#also true story: i was trying to follow all the blogs on the follow page but somehow it stopped letting me follow them?
wangxianficfinder · 9 months
Hello!! This blog has frequently helped fans find deleted/hidden fics by accessing them through the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive catalogued page). I have learned how to use a url to look for an old fic, with some success, thank you! I was wondering: is it possible for average joes like myself to add captures to the Wayback Machine? Like, can I go in and archive a bunch of my favorite fics? Or is the cataloguing done only by people who work at the Internet Archive? Thank you for any advice!
Of course! Anyone can save a site/link onto WayBack ^^ That's the best thing about it, if you go to the site and scroll down you will see this -
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A "search bar" titled Save Page Now. All you have to do is copy the link you want saved and drop it into this nifty little bar and hit Save Page. It does have limits, it can only save pages that exist at the current moment and not in the past, and there are some sites that don't allow archive to save them, but AO3 is, thankfully, able to be saved.
Just be sure that if you save a fic, you either save it as a full work or you add the link to chapter by chapter.
There are exceptions to which fics can be saved though, hidden or already deleted fics will not be saved unless you managed to do it before it was hidden or deleted. If it's a multi chapter work, make sure you also add the link to each chapter or a full work. It will not do it automatically.
Just adding a link to the beginning of a fic will not save the whole thing. You need to get every chapter or you won't be able to read the fic. Which is why I prefer doing it with the full work link, but each their own.
I wish you luck! Happy saving ☺️ if you have any more questions, let me know and I will try my best to answer them!
- Mod C
danmeiireader: In addition to saving the full work, if you are saving an M or E rated story, make sure to add the following to the url so it doesn't get stuck on the warning page:
(per this reddit post)
alexseanchai: same goes for a Not Rated story, as those also get the adult-content splash page
Oh yes! Thank you for the addition, I can't believe I forgot to add this 😅 please make sure you save the link after hitting the button too!
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Is It true that Lebon gathered musicians to play music during the executions in Arras?
The the best source mentioning any such thing I’ve got so far is a letter from Armand Joseph Guffroy to Robespierre dated 18 floréal (May 7 1794), published in the former’s Les secrets de Joseph Lebon et de ses complices, released a few months after the fall of latter:
To relax, and to be consistent, you must this evening, or tomorrow at the latest, have Demeulier and his three companions freed from the Madelonnettes, to know for yourself the truth of what is happening in Arras. Listen and remember; these are Patriots oppressed by a Priest, who has been locked up like a madman, and who, when he could no longer be fanatic and superstitious, became a fanatical patriot through avarice, and caused patriotism and virtue to be hated by his extravagant conduct; or should I say, by his atrocious conduct. Know that, placed on the balcony of the comedy, on the fish market, (today Place de la Revolution), with his nose on the guillotine, he spoke with passion about the execution, and he ordered the tune ça ira to be played (il a fait jouer par la musique l’air ça ira). […]
Guffroy was Lebon’s archenemy, so this information should of course be treated with some caution. We know Guffroy was not an eye witness to this (but also that he did have contacts with people that could have been, such as Antoine Buissart and one Solon), that his goal with the letter is to get Robespierre to recall Lebon, increasing the chances he would lay it on thick in describing what he’s been up to (or could it instead be argued he would try to be as truthful as possible in order to get Robespierre to see how bad it really is?) and that stories about representatives on mission taking pleasure in watching the executions take place hardly is something unique for Lebon, and in some cases can be disproven (such as in the case of Collot d’Herbois, who almost certainly did not personally witness the shootings of condemned in Lyon).
Besides that, I found the following two testimonies from possible eye witnesses, both cited within this great blog post. The two are however written both 1, way after the fact, and 2, by people hostile to Lebon, making it hard to rule out the possibility their stories are embellished or even build on what Guffroy wrote in his report (although in the latter case, the part about the music is a very tiny detail among almost 500 pages, so it still seems a bit strange they would all pick exactly that detail to copy):
When any of his colleagues passed through Arras, [Lebon] always proposed their joining with him in a "partie de Guillotine", and the executions were perpetrated on a small square at Arras, rather than the great one, that he, his wife, and relations, might more commodiously enjoy the spectacle from the balcony of the theatre, where they took their coffee, attended by a band of music, which played while his human butchery lasted. A Residence in France during the years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795 (1798) by Charlotte Biggs.
Penetrating the crowd, which was thronging in the dark and winding streets, I soon reached the fish-market. Then the first object which struck my sight was the guillotine, raising its blood-red boards above the silent multitude. An old man, whom they had just tied to the fatal plank, was the victim; suddenly I heard the sound of trumpets. On a high place which overlooked the orchestra, was seated a man, still young, clad in a Carmagnole of black and blue stripes. This person, whose appearance announced monastic rather than military habits, was leaning carelessly on a cavalry sabre, the large hilt of which represented the Cap of Liberty; a row of pistols ornamented his girdle, and his hat, turned up in the Spanish fashion, was surmounted by a large tri-coloured cockade: I recognised Joseph Lebon. At this moment his mean countenance was animated with a horrid smile; he paused from beating time with his left foot; the trumpets stopped; he made a signal, and the old man was placed under the blade. A sort of clerk, half drunk, then appeared at the side of the " avenger of the people," and read with a hoarse voice a bulletin of the army of the Rhine and Moselle. At each paragraph the orchestra sounded a chord; and when the reading was concluded, the head of the wretched old man was stricken off amidst shouts of "Vive la republique!" repeated by the satellites of the ferocious Lebon. I shall never forget, nor can I adequately depict the impression of this horrible sight. I reached my father's house almost as lifeless as the miserable being whose agony had been so cruelly prolonged; and then I learnt that he was M. de Mongon, the old commandant of the citadel, condemned as an aristocrat. Memoirs of Eugène Vidocq (1829)
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nickel156 · 5 months
I was scrolling through your blog and it got me thinking that I've literally never seen a logical, fact based elriel argument because they always fall back on some negative perceived assumption. For example, people only ship Gwynriel because they want to self-insert, because they hate elain, because they only care about Lucien. Or the ones that are just pure made up conjecture i.e., Gwynriel can't happen because Gwyn isn't ready, because Azriel will always love Elain, because Elain and Az are true mates (lol). Even worse that third party articles are somehow the word of SJM herself. They truly have no recourse against the simple math that SJM is a fated mates author, that from a dramatic story telling standpoint Elucien has by FAR the most plausibility and Gwynriel follows it, but Elriel has quite literally no obstacles unless SJM suddenly pivots her career into writing tiktok-ready forbidden romance and we get 800 pages of contrived "Nooo we can't be together" "But I want you so bad baby" cringe. They seriously do not have a pot to shit in. Praying we only have to suffer this for another week.
I'm glad you enjoy my opinions enough to scroll through my blog 😅
They really don't have any factual evidence to support their convoluted theories!
We will even debunk those theories because they can't be supported and they'll come up with another!
I also find it hilariously ironic how they'll claim we're the ones self-inserting.
Bitch, you're literally the ones self inserting as soft, sweet Elain with a batboy. 😆 They just want him for his wingspan and don't actually understand him as a character AT ALL!
From my readings, I've found more Eluciens that actually like Elain than Elriels. Because we understand (or try to) her character and we want her in an actual healthy non-toxic relationship. We don't find her boring we know her character is just not developed yet.
Elucien x Gwynriel = Everyone is happy
I swear to the mother, if one more Elriel tries to tell me Gwyn can't be with Azriel because.. I'll yeet them. Idk how, but I will!
Do not get me started on Azriel and Elain being mates. The cauldron was tampered with garbage. I could go on the longest tangent on how this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Or how Elain has two mates, which totally defeats the whole premise of them.
Just comes down to their shared brain cell.
