#also uhhhhhh is his brother alright…
cheridraws · 1 year
So in like a week Mob has not only become the god of a cult but is also wanted by every gang leader in the city
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Basketball Blues (It's Alright Short Kings)
(Hey so I'm super confused by how this bracket and polling is actually working and I'm not sure if Out Of The Shadows and into The neon is even still in the running but. Have this because I can't draw. For anyone unfamiliar with this AU: 2012 boys died in their world and reincarnated into the Rise universe and were adopted by the Rise boys! Rise boys are addressed by the nicknames Raphie, Leon, Donald, and Angelo, 2012 boys are their regular shortened names.)
Eight bodies tumble out of the dark purple portal and onto the squeaky, shiny court floor. A chorus of voices whine from underneath the largest 9-and-a-half foot tall spiked turtle.
"DAD! YOU'RE CRUSHING US!" 10-year-old Raph shouts.
"Seriously bro," 33-year-old Leon groans, trying to shove his older brother off.
"Sorry," 34-year-old Raphie grunts, getting up and scooping up his 3-foot-tall son. "You okay little man?"
Raph coughs. "Once I get my breath back!"
"Donnie hit his head!" Mikey picks his brother up by the shoulders and shakes him. "Donnie! DONNIE!"
"As great of an idea as violently shaking someone with a potential brain injury is!" Donald shouts, grabbing his son away from his nephew, "Let's not do that. Donnie?"
Donnie's eyes are crossed. "Dad? Why're you surrounded by little stars?"
"Let me see him." Leon takes Donnie from Donald. "Leo, buddy? How're you?"
"I think I landed on my knee," Leo grunts, trying to stand up and falling. His eyes water. "Ow!"
"Uncle Raphie's gotcha!" He scoops little Leo up and puts him on his shoulder. "Okay, so was that a portal jacking, or are we in trouble?"
"Definitely not a portal jacking," Leon and Angelo say at the same time.
"Bro, if I was holding my probably concussed nephew right now, I'd so fistbump you for that awesome moment," Leon says.
"Spirit fistbump!" Angelo exclaims, bumping the air. "Alright, but now we gotta- WHOA!" His jaw drops and his eyes bug out of his head. "Guys... we're on a basketball court!"
"Uhhhhhh, Dad?" Mikey tugs on his dad's shell. "There's also like, a million other turtles here."
Everyone's eyes widen as they finally take in the scene.
It's not quite a million, but it is a lot of turtles. Mutant ninja turtles, some teens and some not, some with a striking resemblance to the quad of 10 year olds and some with even more striking resemblance to their fathers. There's also various rat mutants, some lizards-
"So... is this some kind of new Battle Nexus?" Leon looks around for Big Mama. "If she brought our boys into this-"
"DAD!" Raph smacks his dad's face to get his attention. "Those guys over there look like you!"
But Raphie's attention is laser-focused on a group of shorter red-bandana wearing turtles all arguing, all with the same cracks in their plastrons and the same round feet as his son. "Yeah. Lotsa doubles here."
"Ohmigosh, I was right! ALTERNATE UNIVERSES OF OURSELVES!" He jumps up and down, squealing!
"I knew that," Donnie says blearily from Leon's arms. "Turtle power..."
"Okay, so he's delirious," Leon declares. "Leo, can you hold your brother up while-"
A whistle blows, and a ball bounces over to the group. They all watch it slowly roll forward until it doinks against Raphie's toe.
"... LET'S PLAY!" Mikey grabs the ball and runs forward!
Angelo zooms in front of his son and holds up a hand, scooping him into the air with Mystic Power. Mikey yelps.
"We have no idea what this is!" Angelo scolds. "You and your brothers are staying right here while we figure it out!"
"Plus, and this is not your fault because you are children, but... you're all way too short to win," Donald says.
"HEY!" Raph uses Raphie's face as a launchpad and jumps at his uncle. "We're not babies! We can play better than you can!"
"HA! Burn," Leon chuckles, handing Donnie over to Leo.
"But pleaseeeee?" Mikey clasps his hands together and makes puppy-dog eyes.
Raph and Leo share a glance and copy, looking at their dads with watery wide eyes.
"Guh! Unfair!" Leon covers his eyes. "Don't look, don't look!"
Raphie slaps a hand over his eyes and Angelo yelps and turns his mask backwards.
"Aw, come on!" Raph drops the pout and grabs Donald's face. "We gotta play! Those guys look just like us, but I just know a lot of them never learned to play basketball! They probably grew up eating algae and worms and not being allowed to skateboard inside!"
"That's concerningly specific and I'm sure if we think about it too much it'll shatter our world perceptions," Donald says, grabbing Raph by the back of his shell and putting him back on the ground. "But, still no. I may not be great at the game, but I am almost eight feet tall."
"So that's cheating," Raph argues.
"Some of the others are also very tall."
"You can reach the baskets without even jumping!"
"Yeah we can." Raphie punches his palm. "Don't worry boys! We're gonna wipe the floor with the competition, get all of us home, and you guys can play a game with the Caseys and Auntie April!"
The four boys sit together, Donnie propped up by Leo and Mikey. Raph crosses his arms and pouts as their dads strut out onto the court.
"... Do you wanna go play pranks on the ones who looks like dads?" Mikey whispers. He holds up a water balloon. "You know. For revenge."
Raph grins and punches Mikey's shoulder. "You're my favorite brother now."
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||The cursed king doll||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with a little funny drabble for fun. After some asks from anons about a little punishment for a certain king. However, this one is for fun so lets get into it.
||Drabble Summary||
Lets say today was Christmas finally where everyone was enjoying the holidays and taking a break. However, what would happen when Sukuna sent a gift to NYC but it went too far? Seems a certain dragon had enough and asked a special someone to aid her in a little help. The result? Read to find out.
~This is half funny/adorable type of drabble
~crying/freaking out is present in drabble
~scared but adorable Sukuna plush is present in this drabble
((Guests in this drabble))
Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger, and Kisho belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
Sukuna Ryomen, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, megumi fushiguro, and gojo satoru come from the anime jujutsu kaisen but their also muses I rp with.
((Grammar mistakes and errors will be seen and noticed in this but it’s written for fun. I hope you understand but with that, please enjoy <3))
Today was a jolly happy Christmas day, seeing the jujutsu high school being on break while they are spreading cheer and holiday goodness. However, for a few, that was different. Right now, Yuji and KIsho was trying to not laugh while heading to class but their was a angry growling in Yuji's bag while he was walking with him.
Megumi was already in class with Nobara, Taz, Miko, and Yuria wondering where the two boys were.
"Are you sure they are not over sleeping again? I mean, they would be here with you right?" Yuria asked and yet Megumi sighed with a shrug of his shoulders.
"They would be yes but they told me to go ahead and they will see us later when class starts." he looks to the girls but sees Taz tilt her head with Kinie on her head too.
"Maybe their just being lazy again and wasting time. I know my king would not like that." she said simply but grins. "Or maybe chasing them for a good hunt will wake them up."
"Kinie.." Taz sighed.
"Umm..w..well, I'm sure they have a reason...it shouldn't be too bad." she mutters with Gojo wondering where the two were indeed.
"Well, I'm sure they will show. Though, we can wait a bit longer before-" as Gojo said this, the door opens showing Kisho and Yuji had finally arrived.
"Oh! You guys made it!" Taz smiled to her big brother and Kisho though they close the door to walk in but they were trying not to laugh while sitting down.
"Uhhhhh, are you both alright?" Nobara asked but Kisho tries to calm down with snorts and giggles slipping out.
"M..Morning Nobara and everyone else Pfffhh.....*snickers* Were good just having a nice Christmas." he said.
"Uh huh...." Megumi said. "And you too Yuji?" he asked seeing him nod.
"Yep..all good. No worries at all!" he said smiling even if he was lowering his head snickering with Kisho still giggling. The girls blinks now confused while Gojo confused too.
"Itadori is something funny?" He asked.
"No???" the two said snickering more while snorting loudly. Yeah, something was seriously up right now. But now that makes sense, others in school were snickering or giggling about something and the teachers didn't know what was going on. It was rather strange indeed.
For a bit, the two just kept snickering and giggling before Nobara sighing. "Alright that's it. What are you two laughing about!? You been giggling non stop for a while so what is it. What is making you two so giggly?!" Nobara asked before Yuji and Kisho just look at one another before breaking out laughing falling on the ground holding their stomachs.
"Uhhhhhh..." Miko and Yuria was confused.
"Big brother?" Taz said confused and Kinie really confused.
"What the hell?! Why are you two laughing!? What is it!!" Kinie said demanding what is going on.
"Seems like it's pretty funny but were missing the joke here." Gojo said with a pout.
"Not funny Gojo sensei. Guys will you say what is going on?! What is so funny!!" megumi said only for Kisho to show a letter Yuji got to have him read it.
"Huh?" Everyone looks to the letter. Here is what the following letter reads:
'Dear King of Curses, Someone told me that you have been naughty and you like curses so much that you became the King of them. Therefore, here is my gift. You are now someone to toy with and play with. Hope you enjoy the week till the New Year or the upcoming spring....who knows.... Merry Christmas Signed By - Krampus
Megumi was silent reading this as the others were wide eyed then looks at him then at the other two laughing their butts off on the floor. "Hold on....Krampus?" he mutters before something caught Miko's ears.
'Yujiyoudamnidiot! getofftheflooryourfuckingcrushingme!!' said a angry toy like voice that sounded familiar.
"Uhhhhh, guys? Did you hear something?" Miko asked as Taz, Yuria, and Nobara blinks.
"Hear something?" Nobara asked but now the girls were hearing the angry yelling but Yuji hear to sit up but still was laughing catching his breath.
"H..Hold on, hold on.." he said snickering to reach into his bag and sets it on the table but their was movement inside the bag! This made Megumi, Nobara, Taz, Yuria, and Miko tense moving away a bit to see this. What was in the bag????
Gojo blinks to look but that's when something crawls out on all fours showing some sort of doll that looked like Sukuna. "Ughhh...damn brat..." he hissed but he looks seeing he was in a room but noticed the others seeing him.
'Oh damn it..'
"........Uhhhh, is that a doll?" Nobara asked.
"...That is a doll...and it sounds familiar.." Megumi said.
"Yeah...very familiar." Yuria said with Miko agreeing.
"True..." Taz mutters and Kinie looking at it.
Seeing this, Sukuna looks at them but grumbles as he tried to look menacing but couldn't. "What? You haven't seen a stupid doll before?" he said that the other blinks to look.
Both Yuji and Kisho bursts into laughing again falling on the ground with Eito squawking around with tears in it's eyes too to fall rolling on his back too.
"Damn it you three, shut up already! It's not funny!!" he said.
"..W..wait, isn't that...." Miko started but Megumi looks to the letter then to the doll that his eyes were in shock.
"You have got to be kidding me........." he said with his eye twitching.
"Uhhh M..Mr. Sukuna? Is that you?" Taz said worried.
"....Sadly yes Pup...it's me. Damn that stupid Krampus. He'll pay for this insult!" he growls but Kinie was more shocked that she looks to her king.
"My king! What the hell happen to you!?" she said.
"..Don't look at me princess! I look ridiculous in this stupid damn stuff toy!" he said that everyone was shocked but he kept hearing the boys still laughing except for Megumi who looks seeing the girls blink to the doll.
"Honestly I...so it was true? Krampus did this to you?" Yuria said but Miko blinks worried.
"What do you think!?" he shouted.
"Now now, don't shout. That's not nice." Gojo said. "Though, you look adorable as a stuffed doll." he said poking his cheek that Sukuna growls.
"But your adorable though!" he said holding him in his hands.
"LET ME GO YOU FOOL!!" he warns but Nobara takes him.
"You know, he looks so cute like this. Really cute." she said smiling while squeezing him gently.
"Will you stop with the squeezing girl! I demand you stop that or else I'll-" But as he said this, they were not prepared for what happened. A cute like squeak came from Sukuna followed by an adorable tone playing a Christmas song. When it finished playing he said, "
"I Luw you <3"
"o.o" Megumi was silent.
"O.o" Nobara was speechless
"........" was the only thing Yuria said.
"........" Miko was silent covering her mouth.
"........" Finally Taz was quiet to blink.
The group was speechless but Nobara blinks but in a moment...
"Awwwwww!!! That was adorable!" Nobara said squeezing him again hearing the cute squeaks.
"Stop that! Stop-"
"I luw you <3"
"Stop squeezing me you damn-"
"I love huggies and cuddles..."
"Damn it you wench stop-"
"Merry Christmas I love you all.."
Nobara had hearts over her head squeezing and hugging the Sukuna Doll with a smile. "So adorable. This is too cute!!" she giggled that even Miko and Yuria was finding it cute. Even Taz too!
Kinie was in shock but she did admit he was adorable.
"Wow, this is new. I guess Krampus is punishing you for being a naughty boy this year Sukuna-"
"FUCK YOU GOJO!!" he shouted still being squeezed. "PRINCESS HELPPPPPPP!!" This snaps Kinie out of it before she quickly moves to snatch the doll away from the girls to hold the doll in her teeth.
