and make them for me when I come home?” She asked, fluffing up her hair in a way that made her look like his personal 90’s wet dream.
“Yeah, I can try,” he laughed.
“There’s also a stray cat that like lives in the hotel, he’s so sweet,” she sighed. “Should we get a kitty?”
“Ness, you’re allergic,” Carmen reminded her.
“I know, but I could get medicine for it,” she said thoughtfully, carrying her phone over to the main room and propping it up in her closet. Dropping her robe, he eyed her with precision in her black bra and matching thong.
“Hi beautiful,” He murmured, feeling heat at his temples as she held up two dresses against her body.
“Blue or green?” She asked, checking out her options in her reflection of the phone. “Blue,” she decided.
“Blue,” he agreed, though she’d look beautiful in anything. The dressed slipped down the figure of her body like silk and she spent the next few moments adjusting.
“Okay baby, I’m going to take off, I’m meeting a group of college grads for coffee so they can grill me,” she sighed, picking up the phone again and stepping into her heels.
He watched her spritz her perfume across the line of her collarbone and felt a longing tugging at his belly button. Damn, he missed her a lot. He could smell the perfume from Chicago.
“Call me tonight?” He asked, leaning back against the sink and tucking his free hand across his chest into his underarm.
“Of course,” she smiled, pursing her lips in a kiss before ending the call. Looking down he could see he was half-hard in his joggers. At least he had plenty of Vanessa’s outfit photos to get him through the morning.
That night was a different story. The day had gotten away from both of them, and as Carmen was riding the train back toward the apartment, his phone dinged.
He was grateful there was no one sitting next to him when he opened his texts from Vanessa to see a handful of racy shots of her in her bra and panties – some with either one or the other. His favorite was the one of her in his old Cubs shirt – nipples visible through the fabric as she fisted it to cover between her legs, but her bare hips on display.
From: Vanessa
My fingers aren’t as good since I know what yours feel like.
One more jostle from the train and Carmen was going to pop a full boner.
Carmen didn’t want to remind her of the time left apart, so instead of messaging her fuck that conference, come home, he went another angle.
To: Vanessa
You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life and when you get home I’m going to fuck you absolutely dumb.
Across the country in Miami, Vanessa giggled wildly, feeling like she was back in high school with a crush on the quarterback. But with Carmy, it as more like a crush on the A/V Club President.
Vanessa got through Day Five slowly. The coffee wasn’t helping the way she needed it to and she’d had just enough of fluorescent lighting and young professionals handing her their resumes. She admired their gas, but now, on Thursday, knowing she wasn’t going home until Saturday, she was pretty miserable.
Skipping lunch at the conference, she grabbed a salad at her hotel before flopping on her bed. She knew Carm would be at The Bear in the thick of lunch prep, so she called her Dad and chatted with him for a while instead. The afternoon passed slowly and she flopped on her bed after arriving home after a happy hour that evening.
From: Vanessa
Can you send me some nudies, I miss you.
Carmen shook his head as he checked his phone in the office
To: Vanessa
At work, sorry, miss you too beautiful.
She laughed, knowing full well that he would never send her nudes regardless of whether or not he was at work.
From: Vanessa
Just a little selfie? I want to see your cute face.
Carmen cleared his throat, fixing just a curl or two before snapping a photo of himself at his desk before sending it off.
From: Vanessa
You have all day Saturday off, right?
Carmen didn’t get a chance to reply before another text pinged.
From: Vanessa
We’re gonna need a full day.
Carmen still wasn’t sure how he got so lucky with her.
Vanessa really did try to make the best of her last day in Miami. She went for a run in the morning, grabbed a coffee and tostones from her favorite little spot and took a painstaking amount of time on her hair and makeup. She moderated a panel on the last afternoon and turned down the conference-ending activities to go back to her room, pack and turn in early.
Vanessa’s flight left Miami at 7 a.m. and put her back at Midway by 9 a.m. Carmen was already waiting at baggage claim with a Cuban coffee in his hands when she appeared at carousel 4.
“Carmen,” she breathed, feeling the tightness across her shoulders lax.
“Hi baby,” he greeted, having just enough time to set the two cups down before hugging her tightly. He stroked his hand down her hair and kissed her cheek over and over as she squeezed him. “Kiss me, I missed you,” he commanded softly, to which Vanessa gladly obeyed.
“Missed you more,” she sighed against lips.
“Don’t leave again any time soon,” he advised, slanting his mouth over hers.
“Take me home,” she all but begged.
“I’ll grab your suitcase, you zip up this coat,” he tugged on the zipper of her cropped puffer. The ride back from the airport to the condo felt longer than ever, but just moments after arriving home, Carmen was pinned to the sofa, Vanessa in his lap as she kissed him fervently.