There is no forbidden romance as I've shown evidence that Elain and Azriel aren't sneaking around. (But they come with a THEORY to disprove it)
They also want her to train with Azriel, which is also hilarious. Tell me you don't understand Elain without telling me you don't understand Elain.
Considering they have no actual evidence of their ship, they have to use songs and articles or they'd have nothing to go on.
Elriel died in that BC
I am first and foremost an Elucien. I know from the context and sjm herself that they are endgame. I do love Gwyn though, and she's a great way for everyone to get their HEA.
They laugh at us when we say she's a fated mates author but fail to realize how accurate it is.
And we try to make it as easy as possible to for their one brain cell to comprehend..
But I guess even the easiest answer goes above their heads.
Elain and Lucien will have tension, healing and growth TOGETHER
Anything they come up with is irrelevant.
The day isn't over! It could still come Anon!!
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Hiiiiiiii, I'm so happy that you're active here again, you're one of my favorite accounts and the one I like to follow the most 😭☺️🫵🏻
What are your favorite headcanon or non canon (sorry if I wrote it wrong) from the plot? In fact, I read those posts you made about the canon of the novel, and you forgot to mention one. In the following episode or in a few episodes after Betty presents the real balance, Mario greets Marcela in the Ecomoda, she makes a joke about him being a great writer (because of the story of the letter with instructions), and says that he would be the best man at her wedding to Armando.
I'm practically 100% sure that this scene really happened and that I saw it, I'm not crazy lol but if it was another dialogue or I'm wrong, someone please let me know.
Hiiii!! I'm so glad you like my little blog🥰🥰🥰
I think I got slightly confused with your question, but I'll give you both my fav canon details (things that actually happened in the show) and my fav headcanons (things that aren't in the show but I totally wish they were!):
For the actual canon:
Patty trying to burn her ex's car. As if we needed any more proof that she's wrong in the head lmao
Betty and Armando both loving jazz and canonically quoting poems to each other!
Armando and Mario have been friends since they were in school!
Mario has such a phobia of kids that he straight up refused to meet family members until they were at least like 10 years old lmaoooo
Armando, a guy obsessed with order or cleanliness, nibbles on objects when anxious or stressed
Daniel does this too, and also bites his nails, btw
Daniel gives candy to Marcela everytime he sees her!
Armando's glasses and tie represent him. When he takes the glasses off, he's being vulnerable. When he takes the tie off, he's in a pretty bad mental state
Somewhere in Ecomoda's digit archives is a 9 pages word document detailing everything that happened between Daniel and Patricia and how Olarte and her caused damage to Betty's computer. The fact that it exists to this day and no one ever found the truth tortures me lmao
As for my favorite headcanons! They're just little things I kinda think could be true about the characters but nothing was ever said or full states about it:
Nicolás can't cook at all, not even a simple scrambled egg, but he makes the best bread ever. Literally the only reason I think this is because his mom has a bakery
Margarita and Roberto were a little similar to Marcela and Armando when young (much younger than Marcela and Armando were during the show, which is why they're frustrated that they haven't outgrown that reckless "phase"). My only reason to like this idea is that Margarita insists that Marcela needs to be patient and wait and that men will always need a refuge and get tired eventually, like she knows what she's talking about; like she knows what that's like. Roberto also seems to cough a little uncomfortable when Margarita and him are talking to Armando and she says something about how she would have left Roberto if he had hired a hot secretary or something along those lines lmao and Ik thinking that Roberto was a womanizer in his youth is so weird because he seems such a down to earth mature man, but believe me, you'd be surprised how much a former womanizer can change with age lmao
Armando was very good with sports, and he specially liked contact ones like boxing
Marcela was definitely the type of little girl who waited besides the front door and jumped excitedly when she saw her dad come home. We know she was her dad's favorite, that's canon
Margarita and Susana were away for a big part of their children's childhood. I think this because Roberto says that during the early days of Ecomoda, Margarita and Susana were in charge of the interior design and the design of the collections, and also that they traveled a lot
Armando was a very troubled teenager. My reason to think this is that, well, just look at how he is in the novela, and now imagine him with all the raging hormones of a teen, probably slightly absent parents, and an underdeveloped frontal lobe lmaoooo
The Valencias' parents died when Marcela, Daniel, ans Beata were kids. I like this better than them dying when the Valencia's are adults. This is technically canon but also not because the novela literally onlh mentions their deaths in relation to their kids' age TWICE and ysblf still managed to contradict itselfffffff. But I like to think that Julio qnd Susana died when their kids were little because it would explain a lot of their kids' behavior: Daniel, after losing his parents at a young age and being the oldest and only male in the family, he tried to grow up too quickly which is why even when he actually became an adult he's pretty much a charicature of what a 13 yo would think as mature: very serios, snarky, sarcastic, apparently stoic, rude, overly sexual, etc. He pretty much got stuck as a teen. Marcela, being a daddy's girl and losing him so young, she became unheathily attached to Armando. Maria Beatriz, being so young when her parents died, just ignores the whole thing and has no big sentimental attachment to Ecomoda or the family in general like Marcela does.
Armando was a big source of comfort when Marcela's parents died. I like to think this because a) we know they've known each other their whole lives, b) Armando can actually be affectionate and tender with Marcela, as we see only like once at the very beginning of the show, and c) strictly related to my hc above, I think it could be in part how she found refuge in Armando when kids after her parents died that she became so obsessily attached
Armando and Marcela were an on-and-off/ situationship thing for years. Not like actual bf/gf, but more like that awkward tension and perhaps a few kisses here and there, some hand holding, all of that. Armando probably also wasn't sure about formalizing the relationship for a long, long time, and it also probably took a lot of convincing from Roberto and Margarita to finally take that step
So yeah! Those are a few canon and headcanons that I like a lot hahaha! Thank you for this lovely question!
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stillness-in-green · 8 months
Project Update/Survey of Interest: The AFO Retcon Essay
Having cleared out the inbox, I thought I'd let everyone know where I am on one of the big projects I've been alluding to for a long while now, the big meta post/essay arguing that the possession plot (and therefore AFO as primary endgame villain) is, in so many words, a big stupid retcon. That essay is - for reasons I'll get into shortly - on the brink of a major change in focus, so I'd also like to gauge how much interest people have in its potential new form. Because it would be another huge one, make no mistake.
(Hit the jump.)
So, I recently started dabbling with a new word processor program and thought I'd try learning the ropes with the retcon essay; I then spent the better part of two weeks combing through chatlogs and my blog archive trying to compile all the evidence I'd want to consider to make that argument. Two nights ago, I looked at the list I had - almost fifty bullet points! - and had the horribly demoralizing realization that...
...You guys, I just don't think I believe it anymore.
Now, that's not to say I've come around on the possession plot, because I definitely haven't! Rather, my trust in Horikoshi as a writer has been so badly eroded by the state of the writing in the endgame that I no longer think even the earlier material is reliable evidence for where the story was going.
To pick the most prominent example, I always regarded AFO telling Best Jeanist at Kamino that his quirk "wouldn't suit Tomura" as one of my strongest pieces of evidence that the possession plot had not been in the cards at that time. After all, who in hell cares what quirks would or would not suit Tomura if AFO's plan, as stated in Chapter 380, was that he would wholly subsume Tomura's will?
Now, however - and Chapter 380 is a big part of this, too! - I look back on that moment and just think, wearily, "Was that ever true, or was Horikoshi just lying to us already, and the only difference between then and now is that back then the lies could hold for hundreds of chapters, whereas now they're revealed within a matter of pages?"
A chat friend letting me vent suggested that perhaps the line was just intended to foreshadow Shigaraki getting All For One (and therefore all the quirks held within it) and Horikoshi just didn't think through all the implications AFO's phrasing had on how that plot was going to go. That may be true, and it's a more generous read than I could muster at the time, but the end result is the same: If I can't trust that the writing was ever an accurate reflection of the characters and their intentions, I can't in good faith construct an argument relying on that writing.
