#also they're often the funniest people alive
yardsards · 1 year
Sorry that happened to you. (the rock thing) zoomers can truly be gross awful people
sorry it happened to me??? bruh it was fucking *hilarious* and made me laugh really hard and brightened my day. kids can be absolute delights and i'm glad to have them in my community
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nortism · 9 months
What the Ghosts have been watching on TV
Channel 4 Home renovation shows: They're free with ads and there's an infinite amount of them so Alison puts them on for the whole gang when she and Mike have work to do in same way people put on YouTube videos for their dogs. This has backfired slightly as all the ghosts now have very strong and conflicting opinions on how Button House should be renovated.
The Great British Bake-off: A whole family event, they all get very invested. Kitty thinks Alison Hammond is the funniest person in the world. The Captain feels normal about Noel Fielding. As well as a watching it live, I'm sure they've also watched the whole back catalogue together.
Mama Mia: This where the Captain learnt his ABBA songs from. Pat and Julian enjoy the nostalgic music and I think the others are just bewitched by the story and music
Anything David Attenborough: For obvious reasons. I think he'd get a kick out of trying to do his voice. The others sometimes join in.
Cunk on Earth/ Britain: I think they've got a similar attitude towards history and I think he'd find serious historians trying to answer silly questions incredibly funny
Horrible Histories: He watches this with Kitty, they both find poop jokes funny.
Antiques Roadshow: I'm not sure why. I honestly think he's just glad to watch anything.
Gardener's World: I think she misses being able to look after plants and I think she'd be endlessly fascinated by how hosepipes work.
Mio Mao: She loves them fucking plasticine cats. She will not stop singing the theme song
Honestly think she'll watch anything with anyone and would get invested, she seems like the ideal person to watch telly with.
Ru Paul's Drag Race: I think they all watch this every so often but Kitty is invested. There's bright colours, fun outfits and drama, it's definitely Alison's go to when she needs Kitty distracted.
90s and 2000s romcoms: I believe that every couple of weeks Alison and Kitty have a "girl's night" where they watch all the romcoms that Alison used to watch with her mum, mostly because I love watching romcoms with my mum and Kitty deserves that. Kitty is particularly fond of Twilight.
Any Jane Austen adaptations: He watches them with Fanny as they were both big fans when they were alive (its the only thing they agree on). Kitty also joins sometimes. His favourite is the 1995 Pride and Prejudice tv show.
Grey's Anatomy: I haven't seen it but my mum's a big fan and there's millions of seasons, I think she'd pretend she's not that into it but she definitely is.
Call the Midwife: Same as above.
The Captain:
M*A*S*H: I've seen about half an episode of this but it seems to be about fit young men in a war so it sounds like his thing. Probably Pat's recommendation.
Our Flag Means Death: I think Alison has been trying to sneakily show Cap gay media under the pretence of saying "it's just a fun show about pirates". I think the whole gang watched it together. The Captain definitely didn't cry at the end of season 1 why would think that?
Taskmaster: I think this is one they all watch together but it's definitely one of Pat's favourites. He probably attempted to set up his own version of the show with the ghost which ended horribly.
Doctor Who: I think he watched the original run when he was alive and was absolutely ecstatic to find out they made more. Julian makes fun of him for it.
Have I Got News For You: Has been airing since 1990 so he definitely watched it while he was alive. I think he likes to keep up with current politics but not in a very serious way so this is his middle ground.
Succession: I haven't seen this show but it seems to be about horrible men in suits being horrible to each other which seems right up his alley.
The Thick of It: Speaking of horrible men in suits being horrible. I think he watches this with Robin who has absolutely no idea what's going on but just laughs when Julian does and they have the best time. Julian is constantly pausing to add his own anecdotes
What We Do In The Shadows: Alison put this on as a 'let's show the Captain it's ok to be gay' show and the Captain was immediately horrified so Julian adopted it. He identifies with Lazlo.
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
I very much like my headcanons of all the villain-turned-dream-friends still being very flawed people one way or another.
I'd say that they could all be considered morally grey to various degrees. Some may be nicer than others, but overall I wouldn't really call any of them saints. None of them are irredeemably evil, and Kirby is friends with every single one of them, but they're all still flawed. And Kirby is basically their 'parole officer' as he keeps them all in check.
This post got quite long as I wrote everything I wanted, so I'm gonna post a 'Keep reading tag' down below.
Feel free to click on it if you'd like to see my interpretations on the flaws of some Kirby characters! I'll be covering Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie and the mage sisters here.
Marx may be on Kirby's good side now as he's not looking to attempt conquest on Popstar again, but he's still essentially an agent of chaos. He's loud, he's obnoxious, he's widely known to be a prankster, and he loves getting a rise out of people. He enjoys causing scenes purely for the sake of it. And his sense of humor isn't exactly good at having tact, as he'll make jokes out of things that most others wouldn't dare do. He can be considered the most insufferable one out of the bunch.
But there are good qualities to him, too. Some people legitimately think he's the funniest guy alive, so there's that. Marx loves attention in general, regardless if it's bad or good attention, and so he gets delighted if someone likes him and enjoys his antics. He loves it when people decide to join him on mischief. If you're his friend, he'll often give you stuff to laugh about and you're likely to find yourself having fun with him. If he likes you enough, he'll even stand up for you if someone else antagonizes you. His friends are literally his homies.
He's still quite the wild creature, though. It requires a lot of patience and a lax/chill attitude to be able to put up with Marx. It's not uncommon for him to find ways to instigate chaos in Star Allies gatherings. But he CAN be forced to behave, albeit not always easily. Kirby and Magolor are the ones that can most easily get him to listen.
Dark Meta Knight is still a standoffish jerk with a temperament. He's rude, brutal, and isn't at all afraid to say things that might run shivers down people's spines. He's prone to violence if he feels even the least bit agitated. He's also a rather detached person that does not care to make friends with most of the other star allies, and is quite a big hater for the ones that get on his nerves. He has a bad habit of being too blunt about wishing death or general ill-will for people he hates.
