#also the reporter plot was just weak
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that-cynical-bittch · 1 year ago
The new episode of gen v sucked 😭
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Some Editorial Vocabulary
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definitions of terms during the writing, editing and publishing process
Acknowledgements: Text in which the author thanks those who’ve supported them.
Action beat: Short description that comes before, between or just after dialogue.
Adjective: A word that describes a noun.
Adverb: A word that describes a verb.
Adverbial phrase: A group of words that describe a verb.
Afterword: A concluding section, often reflecting on the book’s creation or providing additional context.
Anaphora: The deliberate repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of successive clauses for artistic effect.
Antagonist: An adversary. The character who creates obstacles and challenges for the protagonist, or behaves in a hostile fashion towards the protagonist.
Anti-protagonist: A protagonist whose own actions create opposition and conflict, often within themselves or against their own goals.
Apostrophe: A punctuation mark used to indicate possession, omission and, occasionally, a plural.
Appendix: Space in a book for material that doesn’t fit comfortably in the main text.
Asyndeton: Literary device through which a sentence’s structure follows the following pattern: A, B, C.
Back matter: Also end matter. Elements reserved for the back of a book, including appendix, glossary, endnotes, bibliography and index.
Beta reader: Test-reader who provides feedback on book.
Bibliography: List of all works cited in book, and any other work of interest to the reader.
Chapter drop: The space above and below the chapter title.
Character arc: Narrative that shows how a character changes and develops.
Characterization: The process of revealing a character's personality, traits and motives through actions and dialogue.
Colon: Punctuation mark that introduces additional/qualifying information about the clause it follows.
Comma splice: Two independent clauses joined by a comma rather than a conjunction or an alternative punctuation mark.
Conjunction: A word that connects clauses or sentences (e.g. ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘if’, ‘then’)
Copyediting: A review of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, ensuring consistency and accuracy in the manuscript's language.
Critique: Also manuscript evaluation. Report analysing a book’s strengths and weaknesses.
Denouement: The final part of the book in which all the plot strands are brought together and resolved.
Deuteragonist: A sidekick or confidante character who has the most influence on the protagonist, often helping them solve problems and overcome obstacles. Can be critical to driving the plot.
Developmental editing: Also structural editing. The improvement of a manuscript's structure, content, and overall narrative, focusing on big-picture elements. Attends to plot, characterisation, narration and pacing.
Dialogue tag: Also speech tag. Words that indicate which character is speaking (e.g. John said).
Dialogue: The lines characters speak in a book.
Diversity reader: Also sensitivity reader. Test-reader who checks for misrepresentation in books.
Double-page spread: Also DPS. The view of a printed book or PDF when opened so that the left- and right-hand pages are both visible.
Drama: The conflicts, emotional intensity, and impactful events that drive the plot and engage readers emotionally. The focus is on character relationships, motivations, and the consequences of their actions.
Dropped capital: Decorative first letter of the first word on the first line in a chapter. Larger than the rest of the text and drops down two lines or more.
Ellipsis: Punctuation mark that indicates a trailing-off or a pause.
End matter: Also back matter. Elements reserved for the back of a book, including appendix, glossary, endnotes, bibliography and index.
Endnote: Additional useful information at the end of a chapter or book.
Filter word: Verb that tells rather than shows (e.g. ‘noticed’, ‘seemed’, ‘spotted’, ‘saw’).
Folio: Somewhat old-fashioned term for page number. Also used to refer to a page.
Footnote: Additional useful information at the bottom of a page.
Foreword: A recommendation of the work written by someone other than the author.
Fourth wall: In books, the conceptual space between the characters and the readers.
Free indirect speech: Also free indirect style and free indirect discourse. Third-person narrative that holds the essence of first person thought or dialogue.
Front matter: Also prelims. Includes part title and title pages, foreword, preface and acknowledgements.
Full point: Period or full stop.
Full stop: Period or full point.
Glossary: Alphabetical list of important terms with explanations or definitions.
Habitual past tense: Uses ‘would’ or ‘used to’ with a verb to indicate events that happened routinely in a time past.
Half-title page: The first page of a book with any text on it; in a printed book, always a right-hand page. Contains only the main title of the book.
Head-hopping: Jumping from one character’s thoughts and internal experiences to another’s. Indicates viewpoint has been dropped.
Imprint: Publisher’s name.
Independent clause: A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.
Index: Alphabetical list of all topics, themes, key terms and cited author names covered in the book, and the corresponding page numbers.
Information dump: Also word dump. Information that’s necessary to the story but isn’t artfully delivered, or weaved creatively into the narrative and dialogue.
Line editing: Also stylistic editing. The refining of a manuscript's language, focusing on consistency, clarity, flow and style at sentence level.
Maid-and-butler dialogue: Dialogue in which one character tells another something they already know so the reader can access backstory.
Manuscript evaluation: Also critique. Report analysing a book’s strengths and weaknesses.
Narrative arc: Also story arc. The structure and shape of a story.
Narrative authenticity: The believability and truthfulness of a story so that the characters and events feel real within the framework of the novel’s world.
Narrative distance: Also psychic distance. How close the reader feels to a character’s thoughts, emotions and experiences within a story.
Narrative: Story. The part of the book that’s narrated, excluding the dialogue.
Narrative style: The author's unique manner of storytelling, encompassing language, tone, viewpoint and other structural choices.
Narrative voice: The style, tone, and personality through which a narrator or character tells a story to readers.
Numerals, Arabic: 1, 2, 3 etc.
Numerals, Roman: i, ii, iii etc.
Omniscient: All-knowing. Refers to a viewpoint style in fiction writing.
Overwriting: Using too many words on the page. Often characterized by repetition and redundancy.
Page proofs: A file that’s reached a stage in the publishing process where the text and images of a manuscript have been laid out in their final format.
Pantser: A writer who doesn’t outline or plan story structure, but flies by the seat of their pants.
Period: Full stop or full point.
Perspective character: Also viewpoint character. The character through whose eyes the story is primarily told. The narrative lens through which readers experience events, thoughts, and emotions within the story.
Plot: The sequence of events in a novel.
Point of view: Also viewpoint and POV. Describes whose head we’re in when we read a book, or whose perspective we experience the story from.
Polysyndeton: Literary device through which a sentence’s structure follows the following pattern: A and B and C.
Predicate: The part of a sentence that contains a verb and that tells us something about what the subject’s doing or what they are.
Preface: An explanation of the purpose, scope and content of a book, and written by the author.
Prelims: Also front matter. Includes part title and title pages, foreword, preface and acknowledgements.
Pronoun: A word that replaces a noun (e.g. I, you, he, she, we, me, it, this, that, them those, myself, who, whom). Pronouns can act and be acted upon like any noun.
Proofreading: The final pre-publication quality-control stage of editing where any final literal errors and layout problems are flagged up. Comes after developmental editing, stylistic line editing and copyediting.
Proper noun: A named person, place or organization. Always takes an initial capital letter.
Protagonist: The leading character in a novel, often facing central conflicts and driving action.
Psychic distance: Also narrative distance. How close the reader feels to a character’s thoughts, emotions and experiences within a story.
Purple prose: Overblown, poorly structured writing with strings of extraneous and often multisyllabic adjectives and adverbs.
Quotation mark: Also speech mark. Punctuation that indicates the spoken word. Singles or doubles are acceptable.
Recto: The right-hand page of a book.
References: List of all the works cited in your book.
Roman typeface: Not italic.
Running head: Text that runs across the top of a page (e.g. title of the book, chapter title, author’s name).
Scene: a distinct segment or building block where specific actions and events unfold in a setting.
Scene technique: The use of dialogue, action, setting, and tension to craft compelling moments in the story.
Semi-colon: A punctuation mark that indicates a stronger pause than a comma between two main clauses.
Sensitivity reader: Also diversity reader. Test-reader who checks for misrepresentation in books.
Speech mark: Also quotation mark. Punctuation that indicates the spoken word. Singles or doubles are acceptable.
Speech tag: Also dialogue tag. Words that indicate which character is speaking (e.g. John said).
Story arc: Also narrative arc. The structure and shape of a story.
Structural editing: Also developmental editing. The improvement of a manuscript's structure, content, and overall narrative, focusing on big-picture elements. Attends to plot, characterisation, narration and pacing.
Style sheet: In which an author or editor records stylistic and language preferences, and tracks who’s who, what’s where, and when X, Y and Z happens.
Stylistic editing: Also line editing. The refining of a manuscript's language, focusing on consistency, clarity, flow and style at sentence level.
Subject: The thing in a sentence that’s doing or being something.
Subplot: A secondary storyline that supports and enhances the main plot of a narrative.
Suspense: The tension, uncertainty and anticipation created by withholding information, raising stakes or placing characters in imminent danger. Readers are kept guessing or forced to ask questions.
Syndeton: Literary device through which a sentence’s structure follows the following pattern: A, B and C (or A, B, and C).
Talking-heads syndrome: Dialogue that isn’t grounded in the environment or the characters’ responses to that environment.
Tense: The form a verb takes to indicate when an action happened in relation to the telling of it.
Tension: The emotional strain or suspense created by unresolved conflicts, stakes or uncertainties that keep readers engaged.
Tertiary character: A functional character who gives the story realism and depth, but doesn’t significantly impact on or influence the plot or the development of the other characters.
Theme: The novel’s central idea or message about life, society, or human nature.
Title page: Includes full title (and subtitle if there is one), author’s name, publisher’s name, logo, volume number, and edition.
Transgressor: A character who commits morally, socially, or legally questionable acts.
Tritagonist: Third most important character, who often provide regular emotional or physical support, but don’t determine how the story develops.
Unreliable dialogue: Dialogue that doesn’t match a character’s true voice, mood or intent.
Unreliable narrator: A character whose telling of the story cannot be taken at face value. They may be naïve, confused, or deliberately manipulative.
Verb, intransitive: A verb that doesn’t have a direct object (e.g. ‘I giggled’).
Verb, transitive: A verb that has a direct object (e.g. ‘wrote’ in ‘I wrote a book’).
Verb: A word that describes doing. Can refer to a physical action (e.g. to dig), a mental action (e.g. to wonder) or a state of being (e.g. to be).
Verso: The left-hand page of a book.
Viewpoint: Also point of view or POV. Describes whose head we’re in when we read a book.
Viewpoint character: Also perspective character. The character through whose eyes the story is primarily told, and the narrative lens through which readers experience events, thoughts, and emotions within the story.
Vocative: The form of address for a character directly referred to in dialogue.
Word dump: Also information dump. Information that’s necessary to the story but isn’t artfully delivered, or weaved creatively into the narrative and dialogue.
Source More: On Editing ⚜ Word Lists
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aliencatwafers · 3 months ago
Quick Helluva Boss Rewrite since I don’t like Stolas
Discard the Stolas is good episodes and bring it back to IMP and Blitz
Mlre focus on Millie and Moxxie; Millie is a farm girl who’s considered weak in her family while Sallie Mae is the favorite while Moxxie grew up in the mafia and was forced to kill his mom - they meet each other
Keep Stolas as a villain but have him manipulate he audience that he’s good and it’s his wife that’s the issue and daughter who’s bratty but acts two faced towards
Stella is trying to make the marriage work but is pressured by her incestuous brother to stay in the marriage for the family name; include Stella’s relatives too and have them insist marriage is the only way since women don’t have powers in Ars Goetia
They also consider fire powers unwomnaly so Stella was taught to repress them since “there’s nothing dainty about fire”; she also learned about medicine from a butler
Have Stella hire Striker over and over as he hunts IMP down
While stars are cool as hell, Stolas’ powers represent the coldness and isolation of space and distance from warmth - he represents the almighty powers that tear down life and makes living inhospitable
Big showdown as Blitz calls out Striker for hurting his own kind and Striker has an “oh shit” moment
Blitz makes up with Fizz and they start over
Have IMP not know what Stolas is very much raping Blitz each month to get the Grimoire because he doesn’t want to worry them and he knows he doesn’t have an option
Octavia notices something is up and assumes Blitz is tearing the family apart
Striker tells Stella the kill is off because of what Stolas is doing to Blitz
This angers Stella so much - her whole world comes crashing down as she realizes her husband and daughter’s father is a rapist and what he’s doing to Blitz could easily come to Octavia too. Stella loses it and for the first time, she finally gives in. Her powers represent the warmth in life that dares to exist even in the depths of space.
her fire powers go haywire and she is going to burn the shit out of Stolas
Epic battle between IMP, Striker, Stella, Octavia VS Stolas, Andy, the Sins, and Ars Goetia
Epic showdown, lots of injuries, Striker and Blitz are badly injured, Loona nearly died, Millie is in a coma, and Moxxie is taking care of everyone. Stella decides to use her powers to get Asmodeus stones so everyone can cross over to the living world and do their jobs. She also uses her knowledge she learned over the years in secret to gather medicine so everyone recovers with Moxxie’s help
Stella and Octavia inherit Stolas’ fortune since he’s been disgraced for lending his book (the reason Stella didn’t just report Stolas earlier is that Stolas would’ve blamed Blitz for raping him and stealing the book and blamed her for the plot so she couldn’t report it sooner).
IMP is very successful. We have Millie x Moxxie raising a family (since in this story we have Millie with more character with her own issues rather than just wife), Blitz x Strike, and Stella raising her kid alongside Blitz raising Loona.
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devilfic · 10 months ago
❝right place, right time❞
VIII. whatever keeps you around.
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parts: previously / next plot: bruce has a proposal for you. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, brief discussion of slight suicidal ideation/martyrdom, drug (and the injection of drugs) mentions, you will not guess what trope I managed to include in here. words: 6.9k. a/n: plotting this series makes me feel like charlie day pointing at a wall of red string
“…You won’t like it.”
It's clear what you have to do. You'd realized it when Gordon came to you, so of course Bruce did too. If you were going to make this right, you would have to face this head on. "I know what I have to do," you start, "I need to lure him out."
Bruce's expression shifts. Whatever you've said seems to be the wrong answer, "That... won't be necessary."
"What? What else can I do?"
"What did Gordon tell you about Dimitri?"
Your head throbs as you recall the memory, "Uh... he said he believes I'm next on Dimitri's hit list. He also said Dimitri hadn't anticipated me being at the house."
"Right, because Russo didn't want anyone knowing where he was." Bruce turns to his computer and brings up Russo's file, "After his divorce and the death of his son, he holed up and started erasing himself from the internet. As far as his neighbors know, he was constantly alone. You already know how hard it was to find him on your own, and unless Dimitri knew someone keeping tabs, it doesn't stand to reason that he found him any easier. But you, on the other hand," Bruce opens a search engine and types in your name. You're unsettled when the screen fills with results, most of them news articles from the night you'd been held hostage, "your name and face was everywhere after the gang war."
When the reporters had shoved cameras in your face and begged for you to tell them about Batman's heroic rescue, you hadn't thought twice about it, still fresh from the throes of gore and violence in the ER. Friends, family, coworkers: almost everyone you knew had seen it.
It clicks for you then, "If Dimitri planned on killing us both and I was easiest to find, why didn't he come for me first? I mean... it was me and Alex who ruined his life. If he wanted anyone dead more, wouldn't it be me?"
"I wondered the same thing. With the know-how and the right connections, anyone could find where you live just by name alone. Russo, on the other hand, is almost anonymous. It doesn't make sense why Dimitri would target Russo first."
"Do you think maybe it was a warning? Maybe he wanted to scare me."
"If he wanted to warn you, he wouldn't kill the guy in his house where no one checks up on him. Days would've passed before anyone noticed the flies in the windows."
"I don't get it."
"Do you remember how long it's been since you were taken hostage?"
Your mind lands on a weak estimate, "I don't know, a week and a half?"
"It's been over two weeks. According to the wardens, Dimitri stopped being a problem for them after the first few years. Friends with a rough crowd but he rarely got caught up in anything. Didn't have the heart to. So why, after 17 years, does he break out?"
Your stomach drops, "He saw me."
"And realized that while he was rotting away with nothing to live for, you were a hero," the word sickens you to hear, "on the front lines, saving lives, being saved. Your life went back to normal."
You grip the side of Bruce's desk with the sudden urge to vomit up everything you'd eaten today, which, frankly, wouldn't add up to much more than water and crackers.
You'd said it yourself: you'd gotten to live a life that Natalie, Dimitri, and Alex never would. Of course he wanted you dead. "So then I have to lure him out."
"And put yourself in danger? No."
"I’m already in danger, Bruce. What if he goes after the others? My parents? My coworkers? The other cops at the shootout? We have to end it now."
"This isn't the only way."
"It's the best way."
"Last time he had a knife, you could defend yourself. Barely. What if next time, he has a gun?"
"So what, you just want to do nothing?"
Bruce turns away from you. He gnaws on his lower lip, "No, I want to bide our time. Look into him more. I need to know if he's working with the Vipers again."
You watch him as he begins typing away at his computer, but you can't process what he's looking for through the haze of anger that washes over you. You lean on the desk, craning your neck up at his face to make him look at you, to understand how ridiculous he sounds, "We don't have time for that. His grudge is with me. I should meet him now and end this... either he gets what he wants or- or..."
Or what? Your stubbornness peters out. You don't know what. You see yourself standing face-to-face with Dimitri, his knife raised, ready to bury itself into the cushion of your chest. And nothing.
The you in this vision has no weapon.
"You don't think you're going to survive this." Coming out of your mind, Bruce is now looking at you, brows furrowed. He looks... mortified.
You scramble to cover your tracks, "That's not true. I'd have you there."
"But you don't want me there. You want to go alone. You think you deserve it."
"God, what are you? My therapist?" Your words flit out of your mouth in a rush, tongue nearly slipping up to defend yourself. You push away from the desk when you start feeling overexposed.
Bruce follows you, "You're not 16 anymore, this isn't some gang fight where you throw all your chips in because you can't see a year ahead of you. You've made a life. You've got people to lose, you said so yourself. I know what it's like... the survivor's guilt. You relive that day over and over-"
His words are making you feel sick to your stomach again and you lurch forward, finger in his face, "Don't you fucking preach to me-"
Almost as immediately as you'd raised your finger, Bruce snatches your wrist in his hand, yanking you close enough to be imposing, staring down at you with the same power that the Batman had used. It was so sudden that you quickly fall slack, wrist going limp in his grip.
It had completely sobered you of your tantrum, and for better or for worse, you were forced to listen to him, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think. You see this ending with you dead because you want to make up for the shit you did. You think that's what Alex wants? For you to bleed out in an alley like she did?" And just like that, the fire roars in you once more, but your other hand can't slap him across the face before he's caught that one too, "No future? What about all the people you've saved? Could still save? Face it now because you may not get another chance: you're alive. Do you want to be or not?"
You want to hurt him, turn his skin red and give it a place among the other bruises that glitter and glare down his torso, and as your hand shakes in his hold, you are forced to understand that you are angry because he is right.
You'd felt this same anger before. When your parents told you Alex was a bad influence on you. When Russo looked you in the eye and told you that you didn't have it in you to pull the trigger. It was maddening. He had clocked your suicide mission before even you had, had seen you in his mind's eye the way you saw yourself: disarmed, a lamb to the slaughter, a sacrifice for the greater good, a speedbump.
You could see Batman tackling him to the ground over your dying body. You couldn't see yourself getting up the next day.
After the frustration leaves Bruce's eyes, he's looking at you with something softer. You feel known, uncomfortably so, as he waits for you to meet him there.
And when you do, you hate how you collapse into him. Even more, you hate that he takes you up into his arms, holding you steadfast, as understanding as you needed him to be with all your fear of admitting it. The solidness of his body reminds you of the night he'd first held you, and that just makes you cry harder.
It feels different from last time. Where there was armor is now warm skin, the likes of which you hadn't felt in a while. If you had told your past self you'd one day be standing in Batman's cave, hugging Bruce Wayne and crying over the permanence of your mistakes, you might have diagnosed yourself with head trauma.
You screw your eyes shut in a vain attempt to put the tears to rest, your freed hands practically clawing at Bruce's warm back for some purchase, some stability. He doesn't seem to mind. He just holds you closer.
After a few minutes, you force yourself to speak, sniffling away the last remaining tears you'd allow yourself to shed, "You said I wouldn't like it. Your plan. What is it?"
"To disappear."
You wrench yourself back. Bruce is dead serious. "What?"
"I've considered it from all angles-"
"What do you mean, 'disappear'?"
"All but one of the prisoners Dimitri broke out with are still missing. How do we know they're not all working together? How do we know that you luring him out won't draw them out too? You were the easiest target before, not anymore."
"Say what you mean, Bruce. What do you want me to do?"
"I want to hide you here," he winces as he says this, as if aware of his words only now that they're out in the open, "with me."
"You're shitting me."
After a while, Bruce's face hardens, "I told you you wouldn't like it."
Liking it or not liking it was nothing. You'd advanced past "like". You were firmly out of your depth here.
You slip out of Bruce's hold and he lets you, standing rather awkwardly as you rub a hand across your mouth. Despite earlier, it now feels uncomfortably dry. You glance at Bruce and then at his screen, the tab with your name and face plastered all over it hovering in the background. "You want me to disappear off the face of the earth while you track him down. Leave my home, leave the people I care about, abandon my job. You want me to hide."
"I don't know how else to protect you. Not until we figure out what we're up against." Bruce watches you spin away, scoffing into the air, "You noticed it when you fought him off, didn't you? Something was really wrong with him."
You see flashes of Dimitri's feral stare, the way he staggered and swung. He was like a rabid animal in a cage. "Of course there was, he was trying to kill me."
"Beyond that," Bruce insists, "he wasn't right. I've seen it before. He was on something."
"Most people are these days. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd... I don't know, gotten his hands on drops or something-"
"It wasn't drops. Gordon told me."
"The detective?"
"He said they found a syringe with traces of venom in it. Dimitri's shooting up. That's why he was so strong."
Your mouth drops open in disbelief, "Venom? Great. Somehow worse than Drops."
"If he's on that drug, he's definitely addicted. It also means you won't stand a chance against him. This is why I'm telling you to stay here," Bruce steps forward, eyes imploring yours. You're dumbstruck by the heavy earnestness there, "stay in the tower. Hide here for a few days. Let me handle this."
"If he's on venom, it means he doesn't think he can handle you on his own," you wring your hands, flitting through images of the Dimitri you remember, "he was always really small. Even at fourteen, he hadn't really sprung up. He was scrawny and small and couldn't defend himself. Suddenly Gordon's saying he's almost twice the size of what I remember. Have you ever fought someone on venom?"
"Once or twice, somewhere between fixes. Why?"
"General has this kind of... sedative that we use when we get patients dealing with the effects. It's not perfect, but it does help calm them down enough to help them. Maybe we can use it to help him."
"The strain is constantly changing," Bruce watches you deflate and clears his throat, "but if I can get that sedative, I can use it as a base to make a new one."
"You need clearance to get your hands on that stuff. I'm going with you."
"What part of disappear do you not understand?"
"One, I never agreed to do that, and two, if Batman gets caught stealing from a hospital, that'll make you public enemy number one. You need my help, so let me help you."
Bruce is looking away, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth even as you zero in on him. You're getting flashbacks of that same Bruce from when you'd first met him here in this tower. All tender-eyed, even as he tries to put on a face for you, "And I need a drink," you rub your temple next, catching a glimpse of Bruce watching you from his peripheral, "You've got those, don't you?"
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It turns out Bruce has plenty. There's a whole cellar full of them, the kinds you see in MTV Cribs with the low recessed lighting and mahogany shelves gleaming with polish. It makes sense for him to have it, but less so when he tells you he doesn't actually drink any of it.
"You weren't drinking at the party, either. Even though everyone else thought you were." You brush your hand along the shelves, careful not to knock any bottles loose. "Is that a trick to keep people spilling secrets? Or to keep from spilling your own?"
Bruce hovers near the entrance with his arms folded and back pressed to the wall, carefully watching you peruse his selection, "Maybe I don't like the taste."
"That's good. Men in Gotham die from alcoholism at a higher rate than any other city in the state."
"Really. You don't smoke either." Bruce blinks at you, "Just get shot at. And stabbed."
He says nothing.
Your hand lands on a red aged older than your mother and you stand to the side, looking expectantly at him. You're afraid that if you try to pick it up, you might knock down the whole row.
Slowly, Bruce pushes himself off the wall and glides over to you, grabbing the neck of the bottle in one hand and looking to you for approval. You try not to shrink yourself when you nod.
You follow him out of the cellar, flinching when the lights dim behind you and the door rolls shut all on its own. He guides you to the kitchen where night still hangs over Gotham outside the window, but the time on the stove clock warns of early morning soon.
Bruce pulls out two glasses and fills yours with wine and his with cranberry juice from the fridge. You could almost laugh at the pairing.
Once he slides your glass to you, you take a seat at the island and take a sip, "I need to ask you something. I get now why you refused me at the station, but then you came back. Why did you change your mind? I mean, neither of us knew Russo would be dead when we got there. Were you just going to let me hate you?"
"Yes." His simple response draws a quick, stifled laugh out of you.
