#also this had the fun experience of me thinking i had lost my ability to understand romani and it turned out it was just hungarian shdfkshdj
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lee-the-yeen · 30 days ago
Yeen's Blitzwing Headcanons!
Been going nuts about analyzing this big silly bot so here's some HC's
So, to start, I don’t think Blitzwing was one bot split in three, but two smashed together.
Blitz’s Icy face was a seeker, the off-color spaces on his cheeks even being the perfect place for where his theoretical vents would have been.
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Hothead was a tanker, and while we get only one example of a “pure” tank cybertronian in TFA in the form of Warpath

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you can see my vision here, right?
If you go with the ”split” method, no matter which face was the “original”, the other elemental power and alt mode had to come from somewhere.
But if Icy was the jet, and Hothead was the tank, where does Random come in? To answer that, I wanna get into the process of becoming a triple-changer.
The procedure could have been a way to try to make a super soldier, master of the land as well as the sky. Adding on Icy and Hothead’s elemental powers, the resulting individual would, in theory, be an unstoppable force.
If this sounds somewhat familiar, it should. A possibility for how Safeguard exists could be because the Autobots caught intel about the Triple Changer experiments. However, they would have had to make some serious adjustments since canonically, every single attempt to create a Triple Changer has either failed or ended up wildly unstable mentally. Blitzwing might even be in Megatron's inner circle purely because he’s the only “functional” Triple Changer to exist.
My thoughts for how the process goes is that not only are the frames and abilities combined into one, but their minds are combined as well.
Two consciousnesses being forced together, with all their memories and experiences preferably intact (that way your perfect soldier doesn’t have to re-learn to walk and talk), it causes an existential dissonance. Imagine being bombarded with the memories of someone else, and expected by everyone around you that they are yours now.
The resulting existential crisis burns out the processors, offlining the lucky, and maddens whoever manages to survive.
You have to be the cybertronian equivalent of drift compatible in order for it to go even decently well. Blitzy’s components were close, but not there yet.
What spared them the fate of other failed Triple Changers is a few precautions from Blackarachnia. She had the foresight to stick a third, empty processor in Blitzwing’s head to act as a buffer for the huge influx of data, as well as EMP-ing him as soon as the Existential Dissonance was occurring. This wiped the majority of his memories of his life before the procedure, but even all that wasn’t enough.
The trauma of the procedure, being torn apart and put back together again, as well as the Dissonance (whether they remember it or not), it was too much...leading Random to manifest within that empty processor.
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Now, what brought me to this conclusion? Time for my amateur psychoanalysis under the cut!
To start, the expected disclaimers.
I am not a psychologist, and I do not claim to be. This whole thing is just for fun, and over-analysis of media I like is a big pastime for me. I also do not have DID, and anyone who does that has objections and/or critiques of my analysis, I fully encourage you to voice your thoughts.
Also, keep in mind that cybertronian brains likely don’t work one-to-one with how humans do, and that there’s no true equivalent to what Blitzwing is in terms of human psychology.
With that out of the way, with these headcanons in mind, Icy and Hothead are not alternate personalities in the psychological sense, seeing as they were once completely separate bots.
But Random is.
Random acts as something of a mediator or moderator for Icy and Hothead, in order to keep them somewhat balanced and working as a team. See the Jet-Tank argument, with him popping up to propose a compromise.
While all three faces can and do hold their own, to me Random especially acts as a protector. Examples being him headbutting Lugnut in ‘Lost and Found’ and his sudden change of trajectory in ‘Velocity’ (Never give up, never surrender, nevermind!). Bringing up the Jet-Tank argument again, he notably pops up while the sirens of the “autobot reinforcements” are getting closer and louder.
As for why Random pops in just to make jokes, humor is often used as a coping mechanism [he just like me fr], and not only did Blitzwing’s components go through the Triple Changer procedure, but millions of years of war. It’s no wonder, really.
And while a lot of Random’s jokes are very much “haha I’m so craaazy”, that feels like it’s more of a cry for help. Blitzwing is hyper-aware of his condition, and self depreciates as a way to cope [he just like me for realllllll :,)].
In conclusion, someone get this mech in Rung’s office, he desperately needs a psychotherapist (cyber-therapist?).
As a side note, something I really like is that, despite the nicknames for his faces in the Almanacs (that I used here mostly for clarity), Blitzwing is just referred to as Blitzwing, no matter what face is up front.
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wenclairfamily · 9 days ago
"WEDNESDAY ADDAMS: ALL ALONE": Brand New Wenclair Themed Story
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A grown up Wednesday Addams has always secretly wished to get away from everyone she knows. But when Wednesday is kidnapped and left in a room completely alone for hours, her mind keeps trailing back to just one special person.
Art by @emeriart (used with permission)
Links to the Full Story: Wattpad, Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net
-Or just click keep reading to see the full story immediately!
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage and two twin children - Harmony and Ana: two incredibly resourceful and talented teenage girls. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world alongside the love of her life: Megan. Ana meanwhile is a very "different" type of girl without special powers, who is still trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life, while going on adventures with her ghostly boyfriend: Gerard. However, despite how seemingly bright Wednesday's life has become now, there are still forces that exist that intend to destroy her...
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"Wednesday Addams: All Alone"
Written by: "Fun But Shy Girl"
As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw nothing. Just the empty blackness. I tried to piece together my last memory before I lost consciousness. I remember traveling home from that infernal teachers conference that the Nevermore Academy board claimed I had to attend; for somehow they truly believed that I, Wednesday Addams, needed to be taught something from mere bureaucrats that believe children need assistance in their emotional awareness; when clearly they need more classes pertaining to combating the evils of this world... something I must unfortunately admit I may have needed more of. I never saw the persons or persons that sneaked up behind me and knocked me out while I was stopping to get gasoline for my vehicle. Either I was still exhausted from my recent experience at the werewolf martial arts tournament, or unfortunately I have to concede that my reflexes have begun to diminish with age. Either way, somehow I was captured.
As I tried to first explore my surroundings, I found myself unable to see anything. For a moment I thought I was blind. My initial reaction was relief, due to thinking that I would never have to be subjected to the appearance of bright colors again... but then thought of how I would indeed miss the sight of blood, various shades of grey, and the look of anguish on any potential future victims I would torture. However, I quickly realized I wasn't blind. I had a thick bag placed over my head. As I began to take in my surroundings from my other senses, I realized I was tied to a metal pole. To be more specific, it was an old metal pole, as I could feel the bits of metal paint partially peeled off the metal. Although, it wouldn't seem I was tied to the metal pole. Rather, I was attached to it via many layers duct tape around my arms and wrists. I then realized I could also feel duct tape keeping my feet and lower legs bound as well, in addition to one thick strip over my mouth. I could tell it was duct tape, not just by how adhesive it felt, but by the lack of air reaching my skin. The knowledge that my skin was getting paler by the minute was a pleasant thought... however, I doubted my captors were attempting to improve my physical appearance.
The duct tape around my wrists and feet were very tight. It was becoming near impossible to feel any circulation. Movement was near impossible. I could shake my body slightly, and tap my feet, but beyond that I was being held in place. I tapped my foot for a moment to see what kind of echo I heard. The echo my ears picked up indicated I was in a very large room. It would seem my captors didn't want to hide me in a small room, or something more pleasant like a grave. But why a large room? Immensely large rooms are typically reserved for theater, public events, spectacle... and that's what this has to be. My captors didn't want my capture and seeming defeat to be a quick hit and run. If they wanted that, they would have killed me immediately. They wanted my capture and whatever came next to be a grand event. Even if there was no audience present, they wanted this all to happen on something that felt like a stage.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of an old clock ring. It's echoes were unexpectedly louder than I expected. Was I in an old clock tower? No. The sounds didn't come from all directions. The sound came from one direction. To my right. Also, the clock didn't sound ancient. It's noise was too controlled, too manufactured. It was a sound effect... coming from a speaker. Then from that very same speaker, I heard a distorted voice say, "Welcome to the end Wednesday Addams."
That distorted voice. I heard it before in the hidden laboratory I found in that cave near Nevermore Academy some time ago. The people that worked in that lab were tied to someone or some group of people who wanted me dead. The last time they attempted to do so though was through more complicated means. It looks like this time they finally went for the direct approach. I'll be sure to compliment them on this as I remove all their non-vital organs while they are strapped to my dining room table.
The distorted voice in the nearby speaker meanwhile said, "You may be wondering where you are, and who I am. You are quite the little detective, so I know you enjoy getting answers to all your questions. Well, unlike most cliché masterminds, I'm not going to give you a long monologue that exposes all of my plan. I think it be more fun to watch you die completely confused and helpless. What I will tell you is that you are in an abandoned warehouse far away from civilization. The building hasn't been used in decades, nor has the road. You are far away from the route you were on that would've taken you back to Nevermore. In short: no one knows where you are, you are far from any human beings, and you are completely and utterly alone. Now you may believe your loved ones may eventually find you... and they may... after this warehouse comes crashing down in a fiery inferno, thanks to the explosives I planted. You see, I wanted your loved ones to eventually find you. I want the news media to cover the day that outcast legend: Wednesday Addams's body was discovered."
I was right on one hand. My captors did want this to be a spectacle. However, I began to wonder again why my life hadn't been already terminated. Then as if on cue, I heard the distorted voice say, "Oh, and if you believe the police will eventually discover who I am through some type of an investigation after your demise, it will be some time before you are killed. You see I am in the midst of traveling very far away from your location right now. So when the explosives near you go off in eight hours, I'll have the perfect alibi; as I'll have witnesses that will be able to claim with perfect honesty that I was nowhere near the location of your death as it occurred. In fact, considering your famous desire to talk to no one, and your long drive you were going to have to take back to Nevermore Academy, no one will even know you're gone yet. It'll be of extreme difficulty for any investigators to know when you were kidnapped in the first place. So enjoy the final eight hours of your life Wednesday Addams; knowing that in your final day on Earth, you were completely weak and helpless."
The distorted voice finally ended their long monologue... which I might point out: they claimed wasn't going to be long when they began it. Clearly, my captor is a figure that is nothing more than an extremist bully who wishes to get away with defeating others, all in an attempt to boost their extremely fragile ego. It's a personality type I'm all too familiar with. Creating something productive and lasting for the world takes too much time for the impatient and simple minded individuals of today's world. Thus, far too many take the short cut to just destroy the works and lives of others, all in an attempt to make themselves feel more powerful in comparison. However... right now... power is unfortunately what I lack.
I immediately made attempts to rub my body against the metal pole I was attached to, tried to see if my fingers could find a way to free themselves... but there was nothing I could do. There was no way to make the appropriate amount of friction to tear apart the duct tape, no method that could be found to free myself. There was nothing I could do. I was all alone. There were no more sounds for me to hear due to the isolation I had been thrust into, no sights to see due to the very thick bag tied tightly around my head. I was completely and utterly alone.
I began to think about how my captors in some ways: put me in a scenario I've always wanted to be in. Complete and utter isolation. If they had just let my see and move my hands, and then given me my type writer: this would be the paradise that I've always desired. However... I've found myself over the years now doing some of my best writing when I'm back in my room at Nevermore Academy; the room that Enid and I have shared since we were fifteen years old. Logically, I should be a more efficient writer when working alone. However the glowing colors of Enid's side of the room began to somehow make my writing style more vivid, Enid's humming to her infernal noise she calls music began to add more nuance to my characters, and Enid's constantly interrupting me with her pestering comments and questions about my day eventually resulted in the dialogue of all my characters to contain more complexity. For so long now, I've wanted to experience this: just complete and total quiet, free of distractions and free of having my senses over stimulated... and yet all I want now is to be in that brightly colored loud room again with my wife.
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With nothing for my senses to interact with, I had to do something to keep my mind sharp. I needed something to keep my brain thinking. I needed Enid, I needed to be in that room we shared... and so that's what I did. I used my imagination to put myself back there. I'm laying on the floor beside Enid now. We are both teenagers again. I want it to be this way, because this was the time when her essence was new to me. It was unfamiliar, it was confusing, it was distracting... and yet it was so alluring.
Enid is rambling on about topics I have no interest in. She wants to inform me about events at some social gathering I wish to avoid like the plague, or one of her infernal television programs she binges, or about whatever social media posts are trending online that will clearly be completely forgotten from all of human society in less than a week. I tell her how all her interests and behaviors frustrate me... and yet I cannot leave her. How can somehow so extremely different than myself seem so attractive? Then I realize... it's because Enid never tried to change who I was. Others would mock me, attack me, and ostracize me for being the clearly superior individual in the room. However, Enid's desire to pressure me to enjoy her hobbies and interests with her wasn't her way to seemingly change me. Rather, it was due to the fact that it was the only way she knew how to build a relationship with me.
Suddenly, I hear the sound of a clock making a ringing noise. No, not a clock. The sound effect of a clock on the nearby speaker. Clearly, my captors wanted me to know when each of my final hours passed with the appropriate sound effect. I once again tried to rub the duct tape attached to my wrists against the old metal pole I was stuck to... but no effect. There is nothing I can do. For the first time in my life, there is absolutely not a single action I can take.
All I can do now is return my mind to that room. As I laid on the floor beside Enid, I felt the warmth and affection of her presence. Her rainbow colored carpet, those disturbing stuffed animals, the smell of Enid's favorite perfume... once upon a time these were things I despised about that room... but now, they are things my senses miss experiencing to degrees I cannot even admit to myself. As I laid beside Enid, the most important person in my life turned to look at me as she said, "So how are you going to get out of this predicament you landed in Wednesday?"
I simply looked up as I said, "There is nothing I can do Enid. My feet and arms are bound, and most of the circulation to those parts of my body is blocked. I also have my vision obstructed, with a bag tied around my head. Despite the bag not being air tight, there is still very little air surrounding my face. Even though I'm certain I'll still live for the next seven hours, I am clearly already suffering from oxygen deprivation." My loving blonde werewolf made a happy smile as she said, "Well, don't give up Wednesday. Someone may save you. You have to hope for something good to happen!"
I quickly sat up as I looked at Enid with anger in my eyes as I said, "HOPE!? Hope doesn't accomplish anything Enid! Hope is for weak minded individuals who have decided to let others dictate all matters in the remainder of their lives. Assuming things will simply work out for you, puts most human beings in a state of complacency to do nothing to improve the trajectory of their lives. The only thing that is guaranteed to make a positive impact to one's future is building ones' skills, experience, determination, and ability to think creatively in spite of their set-backs. Why in the name of sanity Enid, do you say things that just completely differ from my world view!? How in God's name did we ever work as a couple!?"
Enid however sat up, and just looked at me with those loving eyes... those loving affectionate eyes that have controlled my heart to consistently disobey my brain... and then my wife simply said, "Wednesday... we work because our differences bring out the best in each other. Every time I pressure you to be like me, it pushes you to assert what's different about yourself... which is exactly what made me begin to become attracted to you... and it's also what I'm trying to do right now. So tell me... if Wednesday Addams isn't going to hope for things to get better, what's she going to do? Come on. You secretly have too much ego to allow yourself to appear defeated in front of me. Find a way to succeed. Look for something you hadn't found before! Show me how your way of doing things is the best way!"
I take a deep breath and put myself back where I really am. My wrists are wrapped tightly in duct tape, but my fingers are still free. I move my hands around the dusty hard floor behind me. I look for something, anything I can use. Then my finger feels something. A small screw. A small screw laying on the ground. I use my fingers to grab it. I begin to use it to rub against the duct tape. Nothing happens at first, but I continue to rub the screw against the duct tape. I suddenly hear the sound of a clock ringing on the nearby speaker. Did a whole hour pass while I was talking to Enid in my mind? No matter. I continue to rub the screw against the duct tape. Soon, I finally feel progress. A small piece of the duct tape has been ripped through... only it's the first layer of the duct tape; the first layer of what has to be ten. The rip is also no more than what has to be ten millimeters long. However, it's progress. It's something.
As I continued to rub the screw against the duct tape, I try to place my mind elsewhere. I need something else to have the rest of my senses dwell on while my three fingers continue to attempt to free myself. I put myself back in that room with Enid. We are standing before one another. She looks at me with the type of unconditional affection typically reserved for puppies. Meanwhile I cannot help but look at her with reluctant respect and acceptance that I now wish I showed her far more than I have in the past.
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Enid looks at me as she simply asks, "Do you think you'll survive this?" I look back at her as I simply say, "I have cheated death more times I can count now. However, the odds of probability would seem to state that all my near death experiences would eventually lead to my demise at some point." As Enid's expression remained unchanged, she asked, "What about our daughters? Don't you want to keep living for them?"
My immediate thoughts come out of my mouth as I say, "Harmony and Ana are strong. They'd have to be, considering they grew up enduring all those horrific Disney princess movies you exposed them to at a young age. However, they are well trained in their combat skills, and already have the ability to provide for themselves adequately... with the exception to Ana at times. But if she's motivated enough, she'll be able to provide for herself at some point. Also, it is natural for children to move on from their parents. It is the natural order of things. If I died, it would only speed up the natural development of my daughters asserting their full independence."
However, Enid continued to look at me, her face unchanged as she said, "Yes, but don't you want to keep living to see what happens next to them? Don't you want to see Harmony somehow finally introduce you to your first grandchild? Don't you want to see how Ana and her boyfriend are gonna make their unusual relationship work for the next twenty years? Also... don't you want to keep living alongside me? Do you really want me to grow old without you? Think about how living day after day without you by my side would break me."
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a clock being played on the nearby speaker. Yet another hour has passed. I continue to push the screw with my three fingers against the duct tape. I can feel it starting to break more. As I do, I put myself back in that room with Enid. I look at her as I say, "Enid, basing your entire emotional state around the existence and well being of one person is weakness. You must base your character off the strength that comes within; not the person that stands beside you."
However as Enid continued look at me with those powerful attractive eyes of hers, she said, "Wednesday, I don't rely on you because I'm weak. You give me reason to be strong. I'm strong because deep down, I know you need someone strong to support you... just as you believe I need someone strong to support me. That's one of the major reasons we work... because deep down, we make ourselves stronger to help the other be stronger. Now be strong Wednesday. Be strong for yourself so you can be strong for me."
Suddenly, I found my fingers moving faster. The screw moves against the duct tape at what feels like lightning speed now. The duct tape begins to rip more. A small tear in all ten layers is starting to grow. I hear the sound of the clock again. God, do my thoughts of Enid really absorb more time than I realize? I try to rub the screw against the duct tape again, but then suddenly... I drop it. I hear the sound of the screw hitting the floor and rolling away. Desperately I try to move my fingers against the floor... but I cannot feel the screw. My one single tool of salvation... now gone.
I put myself back in my room, looking at my wife as I say, "Your motivational speech failed Enid. I lost the one tool that could save me. Now what do I do?" Enid continued to stare me down with those loving puppy dog eyes of hers as she said, "First, don't give up so fast Wednesday. Imagine what the real me is doing right now. Remember, whoever kidnapped you assumes that you're a creepy outcast with no loved ones. They don't realize that I call you every four hours we're apart. Now they obviously didn't knock you out and take you to a remote location in an instant. That alone probably took hours. So by the time mister mysterious evil guy did his long bad guy speech, I was already beginning my search for you. Also, you can probably guess that I got our girls involved too."
I reluctantly admit, "Your exasperating need to worry more than I do can be a nuisance at times... but it does raise the odds in me being found. However, only by a small margin. If I am in an abandoned building of some sort, the chances of me being found before it explodes are still extremely small." Enid however took a step closer to me as she said, "But think about it Wednesday. I'm the kind of wife that would look high and low and go to the ends of the Earth to find you if you went missing. I would give my life to save yours. So please... fight for your life, to save my heart."
I go back to the reality of where I'm sitting. I think on everything Enid has done for me before, and also think of everything she would likely do for me in the days yet to come. I think of the real Enid out there, right now, in the dark forest, running past every tree in her attempt to find me. As I think about her face, I cannot let the reaction on it when it finally finds my body be something that brings her great pain. As I hear the sound of a clock ringing again, I decide to begin flexing my wrists. They are extremely weak due to the severe lack of circulation. However, I continue to flex them. I try to stretch them. Then I try rubbing the opening of the tape against the metal pole I'm attached to. I can hear the faintest sound of a tear. It's the sound of progress.
I know another hour has passed as I hear the sound of the clock ring again. I try to rub the duct tape against the metal pole even harder and faster. I try to shake my entire body to help with the process... only to feel the side of my head hit the metal pole. I feel some blood run down the left side of my head. It is painful, but it is just a flesh wound. I can recover. I try to move my hands and wrists with more precise and controlled movements. I am finally creating a friction now that is slowly breaking the duct tape. However I know I am not making enough progress when I hear the sound of a clock ring again. I've counted the rings as I've heard them. I was told I had eight hours to live. The clock has rung seven times since the announcement of my seemingly impending doom. I only have one hour left to escape. Perhaps only one hour left to live.
I am logical and realistic when it comes to expectations. It's what has kept my mind from falling into a deep pit of despair all these years. If I was barely able to make nothing more than a partial tear on the duct tape over the course of seven hours, how much additional progress am I to still make in these last sixty minutes? I try to put myself back in my room, try to have the Enid of my mind say something to give me further reason to try harder... but I can't. The Enid I invented in my mind is gone now. Even my delusions of her cannot help me anymore.
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However, I cannot stop thinking of her. I have more memories of Enid than I can count now, but for whatever reason: I think back to that first semester we both shared that special room together. I remember the night she was dressed up, ready to go meet Ajax for their first date. At the time, I tried to act like I was more interested in my writing... but deep down, I didn't want Enid to leave. Suddenly I find myself changing my memory, as I stand up and look at Enid. As Enid looks back at me with those perfect pleasing eyes of her, I say, "Enid... don't go meet Ajax. Can you... stay here with me tonight? I wish to see you show me your favorite mind numbing social media videos until my eyes bleed, I wish to hear you ramble on and on about the excruciating boring details that our peers at this institution partake in, and I wish to have your nauseating positive attitude stay in my presence for as long as possible... because there is nothing else in reality that I would endure that form of torture for, except for the unconditional love, dedication, and strength that you give me Enid Sinclair."
Enid looks at me with that wonderful smile of hers... the only smile to ever pull at the strings of my heart. It is then that I realize that I have to see her again. I have to see that smile of hers again... and I have to live in order for that smile on her face to never die. So I continued to rub the duct tape attached to my wrists against the metal pole harder than ever. However, this time as I do: I continue to look at Enid. I continue to look at that amazing inspirational smile of hers; that smile I once tried to convince myself I detested... but now I realize was the smile that made my life far superior than what it had been.
Soon I hear and feel more of the duct tape breaking. I flex my wrists as hard as I can. I haven't eaten in perhaps half a day now, my body hasn't gotten enough oxygen, and not enough circulation is reaching my arms still. But I keep flexing my wrists. I pull, and I pull, and then... the duct tape breaks. My hands are now free. I immediately pull the bag off my head. I now see the dark room I've been in for the last eight hours, but I have no time to take in any details. I rip the duct tape off my hands and arms as fast as possible. It is extremely painful, and some skin is torn off part of my left hand, resulting in blood being revealed. I can also now clearly feel some blood on the left side of my head, from when I banged it earlier. But there is no time to think of anything else.
I use my hands to rip the duct tape holding my feet and lower legs together. It doesn't rip in an instant, but I still pull hard. I am so close to complete freedom. I cannot stop now. Then finally... my legs are free. I try to stand up, and yet I immediately fall. I have lost all feeling in my legs. I am extremely frustrated, as I cannot wait for the feeling to just simply return. So I crawl towards the nearest emergency exit I can see. Completely free, and yet still feeling so helpless. However as my legs tingle, I slowly get to my feet again. I can walk once more, but the speed of which I can move is nowhere near my best. However, I picture Enid's smile one last time. I realize that I have to make it out of here alive; for Enid... for my world.
I make it to the emergency exit and push it open. Then I realize that in the end: every second counted... when I hear the sound of an explosion behind me. My captors were not exaggerating. They had planned to destroy this place with me in it. I jump as I feel the force of the explosion behind me propel me forward. My head hits a pile of leaves laying on the outdoor grass. I feel extreme levels of heat... but fortunately not on my body; but rather closely behind it. The building is indeed falling apart in an inferno... but without me in it. I survived. My captors lost.
Then suddenly I heard a familiar voice yell, "Wednesday!" I turn towards the nearby forest... and there I see her. My wife, the love of my life, my world: Enid, running towards me. She had been looking for me... and she had actually been far closer to my location that I would've ever expected. I see our daughters: Harmony and Ana trailing behind her. I see Harmony on her phone, smiling as she immediately says, "We found her! It looks like some building exploded near her, but mother is standing and seems okay!" Meanwhile I hear Ana yell, "I can't believe that soul searching spell you found hidden in the Nightshade library actually worked! Everyone thought that spell was a myth."
However, my focus quickly fades away from my daughters, and even the mystery of who kidnapped me. All of that can be focused on some other time. For now, my focus is completely on my wife. As she comes closer to me, her face and body tell a story all by themselves. Like me, she too has leaves on her head that obviously got stuck to her as she was rushing through the dense forest. The scratches and bruises on her body are clearly from falling down or hitting multiple obstacles along the way. Perhaps she even had to combat some wild animal as she moved through the woods.
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However as Enid comes up to me, her eyes alone tell me how worried she had been for me for the last several hours, along with how relieved she was now that we were together again. She puts her right hand on the side of my face as she looks at me. I put my left hand on her right arm as I look back at her. Despite talking to the imagined version of Enid in my head for so many hours earlier, I find myself having no need to speak to the real version of my wife now. All of the actions we have done for each other, all the things we have chosen to experience together... have said far more than any words could.
Then, as the rest of reality temporarily became completely meaningless, I moved forward and hugged my wife. Unlike our first hug we ever shared though, this time it was I that made the first move. I felt Enid immediately hug me back as we wrapped our arms around each other. Immediate relief swept across me. Not just because I was reunited with my wife
 but because I now fully understood that I had been reunited with the person that all this time had made me far stronger than I ever realized.
*The story continues next week in another Wednesday/Enid centric chapter. Don't miss it...
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t00tsmcgee · 2 months ago
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Rook as a companion banter episode seven : Lucanis
Banter written with my Rook in mind. Read more about him here.
Part 1 (Neve) | Part 2 (Bellara) | Part 3 (Davrin) | Part 4 (Harding) | Part 5 (Taash) | Part 6 (Emmrich) | Part 7 Lucanis |
Lucanis: “You eat garbage.” Calais: “I feel like I’m being accused of something?” Lucanis: “Not literal garbage but I saw you fish out a flat sandwich from your pack the other day and eat it like it hadn’t been in there for two days.” Calais: “It was still good. The cheese was a little hard and sweaty though.” Lucanis: *Shuddering*
Lucanis: “What do you like to eat?” Calais: “I like fries and chicken and fried chicken.” Lucanis *quietly whispering* “Ayayay..” Calais: “I also like fried fish.”
Calais: “I liked that salad you made.” Lucanis: “It’s a Nevarran recipe. Blood orange salad.” Calais: “I’d had it before, but it was never this good.” Lucanis: “Every salad is better with cheese and some kind of nut.” Calais: *chuckle* Lucanis: "What's funny? ..Oh." *sigh*
Lucanis: “Aren’t most Nevarrans vegetarian?” Calais: “Most, yes.” Lucanis: “But not you?” Calais: “No. I’m only just really discovering that food can be something besides sustenance. I want to experience as many flavours as I can.” Lucanis: “I’m glad you’re having fun.” Calais: *fondly* “I blame you.”
Lucanis: “What about drinks?” Calais: “I like almost everything, but I don’t drink alcohol. Always just kind of tastes like paint thinner to me.” Lucanis: “What about warm beverages? Tea, coffee, hot chocolate?” Calais: “I’ll take tea over coffee any day.” Lucanis: “Who hurt you?”
Calais: “You know, Lucanis, I appreciate all the effort you make to take care of us.” Lucanis: “Someone has to. It’s a miracle you didn’t all contract some disease before I was here to cook for you.” Calais: “I didn’t have much choice.” Lucanis: “No?” Calais: “Rations are rations. We just ate what we were given, back at the Necropolis.” Lucanis: “That explains a lot, actually.” Calais: “So your food is a real treat. Just wanted you to know how much I’ve been enjoying it.” Lucanis: *Warmly* “Thank you.”
Lucanis: “Don’t even think about eating that sandwich you still have in your pack. I saw you take it with you when we left.” Calais: “It’s just a cheese sandwich, it stays good for a while. Maybe a bit stale but-” Lucanis: “Unacceptable. If you want to eat that at least let me toast it for you.”
Calais: “Hey, Lucanis?” Lucanis: “Yes?” Calais: “Will you teach me how to cook?” Lucanis: “You never learned?” Calais: “Not really. I mean I can fry an egg just about, and I read books about it, but I see the most wonderful illustrations in those books, that make my mouth water. I want to be able to make those!” Lucanis: *Chuckles* “Sure, I can teach you.”
Lucanis/Spite: “Spirit One reminds me of home.” Calais: “What was home like, Spite?” Lucanis/Spite: “It was home. Where I belonged, until she did this to us.” Calais: “I’m sorry, Spite. You didn’t deserve it.”