Not just that, but I headcanon that Dark Mind is technically still alive as a neutralized little fragment that desperately needs assistance. DMK hasn't given up trying to bring DM back to its former glory, and is still devoted enough to do what DM asks of him to do. It's not actually as frightening as it sounds, though. Trying to bring DM back to its former glory may be impossible due to how much it'd take, so that threat may not warrant much concern, but DMK still strives for it.
But DMK can be kept in check at times by a few others in the cast. I headcanon that DMK is friends with Daroach, Adeleine, Ribbon and Kirby, and he does care about what they think of him. But I hc those are the only friends he has in the cast, as he's the dream friend with the least amount of friends. He doesn't care about anyone else. He's also willing to do art stuff with Adeleine, and will protect his friends from danger. But overall, DMK is still a ruthless son-of-a-gun.
Daroach has a notably kind-hearted side to him, but he's also absolutely still a thief. Some people are ticked off by his persistent thievery. He likes the challenge of breaking into certain areas and to see what's he capable of successfully stealing. This can get especially irritating for some if he's brought the entire squeak squad with him for these instances. Daroach also has a trollish/smug side to him, as he thinks it's funny to get reactions out of people as he steals from them.
He does have standards, though. There are people that Daroach will NOT steal from. This includes Kirby, Adeleine, the entirety of Ripple Star (he'd feel bad to rob from that planet) and he also respects Meta Knight enough to never steal anything from the Halberd. He's also a softy around Kirby. And there's times in the day where Daroach decides to be chill and not steal anything. He can be quite a laidback bro if he's your friend. He has a big sense of humor and if you don't mind him pulling lighthearted fast ones on you, he'll gladly do that.
But he's still our resident thief! Hahaha. And he often has a rather shady demeanor that might make some people put their guards up.
Magolor did make a well known apology and created an amusement park to back it up, but I headcanon he's still very much a flawed person. Much like his buddy Marx, Magolor is a mischievous prankster that likes getting a rise out of people at times, although he's much more tactful than the jester in this regard. There's other problems with Magolor, like how he often says awkward things that make it evident he doesn't have the best understanding of social cues. He also has a tendency to insert himself into things, due to still having a bit of an ego, and he can sometimes be a blatantly obvious suck-up.
It's also arguably somewhat flawed morality-wise on Magolor's behalf to have made all the masks he did for Merry Magoland. He had great intentions with that, as he wanted to honor many people with that, but he made a lot of them without permission. And it ended up being pretty awkward for some people to see the masks. Thankfully, it didn't elicit any reactions bad enough for Magolor to lose any friends, but he arguably should've gotten many people's permission first.
Magolor is still buds with Kirby despite his current flaws, though. And he actually cares about being liked and cares about making people have fun, and so he makes sure that he has standards accordingly for that. He also just has very weird ways of going on about trying to be a better person than what he was before. But regardless, he's trying!
Taranza may be mourning the death of his beloved queen, but as a matter of fact I do not headcanon him to be a complete softboy! Once enough time passed for him to start properly recovering from his loss, he's eventually started coming back to being a snobby rich-theater kid type of guy like he was before. He can be very bizarrely smug and confident at times. He has an iconic devious smile. He makes webs at people's homes with often trollish messages. Don't be surprised if he sneakily rearranges the stuff in your home without you looking.
And believe it or not, he also has a secretly vengeful and vindictive side to him. He'd love to torment and beat up everyone that picks on him. And because it was a dimensional mirror that corrupted his queen, he heavily resents the mirror world and talks smack about its inhabitants. Honestly if he saw a dimensional mirror again he'd love to break it and smash it to pieces. He also legit wants DMK to die.
But overall, Taranza is no serious bad guy anymore. He does have a definite nice and caring side to him. He's really grateful to all of his friends that have helped him out with his grief (especially Susie, who understands him better than anyone else does) and he'd panic like frick when one of his friends gets hurt. He doesn't want to lose any of his current friends, the last thing he needs is MORE things to grieve over. He's also glad to show people about flora. He's also still just a silly-ass rich theater guy that can be quite a big, dramatic handful.
Susie, while no longer the terrifying colonizer she once was, is still very much a corporate-minded woman with a lot of unhinged stuff going on with her. The HWC's practices are substantially improved in her rule compared to what it was in her dad's rule, but she still makes corny business decisions at times. She has a notable stubborn streak, and is often a bit too blunt and formal to people she isn't close enough to be friends with. She's also feisty and a bit too ruthless when it comes to combat, as it may require others to calm her down. And like Magolor, she gets awkward at times with her low understanding of social cues.
She's also still a mad-scientist at heart, although she's mostly stopped mechanizing people (except for those that explicitly WANT it) and has largely shifted to applying her mad-scientist desires on inanimate objects such as toys and accessories. I headcanon that Susie has an entire hobby of making super-detailed custom furbies as I wrote a post about it. But despite the improved shift, she often gets way ahead of herself when experimenting on inanimate objects to the point that the final result of her creations are pretty darn freaky and unnerving to some people. She really loves doing it, though! And the unhinged level of detail to her creations can be hilarious to some.
Susie does have friends that she cares about, and she lets them reign her in as she doesn't want to disappoint them. And despite usually being rather cold, she's not entirely without her kind moments. Susie is at her nicest when interacting with Taranza and Kirby, and she has other friends like Magolor and the mage sisters that she can be great with. Her friends are the one thing that help motivate her to get better. But despite that, Susie is still absolutely a big handful in terms of flaws. She's still a vindictive, standoffish, corporate mad-scientist that's ballsy enough to constantly snap back during confrontations!
The Mage Sisters are still chaotic menaces. They're exceptionally grateful to Kirby and co. for saving them and Hyness in HiAD, and so they definitely ain't doing that Void Termina crap again, but these women still engage in absurdly violent and bombastic activities. They love to destroy random buildings for no real reason other than just for kicks and giggles. They cackle like hyenas when they cause mischief.
Francisca is perhaps the most obviously flawed mage sister, as she literally keeps her frozen trophy collection and even tries to expand it! That's a bruh moment. It doesn't exactly help that she's close buddies with Marx as those two will just make some absolutely absurd hijinks together. Her relatively quiet nature can also be rather unnerving. It's not all bad, though, as she can be genuinely sweet to people that she cares about. And she's kind enough to give you free water with her soda gun if you'd like that, but overall she's an extraordinary freak.