"Are you always this... chaotic?"
Bruce leans his elbows on the countertop, hunching in on himself, "I always meant to tell you who I was. I just didn't know when. And I didn't mind if you hated Bruce Wayne, but... you trusted Batman. I didn't want to break that trust. Even if it meant telling you earlier than I planned, I wanted to give you some closure."
You think about the fear that had paralyzed you back then, thinking that Bruce Wayne was some big, bad criminal hiding behind polite society. Then you think about the real man, hiding behind a mask. You fidget uncomfortably, struggling with feeling somewhere between grateful and nauseous. Your eyes catch the stitches on his shoulder and you itch to wipe away the dried blood that had dribbled from the cut, "You said you were looking for Dimitri when you got that. Did you..."
Bruce catches your eye when you fail to finish your question. "No," he answers solemnly, "which is only part of our problem." He stands to his full height, flexing bruised knuckles against the counter, "I ran into one of the guys that broke out with Dimitri tonight. That's who gave me this. Dimitri isn't working alone."
You frown, "Is he trying to shake you? Why leave clues at all?"
"Because these people want me dead. The guy from tonight? I booked him a year ago for trafficking women. Earlier led me to a fringe group of Falcone's."
"You've been looking for Dimitri all day?"
"I haven't stopped since we found Russo. I couldn't."
You rub your arms, feeling the room grow chiller by the second, "So... so he's leaving clues to people who hate you. To keep you occupied." Bruce nods. "So he can get to me?"
"After last night, he knows the Batman is on your side."
"Dimitri wasn't out when you got on the scene. Do you think maybe he's taking venom because these guys warned him about you?"
Bruce smirks, rolling his eyes as he takes a sip from his glass, "As a precaution, sure. And now he has reason to believe I know you. If he's going to go after you, he's going to shoot up each time."
"That stuff is nasty. You're big and scary when you're on it but as soon as the effects wear off-"
"You deflate like a balloon. It's also stupid expensive, so he's either got real generous prison pals or he's being used. It's why I need to know if he's working with the Vipers. They might be supplying him."
How you'd gone from an ordinary surgeon to a detective in the span of mere weeks was beyond you. You're beyond just treading water. You're diving into the abyss.
Your brain struggles to make real what is before you. Bruce, still shirtless, drinking delicately from a glass as he watches the night sky shimmer from the kitchen window. And you, sitting across from him, cracking open one of his family's expensive bottles that, frankly, puts your pantry vinos to shame. Playing vigilantes like schoolchildren. Except the blood on you both is very real.
Your arm throbs at being remembered for once tonight. Bruce notices you touch it, "You need to get some rest."
You know he's right, and you're not arguing for the sake of arguing when you say, "I can't sleep yet." But he can tell there's more on your mind as he waits silently, almost egging you on to lay yourself bare. You swear you're not arguing just for the sake of arguing, "And I don't want to disappear. I want to be alive."
Bruce says nothing. The silence isn't humiliating like you'd think it be, even if the first few seconds leave you feeling just as laid bare as you thought you would. No. It feels acknowledging. Understanding, even.
For the first time, you look at Bruce and feel like you understand him. If he was really Batman, then he would know better than anyone why you would want to put yourself in danger. But beneath that, with the meager knowledge of who Bruce Wayne is, you also think you understand him too.
He'd mentioned the survivor's guilt. While he'd played a much more innocent role in the whole ordeal, you couldn't imagine the weight on one's chest knowing that two people you love didn't get to go on but you did. It's a lot to ask of a child barely coming to understand the mortality of one's own keepers.
The choice to be alive for someone like that is a deliberate choice. Constantly made every morning.
"There is another way," Bruce muses, "but you'll like it even less."
"Don't leave me hanging."
"We could go public."
"You said disappearing would mean abandoning your life. And it would. No one could know where you went, who you were with, but there's always the chance someone might slip up. It's the safest option but it's not what you want. So don't hide." Bruce's eye contact is deep and unwavering. Compared to earlier, he seems to trust you're willing to listen this time, "Be mine."
For the nth time tonight, you are rendered nearly speechless. Nearly. "Are you fucking with me?"
Bruce's eyes narrow, "No."
"Did you just... proposition me?"
"I made a proposal."
"You're asking me to date you."
"Publicly. Batman has more enemies than allies, but Bruce Wayne has the people. If you and I are publicly linked, it tells everyone looking for you that the world is watching. It makes you more visible, as well as anyone who comes after you."
"You haven't slept," you reason, "clearly. And you're delirious."
"I haven't slept, no." But he looks fairly sober for someone who hasn't slept in a day. He is a different breed, this Bruce Wayne.
You peer out the kitchen window and see the black sky dipping into a blue horizon, "Then sleep on it and come up with something better."
Bruce rounds the island until he's standing beside you, looking down at your barely touched wine, "There's some spare rooms upstairs. You can take your pick." It dawns on you that you may not be going back home any time soon. "You know your way around."
You suppose you deserve that dig.
Then he's leaving you, glasses abandoned, home for you to explore. You don't realize how thick the air had gotten with him right next to you until he's gone.
You half-expect Alfred to pop up somewhere nearby, but there's nothing. This far up, there is no city to listen for, no neighbors slamming doors. You are in a cold house all alone. You suddenly wish he'd stayed to keep you company, even if the weight of it was beginning to take its toll on you. Left alone, you only had the sunrise.
You watch until the sky has all but chased the night away, and then you head upstairs.
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You didn't think you'd get much sleep in a stranger's bed, but you're being roused by a sharp, successive rapping at your door several hours later. It jolts you awake, kick-starting your heart, and you clumsily tumble out of the million thread count sheets to open the door.
Alfred stands there fully dressed for the day, one hand tucked in his pocket and the other still raised to knock. Upon seeing you, he lowers his fist, "Morning," he starts, looking away as soon as he meets your eyes, "breakfast is ready. Come get it before it's cold."
He does not give you a choice in the matter. He's already limping toward the staircase without another word.
After you get your heart to settle down, you follow after him, preening yourself as you pass hallway mirrors and portraits of the Wayne family through the generations. You hadn't come down this hallway when you'd found the terminus elevator, so you stumble to a stop in front of a portrait of a young Bruce grinning ear to ear.
It startles you. His eyes are soft, a gentle humming blue untouched by wrinkle or darkness. He must've been especially young here. Glancing at a nearby portrait of his parents, you find him the spitting image of his father. You look around and realize there are no portraits of Bruce at this age.
Bruce. He might be at breakfast, and the mere thought of having to discuss what occurred last night almost turns you right back around to the guest room, but your stomach rumbling begs you not to. You still walk quietly, peering around corners in case your stomach changed its mind.
You find you're cautious for naught when the only person standing in the kitchen is Alfred, chopping up fresh fruit.
"I hope you don't mind that I moved your things," he gestures with his paring knife to your surgical tools neatly congregated on the counter, "I cleaned them too."
"Oh. You didn't need to do that."
"There was blood, so I'm afraid I did." Alfred places a bit of pressure on "blood", and you quickly take note of his short tone.
Still, all the same, he then gestures to the island and implores you take a seat in front of an empty plate. Without asking, he begins pushing steaming hot food onto your plate, "Tea or coffee?" He asks, barely looking up at you.
"Uh, coffee is fine. Thanks." You watch Alfred pour you a mug and wonder if the awkwardness with him is any more preferable to the awkwardness with Bruce. Alfred is passive-aggressive, Bruce is... aggressive. You remember how the latter had left off your night together and find yourself feeling warmer toward Alfred. "How long have you been up?"
"Since 6, although I woke a few times through the night."
You wince, "Sorry."
"No need to apologize. I did think Bruce had invited you over under different circumstances, so... not as alarming, all things considered." Your grip on your fork slips and it clatters to the marble. Alfred barely reacts.
"He needed stitches." Is all you can get out.
"Yes, I'm well aware."
You glance up at him, "You saw?"
"When he first arrived home, yes. I was the one who helped stop the bleeding."
You stare at the coffee sweating in your cup, recalling something Bruce had mentioned last night, "Bruce said you were the one who used to stitch him up."
"If you were there, why-"
"It's what he pays you for, isn't it?" Alfred almost snaps back at you, slicing a strawberry into quarters with more edge than needed.
You recall something else next. The softness in Alfred's face the day you first came here, arguing with Bruce in the very room next door. You'd wondered what it had all been about.
"I've done alright, haven't I?"
"He said something else too," you start, careful as you choose your next words, "about how much you worry about him." You fiddle with your mug, pretending not to feel the heat of Alfred's eyes on you, "I think the reason he hired me is because he was worried about you."
You just catch the tail-end of Alfred's frown, "Worried about me? Why?"
You probably aren't close enough to either of these two to laugh about this, but you do anyway, "Isn't it kind of obvious?"
"Nonsense. We always discussed... if it would come to it, that if he were to pursue this life further, that he would recruit professionals who might aid him in his work. It was the natural thing to do."
"Maybe, yeah. But would he have really needed me if you weren't already doing everything else for him? You've taken good care of him this long. I mean, the aftercare you gave his bullet wound was exceptional. I accused him of talking to other doctors."
Alfred busies himself with scraping his strawberry halves into a bowl, "It's basic knowledge. You learn that kind of thing in the service."
"Or when you invited me to watch you two spar. You know his body probably better than he does. You're fantastic, Alfred." You couldn't say you weren't also trying to butter him up to better his feelings toward you, but you were speaking truth all the same.
In a very British way, he rebuts your compliments and spoons some fruit into a glass, beginning to layer some yogurt over top them, "Regardless of reason, you are here now, and I'll have you know that every part of your contract covers this. Wayne Enterprises will exhaust every possible legal tool at our leisure if you speak of any—any—of this to anyone. Master Bruce's identity is safely guarded, and regardless of his trust in you, I will not hesitate-"
"Whoa, whoa, hey. I would never tell anyone. Not after all Batman has done for me." You press a hand over your heart for emphasis, "He is just as much my patient as Bruce Wayne is, and he didn't have to pay me to take care of him."
Alfred still stares you down like a guard dog, paring knife still clutched in his fingers. After a moment, he looks away from you and points at your plate, "Eat. It's getting cold."
So you do. It's good so you say as much, counting any point toward his affection as a good thing. If you could get Alfred to trust you, you'd call that a win.
The tension in the air dissipates over time, and after you've licked your plate clean, you and Alfred are sharing coffee together. "Bruce isn't joining us?"
"I've stopped expecting him to be awake this early." You glance at the clock that reads 10:12. "He has adopted a near-fully nocturnal lifestyle."
"The night that he crawled through my window, he was there at the hospital the next morning like nothing happened. He doesn't do that often?"
"Before last year, it was a rare occurrence. While he's dedicated himself to his role more recently, if he can avoid it, he will."
You think back to what knowledge you do have on Bruce's charity work and his friendship with the Mayor. You'd worked shifts just as long, but you couldn't imagine showing up to work mere hours after getting shot in the stomach and having to put on a brave face about it. You almost feel bad for calling him out on it in front of everyone.
But then again, if you hadn't, would you even be sitting here?
You swirl the last vestiges of coffee in your cup, trying to picture a world in which you'd gone and found that empty office to nap in instead of toddling behind Rudy and Em and Alfred and Batman. The Batman.
The novelty of it brings a fresh wave of dizziness over you. You had been exposed to so much information over the course of the last 12 hours that it hadn't fully settled in on you what Bruce was. You didn't think that your brain would process it even if he was standing in cowl and cape right in front of you.
"I suppose you'll be staying with us for the near future, if Bruce has anything to say about it," Alfred stands from his chair beside you and puts your dishes in the sink, "shall I inform your security detail or would you like to?"
You don't know what to say to that. "I'm... I think I should talk this over with Bruce first. It may not need to come to that."
The butler shrugs. "I'll be attending to some house duties for the rest of the morning. Should you stay for lunch, let Dory know, hm?" You give him a weak nod and watch as he makes his way from the sink and heads down another hallway out of sight.
Not too long after Alfred leaves you, you hear the doorbell ring. Bruce hadn't mentioned to you that any guests would be here today, but then again, the two of you had had more important things to discuss last night. You check your reflection in the glass of the kitchen window, wondering if there were any hidden doors in the bookcases that could hide you from whatever Wayne Enterprises exec that was coming to talk business, but you wouldn't trust yourself not to break something in the process.
You hear two pairs of footsteps approaching from the elevator and turn to see who it might be. You first recognize Dory, fluttering between frantic small talk and making sure not to trip in her kitten heels as she guides her guest into the living room. You stiffen as soon as you see him.
Detective Gordon catches your eyes instantly, his own widening. Dory says something about going to fetch Bruce before she quickly ascends the stairs, leaving you and James staring at each other across the distance. In one hand is a notepad and pencil, and the other fixes his tie, almost as if at a loss for words. He greets you, hesitantly leaving where Dory had left him to approach you, "I saw the boys out front but... I didn't expect to see you here."
"Me neither." You reply. "Is everything okay?"
James glances up at the stairs as he passes underneath, "That depends. I followed up on your request."
Shit. Of course a cop would do their job when you least expect it. You slip out of your chair and rush to meet him halfway into the kitchen, "Did... did you find something?"
"I can't say much right now. I'd like to talk to Mr. Wayne, but-" The sound of Dory's heels clacking against the wooden stairs makes James lower his voice, "-you being here complicates things."
Bruce is wearing a shirt this time, thankfully, though you're not expecting him to look as put together this early after what Alfred had said. He towers behind Dory's much smaller frame in a pair of loose black pants and a matching turtleneck, looking in a fashionable state of undress as he pads barefoot into the room. With hair slicked back and stubble freshly shaved, he doesn't look like someone caught unaware. He's fixing the sleeve of his sweater when he extends a hand to Detective Gordon, bright smile and all, "Detective James Gordon, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Mr. Wayne, I'm sorry for dropping in unannounced. If this is a bad time, I can come back." James gestures to you.
Bruce's look at you is empty, devoid of any detectable emotion or thought. It strikes you as unsettling, the same way a cashier at the end of their shift isn't really looking at you, "Oh, no. I was just on my way to work when I felt unwell. I called my doctor over but it was nothing to worry about. A little stomach bug, is all."
You do look like you'd just come over in a rush. You're still in your lounge clothes from the night before, and your medical supplies are still in the kitchen where Alfred had left them. James seems to notice, but he doesn't look any more relaxed. "That's good to hear. I don't want to keep you too long, but truth is, I have some questions I'd like to ask you if you have the time."
"Is something wrong?" James glances between you and Bruce, something the latter doesn't miss, "is it sensitive?"
"It's about the party you threw here the other night, Mr. Wayne. For Mayor Reál. I hear you invited quite a few Gotham politicians to celebrate the passing of the mayor's new bill, correct?"
"That's correct."
"And I understand you're quite invested in Gotham politics in general, much like your father."
"I am. My mother and father were very interested in the city, and Mayor Reál breathed new life into that for me after the election. I do what I can to support the cause."
"And that cause is...?"
Bruce takes the skeptical tone on the chin, smiling wider, "A safer, fairer Gotham. For everyone."
This Bruce was nothing like the Bruce you had all to yourself. He taps into that persona from the party with ease. Watching him is like watching a performance. "That's good, good. I notice you try to make an effort with charities in the city, donations and the like. You recently donated a new wing to Gotham General."
"I did. Increasing access to medical care for the citizens is important to me. My doctor, a talented surgeon at General, knows this well." You flash a timid smile when both Bruce and James look to you.
"And you also financially support politicians in Gotham."
"Occasionally. Anyone I feel has Gotham's best interests in mind."
"And have you found members of Gotham's political parties to be unusually forward in requesting your support, Mr. Wayne? Perhaps a little too pushy, maybe."
Bruce wears confusion well, "Not necessarily. I'm not easily pressured into doing things I have no interest in."
"Of course. How about any attempts to win over your support? Publicly or otherwise."
"I'm not sure what you're asking, detective. I'd love to help, but I don't think I have the information you're looking for."
James nods, holding his chin high, "My apologies. I should've been clear from the beginning. My question is: have any politicians or members of law enforcement offered you anything in exchange for your financial or public support? I have reason to believe there may be someone with high clearance exchanging confidential information with civilians. Especially ones who can pay. I'm just looking for a lead."
James frames his question well, even though any fat cat familiar with the cops could see the hidden question. Bruce frowns, tilts his head, shaking it slowly, "That's awful. I don't currently know of anyone doing such a thing, to me or anyone else. But I can keep an eye out. I can only imagine how dangerous that might be."
"Exactly. We'd like to nip it in the bud as soon as possible."
"Of course. Do you have a card? Perhaps I can contact you if I hear anything."
James fishes out his card and hands it over, "I don't want to put you in a bad position, only pass along what you know if you feel safe enough to do so."
You notice Bruce is flicking the business card between his fingers as a fidget, though he keeps his attention respectfully on the detective. "Absolutely. Thank you, detective. Dory can show you to the door."
The detective nods and follows Dory out of the room. As soon as the two are out of earshot, Bruce's expression softens as he presses his back into the counter. You wish you could sink into the floor. "To be fair," you begin, "I didn't think he'd find anything."
Bruce side-eyes you, "That was you?"
"I thought my criminal boss was going to blackmail me to keep his secrets."
"Criminal boss." You think he's trying to mock you, but his eyes are surprisingly guilty when he looks at you, "Alfred wasn't kidding. I really didn't handle this well."
"No, not really." You don't mean to kick him while he's down, but you can't lie either. Even now, you were still making meaning out of this whole thing.
By all means, you've gone from knowing nothing about him, to understanding even less, to fearing him, to this. With Batman on the other hand, you'd felt nothing but loyalty and trust in him up until the very last second. Now they were both the same person, and the meager hours of sleep you'd gotten hadn't cleared all that up just yet.
You wonder who you're supposed to see now. Batman or Bruce Wayne? Why was the line separating them blurring the more you thought of them?
"So, did you ever come up with a better idea?"
Bruce does not offer one. You'd dreaded that.
"You already know what I think. No matter how we go about this, there's going to be something. So what do you want to do?" Bruce's eyes follow your ever minute expression, laser-focused on you. "Whatever you choose, I will keep you safe. I promise you."
He feels so staunchly Batman in this moment, even with the soft voice of Bruce, watching over you. Through all your uncertainty, this you believe him on.
And you're exhausted, you find. Your arm is beginning to throb again. You crave the reprieve of a bed but not your own, to your surprise.
"I'm going to trust you, Bruce," your voice wobbles as you say it out loud, "I'm going to trust you like I trust Batman."
Bruce holds eye contact with you for a few moments, "Okay."
"Can I ask... why are you dressed so nice?"
"We're going to get the sedative."
"You're going as Bruce?"
"It's the middle of the day. Yes, I'm going as Bruce. I'm not letting you out of my sight."
You fluster, suddenly reconsidering this entire plan. You'd pictured Batman skulking on the rooftop while you Mission Impossible'd your way into the medicine cabinets for what you needed. Walking in with him—the real him—would draw attention you didn't need, "You're only going to make me look suspicious."
"I'm your patient, and more importantly, I'm a donor."
"You will stick out like a sore thumb."
"That means when people are looking at me, they're not looking at you." You open your mouth to argue but he's already cutting you off, "Do you want me to drop you off at your place or do you want me to send someone to get your things?"
You're aware of what he's really asking.
You heave a sigh, "Drop me off. I can't promise Judith won't hurt someone if she finds a stranger in my house."
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a/n: mj stop having the reader move in with bruce when their life is put in imminent danger challenge impossible
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stressed-sock · 2 months ago
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hi hello it's a small ghost fire au art dump \o/
some of y'all have seen these already but whatever lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no longer gatekeeping at least xD
anywho, some infodumping here as well under the cut! establishing who's what and so on :D there are some differences from what i've said in older posts for this au bc this is very much still in the works lol
i'm definitely down for suggestions for characters and plot ideas btw!
to give some background info, this au's world is pretty much like our own but with yokai thrown into the mix. some interact with (and/or are malicious towards) humans, so a government agency was formed to document them, with specially trained agents to subdue/defeat yokai causing trouble.
this is where raidou comes in! officially, he's one of those agents that do documentation. unofficially, he also helps defeat yokai because they hate him especially for whatever reason. he's a bit of a yokai magnet, if you will. half-thought-out plot right there but we might get back to that eventually. he can also spot yokai even if they're purposefully staying hidden, which is partially why he's so good at his job.
anywho, part of raidou's current team is kakashi! kakashi is from a long line of powerful exorcists, and his left eye has the ability to pinpoint yokai weaknesses, among other things. said eye also lends a little more power to his talismans and charms so yay for that. obito and rin are still alive in this au, but sakumo isn't, with mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. another half-thought-out plot right there.
next, part of raidou's former team was genma! genma used to work with raidou as a fellow documentation agent, going more into initial scouting/assessing than actual recording. unfortunately (as you could probably tell from the art and fics involving this au), he's not quite alive anymore (rip). it was initially assumed that he'd disappeared on a one-off solo mission, but after his body was discovered washed up on a beach, he was declared officially dead. now he's a funayurei (ghosts of those that died at sea) - i originally had him as a shiranui (a type of onibi (demon fire/wil o' wisp) found on a sea i forgot the name of) bc of his last name but i think this works out a little bit better - he just has a pair of hitodama (onibi-like things that are basically kind of like a yurei's (ghost's) soul detached from the body) hovering around, to give a similar vibe haha. depictions of yurei are typically white clothes, long black hair, etc. etc. but i did read that they can appear in the clothes they died in, so i'm going with that. but hey on another note - now that they're reunited, genma's back on the yokai documentation grind. just. as a yokai himself xD
anywho, these two have been the most consistent in raidou's team. he has definitely worked with other agents before, but those agents were more like specialists assigned for specific missions. more on that eventually.
izumo and kotetsu don't really fit into any of the categories i've described so far. they're two among many undercover agents established all over the country, often in somewhat more remote areas, responsible for reporting yokai threats in their assigned sectors. izumo and kotetsu specifically are undercover as convenience store employees, with said convenience store also working as a safe house. any agents assigned to that area can restock supplies/weapons, get some rest, or establish contact with hq. and like i said in previous posts about them, they are able to deal with yokai to a certain extent. not powerhouses by any means, but they can usually hold their own until reinforcements arrive. izumo favors talismans and dart guns that usually contain a tranquilizing substance. kotetsu, meanwhile, favors larger bladed weapons (and ofc they're both proficient in other weapons xD) as such, they're a good combo of long range and close combat
overall, the jounin would probably be the higher-ranking all rounders, tokubetsu jounin would be the specialists, and chuunin would be the undercover agents i mentioned earlier. as for anbu, they'd probably be the ones dealing with large scale threats. ofc there are exceptions, especially those at the agency headquarters. (this is def formatted similarly to canon xD)
moving on to the yokai! while i have done research, this definitely isn't fully fleshed out yet. here's what i do have though!
hayate and yugao: the two are a pair of sword and scabbard tsukumogami, which are yokai generally agreed to be objects that have gained life and sentience after reaching 100 years of age. they busted out of a museum ages ago and have since lived together, passing relatively well as normal people. i will admit i took artistic liberties though; most art i've seen of tsukumogami look distinctively more like the objects they used to be. for my own sanity i've made them more humanoid xD
anko: she is a bakeneko, a type of mischievous cat yokai that is sometimes said to come from cats that became yokai after being raised for a certain number of years (exact number varies) or to exact revenge against cruel humans. i don't have much else on her so that's about it for now :3
and uh. that's all i have actually. i thought i had more tbh but oh well. like i said before - feel free to give suggestions, ideas, or questions! and if you made it this far, thanks for reading :3
link to fic series ^still vaguely shy abt this lol (also provides context for the first two images o7)
oh and speaking of context, the third image (bright blue background) is for another vague plot line i haven't talked about yet. maybe more on that later.
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 month ago
Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees x Reader || Headcanons
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Plot: Y/N and Y/N (Whoever you wanna be with) are in attendance together at the Las Vegas Weigh In.
🗝Key🗝: For convenience, JasonS/O!Reader will be referred to as 🏒 and FreddyS/O!Reader will be referred to as 💤.
Warnings: Just like the weigh in itself, this is just for giggles.
Tagging: @cartoonykat , @ghouletka , @gr4veyardg1irl , @kawaistrawberry21 , @lady-love88 , @masqueradeball , @microwavemadness , @miss-understood , @obscureother , @slxsherwriter , @spookiifi , @thecourtofgraywaves , and @yesthetrashbin .
🏒, wearing a t shirt with a hockey mask on the back: Come on, Jason loves it! *Waives at Jason. Turns around, shows him their back*
Jason: *Pointedly looks away, embarrassed*
🏒: He loves it. Here, I made you one with the Elm Street sign-
💤 : Thank you, but its your job to help build Jason's confidence! ^^ For that, its great.
💤: ... Freddy has enough of that.
🏒: ... *looks at the stage again*
Freddy: *is fake boxing the air*
🏒: ... Point made.
💤: Ye- oh shoot he's looking this way. Quickly, put it back away!-
🏒: ... is it just me or are they getting closer together?
