#also they can have either angel wings devil wings or one of each :3
fitzselfships · 4 months
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Reference for my tadc s/i!! Their name is Wafflez and they're Zooble's funny little sparkledog partner :3 their design only changed slightly from when I first drew them lol
Proshippers/adjacent dni. 10000 shark attack 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦖 < also their dinosaur friend
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violetarks · 2 years
hey! could I please request fem relationship headcanons with angel devil with a half devil half human s/o? <3
"you are more beautiful by far..."
anime: chainsaw man
character: angel devil
summary: how he would be in a relationship with a hybrid devil.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns, second person pov, headcanons
there are two ways you are meeting
one: you work with the public safety division, and you met him when your work first got him under their control
two: you were captured by the public safety division and met him through your first day under makima's watch
but either way, you're getting close to angel and he isn't really complaining
okay maybe he did
the first time
you were working together to capture another devil, and you just didn't seem as enthusiastic to be doing such a thing
he was annoyed that you were taking about him rather than actually working to finish the job
but you were strong, and he could give it to you, you were also pretty funny at times
maybe that's why he decided to give you a chance
he'll never know why he started liking you so much
you were just so sweet and oh so charming and he had to try pretty hard not to show any interest in whatever you were saying
him hiding a smile behind his hand as he listens to you compliment his wings, offering to help get the twigs out after the job was done
angel turning his head so you didn't see the faint blush on his cheeks after you had given him the bed for the night, just out of the goodness of your heart
once, you told him he looked pretty and he asked why you thought so and you shrugged
he made sure to stay five feet away from you so you didn't see the dumb smile on his lips
there's a chance that you two met before you became a hybrid
he would have to get used to this change
maybe your personality shifts, or you start to view things differently, he would notice
asks every few days if you're feeling okay during the change
if you say you're feeling fine, then angel is glad that you don't feel pressured
he enjoys your attitude most days
you can be carefree, or cautious to the point where angel is glad you're able to spot every single detail
if you admit that you don't feel okay, then he's sitting next to you and listening
he's not able to say much, but you enjoy his company, as you've stated plenty of times
so he knows that just sitting here beside you is enough to make you feel even just a bit better
missions would be rather hard to focus during
you like talking to angel any chance you get, just to have a conversation or a reason to be so close to him
but depending on the person, that could change
if you're both partnered with someone like makima, then you're keeping your words to a minimum
angel thinks its strange how little you talk around her
but as soon as she's let the two of you go for the day, you're chatting away
he'll admit, it was a good refresher, hearing your voice
thinks your voice calms him down, even if he isn't a very violent person because of his power
being partnered with people who talk as much as you, like himeno or power, leads to angel mostly listening to you two speak or simply standing in between you both so he can 'feel' a part of the conversation
include him when you notice he's staring at the ground, or his wings begin to furl
having being monitored by aki, kobeni and/or denji is either a hit or miss
they might dial down the conversation or make it even longer
either way, angel gets a little annoyed with how they interact with you
could be too friendly for his liking, or they dismiss you so many times that you just decide not to speak
he recognises your strength, so he can't help but get a little distracted when you're fighting alongside each other
tho he gets jealous a lot through work
you're helping kobeni and carrying her to safety, and angel is behind you grumbling curses
sidenote: only jealous with how many times you've had to save her, both in and out of your devil form, and she's just a shy damsel in distress, it would be rude not to save her, right? angel sometimes wishes kobeni had stayed home for the day
you pushed aki or denji out of the way of danger, angel stepping to the side and saying it was easy to avoid
aki or denji will regard you with a thank you and angel seethes
he generally feels this way because he can't touch you
really wants to, you look so warm and you say your hands are cold, and all he can do is offer some gloves
that's the main thing he struggles with
wants nothing more than to hold your hand
you had tackled denji out of the way of falling debris when he was low on blood, and angel heard from him that you were very warm
angel: "really?"
denji: "yeah, 's like fire"
angel: "oh"
denji: "she's kinda' always warm, you can feel it when she's standing right next to you"
angel: "okay"
denji: "'s a shame, ain't it?"
angel: "shut up"
he longs to hold you, wants to know what its like to touch you skin to skin
the most that has happened is you bought some gloves to hold hands with him
always wearing a large sweater to hug him
you kiss over his clothes
shoulder, wrist, anywhere covered
he thinks you do it bc you know he hates not being able to touch you
but he isn't complaining
if your power requires you to be very careful around him as well, then he is fine with taking extra precautions
admires your work, even more so if you need to wear a different uniform to contribute to your power
if you're a well-known hybrid, he'd be open to hearing stories from other people
aki and himeno talk about things they've heard, power rants about how she's superior to you no matter how many people you are feared by, and denji is clueless
kobeni stated that where she's from, you are a nightmare, so it's strange to see you be so nice and witty when you were in your human form
violence and beam might know a few things to share
angel doesn't like talking to makima, but when she introduced the two of you, she mentioned a history of events in your folder
if your devil form is far different to your human form, he doesn't really care
tho, he enjoys seeing you smile, so he favours your human form
watches you change if you're comfortable with that
will sit on your bed and stare while you gather your clothes for bedtime
it's like a reward
seeing you finally rest and wash yourself up after a days of hard work
you could say the same thing about him, but angel knows that you do more action than him since your powers work different
your bed is covered in thin blankets so you can use them while cuddling angel
he's wrapped in a few like a burrito, and you curl into him and hold him from behind
a kiss to his covered shoulder will send him to sleep
wants to be the one to hold you from time to time
has once, layered himself so many times that he felt like a plushie and you fell asleep so fast
if you face him while you sleep, he's watching you for at least an hour, memorising every detail
not to get morbid and sad already
but deep down, he knows that there's a chance you could die
in your human form, if anybody were to end you then amd there with no start-up to your devil form, it would truly be over
you would die and he would be there left to grieve
he hates that the most, that because you are only half-devil, you are more vulnerable
so he shields you from what he can
deliberately allows your opponents to touch him, or he jumps in front to accept the punch, so you get the upperhand
they're startled, and you are quick to turn to offense
you thank him, even kiss the top of his gloved hand, for all he's done for you
and he feels a pinch of sadness
he doesn't know how to explain it to you
you're everything to him, and every now and again he becomes more afraid than ever to lose you
a sinking feeling in his chest, unknown to him
you were strong, why would he worry?
he will never know nor understand why he feels the way he does
it's strange enough, but angel indulges
he feels so strongly about you, that even questioning it made his head turn
it wasn't like the way aki had talked about makima, no nothing like that
you were just so dangerously infatuating
you made him feel welcome, the possibility of him rejecting you meant that he felt unwelcome
you were the sweetest thing in the world
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snuffwhistlecakes · 1 year
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sketches of underdeveloped chipbill angels & devils AU 😈❣️💖😇
details & explanations are under the cut.
so, the main idea was that everything is nearly the same to bcg original set-up (they move into the city and yada-yada), aside from the fact, that there is 3 kinds of people on earth. the angles, supposedly good & thriving on good/nice deeds. the devils or the demons, who get their power from causing other people's misfortunes & general mischief. and then, lastly, there are the non angel/devil kind. it's like a purgatory sort of deal. as result, they don’t have any specific perks, but have an ability to eventually get into one group or another, based on their choices. or they can stay in-between, if they won't dab into extremes, or will keep mixing up bad deed with good.
now, back to angels/devil. another thing that connected with theor personal balance of evil & good, is that angle’s wings get bigger, the more nice deeds they commit. and for devils, it’s their horns. they get larger, the more power they possess. the more powerful angels and devils can control the length of their wings/horns, mostly so that it won’t get in the way, when they will be doing smth mundane. 
overall, this au has a similar plot/timeline with original bcg set-up, but with some adjustments. this is also not an after-life/or religious au lol. it’s just that their universe is like this. with bill being an angel, who cannot fly, and has small wings. and chip, who eventually becomes one of higher devils (his ceo version), while manager one was more on the level of mid, average demons. on top of that, big part of chip’s plan in that universe includes seduction of bill green, bc nothing gives the devil more power, than tainting someone, who is supposed to be ‘pure’. but during his like charade, he ends up falling in love with bill, which tbf doesn’t prevent him from being evil or becoming more powerful, basically. in return, bill would try to ‘fix him’, and perhaps finally get his big, nice wings. but neither of them prob will get what they want lol.
another thing, is that changed devils/angels, don't tend to downright switch their occupations. if the angel 'fall' or the devil 'raise', they most likely will end up in purgatory. and naturally, the devils are less likely to change into anything, but become worse, vs angels, who can have a 'breakdown', and lose their wings. anyhow.....
bill can control when and how often his wings show up. mostly he just has a halo above his head, like all angels. chip has the same perk with his tail, but his horns are always presented. along with a narrow pupil. later on, as ceo, he also has longish, clawed fingers, but he can control this as well. his horns are also way-way taller and sharper. but he can mask them back into shorter form.
now, a quick side note about other characters, who exist in this universe. chip’s father is also the devil, a pretty powerful one too. but usually, he keeps his friendly facade intact, so it’s hard to understand why he's a ‘bad dude’. but welp, he is. alice is also a devil, her husband was an angel. mixing with another kind isn’t forbidden in their world, it just can cause certain difficulties. mostly the fact, that angels & devils disagree on a lot of things. anyho', tilly is an angel, but she didn’t get her wings yet. cricket is the devil, but he doesn’t have horns, only a tail lol. nancy is a non-devil/angel. she used to be the devil, but not any longer. she’s not ‘good’ enough to ever become an angel, but she no longer gets power from doing bad stuff, either. remy is an angel, bc idk how he can be anything else. his bodyguard is the devil. officer keys is the angel, bc of course he is, haha. and welp, gloria sato simply doesn’t exist in this universe, bc i don’t want her to lol. *taps chin* mm, i guess, it covers the most main characters. each would have their own arc and such, even if my main focus is always gonna be bill & chip. cuz yeah, this au exist for them. others are just kinda there.
either way, it has been forever since i drew/posted on this blog. these sketches sat inside my folder for months to come, so i decided to quickly slap color on them and post it in the way it currently is. for one, i hate piling up too many unfinished drawings (i already have like uh 10 of them lol), along with my pile of unfinished fics, so yup. 
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andaniellight · 11 months
you're one of the most memorable authors that i liked back in my jujutsu kaisen phase and knowing you're currently into one piece now as a multishipper and i'm actually this 👌🏻 close to have a ship in one piece as well (possibly zolu or zosan tbh) thanks to you, do you ship anyone with anyone else in one piece? if there aren't, can i know your headcanons towards the one piece ships that you ship?
HI ! HELLO ! ! !
Oh, shit, "one of the most memorable authors"? Where did that come from! Genuinely, what a title. Either way, I'm honored tho, thank you so much :D Forever grateful that people letting me know they liked my stuff, so I hope you enjoyed your stay in this shit show of mine (assuming you must've been following me since, what, 1 year ago? 2 years ago?) !!! I truly thank you for giving all of my stories a chance back in JJK phase <3 and sorry if they ever broke your heart......
Now, for other ships in One Piece beside ZoLu and ZoSan (and please keep in mind that that means I also ship ZoLuSan ok HAHAH), I'll have to warn you first that this answer will wander every where since my thoughts are all over the place.
I really like Frobin's dynamics (Franky & Robin). I love them as much as I love Nami and Vivi's dynamics. Thanks to that particular scene where Robin turned into a literal angel growing a pair of wings to save Franky from falling, I guess? Also realized that Frobin is basically a ship of 'a character who has/grew up with siblings x a character who's an only child' something something. And, I know, as I write this down, a lot of people would think that 'oh what a cheap reason to ship characters like that', but I do have the tendencies of shipping characters in critical moments (?)
Or, if I'm allowed to summarize it, my One Piece ships are basically a bunch of "a character with a very specific and precise personal dream to achieve that they don't really think it might effect the others so greatly so long they get to experience a life of their own and feel truly alive" x "a character whose dream is to 'serve' other people because they know they're capable and are willing to go the extra miles to prove that it is such the greatest ability to have"
That's how I started shipping ZoLu in the first place anyway; in a huge critical moment that had a lifechanging impact. Luffy shielding Zoro from bullets on a whim on their first meeting with 0 hesitation not only because he could do it without dying but also he knew Zoro would suffer further in the most unfair way (because bullets hurt normal human, okay? AND ZORO WAS TIED DEFENSELESS) WHICH THEN turns into Zoro repaying that to Luffy right away but still he stayed by his side, even decided to devote his life for this silly lil guy who just saved him despite knowing Luffy must be a much stronger person than him because of the devil fruit he ate the sheer willpower Luffy has and has shown whenever he announces about this dream to be the king of the pirates (an even more insane dream than Zoro's, and Zoro understood this as well).
The same thing for Nami and Vivi. The build up of their bond in Alabasta was just [chef kiss] MWAH. Postponing each other's priorities to prioritizes the other's needs instead. Nami understood what a grave dread Vivi was feeling for her oppressed country she'd rather die than letting her to feel that even longer, shared sentiments and whatnot, but Vivi feared for Nami's life in the brink of death because of a deadly illness and it's louder and fiercer than anyone could expect. Their backstory are so similar in a way but they did what they had to because of different reasons entirely. This kind of mindset I believe was an offspring or some sort from how they grew up where they had to "betray" their loved ones, by abandoning them temporarily, for the sake of their loved ones' safety.
And for Frobin... Robin used to disregard her life so easily because she has no one else left that she cared about, but now, she has a dream to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the True History of the One Piece world including the Void Century, continuing the research of her mother Nico Olvia and her old mentor Clover. While Franky on the other hand has a dream to build a ship to go on countless adventures and see that ship reach "Laugh Tale", and this dream of his was based on the discipline of kindness he's built along the people he cared about and still continues to care about despite the distance and everything.
Anyways. Those are pretty much a handful of ships that I ship aside from ZoLu that have, at least, "patterns", and a couple of layers of why-s they're interesting to ship, to me. Unlike ZoSan, which, I basically ship solely based on horny reasons-
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bubblegum---bitch · 3 years
Hey!! So I made up a thing last night,,, can you do a stolas x reader where the reader (they/them) had like, wings when they where alive and knew stolas when they where alive and stolas saw them die (like got hit by a car or something) and thought he’d never see them again cuz,,,well why wouldn’t they human with angel wings go to heaven? But like, they do end up in hell, and he finds them again (angst to fluff) also sorry if I was rambling,,,late night thoughts yk? Feel free to ignore if you don’t wanna do it<3
Stolas X Neutral reader: You were my only friend.
Requested by: @witch-connie-au
Note: Sorry this took so long to post, I was ill, had a lot of work related stuff to deal with and was moving in the process. But I really liked the challenge your request gave me so I hope you like it. 😊
Throughout the ages, there have been few humans that possessed the potential to be more than what they were born to be. Most of them were such basic creatures with their only goals for their short insignificant lives were to live, reproduce and die, never knowing anything else other than their own vain existence.
But among the sea of coals there were always diamonds to be discovered, they were the exceptional ones that often held the faith of the mundane humans in their hands. The paths they'd choose in a world that didn't want them held so much potential. If they choose to do good and help those that shun them so many lives would be changed and saved, and if they decided to lash out at those who treated them badly would be the cause of so much death and destruction that the death toll alone would fill hell up by the thousands. It was for such a reason that Heaven and Hell kept their eyes on them.
Good and evil have always been at play since the beginning of time, they were the black and white checkered board with supernatural humans as their playing pieces.
It wasn't often that the divine forces would guide or influence the humans to which paths to take, but most would always choose to help the world rather than destroy it, something that irritate the devil in his quest for having as much souls in hell as possible.
He never understood why most of them would choose to be good and save those who would hunt and mistreat them. They should want to use their gifts to conquer and have dominion over those with no power, to rule and make their presence known as the superior species.
That's why he had given his overlords the tasks of winning as much supernatural humans onto their sides as possible. They were still human when it all came down to the truth, that is why he had given each overlord their respective sin that were no strangers to the hearts of man.
Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth were each rooted into the very souls of man, all that they needed to do was determine which sin had dominion over the rest and give them a little nudge in the right direction.
But unlike most of the overlords that took pride in their work for damning as much souls to hell as possible, Prince Stolas found it quite tedious.
He hated that he had to spend his free time always having to meddle in the human world just for the sake of winning over souls for Lucifer's cause. The planet was hot, noisy, filthy and void of any sort of style and sophistication. Not that the global warming wasn't enough to kill off the humans, it just takes time that Lucifer obviously didn't want to wait through.
But he supposed it wasn't all as bad as he likes to complain it to be, we probably would have never met his little dove that he keeps safe from falling into the hands of either side.
Unlike the rest of their kind, they were extremely special and very important to Stolas for the past twenty one years since they met. They had been his target to corrupt to the dark side but upon seeing you and your beautiful pure white wings with a heart and soul to match, he couldn't bring himself to taint something so lovely all for the sake of rebellion against God.
So he did the only thing he knew best to keep you safe from ever falling into the hands of either side.
He had just portaled himself into a tiny cottage in the depths of the amazon forest that he hides them after fulfilling his duties in the living world. It was the safest place for them to be, away from prying eyes and other humans with bad intentions that would want to harm them. Not that they could with the number of wards and protection spells he casted around the area. Even the devil himself would have a hard time getting through his defenses, which was a fact that he took great pride in.
Here they could fly around and be free from the burdens of trying to save a world that was doomed to die since the day of it's creation. He was contented with them just being there, just knowing that he had them to come back to was enough, and they felt the same. The world wasn't kind to humans that were different and they had little to no intentions on saving a world that cared little for them in turn so they stayed under the protection of their guardian.
Things were safe and full of happiness and genuine love with Stolas. They were never chased, hunted or shunned for what they were with him, and in turn they never judged him for what and who he was. They were polar opposites and yet they found a safe haven in each other.
The smell of freshly baked cake and floral tea invaded his nostrils the moment he stepped into the living room. They always baked when they knew he was coming for a visit, it was one of their many talents that he's come to adore about them.
They had redecorated the last time he had stopped by, there were a lot more succulents and running vines along the walls and window sills. Their book shelves were definitely moved around and the books were arranged by color instead to the usual from most to least frequently read.
"Stolas you're here!" The owl prince felt his heart flutter at the sight of them as they ran into his opened arms for a warm embrace. He smiled fondly as his tiny human snuggled their face into his chest, their wings fluttering ever so cutely as happiness filled them.
"Sorry I took so long to get here, there was a bit of work I had to take care of." Their hair felt so puffy and soft between his fingers as he petted their head in a loving manner, their big beautiful white wings puffed out in response to him.
Sometimes he gets the urge to call them an angel but they were nothing like those mindless drones, if anything you were what they should strife to be. Maybe then the world wouldn't be such a mess in the first place.
"It's alright I understand you're busy, I'm just so glad to see you Stolas." They shared a few more moments simply hugging before they retreated into the cottage to have some early afternoon tea. They chatted about each of their days apart and what they both had been up to since the last time they saw one other, simply enjoying the pleasure that was each others company as they always have.
Just a peaceful existence away from everyone and everything that would want to judge and harm them, a safe place where they could just be together to enjoy their friendship and be there for one another.
Of course if his superiors were to find out that Stolas had actually befriended and cared for the human instead of using them to win souls for Lucifer they would both be in serious trouble, but he didn't care about that nor would he ever let that happen.
"How are things with Octavia? Is she still not talking to you?" They asked not wanting to pry too much on the topic of his failed marriage. They hadn't ever met Octavia but Stolas had told them enough about her and seen so many pictures that they practically knew her.
"We're doing a little better actually. She called and we had a nice long talk about what we would do after the divorce is finalized and we've come to a good compromise."
"See I told you things would work out, she just needed a little time to figure things out is all."
"I'm just thankful that she hasn't grown to hate me for what I've put her and her mother through."
"You know she's always going to love you Stolas, and you're always going to be her dad nothings going to change that. Everything's going to work out fine for you two I just know it."
"I know, your right. What about you? Has anything exciting happened around here since my last visit?"
"Not by your standards but I've been exploring a lot, finding new plants, visit the animals you know the usual."