Flamberge is the nicest of the three mage sisters, but she still has her fair share of chaos as she loves causing big booms with her fire abilities. She can be considered a daredevil with that sort of thing. Another notable flaw with her is that she lets Francisca get away with anything. She will NEVER hold her psychotic blue sister accountable. And there's of course her temperament, but she's surprisingly chill a lot of the time and is really only angry if given an actual reason to be.
Zan Partizanne can be quite rude with excessive name-calling, as she has a mentality of "it goes both ways" when her name can't be said right. If you can't say her name right, then she'll make it even by giving you some unhinged nickname. She also has a guilty pleasure of starting playful bickering matches with people purely for fun. That being said, she's something of a leader alongside Hyness at the Jambandran base and is always glad to help guide people around the place, but she can overall be quite a standoffish and feisty person.
The mage sisters do care about trying to be better, though. They want to make Kirby proud as he's essentially their little hero. They're still incredibly unhinged people by virtue of being raised in a literal cult, though, and they still love to start ruckuses and cause chaos. With the amount of mischief they cause with their weapons, it may be wise to keep some distance as to not get caught in their weapons' range.
That's basically everything I got. All these characters are still very flawed people to me. They're all redeemable to various extents, but yeah. I like to think that they all need occasional slaps on the wrists by Kirby. He's their 'parole officer' like I said at the beginning of the post. He keeps them in check. And it works as they all respect him!
But despite sometimes slapping them on the wrists, Kirby does care about all these people. He's friends with all of them. He cheers them on as they progress in life. When they do good things, he's proud of them! He also can't help but feel sorry for the more traumatized ones.
Kirby has remarkable tolerance. He can basically be friends with bad people, lol. He always has faith and sees the good in people. He's the perfect little guy to motivate people to get better. He can keep someone in check from doing bad things, and is merciful enough to always give them a second chance. Man, thank this universe for Kirby!
Thanks for reading if you did. See you for the next one.
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mecachrome · 3 months
Hi k! I think you’ve maybe mentioned this before but if you want would you share any thoughts on the Jenson/Oscar/Lando dynamic (either observed or in your fic!)? Love your scholarship as always.
omg i would love to but disclaimer that this is like an entirely fictional dynamic of course and basically just something i want to see in badvibez fic HLSDFHLKH. actually as a jendo 1oa shipper my Very very early idea was one-sided attraction on lando's side + 814 fwbs but eventually i fell down the jb81 brainworms path...
oh but in terms of observed dynamics, one thing i remember very clearly from 2022 is when crbgate was happening and jenson was talking to skysports about it like "i've been through this situation before but actually i was wrong and selfish 😊 oscar shouldn't make enemies in his career so early when he's literally never driven in a formula 1 car ❤️" in that lowkey condescending (affectionate) way of his which was hilarious to me fsr because like. well to be clear Many pundits/tps/etc. were speaking presumptuously on oscar's situation and often it was through this lens of "surely one team can't be that fucking stupid and incompetent right?" (spoiler alert: well you know) but Still... because mark webber (we'll get to him) was actually managing oscar correctly and oscar WASN'T as stupid and brash as young jense. similarly people love comparing oscar's driving style to jenson's and i remember once during an fp session someone doing it right before oscar went off and jenson was like ...Okay then. :) HLSDFH like i do think jenson rates and likes oscar don't get me wrong i just also think that 1) jenson is obnoxiously obsessed with and loyal to lando and 2) jenson can get carried away with the Narratives like any other pundit but... he's also pretty clearheaded and objective with where oscar's current level is and doesn't ever praise him senselessly, which interests me because of how much old people adore oscar and hype him up. also the first f1 race oscar ever watched was melb 2009 which jenson won... guy who meticulously studied canada 2009 as race prep two weeks ago 🧡
basically the idea of the fic really is that Literally Everyone Ever is obsessed with jenson button except for oscar. and Literally Everyone Ever around jenson's age is charmed by oscar except for jenson. and oscar's like ok yeah he's cool but what is so great about this guy... has logan texting him going all mate seriously he's actually so nice 🥰 and lando turns beet red every time jenson so much as breathes near him in the paddock and he and alex get along swimmingly and everyone he talks to seems to think jenson is the funniest guy alive. he's like ??? PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER.
also what i love about jenson is that he's so good at playing mindgames by never succumbing to them in the first place. which is a distinctly oscar piastri quality... so like i love the idea of their banter/dynamic being very insincere but in this distinctly light-hearted and polite way??? like they're both clearly trying to fuck with each other but they're having fun with it. ok actually sorry let me just paste an entire text post. Basically c'est comme ça:
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also this is something chel and i discussed once but the hilarity of jenson and mark is that jenson treats the young brits like they're his mates but actually maintains some sort of moral emotional/physical distance whereas markw is out here like calling oscar his kid and pup while being... i mean. You know. hasklfdh anyway i LOVE their dynamic in the context of jendo/jb81/814 etc. because while jenson and mark are friends mark will always be that loser who never got his wdc and lost to seb every time... which really the latter is the most embarrassing to him imo because jenson lowkey rates beating lewis higher than winning his championship.
tl;dr: when you're in a Make Everything about lando norris competition and your opponents are jenson and oscar
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tbh i kind of gave up on this a while back but then miami brought everything back because JENSON was there and then i was just like >>>THE DELICIOUSNESS OF JENSON BEING THERE FOR LANDO'S WIN AND OSCAR FLOPPING... there is nothing more delicious to me than sleeping together about another person imo. and it first happens in silvo or something because they have all these misdirected feelings about lando who is Inaccessible to them for different reasons (jenson: thinks he's being an upstanding citizen by only lusting after lando from afar / oscar: has been told by mark webber to not hook up with a teammate. never said anything about old rivals though) and then it keeps continuing because oscar's season kind of goes to shit once they hit the americas and well... you get the gist.
i could talk about this forever tbh. even though it makes NO sense <3 can someone please write me jb81 😭😭😭
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edwinspaynes · 2 years
If The Last Hours Cast Had Social Media
Their usernames would be
@/eldrich-eternal-flames (James)
@/kickinitwithcordy (Cordelia)
@/kickinitwithcortana (Cordelia's sideblog for Cortana pics where she also bestows Persian terms of endearment unto it)
@/wilde-wanderer (Matthew)
@/grumpycatcarstairs (Alastair)
@/thomas-the-tree (Thomas)
@/kit-li-the-science-guy (Christopher)
@/that-science-bitch (Grace)
@/ghostwriter (Lucie)
@/lord-jethro (Jesse)
Matthew's page is a travel blog type thing with pictures from his adventures. His Instagram grid needs to be aesthetically perfect, so it's a lot of landscapes. Every few pictures, he'll post Oscar and perhaps periodically a selfie. The whole thing is beautiful and perfectly put together, but the unfortunate (or very fortunate) tagline is Putting the Lust in Wanderlust.