💤: I think maybe it's just a trick of the lights?- Oh. Uh oh.
💤: Not a trick of the lights. Boy, is Jason big.
🏒: Should we do something????
💤: He's huge.
🏒: Really, I think they're too close. Should we?-
💤: Freddy!! Have you thought this through????
Freddy: *kicks down the stand*
💤: I'm not paying for that.
Freddy: He's big, he's dumb, he's stupid-
💤: *... Calmly taking out pre-cut, pre-packaged snacks*
💤: *Offers open bag to 🏒*
🏒: *Immediately calms down and nibbles on a snack*
🏒: ... is your plan to just feed me any time I get mad at him?
💤: ... nooo...
Jason: *Doing the 'yapping' gesture with his hand while Freddy talks*
💤: *Snort*
Freddy: *=_=*
💤: -Ehem. Oh, would you look at that... *Suddenly very interested in snacks*
💤: ... Tell me again how much Jason weighs?
🏒: You have to stop obsessing over this.
💤: You're right, you're right.
💤: ... But still-
🏒: Oh COME ON!!
🏒: He's crossing a line, now!! 💤 your snacks are not going to save him any longer-
💤: *Takes out a flask* I also have alcohol-
Jason: *=_=*
💤: *gasp* *Hides it immediately back in bag* I MEAN NO! NO! That's bad. Whoopsie.
🏒: *cough* meet me in the bathroom in 10.
🏒: That man is NOT going to play fair,.. is he?
💤: Not likely, no.
🏒: I'm gonna get Jason a cup.
🏒: I have a question! I need to get that mike.
💤: Hey! We're not allowed to psych them out!
🏒, taking the microphone: I'm not gonna say anything to Freddy in imparticular, don't worry!
💤: ... 🤨 then what
🏒: I simply want to know who they think would win between Michael Myers and Chucky!
Jason, overhearing: *writes Michael on a piece of paper. And Stronger.*
Freddy, peaking the note: Hey! Muscle ain't everything, hockey puck, we know that. At least the doll gets creative about it.
Jason: *writes weak*
Freddy: Predictable.
Jason: *Puny*
Freddy: Alright- *getting up, making the guards rush to block him again*
💤: ... are you trying to start the fight early??
🏒: I wanna go home.
Reporter: Oh, we are close to the stage here. And how are you two betting for this fight??
🏒: Jason, of course! I think he's gonna turn fedora boy into a Pancake 😁
Reporter: He is undoubtedly the favourite here tonight. Are you betting the same?
💤: Oh, uh, I'm betting-
Freddy: *Says something mean and terrible*
💤: ... Yeah the same. Go Jason! Poor pancake.
🏒, after the reporter leaves: ... You liar~
💤: The people don't need to know how bad my allegiances are.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months ago
FUN FACT: Did you know Frieza had a finite amount of soldiers on Namek? (And he doesn't kill his troops.)
Also Appule is kind of important and there's a clearly marked place where Goku's six-day space journey happens in the timeline?
I have a laundry list of grievances with the Dragon Ball and DBZ animes. We're here to talk about one of those right now! The Z anime gives Frieza infinitely respawning soldiers that just seem to pour out of his ship whenever he needs them.
This interferes with a key plot point of Frieza's portion of the Namekian Dragon Ball hunt: That Frieza, for all his power, is rendered helpless when his attack on Moori's village goes south.
See these guys?
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These guys ruin Frieza's entire goddamn week.
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Get his ass, my Namekian thembruhs.
A consistent weakness of Frieza's forces is that they fight blind. By this point in the series, characters on Earth have been taught advanced fantasy martial arts involving manipulation of ki or chi. They can concentrate ki into attacks more powerful than the wielder, sense ki in other beings and feel incoming attacks without having to see them, suppress ki to become invisible to ki detection, etc. etc.
The Earthlings are goddamn amazing at ki manipulation, and the Namekians are just as good.
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But Frieza's Planet Trade Organization represents the uncaring hand of capitalism. There is no artistry in their methods. There is no true discipline or understanding. They're a bunch of paid thugs with guns, looking to gentrify planets for their boss: a real estate mogul. So they rely on fallible technology that fails time and time again when put up against experienced martial artists.
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The battle at Muri's village is no exception, as Frieza's forces get slaughtered by the "harmless" interlopers.
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With only the elites vaguely understanding, from second-hand accounts, what they're seeing here.
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Which, in turn, gives Muri the opening he needs to cripple Frieza's campaign by destroying the Scouters they're using to track down Namekian villages.
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This is Muri's checkmate. Muri destroys the Scouters, the technology Frieza relies on to find Namekian villages on this planet and take their Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, his reinforcements wipe out Frieza's army.
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That guy right is the only survivor of the massacre.
This is Appule. If you've ever wondered why Appule was so important that he got to be his own distinct character in Tenkaichi 3, this is why. Appule is the last grunt left standing.
Though Dodoria makes short work of the Namekian warriors, the damage is done. Frieza's lost his Scouters and he's out of manpower. He's going to have to fan his men out to search the planet, a planet larger than Earth, by looking around with their eyes. And the only men he has left to do that are Zarbon, Appule, and Dodo--
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...are Zarbon and Appule.
So. Y'know. Frieza is two deaths short at this point of being completely and utterly fucked sideways.
As his two remaining men set out to search, Zarbon takes great care to tell Appule not to do anything that might get him killed.
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It is absolutely pivotal for Frieza's campaign that these two live. There is no one else on this planet who can do the job. It's Appule who ultimately succeeds in finding the last Namekian village.
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For some reason, in their eagerness to rewrite the story so that there are far more soldiers on Namek for some reason, the anime makes this Appule's vampire cousin?
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Uh. Okay, man. Sure. In any case, it's Appule who finds the village and Appule who reports its destruction to Frieza. He's not a significant character by any stretch, but you can see why he warrants a bit more name recognition than Frieza Soldier #72. He has more impact on the plot that Cui does, that's for damn sure.
Too bad about Vegeta though.
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It's a lot easier for Vegeta to get away with this gambit in the manga than it is in the anime. In the anime, somehow the infinitely respawning Frieza soldiers (who he regularly kills for funsies) flooding the halls don't give away the fact that Vegeta's still here.
But with Appule dead, Zarbon and Frieza are the only people left alive in the ship. It's a lot easier to distract two people for a minute than a limitless garrison.
In the manga, this is the closest Frieza ever gets to team-killing one of his own soldiers. Once he realizes Vegeta has stolen all five of his Dragon Balls, has a sixth Dragon Ball stashed away, and is now just one Dragon Ball away from immortality while Frieza's blind and understaffed? All because Zarbon fucked up?
He says some shit.
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So. Yeah. He's not above killing his men when they fuck up so bad that they cost him immortality and give his most dangerous archnemesis the means to topple his empire and end him.
But that's a much higher bar to clear than shooting down his infinitely respawning dudes because, uh....
*checks notes* With the Ginyu Force on their way, Frieza can afford to kill his own guys because the Ginyus are better than them anyway. So he keeps them all in the ship and murders them for no reason despite the fact that Vegeta is actively making off with his Dragon Balls right this second and he has no idea to where.
Yeah. That's. Uh. That's a pretty significant story difference. In any case, Frieza's campaign grinds to a screeching halt when....
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That's it. That is the very last one. Frieza's campaign is sunk. Until the Ginyu Force arrives, Frieza has no forces and no resources left. He is an unbelievably powerful man, the most powerful in the universe, and the only way he could ever hope to catch up to Vegeta is by flying aimlessly around a colossal planet and looking for Vegeta with his eyes.
I've often heard people express confusion about where Goku's six-day transit is supposed to fit into the Namekian timeline. This, right here? This is it. At this moment, it's over for Frieza. For the next five days, he is soundly defeated. He's out of the race for the Dragon Balls entirely.
And the only reason Vegeta hasn't won the race is because of that one Ball Gohan smuggled away from him.
So Frieza, defeated, is forced to sit in his broken ship with his thumb up his ass and wait for reinforcement.
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Vegeta, with six Dragon Balls, is forced to sit on his balls with his thumb up his ass hoping the talented martial artist Earthlings currently suppressing their ki signatures get stupid and give him something to detect - knowing that if he leaves for a second, those little shits with the Dragon Radar might scoop 'em up from under him.
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While Gohan and Krillin, with ki signatures suppressed, make the five-day trek at minimum power to Saichoro/Guru.
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It's here. Right here. Where everything stops for five days to pass, and for Goku to approach the planet. All because Frieza ran dry on resources and manpower to keep up the hunt.
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skeletonapricationday · 1 year ago
Naughty girl
Warnings: Porn w/o plot, fem reader x nanami, deephthroating, face fucking, angry Kento, use if whore.
18+ minors dni
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Nanami stared as you bent over the desk, looking for your lost pen. You had it five seconds ago, you kept swearing that up and down. It was frustrating because you were distracting him from his work.
Nanami wasn't a very sexual man. He lived to work and go home, that was it. Simple and sweet. Yet he was still a man at the end of the day. Seeing you bend over in that skirt, scrambling all around his office for your pen. It was troubling. He sighs and stands.
"If I promise to help you look will you leave my office?" He says in a gruff. His deep voice echoing off the walls.
"Yes sir-e!" You say excitedly and innocently. "I swear I used it yesterday to help you with that report. Now its missing, like missing missing." You say with a small pout. That cute quiver of your lip catching his vision. He tilts his head away, trying to ignore you.
"Why can't I just give you one of my pens?" He says exasperated.
"Because you also gave me this pen, so it's my favorite pen. No other pen will feel the same!" You shout confidently and annoyingly.
"If you like that one so much because I gave it to you, why not just let me give you a new one? You make no sense." He says logically, as always. Yet this wasn't about logic. He gave you this pen two years ago, when you finally cracked a thin layer of his hard shell. It was a sign of friendship and good faith, you were not going to give up on this.
"Because-because I want this specific pen okay." You say emrbassed. Not at all willing to admit the true reason to the logic king himself.
He nods slowly, like he wasn't going to bother arguing further. Simply scanning a bookshelf, seeing if you mistakenly placed it there. He swears to himself that the intelligent woman yesterday who helped him fill out that report is the same scatterbrain currently looking for her pen. Obliviously showing her body off in several interesting positions.
You slowly get onto your hands and knees, sticking a hand under the couch. Seeing if you can feel anything underneath. When you don't you arch your hips up further to keep yourself from slipping, as you peep your head underneath. "It's dark and dusty under here. I always thought you had too much OCD to not dust under the couch." You tease playfully. Just trying to joke with the serious man, like normal.
"Shut up and stop looking under there." You here the blank reply from behind you.
"No need to get so defensive. Of course this place isn't going to be sparkly clean, you work too much. Yknow I really respect that about-" You squeak as you're cut off. Your ankle being grapped, forcibly pulled from under the couch.
"Did you not hear me the first time?" He asks, using your ankle to flip you onto your back. "Or do I have to shout." The last half is also a question, yet he says it like a statement. His voice always cold and callous, despite his actual kind nature.
You blush at how strong he was. It was juxtaposition to your strength. Enough cursed energy to be a sorcerer compared to normal humans, but so weak you had to be an assistant. "Nanami...this position is a bit...interesting?" You say softly and confused.
"And your last position wasn't?" He drops your ankle. Giving you a chance to slowly rise up, sitting on your knees emrbassed. "If you're going to wear a skirt, please be self aware." He states simply.
Wait, what did he mean by that. Suddenly your whole face flushes, realizing you've been flaunting your ass. Basically putting yourself on display.
Nanami clears his throat, surprisingly loosening his tie a bit. Rubbing the side of his face annoyed and...flushed.
"Look I'm sorry...I just didn't think about it." You say shyly, biting your bottom lip. As much as you dreamed of Nanami lustfully gazing at your backside, you never meant to accidently do it. In your fantasy it was always purposful, taking advantage of his cold demeanor by turning him on. This was not a fantasy, you're right in front of him.
He stares down at you and sighs. "Come on, up off your knees." He says softly. That sentence makes you discretly clench your thighs. Imagining those words in a different scenario. You look at his offered hand and take it, slowly standing with his help.
"You didn't do it on purpose, it's okay." He's say in a coo, almost like he felt bad.
"What if I did?" You ask, surprising even yourself. You didn't do this on purpose, why did you say that? More importantly, why didn't you stop yourself?
"What?" You hear by your side. Looking at his stern face. Waiting for digust to roll in, hell maybe he'll even shout. Tell you to get out of his office, even worse maybe fire you.
Suddenly he laughs. Gripping onto the side of his desk...laughing. "You have alot of nerve." He says walking over to you. Raising a hand to your face. You expect the sting of a slap, but instead he squishes your cheeks together. "Cause then I'd call you an attention seeking whore." He tsks his tongue and smiles. An annoyed grin, faux politeness despite his harsh words.
"I-uhm- sorry I didn't really mean-" The pressure of his grip grows. Stopping you mid sentence.
"I won't hear any of your excuses." He pushes you against his desk, the table digging into the back of your thighs. A small patch of arousal staining your underwear. "In fact I'll reward you."
"What?" You say confused, knitting your brows. He lets out a small cold huff. Slipping his hand from your chin to down your throat. Softly rubbing the side of your neck.
"If your goal was to provoke me- it worked." His other free hand grabs yours. Pressing it against his thigh. You feel his hot throbbing length struggling not to reveal itself. "Do you know how hard it is trying to keep my dick tucked while helping you look around?" He coos to you. His fingers wrap around yours, causing you to the feel the entirety of his girth. "C'mon don't be shy now."
"Is that really...wow." You say breathlessly. The huge thing in your hand really was his cock. Straining against his professional trousers. "Why didn't you say anything?" You say softly. Gripping it curiously with your fingers, earning a soft groan from him.
"Its not exactly professional to hit on your assistant...also a tad too clichéd." He replies honestly. Running the hand on your neck down to your skirt. Flipping it up and letting out a soft pleased sigh. "I'm not one for business and pleasure but, this damned skirt." He chuckles softly. Rubbing your left thigh, watching it jiggle in response. "God it gets me rock hard."
You shiver at his touch. His hands warm against your thigh, but the heat of your aching cunt is hotter. "Nanami..." You whisper his name out softly.
He tsks his tongue in response. "I got my hand up your skirt, call me Kento." He leans in and kisses your neck softly, nibbling at the soft flesh. His hot breath sending goosebumps. "Kay'?" He whispers into your ear.
You nod softly. Letting out small sounds of pleasure as his lips travel across your throat. "Kento please your hand...it can go further than my thigh."You squeak out. Hoping the muscular man gets the message.
"Oh I know...but you've been naughty. Why would I give you what you want?" He coos backing away from you. Even pulling your hand away from his dick. "It be more punishing to leave you a dripping wet needy mess." He says with a smirk. A thing you never expected to see on his face. The pure unbridled joy he has in teasing you. Getting revenge for your two years of oblivious actions.
He smiles at you and sits back down in his desk chair. Going back to reviewing his documents despite your whines of protest. "Kento please.." You say walking behind his chair. Wrapping your arms around him, hands splayed across his chest. Rubbing the hard planes of muscle. "I don't even have to feel good, I just wanna feel you." You tempt into his ear. Kissing underneath it. He huff in response and expertly pulls your hands off his chest.
"I'd stop now. Bad girls get punished." He speaks sternly. Not at all humoring you. You don't listen and walk to the front of his chair, dropping to your knees, rubbing your face against his thigh. He finally lets go of his document. "Do you really want it that bad?" He coos softly. Like a false sense of security.
You nod against his thigh, looking up at him with a lust addled gaze. He gives you an evil smile, one that sends shivers down your spine. He undoes his belt buckle, tugging his pants and boxers to free himself. His huge length standing proudly at attention. "Go on pretty girl." He says brushing his thumb across your bottom lip. "Give it a taste." He says smiling.
You listen excitedly. Falling right into his trap as your lips curl around his cock. Slowly bobbing your head down after swirling your tongue around his tip. A pleasnt salty bead of precum meeting your tongue. You can only fit half of him in your mouth, even without a gag reflex the pure girth was already stretching your jaw. He throws his head back and groans. "Finally...a way to shut you up." He says happily, almost relaxed.
His hand curls into your hair, gripping it at the base. Successfully pulling your hair out of your way. A part of you was about to mention how sweet it was until. He grips hard and slams your head down, painfully making you take the rest of him down your throat. Your nose pressed against the soft curls of his pubes. A small surprised gag leaves your lips. "Oh darling don't you remember. You've been naughty, and naughty girls get what?" He asks you. He looks down at you amused for a second. Using his hand to pull you up and down on him. Small tears pricking the corners of your eyes. "I forgot, can't talk with your mouth full can you?" He laughs and groans. The two sounds like music to your ears.
This was gonna be a harsh night.
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celtigxr · 2 months ago
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THE PINK DREAD - CH. 31 (Masterlist)
Chapter Summary: All gather in the Throne Room to hear Ser Vaemond Velaryon's petition. Never a dull day at the Red Keep. Word Count: 6874 CHAPTER WARNINGS: Show canon scene. Violence, gore, slut-shaming/misogyny, bit of angst, canon death, fat-shaming/fatphobia, bullying mention, depression/mental health mention. Lots of fun things.
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Series tags: Aemond x Plus size!OfC, Aegon x Plus size!OfC, Celtigar!ofc, Plot with Smut, mdni 18+, Aemond End Game, Angst, Comedy, The Dragons Don't Dance, slow burn, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers.
Credits: Lace Banner by Aquazero, pearl divider by Pommecita
Notes: I'm BAAACCKK. Hope everyone had happy holidays and a great new year. Mine was adequate, nothing to report other than get a lil annoyed at the bf. But that was overshadowed by a band I listen to dming a happy new years. I won't say who, because I'm trying to manifest something rn, and I don't want to jinx it. but hint: 😴🚶🐕🐈 Now, this chapter still is around the time I was really struggling to write. Re reading it, it's not entirely as bad as I thought it was, but you might be able to tell where I was getting frustrated and losing my muse. Or not, idk, maybe I hid it well.
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There was nothing more intimidating than the Iron Throne when it sat unoccupied. It was almost like the ghost of Aegon the Conqueror still lingered there when the current king did not, watching and judging his dynasty before him. Valeana wondered if this is what he imagined for his line of Fire and Blood; had he predicted his grandchildren, and great grandchildren to fight amongst themselves? Did he predict that his heir to be a woman, where a son with his name stood idly by? Did he predict that his legacy would be put into question?
Valeana also wondered if Targaryens would have ended up this way, had it been Visenya’s line that survived, and not her sister’s. Perhaps their people would not see them as weak, as they once thought of King Aenys.
“Though it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds,” The Lord Hand spoke after the King had descended upon his throne of iron and war. “We gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark.”
His words were not appreciated by those that suffered for this petition. Valeana stood by her family, who stood behind Alicent and her children. The Throne Room was not at full capacity, but the Lords of the Great Houses had gathered, some with their wives, some with their heirs. The Baratheons, the Starks, the Hightowers, The Arryns, the Lannisters, the Tyrells, the Tullys, the Greyjoys, even representatives from the Martells were present. The Realm knew what this moment meant – It was not just a petition over who would inherit Driftmark, it was a petition to prove or disprove that Rhaenyra’s three eldest were illegitimate. Bastards. It would not only take away Lucerys’ inheritance, but Jacaerys' and Joffrey’s. If that happened, the Realm may very want Rhaenyra to be removed as heir to the Throne as punishment for her carnal transgressions, and effectively move the line of succession onto Aegon the Elder, bypassing even her legitimate fair-haired sons she sired with Daemon. 
“The crown will now hear the petitions: Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon,” Otto stepped away, and all in the room watched with bated breath as Vaemond moved from the spot he stood next to his uncle’s wife and grandchildren and took his place at the foot of the dias. 
“My King,” he bowed, then looked upon Alicent and Otto. “My Queen, my Lord Hand.” His eyes return to Viserys, whose face was already set in stone, his lips thinned and already showing his disapproval. Alas, Vaemond’s confidence was bordering on delusion, and did not let that deter him in the slightest. Valeana took a step forward, putting herself just behind the backs of Aemond and Aegon, so she could have a better look. 
Aemond slightly turned to her, a silent look that communicated everything. He could not yet show his affections publicly – he had not taken the time to converse with Maris just yet to end their very public courtship (even if it had grown apparent that it was dwindling). Aegon, however, took pleasure in taking advantage of that fact, for when Valeana appeared at his side, he wove his arm around hers and laced her fingers with his own. 
Valeana wasn’t entirely sure what horror show she should dare to look at: Vaemond’s petition, Aemond’s fury, or her brother and father’s heated disapproval behind her. 
“The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria,” Vaemond began his speech, hands clasped in front of him as he not only spoke to his monarch, but to the audience, to the lords and ladies of Westeros. “For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas.” 
Not entirely true, Valeana mused. House Celtigar and House Velaryon ruled ceremoniously, while the latter was more naval and militant, the former was more in trade and piracy. Though that last bit was more of an unsavoury historical anecdote that her father will never acknowledge. 
“When the Doom fell on Valyria, House Targaryen, House Velaryon and House Celtigar became the last of their kind. Our forebears came to this land knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name
“I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my uncle’s seat. I am Lord Corlys’ closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins–”
“As it does in my sons, the offspring of Leanor Velaryon,” Rhaenyra spoke up, interrupting the knight without remorse. Her face was remarkably neutral despite the bite of her words, reminding everyone in the grand room of her sons’ birthrights. With eyes trained onto the floor ahead of her, she went on, “If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir.” She said this now looking at him directly, and Valeana could only watch, enraptured and captivated by her strength and conviction. “No, you only speak for yourself, and for your own ambition.” 
“You have a chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra,” Otto interrupted, overlapping the princess’ words. “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
King Viserys was rubbing his eyelids, already tired and weary. Valeana watched his face carefully as Vaemond continued his speech, claiming that Rhaenyra did not know a thing about Velaryon blood. Eyes darted around the room, as she watched Jacaerys catch Aemond’s eye, and Lucerys watched Vaemond with contempt. Daeron looked impossibly uncomfortable, eyes flickering around to everyone to gouge how he should react. And Aegon… Aegon simply shuffled in his spot, free hand moving to scratch his jaw. 
“This is bloody torture,” she heard him whisper. The only thing she could do was give his hand a squeeze in response and he gently squeezed back, rubbing his thumb over the back of her palm. 
When it was Rhaenyra’s turn to petition, her words were cut short when the King placed up his hand to halt her. 
“I must admit my confusion,” his words were laced with exhaustion, but with an underlying strength of a king. He had been patient, polite and courteous as he allowed Ser Vaemond to speak, since he did come all this way to do so. But now it was his turn, and he intended to speak on behalf of his daughter and Lord Corlys, the latter of which could not speak on his own behalf. “On why petitions are being heard over a settled succession.”
His statement was met with a second of strained silence before he continued, moving his head around the crowd before settling on his cousin. “The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’ wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.” 
“Indeed, your grace,” The Queen Who Never Was spoke once everyone had settled their attention onto her. Her eyes flickered from Vaemond to Rhaenyra, then she moved over to place herself at the foot of the dias, before the Throne that in another life, would have been hers. 
“It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Leanor, to his trueborn son… Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed, nor did my support of him.” 
Rhaenys’ confession garnered a group reaction of surprise. It was under the assumption that the older princess had always disapproved of Rhaenyra the moment each son she birthed looked nothing like hers, and the circumstances of Leanor’s death seemed to put a rift between the like-minded princesses. Though it now seemed that bygones had become bygones. 
“As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire for her son, Luke, to marry Lord Corlys’ granddaughter, Rhaena… A proposal to which I heartily agree.” 
Hushed chatter befell the Throne Room. Rhaena and Luke shared a look with each other, subtle smiles upon their youthful places. This development certainly put a wedge in Ser Vaemond’s petition. He cried about blood purity, and yet here the solution laid plainly in front of the Kingdom. For those who believed that Luke was a bastard, the seat of Driftmark would no longer belong to the Velaryons in name only. Rhaena held that blood from her mother, and what's more, their children would be dragonriders, with their matching Targaryen blood between them. 
Valeana was quick to notice Vaemond’s displeasure and shock. 
“Well…” Viserys lifted his hand dismissively, “The matter is settled. Again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.”
Just when people believed matters were settled, and the chatter started up again, Vaemond stepped forward after Rhaenys stepped back. “You break law and centuries of tradition, to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon–No,” he shook his head minutely. “I will not allow it.”
The King furrowed his brow, mouth popping open at the man’s gall. “Allow it? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.”
This is where things had taken a turn for the worst. When Vaemond shook with anger, Valeana knew that all sense was lost. At the shout of “That!”, she startled next to the princes. Aegon turned to her slightly amused, and Aemond had moved closer to her until their shoulders touched. 
Vaemond pointed viciously at Lucerys, who surprisingly shrunk under the angered man. “Is no true Velaryon, and certainly, no cousin of mine.”