Lucanis: “So how is that you can see Spite when no one else but I can?” Calais: “I’ve always been able to speak to spirits in this way. If one has manifested as a possession I can see them hovering around the person they’ve possessed because that person tethers them to this world. Otherwise I have to draw them here with my magic.” Lucanis: “But Spite can touch things when you’re around, too.” Calais: “He uses a little bit of my power to manifest that touch.” Lucanis: “Doesn’t that tire you out?” Calais: “No, I barely notice. He’s very careful.”
Lucanis: “You’ve taught Spite how to paint.” Calais: “Actually I didn’t teach him anything. He just.. took a brush and went for it.” Lucanis: “He seems to like it.” Calais: “I think it’s a way to express himself when he’s lost most of his ability to do so.”
Calais: “You have fun painting don’t you Spite?” Lucanis/Spite: “Yes! Many colours giving shapes to emotions!” Calais: “And your colours are so well chosen.” Lucanis/Spite: “Yes, he likes it!” Calais: “I like it very much. Can I have one to hang on my wall?” Lucanis/Spite: “No! Its mine!” Calais: *laughing* “It was a compliment, I like it so much I want to look at it all the time.” Lucanis/Spite: *snarling* “Fine! Pick one! But only one!”
Lucanis/Spite: “The Spirit One is hurting.” Calais: “Oh, that’s just my leg. It always hurts. Don’t worry.” Lucanis/Spite: “Perhaps we can help.” Calais: “How?” Lucanis/Spite: “We can fly. We can carry!” Calais: *laughing* “As exciting as that sounds, it’d be a little impractical. But thank you, Spite.”
Lucanis: “You seem fond of Spite.” Calais: “I’m fond of you too, Lucanis.” Lucanis: “I know. But Spite listens to you. I spent the best part of a year with him and he hardly ever listens to me.” Calais: “Well I do speak to spirits for a living. It’s kind of my thing.” Lucanis: “Makes being around you hard, he constantly wants to speak with you.” Calais: “I’m sorry. I’ll try to engage less.” Lucanis: “No, it’s alright. It makes Spite calmer to talk with you. I had an actual night of sleep the other day, after he spent all evening talking with you. I think you’re good for him.” Calais: “He’s adorable, once you get past all the anger.” Lucanis: “I enjoyed your company, last night.” Calais: “And I yours. That was some very good tea you made.” Lucanis: “It’s no problem. I’m glad you enjoyed.” Lucanis/Spite: “Should have kissed him!” Calais: “What?” Lucanis: “No! Nothing, please, ignore him.”
Lucanis: “You’re getting better.” Calais: “At what?” Lucanis: “Cooking. For a while I wondered if my lessons were actually landing, but that pot roast you made yesterday was delicious.” Calais: “Thank you. I learned from the best.” Lucanis: “Well-” Calais: “And the most handsome.” Lucanis: *clears throat* “I’m not sure that’s relevant.” Calais: “Helps me pay attention to you.” Lucanis/Spite: “*cackle* He thinks you’re handsome!”
Lucanis: “Cal, would you maybe like to learn how to dance?” Calais: “Dance? Why do you ask?” Lucanis: “I was taught how to dance for social occasions and official parties. It’s a fun way to exercise. You said you struggled with regular work outs, this might be easier, for your leg.” Calais: “You’d do that for me?” Lucanis: “After everything you’ve done for me and Spite? Of course.” Calais: “It’s not transactional, Lucanis. But yes, I would like to learn. Thank you for thinking of me.” Lucanis/Spite: “He does it a lot!”
Calais: “Kind of sad we don’t have music to practice dancing to.” Lucanis: “I suppose we could give Spite a violin and see what he produces.” Calais: “I like my eardrums in tact, thank you.” Lucanis: “You think it will be that bad?” Calais: “Do you remember when he tried to play my piano?” Lucanis: “Ah.. say no more.”
Lucanis: “You seem quiet, ever since we returned from Treviso.” Calais: “You let Illario live.” Lucanis: “Yes. I don’t have enough family that I’d happily execute whatever shredded pieces of it are left.” Calais: “Family isn’t always blood.” Lucanis: “And blood isn’t always the answer.”
Lucanis: “Mi amado, I would like to take you to Treviso soon, meet my grandmother officially. She’s invited us for tea.” Calais: “Are you sure? She didn’t seem to think much of me when we rescued her.” Lucanis: “She’s going to have to get used to you, whether she likes it or not.” Calais: “What do I even say to her? ‘Hello Mrs Dellamorte I’m in love with your grandson?’” Lucanis: “I’d leave out the question mark at the end.”
Calais: “Papi Chulo.” Lucanis: *Hard exhale* “What?” Calais: “Viago said I should call you that, that it was a cute Antivan nickname for one’s lover.” Lucanis: *Deep sigh* “You don’t listen to what Viago says. Ever.”
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tremsing82 · 3 months ago
My Thoughts on Night Court
So when I read acotar for the first time this summer (2024) my 3 best friends were the ones who peered pressured me to do so and our group chat became my reading experience chat. It was fun. But they are all pro-night court and pro-bat boys. And though I can be open and accepting of the narrative for it moves the plot forward I did start becoming more cynical and posing questions of the ethics and moral standings of the night court. My first big question to my friend group that got them all to pause and think was:
>Is it morally and ethically ok for Hewn City to fight in this war when they are trapped under a mountain and do not have access to Velaris. And Velaris expects hewn city to fight in the war to protect their peace, yet Velaris does not have an army and the citizens are not and to volunteer. Now yes some Velaris citizens did go fight for Adriata but again Rhys never sent out a request for Velaris citizens to join the war effort against Hybern. And also is it morally and ethically ok for Rhys to essentially segregate hewn city residents who will eventually visit Velaris one day considering that was the only request Keir had when Rhys asked for The DarkBringers to fight in the war. Rhys said yes to that because he had already told his Velaris city leaders they can tell the citizens they can deny Hewn City residents from entering their establishments. So these hewn city soldier are gonna go to war possibly be killed leaving behind a widow and children, or they are going to be brutally mutilated with scars or lost limbs. And then they or their widows and children are gonna arrive in Velaris and be denied access to a bake shop to buy a cookie or a toy store and denied the ability to buy a doll all while they went to war to keep this place safe and protected. <
I truly don’t think Rhys would have went to war with Hybern to protect hewn city or Illyria. He went to war specifically to protect Velaris the only city he loves. And that bothers me. And makes me dislike and not enjoy the Night Court, but essentially i really don’t like Velaris. I think it’s a spoiled city of entitled judgemental people similar to its 5/6 leaders of the Inner Circle. Mor is claimed to be the emissary between Velaris and Rhys and Hewn city but she does absolutely nothing to showcase that title and job. Except to tell her father when Rhys is going to visit. She claims to be the only dreamer ever to come out of or born in Hewn City and I HIGHLY doubt that. She tell Feyre the story about how she dreaded the day her power manifested because she knew she would be sold into a loveless marriage the way her cousins had been. So you’re telling me your cousins enjoyed their status and their betrothals but you are the only one who hated this custom. The IC is all telling me that everyone is Hewn City is dark and evil, so even a new baby is touched by evil and deserves to never see the sky outside of that mountain it was born in. How is this ethical and morally acceptable. Feyre says once to Lucien in MaF that if you stare long enough into the darkness sometimes it will stare back, and this to me should be applied to the Hewn Cory residents. If all that they have is darkness and hate and hurt to live with it’s not surprising they all embrace that darkness and hate. They are not given other options. Should we the reader question the ethics of how the Hewn city is seen and talked about and even ruled?
So why do people argue FOR this Court? Why does the majority of the fandom hate to be asked these question or see these blatant issues for this court? Why am I told it’s all a mask that they all have to don to protect the innocents and freedom of a spoiled city that is so well hidden that it remains outside of the conflict happening in Prythian. The attack on Velaris by the Attor was the first time the outside world’s conflict finally reared its ugly head to its citizens. Yes they claim they felt bad for the suffering the other courts went through for the 50yrs of Amarantha’s reign but none of them told Rhys to break the wards hiding them, when he finally returned. None said we should band together and go help the other courts rebuild since we have remained untouched for 50yrs. They didn’t pull their resources together to send aid to the most hard hit villages and cities in other courts. They continued on with their days of holding theater production and eating safely at restaurants and going to nightclubs for 50yrs.
And I am suppose to be mad at Tamlin for starting to reissue his courts only form of revenue to ensure it continued ability to function. A tax that only happens twice a year and is only 10% of whatever a person has produced. So if a person has 10hens they only have to give over 1 hen. If a person has 1 hen that produced 10eggs then they only have to give over 1 egg. 10% twice a year, that’s not a bad taxation. Hell the river nymphs didn’t have to give Tamlin fish, he never asked for fish. He just asked for 10% of whatever they produced. They could have handed him 10blades of lake grass or a cup of river water, he would have accepted it. And heard their pleas for fish to be helped brought back into their lake. He wasn’t gleeful about having to find perpetrators of not paying taxes, he just knows this is how his court functions and runs. Rhys says we do a different form of tax, which to me I assume he means modern day taxation which is sales tax, property tax, and/or income tax. Which overarching means the citizens of night court are paying more into taxes than in Spring Court.
For the Illyrian struggles with female empowerment i struggle to always completely blame Rhys on this. I think Illyria has Rhys by the balls. If Rhys enforces his laws in Illyria again wing clipping and female oppression then he loses one of his strongest armies (which the fandom and SJM also claim is possibly the strongest army in Prythian 😒đŸ˜Ș🙄). This is an army that is under his full control and cannot deny his decree to go fight or go to battle like the Keir can do with the DarkBringers. So if he starts killing Illyrian men for wing clippings or if he starts throwing Illyrian men into the barrack cells then he essentially will lose half of 75% of his army. He is definitely in between a rock and a hard place with how to enforce the laws that protect Illyrian women. A person on Instagram had a wonderful idea to help this conundrum; Rhys law should be if any Illyrian woman has their wings clip illegally from this day forward then the males in her household will also have their wings clipped. If they are not afraid of Rhys throwing them in jail or killing them then go to their biggest fear losing their access to flight. And enforce it. See how quickly the other males stop once they see one neighbors household have the patriarch and sons all lose access to flying. And it should be done in the city streets where all can see. Now granted this could turn Rhys into looking like and feeling like a dictator of a violent regime but truthfully I sometimes already see him that way anyway with how much he torment and degrades hewn city and its residents. Now like I said in the begging of this paragraph i don’t fully hate Rhys on this. My arguments for Rhys on Illyria is that he is the first high lord to make laws and changes to a society that has been free to do what they want in their traditions for possibly 15,000 years. He has put laws into place to help empower women. Emerie inherited her father’s shop because of these news laws being in place allowing women to own and inherit property. Emerie is progressive, she knew of the new laws and she seized them and used them to help herself. Other Illyrian woman have been oppressed for so long that the thought of finally using the new laws to enforce their rights to autonomy or property ownership or joining the army is scary for them. It’s gonna take more than a male high-lord and 2 male Illyrians to help them feel safe to express their freedom. Which I think will come in with Nesta moving the Valkyries training to the Illyrian camps to help the lllyrian females. They gonna see females learning battle strategy and fighting techniques that are designed specifically for females, they are going to see females who can’t fly conquering the blood rite. That will be the driving force for the female Illyrians to enforce the new laws that Rhys put in place to help them and free them and protect them. Rhys has the laws in place he just needs the people to start using them.
And I guess I will end this essay with I don’t hate Rhys or his IC (well most of them, I hate Amren and Mor annoys me for being useless). I just wish we could explore the other lands. Why must everything be so centralized to night court/Velaris. I know they have the ancient crabby lady (Amren 🙄🙄🙄) who has answers to Prythians lost history (which first she never wants to share willingly, second doesn’t always share all the truth, and lastly her knowledge is mostly night court focus).
-Day Court has the most libraries in all of Prythian with books written that are as old as their lands. Day Court is the only court with Pegasus, a rare magical animal that are dying/going extinct. Day Court is the court of the Sun. And what are suns but stars in the night sky. Suns are liquid fire. And the dread trove items which are as old as the daglan has sun symbols all over them and makes Helion feel uncomfortable which makes him think an ancestor of his might have own it or used it.
-Autumn court has entire strong bloodlines missing because they followed Theia into Midgard. A bloodline that just reappeared into Prythian in Night Court. I would like to know their history with Queen Theia, with how they helped fight the Daglan.
-I know the Daglan (acotar), the Asteri (CC), and the Valg (ToG) are all the same parasitic beings. And we know the fae of Prythian overthrew their Daglan. And we know in ToG on how to kill a Valg (fire and healing). And well I can only assume that Autumn court with their fire and possibly Day Court with their sun fire and possible healing magic were the ones that helped liberate Prythian from the Daglan in battles.
-And well we have a character, Lucien, that people kinda write off as not important to the world plot, who has parents from these 2 courts. But the majority of the fandom write him off because well he is not from night court, he is not a bat boy, and he is not a night court/rhys worshipper. And so we have all this foreshadowing but I worry that SJM is just not gonna do anything with it because it not night court specific. Now granted she might have us leave the night court finally and learn the importance of Prythians history through Day Court and Autumn Court. We know Eris was happy to share Prythians history with Nesta who was showing curiosity but Cassian was rude and stopped him. We might find out that Eris is a history nerd like Bryce. That he is researching his bloodlines and his courts involvement in the building and creation of Prythian. We might find out from Helion that Dawn and Day were once a single court but split to give the solar courts more chances of pleading their cases at high lord meetings where the seasonal courts had more sway in votes. We truly just don’t know anything about these courts and Night Court doesn’t want to know. So as a reader who likes to travel a world in a book I want to leave this oppressive and isolated land and meet the others.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year ago
Okay so in 1.03 Dead In The Water, there's this exchange Sam and Dean have at one point in regards to Lucas—the little boy who watched his dad drown, who Dean connects with during the episode:
DEAN Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died. SAM There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies. DEAN Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please.
And the last time I watched this episode, I went "Oh cool! A little Psychic!Sam Easter Egg." Right? Sam goes through the traumatic experience of losing Jess, and he's tapped into "whatever's out there" (the yellow eyed demon) and he's having premonitions about what he's going to do next. Which definitely makes a lot of sense.
But when I was gif-ing stuff from 1.03 today, I realized that... funnily enough, within the context of this episode we also have some fun stuff relating to the "slightly psychic Dean" posts that have gone around this year... Or if you prefer, Cassandra!Dean. Cassandra, in reference to the prophet in Greek myth, cursed by Apollo to utter true prophecies but never be believed.
Dean often knows when bad things are going to happen in Supernatural. He doesn't have visions—but he has "bad feelings" and makes predictions that turn out to be scarily accurate at times. Of course we can infer that Dean is just good at 1) reading people and 2) understanding how sequences of events tumble one by one in a row like so many dominoes. It's another sign of his incredible intelligence. But it IS fun to think about Dead In The Water as the first indication of Cassandra!Dean.
First, because Lucas has premonitions, and Lucas and Dean are paralleled and connect on an emotional level.
Dean and Lucas have similar traumatic childhood experiences. Both watched a parent die and both lost the ability to speak afterwards:
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
Dean is able to connect with Lucas through their shared traumatic experience. He's the only one who's able to get through to him—and after a short conversation and just drawing together for a while—much to his mom's shock. Dean is able to understand what Lucas is feeling without Lucas saying it.
Second, because Lucas has bad feelings that tell him the locations where the spirit will strike next, but no one listens to/believes him.
...Kind of like people usually don't listen to/believe Dean's bad feelings.
DEAN Anyway. Well, maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you, or, uh...or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake.
Of course, this line is just Dean paralleling Lucas with himself and his own reasons for not speaking, but it must hit home, because Lucas begins communicating with Dean through drawings.
Further, despite Sam also knowing Lucas is having premonitions, when Lucas reacts with extreme distress to the idea of going home and clings to Dean desperately, Sam still... doesn't think it means anything. He thinks the case is over.
Third, Dean has a bad feeling that the case isn't over, and Sam doesn't believe him.
The sheriff had just threatened to arrest them if they stayed in town, so of course going back to town is a big deal. When Dean turns around based on a bad feeling, Sam thinks he's just being paranoid.
SAM But Dean, this job, I think it's over. DEAN I'm not so sure. SAM If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest. DEAN All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt? SAM But why would you think that? DEAN Because Lucas was really scared. SAM That's what this is about?
Dean sticks to his guns, and they arrive just in time to save Lucas's mother from drowning in a bathtub.
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soapyghostie · 1 year ago
I felt kinda weird sending a request cause we talk outside of here but oh well
Do you think you could write Nubbins and Danny with a reader who does photography, horror is one of the reasons I got into photography so idk, sorry if I worded this weird
I had the motivation to do one more for now since I haven’t been very productive in my classes so far today. Hope you enjoy!
The Ghost Face/Danny Johnson
OMG! Can he help?! Danny is drawn to your passion for photography because he loves photography too! He admires your ability to capture the beauty of the world around you, and he often finds him lost in the amazingly well shot photos you took. Almost as good as his photography skills. 
Danny, being a journalist under his alter ego Jed Olsen, understands your creative drive behind pursuing your passion for photography. When you express your desire to open a photography studio, he’s not only super supportive but also is excited about the prospect. He sees this as an opportunity for you to showcase your amazing talent and creativity to the world. He, also, wants to help you start and run your photography business too! 
As someone who appreciates the power of storytelling through images and his articles, Danny will bring up the idea of collaborating with you on various photography projects. He’ll even ask you to photograph events that he’s having to write about so he can publish your beautiful photographs for the whole town to see in his well written top tier articles. 
Danny understands the challenges of starting a new venture, especially in a competitive field like photography (He might be the top journalist at the Roseville Gazette, but that doesn’t mean he became that great overnight. He’s had a lot of practice). He offers his support not only emotionally but also practically, helping you with business planning, networking, and promotion. 
As a journalist, Danny's schedule is pretty busy during the day and also he spends a lot of time with his ‘hobby’ (if you know what I mean), yet, he still finds time to make an effort to prioritize quality time with you (I don’t know how he does it so don’t ask me). He understands the importance of nurturing y’all’s relationship amidst y’all’s respective careers and often suggests going on photoshoot outings together as a way to bond and unwind. Danny enjoys brainstorming creative concepts and themes for your photoshoots.
When you finally open your photography studio, Danny couldn’t be more prouder. He attends the grand opening with a camera in hand, capturing the excitement and anticipation of the moment. He smiles and y’all’s shared passion for storytelling will continue to strengthen y’all’s bond and drive each other to success.
Nubbins Sawyer
When Nubbins finds out that you photograph for fun just like him, he’s excited. Obviously, your photography technique is very different from his and he doesn’t fully understand the artist form of your photography at first; however, he quickly becomes fascinated by the way you capture the world through your lens. He wants to know why your photographs aren’t dark and blurry like his. 
Nubbins often finds himself admiring your work in awe, marveling at the way you can turn the most mundane scenes into something beautiful and captivating. You’ll look over your shoulder and find him just staring at one of the many photos you’ve taken in his hand, unmoving. Who knows how long he’s been standing there admiring your work. Actually, the better assumption is how long has he gone staring at that photo without blinking.
Nubbins spends the majority of his time hitchhiking and looking for ‘food’ heading towards the Sawyer property. He’d enjoy it if you tagged along with him and brought your camera to document your adventures together. Your hobby is a great way to immortalize y’all’s experiences and memories, creating a photo album of y’all’s life.  
Nubbins encourages and supports you. He would point out interesting objects and compositions for you to take pictures of during y’all’s unorganized photoshoots. He’ll also scout for locations or offer input too. 
Nubbins is protective of your camera equipment, ensuring it’s always safely stowed away when not using it. He understands how much your gear means to you and goes to great lengths to make sure it goes undamaged, knowing how much their photography means to you. 
Nubbins often proudly displays your work around the Sawyer house for his brothers to see. He takes pride in showcasing your talent to them and often boasts about your skills to his brothers. When he shares your photographs with his brothers, Nubbins finds himself cherishing the photographs, reminding him of all the moments y’all shared together. Each image holds a special place in his heart, serving as a visual representation of y’all’s love and adventures.
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aspoonofsugar · 4 months ago
What do you think so far of season 2 of Arcane ? Honestly I think for my part that it’s too rushed and there are too many storylines it’s so confusing. Besides they completely destroyed Vi and Caitlyn relationship lol the disappointment is high
I am sorry you are not enjoying the season very much. On my part I am loving it and I am looking forward to the final act!
I think much criticism I have seen stems from the very own premise of Arcane as a show tbh. I think there are two things to clarify.
First thing to clarify
Arcane is in the end a League of Legends show. Its main commercial goal is to explore the Lore of the Game, so that new fans can be brought in and old fans can have fun spotting easter eggs. As a result, it takes some choices that in another story you wouldn't have. Two examples:
1- Mel's arc feels out of the blue, but it ties into the lore of the game (I heard they wanted to make Mel into a new champion? If so, she is probably going through an arc where she is receiving magical abilities, as smart as fuck and good at politics isn't exactly a set skill that works in LOL). It is a storyline you would not usually add, as you would not usually add the Black Rose shenaningas. They added it because it probably lets them add a new champion to the game and it lets them play homage to another popular character of the game. That said, Mel's own storyline has the potential to tie nicely with the main plotline:
a) Mel's disappearance does in fact have an impact on the narrative, i.e. it lets Medarda do as she pleases in Piltover. If Mel were around, there is no way she would have let her mother establish Martial Law without a fight. I think Mel could have also had a positive influence on Cait. Not only that, but Medarda's love for Mel humanizes her character and gives more depth to her relationship with Caitlyn. It is obvious Medarda and Cait's bond is one where they are projecting on the other a loved one. Cait finds a new mentor figure/mother after Cassandra's death. Medarda finds a new mentee figure/daughter after Mel's disappearance. They are not mother and daughter, but they project on each other a need they both feel, as they are both grieving.
b) Mel has always been linked to Jayce and Viktor's B plot aka Arcane plot, as she, Viktor and Jayce are the ones who created HexTech. This season Viktor and Jayce have both "touched" the Arcane, which has traumatized them in opposite ways. In a sense, they have both lost their humanity in the pursue of progress. Moreover, they have both become entangled with magic. Well, even if I know very little of LOL Lore, I think it is safe to assume Mel inherited some kind of magical ability. The fact she is trapped in some kind of magical dimension where she has to decipher old runes makes me believe her experience is not very different from Viktor and Jayce, thematically. They all pursued progress through science, only to now face something of wild and irrational. Also, Mel being the one with the higher magical potential among the trio could be pretty interesting.
2 - I would not have wanted Vander to come back in any other series and was skeptical about the choice of having him be Warwick. That said, I also understand it makes a very interesting background for the champion, so I understand why they made this decision. What's more, I actually like a lot how he has been used. Instead of being reduced to a simple agent of chaos, he has been used as a catalyst in Vi and Jinx's arcs.
Basically, they are taking choices, I would not recommend in any other story. However, they are making them work pretty well both for Arcane and for LOL.
Second thing to clarify
It is true Arcane is an ensembled cast and it balanced different pov rather well in season 1. However, this does not mean that ALL characters have the same importance. I think both season 1 and this season so far have made very clear that the story has ONE main character, that is Jinx:
Tumblr media
She is the one given the major focus BY FAR.
The whole first season is her journey to become the Jinx in the games, which is symbolically why the season ends with her embracing this alterego. Every other major character's plotline in the main A plot is after all tied to her. Vi wants to save her. Silco wants to control her. Caitlyn wants to arrest her. She is the reason why Cait and Vi meet each other in the first place. Not to count she also unwillingly kicks off the B plotline by having Jayce's research come to light.
The second season so far has revolved around her, as well. This time she is going through a journey, where she tries to fix what she has broken. At the same time, she has to accept the consequences of her own actions. She grieves Silco, connects with Sevika, adopts Isha and tries to mend her relationship with Vi. Meanwhile, all the other major characters are impacted by her. She is at the centre of the conflict between Vi and Cait, for example. She is the one who almost kills Viktor, so that Jayce tries to resurrect him. Finally, she becomes the centre of the major conflict between Piltover and Zaun.
In short, I think it is fair for people to be annoyed their faves are not receiving the screentime or focus, they had hoped. However, I think that so far the series has been coherent in keeping Jinx at its center. We'll see if it will be so for the ending, as well.
Finally, I don't think Vi and Cait's relationship was ruined. I think the conflict among Vi, Cait and Jinx is actually my favourite part of this season. I will add that their conflict is actually a mirror of the first season:
Season 1 has the first act focused on Vi's relationship with Powder and it ends with their separation / Season 2 has the first act focused on Vi's relationship with Cait and it ends with their separation
Season 1 has the second act focused on Vi and Cait's relationship, as Vi looks for her family / Season 2 has the second act focused on Vi and Jinx's relationship, as they look for their family. Both relationships start as conflictual and slowly grow better
In season 1's third act, Vi fails to reconcile her relationship with Cait with the one with Jinx. We'll see if in the final act of season 2, she will fare better.
In short, it has never been only Vi and Cait, but always Vi, Cait and Jinx, as her lover and her sister represent two different sides of Vi. Just like Jinx has to reconcile both Jinx and Powder, so Vi has to reconcile both Jinx and Cait. Similarly, Cait needs to reconcile Vi and Jinx as two parts of Zaun.
In conclusion, I do agree that there are a little bit too many storylines, some of which might feel out of the blue. I also understand people wanted some characters to be explored more. However, I also think they are doing a great job at telling the story they want to tell and they are giving the viewers all the elements to understands the characters' developments. Surely, it would have been great to have some dynamics and psychologies explored more, but the writing level stays pretty high.
This does not mean you should like it, though. You probably were more interested in some dynamics and storylines that ended up being sidelined and it is totally valid to be annoyed by it.
Thank you for the ask!
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2af-afterdark · 1 year ago
Would you believe me if I said I have some more ✹thots✹ on Omega MC in WHB?
Like how Beel/Bael is a two for one deal because MC’s sweet sweet heat pheromones are driving them crazy?
Or how everyone in Abbadon (idk if it’s one or two B’s) just are eagerly waiting to help (and by eagerly I mean fighting each other to have a chance)
Or how Naberius and Buer are just at each other because they should be helping the sweet “innocent” omega? (Dogs man /j)
I do wonder if you have any other thots on this, go as rabid and feral as you want for this, I live for Chaos
I saved this ask. I saved it for a rainy day. Today is my rainy day. fun fact: omegaverse is one of my comfort genres. I read it whenever I need a pick-me-up
First part
Bell would pop up in Avisos unexpectedly the moment MC enters their heat (he smelled it across all of Hell); walking into the sight of Bael already peeling open their shirt and groping them while his nose is buried against their neck to sniff at their sweet scent. They are both turned on by smell and a human omega is a new experience; a surprisingly sweet treat. Cut to MC in Bael's lap, his hands all over them, and Bell eating away at their wet entrance. MC will walk away covered it bite marks... if they could walk afterward, that is.
Abbadon is a complete toss up. I have the feeling a few members would be more than happy to work together (see Phenix and Ronove) but some may want MC along because they don't think the poor human could handle the session if they had to handle more than one devil all on their own. RIP to the cute omega, because those devils will still go back-to-back without giving them a proper break. Good thing Paradise Lost is always ready to lend a helping hand. Speaking of which....
Imagine Paradise Lost! The healers are no joke. If anyone knows how to be extra rough with a desperate omega, it has to be them. They have the terrifying ability of healing people to the point that it's like they were never injured at all. They can go pretty far as long as MC doesn't die or lose a limb... And considering how rotted an omega's brain could be during a heat, they may not even notice how rough the boys are being. All they know is that everything feels good.
But, yes, I think Naberius would be the worstℱ. Dog smells bitch in heat (affectionate) and loses his fucking mind. He would be humping MC so fast that they wouldn't be able to do much else than beg him for more. God save you if you try to come near his omega. He will bite you will all three of his mouths (I like to believe he turns into his Cerberus form when MC is sleeping so they can cuddle against the big puppy).
Glasyalabolas would be a jerk about it though. He lives for chaos. He would tease and torment MC without a hint of relief just so they keep spreading all those sweet omega pheromones and drive everyone else crazy. He'd watch the entirety of Hell turn into fistfights over MC... then he'd finally steal MC away and give them what they've been craving from him just so all the fighting was pointless and everyone else is left blue balled.
LEVIATHAN THOUGH! Just imagine him finding out MC is in heat! Imagine how quickly he grabs MC from wherever the fuck in Hell they are at that moment and stealing them away to his room so that he's the only one enjoying their sweet scent. Imagine how many days he spends with them completely drunk on their heat, loving on him and only him. Then imagine how envious he is after MC's heat passes because "do you only feel that way about me when your mind is addled?" so he makes them prove that's how they always feel about him for a few more days on top of it.
And what about Mammon?!?!?!?!?! Man owns the world and would gladly give it to MC in a heartbeat. He also has zero hang ups about sexual acts in public, so I can see him going about his day despite MC's heat and just letting them climb on top of him whenever they need it. Fuck! I wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of Tartaros is as their disposal and that they don't have someone waiting on them hand and foot between the the high points of their heat. I'm sure Bimet would jump at the chance, just saying.
And Satan... Dear sweet Satan would let them cling to him all day and they could have sex and roughly or as gently as they want. He's there for them as long as they need him. If anyone else comes sniffing, he will kick them across Gehenna. MC doesn't need anyone else coming around right now when they're so vulnerable.
Meanwhile, poor Minhyeok has to deal with getting back all their use panties that smell like heat and slick. Man may go into a rut and have enough cum to fill more than one jar. I'm sure MC will need all that extra love during and after their heat.
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alexbkrieger13 · 3 months ago
Hello! This is a translatorn of the podcast Magda did a while ago. It’s not completely word by word but almost. Feel free to put it in a post and share it with everyone.
NĂ€rkampen podcast with Magdalena Eriksson
Interviewer: Welcome Magdalena Eriksson, former Chelsea defender, now Bayern Munich defender and often also national team captain. Welcome to the podcast “NĂ€rkampen”. How are you today?
Magda: Thank you. I’m doing good. A bit tired from the match yesterday but otherwise good.
I: Goalscorer again yesterday.
M: Yes (laughs), what’s happening? It’s been special/different for me to score this many goals. I don’t know the last time I scored this many goals. It’s fun.
I: It (the goal scoring) comes from experience and a good forehead on top of that?
Magda: Exactly (laughs). And good deliveries I have to say.
I: In “NĂ€rkampen” we start with a warm up where I start a couple of sentences and you will finish them. Are you ready?
M: Yes.
I: I feel my best when I