Additionally, he has a Twitter that he uses for literally no other purpose than to initiate arguments with Elon Musk.
Matthew also makes lots of TikTok videos of himself doing adventurous things like bungee jumping, cliff diving, and taking long and interesting hikes with Oscar. They're really cool and he amasses a large fan base. Unfortunately, he likes to make really cringe puns, and he's really judgmental of the fashion sense of everyone he meets. Which brings us to:
The fact that Alastair has a YouTube channel where he reacts to bad TikToks. His droll commentary and sharp wit evoke an enormously positive response in his audience. He's hailed as one of the funniest human beings ever, especially when he gets to react to serious nonsense. The videos come once a week and are about 10 minutes long.
But every month he does a special double-length video where the only thing he mocks are Matthew's travel TikToks from that month. Matthew comments every time that it is hurtful, but it's all a big joke. They pretend to argue in the comments and that eventually is endearing to both of their followers.
Alastair also goes onto Cordelia's Instagram once in a while to do a live. They call it (based on Cordelia's screen name) 'Kickin' It With the Carstairs.' They just take questions and have conversations with the many viewers of their livestreams. They talk about current events, give (often bad) relationship advice, and behave in a distinctly siblinglike manner.
James and Thomas are the cameramen, and James one day decides to go get himself a cup of tea. You can see James puttering about in the background and messing with the kettle while Cordelia and Alastair talk. James comes back with the tea, but Cordelia thinks it's for her. James is forced to sacrifice it because they are on live and he is a) gallant, and b) a Wife Guy.
Alastair then jokingly inquires about why Cordelia gets tea but not him. Thomas gives the camera to James and goes to make Alastair the tea he likes because he too is a) gallant, and b) a Husband Guy. In leaving the camera with James, he unfortunately drops its height by about a foot. The angle is all off and the viewers are really confused by Thomas's big hulking frame.
Grace and Christopher, who are both gloriously alive and happy, live in a little cottage somewhere in the idyllic countryside doing science. They will take videos of new innovations that they have. They'll show how they're meant to work vs how they do work, and they'll explain the inventions to everyone watching. They try to get young people interested in science and curious about the way that the world works. They also have a pet rat, Marie Curie II. Their followers love her.
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singing-bones · 5 months
25. for as many ocs as you want to do because i think that's the funniest question. also 16 and 19 for anyone?
25 - What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? Raziel: has extensive knowledge on candles, specifically. not even how to make them, just about the brands that produce them, the history behind some scents, weird logistics as to where certain ones would be sold, what season they do best in, ect. he really likes collecting them. it's one of the odd things about him, honestly, most of the time he doesn't even light them, they just sit unused on shelves in rainbow order. Adam: he knows a lot about animals. just random animals. he really likes them. he doesn't do anything with this information, he just sits with it and rotates it in his head sometimes. he never talks about it. he's stoic until someone asks him about local owls and he goes :D and rambles forever 16 - What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Bail: Sol, he often thinks about what he'd say to his maker if he was ever in the same space. he's angry, about a lot. both for the island's people and himself. he feels like he got robbed of a normal life, ect. his adoptive father, Gin. most of his issues with him has been ""resolved"" (not really. they just sort of agreed to not talk about it and shove it under the rug because it would tear the family apart to actually address the abuse). often he thinks about confronting him. he doesn't really know why he's so stuck on it, but he's angry deep down for what he went through and the lack of patience extended his way, how hard his dad was on him, ect. he's angry that what he and his sister went through just got put to the side ig. so yeah he thinks about arguing with him a lot Echo: his siblings. who are. in his head. it's not so much arguing and mostly just withering to a husk while his brothers scream at each other over something incredibly stupid and menial... though to give you a more serious answer, it's not so much an an argument, but sometimes he wishes he could explain himself properly to people, but he just never has the words so it never really plays out in his head right Alucard: Everyone and everything. he's well composed on the outside but on the inside he's a bitter, angry man so he tends to take out his anger on. well. people. in his head. 10 - What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Bail: Oh he'd loose his shit probably. he's not a violent man until he is. if he ever sees the people who raided that ship he was on as a child, they're loosing teeth. or sol. he's been avoiding them since you know, literal god, but god that won't stop him from trying to do something stupid Echo: try to apologize, maybe. he doesn't know what he was going to say. he'd start speaking but the words would get all stuck and jumbled. he doesn't get what he's feeling or why, because he was just doing what he was supposed to, right? who knows. he sure doesn't. things are complicated Alucard: kill him again. again. as many times as it takes to get it out of his head, any sort of vindication, any sense of justice. it never comes though. murder is still murder. that man's actions will stay with him forever, alive or not
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1111jenx · 4 years
little thing i associated with
The Stelliums (part 1)
Hey y'all I'm back with another post🥳 One if my followers asked me abt her stellium td and i thought i should do a small series to help you guys out🤍
for more posts like this, follow my masterlist luv<3
part two here
🤍first house🤍
fire, i see fire with you guys, in your eyes even and i stand in awe at how brave and daring you guys are.
whatever sign is present here will be enhanced, the key idea is being put to the front, to the public.
unless placed in the sign of Libra (opposition 1H ruler Aries-Mars), the native would be pretty expressive and have an interesting relationship with their self-awareness.
the type that always stands out for some reason.
i notice that air signs placed here (esp aquarius) are more often than not , extremely popular people.
the first house rules matters of first impressions and first approach to situations; image; appearance; self- presentation.
will often feel very exposed and as if they were pushed to the spotlight somehow, people see all of their flaws, their best&their worst, the goods and the bad.
have a rly hard time finding people who accept them, who love them for who they are as sometimes they don't even know for sure.
confident most of the time but also extremely vulnerable.
lots and lots of excessive energy. mentally & physically.
will always need to find something fulfilling to do, i notice aries stellium like to keep themselves busy.
deep need to find an emotional outlet
horrible anger. prone to throw tantrums as a defence mechanism.
surprisingly v rational when needed, hints of cute childlike curiosity and practicality.