“Go to your chambers,” Rhaenyra whipped her head to her son, who also vibrated with emotion, lip curling over his teeth as if he wished to lash out on his own behalf. Then she turned to Vaemond, “You have said enough.”
Lucerys didn’t move, but his step father still kept a hand on his shoulder. 
“Lucerys is my trueborn grandson,” The King spoke lowly. “And you are no more than the son of the second son of Driftmark.”
“You may run your house as you see fit,” Vaemond bit back. Valeana held her breath, finding herself squeezing Aegon’s hand. “But you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom, and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned,” He swiveled back around to glare at the boy again, as if he were the reason for all his troubles, and not the adults that surrounded him. “I will not see it ended on the account of this–” His lips folded in between his teeth, and the air in the room stilled. Then as the slow seconds went by, Vaemond’s face relaxed, as if he could lose no more than he already had.
“Her children… are BASTARDS!”
“Seven Hells,” Valeana breathed out. The entire room was filled with loud murmurs, the King himself leaned forward on the Throne, his anger building in his chest, as weak as it was. 
“Oh, this is turning out to be quite the show,” Aegon whispered, his words laced with mirth.
A horror show. 
A very horrific, bloody show. 
“And she is,” Vaemond continued, punctuating every word as he burned his eyes onto Rhaenyra, then Daemon, and then finally the King. “A whore.”
The chorus of gasps filled the Throne Room. Everyone paced around, looking at each other in disbelief. Valeana glanced up at Aemond and saw his smirk, no different to Aegon’s. She knew of the princes’ animosity towards their half sister, who coveted all their father’s love, but as a woman, she could not help but feel disgusted by their reactions. With one glance of Helaena, she was relieved to see that she did not approve either, and when the two princes noticed their disapproval, their smirks dropped. At the very least Daeron had the decency to look scandalized, regardless of what his opinions were of Rhaenyra. 
The king ascended from his throne, his cane forgotten as he reached into his cloak and pulled out the cat’s claw dagger that was always strapped to him. 
“I will have your tongue for that–”
Valyrian steel sung in the air, swiftly and without mercy. The sound of blade cutting through flesh and bone dirtied Valeana’s ears, and the sight of Vaemond’s nearly headless body slumping on the floor now seared into her mind like a brand. Never before in her life had she seen such violence. Not even her fall down the stairs could compare. She had thought she would be impervious to such displays, having seen her own bone out of her flesh, and then watch her leg rot away before it was severed off with a saw. Though that was nothing in comparison to seeing a man’s head chopped off from his cheekbones, leaving his jaw and tongue atop what remained of his head. 
Helaena had turned away with her hands placed upon the sides of her head, her mother Alicent on her protectively to shield her from the gore. Daeron’s eyes widened in shock and horror, his hand flying to the sword on his belt as if it was muscle memory. Behind Valeana, Shyla and Floris both screamed, flying into the chest of Bartimos and their mother, with Clement shielding them from it. Arthor merely stood agape, the first time he, too, ever saw such an act. 
Valeana had jumped away, retching her hand out of Aegon’s in the pursuit to put herself as far away from the corpse as possible. It was Aemond who moved in front of her, hand upon her arm to keep her behind him, whilst Aegon stood like a statue, lips pulled into a frown and eyebrows up to his hairline, staring at Vaemond’s lifeless body as if he could not believe what he had just witnessed, what he was actively staring at. 
“He can keep his tongue,” Daemon stood there, hand placed on the pommel of Dark Sister. 
“Disarm him!” The Lord Hand shouted, the Kingsguard poised to attack.  
“No need,” the Rogue Prince replied casually, using the ends of his black tunic to wipe the blood off his sword and sheath it back into its scabbard.
Valeana tore her eyes away at last, blinking away rapidly, as if that would rid her of the image. It was then she brought her attention to where her hands had found rest. She gripped onto Aemond’s sleeve, both of her forearms caging his arm to her chest like a shield or a life preserver. 
“Valeana,” Clement’s presence loomed over her shoulder, his large hand firmly on her bicep. 
Valeana followed Aemond’s arm until she reached his face. He stared at her with a wide eye and a gritted jaw. His fingers flexed at her own sleeve, not wanting to let go either, but they were not in the privacy of their library. It took all her courage to let him go from her vice and allow Clement to pull her into his orbit. 
But when Valeana tore her eyes from Aemond, she landed them on Aegon, who saw the whole thing. His face was crestfallen, but only for a moment before his features pulled into a scowl, eyes glaring up at his younger brother. 
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The petition had inevitably delayed the anticipated dinner of the Valyrian Houses, of which Vaemond had been invited to, mostly out of respect. It would be pushed to the next evening, as everyone was collectively in a state of shock and displacement. 
Valeana longed for solitude, she wished to be tucked in the reading nook of the late Aemma Arryn’s library, or laying in a nest of cushions and furs on the secret platform amongst the cliffs. Though for now, she settled on her bed chambers. Shyla was absent, she seemed to disappear after the Throne Room, along with Daeron it seemed. She was particularly distressed and the prince was concerned for her, leaving poor young Floris in the wind. Gods, Borros Baratheon is going to absolutely loathe the Celtigars after this Conclave was over with. 
Valeana was sitting cross legged in the middle of her bed, embroidering an image of a milkweed plant on a dark grey canvas. She intended to give the loop to Helaena as a thank you for her part last night. It was still such a bizarre recollection, that now felt like it was eons ago. Seeing a man’s head lopped off from the middle would do that to someone. 
Still, she wove every memory she made that night into the fabric of her mind. From the moment she saw Aemond splayed on the chair at the table, to that very morning when the warm orange glow of the dawn reflected against the silver tresses of his hair and pearlescent complexion of his skin. Valeana had woken up before him, and she took that privilege gently, savouring every moment. 
Aemond had tucked her under his arm at some point, and she was nestled on his upper arm, hand slayed on his chest while his nose nestled in the crown of her hair. They were both lying on their sides, legs tangled with each other, his hand resting on her hip and thigh. With gentle fingers, she traced the lines of his jaw, his nose, his scar, the gnarl frame of his sapphire eye, and brow, and then his lips that were parted as he breathed gently. Valeana noted how the skin around his perfect lid was red, the corner had a little sandy crust as if his eye had been tearing up during the night. 
With boldness, her hands moved southward, running along the muscles of his chest and stomach, humming in satisfaction at the warmth and feel of his body. It was art, truly; every ridge and curve, every bone and muscle, expertly carved by the Smith himself, designed in the likeness of the Warrior. 
Aemond roused from his sleep when her fingers trailed over the area below his belly button. He blinked away the sand from his good eye and gave a soft, grumbly hum. 
“Still not convinced I am a man?” He questioned softly with a hoarse, sleepy tone before his hand moved to her wrist and guided her to the crotch of his breeches. Valeana gave a soft gasp, or more of a hitch in her throat. She could feel him through the fabric and while he was soft, the muscle twitched at the contact. 
“Aemond–” He interrupted her with a peck on her lips, moving his hand up to the curve of her jaw to keep her there, so he could stare into her eyes. And that is where they remained until there was a knock on the library door, and Helaena’s gentle voice reminded them it was time. 
Valeana sighed contently down at her embroidery. Basking in the perfect evening and the perfect morning was enough to drown out the macabre events of that midday. Now the image of Aemond’s hardened body and Aegon’s thick cock permated her mind, creating a warm stir in her core. Alas, she was still bleeding, and she was not going to risk getting blood under her fingernails and all over her sheets to satiate her carnal hunger. Besides, there was a knock on the door, effectively ending her lewd thoughts. Clearing her throat, she called out: “come in.”
Clement entered the room, closing the door behind him as he did, “How are you doing?”
She offered him a half shrug, “Fine, I suppose.” 
Her brother took a seat at the edge of her bed, his body twisted so he rested his knee on the mattress, where he could look at her properly. “You’re doing remarkably well for someone who just witnessed their first execution.” 
“I do well with gore, I suppose. Finding severed feet on the beach on a regular basis could desensitize you to it,” her jest came out awfully stoic, as if she was serious. Though Valeana tended to joke when she was on the verge of anxiousness or sadness, if she wasn’t already thrown into the maelstrom of a fit. 
“And watching yours decay whilst attached to your body,” Clement added, his dark humour similar to her own. 
“Hm, that too. Perhaps the Stranger’s mark on me still lingers.” 
He hummed in agreement, unserious in his consideration for the statement. But then his face fell, and Valeana geared herself up for the real reason why he was there in her room. 
“Valeana…” He looked down on the bed, where his hand laid flat. He drummed his fingers on the duvet, like he was stalling so he could find the right words, or to rein in his censure. “I feel like you have become a stranger since we arrived at King’s Landing. You have been pulling yourself away every day from our family…and I can’t help but believe it is because of the princes.” 
Valeana leaned back into her headboard with a sigh, her loop forgotten in her lap. “Clement, I have been a stranger to this family for years…” Her eyes drifted over to the balcony. The Hydrangeas that Aemond left her were now placed in a vase next to her bed. 
“Not to me,” he shook his head vehemently. “We are full blooded siblings, Valeana. You and I have a bond that cannot be separated.”
Val tilted her head at him, a single eyebrow raised, “Clement, for half my life we were separated. I was here, and you were on the Isle with Ursula and Arthor. I am twenty, and yet I’ve only ever spent half my life with you, brother, and during that time I spent the better part of it locked in my rooms, despondent and longing for death.” 
Clement let his head sag at that, then raked his fingers through his short silver hair. He did not like dwelling on that dark part of her past, it still made him feel like a failure of a brother that he was not there for her when it happened, nor was he able to coax her out of the abyss in the aftermath. He reached out then, placing a hand on the ankle of her prosthetic, and although physically she could not feel it, the phantom of his touch tickled in the back of her mind as if she could. 
“You are the closest thing I have to mother, you know,” he said quietly, thumb moving along the ball joint. “I might have lost her, but I gained a sister in her stead, in her very image. I vowed over her grave that I would protect you, and I have failed thus far… I do not wish to continue that path any longer.”
When Valeana felt her eyes begin to water, she shut them immediately and bowed her head till her chin laid on her sternum, “Clement–”
“I saw you,” he said a bit forcefully. “You held Aegon’s hand one moment, and then clung to Aemond the next. Whatever it is you are doing, you must know it will end in heartbreak. Please, for your sake, sister, let them go… Jacaerys is an honourable man, who can offer you a great future–”
“I do not love him,” the words came out before she was able to filter them. 
Clement furrowed his brow as he tilted his head at her disbelievingly, “Then who is it you love? Aemond the Blackhearted or Aegon the Whoremongerer?” 
Sorrow was quickly being pulled into frustration. Valeana shook her head, “You only know the princes by their reputation, you do not know their character, the way they are with me–”
Clement pulled away, scoffing loudly, “I know Aemond is the cause of your first heartbreak, the reason why you walk with a wooden leg, and I know Aegon is the cause of your self hatred and the reason why you hide yourself from the world. This is all I need to know… So excuse me if I cannot fathom why you wish to consort with either of them, let alone harbour feelings.”
Valeana took a steady breath through her lips, her eyes closed to ground herself in the darkness behind her lids. “They have both reconciled with me.”
“Oh, they have, have they? When will they seek out father’s forgiveness then?” His question took her off guard. “Father was just as hurt as you were. He ended his friendship with the King over it… let go of his position on the Small Council, and left King’s Landing. Do not think you are the only victim here, sister.” 
“Please leave, Clement,” she ran her fingers over her eyes, where a headache was starting to bloom.
“I will not. I am not going to let you ignore the truth, Valeana… You have been causing an immense amount of stress on not only Ursula and father, but our sisters and brother as well. Everything has been revolving around your scandals, your love life, and it has put poor Shyla and Floris on the backburner. Floris, the poor thing, weeps at not being married still at her age. How do you think she feels seeing her step sister being the centre of attention? To have this many men flock to you and not her?”
“Floris,” she nearly yelled her name. “Floris is the reason why people whisper about me! Her insecurities are not my bloody problem, Clement! She could have been married off years ago, but she lets her pride and narcissism get in the way of it.
“She envies me, that is the truth of it. It’s always been like that – do you even notice the comments she makes of me? Floris is just as terrible as Aegon, Jacaerys and Lucerys was to me, even worse because we are family! It has been like that my entire fucking life with that woman… And you, father, mother, Arthor, and Shyla choose to ignore her belittling comments about my figure, because of what, Clement? Because you do not wish to cause strife among family? To choose sides? Or is it because you all believe her? You all agree I’m too fucking fat, but unlike Floris you keep your opinion behind your buttoned lips and avoidant eyes?”
Valeana did not give him room to respond, if he had any intention to, if he had any strength to. She pulled herself from her bed, embroidery loop forgotten, and slipped her feet into her shoes. Then, she bent down and secured the shoe’s strap around her wooden ankle, mindful to not run off on insecure shoes like last time.
“Where are you going?” 
“Since you refuse to leave, I will,” she marches over the door, and pulls it open with a violet jerk. 
“And which prince will you flock to?” He is standing up now, looking at her retreating back.
She paused in the threshold, her hand flexing on the handle of the door. “Neither,” she replied flatly, then slammed the door on him. 
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When Valeana left her family’s wing, she had spotted Ellyn and Wylla walking in the gardens arm in arm from the loggia above. She fled to find some corner of the Keep for solitude, but when she saw them, she craved friendship more. They were whispering about something, giving each other looks that Valeana could not quite make out from where she stood. When she called out for them, they looked up, completely startled. Their bodies pulled away from each other as if they were caught committing a crime. 
Valeana tried not to think too much about it, especially since her thoughts were already at full capacity. Though as they sat in the grass, underneath a cherry blossom tree, away from courtiers and servants, Valeana couldn’t help but feel suddenly paranoid. The two were sharing looks with each other that she could not decipher, and she couldn’t help but wonder if they had been talking about her. 
Eyeing them warily, she decided to test the waters, “You two seem quiet.”
They looked at her slightly surprised, with Ellyn the first to speak, “Sorry… That nasty business in the Throne Room, it… it was just not expected.”
Wylla hummed in agreement, “I’ve seen a few executions, done by my father… Never seen anything so savage, however.” 
Valeana nodded, still unconvinced. Did they see her cling to Aemond after it happened? It was possible, though she was behind the Targaryen princes at the time, and she was fairly certain that people were more preoccupied by Ser Vaemond’s scalp rolling around the floor. 
Narrowing her eyes, she decided to press further, a little more boldly, “Are there any more whispers about me?” At their collective confusion, she added, “Only because you two seem quieter than usual, and I’m starting to wonder if you’ve learned something unsavoury that I should be concerned about.” 
Ellyn’s cheeks went pink, her eyes darting from Wylla, to the grass she was picking and peeling. They both shook their heads and cleared their throats. 
This time, Wylla answered, seeming genuine.  “No, nothing new. Only that bets have been challenged now that Jacaerys is in the running for your hand.”
Valeana rolled her eyes, “He isn’t. It was simply a brief moment in order to appease our parents.”
Ellyn raised an eyebrow mockingly, “So there we are back to two princes?”
Wylla tilted her head, “Or just one? I saw you and Aegon holding hands in the Throne Room.” 
“Is that all you saw?” They both looked genuinely confused. It was a bit of a relief, at least she knew they weren’t gossiping about her clinging to both Aegon and Aemond so publicly and judging her for it. As of right now, Aemond and hers reconciliation was not public knowledge; as far as the court is concerned, he was still courting Maris, and it was only the whispers that breathed life into the rumour of him yearning for Valeana. It was…  true, and well observed, but Valeana knew better to encourage the truth. Aemond needed to gently rid himself of Maris Baratheon, now more than ever. Having noticed how Shyla was slowly usurping Daeron Targaryen from Floris Baratheon, the tensions between Celtigars and Baratheons were becoming very tense, and it did not bode well for Valean’a own precarious circumstance.
Wylla’s eyes narrowed, “What else was there to see, Valeana?”
Val’s eyes flickered to Ellyn, who stared at her expectedly. She trusted this Baratheon with her past with Aemond, her feelings for him, but she did not know Ellyn’s relationship with her sisters very well. Did she approve of Maris’ match with him, or merely tolerated it? Would she choose Valeana or her sister? And the issue with young Floris and Shyla was a whole other added problem. The last thing Val wanted was to put Ellyn in a position of choosing between friendship and family. 
After kneading her lip with her teeth in thought, Valeana tentatively asked: “Ellyn… Is Maris… quite fond of Aemond?”
Ellyn seemed quite taken back by the question, but otherwise she appeared almost like she was harbouring knowledge she had yet to share. With a great sigh, the brunette nodded remorsefully, “She is. I’ve never seen her quite smitten but… She seems a bit agitated lately. Ever since the Hightower dinner, which…I know you’ve told me about. Maris has given me her own version of it, as did Daeron when he visited Floris one afternoon. My sister was quite affronted. Her intelligence is her biggest pride.”
“So suffice to say she isn’t my biggest fan.”
Ellyn huffed a soft laugh, “An understatement really. Um, she has also noticed… Aemond has become distant with her, and she has deduced it may be your doing. From what I overheard from her and Cassandra yesterday, your step-sister has been insinuating that you’ve been trying to seduce him.” 
Valeana sighed, rubbing the spot between her eyebrow and nose, “Of course she’s doing that. I somehow wonder if my beloved step sister has a plan, or she is simply lying freely, trying to see what people will believe and if it will ruin my character.” 
“I am surprised you aren’t trying to seduce him,” Wylla admitted thoughtfully, regarding Ellyn’s statement, “Given what you’ve told us. Didn’t you want him back? Or…has Prince Aegon snuffed that flame?” 
Valeana has done nothing but disprove the whispers about her and Aegon, particularly after the Hightower dinner when they publicized their (fake) courtship just to make Aemond jealous. It worked, though faster than she anticipated, and now she gathered how confused her two new friends probably were, given how much she had not shared with them since their last conversation about Val’s lovelife. The context between that drunken night to the present had not been divulged to them, and that was not just because she simply hadn’t the opportunity, but because she wasn’t accustomed to sharing vulnerable secrets. Valeana never actually had friends she could trust, she painfully realized; not since Aemond, and look how that turned out. 
She glanced around them, making sure they were very much alone. They had trailed far from the path, hidden in the grassy knolls, underneath the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by hydrangea bushes of various colours. The bushes and florals do a good job at muffling their voices as well as the noises of the world outside of their little sanctuary.
Licking her dry lips, Valeana geared herself to confess her sins, hoping that they would not judge her too harshly for her weaknesses. Hoping that Ellyn would at most be impartial to Valeana’s hand at effectively ruining Maris’ chance at a royal betrothal. 
“There is much I should– no, need to tell you. So much has happened…I do not know where to begin.”
Ellyn reached out and patted her arm, “Start from the beginning then?” 
With a harrowing sigh, Valeana nodded and began her complicated, long tale. She tripped over her words and backtracked when she remembered information that added more context, but she recounted everything. From the moment Aemond pulled her drunken self out of the Throne room, to her eve spent with Aemond in Queen Aemma’s old quarters. Yes, she even told them of Aemond’s apology on Maiden’s Day eve. Valeana even admitted to Aemond ravishing her tits that drunken night in the passageways, the morning before the Hightower supper. Even told them about the night at the secret terrace with Aegon. She also mentioned how she lost her maidenhead to a bloody horse, which was her attempt at humour and alleviating the tense conversation. 
In the end, her fingers were pressed in the corners of her eyes, head bowed over her crossed legs in exhaustion. Her head felt dull and heavy from a steady headache, one that began with Clement earlier. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she confessed defeatedly. “This is all so new to me… All my life, I was prepared to either be a spinster, a septa, or a despondent wife to a lord that did not care for me. I never even entertained the idea that a man might… desire me at all, let alone two.” It was addicting, she admitted to herself. Selfishly she thought perhaps she could have them both, like Catelyn Redwyne’s story, but she knew that was impossible…Aemond and Aegon would never share her. They would spend the entire time trying to lay claim on her, like two opposing conquerors. 
Wylla’s hand patted her knee comfortingly, “Your life never ceases to amaze me, Valeana. Most women would kill to be in your position.”
“I am not one of those women,” Ellyn commented good naturedly. “Though I admit that it is a privilege to be fought over by two princes of the Realm.”
Valeana pulled her hands from her eyes and blinked tiredly at both of them, “What would you two do if you were in my position?”
“Choose neither and become a Septa,” Ellyn shrugged dismissively, but at Valeana’s pointed look, she sighed. “Honestly, I do not know. I suppose I would try to figure out who I could not live without.” 
Wylla nodded her agreement, “You will be spending the rest of your life with this man… I personally don’t think it is disgraceful to explore who you are compatible with, both emotionally and physically. Most of us do not get the leisure of testing the waters before we are thrown in.” 
Val nodded, because she had no choice but to agree. It still did nothing to ease her stresses, though. “The problem is that my decision will be at the expense of the other’s pain. And I do not wish to cause anyone pain… Not even your sister, Ellyn. Even if – and forgive me for saying so – even if she is a pretentious bitch.” 
Ellyn huffed, shaking her head, “Oh, do not worry, I don’t take offense to that. Maris loves to call me stupid whenever she gets a chance, so she deserves the insult.” Suddenly the brunette looked down at her hands for a moment, brow furrowed as if she was in a battle with her own thoughts. “I love my sisters, truly… I wish to see them contented. Though… I do not believe that the princes would ever give them the happiness they hope to have with them. I think Maris and our Floris both are blinded by their titles, of the little fairy tale of becoming princesses rather than actually understanding the gravity of it all.
“I saw immediately that Daeron is far too self-centered to care for my little sister truly, and she is far too meek to stand up for herself. He never asks questions about her, and if she does not ask questions about him, then there is no conversation to be had. As for Maris, well…she likes the idea of Aemond. Of someone who actually enjoys her mind, and shares academic conversations, but,” Ellyn lifted her shoulders in a shrug, “As far as I’m aware, they have not shared anything deeper. Though, I dare say, with all my sister’s intelligence, she isn’t particularly educated in matters of the heart. If it wasn’t Aemond, any man that showed an interest to her intellect and mind would be enough to convince her that they are in love with her.” 
“That does not make me feel any better, Ellyn,” Valeana picked at the grass too, covering her skirts with it. 
“I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I’m trying poorly to convey something… What I mean is… Do not feel guilty about it. My sisters are not compatible with either Aemond or Daeron. Floris is young, beautiful, she will not suffer singledom long. However, I do worry about Maris, but not for reasons you think. Maris is not stable.” 
With a furrowed brow, Valeana peered at Ellyn carefully, “What do you mean?”
“She does not like being insulted, which you did, but she also sees Aemond's sudden distance from her as an insult too. Maris is calm most of the time but, when she feels like she has been aggrieved, or humiliated, she is… reactionary, for lack of a better word. And with your step sister’s ill counsel… I fear she plans on doing something explosive to get back at you. I just do not know what, or when, or if it’ll happen at all. I just know my sister… And since you are my friend, I only wish for you to be cautious. Perhaps do not make your affections for Aemond so obvious, until the sky is clear, until Maris cannot do anything.” 
Tentatively, Valeana gave a soft nod, “Thank you for telling me. Though now I have to deal with your sister on top of my own. Is there anyone else out there that is trying to sabotage me for reasons unknown, that I should be aware of?” She turned to Wylla, “Do you have a sister I do not know about that is plotting to kill me?”
Wylla softly laughed, “Gods, no. Well, I have a half sister. She is baseborn, but she is not here, anyway. Besides, we northerners have no interest in pretty white-haired princes with soft bellies or thin waists. We like our men towering, hairy, and smelling like a campfire.” 
Ellyn wrinkled her nose at that, but otherwise said nothing. 
Valeana hummed, lifting up her leg to rest her arm on her knee, “Your brother smells cedarwood and raw masculinity, which also smells a bit like roasted venison. It does things to me.”
“You still try to covet my brother even with two Targaryen princes at your beck and call?”
“Key word is try,” Valeana shook the grass from her skirt in exasperation. In total unseriousness, she continued, “Though he seems too preoccupied with Alysanne Blackwood, and I cannot compete with a woman who breaks horses and looks like she can kill a man with her thighs.” 
“And I am sure she has!” 
Their laughter pulled their outing to a lighter conversation about this or that, leaving the stress of courtships and family behind. Though despite the change, something dreadful settled in Valeana’s gut as Ellyn’s warning about Maris echoed in her mind like a bad omen. She couldn’t shake the feeling; it felt like she was an animal, sensing the impending doom of a large, disastrous storm. 
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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO SNEAK PEAK Valeana flipped back over, only to see a shadow looming on the right side of the bed. Her heart leapt in her throat, momentarily gagging her as she jumped and gaped, a scream nearly escaping her lungs. His hand flew to her mouth.  “Shh, shh,” Aemond crouched down next to her bed, his grip over her mouth softening when he saw her shoulders cave. “It’s only me.” When he removed his hand from her mouth, she gave him a sharp whack on the shoulder, “Aemond, I swear to the old gods and the new, the next time you do that I’m going to throw you down a flight of stairs.” “Wouldn’t that be an interesting sight,” Said another, causing Valeana to jostle a second time. She and Aemond whirled their heads towards the door with wide and alarmed eyes. And there in the dim light she could make out the short wavy silver hair of Aegon. 
