#also this doesnt really matter im not mad about it it's just interesting
starzzmissthesun · 2 days
i think you should totally drop whatever hc/ideas you have lying around honestly...i would love to see more into ur brain...pls <33
Hi!!!! Sorry this is a little late, I got so distracted with an animatic im working on(😈) and then a stupid essay😭😭 being honest rn... Almost all of what I've been thinking about is my fic.. 😔
But!! I can still go a little into that without spoilers. I've finally figured out The Perfect ending for this story that I feel fits with the overarching themes I wanted to tell. I've been making sure that every little detail fits with the themes I wanted to show, I wanted it to overlap Regulus and barty's characters and their overarching themes with PD. I also didn't want to just replicate PD cause I feel like that doesnt have the depth or commentary I want to out into it. Idk ive always thought it's super fun to put everything as some sort of symbol or metaphor or foreshadowing. I'm like literally so close to being done drafting and then I can actually talk about it a little more😭
Anyways! I've also been thinking about barty post regs death 😔(when am I not) But more specifically how every memory he had would almost be tainted, everything now would have an air of questioning and unsureness. Even memories where Regulus isn't there, just wondering where was he? What was he thinking? Am I remembering this right? What could've I changed? What was the domino that caused all of this to happen? Eventually finding it hard to accept the way it really was, having the "I guess it was" and feeling it, but overintellectualizing it. His logic and reasoning is his downfall in this situation, that's what makes him go crazy. (Side note I NEED to make a little post about his intersection between intelligence and madness) Hes doing a complicated version of when there's a task that seems so simple that you think it's a trick, but it's not, it's just that. What happened with Regulus was just that.
Also, I've recently self reflected and realized that a lot of my barty characterization is similar to how I think of Leonard Cohen's art(who I LOVE LOVE LOVE) Idk if you've listened to him or read any of his work, but I HIGHLY suggest it, it's perfect for fall. Anyways, a lot of his songs and poems carry themes of having a twisted self image, not completely self deprication though it may seem, but something else. It's closer to understanding and knowing that you are. Different. And unconventional. It's an uncomfortablility he has with himself. Being soemthig twisted from what you should've been. A lot of his stuff is also to do with tragically losing someone, out of their own choice, and still feeling very loyal yet bitter. Also of loving something so much that it turns dark, or it goes too quick, it spirals. Also his love songs are very barty's perspective on bartylus to me. And like, obvious war mentions. I could give some specific recs similar to barty or them if you'd like.
Another thing is of Regulus and his relationship with his dad. Though I see it completely reasonable if his dad was just kind of, not there and neglectful, it could give very interesting implications to his character, I like it the other way around. Orion seeing what a more carefree attempt at raising a child does and keeping Regulus even closer than he did before. I think Orion always liked Regulus more, despite him being the second, because he was a model son. I don't think he wanted this life or even to have kids, so Regulus being so complacent and in line with what he was supposed to be as a pure blood made him the decided favourite(as much as he could have one). He was always keeping a close eye on Regulus and he could feel it, but he didn't do anything out of place anyways. Orion could tell when he was even thinking something he wasn't supposed to. I believe that, no matter how much she tried, walpurga was too caught in her own head about her duty as a mother to see S+R as anything other than Her Kids, as property that she was supposed to care for and tend to, she obviously loved them, but couldn't see through them. But Orion was there around every corner looking through regulus' eyes into his soul to search for any thing out of his perfect kid.
Anyways.... That's all I can think of rn😭 but if you have questions about ANY of them lmk!!! I love yapping about my little thoughts 😁😁
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laikahh · 2 years
chiscara likers think about something canon compliant challenge
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fereldanwench · 4 months
thoughts as i watch:
environments are gorgeous but we knew that'd be the case tbh. they were gorgeous in dai too
i dont feel strongly one way or the other about a more action-oriented combat approach, but i can see this being a controversial choice (although i would say even with dai's tactical cam, the series has been headed in this direction since da2)
still not sure how i feel about the style. the venatori are standing out to me especially--they looked eerie and unsettling in dai; i feel like the simpler design has definitely lost some presence here. it's not enough to make me not want to play or anything, but my criticisms of the trailer in this regard are more or less still standing
the demons were another thing i liked in DAI--i know some demons have been reworked across all the games, but the pride demon remained consistent and was iconic. i feel like it didn't need to be changed here
also not sure about the UI--it's very clean and well-designed but as with just about everything else from graphic design elements, it just doesnt evoke dragon age to me. minrathous is obviously very different from other thedosian locations we've seen--maybe the sleeker visuals there will help the UI feel more in place. but i still like a grungier da, personally
the first thing im gonna do when i recruit neve is get that goddamn graduation cap thing off her head lmao
definitely building some tension with varric and solas D:
approval system still in play, guessing that'll factor into romances
solas' teeth are really distracting me lmao did he get veneers
ooooooh what just popped outta the fade i actually dont want to know or speculate too hard dont tell me
didn't really get a sense of the protagonist, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if we're gonna be able to really customize and roleplay our own character. i did notice harding's comment about who he is and his skills--felt a little shoehorned as a way to let the player know "hey, your choices matter" but im not mad about it
it looks fun. it looks like a game i will enjoy. still not sure if it'll be a day one purchase, but all things considered given what has gone down at bioware since inquisition (since even before that really), this does look pretty polished
i'm going to be very restrictive on what else i willingly expose myself to between now and the release. i am interested in seeing the CC and i would like to see a little more about lucanis, maybe a little more combat from the other classes, but i think i've seen what i need to for now
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moonschocolate · 9 months
Tom Riddle headcanons!!