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🤍second house🤍
always in a race searching for security and comfort. strong need to find meaning behind things.
materialistic but they like to call it realistic:)
practical than most people but also suffer a lot from time to time with esteem issues.
an eye for the art. can be amazing at cooking and any earthly matters.
business like people, if placed with even more earth or beneficial signs can signify success in finance.
traditional to an extent. like it how it is. have a hard time being happy if they don't see themselves working hard or being useful. (or making money)
very persistent with their goals. have big yet realistic dreams. love for the dollar bills.
can be very bad with their emotions. disregard it and have a hard time trusting people easily.
second house discuss a lot abt ways of earning and managing money; things valued more than money; beliefs that create or block abundance.
hence they can be extra focus on these aspects of life. they have no time for superficial thing.
slow but steady, takes their sweet time but the result will amaze everyone
want to make sure things are "in the right place" before proceeding forward.
indulge in things that make them feel good, whether its food, clothes, money or more money.
very stubborn. esp when it comes to their feelings. this is a fixed sign afterall. slow to grow but things stay with them for a long time.
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🤍third house🤍
house of communication; style of thinking and learning; siblings and near relatives; neighbors; basic education.
will most likely to overthink all the time, or their brains always feel like its working overtime.
very smart and witty. depending on what signs the stellium is in can create some of the funniest people alive.
theres always an innocence in these people, their approach is often very refreshing and they're naturally creative.
amazing at story telling. can never shut up about whats on their mind.
a blessing and a curse.
Lots and lots of ideas, burst of energy come randomly when they least expected it
can be very moody, need time alone to recharge.
spontaneous but not randomly, they get bored very fast.
need a lot of mental simulation, cant be with someone whos boring.
talks. talks. talks. if not there are voices in their head 24/7
anxieties and get panicked randomly.
social butterfly but also secretly need a timeout from people, they are very observant so they see everything.
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🤍fourth house🤍
family and stability beats everything else.
spiraling thoughts when they're alone, thinking back to their foundation, their childhood in particular.
search for their ideal home, their ideal family or people that they belong to.
will go through life feeling as if theres a part of them hidden to others.
a sense of responsibility. naturally soft or homey people, love decor and arts and cooking.
enjoys luxury and comfort as much as 2H stellium.
have their ideal image of what they want their home to be.
a lot of people w 4H stellium if badly aspected will not want to have children.
Nurturing. always care way much more than they should.
too much emotions so they need to find a healthy way to let it out.
very soft and sensible people.
empathetic, a soft spot for people in need. will have a charitable heart and always look out for the underdogs.
emotionally volatile when wronged. will become ruthless and childish all of the sudden.
detached. way more detached than people think.
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🤍fifth house🤍
this house talks a lot about children; romance; creativity; self-expression; performing; leisure activities; risk-taking.
always have a wind of drama and carefreeness to them like no others.
extremely self-aware. need to have fun and excitement in their life from time to time to function properly.
happiest when they can be themselves unapologetically. should not hesitate to take the lead and step into the spotlight.
extremely supportive of the arts. arts and beauty reside in their veins. a lot of them value the idea of tortured artist, they value the beauty in pain and one's rawest emotions.
can seem relaxed but are actually very outgoing. supportive to their friends most of the time.
their ego is built up depending on how they value and view themselves.
prone to feel sudden attacks as they don't feel validated or living up to their expectations.
compliments and praises. a lot of it.
flamboyant and proud. will always aim towards the best of the best.
easier time relating to people. people's people and can sometimes can be very people pleasing without noticing.
people hand the spotlight to them. they take it with extreme joy.
moments of selfdoubt and during the lowest, they wish they were perfect, they hold themselves to a very high standards and most of the time, they get mad at themselves for not being able to live up to this fantasy.
stubborn. hard time to convince them. harder time to change their mind.
smiles that brighten the room
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🤍sixth house🤍
this house discusses work and its meaning; work habits; types of jobs; coworkers and employees; health and health habits.
little health issues. put a great focus on their wellbeing and need to be in check 24/7
the type to panic over the smallest thing, little icks and pet peeves.
will benefit a lot by getting into meditation.
since this is also a mercury ruled house, they're naturally intelligent and curious. will always look for the deeper meaning of everything.
workaholics. really care about their success and career.
very fair. they try to balance their professional life and personal life so no one feels left out.
a secret love for animals and plants
but also can be the messiest people.
productive and very serious when it comes to work matter. they dont play around.
look for the details. can see thing big picture yet are amazing at finding the flaws and imperfections.
always stressing themselves out. when their negative thoughts started theres no turning back.
overthink 24/7 but hate this as this further put more burden on their shoulder
feel like they're responsible for everyone and everything. take on way too much.
forgiving by nature. kinda bad at holding grudges but doesn't mean they cant.
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So heres are few of my short descriptions for the stelliums<3 stay tuned for part two!🤎
saint jenx🤎
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vyladromeave · 3 years
what are some random headcanons you have for vylad!!!!!
U can see this in my art sometimes but not often bcs of how I draw his hair, but his ears are pierced ^-^
post nether imprisonment he has a hard time keeping track of. Well. Time. A week goes by and hes like oh just a couple hours nbd. And sometimes like 3 hours goes by and hes like well that was like 7 years at Least. He has no clue what date it is at any time. It doesn't really bother him but everyone else is like How Do You Live Like This.
Garroth is the target he would have to kill to become an immortal Shadowknight. Garroth is obviously still alive, therefore Vylad is not fully immortal.
He wears his hair up in a bun like Occasionally, but its only really either 1: fancy formal occasions or 2: hes like about to murder someone. so neither of those really have good connotations for him.
Basically always avoids eye contact when talking to people. its not a conscious thing its just a habit.
