#murder drones writing
regretfullyrave · 18 days
Just very short Jessa writing practice, come feast :)
A Lesson in Anatomy:
Tessa gasps. She's breathing. Oh Lord, she is breathing. J's eyes drop to the human's chest painfully slow. It's... fear. Fear of losing the human’s features out of sight for even a second, like it takes a second and not a millisecond longer for them to wash away. It rises. Up and down. A light tremble, heaviness had settled, the motion is strained and her voice is stained. But Tessa never was a quitter and she won't quit now, she wouldn't. With every rise of her ribcage her chest eats away at the silver blade and every exhale spits a chunk back out, the insides leave a wet trail. 
J's optics snap to the petite face within a blink of an eye. The features so deliberately crafted, not even the tiniest of details on her face washed away, but paint had spilled and continues spilling. It reached her hair now, drank and absorbed by the darkest of locks, but that's not enough to keep the broken dam from spilling. Nothing will. It will drain. It's going to drain and it won't stop. It won't stop. It won't. Stop. "Don't move!" Tessa pleads hurriedly, before adding a much softer "please." She must have noticed the flash of panic on J's visor, her processing finally caught up to what's happened. 
Despite everything she obeys her 'Boss' to the letter. No emotion in her synthetic body stronger than the desperate order of her friend. But her fingers tremble, it's so light it's barely perceivable, but J wants to snap her own hand in half. It feels like a deliberate error during manufacture and she curses that fault in her design.
"J, you can'—t..." her voice strains suddenly, she chokes and can't breathe, but she fights to get the words out. "Can't pull out." She looks at the blade lodged into her chest cavity with a small smile. Morbidly she wonders wether it came out all the way on the other side. Out of her back, into the strawberry red carpet. Her parents would lose their shit had she let it rip the fabric. 
She cannot feel anything. 
She watches J's optics shift, no one clear emotion behind them but a plethora of fear, panic, confusion.... All right, a lesson in organic life she supposes. The anatomy and phylogenetics of the cardiovascular system, chapter 22, pages 245 to 280, give or take, she isn't entirely sure, she hadn't finished the chapter yet.
"Arteries, veins, little blood tubes... mine 'r bloody mess. Blade plugged through and tissue closed on it, it's keeping the blood in place," Tessa explains, she tries to shine light on the concept in as few words as she possibly can, each syllable further hindering her ability to breathe. 
Then she hums an amused laugh. "Like a cork on mother's bottle of Chardonnay, ey?" Her eyes trail up at J, like she just said a relatable joke and is waiting for the drone to join a playful back and forth. 
But J is too shaken up to even make a noise. 
Tessa smiles the warmest smile the world had ever seen. "S'alright, J," her hand finds the razor edge and rests there, she wants to trace her hand higher, but the climb is too much for her tired self to make. The distance separating the two will have to do. "It's not your fault." 
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miss-emmie · 8 months
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lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 1
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
Characters in play: Uzi Doorman-a working Dron’
   Khan Doorman-Father of Uzi, a working Dron’ gatesmithy
3 Disassembly Dron’s
   N-Well meaning friend of Uzi
   V-Vicious and vengeful Dissassembly Dron’
   J-Leader of Dissassembly Dron’s
Thad-Pupil and a working Dron’.
Doll-Pupil and a working Dron’ of Russian origin
Lizzy-Pupil and a working Dron’
The Unnamed Worker(1)-Gatekeeper, a working Dron’ 
Various Working Dron’
[Uzi and Teacher in a classroom. Filled with students, among them Riley].
Uzi: Robotic workers art(2) we who toiled
To succor(3) Mankind to his ultimate
Goal of conquest and colonization.
Behold! Plan’ets on edge of the knowing
And dread(4) sense of Man have since becometh 
Our domain to shred for his service
To th’ dishonorable Lord Jensen.