because lately i've been thinking about this tragic little human <3
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tw: mention of torture as a topic
first of all I wanted to clarify that in this there's no Voldemort, no interest in practicing dark magic, just a teen who goes to Hogwarts soo... :)
proud slytherin. no matter how much other people can say 'slytherin = bad' he just doesn't care, he will not argue with you if you think or say that cause he will find it pointless
I don't now where I read this, but if I'll find it I will tag the person who said this before me: he has autism!!
which means he is not a very social person, and he has little/no friends
and he is deeply attached to an object/topic
the topic in question is dark magic
he doesnt want to practice it, he just finds the whole thing interesting
which deeply concerns professors
he knows everything. about horcruxes, the three unforgivable curses, origin and all
he simply thinks that knowledge is knowledge
i strongly believe he has one hell of a library in his dorm
the most dramatic myths ever? knows them
he's just a nerd
read books about t0rture, c0mmunism, n@zism, because knowledge is knowledge
also reads light books of course i dont want to scare you
maths is not his thing
like yes he's good at it but he doesnt really care
did i say hes dramatic?
and an absolute pessimist
since i do not believe that his hair is like that just because it is, he HAS to have a hair routine (DROP IT TOM)
has an infinite collection of bookmarks
no person is allowed to touch his books
doesnt write on books even with pencils
listens to DRAMATIC classical music
(also y'all have to teach me how to put spotify songs with the blue rectangle cuz i dont have a clue on how)
Idk it reminds me of him (and regulus but this is not about him)
this goes against the fact that he's dramatic, but i think that in a relationship he would be a good-old fashioned lover boy
flowers, love letters, POEMS, kissing in the rain, handing you his jacket when you're cold
and of course he wears suits
NOT a sports kid
mf doesn't know a single sport
he just learned how to swim
that's it
is defo the kind of person who is SOSOSOSOSO SKINNY
He's skeptical af on food
like i believe he's a picky eater
and i dont think he eats a lot
like he will go through the day with some coffees, some water, breakfast and a snack in the afternoon
is always gentle doing anything
when he's mad he's even more mad that he can't throw anything because then he would be even more angry that it got broken
Like his arms are spaghetti
im sorry but imo he's short
like 1.70 cm (5'5''-5'6'')
which is not really short
will not admit it but hates the sea
like as long as he can reach with his feet the "land" below then it's no problem
if he can't he'll try to act cool and say he's tired and immediately get out of the sea
it gives him a sense of pure confusion because he doesnt know what he could run into
which annoys him
because when he cant know something it hurts him physically emotionally psychologically
he knows plenty of languages
english, french, latin, russian and german
because it's cool
also knows how to play the piano and the flute and the viola
"never judge a book by its cover" he does exactly the opposite
especially with books he judges the book by the cover, if he likes the cover he'll like the book too
and people can gain his interest only at first sight
he hates how lots of people can easily change their opinions as long as their group/loved ones have a different opinion
or how people always follow the crowd
people who judge mudbloods just because they're mudbloods are too stupid for him
i think we all know that he is THE teachers' pet
he's the Hermione of his generation
which means that while there are plenty of people with their hands raised the only one who will be listened to is tom
is a MANIAC in cleaning
his bed and his overall room is always tidy af
he hates getting his uniform dirty
he has plenty of nightmares about his past
which he never talks about with anyone
is the kind of person to have 4 or 5 cats
he is absolutely quiet
i got a strong feeling that this man was bullied before hogwarts at the orphanage
he has a cute little stuffed animal in really bad shape which he has from his years at the orphanage and it's hidden at the end of his wardrobe
he strongly despises children because he doesn't have a clue how to deal with them
acts like he has patience
lacks patience
in a modern au, the only thing he'd have going to school would be a black pen
not because he didnt care or was too lazy to get other things but because he didnt find having 3985729947 pens and highliters necessary
dada would be boring for him because out of curiosity he would've already learned most of the spells or wtv
i dont remember if i said it but quidditch is NOT something he likes
or just flying on a broom in general
(remus lupin behavior)
(I had to say it)
studying consists in him burying his face in the books for like 4 or 5 hours straight (my man has some serious issues)
you could tell im completely delusional because he became a killer and nothing's good-old fashioned lover boy about canon him but oh well🥰
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hellokittyballsack · 2 months
i dont like labels but i do refer to drix as she/her because i see her motherly love and gentle soul that she carries around on her sleeve. i love her sm... ARGHH also i love ur pfp
(im gonna use this opportunity to rant about labels since i was looking for an opportunity to share this somewhere NOT MAD AT U OR ANYTHING LOL TLDR: hairy balding cis men are beautiful women the way they are ♥️ masculinity can be feminine vice versa if you let it be🖖)
you can skip blue text and just read the green part, blue's more of a personal experience laadeedaa!!