"Enough already! I think you made your point!" Kinie said but Gojo blinks seeing Kinie being cute too. "Besides, you guys need to act like adults here!" she said but as she said this, she looks to her king.
"Are you alright my king?"
"Nooooooo..I feel so humiliated being as this stupid stuff toy." he said.
"Don't worry, we'll find a way to turn you back-"
"You can't. Seems from this letter he's stuck in that doll till new years or till spring....." Megumi said but Sukuna growls angry.
"Damn it!" he said. "Ughhhhh...I hate this." he said.
"Don't worry my king. I'll be here to protect you so don't worry." However, as Sukuna was about to speak, Gojo picks Kinie up who blinks but sees him hold her.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Kinie hisses but Gojo was having hearts over his head too while nuzzling her.
"So adorable! You look so cute too Kinie!"
"Uhhh.."Taz was not expecting that while Kinie was struggling.
"Unhand me right now you idiot teacher! I only belong to my King!" she hissed but he still finds it adorable. Before Sukuna could help her, the girls grab him now squeezing and giggling.
"But your soooo cute!" Nobara said hugging and still squeezing him hearing more squeaks.
"Yeah he's seriously cute!" Yuria said poking his cheek and Miko watching.
"Yep, so cute!" Gojo said happy.
"LET ME GO YOU DAMN TEACHER!!" Kinie hisses but bit his hand to jump down but he chases her with a smile.
"Come back! I want more cuddles!"
Megumi and Taz blinks seeing this going on but he sweatdrops to do a face palm. Still hearing Yuji, Eito, and Kisho laughing even worse.
"...Why? Just fucking why?" Megumi said with Taz sweat dropping too.
This was going to be a while.....While for Sukuna, deep down he was furious.
'I'll kill that damn son of a bitch but I'll punish whoever did this to me. Ohhhh I'll make sure they regret doing this to me...but why do I get the feeling I might know who..' he thought but cute squeaks and hissing was heard in the room but again this might take a while.
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marinecorvid · 1 year
In measurement of Bitch where would you rank each ranger villain
Given the lack of formal measurement for Bitchness (neither derogatory nor affectionate), ranking itself will be vague; flying quick n fast here!
ALSO this turned out to be a really good exercise in figuring out character … design? Development? Like I really had to think about some character personalities and it was fun + satisfying to do, so extra thanks for sending this
(as standard putting everything below the cut)
RANGER THE FIRST (it’s been a while since I’ve actually played thru this one so YMMV)
Billy – Uhhhhhh yeah sorry I don’t remember much of him :[ I’m gonna say he’s low on the Bitch ranking, mostly because I remember him as being the eldest brother of the four more than anything else. Sorry Go Rock fans who have put lots of thought into character interpretation
Garret – Via Bulbapedia: Garret is a smooth, polite person that can "put people down with the simplest of words". I’m gonna say he’s not a Bitch all the time but when he is. When he is. High on the Bitch scale
Clyde – I remember him getting angry a lot, so not too high on the Bitch ranking, but at least medium/mid ranking on the jerkass scale? Bulbapedia says a he’s a very "cool" person that likes to "stay with the trends" so I’m gonna say he’s alright
Tiffany – Top Shelf Bitch here, but in a way that’s like. You know how you see articles about celebrities who have like… the weirdest and craziest drama with each other that really hammers home how the more rich you get the more wildly disconnected you get from general society and have REALLY weird notions about how the world works?? It’s like that. Spending time with her is like depending on the day it’s either incredibly entertaining, fascinating, or irritating. Sometimes all three at once
Gordor – Medium on the bitchness, high on the jerkass?
Again sorry it’s been a LONG time since I’ve played though Ranger The First I don’t really have extended thoughts/impressions. I’ll play it again soon and maybe get back to this
Ice – Not too high on the Bitch scale, but has about equal standing on the Jerkass scale. Low + low = medium Bitchness? Bitchness Main Game + Jerkass DLC?? IDK but he called me a n00b so I want to see Kate shove his head in the toilet. Give him a swirly
Lavana – This is The Bitch of Almia. THE high school mean girl in every early 2000s coming of age popcorn flick. The kind of girl who would’ve probably bullied me on the playground in school for being undiagnosed autistic + closeted queer + got most of my clothes from Goodwill. Girl who thinks she is All That but is at best Incredibly Basic. Heather Chandler kind of bitch. Contender for the most Bitch of all the PR villains
Heath – Not actually that much of a Bitch or a jerkass. He does his job well and has the confidence to go with it! Good for him
Kincaid – High on the Bitch scale. He’s that One Fucking Boss/Teacher we’ve all had who was born with a stick up their ass, who knows how much of a position of authority he has over you and lords it over you. Hypocrite central. Ranking him somewhere just below Lavana though
Wheeler – low on the Bitch scale, but makes up for it by being high on the Annoys Me and Is Generally Offputting scale. Probably has little concept of personal space
Blake Hall – self absorbed Bitch in the way standard CEOs are (see above: celebrities/rich ppl disconnected from reality), probably paid an exorbitant amount of money to keep some company drama from reaching reporters. Nothing too fancy to see here
Red Eyes – I’d say he’s pretty low on the scale of pure Bitch, but he’s medium to high (depending on the day) on the Jerkass scale, so that makes up for it?
Blue Eyes – I’d say her perceived bitchery is around Medium, but in actually is pretty low? I feel like she just has a lot of conflicting emotion and no good outlet for it, so she ends up lashing out and making some less than great decisions at times. she’s consistently shown to be genuinely concerned for the people under her care, and you get glimpses of her nicer side under her tough front a handful of times, so while she gets bonus points for having a cultivated Bitch front, I’m putting her on the lower end on the Bitch scale
Purple Eyes – You know, as much as I deeply want to say he’s high on the Bitch scale, I don’t actually think he ranks that high. Like, DEFINITELY through the roof in other categories, definitely petty n spiteful, a little judgy, but all around … he’s just Not at the top of the Bitch ranking. I’ll put him around medium, with the caveat that he is simultaneously beating out everyone else in other categories (dramatic, sadistic, etc) EDIT: yknow i keep thinking abt this one and i'm resorting the blorbo to medium-high on the scale, as a treat
Arley – putting him a few notches above Hocus only because he verbally states he has grudge against you when you go up against him in the Sky Fortress, something like “if I’d known you were going to be such a problem when we first met in Rasp Cavern, I would’ve crushed you there” so I’m going to say he can be … unfortunate to deal with if you’re an enemy, but most of the time is just a mild-mannered to mildly grumpy old man
Hocus – least Bitch of the Societea, and just in general; I think he’s a decent guy who doesn’t hold too many grudges, but does like to mess with people’s heads, friend and foe. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss and all that. I'd say he and Clyde are the least bitchy out of the whole listing
Kasa – I think I’ve said this before in tags or something, but Kasa moving to Aqua Resort was like dropping a lionfish in Florida waters. Highly invasive predator who dominates the ecosystem. Queen of backhanded compliments and passive-aggressiveness. Average rich old lady who has her finger on the pulse of the gossip in her small shoreline New England retired neighborhood (based on the neighborhood my grandmother lives in). Contender for the most Bitch of all the PR villains
Edward – Ranking him a few notches above Hocus but not at Kasa’s level. He states that despite thinkin about crimes most of the time, he wants to do a little good in his life (being a doctor). Generally nice guy, but DID blow up an island. Kicks Purple Eyes to the curb in spectacular fashion, but deeply distressed when friends went MIA?? Actually you know what probably has very specific rules about what kinds of tea you can drink when and with what. Medium-low Bitchness but excels on the Typical Old Rich British Man Behavior scale
Sabios – WHOOPS I forgot this guy existed for a minute. Hold on let me go find Youtube videos with his scenes. OKAY I’m back. Verdict: No bitches? Low on the Bitch ranking, high on the Evil Advisor ranking
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Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Just finished all 4 seasons of Stranger Things
So here are my thought
Love season 1; the cast are so tiny and young and it really sets up the characters
Love the whole group are exploring and find clues only to meet up later
I can’t for the love of god remember what happens in season 2
At first a didn’t know how to feel about max; really thought she was going to be a side character
Love season 3; but wow the begging half is so slow
A love the scoop troop (robin; Steve; Dustin; and Erica)
I think Steve charges really peaks in season 3. For nance I think from the get go she was a good character (after the whole barb being killed)
My favorite party kids is Dustin, love his dynamic with the teens :)
I also like hopps and Joyce dynamic too! I think they make a good couple; they both have flaws and they kind of make each other better? Get a weird Enemy to lovers vibe from them
Robin my beloved. She is definitely adhd-coded.
Hopper and elven dynamics is good too! I think elven makes hopper better (tho he’s super violent and I think that’s not good)
Elven and mikes being a couple; :/ it’s alright I can take it or leave it
Season 4 is….complicated
Listen I know that the Upside Down needs a big bad but Veca….hmmm I prefer of the main villain was just a monster instead of some guy
Hate that they try to make elven seems like a murder and evil and do the whole “eleven and one are they same! Even tho one was literally just introduced this season…”
I think Dustin x Susie is cute :)
At first I was supper big on max x Lucy’s but after witness season 4 I ship it!
Maaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx 😭
I saw on TikTok about Eddie and I thought he would be a super important character or at least a cool new add in to the teen squad but…….Eddie is just some guy
The bay scene and when Dustin is talking to the uncle made me emotional
Nancy and jothan need to break up. Listen they were good in season 1 but I think it was just a short term romance. Like you can see them not getting alone in season 3
I don’t like how they keep trying to make Steve be back with Nancy! Those 2 don’t need to be together! They’re grown as characters and then being back together feels like it would make their character worse?
:( they made Steven not want to hang out with Dustin like….that his baby brother…..don’t
The whole Russian plot is…..unnecessary? I feel like the whole Russian thing was defining unnecessary in season 4
The whole government/One thing gets kid of confusing
Love the fashion and the neon color background
Will is definitely gay and I hope he and Lucas have more characteristics in season 5
Mike in season 5 was just…there…also him being the heart? Will, hon, mike is not the heart. That’s Dustin or you. Like one of those 2 is the glue of the group?!
Fruity four my beloved (tho I can really see any “canon evidence” for Steve x Eddie. But wow I can definitely see evidence for Nancy x robin)
I definitely feel like Eddie will come back as the vampire/bad guy theory because just how popular his character is
I wish Chrissy wasn’t a minor character. It would have been cool to see a cheerleader in the teen group. Make the dynamic more interesting. Also god I want to know more about her background :(
Oh! I forgot the whole bullied elven part? Yeah that feel weird, like I know there trying to make eleven normal and have her being a teenager but the whole bully thing was completely drop…so what was the point???
Arcgle is cool! I think he and Jonathan should be a couple :) or something
Uhhhhhh I hope in season 5 hopper and joce get married. And will x mike be canon…
0 notes
springday-aus · 4 years
Bad Boy!AU with Seungcheol
Tumblr media
moodboard link
Group: Seventeen 
Member: S.Coups / Choi Seungcheol 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Additionally: college!au 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 2.5k 
don’t worry, Seungcheol isn’t even really a bad boy
he’s really just… misunderstood?
actually that’s not a good word for it
it’s in the sense that his reputation makes him to be seen as a bad boy
it’s probably because of the leather jacket
and the motorcycle
and the piercings (mainly the ears)
and the tattoos
it also doesn’t help either that he’s keeps a small circle of friends
there’s nothing wrong with rolling with a smaller group
it just means a lot of people don’t actually know him and that causes more rumors about his personality
he hangs around Wonwoo and Minghao the most
Wonwoo is known to be handsome, but is also super cold to strangers
(more of a shy thing than a rude thing—a whole different story)
on the other hand, Minghao is one of those people who are brutally honest
(which makes him seem like an inconsiderate asshole)
and because people tend to lump people together
they just assume that Seungcheol is the same as those two are: cold and rude
in reality, he’s just a bit more reserved than others
makes people earn his trust, but some people found that unreasonable apparently
people are just so judgmental sometimes, especially in a small town where everyone wanted know everything about everyone
so, for college, Seungcheol picked out a city to study
because the larger populations lets him blend in with the others
tbh, let’s be real…. he def isn’t the only one who’s wearing all black on a college campus lmao
Wonwoo at some point: “look, we’re twinning”
Seungcheol: “it’s not twinning if you only wear black and keep wearing black”
Wonwoo: :(
he chose to study business
basic but it’s simple
it ensures that he’s going to have a stable job and by the of the day that’s all that matters to him
also the business suit he has covers everything nicely, so it isn’t like he has visible face tattoos or piercings
not that it’s bad, but….. capitalism, you know? homeboy would like money
so, while his hometown called him a bad influence on other kids
the college sees him as another hottie in the leather jacket
he’s probably would’ve been the campus heartthrob—had it not been for the fact that he went to same school as Wonwoo, Mingyu or that new freshie who calls himself Vernon
there was one time in his theology class that he took off his leather jacket right?
the arm muscles flexing and the tattoo sleeve……….. it’s safe to say everyone took a double take during class that day
as for his academic marks……….