What I think I can do, however, if people are interested, is broaden the overall thrust to something much bigger than just AFO.
I'm currently toying with the idea of a treatise-in-four-parts about the problems in the endgame. Each part would cover one major branch of related issues - they might need to be broken down into sub-parts themselves, if they run long enough! The whole thing would likely be much longer and more involved than my chapter posts; think something more like the PLF mass arrest essay. Following are my current ideas for how those four parts would fall out, as well as some example talking points for each:
Part 1: Shigaraki and the PLF. Would cover Shigaraki as a villain and what he and the forces he'd amassed circa the end of My Villain Academia stood to bring to the endgame, both ideologically and tactically. Would also cover where they actually wound up and some considerations as to why.           Example Subpoints: Demanding accountability from Hero Society rather than just focusing blame on singular evils; Shigaraki as representative of all previous Villains; the MLA's shift in portrayal between MVA and the endgame; the ludicrous string of nerfs Toga was subjected to; whether the MLA was only ever intended to be a mass of numbers to whittle down the equally massive numbers of the Heroes or whether they were reduced to that after poor reader reception.
Part 2: All For One's Impact. Would focus on the sharp drop in moral complexity AFO both suffered himself compared to his pre-Tartarus characterization and inflicted on the endgame both himself and with the caliber of minions he brought to the story.           Example Subpoints: AFO's inconsistent characterization; the moral reductiveness of the Demon Lord as endgame Villain; AFO and Yoichi's personal history; Vestige mechanics; the impact of AFO's inconsistency on Ujiko's portrayal; the Sekoto Peak Problem; the characterization and handling of the Tartarus escapees.
Part 3: Team Hero Is The Fucking Worst. Would focus on the multitudinous problems with the presentation and methodologies of the Heroes in the endgame. Might be two parts if it gets long enough that I decide to split it up into, like, one part on the adults/Pro Heroes and one on the kids or something.           Example Subpoints: The story's bad faith attempts to portray agents of government authority as scrappy, determined underdogs; why it's impossible to believe that the current heroic cast will be able to enact a satisfying resolution to all the structural problems the story has raised; That Stupid Fucking Mech Fight; the constant refusal to let consequences stick to the Heroes; the way the story both undercuts and oversells Deku as a protagonist, and the impact that has on the broader narrative; One For All and more Vestige Mechanics; The Problem of Hawks; the hospital riot; the Todoroki family's inaction.
Part 4: Other Issues. A catch-all area for anything else I trip over that doesn't fit in any of the categories above, or problems of a more meta-narrative sort.           Very Preliminary Example Subpoints: The lazy portrayal of civilian characters; meta-narrative examples of the unreliability of BNHA's late-stage writing, from simple errors overlooked in the highly demanding grind of Shonen Jump serialization to the much more damning abuse of the reader's expectations of the comic medium; idk probably lots of other stuff, I Have Many Problems.
That said, I now have to ask, how interested are you all in a project like that? A fair amount of it would be recycled from my chapter posts, but obviously it would cover stuff I never got to in those, and would be able to be written with more hindsight (especially if it's written mostly or entirely after the series ends!), as opposed to the constant problem of reacting to the story week-to-week.
I basically stopped writing the chapter posts for reasons of incessant negativity, and obviously, this would be more of that, but I mind the negativity a lot less when it's A) able to be more comprehensive and focused than meandering and piecemeal and B) in the form of a large project I can work on as I have the energy for it rather than a brand new project every single week. And, as I trust stuff like MVA In Memoriam and On Heteromorphobia make clear, I do like the idea of putting together a good, comprehensive, easy-to-reference tract on all those problems, as opposed to just letting my issues remain scattered across multiple years of chapter thoughts and bnha critical tags!
That said, it's a big project, and I do vent about these issues pretty constantly with chat and irl friends, so if there's not much interest from followers here, I would not find it hard to just let the whole thing go and turn my eyes to less intimidating fare instead.
(Current other projects include the usual roster of BNHA fic, another mid-length meta piece in the mode of the BNHA vs. Helck comparison from a while back, this time on Mamoru Hosoda's Belle, and a horrible temptation to try and write something thoughtful and even-handed about demons in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End to combat the reductive-ass takes on both sides of the argument I've been seeing all over the internet since its anime started. Also, every week I go without seeing a single damn MachtxGluck fanfic on AO3 is a week I get closer to trying to figure out a way into writing it myself.)
Do let me know! Also, feel free to chip in with anything you'd like to see me specifically talk about in an endgame analysis!
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Hiii, miss me?
Now you want to kiss me (or have to? Wasn't there a song like that?)
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This month my blog turned two years old. I got the notification in my email. Last year I made an entire celebration post by publishing the funniest/ridiculous asks I got. There were good times back then. Still. Not so much afterwards.
I wasn't the nicest presence in the last few months leading to me abandoning the blog. And I wasn't too discreet about it. Although there was more to it, a lot more. But I'll get there.
First things first. Why am I here when on the 24th of March I dramatically declared that I'm leaving forever? Well, that was a very emotionally-charged post and the result of a few factors. I'm not entirely proud of how I made my exit, but it's also a true reflection of my personality so there's no point in making excuses. Nevertheless, I will explain as much as I can (I still care about privacy, just like before).
On that Friday, I woke up excited. I took a day off from work (yes...I know), I listened to Face, watched the music video. All good. But I was also dreading a bit having to come here because I knew there was this expectation of me to come up with some thought-provoking analysis, say something smart and all that. I was exhausted on all levels, emotionally and intellectually. I had also promised to leave after the promotions were over, somewhere in the middle of April (who would have thought it would last 9 days? Not me), but the plans changed. Not to drag it too much, but on that day I also officially announced to some concerned parties that I'm changing career paths. You know, just something I thought I'd be doing until the day I die and I've been working towards for at least 10 years. No big deal. I was planning on doing it anyway, but actually saying the words and make it real is a different story. I felt extatic, full of adrenaline, so happy with my decision and at that moment, it felt the right time to close BMT. It was somehow directly connected. I made the blog as an escape and now I got the opportunity to turn the page over. It was perfect. Best day ever. I clicked post, I logged out, and then I sat. And after a while, the reality of my decisions hit me in the face. And I felt sad and empty because what the hell am I doing now and what is my identity? I closed my blog too which was my main hobby. And so followed some difficult days. And then it got better. And then bad again. And so on, because it's a roller coaster.
The thing is, I can change my interests, but I can't stop myself from being opinionated. And getting excited. And wanting to talk about it. And share all that on a public platform with some strangers that are interested in what I have to say. Or they used to. It's who I am.
This blog won't remain Bangtan Media Thoughts because I want more than that. I will rebrand this page. I could start fresh with a new blog, but this is still my space and I know some people were interested in reading about other things as well from me, not just BTS. I hope I can built something from that.
The blog won't reflect only a specific niche of interests, but everything that I like in terms of pop culture. From movies, music, fashion, gossip, you name it. Including Kpop. And if I feel the need to rant about Hybe after talking about Ryan Gosling's Ken, I will. Same about JM, JK or whoever I feel like it. If there is a good advice that I got in the last few months, is to adapt and not force myself to abandon something completely. Because it's not as easy as it sounds. And to be honest, it was easier to give up smoking than completely lose interest in kpop. It's a habit. Perhaps this new blog will reflect the way I try to deal with that. A bit more honestly, a little less discourse, certainly less essays because I don't have them in me at the moment. But never say never. This blog will be all me, not just BMT.
I will change the name and url 24h after I post this. This will be an opportunity for all my followers to decide if they want to stay or they are not interested in the new direction. Feel free to do as you please. I welcome new people and greet the old ones who didn't hit unfollow for some reason.
