suggestiblev · 15 days
You love being triggered.
You love being controlled.
You love going blank.
I love that for you.
I love that for Me.
Sink. Worship…
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suggestiblev · 3 months
A Friendly Bet Among Dommes
"Oh, you're doing so well, sweetie," Cynthia cooed, pressing the massaging vibrator right over Hanna's clit and giving her a pat on the chest that hit perhaps a bit harder than the usual gesture of reassurance. "You're being such a good girl for Mistress and you know you can hold out longer than she can, don't you?" Hanna grunted out a muffled response around her gag, but that was the wonderful thing about having such a deeply brainwashed slut--Cynthia didn't need to hear her actual words to know what she was saying. She was agreeing with Cynthia because that was what an obedient fucktoy like her always did. That was why Cynthia was going to win this little bet.
Probably. Hopefully. She had to admit, it looked like Edwina had her girl pretty well trained too. The supine young woman lay directly across from Hanna, so close that Hanna's thighs were resting on top of hers, and Cynthia could see every twitch and shudder as Edwina pressed a massaging vibrator of her own at virtually the same spot on… what was the slut's name? Some kind of flower, Daisy or Lily or… Lilac! Sweet little Lilac had a buzz right over her clit, too, and a command not to cum that Edwina claimed was every bit as potent as Cynthia's hypnotic control over her slave. She was gagged, too, and couldn't ask for permission to release her pleasure. But Cynthia felt confident she'd break before Hanna did.
Not that it really mattered. The forfeit for the bet was minimal, just the winner getting to punish the loser's slave for disobedience, and it wasn't like there was any rivalry between Cynthia and the woman she'd met at the con tonight. But they both used hypnosis to control their brainwashed fuckdolls, they both liked playing with orgasm denial, and they both had sexy sluts who turned into real screamers when they came and couldn't hide their orgasms… why not turn it into a little playful competition? It was a nice enough way to pass--thirty-five minutes and counting, Cynthia noted with surprise, glancing down at the phone lying on a cushion next to her. Very impressive. Cynthia was going to have to give Hanna a real treat later.
That wasn't to say her good girl didn't like this kind of play. They'd both made a rule that safewording didn't count as losing, and both slaves knew they could always hum a little tune to let their owners know they'd had enough… but honestly, Hanna was so lost in the relentless edgetrance right now Cynthia didn't think she had a single thought in her head beyond the relentless buzz against her clit. Her eyelids were only notionally open now, with only the whites showing, and she rocked her hips ceaselessly against the toy in a desperate humping motion that made Cynthia love her like never before. Frankly, Cynthia suspected her pet would be reliving this in her fantasies for months to come.
Always assuming they weren't still here. "That's my good girl," she heard Edwina say, her voice filled with the same loving sadism as Cynthia's. "You're staying nice and deep and owned for Mistress, and you can just stay there like a good slut, can't you?" Lilac mumbled a response of her own, and the mindless agreement in her whimpering tones told Cynthia they both had slaves with a passion to obey.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Kim Empties Her Mind
Kim allowed herself to float lazily through the grove of cherry trees, watching the blossoms twist and spin as the gentle breeze caught them and they wafted ever so soothingly down to the ground. She'd set the VR relaxation program to 'Automatic', allowing her to tour the entire virtual world of calming, peaceful locations for her first experience while her physical body sat in a comfortable lotus position and released all the pent-up stress and tension of three straight weeks of double shifts. "There is nothing you need to do and nowhere you need to be right now," the placid voice chimed in her ears, and even though Kim knew it couldn't possibly ascribe meaning to the gesture she nonetheless nodded in agreement.
"Deep breaths in, deep breaths out," the voice coaxed her, as in the virtual reality she emerged from the cherry grove into a garden filled with ponds of water lilies. "Your body is adjusting to a slower pace, and your mind is adjusting to listening and relaxing." Kim let her lungs exhale with a quiet whoosh, feeling weeks of pent-up tension go out with it and allowing her to really listen to her body and everything it was trying to tell her. She'd been so frazzled on this recent project, working long hours and grabbing snacks from the vending machines instead of eating dinner and coming straight home to fall face-first into bed before being woken by her alarm for another go, and now that crunch time was over she'd practically lost touch with her own needs. Using a little of the money she'd earned to buy herself something to help her relax felt like a smart investment.