I mean, yeah, he doesn’t have the top grades to make it on a dean’s list or anything, but
he’s got academic scholarships and that’s enough tbh
he might not be a genius prodigy like Jihoon, but he isn’t stupid
Jeonghan: “wait, you’re not cheating off of him?”
Seungcheol: “no, Jeonghan…………. are you?”
Jeonghan: “yeah, no, I thought it was like a thing that we all agreed to”
Seungcheol: “Jeonghan, no”
Jeonghan: “Jeonghan, yes”
so he’s not like a major try-hard like all those A+ obsessive people from high school
but he does make the effort
he’s just trying to live a nice, quiet life on campus to graduate—just like everyone else here
there is this habit of his that he’s been trying to break: being late to class
his attendance record isn’t great……….
like he’ll be there….. but he’ll be there like five to ten minutes late so it doesn’t really matter but
it’s like a personal pet peeve about himself
granted, it doesn’t matter when most professors don’t even take attendance
but it’s also because he works really late hours at a nearby convenience shop on campus
so………. the end result is tardiness
and he’s trying to work on it
which is also how he meets you
you see, Seungcheol met you in a………… unique situation
so, Seungcheol has found it easier to go around in his motorcycle, especially in a city
and especially on a college campus
and it’s like 20x faster than walking
it’s also good for when he’s late for his morning classes because he can easily make it to the other side in campus in like 2 minutes vs the original 10 minutes
so on a bright Tuesday morning
after he overslept his alarm (once again)
he quickly got dressed and hopped on his motorcycle to get to the other side of campus for class
….. only for him to quickly stop after hearing your scream
he didn’t necessarily hit you per say but it didn’t mean you managed to pass by untouched
you were rushing off to class too
on all days to be late………. it just had to be the day you had a midterm that’s 30% of your final grade
so you were rushing through
unable to see the motorcycle that was heading your direction
which is your fault but that’s also his fault for not seeing you until you screamed when he nearly hit you, running over a toe or two
he immediately stopped, running over to you
Seungcheol: “oh my God, are you alright?”
You: hair messed up, in pain, and survived the heart attack he gave you
You: “sure”
Seungcheol: “are you sure? I can take you to the hospital or—”
You: no, no, I am already as late as is and, and, and…….”
you trail off, remembering the motorcycle that laid a couple of feet away
You: “instead of the hospital, how about a ride instead? I cannot miss this midterm”
Seungcheol was taken aback from your commitment and strange request, but complied nevertheless
Seungcheol: “are you sure?”
You: “absolutely, hustle man, hustle—we gotta go”
Seungcheol scrambles, starting up the motorcycle and handing you a helmet
which you gladly grab and attach yourself behind him with your arms on his waist
he’s a bit flustered from your proximity
what if he was a murderer and you just hopped onto his bike?
I mean, he obviously isn’t but still
You: “sir, chop-chop, pls move, my ass needs to get to McGregor”
Seungcheol: “yes, right”
it takes less than a minute to get there, especially since there weren’t many others on the pathways
you hastily get off his motorcycle, tossing his helmet back at him and running off
You: “thank you!!!!”
Seungcheol: “you’re welcome?”
he watches as you run into the building, with nothing more on your mind than your midterm
how odd
he shakes his head, clearing his head of you before going to park his motorcycle and locking it—he’s got his own problems to worry about right now
(he re-told the story to a couple of his friends, in which Jihoon said: “watch yourself, you could get a lawsuit coming one of these days” and Seungcheol just rolled his eyes)
it’s about two weeks before he sees you again
so fun fact, his college requires community involvement/field assignment
and he chose to be in the big brother program
so he’s a big brother to this adorable 6 year old girl named Rose
he filled his requirement long ago, but he highkey loved it so he remained as a big brother to Rose 
who he has to take out trick-or-treating for the Halloween event the program set up 
can you imagine Seungcheol in his leather jacket and tattoos and piercings with a little group of 6 year olds
the chaos
Rose: “what did you dress as?”
Seungcheol: “uhhhhhh….. Danny from Grease”
Rose: “who’s that?”
Seungcheol: oh my God I’m old
they get a door that’s got some fake cobwebs and bright purple string lights
Seungcheol: “go ahead little ones, knock on the door”
they yell out trick or treat and the door creaks open to…….. you
you and your friends happened to be gathering together for Halloween and decided to meet up at your friend’s old house which was in the neighborhood that Seungcheol was in
you all originally planned to watch a bunch of bad supernatural movies and give out candy to little kids
all of y’all took turns at the door and it was your turn
you give the kids a sweet smile in your doctor’s costume
(or, at least, he’s assuming it’s a costume—maybe it is and maybe it isn’t)
after you pass out the candy, Joshua, the other chaperone, rounds up the kids and Seungcheol’s eyes met your widened ones
You: “oh! it’s motorcycle dude!”
Seungcheol: “motorcycle dude?”
You: “........ you were the one who hit me with his motorcycle right?”
Seungcheol: “has anyone else hit you with a motorcycle?”
You: “so it is you!”
you two chat a bit, especially since they have to start moving to the next house
Joshua: “bro, we have to get moving, stop flirting in front of the children!”
Seungcheol: “I’m not flirting!”
he turns back to you
Seungcheol: “I’ll see you around, please don’t sue me”
You: “sue you?”
Seungcheol: “I’m a broke college kid”
You: “so am I dude”
Joshua gives him another look and another warning before they start to move to the other house
You: “you know, if you have spare time, you’re welcome to join my friends and I—we’re going to be making fun of Twilight later together”
Seungcheol: “I might take you up on that offer”
You: “well, we’ll be here, so”
you give him a smile that makes him stutter for a second, before he waves you goodbye to join the others
Rose: “Joshua says you like the doctor”
Seungcheol: “well, Joshua’s not that smart”
Joshua: “hey!”
he doesn’t know what compels him to go back to the house
but he does
(it might have taken a word or two from Rose and Joshua to encourage him)
and he has a really good time with you and your friends
hearing Seungkwan roasting Robert Pattinson was something Seungcheol didn’t know he needed
Soonyoung’s attempt of creating bgm on top of the soundtrack was also equally as hilarious
and then there were your side remarks with him throughout the movie
which he did enjoy
he left the house that night with a couple of new numbers in his phone
Jeonghan would be proud of him for making new friends on his own
after that night, you and Seungcheol hang out a bit more
you get to know each other
turns out the so called bad boy is actually just a major softie
surprise surprise, I know
he’s got a tattoo for his mom (a little heart on his heart)
he’s great at braiding (due to braiding Rose’s hair)
and he picked up sewing to patch up the holes that his friends created in their shirts
major heart eyes for Seungcheol
and he learns more about you and your little quirks
at some point, he even shares some things that happened back home
which was a bit hard for him to do but you were incredibly understanding
people just suck sometimes
one good thing about cities is that everyone minds their own business so
while he’s met your friends, you’ve also met his
you and Jeonghan are now the chaotic duo that Seungcheol wishes he can undo
Jeonghan: “are you fucking cheating? in front of my salad?”
You: steals another $50 bill from the monopoly pile
You: “no”
Jeonghan: “pay me off”
Wonwoo: “we are sitting right fucking here”
you two continue to hang out together as time goes and it’s great
sometimes you even hang out with him and Rose and it’s super cute
especially when you watch Seungcheol care for Rose like an actual sister
maybe that’s when the heart eyes started
he just……….. knows how to take care of people
he’s very attentive and understands that different people have different needs
it’s all……… very attractive
he’s very attractive
not in just the physical aspect
the inside *chef’s kiss*
Seungcheol doesn’t know when he started liking you either
maybe it was the way you really listened to what he said
you encouraged and supported him to do what he wanted
and told people off if they did say something about him
along with telling him to ignore them because it’s all stemming from jealousy and hate
and he knows that but it’s always nice to know he has someone on his side
so, what changes?
one movie night, there’s some generic rom com that you’ve already forgotten about
the blanket you’re both sharing isn’t the only heat you’re feeling
his knee knocks lightly against yours
your shoulders touching his
his fingers lingering on yours
then he’s moving closer
and closer
and then your lips meet
it’s soft, but firm
and that was the first day you started dating
dating bad boy!Seungcheol is basically the same as being friends with him only needier
he opened up to you as a friend
but as a boyfriend
you’re seeing EVERYTHING
he’s lowkey touch-starved so he’s very….. handsy
his hands got cold once and he straight up put his hands up in your hoodie
You: “thErE ArE pEOpLE aRouND sIR”
Seungcheol: “head empty, hands Cold”
lots of movie dates
(you asked if you should put on Twilight again and he said he could only take it one decade at a time)
lots of dinner and takeout dates
(the amount of menus you two have collected is insane)
lots of game night dates
which include Seungcheol’s friends
you and Jeonghan still team up to cheat, leaving the you two in the top to fight for the winning spot but Minghao always calls you two out
and then you start openly cheating
(Jeonghan literally flipped over an operations board one time)
you’ve also seen his tattoos
there are cute small ones and then there are bigger ones of flowers and patterns
You: “does it hurt more if you color them in?”
Seungcheol: “no, I was supposed to get them filled but Rose likes to color them with her markers”
You: “why are you two so fucking adorable”
You: “can I color it in?” c:
he let you
it was so much fun
on some days with Rose, you both color together on a shirtless Seungcheol
speaking of which
she loves you
Rose: “I told you you liked the doctor”
You: ?
Seungcheol: “shhhh, finish your cupcake”
oooh, also—lots of motorcycle rides
during the night is when it’s the most beautiful with all of the city lights
sometimes you stop by a park and just hang out to talk
not often bc like midnight murderers are a thing, but sometimes
it’s always a nice impromptu date
also, it’s been long overdue but he took you to the doctor’s once and brought up the whole running over your toes thing
and your toes are fine but
he still highkey feels kind of guilty but the kisses you give him compensate for the guilt
so bad boy!Seungcheol isn’t really bad just misunderstood
but like…. are we complaining? 
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callme-chaos · 3 years
Tommy SMP (DSMP)
H-hello? How did you get in here? Tommy doesn’t usually let randoms in. Uhhhhh lemme just consult the list real quick. What’s your name?
Huh. Doesn’t sound familiar. Buuuuuuut there you are. On the list. What’s your purpose here then, pal?
A tour? Well, the person who usually does the tours is out in the moment… But I guess I could show you around. If you would like to follow me – yeah just ignore the holes and stuff. They’re just remnants of a couple of wars we’ve had.
What kind of wars? Bro, where have you been?
Not from around here? Evidently. Well, first there was the Disk Wars. You see, Dream had these cool disks but Tommy really wanted them, you know? And this is /Tommy SMP/ and not /Dream SMP/ after all so there was all that. Then there was this Quackity kid who tried to start a nation and Tommy didn’t really like the look of that. And so Tommy and this Ranboo guy decided to blow it all up – I don’t remember the details. You see, I’ve been away… uhhhh… travelling so I don’t really see too much of what goes on here. That and I seem to be forgetting a lot of things… I really should fix that-
Huh? You’re confused. Buddy – I haven’t even told you about the Egg yet!
Yeah! An Egg! I can show you it right now actually. Just follow me.
The vines? Yeah! They’re a nice shade of blue but they’re a real pain to cut down, you know? They just seem to grow back stronger. Now, just pop down this hole here – yeah just straight down.
Oh! Ah. I really should have warned you about the fall damage, huh? I’m sure we can pop into George’s bakery later and fix you up. Providing George is in his bakery… He stopped baking a while back.
Why? I don’t actually know. I’m not really too involved in the politics around here (travelling and all that) buuuuut I heard a rumour that him, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle and Technoblade have started like a secret club. Not sure exactly what they do but if Ranboo is involved it can’t be good. Anyways! Here’s the Egg. Don’t step too close though – I’ve heard it has some serious manipulative powers. Niki’s best friend Foolish got transformed by it the other day. She was quite upset. I think she runs a cult in the Egg’s honour with Ponk or something now. She’s nice but pretty scary when she wants to be, I’ll tell you that much.
The Egg is giving you weird vibes? Yeah. You and me both. The blue is giving me shivers actually. Shall we continue our tour elsewhere?
Next? Hmmmmm. I know! I’ll take you to Hannah’s castle and museum. They’re a great tourist spot! Follow me.
Yes we have a museum! History has been made here on the SMP, I’ll have you know. This SMP was founded by the Tommy Team made up of the hot-headed, dashingly attractive Fundy; the greatly popular, widely enjoyed Bad Boy Halo; and, of course, the 1000IQ man himself, TommyInnit. Though, Tommy… hasn’t been about much… lately… not since… you know…
Well, if you don’t know I hardly have the time to explain now! (I’ll maybe show you later if we have time…) Anyways! Here we are: Hannah’s museum. This miserable little dark room here is a recreation of L’Manberg’s Final Control Room. Back in the first L’Manberg verses Greater Tommy SMP war, L’Manberg’s founding fathers (Schlatt, Sapnap, President Quackity and Vice President Dream) were all betrayed by a member of their own battalion: Hannah-Rose. They were dark times, kid.
You want to know more about President Quackity and his right hand man Dream? Well, they were incredibly close – practically brothers. They both went through a lot together. Until Quackity finally blew up L’Manberg and was subsequently killed by his own father, Charlie Slimecicle.