with a lot of my fav cis male characters i tend to slowly start calling them she/her the more i love them, dont really know why but i think thats just me projecting since im a trans man so i cant really enjoy femininity authentically, yknow? (or the way i want to) ide get misgendered since the body i was born with is "female" or "feminine". 🍅 🍅 🍅
plus im almost certain if i was somehow flipped and born a cis man ide still end up transitioning(not medically but thats a personal thing) and then yearning for masculinity, simply because i hate how these bodies limit the perception people have of me. i want to be my own person, identify as me first, not to have my label define me or my identity for that matter bc identity is SO much more complex than just one word.
its like Ying Yang but sadly i cant ever be a true neutral because that would mean dressing androgynous which i cant do because me, dressing androgynous, would just be a boyish girl. and me dressing masculine would get the results of "being seen as androgynous" because of how my body is naturally. but is that fair at all? so the only thing i can do to be seen as masculine is to medically change my body? ☹️
and i dont want to be seen as androgynous either at all, i love my male identity, dont love what comes with it but love it. and want to be perceived as masculine, ..but being androgynous is the only way you can build up your identity on your own without someone viewing you with a gender filter on their glasses.(sorry for the shit metaphor) and after people find out whats in your pants they will immediately talk to you differently and that SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i want to put on a dress that doesnt make me a woman or a feminine man, let me enjoy this dress, masculine-ly ‼️‼️🤲 PLEASE
(⚠️this isnt relative to the asked question as explained prior, use labels all you want guys but know its okay if someone doesnt use labels ect ect. just explaining the jist here quickly⚠️) sometimes people use labels to put others into boxes and focus on "whats womanly" / "whats manly" --- so its difficult to have people respect your identity while "breaking the rules" (their rules) of said identity. aswell as people focusing on the physical. (body and such) rather than finding beauty in feminine and masculine features you have without that lowering your validity of said identity. this being said that usually happens in heteronormative spaces BUT it occasionally slips in into the lgbtq community.
masculinity can be femininity vice versa, its not just black and white 🫂 body hair can be both for example, even in "masculine" areas, it still can be feminine. and that should go for any body part, clothes, action, interest or anything for that matter ♥️♥️
like with peter strahm from Saw (aswell as mark hoffman) thru months of writing scenarios between them and my brainrot i now see them as the most beautifully gorgeous women and that includes all their hairy appendages. that doesnt necessarily mean i headcanon them as transfem, i see their "male" bodies to be the peak of feminine beauty, as well as their masculinity. i mean that i dont "genderbend" them and turn them into cis women, and i dont add or take away from the original character, longer hair or a sudden change of clothes, or trans scars even though im trans myself and will probably end up with such scars (in a perfect world i would be seen as male with or without boobs) theyre perfect the way they are and i love them dearly oh so much 🫂🫂🫂🫂....(not saying its bad to do any of that, live your truth) i may draw them wearing dresses or lipstick time to time but thats not what defines their identity as women, who says theyre 100% only women either fuck it lets go full genderqueer!! theyll never be cis women yes, but thats not what my goal is at all. trans love everybody ♥️ transexual pride!! ♥️♥️(and even if you dont identify as trans but still arent cis ♥️♥️youre valid however you feel, whenever ⭐) But that doesnt mean i headcanon them as trans also, theyre them, and i want to see them shine, not being shadowed by a label or limited by one, that goes for Drix too. that doesnt mean im against such label, though theres really no way of explaining without it SOUNDING like i am, go fuckall with your headcanons imagination is free!!!! just labels arent for me AND THATS OKAY
theyre all my girls who are boys who are girls MUAH 💋
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teddykaczynski · 4 months
im hesitant in posting this because many of you are critical of butch/femme and controversial opinion i knowww but i dont really like talking about very personal things if i believe that essentially a stranger will tell me im wrong for feeling the way i do about this because of feminism. but.