Have won a football game and played well.
I: Something I think is important is

The people around me. To have good people around me both when it comes to football but also privately.
I: For me it can be tough to manage

Adversity like losses, injuries and bad performances.
I: Some of my biggest inner driving forces are

I love to win. I love to develop and the feeling of doing something together with people you care about, so winning together with a team and having developed together as a team.
I: For me football means

 It’s my life. I have dedicated my life to football. I live and breathe football every day so it means everything.
I: An event that has had a big impact on my career

 I actually think the season when Emma Hayes made me the captain of Chelsea. I think a lot can be traced back to that one decision she made and it has meant a lot for my career.
I: To perform I need

 To feel good and secure in my own skin. Good confidence. Belief in my own abilities and what I can do.
I: A decision or action I regret is

I regret very little in my life and career but maybe all those times I won “the yellow card league” when I played in Damallsvenskan in the beginning (laughs).
I: The hardest period of my life was

 I had a tough period where I had been injured and wasn’t confident in my football abilities and I was coming into an Olympics and had pretty much been out injured for 6 weeks leading up to it. I lost myself a little and was doubting myself.
I: Something I aim to achieve is

 To continue my personal development. To work on myself and get better. I know I will never reach what I consider perfection but I always want to find ways to get even more secure in myself and get more out of myself. I don’t know exactly what that is but that is what I strive for.
I: Now the warm up is done. How was it? Did you find any of the questions difficult?
M: It was good. It was difficult to come up with a dark period. I don’t think there has been a specific period in my career that has been especially hard but it goes up and down all the time. That’s what’s so nice about football. You can go from the top to the bottom really fast because of for example an injury or a few bad performances.
I: You left Chelsea pretty recently after many years there and you were also the captain. In my eyes that’s a pretty significant move. How was it?
M: I started to feel in my body and my head that it was soon time for a new challenge. I also started counting down on my “career clock”. I don’t have that many years left. I knew my contract was soon up and felt it was the perfect time to experience something new, to challenge myself, get out of my comfort zone and test my limits and still be able to be on the high level I want it to be. Then to also have a few years to prove myself in the new club. For me this is about challenging myself again and trying something new. A new country and a new type of football.
I: So it was you who actively sought out a new challenge?
M: Yes, I would say that. Of course it’s not that simple and it was a really hard decision to leave Chelsea. I have so many good memories from my time in Chelsea and had so many beautiful years. But I think you develop a lot as a football player and as a person when you try new things and challenge yourself. That’s what it was about for me but it was a hard decision. In hindsight I feel like it has been good for me to try a new country and challenge myself and know that I still can come to a new place and still perform and get into things there pretty quickly.
I: You mentioned that being the Chelsea captain had a big impact on your career. Emma Hayes gave you the armband in 2019 I think. Was the decision to leave harder when you’ve got that responsibility?
M: Yes, I think so. To have the armband means having a bigger responsibility and a bigger role in the team. You’re expected to communicate a lot with the coach and are given other official responsibilities from the club. I don’t know if it was because I was in Chelsea for a long time or because of the captaincy but I became extremely close with the fans and the club in itself. The club is doing a lot of cool things and has done a lot for the development of women’s football both in England and the world. There are many things that make me feel strongly connected to Chelsea and that made the decision to leave harder of course. At the same time I was completely convinced the club would do well without me (laughs) and I knew there were many leaders in the team to take over when I left.
I: Now you’re with Bayern Munich. You won yesterday and scored a goal. What is it about a new city and a new club that makes you develop? I mean since you’re already pretty experienced.
M: I’ve been in football for a long time now. I was in Chelsea for 6 years. I don’t like feeling like I’m stagnating or getting too comfortable. It didn’t feel like that in Chelsea though because new things happened every season and the league improved a lot. But it is something about the idea of being taken away from what you know and being put somewhere new where you have to find strategies for how to act in the beginning to fit in as quickly as possible. I had a 1,5 week preseason and then the season started. I had to perform right away and adapt to a new team, new coach, new voice, new playing system. You learn a lot about yourself. You learn what you need to improve to adapt even better. Then when you’ve come out at the other end you feel really strong and have a boosted confidence. That’s how I felt when I went from Linköping to Chelsea and I feel the same way now that I’ve gone from Chelsea to Bayern.
I: You said before that the clock is ticking. Where are you in your career right now?
M: I’m extremely aware that my days are numbered (laughs). That sounds dramatic. We, or I signed a three year contract with Bayern. Now I’ve almost finished one year of that contract. I will be 33-34 when that contract ends and then I guess I will evaluate my situation then. It’s a new situation to feel that the end of a contract could mean the end of my career - but it doesn’t have to. It could, but it all depends on your motivation, how your body feels and what possibilities you have. So it’s a new situation. I think these thoughts started when I turned 30.
I: Do you mean sort of like a 30-year crisis?
M: (Laughs). Yes, a little bit. Unfortunately you can’t keep on playing forever even though I would have really liked to. Now it’s about evaluating my motivation and my body year by year and see how long I want to continue. I’m actually also excited about my career after football. It doesn’t feel scary, it feels exciting.
I: I’ve talked to other players who don’t want to think about their careers coming to an end. But it seems like you have thought about it a lot. How does that affect you?
M: I’m a planner. I want to have a plan. I know I have 3 years here and then potentially a few more years, we‘ll see. Then when my football career ends I want a plan for what I want to do. If I didn’t have a plan for that I would be stressed out and start to panic. I have decided I want to continue to work in football in some way. I am motivated to have a new role and go from being a player to become a coach or work in an organization in some way. It feels fun but of course also a little bit scary and a little bit sad. I still have a few more years left to enjoy.
I: Nadine Kessler quit playing football pretty early and now she’s leading the section for women’s football in UEFA. Would you want to do something like that?
M: I have no idea. As I said I’m 100 % sure I will stay in football but in what role will probably be decided after my football career. I think I will need to try different roles. I’m also really interested in coaching. I think we need more women’s coaches in women’s football and more coaches with experience from their own playing careers so that is inspiring. It also sounds inspiring to work in an organization or have a bigger role in developing women’s football. I’m open to suggestions.
I: How can you be so sure you want to continue to work within football?
M: This is what I know. I’m interested in a lot of things and could probably become something else but I think football is so incredibly fun. My love for football has been a constant through my entire career. No matter how I’ve been doing and what I’ve been feeling I’ve always loved football and that has been one of my biggest driving forces. I also like to watch all types of football and analyze a lot so I feel like this is what I know and want to continue to do.
I: You talk about becoming a coach or working in an organization and something I associate strongly with you is leadership. Where do your leadership qualities come from?
M: I don’t know. My dad was my coach when I was between 6 and 13 years old, very formative years. He likes to educate and has strong values and morals for how to behave in a team and to help others. So I think i have him to thank for a lot of it. He always talked about treating others the way you yourself want to be treated and leading by example. These have always been his core values and I think among what’s most important as a leader: To see everyone and put yourself in their shoes but also make sure you yourself do what you ask of others.
I: How is Magdalena Eriksson as a leader?
M: I take a lot of responsibility for my own performance. I have high expectations on myself and try to be as accurate as I can when I play and have a high lowest level. I also expect a lot from my environment and try to constantly think about things we can do better or develop. Then also the human perspective which I feel is the part I have developed the most in my leadership from being captain in Linköping to being captain in Chelsea. As captain in Chelsea I understood that we have a team of pretty much 23 national team players and 11 of them train their asses off but don’t get a lot of playing time but you want them to understand how important they are to the team. I developed that part of my leadership in Chelsea - to see that everyone in a team is equally important and everyone plays a part in the team so that we in the end lift the trophy in may. That’s become really important to me: To make everyone in a team feel valuable.
I: Are there any parts of your leadership you want to continue to develop?
M: I think it’s about never getting too comfortable. Let’s say we play well with Bayern and win. We shouldn’t be satisfied with that but instead always try to find areas to develop both for myself and also for example the cooperation within the back line and with the goalkeeper. Also how the team as a whole can take a new step. The motivation for that goes up and down depending on how tired I am mentally.
I: How quickly did you get a natural role as a leader in Bayern Munich? Was it the first day or did it take a while?
M: Haha no it takes a while and for me it’s important that it happens naturally. It’s also important to me to build relationships before I come in and say “We used to do it like this in Chelsea or I think we should do it like this”. In the beginning in Bayern Munich I just wanted to be like a sponge and learn how things work here and what the routines look like. We have a fantastic captains group of 3 players I look up to a lot and they are doing a great job. It’s been about finding my role and what I can contribute with. It’s happened naturally step by step and now I feel like I have a great role that I’m happy with. I have good contact with Glodis who is our captain and she is an amazing person and has a lot of similar values as I have. I also have good communication with our coach Alex who is an extremely ambitious coach and always wants us to get better and is never satisfied. So it feels like I’ve found a good role.
I: In the national team you’re also sometimes captain. You’re one of several captains. How do you see yourself as a leader in the national team?
It’s a bit different in a national team. You are together for 10 days and then you part ways. You don’t have as much time
 It’s not a process in the same way as it is in a club where you can work together week in, week out on specific details. In the national team it’s more like we are together for 10 days and we have to perform right away. How do we do that in most optimal way? I just try to be the same person as I am in the club but my role in the national team has grown over the years. Now I’m one of the most experienced senior players and that means I try to take even more responsibility and help guide the new young players. That’s something I’ve started thinking about more actively during the last few years - to take on an even bigger role. We had a lot of older players in the national team when I was new and they took on that role but when they leave, other people have to fill those roles.
I: I’ve heard many times that there is a great atmosphere in the Swedish national team and that that’s a big reason for your success. Could there be a contradiction between the friendly atmosphere and the high demands that’s needed to compete with the best in the world?
M: We have actually talked about that. We have a sports psychologist, Rasmus who comes with us to every camp. We sometimes talk about how having too friendly of an atmosphere can cause you to feel uncomfortable when you have to tell someone off. For me I think you can have a good atmosphere, treat each other with respect and have a good time together outside the pitch. We can keep that but on the pitch there has to be an extremely high ceiling. I like environments where I can yell and tell people off on the football pitch and know that the girls know I mean well and just want us to get better. I can even have had discussion with someone on the pitch and then know we’ll leave that conversation on the pitch. This is one of the things we’ve pointed out as things to improve: to get even better at telling each other off and holding each other accountable. I think we’re working on it and it’s getting better but of course I understand that now when we have lot of new younger players they can’t be expected to come in and be demanding right away. But it’s something we’re working on.
I: There were a few headlines after the last national team camp. Kosovare Asllani said that Rosa Kafaji has to work on her defensive abilities. Is that to have high demands and being a good leader according to you?
M: The funny thing is that I don’t read media so this is completely new to me. I don’t know exactly what has been said so I can’t comment on this specific situation. But I think that’s the kind of dialogue you have to have within a team. Kosse has played for the national team for a very long time and has a lot of experience. Rosa has come in now and is an amazing and exciting player but she should of course have Kosse as her mentor and listen to what she has to say. In the same way I can help the younger upcoming center backs and share my experience with them. What is and isn’t being said to media is another topic but it is really important that us older players are mentors to the younger players. It’s also important that the younger players see us as mentors and value our experience and knowledge.
I: I think it’s pretty natural that the older players lead the younger players. Some of you have played together for such a long time. How are you with each other, you and Kosse for example? Can you lead each other?
M: Absolutely. Me and Kosse are extremely different as people and I think we are a good mix. Kosse leads a lot with her playing style and has a high belief in herself. She is outspoken and just generally a cool person. I’m really reflective and I maybe don’t have the same self-confidence that Kosse has but I have grown from experience and the trust I’ve gotten from Peter. Together I think we can see the entire group and work together in our leadership.
I: Is that really true about your self-confidence? When I’ve talked to you over the years I’ve gotten the impression that you have a really good self-confidence?
M: That’s maybe what I exude but it has taken a lot of time for me to feel like I deserve to play on the highest level and to feel like I’m good enough to play on the highest level. For me that self-confidence has come after I got to this level. It wasn’t there from the beginning. I have always been a bit shocked that I have reached this level. I might exude more confidence than I’ve actually got but it has been something I’ve had to work on a lot during my career and I still have to work on it a lot.
I: I’ve heard you say before that when you were young there were bigger talents than you but that your biggest talent maybe is the will to develop. How has that impacted you, having to work so hard for a long time?
M: I think that’s a reason why I maybe don’t have that inner self-confidence. I am really hard on myself and have always been. I have become a lot nicer to myself over the years. When I was younger and made one mistake that lead to goal I could go home and cry the entire evening and feel like “Now it’s over, this is the end”. I took adversities extremely hard. I’ve really had to work on that a lot. I am a perfectionist, want so much and want to develop all the time but that can go too far. It was like that when I was younger at least. Now it’s a lot better. I feel more secure and confident in myself. Of course this can come from not being perceived as the biggest talent even though I of course was a big talent and an important player for Enskede where I grew up. But it has taken time to build up my belief in myself.
I: You also take a stand and say your opinion about important topics? Where does that come from?
M: I think a lot can be traced back to my upbringing in general. My dad has such a strong integrity and has passed that on to me and my sister. He thinks it’s important to stand up for what you believe in. He has told me many times during my career and now that he thinks it’s awesome that I dare to speak out about what I believe in. So I think it’s come from him and has become a main value to me.
I: We live in a complicated world and you as a role model is asked to take a stand on heavy topics. How do you decide whether you speak out about something or don’t?
M: There hasn’t been any strategy behind that. Us women’s football players are often asked these heavier questions from media and we aren’t forced to take a stand but we have the possibility to do so. It’s a choice for every individual person how much you want to say and if you want to take a stand. The possibility to do so have been offered quite a lot over the years because we are who we are and we get a lot of questions. There hasn’t been any strategy from my side. I have my main topics that I’m really passionate about and if get questions about those I will say my opinion about it. I know where I stand and I know what the point I’m trying to get across is. Then how media decides to spin it and what headlines they choose are out my control. But I’m sure about my values and what my message was so it mostly feels okay. Sometimes it’s feels unfair that people have extremely high expectations on you and it feels like they misunderstand. Mostly I feel like I’ve been proud that I’ve dared to speak my mind.
I: Let’s switch back to the national team. You’re in a pretty difficult group (for the euro qualifiers). What do you think about that challenge?
M: Yes, it feels like we pretty much got the most difficult team from every pot. The matches are inspiring and cool, but also tough. We’re very aware that our road to the euros will be tough. The next camp against Ireland will be incredibly important, especially when we take the loss to France into consideration. We have to prove that we can win these type of matches that we have to win.
I: You’ve had a lot of success in the last international tournaments. There have been discussions about getting medals and that gold medal that’s missing. What do you think about this, looking back?
M: It would be easy to sit here and dwell on an Olympic final or a loss in a World Cup semifinal. But I know that in every tournament we’ve played I feel sure we’ve done everything we can to reach as far as possible. That resulted in Olympic silver and World Cup bronze. In my world we couldn’t have done more than what we did. That’s how it is in football: You do the best you can and then you’ll see how far that gets you. In the last tournaments it has resulted in Olympic silver and World Cup bronze but I’m incredibly proud of those achievements. Mostly because of the way we have done it: How we have treated each other and done everything as a team and worked together during these tournaments. Also generally how we work in the national team. We push each other to get better all the time and have created that culture in the national team. I don’t regret anything but I wouldn’t say no to a gold medal. I still think two World Cup bronze medals and two Olympic silver medals are big achievements.
I: There are future international tournaments. You have those medals from before and you have a team with both leaders and good football players. How do you and the team see the future championships?
M: In football we have such an extremely shortsighted perspective so until now the focus was on the Olympic qualifiers. We didn’t reach the Olympics and now all my focus is on the euro qualifiers. After we’re done with the qualifiers I will start to think about the euros and our possibilities there. But if I just speculate I think it’s really exciting to have the younger generation currently coming into the national team. They are already playing football on a really high level and can become even better. At the same time we still have the 93-generation and 96/97-generation who are also really good. So I think there is still a lot of hope for the national team and the future of the national team.
I: How good is this national team if you compare it to others (earlier versions)?
M: Again really difficult to answer because I have changed so much so it’s hard to compare. I think we have an extremely homogeneous national team right now since there are many technical and physically strong players. So I think we have the quality to play the kind of football that Peter wants us to play. It’s really cool that there is quality in all positions. There is also quality players in every position that aren’t starting and they are always ready. So we have big possibilities and that feels great.
I: In the “warm up” you talked about what you need to perform. You said family is important. In what way is family important?
M: Good energy. Pernille is incredibly important when it comes to that. She and I have grown together since we were 20 years old in Linköping. We were both really fresh, especially me with my not so great confidence. We have worked on ourselves and now 10 years later we’re here and have gone through everything together in a way. Her support has made me extremely strong and it still strengthens me a lot. Also my family, friends and teammates: It’s really important to be around good people.
I: Pernille Harder also plays for Bayern Munich now. Was it a sure thing that you would go there together?
M: Not a sure thing but we have come to a point in our careers where we know that’s how we can best perform. We were in a different stage when Pernille left for Wolfsburg and I left for Chelsea. Back then we had to go for what was available for each of us. We were in different stages of our careers. Then we ended up in Chelsea together and felt like being on the same team is how we get the most out of ourselves. If it hadn’t been possible for us both to go to Bayern Munich or somewhere else we of course wouldn’t have chosen a worse alternative just to be able to be together. But we thought Bayern Munich was the perfect alternative because they needed reinforcement both in the back and at the front and is still one of the best teams in Europe so it felt perfect.
I: You support each other and you both play on the highest level. You said before that your career can be over in a few years. Will you make the decision to quit together or will you make different decisions on when to end your careers? I think football players generally make the decision to end their career in very different ways.
M: I think that will be a very individual decision. It will also depend on a lot of different things. For me it will be about whether I have motivation, think it’s fun and how my body feels. Those three things are probably the most important questions I will start asking myself when I feel like my career is coming to an end. Now I still feel like my motivation is high and my body feels good after an injury. But those are the things I will evaluate and Pernille will have different questions to ask herself. So we’ll see. It will be completely individual I think.
I: Your former coach Emma Hayes said that (romantic) relationships between players in a team are problematic. Now she has apparently taken it back. What did you think when you heard that?
M: My first reaction was that I was really shocked that she had said that. I also said this when I got this question before: We have never experienced any problems with Emma and we have worked together, me, Pernille and Emma for three years and me and Emma for six years. You can of course have issues with individuals in a team and if individuals handle things in an unprofessional way it’s something completely different.
I: How did you feel when you heard about Marika Domanski Lyfors?
M: It’s awful. She means so much to our national team. She’s always been there ever since I came into the national team. She’s always been a part of Swedish women’s football. Now she’ll have to go through something really tough and it’s important to us to show her that we’re there for her and that she’s not alone. It was terrible news to get and you wish you could be there for her physically. It’s important that we support her through it.
I: How do you support each other in a national team since you live in different places all over the world?
M: It’s about always having a constant connection. You can always call or send a text. There are many ways to support someone who goes through something hard. I sent her at text and wished her luck and let her know we’re there for her and think about her all the time. The entire national team has probably done the same thing so I hope it gives Marika strength.
I: What’s Magdalena Eriksson’s short term goal right now?
M: To win the league and the cup. To get through the nations league in the best possible way but mostly to win the next two matches against Ireland.
I: I’m so curious about the future. I you could guess now, what role will you have in ten years?
M: I believe in growing with experience. That’s what I’ve been doing my entire career. I won’t end my career and then right away think I’m ready to be the head coach of Chelsea. That’s not how I work. I think I will want to start as an assistant coach somewhere or to coach a youth team. I want to get a lot of experience and see if the coaching job is as fun as I expect it to be. But also to get a lot of experience and training in actually being a coach. You know this better than anyone but I think it’s a lot more difficult than us players think. So assistant coach somewhere, nothing super flashy or glamorous. That’s how I think things will turn out.
I: What about in 20 years? What team will you be coaching then?
M: Then the entire world is open. I could definitely imagine becoming the coach of Chelsea, Bayern Munich or the Swedish national team. That’s how I am as I person. If I go for something I want to do it 100% and will want to become the best coach. I have no idea whether I have a talent for it or not so that remains to be seen.
I: The Chelsea job is actually free right now. If they called and needed an assistant coach, would you go for it?
M: No, that’s absolutely not where my mindset or career is right now but maybe in 10 years.
I: This was a “nĂ€rkamp” (duel) and you’re good at that on the football pitch. I don’t know what you think about this “nĂ€rkamp” (duel)?
M: Very good.
I: Very good. Thank you so much for sharing, it’s very appreciated.
M: Thank you.
omg you are a star
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aquakat-draws · 6 months ago
Yes,you may infodump about ross' design :]
I have the same urge to do that no?
Alright, i hope you have the patience to read because its soooo long.
So the first time I wanted to design ross I came up with a chicken monster type of thing, which immediately got dumped because it was H I D E O U S and not what I wanted. So I went and searched on pinterest in hopes of finding something. His design was like the most fucking hard and time consuming one. But eventually I came up with some good references and designed something I'll call the alpha design, which was posted.
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His anatomy does not make any sense at all because I wanted to convey how much he was messed up in the experiments. But then over time I found out ways to make him look even more messed up, which he got his beta design, that was also posted
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But then comes the third design, which he doesn't change a lot. He lost the tail, lost the magic powers, the bloody phase, but he was allowed to keep his tentacles :D
At first I wanted to give him the ability to like. Use his whole body as a mouth (yknow like grow giant mouths from everywhere) but that idea got dumped because again, he looked so monstrous and fucked up, which wasn't something I was going for. Then I went to be able to climb the wall and ceiling like a gecko, and it also got dumped because he was starting to look like a gecko, while i wanted him to not resemble a specific animal too much. I was stuck on the powers, until I discovered:
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I realized I had completely forgotten about radiation stuff (mostly because I wanted to avoid mutation clichés)
But let me tell you, it goes just like that persian idiom where we say "without thinking, there's suffering". I knew a minority about radium from my web surfing phase, so I decided to dive into it, discovering the stuff about radium girls etc, the compounds that radium makes, and basically radiology itself
So, Ross's abilities are very much inspired by this beautiful but deadly element. Take his radium nitride healing, for example