I didn’t say they were dark times for nothing, you know? Dream took it harder than anyone. And Tommy took the opportunity to traumatise and manipulate the fella further. Tommy even managed to convince Dream’s best friend, Schlatt, that he was the root of all problems on the SMP.
We couldn’t believe it either. Dream did have one friend, Ranboo, for a while. But they ultimately disagreed on their ideas of justice and went their separate ways.
Sad times, indeed, kid. Anyways, where to next… Oh! Hello, Eret! How are you doing?
Ah. He’s busy. Off being cracked at bed wars I suspect.
What’s the big black building over there?
Uhhhhhhhh… Have you seen HBomb’s hotel? It’s great this time of year! Just this way, matey. Technically it belongs Dream but HBomb briefly took it over. There was some kind of dispute between the two guys – nobody here really takes HBomb that seriously. (Personally, I blame the ancient skin he still wears. Kid really needs an update, you know?)
That? Oh, I suppose you can still see some of the remnants. That used to be Punz’s UFO. Someone blew it up but I’m not entirely sure who…
How do I know it was blown up? Look, I’m just taking Quackity’s word for it.
He did die but then he was recently brought back to life. He spends most of his time with Dream outside Las Nevadas.
Las Nevadas is basically the Tommy SMP version of Las Vegas. It’s pretty cool actually – wanna check it out?
Cool! We’re actually heading in the right direction for that anyways. So, where are you from?
Yeah, I gathered you weren’t from around here but where are you actually from?
…Not gonna tell me? Fine. So be it. You sure are a mystery, huh?
I’m not flirting! I just- I… Ah! Look at that! We’re already here! It’s pretty dramatic, right?
You should see it at night. Everything lights up and it is magnificent.
It belongs to Wilbur. He’s the head honcho around here. He’s here alongside Puffy and Phil. Oh! Speak of the devil, if you squint a little bit you can see Phil down there now, bouncing around. He’s a cutie really – though his puns do get tiresome.
What do you mean “you don’t get tired of puns”?
…Are you human?
…What a terrifying answer. Okay! Moving on!
I’m aware that it’s one of the ugliest structures in existence – but you can’t blame Wilbur and Las Nevadas for /that/ abomination. That’s what Quackity and Dream installed last time they were here together.
I know it’s phallic but you don’t have to say that out loud! Come on, man, have a little class.
That up there? That’s Schlatt and Techno’s “cookie castle” as I like to call it. When Dream was exiled, Schlatt met Techno and they started getting really close. They’re everybody’s favourite couple now. I think it’s a friendship that will last a long time, you know? They seem to have a lot in common.
Like what? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They’re both American?
Look, if you know, you know.
Alright! Next – shall we have a change of scenery? Las Nevadas can get quite… heated, so perhaps we can give the snowy biome a visit, yeah? Now, when we get there it’s important to tread carefully: the forest is enchanted, practically everything there will eat you and, worst of all… Ranboo lives out there.
Ranboo? He’s a terrifying force of nature. I heard he slayed an entire army all by himself, owns a pet polar bear and he helped Tommy take down the entirety of L’Manberg. Ranboo and Tommy – they’re one formidable duo.
No no! There’s no need to be afraid! Apparently Ranboo’s arsonist days are over and he has his carer Charlie Slimecicle watching over him so he’s been relatively quiet recently. I like to think their neighbour Technoblade has been a good influence on them both.
Technoblade is a gentle soul. Poor kid just wants to make everyone happy, you know? I wish everyone was more like Technoblade sometimes – the world would be such a different place…
Nah, nobody can really sleep soundly – not when Antfrost and Purpled are still out there. The Eggpire and Las Nevadas never really rest when it comes to their members. Oh! But by far the worst person to come across – the real reason I haven’t slept in weeks on this server – is… Oh. Oh dear. I think I’ve summoned him. Walk this way – quickly! – and don’t make eye contact…
…Alright, no need to look at Jack like that.
Jack Manifold in a cat-maid- no. Don’t make me lock you up in Pandora’s Vault along with- uhhhhhh.
Forget I said that. Speaking of Skeppy, he built Schlatt and Techno a beautiful mansion around here somewhere-!
He also built an extraordinary diamond sculpture a while ago-
Please no.
…I guess you leave me no choice then, huh? I guess, I can show you the prison – but we have to be really, really careful, okay?
Who’s inside? Well…
I didn’t forget! It just… Tommy. Tommy is in the prison right now.
Well, of course I didn’t want to tell you! It doesn’t really look good on the server when the person its named after is locked up for life for doing unspeakable things.
No! I’m not gonna tell you what unspeakable things he did – it wouldn’t make them unspeakable then, would it?
…I don’t believe anyone else is in there, no. Why?
Ranboo? Nahhhhhh! Ha ha! What do you know, you silly goose! Well, before we go into the prison, we’ll have to get Puffy’s permission. She’s really strict about who she lets in and out of the prison and takes her role as prison warden very, very seriously. No one has ever died or been injured or brought back to life or wrongly imprisoned while the prison has been in her care.
What do you mean – “not convincing”? If you don’t trust my word, then that’s a /you/ problem.
…The prison is this way. Now, when we get in let me do all the talking… You know what? Perhaps you should stay outside. I’ll go in, talk to Puffy and try to get permission to go in – but I make no promises, understand?
…Alright, wait here.
Puffy said no.
No, it was a pretty definitive no actually. Wh-where are you going?
You can’t! Puffy hasn’t given you permission!
There’s nobody in there /to/ save. Tommy deserves to be in there-
There is nobody else in the prison!
You’re insane.
No, I won’t let you.
…I don’t think so, matey. Feel that sharp object between your shoulder blades?
I figured you did. That’s my sword. I am not afraid to push it through your chest if it means keeping you out of that prison. Understood? Now, step away from the prison.
Thank you.
…I think that concludes our tour. Perhaps it’s best you- oh! Karl is here! Karl Jacobs! Over here!
Yeah. He doesn’t talk ever but he’s still a great guy, you know?
Oi. Wave back. It would be rude not to wave back.
My name? Oh my goodness! I totally forgot to introduce myself! (Though, you never really asked until now anyways…)
It’s okay! I know I talk a lot – it can be difficult to get me to shut up sometimes – ha ha!
My name is Callahan.
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curlybookwriter0294 · 3 years
Just Another Day
Summary: The conversation had never came up before until that moment when Zuko and Katara were out shopping at Kroger for dinner. Valentine's Day. And honestly, he was glad that he had chosen her to be his girlfriend because pretty soon he will realize that they have a lot more in common than he had originally realized.
Disclaimer: I own nothing from Avatar. Just the plot
Rating: T
“Oh spirits.” An annoyed brown-haired woman muttered, pausing near an aisle and threw her head back with a huff of frustration. “It’s happening again.”
“Katara, why did you stop walking?” A raven-haired man asked, pushing the cart behind his girlfriend, sighing in relief when he stopped the cart just in time before it could hit the back of a pair of tan ankles. “I could’ve hit you.”
Katara turned her head slightly to look at her frowning boyfriend that was standing behind her with a cart full of items for dinner that she would be making later that evening. She huffed at him when he had quirked a good eyebrow that wasn’t burned off from his scar that was on the left side of his face. “It’s just so sickening Zuko.”
“What is?” Zuko asked his blue-eyed girlfriend, walking around so he was standing next to her instead of behind her with the cart, trying to see what she was talking about.
“Valentine’s Day,” she muttered, wrinkling her nose as she pointed what she was talking about in front them, rolling her sapphire eyes with disgust at the display.
Zuko cocked his head to the side with slight interest as he followed where her finger was pointing at. He hummed quietly when his golden eyes spotted the Valentine’s Day display that was in front of them. The pink and red display had three large bears at the very front as well as several smaller bears that was at the bottom. He didn’t even have to go far to see that the whole aisle was fill with different kinds of candy manly chocolate.
He eyed his girlfriend of six months and the disgusted look that she held as she continued to sneer at the display in front of them. “What’s wrong with Valentine’s Day Katara?” he wanted to know, leaning forward on the handle of the cart, getting curious about what her reasoning was behind her comment. Katara ignored his question and started to walk by the aisle, ignoring the pink and red display completely as she walked over towards the meat aisle of Kroger. “Got a bad experience?” he tried again, rolling his molten eyes when she had ignored him.
Katara scoffed at her boyfriend’s questioning when she had leaned over to look at different types of meat, trying to decide on what kind of meat to get for tonight. She couldn’t decide if she wanted the 97% lean of meat or the 95% lean of meat. Katara frowned when she felt Zuko’s stare burning at her back and she rolled her eyes. “Nope,” she finally answered, moving down the long aisle that held the meat. “Hmm,” she whispered as she picked up another package of meat, studying it as she read the label that was on the corner. “Do I want the 95% or the 97%?”
“You would want the 97% Katara,” Zuko answered the question for her, knowing full well that she would always get the 97% lean of meat. He rolled his eyes when he watched her place the meat into the cart and he lightly tapped Katara’s legs with the cart which earned him a glare and he had completely ignored it. “Come on, what’s wrong with Valentine’s Day?” he prompted again.
Katara crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him with a small sigh. “It’s just a stupid holiday. I don’t get why we have one day to celebrate with someone that we care about. It should be every day, not just one stupid day. To me it’s just pointless,” she explained, huffing as she shook her head, making her dark hair bounce around her.
Zuko studied his girlfriend as he thought about what he should say next. He has to be honest with himself, he didn’t exactly know what her feelings towards Valentine’s Day until that very moment. In a few days it was coming up, but he didn’t exactly know what he should do about the holiday because the conversation had never once come up until now. He decided to play it safe to see what her next response would be. “I get what you mean. It can put a lot of pressure on the couple and sometimes it can hurt the relationship if the expectations were not met.”
“Exactly Zuko!” Katara said, agreeing with her boyfriend. “It should be every day,” she scoffed, placing a hand on the edge of the cart and started to pull it and Zuko started to push it to help her. “That’s why I don’t celebrate it. It’s just another day for me.”
Zuko frowned at her words but didn’t say anything else about Valentine’s Day. Instead of saying anything Zuko just stared at her beautiful long brown hair that was swaying back and forth as she continued to walk down different aisles of Kroger, trying to decide if that was her honest feelings about this holiday because if it was, he was damn glad that he had chosen her to be his girlfriend.
There’s only one other person that knows Katara more than him and that person was Sokka. He made a mental note to give her older brother a call to find out if what she was saying about Valentine’s Day was true or was it a lie.
“You mean to tell me that she had always hated Valentine’s Day Sokka?” Zuko asked over the phone the very next day, leaning back against the headboard of his bed and kicked his feet up as he tried to get settled comfortably.
“Oh yea!” Katara’s older brother said, scoffing. “Always hated it! What a total weirdo.”
Zuko pursed his lips together at his comment about Katara being weird. To him it wasn’t weird to not like a holiday. He should know. However, he wanted to know exactly the reason behind it and that was why he had called her older brother.
“But why though?” he asked, sighing heavily as he used a hand to run through his thick raven hair. Zuko knows deep down there must be a reason why Katara doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. He tried to bring it up again while she was making dinner that night in her apartment, but her explanation was still the same. “I tried asking if she had a bad experience and she said no. Is that true?”
Sokka laughed into the phone loudly, making Zuko pull away the phone from his ear to save his hearing. “Yup! She had never had a bad experience. The guys never got that far. Unfortunately, some did try to ask her to be their Valentine and when that happens, she would dump them. Soooo, if you were planning anything for tomorrow just don’t. Your relationship would be over if you do. And as your friend and Katara’s brother I am just here to warn you.”
Zuko narrowed his golden gaze at his dark red blanket that was folded neatly at the edge of his bed and bit the inside of his cheek. After a moment, he chuckled. “What’s so funny Sparky?” Sokka asked. Zuko scoffed at the silly nickname that he had received from one of their friends named Toph who was known for giving people weird nicknames.
“Let’s just say that I am glad that Katara’s my girlfriend.”
“Uhhhhhh, what do you mean by that? You better be damn glad that she’s your girlfriend!”
“Let’s just say that we have a lot more in common than I had ever realized, Sokka.”
Katara sighed when she had walked over to her apartment keys that were in the glass bowl that was on top of a small wooden table and started to hum a random tune as she walked to her door to walk over to a Dollar Tree to get her favorite ice cream and to rent her favorite movie Mean Girls from one of those movie renting machines.
She had always had this tradition for Valentine’s Day ever since she could remember. It truly did not bother her that she doesn’t celebrate the holiday and was highly confused as to why Zuko kept bringing it up, wondering why he kept asking her about the stupid holiday that was today. She worried her lower lip as she ponders on what to do because she has not heard from him all day and she hopes no prays that Zuko wasn’t out trying to surprise her on Valentine’s Day. She would be upset if she had to dump him on Valentine’s Day because of it.
Katara frowned at the doorknob and furrowed her brows together as she continues to think heavily and opened the door, grunting when she had bumped into solid muscle on her way out and a strong arm quickly caught her before she had fell flat on her face. “What the hell?”