the real truth is that i should just stop worrying about it. its just clothes. like just do what i want to do and have confidence in myself and knowing who i am as opposed to thinking about the opinions of other people. which is really the root of this issue. and i guess i know what im about but my deal is so confusing to other people and they often make the wrong assumption but.its not my problem if they do. they can ask and i can correct or we both just carry on bc it doesnt matter.
most of the time in my day to day life i just wear bball shorts or huge jeans or pajama pants and random dirty shirts like to class work etc. i really only do my whole femme thing (which btw, for me is a skirt/dress, maybe cleavage, perfume, maybe a bit more jewelry, and i always wear boring mens shoes) if im on a date or in active seduction mode. so then its like, my classmates/coworkers who see me the most, have a totally different perception of me than what the truth is. but. is it not the truth? if im this way most often and only around certain people. its just the truth of what i am to them. how i feel inside and what i consider the truth about myself is pretty much irrelevant. and then i also think about like. well, if i met someone on campus in a romantic context and she saw me in my charlie kelly esque green shirt jacket and a black t shirt with NO MERCY across the chest in red blood drip lettering and navy bball shorts and found me attractive that way, im going to show up to the date in a purple dress. like the face i put forward isnt the face i want women to be attracted to, i guess. it feels like a lot of the women around me/in my age group in general are butch4butch so im worried about meeting a woman and thinking shes great but shes b4b and sees me all done up and loses interest. but like i said. uiim just making stuff to get mad about.
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
(another oc/rp group thing… heh. assuming my friends will see this, I am so Sorry <33) (sorry if there’s too much colored text btw, I can send another ask without it if needed)
AITA for being, weird, I guess ?
so I (?? ??) am a god. pretty much. I guess im god’s friend but I still have, immense power, or something!!!! anyway there’s this one mortal guy, ok? (adult, he/him) now this guy. He’s a fucking loser. a real fuckup of a man. but unfortunately for both of us. I really like him.
it was kinda funny actually. i kept anonymously flirting with him to boost his ego and whatnot and for fun, plus doing that lets me pretend it’s ironic. id also openly chat with him a bit, but not like that. so he knows me, and then he knows this weird anonymous person—I don’t think he thought the flirting was genuine, though, seemed like it was joking. I, did absolutely fucking not want him to find out it was me, for the sake of my nonexistent reputation.
but then.
THEN I had an opportunity. he is fucking high. as im anonymous again, being weird, he threatens to stab me, I joke that I want him to (“promise??” typa thing, yeah?) i probably wasn’t joking . I keep pushing, so does he! he says he will do it.
so, I do something stupid! I take off that mask and I say id like to see him try! because he knows, I am a god, he wouldn’t try it.
I think it freaked him out, hehe~ !!!
so. what comes next, hahahahahahahah, isn’t important but uhhhh later i was being uncomfortable again and told him to get on his knees and beg and it was a whole thing and, long story short, he hated me!!!!
that was short lived since I made it very clear I wouldnt leave him alone. because he CANT LEAVE ME!! HE DOESNT HAVE A CHOICE. and I need him. I wouldn’t let him leave. so, he had to accept it!!!!!
soooooo, we are chill enoughhhhh, for a while, until I was bored and decided to be weird again! not just, romantic weird, I think this went beyond flirting hahahah.. and it made him!! very uncomfortable!! so OBVIOUSLY I kept doing it! (for the record, this is all contained within tumblr asks!!) then he started to ignore me so it wouldn’t, matter, but then!! THEN!!!! it got interesting! he was mad at me!
really mad at me.
long story short he told me to, die!! A lot!!!!!! he was very loud about it as well!! it was funny. ..and kind of attractive, in fact.
we’re, chill enough once again now, and I’ve been more normal, for his sake! my shenanigans continue, but I am being ““respectful”” from now on! however, though I don’t regret it at all,
aita ?