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At first I wanted him to radiate radium, but then it was dumped (because obviously I don't want him to be lethal to others, and especially give them a painful death with radium poisoning). So instead, certain parts of his body (e.g: tears, eyes, spikes, tentacles, fingertips, toes, etc) can give people some good ol' chemical burns. He can sabotage some devices just by being scared (he radiates a little more dose of radiation when he's panicked). And he doesn't practically glow in the dark from everywhere like pure radium, as we know radium immediately reacts with nitrogen in air and air is like made of 78 fucking percent nitrogen, only his eyes and insides (and by extension, through the mouth) can glow because they have less exposure to air
But remember that he isn't purely based on radium since we definitely know being in the same room with just like a milligram of it can literally kill us. I simply took inspiration and twisted reality because I can and want >:)
But he's still squishy and huggable as always, and his hair is still fluffy and rufflable (even though not even myself as the creator can't distinguish it) :D
Boiii this was long have fun reading it TwT
(Don't know where to add this but he can't switch to his human form before he gains magic)
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brucewaynehater101 · 11 months ago
i've been chewing over the tcf!tim au a lot these past few days and this is what my brain came up with: 1. jack and janet aren't really present in tim's life- not out of choice, but out of necessity: see tim had been affected with a curse (similar to that on the tcf protagonist) that made it so that he would eventually lose anything precious to him
2. after they find out, jack and janet decide to physically distance themselves from him (though they can't bring themselves to do so emotionally) while at the same time going on archaelogical trips in hopes to find a way to solve the curse. this way they would hopefully live long enough for tim to be old enough to take care of himself before the curse took them away from him
3. in the meantime, they plopped him in gotham to hopefully slow down / weaken the curse (due to how cursed the city already is, it probably acts like fighting fire with fire or poison with poison, also you can't convince me that as rich as they were they wouldn't have chosen to settle down in any other city if they had other options) and hire a revolving door of nannies (the good ones tim gets attached to often experience unfortunate circumstances that made them have to leave their post, while the bad ones get found out and fired by his parents)
4. tim still gets attached to dick at the circus (and then dick's parents died, and tim lost dick's smile that he liked)
5. tim gets attached to batman and robin -> dick and bruce fight and the og dynamic duo fall apart
6. tim gets attached to jason -> jason gets murdered
7. tim pulls batman out of his spiral and ironically, bruce's prickliness delayed tim getting attached to him, which meant he got to stick around (until he got better, then he ended up being yeeted through time)
8. that whole lead-up to brucequest where he lost a whole bunch of loved ones in quick succession? yeah, the curses of gotham are struggling against his (quantity vs quality)
i just think this idea is neat. and tim's guilt would be growing out of control once he finds out about the curse (why didn't anyone else notice before? because everyone assumed gotham folks are just cursed in general)
it also means he gets a fun (angsty) new motivation to avoid his family post-regression: he doesn't know if the curse is still active and would target them, so he plays the asshole to ward them off so that nothing worse would happen
Well, fuck.
I do love the Good!Parents Jack and Janet in this. It's a bit hard to make Jack or Janet decent parents to Tim while also affording him the independency his character typically has.
The curse is a cool addition to the tcf!Tim au that adds more reason to Tim being an asshole. Him not knowing if he's cursed or not is a great angst plot point, especially because it would be very easy for him to find out. He knows countless magic people that could tell him. Constantine would do it quietly for a quick buck. If Tim continues to not know despite his ability to, that's because he simply didn't want to find out. Dealer's choice on whether that's because he was scared or he wanted an excuse to self-destruct (i.e. cut himself off from his support groups).
The real shitty part about curses that seem like bad luck (or that cause bad luck) is that you can't be sure what is the curse and what is life being shit. Tim will probably blame himself for every horrid thing that has happened to someone after he entered their life.
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jesteriajunovix · 2 months ago
Battleborn Ramble Before Bed. (No I will not be taking responsibility or criticism for anything I say in this post its 12 AM).
Sometimes I just put on battleborn voice lines in the background while I do stuff. It makes me think about what could've been...... Oh Orendi. Your annoyingly high-pitched voice and deeply 2016 voice lines will forever be left to the past.
Honestly lets talk about it. What if I lived in a world where they fleshed out Orendi and she had more traction in what would be a heightened battleborn fandom. Like she was kind of swaggin. I mean I'm already coping as hard as ever so I'll just say I REALLY REALLY wish I could grow more investment in this character through story and fanart. Like ya there are many other characters that fit her archetype better in present day while delivering more as a character already, but I feel like the character of Orendi is a dead chicken kind of just constantly rotting out of the corner of my eye. Like her design is cool. Her voice lines a lil cringe, but could be tempered with time and more story. She already had some stuff goin on with the other characters that seemed pretty cool.
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Like it annoys me how overwatch killed this game considering how uninteresting recent overwatch characters have looked comparably. Its like comparing a Cybertruck to a Beetle Car almost.
Gearbox (Or Arc Games or whatever) and Blizzard both pretty shitty as companies so I won't argue anything on that between the two really.
Just specifically with the characters I feel like the fucky experimentation of battleborn was way more out there and less afraid to pull weird, but interesting punches that have been lost in overwatch due to like a shitty higher-up in staff cannibalizing another coworker or something and needing to cover it up by dangling keys via the Diversity Point giving Robots (Bosses/Managers) ability to hover over artist and tell them to make the most milk toast designs ever seen in FPS history, but with representation built in.
Not that anything is wrong with representation. Its just that an actual artist's and the abacus-fiddling dinosaur moneymen that are thinking of how to lay off and ruin more peoples lives at the company have different Ideas of representation and how it should be approached. One has soul and the other doesn't put simply.
"Oops! my anarchy Symbol"
Another thing that is more personal than it is critical is the fact that like..
Overwatch Character: "I am bathed in the sun of Ra!!! Death be up-"
I don't care being real. Like I get it. You're a cool mighty person on the side of good or "the syndicate" or you're homeless or your mentally disturbed or other by some dumb sci-fi research experiment shit. None of their lines I think i really fuck with, because the most fun they really have with it is maybe just a little cheekyness or other. It feels soft serve and generic marvel shit.
Battle Born Character: "Ew you're fucking poor. Kill yourself you FREAK!!! Your brokenness might rub off on me."
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Lowkey I might be on some "Thing, Thing Japan" type timing, but with overwatch and battleborn. I just honestly feel like theres more heart when Marquis kills you and tells you to get your fuckin money up you POOR lowly InsIgnIfIcant weirdO AliEn FREAKAZOID.
Also Battleborns gameplay was more fun. It just had a confusing upgrade system that was actually pretty cool.
To end this ramble lets look at some more characters I wish had the time to get fleshed out and gain fandom momentum.
I love this corny nigga bro. Reminds me of like that one corny black coach/gym teacher you had in high school, but is still like a cool dude.
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Marquis. Nough Said. He's a Poor Hating Robot made of gold with a silly lil sniper & he talks shit to you in a hammed-up German accent.....Literally perfect. Grow up.
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Literally the most fun gameplay and across the board just cool as shit. If I had one criticism I wish he flew a little looser in game.
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Proper British Representation. Tracer could never. I've seen at least 100 British people who look and sound exactly like this.
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A lil more generic voiceline wise, but I like her energy and twang. More butch than any overwatch character I've seen. Lost Soldier.
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Last, but not least I just want you to know the 7 other people wallowing in the ashes of the battleborn "Fandom" do not condone the words and actions of Ultra kid. Sick Fuck. I'm sorry and all the families affected you have our deepest condolences. We'll get through this.
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chimcess · 1 year ago
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→ Chapter Nine: Landscapes Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 10.2k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: ANGST, strong language, PTSD, flashbacks, self-hate, self-depreciation, talks of death, nosey birds, Moland is a lot of fun to write about, (sorta) theft, home sickness, magic, very tame A/N: Don't know how I feel about this chapter. It was a bit difficult to write. I think you'll understand why in a moment. Thanks for reading!
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Namjoon pov
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I stood in the cramped boat house, the scent of Bridd lingering faintly but unmistakably fresh. It was a small concession I could offer Jimin, a flicker of hope in a sea of frustration. Hoseok had instructed me to search outside and follow the trail, a task I’d already performed yesterday. Jimin, in his usual manner, insisted on a double-check. Today’s search yielded better results; I could discern the subtle shifts in the scent. Bridd had stood exactly where I was standing no more than forty-eight hours ago.
“She’s long gone,” Hoseok’s voice echoed clearly in my mind, despite the distance between us—five miles at least. “Wonder where she went.”
“Taehyung mentioned Viridi Gramine,” Hyuna interjected, her focus sharp and unyielding as she scanned for any trace of Bridd. “Do you think she might be headed that way?”
“Doubt it,” I said, tracing the scent from a small cot on the floor to a rusty fridge. “I don’t think she was ever planning to visit our cousins.”
Hyuna mulled over this, while Hoseok wrestled with guilt. We had all chided him for it, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that if he had been able to speak to Bridd and Jimin, none of this would have happened. Apologizing for his perceived failure, the younger wolf returned to pondering Bridd’s whereabouts.
“Not far,” Hyuna mused thoughtfully.
“She could be out of Moland by now,” I said, my tone edged with concern. “I have no clue which direction she might have taken. She could be lost out there.”
The thought unsettled us all. Hoseok, knowing Bridd’s limited experience with the outside world, worried about her lack of navigational skills. Without a map, she was likely adrift. Hyuna, however, believed in Bridd’s survival instincts. If she had to fight, she could, and her shifting abilities would serve her well. Most likely, she had flown over the swamps and into Clarcton—an efficient and practical choice.
“That makes the most sense,” Hoseok agreed, his mental voice tinged with resignation.
Following her scent outside, it abruptly stopped at the small deck adjacent to the house. She must have shifted from there. We had hit a dead end. Hoseok let out a frustrated huff, while Hyuna attempted to calm him. I could now catch my sister’s thoughts, fraught with anxiety and worry. Yeong-Mi had always been prone to migraines and panic attacks; her stress was palpable.
“Shut up,” she snapped at me, her irritation clear but tinged with underlying stress. “He’s right, oppa,” she addressed Hoseok. “You can’t blame yourself. We all know who’s really to blame for this.”
Sol’s face flickered in her mind—distorted and unfamiliar. Yeong-Mi’s memory of Sol was tainted, a far cry from reality. She had no intention of facing the Luna again anytime soon, a sentiment Hyuna echoed with a delighted giggle. Hoseok mumbled something about Sol only trying to help, but none of us paid it much mind.
“Sol can’t bear all the responsibility,” I gently rebuked my sister. “Bridd still made the choice to run off.”
“If she had just minded her own business,” Mini barked, her frustration boiling over, “Bridd wouldn’t have fled! God, how could she say that to Jimin Oppa when we all know how stressed he’s been?”
“An idiot,” Hyuna snapped back, her anger flaring once more. “Between Bo, his brother, and the copiae, the guy hasn’t had a moment’s peace.”
I had tried to remain neutral but found myself agreeing with Hyuna. Sol had overstepped her bounds. Taehyung’s reaction to her misjudgment offered some solace. The boy had yet to touch his mate since Jimin’s frantic panic the night he discovered Bridd’s empty bed. Rumors of their constant arguing since her disappearance were spreading through Bangtan.
“Eun-Jin mentioned that Jimin said Bridd was heading to the Ozryn mountains alone,” my sister added. “I haven’t been around him since she left, so I don’t know the full story, but he’s devastated.”
Hoseok growled at Jimin’s name. Mini defended her favorite alpha while I reminded him of the bigger picture. Sol’s misleading information had set off a chain reaction. Jimin’s reaction, driven by incomplete information, had resulted in his current turmoil. Hoseok vehemently disagreed until Hyuna asked him how he would have reacted if he had believed she was going off to harm herself after recovering from an injury.
“She’s alone out there,” Hoseok grunted, his resolve wavering in the face of his wife’s reasoning. “He should have never let that happen.”
“It’s not his fault,” Jong-Hyun, Jungkook’s older brother, chimed in, having returned from his eastward search. “They’re both stubborn, and I doubt Bridd would have allowed him to come along. Ji-Hyun mentioned they had an argument the afternoon she left. He feels partly responsible for what’s happened.”
I growled, “That boy’s attitude is going to get him hurt. Is that why Callisto’s been even more irate than usual?”
Mini laughed, “I think that’s just how she is around you.”
We shared a laugh, the tension briefly easing. Hyuna and Hoseok had found each other, and my sister was their next stop. She was almost to Syrena, and the couple wanted to go for a swim. We declined their offer—I had no desire to be a magindara’s next meal. Yeong-Mi chose to wait with us, keeping an eye out for any elves.
I drowned out the cacophony of voices, focusing instead on the faint, elusive trail I was following. The swamps were vast and treacherous, a labyrinth where finding Bridd seemed almost impossible. Fear gnawed at me. I hoped to God she was out there, safe and vigilant, though I knew she wasn't invincible.
I sat by the murky water, staring into its depths as if it might offer some answer, until Hyuna’s voice broke through. Taehyung was looking for me. My father was worried about a group of elves spotted in the northwestern corner of Moland and needed me out of the forest. Jimin, stubborn as ever, refused to come home. Taehyung needed my help to strategize. Hyuna had looped back to meet me near Bridd’s now-destroyed cottage.
“We’re leaving him out here alone?” I asked, a hint of disbelief in my voice.
“Of course not,” Hyuna replied, her small red form bristling slightly. “Jong-Hyun and Hoseok are keeping an eye on him. He’s deep in the forest somewhere.”
She was disappointed about their postponed beach trip but chose not to dwell on it. I tried to offer some comfort, imagining them swimming and laughing together another day, but she waved it off. She was grateful, but the thought of discussing it further would only trouble Hoseok.
“And he hasn’t found anything?” I asked.
“Nothing,” Hyuna confirmed.
As I stepped into Bridd’s clearing, the sight of the wildflowers struck me. Her garden was a riot of colors, an oasis of beauty amidst the desolation. Her cottage, surrounded by a lush garden of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, seemed almost surreal. A porcelain birdbath stood at the front, perpetually full, as though enchanted. The perfect, curated meadow seemed a divine attempt to keep Bridd from sinking into despair. Hyuna lay in the grass near the ruined house, her face etched with sadness. Taehyung had said an elf caused the damage. Bridd’s scent still clung to the remnants of her home, but it was fading.
“I wanted to go inside,” Hyuna said, her gaze fixed on the gaping hole in the cottage’s front. Her sadness was palpable. “But I don’t think Jimin would appreciate it. This is the only place that still smells like her.”
“He’s been here,” I said, noting the strong, fresh scent of Jimin. “Is he sleeping in there?”
She nodded. “I think he’s trying to fix things up. Jungkook mentioned it to Cadoc. Jimin’s obsessed with getting everything right before she comes home.”
We exchanged a look. Neither of us held out much hope that our little bird would return soon. I had more faith in Bridd’s survival skills than Hyuna did, but neither of us knew when—or if—she would come back.
Hyuna recalled her trips to Bangtan when she lived in Viridi Gramine. The Ozryn mountains were harsh, unforgiving, and lethal. Despite her royal lineage and traveling with the most skilled guides, there was always a risk she might not return. After finding Hoseok, the thought of crossing those mountains had never crossed her mind until her mother fell ill.
I had never traversed the Ozryn myself, but Hyuna’s memories sent a chill through me. Bridd might very well perish out there, and no one could prevent it. I considered suggesting that Jimin and I abandon Foxglove to search for her, but a single glance from Hyuna wiped the thought clean. We couldn’t leave the village without more information.
Bridd’s death would shatter Jimin, and Taehyung and Sol’s marriage—already strained—would likely fall apart completely. The Park family would never be the same. I desperately hoped she would return to her senses, but deep down, I knew she wouldn’t. The fierce determination in her eyes when I visited her cottage after Sol’s birthday spoke volumes. Bridd had more fire in her than Hyuna realized.
“She’s never seen so much of the world before,” Hyuna whispered, her voice as if confessing a forbidden truth. “How can she know where to go if she doesn’t even know what to look for?”
“She has maps—”
“Maps that predate the industrial revolution,” Hyuna cut me off sharply. “That girl is lost, and you know it.”
I didn’t need to say more; we were in agreement. I reminded her of Bridd’s tenacity when threatened, recounting our fight outside the cottage. Hyuna chuckled, acknowledging Bridd’s fighting spirit but still worried. When Bridd was in the infirmary, the witches had mentioned her fainting spells. How could we be sure she wouldn’t collapse out there?
“We don’t,” I admitted. “We just have to have faith. For Jimin’s sake. For her friends’ sake.”
“And Bridd’s,” Hyuna added.
“And Bridd’s,” I agreed.
A distant howl pierced the forest, signaling it was time to move. Taehyung rarely shifted anymore, so it had to be urgent. Hyuna decided to accompany me and wait for her husband at the Temple, her thoughts wandering to the prospect of confronting Sol, though I chose to ignore it.
As we neared the village, I heard the voices of the other copiae joining the search. Ji-Hyun’s loud complaints about his sister-in-law’s dramatics stood out. Hyuna fought to suppress a snarl, her thoughts simmering with anger. The younger wolf quickly dropped the subject, but my distaste for him remained. Taehyung shared my sentiments and told the Park boy to head home for the day. Ji-Hyun managed to keep his thoughts to himself long enough to change, severing our connection.
“Irrumator,” Hyuna grunted, her thoughts shifting from Ji-Hyun to Sol.
I chuckled. “He’s young. Cut him some slack.”
“He’s older than Taehyung!” Hyuna snapped. “He should know better. What he said to Bridd was out of line. How can you defend him?”
I bowed my head, conceding. I respected Hyuna enough to avoid an argument, especially with the looming threat of war. Disagreements with her would mean disagreements with Hoseok, and that was something we couldn’t afford right now.
“It’s not defending him,” I said, trying to keep annoyance out of my voice. “I just think this is a time for unity. Arguing over something we can’t change is pointless.”
Hyuna huffed but let it go. I felt a small victory in that, knowing we needed to focus on more pressing matters. Taehyung’s thoughts reflected his inner turmoil. While he agreed on the need for unity against our shared threat, he was hurt and betrayed by his closest friend’s disappearance.
Sol stirred complex emotions within me. My yearning to lead had once blinded me to her true nature. When Taehyung was chosen over me, I was disappointed, but any lingering romantic feelings vanished. I was genuinely happy for him, even if my actions didn’t always reflect it.
Sol had always been obsessed with Jimin, her infatuation apparent in her teenage ramblings. Ahn had asked me to escort her while she shifted, and her incessant daydreams about Jimin were the last thing I wanted to hear. I found myself wanting to be at her side, to lead, and her thoughts of me were less than flattering.
Sol’s heartbreak over Jimin’s lack of interest was palpable. She had desperately sought his affection, willing to overlook her mates. Jimin, though kind and cordial, had rejected her advances. I understood now, and it made sense. He was deeply devoted to another.
Sol’s life took a nosedive into chaos the moment she found herself wrapped in Taehyung’s arms. At first, confusion and disbelief painted her world in shades of gray, but soon, that confusion melted into something pure, almost ethereal. It was as if she had been in love with him all along, as if it was written in the very fabric of her being. For Taehyung, the feeling was a mirror image of hers. Before Sol, his heart had been tethered to a local girl named Minji. But love, it seems, has a way of changing the script.
Still, Sol’s obsession with Jimin was almost automatic, a reflex she couldn’t control. They were closer in age than most of us (except Taehyung), though Jimin was still seven years her senior. He was always kind and thoughtful, qualities that drew her in like a moth to a flame. When she heard he might be in danger, she rushed to his side. What she told him, which I knew only because Jimin couldn’t stop replaying that night in his head, was meant to soothe him. Yet, she shoved her friendship with Bridd aside, put her trust with Taehyung on the chopping block, and risked straining her bond with Jimin himself—all to protect his fragile heart. It would have been admirable if she’d taken a moment to think, rather than barreling into his house like a bat out of hell, spewing melodramatic, and frankly, distorted versions of the truth.
The fallout was catastrophic. Jimin’s argument with Bridd was fueled by Sol’s words. The man was already on edge. His pack of fifteen had dwindled to seven, the newer recruits too green to be of much use. Stress and frustration boiled over the moment Sol’s dramatic tale hit his ears. She painted Bridd as a suicide-bound lunatic, claiming the witch was deceiving everyone about her intentions, determined to atone for her past sins. It was absurd, though not entirely untrue, but it came from a teenage girl who hadn’t truly listened. To Jimin, all he could hear was his mate marching to her death to atone for her silence.
The whole situation with Bridd was surreal. I was irritated by her reluctance to share her visions, but that frustration faded when I realized the depth of her fear and helplessness. We weren’t on good terms. Foxglove had distanced itself, and Ahn had been vocal about his plans to visit her cottage. I couldn’t blame her for hesitating to speak up when the threat was uncertain. Ahn might have had her killed.
“He would have been a fool,” Hyuna mumbled, breaking the silence.
“When wasn’t he?” I shot back, my tone dry.
Everyone shared my sentiment. Bridd was the last person to blame. Her actions, once she understood the gravity of the situation, revealed her true care. Cadoc’s account of waking up to find the little witch, broken and bloodied, but still determined to reach Foxglove, was enough to reduce even the toughest to tears. The second her eyes opened, all she could think about was getting back to Foxglove. Any lingering doubts about her intentions evaporated. Only a few, Ji-Hyun among them, remained wary, but they were making an effort for the pack’s sake.
At the village’s edge, I parted ways with Hyuna. She gave me a brief farewell before I shifted. I was more private than the others, especially Hoseok and Hyuna, and they were accustomed to giving me space during the shift. It was my most vulnerable moment, and I loathed feeling exposed.
Bangtan had various items of clothing stashed away, none of them tailored or particularly stylish, but they were functional. My mother was responsible for keeping the copiae clothed and cared for, a job she took very seriously. It was one of the few things my father felt proud of. He often demeaned her, telling her she needed to do better, be better, spouting the same old demeaning slogans the older men in town were fond of. I could never see the faults in any of the women, especially not my mother, but she never commented on it, and neither did I.
I found a pair of large, baggy pants and shifted. After putting on the cotton garments, I decided to forgo a shirt and made my way to the Temple. Taehyung was waiting for me, and I didn’t want to add to his burdens. I felt I had done enough of that already.
As I walked through the town, I saw Jimin’s mother, Mi-Jeong, helping Jungkook’s father chop wood for his roof. The Parks were an unusual family. Mi-Jeong was outspoken, fierce, and refused to bow to men’s expectations. Her stubbornness was rivaled only by her youngest child. My own family often criticized her ‘atrocious’ behavior, but I had always been fond of Mi-Jeong.
Ji-Hyun, on the other hand, was a quiet boy, favoring his mother with his sharp features and moss-brown eyes. He followed his brother around for years without complaint. That quietude lingered into his teenage years, but when he fell for a human girl, it sparked a fierce possessiveness. He fought for her, both verbally and physically, a devotion that changed him. His attitude was often defensive and quick to judge, but his love and loyalty for his family were unparalleled, even surpassing his older brother.
Jimin had always fascinated me. From the moment he was born, he had the village at his feet. His father had been a formidable figure, embodying the strength our people revered. His choice of bride was unusual, but everyone believed Ji-Won was up to the challenge of handling Mi-Jeong. Jimin, like his father, possessed all the traits of a Park: charm, wit, courage. What set him apart was the hidden sweetness he kept from the world. I saw it. I had always seen it.
The first glimpse I got of that sweetness was when he chased butterflies in his backyard. He was no older than four, but even at that age, boys were expected to show maturity. In public, Jimin was the epitome of a perfect child. Yet, watching him blow bubbles and giggle as he chased a monarch butterfly, I knew his public persona was an act.
Now, that same sweetness was on display once more, though in a far more public and painful manner. Jimin had shut himself off, avoiding conversations and shunning his closest friends, hiding away and waiting for the other piece of his heart to return. It was a strange sight: Park Jimin, usually so strong, now weak and in agony.
As Mi-Jeong’s eyes met mine, I saw the same sadness and worry reflected in her. I hoped her family would pull together, but I doubted it would happen until Bridd returned, if she ever did. The thought of the Park family’s fate if she didn’t come back sent a shiver down my spine. 
I didn’t stop to talk to anyone, as I usually did. My mind was too scattered, and frankly, I was done with conversation. A constant stream of thoughts and voices in your head will do that. Fortunately, no one seemed put off by my silence. We were all grappling with uncertainty since losing one of our strongest fighters.
“Anything new, dog?”
The voice slithered through the air, smooth and grating, a rasp that scraped against my nerves. I clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the familiar sting. With a deep, slow breath, I turned to face the source of my irritation.
Seokjin was there, of course. He had become my personal Dante’s Inferno over the past few days. The man had a grudge that could outlast a vampire’s curse, and he still hadn’t forgiven me for taking a swing at his friend. His face was a storm cloud, eyes dark with disdain. Beside him, Yoongi was a ghost of his former self. He looked worse than ever—thin and ragged, like a paper doll battered by the wind. His hair was a disheveled mess, and his once vibrant blue eyes had dulled further, his pupil barely visible.
“Unfortunately not,” I said, keeping my voice even, though I wanted nothing more than to escape this confrontation. “A few are still out searching, but I was pulled away.”
“Hmft,” Seokjin crossed his arms, a gesture that seemed to tighten the knot of irritation on his face. “Figures.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped, irritation bubbling up.
I never did like much about him.
