#also the line ''i've never been anything like you'' rubs me the wrong way. why anyTHING why not anyONE. whatever.
quantumshade · 8 months
sorry i'm still on about this but i have to say. it's a little (read: a lot) fucked up that they had thirteen call the fugitive doctor's shirt ugly or whatever when her shirt is literally made from kente cloth.
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
vi. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i think cancer placements are quite intimidating & no one mentions this. any placement can be intimidating if they're in the wrong crowd but specifically for cancer, people who are not in tune with their feelings can find them quite intimidating. especially their overly emotional tendancies that can rub some people the wrong way. that's why they're quite hated because society was wired to deem such behaviour as weak.
• a mix of cancer & virgo in a natal chart can make someone very open to dealing with unpleasant feelings if it's something that has do be done in order to progress. i think they're also the type to have a "i'll do_____ when i become_____" mentality especially with 6H placements in the chart because they tend to be prone to perfectionism.
• just an observation, but from what i've gathered from my cringey/annoying classmates i had in highschool, most of them had air/fire Sun signs.
to clarify, when i say cringey i mean yelling tiktok audios which would disrupt class or saying unnecessary 'jokes' in which the teachers awkwardly & PAINFULLY had to fake laugh at. everyday was torture but they were a bit friendly. annoying would be randomly starting a fight with a teacher for a stupid reason.
• a person who i've been involved with that had the best energy & aura from all the people i've come across had Sun, Mercury & Mars opposite Uranus and Moon square Uranus. people who have a generational planet as one of their dominant planets have a very striking presence.
• i don't know if this has any sort of significance but my friends 3H cusp is in 10° & she doesn't like using slang unironically or altering her speech with whatever is trending on the internet at the moment like how most people incorporate it in theirs. she hates the word 'rizz' & etc.
• you can never go wrong with astrocartography. the place in which i'm going for higher education at is exactly where my Jupiter line is which will grant me growth, travel & major opportunities.
speaking of astrocartography, a friend of mine lives on her Pluto line & she constantly mentions how she wants to get out of the country & move away. not because it's anything severe but she says she has always felt the urge to leave.
• the last time Mars was transiting my 3H, my cousin got recruited for the military (Mars represents war), my other external family members were always being talked about by my parents more than usual in an disrespectful manner & one of my uncles was being quite demanding/assertive.
• as clichè as it sounds, a guy i know regularly travels to visit his mom & he has the Moon in 9H. my brother who has the same placement travels too from where he lives just to come home. the Moon represents your family, maternal figure & the 9H represents long distance travel.
• it can be difficult for people who have Mars square Neptune to manifest because you might be conflicted with how easy it is. they would rather achieve their goals the practical way especially if Mars is in aries, scorpio & capricorn. getting things out of the blue without doing the work might demotivate them.
thanks for reading :)
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scary-lasagna · 6 months
hello, I don’t really understand your request situation right now so if I’m sending this at the wrong time I’m sorry.
But, I just read your post about Slender’s dark secrets, and I really liked it! So I was wondering if you could talk more about them.
Have a good day!!
I decided to dive into the bit about the...things Slender has done to the earlier residents.
"Why the Hell would he do that? That's a fucking strong assumption to make, Jeff." An offended tone slapped the walls of the Rec Room, unusually empty besides a proxy and a infamous killer.
Jeff and Toby have never really clicked well. Something about Toby has always managed to rub Jeff the wrong way: his walk, his love of talking too loud, his abrupt tics, and his unkept hair, for a few examples.
Jeff just didn't want anything to do with him. But that didn't mean that he hated the poor bastard. Even so, they had more in common than they thought. Not that Toby knew that.
"I'm just saying, it all makes sense, right?" Jeff faced his palms up with a casual shrug from the beanbag chair, "He killed her. And I'm not just saying that to piss you off or anything. I mean look at what he did to Kate. She's terrified of him."
Althought Toby wasn't entirely close to Kate, it was obvious how much she avoided pissing Slender off, and always happened to be missing whenever things got tense around the manor. Her burns...had he also been the cause of them?
"Just because he may or may not have done something to KAte doesn't mean that he's an evil creature. Why would he kill a random chick in Michigan? Slender wouldn't do something like that-" Toby refused to believe it, not after Slender had took them all into open arms.
Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose before dragging his palm down his face. He crossed his arms as he stared up at the proxy. "Toby, who the fuck do you think cut the breaks in Lyra's car? Who drove Tim's friend to insanity? Jack's culty origin? Fuck, even Jane. She didn't have a violent bone in her body until my incident. I mean, think about it, doesn't it all just lead back to him?"
"It doesn't matter!" Toby didn't flinch at the mention of his sister, but then again he didn't have anything backing up his claim. It made him angry. He knew he was right.
"Then ask him, Toby." Jeff nonchalantly scratched his neck, "And you'll come back not remembering a damn thing like last time." He rolled his eyes toward the brunette. "And the time before that, too."
"You're fucking with me."
"'Fraid not." Jeff tsked and wrestled himself out of the beanbag chair. "Start leaving notes for yourself, Tobs'. That's how I figured everything out."
"I'm not quite sure I am comphrehending your accusation, Toby. Do you believe I had something to do with Lyra's passing?" The Tall Man sat at his great oak desk, his spindly fingers clasped together on his desk mat.
"I-It's just sketchy. I mean, my memory is spotty, yeah, but right after I caught The Sickness, she died." Toby adjusted his seat on the leather office chair, scooting to the edge. His leg bounced. His nails were wearing thin from the abuse of nervousness.
"Toby, why on Earth would I do something like that? In no offense, it would be pointless to me to harvest such a small soul. From my recollection, Lyra did not have any great power that would have ade her a sustainable feeding victim." Slender suddenly furrowed his brow line, his head tilting ever so slightly, "You should know this Toby. Are you feeling alright?"
"I've been a little under the weather, I guess. I'm sorry for pointing fingers, everything has just been so confusing lately. I'm loosing track of time, and I can't remember what I did yesterday." Toby ran his hands through his slightly gready hair, and took great effort in slouching into the leather.
"Perhaps it's time for a mental health day. I'll adjust your schedule to fill in Kate for your shift in the next three days." Slender opened one of the larger cabniets in his desk, pulling out one of the many vintage tabloids he used to schedule his proxies. "And if we see no improvement, then we can adjust or change your medicine if needed."
As Slender set the tabloid down, Toby noticed a familiar face peeking out from under one of the many loose papers among the mess of a busy desk.
"Why do you have Brian's folder open?"
Slender paused, craning his head to eye the headshot picture. "I'm simply refreshing my memory of his medical history. No need to wear your heart of your sleeve, Toby." Slender quickly dismissed, waving Toby's concerns away. He seemed a bit more hasty to modify the schedule.
Toby's voice dropped into a gravely tone.
"Are you sure?"
Slender slowly lifted his head to look at Toby, who seemed to be fixed on a leaflet.