Both the scarf an the ocarina are gifts from his mom.
They obvs dont do it anymore but as a kid they used to be real clever and snarky. copes with being the fuck up of the family by being the funniest one yknow.
Has a symbol of Irene as a necklace, its under his scarf/shirt/etc. at all times. He's not religious per se but sometimes its nice to talk to someone who you know isn't listening.
Laurance being Nice to him during his imprisonment time actually meant a LOT to him like a lot a lot. There is a very limited amount of people in his life who have been nice to him Ever and that was a very difficult moment for him. If Aphmau is what got Laurance through his time in the nether, i think Laurance is what got Vylad through his time in imprisonment.
His relationship with Hyria is a little silly shes like his old snarky grandma and they love eachother but that does not stop them from being rude to eachother lmao. Idk how to put it into words properly like she gives him advice and he Hates it but also he knows shes right. shes like one of the only people bold enough to talk back to him and get him out of his funks yaknow. She talks sense into him.
Died young, they were like only 16. Being a Shadowknight was one of the first times in his life where he felt appreciated and useful. had a family he actually belonged to. (which is partially how he was convinced into doing big shadowknight murder kill. "im not a good person" etc etc.)
Literally nobody in the Shadowknights (aside from the Shadow Lord) knows that Vylad is a Ro'meave. Somehow nobody has put it together that Vylad is That Vylad and he's smart enough not to tell people his last name or where he's from. Probably because nobody knows that he spells his name with a Y in there.
They feel a weird sense of responsibility for Aphmau, being the person who like Summoned Her Into The World, and thats partly why they're a bit more comfortable around her compared to the rest of the cast. He's honestly probably more comfortable with Aphmau than he is with Garroth as of S2.
gay ass. nonbinary. he/they. <3
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sparxwrites · 3 years
Hi! Another ex-Yog current-mcyt fan here, and one who participated in WOTF! I have a lot of fond memories of that and am very happy to see you in yet another blockman hell. Could I get a Techno for the headcanon prompt thingy? Hope you're doing well!
sparx has received [ 29 ] asks from ex-yogs fans welcoming her back to hell
g o d wotf brings back memories... i'd say dsmp probably needs one of those, too, but i think i'd be genuinely torn limb from limb and eaten alive and im too old to be dealing with that shit now.
Headcanon A:  realistic
He doesn't really know what the Voices are, or where they're from, or what they want. He knows they're in his head, and that they're often incomprehensible, and that when they are comprehensible they often demand blood or say E - and that's about it. Are they some kind of ghost or spirit possessing him? Some religious thing? A sign of a protracted mental breakdown and detachment from reality? Who knows! Certainly not Technoblade.
He tries not to think about it too much because it freaks him out, and he doesn't like feeling freaked out. The best he can do is learn to live with them, which he has, mostly, and learn how to manage them, which is a work in progress on the basis they seem fundamentally ungovernable. And to try very, very hard to really not think about it. Especially when the voices know stuff he doesn't.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He took up knitting during his retirement. He's shit at it. He has knitted several scarfs, two hats, and something that could generously be called a sweater, and he is still shit at it. He does not enjoy it. He is not getting better at it. However, on principle, he refuses to admit defeat, and therefore continues to knit with the same kind of grim ferocity most people bring to waging war. (Yes, Philza thinks this is the funniest shit he's ever see.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Uhh, I guess a double-up with the one below, a bit, but also- big fan of chronic pain headcanons for "old warrior" types. Techno with scars that itch, old injuries that ache, joints that go stiff in the cold. Keeping up with his training helps it, and he's got teas and potions and salves and such to manage it, but it never really goes exactly. Technoblade never dies, sure - but he can hurt, and he does. Pretty often, in fact. He tries not to think about the fact that, one day, it's going to get too bad for him to keep fighting the way he's so renowned for. That, one day, it's going to make him slow enough to get him killed.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Despite appearances, Techno does actually have a number of regrets about how he handled a lot of stuff: Tubbo's execution, the subsequent fight with Tommy, and then his reaction to Tommy's "betrayal" and Doomsday.
He's an impulsive kind of guy with a lot of anger/aggression issues, and has difficulty backing down from a challenge and a very "you're with me or against me" mentality - all of which interacts poorly with his extremely powerful sense of loyalty, but also the fact that the slightest betrayal of that loyalty once given counts as a complete obliteration of it.
He's got this vague sense, though, that if he apologises for anything, or allows himself to really feel regret, or actually processes/confront some of the stuff he's done... he'll just sort of crumble. Like it'd very literally nearly kill him. And so he just... refuses to process it, or to acknowledge he's done anything wrong ever, or made any bad choices or ever, and just forges on ahead blindly with a growing ball and chain of definitely-not-regrets around his ankle dragging him down
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stuckinakillingjar · 2 years
31 and 46 for the jjba ask game >:)
1. LOOK LOOK LOOK. STARDUST CRUSADERS IS THE BEST PART IN MY HUMBLE OPINION. the team dynamic, the characters, the relationships, the VILLAINS, the fights, FUCKINF DIOOO it's literally so good. dude i literally rushed through the anime in like 4 days it was sooo exciting. i know many people criticise part 3 for its repetitiveness but to be honest, i didn't feel like it was repetitive at all, i found it really entertaining and wasn't bored for a single episode. the last fight is inarguably the most iconic jojo fight ever and IT DESERVES THAT PLACE. sc is so fucking good i could talk about it all day long but i don't wanna pick apart every single thing rn 💀 all i wanna say is that we're never going to get another part that feels like stardust crusaders. i watched it in like the middle of march and it's already nostalgic to me 😭 there's just this immediate connection that i formed with the characters that made their deaths even sadder for me
2. golden wind. the team dynamic is really good too in this part. tbh for golden wind i'll talk about anime only because i didn't like the manga as much as the anime, and the main reason for that is that the anime adds a lot more to the characters backstories and relationships imo. do you fucking know how shocked i was when i found out that fugo's backstory and that scene of bucciarati and abbacchio meeting isn't manga canon. like wtf?? also the relationship between trish and bucciarati which literally makes me want to violently throw up and cry myself to sleep is shown way better in the anime. giorno as a jojo isn't exactly my favorite tbh, but the side cast balances it out, they're all very interesting characters. also this part really established the fucking ass pull stands that araki made up they're so funny. cioccolata's stand for example, or melone's like how the fuck do you come up with that. oh since we're talking about the villians, i liked la squadra, they were cool but a bit underused (is that even a word??). it would've been sick as fuck if la squadra and team bucciarati would have collaborated, they basically had the same goal of finding out diavolo's real identity. diavolo is bad villain imo, i already explained why in the last ask. changing the topic real quick i also find it cool how you can see how in this part araki made like, a bigger deal out of the whole fashion thing, i love the character design in gw. also fighting gold is the best jojo op
3. dude i'm slowly losing motivation i'm just gonna punch out the rest. third place goes to battle tendency because caesar is my poor little meow meow and joseph is my favorite dumbass bitch
4. diamond is unbreakable because kira
5. phantom blood mainly because dio is literally the funniest motherfucker in this part and erina and jonathan make my heart bleed
i won't rate part 6, 7 and 8 because i didn't really pay much attention during the stone ocean anime and i'm reading the manga for it right now, and i haven't read 7 and 8 yet
46. moment you wish never happened
tbh narancia's death was lowkey useless to the plot like what was the reason 😭
also the thing with yukako kidnapping koichi? like i still lowkey ship them because of the stuff that happens later in the cinderella arc but like,,, thinking about how crazy yukako really is makes it lowkey weird.