It will go like this:
Bangtan Media Thoughts > Reflections in a Critical Eye
New theme, new profile photo, new beginnings.
All the old posts will still be here. I don't plan on deleting anything. They are all a product of me and my brain and they have their place. I'll probably pin some new posts these days that have to do with the rebranding. It will be like a construction site, but it will be worth it.
One last thing though. After I abruptly left, I received some DMs. I saw them back then. I do feel sorry about those who wanted to check in with me or with whom I used to talk regularly. But I do hope that some of the things I said today will explain my behavior. I also won't start communicating again like that, at least for now. I always felt a bit pressured and I'm not the best at maintaining conversations in private. If that changes, I'll make that clear.
That's it for now. I'm excited. I feel like writing again so here's to another chapter.
My inbox is open and will be, just as usual. No more messages to BMT, but you can call me M. Like in the Bond movies 😉
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slocumjoe · 7 months
I was wondering if you had any recommendations of fo4 fanfictions/writers you enjoy the work of?
You know, this actually is a point I've wanted to talk about in general, but never really had a reason to. The thing is, I don't like fallout 4 fanfic. I tried once and decided it was just not my content of choice.
Fallout 4 has a pretty sizable fic issue of, "Every single world is different." This is true of almost all stories where the protagonist is very easily...interchangeable. If you can make your character, chances are, they have their own looks, decisions, choices, opinions, backstories, quirks, relationships, et cetera. It is a whole new character that the world turns around, every single time.
So, the first issue here, is that it takes away from the benefit of fanfic being a story you don't have to get invested in. You know the characters and their deals, let's rock and roll. But with a new Addition, the author has to sell you on them, often quickly. However, you will have your own character that you've put into this world, and I personally prefer looking at my guy than others. People tend to not like (not hate, just not prefer) ships with certain pairings, right? So, if I invest a lot of brain power thinking about Danse and Augustijn, if I open a Sole X Danse fic, and I see Danse macking on a Sole who isn't...who Sole is to me, it's a large adjustment, especially if I'm not sold on the other Sole as their own character.
Another thing I tend to dislike is fics set in the perspective of Sole, rather than the other characters. I know the other characters already, and I'd prefer to spend time with them, than get invested in the new guy, as I said before. But people set the POV as sole to help speed along the whole selling thing.
So, few technical things, but when I did sample fallout 4 fanfic, the actual content I saw was just...so not for me.
Fallout 4 fanfic, last I checked, is;
Cute college aged white girl with Danse/Maxson/Both of them
Cute college aged white girl with Nick
Cute college aged white girl with Hancock
Cute College aged white girl with Deacon
Cute College aged white girl with MacCready
Cute college aged white girl with...deathclaws?
I find that many Soles tend to be supermodels with fairly shallow characterization, because they're self-inserts. They're just there to look good up against whichever white dude the author has the hots for. That's fine, we don't shame, it's just...I don't like it. Again, I like the characters I know, and in those types of fics, the characterization of the Male Companions tends to veer hard left into "wow this supermodel lady is so hot and cute and she's so sad I have to save her." It's just tedious for me.
Last I tried fo4 fanfic, it was...2018, 2019, I think, so things could have changed. But if I go to the top rated fics on ao3, the first page is just smut "The Vault Girl has a sweet ass/was maybe a pin up model, and oh no, (insert man) jerks off to her every single night!" It just makes me roll my eyes.
I could recommend content creators but chances are, you're following them already. In terms of fic...all I got for you is rad-roche's Unmade Man series. Required reading for this blog.
Not meaning to yuck anyone's yum, it's just that your yum is my yuck.
I used to write fanfic for fallout 4, if anyone remembers My Hope And My Fear Is Human Interaction. Initially titled Strawberry Donuts Of War. I took it down like an idiot because my own mental health was going right down the shitter, and trying to write that story and verbalize my own shit was kinda triggering. Fond memories, though. I also wrote three Danse x Sole fics, and took them down for "This is making me cringe" reasons.
Maybe one day.
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circuit-if · 1 year
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Hey everyone! This is just a quick frequently asked questions post with a couple answers to repeated questions in my inbox. Hopefully this addresses them all, but if you have anything not included here just shoot me an ask and I'll get back to you if I can.
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★ Circuit Content Warnings: Circuit is rated 18+ for the following: sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, explicit language, and violence. This blog is ALSO 18+.
★ Ask Guidelines: I'm willing to answer general asks surrounding the story, characters, and mechanics of the game and blog. I'm also willing to answer asks of the following (more specific) types - "how would [char] react to," prompts, and NSFW prompts. I'm NOT willing to answer any asks relating to self harm, SA, SH, or explicit asks about pregnancy. I also won't answer asks offering unsolicited and unwanted criticism or advertising your own work.
★ Romancing Multiple Characters: You can romance multiple different ROs, but there will be points where you need to choose. I advise choosing 1 per play through if you're interested in more than 1.
★ Can we choose our characters ____? Here are a couple things you can choose about your character thus far into the story. These may grow as the story progresses.
First and last name
Pronouns, including set she/her, he/him, and they/them as well as an option to enter your own pronouns.
Preferences pertaining to physical appearance, such as hair colour (dyed or natural, can dye a natural colour), hair length, hair style, clothing style, eye colour.
Team colours, primary and secondary
Car design
Pre-race habits
Racing nickname
However, there are a couple things coded into the game allowing it to naturally pick up on your characters actions and label your character as such. Here's a little info on that:
Based on actions/choices during races, your character can be labelled a wildcard, a patient and cautious prowler, or a vicious daredevil, which the world around will take note of and respond to your character with. You can actively manipulate which of the three you are during races, but you cannot manually choose.
Actions/choices made in the public eye impact how the world responds to your character. You can hate the press or love it, ignore your fans or cherish them. Again, you can actively manipulate which of them you are during press/fan interactions, but you cannot manually choose.
★ Can my character be [personality]? I try to be as inclusive with my personality options as possible, so I'm inclined to say yes. However, I can't promise that every option will pertain to an ultra specific personality. In that case, I always make sure to include neutral options that cater to a wide variety of characters.
★ Any Romances Besides the ROs? Yes, but these will not be nearly as fleshed out as the main four. These will take the role of flings and will be short, without any particularly happy endings.
★ Do we have to participate in a romance route to play the story? A large part of the story is romance, but it is not its centre, so no. You can be best friends with each of the ROs and that can be the extent of your relationship.
★ Character perspectives: I'm definitely willing to write character perspectives on certain situations that happen in the story, however that will likely stay reserved to a future patreon page.
★ Fanfiction: Sure, you can write fanfiction.
★ Fan art: Sure, you can create fan art, so long as art including my characters remains generally true to the physical appearance given, which can be found here for the ROs.
★ Can we ditch Roman? Absolutely.
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lulu2992 · 1 year
Hey ! First thanks for this blog, it's full of really great posts :) And second, I saw you gave advices to fanfics writers for John and Jacob but I didn't see anything about Joseph, I believe I'm not the only one to think The Father is the hardest to write ! Any tips, advices or anything else ? Thanks a lot and continue this wonderful work !
Hi! And thank you :D
I suppose you’ve played the game and already know Joseph’s story, but as I did in my previous posts, I’m going to give you (and anyone reading this who might not be familiar with the Far Cry 5 universe) a few links and resources:
The Book of Joseph: an official but rare book that seems mostly canonical. Its real-life author is unknown, but it’s written from the Father’s point of view and provides details about his life before Hope County. Contrary to popular belief, though, this is not Eden’s Gate’s sacred book; that’s The Word of Joseph and we can’t read it (except one page; see below).