“You don’t give a damn if you find her or not,” Seokjin’s voice was thick with anger, each word dripping venom. “None of you do.”
My patience was fraying, “That’s not true—”
“It’s that bitch’s fault she’s gone,” Seokjin shouted over me, his voice cracking like a whip.
“Stop yelling,” I said, struggling to keep my composure. The scene we were causing was spiraling out of control. My father would lose his mind. “I know what Sol did. None of us are happy about it, but I’m not a god. I can’t rewind time or bring her back. What’s done is done.”
“Yet you still follow her orders like some lapdog.”
“I follow Taehyung,” I corrected, my voice tight with restrained frustration. “By extension, that means I follow his wife. We’re at war, Seokjin. I’m sorry about Bridd, truly, and I hope she’s safe, but my life doesn’t revolve around her. I have a village to protect, a village she isn’t in. I won’t abandon it to chase shadows.”
Seokjin’s face was a furnace of rage now, tears brimming in his eyes. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for him. Bridd was a close friend of his, and she had abandoned them—harsh words, but accurate in the rawest sense. The others had voiced their disgust when she vanished, their anger directed at our governing bodies. Sol had barred them from the Temple after one of Seokjin’s entourage had lashed out. Since that night, they’d remained cloaked in silence, not a whisper of their departure from the Park house.
“You’re going to let her die,” Seokjin’s accusation was a punch to the gut, raw and brutal.
Yes, if it meant saving my own. Bridd was a distant concern compared to the stakes at hand. I barely knew her; respect didn’t equate to prioritizing her over my sister. In this high-stakes game, I had to trust that she could handle herself and accept it.
“Jin,” Yoongi’s voice cut through the tension, soft yet firm. I had almost forgotten he was there. “Let it be. Namjoon has done what he can. Let’s return to Mi-Jeong’s.”
I was relieved that Yoongi seemed more composed than Seokjin. I sneaked a glance at him and was glad to see his hair growing back, a sign he was getting enough to eat. It was a small comfort, considering the grim reality of his condition. Yoongi’s blindness wasn’t just a loss; it was a nightmare. I remembered how his pain had been described—a brutal assault on his senses, panic attacks ripping through him like storm winds. Samanya had said the spell should have killed him, and his survival, with only his eyesight lost, was a cruel twist of fate.
“Drop it,” Yoongi said, his voice a low rumble, stopping Seokjin before he could unleash another tirade. Without turning his head, he addressed me. “I apologize for his callousness. We’re all on edge. I hope you understand.”
This was the most I’d heard Yoongi speak, even during our time at Bridd’s cottage in the Spring. “It’s not an issue. I hope you’re feeling better.”
It was unnerving to talk to someone who couldn’t meet my gaze. Yoongi’s eyes, unseeing and vacant, stared blankly at the village’s edge. His voice was gruff and monotonous, a strange contrast to the depth of the situation.
“I am fine,” he replied. “We’re here because my mother wanted to know how far you believe she could have gone. I’ll tell her that she must have shifted and lost her scent.”
“Thank you,” I said, relieved by his ability to keep Seokjin quiet. “She was on a houseboat for a few hours before she left. Any ideas?”
“Thelma,” Seokjin grunted. “She must have rested and then taken off. Was anything missing?”
I shrugged. “I couldn’t say. Sorry.”
Seokjin shook his head angrily, a futile gesture.
“No need to apologize,” Yoongi said, raising a hand in a dismissive motion. It was unclear what he intended, but I chose not to dwell on it. “We’ll leave you alone now.”
Seokjin opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it. I smirked, feeling a bit of triumph. Yoongi’s presence was a useful deterrent for the annoying one. Scowling, Seokjin wrapped an arm around Yoongi and turned towards the residential district, their figures fading into the distance.
Taehyung was pacing when I finally found him in the Temple library. Books were strewn across the tables like fallen soldiers, pages ripped from their bindings stacked haphazardly at the edge of a massive oak table that had seen better days. His blonde hair was a shaggy mess, the back grazing his neck while the front hung just past his ears. Thick, wavy bangs spilled over his eyebrows, so long they were kept at bay by a headband.
The sight of him worried me. Taehyung was unraveling, a fraying thread in a tapestry of stress. He managed to keep it together during the elder meetings, putting on a brave face to avoid giving Ahn any satisfaction. But anyone could see the cracks beginning to show. Jimin was doing his best to keep Taehyung from falling apart, but he had his own demons to battle.
I had taken it upon myself to pick up the slack where Taehyung faltered. I owed it to both him and Jimin after my role in their exile. Taehyung, ever the forgiving soul, was more generous with grace than Jimin. But I knew I was skating on thin ice. Others might have taken my head for the disrespect I’d shown. Jimin might have if he wasn’t so focused on keeping the peace with his mate.
I needed to focus on the task at hand. Taehyung had summoned me for a reason, and I had to be there for him. His pacing showed no signs of stopping as I entered, a bad omen for the kind of conversation I was about to have. He seemed to find a semblance of calm when we discussed strategy, a fleeting solace in the chaos.
“Sorry for the delay, Tae,” I said, my voice soft and steady, hoping to cut through his distress.
He paused, his eyes bloodshot and glossy, cheeks flushed like someone had poured a pot of boiling water on them. His lower lip quivered despite his best efforts to steady it. Taehyung’s emotional rawness was always a puzzle. He was kind, gentle, a giant child who laughed at his own clumsiness and played with his younger siblings as if he were still a child himself.
He never shied away from tears. When Jimin’s father died, neither he nor Ji-Hyun shed a tear in public, though I knew better than to believe they didn’t grieve privately. Their show of stoicism was celebrated, a mask of bravery they wore for the town. Taehyung struggled to wear that mask as seamlessly as Jimin had.
Taehyung’s father hadn’t died in a blaze of glory. No heroics, just illness. Ahn had called him weak for succumbing to an infected wound, a sentiment not widely shared but unchallenged. My own mother, a loyalist to Ahn, had called him cruel for further tormenting a grieving family.
“I didn’t realize it had been so long,” Taehyung mumbled, resuming his restless pacing.
In that moment, he looked more like his father than ever. Dong-Min had been respected and wise, but he wasn’t the sort to attract crowds. An artist from Viridi Gramine, his works were beautiful, but he remained in the shadows. He’d found his muse in Hana, who had come from an abusive home. They had fled Withertusk together, and their troubles had melted away in Foxglove.
“You’re upset,” I said bluntly. Taehyung preferred directness. “What’s wrong?”
“Have I done something wrong?” His voice cracked, the tremor betraying his tears. “I want your honesty, Namjoon. Have I done anything horrible to her?”
“To who?” I asked, stepping closer to comfort him. His shoulders shook with quiet sobs, an effort to hide his pain from the world. It never occurred to me that he was trying to conceal his suffering so well. I had always misread him. He could only shake his head, eyes squeezed shut as new tears poured forth.
I wrapped him in an embrace, feeling the weight of his grief pressing into me. The last time he had cried on my shoulder was at his father’s funeral, a day when Ahn’s cruel words had cut him to the bone. Taehyung had stumbled out of the building, bleeding and torn, begging me to hold him. My father, showing rare kindness, had taken him home to clean up.
“You could never wrong her,” I said, not great with comfort but hoping my words would help. “Whatever happened between you two is just a wrinkle in time. Sol is angry with herself. She loves you, and she knows how much you love her.”
Tae sniffled, his cries muffled against my shoulder.
“Not Sol,” he sobbed. “Y/N.”
That was a harder pill to swallow. I could spout meaningless platitudes about his mate all day. Their love was a given. Taehyung had been furious with her for talking to Jimin behind his back, but I knew they’d work through it. Their bond was strong. His relationship with Y/N, though, was a different matter. I had never witnessed it firsthand, but I knew it was meaningful. Taehyung saw her as the older sister he never had, but I felt ill-equipped to guide him through this grief.
“You didn’t do anything to her, Tae,” I reasoned. “She made a choice to leave. She didn’t harbor ill will towards you. She even left you a note with your necklace. Doesn’t that say something?”
The red gem from Bridd’s gift pressed against my skin, a bittersweet reminder of her kindness. Taehyung had worn the necklace since reading the note, a gesture he hadn’t truly earned but had been given nonetheless. I had my own connection to Bridd through that journal she gave me, which had turned into a poetry book. I respected her, and that respect guided me in my attempt to console Taehyung.
“I told Sol,” Taehyung whimpered. “I told her after she asked me to keep quiet. It’s all my fault—”
“I’m done with the blame game,” I sighed, gently pushing him back to arm’s length. I gripped his shoulders. “Everyone’s been wallowing in self-pity. Y/N left to find help. No one forced her to do that. You and I both know she’s capable. Stop acting like she’s dead. She’s out there trying to help us. We need to stay focused.”
“What if she
” His voice faltered, unable to utter the word “death.”
“Then we make sure her sacrifice isn’t in vain,” I said, releasing him. “We plan, strategize, and fight tooth and nail against those things. For Bridd.”
I didn’t relish invoking her name this way, but I knew Taehyung would cling to it. Her name was a beacon of hope in this dark time. His eyes ignited with a renewed fire, the heat returning to them.
“For Bridd,” he echoed, as if making a solemn vow.
Inside, I prayed for her safe return. I was unsure how long this newfound fire would last, or what would happen if it burned out of control. Taehyung was obsessive by nature. As a child, he painted like his father, sculpted like our grandmother, and later, dived into gardening. Now, I feared his focus would be consumed by this war. He wasn’t ready for what was coming, but I had to believe in his strength.
“You should go see your mom,” I said sincerely. “I’m sure Jong and Jin miss you.”
I left unsaid my concerns about him being cooped up in the Temple since his return.
He nodded, “I will. Let one of the maids know I’ve left. I don’t want Sol to worry.”
“You’re not telling her you’re leaving?”
He frowned. “We’re not on speaking terms at the moment.”
Oh, Bridd, why did you have to leave? Why did Sol have to stir things up? Seeing Taehyung so defeated was a blow. The fire I had ignited in him didn’t soothe my worries. He was still adrift, and I feared my attempts at comfort had done more harm than good. Maybe it would have been simpler to let him cry it out. Navigating whether I’d said or done the right thing was a far more daunting task.
The day slipped through my fingers like a handful of sand, the minutes eroded by the grind of endless work. After my talk with Taehyung, he had gone off to find his siblings, while I remained buried in the heavy silence of the library. Despite our grim business of war, we still had our East Coast obligations to handle. Hours ticked by as I drafted warnings and travel advisories, scribbling frantically until my hand ached. 
When the time came to face the maps spread across the tables, I hoped the change in scenery would spark a breakthrough. The library was a cavern of paper and ink, and I dived into its depths, searching for something—anything—that might tip the scales in our favor.
But the talk of war had become a cacophony of angry voices. My father and Jimin were at each other’s throats, each stubbornly clutching their own version of strategy. My father wanted to march straight into Northorn, to meet our enemy head-on. Jimin, with his uncanny knack for seeing beyond the obvious, thought it was nothing short of idiocy. He argued that the elves would have the upper hand on unfamiliar ground. Our pack knew the forest better than anyone; it was our home turf, and it should be our advantage. 
Jungkook and I were on the same page, much to my relief. We didn’t want to die, but if the situation demanded it, we would. He leaned towards Jimin’s strategy, favoring a defensive stance in Bangtan. It made the most sense—until the elves found a way to stir up trouble.
The witches from Syrena arrived in the late afternoon, a storm of anger and despair. Their leader had fallen during the attack, leaving them in the care of the swamp witch. I felt a pang of sympathy for them, as they stumbled into our midst. Their rage was palpable, their grief a raw wound that bled into everything they did.
Yoongi was on my mind again. He was adjusting to his blindness, but the idea of him fighting was laughable. He was a fantastic fighter when he could see, but now he was little more than dead weight. It was a shame—he had been a force to be reckoned with, even if a spell had temporarily taken him out. I had no doubt he’d be back, even if it meant defying orders. His death, when it came, would be a dignified one.
Then there was Seokjin. He surprised me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. Despite my dislike for the witch, I had to admit the man could fight. He had defended his girlfriend, taken down countless elves, and even saved his father’s life. I hoped we could set aside our differences and train together. It was crucial that we learned to fight as a unit. I planned to discuss this with Jimin later.
Before I could lose myself further in thought, I caught her scent. The sweet, cloying aroma of Sol was unmistakable, a stark contrast to the damp, cold air of the library. Her bare feet were a whisper against the marble floor, and I braced myself for the encounter. Sol’s attempt to mask her natural scent had always been a losing battle, but I couldn’t fault her for it. Ahn had stripped her of her self-confidence, leaving her to second-guess everything about herself.
She appeared before me, her small figure framed by the ornate grandeur of the library. Her hair, unbound and flowing, was a cascade of dark waves, a sharp contrast to the cold sterility of the surroundings. I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with her exposure. Modesty was an old relic, but Sol had been taught its importance, and Ahn had made sure she lived in its shadow.
“Luna,” I greeted, my voice tentative. “Your hair
She sighed, as if resigned to my reaction. Her tone was edged with annoyance, but I couldn’t decipher why. Ahn had instilled in her a warped sense of propriety, and the way she wore her hair now seemed to mock it.
“Does it matter?” she murmured, a hint of bitterness in her voice. “We all know I’m no longer virtuous.”
I frowned. “Your virtue isn’t tied to your virginity, Sol.”
I could feel the discomfort between us, the unspoken boundaries crossed. Sol’s presence was like a weight on my chest, and I had to force myself to remain composed. Taehyung would be devastated if he caught us in such an awkward position. I stood up, putting a respectful distance between us, and turned my attention to the doorframe, trying to look anywhere but at her.
“What’s bothering you?” I asked, keeping my voice steady. “Aside from the obvious.”
I leaned against the doorframe, peering into the hall, grateful for the distance it offered. I heard Sol take a seat in the chair I had vacated, the sound of her movements marking her presence more than her words.
“You must think I’m pathetic,” Sol’s voice was a fragile whisper.
“Why would I think that?” I countered, genuinely puzzled.
She laughed, a hollow sound that resonated with self-deprecation. “You’ve been a constant in my life longer than anyone. You were there before Taehyung. You and I were almost betrothed, according to my father.”
The mention of Ahn made my skin crawl. He was no father of hers. The real truth was darker—Ahn had taken her from her real parents, Cho Haneul and Bong Ha-Yun, who had vanished from the village under suspicious circumstances. Whispers hinted at banishment or worse, but I’d always taken my mother’s word that Ahn had been behind it all. 
“I’ve never been fair to you,” Sol continued, her voice trembling. “I was mean, rude, and cold. I wanted Jimin so badly that I mistreated you. I’m sorry for that.”
I listened, indifferent. Sol’s words were a weak balm to old wounds. I knew her well enough to understand her manipulations, her selfishness veiled under layers of false remorse. 
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.
“You knew me before Taehyung did. I know you didn’t like me, but I trust your opinion. I know I don’t deserve your kindness, but I’m asking for it anyway.”
Her voice was weary, and I found myself disenchanted with her pleas. I reminded myself of her age and the naivety that came with it, but it didn’t soften the irritation I felt. She had made mistakes, breached boundaries, and caused chaos, all while thinking she could remain unscathed.
“Am I a bad person?” she asked, her voice barely more than a breath.
“No,” I said firmly, though it was hard to mask my irritation. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll lie to make you feel better. You’ve caused enough damage, and it’s your responsibility to deal with the consequences.”
Her soft sniffles were a distant echo to my frustration. She had stirred trouble and failed to take responsibility for it. I wasn’t here to placate her. I was here to get through the day.
“I’m not the one to offer you comfort,” I said, turning away. “Seek solace from your maids. They’re trained to dry tears; I’m not.”
With that, I left the library, my mind already set on finding a place to rest. The Temple was no refuge from the turmoil of the day, but it was all I had. Maybe Sam would be around, and her company would be a welcome distraction. Her beauty and confidence had always been a bright spot, even if I wasn’t ready to entertain any advances. Tonight, though, I’d take any semblance of normalcy I could get.
I had no desire to return to my family home. Spending too long around my parents was like slowly going mad. The pretense I maintained with my father was exhausting, and my mother—well, she never had the backbone to stand up to him. My childhood was a grim carousel of beatings, with my mother watching, her own misery forgotten as long as she avoided the brunt of his rage. By the time Mini arrived, those days were behind us, and my father had stopped drinking. Our relationship had improved, but the bitterness lingered, festering like a wound that never fully healed. Sometimes, I wondered if I truly hated them both.
Lately, I had been crashing at Hoseok’s place. But he’d asked for some space, and I was buried in work, too tangled up to find another spot to crash. It was a far cry from the opulent room I had at the Temple, but the Temple had become a place I loathed. I’d have joined Jimin and the rest of the copiae, but the weight of my responsibilities kept me tied down. Stepping down as head council would mean my father or Bo would handle public relations, and the thought of that was enough to make me want to gnaw my own arm off. Taehyung would go berserk if those two were left in charge.
I racked my brain for other friends to stay with. The Parks would welcome me, but their home was overflowing with guests. Yoongi and the swamp witch’s families were still there, Jin’s group was with Taehyung’s family, and the Syrena witches were scattered among the wolf families and humans. They’d planned to stay at the Temple, but Sol had made a mess of that arrangement. Everything had spiraled out of control faster than I could keep up with.
“Lost in thought?” Jimin’s voice cut through my musings. 
I stopped in my tracks, realizing I had wandered into the copiae grounds. Jimin lounged on his porch, a large glass in hand, his face shadowed by a dark expression. The sharp scent of alcohol reached me even from the street. I approached him, trying to ignore the tumultuous thoughts of my father.
“You’re drunk,” I observed, taking the glass from his hand and sniffing it. Mead, probably from Jungkook’s stash. “This isn’t going to help.”
He shrugged, a gesture of defeat. “I know. Just needed a distraction.”
Here I was again, being dragged into someone else’s emotional wreckage. Even if Jimin hadn’t asked outright, I knew I’d end up hauling him inside and making him sleep. At least, I could crash here afterward. Tomorrow, I’d make sure he ate something and then convince him to help me go over documents at the Temple. He was the battle strategist, after all.
“I’m not in the mood for a heart-to-heart,” I said bluntly. “I’ve already dealt with two sob stories today, and my patience is shot. So you’re going to let me help you, and we’ll talk in the morning.”
Jimin leaned back, sweat glistening on his forehead and his hair a tangled mess. He looked uncharacteristically disheveled. I rubbed my face in frustration.
“Fine,” I sighed, “how about this: I need a place to sleep. I can’t stand Taehyung and Sol right now, and you—” I gestured at him, “—look like hell. Obviously, you’re a mess, but the pack needs you to pull yourself together so we can get through this.”
Jimin didn’t move. He remained like a statue, eyes fixed on something distant. “I’ll stay the night. Tomorrow, we’ll talk feelings or whatever. Then, we’ll come up with a plan to get you back in the game. Sound good?”
He rolled his eyes, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. “What’s the point?” His face crumpled in despair. I felt lost at sea, unable to handle his sorrow. Thankfully, he composed himself, though the heaviness lingered. “What’s the point of anything? Without her... it just doesn’t matter.”
I sat down beside him, the cold, rough wood against my legs. I tried to focus on this as a conversation between friends. Jimin had never asked me for anything before. When Taehyung was chosen, Jimin had been the first to urge me to stand firm against Ahn. I had been foolish, ignoring his advice. Now he needed me to be the rock, and I couldn’t let him down.
We couldn’t keep going like this. Jimin wasn’t in the right frame of mind, and I knew the only way to get him back on track was to think of something drastic. My mind was already spinning a plan, one that had seemed hopeless earlier, but now felt like a desperate gamble. Maybe, just maybe, giving him a glimmer of hope might help him pull himself together. Feeling a pang of guilt, I decided to go for it and face the consequences later.
“I know you’re hurting,” I said, trying to soften my tone, unsure if it worked. “I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. When you and Taehyung were gone, the guilt nearly ate me alive. It must be worse for you.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he started to protest, but I brushed it off.
“I think I do. No one else seems to be,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’re in deep trouble right now, Park. We need you.”
Jimin shook his head. “I wouldn’t be much help right now, Joon.”
“I don’t believe that,” I replied. “Honestly, anything you do would be better than the mess you’ve got going on. And by the way, your girl’s on my side. She’d be furious if she knew how much you’ve been slacking.”
That made him chuckle softly.
“That’s fair,” he said, a wan smile spreading across his flushed face. “She’s such a little firecracker, isn’t she?”
I nodded. “She once tried to set me on fire.”
We shared a laugh, remembering that day. Truth was, she scared the hell out of me. If she had really wanted to hurt me, she could’ve. I’d barely escaped with just a few scratches and bruises. Jimin had beaten me senseless when she got hurt, but I had a lifetime of memories that made me untouchable. Bridd, however, was another story.
“What if I made you a deal?” I asked, catching his attention.
He perked up. “What kind of deal?”
“If we make it through the next wave on top, I’ll help you find her.”
His eyes sharpened, a flicker of hope lighting up. “Really?”
Guilt twisted in my gut. I didn’t truly believe we’d reach that point. The elves were everywhere, their grip tightening on Northorn with each passing day. We were far from ready, and with traitors in our midst, the situation was dire. The alliance with the quietus was fragile, and the witch problem was something only Jimin could fix. It could be weeks or even months before we could search for Bridd. Still, I had to use her as leverage. We needed strong leadership, and the witch was the best motivation I could offer.
“I’ll go with you,” I said, doubling down. “We can take a small group. I’ve got connections with a quietus who knows the lay of the land. Finding her could be straightforward.”
“You’d do that for me?” He looked genuinely surprised.
I nodded. “If we’re in a position to do it, why not?”
I watched as he mulled it over, the distant look in his eyes dissolving into something clear, almost serene. He was on board. Hope unfurled in my chest like a fragile flower reaching for the sun. With Jimin on my side, dealing with Taehyung would be a breeze. The older alpha’s desire for redemption would give us a leverage, and if Jimin and Taehyung could join forces, we’d have Hoseok back in the mix too.
Things were starting to tilt in our favor. Soon, the elementals and witches would be joining our discussions, the elder council would be edged out by a new generation of leaders, and the war would start to feel like something we could actually manage. I might even be able to recruit a fresh wave of warriors to the copiae once the village saw Jimin’s renewed determination.
“Stay here as long as you need,” Jimin finally said, and I was doing a mental victory dance. “You can crash on the couch.”
I sprang up, ready to hit the sack, and gave his head a playful shove. He chuckled, swatting my hand away. We used to mess around like this all the time as kids—Jimin always had a knack for winning our wrestling matches. He was slippery as an eel.
“Let’s go, kid,” I said, stretching my arms above my head. “We’ve got an early start tomorrow. Council meeting.”
He nodded, reaching out for my help to stand. He must have imbibed more than I realized; it took a lot for alcohol to hit us this hard.
“Hopefully, Taehyung will deal with the two ancient relics in the Temple,” he slurred, stumbling inside and mumbling about how his bed felt like it had swallowed him whole.
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A/N: So Joon pov??? How do we like? He's not the only pov switch we're going to have, but we will be seeing a lot of our favorite (to hate) alpha joining our main squad. I thought he would be a good outside mind to get inside of since he's not as emotionally connected to Bridd as the others. Any guesses as to who our other switches might be?
p.s. These pov chapters will be a bit shorter than our normal, reader pov ones, but not by much.
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catboygirljoker · 6 months ago
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fun writing tip: you can justify making your blorbos as good at sex as you want if you also make it depressing
i will try not to be too graphic or horny and keep it mostly to character study analysis themes core motivations plot conflicts etc type discussion. still, id really prefer that folks under 18 do not interact with me on this post or about this topic in general, thanks!
for obvious reasons this post is gonna have a cut
. sorry i just feel like hed appreciate that joke. uh anyway
Brief discussions of: BDSM, including sadomasochism; edgeplay; derealization/dysphoria; self-destructive recklessness in a sexual context.
ok. so there's this fictional guy. and i kiiiiiiind of have a crush on him. and i'm a basic bitch, so, like, obviously, when i think about him hornystyle, i want to imagine him being good at sex.
the thing is, "good at sex" is not always a particularly interesting trait to give a character! it can often be an eyerolling power fantasy trait. like "this is my oc Chuck Dongburger he has a ten pound cock and can make a babe cum just by lookin at her" yknow. it's a trait that, handled incorrectly, is more likely to flatten conflict than create it—more likely to make stories more boring than to make them more interesting.
also, "being good at sex" isnt a magical blessing that descends upon someone by chance. it is a quality that stems from a set of experiences and traits. it is a skill that one develops, or fails to develop.
so the question is, how do i justify him being good at sex? how do i make it feel believable and interesting?
the answer is simple! make it depressing! (that is, relate it directly to the character's central themes and conflicts, and therefore make it a natural part of/inclusion in their story)
in canon, xigbar has had multiple bodies, lost his heart multiple times, allowed himself to be a vessel for darkness on multiple occasions. he has endured all of this to carry out the will of his masters. every social role we've ever seen him take has been subservient to someone else, even if it has usually also involved social power over others, too.
here are the sex/relationship headcanons i have that expand on this:
related to: gender/sexuality
bisexual. for starters. obviously. his transness i have Deep Headcanons about, but his bisexuality is just "idk im bi so hes bi hee hee"
luxu is a binary trans man who experienced severe dysphoria in his original body and never felt like that body really belonged to him in the first place. to the best of his ability he has only chosen cis male vessels, including braig. in those cases he feels extreme disconnect from his body but not [very noticeable] gender dysphoria. the only thing connecting him to his cis male bodies is his sexual characteristics. theres this great art piece that has never left my brain that conveys the idea im going for. his face his hair his bones none of those are his, none of thise feel real, none of those feel right. but what does feel right is his dick.
related to: him being Good at Sexℱ