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Notes: I hope that was worth the 2 week wait )x I still didn't do as much as I wanted in the last two weeks. Didn't realize how much I just needed to unplug during the holidays, what with work stress, among some other things and stuffs. Though the chapter I'm currently working on is nearly done. I just hope the one after doesn't take me just as long, otherwise I may need to do another two-week wait. Also I just wanted to point out...the amount of times I had to watch that Vaemond and dinner scene just to write this chapter, and the Fem!Aegon one shot was so absurd. It used to be my favourate episode, but now I can't even watch it again XD Anyway, once again, I hope everyone had good and safe holidays, <3
Tag: @queen-of-elves, @keylin1730, @anakilusmos, @weepingfashionwritingplaid, @sugutoad, @desireangel, @t0biasparabatai
( if you wish to be tagged for this story, just give me a reply! )
Please do not re post, redistribute or plagiarize my work. The only other place this story is posted on is ao3 under the same username.
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butteronabun · 3 months ago
// very, very indulgent !! superhero au below!! ✨
hi so i just watched the new superman trailer and i’m gonna indulge over a superman diluc au now ( BECAUSE I A M HOOKED AND SEATED FOR 2025 )
LIKE i freaking know diluc is so batman coded ?? but imagine a universe where crepus didn’t die and he and his wife raised this clumsy, awkward and innocent diluc ragnvindr with glasses in the countryside ??? and this boy grew up to become a sweet, and chivalrous gentle giant who’s always cautious and CAREFUL over his super abilities because he knows how powerful he is 😍
then, when he gets into the daily planet to work as a journalist ( or in this case, let’s make it the STEAMBIRD LOL ), diluc develops romantic feelings and has the biggest crush on the bold and hardworking adrenaline junkie reporter fmc who can only reach his chest — hhhhh
just frothing at the mouf over the idea of the dedicated fmc talking in front of the lovesick diluc. like yes. talk abt his alter ego more and huh. you seem to really like him. he’s not jealous is he. right? right????
PLUS PLUS PLUS aughhh so weak for superman! diluc carrying the fmc in his arms when he goes out to save her OR post-identity reveal when he finally kisses her on the lips while flying in the air ! 🫶🏻
how hot the range is. diluc’s hair is down btw when he’s just diluc ragnvindr and when he’s superman it’s tied into a ponytail. oh i’m just indulging actually i’m seriously just indulging I’m trying to make this work just so i can ramble abt a superman au GKDHDKDJ
bonus: post-identity reveal where fmc is just flirty and also. shameless because she’s just. touching him everywhere ( his biceps, his chest, his abs ) because she can’t believe how lucky she is, and superman diluc is just. embarrassed LOL
my next idea is a spider-verse au or a spider-man au. roles are reversed, so i’m thinking of a fmc who gets bitten by a radioactive spider, and becomes spider-man at night!
i’m not sure if they will be in high school or college, but the the fmc and diluc know each other from school. they aren’t as close but they do acknowledge that they have different worlds. fmc has a roommate she trusts, while diluc is the handsome and mysterious kid that everyone likes. ig they interacted once and i’m digging into the idea of them being socially awkward ??
like maybe the fmc tries to strike up a conversation with him but diluc’s replies are short and curt because he’s not sure of what to say. maybe he was thinking a lot of things during that time LMAO
anyway, spider-man fmc is chill. she actually likes being spider-man and enjoys her powers! she explores the city and finds it nice that she gains a new purpose in life: saving mondstadt city! she even has her own customized spider-man outfit <3
soooo. the plot then gets exciting when spider-man fmc finally encounters the “darknight hero” she’s been hearing from forums ( BECAUSE IMAGINE IF FMC THINKS THAT SHE HAS A RIVAL / A COMPETITION WHEN IT COMES TO SAVING !!! ) while fighting some crime in the outskirts of the city 🤭
and she likes to think that she has the upper hand over powers when she gets to know that darknight hero is just. well. a rich guy with no powers ( but also and APPARENTLY, physically strong ?? ) oh fmc thinks this is unfair
these two heroes become a lil hostile at each other at first because, well, strangers ( comically, imagine spider-man fmc telling the darknight hero that she can rescue that kitten, but said darknight hero beats her to it first and they argue like little children / IMAGE: it’s just fmc whining and the darknight hero listening amusingly — which he will not admit btw — ), until they team up sometime in the future when they understand that they share the same goal: getting rid of the evil that plagues their city!
i think it’s just sweet that they’re comfortable in their alter egos 🫶🏻
also what if someone gets hurt… Gnhdjhdk maybe spider-man fmc perhaps??? and she’s just… being cradled in his arms???? and the darknight hero is just so, so worried and also a little upset because why did you do that. he can protect himself. so why did you shield yourself for me.
and fmc says the classic thing - “it’s because i care for you, you dummy,” and also because she’s a damn superhero!!!! and you know where it’ll lead there - the beginning of their stupid and slow burn romance
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hcgossips · 7 months ago
The PR stunt with the latest PR (used as a diversion) adopted many strategies present in the other PRs. But, I want to call attention, not exactly to strategies, but, to the reasons they have been adopting them. For so, I need to point out a fact.
But, before the fact, I need to say you won't like nor accept what I'm about to point out, 'cause it threatens your belief and the adoration (not admiration) you have for him, which makes you blind. But, once you realize it, this circus becomes weak, unsuccessful and loses its meaning. And NV will lose her latest popularity.
He was expecting just one more PR stunt as many others he had done before (Lucy, Gina, KC and you name it). But, someone made him a fool and used it on behalf of NV. Did he end up getting sexually involved with some of his PRs? Maybe. He thinks these deals are also a way he can bang women safely, without further headaches. For me, it's a glamorous way to practice prost****"***on.
She became the main character for having this intention all along (what he didn't realize until he was trapped) and that led to this shenanigan damage control, which he had a choice to avoid, but preferred to accept. - That shows how his moral standards work.
The entire time, NV was used as a shield, a cannon fodder, a diversion and a tool against fans, in exchange for a blue check mark on IG and easy popularity.
As the reaction they had of the PR stunt with her was overwhelming compared to their expectations and they had lost control of the idiotic fandom, damage control was imperative. The PR had already started her own self promotion and they thought that ending the plot would cause him much more damage. The Me Too Movement could accuse him of misogyny.
But, the strategies used to regain this control was to provoke animosity among his fandom. First, to keep a part of it believing his persona and also, to use this part against the others, who they called haters, toxic and accused of jealousy. They intentionally, put fan against fan, so a part could do their dirty damage control job.
Many fake fan pages and fake chats were created to influence and manipulate you. Pages started blocking and reporting each other. Many were the pages using NV as a target and diversion. She, actually, put herself available for that to save his ass. This was partially predicted and expected by whoever was supporting her, planned this PR stunt and had a certain control of his social media (with his consent).
The goal was to confuse and gaslight, to make you believe he was out of job, fired by TW production and not being called to big and iconic roles. Being out of service was a strategy. This way he would continue as a victim and that would motivate you to fight and ask for him in social media, to campaign on his behalf.
The rumoured articles about his behavior on set or against women were planted to generate algorithms, commotion and make fans fight for him so he could regain your sympathy.
That's why he has been avoiding social media and has only been in cameos and accepting insignificant roles. The goal now, is to recover the credibility of his old image, but slowly. Making you believe he's being unfairly treated by the industry is a strategy. This way, you would ignore his lack of morality while priotizing escorting.
But, continuing silent, with dubious and contradictory comments on interviews, such as the one about his IG being fictional and playing the fake paternity plot is not helping. On the contrary. Instead of damage control, he put more fuel to fire and discredited himself.
It is clear you are here to make his likes and algorithm grow, most, to portray him as a victimized boy used by a slut and rejected by the industry. That's a fallacy! That's why he's into and in agreement with everything. He needs to deceive and recover the fandom he despised back there.
Well, the problem with all this damage control was that they not only threw the PR under the bus. They threw him! They had the intention to cause rage against the PR so he would be protected, not criticized for his lack of morals and seen as her victim. But, the rage not only was directed to her, but to him, reasonably!
HE was the reason for all of this circus. This PR stunt was to boost his image as straight, self-confident womanizer man. But, it had a mandatory change (as damage control) promoting the PR as a diversion. It is IMPOSSIBLE to believe his team didn't see it coming. And I believe whoever is behind this PR plan had that intention all along.
He not only ended up being used by this woman and her troupe, but also exposed as a coward liar and hypocrite. Maybe this trap was a Me Too Movement set up. He lost credibility and the respect of fans. By accepting this damage control strategies he put himself in the place of a guy who sees his fandom as a step.
Fandom has been immorally manipulated, gaslighted and used in this dirty damage control. He's slowly trying to go back to the old AVATAR, expecting his fans will forget and ignore the fact he sacrificed them for spotlight, vanity and fame.
He staged this indecent plot, accepted the immoral strategies, is using a fake paternity as self-promotion, to promote movies and a woman .....let's say, of a bad reputation, to avoid being honest, to avoid accountability and afraid of the gay rumours and The Me Too accusations.
The fact is he's not the AVATAR you sigh for. Yes, "he's gorgeous as a God, sexy as hell, sweet as honey" (something I saw on an IG page). But, that's a mask. This self-confidence, moral, good family man AVATAR doesn't exist. He may have a few features of the AVATAR, but, he's not it.
This AVATAR is a character to gain your sympathy, your love and adoration so he can be famous, rich, make you ask for him in every movie and spend your money in box offices. He's giving the fandom a big f**k. So, before defending his integrity ask yourself: Was this circus dignified?
"Dignity comes before fame. Dignity always comes before fame". His words on a podcast. So, where is that dignity now?
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twistedbloodstain · 2 years ago
vincent de gramont x assistant!reader: if my wishes came true it would've been you | a glimpse of the marquis.
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plot: the one where the marquis isn’t so sure about you.
warnings: stalking, slight mention of violence, more stalking, staring, soft ooc marquis, invasion of privacy
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vincent de gramont. the marquis. unforgiving. determined. capable.
he is a man that exudes power by simply waving his hand or by the snap of his fingers. he does not need anyone. not when he has all the power and influence of an entire country. all he needs is himself, no one else. people are a liability, because of what we can feel for them. the moment you let them in. you start to do things that you shouldn’t, but you do it anyway for the mercurial high of their company. but in fact they don’t bring you up, they bring you down. of course, the marquis doesn’t do such practices, he can’t risk such vulnerability, if he is vulnerable then he is weak and the world be fucking damned before he let’s what he feel for someone tear him down.
a pessimist mindset. yes but why does it matter? he can’t even name someone who cares for him, at least someone who isn’t paid to do it. they don’t want his company, they want his money and power that he exercises over this world. the men want his coin and the women want the same or a night of pleasure, he might welcome that invitation if he isn’t busy enough.
there are three kinds of people in the world. those who have something to live for, those who have something to die for, and those who have something to kill for.
“oh, oh…poor vincent de gramont. who would search for him if he went missing? who would mourn his rotting corpse as it’s buried six feet underground?”
a mockery and threat of a rising drug lord when he had refused the terms of a deal. it annoyed him, as much as he didn’t expect it to get into his head. because why would he need to have that? soon he had the fool’s tongue pulled out by one of his men, he doesn’t let such insignificant things occupy his mind. but to answer his question there is one who would.
his assistant. that’s who, mildly amused with that thought. if i paid her more than enough my procession would be like the queen of fucking england. ironically, because his assistant falls into the three kinds of people and wants his money. at least she actually works for it. for once, the wages he’d given were actually worth her value, they weigh the same in a scale and he doesn’t feel forced to pay her that much because she gets the job done with exquisiteness.
when he’d first hired her, he thought she might be too good to be true. either she was a bragging and incompetent woman or a vying fusspot whose words are truthful. he doesn’t mind a perfectionist as long as she gets the job done. however good she might portray her character to him, he was still cautious around her.
this could be a calculated spy sent out take everything from me. if so, she might as well bloody think again. no one can rob me of what’s mine.
possible threats imagined or real must be carefully and quickly dealt with. so the first two months she works for him, he keeps his eyes on her. he has her followed to her home, which isn’t so bad but not really to his taste. but since she rarely gets home to manage personal matters with the endless pile of work he’s tasked her with there’s not much to be reported to him. just the mundane life of his assistant and her cat. he also has her background checked and it’s nothing malicious, truly just someone whose motives are sincere and harmless.
but it’s not enough. there has to be something. when she isn’t in her home, she’s in his mansion. the lavish and spacious place that always seems to awe her.
2:00 AM
a pair of guards open the large decorated chunky door for him, he struts through. quite exhausted from his previous affair that took several hours, something about an assassin getting out of the fold. he checks his watch and a slight scowl appears on his face, annoyed that meeting has taken too long for a good night’s sleep. he had a big day tomorrow, hordes of meetings and an opera in the afternoon. he’ll have to get up early if he wants to witness the entire spectacle.
“bring the car tomorrow around 6 AM and move the meeting with Allaire around-” vincent orders but pauses when he realizes the click of your heels were no longer heard in his ears.
he turns around and sees you motionless. you were occupied with gazing at the new painting that had arrived earlier that morning. he could sense the gears in your head turning, taking in the artistic beauty of the masterpiece. he wonders if just like him you appreciate historic works of art that preside in The Louvre or perhaps you like a more architect approach-
christ. what is he thinking, he’s not even sure of who they are and he’s interested in a pastime she might have? he swallows that thought down and buries it behind his mind.
by the sudden snap of his fingers, he snaps you out of your gaze. you face him rattled and a slight worry occupies your face when you realize you’ve been caught slacking.
“i’m so sorry sir. that won’t happen again, what time did you want the car brought?” you immediately apologize, saving your excuses from him. still bashful from the ogling you’ve done, you don’t meet his stare.
he knows you’re just as tired as him, you’ve been stuck with him for the entire day, organizing his schedule and arranging appointments. he decides to not chastise her for the momentary indolence and let it pass. although he is partly pleased you still try to keep your wits sharp and alert. christ, what in the world is he saying? it must be the lack of sleep, yes that’s it.
“bring the car tomorrow around 6 AM and move the meeting with Allaire around 7:30 AM. lastly, get up early. i have an important matter for you to attend to.” vincent says again, much more firmly this time with a harsh tone, a slightly futile attempt since his voice partly falls flat from fatigue.
“yes sir.” you answer straight away, jotting down what he just said into that little purple notebook.
he turns away from you and walks away to his room.
he has her spied in the mansion. every movement she makes in his home is reported by the guards and staff. rather unfortunate with the latter, since you’ve grown close with some of the staff and half of them inform you of your activities. what they’d reported was not what he was looking for. just filled with casual personal stuff and ventures he’d ordered you to do.
with all that extensive efforts settled, he feels somewhat assured that she won’t turn against him. now he just needs to keep her on his side, and to sense any form of betrayal that might cook while she’s in his employ. he instructs his men to halt from following her home but still let’s the staff inform him of her bustle from time to time. how does he keep her on his side? pressure and observation.
he gives her labors that are sometimes beyond her pay grade and leaves her alone to do it. it confounds her, very much. they both know this is not what they’d agreed to but surprise, surprise. she delivers as ordered, little to no flaws. he observes her reactions, to see if a recipe of hatred was cooking in the cauldron.
he keeps his eyes on you. the both of you just got out from a meeting with a drug lord that had rather difficult terms and conditions he wouldn’t agree to but he entertained them nonetheless for the sake of testing you. since the job fell on you to deliver those terms and conditions.
you keep writing down notes on that journal, he reads some of what you’ve written which are familiar to him.
“huh. still not faltering are you? i wonder when you might raise this matter.” he thought.
your posture is not as perfect as it had been when you greeted him earlier in the morning. the late night seems enough explanation for that. the inside of the car is quiet except for the engine of the car and the rustling of your pencil on paper.
ever since he started giving them to you he hadn’t heard a word of complaint. he’s not really sure what he expected. a bitch fit about how you can’t do it? a conversation about raising your salary? a rant about how he’s being unfair? he’s dubious about the result he was searching for but he should know. he is the marquis. everything must have a reason, had he expected all three so he might have a reason to fire you? maybe. but why would he fire you? you’ve proven yourself capable and competitive. there is almost no one to your like, only a fool would do that. why does he want to get rid of you for no reason?
perhaps it’s because of what you do for him. he knows you’re in it for the money but…but that unwavering loyalty you’ve offered up to him. does it mean more? or is it just something he’s paying for? an even exchange for the both of you. god, prostitutes seemed easier to handle than this, at least with them he knew their motives but with you…he can’t. you’re background is as pristine as water and everything you’ve done is to further his power. what had he done to deserve it? maybe it is true, maybe. there is no amount of money that can give that level of loyalty, even his highest paid employees and previous assistants weren’t even that good. oh, why? why,why,why,why-
why do you look at him as if he’s the rarest thing on earth? why do you follow him blindly with no hesitation? why do you listen to his words clinging to them as if it’s good as gospel?
he snaps out of his inner turmoil and notices that you’ve looked up at him. you’ve caught him staring, he’s slightly abashed because he’d been vulnerable with himself for a moment, and it’s because of you. for a minute he thought you might’ve been genuine to him, that everything you do is because you want to, not for any materialistic gain. he doesn’t show his disappointment. he keeps his face plain and cold and turns away from you, facing the window. he can see the glass pyramid from The Louvre, his mind begins to drift.
you gullible fool, there is no one in this world that can give you that. you know this-you know this. why do you still yearn for that? there are three kinds of people in the world. those who have something to live for, those who have something to die for, and those who have something to kill for and you are not one of them. no matter how much you want it you cannot be one of them. you are the marquis. you are the marquis. you must be untouchable. what you feel cannot be weaponized against you. do you understand? she does not feel anything for you. there is nothing but you and yourself. in the long run, she won’t matter. when you’ve grown more powerful than today what she’s given to you will be nothing but specks of dust.
that’s how he viewed you. after those two months, he treats you the same with no efforts that may seem arbitrary an attempt to veil what he’s felt for you. keeping it professional you might say, he screws it through his head, that he doesn’t matter to you, that it doesn’t mean more.
one day it changes.
almost two years after that car ride to The Louvre.
you take a bullet for him.
but you take much more than that.
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author’s note: welp, that’s part three! i found it difficult to choose which pov for part two, idk if I should keep the marquis’ thoughts ambiguous or just throw this in. I had this dilemma in class and decided to go for reader’s pov, it turned out nice anyways feel free to share your thoughts!
taglist: @dcgoddess @1mawh0re @davvydobrik
part one part two part four part five
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furinana · 7 months ago
Megaten Spotlight, an official newsletter made prior to SMTIV's release, got FULLY TRANSLATED!
While focused on the voice cast, exclusive information surrounding the development of several characters was touched upon, including juicy obscure lore about Mido and Stephen.
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Taken from SMTIV's official website. Translated by takujilvr and commissioned by furinana
Megaten Spotlight: Sabbath Newsletter (108 Macca)
Text and Reportage by Shinji Yamamoto
Jonathan/Kamiya Hiroshi/Forbidden Anonymous Report
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity
Kamiya Hiroshi is very busy. This recording session was a gift made possible thanks to the strenuous efforts of his coordinator.
Even today, he could only show up for recording after finishing the rest of his work.
The Deciding Factor was His Versatility
His appointment to the role strongly reflected the opinions of the female staff. Apparently they grinned, saying his voice fit Jonathan's concept and visuals perfectly.
But what really caught my eye, aside from their support, was his versatility. He can perform a wide range of roles, from handsome men to madmen.
In addition to Jonathan, he also plays a character who appears in the latter half of the story, for reasons pertaining to the game's plot.
I knew he’d be able to perform both roles splendidly.
Fighting with Real Swords
He's frighteningly strict in regards to the art of acting.
He gave a great deal of attention not just to the nuance of the lines, but the context they stem from.
Even when we gave the OK, he would ask to do a retake if he wasn't satisfied with the result. In the end, he gave so much of his time to us that he had to make an unplanned addition to his schedule.
I felt he had the approach of a modern-day "Samurai".
Living Up to the Title of Law Hero
Up until now, Chaos has had more vocal supporters thanks to its bold claims and good balance of recruitable demons.
The secret challenge put before this series entry is whether or not it can add to the ranks of Law adherents.
Seeing his acting, the way Jonathan laughs with the protagonist and sheds tears before him, I'm convinced this hurdle has already been cleared.
In Conclusion
After recording, I asked for a photo despite his busy schedule.
This gentle expression conveys his personality well.
I earnestly wish for his continued good health, and that his fans won't throw rocks at me after seeing this photo.
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01_01 [Hiroshi Kamiya] I'm Kamiya Hiroshi, who does the voice for Jonathan. Now Jonathan, he's a bit like the honor student there's at least one of in any class. His conduct and morals are flawless, there isn't a single gnarl in his character, but because of that he can be a bit inflexible from time to time, and then again sometimes not. But being the golden boy can come with its own particular forms of suffering, and I feel like in some scenes you might gradually come to see glimpses of that here and there. You'll have to play the game to find out. Thank you!
01_02 [Jonathan] S-Stop pulling my hair, Walter! It won't straighten out, I got it from my mother!
01_03 [Jonathan] Some say, "Might makes right. I have no hand to extend to the weak." …I simply can't comprehend that way of thinking.
01_04 [Jonathan] I'll only tell you this because it's you, all right? Only because it's you! I'm afraid I can't bring myself to like women very much. Being raised in a household with two elder sisters and one younger made me lose any illusions about them I might've had. You're a man, so I feel much more at ease with you.
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Walter/Konishi Katsuyuki/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Troupe's Vice-Leader is a Fisherman's Boy
Lunchtime in Jinbocho
Before the recording session at 2:00, we sated our hunger at a famous ramen shop near the studio. It was before work, so when the call came he asked for "Veggies, salty!"*. *[TN: Referring to infamous chain Ramen Jiro, where you have to make your topping orders very fast-- "Garlic! Veggies! Fat! Salty!"]
This time Konishi Katsuyuki, who plays Walter, is recording. He's a remarkable actor who works as the vice-leader of a theatrical troupe in addition to performing many roles as a voice actor.
He's also tall and has refreshing looks. How many things has heaven blessed him with? The photo below was taken before recording.
We gave him a summary of this SMT title and an explanation of his character. During the prep meeting, we found out that he's an avid gamer. After enduring the worry that we'd lose track of time talking about games with him, I attended the recording session.
A Chaotic Recording
The recording session reached new heights of chaos. The script he was given was full of missing pages.
Walter boasts the most voice lines out of any character, which means that reviewing the script takes up a lot of time as-is.
Perhaps this was the work of a certain bigwig demon he also plays.
Now this is Acting!
To the left, you can see Konishi recreating a scene where Walter, due to a certain event, vents his emotions to Jonathan, who should have been his friend. His clenched fist represents the katana Walter holds during the scene.
It once again drove home to me that voice acting isn't just about reading lines, but performance.
A Brief Rest
The recording actually lasted five hours.
But today's work only amounted to about 60% of the voices he's been assigned to do. The rest would be recorded at a later date.
Dinnertime in Jinbocho
It was dinnertime by the time we left the recording studio.
The scene where Walter enjoys breakfast with his friends crossed my mind, and even though I hadn't decided on dinner yet, I chose to have bread for breakfast the next day, and hurried home.
02_01 [Katsuyuki Konishi] Yes! Thank you! Hello! I'm Konishi Katsuyuki! I play the part of Walter. Right, anyway, Walter, he doesn't talk very nice, but he's a great guy at heart. How do I put this, he's a very human character. He openly expresses the things that most people hide, and if everyone sees that they might be a little turned off by it; but he's very honest; he's a good boy. So I hope you enjoy him a lot. Honestly, I think it's a pretty wonderful thing! Please see him in action in SMT 4!
02_02 [Walter] Enough of that "Ooh, you'll catch cold!" drivel, Jonathan, you sound like a naggy old wife. I can't abide being constricted, this chest must stay bared!
02_03 [Walter] I'll only say this if you promise not to tell anyone! Cats, I just love 'em. When I see one outside, I can't help but crouch down and give it some pets! Wait, no. I mean, listen, I can't stand fish. And they can take it off my hands, can't they? That's why I love cats. Right.
02_04 [Walter] "What is this world without God's order? We don't need any excess of individuality." There are some who say this, but I wonder if they even know where their own heads are at.
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Isabeau/Sawashiro Miyuki/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Sole Lady Samurai is Bilingual
Taking the Subway to the Studio
We boarded the subway from Sangenjaya, where the company building is located. The studio we headed to is in Jinbocho.
The laptop I was carrying holds the data for all the scripts used in recording. If this laptop gets stolen, you can be sure a written apology won't save me. Preparing for unforeseen circumstances, I made sure to keep my nerves sharp even while I was on the move.
Today's recording was with Sawashiro Miyuki. I'm not familiar with the voice acting industry, but even I know her name. I also know she's proficient in English.