i'm trying to think of more stuff wait. ig kakyoin getting wounded so often in part 3 is kinda sad because he got less screentime because of it and also ABDUL DYING?? TWICE?? omg and the stardust crusaders hiding the fact that abdul was still alive after hol horse shot him from polnareff, it just made me so upset WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT 😭
bruh another part 5 thing; why in god's name is giorno 15 years old PLSSS. this dude deadass became a mafia boss at almost 16 years old. also, why did they make the golden wind timeline so fucking short? the entire plot went on for like what? 4 days?? they could've given them some damn time when you consider that they had to fight like 3 villains a day while mista shot himself like 60 times and everyone had to be healed by giorno over and over again like CHILL
ok this lowkey doesn't have anything to do with the original question anymore so let's just stop at this point 😭
thank you so much for the ask anon!
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Hi bored, I'm anon
Now that I got that out of my system, could I goad you into talking more about the card club au? Like how do the others stumble upon this little college group? You mentioned a variation where they're crypid hunters so maybe you'd like to share a particularly interesting encounter?
Wait in the crypid variation do the other scybes still join card club? Imagine if they're crypids but hiding their identities in order to participate, the other three bragging about finding different creatures and successful hunts while the three crypids nod and store that information for later encounters. Maybe they also subtly tease the hunters, giving them false information and advice (and also trying to screw their fellow crypids over with real info)
ON IT. Here's some info:
Poe is 31 and decided to pursue higher education later in life, Kaycee is 30 and kept switching majors before finally landing on her current one, Luke is 29 and dropped out from multiple colleges before (fourth time's the charm?). P03 studies something relating to programming and works part-time at a mechanics shop, Kaycee focuses on game design and 3d modelling and works in retail (though her mum is paying for her studies), and idk what tf Luke is studying but he sure is there and works at McDonald's (god save him).
In the occasional spare time that they have outside of work and studying, the three decide to set up a card club (Kaycee and Luke we're big into card games, especially Inscryption, and they dragged P03 along). At first, nobody else's interested but eventually, they're joined by Grimora, Magnificus and Leshy (still figuring out their names, but might use the same ones I gave to them in Lost Souls AU for simplicity's sake?). Mags joins first, he's an office worker who's into DnD and larping, he's also into Inscryption and he heard about the card club in passing and decided to check it out. Grimora and Leshy stumble onto it through flyers. Grimora didn't have many hobbies and wanted to branch out so it seemed like as good of an opportunity as any. Dunno about Leshy's reasoning tho, maybe he was just bored. Oh and Leshy owns a flower shop and Grimora works at a funeral home. Oh, and Grimora is in her early to mid-40s, Mags is in his early 50s and Leshy is in his mid-50s to early 60s.
Other characters are just people living around the town, like Rebecha is also a student at the same university and The Mycologists teach there.
Generally, there's no plot, it's more of a slice of life AU. They all have their problems and use that card club as means to get away from them. For Grimora it's her unhappy family life, for Leshy it's the fact he feels lost and like his life has no point to it, for Mags it's his exhausting shitty office job and stress that comes with it, and for Luke, P03 and Kaycee it's the stress from studies and work and their respective shitty family situations. Other than that P03 struggles a lot with ableism and internalised ableism, to the point that he fakes being able-bodied in the card club by covering his prosthetics and making sure he leaves last so they don't see he's parked in a disabled spot (mostly out of fear that they will treat him different or will be assholes because he "doesn't look disabled" or he's "too young to be disabled" and similar kind of bullshit)
I god damn adore P03's, Luke's and Kaycee's dynamic, they're all just a bunch of idiots with a collective singular braincell (that they use half the time anyway). P03 is a sarcastic asshole, Luke is a big sweetheart that adores said asshole and thinks he's the funniest bitch alive to the point that people keep doing double-takes whenever Luke laughs at P03's mean jokes, and Kaycee is the brain of the trio, a little dead inside and keeps pulling them into weird shit. Kaycee and Leshy are naturally also close friends and Kaycee starts coming by his store as often as she can. Leshy and P03 have a hilarious dynamic in because there's just something funny about a man that's almost retirement age who's normally a sweetheart but just can't stand this Singular Asshole like half his age. Also, I adore P03's and Grimora's dynamic here? Be it platonic or romantic; they're just very close and support each other and AUGH- P03 helps her get out of a toxic relationship and I'm so here for it.
As for cryptid hunters-- I love your idea for it! It sounds fun. My version of it is like-- the card club doesn't exist, the three just start an amateur ghost/cryptid hunter series and rope Rebecha into this because she's the only one with a big enough car for all their equipment. They all just mostly joke around and (mostly) think that every case is just bullshit. That doesn't stop P03 and Luke from getting scared shitless though! Luke is a huge wimp, followed closely by P03 who just puts on a brave face but might be an even bigger wimp than Luke, Kaycee is the normal amount of cautious/scared. Rebecha usually stays by the truck and talks with them through the radio, and she sometimes enjoys scaring the shit out of them.