"But are you happy? I know it must get rather boring being here alone all the time. If ever you feel that way just tell me, I don't want you to feel like you're trapped here."
"There's no place I'd rather be than here Stolas. I've seen the world out there and trust me I know I'm not missing out on anything, I'm happy right here and I'm happy having you here with me."
They had always expressed their love for a simple life. No desire for material things in the slightest, just the need to be comfortable and happy.
The Prince and his human spent the rest of the day together sharing old stories and fond memories while he helped you around the cottage with things you had trouble with and was more than happy to put his green thumb to use in you mini garden.
Life here was peaceful with here with his human, it was safe and it was a good life that he would always protect until the end of your days in the living world.
There was no doubt in his mind that upon their death one day, Heaven would be their final destination, but there was a selfish part of him that wanted them in hell with him. There he would truly be able to keep them safe and show them sights that they could only dream of. But he knew it was just a dream of his own.
Foer now he would cherish the years he had with you and make them all as wonderful as his little human was.
A month had passed before Stolas took time off to visit his little human in the forest once again. His work load in hell was beginning to thin out and allowed him more free time for personal matters. Perhaps he could spend a few nights with you at the cottage, sort of like a vacation once his work fully settled down.
He's sure they'd love it. They could stay up late and watch cheesy movies, do some star gazing through one of his portals and just talk about life and how they wish things were better for each other, simply basking in the emptiness of space and time together.
The first thing that caught his attention was the darkness that welcomed him upon entering the cottage. Usually you would never sleep at such an early hour but you could have probably just decided to retire early.
He almost fell flat on his break when he tripped over something in the dark that definitely wasn't supposed to be there. It was your bookshelf that he had helped you mount on the wall, books and tiny plants scattered across the soft carpeted floor.
Dread washed over him as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the entire room was trashed, broken and out of order. He called out for you, panic taking over him as got no reply.
Where were you? Did something happen to you? Had someone figured it out and taken you? How did they get pass his defenses?
How could this have happened? How could he not have known that something had happened to you? He was careful, he was always careful. No one was supposed to know where you were, you were suppose to be safe, he promised that he'd always keep you safe.
He looked around frantically through the damage for a clue or even a sign, anything to help him know where you were and who had taken you away.
Then he saw it shimmer in the moonlight from the shattered window next to your favorite reading chair, a dart that had enough tranquilizer to bring down a horse in ten seconds flat but it was empty now.
This was all he needed to find you. Using his magic he tracked the location that the dart was from, a portal immediately opened up showing his the D.O.R.K.S headquarters.
Those disgusting little humans in black suits had taken you, but how did they find you after all this time? Had they secretly been tracking him to get to you this whole time? Was this all his fault again?
He made his way through the portal, the humans were on him immediately with their weapons but he didn't care about them. He made quick work of any of the humans what weren't dead and couldn't give him your exact location in the building, some even made crude remarks about you that ending with their heads being ripped off of their shoulders.
"My patience runs thin of you little insects, if you value your lives and the lives of your loved ones I suggest you tell me where you're hiding them." He sneered blood coated thickly in his feathers, clothes and in his eyes but he didn't seem to notice or care with an equally bloodied agent dangling from his vice grip around their neck.
After their run in with the prince the first time he came to rescue the Imps, it had been their mission to keep tabs on him and anything that was associated with him. You just happened to catch their attention and to them it would have been a win-win deal to capture you and lure the prince in one setting.
But they obviously didn't put into account just how important you were to the prince and the absolute horror they unleashed upon themselves for messing with you.
"T-tenth floor... room eighty- three!" The agent was turning a deep shade of purple, his fingers scratching and scraping at the claws that held him up but even he knew that he wasn't going to live to see the next day.
He was thrown uncaringly across the hall and met the wall head first, brain matter staining the cold concrete as they slid down to the floor.
Were they hurt? How long had they been in this terrible place? Alone and frightened. Had they been hurt? Did they cry and scream for him to save them as he once did all those years ago?
It felt like he had stepped into a dream state, that the horror that he was seeing wasn't there, just an illusion his tired mind had conjured. But they looked so real, and upon feeling their skin, it felt real as well, just colder, a lot colder.
Their wings were missing, what happened to those beautiful pearl white wings that always made his heart flutter in both envy and awe? Why had they been cut off? What did they do with them? Why weren't they waking up?
He shook them, called them and cried over their lifeless features, eyes cold and unblinking, cheeks stained white from dried tears, lips purple and severely chapped.
This was no dream, nor was it a nightmare. This was reality, and you were dead.
There wasn't much that the Goetia Prince registered apart from the cold radiating off of your corpse as he held you close to him. His screams and wails of despair was all he heard, they cover the heavy foot steps and war cries that were approaching the room.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please don't leave me.." How could he have failed you so?
"We've got you completely surrounded demon, give up now and we might go easy on you!"
An ear piercing scream full of pain, rage and unbridled heartbreak filled the room, the humans cowered in agony at the sound, their eardrums too sensitive to take the sheer power of the sound.
Stolas wasn't sure what happened after that. There was shades of red, grey and black that enveloped him before he had completely blacked out.
When he had awoken, it was to the sound of Octavia's voice. She sounded worried, why was she worried?
"Dad, dad please wake up, dad!!" The princess flinched away when her father shot up from the ground, his vision blurred and muscles ached as he tried to focus on something, anything to stop his head from swinging.
"Dad?" Octavia, she was here, why did she looked frightened?
"Starfire, what are you doing here. I thought you were at your mothers?"
"I wanted to come see you but I found you lying out here in the garden, covered in blood."
Blood? Upon his inspection he was indeed covered in blood, in fact he was soaked in it. But why?
"Did something happen in the living world?" Then it all came back to him in flashes, his humans lifeless body laying limp in his arms, the blood, the carnage of so many souls as he vented his rage on the ones that took them away, that killed them, they were dead.
"Dad, what happened to you?" Octavia was used to seeing a lot of sides of her father, when he was happy, sad, angry, even at his lowest, but this was something different. This wasn't the man she grew up with, there was something dark and really terrifying about the man she was looking at.
He was in better shape during the divorce than this, he just looked broken.
"Daddy?" She watched as her father began to cry bitterly, arms wrapped around his shaking body in a vain attempt to keep himself together, uncaring of the blood. Not knowing what else to do the princess embraced her catatonic father, doing her best to be there for him until he was ready to talk.
A year had gone by after the death of his best friend. There were days that he could manage the emptiness of their absence in his life but most days he would crumble under the weight of not having someone to talk to as intimately as he did with you.
Octavia had decided to live with him instead of putting up with her mother's insults and berating of her father 24/7, which made Stolas very happy that she choose to stay with him but it wasn't the same. His daughter gave him the love and comfort that she always did but with them it was like having a soul mate. He had loved you more than anything and as he sat at his desk looking into his crystal ball at the memories they had shared, be was beginning to miss them and blame himself all over again.
A quiet knock came from the door on the other side of the room, Octavia quietly slipped in with a tray of coffee, milk and two bowls of cereal in her hands.
"I thought you might want some breakfast." Was it morning already? He thought to himself, not really caring.
"Thank you sweetie, I meant to come down but I guess I lost track of the time."
"Dad, you have to stop this. I understand that they meant a lot to you, but do you really think they would want to see you like this? You hardly sleep, you barely eat and the only time you leave this room is for work, its not healthy."
"I know."
"There's this new book store in town that I've been meaning to go to, why don't you come with me? The fresh air will do you some good and maybe we could spend some quality time together."
Despite her being there with him permanently he hardly has time for her like he did before his human friend died, she'd never admit it out loud but she missed how he would coddle and treat her like she was still five.
Many nights she would walk pass his room and hear him crying while calling out their name, it broke her heart that even she couldn't console her father. She wished that she could have met them and understand just how much they meant to her dad.
"I don't think I'll be much fun to be around right now sweetie."
"Please dad, just for today. Do it for me, please?" The prince looked away from the crystal ball and looked to his daughter.
"I suppose a little fresh air wouldn't hurt."
Stolas couldn't help but smile as Octavia dragged him around the book store. Shelf after shelf she picked out books and handed them to him creating a pile that he happily carried for her.
"This place is amazing isn't it dad? They have everything here."
"Yes there's quite a selection." Fiction was Octavia's favorite genre and she seemed determined to buy every book in the section.
"Stolas?" That voice. It caused him to stop in his tracts to watch his daughter walk ahead to another isle not noticing her fathers absence behind her.
It couldn't be them. His mind was just playing tricks on him, it had to be.
"Stolas is it really you?" The books fell from his hands and landed in a messy pile at his feet but he didn't seem to register them. He turned around and felt his heart miss a few beats as his eyes landed on you.
How could this be? Why were you here in hell? How could you be standing in front of him right now?
They looked different but their features had hardly changed. His human was actually here, standing in front of him with teas running down their face.
"How could this be?" He reached out to them and cupped their face in his hands taking in their new features. "I thought.. I thought you had gone to heaven.. How are you here?"
"I don't know, after I was captured they knocked me out and when I woke up my wings were gone, there were all these demons around me and the sky was red and they told me I was in hell."
"But why didn't you try to find me? If I had only known you were down here.. You must have been so scared."
"I tried, but you aren't exactly the easiest person to contact in hell."
The two embraced each other tightly and cried bitter sweet tears. They smelt just like they always have of books and fresh flowers.
"I thought I'd never see you again, I'm so sorry I let them get to you it was all my fault."
"Shh, we're together now so that's all that matters." They held each others gaze for what felt like eternity, nothing but happiness and incorruptible love for each other.
"Umm, am I interrupting something?" Octavia asked wondering why her father was hugging a total stranger and had a big goofy grin on his face while crying at the same time.
"Octavia sweetie come, this is y/n."
"As in human that had angel wings and your best friend?"
"I thought they would have gone to heaven."
"So did I but they're here, with us! Isn't that wonderful!?"
"This is your daughter? It's nice to finally meet you Octavia, your dad had told me a lot about you." They said offered a hand with a genuine smile o their lips which the princess took.
"Nice to finally meet you too." If they were this pretty now, she couldn't imagine how they looked when they were human. They had such kind eyes, like they've never seen anything bad in their life and always saw the good in everything around them.
"Are you finding everything alright in the store? I just opened so I'm sorry I don't have as much selections as I'd like to."
"This is your place?"
"It is, do you like it?"
"It's pretty rad, not a lot of places as options I like. I'm impressed."
"Thank you, I'm really glad you like it."
"You must come have dinner with us tonight, it's been a year we have so much catching up to do."
"I'd love that, I'm closing at around six I can meet you then."
"Oh don't be silly, I'll send a car for you. Oh dear I have to go get ready for tonight, come along Octavia we have much to do, we have to celebrate this joyous occasion!"
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jovnie · 3 years
The devil's desire | Yoongi
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You fell in love with a man of many pasts, however he desired more than a relationship. He wanted your soul for eternity.
Words: 13k
Devil yoongi! Demon au! Human reader
Very Dark themes
Warnings: religious concepts, gore, porn without plot, death, big dick yoongi, clubbing, kidnapping, non-con touching, blood, cnc, prey ( y/n ), stalker yoongi, drugged, drugs, chains, cutting, rough sex,
"She's almost ready sir!" a winged creature announced. Nodding in his throne, he took the mirror and looked through it. There you were getting ready to meet a mysterious guy at a club or well hoping to once again. He smirked devilishly knowing you remembered to come back to this particular club.
He previously brought you to this nightclub in Korea, hidden through an alleyway in the darkest part of Busan. There was danger and a constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped. Even if Korea was a safe place, things like kidnapping and murder still happen and even more so at night.
He remembered that you kept a knife and a taser with you, he liked the vulnerability you had going to a place not meant for angels let alone humans at night. He found it charming how oblivious you are to your surroundings as well. He was a man of darkness and hell for sure, but one thing was for sure. He only craved humans who were pure and light energetically. 'Suppose you did know that the Club was own by the devil himself, would that really stop you' he thought.
He watched her put on clothes and noticed how delicate she was in his eyes. No, this wasn't the first time he'd watch her. Not the last either, it seemed like a generational curse in his eyes. He wasn't mad he placed it on the females to feel tempted by his actions, however, each one passed the test. you however failed it the first two times, making it the third time.
Sighing, he put the mirror down and stood up. Stretching, he allowed his black feather wings to elongate and move around before putting them away. Looking at his watch it was a quarter past 11 pm, he'd knew you want to be early and try and catch a good table. However the little worry of what if someone wanted to take you before him, hurt you before him. The thoughts riled him up, making him grab his keys and wait by the portal. Besides the gate doesn't open until 11:59, so his intrusiveness can calm for now.
While waiting, he took out the cute little human hand mirror you'd gifted him a while back. He looked at himself and the scar over his left eye, "maybe this is what attracts them" he chuckled softly.
As time fastened, he waited for the lock in the air to appear. He waited long and hard for that little red lock and once it appeared, he opened all the portals from his underworld to the human world and the other one which lead stright to his club.
Formally known as 666 plaza to hadians, the chosen humans only knew it as void 218. To you it was just another club on the holy day of Sunday. Although you were never brought up with Christianity, you had the basics that everyone knew, loved, and hated.
Waiting by the gates or humanly known as "doors" you pulled out your phone to realize there was no battery or charge. Confused as you could've sworn it was full when you left, you herd the doors open and the mini line began moving. Your eyes wandered the room to find the stairs that led to the upper level where you would meet and see Yoongi. You knew it was stupid to keep doing this, but with yours and his schedule it wasn't at all.
Passing by the few people, you found upstairs and walked up seeing there were already people inside which confused you, but you paid little attention to it. Waiting by the usual black velvet seats and area, you head a familiar voice.
"Is this your regular peach vodka with light ice?" yoongi asked loudly over the now loud music playing. Nodding, you sat up and greeted him before getting your drink. Little did u know about his plans with you or what tonight was gonna be.
Smiling softly, yoongi was gentle eyes admired your beauty as he get down with his own drink. He took a sip of his own drink that was laced with a sleeping drug, one that'd do nothing to him and more to you.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked knowingly.
"Well, it's a Sunday and I have nothing planned so I thought I come by" you lied, hoping the white lie would slip. Nodding, yoongi put his hand on your thighs and moved closer to talk to you about life and each other week. You mentioned something about the campus or school you were studying and he lied about his "forensics" job and how hard it was to see how people died. Continuing, he bought the two of you more drinks and when the timing was right offered one of his. Thanking him for the kind jester, you took a sip. He smiled and also took a sip after you, then placed it back down.
"Good isn't it?" he said, reaching over to his phone and at the time. Noticing he did so you hummed and snuck another sip. Then another. Whatever was in had you almost drinking his entire cup down.
"Omg what is this, what's making it so good. I can't put my finger on it" she said as her words slowed down and her eyes blinked slowly. He watched her body start to feel tired, then at the right moment whispered in her ear "apple, cherry, lime, it's a light alchcolic drink and right, drugs."
Soon as her eyes closed and body dropped, he mustered enough strength to pick her up and sling you over his shoulder. "Another one taken by the devils favorite drink, poison apple," he whispered knowing nobody cared to stop him not could. Well not if they wanted hells punishment if not worse death, even if they were immortal. Walking up the last set of stairs he opened the portal and handed the keys to his servant and told him to look after.
Noting the girl, the servant nodded and knew the king was gonna take his time and would be in a long "meeting." Taking charge of the place, yoongi walked up to his Castle surrounded by blue flames in the middle of nowhere and walked in. He demanded for total privacy, meaning nobody in or even near the castle or be banished for eternity and with that everyone wondered what that soul did to get his undivided attention. From there gossip spread about you from one to another creature and it traveled fast.
Meanwhile, he laid you on the bed and looked at his watch. The drug last about 30 minutes and about 20minuets have gone. From there he requested one trusted worker with a list. The list was :
The devils list
Body Chains and rope
Salt and a black cross
2 Robes
Black paint
Sheep's blood
Lube any flavor
Nodding the worker flew off and yoongi allowed his wings to expand out his back and eyes to turn a dark blue color as his hair contained white strips. He watched your sleeping body, before checking the time and seeing he has 5 minutes left before you wake up. Taking that in he stretched his neck and before activating his speed and undressing you, cleaning the area around the bed, making sure the chain locks are stable and if not changing them, turning off lights and lighting candals all around the room and the whole castle and finally sitting down at the edge. Checking the time once again, he had 3 minutes left and so did the worker before he'd get pissed and with that thought the worker came to drop everything off before yoongi told him to get lost.
With the activation of speed he quickly undressed, sat the cup near the bed and filled it with sheeps blood, put salt near the edge without touching it as it stung him, put the cross around his neck and began drawing a ritual circle around the bed then finnaly the walls. To end everything he placed the chains on your hands and feet then connected to each end of the bed. The rest of the stuff he just put next to the bed and laid naked above you waiting for you to wake up.
He knew the drug was strong, but he didnt think it was that strong so he checked the time again and 10 minutes had passed by. Sighing, he began taking the knife and cut a slit on his wrist and placed the wound to your mouth. After a few blinks, you began to wake up and within a second you panked and a minute later realised you were chained.
Weak, scared, targeted, blood covered lips, chained and his favorite vulnerability he finally felt aroused at the sight. With lust in his eyes and an aura darker than night himself, he slowly kissed your cheek.
"Welcome to hell baby" he greeted, confused you closed your eyes and for once prayed you'd be able to wake up in where you left to only get the image of him drugging you and making you pass out. To then opne them and see the same sight.
"Wouldn't that make you?" She paused trying to yank the chains.
"Hades, satan the devil or whatever you humans call me for ruling the underworld. Then yes that's me and as you see, you're caged like a bug trapped in a spider's web. How cute. How naive to trust anyone you've properly met either. " he whispered the last bit in your ear as his lips traveled around your chest and neck leaving hickeys as he moved.
Groaning, you tried yanking the chains hearing a noise and hoping it ment it broke to realise no he fooled you with the sound of his nails knocking on the wood.
"Got you" he chuckled as you began scared, moving his lips towards your breast he sucked softly getting slight moans from your mouth. "Mm good girl continue with it an d maybe I'll spare your soul" he joked, sucking and groaning your other breast with his hands. Ignoring him and forcing your mouth to close. He raised an eyebrow and sat up, he then looked at your mouth and then his length.
"That wasn't smart now was it dsrling?" He asked, as his crouch hovered your mouth and his length being rubbed on your face as the other hand rested on the wall. "Noe open wide and if not, I can allways just shove it. Dont think about biting as i can manually remove teeth of needed" he mentioned as tears rolled down your eyes as he slowly entered his length.
"Good girl, suck it like that" he groaned, slowly moving his hips all the way in and out. With doing so he admired the trlaclesnt salty wetness driping from her eyes that he took a finger and wiped it. Caressing her face as he continued thrusting and groaning till he felt hard enough and then pulled out. Wiping her eyes again he grabbed the lube and posed the non negotiable question of
"May I pretty angel, take this as mine?" He whispered softly as he leaned down to her ear. Nodding yes a tear ran and he licked it clean, causing a slight shiver down her body. "Good" he replied, putting lube around his own length and stoking it on.
"If you cum on me will I get pregnant?" You asked shyly.
"Mm, well yes and that's my goal princes or should I say queen. Your body is mine after all." he tells, taking his fingers and tracing a cross between your chest as he watches a dark mark appear in a mini cross between your chest.
Crying harder knowing you've not only been kidnapping, but there was an even little chnace of seeing your family friends and well your little pet. "I love when you cry my love" he said softly as his fingers softly rubbed against you clit and his lips attach to yours. Knowingly you kissed back and surprisingly it felt like comfort but tasted like sin and poison. One your body will soon adapt to. As your mouths moved in unison, his fingers rubbed softly around your bud and you were finally able to relax and enjoy the feeling. He had an undeniable hold on your body, one your soul started to grow a liking too the longer her rubbed and kissed your lips. Soon you became hungry for more and grinded against his hand and with the hint he rubbed quicker as you moaned down his throat and his free hand now snaking behind your back. Moaning more you called his name, in which he loved begging you to say again.