She gives a quiet impression, but has a fair amount of presence. I felt the awe you'd get from a still body of water holding back a raging current.
Before recording, we gave an explanation of her character, Isabeau. But she understood the character perfectly. I spend most of my time silently working at the development offices, and I'm not good at conversation, so nothing made me more grateful than this.
A Consummate Performance
Her performance plan was even more perfect.
Not only did she nail the image of Isabeau we had in mind, she polished it even further, without any need for retakes. As Isabeau, she conveyed merry excitement, and acted with bizarrely high energy after inhaling gas.
So many new expressions of Isabeau were given life that couldn't be conveyed through text alone. If at all possible, I'd like to progress the story together with Isabeau, without having to part ways.
The End of Recording
Her recording session ended without incident.
She briskly left the studio to go to her next job.
Back to the Office
I stopped back by the office to prepare the materials for tomorrow's recording sessions.
I was met with the envious gazes of staff who were knowledgeable about voice acting, having become "the guy who got a conversation out of Sawashiro Miyuki".
03_01 [Miyuki Sawashiro] Hello everyone, I'm Sawashiro Miyuki. Isabeau, who I play, is a very strong girl, one of the few to become a Samurai, and she works hard to stand on equal footing with men in a society where she's expected to walk one step behind. In present-day terms, she's like a career woman working hard on the forefront of things. She may not seem like it at first glance, but she's a girl with a very focused will. Definitely play the game and see for yourself how she turns out.
03_02 [Isabeau] Your hairstyle is called a "ponytail", correct? Maybe I should grow out my own hair. I wonder if it'd suit me.
03_03 [Isabeau] "So we're talking like, super lame, but so lame it makes me laugh my ass off, yanno?" It seems this dialect was common in Tokyo once, but how exactly does one laugh off an ass?* *[TN: in jpn Isabeau's confusion revolves around the phrase 'gyaku ni ukeru'. "gyaku ni" can mean "in reverse" but also "on the other hand", and "ukeru" can mean "to find funny" but also "to take", so Isabeau's confused by the slang-- she thinks the person with the 'accent' possesses something that is backwards, and she doesn't know what.]
03_04 [Isabeau] I must tell you something very important. You mustn't go spreading it around. When I think of that one special gentleman, it makes me want to have a romance so enthralling I can't even take my meals! But it's not an easy one, maybe let's say, our parents are both opposed to it. And this is where it really gets good! Finally, after so much deliberation, we choose to elope and-- Excuse me, I got rather carried away. I suppose before all that I need to experience love for myself first.
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Navarre/Ōhata Shintarō/Forbidden Anonymous Report
Behold a Gallant Man Who's So Hard to Hate That You Can't Help But Hate Him!
A Quick Lunch Between Recordings
This morning we managed to finish recording one voice actor's lines without incident. Two more are scheduled for the day.
To the right you can see me having lunch before the next session. It wasn't very good manners, but I also went over the scripts we'd be using that afternoon.
Even a Problem Child Outside the Game
It was actually pretty rough going selecting Navarre's voice actor.
The development staff had varying opinions on just how annoying Navarre should be, and we couldn't quite seem to figure out an image we could all agree on.
Then we borrowed some wisdom from the director of the recording studio. On the basis of this recommendation, we listened to some sample voices, and decided to have Ōhata Shintarō play Navarre.
He came without a moment's delay. He was unpretentious and very friendly. To the right you can see him doing a promotional autograph. He handles the pen so smoothly. Navarre could learn a thing or two from him.
Thanks to his acting chops, Navarre became many times more enjoyable than we originally planned.
If that pen was a sword, Ōhata would be a remarkable Samurai.
A Happy Accident
Ōhata's Navarre went above and beyond what I had imagined. The director was right on the money.
The likeability he brings to Navarre will make his tragic fate stand out all the more.
A Quick Break
The session ended faster than planned. This is yet another one of his skills.
We saw him off from the studio.
A Luxurious Time
Thanks to him, we had some extra time before the next session. We took a short break with some coffee, courtesy of the studio staff.
This must be what it's really like to live as a Luxuror.
04_01 [Navarre] Whuh?!
04_02 [Navarre] If there aren't any demons it'll all be fine… And there aren't any demons in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado…
04_03 [Navarre] [Mindbroken laughter]
The COOL☆ Way to Throw a Tantrum
You're on break with your close friends, and you want to get curry for lunch, but everyone else is fine with going to the convenience store. These moves will come in handy in such situations.
Move 1: The Paper Sheet
Stand with your arms relaxed. It's easier to move if you lower your center of gravity.
Vigorously push either one of your shoulders to the front, like you're hitting something.
Stick out your arm, letting it move with the force of your shoulder. Twist your upper body around while doing this. Now do the same thing with your other side.
Repeat while whining. You don't necessarily have to use your words, just make sure to convey your intent.
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Protagonist/Kaji Yūki/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Leading Role
We spent almost the whole day immersed in work.
The last voice actor didn’t have that many lines to record. We planned for the recording time to total less than two hours.
I felt a premature sense of relief.
The Players had Unexpected Knowledge and Wisdom
Nothing’s been published on the official site yet, so I was surprised by how many people online guessed correctly.
Today we’ll be introducing Kaji Yūki, who plays the protagonist.
The Character of a Samurai
I was struck by his inquisitive gaze as we explained the concept of a protagonist who recruits enemy demons, and the mythological origins of the major demons who stand in his way.
I could already feel the character of a Samurai radiating from the way he refused to shrink before demons.
Surely it’s a quality the Gauntlet wouldn’t overlook.
The Personality of ‘No Personality’
SMT puts emphasis on the player being the protagonist.
So we had to give him the unreasonable order of displaying heroism without displaying too much individuality.
To be honest, taking his presence and his voice’s impact into account, I felt a touch nervous before the recording.
But his knack for restraint was superb.
Given his ability to understand our angle and promptly execute it, I believe all his stats would be very high.
Abundant Variations
The majority of the protagonist’s lines are short phrases, such as the “Yahh!” when he swings his sword and his “Ugh!” when he takes damage.
He gave as many “Yahh!”s and “Ugh!”s as the recording time permitted. His excellent performance sparked a passion in me as I gave the orders.
To the right, you can see me striking a pose to explain the nuances of the protagonist’s voice when he lands after falling from a great height.
A Rich Recording Session
During his recording, I didn’t just use my head, but my body, to convey the nuance of his lines.
Despite the short recording time, I had a rich and extremely rewarding sense of exhaustion by the end.
Feeling a bit of discomfort in my thighs due to lack of daily exercise, I left the recording studio.
05_01 [Yuki Kaji] Hello everyone, it's Kaji Yuki. Some of you have probably guessed who I'm playing. I'm the protagonist! In SMT the protagonist represents the player themselves, so I tried hard to make my performance cool without bringing in too much invidiuality and spoiling the player's sense of identification. This game is a story of the choices the protagonist makes. Please weave the tale of SMT 4 with those choices, everyone.
05_02 [Flynn] [Dying Flynn noises]
05_03 [Flynn] Summon!
05_04 [Flynn] [Climbing grunting Flynn noises]
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Issachar/Maeno Tomoaki/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Bass-Voiced, Reliable Childhood Friend
The Character’s Role
Issachar is the first character whose face you see.
In the game’s setting he plays the role of the protagonist’s childhood friend, while simultaneously bearing the responsibility of a guide, easing the players into the game’s world.
So Issachar is a very important character.
We put a lot of thought into selecting his voice actor and the phrasing of his lines, so that he’d appeal to a wide range of players.
Reliable Performance
Since Issachar acts as a guide, he has to be a character that the players will want to take along with them.
Maeno Tomoaki, Issachar’s voice actor, conveys that dependability with his powerful bass voice. I’m sure he’ll be able to comfortably guide the players into the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado.
Although Issachar doesn’t have many lines, he’s a character with turbulent emotions, going from speaking in a gentle tone to suddenly violently raising his voice.
The above photograph shows him just before he does Issachar’s dying scream. The sudden change in him left me awestruck.
I was so transfixed that I forgot to take a photo……
A Tearful Farewell
This is a photo of us after recording.
It was taken after the scene where Issachar, choked by tears, pours out his emotions.
It’s easier to make a middle-aged man cry than I thought. His tears became my own as I saw him off.
06_01 [Issachar] Haha! I suppose so.
06_02 [Issachar] I'll have my vengeance!
06_03 [Issachar] Shall we?
The COOL☆ Way to Catch Change with Your Feet
We drop our change at vending machines a good deal more often than we’d like to admit.
We’ll introduce a COOL way to deal with this situation.
Move 2: The Chicken
Stick your lower back out behind you. Keep your upper body as still as possible, and…
Rotate your lower back to the other side from behind.
Use the force of your rotating orbit to raise your leg. Fix your aim on the change at your feet…
And twist your leg as you stomp on it. Don’t let your prey escape.
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Akira/Gōda Hozumi/Forbidden Anonymous Report
You Won’t Find These Two On the Website
The Joys of the Job
Game development is harsh work that exhausts and burdens one’s mind and body. One page isn’t enough to convey how painful it is.
But there are joys I’d never experience if not for this job. This time, Gōda Hozumi, who plays the two Akiras, is recording.
There might be readers unfamiliar with ‘Akira’.
Because of the timing of his appearance, and to maintain the balance of the work’s setting, the two Akiras aren’t introduced on the official website.
I’ve known about Gōda since I was little, when he played the role of a perfect soldier.* *[TN: Chirico Cuvie, from Armored Trooper Votoms.]
I really admire him, and in my humble opinion the character he played is one of anime’s top three handsome men of all time. So I’m a lot more tense than usual, and during the briefing my words seem to get stuck in my throat.
The two Akiras he plays are an Akira with an aura of Law, and another with an aura of Chaos.
The tricky thing about this role was how he had to play, fundamentally, the same “Akira”, while still bringing out the differences between the two.
Truly Perfect
Just so I’m making it clear.
Both Akiras became deeply impressive characters thanks to his performance.
In-game, when you find yourself about to press the remote control’s switch, that means you’ll meet Akira very soon.
Normie Experience
You can see a photo of the two of us to the left.
I never imagined I’d be taking a photo with “the man on the TV” I looked up to as a child.
In this moment I felt, from the bottom of my heart, how happy I was to have this job.
The End of Recording
On the way home, for no real reason, I checked today’s horoscope on my cellphone.
It seemed like my sign was in the lowest-ranked position. My career luck was especially bad. After today, I knew that couldn’t be true.
I smiled and followed the route home.
07_01 [Blasted Akira] Your faces tell me you have no idea what's going on. That's understandable. There's no need to worry, we aren't your enemies.
07_02 [Infernal Akira] Oh yeah, lemme ask, where you guys from? I mean, not like it really matters.
07_03 [Both] [Blasted Akira]: We'll make sure your efforts are remembered till the end of time. Farewell, Messiahs. [Infernal Akira]: Damn, you guys are something! That's my Intruders for ya!
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Hikaru/Inoue Marina/Forbidden Anonymous Report
A “Light” Hidden by a Uniform
Trouble Brewing
The problems that occurred during Inoue Marina’s recording session almost broke my heart.
In the middle of recording, we found out that a crucial scene with Hikaru was missing from the script.
A certain somebody must have been present at the recording. We wouldn’t be able to do this the easy way.
Handling it Cooler than Cocytus
At this point she had already recorded Hikaru’s lines and started on our old friend’s. Changing characters in the middle of recording can really disrupt the flow of an actor’s performance plan.
After she finished the lines for our old friend, we’d have to have her do Hikaru once again. In contrast to my panicked state, she understood the situation without once breaking her beautiful composure.
Our friend is very reliable indeed. While she was playing this character, I had to work out appropriate lines for Hikaru while checking her performance at the same time.
Borrowing Our Old Friend’s Knowledge and Wisdom
After that phase of recording ended, we went back to recording Hikaru. She helped us out with the parts of the script we had issues with.
With her suggestions, we managed to record some very nicely fitting lines. I came to know firsthand the magnificence of the knowledge and wisdom our friend gave humanity.
A Stormy Recording
She gave us an autograph for promotional use. She then left the studio for her next assignment.
The studio was once again calm, as if our earlier troubles had never happened. This time around, in the words of a certain entertainer, “my stomach turned to friggin’ ice!”.* *[TN: Yamashita Kenji, a personality appearing on entertainer Matsuko Deluxe's variety program Out Deluxe. Notable for his unusually squeaky voice. The line in question is 肝を冷やしたぜ!]
08_01 [Hikaru] I wonder how it'll look if we take a walk together? We can go arm in arm if you like. Hold hands, too. Squeeze them, like a couple. I'll do anything you want… As long as you hold my interest.
08_02 [Hikarucifer] The nail that sticks out is hammered down in the human world, yet in the end it's king-of-the-hill: the winners rise by process of elimination. See Tayama; he has no power, but he draws the people's ire by making more of a display of it than he needs to. Charming, as long as this game goes on, but I can't leave him be if he goes too far.
08_03 [Marina Inoue] I'm Inoue Marina, who plays Hikaru. Hi! Hikaru looks like a very normal high school girl, but is she really? Right. I guess she's a very odd presence in SMT 4's world, which raises a lot of mysteries around her, but definitely play the game, discover it for yourself, and you'll be like, 'Oh, so that's how it is!' Please have fun playing SMT 4! Thank you!
The COOL☆ Way to Push a Button
Buttons may seem like they’re at a disadvantage with the advent of touch panels, but we still have many opportunities to push them.
These moves will turn your everyday button-pushing into COOL button-pushing.
Move 3: The Point
Set your hand at the edge of your shoulder. Put your fingers in the pointing position.
Using your elbow as a fulcrum, stick your hand forward without breaking the position of your fingers. Lean your upper body forward a bit.
You can also do it with the opposite hand, with many variations depending on which direction you’re pointing.
Or do it from the side. There are as many ways to point as there are people.
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Tayama/Ōtsuka Hochū/Forbidden Anonymous Report
A Rock-Solid Image Even Before Recording
Unanimous Agreement
Tayama’s role of the ‘lovable enemy’ is a difficult one to pull off. But it was surprisingly easy to decide who we wanted to play him. Basically everyone agreed.
I actually wrote Tayama’s lines with Ōtsuka Hochū firmly in mind even before we decided on him.
I even listened to his acting in other works he’d been in while I was writing. So, ironically, I actually couldn’t believe it when I heard he was officially selected for the role.
He’s played many memorable villains, like the pilot of a Mobile Suit equipped with a weapon called the “Sea Snake”*, and the final boss of the second movie in a series about drunken martial arts.**
[TN: *Yazan Gable from Zeta Gundam, who pilots the Mobile Suit Hambrabi.
**John, an enforcer for the British consul in Drunken Master II. (Of course, just the dubbing, he's not the actual actor.)]
To be honest, I was a little nervous about actually meeting him.
A Gentle Aura
He had a very gentle aura about him when he arrived at the studio.
I could feel my tension melt away in front of him, like a detoxifying lotion.
Lovable Villain
Thanks to his acting, Tayama became even more persuasive than we thought. His voice has the power to make even Tayama’s inhuman methods seem reasonable.
Tayama is more than simply “the tyrant who rules Tokyo”, and Otsuka was able to bring out that appeal even more.
Sharing Drinks
I asked for a photo after recording. Taking Tayama’s character into account, we tried doing a photo of us ‘exchanging sake cups’.
But I was overwhelmed by his presence, and got nervous again. Maybe the senior Samurai in Roppongi ended up that way for the same reason.
I felt like I’d touched the aura of somebody really amazing.
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09_01 [Tayama] If I went around looking like a bum, my men would lose their ambition. This way, even with Tokyo in the state it is, you know you can dress sharp and drink your fill of good booze twice a week. I know if everyone in Tokyo heard this they'd really chew me out, but it's a lot to put up with on my end too. I'm really more of a 'wolf down some egg on rice wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants' kinda guy.
09_02 [Hochu Otsuka] Hello, I'm Otsuka Hochu, who plays Tayama. He's one of them yakuzas, but I played him with the image of a slick, smart guy-- a guy who keeps some sharp fangs hidden, who glimpses people's weaknesses-- in mind. A sharp guy who used that rottenness and dirtiness unique to adults to crawl from society's dregs to the peak. He might be a character who grown up players can find surprisingly sympathetic. I know he's a scary middle aged dude, but why don't you join him and think about the future of SMT 4's Tokyo?
9_03 [Tayama] 'Scuse me? You're telling me you can't meet the Reds quota? I've said it a million times, if it looks bad, you gotta report to me with a contingency plan. You know, kidnap some poor sap from the underground, turn yourself into Reds material, that kinda thing. Now I'm not saying you have to just go off and do that. But when you make a report, I better hear you say "We won't be able to meet the quota! In the worst case scenario I will gladly become the Reds myself!", capiche?
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The Black Samurai and Gabby/Tanaka Atsuko/Forbidden Anonymous Report
Devilish Female Characters
There’s an expression, “devilish”*, that’s sometimes used to describe a woman. *[TN: The word used, Mashō, literally means ‘devilish’, with the specific connotation of an alluring sexiness.]
During this recording, I found myself in the direct presence of that devilishness. If there were an app that could evaluate devilishness, how many points would she get?
Devilish Beings Taking Human Forms
The Black Samurai and Gabby, who Atsuko Tanaka plays, are unique characters. They appear to be human on the outside, but there’s an inhuman quality we want to emphasize in every one of their lines.
We wouldn’t be able to do this without her skill and devilish appeal.
A Soft Demeanor
I got a very mellow impression from her.
Before recording, I was encouraged by how she said “Just let me know if you have any requests”.
A Gentle Aura
During recording, her demeanor was so cool and dignified that it’d be easy to fall in love with her even if she was a man.
If someone like the crossdressing beauty in V◯rbara* really existed, they would probably be a lot like her.
*[TN: Oscar from Rose of Versailles. You should know this.]
You can feel this devilish allure from both characters. It’s no wonder the people of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado were led astray by the Black Samurai.
Innumerable Kinds of Devilishness Within Her
We got a promotional autograph from her after recording was finished.
She was very gentle-mannered, in stark contrast to the dignified aura she had during recording. I felt that there were innumerable different kinds of devilishness within her (in a good way).
It makes you wonder if the devilishness you can feel in these characters is something that comes from Tanaka herself.
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10_01 [Gabby] Hm? You'd like to share breakfast with me? It would be an honor. I was thinking I'd like to talk with you if I had the chance. You must have all manner of things to think about in the course of your duties each day. I can be your listener if it isn't any trouble. Why don't we share our time as fellow members of God's chosen?
10_02 [Yuriko] It doesn't give me too much grief when I actually wear it, but shame on humans for making this Demonica thing. Oh, you over there, if you've got the time, could you help me take this off? It gets so tight around the chest. Why don't I add it to your quests? Oh, I know you'll accept. Hehehe.
10_03 [Gabriel] Shene Duque is the land of beginning, where your ancestors who once spurned His works alit on the earth anew. Thus from this land shall the new Millennium be built… With you, who have hearkened to the voice of the angel who speaketh His word.
10_04 [Atsuko Tanaka] I'm Tanaka Atsuko. I played two female characters, Gabby and Yuriko, in SMT 4. Their personalities and alignment are polar opposites, so I played them while digging deep into my own lawful and chaotic sides. Maybe this game will create an opportunity for all the players to confront their own selves. Is your alignment Law? Chaos? Or…?
[Editor note: Tanaka Atsuko sadly passed away in August of 2024. She also voiced Lilith in SMTV:Vengeance]
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Hope/Nakai Kazuya/Forbidden Anonymous Report
Sympathizing with the Grief of Middle Management
I also found myself in a central position where I was put in charge of and had to give directions to the staff who drew up the in-story events.
Which is to say, I’m a middle manager pushed down by the higher-ups and pressured by the people under me. It’s a tough place to be.
This is a game where the player becomes the “protagonist character” and fights demons. But when I take my own circumstances into account, I can’t seem to take my eyes off what Hope is doing.
Is this the Studio or my House?
It may be because he provides the narration for various morning infotainment programs, but even though this was our first time meeting, I was already used to his voice.
Listening to him as he did the promotional autograph, for a moment, I thought I was in my own living room watching TV.
Truly the Ideal Boss
In the course of the story, the protagonist leaves the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado and has to perform new duties in Tokyo.
The story itself doesn’t go into details, but while the protagonist is gone, Hope makes strenuous efforts to defend the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado.
He has the great pride of devoting himself to behind-the-scenes work so his subordinates can fulfill a great task.
Thanks to Nakai, Hope’s “Ideal Boss” concept was made into a reality.
The Road to Being the Ideal Boss is Long
By the time recording ended and we saw him off, it was already past 9:00. Even then, the story event staff was probably hard at work back at the office.
I was planning on going straight home from the studio, but now I thought I’d drop by the office and give them some snacks…… Unfortunately, the next day’s recording was scheduled early, so I had to go home after all.
If Hope was real, I’d definitely want him to give me some training too.
11_01 [Hope] You. Good timing. I want you to sit down a minute and listen to me talk about the old times. I left a woman in my hometown. A slight one, with a bit of a curl in her hair. My beloved. Haven't been able to send her so much as a letter since the day I became a Samurai. No, here I am throwing the ring I was supposed to give her into Naraku every year for the Prentices' training. Being blessed with outstanding men can be a trouble in its own right.
11_02 [Kazuya Nakai] I'm Nakai Kazuya, I played Hope. He's a rather unlucky adult character who's revered by his peers for his ability, but isn't valued by society at large because his inability to bend his convictions makes him a bit pigheaded and awkward. He shows a brusque, taciturn, and strict side, but on the inside he's quietly full of passion and concern for his subordinates. I played him with the image of the ideal commander everyone has in their heads. He doesn't get very much screentime, but he has a lot of flavor as a character, so please go meet him in SMT 4.
11_03 [Hope] Listen here, you. I can't say I find it very admirable that you're spending your off day mewed up in the barracks. Come, if leisure is too much for you to handle, I'll give you some training. Take off your coat and come to the Aquila Statue Plaza.
The COOL☆ Way to Pick Out a DVD
DVD stores are a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. You don’t want to take your eyes from the shelves for a moment, lest you miss out on an unexpected meeting with a masterpiece.
Here are some moves that will help you out at such times.
Move 4: The Crab
Stand by with your toes turned inward. Keeping your knees turned inward is also a good idea.
Open your legs, shifting your weight to the heel of the foot pointed in the direction you want to go, and to the toes of the opposite foot.
When you lift your foot it’ll look like this. As you move, keep alternating your weight between the heels and toes of your left and right feet.
Shift your weight again and return to the first position. Repeat, moving sideways. You’ll never miss that actress’ new movie now.
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Hugo/Tadano Yōhei/Forbidden Anonymous Report
Not Just “Another Hired Gun”* *[TN: Tadano Yohei’s name, 多田野曜平, is a homonym for ただの傭兵, ‘just another mercenary’.]
Hugo’s voice actor, Tadano Yōhei, was a pretty unique individual. As soon as we met, I was hit with a preemptive strike: he introduced himself as “tada no yōhei”, just another hired gun.
I could tell he wasn’t “just another” guy at all.
Eyes on my Head
We explained Hugo’s concept to him before recording.
During my explanation, even as he listened to me, I noticed that his gaze drifted to the top of my head multiple times.
Adding More Lines
When it was decided he’d play Hugo, the development staff felt a sense of regret. You see, Hugo didn’t have nearly enough scenes. We wouldn’t be able to fully convey the appeal of a Hugo played by Tadano.
Despite the difficulty of making large-scale revisions given our schedule, we increased the number of events Hugo appeared in, and drew up some new quests focused on him.
Among the staff, Hugo has a solid position in the popularity rankings, even moreso than the female characters, who are all pretty high up there. This is also thanks to his voice.
Trembling from the Seriousness
This next photo shows him acting out another character related to Hugo, just before you enter into battle with him. *[TN: Most likely King Ahazuya Mikado-- He's played with a lower-pitched voice, but its tone and quality makes me fairly certain it's Tadano]
He gave a serious performance, as far from Hugo as you could imagine. I trembled at that quiet air of intimidation that lulls whoever listens to it into despair.
A Friendly Chat After Recording
After recording, he told me he had a request. I readily consented, saying I’d do whatever I could.
He’d had his eye on something since before recording started. If this’ll make him happy, it’s no problem for me.
I attained a heartfelt understanding of how a certain anpan-headed hero feels.* *[TN: Anpanman. You really should know this.]
12_01 [Hugo] In truth, we of the Monastery have been conducting excavations of Naraku ever since King Aquila founded the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado 1500 years ago. Yet every one of those daft Samurai speaks of our many accomplishments in Naraku as if they were their own deeds! No one would have even conceived of forming the Samurai if not for us!