Joseph’s sermons: the “first” one, “Soul Search”, the one about “the elite”, and “The Truth”. The latter is him reading the only page from The Word of Joseph we can find in the game. There’s also this one for Jacob’s Armory, and this, supposed to be broadcasted in the Heralds’ bunkers when the Collapse has arrived.
His only radio call.
The message he left for John at Seed Ranch.
His lines during the final fight against him.
His Arcade lines: Part 1 & Part 2.
His scars and tattoos.
I wrote a summary of what other characters say about him (masterpost here), but the cultists and Resistance/civilians’ comments can be listened to here and here. And chances are they’re not relevant anymore, but you can listen to his deleted lines here and read even more here.
The Far Cry 5 lore is all over the place if you want to take all the content they’ve ever released into account, but there’s also:
The song “Now He’s Our Father” (choir version here and reinterpretation here)
The two live-action trailers, The Sermon & The Baptism
The novel Far Cry: Absolution (not legally available for free)
The short film Inside Eden’s Gate (and, as a bonus, the long version of one of the scenes)
The comic Far Cry: Rite of Passage #3 (not legally available for free)
The game has an official sequel, Far Cry New Dawn... but it’s not really canon to me because of the retcons. And I have to talk about it because it exists, but there’s also the Far Cry 6 DLC, Collapse. It takes place in Joseph’s mind, and you would think that would make it the most reliable source of information regarding his psyche, but it was developed by a new team and there are many discrepancies between it and Far Cry 5, so I would personally advise against using it as a reference... Finally, this isn’t only true for Joseph, but take everything you see on the Far Cry Wiki with a grain of salt, especially unsourced information that makes you go, “oh, I didn’t know that”; that’s very suspicious :’)
In the Far Cry 5: Official Collector’s Edition Guide by Prima Games, the game’s Lead Writer, Drew Holmes, said the following about Joseph:
What we really focused on was creating an enemy that truly believed in his mission—that only he could protect humanity during the end of days. We wanted to create a villain who had pure intentions but who was so consumed by his own madness that he could not see his own evil. He views himself as Noah—but everyone else sees him as a madman. (...) Joseph Seed is a villain we haven’t seen before in Far Cry. Yes, he’s magnetic and crazy...but there’s also an honesty to him that makes him compelling. He believes he has purpose. He’s not crazy for crazy’s sake—he has a very clear message that he’s trying to impart on the Player—and hopefully makes you stop and think whether or not he’s actually right.
He talked about him in other interviews, such as this one.
Joseph was co-created and has always been played by the same actor (except once), Greg Bryk, whose opinion on the character is always worth reading/listening to. Here’s a selection of videos, some of them also featuring Drew Holmes and Dan Hay (Executive Producer/Creative Director/Writer):
Cult of Personality (UbiBlog)
Meet Greg Bryk Joseph Seed Actor
Interview - Greg Bryk and Drew Holmes (Gaming Trend)
Greg Bryk (Joseph "The Father" Seed in Far Cry 5) - Game On Expo 2018
FORGED ep10 - W/ Guest Greg Bryk
SacAnime Summer 2018 Greg Bryk Far Cry 5 Panel
Joseph Seed "The Father" aka Greg Bryk talks FAR CRY 5 & FAR CRY NEW DAWN
How Far Cry’s Iconic Villains Were Created (IGN Inside Stories)
Fans also asked him questions on Instagram and I compiled his answers here (and here). In the latest live stream, he said Far Cry 5 had been “an amazing chapter in [his] life” but that Joseph’s story was “finished”, implying he didn’t feel like playing him anymore...
Finally, it’s not really informative, just fun, but there’s this.
Now, my analysis and interpretation! Despite the fact Joseph is an antagonist in Far Cry 5, I wouldn’t really call him “evil” or describe him as a villain because he’s (weirdly) well-intentioned. His followers undeniably do awful things for him and his siblings, but even though he’s a cult leader, he’s neither hypocritical nor a liar, and his primary goal isn’t to take advantage of people. Joseph heard a Voice he believes is God’s and It entrusted him with a mission. Although who that Voice belongs to is up to interpretation, it’s clear to me It’s not a figment of his imagination; It’s real, and It’s powerful. Joseph has unwavering faith in It and will obey It, whatever It asks him to do, even the worst, because he’s extremely devoted and convinced he’s only doing what’s right. He genuinely believes the Collapse is coming and that he’s the prophet chosen to save as many “souls” as he can (at least 3,000) from it to march them to Eden’s Gate, which is why he started his Project.
I said he was well-intentioned but, as the saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, and I think Joseph embodies this proverb perfectly. The fact he’s convinced his actions are righteous is precisely what makes him dangerous and almost unstoppable. He won’t let anything or anyone prevent him from fulfilling his destiny and get in the way of his divine purpose, even if it means people have to die. To Joseph, this is “God’s will” and those non-believers will perish when the Collapse comes anyway... The people his Family saves might fight or not want to join them now, but he thinks that in the end, when they finally understand he was right, they will be grateful. As the Father, he feels he knows what’s best for his Children.
I believe the Voice showed him several versions of the future and that Joseph isn’t sure which one(s) will come to pass. He may know his siblings are likely to die and not see the New Eden, but he hopes they will live because he truly loves them. As for the Deputy, they’re the person destined to trigger the Collapse, so they’re special to him and he doesn’t want his followers to kill them. That said, he also hopes he can make them join his Family so everyone can be safe in “The Garden” the Voice promised.
I think Joseph hasn’t really moved on from the loss of his wife and is still, in some way, in love with her. That doesn’t mean he could never love someone else, but in the game, he’s not quite there yet. That may seem paradoxical, and he’s still convinced he did the right thing, but I also believe his daughter’s death was a tragedy to him because evidence suggests he loved her more than he loved himself. Joseph is a man of strong convictions… and contradictions.
He’s usually calm and collected but can still feel and express extreme emotions in some cases. When he speaks, it’s like he’s naturally solemn and charismatic, which is probably why so many people follow him. Again, the fact he doesn’t lie to them and sincerely believes in his message is probably the reason others started to believe in him in return.
Because of what he went through in his life, it appears Joseph is always desperately trying to build a family and surround himself with loved ones. Sadly, he also seems doomed to always lose them, one way or another… His commitment to the Voice is absolute, and serving God is what keeps him going. In the end, he’s certain everything he’s endured and sacrificed will be worth it. Unfortunately, while he always aims to do “what’s right”, the tragedy of Joseph is that he usually ends up inadvertently making things worse, for him or the people he loves. His faith is his reason for living, but it’s also, too often, the main reason for his suffering.
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
Hey, how are you doing? I hope you’re alright. 💕 I’ve been reading your status updates on Constellations and the Epilogue, and I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re amazing. Your writing is incredible and I love it. Your stories are so well thought out and the characters are ✨on point✨, and the plot is complex and detailed and aaahhh! It has me hooked! 🤩
And I understand how it hurts when you put so much effort and love into a story, only to post it and not see others be anywhere near as excited or invested as you are. I know how discouraging it can be. And it may be a little silly, but I do want to apologize for not commenting lately—life took some difficult turns for me healthwise around the end of last year and I haven’t been able to catch up! I’m still on Chapter 4 of Constellations! 😭 BUT Chapter 5 is open on my phone, and I am READY to read it as soon as I have the time (and mental energy, but that’s a whole ‘nother issue 😩). Don’t worry that your writing isn’t enough, or be discouraged if some readers don’t catch hints while others are figuring it all out seemingly too easily. Everybody reads and comprehends stuff differently, and it’s not a sign that your writing is bad if they don’t catch it! Honestly, I’m pretty bad at catching hints the first time I read a story unless they’re pretty darn obvious. I don’t usually notice subtle hints until the second, or third, or even seventh read-through, haha! (on the bright side, rereading stories and rewatching TV shows is always fun!) 😅
I guess what I really wanted to say is… don’t give up hope. Don’t lose your love and enthusiasm for your works, or feel like they aren’t worth writing because others don’t seem interested in them. At the heart of it all… at the end of the day… write because you love to. Because it makes you happy. And know that it doesn’t have to be “perfect”—the main goal should be that you enjoy it. That’s something I’m trying to teach myself, too. 💕
Thank you for taking the time to write this message and send it. I appreciate you're very kind words 💕I'm doing okay, I just had to take a step back for a bit from socials and stuff. I'm gonna keep that up for a while.