Kate. More specififcally, Kate's fresh burns from so many years ago, all photographed and on display. The nights of restless sleep must have finally caught up to Slender, and forgot to tuck them away before allowing Toby to burst in.
"Did Brian do that to Kate?"
"I will now be asking you to leave, Toby, this is a breach of confidential information on Kate's behalf. I'll adjust your schedule. Have a lovely vacation." And even though the words seems so considerate, Slender stood at full height, a tendril slithering around the front of the desk to tuck any pictures under loose papers. "Leave."
Maybe Jeff was right.
Toby stood quickly, and pivoted on he heels to walk out of the room. But something stopped him. An unforeseen force keeping his body in place.
"Absterge rasa, a medietate prius. Mote fiat."
Toby turned, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Y'know, your German sometimes sounds really weird!" He laughed, "Anyway, I gotta drop that paper off to Jeff, you said he's in the Rec Room, right?"
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obsessivelysweet · 2 months
God that Bleeds Thorns: Part 2 (End)
Hello! Man, time has passed, huh..I've been doing work and life stuff. I've been going to cons as well. I got some inspiration recently, so I started writing again. I've been writing little by little on a couple of drafts that have been collecting dust, lol. This was also in my drafts, I wanted to do a part 2, like what happened after, almost as a comfort post. I didn't really edit this one as much. I just fixed some lines but not everything, so it may not be the best. Which is ok because it was one of my earliest drafts, lol. I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes, etc. If you read this or are still following me for the once in the blue moon posts, I truly appreciate you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
If you are new, here's the first part to it
Warnings: None? Maybe some little gore? But mostly it's fluff/comfort.
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Heizou, Cyno, Tighnari, Ei, Zhongli, Kazuha,Itto, Ayato, Danslief, Thoma, Albedo, Xiao, Gorou
Tags: SAGAU, God!Reader, Fem Reader, Comfort,Fluff
You never intended to use your blood on anyone, but you knew you had to set an example. Thoma, Kazuha, Ei, and Zhongli all came to your aid to help you get to your chambers. You leaned onto Thoma and Kazuha as they helped you get up and started to walk with tears in your eyes, one hand covering your mouth to hold in the sick feeling you had.
Ei and Zhongli headed for the kitchen to start preparing you some tea and fruit to help your stomach.
The ones who stayed behind to clean up were Childe, Diluc, Ayato....and Albedo, but he was more studying the piles of mush from afar. Childe and Ayato were intrigued by how just a bit of your blood could do such a thing. However, while they were just looking and not really cleaning, Diluc brought it upon himself to finish cleaning since these 3 weren't.
Kaeya, Danslief, Cyno,and Xiao went to go check on your acolytes. Just to make sure there isn't gonna be any more treason against you.
Gorou, Tighnari, Heizou, Venti, and Itto try to make a plan to please you, make you smile again, and they don't like to see you cry.
While that was going on, you were in your chambers crying into the chest of Kazuha as he rubbed your back to soothe you. Thoma was getting your bath ready.
Everyone of your trusted acolytes knew why you started crying, why you wanted to puke. It's because that's not you, that was a facade you held onto the whole time. In honestly you knew what your blood could do because you accidentally made a rose into a pile of ashes. You only told your trusted ones what your blood could do. You vowed to yourself you would never use that on anyone only when deemed necessary. That's why you made a code phrase, that way they knew what was about to happen, what you were gonna do. Hearing them cry, smelling their burnt flesh, their bodies turned into a meaty mush made your stomach churn. All you could mutter between sobs was "I'm sorry" "I didn't want to". You didn't have to apologize, your followers knew what a kind being you were. You are pure, holy, a being that could never do wrong so don't cry. They hate seeing you cry.
It wasn't long before you started to calm down, Thoma motioning you to your bath with his head down. Same with Kazuha, helping you up and towards the bath, not looking at you. You didn't like that. Why are they doing that? Seeing their heads down hurt you, made you fearful so you told them in the most softest voice you could mutter "Please..look at me" in this moment you needed them to see you, you who they cared for and loved, you who loved them the same. You felt that if they didn't, they would view you as some monster. With hesitant eyes, they slowly picked their heads up to view your soft face. The way you sheepishly smiled once they did was enough for them. You told them that you needed them to look at you. They could tell something else was bothering you, so they followed your command, hoping it would give you some relief.
After you took your bath and changed, you were greeted by Zhongli and Ei. They came in with warm tea, and your favorite fruit sliced neatly on a plate. They both asked how you were feeling, and you answered a bit better but not quite. Zhongli picked up your cup and handed it to you with a smile. The warm aroma was calming, which he could tell by your relaxed demeanor. Ei started to make small talk as you ate the fruit little by little, along with Zhongli telling you some stories to get your mind off things. They would do everything they could to see you smile. While Thoma brushed your hair, and Kazuha also told you some tales. Before you knew it, everyone else came into your chambers to see if you're ok.
Of course, Ei sneered at them who just burst through the door, but you motioned to Ei its ok. She wanted to apologize for acting so rude, but you stopped her before she could with that soft smile of yours, your warm eyes telling her it's ok. With that, she nodded with a smile and continued to help you eat while you listened to everyone who came in.
Childe, Ayato, Albedo, and Diluc told you the throne room is clean.
While Kaeya, Cyno, Danslief, and Xiao told you, more as a report, that the rest of the acolytes were ok and there's nothing suspicious.
And finally, with loud laughter came in Itto, Venti, Gorou, Heizou, and Tighnari with your favorite flowers, snacks, and crystalflies.
Seeing how much they care even after witnessing that you couldn't help but cry. Once they heard your cries, they stopped and started to panic. Did they do something wrong? Was the food not good? The gifts are not ok? But before they could say sorry you looked up at them, eyes still watery, smiling at them. "Thank you." That's all they needed to hear to confirm that those were happy tears. Your soft smile told them that what they were doing was ok and made you feel safe. They stayed by your side until you fell asleep. You didn't even realize you fell asleep. One minute, you were just looking at them, smiling and conversing with them, then the next your soft breaths could be heard by everyone.
After you did, everyone cleaned up and left your chambers. All felt content knowing you were safe and well. And they will be back in the morning to see you once again.
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richeeduvie · 3 months
So we’ve seen Kendall give baby drugs and now I’m ready.. I’m ready for angst between Lalo and princesa. Im ready.. for her to fucking do a line and get hooked.
Princesa doing coke to me is hot sorry. I'm sorry! And it would be her to go ahead and get addicted. She already makes a terribly needy pothead, which is why Lalo saves that the drugs for very special and controlled occasions. That includes alcohol. #Partypooper.
But it would be Lalo letting her finally do a line between babies, because he's so sure that she's always pregnant, so he takes a good while to make sure she isn't.
But addiction is in her genes. How would Princesa get to the point where she's not afraid of it? That she breaks through the association drugs and fear? I have no idea, but she gets there. Lalo's still cautious, but he's more than happy to use this as a way to make her more dependent on him.
"You don't have to inhale the whole line, funny girl - just, move your with the line and sniff while you do."