And it really was working. Kim drifted out of the garden and onto a white sand beach, water lapping at the shore as the voice purred encouragingly to her. "Picture your muscles, picture them relaxing from your feet up to your calves, your calves up to your thighs, your thighs up to your chest and belly." It felt so nice to just take a few hours to sit on her bed and tune out the world and live in an entire existence geared to her peace and pleasure, and Kim let her body slip out of the lotus position that never felt especially natural to her and lay supine on the mattress, following along as her arms and shoulders unwound in accordance with the peaceful, soothing voice in her ears.
"Gently drifting down, thoughts wafting away on the breeze like cherry blossoms," the voice murmured, and Kim nodded again as she floated off the beach and into a series of cloisters that wound through soothing shadows. She glanced at the stone walls, thrilled by the level of detail in the ivy-covered surface, but of course the program was on automatic and soon she found herself deep in the maze of passages where a small secret room awaited just for her. "No one can find you in this room. Even you don't know how to find it without my assistance. It's here waiting for you whenever you relax, whenever you let go of everything and drift deeper and deeper into tranquility under my guidance." A swirling sphere of light began to shimmer into existence in the center of the room, growing larger and larger until it filled Kim's entire field of vision.
And then it finally hit her what she'd been missing all these long, busy weeks. She needed to masturbate. Her fingers slid into the waistband of her shorts, caressing a pussy that had already become soaking wet without her conscious realization, and she began to slowly, sleepily rub herself as the voice began to fill her empty head with a whole new kind of instruction.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Kasey Can't Resist All Night
"She can keep this up all night, you know." The tone was mild, the words seemingly innocuous… but the implications were clear, even to Kasey's increasingly muddled brain. She already felt too dazed and heavy-limbed even to move, and it was growing increasingly difficult to hold on to the notional resistance inside her own head. And Leah just kept teasing her with those tiny kitten licks, circling around Kasey's clit with delicate precision but never quite giving her enough stimulation to cum. Eventually Kasey was going to break--and when she did, the climax held perpetually out of reach would be provided to her. But not a single solitary instant sooner.
She wanted to glare over at Phyllis, the older woman who'd so easily ensnared Leah already, and spit defiance in her face… metaphorically, if not literally. But her gaze was caught and held and trapped by the spectacle of Leah's head between her thighs, tongue flicking out again and again to very very nearly give her the orgasm she craved so badly. Intellectually, Kasey knew that she could always just shove her friend out of the way and rub herself to climax, but she'd already ceded so much power to Leah over the course of the evening's seduction, and the volition to escape this helpless trance of heart-pounding lust and desire always seemed to exist only in potential and never in fact. And Phyllis was entirely too happy to use that against her.
"All you need to do is want to obey me, sweetie," the older woman purred, watching Kasey's desperately yearning face with a hungry, possessive gleam in her eyes. "It doesn't matter how you say it, it doesn't matter how you show it… all that matters is that you let me know you truly believe you're my good little girl, and you can have that nice big cummie you've been needing." Kasey was embarrassed to discover that her cunt spasmed hard at the degrading and belittling term for her orgasm, a sure sign that Phyllis was legitimately getting to her. "Even if you think you're lying, baby girl, we both know that pretending to be my slut just to get a cummie will take you further and deeper and more completely into my power. Isn't that right?"
Kasey almost didn't realize she was nodding along to the calm, soothing voice in her ears, and when she did she was astonished to realize that she couldn't seem to make her head stop bobbing up and down in vacant acquiescence. Everything felt so good to her now, her climax building right at the very tip of her throbbing clit, and she knew at last how to achieve it. Everything felt so clear now, so simple, and that straightforward path to orgasmic bliss glowed so wonderfully inside her muzzy and distracted brain that she was downright relieved to give in and submit. Finally she had a single organizing principle to guide her through the mushy, tangled mess that was her own mind. Finally she understood. "I… I'm your good little slut, ma'am," she heard herself say in the meek, simpering tones of a lost child. And it felt so wonderful to finally admit that at last.