"YOONGi!"you moaned louder as his stomach and cock felt it making it twitch slightly. stoping his finger he guided his tip and put his chin on your neck and slid in slowly, taking his time as you adjusted before moving faster. You pulled the chains trying to hold onto him but he shook his head no and softly held your body up with the help of the chains and began pounding into you.
No it was not a speed nor length you were used to, but the feeling you could by a heartbeat. You legs became weak, your back arched hard, your mouth could only stay open and your head was in a daze as he fucked you without mercy. His length was big enough to make you scream from the top of your lungs and beg for more. He loved that and too started moaning which soon started to sound like deep breathes and heavy grunts. He loved the warm, pulsing feeling of your pussy on him as it dripped with cum around him.
"Ah, fuck, That's hot!" he moaned loudly. Moving his hips closer, he pushed his length in deeper and the sounds of his hips crashing into yours echoed the room. You were now at a point of no return, all you could do was moan and take him, which only increased his horniness and overall arousal.
"I'm close!" yoongi groaned and panted as his hips movements slowed down, but the deepness was still there. Shopping, yoongi's body out of tiredness fell on top of yours and he kissed your neck softly. Without enough energy to pull out, he came deep, groaning in your neck and laying still. Both overly fucked out and deep breathing, laid there until yoongi got enough energy to unchain your hands and drink from the cup of blood that started to reek and fill the room. The room that once smelt like lavender and vanilla now smelled like sex and sheep's blood. Leaning down to kiss you, you kissed back with your body begging to ache like hell and body starting to contort you screamed in pain. Whispering something into your neck, he held you close to his chest as you grabbed and scratched his back till the blood came from it.
"Submit and it'll go quickly." he whispered tired as can be. Taking his advice, you closed your body and let it take over. Suddenly your eyes and hair became white as a dove and the pain stopped. Not only did he claim you as his, the kiss of blood crowned you queen of the underworld.
They laid naked as each could no longer have the strength to get up, but hold each other in a soft hug. Comferting and relaxing, considering what had to happen. They slept wedded that night, perfectly times as the full moon was now full and the ritual circle could light up red as the two came into harmony.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
did you watch lucifer season six and what are your thoughts pls and ty
Ahaha. Yes. Yes I did watch it. Then I cried for a literal hour and attempted to compose myself, only to start crying again when I lay down and kept on thinking about it. Then I had more feelings. Then I slept like the dead due to emotional trauma. Then I reblogged gifsets and had More feelings. Then @buffaluff and @flynnanimal watched it and also required emotional support due to drowning in their own tears. So, uh... we're all fine here now. How are you?
My main takeaway from the final season was the sheer amount of love for the characters, story, and fans that you could feel shining through all the episodes, and which made SUCH a refreshing change. I had feelings in my tags the other day about how a show about the devil was constantly goofy, hopeful, loving, and uplifting, rather than all the grimdark nonsense they could have easily done with it. (As I said, just imagine it as written by the GOT idiots?? NO THANK YOU.) The writing really loved everyone and wanted to give them a proper ending and emotional journey, and it wanted to show the fans that they weren't stupid for having invested six seasons of effort and emotion into this, and just... that is so much rarer than it should be? Compare all the movies and TV shows that treat their fans like the enemy, that want to outsmart them at all costs even if it means changing major plot elements, that ferociously guard spoilers and think that "shock value" means good writing, by throwing hackneyed cliche upon cliche and making everything Depressing, and just... Lucifer had its hiccups and slow points and missteps, of course, but I am SO glad they didn't do that. The entire show consisted of Lucifer slowly but steadily progressing toward being a better man, despite mistakes and setbacks and sometimes a little too much will-they-won't-they. (Season 3 was the only one where I got bored and skipped over the filler episodes with Pierce/Lucifer/Chloe in order to get to the end).
That is an essentially simple premise, but they stuck to it, and they didn't try to create more drama by randomly wrecking what they had already established. I wrote a fic all the way back in mid-season 2 (In Nomine Patris) that ended up predicting quite a few of the future characters who had not yet appeared on the show at that time, including Eve, Michael, and Azrael, and several plot points, including the very major one of Lucifer returning to hell for the sake of his daughter with Chloe. And while this might mean that I am just that good at guessing TV shows (I would like to think this....) it also means that the writers set expectations, followed through on those expectations, and didn't suddenly derail everything or turn it totally on its head just for the sake of cheap shocks. As we can all attest, they certainly caused PLENTY of drama, anguish, pain, and suffering, but they did it in a way that remained faithful to the overall premises of the story and the characters, and wanted to see them become the best versions of themselves. I cried my eyes out at the end and then thought, "hey, I might want to watch the whole series again," which, if you ask me, is the mark of doing your job right. There have been so few TV endings recently where I didn't immediately swear off the whole thing or have to pretend that canon didn't exist, so yeah.
As I said, it was just refreshing to watch something that had that essential deep generosity at its core, where the message is that everyone is worthy of love if they make the hard and painful effort to change and become better, and that even if earthly things feel small next to all this messy celestial drama, they still matter, and that you are loved no matter what. I loved that Amenadiel became God and Lucifer returned to hell as a choice in order to help all the trapped souls be able to work through their guilt and go to heaven. There were obviously certain echoes of The Good Place in that ending; I don't know if it was something they had planned all along or if the success of TGP, another series asking deep questions about life, death, morality, and human nature within the framework of a goofy heaven-and-hell sitcom, influenced it, but either way, it worked so well. Even if it tore my heart out and stomped on it on the ground, it was fitting and oh so lovely to see Lucifer, once the most selfish being in the entire universe, following in Linda's footsteps and becoming selflessly dedicated to helping other people. Just. Chef's kiss.
And of course, Deckerstar. The Hades and Persephone vibes were IMMACULATE this season, and while it did take Lucifer and Chloe the best part of four seasons to get together, they never significantly backslid, never had third-party issues or cheap cheating storylines once they were officially a couple, and Tom Ellis and Lauren German REALLY killed it this season in particular. It was never easy for them and sometimes the drama went on a little too long over the course of said six seasons, but the love story was beautiful and incredibly meaningful and always true to the fact that the actors and characters and writers (not to mention the fans) all loved it so much. They were so much the emotional heart of this, and when they went to hell together in episode 6x03 (where they turned into cartoons because wHAT even IS this show), Joe Henderson said in an interview that this was to give the fans a view into Lucifer and Chloe's future (after) lives post-6x10, and to offer them a basis to write fanfiction. I mean... the showrunner saying to the fans "here, we love you, have something to write fic about!" is likewise pretty shockingly rare. It's again an example of how this show always audaciously poked fun at itself, never took itself TOO seriously, and was always welcoming its fans and the people who loved it to do so, rather than making them feel stupid or taking joy in wrecking beloved characters or plots.
Obviously, I loved Rory, the badass lesbian half-angel goth Deckerstar child straight out of My Immortal (seriously, she was SO edgy, it was amazing), because of the fact that Lucifer's entire arc was always about feeling abandoned by his father and that he was going to have to face it for himself. Dorky Devil Dad Lucifer trying his absolute HARDEST to bond with his daughter was simultaneously hilarious, adorable, and heart-wrenching, and yet again, the Growth. We all remember when he could barely tolerate Trixie touching him, and now we're here. Also, any variation whatsoever of "this is just a brief moment of time that we must be apart, love is eternal and stronger than death and we will never really leave each other" as a line is guaranteed to make me bawl my eyes out. So that was fun.
I got a big kick out of Ghost Dan running around and trying to get everyone to see him, and had feelings about seeing him in heaven with Charlotte and his beloved Pudding Pops at the end. I had feelings about how they handled Ella finding out the truth (or rather demanding to know why nobody had told her) and of course, I obviously loved Maze and Eve and their goth/femme wedding and the fact that they got a good three-season romantic arc (indeed, I wanted more of them). My god, Trixie is SO BIG, she used to be a tiny little nugget. I love that Linda was the moral and emotional rock all along, from the first episode to the very last, and that Amenadiel was Deeply Vindicated when Charlie's wings appeared at his first birthday party. I love how Lucifer in s6 is absolute thousands of light years from Lucifer in s1. And as ever, Chloe was Perfect. I am happy that I spent six seasons with these characters and saw them become better, and that I was never made to feel like an idiot for trusting the writers to end everything in a beautiful and emotional way. Because, well. They did. Sure, maybe I could go back and pick at a plotline here or a detail there, but I don't terribly feel the need to do so? It might not have been perfect, but it was perfect, and I am so grateful that it existed.
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katzkinder · 3 years
(multiple linked image references throughout this post)
Ok, so I loved this post
The part that got me though was when you said “I wonder what type of animal form they take factors into that” - that’s where the gears in my head started turnin’
So I went snooping on each animal counterpart associated with each sin.
1.) SLOTH: are cats sensitive to cold?
So Kuro isn’t JUST a neet that prefers blankets or a kotatsu over the cold… his animal form being a cat does play some part… key word beings some
“Cats are pretty well adapted for cold weather, but when the temperature dips below freezing they are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite. During periods of cold weather, cats will go looking for a warm place to hunker down. How cold is too cold for indoor cats? Cats prefer warmth but will be okay in rooms hovering between 50-60°F degrees; while their counterparts Lions, in a zoo environment, stay outside in the winter unless the temperature dips below 40°F (in the wild, most lions don’t have to worry about temperatures dropping below 65°F so in most cases 40°F and below is too cold).”
2.) PRIDE: are bats sensitive to cold?
“Bats can't survive freezing temperatures, even when they're hibernating. Any roost bats shelter in for the winter must be at least 45°F or warmer. They also seek out dark, secluded, and sheltered places that can keep them safe from predators. Bats are defenseless while they're hibernating.”
3.) ENVY: are snakes sensitive to cold?
Jeje being a snake is pretty much a given… but it’d be mean to not include him (so no funny ideas outta you, ok Mikuni?)
“What is the coldest temperature a snake can withstand? Snakes usually stay out of cold climates. Because the coldest temperature any snake can thrive in is around 65°F, snakes normally live in the warmer temperate or tropical zones. Below 60°F, snakes become sluggish. Above 95°F, snakes become overheated.”
4.) WRATH: are wolves sensitive to cold?
“Wolves don't need to do anything. They're much better adapted to cold weather than we are. Thanks to their winter adaptations, wolves can live in temperatures as low as -40°F. During the coldest nights, a wolf will curl itself into a ball, covering its nose with its tail, which will hold the exhaled warm air over its feet and nose, conserving precious body heat. It will also sleep close to its pack-mates(her Eve) in a unified effort to stay warm.”
WRATH SENSATIVE TO COLD? ♾ (neutral-ish)
5.) GREED: are hedgehogs sensitive to cold?
“Hedgehogs getting cold is a BIG ‘No no’. It slows their metabolism down, leaving them susceptible to infections, dehydration and starvation. It's important to keep your hedgehog in an environment between 72-80°F. Even if it’s not always comfortable for us humans (comfortable for angels? no clue), temperatures lower than 70°F are considered ‘cold’ for hedgehogs and can result in a hibernation attempt, which can be fatal.”
Maybe that’s why Lawless always wears that scarf? Since hedgehogs are severely thermally sensitive then it would make sense…
(Crantz, Gil… please stop the angel from getting any ideas)
6.) GLUTTONY: are pigs sensitive to cold?
In this case I will refer mostly to Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs because as far as I know, we haven’t actually seen Ildio’s pig form yet - one of the only depictions is Lawless’ stage depictions of the 7 vampire siblings in ep6… and based on his stage depiction of Ildio’s pig form, Viatnamese Vietnamese Miniature Potbellied Pigs seem like they’d be the common type of pig that seems to fit that shape/size.
“The ideal temperature range for a potbelly pig is 65-88°F. Pigs in winter do not need any type of supplemental heat down to at least -20°F. Most potbelly pigs require more feed to maintain heat production and body condition; meaning that housing aside, the more feed/calorie intake, the easier it can be for pigs to regulate their body heat.”
However, seeing as Ildio is an ageless vampire with the mother-effing holy grail of metabolisms, we don’t know if his MASSIVE calorie intake, that he doesn’t really gain much/any weight from, will actually help him in cold weather.
GLUTTONY SENSATIVE TO COLD? ♾❔(neutral/unknown where they stand exactly)
7.) LUST: are butterflies sensitive to cold?
Snow Lily’s butterfly appearance is probably one of the most exaggerated of the 8 servamp animal forms. That gorgeous shade of pink and black aside, I couldn’t find any real buttwrfly species with that wing pattern or wings shaped like that. So color and wing pattern aside, I’d say the closest real-world butterfly to Snow Lily would be a variation of Swallowtail Butterfly.
Butterflies are cold-blooded critters, however, generally speaking butterflies won't fly when temperatures are less than 55-60°F.
8.) MELANCHOLY: are foxes sensitive to cold?
Even though Tsubaki’s two tails seem to be a play of of the legends of Nine Tail Fox, generally speaking based off his other details being black fox with white on the end of his tail(s), he is most likely a Silver Fox; which is a type of Red Fox.
The upper critical temperature of the red fox is probably between 86-89°F. An official temperature range of what is too cold for red foxes is more or less unknown or unofficial at best. The arctic fox is said to be able to tolerate temperatures as low as -72°F but red foxes haven’t occupied the tundra in the past partly because it was too cold; with their longer ears and limbs, they lose heat faster than their arctic cousins. So we know the average red fox can tolerate and survive cold temperatures, but most likely not temperatures like their arctic counterparts live in.
MELANCHOLY SENSATIVE TO COLD? ♾❔❌ (neutral/unknown where they stand exactly/least affected of the bunch)
and after ALL OF THAT…
the most interesting thing is–
when I first got into SERVAMP, I remember being curious where the concept of ‘the different sins transforming into animal forms’ came from. After a little research, I found that there is a history to it! A very detailed account of the origins and representations of them within history. And a small portion discusses the animal depictions of the original 7 deadly sins⬇️
“An allegorical image depicting the human heart subject to the seven deadly sins, each represented by an animal (clockwise: Toad = Avarice [greed]; Snake = Envy; Lion = Wrath; Snail = Sloth; Pig = Gluttony; Goat = Lust why? I have no idea; Peacock = Pride).”
So Jeje and Ildio’s animal forms are the only ones true to the original depictions of their associated sins.
Pride as a peacock does make sense… but I can understand adding the bat into the mix because - vampires.
I get why they’d change Kuro to a cat instead of a snail because I can’t see a snail being threatening at all unless it’s either severely poisonous or Gary… like, supernatural vampire powers or not, Kuro as a snail wouldn’t be very badass.
Why the ever living f*ck would a goat reprint lust? Originally I was going with the possibility that goat could be related to ram, ram represents Aries, Aries is one of the most lustful zodiac personalities… but no, apparently the goat represents the Devil, lust, lubricity and the damned… so that’s fun - I prefer the butterfly thank you very much.
Apparently frogs symbolize greed because it is a greedy creature in desiring to live in both worlds- on the land & in the water… okay I guess?
& lastly even though the Lion role is also occupied by Kuro within the series, I can understand Wrath not maintaining the original Lion role swing as Wrath is female and they probably wanted a male to hold the depiction of Lion so that the could use the lion’s mane, again, to add to the badass factor… regardless I don’t think Wrath as a lioness would have played out the same way… is it sexist when referring to animals? Whatever - that’s a question for another day.
If you’re interested, the full article can be found here
I am so sorry this random rant turned out WAAAAAAAY longer than I originally intended… I always love your analysis and theory posts so I hope you enjoy :)
YOOO ANON, THAT’S AWESOME! I’ll definitely check that article out!
In return, have this!
Tumblr media
We know what piggy ‘dio looks like now! :D
Hopefully this will make your research a little easier?
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manaketefirestone · 4 years
“We are not entirely different, so hold your head higher.” He commands, his formal demeanor betrayed by the soft smile on his face. 
He extends his hand to you, your fingers trembling as you accept his grace. A strong grip helps you to your feet, even going so far as to brush the dust off your clothes.
You apologize profusely, he need not to dirty his hands for someone like you. Still wiping away tears, you turn away to hide your face, the tips of your ears red with embarrassment and shame.
His hands gently cup your cheeks and tilt your head to meet his gaze. “Please,” He begs, a pale sadness behind the sparkling gold of his pupils. “Don’t run away from me.”
Demonic Debauchery Lore: All About Demons Pt. 1- Caste
There are two main demonic classification systems which delegate rank, privilege, and magical potential in the Devildom. One of those is caste, and the other is curse. As a demon, they are both equally important in determining your role in society. Now let’s get to the details shall we? Starting with caste.
There are three demonic castes, each of which have different origins: Lesser Demons, Greater Demons, and Half-Demons. For convenience sake, I will be referring to them as LD, GD, and HD respectively.
LD are by far the most common of the demonic castes. They are the most natural form of demon, the other castes eventually evolving from or out of them in the long ago past. No two LD are exactly the same, and come in a wide arrange of sizes and shapes. 
They range from small and annoying pests, commonly referred to as imps, to huge and terrifying abominations known as eldritch. However, the majority of the eldritch were wiped out during the Celestial War, when the Devil King sent forces to assist in Lucifer’s rebellion. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and all that.
Most LD are moderately intelligent and make up the majority of citizenship in the Devildom. They are often rash, abrasive, and volatile- and all are deeply influenced by their curse. They also possess little to no magical ability, relying on brute strength or cunning to survive.
GD are the nobility of the Devildom, and for a good reason. They have an innate understanding and control of magic, and with just a little training, far outclass the average human sorcerer. They are able to mask their demonic appearance and take human form, which allows them to preserve their magic until provoked or otherwise deemed necessary to release their true form. 
Even in their true form, they still retain a vaguely human appearance- albeit with horns, pointed ears, reddish scaly skin, wings and/or tails, and an inky blackness surrounding the pupil. Alright, maybe that’s a little too much to be considered vaguely human, but I digress. 
You may be wondering why the boys don’t possess all these traits despite being GD, and that’s because they aren’t true GD. They were born as angels, with the exception of Satan, and this makes them a special case. Satan came from Lucifer, so he isn’t really a true GD either. It’s also because I said so. 
So then how are true GD or even LD “born” then? I’m glad you asked! LD breed just like humans do, raising families or (more commonly) abandoning them when the next opportunity arises. The “soft-hearted prince” has tried to quell the issue of LD orphans by providing monthly Grimm to family units and investing in a public education system for LD and their youth, and he’s had some success with this. If his father weren’t dormant in the deepest layer of hell, he would consider this a waste of time and money. 
The modern GD is bred similarly, but their smaller population and long lifespan means they don’t reproduce nearly as fast or as frequently. There is usually about 3-5 babies born every year, and only to families who desire them, as an unwanted pregnancy can be easily magicked away. In addition, GD are only fertile during a blood moon induced heat, but more on that another time! 
Why specify modern GD? Is there a difference between them and ancient GD? You ask the best questions my friend! Remember how I mentioned GD evolving from LD earlier, well, there was a reason for that. An unpleasant reason. You see, hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was once an LD born that wasn’t like the others. He was powerful, able to control magic, and incredibly intelligent. Eventually, he learned that he could make himself even stronger through one simple act. Devouring a human soul. So he did, and he didn’t stop, not until he had become something new entirely. 
He was The First, The Lone Moon, The Soul Feaster. He was given many names, but ultimately he gave himself only one. The Demon King. He soon taught others to do the same, under his dominion. They bred, and their offspring was the same, no longer LD, but GD. There’s a lot of details I’m leaving out here, but all will be revealed in time.
Modern GD do not require human souls the same way the ancient ones did, although many will partake in what as seen as a delicacy. The Devil King has given very few commandments, and mostly allows the population to do as they please, but one of them in particular is relevant here. “No demon shall eat a soul unwilling, or one gained through trickery.” That’s why contracts (not the same thing as a pact) are an integral part of noble demon society. I sound like a broken record here, but we will talk more about that another time, this post has gone on long enough.
BUT WHAT ABOUT HALF-DEMONS, YOU FORGOT THEM?! I take back what I said earlier, you ask horrible questions. That’s classified information fucko. 