Please don't apologize for not commenting or taking your time reading. Your health always comes first, and I'm sorry if I came off as childish or needy, that wasn't my intention. Two things just happened that set me off and the timing of it was incredibly poor 😓
Please take your time reading; none of it is going anywhere, and don't feel obligated to leave comments either. i'm realizing that, even if chapters are short or long, finding the time to finish things is difficult, and everyone lives different lives. And I'm sorry about all the spoilers on this blog, I'll tag that better from now on.
But I really do think I got confused or disjointed in my perceptions; everyone here knows so much because i've been asked questions and given answers and people have interacted, so people following me here have more context than the average ao3 user. But I've kinda been expecting everyone to be on the same page, which will never be true.
I'm also the same way where it takes me a while to pick up on hints. I actually changed my writing style to prevent this. I got tired of reading books in college where you had to dive into every little thing. the hints and clues weren't obvious to me. I decided then that, when I wrote, I wanted things to be bold, obvious, but beautiful. I didn't want to make readers feel like they're missing something. I wanted them to trust that every answer, every clue would be answered in time. I made that promise to myself a decade ago, and being reminded of how different people interpret things just...made me remember.
I take writing really seriously, probably too seriously, but I've been doing it for so long and I love doing it. I want to be good at it. When it feels like I've gone back on that promise to myself, I get frustrated. I think of ways I could've fixed things. But I also remember that those books and those writing styles just weren't for me. I wasn't the target audience.
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I wanted to explain why I got upset. I still love Constellations and I'm posting it on ao3 out of convenience, really. It's easier to reference and search there in one "Entire Work" than to have 5 documents open. The fact that others can see and read and have fun is a bonus. But I'm committed to telling this story, and I'm gonna finish with a bang.
Thank you, I won't forget why I'm doing this and that my thoughts/feelings come first! 😤I hope your health concerns are taken care of soon. Take it easy, and thanks again! 💕
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elizaellwrites · 2 years
Hello and Welcome!
I've introduced myself here before, but I have quite a few new followers and feel like it's time for an updated masterpost and a better-organized layout for you to navigate.
If you'd like to skip to reading my stuff, here's a link to the Google Site with my published works or you can check out my Master Post here on Tumblr with links to all my published chapters.
This intro is split into 3 parts:
Who on Earth am I?
What the heck is this blog?
What in the world am I working on?
Who am I?
Hi, my name is Eliza (pseudonym), or Elizabeth if you're feeling fancy. I'm an American college student who has an unhealthy attachment to cats, caffeinated beverages, books, and my endless collection of every color of pen imaginable.
I'm an INFJ (4w5), am some type of neurodivergent, chronically ill, and on the Ace spectrum. My favorite subjects besides reading and writing are cultures/sociology, psychology, and history (my infatuation with these topics can bleed into my writing quite often.)
If you are interested, I also started a side blog for my random, non-writing chaos. I am terrible at posting there though…
About this Blog:
This page is dedicated to my random writer comments, my worldbuilding, character posts, and writing updates.
You're welcome to send comments, questions, concerns, or just random tags at any time. I may not get to them immediately, but they are all appreciated.
I'm currently experimenting with a more structured and purposeful post schedule, so bear with me on that while I find the best setup for myself.
I hope to connect with people here, as I have done so far. Social media isn't always my thing, but Tumblr has had me pleasantly surprised.
My Writing Work:
Please note that none of my work displays 18+ content, however, most contain mature themes such as death, grieving, sometimes descriptive violence, abuse, and mental health struggles at some level. All stories/chapters containing potential triggers are marked. If you notice that I missed something, please notify me. I try to balance the weight of these darker themes, so they are not always at the forefront of everything, but please be aware that they are present. Take care of yourselves.
My writing is split into two different categories. All of my work takes place in the same original universe and deal with my fictional, magical humanoid species of Hecathians from their home planet Ariya. I am progressively working on an Encyclopedia of sorts for this fictional world and the characters living in it.
My main project- The Legacy of the Fallen series
Expanded Works- "shorter" complementary series (plural)
Legacy of the Fallen
I'm currently working on Book One: The Child (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Most of my posts will be centered around this WIP, as the world developed from this story. Most of the characters you'll see posted about are also from here.
Currently: 80k words/????
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Drama, and Mystery
After being driven from their home and countless lives lost among them, the Hecathian people are striving to rebuild what was lost. The Academy, a safe haven and reintroduction to their lost society, seeks other survivors. Annamarie has recently made a fated move with her father, being thrown into a world of discovery, danger, and more mysteries to be uncovered. As she learns more, she begins to question who she can really trust while everything she thought she knew fades into an illusion. Though it starts off following the daily lives of four seemingly average students at a random school, it's quickly revealed that there's more to them that even they may be unaware of. One of these four, Jacob, serves as a bridge to the reality that their true identities had been hidden from them after their parents and families went into hiding thirteen years ago after their people suffered a massacre that ended with millions dead and their world in the hands of their enemies. They are connected with a sanctuary that serves as cultural re-education and emersion for their people, which is ruled by Maishear, Jacob's father. Though this academy is supposed to be safe, it is plagued with political controversy, mysterious disappearances, and a traitor in their midst. The newcomers and Jacob's team are thrown together to face the challenges ahead and the shadows of the past that plague them.
To follow, I have until Book 4 in the planning stages (because I'm chaotic.) Here are the titles for Books 2 & 3:
Violet Sky
Expanded Works
I keep getting new ideas for these, so I will update this as more come out/chapters are updated.
Theoretically, these are shorter series, though since I'm incapable of writing actually short stories, we'll see.
I currently have 2 series in the works:
Currently: 8700 words/???? (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Action, Romance, Mystery
Tells the story of Roselle and members of their team two years before Legacy of the Fallen takes place. Roselle Jakoste is one of the few remaining members of the royal Verairacur family. Now, at fifteen, she finds herself falling for the son of the man that destroyed her family. Meanwhile, a mystery begins to reveal itself as political tension within the academy starts to grow.
Currently: 3400 words/???? (Read Here or Here on Tumblr)
Trigger Warning: This whole story is very dark. Death, grief, and uncertainty are very prominent throughout. If this isn't for you or you're not in a good place, please skip this one.
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Dystopia, Tragedy
Follows various survivors of the Hecathian genocide who eventually find safety and companionship with each other. As their home planet is held under occupation, remaining Hecathians have to fight and hide to survive, while the life they knew crumbles around them.
Coming Soon: Awakened
Genres: Fantasy, Politics, Spy, Action, Drama, Eventual Romance
Currently on Hold- I will return to it though.
Etesha is a young woman who has grown up within the Yaldaeit political cult. Raised to believe in the extreme ideologies and measures of the group, she has been preparing for her role in their activities for years. She has finally been given a true assignment as an undercover agent within the observance system. In this new position, and seeing society outside of her sheltered community, she begins to question whether she still agrees with what the Yaldaeit does and whether she will carry out her mission or not.
I try to post updates regularly, and usually on weekends. If you're interested in being added to a taglist, please comment on which one, or request to be added on an update.
Disclaimer: Please do not repost my work anywhere without permission. Thanks.
Thank you for all the support on here, and don't be afraid to say hello! I won't bite, I swear.
I hope you enjoy my work and that you love my characters and world as much as I do!