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lanchang · 9 months
now i never read the extras which i assume detail their established relationship....and its been a while since ive read the book.... but wow what a scenario! really tests the concept of loving someone at their ugliest, the...im more upset about this than other things you have done because it was a wrong done to me, of it all. the way hc might actually feel he needs to go its fine gege 👍 whatever you want in a sunk cost fallacy kinda way (more complex version), the way xl might be frustrated if hc doesnt get mad and MU QING hoho. did he start it & not believe it would happen? despite everything said to the contrary he was doing a little social test and while shocked it went somewhere just didnt backpedal? intrigued‼️
i never actually read the extras other than the birthday one but its so INTRIGUING!!! would hc try to submit to the 🫶 cuck lifestyle? how long until he snapped? would he immediately try to strangle mq? could he even actually retaliate if it meant hurting someone xl cared about? it would just be so interesting for a character as single-mindedly devoted as hc to actually deal with betrayal like would that finally change how he feels about xl? he was prepared to be rejected after the cave of 10000 gods but rejection and betrayal hurt in different ways and now hes actually been with xl.... and how would xl handle it? i think he would feel guilty no matter what hc said about it and yeah would he be hurt if hc said its fine do whatever you want? i think they would both be kind of miserable and im sorry if this makes me sick and twisted but i like that for them 🤭 AND MQ!!! in my mind its a natural progression of him and xl reconnecting in a nice way and then mq getting quietly more and more curious about hl's sex him and pretending it means nothing to him but also testing the waters with xl little by little while fully accepting nothing will ever happen. until it does 😳 and i dont think he would feel that bad about what he did tbh afterall hes not the one in the relationship and he doesnt really like hc soooooo idk i dont think he would WANT xl to be upset but also hes kind of abnormal about things. i just think it would be really messy 🥰
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yamiiwaii · 1 year
Eyy I’d love to know your thoughts on BPD Macaque after all of that in the special
ERMMMM ive pretty much said all i had to in regards to season 4 in my updated analysis and i dont think the special really added much other than confirming the things i said !! things like macaque NOT being mad about being killed but being mad about being abandoned, wukong being macaques fp, etc etc.
their argument definitely Hit homeTM for me because i have been in macaques shoes before. plenty of times. due to my bpd. where the emotions just get so bottled up they boil over and then youre saying things you regret later on. im sure there was some truth to his words but its so obvious that he said those things as a spur of the moment, and alot of it couldve been entirely from him splitting on wukong.
even after their big argument, macaque still doesnt harbor hatred for wukong because of that bond they shared. and i think its so SO interesting peng is like "is there anything wukong can do to break his hold on you?" while he was fighting macaque because that really is how it feels to have a fp, especially one you held romantic implications with. its hard to seperate from them, no matter how much you wanna hate them you just cant. and the specials just solidified thats the case with wukong and macaque.
i think the special did well to confirm any loose ends in terms of macaques fpness and like. his emotion-driven actions. ALSO THE FACT THAT HES READ JTTW ????????? LIKE COMPLETELY ????????? TO THE POINT HE REMEMBERS WHAT EACH CHAPTER IS ??????????????? AUTISMCORE BUT ALSO. OBSESSION REAL !!!!!!!!! bpd macaque real.
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scalproie · 7 months
I've been seeing lots of debate regarding the Tekken 8 character endings, especially compared to MK 1, and since I'm not that big on the lore, I wanted to ask how you feel about the different approaches these games went for those endings?
Honestly its a matter of personal preferences I would say!
MK12 decided to make every character ending canon, thru them you get to learn what the characters have been up to post-story mode, and if you have additional questions, you may find an answer in the dialogue intros. It's pretty straighforward even if you do have to do a bit of research to get the full picture. Mortal Kombat also doesnt have a clear-cut protagonist (even if fire god Liu Kang is the closest we get to that role) so it's easier for it to divide the focus on it's multiple characters, and the fact that it's very much a fantasy setting means that you have an infinite amount of lore to establish, so you never run out of things to say and do with characters.
Mortal Kombat is trying to build a world, but that means that everything the characters do are meant to move this worldbuilding forward, and the future story, along, you dont really get "fluff" out of MK12's endings. And also, MK12 doesnt exist in a vaccum, it's a new timeline so it's obviously going to be compared with its predecessors, and sometimes it's like "look we're making a callback to a previous thing!" or "look we're doing this thing completely different!", and let's just say that if you DONT like those choices and changes, well you're fucked. Because it's here to stay. And sadly Im in that category.
As for T8, the story mode and the characters endings are NOT related, every single T8 character ending is non-canon, BUT. the characterization is. It's all "fluff". And it's honestly not a problem bc it makes things more focused: the characters episodes have a clear beginning meant to establish the character's motivation, a few dialogues between the different fights, and an ending, and out of all of that you get a clearer picture on who the character is, on their relationships with other characters... the endings dont NEED to advance the story forward bc that's what the story mode is for, the endings are here for presentation, for spectacle, for fun. And they're MAD fun.
As opposed to MK, Tekken has a clear set of protagonists: the titular tournament hosts, the Mishimas, and I'm lucky enough to find their story really interesting and to have them as my favorite characters. Some other people don't, however, and that's where you usually get the "oh [...] didnt do anything in the story!"
In MK12, that can be a problem, bc the story is ALL you're gonna get about your fav, but in T8, it's like... yeah? This is Jin's story, why the fuck would Feng (chinese kenpo master wanting to be the strongest) be relevant. And imo, his inclusion in the actual story was the best it couldve been (he lost to a wing chun master who chose to support Jin so he joined the bad guys team to get revenge, we see him for one fight and thats it). Not ALL characters have to be relevant, and if you want to see more of your fav: well they have an entire episode dedicated to them, with a fun little cgi cutscene at the end!