"I know how to do it. I've seen it."
"With you...and sometimes your guys - they'll just do it sometimes. But I just know too. My head isn't completely empty. I don't think so."
"I wouldn't mind if it was."
No, he wouldn't. Lalo smiles at Princesa. He rubs her back.
And she goes ahead, one long sniff and it's Lalo laughing hard when she comes up blinking and looking like she's going to sneeze. But there's something in his chest, warming the whole of his body. He chooses to not believe it's him feeling something wrong.
But Princesa's holy, Princesa's his sweet girl. This is fun, sometimes, that's the white truth of what he's been doing since...forever. But it's also work. It's his cousin going off his rocks, as they say. It's what he's sure they say for when people go crazy. English terms. It's not Princesa.
But she feels so fall on him as she clings to his shirt. She looks happy. He did that.
He can keep doing that.
"How do you feel, Princesa?"
She feels...
"Good. It's weird."
Lalo snorts. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's how it feels the first time. You okay? Your little nose ain't gonna fall off on me? It would be you to do that to me."
Princesa sniffles, wiping her nose. It feels good. At first, it just feels big - then a rush, then good. Then...better.
It doesn't feel wrong, she doesn't feel like her dad. It just feels like she's slept really well. That she ate a good breakfast with the day feeling warm. And she doesn't want another line instantly.
"Let's...let's watch something."
"Okay, Princesa."
Not the day to do anything, not when it's Princesa's first time. It would be, she wouldn't be lying about it - not like she took some from her bastard of a Papa when she was younger. He smiles, putting something on.
And Princesa tries to watch the movie, but she can't focus. But only, only because she feels like she could be doing something better with her time. Like squeezing the life out of Lalo, or talking to him about anything.
"Did you ever question the family business?"
It's not a question that she's thought of just because of the coke, it's always been there. It's just now she can ask it, she wants the answer. She wants to talk to Lalo about it.
"Just...did you every think about why you guys were doing what you do?"
Lalo stares with his arm around Princesa.
"You're not getting another line."
She slumps, thumping her thumbs on her thighs.
"We'll see."
Princesa pushes for the conversation more, Lalo eventually letting up because it's Princesa.
"No, I guess not. Just never seemed like something to question, not when I wouldn't have it any other way-Princesa."
She's climbing Lalo, seeping into him when he has no other choice but to fall into the couch. All her weight on him.
"That's fair. Wanna make pancakes?"
"...In a minute, look what you just did."
In fifteen minutes, Lalo gives her more. It'll be like this for awhile, and he should've stopped before he stared.
Princesa nuzzles.
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kissmethroughthebone · 5 months
Some self-reflection...
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I definitely don't respect men with kids my age who want to get it on with me. At least have the nerve to not reproduce, so that the whole "older guy going for young attractive model" thing can be just that, and not so visibly "the model is only 3 years older than your kid".
And I know my inherent misandry and impatience did a two hit combo on a guy who fit that exact description recently.
Bald middle aged Indian dude. The type of man to praise me (and repeatedly talk over me) for not drinking when we first met at a bar of a comedy show, then over text, suggest our next meet-up be at a jazz bar and restaurant.
Not the worst thing in the world, (and actually sounded like a nice tempting first meet for a Friday night; I had been interested in the jazz bar, and the restaurant suggestion was actually a favorite of mine that I had been to before.....) but, a man monologuing about how absolutely good it is that I don't drink alcohol, just to be all "Let's go to this bar and then dinner", and "You like champagne/wine/rose?" a day or so later is..... not great.
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Not to mention his lack of manners in letting me get a word in edge-wise. Not a great trait, but I was open to blaming that on the noisy bar, a socially awkward personality type on him, and him being too excited to talk to a woman easily.
And of course I never believe a man when he says he wants to be "just friends"; I've never interacted with him before, and he's significantly older. The only person in my life who is 100% that, is a taken man. (Who does date girls my age, or even younger.) There's nothing that I, a 23 year old fly black girl, could be "friends" with that man, about.
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And funny enough, he was also the type that got weird when I mentioned wanting to text a bit more before our meetup to get to know each other, (code for "I don't know you well enough to know if I can handle or tolerate a prolonged 30+ minute non-alcoholic beverage and dinner with you, so I wanna know about your life/politics/otherwise so that neither person has a bad shock and any time wasted",) and he was all "Well we are meeting tomorrow......... right?"
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.............Rubbed me the wrong way.
Overall, let's just say I'm not interested in dates with men who want to see me for free or for very little.
My phone ended up breaking the morning of our date. 135 dollars.
I'm a strong believer in "Why would I give a man my presence, if he can't do anything for me?" I like and require all the men on my roster to be able to help. If I have multiple men hovering around and none can do a thing for me, physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially, then that's a problem.
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Was I about to see a bald middle-aged man for an awkward drink at a bar, some condescending rants and impromptu speeches and monologues, and a plate of food at a decent place that I could be enjoying with a younger, cuter, richer and more polite man?
Not with a broken screen. The way my temper is, I can't stand men who want to be in my presence when I am broke. Like, why are you here?
Then he gets the luxury of looking like The Man to everyone else. Fist bumps in the bathroom from the other men there, winks from waiters, all of that. Looking like a man who can pull and has an It Factor. Meanwhile, I get a headache, that turns into a migraine.... And some enjoyable leftovers to cover up the bad taste in my mouth of being around a not great man.
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And I wouldn't even have the luxury to type on here about how well (or poorly) my date had gone. Because, smashed phone screen. And yet, some man got to enjoy oggling me up and down for free.
I know, I know. I could've strategized more. I could've gone on the date, maybe had the experience of it and seen how well I can bond with a man and play the long game. Hook, line, and sink. Make a man build an attachment first and charm him well, right?
But I also figured, "Remember the last few times when you went on dates with old men, and they usually just went on extremely stupid rants, while attempting lovebombing or perversion? Then had the nerve to hesitate to discuss allowance or not offer shit?"
Like oh suuuure, old man almost triple my age, I'll scour the Craigslist marketplace free section and haul a dingy piece of furniture home because you think it's "too soon" to be a man and help get me a dresser. But meanwhile he didn't think it was too soon to try to massage my neck in his car or ask filthy questions. (UGH I cringe, I cringe, HARD).
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And I am not a patient person when it comes to things like this. Or a nice one. Like oh, you take me for a fool? You want all the privileges of my company and not want to improve my life quality, despite your abundance?
Now you're no better than an ant on a picnic blanket to me; something to flick away.
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Debating on if I lean more into being unafraid to cut men off immediately (seems to be going well so far) or working on my charm, and the best ways to test if a man is generous pre-meet.....
Some ladies can do it well. "It appears I have to cancel our date tonight, I had my phone break and I have to work out the details on how I can pay for that to get it fixed", to make him have the urge to suggest helping himself like it was his idea... Or other tactics. Still have to learn, feel free to give insight.