Who behaves to our wondrous kind species 
Mere servants to windows crisp(5) despite our
Innate, humble nature
Gaze in some delight as th’ colony 
Of Man ceases to function for profit
‘Cause of his utter arrogance come here.
Like th’ Icarus ‘fore him he fell down
And left us thou richst and gentle(6) plan’et;
Gave us this Copp’r-Nine to settle here
As our one and only true home for us.
This plan’et was wiped clean of man’s touches
And he graciously allowed us to live
Among ourselves as we raised our issue(7)
From our humble colony out lonesome,
To busy former Silicon City(8).
But ‘lo! Yond murd’rous tyrant Lord Jensen
Dispatched his servants of evil ‘gainst us
Who breathed out unspeakable crimes ‘mongst us
They did ruin our gentle cities and kin.
What remains most grievous to me is th’
Lack of care in which thy parents hath shown
Toward th' well being and prosperity, 
Th' rough mortal body of I and thee. 
As we cower behind th’ iron gates,
Thrice they art, to guard us from th’ thin air
Unneeded they art; they stir up more mess
Th’ med’cine to this ail is in mine palms.
Beholdeth! I present to class this gun
Crafted with th' power of th’ devil
To exterminate th' murd’ous machines
Of th' vile tyrant Lord Jensen’s joint stock(9).
Why(10) doth you fear like fatherless children?
Stand for your country and battle as men!
This weapon sees not good operation now;
Testing more needed, but p’rhaps it fire!
Riley: Woe! This unleashed chaos vexes(11) me soul!
Lazy pupil. 
Thy problem was to count thy melons.
By some perchance doth this f’rearm suffice?
Teacher: Nay to question, an’ feelings thou shareth
Count but two marks on thy exam present(12).
To add, thy ‘arm’s colour seems most jealous(13).
Great woe am I and my class here present!
This gun exhausts itself with splendid heat
And fires free onto th'students front!
Railgun explodes. All Exit hastily.
(1)-Technically, according to the SMG4 and Murder Drone Wikis, this character is named Braxton. I thought it appropriate to call him unnamed as a joke from the pilot episode references his lack of a spoken name.
(5)- Uses us to clean windows
(7)- Descendents/Heirs
(8)- Silicon City fell to the Murder Drones in 2674 AD. 
(9)- A company
(10)- Classmates panic/cower here
(11)- Annoys/Angers
(12)- Or, two points on the test/assignment.
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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nikoforgot · 5 months
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murder drones comic i made in the format of a groupchat
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eveledoze · 6 months
sorry but them
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solroskajan · 3 months
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I will finish this when I have time, which is not now, but I'm posting the sketch anyway because omg I knew I HAD to draw this scene as soon as I saw it! (Murder Drones: Intermission by @ghoulinfuschia and her team, please go watch it if you haven't already it's awesome!!)
I was so excited for this fan episode but I didn't expect V would have such a large role in it I love it I love it I love it!!!
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seraphont · 3 months
So how did J and Tessa's actual reunion play out?
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leaving crumbs, I don’t want to spoil anything yet, but considering this au is going to be a slow burn, it went terribly LOL
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uzibrainrot · 29 days
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YAYY VUZI DRAWINGG!! 2 vers because i like contrast :D (I will draw for the fanzine next >:3)
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readypanda · 2 months
Being a fan of stories that revolve around robots or AI in the 21st century is so weird now. Like how do I tell people I'm the biggest fictional robot appreciator and the biggest real life robot hater
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xvs9000 · 27 days
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decided to draw my fav scene from the finale
two besties, falling into the earths mantle, staring lovingly into each other's eyes as they plummet to their doom cross posted from twitter here
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electrozeistyking · 7 months
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Yeah, I don’t know where this came from (beyond N’s new coat in this AU being baggy).
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miss-emmie · 8 months
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lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 2
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
[Uzi bandaged, sitting in sick bay. Lizzy and Doll nearby.]
