The Lesser Known MBTI
INTP Edition
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Having at least three different unfinished literary pieces.
Not noticing the most flashy thing in a crowd.
Being one with the peace in nature.
Staying up till late because you forgot time exists.
Did I mention fairy lights?
Always being ‘the quiet one’.
Humming your favorite show’s song to yourself when you’re alone.
Being misunderstood on a daily basis.
Low-key being a memelord.
Cats. Lots of them.
Secretly just a child who wants to know everything in the world.
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I thing ur sassy but not in a rude/frustrating way but like in smart way( is this a thing even). And u probably make witty comments/or u don’t usually talk much in an average conversation but if u do u say smart things. And kinda artistic/creative/inventive & rational (maybe you don’t draw/paint & do the typical artistic stuff but just do things/think in this way). I just picture u wearing glasses for some reason (prob. background of your blog)
Lol I don’t actually wear glasses, although I wouldn’t mind doing so and if I did they’d be those awesome nerdy ones. And thanks by the way, this is really sweet. I am pretty sassy, and if I didn’t say half the dumb things I say I’m sure I could be so in a smart way.
You’re right actually, I can’t paint or draw to save my life, but I consider my writing to be an art. Well, at least I’m attempting to make an art of it lol.
I’ve actually just realized that most xNTJs I know would disagree with you about my sass not being frustrating lol! Thank you so much for the ask, I might just show this to my grumpy ENTJ friend ;)
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Are you:
an evil mastermind or a lazy mastermind?
misunderstood or Misunderstood™?
Do you:
sympathize with or annoy ENTJs?
hate everyone or care about humanity in an indirect way?
wear all black as a fashion statement or because you’re fashion blind?
Do you have:
an eclectic taste in morals or books?
subjects or fellow conspirators?
Is the world:
a problem to be destroyed or a problem to be explored?
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love your blog. recently i've been wondering on the key differences between intjs and intps. any ideas?
Hi, thank you so much! Okay, so, when you look at just the four letters, INTPs and INTJs don’t seem like they should be too different, right? But when you look at their cognitive functions, you realize they’re totally different beasts… well, more like totally different introverted nerds, but you get the idea. We do share several similarities, but the differences run deep.
The INTJ’s functions are Ni/Te/Fi/Se, and the INTP’s are Ti/Ne/Si/Fe. (The possible cognitive functions are Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Thinking, Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Feeling, Introverted iNtuition, Extroverted iNtuition, Introverted Sensing, and Extroverted Sensing. How these functions stack determine, basically, how you perceive, analyze, approach, and remember the world. They can be placed first as dominant, second as auxiliary, third as tertiary, and last as inferior.)
We’re both intuitive rationals, but unique ways. NiTe (INTJ) and TiNe (INTP) approach logic and problems through totally separate paths. Introverted iNtuition allows INTJs to sort of survey all possible approaches and answers to a problem, and then Extroverted Thinking enables them to choose the most likely or most practical outcome. This is done all at once so that INTJs are often said to possess mystical problem solving abilities. They don’t; that’s just how their brain functions. They take the short route.
TiNe takes the long route. Ti acts as a sort of computer, analyzing problems, situations, pretty much everything to its core. An INTP won’t be satisfied, once their curiosity is peaked, until they’ve discovered the why of something. Ne allows them so see all sorts of patterns in the world and connect things, most often in a sporadic, excitable way. NiTe operates more quickly and practically, whereas TiNe is prone to be more thorough (maybe to an unnecessary degree) and imaginative. Neither is necessarily better, and the two contrast nicely.
INTJ’s last two functions are Fi/Se, INTP’s Si/Fe. Because of the inferior or altogether absent Se, both types can be highly oblivious to their surroundings, INTP more so. In general, INTJs are more equipped to process and be involved in the external world, despite how much they may dislike it. Se is often described as living in the moment, and Si is reflection on how a certain thing made you feel.
Fi vs. Fe is another huge ballpark in which the types differ. These functions are set in different places in the stacks, the third (tertiary) and the last (inferior), as were Si and Se, so a direct comparison is tricky. Fi is concerned with morals and principles; it’s internal judgement based on personal values and beliefs. Fe is also concerned with values, but in an externalized sense, so that they project it outwards. Fi allows INTJs to, again, make internal judgments, but in an entirely new sense and taking much more time. Fe and Fi are both often ignored in analyses of the two types, Fe because it is the inferior function, and Fi because it is internalized and contradicts the stereotype of emotionless INTJs. However, both types “feel” deeply, both in the cognitive sense of the term and otherwise, and because few notice this, they internalize and suppress it further.
If you were looking at two individuals, one INTJ and the other INTP, the INTJ would seem much more practical and a bit colder, and the INTP would conversely be theoretical and a bit more open. INTJs can be more focused on the “real world,” and the INTP more often lost in their own head. These are generalizations, of course, and every person within the type will show their functions differently, though along the same lines.