“Sorry. Are you alright Katara?” A baritone voice asked, making Katara look up to see Zuko standing in front of her with a small smile on his face. “Going somewhere?” he asked, quirking up his good brow at her with a hint of curiosity in his molten gaze.
“I’m actually on my way to the store. What are you doing here?” Katara asked, crossing her arms over chest and cocked her head to the side.
Zuko smirked at her when he had held up a bag in front of her. “Got that covered,” he told her. “Mint chocolate chip, right?” he asked, even though he had already knew the answer thanks to her older brother. He cleared his throat when Katara gave him a suspicious look. “I also got Mean Girls that we can watch while we eat it,” he continued, pulling out the square movie package that was also in the same bag as the ice cream.
“You talked to my brother didn’t you Zuko? I never once told you what my favorite movie or ice cream was,” she told him, looking at him accusingly as she unwrapped her arms to place them on her hips.
“I, uh,” Zuko stuttered out, clearing his throat when Katara glared at him. Moments later, he nodded his head at her question and sighed in defeat. “Look, today would’ve been our first Valentine’s Day together as a couple. I had no clue on how you felt about it the holiday until we had gone to the store the other day. That’s why I had to talk to your brother about it to find out the reason why,” he explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously when he noticed that her glare was slowly going away but her sapphire eyes held a questioning look when he had looked at her. “I truly thought that you celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
“Zuko—” Katara started, trying to figure out where this whole conversation was heading. She was about to say something to him but was interrupted when her golden eyed boyfriend shook his head at her.
“What I’m trying to say here,” Zuko said with a sigh. “I also do not like Valentine’s Day. But I still want to spend time with you just like we would any other day. That’s why I came with your favorite things,” he told her, watching Katara’s cheeks turning pink when she looked down to stare at the ice cream and movie that was in his hand.
“Are you being honest with me right now? Because I am pretty sure that my brother told you that I’ve dumped a few guys that tried to surprise me on this stupid holiday.” Katara said, trying to test him to see how he would react.
Zuko scoffed at her skepticism and roll his eyes at her. “When have I ever lied to you?” he asked her in a serious tone.
Katara worried her lower lip when she looked down at the bag and movie again that was in his hand. She never thought that she would find someone that had dislike Valentine’s Day. She truly thought that she was the only person on Earth that had truly hated it. Her auburn-haired best friend named Suki even told her that she was crazy for hating the holiday of love! The men that she had dated in the past had never understood her reasonings as to why she couldn’t stand it.
She had to end things with her last boyfriend that she had before Zuko came into her life. His name was Aang. He was a nice man, very easy going, loving, and was always good to her. However, she had told him multiple times that she did not celebrate Valentine’s Day and he tried several times to surprise her with flowers and gifts and she couldn’t handle it anymore and had to dump him.
“Uh, Katara?” Zuko asked, wondering why his girlfriend was staring at him weirdly. “The ice cream is going to melt if we continue to stand out here.”
“R-right,” she said in a small voice, moving aside so he could enter inside her apartment. Once he was close enough, she grabbed his face with her hands to pull him in for a kiss, catching the raven-haired off guard but had immediately started to kiss her back.
“What was that for?” Zuko asked, panting heavily when he pressed his forehead against hers after they had pulled away.
“For understanding me. No one had understood me before or how I felt about today. I thought I would never find someone that had felt the same as me,” Katara told him honestly, worrying her lower lip.
Zuko responded by leaning in close to give her another kiss on her plush lips. He grunted when he felt Katara biting his lower lip, asking him permission to deep their kiss and he was happy to honor her wish and gladly opened his mouth so he could feel her tongue inside his mouth, making Katara moan when they pulled away the second time. “Anytime Katara,” he told her with a smile. “Now, let’s eat this ice cream and watch that horrible movie!”
“It’s not a horrible movie Zuko!”
“Yes, it is Katara.”
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florafey · 4 years
Thoughts While Reading Crescent City - Part 1
I’m telling everyone right now that this is THE best book I have ever read. And I’ve read quite a few books in my menial lifespan. 
This will be multiple parts because the book is 800 pages and for the majority of that I was loosing my mind. Spoilers under the cut, of course. 
- Danika’s hair is dope as shit. I want it. Give it to me. 
- Thank the Lord Sarah finally decided to write an adult book, it’s about time her characters dropped the f-bomb
- Okay so Sabine can suck my ass, good to know
- This is...a lot of information for only thirty pages for I’m so soooo here for the worldbuilding
- The Pack of Devils is the toughest squad name ever and that’s a fact
- I don’t know how to feel about Connor...he seems a little basic...and I know enough to know that he isn’t in the book a lot...
- Sarah said Bryce has a fat ass lmaooo good for her
- Okay Bryce dumping her asshole boyfriend then stealing a bottle of win from the restaurant they were in on her way out is ICON STATUS
- oh shit
- oh no, Bryce, sweetie, oh no, oh no, oh no
- wait fuck okay uhhhhhh they dead well that’s where Connor goes I guess
- Okay Bryce knows how to kick ass in a party dress, no shoes and high out of her mind. I repeat my icon status statement 
- I got goosebumps when I was reading her scream the angel’s phone number because she didn’t know where they were
- I thought there was one bad bitch in this house(Bryce). It’s two (Bryce and Hunt). 
- The interaction between Hunt and Ruhn was hysterical despite everything going on around them. Can’t wait to see more of them
- Oh man, the trauma the traaaaaumaaaaaaaa
- Bryce being sassy to the two most powerful individuals in the city is a whole mood. She doesn’t give a shit and she’ll tell them to their faces
- Oh MICAH helloooooooooo heheheheheh
- Oh we love a good murder mystery, I just know Sarah is gonna catch my neck with this one. I mean it’s 800 pages long and they think they know who murdered Danika on page 131? Come on
- hm alright so both Bryce and Hunt’s bosses are a little assholey okay something to bond over, it’s a start
- Also, Hunt’s true name being Orion? Power move. I love it. Give it to me. 
- AHAAHAHHHAHAHAHAH waaaaaaaiiitttt how did Hunt Athalar break Ruhn Danaan’s nose? And Naomi calls it The Incident? I’m in tears, stupid fucking males
- ew okay FUCK the Autumn King. fuck him. in the ass
- This whole situation with Hunt watching over Bryce is going to be everything I ever needed in life. You know he’s going to end up living with her. We all know that. 
- “Bondage. Nice.” 
“Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.”
Hunt, baby she doesn’t care lmaoooo 
- awwwww Lehabah is the cutest I adore her. And Syrinx. He’s the cat I’ve always wanted
- Okay I kinda dig Declan and Flynn lol they’re definitely Older Brother’s Friends but I can tell their hearts are in the right place Sarah don’t do me dirty with them
- So Ruhn got his nose broken because Hunt was running his mouth at a fucking party and he managed to break a few of Hunt’s ribs but still got the shit rocked out of him, got it, got it, good to knowwww ahahahahahhahaha
- “Did you figure out what kind of demon did it?”
“Something that eats little princes for breakfast.”
“Blow me, Athalar.”
Boys, please 
- Oh, Bryce is good. Her fucking plan, I shoulda known
- The whole scene where she forces the satyr to sell her obsidian salt? I fell in love with her so Hunt doesn’t have to now
- I would like to make it clear that I have no clue if Bryce and Hunt are endgame, I’m currently only 210 pages in, but they fucking better beeeee
- Pleasantly surprised by the Viper Queen. Kind of a bad bitch, not gonna lie. Clearly a fashion icon. 
- Lehabah and I both have massive crushes on Hunt Athalar 
- AWWWWWWWW and Hunt flirts with Lehabah stop it you’re gonna kill her 
- Jesus 85 MILLION ?????? Hunt cost 85 MILLION gold marks ?????
- Hunt watches reality TV: confirmed 
- Good, they’re kinda friends now. We’re getting somewhere, this is good. Bryce realized she was super into Hunt’s voice and I quite honestly feel that 
- Sarah is really doing an excellent job highlighting the juxtaposition of Bryce and Hunt when they’re together. I’m a fan
- Oh sure, yes let’s summon a demon. Fuckin idiots
- It just hit me how little support Bryce has in her life right now. Like, in terms of friends. Danika is dead, the Pack of Devils are dead, she and her brother don’t get along. That’s heartbreaking
- Ah, I knew that angel Bryce saved would turn out to be important. She needs to throw that in Micah’s face the next time he’s being an asshole to Hunt
- Micah is still gorgeous though, oops
Read part 2 here
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27-umbrellas · 5 years
Diego on Queer Eye
Bobby: alright so we definetly have some issues with this living space,,, uh it’s just one room full of assorted knives and random clutter,,, I like the rustic feel, but it borders a bit to much on cave man
Jonathan: Less 👏 time 👏 beating 👏 up 👏 bad 👏 guys 👏 more 👏 time 👏 brushing 👏 your 👏 teeth
Karamo: uhhhhhh he might need to improve his relationship with his family,,,,, this is evident by his brother stopping by and instead of saying hello Diego just uhhhh through a knife at him,?,,?,?
Tan: I love leather but maybe???? Having??? More than one outfit???? Might work out???? Knives also aren’t exactly the best accessory????
Antoni: this motherfucker cracked a RAW FUCKING EGG into his MOUTH what the actual fuck
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shooting-the-walls · 5 years
I watched His Last Vow, and, well..... here are my thoughts again
Quick thing before we start: I choose HLV because it is one of my favourite episodes, and what I feel is one of the best shot episodes. Usually, I can't make it to the end of it because I know what is going to happen and I can't stomach it. Anyway, enjoy my little angst-filled monologue!!!
• Uggggghhhhhh Magnussen is so creepy even to start with
• Quick question: why the fuck does he have "porn preference" in his little file?? Creepy, dude. Real creepy
• I hate Magnussen with a passion but ngl his house is pretty bomb
• Why has a got a statue of a knight on an ostrich, and why does the camera focus on it? Kinda random XD
• Clever how they never show him going down the stairs the storeroom. IMPORTANT LATER ON
• Lady Magnussen when she sees Magnussen: *quietly* what the fuck
• "She looked delicious" "yum-yum": EEUURRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH
• "I have a condition": is that condition.... being a creepy weirdo???
• "This isn't blackmail it is.... ownership": uhhhhhh, pretty sure it's blackmail mate
• The driver knowing something's up: we stan a king
• The intro mussssiiiiiccccc: it will now be stuck in my head for days XD
• When you miss your bestie: :(
• John being clueless XD
• *doesn't know what to do* *makes tea*
• "He the drugs one?" "Nicely put John"
• "Who's Sherlock Holmes" "See, that does happen"
• I think John feels bad for snapping at her XD
• "THERE IS NOTHING THE MATTER WITH ME. Imagine I said that without shouting": me 24/7
• Dude we know you tryna look sexy but the tyre lever XD
• "It is a tiny bit sexy" "I know": *is forcefully reminded of Boyle screaming "later sluts"*
• "I'm not just browsing": MATE IT'S NOT BLOODY ARGOS LOL
• Why is John so fucking cocky? Like we get you're an adrenaline junkie but Jesus XD
• "Nope, just used to a better class of criminal": truth
• "Arse end of the universe with the scum of the earth": Jooooohn be nice
• Sherlock just so casual like " Oh HIIIII"
• "They're havin' a fight": Oh, like..... a married couple....?
• "WEll NoT nOW": we stan a queen XD
• "Alright Shezza?": *John and Mary Watson, Mycroft, Mrs Hudson, Molly and NSY have joined the chat*
• "Just. Stop it."
• They are so concerned and Sherlock can't see it and I CAN'T
• "Just some guy" Sherlock: JOHN YOU DIDN'T *is suddenly more in love than ever*
• Sherlock: *hears what he sounds like* *ROLLS EYES*
• Billy knows what's going ON
• "Hang on, weren't there other people?"