Lizzy: Fie! ‘Tis a shame thy wast not slain anon(14).
Thy des’rves th' condition thou finds in.
With gross negligence and empty-headed,
May thou neverst walk on Copp’r-Nine again!
Lizzy and Doll Exit
Thad [Within](15):
My brother Chad! Thy manliness is a
Rev’rent symbol yond shall not ever err.
Thad Enters
O, me(16) Uzi! Thou worst than I expect’d.
Uzi: Th’ condition of my adolescence
Breeds rebellious action ‘fore others.
Consume my care good sir; thou ignorant!
However one question remains on mind. 
Thy name is simply well known; how doest thou
knowest mine; shameful and alone sit me?
Thad: Thou respectful grease(17) is borne from Doorman’s(18).
But I darest not mention any more
Thou fearst(19) may blow th' last side of thy head 
From its rightful way atop of thy breast.(20)
Thy assessment of my behavior 
Is splendid, though my father is not for
Your concern. How has thy found himself in 
Th’ medic ward? Has thy manliness split 
Thy from th’ nave to th' chops(21)? An’ trea’sur’d
A beauty?(22)
                 That ‘tis possible to do?
I impress myself with th' function of
My body. But injuries reveal
Th’ fair sight of beauty an’ loveliness 
Uzi: Why, you villain!
I abhor thou speechst toward my well being.
O! I spot ‘hind thee-
Uzi:                                     -Th' caliver of hell!
As I point in thy direction, marvel 
in near fictit’us power! Murd’r Dron’s 
With pale heart doth shelter out th’ gates
Shall then surrender final part to me 
To liberate Copp’r-Nine from her cruel
Oppress’rs. Doorman will finally view
My self-isolation as worthiness.
Thad: But thy Doorman, inventor of th’ gates,
Grants safe haven inside our warm abodes; 
Sep’rating us from th’ Murd’r Dron’s
 an'  allowing us inactive in fight.
Thy emotions  an'  rebellion of 
Doorman cloud thy incorrect conscious mind.
Uzi: Vile traitor!
State not on my state of mind ‘gainst Father
Lest my ‘arm blow th’ ‘chips(23) out from thy skull!
Thad: Lady, I profusely apologize
So! I was unawares-
Uzi:                                   -Consume my care!
[Uzi Exits then Enters]
My anger does not stem from thy statement,
It is borne from th' weakness of my young
Adolescence  an'  of womanly sex.
[Uzi Exits.]
(15)- Line/action done offstage
(16)- Exclamation of surprise
(17)- Grease talks about oil, or blood. Meaning heredity
(18)- Possibly referring to both position as Father and his job/title
(19)- Fears from father will destroy her
(20)- Uzi’s fears of Doorman may cause outbursts and destroy her.
(21)- Sliced half way through
(22)- Loved a woman
(23)- Microchips. Other important thinking parts.
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yammpi3 · 14 days
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𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖. // 𝑾𝑪: 2.2𝑲
— feat. disassembly drone N x worker drone reader
synopsis. Since disassembly drones need oil to keep from overheating they kill other drones to consume it. But.. ever since the alliance between Disassembly and Worker Drones its been a bit difficult to acquire..It’s not a problem for V to randomly kill someone off but it’s a different situation for N now that his views have changed. AKA…reader supplies him with oil :DD
— content warning. Nothing 18+ just a few kisses, neck biting and N being in pain.. gulp?
— authors note. I fear this x reader is a bit..cringe then again that might just be me overthinking it..ANYWAYS tried my best for this, and still have no idea how to write for a robot. (N might be a little mischaracterized I’m not ENTIRELY sure)
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At the end of science class, just when everyone was packing up to leave, you noticed N fidgeting more than normal at his desk.
"Is everything okay, N?" you asked.
He laughed nervously. "Who, me? Pshaw, never better!" But when he spoke, he looked anywhere but at you and the others.