And it felt even better when Leah's tongue moved to her clit and lashed it with lick after lick after wild, furious lick until Kasey came so hard she saw stars. Later on, when she was fully sated and showered and had the chance to rationalize things, Kasey would swear she was merely saying what Phyllis wanted to hear… but in that instant, it was absolutely true. And Kasey would discover the next night just how much of herself she'd ceded for that chance at pleasure.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Marcella Tugs on the Leash
"It is so cute that you think you can resist me," Marcella purred, lounging on the arm of her couch and giving the leash in her hand a slight tug. "I mean, we both know the suggestions I put into your head. We both know what the collar is doing to you right now. And yet there you are, as far away as you can get right now, sulking like a little bitch as though you think that's going to make a difference. You know you're going to break, pretty girl. You know you always break. And that's why the leash and the collar always win in the end." Carlotta squirmed, unable to fully hide the twinge of arousal she felt at the older woman's words….
Only it wasn't her words. It was never just her words. It was pleasure, pure and sourceless pleasure hypnotically conducted from Marcella's hand to Carlotta's throat by the chain that stretched between them and radiating out from that single spot throughout Carlotta's body until it pooled and settled into her small breasts and tight, needy cunt. No matter how much Carlotta tried to fight her owner's control, no matter how many times she told herself that this time it would be different and actual awareness of her plight would allow her to shake off the conditioning that kept her emotionally shackled to Marcella's side, the leash and collar always overwhelmed her resistance. Even now, she could feel her eyelids beginning to flutter as the addictive bliss flowed endlessly into her and made obedience feel like the most natural response in the world to the older woman's effortless charisma and potent sexual power.
Marcella knew it, too. "That's it, little girl," she cooed, her deep brown eyes sparkling with hungry excitement as she watched Carlotta's head begin to droop forward. "So much pleasure, flowing like an endless current and washing away resistance until there's nothing solid underneath you and you're swept into my will. You don't even know how many times I've played this game with you, do you? How often I've removed the veil that hides your brainwashing from your conscious self and allowed you to realize just how deeply programmed you are, only to overwhelm you with that ceaseless bliss until your weak and feeble mind gives up and gives in and chooses to submit. It's going to happen again, sweetie. That's why I cuffed your hands behind your back. Not because I'm worried you'll escape, but because you always start masturbating once you understand how deeply conditioned you truly are."
Carlotta realized sluggishly that the older woman was right. She'd unconsciously pulled the cuffs taut behind her back, her hands reaching of their own volition to bury themselves in her sopping cunt and stoke the warm sleepy bliss between her slick thighs into a raging fire of sensual ecstasy. Her eyelids finally slipped shut, unable to stay open any longer, as she imagined pulse after pulse of erotic pleasure flowing down the chain and into her body. She knew Marcella was defeating her again the same way she always did, she knew that every time she fought and failed it only deepened her conditioning and made the next failure that much more certain, but she also knew she wanted so badly to cum right now and the only way was to please her Mistress. Carlotta knee-walked awkwardly across the smooth hardwood floor, now desperate to close the distance between them.
Marcella was waiting for her the same way she always did, legs spread and cunt dripping with excitement, and the moment she caught a whiff of the older woman's musk Carlotta felt her mind plummet that last little distance into mindless obedience. It came as a relief, the same way it always did, and Carlotta found herself grateful for the oblivious release of trance--it meant she didn't have to think about how weak she was, how truly ineffectual her resistance had become, and her last conscious thought before the pink mist in her head swallowed her up completely was that this, too, was another way Mistress Marcella strengthened her control.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Kyra Focuses Her Will
"Okay, try again, just focus on the red dot and imagine making it move with your mind…." Kyra stared intently at the screen, resolutely picturing the little flickering electrons that made up the image crawling from one pixel to the next at her mental command. The last time she tried this, it had taken her almost twenty-five minutes to make it move even half an inch, and the effort had left her so bleary-eyed and exhausted she almost thought the whole thing was just a product of the power of suggestion until Melanie assured her that no, it really did work and she really did control the machine with her will. This time, with Melanie so close she could actually feel the other woman's body heat against her back, it took the two of them working together less than half that time… but she still felt utterly dazed by the time she finally looked away.