12_02 [Hugo] In this kingdom, the fruits that come of researching Tokyo net you more praise than doing battle with demons all day. Thus I left the Samurai and joined the Monastery, even as my brethren-in-arms all scorned me as a coward. Now I'm the Abbot, and even the Samurai must act as I will it! And yet I feel a hollowness sometimes. I've lived my life prey to the whims of my own avarice; I've never learned what it is that I truly must do. I envy, yet resent my Commander-- I mean, Hope, for how he lives with such unwavering conviction. [TN: Hugo calls Hope 'Hope-kun', implying that he sees him as a subordinate, or at least tries to act like it. idk how to carry over the nuance?]
12_03 [Hugo] It seems in Tokyo there was once a dish called sweet-and-sour pork. I'm told the meat was fried together with vegetables and even fruit, and mixed with a sweet, mildly sour sauce. Isn't fruit supposed to be eaten as dessert? And what's meant by "sweet and mildly sour"? Does the sweetness win out in the end, or is the flavor more acidic? It's all very bizarre. I can't say it doesn't fascinate me, this pork.
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Fujiwara/Morita Junpei/Forbidden Anonymous Report
From the Ward Junior High to the Coffee Shop
This installment’s voice actor is active in many other areas besides games. He really does have a wide range, from anime to dubbing to theater.
Morita Junpei, who plays Fujiwara, also played “Kan-Kan from math class” in a nationally famous school drama. *[TN: Morita played Inui-Sensei, nicknamed "Kan-Kan from math class" in the long-running Kinpachi-Sensei series. His nickname comes from an alternate reading of his name, and his short-tempered (kan-kan) personality.]
A Very Well-Suited Role
All of the voice actors are people I’m meeting for the very first time at the recording studio.
It’s natural that when they get cast, I’m not going to know what kind of people they are.
But even though he looks different, Morita felt just like Fujiwara himself.
He’s a mature fellow with an intellectual and gentle demeanor, but the discretion to not make a big show of it.
It Feels Just Like a Cafe
Morita loves conversation very much. During the pre-recording briefing, he told me about the frontman of a well-known guitar rock band some of you may know as “Shikerona”.* *[TN: This was a misspelling, probably deliberate, but it's supposed to be "Shinaroke"-- Sheena and the Rokkets. Fujiwara was based on frontman Makoto Ayukawa, who sadly passed away in 2023.]
It seems like he’s very good friends with him. Coincidentally, Fujiwara was based on that musician.
Our conversation grew even more enlivened. The briefing’s mood was supremely relaxed, just like Cafe Florida. I found myself unconsciously reaching for imaginary snacks in front of me.
An Artisan’s Technique
What struck me was his magnificent way of utilizing pauses.
Fujiwara is meant to search out and get a feel for whoever he’s talking with without saying much himself. Morita conveyed this through exquisitely timed pauses.
His technique as an artisan shined even within his relaxed manner.
Making Balanced Decisions
Fujiwara doesn’t have very much screentime at all. This means you could easily reach the ending without even touching on Fujiwara’s real motives.
You should definitely try to make balanced decisions and conquer your feelings of despair. Then Fujiwara just might open his heart to you, using the power of Morita’s voice.
13_01 [Fujiwara] Hey, Skins. You're looking a little long in the tooth lately! The corners of your eyes are all droopy now, like in one of those idol groups from this one country back in the day. Maybe time to think about a facelift? I can give you one if you're jealous. Aw, what's with the face? Bet it's 'cause you don't know where they messed up with it!
13_02 [Fujiwara] I've lost all my appetite with age. A drink, a cig, piece of a biscuit, and brother, I've got myself a dinner. But back when I was a company man, I duped my coworker Kelly so I could eat at this yakiniku joint in Roppongi three times a week at my employer's expense.
13_03 [Junpei Morita] Morita Junpei here. I play a character called Fujiwara. He's the man with the cigarette and coffee cup who's always at the cafe. He used to be a newspaper reporter and he went through a whole lot in the past, but I tried to play him as sort of detached and easygoing, without letting that show on the surface too much. Also, his friendliness and that kind of thing. Depending on how you progress through the game, there's a route where you get to find out about the hopes and sorrows he's had since he was younger, so if you haven't seen it yet, please try and adventure through every nook and cranny of SMT 4's world.
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Skins/Yamaji Kazuhiro/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Dandy Comes to Town
When I was a teenager, I had a sense, albeit vague, of wanting to become a “cool adult”. But even as I near my 40s, I still don’t know what you need to be “cool”.
But when I met Yamaji Kazuhiro, who plays Skins, I think I began to understand a little.
Exuding Presence
Skins was written as taciturn to begin with, but he doesn’t have much screentime either.
I tried to give each and every one of his lines a lot of weight so that he would make a bigger impression. Adding Yamaji’s performance into the mix, Skins stands out far more than we initially planned.
He Can Play Around, Too
Yamaji doesn’t operate on presence alone.
When Skins asks the protagonist the name of a certain character, you’ll get to see a unique reaction from him if you enter a certain string of letters.
On his recommendation, the content of his lines in that scene became more comical than we initially planned. I take my hat off to his playful spirit.
Definitely enter “Masa****” when you get the chance.
How to be a Cool Adult
He joined us for a post-recording photoshoot. He proposed that we both make “cool faces”.
Being photographed with him, I felt like I got closer to being a “cool adult”. I think I still have a ways to go before I can really become one.
I want to think that I got a little bit closer from realizing that.
14_01 [Skins] When I see you I think of this one kid I worked with in my old unit. Had these two friends he was always with, just like you with Jonathan and Walter. What were their names again… Oh, right. One guy was a little too much of a people-pleaser. Had some real backbone though. He was Kiyoharu. The other was a rough, wild type, but real compassionate when he wanted to be. That was Kenji.
14_02 [Skins] The guy who first proposed building the Yamato Perpetual Reactor was the Minister of Defense. Said Japan was weak, didn't have enough stamina, and if we wanted to catch up we'd need a perpetual-motion plasma reactor. He drew up the perfect plan to make this Yamato Reactor a reality. But it was actually a means of staging a coup d'etat, to purge the incompetent politicians resigned to selling our country out to the ones who financially dominated us. He was a brave but pitiful man who got swallowed up by the lust called patriotism. His dying screams as he fell to the demons still ring in my ears.
14_03 [Skins] I remember these rumors that started going around way back when the Counter-Demon Force was first established, about the source of the Demon-Summoning Program. Thought we'd summon some demons with it and put 'em to use as weapons anyway. I mean look, this thing, if you got the most bleeding-edge tech in the world back then, you still couldn't even come close to developing it. And that means you've got everyone talking about some broad out there providing our country with supertechnology.
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Stephen (or rather... Steven) /Chō/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Father of the Demon Summoning Program
When I had to stay home sick early in elementary school, I saw a young man on the TV, who moved to Nagano Prefecture to pursue his dream of running a store.
I can still clearly remember how he worked hard at his delivery job with his beloved bicycle, and how between deliveries, he would make maps of his routes and introduce the places on them.* *[TN: Cho played the main character in the television series Tanken! Boku no Machi.]
To think I’d be able to meet him in a situation like this.
So Many Mysteries
Some of you may know this, but for a little while there was a rumor that Chō was dead.
Steven, who developed and spread the Demon Summoning Program for the sake of humanity’s potential while losing his own physical form, is one of the most unusual characters in the game.
Chō and Steven are both shrouded in mystery.
How he was chosen to play Steven is a mystery in its own right.
The Father of Steven
Even though Steven has appeared many times in the series so far, the truth of his character remains unknown.
So even the development team struggled to work out Steven’s nuances. This is why we decided to leave it to Chō to depict Steven’s image.
His performance was gentle, but with a sense of overwhelming scale, as if he had descended from on high.
Chō is the father of Steven, so to speak.
His Smile Hadn’t Changed a Bit
After recording, he joined us for a photoshoot.
He gave us an innocent smile, just like the one I remember from elementary school.
15_01 [Steven] I remember a movie about a group of astronauts killed by an artificial intelligence they themselves developed. That's humanity for you; they'll sacrifice everything for demons and gods they birthed from their own imaginations, and lose themselves completely in the process. But that purity is humanity's greatest strength and its greatest weakness; it's exactly what makes humans human. [TN: obviously, he is talking about 2001: A Space Odyssey]
15_02 [Steven] With you it was Naraku, and I think with the other you it was the Harajuku police station. The first time we met I believe it was, "Will you find a ray of hope in a place the sun doesn't reach?". Now that fits the description of a certain somebody who hacked the Ministry of Defense's PCs to distribute the Demon Summoning Program, heh heh heh heh.
15_03 [Steven] Technically speaking, I used to be STEVEN, but you can still call me that, I won't mind. But let me just say that it's SteVEN; not PHEN, VEN. Say it with your teeth on your lower lip; I'd appreciate it. Up to you, though. [Editor note: The fictional SMT character was known as STEVEN in Japanese (and changed to the written form of スティーブン in SMT4/A albeit still officially romanized as STEVEN). However, the English localization spelled his name as "Stephen" because well, Stephen Hawking. Whether this distinction was intentional from the start from the Japanese side or this was a reversal Herlock Sholmes situation, who knows. Either way, his name is pronounced the same in both languages]
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Mido/Chafūrin/Forbidden Anonymous Report
Human or Demon?
At first Mido didn’t even have a portrait, and wasn’t counted among the characters with unique voice actors.
But the demon fusion system is the jewel of this entry, and the staff in charge of system development wanted to make it stand out.
Taking their wishes into consideration, we decided to have Chafūrin play Mido.
Refined Uniqueness
To say nothing of his voice, Chafūrin’s hair and clothes are very refined, and he has an exceedingly stylish sense of presence.
In spite of myself, I couldn’t help but have big expectations for Mido’s recording.
Stylish and Crazy
Mido is already a character who would willingly give up his own humanity, so he isn’t exactly in his right mind.
The Mido Chafūrin played during the test recording had a much more stylish image than we thought he would.
We gave him a rundown of the image we had in mind and had him do another performance.
After comparing the two, we decided to proceed with the “stylish and crazy” Mido Chafūrin played.
The Recording was a Battle with My Ab Muscles
Those who know him may understand this already, but Chafūrin’s voice has a strange charm that slowly grows on you.
He has a tendency to boldly exaggerate every bit of Mido’s lines, and you might find yourself about to burst out laughing.
I had to put up with the desperate urge to laugh in the middle of a serious recording, and if it had gone on just a half hour or so longer, my abs might have collapsed.
Just Like Going on a Bar Journey
The recording ended without incident.
We’d gotten to the time of evening where the bars are about to open, so we naturally began talking about alcohol. Like, whether rice or noodles are better for a last meal of the night after a bar crawl.
We began getting deep into topics like whether you should cut shochu with dark or light low-alcohol beer, like in a certain travel program about touring different bars.* *[TN: Yoshida Rui no Sakaba Horoki (Yoshida Rui's Bar Journeys). The Japanese header namedrops it, referring to "Sakaba no Horoki".]
When I remember that conversation, I start wanting to eat vinegared mackerel.
16_01 [Mido] Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather! And congratulations! From this moment on, you'll live within the Extraordinary that lurks in the shadows of the Ordinary! That's right, by activating this app, you've stepped into a zone far beyond the human world!
16_02 [Mido] What do I look like to you? I bet I look like a weird digital geezer. But this form is proof that I successfully grasped the reality of the human mind and transferred my own soul to the Expanse. I'm a superior species of geezer, so to speak. And not only that, I've successfully fused myself with a demon native to the Expanse. Right now you can only see me as an old guy due to issues of data capacity, but if you saw my true form… You'd be too scared to open the app.
16_03 [Mido] When I was young I spent all my time with that Steven, immersed in researching how to convert emotions to digital information. Steven was the one who proposed the theory, but I, Meade Waugh, used my own body to put it into practice and become a cybernetic trailblazer! Goodness gracious, this body is fantastic! Without any pesky human relationships, I never need to worry about getting my suit dry-cleaned! I only regret that I can no longer savor those blissful times when I stuffed my face with vinegared mackerel and washed it down with some dark beer. It still weighs on my mind. [note: his old name seems to be ミード・ウォー? pronounced 'meed woe']
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Masakado/Nakata Jōji/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Majesty of Tokyo’s Guardian Deity
Many readers are probably familiar with Nakata Jōji as the voice of Q, the shopkeeper who sells weapons and armor in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado.
But Q isn’t the only representative character he plays.
Some of you may recognize him as the character responsible for the game taking place in two settings, the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado and Tokyo.
Nakata plays none other than him: Masakado.
Switching Modes Before Recording
In contrast with the humble Q, Masakado is a majestic, imposing character.
Nakata was supposed to do his promotional autograph after all the day’s recording was over, but he asked to do it right after recording Q. He wanted to cut Q’s energy off before going into Masakado’s recording.
I saw his spirit as an actor in this request. I thought an aura of quiet and solemn majesty began to grow from him the more he moved his pen.
Masakado is rooted firmly within him.
A True Guardian Deity
His Masakado was a guardian deity for sure.
Just listening to him, the courage to take on God’s Chariot or the demonic Tyrant wells up within you.
Definitely keep a slot in your stock open when you head for Ginza to bear Tokyo’s hopes on your shoulders.
The Stage for the Battle is Set
This has already been published on paper, but Masakado also has a design from the neck down. If you want to see it……
If you don’t know what we’re talking about, give the information we’ve released up until now another good once-over.
Nakata’s majestic voice just might bear down on the protagonist in hostility this time.
17_01 [Masakado] Behold my form. I am Masakado, guardian of Tokyo and great spirit of earth. The boy entrusted with destiny, the boy who found himself in the Colosseum, the boy who became a demon, or the boy who was once in the Counter-Demon Force… It matters not who you are. If you have become the hopes of the people, I shall follow you.
17_02 [Weapon Shop Guy] You wouldn't think it, but when I was little I too wanted to be a Samurai and fight for the sake of my kingdom. But selling weapons and armor to the blessed Samurai, I have many opportunities to listen to them, and they seem to be having an awful time of it. They worry for their superiors, they worry for those at the Monastery, and of course they worry for their compatriots. I now consider it a blessing I was never chosen by the Gauntlet.
17_03 [Joji Nakata] Hello, I'm Nakata Joji. I think some of you may know this, but I played a cat named Gouto in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha. If you know, you know. He was the cute black cat. Anyway, this time, I played a number of roles in SMT 4, some of which were pretty important! In the game I turn up in many different positions- standing in the players' way in battles, selling weapons and armor, and handing over very important items, so look forward to it. Please fully immerse yourself in the world of SMT 4.
The COOL☆ Way to Jump Over Obstacles
Stepping over the threshold, you find seven enemies.*
*[TN: Reference to a proverb, 男は敷居を跨げば七人の敵あり( “Stepping over the threshold, a man finds seven enemies”). It basically means, keep your wits about you when you grow up and step out of your house and into the world, because you never know who might be out to cause you harm. The “seven” is just a symbolic number standing in for “many”.]
Here are some moves that will allow you to clear any obstacle in the level known as the World.
Move 5: The Shuffle
Obstacle spotted by the wayside. This time we will represent it as a tissue box. Set your direction, and using the foot opposite to this direction to launch yourself…
Jump over the obstacle. The key is to do it without exerting yourself.
And land. At this point, if you’ve already done the steps to make the jump, your landing will be COOL too.
Cross the foot opposite to the one you landed on and strike a pose. You haven’t just jumped over an obstacle now. You’ve jumped over your own limits.
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Burroughs/Kaida Yūko/Forbidden Anonymous Report
The Fairy in the Gauntlet
As soon as you think you can do a surprising amount of things in the world by yourself, you realize that all those things are a pain in the butt.
Even when you eat alone, if you don’t talk with the other people in the store, you’ll have to pick out all the ingredients and seasonings by yourself.
The protagonist of this game must have also had a hard time fulfilling his duty alone.
A Fairy for Real
Burroughs is played by Kaida Yūko.
When she appeared at the recording, she was gorgeous, just like the “fairy” in the Gauntlet.
Burroughs doesn’t just appear in events, she gives you support with the game’s system and the tutorial, and has lines for just about every scene.
We of the development team want the players to have a comfortable experience, and we think that’s best communicated to everyone with a lovely female voice, rather than the deep voice of a middle-aged man.
A Fairy Again
Actually, Kaida did another recording after finishing her work for the game itself. She also did the narration for the promotional videos.
Not just the development team, but the person in charge of promotion took note of her voice’s power of persuasion and Burroughs’ appeal.
Some readers may know this already. The narration for the fourth trailer currently viewable on the website and the title call in the TV commercial is Kaida’s voice.
A Fairy Three Times
She put in a particular amount of effort for the TV commercials.
When the development team got the pilot version, we ended up deciding that we wanted her voice to give it a more mature finish.
She cooperated with us in the midst of her very busy schedule and did a third recording session.
“Shin Megami Tensei IV”. Just to give us that one line.
Until I can be called “Master”
On the left you can see us after recording. We requested a smile for the photoshoot.
In contrast to her unreserved gaze towards the camera for the sake of this request, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t even manage a half smile.
I wonder if I’ll be someone worthy of being called “Master” when the next series title is announced.
18_01 [Burroughs] Lovely weather we're having, Master. On days like these, don't you humans just want to forget about your duties and laze around all day? All right, I'll give you an extra day off. And I'll go tell the Monastery to keep an eye out for a flagrantly falsified report.
18_02 [Yuko Kaida] Hello, I'm Kaida Yuko. I played Burroughs. Will my voice reach Masters all over the country? Burroughs is the character who spends the most time with all the players, so I strived to do a performance that sounded pleasant without too many mannerisms that stood out. A little like a reliable older sister. I'm here to support your comfortable gaming life. Journey onto the stage of SMT 4 with me.
18_03 [Burroughs] This was long before you were born, but the people of Tokyo once used communication equipment similar to Gauntlets in their daily lives. I think they were called smartphones and feature phones?
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We’re at That Point, so Let Me Say it/Almost Time to Move On/Forbidden Anonymous Report
I Know it’s Sudden…
This morning, I got a notice from the higher-ups to complete this blog. Should I take this as a “step up”, or as a “fall back to the center”? This is the story of my own choices.
I know this is sudden, but I’d be happy if you read this report as an editorial postscript.
Take care not to get possessed until the day we meet again.
A Definite Response in the Feedback
This is only within the scope of what I myself have been able to check, so I apologize, but I can definitely feel a surprising response in the support I’ve seen for Isabeau.
Isabeau doesn’t get the indulgent treatment common with female characters in other works. We made sure to always center her character around the themes of the story, and use her concept to discuss those themes.
I’m encouraged by the fact that even though nowadays works are full of female characters who seem to embody male fantasies, with predictable “character types” and excessive attention drawn to their body lines, there are still plenty of users in the market who “get it”.
A Definite Response
Even now, when I look back on the horrors of getting the script done before the deadline, I’m as moved as Hideki* was every time I hear the voices in this work. *[TN: Reference to a commercial for Vermont Curry where singer Hideki Saijo says "Hideki, kangeki!" (Hideki's moved!)]
The staff in charge of game events who skipped their days off to edit the script, the administrative staff who helped send the script out, and the promotional staff who helped out so much preparing the voice material for this blog.
Then, the coordinator, who worked everything out even with the frequent script delays and made these recordings possible. And of course, the voice actors who breathed life into these characters.
To everyone who worked on these recordings……
Thank you!
19_01 [Raphael] I am Raphael. God's solace resounds through my name. I hear that a popular song in your world sings of children of men as flowers, all special in their own way. Indeed, such is the Lord's teaching. All children of men are children of our Lord, equal in His eyes. Thus every one of you is special. [TN: idk which song he's talking about..]
19_02 [Michael] I am Michael. God has no equal; this resounds through my name. If you children of men repeat not the mistakes of your foolish forefathers, if you exalt our Lord Almighty, if you eat not the Forbidden Fruit, no wickedness shall take root within your hearts. O wise ones who hearken to this voice! Will your future hold such glory as befits our apostles in the new Millennium? Or will you suffer God's wrath, laid low at Armageddon and cast out with the Snake?
19_03 [Uriel] I am Uriel. God's fire resounds through my name. If you have heard this voice, you pass muster as a warrior of light on a par with us four Archangels. Do not betray our Lord's expectations. I have wrestled with you children of men and I have delivered you prophecies, but if I find you to be unclean, I will not hesitate to burn your face to ash that I may never see it again.
19_04 [K] Let me recount the legend of a hero passed down in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado-- not one so great as Aquila, mind, but a hero nonetheless. This isn't public knowledge on account of the Monastery's controls, but some decades ago a demon erected a Domain in Naraku. Many Samurai fell prey to this demon. Now the Commander at the time couldn't just leave this matter be, so he let the demon plunge its teeth into his own arm, then took his chance and skewered it, arm and all. The Commander could fight no longer, so he became a tavernkeeper. They say he's there to this day, watching over the young Samurais' progress with his one good eye.
19_05 [Charon] The souls of those who took their own lives wash up here on occasion. And when they get a look at this riverside, it's always the same: "Oh, it wasn't supposed to be this way!" These misguided nuisances choose death on a moment's impulse or out of plain naivete, and all it does is give me more work. You had better believe I charge them a massive return fee. The market price is three times the usual, as compensation for inconvenience.
19_06 [Chiwa Saito] Hee-hello, everybody! I'm Saito Chiwa. I've been here since Soul Hackers. In SMT, I started with the Hee-Ho demons, and I've actually played about five more people-type characters… People-type, that sounds really weird… So I thought it'd be fun if I could do it being conscious of, where am I now?, and all that… Anyway, I did the Hee-hos, and before I started I thought I'd give the voices recorded in Soul Hackers another listen, and thinking I really had to do that myself, it really calmed me down! The game itself is very much for die-hards, but that 'ho! ho!' tic, it's relaxing! I try to really relax and get comfortable, but actually I have to convey that dangerous and precarious quality, and I have to keep that balancing act all by myself, and that's the hardest part. Right. I managed to put things pretty well while hee hee ho ho'ing. Or, well, I'm not right now, but, well, I did it. And in this game, I did what I could, and hee-hos will gladly be your demons, so if everyone can relax and be fends-- I fumbled my words, friends with them, I'd be really happy. This has been Saito Chiwa, nice to meet you all, ho!
Download link (includes raw data with the audio clips, original text and translation)
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butterflydm · 1 year ago
Kinda jumping off a discussion I was having with @markantonys and @sixth-light the other day, I am really feeling excited about potentially bringing in most/all of the rest of our endgame love interests next season because I think they'll pretty much all benefit with the jump from book to screen.
(contains some book spoilers through Knife of Dreams)
I really enjoy a lot of the choices that the show has made so far, and I think they've done a lot of good set-up for the romances as well. To start with the characters who are locked in already, I really loved that Rand's three love interests all got to spend some extended time with (at least) one of his friends in season 2. Elayne being close with Egwene and Nynaeve is book canon, of course, but I like that the show essentially did that with Aviendha & Min too -- Perrin and Aviendha were so funny together, Mat and Min were also funny but had some great depth and angst. We got to see all three of them shine as individual characters before we got into any romance elements.
Especially with Min, I really loved the choice for them to take Min's self-reported past struggles with her ability and make it a current thing for her. It gives Min an active emotional storyline that is about herself and not centered around Rand, which is a big plus for me.
For next season, it's fairly well confirmed that we're getting Faile, and I think the show is set up to do really well with her:
a. the fact that we're not getting Perrin's internal narration will do so much to combat the 'constantly possessive and jealous' vibe that she often has in the books, because she frequently does not act on it but is just feeling something and if Perrin didn't basically have telepathy, no one would know.
b. Perrin's previous marriage provides a good reason for his relationship with Faile to be much more of a slow burn than it was in the books, and also provide background on why he'll be over-protective of her without falling into Jordan's "Women Are Precious Frail Flowers" trap (which Jordan did realize was a flaw in his writing -- we see him trying to interrogate it over the course of the series. But sometimes he would fall into the trap anyway).
c. And Faile and Perrin's relationship being more of a slow-burn would also make Berelain be a less ridiculous character (if they choose to still have her & her pursuit of Perrin). I'm also fond of the (from reddit!) speculation that maybe Berelain will be Graendal in disguise, which would have the potential of working really well to bring Graendal in sooner and give Perrin a proper Forsaken nemesis.
We are likely to get Gawyn, and if he's our main PoV for split in the White Tower, rather than it being Min (who is going to be in the Tanchico storyline with Mat, if that leak from a couple of weeks ago is true), then the audience will be more inclined towards being sympathetic towards him. We're also not likely to have the huge slow-down in pacing that happened in the second half of the book series, so it won't feel like Gawyn is just marching in place for forever. He's definitely one of the characters who suffers the most from how slowly the plot moves in The Slog.
Less likely but still very possible (especially if the leak about Mat is true) is that we may meet Tuon next season, and the show has done so much to make Mat & Tuon more plausible as a romance, even before we get into anything like character development.
Partly in the difference in Mat's background, in his relationship with his parents, and also in the way his dynamics with characters like Liandrin and Ishamael were played out.