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mmmonie · 3 years
Hi my other post? Got notes? And I already had this basically ready to go so………….? Here it is I guess! Also I’m so sorry for how long this is LOL…..I am incapable of shutting up once I get going so it’s under the read more for you…….(also?? thank you? for the followers uhm cheesed to meet you? 😳 lol)
This is basically what I imagine the manifestation of a demon's powers to be like??? I called it the “juvenile phase” in my other post so thats what im going with lol
Here’s some things I said in my first post that are relevant here, slightly edited. (I elaborate more on the different ways demons are born in that post and I think they’re pretty self explanatory, but u might wanna go read it just in case it’s not clear enough 😔 sorry): (link to first post)
* Demons have multiple forms, not just the two shown in game. All in all the brothers have 5, each becoming less and less humanoid. (Most demons only have 4) 
* Half/human born demons are more likely to have both a tail and wings in their first demonic form. Stronger demons like the brothers are merely showing off the strongest of the two, but everyone has both. (Again bc I think they’re sick as fuck lol) This is why the stereotypical devil in our world has both wings and a tail. 
*a demon's features can be influenced by what sin they are, but it’s not a hard or fast rule.**
***this does not apply to little Ds whose look is entirely dependent on their sin. They are an entirely separate conversation 😈 (I elaborate on this briefly at the very end LOL) 
* half/human born demons can have two sins assigned to them, though this makes them less powerful in both. Usually there is a more prominent sin. 
*It should also be noted fallen angels do not have a juvenile phase. While the powers they develop after the Fall are different, they already come prepared, having had intense restraint implemented in their training in the celestial realm. The only things they develop are tails and horns, which happens very quickly during the Fall. They still have the same instincts as demons lol they are just much better at maintaining control. 
*another note: I’m gonna use acronyms for our different types of demons after a while to save me some headache. They’re pretty self explanatory (Ex: half demon = HD) 
With that let’s begin, shall we? 
*All demons are born with innate magical abilities, the juvenile phase is just the manifestation of their sins and some of their power. Some powers do not come into fruition until much later in a demon's lifespan. (Will elaborate later) 
*They won’t have a complete hold on their powers after this either, it’s just like. The bare minimum of getting a grip so they don’t cause immediate damage LOL they have many years to get into the nuances. Magic to demons is about as easy as breathing, but it still comes with its own challenges. 
*Many of the powers that manifest are shaped by what kind of sin(s) they display. I’m gonna say the sin(s) developed depend on the individual rather than it being hereditary. Though there are powers that are inherent to all demons. (i.e. hypnotizing humans like in lesson 11-14)
*The beginning of the juvenile phase starts when a demon develops their horns, wings, claws and tails. 
*For almost every demon, the juvenile phase lasts about two or three weeks. A human born’s phase will immediately kick in the day after their ceremony. Because of a half demon’s heritage, their transition is delayed and will usually happen around “middle school” age. (However many thousands of years that is lol. Also imagine going through puberty AND growing a bunch of extra shit.........smh.) 
*Natural demons have it slightly easier, they go through this phase very early (around toddler age). They develop the nubs of their horns, wings and tail a while after they’re born. 
*However this is NOT easier for whoever is taking care of them. Demons that develop later are mostly self-sufficient, meaning you can leave them to rest a bit. Can't leave a baby alone for very long though, can you? Especially not when they’re hurtling objects around with their mind, or causing things to spontaneously combust. (Also imagine a regular baby during their teething phase……….now imagine a baby’s teething phase being ten times more itchy AND manifesting new powers. Congratulations on your very cranky and powerful baby, best of luck to you.)
*Parents take this in stride as it’s just how demon babies are. It is all very Addams family esque…. like awwww, our baby just tried to induce horrific hallucinations of our own deaths!!! 🥺🥰🤧 they grow up so fast!!!!
*HB and HD wings and things grow in very quickly. The nubs will sprout from the skin and then mature into wings and horns in just a few days. ND transitions are much more drawn out, taking about a week to complete. All the growth is very itchy for everyone though. 
*You know when you have an itch that just won’t quit or that you can’t reach, so you have to use some outside force to get some relief? Same concept here. Much like deer and their antlers, demons rub their horns and wings up against things to get to those spots they can’t get to themselves. It also has the added effect of encouraging growth and getting excess skin/keratin off them. Family members often help with preening and scratching. 
*There are special concoctions/spells to make the process easier and to help ease the itchiness. As well as products made for specific purposes, like to get at that space where your wings meet your shoulders lol 
*There are also things to pad horns. Having your baby demon impale your shins is no fun. Neither is having your best friend accidentally get stuck in the cabinet because their horns went through the shelf. 
*The first week and a half is usually when a demon is most active. They are encouraged to play fight, stretch their new wings and become familiar with their new instincts. 
•Play fighting is a way to help learn to readjust to their new strength. (and thank god demons are near impossible to kill lol they can get VERY rough.) It’s also considered a bonding activity. 
*Hunting instincts also come into play so it’s not uncommon to see a demon in their juvenile phase playing a really fucked up game of hide and seek with their loved ones (no one gets hurt. Probably <3) 
*These two skills also help with learning how to fly. A game of fucked up hide and seek in the forest is both fun and educational. 
*This is very much like when puppies' paws are too big for they got damn them, except y'know. with horns and claws. So expect some accidental scrapes and
*This is also usually the time where their sin(s) will manifest, along with their new powers. At this point this is where family comes in, as a newly developing demon is reliant on everyone around them to help them learn how to control their strength/powers. Taking care of a demon in their juvenile phase is a family bonding activity, and even those who are prone to being cold are a bit softer during this time. (A reminder that family can be anyone, not just blood related.) 
*The second half of their transition is more about conserving energy for the introduction of their final form.  
*Nesting instincts kick in and are important here, because any nest created will be that demon's home for a period of time. They won’t stray very far from wherever they’ve chosen to stay. Nearly all demons will just choose a comfortable place in their home to nest, however, some demons (i.e. demons like Levi) need a special place because of their final forms. They will be drawn there instinctively.
*A nest is just composed of soft material and sometimes extra objects. For example a greed demon might want shiny or precious objects around their nest. 
*This will also be the home of the loved one(s) taking care of their demon. They will go out and find anything the other one might need or want. A demon will only choose one or two others to take care of them at this time. Other family members are allowed to visit, but the chosen demon(s) stay with their struggling one for nearly the entire last half of this period. 
*It’s considered an honor to be chosen and it is a bragging point, especially if you have been chosen multiple times. 
*Despite what you might think, parental/domestic skills are very important to demons. They live a very long time, and it be a waste to treat their spawn poorly. They’re stuck with them for nearly an eternity, so you might as well try to do your best with them. Being able to showcase being chosen to whomever your courting is, how you say.............a little sexy. So being chosen multiple times? “Wow you’d be a great parent? Tell me more…..😳” 
*Demons will slowly spend more and more time in their nest as they approach the end of their phase. Growing extra things takes a lot of energy! Many demons end up mostly sleeping for the last couple days in preparation for the end. 
*Since they are so sleepy, this is the most outwardly cuddly most demons will be. Close family members are encouraged to come stay in the same space for a while. The demon will often be asleep, but waking up and playing games with them is a great way to bond. If you’re REALLY special you might end up being allowed to sleep in their nest for a bit. 
*The juvenile phase culminates when the demon reaches their final form (usually the fourth one.) Over this last half, they slowly grow more monstrous features. Scales, fur, claws, eyes, teeth, spines.........the whole lot! Anything and everything you can imagine. Each demon's final form is unique, though they do not get a decision as to what features they have. Final forms tend to be very large. 
*This is where they are taught how to use their glamor and how to piece themselves back into a form that’s easier to maneuver. Think of it like starting from the top and working your way down. 
*There are demons whose job it is to go mark down the details of every single final form. Things like what powers manifested, to how tall they are, their overall physical strength and what sin(s) they portray, etc. They are all recorded in the royal archives. It’s a bit like a right of passage, especially for younger demons and their parents. 
*Going back to the very top, some powers won’t manifest until after the juvenile phase. Some won’t even manifest until the demon has hit sexual maturity (which takes a MUCH longer time for demons.) This is true of almost every power that Lust develops except for perhaps an increase in their charisma/ability to charm. Demons who are assigned Lust are considered the late bloomers of the demonic world, as almost all other sins manifest more power right away. 
*Also relating to the top of this post: the reason Little Ds looks are biased on what sin they are is because they are pure concentrated forms of sin given life. They’re extracted from the souls of humans who committed sin, and used for grunt work/errand running. They develop their own personalities as they go, but it takes a bit so they’re kind of a blank slate until then.
I was gonna be like oh treat for you here’s how the brothers dealt with Satan and his juvenile phase but this is long as FUCK already so I will make…...a separate post. Edit: SURPRISE! treat for u! heres the link if u want
Thanks for reading! Until next time ig? 
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krakenbait · 3 years
kraken bait 3: the moment of truth
the moment is finally upon us! no, not the actual expansion draft, that’s in 10 days. i mean my last (but best) installment of the kraken bait expansion draft theories! 
this has been a long, long work in progress, basically since i posted the last one. i’ve asked nearly every hockey fan i know, as well as randomly messaging several friends and cool people on hockeyblr, for their ideas and opinions on their favorite team’s expansion draft situation. and as with my previous lists, i had my friend and capfriendly consultant corwin (@chaos-hockey) collaborating with me to make this semi-reasonable (largely against their wishes). i’ll be including commentary from myself and my variety of sources with each pick. 
for reference, this is a somewhat plausible look at who seattle might take in the expansion draft. it’s not a prediction, because even i don’t honestly think the kraken will take some of these players, but it’s a fun simulation. it does follow expansion draft rules, and even comes under the cap (which took some last-minute finagling by me and corwin).
without further ado, let’s get into it! this list got long, so it’s all under the cut.
Anaheim Ducks: Haydn Fleury
this one comes straight from resident danton heinen fan, ergo ducks fan @dantonheinens, so thanks for your help casey! they sent me a very detailed explanation of anaheim’s expansion draft situation basically explaining that there’s a whole lot of “ands, ifs, or buts” with the ducks, but if fleury is exposed, he’s a slam dunk (slam duck? i’m sorry)
Arizona Coyotes: Christian Fischer
the one thing i know about this dude is he got wrecked in a fight with nathan mackinnon in the 2020 playoffs. this is the first of several picks on this list i borrowed from The Athletic’s mock expansion drafts, which happens if i don’t know the team and i don’t know anyone else who does. corwin and i also considered taking adin hill from the yotes, but we decided on some other goalies instead (stay tuned).
Boston Bruins: Jeremy Lauzon
i have a lot of friends who are bruins fans, so credits are owed to: corwin, casey again, alex (@patron-saint-of-boston-hockey) & luna (@kureally) & any other bruins fans in the nwhl discord, and my irl bruins friends. i got a lot of opinions on the bruins pick, including jake debrusk, jakub zboril, connor clifton, and trent frederic. but the one name almost everyone could agree on was lauzon. therefore, i’ve decided he’s headed to seattle. 
(it feels worth it to mention that at the prospect of having to take someone from the bruins, corwin said “curses be upon your name!” in an aggressively thick boston accent)
Buffalo Sabres: Rasmus Asplund
i could not tell you who this is, other than the fact that he’s one of buffalo’s three rasmuses (rasmi?). corwin and i had also talked about maybe putting anders bjork here, like i did in the last go-around, but i defaulted to The Athletic this time, and they thought asplund was a good pick, so here we are.
Calgary Flames: Mark Giordano
another pick borrowed from The Athletic, but i’ve seen predictions of giordano to the kraken a fair amount. it just seems right (and a whole lot better than corwin’s proposition of matthew tkachuk from last round).
Carolina Hurricanes: Brady Skjei
this one comes from the lovely @summerteukka, so thank you kinga! she gave me a very good rundown on the canes and the expansion draft, with the conclusion being the canes have so much defensive depth that it’s definitely going to be a defenseman, and especially if they resign dougie hamilton, skjei seems to be a likely choice. i’m all for it- we’ll have “an S and a K and a J all next to each other” on a kraken jersey.
Chicago: Adam Gaudette
similarly to the arizona pick, corwin and i considered a goalie here- in this case, it would have been malcolm subban. but he is not one of the goalies we ended up going for. instead, we opted on bringing micaela gaudette and her husband back to the pacific northwest. 
Colorado Avalanche: Ryan Graves
this is really a no-brainer. gravy is a good defenseman, but the avs have such a strong defense between cale makar, devon toews, and sam girard (and you could add erik johnson when he’s healthy), plus up-and-comers like bo byram. gravy will almost definitely be exposed, and i think he’s a great pick for seattle. plus it’s relatively painless for avs fans who also will like seattle (like yours truly).
(corwin also wanted me to mention that they want gravy traded to the bruins so he can play with curtis hall, who is basically “color-swapped ryan graves”)
Columbus Blue Jackets: Dean Kukan
another pick taken right from The Athletic. i do not know who this is, but he’s a defenseman and the writers liked this pick so i went with it. for the record, corwin really wanted this pick to be boone jenner because he has a funky name, but i wanted another defenseman, so the fun name was sacrificed for function.
Dallas Stars: Jason Dickinson
i don’t really have an explanation for this one. corwin and i were talking about the stars options and picking dickinson just felt right.
Detroit Red Wings: Vladislav Namestnikov
thanks are owed here to joce (@doubleminor) for her red wings expertise! she gave me a few players who were likely kraken bait and i picked from there. it came down to evgeny svechnikov and vladislav namestnikov, but i went with namestnikov in the end. he was with the avs for a brief period and i liked him then, plus the vibes just seem right, so here we are.
Edmonton Oilers: Tyson Barrie
really, tyson barrie was the player who started the whole kraken bait thing. corwin made the drawing, i made the first list, and the rest is history. do i actually think tyson will be going to the kraken in a week? not really. do i still really like the idea of it? 100%. therefore, i will continue to engage in my “tyson barrie to seattle” nonsense.
Florida Panthers: Chris Driedger
oh look, our first goalie! florida had some interesting skater options, but when it came down to it, corwin and i thought the cats were a good place to take a goalie from. driedger did pretty well this season, plus the panthers’ goalie situation is locked up between $10 million man bobrovsky and future star spencer knight.
Los Angeles Kings: Viktor Arvidsson
corwin was feeling pretty strong about this one, so i’m trusting their judgement. according to them, seattle expressed interest in arvidsson, so nashville traded him to the kings instead of giving him up for nothing. now the kings get to give him up for nothing, which works out pretty well, considering i had absolutely no clue who to pick from the kings. 
Minnesota Wild: Matt Dumba
like some other picks, this just seems right. i like matt dumba a lot. he seems like a fun and wholesome guy, and his activism, both on his own and with the hockey diversity alliance, is admirable. i hope he gets to display his personality and keep working to better the sport of hockey with the kraken.
Montreal Canadiens: Jake Allen
goalie number two! picking a player from the habs was weird because i got attached to them during the playoffs, but i really don’t know many of their players? so corwin and i deliberated on this a little, and after looking at our goalie situation, decided that allen was the right pick from montreal. 
Nashville Predators: Calle Jarnkrok
after doing art for and getting a featured article from the preds, corwin thinks they’re some kind of nashville expert. i originally had matt duchene here, but corwin said not him. their logic? they did art of duchene for their preds project, so they probably want to keep him around. fair point. so we went with calle jarnkrok. the logic behind that choice was simple: “calle jarn-kraken”
New Jersey Devils: Andreas Johnsson
i wish i kept a counter of how many times corwin told me “ron francis doesn’t care about your feelings!” when we were discussing the devils pick. they kept advocating for either nate bastian or mikey mcleod, but i would not stand for the superbuddies being separated. this is my kraken bait list, so my decisions. i asked a few of my devils friends for their input (props to sabs @jakejuentzel and h @bigmouthnatebastian), and in between the mild panic, andreas johnsson got tossed out. therefore, it’s mango getting shipped to seattle. does it further lower the average age of the devils? yeah, but it’ll be fine! the nhl could use some youthful chaos.
New York Islanders: Jordan Eberle
all of my kraken bait ideas for the isles came from the bardown breakdown podcast (a great listen if you like hockey and pop-punk/punk music!), since both hosts are isles fans. they had a few names tossed out, including josh bailey and casey cizikas, but corwin and i decided on eberle. like with a lot of these, right vibes.
New York Rangers: Kevin Rooney
i’ve seen two names pretty consistently for rangers kraken bait: colin blackwell and kevin rooney. is blackwell is better and therefore the more likely pick? yes. but kevin rooney is a former devil and also mocked tom wilson, so i voted he gets to go seattle.
Ottawa Senators: Chris Tierney
i don’t think i could name more than three, maybe four players on the sens, so i defaulted to The Athletic on this one. i have no idea who chris tierney is, but it works, so there we go.
Philadelphia Flyers: James Van Riemsdyk
@phillyjoel left some fantastic notes on the flyers kraken bait in the tags of my last list, giving me good evidence to tell corwin that for the last time, nolan patrick is not kraken bait. the argument i saw was that the flyers are probably going to trade patrick instead of giving him up for nothing and make cap space by giving away van riemsdyk or voracek. The Athletic liked the van riemsdyk pick, and corwin could live with it, so that’s where we settled.
Pittsburgh Penguins: Zach Aston-Reese
i honestly don’t have a whole lot of explanation for this one. another pick borrowed from The Athletic, corwin and i liked it, there we go. we considered going with kris letang, but the vibes weren’t right.
San Jose Sharks: Ryan Donato
shoutout to my sharks friend and amazing artist K (@18minutemajor) for their help! i originally had brent burns in this slot, on K’s suggestion (we had a fantastic exchange about brent burns befriending bigfoot). however, i ran into last-minute cap trouble and had to switch the pick. ryan donato came from The Athletic, but i think it’s kind of a fun pick. he’s been passed between a few teams recently, but most of what i know of ryan donato comes from the 2018 olympics (aka the first time i really watched hockey!), when he was apparently doing pretty well for team usa. 
St. Louis Blues: Vince Dunn
thank you @powerblais (and the blues fans group chat) for your input on this one! vince dunn was one of the names on the list erin sent me, and The Athletic also had him listed, so we went with it. 
Tampa Bay Lightning: Blake Coleman
thanks @heddy for responding to my out-of-the-blue message with some good input on the bolts! ana gave me some good suggestions like tyler johnson plus something else so they take on the contract, alex killorn, and ondrej palat. in the end, this devils fan defaulted to pickles. this pick is in the same category as tyson barrie- do i actually think coleman is going to the kraken? not really. do i still like the idea? absolutely.
Toronto Maple Leafs: Travis Dermott
borrowed from The Athletic and some other kraken bait predictions, because everyone has something to say about the leafs. corwin and i waffled between dermott and alexander kerfoot for this pick, but we eventually settled on dermott to seattle.
Vancouver Canucks: Madison Bowey
this pick changed so much in just one day. we originally had braden holtby here because original kraken bait, but then i ran into cap trouble. so i switched it to zack macewen, following a pick by The Athletic. but then i wanted one or two more defensemen, so i switched to madison bowey, who was the other pick from The Athletic. after all that, it seems like the right pick.
Washington Capitals: Vitek Vanecek
our third and final goalie! corwin and i had our eyes on vanecek as kraken bait for a while- a young goalie with promise and room to improve seemed like the right pick for seattle. we briefly considered tj oshie--he’s from washington state, and corwin wanted to upset caps fans (we were talking during the first round of the playoffs)--but ended up back with vanecek as our pick.
Winnipeg Jets: Mason Appleton
last pick of the list! not much to say here, though. it’s a pick borrowed from The Athletic, but we went with him over the other option from the jets because he has a fun name. to quote corwin, mason appleton sounds like “an apple pie in a mason jar on skates.”
and there you have it folks, the final kraken bait list! if you want to know the specifics, we’ve got 3 goalies, 16 forwards, and 11 defensemen, and the total cap hit is 76.4M. i’m pretty doubtful that this will be the actual expansion draft lineup, but we’ll have to see how many, if any, picks corwin and i got right. 
thanks again to everyone who helped me out, and i hope you enjoyed the chaos and commentary of the kraken bait lists!