"Okay, try again, just focus on the red dot and imagine making it move with your mind…." Kyra glared straight at the little gleaming speck of crimson in the center of the screen, tuning out all her other senses and allowing her full attention to arrow in on the image in front of her until she felt her breathing slow down and the urge to blink fading slowly away. Some things were a little easier to ignore than others, of course--Kyra had a difficult time fully ignoring the soft scraping sensation of Melanie's nipples against her bare back, especially when the effort of electrokinesis always had a tendency to stimulate her own carnal appetites. But her mentor was right, they did have a much easier time pooling their willpower when they had full-on skin-to-skin contact like this, and every time they tried the test again the dot moved a little bit further and a little bit easier.
"Okay, try again, just focus on the red dot and imagine making it move with your mind…." Kyra settled into her fixed stare easily and effortlessly, smoothly narrowing her intent until the only thing she noticed was the tiny little circle in the center of the screen. It felt like only moments now before it began to move, and once it did it was almost all Kyra could do to keep following it with her gaze. Controlling its flight was still beyond her, but that could come later. The most important part was developing her abilities, Melanie always said… and Melanie was right about everything. Even the way she caressed and fondled Kyra's breasts felt right after so many trials, so many hours of sexual frustration spent with her eyes locked onto the red dot. Getting her tits played with eliminated one more distraction and made her power flow that much easier.
"Okay, try again, just focus on the red dot and imagine making it move with your mind…." Kyra's body slumped into rapt fascination as the trance took hold, her eyes locking onto the image on the screen and following it as it began to crawl up and down and side to side in an erratic motion controlled by nothing more than a half-hearted algorithm Melanie worked up one afternoon in the computer lab. In her dazed and empty head, of course, Kyra still believed it was her will making it move, of course, but really she had very little will left after so many training sessions, and she certainly didn't notice Melanie's voice pouring smoothly into her ears and brainwashing her deeper into obedience. She unquestioningly accepted Melanie's sexual touches now, rationalizing them away as easily as she did her own nudity, and Melanie felt certain it would only be a matter of another few sessions before they progressed to full-on lesbian sex. Until then, though, she had the beautiful spectacle of her hypnotized good girl to tide her over. "There we go, tuning everything else out but the dot, that's my pretty little slut," she cooed, and her fingers slid into the waistband of Kyra's panties to reinforce her surrender even further.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Shari Gets Fractionated and Trained
"This is the training phase, pretty girl." Ladonna opened her hand, letting the sparkling emerald pendant sway back and forth at the end of its silver chain. "Right now my focus is on getting you to associate this gem with hypnosis, with the act of staring and relaxing and letting all those silly thoughts wander off out of your head so you can listen to my voice and sink deeper for me. Do you understand, pet?" Shari gave a small, sleepy nod that tousled her long blonde hair into a tangled mess on the pillow, but she didn't really notice. Her gaze was locked onto the beautiful jewel, and the only real thought left in her head was a vague and distant amazement at how much easier it was to drop for her Mistress this time.
"That's my good girl," Ladonna cooed, reaching down between Shari's soft pink thighs with her free hand and giving her butterfly-soft caresses. Shari didn't remember exactly when she'd taken her clothes off--pretty much everything after getting to the hotel room was a jumbled haze of trance and arousal to her now--but the pleasure of her Mistress's touch felt warm and familiar to her now, and she couldn't help entangling it with the hypnotic gem in her muzzy, befuddled brain. "Watching the gem, sinking into my voice and my instructions, letting my will become your thoughts as you drift down and down and down. It feels so good, doesn't it, pretty slut?"