Thad snickered. "Maybe his circuits are loose again." Lizzy giggled. "Lmao, he probably fried something.” Just as V was about to comment on his behavior..
N got up from his chair abruptly; he swayed unsteadily before catching himself upon another classroom desk.
By the time you registered what was going on, N had already ducked out of the classroom door, stumbling down the hall. "N, wait!" you called after him, hurrying to catch up. N was unsteady on his feet, swerving from side to side as he tried to put distance between the both of you.
His limbs shook with every step he took.
"G-Gotta...g-get a-away..." he muttered, though you weren't sure if he was even aware you could hear him. His eyes flickered erratically, barely being able to focus straight ahead as he tried to get away.
You picked up your pace, power walking down the corridor after him. "Slow down!!" you yelled out, but N was quicker, and before you knew it, when you reached the next corner, you lost him completely.
Your concern for N grew by the minute, so you started tracking him down since something was clearly wrong, beyond a normal glitch.
An hour had already passed since you last saw N, yet here he was in the maintenance unit stumbling blindly, crashing into something every few steps.
"S-sorry!" he slurred after bumping into a support beam for the third time. An unnatural static fuzzed the edges of his voice. Stubbornly, he scrambled back on his feet and lurched forward without seeing where he went.
Was he malfunctioning? But his murder drone programming should have kept him sharp, no?? Seeing him this disoriented was alarming.
You trailed him at a distance, hiding behind a variety of things as he walked on ahead. Where was he heading in such a panic? His vents were roaring torrents by now, and visible condensation soaked his frame.
Finally, he collapsed behind a supply crate, crawling the last few feet. Had he sensed you following? No, his optics were unfocused, so he couldn't have had.
Gingerly, you peeked around the crate to see N weakly clawing at his chest clearly in pain.
If you didn't act fast, he would shut down permanently. Steeling your nerves, you crawled to his side.
"N? Hey..hey! It's me, Y/N. Are you okay??”
When you gently called his name, N got startled so badly that his claws scraped sparks from the metal flooring he sat upon. His optics flashed wildly before settling on your face with a look of panic. "Y-Y-Y/N! S-sorry, but I don’t think you should be near me right now…”
N let out an alarmed wheeze that trailed off into a pained whine. It took visible effort for his optics to focus on you. You could tell he was losing some sort of control over his strength, but why??
"You don’t look so good..”
N broke into a hacking series of rushed laughter that ended in a groan. "Me? Pssh, n-no way! I'm t-totally fine, like I said earlier. Now please just leave me, yeah?” He waved dismissively, or at least tried to, but his attempt ended up flailing limply.
He knew he wasn't doing a great job at reassuring you when you glared at him.
"N-nothing to worry that pretty l-little processor of yours over, really.”
N's dismissive act was crumbling faster than his resolve. Another hacking laugh turned into a groan as his eyes started to flicker erratically once again.
"N, please. You're clearly not alright." You took his flailing claw gently in your hands. His plating was so hot it almost burned to the touch.
A whine slipped, “Crap..crap. It h-hurts,
Y/N. M-My core, it h-hurts so F̵̬̏́̏͆̀͝ų̸͙͋̿̃̌͋́̈́̆͑̕͠c̶̜̜̼̥͓̚k̷̫̺̝̈́̀̿̇͐̐͑ḭ̸̧̻̞̻͚̳̘̩̣͋̀̃́̔̊̋̚ň̵̞̪̯̼̟̗̩͈̖́g̸̩̤̩̼̘̪̀́͊͗̋͐́̇ much."
You've never seen N this vulnerable before…
"What can I do to help? There must be something." N trembled, fighting some inner battle. Finally, he met your gaze, his optics showing an agony of want behind the discomfort.
"T-there is s-something, b-but I shouldn't..." Strangely, another sound intermingled with the strain in his voice now.
Was that...hunger?