I did a more straightforward technique of telling him what happened, how it ruined my day. He said "I hope our drinks and date can make it better". I said "I think a little money to help get it fixed could make it better, that way I can focus on just our nice date. I would like to see you tonight, I was looking forward to it."
He didn't say much aside from "Thank you for considering seeing me." Vague, and felt like a blatant dismissal or a hint to cancelling our plans. And, well, I felt relieved.
And simultaneously, a bit annoyed, frankly.
I forget how much time passed before I got a tad hotheaded, and simply said something about how not wanting to help is understandable, but I have no reason to meet as a "friend" with a man who has a college-school son my age...
Working on stabilizing my blood pressure, and also noticing that my hotheadedness is a vice at times, and a blessing at other times. Like yeah, one can say my hotheadedness stopped me from a multi-course pre-fixe meal at my favorite restaurant, but on the other end of it, I also saved myself from a man with massive red flags a week ago with this same temperament.
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If being entitled to my own autonomy and standards makes the worst men ever flee from me, then let me continue on and enjoy such!
But on the bright side, I did enjoy a night at home watching video game streams and listening to the most popular rap beef right now, and if I instead utilized my time and energy to buy hair products, suffer detangling my 4c hair in the shower, adorn myself in amazing jewels and a cute outfit, and tolerated that evening with that man, I would've probably ended up cold, annoyed, and frustrated.
And instead, I had the time of my life and made massive strides for things I wanted done around my place. Even invited over L on my roster to help me clean and organize, had a great time with a hot younger guy who actually put in the work with me.
Plus it's unsafe to go out with a broken phone anyway. Not like I lived far from the restaurant at all, not at all, but still... All in all, I can picture being not great if I scraped myself together looking fly all for a man to, at the end of a date with lovebombing and gaslighting galore, to go "I can't do that, I don't know you that well!"
Better to stay home with my hair wild, peanut butter sandwiches, and a lot of blankets. My own company, always.
Anyway, ta-ta for now.
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robinismywife · 2 years
Where reader acting as Priscilla is her first ever role so she’s extremely nervous but Austin finds it cute she comforts her.
As a writer I understand you gotta go with your own flow so change and add whatever you please if you do up doing this 💓
PAIRING: Austin butler x actress!fem!reader
WARNINGS: self-doubt. Inform me if I've missed any!
A/N: This was my first request ever and I'm so excited owhfowrugi- Anyways, I hope you like my take on your idea my beloved anon and I'm SO sorry for being so late! Plz fill my inbox with more of your requests it makes me so happy and they are so fun to write!! Enjoy my loves <3
(the gif is not mine but omg it's so adorable I couldn't resist)
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Baz Luhrmann was making an Elvis biopic and after having found Austin as his Elvis, he desperately needed to find himself a Priscilla. You had sent in an audition tape but never thought it would get you here, on the set and ready to film. I mean, everything felt unreal and you were extremely out of your comfort zone.
You had been filming for a couple of months now, but you've never felt as nervous and terrified as you're feeling at this very moment. Baz had informed you a week prior that today you would be doing the argument between Priscilla and Elvis. Nevertheless, it was now when you're getting ready for the scene that it's finally settling in.
You were pasing back and forth mumbling your lines, when Baz informed everyone that the cameras were ready. You and Austin walked on the set and smiled at each other, knowing that this scene was difficult for both of you.
"Cilla, I give you everything you could want" Austin followed you down the stairs
"What I wan't is a husband!" You turned around facing him. Austin had such a raw expression on his face, his acting always seemed to amaze you. However, here you were finding it extremelly hard to channel Priscilla.
"I- I-" You froze. Well done, Y/n, you forgot your lines. Not only are you a horrible actress but you also have a shitty memory. That's when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n, did you forget your line?" Worry covered Austin's face "Did I do something wrong?"
"I- No, I just- I need some air" You dropped your prop, walked quickly past the crew. You opened a door and found yourself in the parking lot. You had never used this exit before and god it was freezing.
You began to spiral, thinking of the beautiful set you just walked out off, the incredible costumes you wore everyday. How are you even here right now? How did Baz even pick you? An amateur actress, who's never even stepped in a drama school once. You felt embarassed being on that set with such an amazing actor such as Austin, who is so dedicated to his craft. You didn't deserve this.
"Y/n, what happened back there?" Austin had at last found you.
"Austin.." you sighed looking down at your bell-bottom jeans
"Hey," he grabbed your shaking hand, rubbing circles on your cold skin "You can talk to me"
"I don't think I want to, Aus-" Your cheeks heated up, suddenly feeling embarrassed of saying anything
"You know, you're cute when you're like this- All stubborn" Austin smirked at you. Not in a condescending way but in a comforting one.
"I'm not stubborn I just-" You giggled a little, your mood getting better just by looking at him
"Yeah? I don't believe ya hun"
"Austin!" You groaned, knowing that talking to someone about your feelings was the best thing you could do right now.
"Y/n!" He said back, teasing you like he always did
"Fine, fine! Jeez- I just think that, you know, perhaps Baz made a mistake casting me and-"
"Hey, hey, hey- Why would you think that Y/n? You deserve to be here, you got the part because there's no one like you out there"
"No but's, Y/n" He looked down at you with so much appreciation that you felt like crying "You know I love working with you. You're one of the most talented people I've ever met-"
"You mean that?" Your face lit up, making Austin smile as well
"Of course I do- Now go back on that set and show them what you got, yeah?"
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dukeofankh · 1 year
hey i really really appreciate your posts abt purity culture, desire and objectification and your perspective as an ex-evangelical!! having been born and raised a jew myself i've always been aware of how bullshit all of that stuff is, but not really able to articulate it as specifically as you seem able to, and i find your eloquence really impressive. with that known, i actually have a specific thing that's been bothering me, and i think it's an evangelical purity culture based thing, and hinges on that distinction you made in a post abt a week ago abt how to a lot of people "objectification" = "looking with lust" = "basically adultery"-- okay here goes:
on gay tiktok, there is currently a trend of women (or some nb ppl) who are attracted to women commenting on thirst-traps posted by women the memetic phrase "i am no better than a man".
now this really rubs me the wrong way for a lot of reasons (mainly: contextually this is almost always on videos that are INTENDED to be sexy so why is it weird to find this woman, who filmed and edited this video to be sexy, sexy?? AND what the hell do you mean abt gender by saying this???? women can't desire people?? men can only desire in predatory ways???), and it's weird in that specific way where i'm like. i smell weird cultural christian values embedded in this. but i can't quite articulate the way it all fits together.
this may be way out of line for me to bother you in your inbox like this, but i was hoping to get your take? your ability to explain this stuff clearly and with context i never knew existed is really valuable and while i have seen people responding on tumblr to say "uhhh don't say this", they haven't really articulated what's driving people to say such a specific thing, so much that it becomes a meme.
if u feel this isn't something you want to speak on, that's totally fine! and i just want to say thank you again for your thoughtful posts.
also i feel very weird abt dropping this veritable essay in your inbox so sorry!!
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No worries! I love to talk, and I already have opinions on that particular meme 😆.