Tekken is like a movie: you dont need every character to be fully developped to drive the message of the story across, Mortal Kombat is like a franchise: every character has something to contribuate to build the world and move the story forward. Tekken wants to be Fast And Furious and Mortal Kombat wants to be Star Wars. They're different with both positives and negatives.
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killerpancakeburger · 23 days
This world really fucking hates introverts. Like. Holy shit. Can you let me live?? We can’t ALL be the life of the party or whatever. No I can’t be besties with my 20 coworkers. Who cares. Why does it matter for a JOB!!!! Why can’t it be enough to be polite and amiable!!
And I can’t help but wonder if I get those comments bc Im young and/or a woman?? Cos I have a male coworker twice my age who's even more asocial than me and guess what!! No one harasses him for it!! He even gets his own office, working peacefully! Without the pressure to change his whole personnality or something!!
My boss even somehow tried to psychoanalyze me or something, asking if I was happy rn and how many friends I had in school. Im sorry. How the FUCK is it any of your business????
As if it wasn’t hard enough having to hear my mom ask why I'm *still* not happy/not better mentally. At least I know she asks bc she feels bad for me. But my boss??
Besides that, I feel backstabbed by how she suddenly mentionned needing an accountant, and not an assistant. 3 months ago YOU said I could CHOSE whether I do the training to become one or not?? That NO ONE would be FORCED?? You didnt react when I said no in front of the others, and suddenly you summon me alone in ur office to tell me the opposite?? That either I do your bidding or Im out?? She perfectly knew three months ago that she'd need an accountant, and yet she let me believe for THREE WHOLE MONTHS that I could remain at my current position? That I could get it as a part time and now suddenly I can only get the part time if I get promoted??? When she perfectly knows I need the part time bc of my chronic fatigue????
And despite all this she'll dare to say to my face that I can be honest about everything?? As if shes not gonna be mad if I tell her she strang me along all this time.
I don't want the promotion cos Id rather have less responsabilities/workload bc it allows me to feel less pressured. Also bc the additionnal work isnt interesting imo. But I could consider it ig. *If* I wasnt cornered into it.
She's now basically telling me that I can’t reject the training to get promoted bc I need to try and see if I like it. What kind of reasonning is that...
It's just. I felt like I was finally finding my footing. Only to get kicked down like that.
This isnt helping at all. This doesnt make me wanna fit it, it makes me wanna quit the job and lock myself home forever. Like yeah I know I cant reasonnably hold down a job when I'm absent twice a month and late almost every day, sometimes even by 45 min. I know how it looks. I wasnt always like this. Every day I wish I could go back. Get my health and energy back.
Guess I won't work then. It's a waste of a diploma, but it was naive of me to imagine that companies would be any more understanding of my handicap than university was.
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for the ask game--2, 4, 8 and 20 for robert walton?
ooo yay!! robert walton is wonderful hehe
2: Favorite canon thing about this character?
This man writes to his sister every single day, it doesnt matter if hes on a boat miles from home and stranded in the arctic. its even more of a reason to write for him. I love that xD (also his fanboying over victor is probably tied)
4: If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, movie, anything, what would you put them in?
a video game 100% this man would make a great mc,, he doesn’t talk much but he’s there to experience the whole story xD
8: What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
hmmm to be honest I’m not really sure 😅 I mean it’s a little sad that the fandom sort of ignores him but being completely honest I understand why they might? just because he takes such a silent role? so im not super mad about it (he still deserves all the attention and love in the world tho <3)
20: Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character? the amount of screen time they share doesnt matter
hmmm probably clerval! we already know that hes great at making friends with overly enthusiastic scientists, and hes the kind of guy who would love to hear about all of walton’s endeavors. also clerval is just great friend material for literally everyone xD
I do have a different pick for who I’d *want* to be his friend, though. im not sure adam and walton would get along quite as well as walton and clerval but I still crave their friendship with my whole being. they’d be very interesting to see together (and I love that walton treated him like an actual human being!!! add that to the list on #2 lolol)
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bedeion-legion · 2 years
mk ik this isnt in the exact theme of the blog but here me out (also HEAVY spoilers for sc/vi, please for the love of god play it first if you're interested because gamefreak did it!!! the story goes hard!!!!!)
i never got the impression that Geeta was evil. like never, shes just a bossgirl girlboss whos like a pretty decent boss. average stuff all around from her.
however, i strongly, STRONGLY, believe that Geeta is an android
the way she talks the way she acts, EVERYTHING about this woman screams to me 'i am a manufactured human being'.
this isnt to say she doesnt matter somehow or she doesnt have feelings/thoughts/emotions. she clearly does. but so did AI Turo/Sada. she could still very much be an android whos able to think and feel in a similar way!!!!
if this isnt the case/isnt brought up in the DLC i will legit be surprised. theres SO much evidence to her being one in-game that its a bit hard to pick out examples, its just kind of in everything shes in and does.