Grimora, Leshy and Magnificus are cryptids, and they meet the others during one of their explorations. The four went hiking in the winter and got stranded, so P03 went to gather some firewood but didn't come back because he got attacked by Something. Idk what it was yet but it took a whole chunk out of his neck and part of his intestines before Leshy stepped in and carried P03 to safety. The next day Luke and Kaycee were forced to leave because of an unexpected snowstorm. Meantime P03 woke up in Grimora's hut and, naturally, freaked the fuck out. Like a week later Luke and Kaycee return against better judgement and also almost die out in the cold, but once again the Conveniently Placed Leshy swoops in. These humans need to stop almost dying in his forest. Seriously, where are their manners?
Also, P03 is trans and his name is pronounced as Poe but written as P03 because he's a fucking nerd.
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a34trgv2 · 3 years
In Defense of The Angry Birds Movie
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When it comes to movies based on video games, more often than not they're recieved less than favorable by critics and audiences. The Angry Birds Movie was one of those video game based movies that critics didn't care for and most audiences thought it was okay. I'm of the rare opinion though that this movie is actually a really funny and well written story about why anger is an important and necessary emotion when used correctly. In this post, I'm going to talk about why I really liked Angry Birds in spite of its reputation.
Based on the popular mobile game by Rovio, this film focuses on Red and how he's put down by everyone for his temper. When the pigs lead by King Leonard come and manipulate their way to steal the birds' eggs, Red and his fellow bird companions must band together to get their eggs back before they're served Sunny side up. The film does a good job at showing Red getting rightfully annoyed to the point of violence after one inconvenience after another. This is very much how I often feel on a daily basis and as such I very much relate to Red. The film also takes the time to show what Bird Island is like and how its inhabitants commute. Everything from the birds living in huts to their diet is handled well thanks to very clever visual gags. Speaking of, I found a lot of the jokes to be really funny, including the use of gross out. Normally I'm disgusted by gross out humor, but here they managed to get a laugh out of me because I found their set ups to be quite clever and the punchlines executed brilliantly.
On to the characters beside Red, I found Chuck and Bomb to be both funny and entertaining to watch. Chuck is always on the move, has some of the funniest lines as well as the funniest gags. Bomb is more mellow and a bit dimwitted, but nonetheless funny and caring. Matilda tries her best to maintain her posture, even when Red makes it difficult. Terrence is the strong silent type who normally growls, yet what he lacks in dialogue he more than makes up for in action. Mighty Eagle is a very funny hasbeen that still thinks he's the coolest ever and just about every scene he's in is just so goofy. Then there's Leonard, the big bad pig of the film. Leonard is a very smart swine that plays the long game in gaining the birds' trust by manipulating them and distracting them with parties and gifts. Leonard rules over his pig kingdom with a toothy grin and the upmost confidence, even if his subjects are as dumb as, well pigs.
What truly brings these characters to life is the very stellar voice acting on display. Jason Sudeikis perfectly embodies the cynical and frustrated attitude of Red and makes him sound like a generally easy going guy who's had one too many bad days. Josh Gad really sells the speedy nature of Chuck and makes him sound like he's always in a hurry. Danny McBride really nails Bomb's mellow and dimwitted personality and makes him sound like he could be a good friend if he didn't explode every time he gets excited. Maya Rudolph gave a really fun performance as Matilda, making her sound quirky and zen, yet appears to be one minor inconvenience away from really letting loose. Sean Penn did a really good job providing the grunts and growls for Terence. Sure, anyone of the people involved in the animation or storyboarding department could've done it, but Penn was intentionally chosen by the directors because they felt it'd be a missed opportunity otherwise. Peter Dinklage sells the real showboaty and self-indulgent attitude of Mighty Eagle. Bill Hader makes Leonard sound like a smart and eccentric pig and delivers some funny lines of his own.
The animation is really well crafted and that's thanks to the wonderfully talented people over at Rovio Animation. The character designs were given a significant upgrade from their mobile game counterparts, becoming anthropomorphic bipedal characters with big expressive eyes, fingers and detailed textures. The characters move in a believable and natural way, with Chuck of course being the exception as he's always running and moving in just about every scene he's in. The village and landscapes of Bird and Pig Island are all very well detailed and feel lived in. The animation truly comes alive during the comedic scenes and the action packed climax. Scenes such the open with Red running late, Bomb and Chuck's Mighty Eagle day dreams and Red fighting with an annoying sign are all very well crafted and funny scenes. The climax best showcases the birds powers and as well as bring amazing destruction to the pigs' kingdom.
I should also mention that the score and song choices for the film were all well crafted and incorporated brilliantly. Heitor Pereira did a really good job incorporating the iconic Angry Birds theme music into the score and also provided some great comedic cues. Blake Shelton's song Friends sung by the pigs was a great way to show how the birds were manipulated over the course of a montage. Other notably catchy songs from the soundtrack include Demi Lovato's cover of I Will Survive, Imagine Dragons' On Top of The World and Explode by Charlie XCX.
I do have one problem with the film as a whole though: all the birds on Bird Island are a bunch of mindless sheep. I'll detail my problems with this trope in a later post, but it honestly bothers me that the entire island is against Red. How come there isn't at least one person on this island that sympathizes with Red and his frustrations? Personally, I think there should've been an additional member to Matilda's anger management class, someone's whose been there for years and yet is just as frustrated as Red. And that character, to me should be Stella, the pink bird that has a minor role in the finished film. Stella could be Red's first friend as she would share his frustrations with him, but rather than resort to violence, Stella would pull pranks on her victims. Stella could also go through her own little arc by not going with Red, Chuck and Bomb to Mighty Eagle's cave because she'd rather solve her problems herself rather than ask someone else to do it for her. This culminates in her getting injured during the climax and her asking Red for help, which he does without hesitation.
Overall, I think The Angry Birds Movie is a really good movie with excellent humor, relatable and funny characters, stellar voice acting and very well crafted animation and music. I also really liked the sequel to this film and I hope Rovio and Sony team up again to make another one. See you in the next post ;)
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