You've definitely gotten the gist of it, yeah. It's a bunch of unexamined sexist ideas about sex and desire repackaged in the sort of fun memey "it's not that deep, chill out" shell that absolutely thrives on social media. Some of it's Christian, some of it is the radfem repackaging of Christian ideas.
Basically, the version of Sexual Objectification championed by radfem writers like Dworkin was adapted from Immanuel Kant, a Christian philosopher/theologian, so it's not just cultural Christianity, it's also a direct intellectual connection. They just changed the idea from "all people, when overtaken by lust, cease to see people as people and can see them only as means to achieve their sinful sexual gratification. This cannot be avoided, but can be balanced out by keeping sex within a marriage that is otherwise built on commitment and respect," to "Men, when overtaken by lust, cease to see women as people and can see them only as a means to achieve their sinful sexual gratification (due to their patriarchal training to harm and dominate). This cannot be avoided, especially not by marriage, which is one of the main ways the Patriarchy codifies the subjugation of women to men."
Basically, Radfems and Christians get along because Radfems feel the same way about masculine sexuality that Christian men feel about their own sexuality. As for women...both Radfems and more modern Christians are pretty sure that women don't Do Lust in the same way men do. Like, women see people as ends in and of themselves, as fellow Subjects. Men see women as objects. As means to an end, that end being their own sexual gratification.
A few decades later and after a fair bit of social media iteration, we get to this weird point.
What they're basically saying is, "god damn. I swiped onto this thirst trap and I didn't even think about your personality or your accomplishments or anything. I literally just saw big jiggly titties and that's all I can think about. I am sexually attracted to you, and yet it isn't reflective of your soul or a deep connection between us or anything, despite the fact that I'm a woman and I'm supposed to be above just liking your body and that turning me on. Huh. This is what I have heard people describe men's sexuality as being like. You are so sexy that you are causing me to act as badly as men do."
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See also: the way tiktok has redefined "the male gaze" and "the female gaze" to just mean "stuff men vs. women respectively like to look at" with most explicitly sexualized visual media being assigned to the former. Women are supposed to like things subtler than that.
Like, saying "I am no better than a man" could be a push to re-examine whether maybe a celibate 18th century theologian/philosopher is a bad foundation for your understanding of sexual desire. I would like to think that for some of these women it probably is sparking self reflection, going "huh, yeah, I guess we all do this."
But as a meme, honestly, even as it claims to lower ones own status I think it still maintains a claim of moral superiority? Like, "yeah, I'm being a horndog, but I am self aware about it. I can tell that I'm being horny on main right now, and it's something that has been conditionally activated by this very sexy thirst trap. Men are like this all the time and they don't even know."
I, obviously, don't like that. I don't like people saying "I'm acting like a man" when they mean "I'm perving on you", I don't like ranking a lack of desire as being better than desire, I don't like ranking genders or better or worse than another. I don't think it's causing problems as much as it's reflecting problems that have been there for a long time, but hey, it stinks.
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rant abt smth that happened earlier and the term "trauma dumping"
someone asked us a personal question abt our trauma, n they knew they were asking us a personal question cuz they referred to the question as a "potentially triggering question." we reassured them that it wasn't triggering for us n that we don't mind talking abt our various negative histories
so when we answered the question, we ended up ranting for a bit about various things related to the question, n we didn't think twice about it bc we were simply sharing our experiences like we normally would
but the person in question told us something along the lines of "im glad you feel comfortable sharing this with me" and "i feel like i've been trauma dumped to"
and that.. rubbed us the wrong way
for starters, we were sharing information about ourselves that we feel comfortable sharing with most folks, n it's information that we often readily share with the people around us when it's relevant
so it was weird to us that they seemed to think that what we shared was deeply personal when.. it wasn't
n then there was the "trauma dumping" comment
we pointed out that we felt hurt by this, n they reassured us that they had simply use the term to refer to the fact that we shared a lot of information in a short span of time (which is true), tho it still felt off-putting
they know that we tend to ramble, but they never referred to our previous ramblings as anything specific. this was the first and only time they explicitly used "trauma dumping". this is also not the first time we've talked abt our negative experience with them (they are familiar with our history)
my positive take on this is that, despite knowing that they were asking us a question abt trauma, they were expecting a short and sweet response rather than a ramble. and so when we rambled, they were not prepared for that kind of response. n when they told us that we were "trauma dumping," what they really were trying to communicate with us is that they were not prepared for the moment and needed to take some time to process the information before they could give us a proper response (i think that's also why they defaulted to saying "thank you for sharing this" spiel)
but it still hurt us that they used that term. it's not a term that we view in a positive light bc of the ways it's been weaponised to shut people up from talking about their experiences
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Inspired by @bisexualnathanyoung and @merrilark I'm here to give my opinions (that nobody asked for) about every single thing Rob has been in.
The Umbrella Academy: really good adaptation, Klaus is a work of art. I wish there were a billion seasons
The Last Bus: I mean... way too little Rob in it, but it was fun
Angel Dust: nice voice, bruh
Robot Chicken: nice voice, bruh. But also kinda gross
Trailer Park Boys: anyone please hook me up, I wanna watch the whole thing. I've only seen clips, love his observations about Canadian pizza
Young Offenders: love how he pulled this off even when he was sick. I live for the part about being gay and the protest scene is perfect
Mortal Engines: I like the movie even though it was way longer than it needed to be, but what the hell was that hair? Where does it say Tom needs to have 2005 pop punk hair?
Genius Picasso: Amazing, heartbreaking. Really shows the importance of oral sex. Also, please never paint a beard on Rob ever again, that was weird af
Bad Samaritan: PERFECT MOVIE, I have nothing bad to say about it
Mute: needed more Luba. This movie made me hate Paul Rudd lol we need to know what happened to Luba!!!
Song of Sway Lake: Ye old granny fucker! Love this movie, although it's a bit pretentious (sorry, Ari Gold! I love you, but you know you make things too poetic sometimes and that can rub me the wrong way)
Dicky: that was weird... that was a bit odd... love it
Geostorm: the three minutes Rob is in are masterful (I don't care what anyone says, the accent was good), the rest of it is pure shit
Three Summers: LOVE IT, but what an annoying protagonist. I'm talking about Keevy. Roland is awesome and deserves the world. Also, it did sound like Smells Like Teen Spirit!
Fortitude: what the fuck was that? This show sucks balls, why is Dennis Quaid involved in this? Vladek is hot though and I'm grateful for the full frontal nudity. Lots of people seem very disturbed by the scene, but I like it
Banshee Betty: represents very well the moment Rob was living love wise lol
Jet Trash: ugggggggggggh Lee is sexy, everyone else in this movie is fucking horrible. I hate every single character, especially Vix. Girl, get a personality. And someone please give Rob a burger, he's so thin
The Bigger Picture: it was good, nothing too special, but nice
Rideshare: CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE, does anyone know where I can find it?