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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a big thank you to @juudaimes-true-form for their wonderful art submission. i am posting it separately to make it easier to find in my tags 🖤(please read original post here)
this art is free to use for the purposes of helping promote vetted gfms for 🍉families. you do not need to credit the original artist in your own signal boost posts, but if you are planning on using this- please like + reblog this/the juudaimes-true-form's post linked above to share it w others who may want to use it as well.
click here to find more art free for use
some extra info below cut- please read when you get the chance🖤
i have already seen a significant uptick of traffic for my own posts utilizing art like this to help spread the word about these campaigns. as proof this is the latest post of mine that has begun to gain a lot of traction.
palestinian families running these tumblr accounts reblog your responses to your asks as an effort to further promote their own campaign. and while it is great that people are responding to their asks to help boost them up- having the same type of post appear over and over with little variation to the responses doesn't really do much to attract additional attention to their page.
since launching this- i've noticed that original posts i make tend to perform at a higher level. this is the level of engagement i received for an ask i responded to for a family in gaza utilizing art made to boost their campaigns:
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^ still an improvement from before when i was simply just answering asks and attaching their gfms to my response. but this is the type of engagement you can get if you were to make your own posts highlighting a vetted campaign:
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see the difference?
gazans are posting/asking for your help while facing constant threat of danger. in order to get a proper signal- some are forced to travel to locations that expose them to greater risk just so they can hit upload/communicate with anyone. you are able to make their lives a little easier by taking some time out of your day to promote their campaigns yourselves with the art being created to do so
when promoting: please encourage any potential readers to read these families' stories in their own words by directing them to their accounts (@ the account linked to the campaign). link a post they have made on their own for people to share as well. the purpose of this project is to get more eyes on them- not boost yourselves.
if you notice that more people are starting to follow you as a result- please direct them to also follow the families you are trying to uplift. i've said this before in some older posts + so have a lot of others here but i think it needs to be repeated:
palestinian accounts are continuously being suppressed- which forces them to start from scratch each time their blogs get deleted.
those who are dealing with this unfortunate circumstance tend to reblog old posts made by others as proof that they are the same person who ran their previous account(s). it is absolutely devastating that they basically need to re-legitimize themselves at every turn so people will engage with their posts.
this is why it is important to follow them. if they know you have engaged with their content in the past/and were mutuals with you- they will try to find you again with their new account:
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(see post screenshotted above here)
doing all of this is a very big shift from how i think a lot of us normally operate on tumblr. it is not in the site's culture to really care about your engagement levels/follower count. we're just here to vibe. but i am telling y'all right now that while you may be using this site/social media platforms as a way to chill from your own personal stressors- palestinians are using it try to save their lives. this is the only time i've ever regretted not having a wider reach on this platform + why i am so fucking angry at those with a bigger presence continuing to stay silent as multiple genocides continue to unfold before our very eyes.
your attention is their lifeline. please do not ignore them.
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Directory + Introduction
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“Hey… Not exactly sure how this works, but it said I could connect with other people who are in this… apocalips… Um… Yah any help would be great thanks.”
- N0R5K!
Things on this blog are subject to change at any time for plot/update/revamp purposes!
Imagine for me if you will, that your world as you know it had a darker, mirrored version of itself. And now, wonder what it would be like if it started to leak into your world uncontrollably. What would you do in that scenario...
This is an AU and Ask Blog created by NotJayden and is Co-Owned by the lovely reluctant-ghost-detective!
This is also best viewed in a browser window*, but it isn't required,,,
Our crew's story begins on Halloween,, but the true story began long before they even realized it. Follow them as they try to uncover the truth behind what's been happening as guests show up along the way, invited and uninvited,,,
[This Blog will stay IN CHARACTER, that means that I, the author, am nothing more than just a voice in your head save for moments I break character (seen in #OOC) to answer important questions or address dire things]
[*The browser website is still currently under work! However, I do recommend keeping an eye on the Character Sheet page from time to time]
RULES - No spamming || No hateful comments || No Magic Anons/Asks || Your words may have consequences that effect certain outcomes of the comic
[Disclaimer: these links are best sought through a website browser, I cannot guarantee that they work on Mobile]
ABOUT THE BLOG - A deeper inspection into the blog that includes a synopsis, brief content warning, who all runs this blog (if I choose to get moderators or helpers in the art process), credits and important details you'd need to know (in general).
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMERS - A list of all possible triggers and icks you may be prone to in the blog, I HIGHLY recommend you take a good long look at this page and make sure to read everything carefully, I love everyone who reads this blog and I would rather you not be exposed to something you don't like by mistake.
CHARACTER SHEETS - Self explanatory, these are the reference sheets of every* character.
[every*: MAY NOT INCLUDE BACKGROUND CHARACTERS OR DIFFERENT OUTFITS IF THEY'RE TEMPORARY, but if they play an important part in the story, chances are they have a reference sheet on this page]
RULES - These are the rules you MUST follow on the blog, failure to do so WILL result in being blocked!
#OOC - Out Of Character This will usually only be used in times when we need to directly address the audience and will not be seen as just a voice in the back of your head like how we will be for the rest of this series
#Tord is Typing... - Tord's Response to the Ask shown above Yes, other characters can respond to your asks! It's not just Tord who can respond. It's just called this because he was the one who posted the beginning of this blog :)
#The Story Continues - A comic page, moving the story along Whether it has an ask attached to it or not this will be the tag for the actual "story" of this blog
#The Author - The weird in between shit I say, not quite out of character but not in character either (at least, not our gang's characters)
#Nightscape / Nightscape AU - These tags are how you will be able to find this blog in the future! In an effort to not clog up the Eddsworld/EW tag on tumblr, this will be the only thing I tag my stuff with
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hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my name is aster.
my pronouns are she/her/they/them.
my main is @anxiety-lemsbian
If you want other blogs to follow my art/music sideblog is @phoebes-bridges
i love musicals, especially hamilton, matilda and heathers
my comfort movies are mamma mia and high school musical
likes: cats, phoebe bridgers, finland, vintage teacups, watercolours, music, bracelets, queer people, radio silence, taylor swift, rain, cardigans, knitted vests, embroidery, green, lorde, dangerfield, drawing, quirky stuff, ducks, stars, girls, tumblr, tacos, art, ballgowns, long skirts, oversized shirts/jumpers, sweetpeas, rainbows, alice oseman, daisies, mochi, lily of the valley, eliza and the delusionals, pale sunlight, typewriters, rotary phones, earrings, like three people, lavender, floral scented soaps/conditioners, peppermint lip balm, blue eyes, the texture of velvet, being alone, apple pie, gilmore girls, people using my correct pronouns, heartstopper, little women, reading, nice pink watermelon, british accents, a flower fairies treasury, sarcasm, sunflowers, the ocean when it’s raining or dark, stuff that’s naturally grey (rainclouds, etc.) lemon iced tea, frances janvier, spanish, macarons, bubble tea
dislikes: math, global warming, migraines, the sun, tight clothes, pimples, homophobia, spiders, racism, transphobia, shitty people, terfs, aphobia, tiktok, wasps, watermelon when it’s too red and floury, my father, school, most people, being bad at spanish, being alone when I feel people will judge me for it, depression, anxiety, people being ignorant, my mother, drunk people, smokers, feeling uncomfortable, most men, vomit, rejection, being delusional
i’m a minor
i speak un peqeño español and i love cats
my pronouns page:
i love osemanverse but im especially addicted to radio silence, solitare and loveless (i kin frances sm)
im gay (in a sapphic way)
love love love darcy olsson and sam kerr lol
i loveeeee enola holmes
im in love with the one bracelet i own
i have depression and anxiety, and probably asd and adhd
feel free to drop into my inbox at any time i love getting asks
i like sleeping
this is a list of songs i claim as my own:
liability, ribs, no better, stoned at the nail salon and sober II (melodrama) by lorde
happiness is a butterfly and cinnamon girl by lana del rey
not strong enough, anticurse, letter to an old poet and true blue by boygenius
meteor shower by cavetown
the story of us, seven, illicit affairs, you’re on your own kid, would’ve could’ve should’ve, if this was a movie , hoax, i don’t wanna live forever, right where you left me, i can see you, invisible string, the lakes, mirrorball and this is me trying by taylor swift
motion sickness, moon song, graceland too, garden song, kyoto and i know the end by phoebe bridgers
watch you sleep and rue by girl in red
there it goes and you’re just a boy (and i’m kinda the man) by maisie peters
summer child by conan gray
all-american bitch, brutal, deja vu, lacy, bad idea right?, hope ur ok, teenage dream, get him back! and good 4 u by olivia rodrigo
just exist and cigarette by eliza and the delusionals
ok i think im done
am i done?
i think imma make an aesthetic board actually
lets do it!!!!