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puckyeahobx · 4 years
in the middle of the party b*tch get off of me
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a/n: here’s some jj for you guys....this is a personal favorite of mine and very much so inspired by the one tik tok he posted where he had handcuffs O.o
summary: y/n and jj go to college together and celebrate halloween at his frat house <3 sexiness ensues
warnings: nsfw duh 
It wasn’t that you thought JJ was dumb, but it was moreso that you thought JJ was focused on other things like fixing cars, finding the best weed in a fifty mile radius, and taking care of his friends. His criminal record also didn’t necessarily lend itself to an academic lifestyle either, now that you thought about it...but JJ had never ceased to amaze you as long as you had known him, so I guess you really should not have been shocked when he showed up on your doorstep with an acceptance letter to North Carolina State. He said it had nothing to do with you thinking of going there too, but you knew better. 
High school ending had really been freaking him out even if he had tried not to show it. His friends were the one thing that had kept him grounded all of these years and he wasn’t sure what would become of him once you all went your separate ways. Luckily, though, you ended up choosing NC State. They had the best program for your major out of everywhere you applied and had offered you a decent chunk of cash. It had nothing to do with JJ going there...obviously. 
Kie was at UNC Chapel Hill, Pope at Duke, and John B was on a gap year, trying to figure out what the hell he wanted to do, which left you and JJ to your own devices your freshman year. It was a big school and you both found groups of people you liked, JJ with his frat brothers (also a huge shock to you, but the guys in his frat were actually really cool and pretty pogue-like, he wouldn't be caught dead in a kook infested frat) and fellow social services majors, you with your roommates and friends from classes, but you two always ended up spending the most time with each other anyway. It didn’t take very long into your freshman year to realize that old habits really do die hard. Whether it was walking to class together, eating in the dining hall, studying in the library, you guys were always together. Sometimes your new friends joined you guys, but more often than not when you weren’t in your dorms you were alone together. This wasn’t an issue for you, of course. Just like the rest of the world, you had been into JJ since you first met him. And lately, through all the alone time and leaning on each other, it became clear that he might maybe feel the same way.
It was the small things like how his hand rested on your back when he walked up behind you or when his arm fell on your shoulders when you sat on your shitty dorm futon together or how anytime one of his friends flirted with you in front of you his jaw clenched and he suddenly was at a loss for his usual sarcastic banter. But you were getting ahead of yourself, right? You two were each other’s rocks at this time. It was probably all platonic like it had always been. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t push the limits of friendship and have a little fun from time to time, did it? No, no it didn’t. So when Halloween came creeping around the corner, you made sure you had your fun.
JJ’s frat was obviously throwing a party in celebration of the holiday, because if there’s one thing frat guys love it’s alcohol and almost-naked girls - the true nature of Halloween. It was a costume party but that was pretty much code for “Show as much skin as possible”, so you went for the classic angel look. A white bra, a white mini skirt you found at the back of your friend’s closet, and Party City wings. It was truly innovative. You tried to make it look like you actually tried by hot gluing some rhinestones on your bra and doing your hair and makeup all ethereal and sexy, but you knew that as soon as you stepped into that disgusting, sweaty frat house you would somehow go from an 11 to a solid 7 and that was just something you were going to have to be ok with. It was always dark anyway.
You didn’t arrive at the party until a little after ten because your friend went a little too hard at the pregame and had already vomited all over her devil lingerie, so you all had to deal with that mess before tucking her into bed and escaping out the door before things could get worse. But after many texts and snaps from JJ harassing you for keeping him waiting, you were finally there and your stomach was flipping with nerves. JJ refused to reveal what he was dressed up as, saying it was a surprise, and you just couldn’t wait to see him as someone else, hoping he’d see you as someone else tonight too. Someone he wanted to be with. 
The music was heard from the front lawn as you stepped out of the uber and up the steps, waving to the pledge from your Comp 101 class, thankful that JJ had somehow weaseled out of his pledge duties for the night. Once you stepped inside you and your friends immediately scoped out your surroundings. There was a party going on in the main entrance and living room, but there was also lights and music coming from the basement, meaning JJ could literally be anywhere. Luckily, the ratio of guys to girls was positively halting so being able to single out a 6 foot man amongst a sea of girls shouldn’t be that hard.
And then, you saw him.
You almost fell over at the look of him. You could tell he had already started drinking and was a little sweaty by the sheen covering his face and the way his hair was standing up on its own, like it always did after he ran his hands through it. He was leaning against the wall, PBR in hand, assessing the crowd and laughing with the guy on his left. Your eyes travelled down from his hair and glowing skin to his neck and chest, both completely uncovered. He was in a navy button up that was incredibly tight around his biceps but only buttoned on the bottom two buttons. A gold badge was pinned over his right breast, and then it dawned on you. 
“You’re a fucking cop!” You punched his arm as you snuck up on him.
Startled and rubbing his arm, he softened when he saw who had just assaulted him. “Never thought you’d see the day, huh?”
“What happened to ACAB? Looks like someone’s all talk…”
He scoffed and threw his arm around your shoulder, walking with you towards the bar, “It’s called irony sweetheart. I thought a genius like you would understand that?”
You rolled your eyes and shook his arm off you, laughing at his remark (and trying to not focus on the “sweetheart” of it all), “So, what branch of the police force is it that allows their officers to walk around half naked?” You teased as you walked up to the bar, asking the frat brother in nothing but a cowboy hat and too short cut off jean shorts for a cup of whatever the drink was tonight. 
“Um the one with all the sexy stripper cops. They even gave me these,” You turn back around with your drink against your lips and you nearly spat it out when you saw what he was talking about. He had a pair of what looked like actual handcuffs dangling off his pointer finger, “Fully functional,” he finished with a wink.
You gulped and hoped he didn’t notice, “Very impressive, does the rest of the force know about the stash of weed in the loose floorboard in your dorm room?”
His face, and the handcuffs, fell. “You’re no fun, Y/N. It’s Halloween! You can be anything you want! And tonight, I’m the only cop that isn’t a bastard.”
You laughed at his mini outburst and put your hand on his cheek sweetly, still laughing. “You’re right I’m sorry. You make a very non-bastard cop. It suits you.”
“I always have looked good in blue.”
Lightly smacking him you rolled your eyes again and brought your hand back to your cup, looking at him as you took a big drink. He was looking directly back at you. You finished off the cup and tossed it at the overflowing trash can, “Let’s dance. I love this song.” This was a lie, you had never heard this song before in your life, but you just wanted an excuse to grab his hand and drag him on the dance floor. 
Everyone around you was dancing ass to dick, going absolutely stupid in a true intoxicated fashion, but you weren’t nearly drunk enough for that yet. So, instead, you and JJ did what you always did was just jump and scream at each other, throwing in some limb flailing every now and then. If you were really lucky, he would throw in the sprinkler every now and then. This was all fine and dandy, a couple of songs deep, until you felt your elbow accidentally collide with something rock hard, immediately followed by something wet splashing all over your back.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry-” you said, spinning around, mortified. You were met with the biggest man you had ever seen in your life who did not look very happy to see you looking back at him. But, considering his eyes looked glazed over, you figured that had less to do with you and more to do with the fact that he was probably off something far out of your league. 
“Fucking watch where you’re going next time,” He gruffed at you as he jerked the arm you had hit away.
You were stunned by how aggressive he was, “I’m- I’m sor-”
But before you could stutter out an apology, JJ was pushing you behind him, puffing his chest out as he faced the roided-out gentleman giving you a death glare. “What the fuck did you just say to her?”
“She spilled my drink,” The giant said as if you had just murdered his dog.
“Yeah and this is a frat house, go turn on the faucet in the sink and I’m sure Captain Morgan will come out,” spat JJ.
Sasquatch scoffed and shook his head at JJ, “Just keep a better handle on your bitch, pledge. I don’t need some slut wasting all of our alc.”
“You son of a bitch.” You saw JJ’s arm wind back, his fist clenched ready to swing.
“JJ, no!” You grabbed his arm before he could do something seriously idiotic and didn’t let go of it until you had made your way off the dance floor and into the backyard. “What the fuck were you thinking, trying to throw a punch at that guy?! He looked like he eats whole goats for breakfast!”
His hands were running through his hair and he was pacing. You could tell he was trying not to punch the siding of the house - you had seen him worked up like this countless times over your near lifelong friendship. Loyalty was both his greatest strength as well as his greatest curse. “He called you a bitch, Y/N! And a slut! In the same breath!”
Looking at him now, his hair all messed up, his shirt still unbuttoned, and face as emotional as ever, you had never been more attracted to him. You closed the gap between the two of you and grabbed his face between your hands, “Thank you for trying to protect me, but I’d much rather be a bitch and a slut if it meant you weren’t pulverized by Bigfoot.”
At the feeling of your touch, his whole demeanor changed. You saw him swallow and take a breath, “Yeah, uh, well. You know. I’ll always protect you, Y/N. That’s what I’m here for, ya know. I live to serve and protect you know,” chuckling half-heartedly as he tapped the badge on his chest. 
You tried to laugh along with him, but you were too busy staring from his lips to his eyes and focusing on the dizzying feeling of being so close to him. He made no effort to move out of your personal space and having him here, his back against the siding of the house, your hands on his strong jaw, you felt like maybe now was the time to bring up what you had been feeling these last couple of months. But before you could open your mouth to spill your guts, something in him snapped and he sprung forward at you. 
Suddenly, your hands were in his hair and his hands were on your waist and now you were the one with your back against the giant brick building, the bricks scratching deliciously against your exposed skin. You whined against his lips as he pressed against you, the sound apparently shocking him out of his trance because just as suddenly as it had started, he was pulling away, leaving you completely dazed, lips still half puckered as your eyes fluttered open. 
He was back to pacing, not daring to look at you. “God that was fucking stupid, I’m so sorry Y/N. You were just yelled at by some heavyweight douchebag and all I could do was not throw a punch and then I just had to go and kiss you like a fucking jackass,” he paused his pacing and looked at you, his face all screwed up with guilt, “I’m so fucking sorry.”
For a moment you considered the situation and didn’t move a muscle or say a word but then you just laughed. An eruption of manic giggles fell from your lips as you watched him go from guilt to confusion. “You’re a real fucking idiot you know that,” you managed to spit out between laughs.
“I mean, yeah, jackass, idiot...they’re one in the same I guess,” he seemed hurt by your words so you stepped closer to him again.
“No, God, shut up. You’re not a jackass. But you are an idiot. I don’t care that you kissed me,” you paused, “That’s not true. I care a lot, actually, because I loved it and I wish you wouldn’t have stopped because I was really starting to get into it after the, like, 12 longest, most torturous years of build up ever.”
He couldn’t believe the words you were saying, “Wait...so you- you like me?”
“What, you think I come to the frat parties for the mystery booze and trap music?”
Now it was his turn to laugh, his face completely breaking open in elation, “And to think I just assumed you were a party girl...turns out I’m just irresistible.”
“Oh shut up,” you sighed as you slammed your mouth against his again, pulling him down to your height. Once again his hands found their firm grip on your hips, holding on for dear life. 
And then he pulled away again.
“Stop fucking doing that. Kiss now talk later,” you tried to lean back in.
“No, uh, I just,” he cleared his throat, “I was just wondering if you wanted to take this inside maybe?”
You smiled up at him before kissing up his neck and whispering in his ear, “Whatever you want.”
He shivered and groaned, breaking away from you, grabbing your hand and leading you back inside. You weren’t sure where he was taking you because, since he was a freshman, he didn’t live at the frat house or anything so it’s not like he had a bedroom. Not that it mattered. He could take you to a damn broom closet for all you cared. But he didn’t take you to a closet or even a vacant bathroom. You maneuvered around the sweaty crowd of people until you were back at the front of the house but this time going up the staircase where all the upperclassmen lived. 
“JJ what are we doing up here…” You asked with a slight edge of concern in your voice. 
His face was full of mischief as he looked back at you, smirk plastered across his lips. “Don’t worry about it baby, I’m just trying to find us somewhere a little more comfortable.” And with a wink, he was turning the knob on a door that definitely didn’t belong to him.
As far as frat boys went, you imagined this was a relatively well kept room. There were still some pizza boxes stacked on top of the desk and clothes spilling out of the closet but, all in all, it didn’t look infested or anything. 
“JJ, who’s room is this?” You asked as you saw him lock the door behind you. 
“Bigfoot’s,” he said with that same smirk on his face, complete and total pride practically bursting his seams. 
Your mouth dropped as you looked at him incredulously. JJ was always one for pranks and revenge, but this floored you. 
“You’re gonna get yourself killed,” You said in awe as he made his way back over to you.
“Maybe, but damn. What a way to go.” 
Then he was kissing you once more, but this time he had guided you back towards the bed and you were laying underneath him, his body hot and hard against yours, making it hard to breathe. His hands ventured from your hips to your hair and back down again, making sure to give your tits a squeeze on the way back down, pushing them back behind you to guide your ass up so he could get as close to you as possible. You were back to your gasping and whining as you felt the effect you had had on him through his pants, grinding against him in desperation. 
“Fuck you’re so fucking sexy, Y/N,” he moaned against your neck, leaving the slightest of nips along your jaw between kisses. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this or how many times I’ve thought of you exactly like this.”
“You can have me anyway you want. I’m yours,” You weren’t really thinking about what you were saying before the words left your mouth, but it didn’t make them any less true. 
He growled against your neck and grabbed you again, scooting you up towards the top of the mattress. His hands found yours wrapped around his neck and took them in his hands, pushing them above your head. 
“Anyway I want, huh?” He was sitting on his heels, looking down at you with hooded eyes. All you could do was nod. “Well, I do have these handcuffs, and it’d be a shame for them to go to waste.” You moaned at the implication and watched him unhook them from his shorts and attached them to your wrists, wrapping them around a bar of the headboard. “Told you they were fully functional,” he ended with a wink.
All you could do was whimper as he bent back down to kiss your lips and then your neck, taking a pit stop at your chest to move the cups of your bra aside enough for him to give plenty of kisses there as well, until he was finally trailing his tongue down your stomach. He looked up at you as he reached the waistband of your skirt. You nodded, “Please,” not even being mentally present enough to care about how desperate you sounded. 
“So polite,” he muttered as he pulled your skirt and panties down in one fluid motion, leaving you completely bare to him. “So damn beautiful.”
Then he was on you like a starved man. JJ had always been popular amongst the ladies on the island and while you always assumed his looks and bad boy nature had been enough to seal the deal, you now know why they kept coming back. He was a fucking machine. Between the way his fingers fucked you skillfully, knowing exactly where your g-spot was on the first try, and the masterful way he used his tongue on your clit, it was no wonder he had a body count in the double digits. You felt yourself catapult towards the finish line at an embarrassing speed. All you wanted as to grab onto his hair and grind yourself against his face. You were so close when he took his mouth off you and replaced it with his thumb, his fingers keeping their pace inside of you.
“That’s right baby, scream my fucking name. Maybe he’ll hear you from downstairs. He told me to control my bitch but I’m not quite sure this was what he meant.” He crawled back up your body, one hand bracing himself beside your face and the other inching you closer and closer with every second, “You look so fucking pretty, getting fucked by my fingers, Y/N. You’re so wet for me already and I know you want to cum. So just do it baby, cum for me.” You did not need to be told twice because suddenly your legs were clamped shut, and your body was arching so far off the bed that your wrists felt like they might break against the handcuffs. He kissed your neck as you came down, whispering sweet little praises in your ear. “That was so hot.” You smiled weakly as he looked at you from above.
“Please let me touch you,” You whined as you struggled against the handcuffs, desperate to get your hands on him. 
“God, yes, be my guest,” He laughed as he went to undo your handcuffs, kissing your wrists as he pulled them away. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t think about how these might hurt.”
“It was worth it,” You smirked as you grabbed his face, pulling him down to kiss you and then immediately pushing him onto his back. 
You mimicked his style from earlier, starting with the lips and moving down the neck before making your way slowly towards the waistband of his shorts. You unzipped his shorts as his hands went to your hair, making a makeshift ponytail. You both worked together to shimmy off his bottoms until you were face to face with him.
Immediately, you took him into your hand and marveled at the size of him and the way he instantly moaned and threw his hand back as you started to pump him. Needing more of those noises, you wasted no time in licking up his length and taking him into your mouth. He helped you set a pace by guiding your head with his hand in your hair, profanities falling out of his mouth. “You take my cock so good, baby. Your pretty fucking lips...driving me fucking crazy…”
He started shallowly pumping into your mouth before pulling out just when you felt like you were starting to get good. “You’re fucking amazing princess, but unless you don’t want me to fuck you we’re gonna have to try that again some other time.”
You moved your way back up his body, this time fully straddling him. “I’m an angel, not a princess.”
Smirking yet again, he grabbed your hips and grinded you against the length of him, “Sorry, but last time I checked angels don’t spend a lot of time taking dick in their mouths.”
“Well in that case I can just head out if you want me too-”
He flipped you over again before you could finish your teasing, “You’re not going anywhere.” And then his lips were back on you and his hands were everywhere all at once, guiding your legs to take their place at the side of his waist. Before long he was lining himself up at your entrance, teasing you against your clit, before he finally plunged into you hard and fast. You were still so worked out from his previous work that you didn’t need time to adjust, instead just able to focus on the feeling of him filling you completely. Before long you had your legs stretched over his shoulders, giving him even better access inside of you, making you scream his name over and over again as you felt yourself start to clench and flutter. 
“Your pussy is so fucking amazing, Y/N. So wet and tight for me. God you take it so good,” His eyes were screwed shut as he was trying so hard to focus on making you finish before he lost it. “Such a good girl for me, sucking my dick and fucking me like that. Oh, fuck.”
He leaned back, holding your legs in front of him, and started pounding you even harder. You grabbed a hold of the sheets next to you and screamed so hard your voice cracked in your throat as you came for the second time. You barely noticed him finishing after you, too far gone in your own bliss. When your soul came back to your body he was falling onto the mattress beside you and wrapping you up in his arms, both of you still panting. 
His hands found your hair as you rested your cheek against his chest, his heartbeat hard and loud in your ears. He lent down to kiss the crown of your head and he sighed against it. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, holy shit is right,” You laughed as you rested your chin on his chest so you could look at him, “Well that was fun.”
“I don’t think fun really begins to describe it. I’d go with life changing.”
“Life changing? Wow, I’m honored. I think we should write Bigfoot a thank you letter for making this happen.”
JJ scoffed, “Pssh that guy? No thank you. No one gets to call my girl a slut and get a damn thank you note out of it. I don’t care how good the sex is after.”
You smile slightly and your voice softens, “Your girl?”
He looks down at you with a smile mirroring yours, his one little dimple making your stomach do backflips and his fingers tracing shapes on your back, “I mean yeah, I guess beating around the bush is a lost cause at this point. Is that ok with you?”
You laid your head back on his chest, reveling in the gentle way his fingertips were barely touching you, “That’s more than ok.”
Trying not to seem overeager he cleared his throat, “Cool.”
Laughing to yourself you responded, “Yeah. Cool.”
Unable to help himself he scooped you up in his arms tighter and pulled you even closer, his head resting in your neck trying to hide his smile. Your fingers danced along his scalp and you smiled to yourself. Yeah, you could get used to this.
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malzenn · 4 years
No Diggity Analysis
This is more my observations and beginnings of analysis, I’ll need to peer review, however, here are my thoughts of imagery and meanings in Oneus’ No Diggity.
Each Oneus member would represent a tarot card (teasers)
Ravn - The Hanged Man
His imagery literally had his leg tied like the hanged man. Also has bear traps in his soul shots, which would be connected to the hanged man, as the hanged man traps himself. The Hanged Man tarot card is about sacrifice. However, this card goes well with the negative cards, such as The Tower and The Devil, it’s not really a card I would like to get when doing a tarot reading.
Seoho - The Tower
This card suggests chaos, and in many designs is on fire. Seoho’s solo shots feature a tall structure on fire, which is part of the basis of assigning him this card. The other part is his general vibes like he is going to bring chaos (he’s also the only one to break something in the mv). It’s another card I would not like to get during a tarot reading.