he is Very Experienced. he's tried a lot of shit and had a lot of bodies and largely had nothing better to do than be a horndog and kill time suckin and fuckin. he is down for just about anything with just about anybody. he knows how bodies work and knows how to deal with the exceptions and roll with awkwardness and uncomfortableness.
he is pretty good at reading people—it's a skill he has had to develop over his lifetime. he is sometimes wrong, but usually right, and reading people, understanding them, lets him feel like he has some kind of control or power over them. this is relevant because this is part of what makes him Good at Sex. he is shockingly responsive and attentive; not completely unselfish as a lover, but he won't blindly exert his will onto the other person and expect them to respond just because he has a big dick or is going faster or harder or whatever.
related to: his backstory as luxu
sex for him is a means of exerting control over the world, proving his own competence and worth to himself and another person, gaining some simulacrum of human connection, distracting himself from his derealization, grounding himself in his body, expressing and claiming his masculinity. all things, i headcanon, he also achieves (or seeks/has sought to achieve) from keyblade mastery.
he views his bodies as disposable, and knowing that he can just jump ship if he totals a body means that he processes pain differently than most people. not in a "all pain makes him horny" way*—it's more that pain doesn't make his self-preservation kick in the same way it does for other people. in bdsm/kink settings he is a masochist [as well as a sadist] and more reckless with edgeplay (when it comes to himself) than he really ought to be.
obviously i have specific personal motivation for wanting to headcanon this (he and his body are both Significantly Older Than Me) but i don't think he's too bothered by an age gap. some people it makes sense to me to imagine that they'd really want to date within their age and maturity range, but i think xigbar's chill as long as the person he's dating is a self-posessed adult. considering how long he's been alive, he's gonna have a significant gap in experience with ANYBODY; there isn't that much of a difference between him dating a 25 year old vs a 45 or 85 year old.
he has told close romantic partners about his Whole Deal before. it has never gone well. ("what do you mean youve been moving into random people's bodies in order to stay alive long enough to bring back a guy who intentionally manipulated his students into killing all of their students via senseless war??") they never understand and he doesn't know why they don't understand (i also headcanon him having severe cognitive dissonance vis a vis the MoM but that's a different post). his instinct is to put up a wall and go "well theyre just naive and stupid and haven't seen what i've seen, theyre too sentimental to understand this". he still keeps trying (if with less frequency) because he is desperate for someone to understand.
*i want to make this crystal clear: i do not headcanon xigbar as being automatically turned on by receiving or causing pain in every context, because he is a boss in a video game franchise where he fights teenagers. i am not comfortable sexualizing those fights!
(i do however think there are contexts where he might indulge in some "battle sadomasochism" when fighting another adult—maybe he makes it weird for them on purpose to fuck with them, maybe they're both into it and it's all foreplay, etc)
related to: him being subservient
youd think that when i talked about him being subservient to others, i was building up to a headcanon about him being a sub. however it feels most correct [and fun] to me to imagine him being a dom-leaning switch vers (doesnt get dysphoria from bottoming because. prostate). social role and personal dynamics dont necessarily correspond to sexual dynamics!
the headcanon i was actually building up to was that he craves affirmation in specific ways from specific people. he is desperate for someone else to give him worth. he wants to do a good job serving an authority he deems worthy of respect. he wants to be useful, he wants to serve a purpose and have a role. he hates feeling like he needs something from someone else, and feels much more comfortable if they need something from him.
he doesn't have a praise kink in a traditional sense, but he does really get his rocks off from being Good At Sex and from his lovers clearly and obviously enjoying themselves. he doesn't wanna be told hes done a good job, he wants to know, to tell from experience that he's blown someone's mind.
furthermore, in romance, he becomes a massive simp. if he likes someone enough to fall for them then they hang the fucking moon for him. he is outside in the rain crying throwing up begging for a sniff. absolutely pathetic. its not a total transformation of personality, i think he'd really hide it and really want to hide it. but i think in most situations it'd be subtle but observable. every joke he makes is directed to them and checked against their reaction; he stands at a middle distance outside of conversation kinda watching them, observing every move, memorizing their gestures and tics and quirks. he feels i love you before the first date but won't say it until five years into the relationship.
related to: i couldnt put it in the other sections and i really only made these section headers so it wasnt just big walls of text oops
he's a low empathy emotionally constipated bitch at the best of times, so he substitutes emotional intimacy with physical intimacy. picking up people at bars or dances or what have you for one night stands, satisfying them thoroughly, and then immediately dropping out of their lives.
he actively avoids romance (and any emotional closeness, including the completely platonic kind). but he hasn't always been this way. i think Dark Road was the most recent in a long long string of experiences where he lost people he was close to. he's tired of hurting people and getting hurt.
. im not gonna get into it because im trying not to be like too too horny in this post but hes So fucking brat tamer coded to me. i think you will understand at least the surface level reasons for this. i guess if i wanted to relate it to Themes i'd say something like "there is a specific romantic and sexual fantasy in being an asshole and even hurting someone and them still wanting you and trusting you and loving you and even enjoying it" but. well we dont need to go there do we
these are just the Depressing / Character-Related / Themes-y headcanons. some of my headcanons are just like "i think this would be funny and/or in character and/or hot" but you see how long this list is anyway. if i started in on all of that then we'd be here forever.
also, these are just headcanons! they're informed by analysis but shaped heavily by what appeals to me personally, what i find hot, what i find compelling about his character. if your headcanons for him differ from mine in any way, i don't think you're Wrong, because we're talking about the sexuality of a guy who comes from a video game franchise where characters are barely allowed to hold hands. this is all just toys and playing
anyway thank you for reading this post lmao its so long
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aidankalenko · 7 months ago
dropping off my latest narumitsu here, please enjoy
title: Occurring Continuously (ao3 link)
word count: 3469
summary: Set vaguely after 5-5. Wright thinks Apollo has a crush on him and goes to Edgeworth to ask for his opinion.
notes: A getting together fic that got away from me a bit. Post time-skip Nick is too fun to write.
“I think Apollo has a crush on me.”
“I can't say I’m surprised,” Edgeworth replies without looking up from his tea.
Over the years of their friendship, tumultuous as it has been, Wright has come to find the scent of Edgeworth’s imported teas a tangible anchor for Edgeworth's heavily abstract presence. A sweet aroma of ceylon meanders through the air, a reflection of Edgeworth's indifferent demeanour.
Just the usual. At least it smells nice.
Wright shifts in his seat. The buckle of his waistcoat presses into the small of his back, wedged against the plush chair situated across from Edgeworth.
“Right,” Wright deadpans. “I forgot you lost the ability to experience surprise in your old age.”
That earns him a snort, an auditory hint of a smile.
“After spending my years with you, Wright, I had no choice. Otherwise, I couldn't have coped with your special company.”
“We're getting away from the point,” Wright complains.
“Now that's your specialty.”
“Edgeworth,” Wright whines.
Edgeworth finally looks up. His glasses reflect sunlight and obscure his dark eyes for a second.
“Like I said, I’m hardly surprised,” Edgeworth replies. “You were a role model. Then, you were a mentor. Now, you're his boss and you've got a new suit to boot.”
Wright looks down at his outfit. He smooths down the waistcoat, adjusts the chain of his locket. “The suit can't be that impressive,” he mumbles.
“Agreed,” Edgeworth says with no edge at all. It still earns him an eye-roll from Wright. “But it's a number of levels up from sweatpants and sandals. Plus, your face is completely different without the hat.”
Wright smooths a hand over his scalp. “You really think so?” he asks.
Edgeworth takes a sip of his tea and doesn't bother to hide his unimpressed expression behind his cup. “Wright,” he says, “if you came here looking for compliments, I’m afraid I’ve already hit my daily quota.”
“Is that restricted to comments on my physical features or do I get a different number for my shining personality as well?”
“Wright,” Edgeworth grunts. Wright allows himself a brief laugh.
“Okay, so I look different,” Wright acquiesces, “but, like, I always thought he saw me as a father figure.”
Wright manages a slight blush. “Okay, that's kinkier than I was expecting from either of you,” he admits.
Edgeworth shrugs. “I don't know the boy,” he says. “I’m just saying that it might not be as much of a deterrent as you might expect.”
After some more tea, Edgeworth leans an elbow on his desk. “What gave you the inclination to believe he might be infatuated?” he asks.
“Infatuated seems kind of like a strong word.”
“Wright, stay on task.”
“Sorry,” Wright mutters reflexively. He scratches the back of his neck. “Well, I don't know. I’ve caught him staring a couple of times, but I blamed that on the new look. But he also, you know—touches me more. Dusting my jacket kind of thing. Laughs at my jokes.”
“Including that mop you call hair?”
“Firstly, what kind of mop is as stiff and clean as this? And secondly, that was kind of a low blow.”
“I had a feeling your vanity could use some taming if you're receiving such attention from your young protege.”
Wright tugs at his collar. “He is young,” he comments. “Eleven years younger than me, in fact.”
Edgeworth hums. “Ah,” he says. “You're afraid you're a bad influence.”
Wright averts his eyes. “I can't say I’ve been the best,” he says. “I’m trying, but you know. This has all been done on the fly.”
“You're an expert on that by now,” Edgeworth tells him. His sincerity softens the corners of his lips and eyes. “Have more confidence.”
Sighing, Wright nods. “I guess you're right,” he says. “I should, especially if I want to be a good role model for him.”
“You're one of the best this country has ever seen in the courtroom, Wright.”
“I could stand to hear that more often.”
Edgeworth cuts the air with a sharp sigh. Wright grins.
“I’m already pushing it by exceeding my daily quota, Wright,” he says. “As I was saying, you're already a covetable mentor and role model. Any other expectations are ones of your own fabrication. You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself.”
A small smile curves Wright's mouth. “You know,” he says, “I came to you because you're my best friend and pretty much the smartest guy I know. I wasn't expecting actual human advice. You've really embraced the soft part of you, you know?”
“Wright, I think you forget that I have an adoptive younger sister. The circumstances have their similarities.”
“Can't you just take a compliment?”
“I’ve been told that's not exactly my area.”
“Yes, by me, many, many times. Guess that's my bad.”
Edgeworth smiles in that careful, small way of his. “So,” he says, cutting the atmosphere yet again, smile dropping, “what's the next step?”
“Well, I got my badge back, so I was thinking I should go for my driver's license next—”
“Wright,” Edgeworth says severely.
Wright grins, but he does have the sense to be a tiny bit sheepish. “Wait until a confession comes or not?” he says. He shrugs.
Edgeworth drums his fingertips on his arm. The gesture does not produce sound, but Wright hears it regardless.
“You know,” Wright says, “I thought you would've advised against any sort of advance. He is my colleague, after all, and also eleven years my junior.”
“Wright, I’ve learned that there isn't much I can do to stop you once you've put your mind to something.”
For a second, Edgeworth expresses just a hint of discomfort. Wright almost misses it with all his shameless grinning, but his eyes are very familiar with Edgeworth's silhouette, every sigh and frown comprising a canvas he'd committed to memory with effortless ease ages ago.
Edgeworth fidgets in his seat as light glints off his glasses. He looks like a villain about to make a confession in one of his beloved historic cartoon series. Which is to say, his face moves muscles that slightly resemble some sort of emotion.
“Which is why,” Edgeworth says, “the next logical question is about your future plans. If you have any. Which I am not surprised that you lack.”
“You and your logic,” Wright scoffs. Edgeworth's brow furrows and Wright counts it as a victory. “Guess it's my bad, yet again, to hope for something that isn't a product of your infallible logic.”
A pause.
“You're asking for my personal opinion.”
“He's learning.”
Edgeworth rolls his eyes.
“I don't suppose I have one,” he says, but there's a note of hesitation that slows his lips.
“Uh huh. But you always have an opinion about me.”
“Remember what I said earlier about your vanity?”
Wright chuckles. “Alright, got me there. Still,” he presses, “I’m asking as a friend.”
Edgeworth's expression sours. “That's cheap, pulling the friend card,” he complains.
“It wouldn't be if you just acted without having to be prompted.”
Edgeworth leans back in his seat. Wright observes the fading scent of ceylon and the faint hints of expensive cologne hanging on Edgeworth's shirt cuffs.
“It's your life, Wright. If you think you can be happy with him, that he can be happy with you, then I don't see how it's a question.”
Silence brews between them, hot, with steam curling at the edges.
“Edgeworth,” Wright coos, “you are so damn cute.”
“Are you asking to be thrown out of my office?” Edgeworth replies hotly, brow twitching.
“That's so sweet of you,” Wright continues, “wanting the best for me and all that. I’d almost think you had a crush on me, too!”
“Wright, with the rate at which your head is ballooning, I’m starting to doubt you'll fit through the door even if I attempt to throw you out of it.”
“That's not a denial.”
“Wright,” Edgeworth says, and the sharp quality of that warning is warmed steel against Wright's throat. “I do not have a crush on you. Don't mistake me for your twenty-something-year-old protege.”
“Oh my god, you're jealous!”
Edgeworth's eyes flash behind his glasses. The thrill of his prickling energy pressing Wright into his seat is reminiscent of those poker games Wright used to play; it's a satisfying taste of nostalgia. That's Edgeworth, through and through.
“I wasn't expecting a confession in exchange for my problem, but I guess that's one way of going about it,” Wright says. His face hurts from grinning.
The name drops like a bucket of cold water atop Wright's head. Game's over.
Wright sobers his expression. Across from him is a marble statue with cracks around the eyes and mouth. Lines of age, weathering, personality. It doesn't take away from the beauty of the statue, no. In fact, it adds life, and it is there that Wright seeks out clues, truth.
He stepped out of line. He should have known. Edgeworth can be flighty, sometimes more literally than not, when it comes to his emotions. But sometimes Wright can't help himself—especially because of that flight risk.
Some of the lines on that face were carved by Wright himself. And maybe that's why Wright finds himself drawn there, searching. The statue before him is in its most permanent iteration; maybe it's habit that Wright tests that permanence.
“Alright,” Wright says. He resists the urge to put up his hands in some show of submission. “I’m sorry. I stepped out of line.”
Edgeworth's expression tightens like a canvas over its wooden frame. Were he to allow a drop of emotion to hit that pristine primer, Wright is sure he'd be marvelous.
“Perhaps,” Edgeworth allows. Tension slowly seeps out of his face. “And perhaps I should learn how to take a joke one of these days. You'd think I would have, after all this time.”
“You know what they say,” Wright replies, “old dogs and new tricks and all that.”
He finds himself surprised to feel his own body relax. He shouldn't be. More often than not, he's drawn like a bow when he's with Edgeworth.
Edgeworth adjusts his glasses on his face, replaces that mask of cool he's so fond of.
“You really are the turnabout master,” he says, and his voice is weary as he speaks, “somehow spinning this matter into a question of our friendship.”
“It was just a joke,” Wright offers. An olive branch.
Edgeworth manages a wry smile that doesn't quite breach the barrier of his glasses. “Right, and this is the part where I laugh,” he deadpans.
Wright mirrors that wry expression and pulls his phone from his pocket. “Text from Trucy,” he says. “Says she's hungry. I gave her lunch money, but I guess she just misses this newly handsome face.”
Edgeworth stares at him. Wright has an excellent poker face, practised and perfected out of Edgeworth's observant eye. Still, Wright doubts himself under that grey scrutiny.
“You'd know better than I do,” Edgeworth replies airily. He pointedly pulls out a folder from his desk drawer. “Go to her.”
“I’ll update you on the Apollo situation,” Wright promises him.
Edgeworth's expression doesn't budge. His marble is luminous in the sunlight.
“I shall wait with bated breath,” he replies in a voice that certainly does not suggest that he will.
It's an easily difficult move to step out of Edgeworth's office.
Apollo makes his move sooner than later.
They're both doing some reading from a recent conference out of state when Apollo clears his throat.
“Um, Mr
 Phoenix,” he starts.
“Please,” Wright replies, “Mr. Phoenix was my father. Just call me Phoenix. Nick if you're feeling daring.”
Apollo chuckles and the sound warms Wright's belly. “I’ll just try Phoenix on for size for now,” he replies.
Wright avoids making a comment about size.
“Anyway,” Apollo powers on, the brave lad, “I just noticed the time and I was wondering if you wanted me to pick up something from the ramen cart or something. Or, uh, if you wanted to stretch your legs, we could get dinner
“Not somewhere too far,” Wright replies. “These legs can only work so hard after five p.m.”
Apollo's face brightens with the brilliance of starlight. Wright doubts he could ever think of Apollo without also thinking of the galaxy, celestial beauty.
“W-Well, we have a couple of options,” Apollo says, and it's immediately clear that he's been thinking about this for a while. Prepared for several situations and possible outcomes. He can really be such a tryhard sometimes. It's incredibly endearing.
Apollo rattles off some restaurant names ranging from casual to chic. In his heart of hearts, Wright is a simple man; in his wallet, there isn't much to speak of.
“I guess it depends,” Wright says. “Are you treating me?”
Somehow the question is weighty enough to tighten Apollo’s lips.
A switch flips in Apollo’s head. He smiles, worried and weary at the same time, and replies, “Yeah, it’s on me.”
“I could use some fresh air,” Wright accepts. Apollo is the sun.
Wright hasn’t extinguished a sun before. He expects it to be an implosion, a great snuff of fire going up in smoke—he also expects that sun to burn again, a different flame for a better man.
The next time Wright ends up in Edgeworth’s office around noon, that cyclical scent of ceylon in the air, Edgeworth moves first.
“I pray you’ve come with good news?” Edgeworth asks. His tone is so flat Wright almost trips on his feet on the way in.
“God, the attitude already!” Wright accuses. “I didn’t even say hi and you’re already at my throat!”
“I haven’t had time to face you in court,” Edgeworth replies, having the gall to smile through his words, “so I’ve got to keep you sharp somehow.”
Wright feels his heart expand and deflate all at once.
“I’m not trying to sound desperate,” Wright says, “but man, I miss that.”
Edgeworth’s smile remains for a few moments longer. “Be careful what you wish for,” he says. It’s a chimera caught between promising and threatening.
“Anyway,” Edgeworth says on an inhale. His chest is stiff. Wright couldn’t be more endeared. “Have you any news regarding Apollo, or are you here simply to be a bother?”
Wright hesitates. “You’re so formal,” he begins.
“Don’t deflect,” Edgeworth presses.
Wright winces. “He
 He basically asked me out,” he explains. “Like—on a date. Dinner date. He had more confidence than I was expecting, which was insanely cute.”
Edgeworth takes a cup of tea from the corner of his desk and brings it closer. He nods at Wright, prompting him to continue.
Again, Wright hesitates. “He’s cute,” he says, “don’t get me wrong. And he was such—such a gentleman, you know?”
“None of the things you’re saying have anything to do with what actually occurred that night,” Edgeworth observes. He smiles once again. There’s no time to analyze the nature of this smile.
Wright circles his thumbs around each other. “I mean,” he says, his words skipping across the surface of his tongue, “nothing happened.”
“And yet, you seem tormented by the whole thing.”
“‘Tormented’ is a strong word,” Wright comments, flinching.
Edgeworth rolls his eyes. “Regardless, it seems to be on your shoulders,” he says. “What happened? Or was it something you said to him?”
“I guess
” Wright trails off, remembering. With ease, he reels the memories of last night from his mind. The shy touches at his waist. The fluttering smiles. The vigorous blush on the boy’s face.
“I guess it was just that nothing happened,” Wright says. He swallows, and then he also says, “And—well, I told him nothing would happen.”
Edgeworth’s eyebrows fly up his forehead. “It took only one date to make you feel certain?” he asks. The incredulity from his lips is sweet.
Wright stops fidgeting his hands. He places them on Edgeworth’s desk, feeling the earth under his touch. Edgeworth observes him.
“I knew,” Wright says quietly, “that nothing would happen.”
“So,” Edgeworth says, “why did you go?”
“What was I supposed to do,” Wright sighs. He looks down at his hands. They stretch under the weight of two gazes.
There is silence in the room, bitter, aromatic. Wright’s sinuses must be inflamed.
“You know,” Wright starts, unsure of where he’s going, taking blind step after blind step forward, “this is the first time I’ve ever, in the last eight years, talked about—”
He stops. He’s afraid to continue.
Slowly, he raises his eyes to Edgeworth’s face. What meets him is pure, flawless marble—and somehow that gives Wright strength.
“This is the first time,” Wright starts again, “that I’ve mentioned anything about my love life to you, in the entirety of our friendship, and the fact that you said I should do what makes me happy
Wright inhales. Exhales. Spurs roll across the walls of his lungs.
“It made me—happy,” Wright says. He chokes on the word, so bulbous and contorted against his soft palate.
Edgeworth pulls forward, closer into Wright’s gravity, inclined towards his downcast eyes. “Wright,” he says softly. “Is there something the matter?”
“You really think that—that I could be happy with Apollo
Wright’s question sounds so hollow, so empty, fragile porcelain that rings thinly against the blunt head of a hammer.
“Well, there’s no way I can be certain,” Edgeworth admits. “I—I could only hope for your happiness,” he adds quietly. “Above all. Indeed, this is the first time romance has ever been discussed between the two of us, and I do recognize the significance of that. And—as simple as it is, I wish only for you to be happy, my friend.”
My friend. The sound of the words vibrating against the walls of Edgeworth’s lush office feels like a succession of lashes against Wright’s spine, propelling him forward. His palms root his weight against the desk between them.
Wright stares at Edgeworth. He knows this face, this perfect, weathered, marble face. The image of that face has haunted him for decades now, in so many different iterations Wright could fill an entire library with records of Edgeworth.
He knows this face, his life’s greatest constant, his favourite everyday novelty.
Today is not a day of novelty. Today, Edgeworth looks the same as ever. He looks steady and stony.
And yet Wright takes his leap.
“You could,” Wright says haltingly, “make me happy.”
The air falls completely still.
Edgeworth inhales. Wright is certain of the ceylon aroma against Edgeworth’s senses, and that is all he is certain of.
“Pardon me?” Edgeworth asks.
“You could make me happy.”
It is an admission, and it is an admission that slides from the pit of Wright’s guts out into the ceylon air of Edgeworth’s plush and posh office.
“I don’t,” Edgeworth says with such slowness, such viscosity, “I don’t know what you mean—”
“Don’t play dumb,” Wright hisses. The noise is ugly, as is the ball of nerves knotting up his lungs and throat.
Edgeworth flushes, flustered. “I’m not—” he starts, but he can’t find the finish. His eyes begin to drown in his blush. The astonishing shade of red startles Wright into a laugh.
“I’m not playing dumb!” Edgeworth spits. His hairs are standing on end. “I genuinely have no idea what you could be insinuating!”
Wright rolls his eyes, and with it, the room spins on its axis in the second of an instant. “No, you do,” he insists. “You do. There’s no way. You’ve been around the world; you’ve met so many people. I can’t spell this out for you, Edgeworth.”
Haunches raised, Edgeworth stirs. He rises from his chair, matching Wright’s stature. His eyes are steel daggers pinning Wright to the floor, as if the weight of Edgeworth’s presence wasn’t heavy enough to incapacitate him.
“Then,” Edgeworth says, and the simple, single syllable draws Wright tight like a bowstring.
“Then?” Wright asks.
Edgeworth approaches. Wright’s breath feels crowded in his chest.
“Then you won’t mind,” Edgeworth starts, and his lips form the finish against Wright’s mouth.
Relief is the first wave to crash against Wright’s sensibilities, and with it brings clarity that lasts all of two seconds before the wave of fire crashes in after. Edgeworth is cool steel that does nothing to calm Wright’s flames—the phoenix dragged out of the ashes Wright hadn’t known had settled. Edgeworth is a beast tamer, and Wright the beast, constantly at the whims of his master.
It’s a short moment of contact, perhaps even chaste. And yet, Wright can feel fire licking at his nerves; he can feel lava pour into his joints and cool all too rapidly; and suddenly, he is a statue of stone, fixed in place as Edgeworth circles him with his eyes.
“You’re right,” Wright says. “I didn’t mind.”
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iustitians · 4 months ago
ooc; headcanons - on Neuvillette's abilities, power, combat ability and fighting style
Ah yes, hello, it’s me again. The person who can’t shut up about an old man with a jabot who's also a dragon.
So I’ve wanted to talk about Neuvillette’s combat ability and style as well as his power for a while now, both to chat about some of my headcanons and theories for some of them, and to just kind of sort them out for myself. This is going to be a whole lot of rambling (by which I mean 8 Google Doc pages), so proceed at your own risk. Fontaine and Natlan Archon Quest spoilers below.
Combat prowess
So here’s a fun thing for me to start with: I don’t think Neuvillette is that great in a fight. Which I feel like many don’t think about at first, but actually makes sense when you consider his life, or what we know of it at least. Dude’s essentially a divine judge. Mostly dwelling in the seas without a purpose for who knows how long, and then running human trials and doing paperwork for 500 years. Where would this guy have gained any substantial battle experience?
Throughout the Fontaine AQ, we see him in combat situations three times. The first time is at the end of Act II, where Childe is about to go bonkers in the Opera, only for Neuvillette to jump in and oneshot him. Which looked impressive and all – except we shouldn’t forget that Neuvillette caught Childe off-guard from above and behind while he was mid-transformation, and broke through his defenses with sheer power, not necessarily skill. I highly doubt it would have gone like this had Childe had a chance to prepare. Neuvillette didn’t walk out of that one unscathed either, receiving a scratch from Childe during the very brief struggle they had. And as an extra note, I can’t help but look back at the moment in the cutscene where he looked at his own blood with what looked like both anger and surprise - it very much gave off the vibe of someone who isn’t used to being hurt.
The second combat situation was his first encounter with the Narwhal, which
 when you think back to it, he essentially lost that one, didn’t he? It shrugged off his attack, shattered his protective barrier like glass, and would have devoured the people he attempted to protect had it not been for Childe’s intervention. Neuvillette was only able to deliver a decisive hit after Childe attacked and distracted it, causing it to turn its back to him and allowing him to unleash a powerful blow when he was prepared, undisturbed, and at a safe distance. It wasn’t exactly his best showing.
And it really was the only time we’ve actually seen him straight up actively participating in combat, because the third time to mention is the Fontaine AQ’s final battle against the Narwhal. Except the thing is
 Neuvillette doesn’t really fight in that battle. We do. He supports us from the sidelines, separating the Primordial Sea’s power from the whale and sharing his power with us.
So really, he’s been in an on-screen combat situation once and, arguably, lost. Great.