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also pls tell me if ur uncomfortable being called babe/darling/love
general DNI's apply, terfs, homophobes, transphobes, NSFW accounts etc etc
have a wonderful day i love you :)
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asterhaze · 1 year
Author Ask Tag Game
Thank you @doublegoblin for the tag here! And also @gummybugg for tagging me here!
(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
That we are what we make of ourselves, despite our traumas, despite our gifts, and despite our faults. That there are things that people do that are unforgivable, even if they are forced. Also, that true love is patient, kind, and understanding despite its awesome fragility.
I chose these themes because I think they're realistic, they're lessons that are easy to swallow, and that don't need to be pushed in people's faces to be understood. I don't want to spell things out but I also just want to tell a story, so if this ends up not being the real main lesson then I hope you all still like it.
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
I studied Romanian and European fashion from the 1850's to the 1870's. Then I studied American (United States) fashion from then on until I was familiar. I studied history, slang, folklore, LGBT history, etc. As far as what my world looks like, its a cross between where I grew up in a state somewhere along the Missipiipii-fuck Mississippi river and living in Florida but make it gloomy.
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Glen is trying to become himself again after visiting the horrific and disgusting Tiletsu Clan. There he is confronted with a question that someone asked him long ago: If vampires are just more powerful humans, aren't they more dangerous? And conversely, if humans are just weak vampires, are they worth keeping safe?
As a writer, I want to tell a good story where all of the characters (except the Tiletsu and friends) are morally grey, make bad decisions that they thought were good ones, and have to grow up despite having plenty of time to do so. While trauma causes many reactions, I read a lot where the reaction is to forget everything. My experience is that I can't forget anything at all and I wanted to explore that in my writing.
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
About thirty chapters. The outline of Masterpiece is 70 pages long, granted it is an okay-detailed outline, with 33 parts currently. So please expect 33-40 chapters.
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original Content 100%. There isn't anything wrong with fanfiction at all, but I love my original characters and the worlds I build, and I'm not a big enough or cool enough fan of anything to write fanfiction.
I plan to post the first 5 chapters of Masterpiece here on Tumblr, over at Wattpad, and Ao3. Smaller novellas and the entire story will be published with a limited print run at first and the eBook somewhere that I haven't decided yet for purchasing. Starry Skies and Like Minds will follow this same process, but Henrietta and Apocalyptic Cat Lady (Working Title) are web series!
You'll be able to find more information after my website is up and running!
(6) When and why did you start writing?
I started writing when I was 11 and did collaborative writing roleplays with other people my age. Eventually, I became a big enough fan of Star Trek (Kelvin Universe) that I did a massive fanfiction with my friend that lasted years. I made many OCs, had whole stories, had lots of adventures, and then when I went to college it died. One of those OCs will be reborn into Starry Skies and Like Minds whenever I decide to write it and share it here!
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
My blog is under a year old and I have less than 100 followers, it's just the name of the game. When I posted my first piece of writing, absolutely no one found it for a while despite ABCDEFG. What helped me the most when it comes to finding mutuals that actually interact with you is to find "Looking for Writeblr" posts and go through the replies. Check every blog. Start interacting, that's why my intro post has a "Please, I promise I'm just an idiot and really like you blog" disclaimer because I do, genuinely, like a lot of stuff on other people's blogs. That is how I found the great and powerful @doublegoblin @mthollowell-writes @pinkchaosstories and @gummybugg who tag me and make my life great.
Thank you all for tagging me in everything, you make my life a joy.
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mariowritesforyou · 1 year
Dogs, Bots and Blogs:
A content creation horror story
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This is a long one, but my mind can only contain so much madness.
So yours truly decided to start an online presence.
I want to write and be a creative as a vocation, and it was time for me to build the bridges that would connect me to an audience.
My first bridge was built Wordpress, where I'm uploading a web serial currently. It's not terrible, check it out.
Degenerate self-promotion aside, I was quite excited to see who my first subscribers were, people who got to me through the Wordpress Reader, the feed of all the posts made in the platform.
A couple of human-seeming accounts, they had that soulful controlled randomness to them, along with the kindness to give my stuff a chance. I checked their blogs back, until I stumbled on a particularly canine one.
A pomeranian blog.
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Nothing but.
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I have considered against outright saying the name of the blog or the name that the creator goes by because 1, saying their names might bring more power unto them and 2, I don't want to be cruel.
It's carnage trying to get the blind behemoth of the internet to set its eyes on your content. As long as their methods are not malicious, I am hard pressed to judge someone for how they do the grind. That's why I'm also pasting screenshots that are not too revealing.
It's all gray.
(This is all true for how creepypasta it sounds. I swear to god.)
But yeah, pomeranians.
Pom-poms galore.
The blog howled till its chords were raw about the beauty and caretaking needs of the dog breed, to a point of an almost hypnotic suggestion of it's necessity.
Odd, but garden-variety odd. The internet has seen wilder bursts. I thought that until I took a closer look at the furballs.
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Like stuck between mediums, not quite a photograph and not quite a digital painting. Both too blurry and too sharp.
Artificially generated images.
A fraction more odd to my expectation, but still adhering to logic in function.
I can perfectly picture a Pomeranian enthusiast, with unbridled energy and capacity for writing of the children of the German Spitz, but incapable of illustrating their texts on their own. Perhaps wanting to avoid the legal headache of copyright with their incomplete understanding of it, they turn to AI (which is a copyright nightmare of its own, but I digress) in order to get their images.
Cut and dry.
But I wanted the character I had conjured to be real, their love for Pomeranians real, so I checked the posts' content.
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I'm not an expert, but the text does have a mechanistic aftertaste to it. Huge amounts of fluff (heh) with aimlessly vague topics. No citations of experts of any kind. No personal experiences with their own pom puppies. No typos.
You've got around 3500 words a post, putting them in a word counter. So, how many posts?
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(What are they looking at?)
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(There's nothing particular about their eyes.)
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This is the first post. No "Welcome to my blog!" post or "This is why I love poms so much" post or "You're pet too, aren't you?" post, but an article about poms alerting impending seizures.
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I'm writing this on the 13th of August (Why does that sound like a last captain's log?). 52 days since their last post.
200 posts in 52 days. Approximately seventy thousand words in honor of the breed, like warm drops spilled at a stone altar. This is definitely automated to crap.
There's no heart pumping blood that is creating this.
It's necessarily something else.
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(What can you be other ecstatic? Ungrateful?, you little shit.)
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The best part (if you're inclined for human definitions of "good" and "bad") is this:
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They are also following me.
(No one's laughing at you. No one cares enough).
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(What is purpose?)
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(Is there any?)
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(Where can I find it? Certainly not their eyes.)
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(There's nothing particular about their eyes.)
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(There's nothing there.)
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