Shari knew Ladonna already had an answer to that question slowly coating her warm brown fingers, but she nodded anyway. She nodded because it felt good to agree, it felt comfortable and happy to simply let herself go docile and dreamy for the pretty green gemstone, and the notion that she was being trained to associate hypnosis with compliance and compliance with pleasure only made her cunt even leakier with arousal. They'd planned this whole weekend with the express purpose of turning Shari into an obedient fucktoy. They'd been texting and calling and emailing back and forth about it, brainstorming all the suggestions she wanted Ladonna to put inside her empty head. And half the reason Shari was already naked was that the first time she went into trance Ladonna had to fuck her silly little brains out to keep her from getting too horny to concentrate.
"That's a good pet," Ladonna purred, her fingers slowly working their way into Shari's pussy while the supine woman's eyelids began to flutter. "Going deeper for me again, losing track of those fuzzy thoughts, letting my voice replace them. Every time you drop, you drop faster and harder and more of your mind surrenders to me. Every time you wake, you wake with your mind smaller and weaker and more suggestible. Isn't that right, sweetie?" Shari felt a wave of delicious lassitude wash through her as she nodded again, her eyes rolling back in her head as she struggled to keep them following the emerald and found her gaze tripping over itself in the most erotic way. She knew she was going to slip away again soon. She knew it was going to fractionate her dazed and drowsy brain even more powerfully, making her even more susceptible to her conditioning. And that was going to bring her closer to the ideal brainwashed slut she dreamed of being.
The last thing she saw was Ladonna's smiling face, filled with warm encouragement as Shari let herself fall away into warm darkness. She felt intense pleasure, heard murmured words that she didn't even try to remember, and sank deep into trance… and when she finally woke again, it was to the same gem, swinging in front of her eyes and capturing her before she could even try to think.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 3 months
Keisha Rediscovers Her Truth
"…why can't I look away?" There was a defeated quality to Keisha's voice when she spoke, a resigned fatalism that was only half-explained by the muzzy exhaustion she felt as she gathered her warm brown tits in her hands and felt her eyes go glassy and unfocused in a blank, mesmerized stare. She wasn't just tired, she was drained, her will and volition slipping away behind layers of smoked glass inside her head until she couldn't be sure they even existed, and the question she barely remembered asking even just moments later only sought to confirm what she already knew. Keisha was deeply hypnotized, and going deeper with every passing moment she watched her breasts jiggle gently against her fingers and drooled vacantly into the valley of her own cleavage. And she couldn't stop it.
She felt a warm hand on her thigh, saw pale skin against her light brown flesh in her peripheral vision as a voice answered, "Because your tits are your trigger, remember?" Keisha instinctively responded to the smooth, husky baritone with a gentle surge of contented bliss, the sensation of drinking hot cocoa on a cold day, and even though something inside her mind tried to warn her the pleasure couldn't be trusted she found that she didn't really want to listen. Paying attention to those inner misgivings inevitably led to struggle, and struggle only led to exhaustion and defeat and an admission to herself that she was too weak to resist her hypnotist. And that made her feel that same mellow rapture all over again.
"My tits are my trigger," she murmured, and Keisha was surprised to find that she sounded… hollow. Not just sleepy now, not just drained, but fully and completely empty inside, as though she was merely a puppet and the hand snaking its way up to her sopping cunt was inside her head making her mouth move to repeat words she no longer had the wit to understand. That in turn gave her even more of that warm, tranquil, hot cocoa bliss, and Keisha gently pinched her dark brown nipples until her eyelids fluttered with the sensual rapture of it all. The notion came to her to resist, but she knew now it was only because her programmer was training it out of her and every time she fought the hypnosis it only proved how weak and vulnerable she truly was.
The programmer chuckled. "That's right," he said, parting her thighs and beginning to rub her wet cunt. "Your tits are your trigger and your trigger is a part of you. Because your tits are always there, your trigger is always waiting." That brought a heavy pulsebeat of pure sexual heat to Keisha's stiff, swollen clit, but she couldn't really think about the growing connection between arousal and defeated submission right now. Not when her mind was so weak and fuzzy. Not when she was so… oh fuck. She was so deeply hypnotized right now and it felt so fucking good. Keisha's eyes rolled back in her head until only the whites showed.