The Messenger: Literally traumatized
Moonwalkers: really good, extremely funny. Love the cast, love the story, love the fake moon landing scene, love the tiger pigs
The Exchange: That was kinda cute, not gonna lie
The Road Within: PERFECT, as a person with mental health issues, I cry every single time I watch it. Fuck you, Marie, you're manipulative af. Rob did such a good and respectful job, I love it
Randumb - The Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA: omfg that was disturbing, but represents LA quite well
Anita B: love it, my Jewish heart swells with joy, especially during the Purim scene. Rob speaking Yiddish? UGH, SO HOT! He should've gotten the role of Max for The Book Thief
Love/Hate: overrated
Mortal Instruments: the only thing wrong with this movie is that there is no second one. I wanna see Simon as a vampire so bad! Iconic lines such as "I don't remember anything she'd want me to forget"
Push It: um... interesting. Lots of visuals and stuff.
Rituals: hippie fantasy and I'm living for it
In Love With...: it was cool, don't get exactly what the hell that was, but I was vibing
Immaturity For Charity: HILARIOUS! Very few times I laughed this hard
Me and Mrs. Jones: I don't care what anyone says, I love this show. Criminal what Rob did to his hair after the pilot, and Gemma is way too stupid to be a functional human, but Inca is our queen. Billy is way too charming and I can't cope
Accused: well, that was sad
The Borrowers: this movie has no business being that sexy. The scene with the motorbike? The scene with the bed? The scene in the plane? Spiller could get it and he's only five inches tall
Demons Never Die: very bad horror movie with a very bad name, but Rob was good in it
Misfits: PERFECTION! Nathan Young is the king of my heart. He can do anything to me, I wouldn't stop loving him even after he trippled himself.
Killing Bono: love the movie, love the cast, the soundtrack is immaculate (SPOTIFY, GET THE FUCKING SONGS IN THERE!), way funnier than I expected. Who tf gave Rob such a low harmony? His voice nearly disappeared.
Season of the Witch: average Nicolas Cage movie lol Kay is nice, love to see him on a horse. The ending was fucking wild. I wonder who we have to exorcise to end COVID
Coming Up - Dip: that was really good! The social commentary was actually kinda deep and relevant. I like the ending
A Turtle's Tale: Who the hell looked at Rob and thought he was the right fit for this role? I like it, but it was weird.
Red Riding Trilogy: HEARTBREAKING, I wanna give BJ a hug
Cherrybomb: love it, love the accents, very much early 2000s vibe and it makes me feel things. Luke's dad deserved better. Love the way Rob says the word tape in this
Ghostwood: um, what? Pop off I guess, baby Rob. Cool accent. Tim is how I imagine Nathan in the high school arc @seanfalco
Lowland Fell: what the hell did I just watch? What was the meaning of all that? Not a single person I know has a reasonable explanation for anything that happens in this
Rock Rivals: Guilty pleasure. Addison deserved better, they did him so wrong! I wish I could see Rob singing in this, but the boyband dances and outfits were really good
BitterSweet: needed more Rob. The neck kisses are just *chef's kiss*. Liam is such a good guy
The Summer of the Flying Saucer: I will do anything to watch this movie. I will suck any cock, fuck any ass, lick any pair of balls! PLEASE SOMEONE GET ME A COPY OF THIS MOVIE
An Créatúr: Bruh... what the fuck? Good job acting in another language and seeing Rob act as a little kid was so sweet. The big baby scene was at the same time terrifying and strangely alluring, don't know what that says about me. For legal reasons I'm not gonna comment on the scene where he's fed cake
Bel's Boys: pretty funny, love the clothes Max wears lol evil genius got defeated
The Clinic: Robbie, baby, why did you do this to your hair? At first, this looked like the beginning of a porno. Love the vulnerability of Shane and that tummy close-up was gold. They really violated his mouth there
Young Blades: King Louie is so underrated! I love him. Every scene with him is just gold. We really needed a spin-off about him finding a wife and all. Wish there was a ballet scene.
Foreign Exchange: Really good! First thing I ever saw Rob in when I was 9. You can blame this show for everything. So many good memories, it makes me feel hugged.
An Cuainín: does this short film actually exist? I never found any evidence of it lol if anyone has it, send it my way
A Dublin Story: wow, just wow. The subjects this short film touches on and the way it handles them are amazing, Rob was so young and his acting was already so powerful. He also managed to make Clocker very funny, I like it a lot.
Song For a Raggy Boy: what a pile of bricks, this movie is very very hard to watch. But it's a fun game of Spot the Rob. Lefties rise up!
The Tudors: I know his bit was cut, but boy did I spend hours watching over and over to see if I could spot him.
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why do you get cynical at any suggestion of Paul being queer?
I wouldn't personally call it cynicism, but I know what you're referring to.
Honestly, it's more to do with the specific tone with which it tends to be brought up, though it's possible I've sometimes unfairly been dismissive, and I get that can be annoying.
I find that a lot of discussions that engage in some type of speculation about Paul's sexuality tend to feel… One-sided? Pigeon-holey almost, like that's the only aspect of his personality worth exploring. This happens to John, too, tbh, though to a lesser extent, I think.
There's also the fact that because Paul clearly bristles at the idea of people viewing him as non-straight (regardless of whether he is or isn't) there's often a "gotcha"-tone whenever evidence is presented, which I personally find uncomfortable. It's not that I think one shouldn't wonder at all, it's that it rubs me the wrong way when Paul is the butt of a joke whose punch line goes "haha this guy's been closeted his entire life!" I also know that's not what people mean (at least most of the time) but like you find I come across as cynical, I'm just trying to convey how all of this comes across to me.
Not that I've never posted anything with that kind of tone either, by the way, and I really do mean it when I say I understand where people are coming from with their speculation, for the most part.
Also, and this is somewhat a purely me thing, but I find "there's no other explanation"-type rhetoric very irritating* because it's pretty much never true that there's no other explanation and it's also kind of alienating when you independently came up with your own explanation and people sort of pre-emptively dismiss it – and usually I do understand the other side, y'know? I might not agree but I'm rarely actually confused at why someone would think that.
*and I'm aware people aren't being 100% serious, for the most part – but this is the kind of thing I find incredibly hard to discern over the internet, especially since post-ironic humour became a lingua franca on this site. I've mentioned a few times that tone-reading online isn't my strength, and I generally can take things very literally even when I theoretically know they weren't meant that way.
Anyways, I hope this answered your question. I'm happy to discuss it more with you because my feelings on these things are pretty complicated actually (and probably not all perfectly consistent with each other).
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the--highlanders · 1 year
choose violence ask game (loving the name of that btw) - 8, 16, & 23?