Plus the set-up for what the show is doing with damane & sul'dam is promising in terms of Tuon because the show has established that the sul'dam are very weak channelers (as opposed to being learners), which means that Tuon actively beginning to channel wouldn't be plot-breaking in terms of her capabilities and would just affect her on a narrative level, which makes that feel like a much more likely path for them to choose to go with her and which opens up some avenues for some genuine character growth from her, which would be an exciting change from the books.
And, on a more subjective note, I feel like Jordan really fell down on the writing of Mat and Tuon, especially in CoT & KoD, so basically anyone else taking them over is probably going to be an improvement for me.
The show also really established a strong personality for Mat off the bat, which is something that Jordan was pretty inconsistent about. 'Mat' doesn't really gel as an individual character until the third book when he gets a PoV; and then he changes in several ways between the end of Winter's Heart and the start of Crossroads of Twilight (which is only a week later); I think that 'Crossroads' Mat could have been plausible (if depressing) as a character if Jordan had actually worked up to him over the course of CoT & KoD rather than him abruptly becoming this New Slavery-Neutral "both sides are valid" Mat in-between books (in WH he has an actual ethical & visceral objection to slavery, while in CoT & KoD, he only seems to object to the idea of being personally enslaved and views it neutrally if other people are enslaved). But I've talked about all that before, lol, so I will just say that it feels like the show already knows who they want Mat to be and has taken a pretty bold stand on the subject (re: being a Hero of the Horn), so I don't think we'll see them dumping his brains and empathy overboard between seasons.
So, yeah, I know s3 is still filming, but I am already anticipating it so much!
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blueikeproductions · 6 months ago
So next month, EarthSpark is returning for its (most likely) final batch on Paramount+.
The plan so far is it premiers October 25th.
It’s labeled “S3”, but realistically it’s just the next round of the second season. What it involves is anyone’s guess, because the old planning document that was leaked that first revealed CyberWorld has only confused things.
The EarthSpark toys are on clearance and being phased out. Those unsold, dust collecting Cyber Combiners are going to Ollies before long, and the Chaos Terrans aren’t even on shelves here. The Legacy toys are mostly gone too, the TF section is nearly all TFONE and a modest Studio Series selection.
There’s no conceivable way a series that tanked on streaming is getting specials during the successor’s tenure. If that’s how it worked, Animated would’ve gotten a special that tied up loose ends when Prime was on.
The only thing we’re probably getting is Prowl, and maybe Mirage since he was plastered on the leaked document. Considering how poorly handled ES’s (and CV’s since they share staff) ideas were, I don’t have high hopes the Quintesson and Decepticon plot will be handled well to close out ES. Modern shows have a bad habit of butterfly chasing, one idea that has potential to be fleshed out is abandoned on a whim in favor of a spur of the moment idea that isn’t much better. Entertainment in general also tends to learn the wrong lessons, like the awkward lesson taken from Lightyear is the gay kiss was the problem, so let’s just not do gay stuff at all. The gay kiss didn’t help matters due to international cultures unfortunately and the loudest grifters MADE it the problem, when Lightyear and Strange World’s problems were weak story and weaker concepts. To Strange World’s credit, it’d be a perfect Kingdom Hearts level for Sora, Donald and Goofy to run around in and the world turtle’s virus can easily be made into Heartless. Whether they’ll include in Kingdom Hearts, I dunno.
Anyway my point is, after Aligned, Transformers cartoons have all suffered bad writing and characterization: Cyberverse (said by the creators to be made for and by the fans “inbetween” which translated into Twitter IDW canon), War For Cybertron (so bleak, so overacted, so poorly acted, a downgrade in animation as it’s the same studio that made Prime, written so suffocatingly serious, it’s the 13 year old edgelord’s wet dream we grew out of), Prime Wars (oh god that was so bad, they got Peter Cullen and Mark Hamill to save face, and they instead fell flat on their faces), BotBots (the very belated response to Teen Titans Go! and Shopkins) and EarthSpark (a well meaning show using Rescue Bots’ concepts as a spring board, but refused to let go of IDW’s bad ideas, and used “DEI” as a selling point in an era where its slowly dying out.).
The movies were trying to improve, as Bumblebee and RotB are looked in more fondly by TF fans, they got (what hard cores claim) was the appeal of TFs over the Bay trilogy. And now we’re at TFONE, the film that “finally” got it right, but no one went to see.
So where are we at.
With TFONE, most news outlets agree it’s a good movie, but with its abysmal box office performance starting out, it’s not looking like that’s gonna improve, with the newsies saying the Transformers are out of gas. Or is that Energon?
In a way they’re not wrong. It’s been reported Transformers is on a decline, and with the cartoons and toys not doing well either, we’re back to the end of G2, where things aren’t looking good. The difference is we don’t have the flash in a pan miracle that was Hasbro, Kenner and Mainframe making Beast Wars and later the same thing happening with the first Micheal Bay film.
We have been long overdue for a similar kick in the pants, and I think it’s clear Hasbro wanted TFONE to be that, but alas, it’s not despite the good will.
The only kick so far are the Skybound Energon Universe series. They’re doing, as of typing, phenomenally, with the Transformers book being a decent mix of 80’s G1 Movie, Prime, and Bayformers, written and drawn in a way only the people that created Walking Dead and Invincible can do.
The other good will was the Trigger animated 40th Anniversary short.
Skybound and Trigger are the only things people were on board with. Let that sink in.
Trigger also contributed a poster for the Japanese release of TFONE.
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So maybe that’s a sign they’ll be allowed to do more official things going forward. Which I think is a good thing.
TFOne is a good movie, but due to Hasbro’s and Paramount’s own indecision on what to do with the movies, and their increasingly dubious canon, we’re stuck with what is officially declared its own thing separate from Bay, though it’s pretty apparent someone internal had to show Lorenzo how irreconcilable ONE was with ROTF & DOTM because The Fallen & Sentinel Prime can’t be villains of both died horribly back on Cybertron. However, the Bayformers series is still very popular among casual fans and audiences. Universal wouldn’t still have its own Bay themed Transformers attraction with the delightfully snarky Movie Megatron if it wasn’t.
So here lies the issues. The movies. Pretty much after TLK, they’ve done poorly in theaters despite their nostalgic popularity. Notably, RotB does really well on streaming, as it did well on P+ and Netflix (in other counties, it’s not on the American one yet). The Garfield Movie is currently #1 on Netflix after having a weak but successful box office. And with preorders now open for home video, ONE walks a slippery slope of everyone agreeing this is the good movie, but no one cares enough to pay money to see it in theaters. It will probably do gangbusters on streaming, going by trends, so that’s probably the best shot it has, as apparently good word of mouth isn’t enough.
It’s not helped there’s continued confusion among casuals if TFONE is a prequel to the Bay films, and it sounds like in very early development it was leaning that way, but the differing designs, and the trailers making the film look more kiddy than Bayhem, was among the turn offs. Like how does it make sense the Transformers started out as more cartoony G1 designs but overtime evolved into the shredded metal Bionicle style. No cartoon had convincingly explained a style shift that drastic.
It was said that if TFONE did well, Hasbro would use that as the basis of future material. Well with its lukewarm performance, there’s no financial incentive to do so, but the general positivity from people about Optimus and Megatron’s blue collar years and the greatly simplified Cog and Cogless system could work in its favor anyway.
There’s still, as of typing, plans to continue with a sequel to TFONE, and while it’s still unknown if Cyberworld will borrow the Worker-Bot backstory for its Optimus… and Galvatron(?), there’s a chance it might for some brand synergy.
We’re at a fork in the road now that One has underperformed and Skybound is the only thing keeping the interest going. CyberWorld has to do what Cyberverse and EarthSpark couldn’t do and attract fresh kids to get into Transformers. Fans think they’re the only ones that matter, but it’s clear with One just appealing to us doesn’t work we need new blood. Just maintaining isn’t enough anymore. Skybound found a way, now we just need to see if CyberWorld can do so too.
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freckled-words · 7 months ago
Animal Transformation
This took way too long, but that tends to happen when you don't have a really strong idea for the plot. I'm also super rusty, but I think I got my swing back towards the end.
Hope you enjoy the read, and let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Turns out even frost giants have allergies, and it has the funniest effects on a certain trickster’s shapeshifting control.
Darcy watches as Loki loses control of his shapeshifting magic, and she just can't resist a furry face.
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“Community service” was the polite term used to describe Loki’s return to Earth.
“Doing whatever the Hell we say” is the more accurate description, as coined by Director Fury during the initial meeting.
Thanks to a curse/spell from Odin, Loki’s magic and strength was moderated by whichever task Loki was assigned to at the time.
When he was sent out to clean up trash in Central Park (disguised and under Natasha’s supervision) he was as strong as an average citizen.
If he went out with the Avengers to deal with a threat, he was allowed just enough magic and strength as was needed to defend himself.
In-between his assignments, and back in the Tower, he was set to about mid-level Godly might (just in case a Hulk suddenly appeared or an accidental arrow went flying his way.) 
The combination of ‘cursed weakness’ and menial labor, unsurprisingly, lead to a consistently pissy Loki. The closest thing Darcy had seen to a smile on him was the trademark smirk, right before he said something snarky.
Even though Darcy hated Loki’s guts for all the death and destruction he’d brought to New York, she also couldn’t stop herself from adding him onto her ‘Take Care List.’ Much to most everyone’s surprise (Jane had long since accepted that Darcy couldn’t help herself.)
She didn’t go out of her way to kneel and curtsey around him or anything, but she did make sure he got a mug of tea or coffee when she was doing the rounds in the morning. As well as a decent portion of food like the other bottomless pits that had to be fed (with Thor back on Earth, the grocery bills knocked up another couple hundred.)
Anytime Loki bothered to acknowledge Darcy, it was never in a polite fashion, and Darcy made sure to give just as good as she got.
“I see Midgardian cuisine is just as lacking as the people.”
“I see your manners didn’t make the trip from Asgard.”
“If you’re going to offer me food, at least make certain it's cooked.”
“Gee why didn’t I think of that? Oh right, dumpster fires don’t get a say in what they get.”
It became something of a routine for them to exchange barbs at least once or twice a day, and by Loki’s second month in residence, the other members in the Tower stopped bracing for Loki to lash out at Darcy.
Darcy just came to accept this as part of her new normal, and rolled with whatever weirdness that came along with it.
Right up until the weirdness took a detour into ‘omg wtf’ territory.
“...Avengers were seen fighting against what was described as a hoard of mutated bi-pedal flowers.”
Anytime the Avengers were called out for a mission Darcy kept the TV on in the background so she could get updates on what kind of mess she might be helping to clean up later. JARVIS was great for giving her updates on everyone’s physical well being, but he couldn’t necessarily predict how the team’s mood was going to be once they got home.(When there was a HYDRA mission, it was home-made pizza night. Apparently slamming around a massive ball of dough was very therapeutic for Bucky.)
The news being a bit slower than actual events, Darcy wasn’t surprised when JARVIS announced the team was returning in the next 10 minutes, along with a cryptic note of, “No major injuries to report, however Dr.Banner does advise no immediate physical contact.”
The last time JARVIS passed on this kind of note, the Avengers had gone up against a T-Rex made of enchanted septic waste (sometimes D&D nerds manage to get their hands on blackmarket magic, and it never ends well for anyone.)
Having (barely) survived Death-By-Foul-Poo-Stank, Darcy figured her nose could handle some overly strong floral perfume coming from the team’s gear. With Jane’s blessing, she was ready and waiting for them in the kitchen 20 minutes later. She’d brought out multiple boxes of kleenex, a handful of neti pots, and every brand of allergy medication in existence.
The first waft of thick flowery perfume drifted in with Steve, and nearly had her choking as her eyes watered, “Cripes Steve, how is this almost worse than the Fecal-Rex?!” Grabbing a handful of kleenex she blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.
“Just be lucky you’re getting this, and not the full bouquet. There was every kind of flower there, and everyone but me, Bucky, and Bruce nearly dropped from an immediate allergic reaction.” Steve grabbed one of the neti pots and looked over the instruction card that came with it.
Darcy could just imagine Tony having to flip up his face visor to keep from coating it with his sneezes, while Clint cursed trying to zero in on his target with his eyes burning and watering.
“Wait so even Thor -”
What had to be the loudest sneeze in existence went off, followed by the lights flickering erratically throughout the room.
Thor entered a moment later blowing his nose into a wad of paper towels. The skin around his nose and eyes were bright red, evidence that he’d been rubbing at them for a while already.
“I didn’t think anything on Earth would be able to infect your whole Godly-Alien-Race?” She asked while pushing a box of lotioned kleenex towards him. 
Thor accepted the softer tissues and yanked out ten to hold in his hand, ready for the next sneeze, his voice was congested when he answered, “Nor did we. Banner believes their mutated state amplified their pollen’s properties.” He blew his nose again, and Darcy winced at the sound of his tortured sinuses.
“What about Loki? He’s not human or Asgardian, how is he faring?” Thor had explained his brother’s origins to everyone over drinks the night before Loki had been brought to the tower. A couple members of the team concluded that Loki’s destructive behavior must have been a kind of psychotic break, what with his whole life being flipped upside down and dipped in ice water.
Thor and Steve exchanged a look, one that nearly had them both coughing back a round of laughter.
Squinting Darcy pressed, “What happened to Frosty the Snow Giant? It was something good wasn’t it? Give me the deets ~” She crept closer to Thor, wiggling her fingers towards the box of kleenex as though she were going to snatch it back.
Thor grabbed the box and turned away, his smile spreading, “During the fray, Loki was met with the misfortune of having his entire head swallowed by one of the flowers.”
Steve’s smile curled towards ‘I enjoy trouble’ and added on, “Turns out getting a nose of the stuff is worse than just breathing it in.”
“So Loki is…?” She prompted already knowing the answer had to be good.
“Hiding in his room.” Natasha supplied, slipping around Thor to grab a box of lotioned kleenex herself. Unlike Steve and Thor, she’d gone straight to her room to shower and change into clean clothes.
Images of Loki with a purple rash all over his face, or icicle snot hanging out of his nose popped into Darcy’s mind. 
“Well if he’s feeling that rough, then I’m sure he’d appreciate some tissues and allergy meds. I’m just gonna…” Darcy grabbed the extra strength Benadryl, the last box of lotioned Kleenex and one of the Neti pots.
Her arms full she made a beeline for the elevator, and chose to ignore Steve’s question of, “Is she still safe?”
One quick elevator ride, and a hop-skip down the hallway had Darcy standing in front of Loki’s door. 
Since her hands were full, Darcy called out,“Loki, you in and decent? I’ve got a sniffles care package for you.”
“Go away, Serf.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. ‘Serf’ was Loki’s default nickname when he couldn’t be bothered to think of a better insulting name. 
Even through the door she could hear the rapid fire sneezes that followed, as well as a muffled cough. 
“You can either let me in, and choose what state of dress you’re in, or JARVIS opens the door and I get to see just how much of a rash you have on your ass right now.” It was a shallow bluff at best, but she couldn’t just walk away without trying first.
The annoyed noise that traveled through the door sounded an awful lot like a growl, more so than the usual one she was able to get out of him when she pushed his buttons.
A second later the door opened.
Biting down on her lips to try and not smile too smugly Darcy marched in, “Good choice Frosty. You’ll thank me later when you’re not missing three layers of ski…nnnnyah?” 
With all the apartments in the tower having the same layout Darcy had gone straight for Loki’s small living room to place her bundle on the coffee table. 
She’d glimpsed Loki from the corner of her eye as she’d breezed into the room, and hadn’t spotted any bright red or pink on him. When she straightened and faced him properly, her brain and mouth had a disconnect. 
Loki still stood by the door, which he was still holding open, his battle gear was gone and his hair was damp from his shower. Like Thor the skin around his nose was chaffed from blowing, and his eyes slightly puffy, and for reasons that Darcy’s brain couldn’t fathom there were two black, white tipped fuzzy ears on his head and a twitching, fluffy, black, white tipped fox tail peeking out from his back. 
“Make your jokes, then leave.” Even congested Loki’s tone was clear in his frustration.
Darcy held her hands up, “Hey there’s no shaming here, just confusion. Last time I checked, allergies didn’t turn people into furries.”
“I am not…” He broke into a fit of sneezes, “Whatever nonsense term that is. I’ve simply…” More sneezing, “Been struggling with my Seidr.”
Darcy hummed and nodded, not really understanding but didn’t think it smart to push him into a more in-depth explanation. His sneezes were so close together and harsh, she was getting worried about the amount of air he was getting into his lungs.
“Regardless, maybe some meds will help. I suggest taking like, 4 of the Benadryl. If it works it’ll knock you on your ass, but it’ll also stop the sneezing and congestion.” She was making her way towards the door as she spoke and stopped just by the opening, “Any chance I can-” She reached towards his twitching tail.
“I’ll come check on ya in a couple hours!” As badly as Darcy wanted to touch the fluffy tail, she was not ready to die for the attempt.
~~~~ THREE HOURS LATER ~~~~~~~~
Darcy juggled the three tupperware containers of food in one arm while she did her best to knock with the other, “Loki you good? I’ve got food.”
She didn’t hear any approaching footsteps, and was startled when the door was opened.
Darcy barely got clear of the door before Loki shut it. Turning to face him, she just about dropped the food.
“I can’t tell if this means the Benadryl helped or not.” She offered as an opening for him to explain.
Loki still had the ears and tail, but now there was fur around the edges of his face, covering his hands and feet, his nails had blackened into claws, and there were definitely whiskers growing out of his cheeks.
Loki blinked down at her, his nose twitched (was he about to sneeze or was he testing her scent?) and she saw something shift in his mind as his pupils widened then shrank, he blinked and his usual scowl returned to his face, “How did you get in here?”
Darcy cocked her head to the side, “You let me in, just now, and almost hit me with the door. Did fur grow inside your brain too? Do I need to call Bruce?”
Her concern crossed from surface level to genuine as she watched Loki look down at his hands and wiggle his clawed fingers, his expression was hard to read with his eyebrows blending into his new furry hairline but she was certain he was looking confused himself. “Damn.” The word was uttered so quietly Darcy might have missed it if she weren’t standing so close.
“Loki, you’re seriously worrying me dude.” Again his ears twitched in her direction.
“I’m touched.” Darcy took the dry sarcasm as a good sign, “The only thing you should be concerned about is keeping your blithering trap shut. It was bad enough when it was just the ears and tail. If The Oaf hears of this, there will be no end to his ridicule.”
The more Loki said, the more Darcy relaxed. It was a sad reflection on her life when she was happy to have the mass murdering alien give her a hard time.
Opting to ignore his bluff (she’d long since realized that he could bark all he wanted, if he ever hurt her he’d immediately be kicked back to Asgard) Darcy went to his kitchen and put down the tupperware containers, “Don’t worry your fuzzy little head, I won’t tell anyone…” Faster than Loki could anticipate, she whipped up her phone and snapped a picture, “I will show everyone though, unless you let me touch your ears or tail.” She shoved her phone down the front of her shirt and between her boobs, uncaring of the extra cleavage she was flashing him in the process.
Loki’s upper lip drew back revealing some rather pointy canines, “Impudent wench.”
Darcy smirked as she rocked on her heels, “Oh come on Fuzz Butt, you can’t tell me no one’s ever wanted to see what your transformed fur feels like.”
“None have ever been so brazen or foolish to try.” Loki bit back. He was becoming so agitated his tail was swishing, and his ears had flattened on his head.
‘Dammit, now he’s just looking cute.’ 
He was also looking a little unsteady. With each swish of his tail, Loki wobbled the slightest bit, and his eyelids seemed to be struggling to stay open.
“How many of those Benadryl did you end up taking?” She hadn’t heard him sneeze once since she came in, and the skin around his nose and eyes had returned to normal.
“The four you recommended had no effect, so I added another five. The sneezing stopped just before…” Loki caught himself before he could finish outing himself. Shaking his head he staggered off towards the couch, “Leave Serf. I require rest.”
She really, really wanted to push her luck and remind him about the whole Fuzzy Picture threat, but it wasn’t as much fun if the other member of the party was spiraling towards a crash. Cause damn, NINE?! If one Benadryl was enough to turn a regular human into a zombie, then nine must be bordering on a coma.
“Fine, but don’t think this isn’t over. I’ll come back in an hour and make sure you’re still breathing.” 
She saw a feeble, black fuzzy hand lift up to acknowledge he’d heard her.
Darcy left but made sure to leave the door unlocked. Quietly she called out, “JARVIS keep an eye on his vitals and let Bruce or Thor know if his heart stops or something.”
“Of course Ms.Lewis…Shall I let you know when it’s been an hour?” 
Unsurprised that JARVIS had been listening in on the conversation in Loki’s room, Darcy gave a thumbs up to the nearest camera she could see, “That’d be great J.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 MINS LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Ms.Lewis, I thought I should inform you that there has been a change in Prince Loki’s condition.” Darcy tried not to cringe too much from having JARVIS say this directly into her bluetooth headphones (a welcoming gift from Tony.)
Glancing over to where she could see Bruce working at his station she figured this wasn’t a life threatening change to Loki’s condition. Not many realized just how much intelligence Tony’s AI had, but Darcy was no fool. She grew up worshiping the internet, and treating ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’ like prophecies. 
If JARVIS thought this was something only she needed to know about then she’d take it as the gift that it was.
A quick elevator ride later and she was back at his door.
She knocked lightly and let herself in, “Loki? JARVIS says you might need help.”
There came a slight whimper (or was that a whine?) from the living room.
This late in the afternoon the sunlight had moved away from Loki’s windows, and none of the lights had been turned on. Everything was cast in shadows and patches of darkness, making it hard to see anything.
Darcy hit the switch for the kitchen light so she didn’t accidentally blind/enrage the half-transformed frost giant.
Able to see Darcy watched as what she had initially thought to be a deep pocket of shadows uncurled from the bottom of the coffee table. 
A black fox the size of a St.Bernard stretched out like a cat as unfocused green eyes blinked in her direction.
“Oh my Gods.” 
She wanted to take all the pictures, but she also wanted to try touching him. When he was still humanoid the fur had looked silky, as a full fox it looked absolutely luxurious and Darcy just had to get her fingers into it.
She had never interacted with foxes before though, and didn’t know how unhinged Loki’s brain was going to be with all that Benadryl in his system.
Finished stretching he ventured a couple steps closer, his nose to the air to scent the new presence in his home. Some of Loki’s consciousness must have been working, cause the fox’ ears went down and it spun around to hop onto the couch.
‘I’ve just been brushed off by a fox.’ Loki could brush her off a million times and she wouldn’t bat an eye, but Fox-Loki showing her such little interest just felt like a bitch slap.
Going over to the couch she watched as Loki laid down with his head resting between his two front paws. His eyes closed and a rather un-fox like sigh came out through his nose. 
Darcy crouched down to eye level and told him, “You know you make a very pretty fox.” Other than his ear twitching Loki didn’t acknowledge her.
“May I please pet you, your Foxiness?” Murderous Asshole or not, Darcy wasn’t going to touch without consent. 
His eye cracked open, regarding her for a moment then closed and another long sigh was released. Darcy took it as one of resignation and beamed. Finally she could get this out of her system!
As gently as she could she placed her hand on his head; he didn’t move away or twist around to snap at her, confirming that he had given in. 
She stroked down along his spine, marveling at the feel of his thick, silky fur. Bringing her hand back to his head she lightly scratched around the base of his ears, the fur there was much softer and she had to bite her lip to keep from gushing out more praises to him. 
Her petting was kept strictly to his back and the top of his head, areas that most animals considered to be safe zones. As much as she wanted to touch his tail she didn’t know how sensitive it was and didn’t want to push it. 
Darcy cut herself off after about five minutes, plus her legs were screaming in protest from holding that crouched position so long. 
A woman of her word Darcy dug out her phone and deleted the picture of Loki the Were-Fox. Satisfied she whispered to Loki, “There now no one but me and JARVIS knows what a half fox, half Frost Giant looks like. I also won’t tell anyone that you totally lost control due to overdosing on allergy medicine. You’ll be back to your entitled asshole self by tomorrow morning.”
This got her a small indignant huff. 
Darcy let herself out and made sure the door locked behind her. 
It was only after the door’s lock had clicked that Loki released his animal shape. It took a bit slower than usual, but he wasn’t quite back in focus just yet. 
Back in his usual form he resettled on the couch. With not a single piece of clothing on his body, the material didn’t feel quite as comfortable as it had in his fox shape. 
The Midgardian medicine had thrown his control off balance, just not as much as he’d let Lewis believe. He could have reverted back to his proper state a half hour ago, and gone back to his bed for a proper rest. 
Instead he couldn’t resist seeing what the woman would do when faced with the full transformation. He’d been somewhat hoping she would startle or scream and flee, calling for Thor’s protection. Instead she’d looked at him like he was the most beautiful animal in existence. It was a delicious boost to his ego.
Loki chuckled to himself, picturing her face when she might learn that her ‘petting’ along his fur had translated to the feeling of a lover’s touch on his skin. 
There would be sputtering, possibly some shrieking and all the threats and profanities. 
The image was so entertaining he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. 
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