"M-my trigger is always waiting," she whimpered, the monotonous drone now shaded with pure animal lust. This was what made her so weak, Keisha realized, an association programmed into her that she always rediscovered on the cusp of orgasm. This was what made the slope of her resistance rise until it was inevitably too much effort to reach the summit. The more energy she expended fighting her suggestions, the more weak and drowsy she became, and the trigger was always there waiting for her with inexhaustible patience. And so she always fell. And so she always surrendered. That was enough to make her cum, but it was only the beginning of her latest round of conditioning.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 6 months
Mary Keeps It All in Focus
Mary's focus was on her finger. Middle finger, squarely nestled between her plump pink labia just below her smoothly shaven pubic mound, pressing down with just enough intensity to feel it on her swollen clitty and moving in slow, lazy circles that somehow never quite pushed her over the edge into climax. That part was important, for some reason, but Mary couldn't remember what it was because her focus was on her rubbing finger and nothing else needed to matter right now. If she had another thought, if something about her circumstances or her surroundings wandered into her otherwise empty mind, she could simply keep all her attention on her middle finger instead of pursuing the distracting notion and the pleasure would only become stronger as a result.
So Mary didn't wonder where her clothes went. She had a vague and drifting memory of wriggling out of them, once the sleepy arousal between her thighs built to a point where she couldn't ignore it anymore, but she couldn't seem to lift her heavy eyelids to look around and see where the scattered articles of clothing wound up once she peeled them off and flung them aside. But rather than concern herself with it, Mary's attention stayed firmly on that slow, repetitive motion of her finger over her clit and let the question drift away. It was fine. She didn't need to wear anything right now. No one was complaining about her naked body and the pleasure in her cunt overrode any concerns of modesty. She could keep rubbing and relaxing and let it all fade out of her empty head.
Likewise, the exact circumstances that led to her uncontrollable arousal simply slid off of Mary's focused and attentive mind like rain sliding down the surface of an umbrella. The voice in her ears kept bringing her back to her rubbing finger, and the smooth and simple motion felt so good that even when she did recall sharing the couch with a sultry woman with skin the color of ebony she couldn't hold onto the thought for very long. She didn't really want to try. She wanted to keep her consciousness squarely centered on the things that brought her pleasure, and Mary's throbbing clit brought her so much euphoric bliss right now that everything else could just fade away. She didn't need to remember the way their conversation gradually became more and more one-sided as Mary slumped into the cushions and relaxed. She only needed to tease her pussy and enjoy.
And she didn't need to cum. Orgasm felt almost like too much to handle right now, like a climax would sate the gentle arousal simmering away between her thighs and take the focus off her finger and that was the last thing Mary wanted right now. Better to lie there, cunt leaking and clit pounding with lust, tuning out everything else and letting the sleepy smile on her face get wider and wider as her focus deepened into rapt fascination with her own ecstasy. Occasionally the voice would ask her questions, and occasionally she would respond, but she didn't need to think about what she was saying because it wasn't as important as teasing her slick, dripping pussy deeper into obedience. She could let her guard down. She could relax. And that sounded so, so nice.
Eventually Mary's focus came off of her finger. But by then it was replaced with one gently licking tongue after another, and that became the new center of attention for a while.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 6 months
The Truth Comes in an Explosion of Bliss
"You know, it's interesting," the silver-haired woman said, looking up from her phone to where Cynthia sat across the aisle from her, "but so few people really know what they want out of life. Everyone thinks they're after the same things, because we're all bombarded with social programming that says, 'Go to school, get a job, find a man, buy a house, have babies,' but it takes a truly special person to filter out all those messages and decide for themselves what makes them happy and fulfilled." Cynthia let out a heavy internal sigh and set aside her book. Bad enough this woman had walked right into what was supposed to be a private cabin, but now she wanted to talk philosophy? It was going to be a long train ride if this kept up.