Leedo - Strength
During his teaser, he roars, like a lion and moves like a lion. Which is the imagery used for strength in tarot typically, which is why I think he would represent strength. This is a nice card to receive during a reading.
Keonhee - The Devil
Before the MV, I would have thought that it was Dongju who was the devil, however, my mind has been changed. Keonhee has skulls in his solo shots and is the only one with dancers (and I think he has some control over them). This card is almost never good to get during a reading.
Hwanwoong - The Emperor
This card is about authority, Hwanwoong has the whole big brother thing going on, a security camera and guards, all three have connotations of authority. This card is good to get in a reading. Lowkey though, I struggled with figuring out what tarot card he represents.
Xion - Temperance
Lowkey, originally thought he was the Devil, however, his mask seems more representative of what an angel is actually supposed to look like according to Ezekiel 1, “Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the four wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four has one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” and “As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.” I will provide images. Temperance is about balance, and calm. Throughout the MV, Dongju has the least “joker” energy, he’s just vibing, living his best life. A good card.
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Pairs and Two Sides
In TBONTB, there were 3 pairs, representing the past, present and future. Ravn and Hwanwoong as the past, Dongju and Keonhee as the present and Leedo and Seoho as the future.
Personally, I think, within these pairs, there’s a “good” or angelic side, and a “bad” or devilish side.
As in my tarot card analysis, I pointed out, some cards are better than others, which Hwanwoong, Dongju and Leedo represent. These three also have the white suits and coloured clouds shots. What the clouds and the colours represent, I’m not sure, but this is my basis for separating Oneus into a devil and angel side. 
Also within each pair, the tarot cards, in a way can be considered opposites of each other. 
Ravn and Hwanwoong
The Hanged Man has given up on authority, and in a reading, if paired with the Emperor suggests that there is a dominant man in your life where conflicts can be resolved with passivity. (if paired with The Empress, then there’s a dominant woman)
Hwanwoong is the one, I believe who ties up Ravn’s leg, due to Hwanwoong pulling on his own wires, and the next shot shows Ravn dragged by his leg. Ravn then ends up by the eye tv, which is Hwanwoong’s imagery. This could suggest a switch in sides, maybe idk.
Dongju and Keonhee
These two I think are the driving force. As Temperance is an angel, and obviously The Devil, is the devil, these two would have the most conflict. However, I’ll need to spend more time analysing their scenes. Keonhee’s end scene has the same or similar shade of blue as Xion’s scene earlier (I will also be providing pictures), however, Xion is surrounded by it and almost blends in, he looks more ethereal, while Keonhee stands out and is walking away from it. What this means, I don’t know. 
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Leedo and Seoho
An important thing about The Tower is that it’s damaged, either it’s on fire or crumbling, it symbolises sudden change, while in reverse symbolises a fear of change, while strength symbolises courage, compassion and inner strength. Courage can be seen when Leedo is shot at and he doesn’t flinch. Seoho doesn’t seem to be afraid, so I believe that he is a force that will bring change.
I may make another post going more in-depth with the tarot cards.
I will also need to make another post about the devils because I need to do more analysis and research. 
As stated previously, angels have a lot of eyes. Hwanwoong’s most striking imagery is the eyes on the TV. This is another way I think he’s connected to angels.
Due to his ethereal shot in the white suit, this made me realise he wasn’t the devil. His mask has a resemblance to the appearance of angels, so this is what connects him to angels.
The fire behind him looks like wings and angels are also connected to fire.
None of that was super detailed, but like, I was focusing on tarot.
I should also research more biblical imagery because that’s definitely a key feature.
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robbyrobinson · 5 years
Favorite Monsters and Cryptids
1) Black-Eyed Children: What these beings are no one knows. Some cite them as being demons or vampires who require permission to be allowed in. Some say they're alien-human hybrids or tulpas (thought beings). Even interdimensional entities or the ghosts of deceased children. They are described as either wearing old-timey clothing or dark-colored hoodies. They have extremely pale, oftentimes peachy skin tones and speak in a monotonous, adult-like fashion. They approach their target's home or car to knock or their door or window saying that they needed to get in because of bizarre reasons. If they are further denied entry, they become increasingly enraged and reveal their dark, turquoise eyes. In some cases, the witness almost considers opening the door...at least until they catch a glimpse of their eyes. 
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2) Mothman: A large, red-eyed creature that was described as stalking Point Pleasant from 1966-1967 in West Virginia. Typical descriptions depict the Mothman as bat-like in appearance that had a deafening screech. On December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge collapsed killing 46 civilians. Strangely enough, Mothman seemingly disappeared after the tragedy, many believing that the Mothman was a harbinger of the bad omen. 
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3) Reptilians: Crazy conspiracy theory aside, Reptilians are shapeshifting extraterrestrials said to hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. David Icke, in particular, believes that they infiltrated the Earth to take over each of the world's governing bodies. Some also say that they terrorize humanity because they feed on negative emotions and what better way than to stoke the flames of anger and fearmongering than with propaganda? 
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4) Shadow People: Ever thing you catch something moving from the corner of your eye? Shadow People are believed to be different things ranging from guardian angels; demons; interdimensional beings, etc. The Hatman is often considered to be the leader of the Shadow People and is considered as being the most dangerous out of his wicked kind, but many say that he is an entirely different being. 
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5) Kuchisake-Onna: A Japanese urban legend, it is said that Kuchisake was once a beautiful woman married to a samurai. When the samurai felt that she was being unfaithful, he cut her mouth and killed her. Since then, she had become a vengeful spirit wearing a trench coat with a surgical mask. Carrying a pair of scissors, if she approaches a victim, she would ask them if they thought she was pretty. If they say no, she kills them. If yes, she would remove her mask to reveal her Glasgow grin and asks the question again. If the victim said yes again, she would make their mouth like hers. 
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6) Teke Teke: Another ghost from Japanese folklore, Teke Teke was a woman or schoolgirl who was bisected by a train. One take of the legends have her ask her victims if they knew where her legs were. If they said no, she would rip their legs off. Another variation has Teke Teke go after the listener if they heard the story. 
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7) Eight Foot Tall: A demon disguising itself as an 8-ft tall woman wearing a sundress and straw hat. She targets children and is recognizable by her demonic droning. 
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8) Machine Elves: They are extradimensional entities often described as being sighted by those taking DMT. They claim to be the architects of different planes of existence but have unstable forms that continually contort. Everything happens at a fast pace in their world with all of them having high-pitched voices.
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9) Greys: The stock character many think of when the possibility of extraterrestrial life is speculated. They are buglike in depiction with almond-shaped black eyes. Some say they were created by the reptilians as a slave race that deflected. They are commonly associated with alien abductions.
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10) Butterfly People of Joplin: In 2011, a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri that killed several people. But from the disaster, many children claimed that they experienced winged beings that saved them by holding back falling debris with their wings. One boy was found miles away in a field claiming that the Butterfly People wrapped him in it to smoothen his fall. 
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11) Chupacabra: Later takes of the cryptid posit the creature as being more canine in its features. They are accredited to draining the blood from livestock such as goats. 
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12) Jersey Devil: its origin story is really unique. The story goes that when a mother of 12 kids was due to have a 13th, she in annoyance, prayed for that child to be a devil. The baby is born and appears to be relatively normal. But then it, of course, transforms into a horrible abomination, escaping into the woods. 
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13) Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman: Bigfoot or the Sasquatch is an ape-like, humanoid creature believed to have been sighted in several parts of North America. Some believe that the Sasquatch is either an ancient ape species that had escaped extinction, or some even assume that Bigfoot is the missing link that researchers have been searching for. The Abominable Snowman is similar to Sasquatch in some fashion, the exception being that the creature was sighted in the mountains of the Himalayas. There have been some samples of hair believed to have been those of a Yeti's that were analyzed to be the fur of an extinct species of bear from the time of the ice age. 
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14) Mongolian Death Worm: In the Gobi Desert, there is believed to be a large species of worm that is said to have lethal venom that could kill anyone who even slightly touched the creature. It can even generate electricity. The worm was also known to hunt camels, and would then lay its eggs in the intestines. 
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15) The Loch Ness Monster: Probably one of the most famous examples of a cryptid in cryptozoology. Believed to be an ancient creature such as a plesiosaur, the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is believed to inhabit Loch Ness. Described as having a long neck, flippers, and endless humps, accounts of the creature date far back to the time of Saint Columbia. Interest in the creature continued until in the 1930s, an alleged photograph of the monster dubbed the Surgeon's Photograph goes down in history as one of the best cases for the existence of Nessie. Even though the photograph was a hoax, many others had given their accounts of the Loch Ness Monster through the use of sonar and photography. 
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16) Black Stick Men are what happens when you take drawings of simple stick figures and give them sentience. They are believed to be two-dimensional in appearance, and can even generate electrical discharges. Unlike with other paranormal entities, Black Stick Men are not connected to supernatural events. So, they just appear randomly for no real rhyme nor reason. They are believed to feed on negative emotions and their presence incites aggression and uneasiness. 
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17) Wendigo: In Native American myth, a Wendigo is born when a hapless human commits the act of cannibalism in desperation. As punishment, they are transformed into a monster with an insatiable hunger that would never be quenched. They don't have a corporal form, but they are often represented as antlered-humanoids. 
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18) Ningen: These are giant, aquatic humanoid entities that are commonly sighted in the waters of the Arctic. Some species are alleged to grow to great lengths.
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
heavenly yours (epilogue) | th x fem!reader
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Heavenly Yours – a chaotic series
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3 | epilogue
Summary: A few years passed and some things changed. What is now happening in the Underworld of Hell?
Pairing: KOH!Tom x Angel!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: language, some blood (not much), tones of cute moments, tones of feelings, SMUT including pregnant sex, unprotected sex (use condoms kids), fingering, stimulation and breeding kink (oopsie)
Words count: 10.2k
A/N: first of all: a massive thank you to all the people who supported me and this mini series! you’ve been amazing all along, and i couldn’t have make it without you 🙏🏻✨ also sorry for the delay but i started a new job so i was busy, but then covid-19 happened and here i am now at home 😅 at least i can get some writing done 👀 anyway this mini series is coming to an end with this epilogue, so again a big tysm and i hope you will support my other works like you did with this one 💖💞
masterlist | series masterlist | your support
A few years later.
In the Hell’s Castle.
❞ You piece of crap, you are such a disgrace even for Hell. ❞
The voice echoes in the throne room. It is not a scream, but still loud, rough and impressing. Capable of giving you the chills or killing anyone on the spot. A voice well-known in the Underworld of Hell. A voice feared by any demon down there.
The voice gets a bit deeper this time. The entire room trembles and so do all the people present in there. No one dares to look directly at him, scared of making him lose his temper even more. The demons care for their life and just kneel down, heads bows, silently.
But boy someone sure is going to have a bad time today.
Tom lazily sits on his throne, one leg crossed over the other and an elbow on the black wooden armrest with his hand supporting his head. His current sitting spot overhangs the room, getting a clear view on today’s “trash to clean”, as he commonly calls them. The strong fingers of his free hands tap on the armrest, his short nails creating a macabre melody in addition to the fragile pleading of the unfortunate defendant of the day. The King’s facial expression doesn’t let through a single ounce of emotion, but who knows him well senses that the King is upset. Really upset.
❞ How many times did we catch you sneaking out of the 8th circle? Five, or more? Either way, you really pissed me off now. ‘ve got other shits to deal with. ❞
The pleading abruptly stops, letting a heavy silence to take place. The body of the demon then separates in two perfect and equal parts, before falling into a sloppy sound on the now bloody ground. Still no word spoken. Now the smell of death is strong in the room, and the blood of that disgusting and deceitful demon begins to block Tom’s airways.
❞ Take that shit away from my sight and clean quickly that mess ❞ exhales Tom, scratching his temples and frowning at the displeased view.
The demons’ subjects stand one by one and after bowing their head to their King, they start executing his orders.
❞ Actually, give some pieces to Tessa. She will be happy to have something to chew on. ❞
At the sound of her name the aforesaid Tessa makes her way next to her master, her claws clinking on the marble floor as she passes next to the corpse and other royal subjects. Now sitting next to Tom’s leg, her tongue hanging out, the female staffy raises her face towards Tom who understands what she wants.
❞ I know, darling, I know. Now is break time ❞ slightly chuckles Tom as he bends his upper body  to scratch behind his dog’s ears.
Just as his subjects finish cleaning the mess from earlier - not forgetting to bring some “toys” in Tessa’s corner -, Tom catches some stepie steps coming from behind the giant entrance door of the throne room. And he knows these steps. Pretty well actually. He smiles and Tessa seems to ear them too now, her tails batting the ground from excitement.
The devil man finally stands from his throne, extending his black wings on his back. All royal servants are gone, the place shinning like day one. Then a light knock resonates in Tom’s ears, his smile transforming into an amused smirk.
❞ Who dares to disturb the King during his duties? ❞ Tom exclaims in a weird imposing baritone voice, chin up and chest puffed out.
The man beats his wings and keeps his position, quite the opposite of Tessa who excitedly begins running around Tom, knowing who is actually behind the door.
❞ I dare you to enter this room, you little crooks! ❞
The heavy double door cracks as it opens slowly, letting out some creaking noises. Tessa just starts running straight to it as her barks echo in the room. And as the door opens enough, two little bodies appear behind it and are instantly being jumped on by the dog, clearly happy to see them. Then follow lots of laughing and giggles.
Tom finally loosens up his acting at both voices calling him then walks towards them, arms open wide. As Tessa calms down, the two bodies free themselves and run to the King, before jumping right at him. Tom catches them, joining their laughs as he starts spinning around.
❞ How are my beautiful children doing? ❞
Children indeed. Two children. Tom’s treasures and source of happiness. Something he never imagined he could have one day. But he did. On his strong arms are attached his four and a half-year-old daughter Dottie and almost two-year-old son Al, both their little hands wrap around their dad’s waist and torso as they look at him with smiling faces.
Dottie is the clear image of Tom. Same brown wild curls he once had back to his angel’s life, big coffee eyes that are already pro at doing the puppy look, a cheeky smile and very affectionate. A total outgoing daddy’s girl, a bit loud sometimes, but always ready to help and protect the one she loves, mostly her little brother. She is his little warrior, as Tom likes to call her.
Regarding Al, the younger sibling is definitely like (Y/N). The same features from the colour of his hair, eyes and so on that scream he is the reflection of the dear angel who stole Tom’s heart long time ago. But little Al is quieter than his sister, sometimes shy or even diffident, but still kind and radiating gentleness. And a one hundred percent mama’s boy.
To compliment all that, both children display cute growing wings on their back. A mix of white and dark feathers, beautifully arranged and showing the union of their so different parents. But Tom couldn’t stop touching them because each time he does, these feathers prove him everything is now possible, even for him who endure exile and torture alone for so long. The tiny bodies he carries warmly are the fruit of his tenacity to show how much the Kingdom of Heaven was wrong since forever, ruling in the shadow with received ideas which only created sadness in the end.
But not anymore.
❞ Wait, did you two sneak out of your mother’s sight or- ❞
“I’m always close to them even when they don’t know, darling.”
Tom exhales, a smile growing on his face. The lovely and soothing voice of his other half makes his head turn towards it. And there she is. (Y/N). Standing next to his throne as if she was always meant to be there, wings majestically framing her body and the long white lace summer dress he lastly bought her drawing her curves to the perfection. And new perfectly stretching around her growing stomach. The angel brings her left hand up to stroke it, the circular moves drawing attention to the golden accessory on her ring finger which also matchs with his own one.
A wedding ring.
Her longer hair cascades on her back and shoulders, nicely brushed and arranged to welcome a delicate crown on top of her head. Thin and discreet, a few gold stems go around her head, intertwined together, with some clear red spots here and there.
A golden crown of red roses.
(Y/N) is absolutely stunning, she always was, always is and always will be. She manages to take Tom’s breath away each time, even for any little things she does. The angel was the missing puzzle piece since the beginning.
After the night they became one, Tom stake to his words to make the angel woman his queen. As much as Tom wanted a quick and private celebration, his friend and advisor Harrison had to remind him many times that Tom being the King of Hell, he had to mark the occasion at least a little bit to officially present her to the Kingdom of Hell.
And that is what Tom did.
It was a short ceremony but still worthy of the King of Hell. And maybe an occasion to show off a lot little next to his soon to be - and now officially proclaimed - wife, the love of his (after)life. And it would have been logical to give her the title of Queen of Hell, as him being the King of Hell himself.
But no. Tom didn’t want her being associated too much to the Underworld of Hell, title included. So he decided to stick with only “Queen” and that was already enough, and even better. (Y/N) is his Queen, the one he wants to rule his Kingdom next to, the one he wants to be with forever.
The children both squeeze out the grip of their father to rapidly fly right towards their mother, who kindly smile at them as she catches her youngest one in his still wobbly flying. Al and Dottie cuddle into (Y/N)’s body, being careful to avoid her tummy during their embrace.
Tom could look at this scene for hours. Looking at the person he loves the most holding his two other precious ones - soon to be three - all together, radiating of love, happiness and kindness, emotions he craved for so long that he is now proud of being able to have and feel. Unconsciously this put a warm smile on his face, and he couldn’t stop himself from joining them too.
As Tom engulfs them all into his strong arms, his black wings also surrounding them, (Y/N) slightly nuzzles her face into her husband’s neck while still holding both her children close to her. The devil man rubs his nose against the soft hair on top of her head, avoiding her little crown, to smell the fresh scent of flowers coming from it.
❞ You like to just appear and disappear wherever you want to surprise me, don’t you darling? ❞ jokes Tom kissing her temple, which makes his wife giggle.
“It’s not like you don’t like it, sweetheart” replies (Y/N) as she leaves a soft peck on his neck.
❞ Cheeky you. But touché. ❞
One of Tom’s hands slides around her lower back then her hip to end its course at the side of her growing stomach, slowly stroking it through the fabric of her sundress. He kisses both Dottie and Al’s foreheads before resting his cheek against (Y/N)’s temple.
Being able to have his family by his side to love and cherish to his heart’s content is something Tom would never change. His family. These simple words bring so much feelings inside him, warming up his heart each time he says them out loud. With a powerful meaning.
Tom detaches from the little group to take back both his daughter and son in his own arm, freeing (Y/N) from their intense grip. He then walks to his throne and sits on it, putting both his children on one leg on it. (Y/N) soon joins them too and sits on Tom’s free leg, slightly leaning on her husband’s torso.
❞ Alright kids, what did you do with your mother until now? ❞ asks Tom to his children, firmly but tenderly keeping them still on his leg.
As Dottie begins (but mostly tries) to vividly describe all the games they played and Al listening to his big sister, both parents look at them lovingly while cuddling into each other. Tessa soon join them with something in her mouth - definitely a piece of the demon’s body from before -, sitting peacefully at Tom’s feet to chew on her new “toy”.
The macabre room of sentences is now filled with adorable laughers and chitchatting, clearing up the usual bloody and terrific atmosphere for today, at least.
* * * *
(Y/N) lays on the red velvet couch in the living room, her back against tones of fluffy pillows she gathered from everywhere in the castle. Her legs stretched out, she continues reading with the book slightly put on her five-month-tummy. In the background, the angel can hear Dottie and Al playing in the garden with Tessa, their joyful laughers making her smile. Beside her, the fire keeps crackling in the fireplace, warming up the air around her. It is actually the only spot of fire (Y/N) ever saw in Hell, and the only one she is actually happy to light up.
Still immerse in her peaceful reading, she hears steps resonate on the marble of the living room, coming closer to where she is. As the angel raises her head, the silhouette of Harrison makes its way to her. Dressed in his usual black outfit, imposing wings on display, the loyal demon of Hell soon stops at the back of the couch to address to the young woman.
“Good afternoon, Harrison” (Y/N) greets him as she rests the still open book on her stomach, giving her full attention to her friend.