• "I've got Mrs Hudson on semi-permanent mute"
• "Why do you do that": IT'S BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU
• "Cross-dressing may have been a wiser path for you": Mycroft your uncle was a bloody QUEEN
• "foR GOD'S SAKE"
John: oh deary me
• The mardy lil "I'm just gonna sit in this chair"
• Also the Holmes parents line dance: I feel like this fact is super underrated XD
• "Just look frightened and. Scuttle": I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
• "I think we'd both find that embarrassing": THE FACT THIS WAS AN IMPROVISATION MARTIN IS SUCH A FAB ACTOR
• "Okay, I'll let you know if I notice"
• "Don't appall me when I'm high": genuinely one of my favourite lines of the entire series
• "God no. Trying to recruit you": Sherlock knows his John so weeeeelllll
• "Stay out of my bedroom" John: *immediately goes for the bedroom*
• "Sherl.....": John is having a fucking field day with the nicknames
• John's confused little face XD XD
• "You have a girlfriend" "Yes I have" *JOHN WATSON CANNOT COMPUTE*
• Damn they're starting with the aquarium shit early
• "You got that from a book" "Everyone got that from a book"
• I'm sorry but Sherlock Holmes acting straight it the weirdest thing EVER
• "Maybe I will....": OH GOD. If she knows "what he's really like" (ie gay), then she also knows how much he loves John (she was at the wedding), so she's basically saying "I'll tell him you're in love with him"
• John is so hung up on dinner XD
• "With wine.... and sitting....": I love the idea that when Sherlock eats, he just walks around like munching on shit. Like John used to get out of the shower and when he opened the bathroom door Sherlock would be standing there rocking on his heels eating a scotch egg XD
• "It's in the fridge, it kept ringing": me as an adult
• John just being so armed
• Oi listen Magnussen you little bitch
• Shut UP Magnussen: as a Brit I cannot condone what the fuck he's saying. I AM A PROUD BRIT
• WHYYYYYYY ARE YOU PEEING IN THE FUCKING FIREPLACE: this is why Moriarty was better, the sweetie had manners
• "How do you know his schedule?" "Because I do"
• The fact that Sherlock's checked with Mary if John is available XD
• CAM news: OMG THE CAM LETTER FROM S3E2, it makes sense nowwww
• Sherlock is so good at pick-pocketing
• "...your head kicked in." "Do we really need so much colour?" "It passes the time"
• I am fully convinced Sherlock was pretending Janine was John when he made the proposal
• "Bit rude, I just proposed to her"
• Sherlock immediately knows something's going on
• "...white supremacist so who cares?": SHERLOCK YAAAAS
• "During our own burglary" aka "really u idiot"
• The fact he immediately dismisses Mary: HE'S SO SWEET HE DOESN'T WANT TO RUIN JOHN'S HAPPINESS
• That moment when he realised. He just realises. The deductions he ignored: they could have helped her
• The sirens: again, as I said, the way this episode is made is incredible
• People often remark on who turns up in his mind palace: I totally agree with the idea that the others are his heart, "and you should never let it rule your head"
• The fact Anderson is there tho
• "Don't go into shock, obviously": woooooooow, thanks Mycroft
• Oh Redbeard, the sweet little dog: "They're putting me down too now"
• Oh come on, he was totally looking for John's room when he ran into Mary
• You don't understand: I actually can't watch this scene. It freaks me out so much. It's so sad, and the acting is SO GOOD.
• "Pain. Heartbreak. Loss. Death.": I'm sorry, but isn't that everything Sherlock's been through with John almost?
• Magnussen: dude I ain't telling you who shot him
• "It's raining. It's pouring. Sherlock, is boring. I'm laughing. I'm crying. Sherlock, is dying": JESUS THIS SONG
• "Mrs Hudson will cry. And mummy and daddy will cry. And the woman will cry. And John will cry buckets and buckets. It's him I worry about the most. That wife..... John Watson is definitely in danger": THE FACT THAT THAT MAKES HIM COME BACK; I'm sorry but how can you deny Johnlock after that?? He literally COMES BACK FROM THE DEAD for John Watson. Also, note how he misses off Greg and Molly and Mycroft. He thinks they don't care but they do. They care so much, Sherlock.
• "Oh you're not getting better are you?"
• "I'm buying a cottage": I mean why not
• The fact that they're fine with each other after insulting each other XD
• I maintain that Janine is Moriarty's secret sister
• "I have an interview with The One Show and I haven't made it up yet"
• "I know what kind of man you are. We could have been friends": AGAIN she totally knows he's gay
• The fact he's self-punishing by turning the morphine down MY BABY
• The fact Greg just wants a video XD: I still want a Special Features on one of the DVDs of "videos from Greg Lestrade's phone"
• Of COURSE Sherlock's broken out, what else were you expecting John?
• Mycroft's little hand gestures like "off you go peasant": we know you love Greg really Myc
• "...stalked him one night" "foLLOWED"
• The fact Sherlock went back to Baker Street, BLEEDING INTERNALLY, to put John's chair back <3<3<3
• "A façade. Remind you of anyone?"
• Of course you can't Sherlock XD
• The fact he won the house in a card game with a cannibal XD
• I love this scene. Everything just suddenly makes sense. Everything she's said suddenly has a different meaning
• "Even Scotland Yard can get somewhere with that"
• I feel like Sherlock had a little bit of a panic when she pulled the gun out, because he KNOWS that John is sitting there and he can't lose John Watson
• She loves John but he loves John too.... too much man, too much
• She can barely turn: the fact she knows that she may have just lost John forever
• "How is it only 2 o'clock, I am in agony"
• "Is this your laptop, Mycie?" "Upon which depends the security of the free world, yes, and you've got potatoes on it"
• "Am I happy, I haven't noticed?" *gets hit with cracker*
• "Someone's put a bullet in my boy and if I ever find out who I will turn absolutely monstrous": *takes tea to said shooter*
• When the dad is the only sane one XD
• I think even Sherlock's dad can see how much his son is in love with John
• I'm sorry but the entirety of the first bit at the Holmes': I STAN IT GUYS
• "What exactly is the point of you!?"
• "What's going on" "Bloody good question": me in physics
• Jesus Mrs Hudson is right Sherlock does look bloody awful
• "...that's me by the way, hello": HE'S SO PROUD AND IT'S SO SWEET
• "IT WAS MY HUSBAND'S CARTEL, I was just typing"
• The fact he tells him to be calm: Sherlock KNOWS that he needs to calm John down to get this sorted out
• Mary, stop being sarcy with him he's tryna sort it out
• "Because you won't love me when you've finished, and I don't want to see that happen": I mean she's not my favourite but I still feel so sorry for her
• "Look at you two: you should've got married": Sherlock: OH BABY NOT MY GAY ASS
• See, Sherlock SAYS that the reason Mary didn't kill him was because John would be part of the murder investigation, but I think it's because she's already seen what Sherlock's death would do to John: she's seen him crying at the grave, seen him drunk and screaming for Sherlock to come back, seen him unable to even walk past St Barts without seeing Sherlock hitting the ground over and over and over again, and she knows she can't do that to him again
• Paramedics: yo we here
• "She shot you" "ehhhhh mixed messages"
• "The problems are your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege": GET YOURSELF A MAN LIKE JOHN WATSON
�� "You can mow the sodding lawn from now on": the fact John uses his wife's secret identity to get out of chores is such a mood XD
• When your mother catches you smoking: Mycroft: nope wasn't me Sherlock: *immediately blames his brother*
• "Your loss would break my heart" "what the HELL am I supposed to say to that": brotherly feeeeeeeeeeeels
• "Go and have some more": AWWW YOU LOVE HIM REALLY
• Dr Watson voice is baaaack
• Awwww at least he checks they're all still breathing XD
• "You can imagine the Christmas dinners".... GUYS THE OMENS CAME TRUE
• I love the idea that Sherlock just waltzed into Angelo's like "yo can I have a table", and Angelo DIDN'T EVEN QUESTION what he was wearing or the fact he was hooked up to morphine, just said "yoooo, I got your table sorted" and brought him food XD
• The constant flashbacks in this episode are so effective, cos they really bloody fit in
• "My brother": *literally delivers a drugged Mycroft all wrapped up with a little bow on top* "WELL I DIDN'T LIE"
• "Oh yeah we could be imprisoned for high treason btw": Sherlock stop you idiot
• "But it's Christmas!"
• "WHY WOULD I BRING MY GUN!?!!?!?!" "Coat pocket?" "YES"
• "But look how you care about John Watson": even MAGNUSSEN knows guys
• Awwwww Mycroft's pressure point is Sherlock, that's kinda sweet
• You've gotta admit Magnussen's logic is pretty sound
• "I enjoy it": yeah but you're a sadistic maniac, mate, you don't enjoy normal things
• He must have half the fucking Eden Project in his house XD
• Ooooo THE VAULTS ARE A MIND PALACE: big reveaaaaaaaaaal
• Sherlock's little look down: it's as if he's chastising himself, telling himself he should have know
• "I don't understand" "You should put that on a t-shirt": JOHN WATSON T-SHIRT SAGA #2, PART 1
• "Sherlock do we have a plan?" *silence*
• "I still don't understand" "And there's the back of the t-shirt": JOHN WATSON T-SHIRT SAGA #2, PART 2
• When Magnussen makes John let him flick his face: Sherlock can't even WATCH. He's just standing there, staring at the floor, still questioning why he didn't see it
• I mean I'm sorry but the murderous little glint in Sherlock's eyes when Magnussen is flicking John: he knows there's nothing he can do, but then he also knows what he's about to do. And he knows that John is going to hate it, but it's the only way to keep Mary safe
• Mycroft sounds so panicked, like "no please don't shoot him"
• "Tell her she's safe now": THEN. That was the moment John realised. The moment he realised who he was really in love with
• All Mycroft can see is his crying, upset and scared little brother AND I CAN'T
• "You know what happened to the other one": OOOOOOO
• "There is no prison where we can incarcerate Sherlock without him causing a riot on a daily basis": dis be true guys
• The fact that all acceptingly walk away, like they know what Sherlock is gonna try to do
• "The game is never over, John. There are just new players": SHERL STOP
• "6 months, my brother estimates. He's never wrong": he KNOWS he's gonna die
• The fact he can't even tell John just shows something, doesn't it
• "John there's something I need to say. Something I've always meant to say but never have. Since it's unlikely that we'll ever meet again, I might as well say it now": we all wanted it. We all wanted him to say it. Even JOHN had the hopeful little look in his eyes....
• "Sherlock is actually a girl's name": BUT HE CHICKENS OUT AT THE LAST SECOND. You can just see the disappointment and upset in his face, even on the plane, knowing that he may not see John again and John still doesn't know
• "Did you miss me?": MORIARTY YES WE STAN A QUEEN
• "You're needed": the lil panic cos he knows his OD isn't gonna work
• "Who needs me" "....England": yeah, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are screwed XD
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||Dangerous Hide and Seek: Round one||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here and is ready to have a little silly drabble. This was a idea/request from my friend @demon-blood-youths
Even so, hope you like. <3
~~Drabble Summary~~
It was calm day for everyone at Tokyo Jujutsu High as things have been well. Well, that would be until Megumi found out about Daichi's charms and how much he's sold. Now, starts the game of hide and seek since Megumi is now trying to find him. Will he find him? Read to find out!
~Nothing much but a very angry Megumi
~~Guests in the drabble~~
Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, Gojo Sautro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Megumi fushiguro belong and is from the jujutsu kaisen manga and anime show. But they are also mine due to rping as them as muses.
~~Demon mun's guests~~
Daichi Phoenix
Taz Hellion and Kinie Ger belongs to her.
((Grammar in this is still bad but this is written for fun. With that, please enjoy.))
Today was a wonderful peaceful day! The birds were singing, school at Tokyo Jujutsu High was doing alright so far. Many of the students were on break which was a good thing. However, that sorta changed when someone found out about a certain little thing.
'Ugh..for the last time Pup! I don't want the king to know about this so suddenly! I was going to surprise him later this afternoon!' Taz blinks from eating some lunch; rice balls with Nobara while they were taking a break from class. She was eating to think while Kinie was in her quoll form while resting on Taz's head. Thanks to some more training, she's gotten used to being in this form near Taz.
"Oh come on Kinie. I already said I wouldn't say a thing to him. You can't be angry with me because of that. Or him already enjoying the times he sees you like that and he pets you." she looks up seeing Kinie bend down looking at her.
'Don't push it pup.' she warns but Nobara giggled.
"Well, you can't blame her. I didn't know he even got to see how cute you are in that form. So that means your the only one that can make him happy." Nobara jokes that Kinie growls.
'Silence!' she said even if she was flushed a bit from this. Even so, they were eating their lunch happily with no worries in the world. Until...
A sudden loud shout rang through the school grounds that made the three stop to look up startled. Taz blinks wondering what that was and Nobara did too.
"What the heck was that!?" Nobara said worried but that's when the three heard fast running to look seeing Daichi skid to a halt at the side and was running down to outside tired. He looked scared for some reason and having a pale expression. Eito was following him worried.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! GOTTA HIDE, GOTTA RUN!!" he was panicking about something that the three blinks to Daichi panting looking around trying to find a hiding spot.
"Uhhhhhh Daichi? Are you alright? What is wrong-"
"IT'S MEGUMI!! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!! DX" he said that Taz was worried.
"Huh?! But why!?" she said with Taz rushing over with Kinie still on her head.
"Yeah, what happened or what did you do this time, idiot?" Kinie speaks to Daichi but she did enjoy seeing him afraid like he was going to wet himself.
"Ummmmm...remember the website from before?"
"Yes???" Taz sweatdrops remembering or thanks to her big brother that explained this to her.
"Well....Megumi found out about it...and he's seriously pissed...so I need to get away from him so he don't find me!" he said gripping some of his hair but Taz blinks to think but sweatdrops.
'Huh? What is he talking about, Pup!?" Kinie asked.
"Big brother found out about the 2.5 billion sales on his site-"
"WAIT WHAT!? YOU SOLD THAT MANY CHARMS THROUGH THE WORLD!! HOW-" Nobara started to say but Daichi covers her mouth to stop her.
"Shhhhhh!! He'll hear you! And now it's 4.5 Billion. Now he's found out and he wants to kill me!" he whines but Taz heard Kinie sigh to wag her tail.
"Oh. Oh! OHHHHHHHH! Hahahahah your in deep shit now huh?! I bet he's itching to rip you apart or better! He'll have my king look for you! Oh the joys of seeing you suffer is priceless.." she smirked.