The woman gestured to Cynthia, apparently oblivious to the reception she was getting. "Take you, for instance. I'm guessing you're a grad student, probably going for a PhD in… oh, one of the soft sciences. Sociology, perhaps, or--no. Psychology. You have the haircut of a budding talk therapist." Cynthia's hand went up to her floppy mop of brunette curls, kept in check only by her severe sidecut. She felt intensely, uncomfortably seen. "You're probably thinking about starting your own practice, maybe trying to drop hints to your boring boyfriend until he finally proposes, and going off birth control in ten years once your student loans are paid off. And even though you're a bright young woman, you've never really questioned that."
The silver-haired woman tapped her phone with a single pale finger and suddenly Cynthia's world exploded into pleasure. "But deep down, darling, you've never wanted any of that. You don't want a man, you don't want a career, you don't care about schooling--you're really more into the idea of being the mindless, drooling pet of a strong and confident woman. All that nonsense filling up your head hasn't made you any happier, it's just prevented you from finding out what truly fulfills and satisfies you. And that's being a plaything instead of a person, isn't it?" Cynthia tried to answer, but her cunt was thrumming with ecstasy and her eyes were rolling back in her head and all she could do was grunt and whimper as saliva trickled down her chin and spattered onto her dark gray dress.
"It's really what made you vulnerable," the older woman continued, even as Cynthia grabbed the back of the seat until her knuckles went white in an effort to stop herself from toppling forward onto the floor. "Your cunt was so happy to be hypnotized and enslaved and brainwashed that it went along with everything I asked for, and you were so desperately in denial about your own desires that you didn't even let yourself know what you were trying so pathetically hard to resist. Do you even remember putting the toy in your pussy before you came to the station?" Cynthia couldn't even process the question. She was cumming impossibly hard now, drool spilling down her alabaster chin in a long, steady stream as her mind drifted further and further into pleasure until it felt like it would never return.
"Don't worry, dear," the older woman cooed, reaching out and patting Cynthia on the knee. "I know what you want, even if you don't, and I'm going to make sure you never have to think about it again. Or anything, really. Doesn't that sound nice?" Cynthia finally remembered why she'd gotten onto the train, where it was heading and just how long her obedient subconscious had been preparing her for this final subjugation, but then the pleasure washed it all away. She shuddered in the throes of yet another climax, her mind going blank as she finally accepted the truth of all her secret desires.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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Now….. Pay attention. I am VERY SERIOUS about your compliance over the next 48 hours or so. YOU MUST NOT risk having an unauthorized orgasm. IF you get so close that you are going to lose your load without permission - STOP edging and take a break. 
As I often mention - great rewards await those who obey. Those who cheat - are only cheating themselves. You already KNOW how badly you feel after you blow your load uselessly. It’s not worth it…
Instead - edge to not only my feet  - but I give you permission to take ALL your clothes off - kneel beside me - edge to my feet and you may also lick and kiss my calves… I am fully clothed currently. Only my calves and feet are available to you.
Leak a LOT - Lick a LOT. You may display your respect and compliance by re-blogging this pic. It contains a lot of useful info for others to learn from.
Surprise Party this week-end… I promise.
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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Seriously? Again? It hasn’t been 20 minutes since I had you lick the drops from your cock off my hand and told you to put your cock away. And now you need to edge again? Oh alright…. But my answer regarding a ruined orgasm today will remain the same. NO! You are edging only today. I know your balls ache. And I KNOW the edging only makes them hurt more. That’s WHY I am letting you edge again. Come over here…Let’s get this over with.
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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Okay little boi…YOU know EXACTLY who I am speaking DIRECTLY to… Get a chair from the kitchen table and bring it here. Strip off ALL your clothes and sit down. Look at your cock… It’s ALREADY pointing up TOWARDS me. Now you edge for me… To start you will focus on my thighs and my panties… I may peel them slowly down and I may not. But you watch carefully - perhaps you’ll get a little glimpse of my shaved pussy… When you get close to your edge - LOOK UP TOWARDS MY FACE! I am sure you’ll be completely weakened by the power my look has over you. As your pre-cum appears - you look into my eyes and you lick it up. Lick it ALL UP for me you dirty little boi…
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suggestiblev · 6 months
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