“Is it pathetic that every day I thought about how much I missed you?” She asked, holding the back of his neck in her laced fingers, her thumb running over his Adam’s apple.
“If it is, then I’m equally pathetic,” Carmen said, looking up at her with pure adoration in his eyes.
“I’ve never felt like this about another person,” Vanessa confessed, pressing her hips forward into him. “I wanna be with you all the time,” she leaned into Carmen’s touch as he ran his hand through her hair gently.
“I think for me – it’s you,” he said sincerely.
Vanessa didn’t care they hadn’t been together for a year yet – she agreed with a kiss.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time. last night we watched ds9's "sons and daughters" and "behind the lines." "but liz you were going to watch voyager" dw about it
sons and daughters:
being real this episode kind of sucked. it's because i don't like alexander and i'm only lukewarm on ziyal, depending on the sitch, and this was a bad sitch
i feel like both kira and odo's plotlines here and in the following ep were just retreads of what happened to them last episode, but worse. kira having her big moment of realization last episode that she is becoming complacent and complicit in what's happening means very little when dukat almost manages to woo and charm her with his daughter and a nice new dress (absolutely SICK that he turned it around and gave it back to ziyal btw)
also like...ziyal is a really nice girl but knowing what we know about dukat 1. he called leeta in his office in that flashback episode presumably to fuck her 2. has a half-bajoran daughter 3. tried to physically block kira from leaving his office and also touched her face once 4. i know the big spoiler about who he was fucking from 6.17 and that it was not consensual. like, if ziyal chooses not to see this. because he's her dad. of course nobody can blame her because he's her DAD. but also, i feel like if your dad is a rapist and colonizer and you love him then maybe don't hang out with the people he's been raping and colonizing and go :( but nobody accepts me
like in the end, with kira, kira was like i'm not gonna make you choose between me and your dad but i refuse to fuck w him so i think we need to chill and ziyal is like :( damn lost another one because dukat's my dad...love and light, girl, i know he is your dad but the call is coming from inside the house
i also like. does it suck ass that worf didn't talk to his son for five years? yeah, but they CHOSE to make him do that. they could have just as easily chose to have him call every saturday and send birthday gifts and take vacations to earth. idw bust their balls or anything because they do SUCH a good job w jake and sisko but its very tired to make worf a black dad to a multiracial kid who just doesn't step up and dumps his kid on whoever will take him
like he tried SO HARD in tng. alexander's mother hated klingons (despite being half klingon) and she made him hate his own culture to the point that worf who was RAISED BY HUMANS was better in touch with his heritage and he tried. Everything. he tried so hard with this kid. he spent time doing klingon stuff. he spent time doing not klingon stuff. he tried to train him as a warrior and then he allowed him to be something besides a warrior. and alexander was CONSTANTLY unhappy. and now we're like yeah worf didn't talk to him for 5 years 🥰 fuck off
behind the lines:
SIMILARLY TO MY KIRA COMPLAINT. odo also expressing concern for order and like, not wanting the bajorans to protest because he's afraid of the backlash and crackdown was also explored last episode. and kira was like yeah that's dumb we gotta do something and he was like ok! because he loves her. and i liked that a lot
i can see him having problems in this episode with the exact particulars because he's concerned and because he doesn't like chaos but i also don't see him being such a huge dick about it like just leaving the room after saying no...no, you know, i could see him being a dick, but he is not stupid. this was BEFORE that evil mommy shifter showed up and he was still doing this. kira FLAT OUT TOLD HIM i will fight you if i have to. and he immediately capitulated because fighting her would be both emotionally painful for him and really difficult logistically because she's good at what she does
i don't really get why he would tell the female shifter all those deep feelings he has about kira when he doesn't like or trust her and i DEFINITELY don't see him linking with her after specifically being asked not to. it's so so so rare that odo lets anything get in the way of his job, and it's always a big deal when he does BECAUSE you can depend on him like clockwork. this whole episode felt like odo character assassination
but quark..............................................
oh my best friend quark
i could still do odo/kira e quark. i could
i like
when he got that cardassian drunk
when he got the cardassian drunk and he was like batting his eyelashes at him and then drinking him under the table WITH THE EXPENSIVE WINE EVEN THOUGH HE LIKES MONEY so he could learn state secrets because
HE CARES!!!!!! even when he was tricking himself into saying this occupation wasn't so bad he pointed out the lack of ghetto fences and remember during that occupation HE SOLD FOOD AT COST
huge strides in the me community for quark this episode. and i did with my mouth call odo a backstabbing whore. so it's a weird place to be
TONIGHT: ds9's "favor the bold" and "sacrifice of angels" if i'm lucky.
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