"Not funny Kinie-"
"THAT'S PRINCESS TO YOU WORM!" she hissed to Daichi yelping. Before he said anything, a explosion was heard to Daichi wincing to hear familiar roaring noises that he jumps.
"Listen, if you see him please tell him you didn't see me! Same for Sukuna too!! I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE TO HIDE! AHHHHHHHH!!" He dashes off into the school to find a hiding spot.
"Huh!? Daichi wait a second!!....And he's gone." Nobara sweat drops but sighes. "Geez, Megumi can't be that angry...can he?" she mutters before hearing another explosion to turn and the same for Taz. They slowly see one of Megumi's shinigami as the toads were looking around but the two also saw Yuji or better to say Sukuna who was having fun while laughing.
"...Oh geez.."
He looks but saw Taz, his princess, and Nobara. "Hello Pup and my beloved princess.." He gently scratches under KInie's chin hearing her purring but stops to quiet herself. "And you too brat."
"Uhhhh It's Nobara-"
"DON'T CARE!" he grumbles but looks around. "Hey, have you three seen that little shrimp anywhere? He seriously pissed off Megumi this time when seeing his site but now he's really been making sales. He got so angry, he destroyed half the area somewhere. He even asked me to help find him! What joy!" he sneered wit ha smile that Taz and Nobara looked nervous.
"B..big brother did that?" Taz asked not expecting him to be this mad but yeah.....
"Really? Is that true?" Kinie asked but Yuji sighed to speak to Taz in her head.
'It's true. When Sukuna heard of Megumi's offer to let him beat the crap out of him, he took over right away. I tried to tell him we were not doing that but..you know how he is.' Yuji crosses his arms grumbling but Sukuna chuckled.
"But it's fine. I'm not going to kill him..maybe beat him up with every inch of his life but nothing else!" he laughed to Kinie look at him.
"But we have to find him. So have you three seen him?"
"Uhhhhhh...No?" Taz and Nobara said.
"Don't lie to the King! We have and he went-"
"Nowhere! We didn't see him!" Taz interrupts Kinie to stop her from telling him.
"Hey!" she hisses to look at her. "Did you stop me from-"
"Don't Kinie!" Taz cries with Sukuna confused.
"Do you know where he went Princess?" he asked but Kinie tries to say.
"Yes, I can tell you! He-"
"NO!" Suddenly Taz grabs Kinie and held her in her arms covering her who looks down at her.
'Huh? What are you doing pup!? How dare you interrupt me!? I should-Mfffmm!!" She screeches struggling in her arms in her quoll form even if Nobara sweatdrops to Sukuna being curious.
"Ummmmm, I'm sure he's around somewhere Mister Sukuna. Maybe he's over there somewhere?" Nobara said but Sukuna glares to shrug.
"Even so I'll find him. He can't hide forever." he said. "But if you seen him, we'll be looking. Oh and Princess? If you wanna join the hunt! Please do!" he laughed to look at her. "I know you been itching to hunt him down for a while even after he called you such insulting things." he said.
"M..Mister Sukuna don't!" Taz said but sees Kinie get out of her hold to remember.
"Oh yeah, that little shit did insult me! Pup let me-"
"Oh no! Your not switching to help Sukuna hunt Daichi down!" she said worried but Kinie growls.
"I don't take orders from you pup!" she said before suddenly jumping back on Taz's head and disappears that she made Taz fall on her knees looking down.
"Taz!!" Nobara reaches to touch her but stops seeing the orange marks appeared on both sides of her cheek, on her arms and legs. She has white lines on her back and around her neck. She tenses.
"Oh damn it.." she said to Kinie taking over stretching and looking happy.
"There is my princess! Now, ready to join the hunt!? I know you'll love it!" he smirked with Kinie showing a evil grin ready.
"You bet I am. I've been itching for a good target all week! Lets go hunting!" she laughed.
'Sukuna! Stop this at once! Come on! Daichi didn't mean to insult her!' Yuji said in his head.
'Kinie, that's not fair! You can't take over like that!!' Taz cries in her head.
"Oh hush! I won't kill him..just mess with him but I want to get back at him for insulting me!" she said.
'As I said, he didn't mean to even insult you!!!' Yuji shouted.
"Well, too bad! He's on her hunt list and I did warn you and others. No one INSULTS MY PRINCESS!! So he's suffering for it!" Sukuna laughed evil like.
Kinie giggled but looks to her king. "Now, lets hunt!" she laughed as the two runs off leaving Nobara alone as she remains quiet to say.
"What the hell just happened?!?" she said panicking before going to find Gojo sensei to see what he will do. In that time, Daichi was on the moving hiding. He was sweating knowing he was dead meet. Now he had to keep moving or hope to find some help in order to keep Megumi and Sukuna away but had no idea KInie joined in! For now, he had to keep moving and not get caught.
The game of Hide and seek has begun.
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theraddestcowboy · 5 years
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OC Meme Compilation (part 1) (part 2)
Here’s part 2 of this whole thing, for Nikolai this time
I love this trash man and i want to give him more attention because he’s always been one of my favorite OC’s
Name: Nikolai Tartakovsky
I think we should travel together: “Thought you'd never ask."
Use Melee: "This ought to be fun."
Use Ranged: “Oh good, I love showing off!”
Open Inventory: “Sure, just don't be surprised if they get lost. I don't exactly have a filing system."
Stay Close: (teasing) “Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."
Keep Distance: “I'm not exactly a sniper, but alright.”
Stealth: "I'll uh....I'll do my best."
Back Up: “Ouch, that's my foot!”
Be Passive: “If you say so.”
Be Aggressive: (confidently) “Can do."
Use Stimpack: “I need to get some more of those things.”
Wait Here: “Just don't leave me out of anything fun.”
Follow Me: “Ready to head out? I just got comfortable.”
Send him to the Lucky 38: “I'm not a fan of that place, but I guess I'll find something to do there.”
Send him Home: “If you need me, come find me anytime.” (can be found in whatever workshop in freeside Kerrian would be in)
Aggression: aggressive/not aggressive/very aggressive/frenzied
Confidence: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
Companion perk: The Devil Down Below (bonus damage against lakelurks)
Weapons: Gnife (pipe revolver with a bunch of bonuses to shooting from the hip and a knife stuck on it)
Karma: Good
» AGE:  Older than he should be (technically like 200 something)
» SPECIES: Human » GENDER: Male » SEX: Male » ORIENTATION: Bisexual » TITLE: the Silver Shroud
PHYSICAL ASPECTS » HAIR: Very very very dark brown » EYES: Blue
» SKIN: A bit tan » HEIGHT: 6'6" » WEIGHT: uhhhhhh idk
FAMILY » SIBLINGS: Fievel- younger half brother » PARENTS: Dmitri and i dont know if we ever named his mother
» GRANDPARENTS: God we wrote this down somewhere, the only one of his family members names i remember right now though is his uncle Vladimir » OTHER RELATIVES: Abagail- his wife, Kerrian- his son, Fenna- Not actually his daughter but he basically raised her so he's her dad now » ANY PETS?: Dogmeat Dogmeat Dogmeat (best boy) he also likes cats a lot SKILLS » PHYSICAL BUILD: listen im a thirsty bitch and cannot think of a way to describe his build that doesnt sound like im writing a bad romance novel » ABILITIES: Can Breathe Underwater (thanks todd), ages very slowly, can kick ass with the shittiest weapons possible, and does that all the time, my roommate keeps yelling at me for not using anything other than a pipe pistol like more than halfway through the game. Also will make friends with the edgiest loners he can find, and forcibly adopts any child who looks like they need a parent in a 50 mile radius
» SPECIAL : S7, P5, E6, C7, I5, A5, L10
» HOBBIES: Loves old naval shit, telling and hearing stories, music, and fixing up old junk
—— POSITIVE —— Aggressively friendly, like you cannot stop him from befriending you Good dad Compassionate Tactical Good at improvising Learns quickly
——- NEGATIVE ——-
Shortsighted A little too optimistic Terrible attention span Either forgets people too easily or refuses to let shit go Stubborn about weirdly specific shit
» COLORS: Red and gold » SMELLS:  Soap, flowers, clean bedding, oil and turpentine and stuff like that, sea air » FOOD: Soups and stews, anything his wife makes, any kind of pie » DRINKS: Nuka-cola cherry, tea » ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: dark beer, bourbon, gin
This is the one worthlesssix tagged me in and i dont know what to title it
NICKNAME: Niko (the only person who really calls him that is his brother though)
MORALITY: Chaotic Good
RELIGION: Jewish, but not really religious
SINS: greed/gluttony/sloth/lust/pride/envy/wrath
VIRTUES: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Ukrainian, Russian, very bad at Hebrew, knows the word for “idiot” in a lot of languages
BUILD: scrawny/bony/slender/fit/athletic/curvy/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average
HEIGHT: 6'6"
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: Missing 2/3rd's of one of his fingers, a scar on his left eyebrow and later on one where his knee got messed up
PIZZA TOPPING: Tomatoes, spinach, anchovies, meatballs actually you know what he just likes 99% of pizza tbh i havent thought about it till just now but i feel like he would
MUSIC GENRE: Old old old swing, especially obscure stuff, 60's and 70's pop and motown, Dad Rock
MOVIE GENRE: Sci-fi, westerns, action movies
CURSE WORD: He's a sailor
fun stuff
LIKES PUNS: Loves them but gets angry when people say them anyway
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Attention P7: Let’s Annoy The Boys
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I smiled sorting my little dresses and my blankets on my bed, after our wild adventure we brought Bran back to Winterfell and jojen and Meera planned to be a way to the Greywater in a few months, I planned to go along with them to the Greywater and then up to the DreadFort, but for now I will stay Here in Winterfell while I make some decisions
Knock, Knock, Knock
So I went to the door and it was Bran sat in his chair
"Hello bran" I smile
"Hello Angel" he smiled at me "I've had to move, I can't get up and down the stairs to my old room, so I'm going to be just next door at least till you go. So you want anything I'm just next door alright" He explains
"Thank you, Bran, I'll be sure to remember your there" I smile giving his head a kiss
"Alright, you have a nice night" he smiled before going off to his room next door and I went back in my room starting to sort my bed again.
Knock, Knock, Knock
so I smiled going to my door and I saw jojen leant on my door frame
"Evening Darling" he smirked
"Hello Jojen" I smile "What is it?" I ask
"Nothing Just wondered how you were doing darling," he says
"Aww that's sweet of you jojen" I smile
"Well If you need ....anything tonight I'm just next door alrght," he says
"I'll be sure to call on you if I need anything" I smile "Goodnight jojen" I smile giving him a kiss
"Goodnight Darling," He says going to his room next door to me on the other side and I returned to fixing up my bed
Knock, Knock, Knock
I laughed going to my door
"Hey Y/n, I found you some more blankets" Meera Smiled coming in my room to put them on my bed for me
"Ohh thanks, Meera" I smile shutting my door
"so you made up your mind yet?" she asks
"Nope" I sigh, of course, I told her I tell Meera everything "I mean... bran is a sweet boy and I really do care about him honestly and ohh my god... the way he ummmm" I giggle sitting beside her on my bed
"what was it like? seeing as...he can't really move his legs?" she asks
"It's fine just means I'm always on top, Which I'm fine with. You kinda like him two don't you?" I ask
"hummm... as any girl would" she shrugs "But how?" she asked
"it's not always sizing Meera, sometimes it's just how good they use what they have" I smirk "I do really Like Bran" I smile
"But?" she asks
"but" I laugh "Jojen... he's only got a year or two on Bran but he must have been fucking whores those whole two years Because by god he knows what he's doing" I smirk "Sorry... he's your brother I get it's weird" I laugh
"no, no it's alright we can talk about My brother's dick" she laughs
"He is bigger then Bran, by quite a lot actually" I smirk
"it's not always sizing" she smirks throwing my own words back at me
"I know, Jojen is...grabby though. he just kinda leaps at you when he's horny" I sigh "all though Jojen can do other stuff then just riding. which as I said it doesn't bother me about Bran but... I don't know would I get sick of the same position all the time?" I ask
"who knows?" she shrugs "didn't you say Bran has made you go up like a whole bra size?" she asks
"he has they almost burst out my dress somedays, just from groping my tits all the time. can't blame him they are always in front of him during sex I suppose, Jojen likes my butt a little too much he keeps trying to do my up the arse. which I am not okay with" I explain
"it sucks though whichever you pick the other is going to be pissed. doesn't help your stuck snuggly between them" she laughs
"I know, they are both going to be listening for my door tonight, whoever I go see the other is going to be mad at me about it" I sigh
"don't go see either then" she suggests
"no... one of them will come to check on me if they don't hear my door, or worse they both do" I sigh
"yeah... its a conundrum" she laughs
"Meera?" I ask
"Yeah?" she asks back
"Let's annoy the boys" I smirk
"How?" she asks
"I think you know how Meera" I smirk
"Ohh? well then, make sure they hear you" she smirked pulling me to kiss her so I happily kissed her back laying on my bed dragging her down with me so we laid together I sat up on her lap and stripped off my dress leaving me naked she did the same so I smirked down at her perky breasts and kissed her lips deeper and kissing down her neck making sure to leave a hiki there making her gasp for air as I did, I kept kissing down between her breasts grabbing each with my hands and lightly gropeing them I moved a hand away to kiss and suck on her nipple that was hard to the cold winterfell air I smirked moving and doing the same to other as I did I slipped a finger inside her "uhhhh" she groans flipping us over so I laid on my bed letting her ride my fingers a little more as she sat on me till I pulled my fingers away licking them clean "how does it taste?" She asks "Sugary" I smirk as she kissed down my neck and grabbed my breasts "Humm I see what bran likes about them" she smirked "but I also see what my brother is talking about" she smirked picking my hips up a little and kissing my clit I melted into her soft kisses twisting my hand in her dark brown locks "Uhhh Uhhhhhh Meera" I groan rolling my head on my pillow feeling close already "uhh Meera more more please" I beg so she sped up her licks and sucks making out with my clit and pushing two fingers inside me I smirked moving my hips to grind against her face and ride on her fingers my other hand twisting in the bedsheet opening my legs wider wanting more desperate for pleasure "ummmmm uh uhh uhhhhh Meera!" I yell as I hut my peak as soon as I did she reacted sucking on my clit hard and finger fucking my pussy fast as I reached my orgasm riding it out till I collapsed on the bed and she sat up licking her fingers "how does it taste?" I ask "Sweet, you always do sugar" she smirked so I flipped us back over do she laid on the bed and I slipped two fingers in her wet pussy rubbing her clit hard with my thumb making her arch her back getting desperate too I kissed down her neck leaving a hiki between her breasts finger fucking her fast slipping another finger inside her "uhhh y/n" she groans "faster" she moans so I sped up as fast as I could I felt her clentch around my fingers as she rode out her high I smirked licking her pussy clean and kissing her lips still glistening with my juices I could taste her and myself as we made out our tongues battling us both rolling around naked on my bed as we made out often moaning into each others mouths till we pulled away I got my little nightie on and she slipped her dress half on not attaching it just holding it "I'll see you in the morning sugar" she smirked "In the morning Meera," I smile "You need anything else in the night you know where I am." She smirked going to the door "Meera?" I ask "Yeah?" She asks "You need anything else, I'll be here" I smirk "I'll be sure to remember" she smirked giving my lips a gentle kiss I kissed her back and after a while she pulled away and returned to her room so I locked up my door and went to bed.