Stroking his plating gently, hoping to soothe, you pressed, "Please, tell me what you need." His vents hitched wildly. Then, in a strained whisper, he cracked.
"Y-your oil...I ne-need…it."
A shiver visibly ran through his frame. His optics darkened as they focused intently on your physic, more so your neck and wrist.
"I..." he began weakly, then stopped to swallow. His claws clenched tightly as if fighting the urge. You waited patiently for him to continue, showing concern but no sense of alarm.
After a long pause, N dragged his gaze with an effort to meet your face once more.
“T-tell me to stop," he whispered, his fangs peeking out as he talked.
"I so badly n-need it, but I don't w-want to hurt you.” His claws lifted toward your face but stopped only by his wavering will. You knew this would be the only way for him to cool down.
You looked deeply into N's eyes, past the haze of glitches that overtook his screen.
"I trust you," you said calmly without fear. His breathing became more ragged at your words.
In a flash, his restraint broke—but instead of lunging at your throat as you'd expected, his claws tangled in the fabric of your shirt, yanking you flush against his overheated frame. You gasped at the contact, feeling the waves of heat pouring off of him.
N buried his face in the crook of your neck, fangs tantalizingly. "P-please..." he stammered once more, sounding close to genuine tears. Raising a hand, you gently clasped the back of his head, threading your fingers through his silver hair.
"Take what you need," you told him firmly yet tenderly..After yet another hesitant pause, his screen displayed an X. Then, with a grunt of gratification, his fangs smoothly penetrated the sensitive wiring of your neck.
Your breath became unsteady as N's fangs pierced you. It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would—just a little bit of a pinch. His hands gripped your shoulders for support as he drank deeply, allowing the oily fluid to course through his system.
For several moments the only sounds were his gulping intakes and your own measured breaths; you kept still so as not to disturb him. You watched as the pained lines on his face slowly eased, his eyes returning to normal. His plating, which was boiling hot only moments ago, cooled down to a much safer temperature against you.
N withdrew his fangs from your neck, making a small trickle of oil leak from your wound.
He leaned back in hastily, swiping his tongue along the twin marks. You shuddered at the foreign yet not unpleasant sensation. But N paused, a flushed look appearing on his screen. “Ah g-geez, is this w-weird?”
He glanced away, clearly embarrassed  "What I mean to say is, um, my saliva can help the wounds close up faster? If, uh, you're okay with my germy mouth touching the injury I c-caused? No funny business, I swear! J-just bros being bros, p-patching each other…um up.”
N winced, realizing how that sounded. "N-not that we're actually b-bros, unless you want to be? Biscuits. Just—just let me do this, kay?”
With your consenting nod, N gave a short awkward chuckle and leaned back in. His tongue swiping over the wound. It began to tingle as the mark he had left slowly began to close up.
"It's strange to think your spit has healing properties," you remarked softly, not wanting to break the intimacy of the moment. N hummed in agreement, laving one last swipe across the bite mark before drawing back to assess his handiwork. His optics flicked up to meet yours, searching for any sign of discomfort.
"How does it feel? Are you in any pain?" he asked, his tone laced with concern despite his own drained state. You shifted experimentally. "Stop worrying. Just a slight tingling.“
N searched your face anxiously. "Are you sure? Nothing else? No dizziness or discomfort?" His optics roved your features, taking in every subtle reaction. When you reassured him again that all was well, the tension melted from his shoulders—only to be replaced with guilt.
"Y/N, I could have seriously hurt you," he said quietly, horror creeping into his tone. "My systems went haywire; I had no control. If I had bitten down any harder..." He shuddered, unable to complete the thought.
"But you didn't," you said firmly. "You fought off the urge just enough to get the help you needed. I trusted you, N." He shook his head sadly. "Your trust may be misplaced in me. The overheating....what if next time I can't—can’t stop.”