I hope this is what you were looking for. I think I got very a little carried away in my analysis. Can I blame it on being an INTP? The INTJs I know definitely could have explained that in fewer words and a much more direct way, lol. I hope this makes sense though! Thanks for the ask!
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I assume that in real life you're an eccentric, but kinda serious person. I think you like giving advice and helping people out with this blog, it's like your way of contributing to people and helping them
Lol yeah I think I’m eccentric, kinda serious. Certifiably a weirdo with my friends though. And yeah, I do like helping people, so you’re probably right
Thank you for the ask! This is interesting
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ISFJ, Dissected
dom Si: I Know My Family Tree Backwards
aux Fe: Cannot Roast a Type to Save My Life
tert Ti: I’m Secretly Analyzing Your Soul
inf Ne: The Big Picture? Do I Know Her?
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I feel like there’s socially exhausted and emotionally exhausted. Socially is when I have to go to a party with 500 people I don’t know and hide outside in the cold to get away, emotionally is like when you’re offering sympathy for someone but all the sudden you run out of sympathy and you can feel your emotions crumbling inside you
Would being extremely emotionally exhausted after socializing be caused by low Fe? Or does it have no relation to functions lmao
i honestly think it’s an introvert thing because i’m high Fe and the same way. unless we have different definitions on emotional exhaustion.
if you’re looking for typing help i’ll gladly help you just send a message.
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Intp 5w4?
INTP 5w4
has the analytical abilities of the 5w6 INTP with a sense of uniqueness and individualism.
you’re likely loyal and analytical, with a strong sense of self; you know who you are and what you’re capable of.
i admire your ability to stay objective and maintain your independence.
sorry if this isn’t the best praise, SO MANY INTPs (ily guys).
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INTP, being controlled. Not just being powerless, but being powerless because someone is controlling me
Reblog with your MBTI type and least favorite emotion.
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I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
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intp thing: listening to music while reading bc you'd otherwise get distracted from the outside world but then getting distracted by the music bUT this is still better and also not knowing what else you could do bc you get distracted even if there's literally n o t h i n g around and oh shit i forgot what i wanted to add hngkdjkdnf
lol yeah I know what you mean, especially if it’s a school assigned book and it isn’t holding my attention. But I’m rereading The Count of Monte Cristo and I don’t get to distracted reading that, because it’s interesting. But yeah the music has to be instrumental or the whole system jacks itself up.
And half the time when I get distracted it’s just my thoughts distracting me and nobody gets it. I’ll be like oh sorry I had a thought. And they’re like oooookay
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Take as much time as you need you little bean! We (being your followers) will stay with you no matter what because you are amazing! I’m sorry for your lost, I know that is difficult ,so really take as much time off tumblr &/or anything in real life Sending love & luck your way x Hope you have a great holiday & that the new year is good to you!
Oh my goodness, thank you. This means a lot to me y’all, I can’t say how much. I hope every single one of you have the most wonderful holidays :) I think I’ll be back on tumblr now, but thank you all of you for being so supportive, especially the angel who sent this
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Pu-Eryg, blooming tea, black tea?
Oh hi! Thanks for the ask! Tea is the best
pu-erh: 3 random facts about myself. Um, I graduated high school a year early, my grandmother’s grandmother was Cherokee, and I absolutely love cardigans
blooming tea: favourite flower?Either the double tulip or the double peony
black tea: where are you from? Texas. My father was in the military so we moved around a lot, but I was born in Texas and live there now
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Hi there. I'm an ENPT, at least I think... I'm kinda in an identity crisis. I've thought that I was an ENTP for at least 9 months now, and for those nine months, I was certain. No one could tell me otherwise. But now I'm questioning it... I think I might be an INTP. I know that ENTP's are already the introverted extravert, but maybe I'm more of an extraverted introvert? Any advice to me, or anything that I should look at to determine which type I am?
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this; you’ve probably already sorted through the crisis by now. If you’re still looking for advice, read up on Ti/Ne vs Ne/Ti. I love my Ne, but Ti is what I always fall back on and perform automatically. That’s how your dominant function will be
Whether you’re INTP or ENTP, I’m always up for banding together to torment the xNTJs
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just found your blog and i’m already in love with it pls do ISFJ dissected
Aw thank you so much! Sorry I disappeared...
I will definitely be doing ISFJ dissected, just have to get back into the swing of things. Let me know what you think once I have it :) I had an order to do them in written down somewhere so that I wouldn’t lose track of anybody, but I’ll bump ISFJ up for you
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I just took the as the 15 different personalitily tests and I got INTP on every single one
That’s great! Welcome to this loving family of INTPs :) Be sure to check out cognitive functions n such, tests aren’t always accurate, but you did take a lot of them lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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Hey guys, so I know I disappeared for while... my mom was having a lot of health issues, and then we thought she had got better... but then she passed about a month and a half ago. I just need some time away. I think I’ll be back now. Got a few asks to answer and then I should start posting again. Thanks to everyone who has stuck around :) it made my day to come back on here and see how many of y’all had stayed
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