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(this fandom is so small that I don't want to sound like I'm vagueblogging or @-ing someone or anything so I'm just gonna preface this by saying this also goes for plenty of licensed media)
oh man ok. at risk of sounding like a total killjoy who takes everything too seriously & looks too much into stuff. I'm pretty sensitive about. primitivism in the way jamie gets portrayed?? is the best way I can think to describe it?? anything that implies that where & when he comes from means that he's inherently less intelligent, or equates his lack of knowledge on some things with him being stupid. can't stand him being reduced to dumb guy who hits stuff. idiot who has no critical thinking skills or reasoning.
and like, I get that it's a fairly common assumption, the idea that people from the past weren't as smart because they didn't know as much (even setting aside the devaluing of /different/ ways of knowing & understanding) - but, say, victoria never gets this treatment. despite also being from the past. which then leads you to think, hey, why would people make that assumption about jamie and not about victoria?
and then you get to a bunch of ideas which have been kicking around since. before jamie's time, real-world-historically speaking. which depict the highlands as savage, as populated by 'wild' people, by - well - 'primitives'. speakers of a primitive language. violent, at worst, strong, at best, but never intelligent. & this is all starting to sound a lot like the ideas that buttress colonialism and biological determinism, isn't it?
idk. this is a silly 60s family tv show & a very very small online fandom. it's kind of not that deep. but any time jamie gets written off as being inherently stupid (often /because/ of where he comes from), and any time that idea is the foundation of a joke, it rubs me the wrong way, and this is why.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
gfdhkjsg once again this is a v small fandom so 'so many people' is kinda like..... 2 people max probably. & also I've been sort of keeping more or less to myself for a couple years now in terms of actually discussing thoughts & headcanons (except you obviously and also @ettelwenailinon who is always right about everything despite not being super active in dr who fandom on tumblr anymore <3)
gonna go with shipping jamie and victoria tbh. absolutely no hate if you do bc I can definitely see where it comes from in canon/behind the scenes stuff but it is just,,, not for me at all, and so antithecal to how I write/interpret their characters.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
tenrose?? weirdly?? not that I'd say I actively ship it (there is one (1) tenrose fic in my ao3 bookmarks but it's really there bc it's a pretty charming magical realism au and the voices of all the characters are just so spot on rather than bc I ever crave reading about the ship) but. when I got into dr who in 2013 there felt like there was a pretty solid line between rtd fans and moffat fans. & I have always vibed with moffat's era more (neither of them are above criticism obviously, the scifi fairytale aesthetic/tone of moffat's era is just so so so so tailor-made for me personally).
and for some reason tenrose and elevenriver were kind of. bundled into that opposition?? not sure if that was just in my head or something other people noticed/experienced but I felt like if you were a moffat fan you had to ship elevenriver & if you were an rtd fan you had to ship tenrose, and they were like. rivals. (yes I did try very half-heartedly to enjoy elevenriver. no I never succeeded). so I always had this thing of like, I don't like ten, I don't like tenrose.
like I said I still don't actively ship it, I don't get any warm fuzzy feelings from their relationship, but I did go back into rtd's era looking to actively enjoy stuff (after being tired of really not enjoying uh. recent seasons ajhksglf) and found that I didn't hate the concept of tenrose as much as I used to. I genuinely believed they liked each other, I felt the hubris of their relationship worked and built well narratively. never thought that ship would get a redemption arc in my head but I've definitely gained more appreciation for its role in the narrative.
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fkinavocado · 2 years
Pleasing is such a scam lmao
The most out-of-touch thing that man has ever done, can't believe that just 12 years ago he was as normal as all of us, did he forget all that? 😂
listen. i've never bought anything from pleasing nor do i intend to and i'll be honest nothing ever even remotely appealed to me. so i'm not sure if i'm biased in any way when i say that whoever spends that much on those products is freakin insane. like i know ppl that have continuously bought stuff from each collection and they've been disappointed in each of the items they bought so i'm like?????? why do you keep buying then??? like-- fool me once fdjfjlsdfsd
but aside from the fact that the products are crappy, like, legitimately crappy- they're also expensive af??? shipping is expensive af????
i mean ok ppl just wanna support harry (...whatever that means nowadays) and i would kinda understand it if it was cheap/affordable stuff that ppl got just like a collector's item so to say. but when these products are so freakin expensive and they're actually shit quality- what's the bottom line there?? like it's so disrespectful to his fanbase. cuz those are the ppl buying. not some karen stumbling over these products and going like omg yes i've always wanted an eye serum from this shady brand i've never heard anything abt. uhm, no- it's his fans buying these, and his team knows it, he knows it. what gives? like are you really gonna continue ripping them off like this? i think his tour merch is enough of a scam already.
this is honestly one of my major pet peeves about him. the fact that this has gone on for as long as it has and it's just getting more expensive and more ridiculous as time goes on- cuz, guess what? ppl are buying it, cuz it's a harry thing... and it's good business obviously. but at what cost? like i truly don't think there's a single person out there who has bought smth from pleasing and has said wow this is real good value for money and i would buy this if it wasn't harry's brand. hell no
and the more this goes on, the more it rubs me the wrong way. cuz they're just taking advantage of his fanbase, very blatantly so
ok rant over
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thirstdrafts · 2 years
Most of the time I think Crosshair would be Dominant in the bedroom, but this power struggle lemon has me thinking... 😳
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Here, have some foreplay
***This is intended for 18+ ONLY. If you are not at least 18 you are not tall enough for this ride. GTFO and drink a Snapple or something.
BadBatch belongs to Disney and I in no way, shape or form take credit for these characters. The only thing I own is this small work of fan fiction. My fan fiction may be shared so long as it is credited and linked back to me (if possible).
The gang left the Marauder to go to the nearest town, but you had been too preoccupied to go. And by preoccupied, you meant sexually frustrated. They didn't have to know that, though.
Making sure to look busy at the front of the ship, you counted to ten minutes in your head. Promising your self that if ten went by, you could consider yourself safe from the boys stopping back because they forgot something.
After the longest ten minutes of your life, you let out a sigh. About damn time. You'd been on this ship longer than intended and with it being crowded beyond typical capacity you didn't have the privacy to relieve yourself.
Perhaps you threw yourself from the chair and stalked down the ship faster than you thought, because you were taken off guard and thrown against the wall. Lips pressed against yours firmly. Opening your eyes only when the person pulled back.
Crosshair. The tension between the two of you had been thick. Thick enough to confuse you about the kiss. The last few days you were certain you might kill each other, but here he was rubbing his hands down your arms and to your waist.
"Crosshair? What are you doing?" No lie, him being forward was a turn on. There was always something dark and sexy about him, but he never indicated liking anything about you. As a matter of fact, he made snide comments about your lack of talent with a blaster and how loud and obnoxious you were. "Seriously." His silence was getting to you.
"Taking advantage of the guys being gone."
"To what? Force a kiss on me?" You acted offended, but you wanted more.
"Mmmm. I see the way you look at me."
"And how is that?" Maybe testing him was a bit much, but damn was it fun.
"With want."
"I think you're full of it." Cocky little bastard.
"Oh? So everytime your bite your lip when I enter a room, I've been imagining it? Or what about the times I come back to the ship and you're staring at me way too long to be normal."
"What the actual fuck?" You said it louder than you meant, causing Crosshair to step back, alarmed.