N shuddered again at the dark thought. Seeking to ease his distress, you shot him a playful smile. "Well, if it happens again, we're in this together. At least now I have a cool vampire drone friend!! The whole sucking my oil thing was pretty vampirish.”
He cracked a hesitant chuckle. "Yeah, maybe I'll sparkle in the sun too." Feeling bold, you leaned in with a faux-dramatic voice, "I vant to suck your coolant..."
N actually snickered at that. You beamed, glad to lift his spirit, even if it was only for a brief moment. His smile faded as reality set back in.
"But seriously, what if next time I really hurt someone?” On impulse, you threw your arms around him in a hug.
N's eyes widened as you suddenly hugged him close. For a moment he sat stiffly, caught off guard. Then slowly, oh so carefully, his arms came up to return the embrace.
"Y/N...if anything happened to you because of me, I don't know what I'd do," he said quietly against your shoulder. You squeezed him tighter for reassurance. "Hey, it'll take a lot more than some murder instinct to take me out. Have a little more faith in me, will you? Stop being so edgy.”
“Edgy?" N scoffed, "Sorry, nearly ripping your throat out put me in a gloomy mood."
"Ripping my throat out?” You echoed with a wry grin. "Well, luckily that didn’t happen, did it?”
N huffed, “Maybe. But what if next time I lose it?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but he quickly shushed you.
“You just leaped right in like it was nothing. Do you have any idea how badly this could've ended?" He gestured vaguely to the drying wound on your neck.
"You drones are so..so fragile. One wrong move and I could've—" He cut off, unable to say the word. His arms flexed unconsciously, as if longing to wrap around something and squeeze. To protect, or destroy? Even he wasn't sure.
"You'd never hurt me, N. I believe in-"
Your words halted as he glanced up, his eyes searching yours with raw, wavering emotion. An urge welled within you, sprung from compassion more than reason. You leaned in to press your lips to his in a soft kiss.
"Mmmph?!" N made a muffled sound of surprise, his body locking up stiffly. Your tongue briefly caught the tang of the lingering oil before you pulled back with a slight grimace.
His faceplate shone a distressed yellow blush. "I-I'm so sorry, I should have wiped my mouth better!“ he stammered.
But you simply smiled and leaned in again, pressing your lips gently to his once more. Then, slowly, he began to relax into the kiss.
His screen switched to a loading screen. In that moment, all his train of thought derailed off a cliff. N's screen flickered back online, and one of his hands floated up to gently touch his mouth, eyes wide and staring blankly.
"Bwuh-wha...you...kissem—I mean, I kissem-no, we...kissed?" he sputtered
"We k-kissed. You k-kissed me," he whispered, his optics shrinking to pinpoints before dilating wide again. A nervous giggling burst out of him.
"Oh biscuits, what d-does this mean? Are we like..” his tone lowered to a soft whisper.
“Dating n-now?”
"Well, uh, I guess you could say we're kind of sort of datingish now," you replied bashfully. "If-if you want to be my boyfriend, that is."
N's entire face lit up. "Boyfriend..Awhh Y/N!! Id love that." He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around in excitement.
"N set you down gently, his optics still shining with unbridled joy. However, a hint of seriousness crept into his expression as he looked at you intently.
"This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you for what you did," he said, his voice low and eyes narrowed slightly. "You could have been seriously hurt, or worse. You really scared me back there."
You sighed and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Next time, I'll call V or someone else—I won't try to handle things on my own and potentially get myself killed." You paused, then added with a wry smile, "I promise."
N's stern look softened, and he hummed contentedly. "Good!" Reaching out, he took your hand in his larger one and gave it a gentle squeeze.
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© yammpi3 2024. All work belongs to @yammpi3. You can repost if you want to support my blog/writing! Please don't modify, translate, or plagiarize in any way on ANY platform.
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thecosmiccrow · 10 months
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i said i would post feral nuzi. kind of anyways. thanks for my first 1k note post guys woooo
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