‘ Good afternoon, (Y/N). We just rece- ‘
Harrison gets interrupted by (Y/N) who puts her index finger on her lips, then slowly pointing down to where her book is. Intrigued, the demon leans further over the couch. And to his surprise here sleeps the King of Hell himself, totally squeezed between the back of the couch and (Y/N)’s body, his face slightly on top of her breasts and an arm around her pregnant belly.
(Y/N)’s hand begins to scratch his scalp softly and he seems to snuggle more into her, his breathing calm and at ease. Harrison tries his best to suppress a smirk. Seeing the most powerful demon who terrifies all Hell and beyond in this position, as gentle as a lamb, is for sure destroying the entire myth itself. But at the same time, he never saw his friend this peaceful until he made the impossible to bring his love one back to him.
So in the end, Harrison couldn’t stop the discret crooked grin in the corner of his lips. After silently clearing his voice, he starts again but in a hushed voice.
‘ As I was saying, we just received a letter from Heaven addressed to you. ‘
Harrison holds the aforesaid letter out to the angel woman, who takes it carefully as to not crumple the delicate paper. The letter is rolled up and neatly tied up in a white silk ribbon, (Y/N)’s name calligraphed on it in thin and calligraphed letters.
Looking at her sleepy husband one last time, (Y/N) takes the ribbon between her fingers and slowly undo it, depositing it on her book. Harrison stays at the same place, hands linked on his back as he watches over the woman. (Y/N) rolls the paper out with her two hands and sees a few lines written on it, the handwriting being familiar to her.
“This is from Zendaya” starts (Y/N), now smiling with kind eyes at the letter. “Thank you Harrison.”
‘ You’re welcome, (Y/N). I will be with the kids if you need something. Also... ‘
The demon glances at Tom who has not moved an inch since then, still fast asleep against (Y/N).
‘ ... Make sure he is awake for his afternoon’s duties. Got some important “work” to deal with ‘ Harrison whispers, emphasising the specific word “work” with the intonation of his voice.
“I know I know, don’t worry about it” replies (Y/N) while massaging Tom’s scalp.
As Harrison makes his way outside to keep a close eye on the children - even if in the end, he will totally play with them but never admit it out loud -, (Y/N) feels Tom’s body moving slightly, his legs stretching out but still not waking up fully.
The arm around her stomach tightens a bit, his hand caressing her side almost tickling her thought her dress. He snuggles more against her, a content smile now on his face. Letting her husband enjoy his well deserved nap, (Y/N) can concentrate on the letter she received from Zendaya.
Zendaya. One of the Superior Angels who maintains peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. One with a big heart and a beautiful soul. And the only one who trusted and agreed to help Tom when he was banished and sent to Hell.
Approaching the Superior Angels was, at the time, nearly impossible because they were considered as “the direct messengers of the Holy God”. But Zendaya had always been... Zendaya. Well educated, respected by everyone and also the only Superior Angels close to the other angels. She never feared anyone, even when her fellow Superiors asked her many times to keep her distance with the common  angels.
Zendaya always had a mind of her own and that is also why she developed a certain friendship with Tom. Him being himself loved by everyone in Heaven, she knew since the beginning she could trust him. With time they became confidant to one another, and it is also like how Zendaya learnt about his growing feelings towards (Y/N). She knew her too, a bit less but still enough to trust her deeply and admire her from afar. But everything changed when the Superior Angels suspected something was going on. And, in fact, they didn’t hesitate a single second to get complete rid of Tom without another thought. And Zendaya couldn’t do anything but assist to his terrific exile.  
As time flies, Zendaya felt nothing was the same in Heaven anymore. Mostly when she kept an eye on (Y/N). So much despair and sadness, but well hidden by the young angel to not draw any attention to her. Zendaya admired (Y/N)’s mental strength but she could not not be afraid of her fellow’s mental health. And even with all her will, Zendaya knew she couldn’t do anything. At least not by herself.
Until one day, totally out of nowhere when she thought she had to finally put what happened behind her. That specific day, everything changed as a tiny piece of paper was found under the bench Zendaya usually sits on in her private garden. A simple message non signed but somehow... recognisable, with a black feather attached to it and simply written:
“I’m alive. We need to talk.”
Zendaya kept her devilish correspondence with Tom to herself, being extremely careful each time a letter was sent by one or received by the other. The Superior Angel was the best help Tom needed to bring back (Y/N) to him, even if Zendaya was not really in favour of that idea, at first. But she was the most sensible angel - with (Y/N) - in Heaven and the determined one wishing for a change.
A true and concrete change had to happen. Now or never.
And that is how Zendaya planned (Y/N)’s “evasion” with Tom’s help, also managing at the same time to not declare a war between both kingdoms and opening the minds of angels and demons. What a job, really. But it was worse it because since then, the impenetrable borders between the two worlds finally fell for good.
« « My Dear (Y/N),
I hope you are doing good. How is your pregnancy is going?
Recently, the Superiors Angels and I gathered to discuss about sharing our mutual files about the people arriving at the Purgatory’s Gates, but also about the “doubtful” ones. I broached this topic since a bit of time now, but you know how the Superiors are... Still reluctant about this and that, but we will slowly make it.
And how are Hell Boy and your beautiful kids? Hope they at least give you some rest time. Mostly Tom because this man is a mess by himself. I still wonder sometimes how he manages to do anything while you were not here (yet).
Anyway. Tell little Dottie and little Al I love them a lot, to be good and that I can’t wait to see you all again when your new little member will be here.
Wishing you all the happiness to you and your beautiful family.
P.S.: tell Tom to stop being a dick and to read that damn report I sent him last week because I need an answer fast now, thanks.
Sincerely, Zendaya. » »
(Y/N) tries to stop giggling at the last lines of the letter, but still couldn’t really help it. Her chest vibrates against her will, slightly shaking Tom out from his sleep.
❞ What in this letter is making my beautiful wife laugh? ❞ Tom asks sleepily, his voice hoarse and eyes still close as if waking up is not in his plans yet.
(Y/N) caresses and kiss the crown of his head still resting on her chest, now openly giggling at the sluggish mood of her husband.
“Zendaya is waiting for you to read a report from a week ago” the angel slowly starts, her fingers running along Tom’s neck as her lips don’t leave his forehead. “Also she is planning to come visit when our little one is born.”
Tom finally dares to raise his head and meet his wife’s sparkling eyes, his being drown into them again and a smile now on his face.
❞ I can’t wait for them to be born, I want to hold them in my arms so bad ❞ says Tom, kind of lost in his thoughts as he caresses (Y/N)’s stomach lovingly.
“Me too, I can’t wait” the angel replies, emotions of pure happiness overwhelming her entire body.
The two beings share a passionate kiss, full of love, in this moment of silence. Pure calm and solitude while Tom holds his dear queen softly in his arms and runs his hand over her growing belly. Neither of them have to say much in order to know what the other is thinking. This moment is not different.
The joyful laughers of their children in the background constantly remind them how grateful they both are to the Gods for allowing them such happiness.
* * * *
Finally the end of the day.
Tom feels beyond exhausted. As Harrison likes to stick to his plan as strict and a total pain in the ass as they usually are, his fellow demon friend assisted him during his afternoon’s duty in the throne room. All. Damn. Afternoon. Harrison didn’t let him have more than three-minute breaks because he wanted things to be done for good. And since the third heir is supposed to arrive in a few months, there was no way in Hell Harrison would let Tom increase his workload.
But now the night took place over the day long ago. The Underworld fell asleep little by little like the Castle itself. Tom exists the bathroom, heavy clouds of steam following him after an intense and thorough showering. The hot water helps his sore muscles to relax a bit, as he made a way too much good use of (Y/N)’s shower gel to erase the smell of blood and sweat stuck deeply in the pores of his body.
He lets out a sigh, his cheeks still red from the shower and finishs drying his buzzed head and neck with a towel. His wings moves from time to time to dry themselves from the remaining drops of water in them. Lazing throwing the towel back in the bathroom - hopefully in the laundry basket -, Tom adjusts his sweatpants and gazes at the silent and dark bedroom, guessing (Y/N) is still putting Dottie and Al to bed.
Taking advantage of it, the devil man flops down on the bed on his back. Sighing another time once he feels the fresh silk sheets under his skin, all his muscles even the thinest ones de-stress together. His wingspan unfolded is for sure impressive, covering all the bed in its length but the black feathers matching beautifully with the dark red silk sheets.
Complete silence. Only his slow breathing calming down as he closes his eyes, now taken into total darkness. Sometimes Tom remembers some of this kind of days, like today, when tones of judgements had to be done and then sentences to fall right after. And after he would just be like he is now, trying his best to empty his mind. Alone. And the next day, the same episode would repeat over and over again. Always alone.
But not anymore.
The faint click of the bedroom door opening takes Tom out of this thoughts as he slowly opens one eye to look towards it. Silently, (Y/N) appears and closes the door without a sound as soon as she steps a foot in the room. Then she turns to see her husband lazily laying on the bed, letting a little chuckle at the sight.
Such a pleasant sound. The demon King could hear his wife laugh all day, it is pure music to his ears and so much soothing. Sounding divine as looking heavenly.
Tom stares at (Y/N) from the bed noticing her wearing the bronze-nude coloured silk robe he offered her after Al’s birth, loosely tied up. This soft colour, almost looking gold, perfectly enhance her angelic figure as well as her magnificent white wings. His eyes then rakes over her body starting with her beautiful face to her shoulders then her voluptuous breasts, which now press more against the robe and finally down to the swelling of her stomach, which also stretches the silky fabric around her hips.
Tom bits his lip at this sight as he eyes the bump with a lustful look. In addition to not spending endless days and nights alone, feeling downhearted and helpless, (Y/N) is now blessing him with a third child, extending their happy family even more for both their enjoyment but also for the kingdom. The young man feels powerful like he never was, but mostly happy.
All this thanks to (Y/N) without whom nothing of this would have been possible.
“You’re done showering, darling?” asks the angel with her delicate voice, to which Tom simply nods. “Good. And the children are finally asleep.”
(Y/N) slightly stretches, a hand low on her back as she arches it to relieve some muscles. Recently Tom starts noticing some changes in his wife’s everyday life, such as flying more often when she could instead of walking, taking more naps and baths than usual, tiredness showing in her eyes or constantly stretching her back like right now. This being her third pregnancy it may seem understandable at some point, but Tom couldn’t help but worry about her well-being.
❞ Did you take a bath before lunch, love? ❞ wonders Tom as sitting normally on the bed.
“I did, yes but it only eased my back pain for two hours or so... And now, my stomach feels a bit swollen and heavy” sighs (Y/N), frowning a little.
She leans her head on one side while looking at Tom with an exasperated face. Her arms are crossed under her breasts, unintentionally opening the robe more on her accentuated cleavage. Being the perfect husband he is, Tom knows he has to do something... something that would help both of them, actually. It is like he almost planned in advance what is about to happen, wishing it with all his heart.
❞ Come here, sweetheart ❞ Tom breaths also tilting his head on his shoulder, his now hungry eyes never leaving (Y/N).
After slowly swaying her luscious hips while walking to him, (Y/N) then stops to stand in front of her husband, standing between his legs. She then could see his eyes darken as they trail down her body and stop at the swell of her belly that is now showing more than last month.
Knowing perfectly the effect she has on him, (Y/N) exhales longly which makes the robe slide from her shoulders and expose more skin of her upper body. She then run her left hand over the bump, the wedding ring shining brightly as it reflects naturally even with the lack of light in the room. Tom can’t help his hands to rest on the back of her thighs, fidgeting with the fabric of her robe still in between his caresses. Then the angel smiles when Tom’s mouth falls open to release a groan.
❞ Fuck. Get over here. Now. ❞
Tom pats his thigh and (Y/N) could just oblige, balancing her hands on both his shoulders. He grins up at his wife as she climbs onto his laps, both legs on the outside of his thighs to straddle him.
Immediately his hands find their way to her hips, still caressing a little over the silk material of the robe before he just unties it. And Tom couldn’t suppress the satisfied grin on his face as her matching nightgown appears in front of him. His angel being pregnant makes the fabric tighten around her breast and stomach, as much as its slightly raises to mid-thigh.
Tom then guides her to sit fully down on his thighs and chuckles when she sighs at the feeling. (Y/N) slowly flaps her white wings and takes her robe fully off, even around them, the clothing item cascading along her arms before falling at Tom’s feet.
❞ Comfortable like this? ❞ the demon asks cautiously, eyeing his wife’s face for any indication as to how she is feeling or what she is thinking about.
(Y/N) looks down at him with a small smile on her face, nodding. The chill air in the bedroom gives her goosebumps. She traces her hands over his broad shoulders, not without admiring his naked and muscular torso, before wandering her delicate fingers at the base of his nape. Tom’s eyes close once he feels her start to massage his buzzed scalp, and hums in pleasure.
He always loves to feel her hands on him, in general. It never fails to make his "friend down there” throb from excitement.
❞ (Y/N)… ❞
Tom whispers as he reaches up to grab the angel’s left hand before bringing it to his lips. He places a soft kiss on the golden ring, powerful symbol of their love and union, before brushing his rough but still soft lips over her knuckles. He turns her hand over so he can drag his lips across the gentle skin of her wrists, as his eyes stare deeply at her face.
When his lips continue to brush higher on her arm, he hears a sigh leave (Y/N)’s plush lips and watches as her eyes suddenly drop closed. Tom smiles softly against her skin.
❞ My beautiful wife and queen... ❞ he mumbles, never stopping his trail up the skin of her arm before moving to the other one, doing the same straight away. ❞ The strongest woman I know... So selfless... ❞ Tom pulls away from her skin to thread his fingers through her long hair and cradles the back of her neck in his hands.
❞ ... and all mine. ❞
With such sudden fervour, Tom brings (Y/N)’s mouth to his and kisses her, long and passionate. The angel melt in his arms, following his every lead as he bites her bottom lip. (Y/N) willingly opens your mouth to allow his tongue to battle with hers. She gasps in his mouth when he removes a hand from her hair to cradle her bottom, pulling her closer to him.
“T-Tom” she moans, kissing her husband with such urgency.
In all honesty, they did not have sex in two months - if not more which may be more actually and quite surprising - because taking care of one child is kinda alright, but two... is completely another story. And ever since (Y/N) got pregnant of their third one, Tom also had a lot of work to deal with while Dottie and Al still need a lot of attention. Constantly. So basically both adults were lately busy every day, the intimate time passing after anything else... and being almost forgotten, in then end.
Until now (Y/N) has not noticed how much she actually missed feeling Tom’s hot skin against her bare body. Being intimate with him is something otherworldly because, on top of knowing her body so well, the young woman feels secure in his arms. She always had. And in return, Tom would use that to his advantage whenever he wants to show (Y/N) exactly how he feels about her.
There is never a day that (Y/N) would ever get sick of being with the King of Hell, her husband. Totally unthinkable.
❞ You have no clue what you do to me, doll ❞ he growls, pulling away from her lips to trail his kisses across her jaw. ❞ I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you... How I got so lucky... ❞ Tom whispers against her ear before returning to ravish the skin of her neck with his teeth and tongue.
(Y/N) moans breathlessly when his tongue drags across her sweet spot before he sucks the patch of skin between his teeth.
“I’m the the lucky one, baby” she breathes out, bringing her hands back to his head. “You’ve been through so much all these past years, and yet you still find time for me and our children, even when I may not be in the best mood. There is no luckier person here than me.”
Tom’s eyes begin to burn as he pulls away from her neck and places his forehead against hers to look straight in the eyes.
❞ The shit I’ve put you through is nothing anyone should have to ever go through, and yet you’ve handled it all with such grace. Like the perfect Queen you are. There’s no one I admire and cherish more than you, (Y/N). You mean the world to me, darling. ❞
His hands move to cover the expanse of her swollen belly underneath her nightgown as he starts to caress the skin with his thumbs.
❞ You, Dottie, Al and this baby. ❞
Her lip trembles at his words, vision growing blurry with fresh tears. The love (Y/N) has for this man is indescribable. There were no words ever created to explain everything he means to her. He is everything she has ever needed and so much more. And knowing that he loves his kids just as much is definitely one of the best feelings in the world.
“God, I can’t even describe how much you mean to me, Tom. Truly, words do not compare” (Y/N) whispers to him, lips brushing against his as he smiles.
❞ Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel ❞ the devil man chuckles, running his hands up and down her sides beneath the fabric.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Pure calm and solitude while Tom hold (Y/N) in his arms and ran his hands over her body. By now the two of them spent enough time together to memorise each other’s conducts during certain times. So, once Tom breathes softly against her neck, she knows the angel has to hear for herself exactly what is going through his head.
“What are you thinking about, baby?” (Y/N) inquires, pulling away to clearly see his face.
His coffee eyes are still dark, his chest heaving against her lush one. He could still feel her clothed heat against his thighs and now that they are so close, he could feel her stomach flat against his, the bump brushing against his naked abs.
He chuckles breathily before running a hand on top of his head, which creates a scratching noice under his palm.
❞ Would it be crude of me to say that your swollen stomach makes me hard? ❞
(Y/N) gasps in shock at his words, not expecting them in the slightest. Tom looks up at his angelic wife with a mischievous glint in his honey brown orbs, and she couldn’t help but then giggle at his typical cheeky attitude.
“It would but then again, you wouldn’t be Tom if you weren’t at least a little crude at times” she teases as she laughs when he feigns offense.
❞ Ooh you are in for it now, angel! ❞
Suddenly Tom chides before grabbing (Y/N) by the thighs and gently roll their bodies onto the bed, him being now on top of her. The angel squeals at the same time, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and arms winding around his neck.
He smiles down at her before moving down to kiss her, his lips gliding effortlessly against her mouth. The demon king loves to take her breath away with just a touch of his lips. Tom smiles against the angel’s lips while still gliding his lips across hers.
❞ Hope you’re ready, I’m about to rock the world of my gorgeous pregnant queen tonight ❞ Tom grins widely when (Y/N) lets out a loud laugh at his words.
“You’re being cheesy tonight, I see?” she giggles, her cheeks stretching widely to accommodate to the large grin on her perfect face.
Tom admires the glint of happiness in her eyes, with an ounce of mischief too, and tries to process the fact that he is the one and only man making this divine creature beneath him so happy.
❞ Yeah but I mean, you love that about me ❞ the man smirks, kissing (Y/N) on the corners of her mouth then cheeks, forehead and lastly her nose. ❞ And you signed up to it all when you married me so, no going back now pretty lady.❞
Her eyes flutter because of all his kisses, then she smiles softly at her husband.
“Oh yes, I did” she chuckles before continuing “And I love you with all my heart. And I always will” (Y/N) whispers, cupping his cheeks in her delicate hands before running her fingers over his defined cheekbones and jawline.
Tom can’t stop his eyes from burning with passion as his wife proclames her love for him once again.
❞ I love you ❞ he mumbles before capturing her lips for a passionate kiss.
Tom navigates his body fully between her legs, swallowing the strangled moan his angel release when he rolls his hips against her sore one. He then begins to push the silk fabric of her nightgown up to finally reveal her stomach, before he proceeds to cradle her soft visage in one hand while he places the other flat against her round and swollen belly.
He just growls when he feels the bump against his warm palm and pulls away from (Y/N)’s lips. He continues by devouring her neck as he pushes the nightdress higher up to reveal your bare breasts. The demon pulls away from her neck and stares down at her tempting curves and groans, his cock twitching at the sight.
❞ So fucking gorgeous ❞ Tom states breathlessly, reaching up to engulf gently her sensitive breasts in his large hands to massage them. His cock hardens and twitches again when (Y/N) moans from his touch, arching her back and rolling her hips against his to create some friction.
Tom grunts as he feels (Y/N) drag her hips against his still clothed hard-on and decides that both of them are wearing too many clothes for his liking.
He removes his hands from her breasts and tugs the nightdress over her head. The angel then leans up in order to let him take it off entirely, her white wings adjusting on her back. At the same time she also enjoys the sight of him, already standing half naked over her, his perfectly sculpted chest and abs making her bite her lip and almost drool.
Her husband is indeed handsome, breathtakingly beautiful, the scars on his back and shoulders only magnifying that beauty. Every time (Y/N) sees the multiple cuts he tried to hide at the beginning, all she wants to do is kiss every single one to remind her king that he should never be ashamed of them. Ever.