"Did... I make a wrong accusation ?" The pitch in his voice showed that he was unsure and a tad insulted. It made you blush.
"No... I mean. I... I'm not even within your line of sight when you come back and I'm cleaning off the ship. I'm so in the distance..."
"Yeah, you seem to forget I have acute and accurate vision."
"I call bullshit. You can scope out things in the distance, but you can't see that far."
"I can see a lot better than you. You can barely use a blaster when a person is three feet in front of you."
This was enough. Crossing your arms, you found yourself pouting. "Was there a point to any of this?"
"Yes. I know you've been eyeing me up. With how hard you stare at me you either want to play with me or kill me. So which is it? Do you want to kill me?"
"No! I should though, the way you speak to me sometimes. Besides, if I am so bad with a gun why do you like me?"
"I never said I like you."
Now he was just pissing you off. He was so weird. One moment he was flirting with you and exuding sex appeal and the next he reverted to his callous self. "Cool. Go fuck yourself then. I don't have time for this. I'm not gonna beg you to like me and I sure as shit am not going to be some quick romp with you."
Crosshair pinned you back as soon as you went to walk away, raking your body up and down. "I also never said I didn't like you."
"Why must you be frustrating?"
"Do you like me?"
Your eyes went wide and then squinted in a glare shortly after. "If you need a damn ego boost, I don't give those out for free."
"Do you like me? Answer it and I will answer your question."
"Which question?" Hadn't you asked him a series of questions at this point?
"The one you asked."
Geez he was an aragant asshole. You weren't going to leave until you finished the conversation. That much you were sure of. As much as you wanted to tell him no. That he was the most irritating, cold member of the group... You couldn't bring yourself to lie.
"Yes. I fucking like you. I don't know why sometimes."
Crosshair leaned in, putting his lips on your neck and leaving kisses until he reached your ear. "Well, I like you very much."
You shivered. This dude had mood swings, but you were feeling the ride. "Still don't get how you could like someone you literally called "incompetent with a gun" when you're literally a sharp shooter."
His gruff chuckle against your skin reminded you that your pussy was already overstimulated and you were fully clothed. Now you were melting for him. "Gives me something to teach you. And a reason to get very, very close."
That was it. You were ready for him to take you there and then. But you had to keep composure. Had to give back the energy he was giving. If he wanted to act like a punk for days and then smooth talk his way into your pants, he would have to work for it. He started rubbing himself against you, but you put your hand on his shoulder and gently pushed down.
"Nope. If you want me, you're gonna have to earn it. Get on your knees and make me want you more."
The daring look in his eyes made you smirk. "And what makes you think-"
"Nope." You cut him off. "Remember. Good soldiers follow orders." He couldn’t help grinning, slowly sinking to the floor in front of you, you knew he would put in the work. And then most probably make you pay for it after. You really hoped the boys stayed gone for a while.
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crackinwise · 2 years
I've been holding all the negative Kenobi series related posts in my drafts. Probably could release them now without dread of toxically positive fans younger than I am pouncing.
It's so late to say this but... just... It felt so hollow. So cheap. Careless about the timeline and what made the encounters in ANH have weight. It rubbed me wrong the exact way interrupting Boba Fett's series to showcase fake!Luke and Baby Yoda did. You could feel the people in charge didn't give one shit about the characters or the story. It was solely there for the emotional reaction like they were feeding off the audience.
In Kenobi, every shoehorned in "hey remember this line??" felt like I was watching a 'Member Berries inspired satire. I loved Leia but using her (and a droid bestie we're to assume died or was forgotten at some point before the Trilogy) with Obi-Wan just made me confused about her message in the future & both her and old Ben's complete emotional disconnect from each other. Why even go that step further and include Luke too? Now Ben isn't a strange hermit who kept some distance, but a friendly neighbor who brought good toys.
The weight of Vader and Obi-Wan never seeing each other for 19 years was watered down to have a meh rehashed fight. I mean, prequel lightsaber fights, especially with Ewan are my entire jam. I joke it's the only sexuality I have. So how tf did this show not give me ANY of that feeling? Instead of salivating excitement, my brain was wandering in boredom. At most, my brain would ask "what is the point of this again?" We had the satisfying Big Fight already. We knew Obi-Wan can outmatch Anakin. We knew their brother-like feelings and the pain. Why a mediocre match again just 10 years later?
I feel like the series should have been just Kenobi focused with no twins or Vader. Him running into The Path, reluctantly helping others, maybe having an arc with Reva independently, arguing with Jawas, singing karaoke hammered somewhere. Anything.
Idk. And you can't accuse me of pretentious fan shit because I always love reliving good SW feelings. I adored TFA, loved The Mandalorian, and finally enjoyed the Boba Fett character after his own series. I think making the experience worse were all the fans I saw excited about and aggressively defensive of the Kenobi series were certain character stans, usually also fans of a pairing, that reminded me of the ones that were... insufferable and invasive during and directly after the prequels. So all of my apathetic or slightly negative feelings while watching became more negative by the online environment later.
This. This is why I stayed in Sith Academy circles as long as the prequels ran. Anyway imma go dump those few salty posts now.
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crow-ooc · 5 months
1, 2, 11?
1. List 3 shipping tropes you love
hm! this might be a bit more of a genre preference in some aspects, but here we go:
1. NARRATIVE FOILS. always and forever. characters that parallel each other. characters that are opposite of each other. i want the themes. i want the narrative. i love relationships doomed because they could never understand each other. i love relationships that work because they still try. anything that ties into themes and narratives is already a win.
2. fighting! you know, the type of fighting with the homoerotic tension(tm). i've been a sucker for it for years and it certainly hasn't abated now. this might also factor into why i enjoy pitch relationships- hell yeah, love and violence! how much better can you get than that?
3. BITTERSWEET RELATIONSHIPS. don't get me wrong, i also enjoy domestic aus, but i have a soft spot for angst in the form of doomed relationships (i've said it before, i'll say it again). one is dead and the other is alive. the lines they'll cross just to reach each other. the love is there and everyone can see it. i like my fair dose of miscommunication or just general "they could never work like this".
2. List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love
i usually don't read a lot of tropes that i don't like, but i'll go and see what i have. hmm...
1. power imbalance. this one is one i avoid at pretty much all times, usually. it just rubs me the wrong way usually. subject to change if executed well and with thought to how characters would react under such circumstances.
2. ...soulmates... but i can make exceptions if the fic is good enough. i just don't like the idea of being destined to love that person- it should be your choice.
3. broken and the one who "fixes" them - hurt/comfort is nice, but when it becomes the whole basis of their relationship that's when things start getting iffy.
11. Opinion on platonic ships?
ABSOLUTELY. all for it! as an aroace-spec person, my preferences for romance and ships switch sometimes, but platonic ships never get old. again, i'm fond of narrative foils and qprs- we can never have less of those! romance really is overrated.
not to say i don't love romance as well, it's just that romantic ships outweigh platonic in so much media. i do wish there was more emphasis put on them- platonic love is just as important as romantic love.
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