 Of course, I’m not saying he’s weak. The first two situations I mentioned were with his Authority shattered, and nowadays may have been a different story. And even before he was restored, his power was very formidable. It’s just that power doesn’t have to equal combat ability – and the latter I do believe he lacks.
In fact, we can even extend this logic to him as a playable unit. He’s a very powerful DPS, which is great and all, but when you look at it more closely, you realize that he really doesn’t do much. I’ll discuss his fighting style a bit later, but he has exactly one trick up his sleeve: the Hydro Pump. When people criticize Neuvillette as a unit, the main point brought up is that he is boring – and honestly, however much I love him, I can see some players feeling that way, because
 yeah, that’s all he does. He floats in the air and waterboards his enemies from a distance, overwhelming them with sheer power, while requiring little skill to use. He is incapable of anything more fancy than that. He’s a gorgeous, majestic and powerful one-trick pony.
And again, it all makes sense when you consider who he is and what kind of life he has led. He’s not a warrior, he’s an official – whether a Fontaine one, or a divine draconic one – who only displays his power as a last resort, in a way meant to end whatever strife is threatening peace and stability once and for all. He is not meant to engage in long combat, he’s probably just about never done it, and in that sense it’s normal that he actually doesn’t really know how.
Power level

 But as I said, combat prowess and power level are two different things, which can make answering the question of how strong someone like Neuvillette complicated. Because on the other hand, for his lack of combat experience and skill, his sheer power level is through the damn roof. Which of course makes sense. This is a Dragon Sovereign, now with his full power reforged, that we’re talking about here. Possibly the most powerful being we’ve met in Teyvat so far, and for sure at least one of them. 
For those who are caught up with Natlan’s Archon Quest, you know how Mavuika destroyed the wacky Abyssal thing and also punched a hole in the sky in the process? Well, she said later that the power with which she did it came from the Divine Throne. And an Archon’s Divine Throne is where the stolen Dragon Sovereign Authority is held. So in other words, Mavuika did what she did using a fragment of the power Neuvillette now holds in its entirety. So yes, I do in fact believe he can also punch a hole in the sky. I don't think he can completely destroy it, because it seems to restore itself, but also I think he wouldn't want to even if he could, since he has grown to care about and appreciate humanity, and he knows that the firmament protects it. 
But in addition to that, let's not forget that this guy:
Turned an entire nation of unfinished Oceanid people into fully fledged humans with a single Super Duper Charged Attack – doing in the process what Egeria was literally incapable of – and wasn’t even slightly tired afterwards
Hands out Visions because he decided he wants to, and unlike the Archons, has full control over the process
Has full control over Pneumousia, which is essentially a latent type of life force. Not only is he using it to singlehandedly battery all of Fontaine now, but also I mean. Combining them can lead to an annihilation reaction, so
 idk I guess he can also make an atomic bomb if he wants??
Doesn’t even need a constellation because he exists outside of the fate system but then decided “ah whatever why not” and got one, then proceeded to?? reshape it I think?? so his daughters can have fun with it?? Peak dad behavior right there but also what the fu
Of course, there’s the whole part about how the Hydro Sovereign has full control over the Primordial Sea, which makes him essentially Teyvat’s original “God of Life”. I attribute his ability to turn Oceanids into true humans to that connection, as well as his control over Pneumousia, as, again, from what we know of it so far (which is not much but that’s a rant for later) it seems to be a sort of latent type of life energy. Of course, I can only imagine that he could do a LOT more with it than what we’ve seen. And on the topic of Oceanids, I’ve also noticed that he seems to hold authority over them as well, considering how easily he made them back down during Navia’s “trial”.
Basically what I’m trying to say here is that he’s freakin’ powerful and writing him in a way that avoids turning him into an ultra strong Gary Stu sort of guy can be a hell of a challenge sometimes lmao. I try to get around it with the idea that he has to load up Fontaine on a sufficient amount of power before he leaves and surely that has to weaken him at least a bit.
Fighting style, symbolism and other funky tidbits
As I mentioned earlier, Neuvillette doesn’t fight much, and when he does, he doesn’t really do much either. In fact, he actually literally barely moves. This includes his Normal Attack chain – not only is it among the shortest in the game with only three strikes (in comparison to characters well-versed in combat such as Wriothesley and Zhongli, whose chains consist of 5 and 6 strikes respectively), but also he practically doesn’t move from the spot he was standing on while performing it. Many characters will charge forwards or move backwards while attacking; Neuvillette takes about half a step. That’s it.
Other than that, there are four main characteristic to him in combat:
Glowing and expanding his
 let’s call it fins
Neuvillette’s cane is the most interesting element of those to me, because it seems to be his actual catalyst. It’s interesting when you notice that he only summons his in-game weapon for his Normal Attack chain – which is, by a long shot, the most worthless part of his kit. For all his other, much more useful moves, he does not manifest it at all. He does, however, use or at least hold his cane for all of them, and the gem and blue ornaments on it glow as he does.
This applies to cutscenes, as well. When using a Charged Attack during a cutscene, he also holds his cane, summoning it specifically for that moment. It’s especially interesting in the cutscene where he and Childe fight the Narwhal, and the exact frame where he uses Equitable Judgment is the only moment in that entire cutscene where he holds his cane. He doesn’t have it immediately before or immediately after, and yet he went out of his way to summon it specifically for that attack – which leads me to believe that this cane is his real catalyst.
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At the moment my idea for it is that in his human form, the Hydro Dragon is something of a staff user, and this cane is how he adapted its appearance to fit into Fontaine’s setting, much as he did with his own.
Glowing is another commonly seen aspect for Neuvillette in combat. When he uses his power, he glows. As a playable unit, he lights up when using his Burst and Equitable Judgment, as well as when his passive ability is fully charged up (so basically when he’s at max power). Notably, and I actually only recently noticed it, not only do the light blue elements on his outfit glow, but so do his eyes.
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And again, the glowing is something the animators went out of their way to include in the cutscenes. When he takes down Childe in Fontaine AQ Act II, he lights up before leaping from his seat. In the All-Devouring Narwhal cutscene he also glows and surrounds himself with blue aura while attacking, and in addition, if we look closely, we can see his eyes glowing as he charges for his first strike. It’s an interesting small detail that’s very easy to miss – I only saw it properly while watching that cutscene in slow motion. In general, all of his attacks have a natural glow to them as well. Overall it gives him a sort of divine feel, which I consider to be the point.
For certain attacks, in particular Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment and his Burst, Neuvillette also expands his horns (at least that’s what I call them because I hate that we are never given a word for the thingies on his head) and his
 I guess tail?? Whatever the case may be, he displays them when unleashing his power and promptly hides them immediately afterwards, as a bit of a reminder that his true form remains hidden to our eyes.
Then there’s the floating. I kind of don’t have much to say about this one, the ability to levitate seems to be a common one among Teyvat’s deities and other powerful entities. Local man is too cool to walk like a normal person. My only observation to it is that floating seems to come very naturally to him, as during all his attacks (minus the Normal Attack chain which as I said no one cares about) his feet very quickly and easily separate from the ground, as opposed to some other characters who we know can float but who still remain firmly grounded in combat. Again, it ties back to how he is not at all expressive or aggressive in his movements during battle, but rather intends to simply overwhelm his enemies with his sheer power and authority.
And finally we have the triquetra, aka the emblem he commonly uses. It’s the mark he summons for Equitable Judgment, as well as during cutscenes. Its meaning is largely symbolic.
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This one is both extremely interesting and very funny to me because, well
 IRL, triquetra has major religious significance in multiple cultures. It can mean many things and is used in various belief systems, including christianity, where it symbolizes none other than the Holy Trinity. Which is actually pretty accurate for Neuvillette considering his role in the story – the original creator and guardian of life, and the judge of all who condemns or pardons everyone’s sins.
The triquetra also flashes above his head when you switch to him in your party, and the intensity of the flash as well as the sound effect it makes when appearing become more intense with each stack of his passive. The more stacks he has, the more the sound resembles a church bell – also heard during his Elemental Burst, as well as the music for his trailer video, which overall sounds almost like a religious hymn (well. once you take out the dubstep moments lmao), complete with the organs, bells and a choir singing in Latin. It all plays into his symbolism of a divine judge, and in a way, it also shows that he very much implements trials into combat. He fights for justice, by bringing justice.