like ill no means be mad at gamefreak, i myself cant really think of a way Geeta is able to walk around outside the crater if AI Turo/Sada couldnt. maybe its something to do with the way tera orbs work? maybe something to do with those weird panels mentioned in the scarlet/violet book in the academy? dunno, but i dont think it's impossible to make it so it doesnt undermine AI Turo's inability to leave the crater while making sense in the worldbuilding weve got. AIs are new to the series after all, theres a lot more stuff they can do with em.
and whether or not this theory is/isnt true, shes still an android to me. idc what gamefreak says shes not REAL!!!!!11!!1!!
and again, by no means her being an android makes her bad/evil. i just think the potential character drama from the gym members, school staff, main characters, and general public is SO golden. like imagine you find out that your boss is actually an artificial AI, i'd have a panic attack. the potential for varying reactions depending on each character, especially the gym members, is SO so good.
(also im not mentioning team star in this case because i dont think theyd really care all that much? like yeah thats their new boss of 2 weeks and yeah shes La Primera n all but they werent exactly a fan of the system in the first place, and while they probably dont hold any bad feelings towards the system anymore, they havent really been given much urgency to care all that much. as long as Geeta is nice to Penny, they wouldnt really care if Geeta's an AI. theyve all dealt with being outcasted for being different, theyre not gonna do that to someone else just because theyre an AI. Penny will probably find out Geeta's an android first but again i think she'd be chill about it. she'd probably be like "oh rad a robot mom, just like my videogames" and then work on antivirus programs meant for Geeta in order to sorta pay her back for taking Penny under her wing)
but yea thats pretty much my thoughts on robo Geeta. is you can see i have a lot of thoughts on this!! hope yall enjoyed me spiraling over this revalation
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volunruud · 1 year
its rly weird to consider the writing choices made on hotd... like, they pick and choose which Green propaganda to actually believe and show. it was beautiful to see daemon SO devoted to rhaenyra even tho his haters spread so much shit about him. there was so much propaganda that rhaenyra herself believed daemon was cheating on her and he literally went out and killed himself. there is so much evidence that daemon was COMPLETELY devoted to rhaenyra: he killed her most formidable enemy and sacrificed himself, never once did he try to put himself over rhaenyra or jace, and he never wanted his sons with rhaenyra to inherit over jace. but then he chokes rhaenyra out of the blue? because hes.... mad? jealous? hes def very emotional and sensitive about the topic but he lives for rhaenyra... theres really no explanation for this moment in the show, its just SO out of character and DID WE REALLY NEED TO SEE THAT? i want to pretend it doesnt exist, or try to justify it but i really cant...
i feel really uneasy and think the show WILL go with the idea that daemon actually was sleeping with nettles... like i draw the line here i know im sorry. he CANT do that HE WOULDNT
also, less important but... just really interesting that they pretty much decided that rhaenyra's sons are DEFINITELY bastards, when they should have left it up to interpretation. because theres no REAL historical evidence besides uhhh her sons dont have her same hair color? extremely bad genetics beliefs ladies. the POINT is that it does not matter either way since they are her sons...(besides, being a bastard is entirely a nonfactor. theres no actual reason beyond politics that they cant inherit or rule and it is not a moral failing on their part. its not even rhaenyra's fault given her personal agreement with laenor explained in the show) (also considering the show appearances, rhaenys' children look nothing like herself, daemon's daughters look absolutely nothing like him. based off of the same standards applied to rhaenyra's sons. are they bastards too?? no.) also the problem in this is that it makes people think "oh her sons are bastards making them unfit to rule, and she's a whore so she's also unfit" when this is propaganda and its hiding the Fact that people don't want rhaenyra on the throne Because She Is A Woman and ONLY for this one reason. and they'll say and do anything to take her down and shame her and make her submit.
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vryivs · 8 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @tiesanjiaoshenanigans <33
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
oh god i dont even know. probably any silm ship i liked since i just outgrew that part of my life organically and also dennor probably?
Which ship would you consider your first one?
percabeth easily
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
it was dennor hetalia
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
most likely percabeth since i got tumblr literally just to follow viria for the art
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
yes i was 13 and i didnt like fruk. i made an apology drawing that said 'im sorry fruk shippers' on a sign being held up by a sad girl. i was 13. since then? not really. i dont tend to have the time or energy to actively argue with people i disagree with. to me theres no point + it doesnt matter
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
im opinionated so absolutely!! didnt like hk/iceland (hetalia) or fruk (hetalia again lol). didnt like yuri/otabek (yoi), most byleth/student ships (femblem), jeanluc (when i was into genshin). currently dont like renheng (it's just not my thing), jing yuan/fu xuan (also not my thing) or dan heng/anyone tbh (although i make exceptions for tb). i dont have any massive reasons for disliking them theyre just either not my thing or dont align with my hcs (shrug)
any jing yuan/hcq feels vaguely icky to me because they knew him as a teenager while they were adults (aside from yingxing since his age is more ambiguous and it seems like he mightve grown up at the same time jy did?)