(Y/N) unconsciously licks her lips as she admires him. Tom catches it and smirks down at his wife, newfound confidence surging through his veins. She never fails to make him feel good about himself. One simple look needed and he could tell (Y/N) loves him no matter the scars on his body or who he is.
❞ Like what ya see, gorgeous? ❞ Tom rasps as he runs his hands up her sides, smirking when he feels her shiver beneath his touch.
“Always, baby.”
(Y/N) watches as he smiles ardently at her before he reaches up to cup her right cheek in his hand. He runs his thumb along your cheekbone and then drags the pad of his calloused finger across her bottom lip. The angel slightly turns her head into his palm and starts leaving open mouthed kisses onto it, as her hands wrap around his wrist to maintain him in place.
His eyes darken as watches (Y/N) starts lightly biting the skin of his palm, and then giving it little kitten licks. Tom curses softly when he feels his cock twitch painfully in his now too tight sweatpants, and he knows he can’t wait any longer.
Tom wants her so bad. He needs to have her. Right here, right now. Just the thought of feeling her wet insides flutter around his pulsing member takes the demon to some unholy places in his mind. And he loves it.
Almost reluctantly Tom removes his hand from her mouth and bends down to sloppily lick one of your sensitive nipples.
He hears (Y/N) gasp loudly before he sees her back arch, pushing her breast further into his mouth as he wraps his lips around the now hardening bud.
“Aah, Tommy-” she moans, trying her best to grind her hips against his.
When Tom feels her struggling to get some relief, he pulls away from her nipple with a loud ‘pop’. The angel starts letting out little whines at the loss of his hot tongue on her body.
❞ Worry not, my Queen ❞ Tom says huskily as he finally decides to tug her thin lace panties down her impeccable legs, revealing the secret garden that is her dripping heat to his hungry eyes. ❞ I will take good care of you, like I always do. ❞
He doesn’t tear his lustful gaze away from her, in awe as (Y/N) pants loudly underneath him. Tom then removes his sweatpants, not caring to untie them before hand, the fabric falling on the ground to now expose his naked glory because he definitely went commando after his shower.
The young queen gasps at the obscene yet erotic sight of his hard cock staying flat against his stomach, the tip red and swollen, leaking precum. She feels wetness pool between her legs and just moan, eyeing his hand as it wraps around his length and begins to pump slowly.
Tom eyes (Y/N)’s body hungrily from above her, moving his unoccupied hand to her pussy where he spreads her wet lips to rub her clit with his thumb, not without paying close attention to any sign of discomfort coming from his pregnant wife.
(Y/N) squeals, rolling her hips against his hand as much as her body allows her to, while Tom drags his fingers between her folds and massages her clit. When the angel feels him enter one finger into her clenching hole, she throws her head back and arches even more against his hand.
❞ Fuck baby girl, you are so wet ❞ Tom groans, pumping his hand faster around his cock.
“Tommy- Oh my-!” (Y/N) nearly screams when he adds another finger and pumps them harder and deeper into her warm insides.
Tom’s eyes widen when he looks back at her round stomach, which moves rapidly up and down as she breathes deeply. He feels his cock twitch in his hand and lets out a rough grunt, suddenly taking his fingers out of her core and removing his hand from himself.
❞ That’s it, I can’t fucking take anymore ❞ he growls, positioning himself between (Y/N)’s legs. He then gently grabs the back of her knees to pull her towards him, the angel whining when his hard cock brushes close to her core.
“Please take me, Tommy. I’m all yours, please” (Y/N) moans as she rolls her hips against his cock.
Tom feels like coming straight away but he resists somehow, instead brushing his pulsing member between her wet folds and flicking the head against her clit.
The demon king hovers over his wife’s body, placing his forehead against hers and balancing on his arms on each side of her head as he places the tip of his cock at her entrance. He looks into her bright eyes when he slowly enters the angel, her walls stretching deliciously around him.
Both beings moan in unison before Tom leans down to capture (Y/N)’s lips, swallowing every choked cries and whines as he begins to thrust in and out of her.
“Ooh Tommy, oh, aah-” she gasps breathlessly when he slams his hips into her bloated one.
❞ (Y/N)- ❞ Tom moans in return, pulling away to drop his head on her shoulder. He kisses the soft skin of her shoulder before thrusting faster and groaning into her skin. ❞ You are the best thing that ever happened to me, baby girl. ❞
His words bring tears to her eyes, thanks to the messy pregnant’s hormones,  and (Y/N) almost releases a cry as she pushes her hips in hope to meet with his thrusts. She can feel every ridge and thick vein of his cock as he drives it into her and the purely euphoric feeling makes her dizzy. The angel grabs onto Tom, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders and running a hand through his entire face, his thrusts intensifying even more.
“You are my world, Tommy. I love your more than anything and I promise to stay by your side until the end of the world” (Y/N) moans in his ear, reassuring him.
Tom grunts at his wife’s words, all kind of emotions mixing up in his head as he makes love to (Y/N). Suddenly, he slows his pace a little so now he is rocking into her deep and hard. She whines desperately at this change, grinding against his skin.
The demon pulls himself up so he can look between their bodies, carefully watching as he thrusts slowly in and out of her wet pussy. Then his brown eyes land on her visible baby bump and Tom feels himself pulse inside of her as his eyes roll into his head. He moans loudly, moving a hand between both their bodies to flatten it against her stomach.
❞ Shit angel, I’m s-so lucky to have you... The four of you” Tom almost whines, rolling his hips harder into hers as his pelvic now brushes against her clit.
“Tommy, I’m so close! Aah-” (Y/N) cries out at the feeling and throw her head back, arching against him more.
She then gasps when he growls violently before speeding up his thrusts again and literally drilling into her. (Y/N) grabs onto him tightly and drags her nails against his scalp, stealing a grunt from his chest.
Tom sloppily links his lips with hers when he feels the angel clench tightly around him, so he thrusts deeper and faster before moving the hand that was on her stomach to her clit.
❞ Come for me, my gorgeous wife. My gorgeous queen. Come for me ❞ Tom growls in her ear, rubbing her clit vigorously.
(Y/N) screams at the never stopping stimulation. Her legs start trembling and body shaking as she clenches around his member, coating his cock in cum as she finally reaches her orgasm. Tom watches closely as she comes undone beneath him and lets out a moan, his hips faltering as he releases his seed inside of her tight insides.
He flattens his hand on her belly, feeling the warm and sweaty skin of her baby bump again and comes harder, biting his bottom lip to prevent himself to be too vocal this late at night. Endless streams of his come splash against her walls, their juices mixing together, and Tom rides out both their orgasms until he just collapses his upper body on top of (Y/N).
“Oh lord, Tom, you’re heavy!” the angel huffs as she then giggles at her husband.
Tom only hums in response, his voice slightly hoarse from their previous activity, while wrapping his strong arms around her body. But not feeling too well in this position - also not to accidentally hurt (Y/N) -, Tom slowly lets himself slide on the sheet to now snuggle up against his wife’s frame, remaining inside of her.
(Y/N) looks up at him through her post-orgasmic vision and is pleased to notice him just cuddling onto her with closed eyes, his chest heaving with exhaustion. As a kind smile makes its way to her face, she leans up to kiss his jaw which makes him sigh gently.
“You are amazing Tom, in every way. An amazing king, husband and father. I am so proud of you” (Y/N) softly whispers to him, brushing delicately her fingers against his cheek.
The angel then proceeds to move her hand higher and massage his head, feeling the short buzzed hair brush her palm and paying extra attention to his nape, a bit sweaty. After enjoying her pleasant caresses, Tom opens one of his eyes to peak at the angel.
❞ I would be nothing without you, baby. Just useless, an empty envelop with no reason to live. ❞
(Y/N) looks absolutely breathtaking to him, and since the day they met. The amazing post-orgasmic glow that suits her so well is something he could look at for years. Her lips swollen and impossibly red like her cheeks, hair a mess and eyes half closed. And not forgetting her naked figure which the demon loves to worship during these intimate times, shining with sweat but still an absolute delicacy that only him can savour as he wants.
(Y/N) can feel him start to get slightly hard again when he brushes his fingers over her pregnant stomach. As his face never leaves its comfy place on her chest, the demon king silently wishes to feel his unborn heir move under his touch. His wife continues to leave kisses on his sweaty forehead, closing her tired eyes, almost falling asleep in the lovely embrace of her husband.
❞ ... I’m guessing your stomach doesn’t hurt anymore? ❞
Intrigued by this question, (Y/N) slowly reopens her eyes to lower her gaze on Tom’s face. As she raises her eyebrows, she has no time to answer before Tom speaks again.
❞ Sex is definitely THE best option to ease pregnancy pains. Not like I’m gonna complain about it. ❞
"You better prepare a warm bubbly bath for us and carry me there, before I get upset” states (Y/N), her cheeks even redder now because of Tom’s stupid comment.
And the devil king can’t suppress his cheeky smirk as his wife avoids his gaze, still being cute.
❞ Your wish is my command, my Queen! ❞
* * * *
The bedroom is still plunged into darkness, but the daylight manages to make its way through an open spot left by the curtains. Humming as she slowly wakes up, (Y/N) blinks a few times before staring at the ceiling of the bedroom. Her hands go to her belly by instinct, massaging it as she draws circles on it, before she turns her head towards Tom.
Still fast asleep, the demon king did not move since they both went to sleep - after taking another bath together and dressing up for the night. His build frame stays on the side, an arm under (Y/N)’s head and his free hand resting at the bottom of her now covered stomach.
(Y/N) brushes her plump lips on his chin to then leave a light kiss on his lips, carefully to not wake him up. She links one of her hands with his own that stays on her stomach, intertwining their fingers.
But as the young queen tries to fall back asleep, her mother’s intuition goes on alert and her head turns towards the door of the bedroom. No sound can be heard on the other side of the room, only a deep and calm silence that resonates in the whole castle. When suddenly...
*tap tap tap*
The almost faint noise of footsteps slowly increase in the corridor, now catching the full attention of (Y/N). One corner of her lips raises, perfectly knowing the owners of this sound. Tom still being in the arms of Morpheus, mouth parted enough to let some soft snores at times, the angel prefers to not move until the “special guests” make their final appearance.
And speak of the devil (no pun intended, or not)...
The doorknob starts to slowly turn, creating a quick and discreet ‘click’ which allows the door to finally open. (Y/N) keeps watching closely towards it, trying to see through the half-open door. And as expected, a double pair of eyes can be seen, a bit sleepy, and little by little two very familiar round faces appear.
Dottie and Al immediately find their mother’s eyes as if asking for her permission to enter the matrimonial bedroom. After warmly allowing both her children with a nod and a smile, the two tiny beings make their way inside, Dottie making sure to silently close the door behind her little brother and her, and then fly together towards their parents.
As they kiss their mother on the cheek and tummy - because they already care a lot about their unborn brother or sister -, little Al notices his father still sound asleep between the sheets. Not needing to be asked twice, the little boy careful goes between both his parents’ bodies and tries to make himself some place as he goes under the cover. Tom lightly groans at the movements next to him, but only secures his grip tighter around his wife plus now his young son. (Y/N) then opens the sheets with her free hand, inviting her daughter to join their cuddle. Dottie goes also under the warm sheet, getting close to her mum and snuggling against her. Feeling yet another presence in the bed, Tom’s hand which already maintain (Y/N) and Al close to him now reaches for his daughter.
The silence of the early morning remains still. (Y/N) lets out a pleased sigh, getting even more confortable between the soft warmth of the bed and her loving family. Slowly, sleep overcomes her and her children all over again, soon joining the head of the family for another resting time into dreamland.
Who could have thought about having this delightful type of afterlife?
* * * *
Ten months later.
« « Who’s the most beautifuuuuuul baby of all time? » »
❞ Give me back my daughter, Z... ❞
Happy babbles echo in the living room, animated first by Tom who tries to take back his five-month daughter Mia from Zendaya’s grasp, and on the other hand Dottie and Al playing together next to the group of adults.
(Y/N) sat on the large couch next to her husband, giggling at his attitude as he almost makes grabby hands to Zendaya, hoping she would finally give the newly born child to him. (Y/N) lovingly caresses his back, getting close to him and eyeing her third child in the arms of her trustful friend from Heaven.
“Thank you for visiting us, Zendaya” begins (Y/N), “Mia seems to like you already.”
« « Obviously she loves her godmother a lot, right little one? » » smiles Zendaya as she keeps smiling widely to the baby, tickling her tummy to make little Mia show her toothless smile again.
Tom couldn’t help the grown leaving his mouth, lightly banging his head against (Y/N)’s. The angel queen kisses his temple in hope of appeasing her husband’s pouting face.
On Mia’s back, two tiny wings start growing slowly. The colour of her feathers is still undetermined but it may be a mix of white and black ones, like her eldest sister and brother. Mia’s features will for sure be a beautiful mix of her parents, her eyes already big and kind like her mother’s and deep brown like her father’s.
Harrison enters the living room, bringing a rolling cart with different drinks and delicacies on it. Both Dottie and Al stop playing as they hear it coming their way, their throat dry and little stomach empty after so much playtime. Dottie stands first and waits for Harrison to stop the cart, meanwhile Al goes to his father asking for some attention. The demon king immediately takes his son in his arms, sitting him on his laps.
‘Can I get some apple juice for Al and I, please Haz?’ Dottie politely asks the demon.
‘ Of course, dear. Right away. ‘
Dottie brings the first glass to her brother, carefully passing it in his little hands before asking the others if they want to drink something too.
“Just a glass of water for me, sweetheart. Dad will share his wine with me.”
❞ Hmm, I still need to think about that, beautiful ❞ replies Tom with a cheeky tone, while slowly kissing his wife’s cheek which makes her chuckle.
« « Don’t get all lovey-dovey in front of your kids, dammit. Gross, ew! Al, look at auntie Daya. » »
❞ Don’t swear in front of my children! ❞
Once everyone got served their drink, Dottie flies back to her mother to sit on her laps, enjoying her apple juice as she vividly looks at everyone but mostly at her new little sister. Then Harrison prepares two little plates to fill with some homemade cakes for both his godchildren.
❞ Honestly, Harrison is killin’ it at being a good godfather with the kids. They might start loving him more than you if you- ❞
« « Shut up, Hell Boy » » interrupts Zendaya, upset but still with her usual sass.
“The kids would love to see you more often, Zendaya” softly takes part (Y/N) while sipping into Tom’s wine glass before giving it back to him.
Zendaya deeply sighs and looks at little Mia catching Al’s index finger into her tiny fist. She brushes the baby’s wild growing hair back while caressing the tender rosy skin with her finger, not helping the smile on her face.
« « I know, (Y/N) and I want to but sometimes, I’m just overflowing under work. It’s not easy to be a Superior Angel, trust me. » »
❞ Being the King of Hell AND a father at the same time is not easy either, trust me on that ❞ sighs Tom back, ❞ But I’ve never been happier so I can’t complain at all. ❞
Tom smiles lovingly at (Y/N), making the angel sit closer to him and snuggle her face against his. Dottie also cuddles with Al as the two siblings look at little Mia, who constantly watches around anything that happens.
The scene warms Zendaya’s heart.
« « Also, you are all welcome to come to Heaven, you know that, right? Mostly because of business talk and all that jazz, but the Superiors would be glad to meet little Mia too » » continues Zendaya as she strokes Mia’s cheek.
“We were actually discussing about it with Tom the other day” says (Y/N), sorting out the feather’s mess of her children because of their last playing session. “Dottie and Al want to visit Heaven again too, am I right?”
‘YES PLEASE!’ both Dottie and Al screams together, little Al saying something like that because he is still too young to talk properly.
(Y/N) and Zendaya laugh at so much energy coming from the children. As Tom put his now empty glass away, he nods to Harrison to join them on the couch as he slides an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and kisses her cheek.
Heaven and Hell might be opposite places with different rules and ways of thinking.
But in the end, they both have the same goal: giving the right afterlife to people, and fixing their faults when mistakes were done.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 6X18 Frontierland
I'm sorry, what the FUCk?
ooo good old fashioned showdown
48 hours and 150 years later ahahaha
see no one talks about this but it looks fun so I'm scared
ah yes using Samuel's old library
ooo old photos
ah yes Research
aww Sam laughed at Dean's quip
oh my god Samuel Colt's journal
"get your own"
"we'll star trek IV this bitch" SIR YOU'RE SUCH A NERD
not Cas??
ah he sent a PA
please do not be weird about it
no you are not his friend
yeah their relationship with Cas is kinda :(
aw Cas is here
"um about your plan" sHAHHA
"a series of partial differential equations" AHAHAHA
yeah ok fine a ticking time clock that's standard
oh my god he does have a fetish
HE had a crush on clint eastwood
that zoom in on the clock makes me sad Something's gonna happen
what the hell is happening to cas
ok so I catch up and then we go to the iconic man who would be king
tell me what happened
"you know what that is" *sam begins to bitch* "-Authenticity"
Sam actually doesn't do well when he's thrust into something else, Dean does. Dean wants escape, Sam wants control
ah jeez
aw Sammy Colt
aw he was so happy about his blanket
Spaghetti westerns were made in fucking italy dean of course they're not accurate
Sam smiling is also nice to see
the beauty standards were a lil bit different back then mate
that implication is Creepy
the sarsaparilla as a joke went the wrong way huh
...he's in a charred husk?
ah of course, monsters exist back then too
ah the person who got hanged
so more than just to set the tone, was also a part of the plot
"I love posse" AHAHAHAH
"make that into a t shirt"
very clever guys
ah yes left side
"that poor horse" AHAHAH
ah the horse knows
what makes a pheonix
what did he do?
oh no not the angel wing death shots
like those are so cool but Cas :(
noooo CASSS
Black trencoat
here you get to be sheriff now
o H h h that's the opening scene
ah shti the dmeons
and devil's gate
mans had NO chill
he was so proud of that hat shot
I liked that hat shot
he's so excited
ahaha gank didn't exist as a slang term back then
Dean convinces the other bit of bait
oh my god and hunter doesn't exist as a term either
damn Sam just STRAIGHT up plays the future card
"there's no getting out" oop
"oh, that gun" heh
oh he's lying
heh Sam DEDUCED the demons :)
ah a soul
ope there's the ghost
ah he was going for his wife
and he killed his wife
man didn't die because monster
"so I gotta kill you" come on Dean have you learned nothing
"whoa I should have seen that coming"
aw Bobby
yes it's a problem it romanticizes violence I don't care
"yippee kay yay mother-"
both Bobby and Cas are EXHAUSTED
they're all so sad and then it's the burnt up phone
this was GREAT ok
1. BOTH DEAN AND SAM GOT THEIR LITTLE MOMENTS. Dean with the iron and the human connections, Sam with the sulfur. Also, their difference to being in the past. Sam wanted to get the job done, he wasn't happy, but he impressed Samuel Colt with his hunting ability. He played up from the future, he was business first, and he wants out of hunting only when he's in control. Meanwhile Dean will take escape readily each time it's presented to him(maybe because he feels as though it's the only way out, and he doesn't know how to voluntarily leave?). He also 100% immerses himself into Not Hunting(first chance of escape), while Sam has slowly drifted into "I'm a hunter, no way out, this is my life now"
2. also kinda in the same vein, both of them had their moments, and both of them got to be a lil embarrassed. Not a lot, mostly a positive for both of them, but they got a lil bit of the other.
3. Cas having a support system for Whatever he did (please tell me what that is soon), being humans not connected to the conflict is so good. Especially Bobby, who just kinda...takes it and helps him and it's very nice. I wish we got a bit more of that, it would be a soldi way to keep Cas in story.
4. Dean is like. A grade A nerd. the man ONLY Communicates in forms of media. It's honestly absolutely adorable. Like boy he was SO Excited, he went all in, it was so cute and know, because of parasocial bonds, I was happy cuz he was happy, yk?
also it's nice having someone be allowed to be excited about something
5. also the cinnamon topography? was very nice this episode
6. that Colt thing at the end made me so happy, he was such a cool and complex old retired hunter man
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