 But it’s also kind of hilarious considering Neuvillette also references the biblical Leviathan of all things, with his constellation named after it and his character introduction (he who looks down on all that are haughty) literally quoting the Bible. And the symbolism of him looking down on sinners is also very much visible in his media, with how often he is seen literally glaring down on people – between his art, his Elemental Burst, his and Clorinde’s teasers and many moments in the game’s story, he is very often shown deliberately from an angle that has him looking at others and judging them from above. He himself also comments on that, saying that this is part of what keeps him separated from those around him and unable to bond with and understand them.
How tf they put Jesus and the Leviathan into the same person and made it work is beyond me but it’s kind of amazing and honestly I love it.
List of currently known abilities
This is page 6 of this damn Google Doc so I’m gonna try to be brief here, but I wanted to also compile for myself the things we’ve seen Neuvillette do.
Full control over Hydro
Well, duh. In short, now that his power is fully restored, Neuvillette has full and complete control over the Hydro element. In lore, anyway, as this is where we have to implement separation between lore and gameplay (such as his ability to drown outside of Fontaine or inability to casually OHKO enemies by stopping their blood from flowing, just to name a few). In lore, his control over both regular water would be near absolute. Under this power is also where he categorizes his ability to turn Oceanids into true humans by granting them proper “blood”, so this is also where we put his potential power to create life, as his power over water includes the Primordial Sea – his connection to which he is now fully aware of now that his Authority is back. (This may be demonstrated by how the pattern inside Sourcewater Droplets kind of resembles DNA strands, symbolism also used by the boss enemy inside the body of Apep, another Dragon Sovereign.) Of course it also means that he is a fantastic swimmer, and can breathe underwater, both in and outside of Fontaine in lore.
Hydro resonance
Neuvillette is known to have extreme sensitivity to the Hydro element and the movements of water. Sigewinne states that he knew of the crisis in the Fortress before we ever told him due to sensing the waves when the water level rose, and during “The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes” we also learn that he was able to sense trouble at Loch Urania by resonating with water there (yes, Neuvillette is the “visitor” Pahsiv speaks of). He appears to be able to read the memories and information contained within water at will, even from a distance, allowing him to learn about trouble within his territory in an instant. This is also where we’d categorize his ability to taste emotions and impurities in water, distinguishing the history of what it had gone through by coming in contact with or drinking it.
Emotional resonance
One of Fontaine’s plot points is that water carries emotions, especially particularly strong ones, and by resonating with water, Neuvillette can read them and search for extra information that way. This one gives him trouble, however, as between literally sensing the emotions of all of Fontaine at once, and his own limited understanding of emotions, it’s very overwhelming for him to do, leaving him rather shaken afterwards. For that reason he doesn’t do it more than necessary and deliberately suppresses it on a daily basis. He can also sense the emotions of others just in general, as mentioned in both his and Arlecchino’s character stories, but with emotions being fickle things that he doesn’t really understand, it’s more than possible to mislead him, as both Vautrin and Arlecchino successfully hide the truth of their emotional state from him.
Causing rain
Not gonna yap about this here because I already have.
Control over Pneumousia
This one makes me rage because of how woefully underdeveloped it is and the way it’s literally mentioned in one sentence just to go “oh yeah Fontaine’s energy crisis is solved now” and never brought up again, but. Yeah. I’ve mentioned it earlier already, but Neuvillette has control over Pneumousia now that his Authority is fully restored, allowing him to serve as Fontaine’s current power source. Again, lore and gameplay separation, because it should probably also technically mean that he could avoid fighting rogue Gardemeks by just turning them off, but it is what it is.
Distribution of Hydro Visions
I know some people (including characters in the game) have wondered whether Visions are distributed by the governor of a nation or of an element. With Neuvillette now granting Visions, I consider the latter to be officially the case, because I don’t see how he would hand out Visions other than Hydro. In any case, yeah. He is now the one giving out Hydro Visions, having chosen to do so out of respect for humans, with the first Vision we’ve seen him grant going to Furina – characterized by allowing her to control both Pneuma and Ousia, and by the little claws seen on it, proving that it was given by a dragon. I consider his criteria for granting someone a Vision to be fairly similar to the Archons, where someone’s wish or ambition has to reach his Throne in a way that inspires him to respond, with the main difference being that he is aware and in control of the process. I like that his character story compares this to a dragon’s treasure hoard, except you don’t need to steal anything from him – you receive a reward just for reaching him.
Creating seals and barriers
We’ve seen him do it twice, because in my personal headcanon, the seal he created at the bottom of the Fortress and the shield he attempted to use against the Narwhal are more or less the same type of power, and the ease with which the whale shattered his barrier is something of a display of just how powerful that thing had become by absorbing the power of the Primordial Sea. But yeah, not much more to say here, he knows Protect.

 And he also apparently knows Teleport. We’ve only seen him do it once, in the Narwhal cutscene, where really he could have just jumped off, but he warped to I guess look cool. We know nothing more about this ability of his, in my personal headcanon I imagine he only warps across short distances when necessary and on a daily basis prefers to swim or walk.
The part where he did Something to his own constellation
idk what to put here lmao. Look. He is a god who exists outside of the Heavenly Principles’ rules and basically does as he pleases because Screw Those Guys. He doesn’t even need a constellation, due to being free of Celestia’s system of fate, which the fake sky’s stars are being used to control. But since he found his calling, “the skies had left a special, ennobled place for him”, with his constellation actually being a reflection of his own image, the same as the Traveler and the Archons. And then the guy went and either reshaped it or made himself a fake one?? Because a constellation reflecting its owner’s visage can’t be used to read their fortune in astrological charts (something we know from Mona) and some Melusines are into that. Again, as I said earlier, peak dad behavior but also What.
I think – and sincerely hope – that I talked about everything I wanted to and didn’t forget anything. Surely 8 Google Doc pages are enough yapping.
If you made it to the end, congrats and I’m sorry (but also not really) for being insane.
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