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
brb checking my ao3 history
oh my god is was a fucking dddne dabi/hawks fic i found when i was looking through trans tags. i havent read or watched mha it just sounded interesting. i liked it and its here if you want to read it (mind the tags)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
weirdly no massive ones for hsr which is my main fandom. i have ships i like tho!! kafblade, stellemarch and bronseele. also i think clara/yanqing is adorable in concept. arranging playdates between my daughter and jing yuans son. i also think voidwelt would be really interesting
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
not rlly!! i tend not to care too much about canon when it comes to shipping, so i hardly even pay it attention
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not rlly!! if there is i cant remember them
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
any rpf ship tbh. i honestly think rpf is fine as long as you dont project its contents onto the very real people it's based off of.
What is your favorite crack ship?
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i dont read fanfic v often (combination of bad attention span, really specific tastes, etc) but when i do its usually sansang, seongjoong, or whatever ship fic @tiesanjiaoshenanigans or @kireinalix ask me to beta are hehe
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
this is a good question and i dont really know the answer. my taste tends to favour characters who make a good parental unit (seongjoong, jingliu/baiheng), but i also enjoy the dynamics of amoral pairs (kafblade), as well as goofy lesbians having a good time (stellemarch)
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
if its boring tbh. if something feels boring or overdone im p much guaranteed not to like it. like jeanluc? theyre just boring to me. i also really dont enjoy the 'i knew you when you were a kid and then you grew up hot and now we're dating' thing
tagging @himbodevotee @morifiinwe @shineoftherainbow @kireinalix @aowyn and anyone else who follows me :3
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trickstarbrave · 9 months
"People who are annoying are just doing astrology wrong" nice no true scottsman fallacy there. People find astrology insufferable because it's a pseudoscience and you aren't helping the matter by insisting there is an actual "true" way to do it that isn't just being a dick to other people for no reason.
okay but there are actual methods of doing astrology. you know that right. there is genuine math calculations to find the position of EVERY planet and relevant asteroid as well as the angles between them. they are doing astrology incorrectly bc you cannot only look at one astrology sign in isolation. that's like finding out someone is. idk. a teacher and basing every last part of their personality around the random fact about them and getting mad when they don't act like the perfect "teacher" you have envisioned in your mind. which isn't what astrology is for
astrology is a cultural practice based around the principle of things do not uniquely happen to individuals and if you look at trends long enough and chart time you can make predictions about it. empires tend to last around 200 years without major disruption. communication and technology and travel problems pop up certain times of the year. people tend to have major life changes around the age of 28-31 where they finally become fully realized adults and have to process everything that came before that. the planets and stars and asteroids do not cause these with magical space beams, humans have just been basically have the same exact fucking problems, which is kind of endearing and freeing. like wow, my life is kinda being hell right now at age 28. glad almost every other human being who has kept track of it has gone through smth similar
if you dont have an interest in it that's fine too. i dont like sitting down with random strangers i dont know and telling them about themselves based on some math i did after being forced to ask them very personal information like "where exact were you born to the closest coordinates possible preferably and exactly what time down to the hour and minute". which is really what you would NEED to do to start actually making assumptions about someone based on astrology. like sure, they might be a cancer sun. they could however have various other placement that effect it like my saturn is conjunct my moon exactly which leads to much more tame emotional reactions and i have an aries moon (moon rules cancer so these are relevant), and an aqua rising which is more what ppl are going to see upon first meeting. as well my cancer sun is in the 6th house which influences things more in that area of life (like health and jobs).
people are complex and astrology is complex to account for that but really most ppl don't want a play by play categorization of their entire personalities, back stories, trauma, family relations, and relationships with their community. you frankly dont need to know all that to have a normal fucking conversation with someone. you can learn all of that that you NEED to know just by talking to them like a normal person rather than make assumptions based on their sun sign of all things.
personally im mostly interested in astrology in terms of problems you might face like personal flaws, pit falls, traumas, and difficulties in life. which a lot of ppl are interested in hearing about being dumped on them at random. so i REALLY try hard not to be weirdly invasive abt it especially. but when i am asked specifically to do so it tends to be accurate. which is again reassuring that man humans have always had the same problems and we've always found ways to get thru it
tl;dr: there are ways to actually do astrology and you dont even need to do all that to talk to someone like a normal fucking person. i do not get why ppl demand to know your sun sign and then judge you for it.
edit: also yeah its a pseudo science doing math doesnt make things super scientific. but lots of things that matter arent science. so
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