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moonboyyuto · 5 years
Heartstrings - part 8
“A...game?” You asked.
“Yeah, a game,” he said. “I’m gonna test you on how well you know your chords. I’ll shoot out the name of the chord, and you play it for me. If you do well, I might just reward you.” He ends with a sly smile.
“Uh, I guess we can do that,” you said hesitantly.
“Don’t worry. I’ll help you if you need it. You ready to start?” He asks you.
“S-sure.” You start to get nervous.
“Okay y/n. We’ll start out easy. Play me the Em chord.”
You successfully play the two finger chord with ease.
He smiles and you and claps his hands. “See, not so bad. Now play the C chord.”
It takes you a while to get your fingers in the correct spots, but you manage to play it correctly.
He looks at you with proud eyes. “Now I know you had trouble the last time with this one, but try playing the D chord.”
You start to smile. He has no idea you practiced that chord a lot since you’ve last seen each other. You strum it like its second nature.
“Babe! I’m so proud of you!” The term of endearment that comes out of his mouth shocks you. He then plants a sweet and soft kiss on your lips. “That’s for making me proud. You really are practicing.”
You blush. “Thank you handsome. Was that my reward?”
“There’s more to it...you’ll see,” he teases.
“Wha-what?” You look confused, unsure what he has planned.
You two continue to play the game, and you do really well with the simple chords he throws out at you.
“So y/n,” he suddenly asks. “Have you tried playing any songs with these chords?”
“Oh god no,” you chuckle. “Well, I did try to play Knockin’ On Heavens Door by Bob Dylan since that seemed easy to play, but my strumming always felt off.”
“Ah yes. That was one of the first songs I learned. Why don’t you try it for me?” He asked you.
“You heard what I sai-“
“Try it. I told you, I won’t make fun of you. I’m here to help you.” He then looks you straight in the eye as you feel him caress one of your thighs, the caring gesture makes your face flush.
“Yuto I- okay,” you give in. “Can I bring my phone out to look at the chord progressions and strumming patterns?”
“Yes, that’s okay,” he nods.
You google the song and find a website with the chord progressions and strumming pattern. He counts you off. “5, 6, 7, 8.”
You start off the first line of the song okay, then you mess up your strumming. You warned him. You weren’t sure if you messed up due to being nervous because you’re playing in front on him, or the inexperience. There’s a look of pure disappointment on your face.
“Y/n. Honey. It’s okay! Here, let me play it for you.”
He plays a couple test strums to make sure his guitar is in tune.
“It’s been a while since I played this song. You still have the google link up?” Yuto asked.
You nodded and slid the phone over his way.
“Ah yes. I remember it now,” Yuto says confidently. “Now pay attention to my strumming hand while I play. Okay?”
He starts. He plays it perfectly as you watch his strumming hand play the pattern effortlessly like he asked. Just then, he cleared his throat...oh...oh no. He’s not gonna-
To your surprise, he starts to sing while playing.
Mama take this badge from me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, eh yeah
Your mouth goes completely agape and the look on your face can only be described as complete shock. His deep voice matches the song beautifully. He’s got a great singing voice too...is he real? You can’t even pay attention to anything else but his voice echoing in your apartment.
He stops playing. “Hey there, catching flies over there? You alright? Babe?” The questions bring you back to reality.
“Uhhhhhh. You...can sing?” The shocked look on your face remains.
“Oh,” he blushes slightly. “I’m flattered. I’ve been practicing that too. My deep voice is a hiderance though, I have difficulty singing a lot of songs.”
You can’t help yourself. You hold his chin in your hand and give him a deep kiss. “Yuto. Honey. Your voice is AMAZING. I’m shocked really. Does anyone else know?”
The sudden question surprises him. “Uh. Um. No. Just you.”
“Yeah. I told you I’d reward you. To be honest with you, that made me nervous as all hell. But I’m glad you liked it,” he said shyly.
“Of course I liked it Yuto. I..really like you. The time we spend together, us bonding over music, I really like where this is going with us. I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and agreed for my friend to give my number to their brother to give to you. I usually don’t do that but something about it felt right.”
“Y/n. I feel the same way about you. I really like you. The way you laugh, the way you smile, the way you easily blush, and how encouraging you are. I could keep going. I was skeptical about moving into a new town, but I’m glad I did because I was able to meet you.”
His confession turns you into a big softie. “Yuto? Can we just lay on the floor and cuddle? Or we could move it to the couch?”
He doesn’t even hesitate. He takes his guitar off his lap and lays down on the couch, motioning you to come over. You also take your guitar off your lap. You walk over to the couch. Yuto positioned himself on his back, and you crawled above him. You get comfortable and lay your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. At this point, you realize it’s late.
“Yuto...you do realize it’s almost 1am. I don’t wanna seem like I’m cutting this short, but if you want to leave you ca-“
Yuto interrupts you. “Baby. I’m not going anywhere. I’m enjoying cuddling with you. Unless you want me to go.”
“No no no,” you respond quickly. “Please don’t leave.”
“Good.” He kisses your forehead.
His cute gesture makes you grin. “Uh babe? Can I ask for a favor?” You ask.
“What’s that?”
“Can you sing again?”
He smiles. “Only for you. Any requests?”
“Yes. How about a Sirup song? I haven’t heard your native tongue from you yet. I really like ‘LMN’ from him.”
“Ah, how fitting. Sure thing.”
He clears his throat, then starts to sing.
Living in the moment now
Living in the moment now
Living in the moment now
Let's get together all the time
Baby どうしたの?
楽しそうにゃ 見えないよ
肩の力抜いて 時に身を任せて
Baby Life goes on
世界なんて 君次第
God how you loved his singing voice. His voice in his native tongue is great too. So soothing. Paired with the vibrations you felt from laying on his chest, you were lulled to sleep. When he noticed you had fallen asleep, he kissed the top of your head and moments later he had fallen asleep too. The two of you slept soundly the entire night on the couch. ❤️
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
Hey Twitch, babe. Can I uhhhhhh get some more Jack and Race being dumbasses pleaseeeee
ah yes
the gremlin children
trigger warning: punching
“No, c’mon, kid. You gotta put your thumb outside your fist. Tuck it in and you’re gonna break it.”
Jack stopped inside the door to the bunk room. Les was sitting on Albert’s bed, swinging his feet, and Race was standing in front of him. He had a pillow tucked under his arm and two fists out in front of him, reared back as if about to strike.
“Yeah, there ya go!” Race said, nodding eagerly as Les made a fist with his own hand. “Okay, good. Now you’re gonna swing as hard as ya can. Just punch the pillow.” He held the pillow in front of his face, grinning over it at Les. “Give it your best shot, kid.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Jack said, running forward. Race froze, his head whipping around, and Jack took the chance to grab the pillow and use it to whack Race on the head. Race shoved him. “What the heck do you think you’re doin’?”
“I’m teachin’ Les, my ol’ buddy, ol’ pal,” Race looped an arm around Les’ neck over the railing of the bunk, “how to pack a punch. In case he runs into trouble while he’s sellin’.”
“Yeah!” Les said, pushing Race’s hand away and bouncing up on his knees. “I’m gonna punch Morris in the nose!” He threw a fist out at the air and kicked his leg out. “It’s gonna be cool.”
Jack caught his fist, then hit Race on the head again. “C’mon, Racer,” he said. “Ya know better than that.”
“Jack!” Race and Les whined their protests in unison, and Race clamped a hand over Les’ mouth to steal the spotlight. “You taught me how to fight when I was nine. The kid’s ten now. Don’t be a Davey, Jackie, let him learn!”
Jack rolled his eyes. “I was gonna say that you ain’t teachin’ him right,” he said. “You really tryin’ to outshine the master, Higgins?”
“I was, too, teachin’ him right!”
Jack ignored him and pulled Les down from the bed, setting him on the floor. “Alright, Les,” he said, kneeling down in front of him, “here’s what you’re gonna do. This idiot’s right, keep your thumb out, but you also gotta make sure…”
“Fifty papes,” Morris said, shoving a stack of papers into Davey’s chest. “For the little rat from the richer side of town.” He leaned in closer and dug his hand into Davey’s shirt. He was making it pretty clear that it would be one of those days, and Jack made a mental note to pair up the people that sold closer to the Delanceys. “You think you’re so special, Jacobs? Had to start a strike right under our noses?”
“Hey!” Les shouted, squeezing under Davey’s arm. He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest, leaning up on his toes to get in Morris’ face. “Leave him alone, ya weasel!”
Morris barked out a laugh. “What’d you just say to me, kid?”
“Just callin’ it how I see it,” Les said. He jabbed a finger at Weisel, sitting on the other side of the desk and ignoring the horror dawning over Davey’s face above him. “Guess he ain’t the only weasel here, huh?”
“Les!” Davey hissed, grabbing him under the arms. “Go away, now. Go over with Romeo and Specs.”
“Yeah, why don’t ya listen to your precious big brother, pipsqueak?” Morris sneered. “Unless you wanna get caught barely breathin’ wh-”
Les hauled forward and nailed him in the mouth.
It was like everyone in the distribution center froze at the same time. Heads turned as the line near the front of the desk went silent. Morris’ eyes went wide, and he slowly brought a hand up to rub his jaw, staring at Les’ glare like he’d grown two heads.
“Don’t talk ‘bout my brother like that,” Les said. He spun on his heel, patting Davey on the chest as he left. Davey turned to watch him go, and as soon as Les hopped up on a paper wagon, he closed his eyes and felt his fists ball around his bundle of papers.
“Jack Kelly,” he said, teeth clenched tight enough to break the second jaw of the day, “Racetrack Higgins, you have three seconds to explain why my ten-year-old brother just threw a punch.”
Sure, he was just guessing Jack and Race had a good few things to do with it, but when he opened his eyes, they were standing in the back by the gates, smiles sheepish and faces white.
Yep, Davey thought, a deep sigh escaping his lips loud enough to be heard down in Brooklyn, I’m never doubting my gut again.
@booksbroadwayandbagels @tis-my-cigar  @harrynerd  @crutchieee-morris  @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side  @i-got-personality  @internalscreaming012  @voice-foundshoe-lost  @capncrutch @thatfancyclam  @not-your-cigar  @jjjudeshitposts  @orphan-with-a-stutter @disney-princess-sized  @perpetualbedheadspier @bexlynne  @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now  @you-thinks-wrong-romeo  @pitiful-ambitions  @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms  @cattt420  @ben-cook-can-cook @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas@awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @hopeful-broadwaybaby  @racetrackcook  @aw-jus-let-em-try @suddenly-im-respecsable @the-dance-boi  @jessmuell25 @intoomanyfandomstopickaname @be-more-chill-evan-hansen  @marcusisaprettygay  @insane-tomato @tomscaprisun
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